New/alternate Gorehounds of House Hammond

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New/alternate Gorehounds of House Hammond

Unread post by Kakuma »

Packmasters of House Hammond have a choice of two different troop support war mount (tracker and combatant).

Tiger Claw Raptors are man-sized theropod carnivores that hunt in packs of 3 to 15. They have powerful hind legs designed for running and leaping, with clawed front arms for tearing apart their prey. Tiger claw raptors have black stripes against either a greenish hide, orange, to a light reddish tan.

Raptors make excellent alternatives to traditional gorehounds because of their natural tendency toward pack hunting and the use of group tactics. Cunning and resourceful pack hunters, they will give up the attack or chase if their prey proves to be too dangerous unless commanded by their Packmaster otherwise. Even though they appear to have stopped attacking they will continue to stalk their targets looking for a better approach or attack tactic.

Raptor packs are often referred to as "tactical study groups," because they typically track and observe their prey for many hours, studying their formations, and picking out the weakest/easiest targets, waiting for the best moment to strike.

Tiger claw raptors were chosen as the template because of their high degree of cunning and tenacity. The bigger the pack, the more daring and deadly they become. The leader and second-in-command will always be the two largest females in the pack and they take charge in the absence of their Packmaster.

Class: troop support war mount (tracker and combatant).

Crew: typically none, but can accommodate one rider bareback when necessary but only as a direct order from their Packmaster.

MDC by location:

Head – 70 **
forearms (2) – 3D6 +12 each *
hind legs (2) – 4D6 +40 each
tail (1) – 3D6 +20 each
main body – 6D6 +34 ***
Flying blades (3 pairs, 6 total) - 3D4 M.D.C. points, but they are small targets; -4
to strike on a called shot. *

*A single Astrix indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "called shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.

**Destroying the head will stop the war mount in its tracks.

***Depleting the MDC of the main body will shut down the war mount completely, rendering it totally useless and effectively destroying and killing it.


Running: 100 mi./h maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 30 mi./h

Leaping: 20 feet high or cross, increased by 50% with a short running start and double when running full tilt.

Digging: 20 mi./h through sand or dirt, but half that speed through Clay, rock or stone. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 1D6 minutes.

Swimming: not applicable

Flying: not applicable

Statistical data:

Height: 5 to 6 feet tall


Length: 5 to 6 feet long plus an additional 5 feet for the thin tail.

Weight: 122 – 180 pounds

Cargo: 700 pounds can be carried on its back and 1800 pounds can be pulled.

Physical strength: 1D6 +19, supernatural

Production cycle: six month gestation period, plus one year growth time.

Operational lifetime: 30 years

Trade value: 1 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.

Bio regeneration:

Horror factor: nine for one, 12 for a pack of 48, 14 for a pack of 9 to 13, and 16 for a pack of 14 or more.

Senses and features:

Standard for a War Mount, with the exceptions
of #1 Neurological Link and Controls, #4 Self-Destruct
Mechanism and #6 Union of Man and Beast (gets numbers 2, 3
& 5).

Feeding: carnivore, eats 30 to 60 pounds of meat daily

Sleep requirements: as a modified organism it only requires four hours of sleep or rest per day.

Rider: Not meant to be ridden but a rider can ride bareback sitting on top of the hips.

Bio weapons systems:

Flying blades (3 pairs, 6 total) - Replaces 3 claws on each hand.

M.D.C. of the Flying Blades/Tentacles themselves: Each Flying
Blade only has 3D4 M.D.C. points, but they are small targets; -4
to strike on a called shot.
Mega-Damage: ID4 M.D. per each Flying Blade. If the Host
Armor has more than one Flying Blade on a single arm (and
shoulder), the character can fire some to all of the Flying Blades
in a single volley.
Maximum Effective Range: 30 feet (9.1 m).
Rate of Fire: Each single or volley style attack counts as one
melee attack/action. Dividing a simultaneous attack into two or
more volleys to strike multiple targets still counts as one attack
but there is NO bonus to strike for any of the volleys, unmodified
strike roll only.
Payload: Depends on the number of Flying Blades purchased
with Bio-E points. Destroyed Flying Blades (and their tentacles)
regenerate within ID4+2 hours.
Bonus: +3 to strike a single target regardless of the number of
Flying Blades unleashed, except when a divided volley is fired
upon two or more targets at once, in which case there is no bonus
to strike.

