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Unread post by ZINO » ... 2z9tgq.jpg
artist comment A sort of Guyver-esque bio suit dude.
Update: Have changed the suit to appear more organic... well... metallic organic. ... 3jp4lv.jpg ... 3jp4lv.jpg ... 6019&qo=31

artist comment Another design for Tysho and his nano machine/morphing armour. Elbow katana's are cool, right? No other biomechanical armour uses elbow blades! ... oh.

“No one knows what they are but when they show up, they fight as hell against any robots. Also the robots always stop attacking us and attack them .which help us and loss a lot of hardware “said Ralph "the Red" Bellamy

This all the house know:
For almost 100 year no believe the myth and rumors of another type of splice tech. It was a legend a joke to all houses but recent video clips shown by the techno jack and the Ralph "the Red" Bellamy have seen for themselves on combat!! There were about to be over run by the machine when they show out of no where. Even the machine stop attacking Ralph "the Red" Bellamy and squads that were with them!!! So far there are several types the cost and design are specific there are recon to heavy infantry to close quarter combat to even two type one Archangels human size but there another that radical design against jet fighter in speed , maneuverability’s and fire powers. But it seems the machine have been aware of these bio suits for some time. The first reports came 100 years from a dying techno jack and no one believes since it was a techno jack that said it. They are very military and well armed in what they do and never start a battle unless they have to or aided. Even Saint, Scarecrow are a lost with this new bio suit and lost of words. There are so many questions are they new elites of bio tech/splicer or are they from a house or are they form new small house? How are they making this cellular Host Armor? Where are they are hidings at for all this time? What is there agenda? Who makes them or how? They are always in pairs or more. SO FAR THIS IS WHAT THEY SEEN

They can be the following cellular Host Armor class
• Archangel (close air support)
• Biotic (elites) these are people with normal IQ but volunterr
• Outrider (ground support)
• Pack master (scouts and perimeter)
• Dread guard (heavy combat/ assault class)
• Roughneck (infantry or heavy combat)
• Skin job (Stealth espionage any melee weapon reduce cost by 3)
• Sea operation get any under water bio-e cost divide by 3 if on land -9 to all and speed this goes only for Biotic (elites) ,Outrider (sea /beach support),and Roughneck only so far there are no Dread guard for sea operations

They can NPC or playing character

They can be the following cellular Host Armor class
• Archangel (close air support) all fight cost 1/3 and range weapons as well
• Biotic (elites) these are people with normal IQ but volunteer and cost are 1/3
• Outrider (ground support) cost the same but organic vehicles cost 1/3
• Pack master (scouts and perimeter) all blade weapons cost 1/3 , perimeter are one heavy and ant communication and sensory at 1/3 cost
• Dread guard (heavy combat/ assault class) all weapons at 1/3
• Roughneck (infantry or heavy combat) any range systems at 1/3
• Skin job (Stealth espionage any melee weapon reduce cost by 3)
• Sea operation get any under water bio-e cost divide by 3 if on land -9 to all and speed this goes only for Biotic (elites) ,Outrider (sea /beach support),and Roughneck only so far there are no Dread guard for sea operations

Class: cellular Host.
Crew: One human pilot.
Base M.D.C. by Location: base bio-e 6d6x10+100
5D8 X10 M.D.C. ADDD 1D4X10+8 PER LEVEL , bio-e gifts 2d6x10+50
Carries a bio armored look below

** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body effectively destroys and kills the cellular Host symbiotic organism, turning to dust. The pilot is in real jeopardy of to death or being captured by the enemy or gunned down without bio armored. Are dazed For most ordinary people, dizziness will occur within two minutes (-2 to strike, parry and dodge, -30% to skills), fall unconscious within four minutes ,

Dread guard is not ordinary, however, and can last twice as long (dizziness and penalties occurring after four minutes, falling unconscious after eight minutes and into a coma after
10 minutes, with death occurring in ID4+12 minutes).

Speed (Starts the same for all Host Armors):
Running: Starting maximum speed is only 60 mph (96 km) + 1D6x 10 mph (16 to 96 km). The act of running does tire the pilot wearer, but at only 10% the normal fatigue rate, thanks to the musculature and augmentation of the Host Armor.

