Rathorc's New Mutants

Ninja mutant creatures unite. Here's the place to do it.

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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Here's mutant number 2:

Bison (Ancient): Latifrons
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The ancient Bison known as the Latifrons are the largest known species (both extinct or currently living) of Bison. They lived on the plains and woodlands of North America during the Late Pleistocene (from 300,000 to 15,000 years ago). They were amongst the most well known species of Megafauna, along with the Woolly Mammoth and the Mastodon. They are also called the Giant Bison and are the direct ancestor to the more modern Bisons and had giant horns that reached up to 6 feet from one end to the other.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, various scientists started to clone and recreate some members of the Latifron species in order to see how they lived and to see if they could be able to survive in more modern times. After some experiments were completed and it was found that they could easily survive with no problem. Although, it was soon found that they were very nutritious and provided plenty of meat for alot of people.
When the Crash happened, and humanity started to die off from the viruses, which started to mutate the various animals of the world. During this time, a large amount of the Giant Bisons managed to escape and create herd, with some members inter-breeding with modern Bisons. Some herds of Latifrons managed to either join up with bands of Native Americans or taking on some of thier traditions and living with nature.
Size Level: 20.
Height: 8.2 Feet (2.5 m).
Weight: 4,400 Lbs. (2,000 Kg.)
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 5.
Attributes Bonuses: +5D6 S.D.C., Brute Strength and +10 P.S.

Human Features:
Hands: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a huge head with small eyes on the sides, heavy black or dark brown hair on the neck and shoulders, has a huge body that is covered in brown fur, thin limbs that end in hooves. Has a large pair of Horns on the head that stick straight outwards from the head.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Humanoid with a Buffalo's head or a large head with small eyes and a thick neck and curly hair, a large body, is barrel-chested and covered in short brown fur. Has a pair of horns that are half (1/2) the size they were before. Has thin lower arms and legs that end in hoof-like structures and muscular upper arms and legs.
10 Bio-E for Full: Human-looking with a barrel-chest, muscular arms and legs, broad shoulders, thick neck and a rather large head with a crop of curly brown or black hair. The chest, back, arms and legs are coveredin curly black or brown hair. Any beard will also be dack and curly. Will likely have a short pair of horns n the head.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Horns (3D6+1 if a Bull).
5 Bio-E for Hoofed Hands, punches do 2D6 damage (3D6 damage if a Bull/Male), plus P.S. damage bonus.
10 Bio-E for Hoofed Feet, kick does 3D4 damage (4D4 damage if a Bull/Male), plus P.S. damage bonus.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision (can replace it with Vestigial Disadvantages).
5 Bio-E for Extra Mental Affinity.
5 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (costs only 5 Bio-E for Bulls/Males).
15 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Horns.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Ruminant.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Mutant number 3:

Camel (AKA Horned) (Ancient): Protoceras
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Cameloid known as Protoceras lived from the Late-Oligocene to the Early-Miocene (25-20 Million years). Thier range consisted of the plains of what would become North America. Even though they resembled Prehistoric Deer, their closest living relative was in fact Camels. Also, they had walked on four-toed feet (with other members in the same family later developing into two-toed animals) and, on the males, three (3) sets of stubby horns that run from the top of the head down to the snout. The Protoceras is also one of the earliest members of this group of Megafauna Mammal to develop in North America.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists who studied the Camels (and thier evolution) quickly decided that they'd bring back some members of the various ancient Camels for study. After a short length of time, one of the scientists decided to do a small test run of an idea she had, turning the Protoceras into pets, and took a mated pair home for her kids. After two months, it was found to be a large success. At which point, word got out about it and production was started in order to fill the large need.
But then the Crash happened, and the majority of humanity was killed off, and the various animals world wide started to mutate. Some of the Protoceras managed to survive in the chaos, some of which joined with herds of Deer and Camels, while others formed up into thier own herds. Those that decided to try to survive on their own (with a single member of the opposite sex) managed to live on the fringes of the surviving human communities and learned from them spreading the gathered knowledge to others.
Size Level: 11.
Length: 3-4 feet long.
Weight: 100-200 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 40.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.S., +1 P.P., +10 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a large, wedge-shaped head with large ears at the upper corners, widely spaced eyes, thick neck, a powerful body with long, thin legs. Has an obvious tail and two (2) sets of medium-sized horns and a smaller pair in between them. Fur colouration is a golden colour over most of the body, white fur on the belly, under the neck and has brown spots over the body and a dark brown tail.
5 Bio-E for Partial: A humanoid covered in golden fur with brown spots through out it, and cream coloured fur on the belly, neck and the underarms, a large head with a wedge-shaped muzzle, a thick body with thick arms and legs. Legs may be animal-like or human-like and is typically hoofed.
10 Bio-E for Full: A lean, muscular humanoid with golden skin, has freckles on the back and chest, and long legs. Face is human-looking with large, fluid eyes, large ears, thick neck and a powerful body.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Hoof-like nails.
5 Bio-E for 3 pairs of 1D4 damage Horns (males only).
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 3 pairs of 2D4 damage Horns (males only).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Brute Strength.
5 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Endurance.
15 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
15 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Hooves.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Antlers: 1D4 damage Antlers.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 Bio-E for Musk Glands.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Mutant number 4:

Camel (Ancient): Titanotylopus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Titanotylopus is a species of ancient, extinct Camel the lived on the plains of what would become known as North America and Eurasia, living during the Miocene through the Pleistocene Epoch (10.3 million to 300,000 years ago). The Titanotylopus is also known as the "Dino-Camel" and was one (1) of the biggest megafauna of two (2) continents. Befitting the "Dino" part of its nickname, the Titanotylopus had an unusually small brain for it's large size and the canines on its upper jaw were larger then those of more modern Camels.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, various governments (that had the resources and the E.G.G.'s) started to study the fossils of these animals before recreate these large animals for zoo's, parks and, in some cases, farms and ranches. After a time, they found that the Titanotylopus could be used for heavy labour in places that either could not afford large, heavy machines or so they wouldn't damage theecosystem to severily with said machines.
But when the Crash happened, the Titanotylopus managed to survive and THRIVE in the new world. They filled in some niches in certain areas of North America and in Europe.
Size Level: 19.
Length: 13 Feet Long.
Weight: 1,000-2,000 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +1D8+2 P.S., +3 P.E., +10 Spd., +1D6+5 S.D.C., -2 I.Q.

Human Features:
Hands: None: Has two-fingered paws with leathery pads and small, blunt, hard toes.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Has two-fingered hands and develops a blunt, semi-opposable thumb.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has two fingers and the thumb becomes longer and fully opposable.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: A large Camel with a large snouted face with large nostrils, a long neck, large cleft lips, a round body with a hump on the back, greyish-yellow fur and large armjs and legs.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Somewhat humanoid in appearance with a Camel's head, shorter but long neck, a large hump between thye shoulders (walks hunched over), long, thin arms and legs and a body that's covered in greyish-yellow or tan fur.
10 Bio-E for Full: A humanoid with a light tan skin, dusty yellow hair, large flabby lips, warm, brown eyes with long eyelashes, a thick ody with long, thin (but muscular) arms and legs. Has four (4) thick fingers, thumb and toes.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D8+1 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Canine Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Sit (Special): A foul-smelling saliva, range: 14 feet, +2 to Strike; if spit into the eyes, victim is temporarily blinded (-10 to Strike, Parry and Dodge) for 1D4 Melee Rounds.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Immune System (Special): Like all Camel species, the Titanotylopus has evolved the extraordinary ability to combat bacterial and viral diseases, are highly resistant to infections (+4 to save vs. disease) and can recover from even the most severe illness within 5D6 hours.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Camel Sense of Smell (Special): While not near as good for tracking, the Titanotylopus's advanced sense of smell can detect water from up to 10 miles (16 Km) distance and can pick up the scent of growing plants from 1D6 miles away.
5 Bio-E for Brute Strength.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Water Storage (Special): Can survive without water for 1 1/2 days for each 3/4 gallon of water drunk. 8 gallons maximum can be drunk within 14 minutes.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
15 Bio-E for Internal Compass.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Mutant number 5:

Deer (Ancient): Syndyoceras
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Syndyoceras is an ancient species of Deer that lived from the Late Oligocene to the Early Miocene (25 to 20 Million years ago) vand lived on the plains of (what would become) North America. Also, efven though tyhe Syndyoceras looked like a Modern Deer, it was only a remote relative: part of a sub-family of the Artiodactyl (Even-Toed Ungulate) called the Protoceratids. The only living, modern, descdendants of this family are Camels.
It was such an unusual creature that, with the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, some paleontologists started to clone the Syndyoceras in order to study the species. After a time, during the study, it was found that the animals could be used as food. At which point it was found that they were delicious and were high in nutriantsand were mass produced and sent to meat farms for processing.
But when the Crash happened, security at a large amount of the farms were disabled, allowing the herd animals,that were penned in, to escape into the wilds of a chaotic North America.
Size Level: 13.
Length: 5 Feet long.
Weight: 200-300 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 30.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.S., +1 P.P., +9 Spd., +2 bP.B.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: An intelligent version of the animal; has a triangular head with large ears at the upper corners, a long, thick snout, widely spaced eyes, thick neck, powerful body with long, thin legs. Has two (2) sets of antlers (one on the top of the head and one that is about 3/4 down the snout). Has golden brown fur covering most of te body and has white fur that runs the underside of the body.
5 Bio-E for Partial: A humanoid that's covered in short, golden brown fur with cream coloured fur on the belly, neck and underarms, muzzled head, large ears, thick, muscular body with thin arms and legs, widely spaced eyes. Legs may be animal-like or human-like and is typically hoofed.
10 Bio-E for Full: A lean, muscular humanoid with olive skin and long legs. The face is human-looking with large, fluid eyes, large ears, thick neck and a powerful build, has aq large, blunt nose.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Hooves.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Antlers (on the snout).
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Antlers (on the head).
10 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Tusk-like Teeth on the upper jaw.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Brute Strength.
5 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
15 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Ears.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Hooves.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-10 Bio-E for Seasonal Antlers: Does 1D6 damage.
-10 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile VBrain: Prey.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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And finally, mutant number 6:

Dinosaur (Heterodontosaur): Pegomastax
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Pegomastax is a species of Heterodontosaur that lived during the Early Jurassic (200 Million years ago). It lived in the woodlands of what would become the Southern portion of Africa. The fossils of Pegomastax were discovered in the 1960's and were stored in the extensive archives of Harvard University, where they were rediscovered and named by the Paleontologist Paul Sereno. It was an odd looking Dinosaur, at least by the standards of the Early Mesozoic Era that it had lived in.
Size Level: 3.
Length: Up to 2 feet long.
Weight: 5 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 P.P., +4 Spd., -3 P.B.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has 3 (three) clawed hands and a stubby, sremi-opposable pinky finger used for grasping.
5 Bio-E for Full: Develops four (4) fingered hands and has a opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a narrow head with a short snout that ends in a small beak, has nostrils that are in front, beady eyes, short arms, long legs and a long, narrow tail that's as long as the body. Has a covering of spine-like feathers that look like porcupine spines.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head with small, beady eyes and a blunt snout. The body is skinny with arms that are longer then before and long, thickly muscled legs. Has a long, stiff tail that's as long as an arm. Bristle/feather covering is thinner then before.
20 Bio-E for Full: Round head with a small mouth that's in a pouting position, beady eyes and a thin nose atop a thin neck. Has a skinny body but long, powerful legs and wide hips. Most of the fingers and toes are long and thin, but the pinky finger is the shortest of them. Has thin hair that tends to stick up in the back.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Bird Talons on the hands.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Running Claws on the feet.
10 Bio-E for 2D4+1 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
15 Bio-E for Quill Defense (Special): This is a kind of Natural Body Armour. Has an A.R. of 7 and 30 S.D.C. A physical attack (with fist, foot or body) that rolls with 12 or less will contact the quills will impale himself, taking 2D4 damage. The character can attack will the quills using a Body Block (does 3D4+P.S. bonus damage, if any) or the back of the arm (1D10+P.S. bonus, if any).
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 8, +20 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

It's good to see you back posting these, Rathorc. Can we expect more soon?
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Of course you can, and just to wet everyone's palette, I've added a large amount of Trilobites to the list of mutants.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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When you are to post them, the Trilobites. As well any other mutants.
Any other plants?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Well, I had to take about 2 months for a break, but I'm doing up stats for new mutants now. It'll be awhile for the Trilobites and I've no plans to do any plant-based mutants.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Thanks, keep resting.

Have you done any Halloween style mutants? (To lazy to check.)
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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I know of at least 3 that I can remember. They are: The Angel, The Devil (or demon, whichever name you prefer) and The Jersey Devil remix (my first AtB mutant).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by abtex »

Thanks. See you when you post next.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Well, I just finished up three new mutants for you folks. Here's the first:
Elephant: Phiomia
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Phiomia is an extinct species of Elephant that lived from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene (37 to 30 Million years ago). They lived in the woodlands of what would become North Africa and were semi-aquatic, supporting rudimentary tusks and trunk. Scientists found the Phiomia to be an interesting creature because it was more Elephant-like than its close contempory, the Moeritherium (which was a Pig-sized creature with some Hippopotamus-like features) that nevertheless still counted as a prehistoric Elephant.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, the Phiomia was considered to be so unusual and unique that scientists that lived and worked thier profession in the various countries of North Africa decided that they would recreate/clone the Phiomia species in hopes of increasing tourism for thier respectful countries.
But then the Crash happened, killing off the majority (about 80-90%) of the human race and mutating the wildlife across the globe. Unfortunately for the vast majority of the Phiomia species, about 85% of them died off due to being stuck in thier enclosures and dying from starvation and various other things. The members of the species that DID survive were the ones that had free range up and down the rivers and the coast of North Africa with a fair number of them inhabiting the Nile river in Egypt. Eventually, as time went on and the mutations continued, the Phiomia species became known as river sailors, river farmers and river loggers (sending large logs of wood along the various rivers) of North Africa.
Size Level: 19.
Length: 10 Feet long.
Weight: 1/2 Ton.
Build: Short.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +1 M.A., Brute Strength, +5 P.S.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 15 Bio-E for Full.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a huge head with prominent lumps on top, small eyes that areon the forward end of the head, small, floppy ears, a long snout with a trunk-like upper lip where the nose is closely connected to it, loose, leathery skin with sparse hair, a massive body with limbs that are like tree trunks and a short, skiny tail.
5 Bio-E for Partial: A hulking, grey humanoid with a huge, bald head with small eyes that are more forward facing, a large snout that has the upper lip hanging low over the lower lip and is still connecdted to the nose, which has moved more upwards on the face. The skin is grey, wrinkled and leathery, sagging over much of the thick, massi8vfe, muscled body and limbs.
10 Bio-E for Full: A human-looking character with olive coloured skin, a large, bald head with a bone ridge over the eyes, which are still small, a very large nose, large-ish ears, prominent facial wrinkles (has a weatherd outdoorsman look going), a thick neck and body, powerful arms and legs.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Teeth/Tusks (on the upper jaw).
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth/Tusks (on the lower jaw).

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision and Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Padded Feet (Special): See Elephant stats in AtB2, Pg. 106.
5 Bio-E for Ntural Armour (Thick Skin): A.R.: 6, +15 S.D.C.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Taste.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Touch.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
20 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore (Pick Herbivore or Ruminant, NOT both).
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Ruminant.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's the second:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Concavenator
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Concavenator is a species of carnivorous Theropod Dinosar that lived during the Berremian Stage of the Early Cretaceous (130 Million Years Ago). Tyhe species is known to have roamed the woodlands of what would become Western Europe. It's well known because of the triangular, shark fin-like hump that comes out of it's lower back right before the rear limbs. It's fossils were found in the Las Hoyas fossil sight, located in Spain. Some Palaeontologists specuated that the hump/fin was equal to the head crests of other dinosaurs that were used in visual displays.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists in Spain started to clone the Concavenator in order to further study the species as a whole. It was found that they survived (relatively) well in the environment of Spain and the Medataranian region.
But, with the rash happening a few short years after, the large predators managed to escape and mutate with the other wildlife of the world. The Concavenator species are one of the only few mutant civilisations in Europe to be able to hold off the invasion forces from the former nation of France (and from elsewhere).
Size Level: 20.
Length: 20 Feet long.
Weight: Up to 3 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +10 P.S., +4 P.E. and +3 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three fingers. 5 Bio-E for Full: Develoops a thumb on each hand.
Biped: Automaticaly Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long, rectangular-shaoed head, small eyes that are positioned on either side of the head with no external ears. thin body with hips, long straight neck, the hands and feet 3 claw-tipped digits. Has a rigid tail that's as long as the body and a large, triangular bump (or hump) along the spine that's positioned in front of the hips. Also has spine-like feathers in front on the forearms.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a shorter snout, eyes are small and beady but are more forward facing then before. The neck is slightly long atop a rounded body while the arms protrude from the sides of the torso. The legs are long and skinny, and the character has a whip-like tail that's as long as the legs. The triangular bump/hump is 1/2 the size it was before and still has spine-like feathers on the forearms (but are 1/2 the size they were before).
20 Bio-E for Full: A long, narrow head atop a thin neck. The eyes are small and beady, while the nose is long and thin. The body, arms and legs are long, lean and muscular with slightly rounded hips. The feet and hands are long and thin, ending in 4 digits (3 fingers/toes and a thumb on the hands).

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the hands.
15 Bio-E for 4D6+2 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for a Vestigial Hump/Bump (-2 to P.B. if character has Human Looks: Full).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biolgics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And here's the third:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Eoabelisaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Eoabelisaurus is a species of large, carnivorous theropod and lived during the Mid-Jurasic period (about 170 Million years ago). It lived in what would become Argentina in South America and is considered to be an early member of the Abelisaurid family. It was only recently named in 2012 and its remains consisted of a nearly complete skeleton with the skull of a subadult or a fully grown member of the species.
When the technology for cloning was allowed into the domain of the public, via the E.G.G.'s, some members of the government of Argentina decided that they could try to recreate a large, relatively easily to control theropod to use as a "guard dog" of sorts for various military instalations. At which point, a survey was done and the eoabelisaurus was one of the choices. Various testng was started and it turned out that the Eoabelisaurus was quick to train and (somehow) managed to be docile to a degree.
When the Crash happened, though, the vast majority of them quickly returned to thier natural instincts and started to prey onboh survivors and anmals alike. Although, the ones that did not allow thier natural instincts to surface managed toband together with a few surviving humans and took over at least two (2) military complexes and some police stations in large cities.
Size Level: 20.
Length: 6.5 Metres (21 Feet).
Weight: 2-3 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +9 P.S., +3 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None: Has short arms with three (3) stubby fingers.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Develops longer arms and fingers and a small thumb.
20 Bio-E for Full: Develops longer arms, fingers and a fully functional, opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a short head with a medium-sized, blunt snout and eyes that are positioned more to the sides, no external ears. Has a short, thick neck and short, spindly arms (about a 1/4 of the length of the upper legs) that protrude from the chest and can be held along the body. The body is barrel-shaped and is held up by thick, powerful, bird-like legs and is balenced by a tail that's the length of the body, neck and head combined. The legs have three (3) splayed, clawed toes,.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a rounded head with a blunt, but noticeable, snout, tiny ears and a wide, powerful jaw. The eyes are small and beady but are positioned on the face, and the character has nostril slits for a nose. The neck is thick, the arms are stubby but are heavily muscled, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and a muscular tail the length of the legs protudes from the rump.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes, which are now positioned forward, and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded, with narrow shoulders and powerful, but short, arms. Legs are short and end in wide feet that supports a barrel-shaped body with a belly that protrudes.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio.E for Infectious Bite (Requires Serrated Teeth).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the feet.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Bird Talons on the hands.
15 Bio-E for 4D6+4 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 10 and +25 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
20 Bio-E for Medium Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 12 and +40 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Here's the second:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Concavenator
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Concavenator is a species of carnivorous Theropod Dinosar that lived during the Berremian Stage of the Early Cretaceous (130 Million Years Ago). Tyhe species is known to have roamed the woodlands of what would become Western Europe. It's well known because of the triangular, shark fin-like hump that comes out of it's lower back right before the rear limbs. It's fossils were found in the Las Hoyas fossil sight, located in Spain. Some Palaeontologists specuated that the hump/fin was equal to the head crests of other dinosaurs that were used in visual displays.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists in Spain started to clone the Concavenator in order to further study the species as a whole. It was found that they survived (relatively) well in the environment of Spain and the Medataranian region.
But, with the rash happening a few short years after, the large predators managed to escape and mutate with the other wildlife of the world. The Concavenator species are one of the only few mutant civilisations in Europe to be able to hold off the invasion forces from the former nation of France (and from elsewhere).
Size Level: 20.
Length: 20 Feet long.
Weight: Up to 3 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +10 P.S., +4 P.E. and +3 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three fingers. 5 Bio-E for Full: Develoops a thumb on each hand.
Biped: Automaticaly Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long, rectangular-shaoed head, small eyes that are positioned on either side of the head with no external ears. thin body with hips, long straight neck, the hands and feet 3 claw-tipped digits. Has a rigid tail that's as long as the body and a large, triangular bump (or hump) along the spine that's positioned in front of the hips. Also has spine-like feathers in front on the forearms.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a shorter snout, eyes are small and beady but are more forward facing then before. The neck is slightly long atop a rounded body while the arms protrude from the sides of the torso. The legs are long and skinny, and the character has a whip-like tail that's as long as the legs. The triangular bump/hump is 1/2 the size it was before and still has spine-like feathers on the forearms (but are 1/2 the size they were before).
20 Bio-E for Full: A long, narrow head atop a thin neck. The eyes are small and beady, while the nose is long and thin. The body, arms and legs are long, lean and muscular with slightly rounded hips. The feet and hands are long and thin, ending in 4 digits (3 fingers/toes and a thumb on the hands).