Prehensile tail plus bladed whip tail -

M.D.C. (varies with tail type): 3D6xl0 for hammer/club tail,
2D6x 10 for sword/dagger tail, and ID6x 10 for spiked/barbed
Mega-Damage (varies with tail type): Hammer or club-like tail
weapon that is used like a built-in mace inflicts 506 M.D.
Sword or dagger-like blade tails do 406 M.D. A barbed or
spiked tail (ID4+ 2 spikes) like that of the stegosaurus dinosaur
does 606 M.D. All in addition to the usual punch damage from
Splicer P.S.
Tail Bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +2 to strike, +2 to
parry and dodge, +2 to disarm and +3 to pull punch. Only P.P.
attribute and metabolic bonuses may be added to tail combat bonuses,
and these bonuses only apply to the combat that involves
the tail.
Maximum Number of Tails Possible: Only one tail is possible.

venom spit changed to viral immobilizer -

Mega-Damage: None per se, it immobilizes its mechanical targets.
A single dose of the viral spray will die in 6D6 minutes,
but the viral cluster will completely cover and immobilize most
targets in just 2D4 melee rounds!
Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152 m).
Rate of Fire: Two viral attacks per melee round, each counting
as one melee action/attack.
Payload: Approximately 24 doses are available at any given moment. One spent dose is replenished every hour, so the user
should dispense this attack with due consideration.
Bonus: +4 to strike on a "Called Shot" and a strike of 8 or
higher that hits will cause immediate infection and quick immobilization.
Has no effect on the living nor organic materials.

Damage: Bite does 2D6 M.D.
clawed feet 2D6 M.D.
tail slash 2D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus
small fore claws 4D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus
head butt 2D4 S.D.C.
Poison Spit (Special): A sack under the T.C. Raptors jaw can spit Viral Immobilizer in the face/eyes of prey. Spitting range: 20 feet see above for effect.

Biological enhancements:

Other Data (for individual animals):
Most Tiger claw raptors are "unmanned" and used not as a War Mount, but as a tracker and
attack animal, usually under the control of a Packmaster. Thus,
Tiger claw raptors usually operate independent of a rider but are directed
by the Packmaster and are usually deployed as a pack of
3-6 animals. As a trained attack animal, the monstrous raptors
use their animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any
given situation. A Tiger claw raptors
will usually come to a human's defense, especially against robots
(hates them) and stand guard over an injured master or
friend. In fact, they are used to for scouting, tracking, patrolling
perimeters and standing guard. In the absence of its designated
Packmaster, Tiger claw raptors will obey strong commands given by
another Packmaster, but all others have only a 01 -25% of getting
the Tiger claw raptors to listen to their commands (+ 15% if an
Outrider or a character the animals know and like).

Alignment: Any; Tiger claw raptors have strong personalities, but the
majority (80%) fall into good or selfish categories and are
friendly and protective toward humans.

Attributes: l.Q. ID4+4 (medium animal intelligence), M.E.
ID6+8, M.A. 2D6+12, P.S. 21-24 (Supernatural), P.P. ID6+15,
P.E. 2D6+ 12, P.B. ID6+ 12, Spd. 110 (see Speed above).

Number of Attacks per Melee: Five.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +4
on initiative, +4 to strike in hand to hand combat, +2 to parry,
+4 to automatic dodge (i.e., can dodge without using up a melee
action), +3 to pull punch/bite, +3 to roll with punch, fall or impact,
+2 to disarm, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save
vs poisons/toxins and disease.

Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Begging 75%, Climb
50%/0%, Detect Ambush 70%, Detect Concealment 65%,
Herding 80%, Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%,
Land Navigation 78%, Prowl 50%, Swim 80% and understands
the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one
other common language at 80% (cannot speak or read). Recognizes
robots and machines as enemies to be destroyed or chased

Combat Capabilities: The Tiger claw raptors regularly engages in close
combat, with packs of them literally tearing the enemy apart
(usually at the direction of a Packmaster).

Restrained Head Butt: ID6 S.D.C.

Full Strength Head Butt: ID6 M.D.

Pawing Claw Strike with Front Legs: 3D6 M.D.

Biting Attack: 3D6 M.D.

