BC-385 Jamboree
With the Betrayal, the UEEF R&D section reviewed any and all its new ship plans to find any that might turn the edge against the hydonites. The review turned up a side project, from when the haydonites turned up to assist the UEEF against the Regent and his half of the Invid hoard, trying to figure out the construction the haydonite CA's. It detailed them from construction to balancing the power and what life support they would need if a human ship. The design with radical design features to a protoculture hungry UEEF, it was virtually totally nuclear powered. More to it, it is fusion powered with only a bit of protoculture used as a control medium., converting the power generated by the reactor to a usable form.
With the construction of the BC-385's, the UEEF is re-defining the class definitions. The scale of the new BC makes them rivals to the SDF class ships, for while they are a bit smaller the the SDF-3, they have more firepower, tougher and faster at the helm. To start, the construction will be using a new synth-alloy, several times stronger then the previous building materials. A three meters of it could withstand a direct hit from a nuclear warhead, with only little deformation and minor ablation. The production completion for the 1st ship, the Jamboree, is slated to be finished about two months before the total depletion of protoculture. However, with every new ship class there are delays, production flaws to work out during construction. The Engines are heat piles, modeled on the zentradiee ships' engines, but using but two of the fusion reactors output to power them during battle conditions. But the great leap forward are the maneuvering thrusters, they no longer are thrusters but are high output gravity plates that place their effects on the ship itself. Letting the ship maneuver as if a ship three quarters it size.
Having 4 spinal mounted main laser cannon and a hundred HPC-SL250 dual barreled 240-mm long range particle cannons, 100 long range missile launchers, and 250 point defense lasers of varying ranges. While this type of armament is what you might to expect on a SDF class ship, the current weapons mix is not expected to last past the first production run. After which weapons as powerful and with the range of the former zentradiee beam weapons, are expected to be developed. Figuring that the Haydonites, in the short term, upgrade their ships and weapons to match the new class's. By the time of the third production run of 50, the project managers expect to start production of a CA class of the same scale. This will leave the old SDF classes to be used as armed colony transports.
Another departure from the UEEF's tradition is the placement of the bridge and secondary bridge. They are deep in the core of the hull, so will be nai-invunerable to suicide attacks by mecha. Also, while there is a large life-support system for it's crew, and to supplement its parasite ships, there is no space for population transfers like in the SDF ships, 90% of the ship's interior is taken up by weaponry or support systems. Thus is will be one of the first pure warships of the UEEF fleet. The Jamboree is also dependent on carriers for it fighter support, so it has four docking clamps and modular docking ports similar to that of a Garfish's to connect to parasite carrier ships.
The down side to using the new fusion reactors to power the ship is the lost of hyperspace travel. The current fold drives use too much protoculture tech for them to accept power from fusion reactors. For the moment the BC's will only have the Bernard inertial-less FTL drive. This drive is about twice as massive as current fold drives, but with the deletion of the population transfer quarters there is adequate room for the drives and the hydrogen bunkerage.
Type: Jamboree
Class: Battle-cruiser
Ships Complement:
Ships Crew: 1200
Troops: one company of marines
smallcraft complement
six pinnaces
Notes:(1) depleting the MDC of the main engines will make them inoperable. If all are inoperable, the ship will continue on it's ballistic course.
(2) the ships bridge and secondary bridge is in the core of the central section of the ship.
Speed: This ship is not atmospheric capable.
Flying in Space: orbital cruising speed: Mach 4, Combat speed: Mach 7, interplanetary speed: .15 c, FTL: one light year per 2 hours.
Maximum Range: The Jamboree class has hydrogen bunkerage for 6 months of normal operations. The back up reactor has a 20 year life-span.
Statistical Data:
Length: 3937 feet ( 1200 m)
Beam: 984.25 feet ( 300 m)
Height: 1148.29 feet ( 350 m)
Weight: 7.56 million tons
Power Source: 5 GVH-AC8 fusion reactors, these power all functions of the ship, those capacitor rings are used to feed instant high power usage items like beam weapons. All the reactors have auto-crash shut-down if hit by battle damage. Back-up power is provided one GVH-BD3 sub-critical fission reactor. The back-up reactor can provide minimal power for life support and the internal lighting, and the passive sensors. ( In later production runs the design includes a ram-scoop for refueling in-route.)
Weapons Systems
1. GB-RH25 Anti-starship laser cannons. (4, 3 in forward chase armament and one in stern chase armament)
The GB-RH series laser cannons are direct descendants from the Zentradiee main laser cannon, but are drastically smaller and less power intensive then their predecessors. These lasers have a greater firing arc then the zentradiee models, with it gravtic lenses they have a 30 degree firing arc. A secondary feature is its pulse firing mode, where it fires significantly weaker beams for intercepting multiple targets.
Prim.: Anti-Capital ship
Secondary: assault
2. HPC-SL250 Dual-barreled 240-mm Long Range Particle Cannon
Uses the same Cannon as the Garfish but with only two barrels per turret.
Mounted along the flanks of the ship along with the PDLs.
note: use the RT:SC Art Book garfish artwork to reference what the turrets and barrels look like.
3. HM-6 Heavy Missile Launchers (100, 50, keel side and 50 dorsal side)
Mounted along the keel and dorsal sides of the ship.
4. Point Defense Laser type one (150)
prime: Anti-missile
2nd: anti-mecha
5. Point Defense Laser type two (100)
Prime: Anti-mecha
2nd: anti-missile
Note: Has advanced maneuvering capability so it maneuvers as if a ship three quarters it size.