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the hands.
15 Bio-E for 4D6+2 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for a Vestigial Hump/Bump (-2 to P.B. if character has Human Looks: Full).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biolgics Unlimited.

Nice work.

So.. The hump doesn't do anything? It's just a hump/physical feature? Kind of like an appendix, it doesn't really do anything anymore but it is there anyways.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Pretty much, yes.

Rathorc Lemenger,
Presi8dent of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's a new mutant to wet appitites:
Dinosaur (Theropod): Giganotosaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Giganotosaurus is a secies of Carnivorous, Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Middle of the Cretaceous (from about 110 to 90 Million years ago). They lived in the swamps and marshes of what would become Argentina in South America. It's name is often misspelled (Giganotosaurus and Gigantosaurus). It was a trule gigantic Theropod, being bigger but only slightly outweighing the most well known Theropod, Tyrannosaurus Rex (but not as big as Spinosaurus).
Since Giganotosaurus was discovered (and described), scientists thought that maybe it hunted large, slow-witted prey, such as the largest Sauropod found to date, Argentinosaurus, in nimble packs.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and E.G.G.'s, some scientists sent a fair amount of genetic material to the people at MesozoicLand for study, processing and cloning. The Geneticists on the island found the Dinosaur to be interesting due to the fact that of its large size and the fact that it was ferocious, often combating some of the armoured Herbivores and trying to eat the people that were trying to maintain the enclosures.
But, with all good stories it had to come to an end, taking the form of the Crash. After a time, when the mutations were calming down, the Giganotosaurus species became known as Barbarians, often raiding the other settlements in order to survive.
Size Level: 21.
Length: 40 Feet long.
Weight: 8 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +11 P.S., +4 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three fingers on short arms. 5 Bio-E for Full: Develops a opposable thumb on each hand, while the fingers become more dexterous.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Still looks like a Dinosaur. Has a massive head with a blunt, rectengular snout and large head, a massive mouth, small eyes on the sides of the head and nostrils on the tip of the snout. The ears are insetinto the head. Has a short, thick nech and short, spindly arms protruding from the chest. The body is held up by thickly powerful, bird-like legs and is balenced by a long tail that's the length of the body. The feet have three (3) splayed, clawed toes.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a long, rounded head with tiny ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small and beady, but are positiond forward on the face, and the character has nostril slits for a nose. The neck is thick, the arms are stubby but are heavily muscled, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and a muscular tail the length of the legs.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded with muscle with narrow shoulders and powerful, but strong arms. Legs are short and end in wide feet that support a barrel-shaped body.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 4D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for Infectious Bite (Requires Serrated Teeth).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Bird Talons (on the hands).
15 Bio-E for 5D6+1 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
Last edited by Rathorc Lemenger on Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by abe »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Here's a new mutant to wet appitites:
Dinosaur (Theropod): Giganotosaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Giganotosaurus is a secies of Carnivorous, Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Middle of the Cretaceous (from about 110 to 90 Million years ago). They lived in the swamps and marshes of what would become Argentina in South America. It's name is often misspelled (Giganotosaurus and Gigantosaurus). It was a trule gigantic Theropod, being bigger but only slightly outweighing the most well known Theropod, Tyrannosaurus Rex (but not as big as Spinosaurus).
Since Giganotosaurus was discovered (and described), scientists thought that maybe it hunted large, slow-witted prey, such as the largest Sauropod found to date, Argentinosaurus, in nimble packs.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and E.G.G.'s, some scientists sent a fair amount of genetic material to the people at MesozoicLand for study, processing and cloning. The Geneticists on the island found the Dinosaur to be interesting due to the fact that of its large size and the fact that it was ferocious, often combating some of the armoured Herbivores and trying to eat the people that were trying to maintain the enclosures.
But, with all good stories it had to come to an end, taking the form of the Crash. After a time, when the mutations were calming down, the Giganotosaurus species became known as Barbarians, often raiding the other settlements in order to survive.
Size Level: 21.
Length: 40 Feet long.
Weight: 8 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +11 P.S., +4 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three fingers on short arms. 5 Bio-E for Full: Develops a opposable thumb on each hand, while the fingers become more dexterous.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Still looks like a Dinosaur. Has a massive head with a blunt, rectengular snout and large head, a massive mouth, small eyes on the sides of the head and nostrils on the tip of the snout. The ears are insetinto the head. Has a short, thick nech and short, spindly arms protruding from the chest. The body is held up by thickly powerful, bird-like legs and is balenced by a long tail that's the length of the body. The feet have three (3) splayed, clawed toes.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a long, rounded head with tiny ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small and beady, but are positiond forward on the face, and the character has nostril slits for a nose. The neck is thick, the arms are stubby but are heavily muscled, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and a muscular tail the length of the legs.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded with muscle with narrow shoulders and powerful, but strong arms. Legs are short and end in wide feet that support a barrel-shaped body.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 4D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for Infectious Bite (Requires Serrated Teeth).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Bird Talons (on the hands).
15 Bio-E for 5D6+1 damage Serrated Trrth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.

not sure if it's been done, but how about a gulper eel?
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

@Zenvis: I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my stuff. There's more to come, especially since I'm always at work on making creatures that are from all over the place (and from every era of Earth's history).

@Abe: I'll see what I can do. But I'm not promising anything being done on it soon.

@Everyone else: I've added two (2) cryptids to the list. The first Cryptid is going to be a Lizard Man while the second is going to be stats done up for the Fouke Monster (better known as the Boggy Creek Monster.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You have a typo in the natural weapons BIO-E purchasing section, namely "Serrated Trrth" instead of "Serrated Teeth". You might want to fix that.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Thanks Stone. Consider it fixed.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You know things are slow on the boards when the only posts I make are regarding people's typos.
I do look forward to seeing more of your mutants, Rathorc. Keep 'em coming.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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That's true. But it tends to take me time to do up stuff for here. So MUCH info, so little time.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by taalismn »

If you ever find a copy of this book, Rathorc(or any of you gene mutes), buy it: it's immensely entertaining AND disturbing and I instantly thought 'After the Bomb' when I saw it: :twisted: :P