Leap Attack: 2D6 M.D., + 1 to strike and has a 01-70% likelihood
of knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off
his feet and onto his back (also a 01-65% chance the victim
drops whatever he was holding). If knocked off his feet, the target
loses initiative and two melee attacks/actions), and the
Tiger claw raptors is poised for a fast bite attack (+2 to strike for the
raptors next attack). A leap attack uses up one melee attack for
the Tiger claw raptors!

Running Leap Attack: 4D6 M.D., has a 01-85% likelihood of
knocking down an opponent and counts as two of the
Tiger claw raptors attacks, otherwise the same as Leap Attack.


Packmasters of House Hammond have a choice of two different troop support war mount (tracker and combatant).

The Pachycephalosaurus aka "skull crackers" or "Friar Tucks" are bipedal herbivores with an extremely dense bone domed skull that they use as battering rams. Their skulls are so strong that they have been known to leave huge dents in the MDC armor plating of the machine's robots.

Typically grayish green in color, their domed skulls are rimmed and ornamented with small crowns of thorns and display vibrant patterns of color. These patterns are shades of red, orange and pink in males and blue, green and yellow in females.

Normally herbivores are not chosen for "pack" animals but the Pachycephalosaurus exhibits such an aggressive attitude, and if they're natural herding instinct, makes for an unusual choice but has so far worked out splendidly.

Class: troop support war mount (tracker and combatant).

Crew: typically none, but can accommodate one rider when necessary but only as a direct order from their pack master.

MDC by location:

Head – 300 **
forelimbs (2) – 35 each *
hind limbs (2) – 100 each
tail – 120
main body – 5D6 times 10 ***
organic thrusters - 4D4xl0 M.D.C. each *

*A single Astrix indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "called shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.

**Destroying the head will stop the war mount in its tracks, eliminates all optics and sensory systems, reduces the speed to 10% of Max, reduces the number of melee attacks to three total (including the riders) and negates all bonuses from the animal, but the rider can still fire the weapon systems and makes the war mount walk (at a ponderous pace) for up to 12 hours after the head is gone.

***Depleting the MDC of the main body will shut down the war mount completely, rendering it totally useless and effectively destroying and killing it.


Running: 100 mi./h maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 30 mi./h

Leaping: 20 feet high or cross, increased by 50% with a short running start and double when running full tilt.

Digging: 20 mi./h through sand or dirt, but half that speed through Clay, rock or stone. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 1D6 minutes.

Swimming: not applicable

Flying: not applicable

Statistical data:

Height: 3 feet tall at the hips and wind charging; 5 to 7 feet standing erect.

Width:3 feet

Length: 15 feet long

Weight: 950 pounds

Cargo: 800 pounds can be carried on its back and 2000 pounds can be pulled.

Physical strength: 1D6 +20, supernatural

Production cycle: six month gestation period, plus one year growth time.

Operational lifetime: 30 years

Trade value: 2 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.

Bio regeneration:

Horror factor: 12 when charging, 16 when charging in groups of three or more.

Senses and features:

Feeding: herbivore, eats 60 to 100 pounds of plant material daily

Sleep requirements: as a modified organism it only requires four hours of sleep or rest per day.

Rider: Not meant to be ridden but a rider can ride bareback sitting on top of the hips.

Bio weapons systems:

Omega blaster in cranium-

Located under the bone dome. Dome rises on it's own when commanded to fire. Can not fire on it's own unless attacking the machine.

Mega-Damage: 2D8x1O M.D., with a blast radius of 10 feet (3
m) if a single Omega Blaster is used, or 4D8x1O M.D., with a
blast radius of 20 feet (6.1 m), if both are fired simultaneously at
the same target(s).
Maximum Effective Range: 5000 feet (1524 m); nearly one
Rate of Fire: It takes two melee attacks to fire the Omega Blaster
including lifting up the protective dome.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, since these are energy based
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot.

Trench foot mines-

Located on the lower legs.

M.D.C. of the Mines: Each mine has only ID6 M.D.C. points,
but they are small targets and -4 to hit on a "Called Shot."
Mega-Damage: 4D12 M.D. per mine to a 10 foot (3 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Takes one melee attack/action to pull and throw, or
to drop one Trench Foot Mine. May remain dormant, but active
for up to three years before the undetonated bombs dry up and
become inert.
Payload: Based on the number of Trench Foot Mines purchased
at creation time. Each mine requires 24 hours to grow back.