Leaping: A young Host Armor can only leap up to 20 feet (6.1 m) high or 40 feet (12.2 m) across from a standing position.
Digging: 20 mph (32 Ian) through sand or dirt, but one quarter as fast through rock or concrete. Digging tires out its pilot, but at half the usual fatigue rate. To dig down enough to adequately
Hide from enemies on the surface takes 3D6 melee rounds.

Swimming: 30 mph (48 Ian/25 .9 knots); swimming tires the pilot but at 10% the usual rate.
Underwater Depth: The Host Armor can withstand pressure up to 700 feet (213.4 m) down.
Flying: Flight is not possible for a basic Host Armor.
Statistical Data (Starts the same for all Host Armors):

Height: Approximately 1 feet (0.3 to 0.6 m) is added to the height of the pilot.
Width: About 3-4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m), based on the size of the pilot.
Length: About 2-3 feet (0.6/0.9 m), based on the size of the pilot.
Weight: Adds 1d6x10 pounds for heavy to the weight of the pilot. For the rest 1d4x10
Cargo: None, other than what the character can carry.
Handheld Bio-Weapons and gear contained in satchels, backpacks and bags can be strapped to the back of the Host Armor, slung over the shoulder or hung on various appendages (spikes, spines, and outcroppings).
Physical Strength (P.S.): 4D6
Robotic Physical Strength (P.S.): 4D6+ 10 - Splicer P.S. is equal to

Production Cycle: 2 weeks gestation, plus 1 month’s growth time.

Operational Lifetime: 2D10+40 year life span.
Trade Value: None because each Host Armor is bonded to a specific pilot and will not function for any other person.

Bio-Regeneration: 2D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body
and ID4 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations, the Host Armor cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems that have been reduced to zero (there must be some M.D.C. remaining), but an Engineer can generate and attach a replacement limb with minimal difficulty.

Horror Factor: 15 for humans and other intelligent live forms; none against the machines

Senses & Features: All Host Armors have advanced sight, about equal to that of an eagle, able to recognize a face or read a small sign up to a mile (1.6 Ian) away, passive night vision (light
amplification, range: 2000 feetl610 m), polarization (to prevent blinding and reduce glare), sound amplifying hearing (able to hear a whisper 300 feetl91.5 m away) and a sense of taste and smell about twice as acute as an ordinary human. The Host Armor can also accurately sense magnetic north at all times, as well as project the pilot's voice at up to 80 decibels as if amplified by a megaphone/loudspeaker. The Armor itself is shielded from damage by high intensity sounds, radiation and normal (S.D.C.) heat, fire and cold. The Host Armor purifies the air before it is passed on to its pilot, removing all toxins, poisons and impurities before it is breathed. The Host Armor also has a built-in system of gills to allow an armored pilot to breathe via the Host Armor, underwater for an unlimited period of time.

Special Communications: All Host Armors possess a unique set of communications gear called Bio-Comms. These organic resonators create sympathetic vibrations in other living creatures that can then be decoded by other Bio-Comm units, creating a system of telepathic-like communication that has proven to be undecipherable to the creations of the Machine. However, maximum
Bio-Comm range is only 6 miles (9.6 Ian).

Feeding: See Step Two; based on the metabolism chosen for the cellular Host Armor.
Sleep Requirements: See Step Two; based on the metabolism chosen for the Host Armor. The Armor does not actually "sleep" but needs a certain amount of inactivity per day ,all cellular Host Armor need 2 hour rest .
Even if the Host Armor does not require sleep or rest, the pilot still does.
Combat Bonuses: All combat bonuses are based on the metabolism, but all Host Armors have instinct driven reflexes that are roughly the equivalent of a biological combat computer that adds + 1 to strike, parry and dodge. These instinctual drives assess threats, plot available targets and route the relevant data directly to the pilot's mind as sort of an enhanced reflex action. The Host Armor is able to simultaneously track up to 18 targets and to identify as many as 4000 enemy images and sounds.

