Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

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what your Robotech® RPG Tactics

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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

Nothing in particular. The last update was June 5th and said that the survey would be going out "in a few weeks". Given that the pledge manager is expected to be available at the end of June, we should see the Survey in the next week or two (I mean, why bother with the survey if it's going to be released only a day or two before the full on Manager?). Haven't heard any changes about the Manager, so I'm expecting it to run for most of July (obviously we'll get more details when it goes live, if not before then).

They've reiterated a desire to have the game in our hands this fall, likely in no small part because having it in stores for the Christmas rush probably wouldn't hurt any. I still think it's a bit overly optimistic to be setting their goals 'early', but obviously it's almost entirely academic at this point. Either they hit snags or they don't, either we get the boxes in hand in Oct/Nov/Dec/2025/etc or we don't. Not trying to be negative, just don't want to get suckered into hype and find myself disappointed if it comes out a month or two 'late' (read: "on time").
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Forar wrote:Nothing in particular. The last update was June 5th and said that the survey would be going out "in a few weeks". Given that the pledge manager is expected to be available at the end of June, we should see the Survey in the next week or two (I mean, why bother with the survey if it's going to be released only a day or two before the full on Manager?). Haven't heard any changes about the Manager, so I'm expecting it to run for most of July (obviously we'll get more details when it goes live, if not before then).

They've reiterated a desire to have the game in our hands this fall, likely in no small part because having it in stores for the Christmas rush probably wouldn't hurt any. I still think it's a bit overly optimistic to be setting their goals 'early', but obviously it's almost entirely academic at this point. Either they hit snags or they don't, either we get the boxes in hand in Oct/Nov/Dec/2025/etc or we don't. Not trying to be negative, just don't want to get suckered into hype and find myself disappointed if it comes out a month or two 'late' (read: "on time").

I honestly won't mind a latter date. Gives me more time to get money together to get the art supplies I need for this. Money is going to be really tight for a while for me.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

Well, assuming you snagged a battle cry or showdown or more (as many did, by the numbers on the KS page), I imagine for most people it'll be a several week or month long adventure to build, prime, base and paint those dozens or hundreds of figures no matter when it comes out. If you're still building up cash, just start with assembly and priming, move to painting and basing as time and resources permit.

Over the last year and a half I've bought an entire faction of the game Malifaux and roughly one third of a second, but only assembled and primed them. Been painting as I feel like doing so, and I've got maybe half of my models done at this point? Perhaps 2/3 if I just consider figures I actually use and ignore the ones that don't see table time very often?

Point being, it'll be such a large and ongoing project I imagine multiple paycheques will pass before most people even have their stuff built, let alone painted. :-P
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Forar wrote:Well, assuming you snagged a battle cry or showdown or more (as many did, by the numbers on the KS page), I imagine for most people it'll be a several week or month long adventure to build, prime, base and paint those dozens or hundreds of figures no matter when it comes out. If you're still building up cash, just start with assembly and priming, move to painting and basing as time and resources permit.

Over the last year and a half I've bought an entire faction of the game Malifaux and roughly one third of a second, but only assembled and primed them. Been painting as I feel like doing so, and I've got maybe half of my models done at this point? Perhaps 2/3 if I just consider figures I actually use and ignore the ones that don't see table time very often?

Point being, it'll be such a large and ongoing project I imagine multiple paycheques will pass before most people even have their stuff built, let alone painted. :-P

Went form Battle Cry to Showdown, because it was a better buy then with all the extras that I was going to get with Battle Cry. Good ideal! Thanks!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

well still give me time to hammer out a deal to paint so many here
Aslo it will allow apprentice to join in but at a huge lower cost for me and an experienced painter
so time will tell
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by jedi078 »

ZINO wrote:well still give me time to hammer out a deal to paint so many here
Aslo it will allow apprentice to join in but at a huge lower cost for me and an experienced painter
so time will tell

I've used Testors 'Model Master' line of paints on military aircraft since I was ten years old. Now while I haven't done any major model work since 2005 the methods come back pretty easy.

Use spray paint and masking for the majority of the work, then use bottle paint for the guns, and other detail work.
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem".
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

jedi078 wrote:
ZINO wrote:well still give me time to hammer out a deal to paint so many here
Aslo it will allow apprentice to join in but at a huge lower cost for me and an experienced painter
so time will tell

I've used Testors 'Model Master' line of paints on military aircraft since I was ten years old. Now while I haven't done any major model work since 2005 the methods come back pretty easy.

Use spray paint and masking for the majority of the work, then use bottle paint for the guns, and other detail work.