Head butt 4d6 md
running head butt 1d6x10
full speed running head butt 2d6x10+10
full speed running head butt with organic thrusters 4d6x10+10

Biological enhancements:

Organic thrusters add hugh burst of speed for ramming attacks.
Bio force field in the head and spine to protect the Omega blaster located under the cranium.

Other Data (for individual animals): Most Pachycephalosaurus are
"unmanned" and used not as a War Mount, but as a tracker and
attack animal, usually under the control of a Packmaster. Thus,
Pachycephalosaurus usually operate independent of a rider but are directed
by the Packmaster and are usually deployed as a pack of
3-6 animals. As a trained attack animal their animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any
given situation. A Pachycephalosaurus
will usually come to a human's defense, especially against robots
(hates them) and stand guard over an injured master or
friend. In fact, they are used to for scouting, tracking, patrolling
perimeters and standing guard. In the absence of its designated
Packmaster, Pachycephalosaurus will obey strong commands given by
another Packmaster, but all others have only a 01 -25% of getting
the Pachycephalosaurus to listen to their commands (+ 15% if an
Outrider or a character the animals know and like).

Alignment: Any; Pachycephalosaurus have strong personalities, but the
majority (80%) fall into good or selfish categories and are
friendly and protective toward humans.

Attributes: l.Q. ID4+4 (medium animal intelligence), M.E.
ID6+8, M.A. 2D6+12, P.S. 21-24 (Supernatural), P.P. ID6+15,
P.E. 2D6+ 12, P.B. ID6+ 12, Spd. 110 (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Five.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +4
on initiative, +4 to strike in hand to hand combat, +2 to parry,
+4 to automatic dodge (i.e., can dodge without using up a melee
action), +3 to pull punch/bite, +3 to roll with punch, fall or impact,
+2 to disarm, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save
vs poisons/toxins and disease.
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Begging 75%, Climb
50%/0%, Detect Ambush 70%, Detect Concealment 65%,
Herding 80%, Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%,
Land Navigation 78%, Prowl 50%, Swim 80% and understands
the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one
other common language at 80% (cannot speak or read). Recognizes
robots and machines as enemies to be destroyed or chased

Combat Capabilities: The Pachycephalosaurus regularly engages in close
combat, with packs of them literally tearing the enemy apart
(usually at the direction of a Packmaster).
Restrained Head Butt: ID6 S.D.C.

Full Strength Head Butt: ID6 M.D.

Pawing Claw Strike with Front Legs: 3D6 M.D.

Biting Attack: 3D6 M.D.

Leap Attack: 2D6 M.D., + 1 to strike and has a 01-70% likelihood
of knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off
his feet and onto his back (also a 01-65% chance the victim
drops whatever he was holding). If knocked off his feet, the target
loses initiative and two melee attacks/actions), and the
Pachycephalosaurus is poised for a fast bite attack (+2 to strike for the
Pachycephalosaurus next attack). A leap attack uses up one melee attack for
the Pachycephalosaurus!

Running Leap Attack: 4D6 M.D., has a 01-85% likelihood of
knocking down an opponent and counts as two of the
Pachycephalosaurus attacks, otherwise the same as Leap Attack.

As always questions and comments are welcomed :mrgreen:
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Re: New/alternate Gorehounds of House Hammond

Unread post by krispy »

i always liked the Pachycephalosaurus aka "skull crackers" when i was a kid.

the anatomical design of its skull and neck fascinates me

i really like the idea of this being a pack animal, as not much could stand against a number of charging battering rams
connecting the dots
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Re: New/alternate Gorehounds of House Hammond

Unread post by Aramanthus »

They are very cool with that very tough head. I liked them when I first saw an image of them.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: New/alternate Gorehounds of House Hammond

Unread post by MethosDarkblade »

(Matt Smith Voice)DINOSAURS! IN SPLICERS!(/Matt Smith Voice)

I've always felt that pack masters need to control canines. Hense the introduction of the Pride Lords (which I'm still working on) for House Espada's Tigres. Perhaps a different type of Pack Master needs to be introduced, something different in skills and armor due to the difference in their "Pack".

Otherwise, still a great submission.
Methos Darkblade

If you smell who the rat is cooking.

Super or otherwise, you are just a man, while I am a God!

That was fairly ruthless father. I hope I made you proud.

Always better to crash the mode
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