Damage: Hand to hand damage is based on the fmal Splicer/ Robotic P.S. of the Host Armor, bite damage is based on metabolism, and as per any handheld weapons or melee weapons that are part of the suit. Ranged attacks are based on which Bio-Weapons are grown onto the Host Armor with the available Bio-E points.

Type of cellular Host Armor
Carnivore Host Armor
Lithovore Host Armor
Omnivore Host Armor
Photosynthetic Host Armor

Determining Available Bio-Energy Points for Customization of the Host Armor
Step Three:
Determining Available Bio-Energy Points for Customization of the Host Armor
Dread guard gets an amount of Bio-E equal to his ME. attribute number +P.E. attribute number +5d6x10,in addition to any bonus Bio-E gained from the Metabolism chosen in
Step Two.
Each level of advancement gets the character an additional lD4xlO Bio-E to add to the capabilities of his current Host Armor. If the Dreadguard's Host Armor should be
killed/destroyed, the character will get a new suit (roll another 3D6xlO and add it to M.E. and P.E. numbers to calculate a new Bio-E total). HOWEVER, any Bio-E from the old suit or Bio-E gained before from experience level advancement is lost, and the character must gain new levels to gain additional Bio-E.

Eyes & Vision Enhancement (recon dive by 3)
Other Sensory Enhancements (recon dive by 3)
Biological Defenses (recon standard combat reduce by 3)
Anatomical & Physiological Features (recon standard combat reduce by 3)
Additional Limbs & Enhanced Arms & Hands Legs & Feet Legs: Leaping Legs:
(Close quarter combat reduce by 3)
Legs: Serpentine Lower Body: NOT AVAIBLE

Flight Appendages Archangel (close air support reduce by3)
Tail Appendages(Close quarter combat reduce by 3)
Offensive Bio-Weapons (combat reduce by 3)
Splicer Bio-Weapons(combat reduce by 3)
& Defenses for Host Armor(combat reduce by 3)

Ranged Bio-Weapons Viral Immobilizer not available

Casting Gun Cannons (combat reduce by 3) On the Behemoth's back are what looks like howitzer cannon barrels made of flesh and bone. These Casting Guns fire rounds created from organic waste materials generated by the War Mount from the food it consumes and from food actually eaten by the guns themselves (which may include grass, hay, processed food and carrion shoved down the barrels during quiet moments). The casting shells are then filled with a powerful, organic liquid
explosive, which is manufactured inside the Casting Guns. The Casting Guns then use a combination of natural explosive gases, which are similar to flatulence (methane) to fire the shells. These cannons only have enough casting shells to fire a limited number of rounds before the guns need more "food" (new organic material) to generate more ammunition.
The six cannon barrels can be raised and lowered independently or in unison 90 degrees, and tum from side to side 180 degrees.
page 112

Organic Rocket Launchers (combat reduce by 3) Each of the Behemoth's shoulders is topped with an arsenal of organic rockets. Each organic rocket appears as a small point protruding from the

War Mount's plated shoulders. These are the organic versions of high-tech mini-missiles. Each organic rocket has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to a tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose of the rocket allowing it to see, track and hit its target independently. This provides each of the organic rockets with one attack/action per melee round, and a bonus of +6 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down (each rocket has 11 M.D.C.), or peters out and dies in 2D4 melee rounds

Bone Blades(close quarter combat or recon reduce by 3)