Another good ideal, thanks!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by jedi078 »

Alpha 11 wrote:
jedi078 wrote:
ZINO wrote:well still give me time to hammer out a deal to paint so many here
Aslo it will allow apprentice to join in but at a huge lower cost for me and an experienced painter
so time will tell

I've used Testors 'Model Master' line of paints on military aircraft since I was ten years old. Now while I haven't done any major model work since 2005 the methods come back pretty easy.

Use spray paint and masking for the majority of the work, then use bottle paint for the guns, and other detail work.

Another good ideal, thanks!

Once I get the minis and start working on them I will probably post tips on painting/assembling them.

At this point one tip is to probably paint them in grey primer first, them paint as much as you can before assembly.
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem".
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

jedi078 wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
jedi078 wrote:
ZINO wrote:well still give me time to hammer out a deal to paint so many here
Aslo it will allow apprentice to join in but at a huge lower cost for me and an experienced painter
so time will tell

I've used Testors 'Model Master' line of paints on military aircraft since I was ten years old. Now while I haven't done any major model work since 2005 the methods come back pretty easy.

Use spray paint and masking for the majority of the work, then use bottle paint for the guns, and other detail work.

Another good ideal, thanks!

Once I get the minis and start working on them I will probably post tips on painting/assembling them.

At this point one tip is to probably paint them in grey primer first, them paint as much as you can before assembly.

Please keep the ideals coming!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

it final order MADE~~~~~~~~~~ :lol: :D :-D :wink:
$260 - SHOWDOWN: Showdown backers receive x2 of all BATTLE CRY contents. Including any unlocked rewards.
-Add-Ons Selected---

UEDF Token Pack Qty: 1 x $10.00
20x UEDF Command Point Tokens 1x5" Artillery Blast Template

Objective Pack 2 Qty: 1 x $15.00
Accomplishing a Key Objective is just as vital as destroying the enemy. These 40mm Resin markers, provide you with fun and thematic objectives to play your game with. 1x Crashed Veritech Valkyrie, 1x Crashed Regult Battlepod

Experimental Battloid Qty: 2 x $20.00
4x Experimental Battloids, Unit Game Cards included

Super Valkyrie Wing Qty: 1 x $35.00
2x Super Valkyries in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes, 2x Super Valkyries Game Cards

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack Qty: 1 x $30.00
VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack, 1x VEF-1 Valkyrie, 1x VF-1D Valkyrie, Unit Game Cards, Valkyries complete with Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes

Spartan Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can build: 2x Phalanx, 2x Spartans, upgrade 1x command destroid, includes unit game cards

Glaug Eldare Qty: 1 x $30.00
1x Glaug Eldare, Glaug Eldare Game Cards

MKII Monster Qty: 2 x $40.00
1x MKII Monster Unit

Command Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
1x Glaug Officer's Battlepod, 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod, 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod, Unit Game Cards

Destroid Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can be built as: Tommahawks, Defenders, Upgrade to 1x Command Destroid, includes unit game cards

Armored Valkyries Qty: 2 x $20.00
Armored Valkyrie Battloids upgraded to 4x Armored Valkyries

SF-3A Lancer II Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x SF-3A Lancer II, SF-3A Lancer II Game Cards

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

ZINO wrote:it final order MADE~~~~~~~~~~ :lol: :D :-D :wink:
$260 - SHOWDOWN: Showdown backers receive x2 of all BATTLE CRY contents. Including any unlocked rewards.
-Add-Ons Selected---

UEDF Token Pack Qty: 1 x $10.00
20x UEDF Command Point Tokens 1x5" Artillery Blast Template

Objective Pack 2 Qty: 1 x $15.00
Accomplishing a Key Objective is just as vital as destroying the enemy. These 40mm Resin markers, provide you with fun and thematic objectives to play your game with. 1x Crashed Veritech Valkyrie, 1x Crashed Regult Battlepod

Experimental Battloid Qty: 2 x $20.00
4x Experimental Battloids, Unit Game Cards included

Super Valkyrie Wing Qty: 1 x $35.00
2x Super Valkyries in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes, 2x Super Valkyries Game Cards

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack Qty: 1 x $30.00
VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack, 1x VEF-1 Valkyrie, 1x VF-1D Valkyrie, Unit Game Cards, Valkyries complete with Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes

Spartan Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can build: 2x Phalanx, 2x Spartans, upgrade 1x command destroid, includes unit game cards

Glaug Eldare Qty: 1 x $30.00
1x Glaug Eldare, Glaug Eldare Game Cards

MKII Monster Qty: 2 x $40.00
1x MKII Monster Unit

Command Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
1x Glaug Officer's Battlepod, 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod, 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod, Unit Game Cards

Destroid Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can be built as: Tommahawks, Defenders, Upgrade to 1x Command Destroid, includes unit game cards

Armored Valkyries Qty: 2 x $20.00
Armored Valkyrie Battloids upgraded to 4x Armored Valkyries