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Well, I've got some good news for you all, I've finished up the latest bunch of AtB2 mutants. Here's the first:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Ichthyovenator
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Ichthyovenator is a large Theropod that lived during the Early Cretaceous (from 125 to 112 Million Years Ago) and roamed the woodlands of what would eventually become the Laos portion of Asia. Thier main diet consisted of Fish and other small animals that lived by the ocean. What made this Dinosaur unique among the Spinosaurus family upon its discovery is the fact that it has/had two (2) seperate sails on its back with a gap between them that's positioned above the hips.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, some scientists that resided in Laos decided that they would join the new "Gold Rush" and create dinosaurs (and other prehistoric creatures) that would have been native to the area in ancient times in order to increase the tourist trade for the nation. But after a period of research into some of the creatures, and then recreating/cloning them, it was found that the Theropod Ichthyovwnator could be used as a "Living Tank" of sorts, at which point, some terrorist organisations in the area broke into the research facility and stole a large number of the specimens. After which, they then destroyed the facility and killed the researchers that were there, Although, the terrorists only destroyed one facility that contained the items, there was a secret government research facility performing experiments on the dinosaurs (amongst other creatures, i8ncluding humans) in hopes of protecting thier country from invasions from foriegn powers.
But what the government of Laos (along with everyone else) didn't count on was the Crash happening and causing the apocalypse. At which point most of the experiments managed to escape (after killing alot of other experiments in order to decrease the possibilty of having to fight others for food) the facilities they were werecreated in and went into the wild. The Ichthyovenator again became the top predator of Asia, slowly moving along the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and living along alot of the embankments of swamps, rivers, streams and lakes, where they fed off of the Fish, Crocodiles and Alligators that also started to move into the areas again.
Size Level: 20.
Length: 25 to 30 Feet
Weight: 1 to 2 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +8 P.S., +4 P.P., and +4 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three (3) fully functional fingers on each hand.
5 Bio-E for Full: Develops a fully functional, fully opposable thumb on each hand.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long, Crocodile-like snout (but MUCH longer), small eyes that are positioned on the sides of the head but face forward with no external ears. Thin body with wide hips, a long, straight neck, the habds and feet end in 3 claw tipped digits. Has a rigid tail that's as long as the body and a thick, sail-like structure that runs along the back and ends at the start of the tail and has a gap above the hips,
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a definite crocodile-like snout, eyes are small and beady and are placed more forward on the face. The neck is slightly long atop a rounded body while the arms are longer then before and protrude from the sides of the torso. The legs are long and skinny and the chararcter has a whip-like tail as long as the legs.
20 Bio-E for Full: A long, narrow head atop a thin neck. The eyes are small while the nose is long and thin. The body, arms and legs are long and lean with slightly rounded hips. The hands and feet are long and thin.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons (on the hands).
10 Bio-E for 3D6+1 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 3D6+2 damage Claws.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Hold Breath.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 7 and +20 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
20 Bio-E for Medium Natural Armour: A.R.: 10 and +35 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Dorsal Sail-like Bump.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And another:
Dinosaur (Theropod): Incisivosaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Incisivosaurus is a secies of small Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous (from 130 to 125 Million Years Ago) in the woodlands of what would become the Peoples Republic of China in Asia. The Incisivosaurus proved to Paleontologists that not all Theropod Dinosaurs were carnivorous in nature. Its head and teeth showed that they had all theadaptations of a typical plant eater (meaning that they had strong jaws with big teeth in the front for nipping off plant matter, and smaller teeth in the back for grinding it up).
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists in China decided that it might be a good idea to create a theme park featuring prehistoric creatures from the different eras of China's past in order to attract tourists from around the globe. They named this park the 古老的過去公園的生物 or Creatures of the Ancient Past Park.
But, soon after the development of the park (and just after the scientists put the animals into thier enclosures) the Crash happened and chaos swepped the world. With time, as civilization slowly rose from the ashes, some small towns were formed around small outposts. These towns contained mutants of different species. The Incisivosaurus became nomads that traveled and lived in the forest and jungle regions through out Asia.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 3 Feet (0.91 Metres) long.
Weight: 5-10 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 75.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +1 M.A., +2 M.E., +5 P.P., and +7 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatcally Partial: Has three fingers, one of which is opposable.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has three fingers and develops a thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: A narrow head atop of a sinuous neck. The eyes are large in thier orbits and the ears are small and inset into the head. The upper body is trim, while the lower body is wide with widely spaced legs. The arms are long and thin, while the legs are long and muscular. Has a long, stiff tail that's slightly longer then the length of the body, all of which is covered in brightly coloured feathers with larger ones on the arms. Has two (2) large, flat teeth that cause it to have what looks like an overbite.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head with small eyes and a flat narrow nose. The body is skinny with long arms and long, thickly muscled legs. Has a stiff tail as long as an arm. The body is still coveren with feathers with the exception of the face, stomach/chest, palms and feet, with larger ones on the arms. Has a large overbite.
20 Bio-E for Full: Round head with a long chin, large eyes, a large overbite with wide, flat teeth in the front of the mouth, and a flat, thin nose atop a long, thin neck. Has a skinny body but long, powerful legs and wide hips. The fingers and toes are long and thin. Has hair-like feathers on the head with a thin, downy coat of feathers on the arms and legs, taking the place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Rinning Claws on the Feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the Hands.
10 Bio-E for 3D6+2 damage Incisore Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's mutant number 3:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Megalosaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Megalosaurus is a species of carnivorous Theropod from the Late Jurassic period (160 Million Years Ago) and roamed the forests of what would eventually become Southern England, France and Portugal portions of Western Europe. During it's time, it wasn't all that different from any other large-toothed, big-headed carnivorous Dinosaur that roamed, lived, breathed, attacked and ate during the Late Jurassic. It did alot of good for the field of Palaeontology (being dug up in England in the year of 1676), but it's early discovery also had a terrible effect on science, since during the early 19th century, many dinosaurs that looked like the Megalosaurus had been put into the same family.
But with the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, some politicians from the various countries in Western Europe decided that they wanted to create thier own theme park that contained Dinosaurs that once roamed Europe. The Megalosaurus was one of these animals, even though it was far from the most popular.
But, then the Crash happened before they could finish the secondary portions of the enclosures to the exhibits. This allowed the various beasts from the ancient world to escape into the chaos. But, unfortunately, since the world had changed, the Megalosaurus species didn't have the usual prey to feed on and suffered for it. Although some members of the species DID manage to survive, the French members of humanity that managed to survive rounded them up and started to use them as slave labour and as shock troops.
Size Level: 20.
Length: 30 Feet Long.
Weight: 2 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +7 P.S., and +2 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has two fingers and a basic thumb.
5 Bio-E for Full: develops three fingers and the thumb is more dexterous.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a large head with a long, rectengular snout, massive mouth, small eyes on the sides of the head with a bony ridge above them and nostrils on the tip of the snout. The ears are inset into the head. Has a short, thick neck and short arms that protrude from the body. The body is held up by thick, powerful, bird-like legs and is balanced by a tail that's the length of the body. The feet have three (3) splayed, clawed toes and the arms end in three fingered claws.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a head thats more round and is shorter by half with tiny ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small and beady but are positioned on the face and has an eyebrow ridge above the eyes, and has nostrils on the end of the snout. The neck is thick and the arms are stubby but are heavily muscled and are bigger then before, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and legs are solid with muscle and has a muscular tail that's the length of the legs which protrudes from the lower back.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide flat nose and wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small and there's a small ridge above the eyes.The neck is thick and corded with narrow shoulders and powerful, but short, arms. The legs are short and end in wide feet that support a narrow barrel-shaped body.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the Feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D4+1 damage Bird Talons on the Hands.
15 Bio-E for 4D6+2 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Mutant number 4:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Proceratosaurus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Proceratosaurus is a species of Carnivorous Theropod from the Middle Jurassic (175 Million Years ago) and roamed the Plains of what would eventually become Western Europe. It's fossils were first discovered in Enngland in 1910 and was one of the largest hunters of its time. It is considered to be a member of the Coelurosaur family, specifally it is closely related to the most famous of Theropods, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the innventionof the E.G.G.'s, the science of Genetic Engineering became advanced enough that scientists could bring back various animals that went extinct. One of these animals was the Proceratosaurus. After doing a small study on the newly brought back Theropods, scientists found that they could be trained and domesticated like the modern Canines. When the study was completed, some of the newly trained Proceratosaurs went out onto the open market, to be purchased by various police forces across Europe. The rest went to various military instalations, compounds and secret government complexes to be used as Guard/Attack animals to help protect these installations.
When the Crash happened, a large amount of the guard animals managed to escape from captivity and into the wilds where they mutated into more intelligent life forms. After a time, as groups started to gather into small towns and villages, some of the newly intelligent members of the Proceratosurus decided to start work as guards and (in some cases) scouts for the various groups.
Size Level: 8.
Length: 9 Feet long.
Weight: 500 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +1 M.A., +1 M.E., +2 P.P, ++4 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three (3) digits per hand, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingers and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long, narrow head with a long jaw, that has a spike-like projection on it, atop a sinuous neck. The eyes are large in thier orbits with ears that are small and set flush against the skull. The upper body is trim while the lower body is wide, with widely spaced legs and powerful thighs. The arms are long and thin, ending in three (3) clawed hands, while the legs arwlong and thick. Has a long, stiff tail that is slightly longer then the length of the body (minus the head and neck). Has a small ridge of spines running down the length of the body, from the back of the head to the tip of the tail.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head with small eyes and a flat, narrow nose that has a small, spike-like projection rising from the tip. The body is skinny with long arms and long, and thickly muscled legs. Has a small, stiff tail that's as long as an arm.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a round head with a long chin, large eyes and a flat, thin nose atop a long, thin neck. Has a skinny body, but long, powerful legs and wide hips. The fingers and toes are log and thin.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the Feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the Hands.
10 Bio-E foe 2D6 damage Serrated Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 3D6+1 damage Running Claws on the Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed (runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: This is a special tail that is flexible and tightly muscled at the base and rigid down the length and at the end. It acts as a counterbalance, enabling the character to make rapid twists and turns while running. Provides +3 to Dodge while runnng and allows +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry and +2 to Dodge in Hand-to-Hand Combat.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.:+8 and +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for a Small Ridge of Vestigial Spines: These spines run down the back, from the top of the hea down to the base of the spine.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (Negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-15 Bio-E for Diurnal.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Number 5:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Protarchaeopteryx
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Protarchaeopteryx is a species of Bird-like Dinosaur that lived after its more famous cousin, the Archaeopteryx, during the Early Cretaceous (130 to 124.6 Million Years Ago) and roamed the forests and woodlands of what would eventually become Asia. Even though it couldn't "fly" like the Archaeopteryx, due to it being less aerodynamic and had less advanced features, scientists figured that it used is feathers as a sort of way to attract mates and to give it some "lift" in order to help it escape it's many predators. It was an Omnivore and was closely related to the Theropod Dinosaur, the Incisivosaurus.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the ivention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists proceeded to bring back various animals, including the Protarchaeopteryx. After a time, some scientists figured that it would be a good idea to mass produce the small Protarchaeopteryx for sale on the open market. As it happened, the small Dinosaur was a big seller in two (2) different markets. One (1) market was selling them to pet stores around the world, which then sold them as pets. The other market was much less kind to the animals. That market consisted of selling them as food for the starving people in developing nations across the globe. But the one (1) nation that bought the most Protarchaeopteryx's to use as food was none other then China itself, which started to claim that it was a "delicacy" of sorts.
But when the Crash happened, and chaos reigned world wide, the Protarchaeopteryx that were being kept as pets escaped the homes and pet shops across the world, reverting to a feral state rather quickly as they were mutating. The resulting feral mutants eventually became known as ranchers, raising non-intelligent, non-mutant animals to be sold in markets in various towns, villages and cities.
Size Level: 3.
Length: Up to 2 Feet long.
Weight: Up to 20 Lbs,
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 50.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +3 P.P. and +7 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has two fingers.
5 Bio-E for Full: Develops three fingers and a thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a small head with a long snout filled with sharp, pointed teeth. Has large eyes that fill thier orbits, small ears that are inset into the head and are positioned behind the eyes and a pair of nostrils at the end of the snout. The head is on top of a long, thin, flexible neck which is attached to a long, muscular body with thin shoulders and wide hips. The arms are long and thin, ending in three (3) fingers and has large feathers that are about 1/2 the size of the feathers on Birds of Prey and long, narrow, bird-like legs that have feathers running half (1/2) way down and scales running down the rest of the way, ending in three (3) large toes with sharp claws. Has a long, thin tail that is half the length of the body. The body is covered in a thick coat of feathers with large feathers on the end of the tail.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Head is bigger with a short, blunt snout, the eyes are smaller on the head, and nostrils that form slits on top of a long, thin, flexible neck. Has a narrow body, small shoulders and wide, muscular hips. Has long, thin arms that thicker then before and end in three (3) fingered hands. Has long legs that thin towards the feet, but are thicker then before and end in three (3) toed feet and a tail that's a quarter (1/4) the length of the body. The body is still covered with feathers with the exception of the face, hands, legs and chest/stomach.
20 Bio-E for Full: The head in round, with large eyes, small ears and a long, thin nose on top of a long, thin neck. The body is thin, but muscular with thin shoulders, wide hips and long, thin (but muscular) limbs. Has downy feathers in place of hair, with the thickest portions being on the head and a light "coating" covering the back, chest, legs, and arms which look like hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the Hands.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the Feet.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Glide.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Wing/Arm Feathers.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And finally mutant number 6:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Scansoriopteryx
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Scansoriopteryx is a species of small, feathered Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous (130 to 125 Million Years Ago) and roamed the woodlands of what would become Modern Asia. It spent most of its life living high up in the trees. It hunted for grubs and other insects by digging into the bark with its long, extended fingers. It is thought that, even though it was covered in feathers, it may have been incapable of flight. Its fossils were originally found in the Liaoning Province in China.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.s, scientists of Chine decided that they would recreate ancient, prehistoric creatures that once inhabited various parts/portions of mainland China. These recreated/cloned animals were then put into zoo's located in each provence of China, with at least 2 pairs (2 Males and 2 females) located in a zoo/theme park located near the capitol city of China. These animals were then put into groups in order to start the breeding process.
But, when the Crash happened, humanity started to die out and animals started to mutate and change, they proceeded to escape from the enclosure that they were in and escaped into the new world. Some of the enclosures were in either rural areas (such as areas for farming) or in a few major cities (like Shanghai), where the various animals managed to escape into and thrive in. The Scansoriopteryx is one (1) of the few mutants that managed to set up farming communes that cater to other mutants that eat insect larvae.
Size Level: 1.
Length: 1 Foot Long.
Weight: 1 Lb.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 80.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.P., +2 P.E., +2 Spd. and -1 I.Q.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has four (4) fingered Hands with one (1) being semi-opposable.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingers and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a small head with a thin, blunt snout of medium length, large eyes and inset ears atop a long, thin neck. Has a rectengular, muscular body with narrow shoulders and wide hips (both of which are muscular). The arms and legs are long and muscular in appearance, with the arms ending in three (3) fingered clawed hands. Has one finger longer then the others. Has a stiff tail as long as the body. The body is totally covered in feathers, with the exception of the snout, fingers and the lower legs.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a wedge-shaped head with large eyes, inset ears, a small snout attached to a short neck (which is shorter then before). The body is long and narrow with round hips and long legs. Has a pair of muscular arms that end in three (3) clawed fingers, one (1) of which is longer then the others by a third (1/3). Has a stiff tail as long as the arms and is covered by a thin coat of downy feathers.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a round head with a long jaw. Huge eyes, a flat, thin nose and small ears. The neck is muscular but thin, the body is lean and muscular with long, narrow limbs. The toes and fingers are exceedingly long with the pinkie finger on each hand being the longest, it being 1/3 the length of the other fingers.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Running Claws on the Feet.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons on the Hands.
10 Bio-E for 1D8+1 damage Sickle-like Claw (on the first toe on each foot).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E foe Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extra Epeed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: This special tail that is flexible and tightly muscled at the base and rigid right down the length and at the end. It acts as a counterbalance, enabling the character to make rapid twists and turns while running. Provides +7 to Dodge while running and allows +2 to Strike, +2 to Parry and +5 to Dodge in Hand-to-Hand Combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E foe Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 7 and +15 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Extreme Length Vestigial Pinky Finger: This finger is twice the length of the other fingers.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore,.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (Negates taking the Stiffened Tail above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by taalismn »