Super Light Cells (2-6): As many as two of these laser orbs/eyes can be mounted in each shoulder plus two in the chest; typically has two or three (three are shown in the illustration). To hit an opponent the War Mount must shift its shoulder or entire upper body.
Primary Purpose: Self-Defense, Assault and Anti-Armor.
Mega-Damage: 1010+5 M.D. for a single laser blast or
2D 1 0+ 1 0 for a simultaneous dual blast and so on for other blast volleys (several lasers fired simultaneously at the same target).
The light produced by these cells contains the full spectrum of light, so its beams do full damage even to laser resistant armors
(it's not a true laser).
Rate of Fire: Each single, double or larger volley blast counts as
one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet (305 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Bio-Energy Cannons (2): (combat reduce by 3)
Melee Bio-Weapons must have WP to use
Acid Edged Blades (combat reduce by 3)
Spiked Hammer
All Bio-Energy : you get four single shot every PE point , for burst is 2 PE points
Bio-Energy Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Bio-Energy Pistol (Light Bio-Weapon)
Bore Pistol (Light Bio-Weapon)
Bore Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Electro-Pulse Gun(combat reduce by 3)
(Heavy Bio-Weapon) (combat reduce by 3)
Burner (Heavy Bio-Weapon) (combat reduce by 3)
Light Cell weapon systems can be double barrel
Light Cell Laser Rifle
(Light Bio-Weapon)
Light Cell Laser Pistol
(Light Bio-Weapon)
Pod Weapons
Bio-Tech Explosives
"Living" Body Armor
M.D.C. Body Armor
Bio-Tech Explosives
All Shard weapon systems payload ( x) times ten (10)
Shard Rifle (Light Bio-Weapon)
Bio-Rocket Slinger
(Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Shard Pistol (Light Bio-Weapon)
Pod Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Pod Weapons
Pod Pistol
Light Cell Laser Pistol
(Light Bio-Weapon)
Light Cell Laser Rifle
(Light Bio-Weapon)
Burner (Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Electro-Pulse Gun
(Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Bore Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)
Bore Pistol (Light Bio-Weapon)
Bio-Energy Pistol (Light Bio-Weapon)
Bio-Energy Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)

Add to suit no penalties while has MDC : pick one
Chitinous Armor (Heavy)
• M.D.C.: Main Body: 2DSx 10+ 100 M.D.C. - Arms and Legs:
lD6x10+50 M.D.C. each- Head: ID6xlO+60 M.D.C.
• Weight: 50 pounds (22.5 kg).
• Armor Regeneration: 606 M.D.C. per minute, and destroyed sections will regenerate in 10 hours.
• Fair Mobility: -15% penalty applies to such skills as Prowl
Climb, Swimming, Acrobatics, and Gymnastics. The heavy: bulky armor also reduces running and flying speed by 20%.
• Trade Value: IS,000-20,000 credits. Fair availability, this
Suit tends to be held in reserve for soldiers assigned to hazardous duty, officers and special forces.
Dragon Scale Armor (Heavy)
• M.D.C.: Main Body: 2D6xlO+S0 M.D.C. - Arms and Legs:
lD6xlO+30 M.D.C. - Head: ID6xlO+40 M.D.C.
• Weight: 30 pounds (13.5 kg).
• Armor Regeneration: 406 M.D.C. per minute, and destroyed sections will regenerate in 12 hours.
• Good Mobility: -10% penalty applies to such skills as Prowl, Climb, Swimming, Acrobatics, and Gymnastics. The bulky armor also reduces running and flying speed by 10%.
• Trade Value: 15,000-16,000 credits. Good availability.
Heavy Hide Armor (Medium)
• M.D.C.: Main Body: IDSx10+50 M.D.C. - Arms and Legs:
lD4x10+22 M.D.C. - Head: lD6xlO+30 M.D.C.
Weight: 20 pounds (9 kg).
• Armor Regeneration: 306 M.D.C. per minute, and destroyed sections will regenerate in 14 hours.
• Excellent Mobility: -5% penalty applies to such skills as Prowl, Climb, Swimming, Acrobatics, and Gymnastics; no penalties to running and flying speed.
• Trade Value: 13,000-14,000 credits. Good availability, this is one of the most common of the living armors and is often used by the non-combat members of the Resistance.
Leatherback Armor (Light)
• M.D.C.: Main Body: ID6xlO+35 M.D.C. - Arms and Legs:
3010+12 M.D.C. -Head: ID6xlO +20 M.D.C.
• Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg).
• Armor Regeneration: IDS M.D.C. per minute, and destroyed
sections will regenerate in 16 hours.
• Superior Mobility: No skiWmovement penalties at all.
• Trade Value: 10,000-12,000 credits. Excellent availability
and very popular among members of the Human Resistance
who are not involved in direct combat.