SF-3A Lancer II Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x SF-3A Lancer II, SF-3A Lancer II Game Cards


Simular to yours.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

Total order:
Daedalus Pack
1 x Booster Sled
2 x Armoured Battloids
1 x Gnerls
1 x Male Power Armour

My share of which will be:
1 x MAC II
1 x Destroids (TH/D)
1 x Armoured Battloids

Much as I'd like to snag bases and an SDF-1 or 4 and some of the figures I'm missing, I'm trying to keep my costs down for now. I could see maybe going for a YF-4 pack or two and a VEF-1 pack, but adding another $90 to what is already a sizable chunk of cash wouldn't go very well with that whole "acting in a financially responsible fashion" thing.
Last edited by Forar on Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

Alpha 11 wrote:
ZINO wrote:it final order MADE~~~~~~~~~~ :lol: :D :-D :wink:
$260 - SHOWDOWN: Showdown backers receive x2 of all BATTLE CRY contents. Including any unlocked rewards.
-Add-Ons Selected---

UEDF Token Pack Qty: 1 x $10.00
20x UEDF Command Point Tokens 1x5" Artillery Blast Template

Objective Pack 2 Qty: 1 x $15.00
Accomplishing a Key Objective is just as vital as destroying the enemy. These 40mm Resin markers, provide you with fun and thematic objectives to play your game with. 1x Crashed Veritech Valkyrie, 1x Crashed Regult Battlepod

Experimental Battloid Qty: 2 x $20.00
4x Experimental Battloids, Unit Game Cards included

Super Valkyrie Wing Qty: 1 x $35.00
2x Super Valkyries in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes, 2x Super Valkyries Game Cards

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack Qty: 1 x $30.00
VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack, 1x VEF-1 Valkyrie, 1x VF-1D Valkyrie, Unit Game Cards, Valkyries complete with Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes

Spartan Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can build: 2x Phalanx, 2x Spartans, upgrade 1x command destroid, includes unit game cards

Glaug Eldare Qty: 1 x $30.00
1x Glaug Eldare, Glaug Eldare Game Cards

MKII Monster Qty: 2 x $40.00
1x MKII Monster Unit

Command Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
1x Glaug Officer's Battlepod, 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod, 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod, Unit Game Cards

Destroid Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can be built as: Tommahawks, Defenders, Upgrade to 1x Command Destroid, includes unit game cards

Armored Valkyries Qty: 2 x $20.00
Armored Valkyrie Battloids upgraded to 4x Armored Valkyries

SF-3A Lancer II Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x SF-3A Lancer II, SF-3A Lancer II Game Cards


Simular to yours.

plz give details and how you about it and shared your thoughts plz
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by SRoss »

Total Order.


Plus Add-Ons
Battlefoam Bag
Glaug Eldare
Zentraedi Infantry
MKII Monster
VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack
YF-4 Valkyrie
Experimental Battloid
Armored Valkyries

Total Cost: $309.00 USD
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

I can totally see myself getting a battlefoam bag at some point, as I love the Malifaux one I have (and it carries my entire faction across three layers, a good 50-60 figures, mostly on 30mm bases).

But with a Showdown and a couple of add ons (including a MAC II) coming, I can't justify bothering to get one without more details. They've said the bag will carry a Battle Cry, but I'd rather get one bag for $150-200 than two bags for $100 each if it'd mean being able to transport the whole thing in one piece, and perhaps with room to spare.

Love their stuff, definitely intrigued as I consider a solid transportation system an investment for protecting my figures for the hour+ each way commute I conduct on weekends to play with friends, but we just don't know enough to make an informed call yet.

Hopefully ND/PB/BF are all hard at work and we'll get something significantly more solid during the PM period. If they go crazy and manage to find a way to cram a SD+ into a single bag, I'm good for one without hesitation, but assuming it's of a similar size to said Malifaux bag, I can't see that happening.

Maybe if I just wanted to transport one faction at a time, but since my group is viewing our collection a little communally, I would want to be able to at least bring some over.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i just have a battlecry and an extra spartan destroid pack.. splitting it with my twin brother, the extra pack is so we both get some spartans and phalanx's units.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Hell_Rider wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
:shock: You don't know what the Open House is?!?!?!?!? Is were for 4 days people come from literally all over the world, though mostly US, with some people form Canada, and Europe, to the Palladium building in Detroit Mich. and play games all those days! There is also talks with the writers and artiest. You can even go up to Kevin and talk to him and he will sign your books for you. He also runs a couple of games during those 4 days. Its a great time had by all! The bad news is that there wasn't one this year, nor it looks like there will be one next. So hopefully we will have one in 2015. I know several guys come over form Germany the two times I went in 2010 and 2012, the last two that were held. So if there is one in 15, you might be able to met with them and come over as a group.