I see I'm going to have to dig out my dinosaur atlas again.
Thanks! :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Don't worry. You're going to eventually need an atlas that'll describe OTHER critters. :twisted:

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Time to post two new mutants. Here's the first:

Cryptid: Lizard Man
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: There are many tales from across the globe (with a large amount of the tales being in the Americas) of various species of Cryptozoological Reptile or Lizard Men/People. These stories and tales range from the times of the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient (mythological) Rama Civilization, consisting of tales and stories of the leaders/gods/emporers being Reptile in nature, to the more modern era, with tales of Alien Humanoids being reptilian in looks and various humanoid reptiles that were inhabiting swamps and sewers. There was a massive influx of reports of these humanoids during the late 20th and throughout the 21st centuries, leading many to believe that they were either natural occuring beings from here on Earth or Aliens from outside the solar system.
Little did the civilian population realise, the current Lizard Men/People were in fact beings that were cloned from the remains that were collected from an ancient civilization that had evolved after the extinction of the Dinosaurs and influenced humanity throughout it's development before finally dying out in the year 500 B.C.
Size Level: 13.
Height: 7 Feet.
Weight: 800 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 20.
Attributes Bonuses: +5 P.S., Beastly Strength, +2 P.P., +3 P.E. and +6 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three (3) fingered hands and a semi-opposable thumb.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingered hands with a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically Partial: Mostly consists of hisses between the words which come out gravily.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has a lisp.
Looks: Automatically Partial: Has a large head with large, yellow eyes, a short, blunt muzzle with large, flaring nostrils on the end of it and a thick, bony ridge above the eyes and a small, fin-like projection running from the brow ridge over the head and runs down the back and along the tail. The body is lean, tall and muscular, the shoulders are short and the hips are wide and thickly corded with muscles. Has long, muscular limbs with the arms ending in large, clawed three (3) fingered hands and the legs end in feet with four (4) clawed toes. Has olive or deep green coloured scaly skin.
Full Human Looks can NOT be taken.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Claws
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Aquatic Swimming at 80% and Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Taste.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
5 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
5 Bio-E for Natural Camouflage: Adds +20% to Prowl.
10 Bio-E for Nightvision.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
15 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.
15 Bio-E for Infered Vision: This allows the character to see the heat signatures of others.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Fins: These are located on the back of the head, back and the limbs and raise up/out when the feel threatened.
-5 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-5 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And here's the second for you all:

Fish (Ancient): Acanthostega
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Acanthostega is a species of ancient Fish that lived in rivers and swamps in the Northern Hemisphere during the Late Devonian (365 Million Years Ago). The Acanthostega was one (1) of the best known Tetrapod species that lived in the Devonian Era and was one of the best known Fish to have crawled up out of the water and onto dry land and represented an evolutionary "dead end"| for early land/water-based life. Paleontologists believe that it may have spent most of its time in shallow water. It used it's rudimentary legs to crawl from one pond/river/lake to another.
When Gene-Tech and the E.G.G.'s became allowable for the public to purchase, some scientists managed to get thier hands on the E.G.G.s and started to recreate various animals for study and to be sent to various parks and zoo's in order to increase the tourist business for them.
After a time, when the Crash happened and chaos started to spread across the globe, some eco-terrorists (that were part of a world-wide organization) in Canada and the United states decided that they'd get thier hands on some of the mutating animals. One (1) of the animal species that were taken just so happened to be the Acanthostega, which managed to escape the holding pens, that they were being kept in, and promptly ate thier "saviors". These newly escaped Acanthostega manged to go about helping a fairly large number of thier species escape from elsewhere and gather togther at the former eco-terrorists main base of operations and roceeded to plot a way to (hopefully) take over the planet.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 2 Feet.
Weight: Up to 10 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 55.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.P., +3 P.S., and +4 (Swim) Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: None: Has eight (8) digits on each front limb.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Has seven (7) fingers, one (1) of which has become semi-opposable.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has seven (7) fingers and one (1) is fully opposable.
Biped: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a broad, triangular or arrow-shaped head with huge, bulbous eyes on top of the head, wide mouth on a long, slimy body (with no obvious neck), spindly limbs and a long rudder-like tail. Has light gray skin with brown splotches covering it.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more humanoid form. The head is less broad with large eyes that are postitioned more to the front oof the face, a large, wide muth. Has what appears to be no neck, making the head seem to be attached to the shoulders, a slim body with thin arms and legs and a tail that's half as long as it used to be. Has light gray skin with light brown splotches.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a broad head and face with a large mouth, large, beady eyes, and appears to have no neck. Has a long, muscular body with long, spindly limbs. Has seven (7) fingers on each hand and eight (8) toes on each foot. Has skin that is glossy looking with freckles covering it and has NO hair at all.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Claws.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Touch.
10 Bio-E for Master Swimmer (Special): Equal to the Swimming: Advanced Skill and can survive depths of up to 200 feet without any special diving gear.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Hold Breath (twice as lng as usual).
15 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
15 Bio-E for Lateral Line: This is a primative form of the Lateral Line found on modern Sharks and works as a type of biological motion detector. The character can NOT be surprised so long as the attacker is within range of the system. Also adds +1 to Parry and Dodge. Range is 5 feet, double underwater.
15 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet.
-5 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail: The tail is as long as the legs.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Skin: Needs to remain near water at all times, otherwise the skin will dry out.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Here's another mutant for you all. I hope tat you enjoy it:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Guanlong Wucaii
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Guanlong Wucaii is a species of Tyrannosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period (160 Million Years Ago) and roamed along rivers, streams and lakes in what would eventually become China. It lived some 92 Million Years before it's more well known relative, the Tyrannosaurus Rex and shared many traits with it's later descendants while also having more unusual traits that didn't go on to more later members of the family. Unlike later Tyrannosaurs, the Guanlong Wucaii had three (3) long fingers on each hand (when compared to its descendants two (2) fingers) and had a distinctive bony crest.
When paleontologists in China finally got thier hands on Gene-tech and the E.G.G. technology, they decided that they would set up thier own paleo-zoic park in order to compete with the park called Mesozoicland. After many years of studing which animals would be perfect to be in the park, one (1) of which was to be the Guanlong Wucaii in order to be able to have more intricate selection of medium-sized (on the lower end of the scale) predatory dinosaur that could off set the small group of velociraptors. But, as they were preparing the dinosaurs were being prepared to be put out into thier enclosure, they killed one of the keepers and proceeded to tear apart the body with such verocity and viciousness. When this seen, some of the scientists, who were in actual fact government spies, went to see thier contacts in the upper echaelons of the government and proceeded to tell them of what happened and to show them the proof.
With this new information, the government confiscated the Guanlong Wucaii and gave them to the military in order to make them into biological weapons of sorts. After intensive study of the animals, the chinese officials that were affiliated with the military started to siphon money into the programs to clone more of the dinosaurs and then to train them for a number of possible uses. One of these uses was to put them towards fighting possible enemy forces on Chinese soil and to send them as part of invasion forces.
But then the Cash happened, throwing the world into chaos and panic. No part of the planet was safe as various governments across the globe collapsed and animals (as well as some of the remaining Humans) began to change and mutate into new forms. As the chaos was going on, the Guanlong's that were being held in captivity broke out from thier compounds and escaped into the wilderness, all the while mutating themselves. Eventually, they started to form packs and as these packs became more intelligent, at which point, some decided that in order to survive they'd become either bandits that would attack settlements or to become soldiers-for-hire/mercenaries that prover to be quite good at thier jobs.
Size Level: 6.
Length: 9.8 Feet (3.0 Metres).
Weight: Up to 75 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 40.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +1 M.A., +1 M.E., +3 P.P. and +5 Speed.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three (3) fingered hands, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
5 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingered hands and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a large head with a long, rectangular snout with large nostrils on the end, a wide mouth, a crest running the length of the snout and pointing backward and small, beady eyes atop a long, thin neck. Has a wide, barrel-shaped body with shall shoulders and thin arms that end in three (3) clawed hands, wide hips and long, muscular, bird-like legs ending three (3) clawed feet. Has a long, thin tail that's the length of the body and covered in feathers that are blue on top and white in colour on the stomach and chest.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head with a short, blunt snout, and a flat, narrow snout and a large, bony projection (is half the size that it was before) and small eyes that face more forward then before. Has a long neck on a body that's skinny with long arms resting on small shoulders and long, thickly muscled legs with wide hips that bulge with muscles. Has a stiff tail that's as long as an arm and has feathers that covers the whole body with the exceptions of the face, chest/stomach, lower legs, inner thighs and the arms.
20 Bio-E for Full: Round head with a long chin, large eyes and a flat, thin nose on top of a long, thin neck. Has small shoulders, a skinny body but long, powerful legs and wide hips. The fingers and toes are long and thin and has small, downy feathers in place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws on the Feet.
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Bird Talons on the Hands.
10 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: This is a specialised tail that is flexible and tightly muscled at the base and rigid down the length and at the end. It acts as a counterbalance enabling the character to make rapid twists and turns while on the run. Provides +3 to Dodge while running and allows +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry and +2 to Dodge while in Hand-to Hand Combat.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: +5 and +20 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Head Crest.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by taalismn »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Time to post two new mutants. Here's the first:

Cryptid: Lizard Man.

I THOUGHT Professor Sleestack at the LBU campus looked a little...reptilian...
Now we know.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

So I take it that it was good?

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Rathorc Lemenger wrote:So I take it that it was good?

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.

Mutants: Evolution in Action. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

That's great news. At least I know that the results of my efforts are on the good side of things.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

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Here's the first of three new mutants:

Cryptid: Fouke Monster
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Fouke Monster is a legendary Cryptid that lives in the area of Jonesville/Boggy Creek and inhabits te swamps in the area. It's also been seen, leading many to speculate that it has either a large territory or it constantly moves about, up to 700 miles to the North and East of Miller County in Arkansas. The creature is accused of attacking a local family and has been blamed for the destruction of livestock in the area.
There has been many books and movies created about the creature, including a major motion picture. There is a large amout of tales and local folklore about the creature, but none of them are really specific about it's origins.
The actual origin of the Fouke Monster is that it was an early genetic experiment in the early 1940's by the military, who built a hidden military base in the swamps, by combining the DNA of Wolves, Bears, Gorilla's and Humans in order to (and hopefully) create a super soldier that they could control, at which point, they created a pair of mates. But, this was not to be. The creatures some how managed to escape their enclosures and disappeared into the swamps, where they managed to thrive and create a small population.
When the Crash happened, there were a total of about 20 members of the Fouke Monster's race living the area of the swamps of Boggy Creek. This, in effect had created a sizable population that was slowly growing over time.
Size Level: 14.
Height: Up to 10 Feet (3 Metres) tall.
Weight: Up to 800 Lbs. (360 Kg).
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 15.
Attributes Bonuses: +12 P.S., Beastly Strength, +2 P.P., +3 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: Autromatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: Automatically None: Communicates through howls.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Is able to form basic words and has a deep, gravily voice.
Looks: Automatically Partial: A tall, broad humanoid with long, heavy limbs. The character iis covered from head to toe in long, thick, matted fur that is brown in colour and covers almost the entire body with the exceptions of the face, the palms of the hands and the feet.
Full Human Looks can NOT be purchased.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Insulating Water Repellent Fur: Keeps the character warm in even the worst weather. Cold does 1/2 damage, but the character will be miserable in extremely hot weather.
5 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Crushing Strengh.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator: The character will be very aggressive in nature and loves combat. Will have a very hard time getting along with others.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's the second of three new mutants:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Kileskus Aristotocus
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Kileskus Aristotocus is a species of Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Middle Jurassic Period (175 Million Years ago) and roamed the woodlands of what would become the Russian portion of Central Asia. The Kileskus is a type of Tyrannosauroid and was NOT part of the evolutionary line that would eventually produce the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The closest relative to it would have been the Protoceratosaurus and was clearily at (or near) the top of the food chain in the Central Asian habitat.
As with most creatures, the Kileskus Aristotocus was to be recreated when Gene-Tech and the E.G.G.'s were released into the general Public. At which point, the Russian Government decided that, like alot of other governments of the world at the time, they would create a super soldier by recreating the Kileskus and increasing it's Intelligence. The increase was done in hopes of making it more loyal and obedient to its creaters and the Russian government. But, when the first test subjects were put out into the field for training, it was found out that they were too unruly and chaotic.
But before they could be recalled, some of them managed to escape into the wilds of Russia just as the chaos of the Crash started to spread through out the world. After a time, some squads of Kileskus Aristotocus managed to safe younsters in order to increase the numbers of "Wild" Kileskus. Unfortunately, thier freedom didn't last long due to the fact that the Ganeshi of Inia decided that they proved to be to much of a threat to thier country. This led to a Genocide against the Kileskus by the Ganeshi as they were wiped from both the planet AND the history by the vicious Elephants of the sub-continant.
Size Level: 18.
Length: 9 Feet long.
Weight: 300 to 400 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +8 P.S. and +2 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial: Has three (3) fingered hands, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
15 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingered hands with a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a rectengular, box-shaped head, a massive mouth filled with teeth and a fin-like projection on the end of it, small eyes on the sides of the head and nostrils on the end of the snout. The ears are inset into the sides of the head. Has a short, thick neck and short, spindly arms arms that protrude from either side of the body and end in three (3) clawed hands. The body is held up by thick, powerful bird-like legs and is balanced by a tail that's the length of the body. The feet have three (3) splayed and clawed toes.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a long, rounded head with tiny ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small and beady and are positioned more forward on the face then before and the character has nostril slits for a nose on the end of a blunt snout, with a small projection above the nostrils. The neck is thick, the arms are stubby but heavily muscled, ending in three (3) clawed hands, while the rest of the body is narrow in comparision. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and a muscular tail the length of the legs protruding from the Lumbar region.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded with narrow shoulders and powerful, but short, arms. The legs are short and end in wide feet that supports a barrel-shaped belly.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons (on the hands).
10 Bio-E for 3D6+1 damage Teeth.
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Claws (on the hands).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 7 and +20 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
20 Bio-E for Medium Natural Armour: A.R.: 9 and +35 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Fin on Snout.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And here's the last of the three new mutants:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Sciurumimus
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Sciurumimus is a species of Theropod that lived during the Late Jurassic (150 Million Years Ago). It roamed the swamps of what would become today's Western Europe (specifically the area around Germany). It is also considered the contemporary of Archaeopteryx and was a primative part of the Megalosaur family tree and was the most strikingly well preserved fossil find in 20 years at the time of its discovery.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s (and thier subsequent release into the general public), the Sciurumimus was cloned in order to further the study of primative forms of various animal species. The newly cloned animals were, after a period of intricate study, then sent to various zoo's and animal preserves through out the world in order to see if they could be used for various things. It was thhen soon discovered that they were good at helping some people who had suffered trauma (of one sort or another) cope with what happened. Some of these animals were even sent to two (2) mental institutions to help the patients there, at which they greatly excelled at.
But then the Crash happened, sending the world into chaos and disorder. Either fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) the Sciurumimus that were at the mental institutions seemed to gain their intelligence and mutate quicker then those in the outside world, at which point they seemed to help the medical staff (along with the more "sane" patients) protect everyone on the grounds. This allowed the humans there survive and thrive, slowly gaining a small trickle of people coming in to join them from outside the property.
Size Level: 3.
Length: 2 Feet long.
Weight: 5 to 10 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 70.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +2 P.P., and +5 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has three (3) clawed hands.
5 Bio-E for Full: Develops a thumb on each of the three (3) clawed hands.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a flat, triangular head with large eyes on either side of the head and a long jaw. Has a long neck, a narrow body with wide hips. Has thin shoulders, short arms and the legs are long and muscular.Has a stiff tail that's the length of the body and is covered in downy-like feathers.
10 Bio-E for Partial: A wedge-shaped head with large eyes and a flat nose, attached to a long, muscular neck. The body is long and narrow with small shoulders, round hips, long legs and the arms are longer than before. Has a stiff tail that is the length of the legs. Most of the body is covered in thin, downy feathers.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a round head with a long jaw, huge eyes, a flat, thin nose. The neck is long and thin, the body is lean and has long, narrow limbs. The fingers and toes are long and dexterous and has small feathers in place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Running Claws (on the Feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons (on the Hands).