Wing Packs ( close air support )
Archangel( close air support )
Biotic ( elites ) 8d6x10 +100 bio E
Outrider ( ground support) add 3d6x10 +100
Packrnaster( scouts and perimeter) add 2d6x10 +50
Dreadguard( heavy assault class ) add 5d6x10+100
Roughneck( infantry ) add 3d6x10+50
Skinjob ( sleuth and espionage ) light to medium weapons systems

ADD M.D.C Skin: The excruciating process of becoming a Skinjob gives the character extremely tough, bio-synthetic skin with 3D6x10+60 M.D.C., and gets an additional 2D8
M.D.C. points per level of experience, starting at level two. Lost M.D.C. bio-regenerates at a rate of 1D6 M.D.C. every 10 minutes or 6D6 M.D.C. per hour. The skin is also impervious
to Mega-Damage fire and cold, and quite resistant to pain; no amount of physical pain will impair the Skinjob's skill performance or interfere with his concentration or purpose.
Chameleon Skin: The color and pattern of the skin changes, at will, to adapt to any environment or surroundings. This is a superior chameleon skill that enables the character to blend in with his surroundings completely. In water the character's skin become a reflective surface that looks like rippling water, in a forest he may appear as a pile of leaves or patterns of light and dark that change as he moves. He can appear as grass and scrub, dirt and rocks, brick and concrete, steel and similar colors, shading, and environments with exactly the right shades and reflections. This ability is so lightning fast that the character's skin can take on the appearance of his surroundings as fast as the character can run (01-80% likelihood
of remaining unseen! Effectively invisible). Cannot do iridescent colors or neon, but that's about it. Note: Any clothing or armor that is worn over the body covers the changing skin underneath and the clothes stand out like a neon sign, which is why Skinjobs seldom wear clothing or armor, other than a cloak or robe that can be quickly shed when needed. Likewise, weapons will also stand out, but their narrow profile makes them easy to hide, although they still inflict a -10% penalty to remain unseen while camouflaged.

Stealth Field: While not true "invisibility," the character can generate a stealth field around him her that renders the Skinjob and anything he is wearing or carrying (up to 200 Ibs/90 kg in weight) semi-invisible at will. If the character is carrying weight exceeding the limit, the Skinjob remains visible, unable to generate the stealth field. The stealth field creates a sort of shimmering blur of color reflecting the surroundings, reminiscent of a heat haze on the landscape.
When not moving at all, the Skinjob is completely invisible, but when the character moves there is a chance that an opponent will see the distortion on the surrounding background. The character is 01-90% undetectable if moving at a walking pace or slower, 01-70% undetectable if jogging (half Spd.) and only 35% undetectable if moving at full speed. Neither normal vision, infrared optics, thermal-imaging systems, heat sensors, nor night vision can see through the Stealth field, however, motion detectors, seismic sensors, sonar and radar can detect the Skinjob in motion, provided they are geared to detect ground movement. Although the Skinjob is imperceptible to the naked eye, he retains his physical mass, meaning his movement makes noise (footsteps, breathing, bumps, knocks, etc.), he cannot go through walls, and may be tracked and pinpointed by the noise he makes or the trail he leaves behind.

Silent Prowl (special): All Skinjobs are trained to move silently and stealthily, even at a fast run (full Spd.). Automatically gets the Prowl skill at a +55% bonus and can go over 100% . Unless there are special circumstances, such as gravel, dry leaves, or lots of twigs (can only move at half speed across them without making noise and there is a -20% Prowl penalty), the character Prowls silently even at a fast speed and only needs to roll
a skill check once every ten minutes to see if he has managed to remain silent.

Feign Death: A Skinjob can fake death by lowering his body temperature and respiration to appear dead. This is done with a skill equal to 45% +5% per level of experience. This requires
Few minutes of preparation and meditation. This state can be maintained for 30 minutes per level of experience. While feigning death, the character is only vaguely aware of
what's happening around him, but is fully aware of anything done to his body, and can snap out of the fake death trance in a heartbeat.