Thanks for your explain.;) And no I didn't knew it before.. Maybe one day I'll be able to come to detroit, who knows^^

Well they are having one in '15, try and come it you can!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

ZINO wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:
ZINO wrote:it final order MADE~~~~~~~~~~ :lol: :D :-D :wink:
$260 - SHOWDOWN: Showdown backers receive x2 of all BATTLE CRY contents. Including any unlocked rewards.
-Add-Ons Selected---

UEDF Token Pack Qty: 1 x $10.00
20x UEDF Command Point Tokens 1x5" Artillery Blast Template

Objective Pack 2 Qty: 1 x $15.00
Accomplishing a Key Objective is just as vital as destroying the enemy. These 40mm Resin markers, provide you with fun and thematic objectives to play your game with. 1x Crashed Veritech Valkyrie, 1x Crashed Regult Battlepod

Experimental Battloid Qty: 2 x $20.00
4x Experimental Battloids, Unit Game Cards included

Super Valkyrie Wing Qty: 1 x $35.00
2x Super Valkyries in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes, 2x Super Valkyries Game Cards

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack Qty: 1 x $30.00
VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack, 1x VEF-1 Valkyrie, 1x VF-1D Valkyrie, Unit Game Cards, Valkyries complete with Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes

Spartan Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can build: 2x Phalanx, 2x Spartans, upgrade 1x command destroid, includes unit game cards

Glaug Eldare Qty: 1 x $30.00
1x Glaug Eldare, Glaug Eldare Game Cards

MKII Monster Qty: 2 x $40.00
1x MKII Monster Unit

Command Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
1x Glaug Officer's Battlepod, 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod, 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod, Unit Game Cards

Destroid Pack Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x Destroids can be built as: Tommahawks, Defenders, Upgrade to 1x Command Destroid, includes unit game cards

Armored Valkyries Qty: 2 x $20.00
Armored Valkyrie Battloids upgraded to 4x Armored Valkyries

SF-3A Lancer II Qty: 1 x $20.00
4x SF-3A Lancer II, SF-3A Lancer II Game Cards


Simular to yours.

plz give details and how you about it and shared your thoughts plz


Quantity: 1


Add a Showdown pledge to your base pledge.


Quantity: 1

Battle Hymn

Add a Battle Hymn pledge to your base pledge.

Includes 5 prints signed by Kevin Siembieda


Quantity: 1


Add a Homecoming pledge to your base pledge.

Includes two 17x11 prints, signed by Kevin Siembieda.


Quantity: 1

Battlefoam Bag

Add a Robotech RPG Tactics Battlefoam protective transport case to your order for $99


Quantity: 1


Special Edition Resin SDF-1 Kickstarter Exclusive


Quantity: 1

Glaug Eldare

1x Glaug Eldare, Glaug Eldare Game Cards


Quantity: 1

Zentraedi Infantry

12x Zentraedi Infantry can be built as: 6x Serau-Ger Heavy Infantry, 6x Gluu-Ger Light Infantry, Unit Game Cards


Quantity: 1

MKII Monster

1x MKII Monster Unit


Quantity: 1

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack

VEF-1/VF-1D Valkyrie Pack, 1x VEF-1 Valkyrie, 1x VF-1D Valkyrie, Unit Game Cards, Valkyries complete with Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid Modes


Quantity: 1

YF-4 Valkyrie

2x YF-4 Valkyries, includes Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid, YF-4 Game Cards


Quantity: 1

Experimental Battloid

4x Experimental Battloids, Unit Game Cards included


Quantity: 1

Armored Valkyries

Armored Valkyrie Battloids upgraded to 4x Armored Valkyries

Total: $644!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

OK this might be help how to paint them
a good example look at this almost at very end
Battletech Box Set Review :
shared some ideas paint ,what type of glue and other thing for models coming out
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

ZINO wrote:OK this might be help how to paint them
a good example look at this almost at very end
Battletech Box Set Review :
shared some ideas paint ,what type of glue and other thing for models coming out

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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

Alpha 11 wrote:
ZINO wrote:OK this might be help how to paint them
a good example look at this almost at very end
Battletech Box Set Review :
shared some ideas paint ,what type of glue and other thing for models coming out


thank you also plz anyone with for these not painted toys
post it here
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

For those not reading the All Things Palladium thread, according to a Facebook comment, the Pledge Manager lockdown date seems to be August 31st.

40 days and counting to finalize those totals!
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by ZINO »

thanks man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...

Unread post by Forar »

Good plan. The Battle Cry ($140) tier is a simply silly deal. Like, one third to one quarter of retail, by my estimates.

The only add ons I'm interested in are those that aren't found in the Battle Cry, like the MAC II and Armoured Battloids.

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