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Extra Speed (Runner).
5 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: This is a specialised tail that is flexible and tightly muscled at the base and rigid down the length and at the end. It acts as a counterbalance enabling the character to make rapid twists and turns while on the run. Provides +4 to Dodge while running and allows +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry and +3 to Dodge while in Hand-to Hand Combat.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 7 and +15 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (Negates the Stiffened Tail ability above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Well folks, I did up three new mutants that I'm going to post tonight. Here's the first:

Amphibian (Ancient): Aistopods
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Aistopods is a species of Snake-like Amphibian that lived during the Early Permian Period (from 298.9 to 252.2 Million Years Ago). It roamed the various waterways of the Northern Hemisphere and had a large number (a total amount of 11) of sub-species. It mainly hunted small fish, insects and other small creatures. When the fossils of this creature was found, there was NO trace of any limbs, let alone any limb girdles.
With the advent of Gene-tech and the inventing of the E.G.G.'s, some scientists decided to clone/recreate the Aistopods in hopes of studying the various ancient members of Amphibians. After some study, it was found that it was edible and that it could be eaten with absolutely NO ill effects. When this was found out, some scientists started to (re)create large amounts of the animal in order to be able to supply the world with more food.
Size Level: 5.
Length: Up to 3.3 Feet (1 Metre) in length.
Weight: Up to 40 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 55.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 P.S., Brute Strength, +1 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None: Mutant has no arms or hands and must manipulate objects with the tail (treat as Partil Hands).
5 Bio-E for Partial: The mutant develops stubby tentacle-like projections that sprout from the sides of the body.
10 Bio-E for Full: The "tentacles" develop branches at the ends that work as basic fingers and thumbs. Each hand has 2 fingers and a thumb.
Biped: Automatically None: The mutant has to crawl around on it's belly. This is done at 1/2 (half) of the characters maximum Speed.
5 Bio-E for Partial: The character develops a pair of short, stubby limbs that only allows him/her to stand bipedaly. The character is able to run/walk on all fours.
10 Bio-E for Full: The character gains a fully developed set of legs. Equal to a human.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a long, thin, Snake-like body with a large, flat, wedge-shaped head, large eyes, three pairs of gill slits, a large, wide mouth and a pair of nostrils on the end of the snout. Has NO limbs, but can aquire them later on. Also has no external ears.
5 Bio-E for Partial: Had a more Humanoid form. The body is shortened by half (1/2) in length and thicker in width, the head is more rounded with a small, blunt snout, large eyes that are more forward facing then before, a large, wide mouth and a pair of notrils that are on the end of the snout. May or may NOT have gills, if so, then only has one (1) pair of gill slits. Has no external ears.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has a large head, with a blunt nose and a promeninant chin, large eyes, small ears that are close to the head, a wide mouth. Has a lean, but muscular build and is small shoulders and a thin waist (if the limbs are purchased. Has a somewhat slimy look to the skin and may have small folds of skin on the neck that hides the gill slits.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4+1 damage Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Aquatic Swim Skill at 82%.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
5 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
15 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.
15 Bio-E for Damage Reduction: All Blunt Attacks, including hard impacts like bullets, do 1/5 damage. Does NOT work for cutting attacks or energy-based attacks.
20 Bio-E for Dual Breathing: This allows the mutant to breath both air AND water.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Skin.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Aquatic Skin.
-10 Bio-E for Webbed Hands and Feet (only if the character has Hands AND Feet).
-15 Bio-E for Aquatic Respitory System.
-15 Bio-E for Temperature Sensitivity: The mutant suffers from exposure from heat and cold twice (2x) as fast as normal. Also takes double (2x) damage from heat and cold based attacks.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's the second one (and I'm decently sure that Taalismn will enjoy it, who'd more then likely make a funny comment about it):

Dinosaur (Ceratopsian): Coahuilaceratops Magnacuerna
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Coahuilaceratops Magnacuerna is a species of Ceratopsian that lived during the Late Cretaceous Period (about 72 Million Years Ago). It roamed the plains of what would eventually become the Mexico portion of North America and fed on various plants. One (1) of the most unique features of the Dinosaur, other then the large protective frill, was the fact that it had the largest pair of horns (up to 4 feet or 1.2 Metres in length) of any known dinosaur.
Wi8th the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, scientists in the South-West decided that it would be a good idea to recreate various animals that could be studied for various uses. One (1) of the main uses was to have a more "biological, self-sustaining" item that could be used for clearing pastures, large boulders and trees and possiby replacxe some of the larger, more cumbersome farm equipment that couldn't maneuver well.
But then the Crash happened and chaos reigned across, and above, the globe. After a time, during which the animals started to mutate, the Coahuilaceratops Magnacuerna became known as southern farmers and free traders. Some of the crops that they grew consisted of corns, apples, oranges and some berries plants, which they had fermented about half (1/2) of.
Size Level: 22.
Length: 21 Feet (7 Metres) long, 6 Feet (2 Metres) tall.
Weight: Up to 14,000 Lbs.
Build: Short.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 M.A., +2 M.E., Beastly Strength, +3 P.S. and +5 P.E.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial: Had five (5) fingered hands, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has four (4) fingers and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: 10 Bio-E for Partial. 20 Bio-E for Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a huge, thick, frilledskull. The frill extends from the base of the skull, up and out and is 2 and 1/4 times as long as the skull. The face has a short beak with small eyes set high and spaced far apart on the head. The nostrils are situated on top of the beak. The body massive and round, with huge, but short limbs. The fingers and toes are extremely short and thick and end in tough, horn-covered nails. Has a tail that's half as long as the body.
10 Bio-E for Partial: The skull is bony with small eyes under a heavy brow and a wide, sharp, bony nose. The body is short, thick and wide with proportional limbs. Has a short, thick tail that barely reaches the ground. The hands, feet and fingers are fat and stubby with dense fingernails.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has beady eyes that are set in a snouted face. Has a short, thick body and limbs. The hands and feet are extremely pudgy with thick nails.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Hooked Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Nose Horn.
10 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Frill Supported Hooked Beak (can only be taken with Human Looks: Partial or Human Looks: None).
10 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Large Forehead Horns: These horns face inwards, towards each other.
15 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Horn Projections and Neck Shield: Acts as a natural helmet that provides the head with A.R.: 18 and +40 S.D.C.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Hearing.
5 Bio-E for Extra Mental Affinity.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
10 Bio-E for Extra Mental Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Endurance.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 9 and +25 S.D.C.
15 Bio-E for Crushing Strength.
20 Bio-E for Medium Natural Body Armour: A.R.: 11 and +40 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore (This is Gastrolithic Herbivory).
-5 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Horns (This negates the taking of the Horns Natural Weapons from above).

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

And here's the last one of the three new mutants:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Similicaudipteryx
Original Animal Characterististics:
Description: The Similicaudipteryx is a species of Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous period (from 125 to 120 Million Years Ago) and roamed the woodlands of what would eventually become the Chinese potion of Asia. When they were discovered and studied, Chinese Paleontologists found that the young members of the species had a different feather type from the adult members. There were three (3) fossils of this species that was found.
With the advent of Gene-Tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, the Similicaudipteryx was one (1) of the species that was cloned/recreated in hopes of furthing Humanities knowledge of the ancient creatures that had roamed the Earth. After some stuudy, it was found that it was relatively docile and made for good (albeit unusual) pets for the rich and famous of the world.
But, then the Crash happened, effectively wiping out the vast majority of Humanity and clearing the way for nature to make a come back, with a vengence. The Similicaudipteryx started to push out the various species of Rodents and other creatures that were considered to be "pests" of Asia and took over the niche that opened up.
Size Level: 4.
Length: Up to 3.5 Feet long.
Weight: 5 to 10 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 50.
Attributes Bonuses: +2 P.P., +3 P.E. and +3 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: Has two fingers at the end of the limb. 5 Bio-E for Full: Develops three fingers and a thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Has a blunt, almost box-like head with a short, blunt beak atop a long, sinous neck. The eyes are large and the ears are small. The upper body is trim and slender while the lower body is wide, with widely-spaced legs and are athletic. The arms are short and thin, having a wing-like appearance to them and having just two fingers on each. The legs are long and thick, being used for running. Has a long, stiff tail that is slightly shorter then the body. The body is covered in short feathers, except for the tail which has long feathers on it and the arms, while the face, lower legs and fingers which have no feathers on them.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head, small eyes and a flat, narrow nose. The upper body is skinny with long, skinny arms, which are longer then before, that are almost wing-like in appearance, a wide lower body with a thick waist and long, thickly muscled legs. Has long thin fingers and and large feet and toes that help in running. Has a long, stiff tail that is about 1/2 the length of the body. Body is covered in small feathers, with large feathers on the arms and tail. Has NO feathers on the stomach, face and lower legs.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a round head with a long chin, large eyes and a thin, flat nose on top of a long, thin neck. Has a skinny upper body with long, powerful legs and wide hips. The fingers and toes are long and thin. Has small feathers in place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Beak.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage Bird of Prey Talons (on the hands).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the feet).
10 Bio-E for 1D10 damage Buck Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Night Vision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Extraordinary Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: +6 to Dodge while running, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, +4 to Dodge while in Hand-to-Hand combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Feline.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 9, +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (negates taking the Stiffened Tail from above).
-10 Bio-E for Nocturnal.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Just too let everyone know, I've got four (4) new mutants that I'll be posting. Here's the first:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Yutyrannus
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Yutyrannus is a species of feathered Theropod that is related to Tyrannosaurus Rex. It lived during the Early Cretaceous Period (about 130 Million Years Ago) and roamed the Woodlands of what would eventually become modern day Asia. The Yutyrannus re-ignited the debate about whether the Tyrannosaurus family had scaly, green and Reptillian skin or had soft, downy feathers like a giant, baby duck. There is a rather large debate going on between Paleontologists about whether the Yutyrannus used the feathers for display during matiing season (possibly being brightly coloured to attract mates) or if they were used as insulation during cold weather (feathers, like hair, help to regulate the metabolism of warm-bloodied organisms).
As such, with the advent of Gene-tech and the invention of the E.G.G.'s, Paleontologists decided that they would clone the Yutyrannus in hopes of studying it further in order to finally ending the debate for now. After a time, and much studying, it was found that, even though the feathers were primative in comparson to bird feathers (and those of the bird-like relatives) they still made effective insulation for the animals and helped to protect them from weather. After, further study, it was determined that some more members of the Yutyrannus would be cloned and sold to various zoo's in different Asian countries in order to promote the theory (and possibility) that Theropd Dinosaurs and birds were related.
But, 2 (two) years later, the Crash happened and sent the world spiraling into chaos. At this point, a large number of Yutyrannus were being transported to the zoo's and sanctuaries, that had purchased them, managed to escape from thier trailers and spread into the world. Some of these creatures managed to meet up with other Dinosaurs, at which point, they joined together to form small, isolated communities to survive in thier new world.
Size Level: 20.
Length: 30 Feet long.
Weight: 1 to 2 Tons.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: Brute Strength, +7 P.S., +3 P.E. and +2 P.P.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial: Has three (3) clawed/fingered hands, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has hands with three (3) clawed/fingered hands and has a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Still looks like a Dinosaur, with a rectangular, box-shaped hea, massive mouth, and small eyes that are positioned on either side of the head and nostrils on top of the snout. The ears are inset into either side of the head and right behind the eyes. Has a short, thick neck and short, spindly arms protruding from the chest and each arm ends in four (4) clawed hands. The body is held up by thick,npowerful, bird-like legs and is balanced by a body length tail. The feet have three (3) splayed, clawed toes. Has long, downy feathers covering the body with the exception of the Face/muzzle, hands, and the lower legs/feet. Also has two (2) small, horn-like projections rising from above the eyes and has a wavy crest on the snout.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a long, rounded head with tiny, inset ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small, beady and positioned more to the front of the face, and the character has nostril slits for a nose. The neck is thick, the arms are longer then before and are heavily muscled, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and has a muscular tail that's the length of the legs and protrudes from the hind quarters. Has a thin coat of feathers covering the body.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded with muscle and has narrow shoulderts and powerful, but short arms. The legs are short and ending in wide feet thatsupports a barrel-shaped belly. Has small, downy feathers that cover the body and a promenant brow ridge.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damagenTeeth.
5 Bio-E for Infectious Bite (Requires Serrated Teeth).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the Feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D4 damage Bird Talons (on the Hands).
15 Bio-E for 4D6+2 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 8 and +20 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
15 Bio-E for Medium Natural Armour: A.R.: 10 and +35 S.D.C.
15 Bio-E for Basic Insulation: Helps to protect the character from heat and cold. Reduces the heat and cold based penalties by 1/5.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness,
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Feathers.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
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Comment: I am the explorer Extreme. Searcher of all things mysterious and interesting. FEAR ME.
Location: Nova Scotia

Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's mutant number 2:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Sinotyrannus Kazuoensis
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Sinotyrannus Kazuoensis is a species of Proceratosaurid Theropod Dinosaur, and a relative of Tyrannosarids, that lived during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Periods (about 120 Million Years Ago). It roamed the forests and glades of what would eventually become Modern day Chinese portion of Asia and may have lived alongside the small Theropod Microraptor.
With the creation of Gene-Tech and the inventing of the E.G.G.'s for the public to use, the Sinotyrannus became one of the first Dinosaurs to be brought back to the land of the living. This was done with high hopes of possibly increasing the knowledge of various Basel lifeforms of different ancient creatures. As time passed, it was found that the Sinotyrannus was very intelligent (about equal to a Lemur) and listened well to thier trainers, at which point it was decided that they would be put to some good use, such as guard and attack animals.
When the Crash happened and chaos broke out worldwide, some of the humans that lived in China and who were part of the military, had survived and proceeded to go towards various military bases that housed some of the (re)created animals. Upon reaching some of the bases, the survivibng humans decided that they would create more animals in hopes of creating an army of sorts, at which point, they increased the intelligence and giving more humanoid forms from those of some of the creatures, who were already starting to mutate.
Size Level: 20.
Length: 33 Feet (10 Metres) long.
Weight: Up to 8,000 Lbs.
Build: Medium.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 0.
Attributes Bonuses: +3 I.Q., Brute Strength, +8 P.S., +2 P.E. and +2 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 10 Bio-E for Partial: Has four (4) fingers on each hand, one of which is semi-opposable.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingers and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial. 10 Bio-E for Full.
Looks: None: Still looks like a Dinosaur, with a rectangular, box-shaped hea, massive mouth, and small eyes that are positioned on either side of the head and nostrils on top of the snout. The ears are inset into either side of the head and right behind the eyes. Has a short, thick neck and short, spindly arms protruding from the chest and each arm ends in four (4) clawed hands. The body is held up by thick,npowerful, bird-like legs and is balanced by a body length tail. The feet have three (3) splayed, clawed toes. Has a small sail-like ridge that runs up from the front of the snout, behind the nostrils, and ends just behind the eyes, black feathers and dark gray, almost black, scales.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a long, rounded head with tiny, inset ears and a wide jaw. The eyes are small, beady and positioned more to the front of the face, and the character has nostril slits for a nose. The neck is thick, the arms are longer then before and are heavily muscled, while the rest of the upper body is narrow in comparison. The legs and hips are solid with muscle and has a muscular tail that's the length of the legs and protrudes from the hind quarters. Also, the character has a small, thin nasal ridge that runs the length of the snout and the body is covered in fine, black, downy feathers and the scales that are bare are black or dark gray in colour.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a long, narrow face with a wide, flat nose and a wide mouth. The eyes and ears are small. The neck is thick and corded with muscle and has narrow shoulderts and powerful, but short arms. The legs are short and ending in wide feet thatsupports a barrel-shaped belly. Has dark, almost black, skin and black downy feathers in the place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 3D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for Infectious Bite (requires Serrated Teeth).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the Feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird Talons (on the Hands).
15 Bio-E for 4D6+1 damage Serrated Teeth.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Predator Burst.
10 Bio-E for Beastly Strength.
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 8 and +20 S.D.C.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed.
20 Bio-E for Medium Natural Armour: A.R.: 10 and +35 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Musk Glands.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Feathers.
-10 Bio-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail.
-10 Bio-E for Nearsightedness.
-10 Bio-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Predator.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Rathorc Lemenger
Posts: 1576
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:20 pm
Comment: I am the explorer Extreme. Searcher of all things mysterious and interesting. FEAR ME.
Location: Nova Scotia

Re: Rathorc's New Mutants

Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Here's mutant number 3:

Dinosaur (Theropod): Beipiaosaurus
Original Animal Characteristics:
Description: The Beipiaosaurus is a species of Herbivorous Theropod Dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous Period (about 125 Million years ago) and roamed the woodlands of what would become the Chinese portion of modern day Asia. They are one (1) of the most primative members of the Therizinosaur family (with the Theropod Dinosaur Falcarius being even earlier), which had the distinguishing features of long claws on the fore-limbs, feathers covering the entire body and having a bigger brain case.
Since the Beipiaosaurus is a member of such an unusual family, Paleontologists from China decided to clone them when Gene-Tech and the E.G.G.'s were allowed to be used by the general public. After awhile, it was decided that the Beipiaosaurus would join other ancient animals from bygone era's and times in a large zoo that would showcase the various prehistoric beasts that onnce inhabited Asia.
But when the Crash happened, and chaos reigned supreme the world over, the Beipiaosaurus was one of the creatures that decided to stay near where they had lived. After a time, as they gained more and more sentience, they formed a small city state for themselves and others who had stayed behind with them.
Size Level: 7.
Length: 7 Feet long.
Weight: 75 Lbs.
Build: Long.

Mutant Changes & Costs:
Total Bio-E: 50.
Attributes Bonuses: +1 I.Q., +1 M.E., +3 P.P., and +4 Spd.

Human Features:
Hands: 5 Bio-E for Partial: Has three (3) fingers, one (1) of which is semi-opposable.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has three (3) fingers and a fully opposable thumb.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Speech: 5 Bio-E for Partial: Is high pitched and is filled with clicks, squaks and whistles.
10 Bio-E for Full: Has full human vocals.
Looks: None: Has a narrow head with a long jaw, with a short beak on the end, atop of a long, sinuous neck. The eyes are large and the ears are small and inset into the head. The upper body is trim, with small shoulders, while the lower body is wide wiith widely spaced legs. The arms are long and thin, ending in three (3) clawed hands, while the legs are long and thick. Has a long, stiff tail that is slightly shorter then the length of the body and is covered in feathers, with larger ones on the fore-limbs/arms and a small patch of long feathers on the end of the tail.
10 Bio-E for Partial: Has a more rounded head with small eyes, that are more forward facing then before, and a flat, narrow nose. The body is skinny with long arms and long, thickly muscled legs. Has a stiff tail as long as the arms. Still has a large amount of feathers covering the body.
20 Bio-E for Full: Has a round head with a long chin, large eyes and a flat, thin nose atop a long, thin neck. Has a skinny body, but long powerful legs and wide hips. The fingers and toes are long and thin. Has small feathers in place of hair.

Natural Weapons:
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Running Claws (on the Feet).
5 Bio-E for 2D6 damage Bird of Prey Talons (on the Hands.
5 Bio-E for 1D6 damage Teeth.
5 Bio-E for 1D4 damage (small) Beak.

Mutant Animal Powers:
5 Bio-E for Advanced Vision.
5 Bio-E for Nightvision.
5 Bio-E for Internal Compass.
5 Bio-E for Righting Reflex.
10 Bio-E for Advanced Smell.
10 Bio-E for Leaping: Standard.
10 Bio-E for Extra Speed (Runner).
10 Bio-E for Extra Physical Prowess.
10 Bio-E for Stiffened Tail: This is a specialised tail that is flexible and tightly muscled at the base and rigid down the length and at the end. It acts as a counterbalance enabling the character to make rapid twists and turns while on the run. Provides +2 to Dodge while running and allows +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry and +2 to Dodge while in Hand-to Hand Combat.
15 Bio-E for Leaping: Rodent.
20 Bio-E for Light Natural Armour: A.R.: 10 and +25 S.D.C.

Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 Bio-E for Colour Blindness.
-5 Bio-E for Diet: Herbivore.
-5 Bio-E for Vestigial Feathers.
-10 Bio-E for Vestigial Tail (Negates taking the Stiffened Tail ability above).
-10 Bio-E for Reptile Brain: Prey.

Rathorc Lemenger,
President of Lemenger Biologics Unlimited.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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