the player/ pilots them selves get
SDC and skills the same

Starting S.D.C. by O.C.C
Average civilian or technician in the Human Resistance -
Average human Resistance Fighter - 3D6+ 20
Average human in a Retro-Village - 2D6+ 14
All other characters will have their starting S.D.C. indicated
Under their O.C.C. (Occupational Character Class) description.
Extraordinary ME for leader ship
Extraordinary PS for combat add to splicer PS
Extraordinary PP for recon
Extraordinary PE any
Extraordinary ME, PS, PP, PE found in hero unlimited
All heighted sense page 30 in powers unlimited 1
Shadow Cloak powers for recon unlimited 3
With suit have out side the suit
Last edited by ZINO on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by ZINO »

now post you angry reply
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Unread post by krispy »

its always good to see how the Splicers of this world adapt to survive and what levels of organic manipulation they will bring to the battlefield

can you please elaborate a bit more on this cellular it a combo of Cosmo Knight and Rianathor symbiote armor in which the armor is a living creature that when not in use is in the form of bracelets and anklets etc that spreads over the entire body when activated...or is it just a new way to make the standard HA that you get inside of
connecting the dots
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Unread post by Lord Z »

Sorry, this post is in need of a heavy edit. Parts of it just don't make any sense to me. For example, the last line reads,...
With suit have out side the suit

I have no idea what a bunch of this text means.
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Unread post by ZINO »

krispy wrote:its always good to see how the Splicers of this world adapt to survive and what levels of organic manipulation they will bring to the battlefield

can you please elaborate a bit more on this cellular it a combo of Cosmo Knight and Rianathor symbiote armor in which the armor is a living creature that when not in use is in the form of bracelets and anklets etc that spreads over the entire body when activated...or is it just a new way to make the standard HA that you get inside of

the cellular armor is symbiote armor it part of you with been looking montrus being as withthe hots boi suits
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Unread post by ZINO »

Lord Z wrote:Sorry, this post is in need of a heavy edit. Parts of it just don't make any sense to me. For example, the last line reads,...
With suit have out side the suit

I have no idea what a bunch of this text means.

Thank you for been honest and kind I know it need SOME VERY NEEED editing and my approach is like the dimension of a brick
You are so right but will gig in time it a very rough draft that I am making
I wish to say sorry for my terrible editing
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

ZINO wrote:Thank you for been honest and kind I know it need SOME VERY NEEED editing and my approach is like the dimension of a brick
You are so right but will gig in time it a very rough draft that I am making
I wish to say sorry for my terrible editing

:lol: We all have our quirks. And, as I like to pick on people: Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery.

All joking aside, I'm like Lord Z and Krispy. I'd like a little more detail and write-up on this. The pics are are a good add and I kinda think I know what you're going for, but I'd like more.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

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Guy_LeDouche wrote:
ZINO wrote:Thank you for been honest and kind I know it need SOME VERY NEEED editing and my approach is like the dimension of a brick
You are so right but will gig in time it a very rough draft that I am making
I wish to say sorry for my terrible editing

:lol: We all have our quirks. And, as I like to pick on people: Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery.

All joking aside, I'm like Lord Z and Krispy. I'd like a little more detail and write-up on this. The pics are are a good add and I kinda think I know what you're going for, but I'd like more.

thanks man
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

We need more pictures ;) lol


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TechnoGothic wrote:We need more pictures ;) lol

like ?
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

just more for whatever, i like pictures ;)


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan
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Unread post by ZINO »

TechnoGothic wrote:just more for whatever, i like pictures ;)

thank u
I am waiting for artist art work to share with U
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Unread post by ZINO »

sorry going to put new item
and maybe house rules
but it huge !!! so give sometime and working in CE
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Unread post by ZINO »

sorry lost my files recovering them ,really misplace a total of 600 +pages!!! aaaaahhh but getting today was very tried when it happen and mind was going but body stop and said HELL NO
hate when that happens :(
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

It looks interesting and it seems to have a detailed description now.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Unread post by ZINO »

sorry for delay
1 got injured at work
2 lost data foe all project recover then slowly
3 someone decided we must reapplied for our jobs when we already have one ( this came from the major of NYC) he love to fired people !!!!
finally as an insult that we won and it was illegal
they the city of NY lost my check and I cannot sue them !!!! but wait and get one check a month!!!!! till September 15 2012!!!!!
it been a roller coaster ride from this major!!!! this man is evil major Bloomberg of NYC !!!!!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

So anything new on this thread?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york


Unread post by ZINO »

will do but have to wait for artist reply man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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