The Great Library at Celaeno

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The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by JTwig »

A few months back I posted some Lovecraftian tomes and books that could be dropped into any Palladium game, but were most appropriate for Rifts, BtS, Nightbane, and PFRPG. One of the books was the Celaeno Fragment, and under its description was mentioned the Great Library at Celaeno. According to the Cthulhu Mythos the Great Library is located on a distant, mist shrouded planet and contains a sample of the mystic and mundane works of every civilization that ever existed! Of course in a game something like that could potenially be unbalancing. So what I presented below is my thought on the Great Library. If you find it interesting I suggest visiting the website the creator of the website is a much better writer than I and the inspiration for my vision of the Great Library in the Palladium Megaverse.

As before the much of the material relating to the Cthulhu Mysthos is public domain, and is a source of things to add to your Rifts, Nightbane, and Beyond the Supernatural campaigns. Enjoy.

The Great Library of Celaeno
On a cold mist shrouded world lays the Great Library at Celaeno. Erected hundreds of millennia before man’s earliest ancestor walked the Earth, the Library spreads across hundreds of acres. Constructed of black basalt and white marble, its multitude of empty towers rise like skeletal fingers; their heights hidden by the never ending mists. Its vast interior is only broken by shadowed courtyards, with their moldering gardens, long-dry fountains, and lonely marble statues. Only a single, colossal stairway allows access to its enlightening depths, and it is obvious to even the most casual observer that no human hands took part is raising its megalithic walls; each several tones is weight and seamlessly lay together without mortar.
Abandoned by its creators for untold eons, the Great Library is far from uninhabited. Some who walk its halls were intentionally set loose by the Library’s architects or other visitors to serve as watchmen and guardians. Others were drawn to the Library’s eldritch contents and the solitude it provides. Still other entered its halls through rifts (either natural occurring or those intentionally created by other visitors), and now find themselves trapped in its maze-like construction.
Getting lost within the Great Library is a real possibility, fore after one leaves the Grand Courtyard its halls become vast and labyrinthine. There is no known map of its twisted halls, nor would such a map be useful to most visitors as the Library was obviously constructed by beings who did not think or perceive the world the same as most mortals. The “Otherness” of the builders also comes through in the way the Library’s collection is cataloged; no reference or discerning pattern exists to mortal eyes. Furthermore, despite being abandoned for tens-of-thousands of years the Great Library’s collections are continually and constantly updated by some unknown means. New works from the likes of Erin Tarn and Victor Lazlo can be found next to books written by Plato and Sun Tzu (and other, older, unrecognizable works).
All who enter through the front doors cannot help but see the plaque warning them (in their native language) that no volume may be removed from the Great Library (either temporarily or permanently), nor may any copy of material made within its walls leave them. These two rules, along with the sanctity of the Great Library, are enforced by its keeper – the Dweller in the Lake. Fortunately for most would be thieves the Dweller is confined to the Library and the grounds surrounding it, allow those with the ability to teleport, or similar means of transport, to circumvent its reach. Of course the Library seems to know it “own”, and those volumes which leave the Library are “called back” to their rightful place upon its shelves; usually at great cost to its “borrower”.
Therefore, those that do “borrow” are advised to take only what they need and to return it as quickly as possible. Those who do so quickly and of their own freewill, will find that the only punishment they will receive will be closer scrutiny from the Dwell for their next few visits, or a frightenly stern lecture filled with innuendo and veiled threats. Repeat offenders may find themselves temporarily or permanently banned from the Great Library’s grounds, or torn to shreds by the Dwell upon their next visit.
Visitors to the Great Library will need steady nerves and light for safe exploration, as daylight only briefly touches most of its corridors. The light is needed for more reasons than just to see, as there are Other, Dwellers in Darkness, who do not relish the touch of light in any manner. Steady nerves are need due to the feeling of malevolence that has filled and permeated its vast interior over the uncounted eons. There is also the sense that the Library is somehow aware of each visitor and what they seek, and does not appreciate their trespass. This constant, foreboding presence has caused those of weak wills to flee in panic, only to find themselves hopelessly loss when they finally regain their wits. It is also way all but the most malevolent visitors keep their stay within the Great Library short.
In addition to its vast tomes, volumes, and collections, the Great Library also possesses unique and priceless collections of art from throughout the megaverse. Unfortunately for most mortal visitors the nature of the art (whether it be sculpture, painting, carving, etc.) of many of the pieces are unwholesome, shocking, and macabre. The most horrific of these artworks are profoundly nightmarish in their technique and execution, embodying the form and substance of our worst nightmares and thoughts.
Of particular note are several murals which can be found throughout the Great Library, especially in the long, narrow passageways between chamber. In these dimly-lit corridors the murals seem to seethe with an inner life of their own; as if striving to burst forth from there imprisoning walls. It is not only that they display disturbing subject matters, but that they do so with an almost photographic quality and color, and even seem to change over time! Visitors who find themselves traversing such a corridor are advised not to look too closely them and to ignore any hints of movement they may glimpse from their peripheral vision.
A final warning to all who seek this place of eldritch knowledge, such research always comes with a price. For some it is their sanity, others a life (either their own or of someone they hold dear), and for the truly unfortunate, their very soul.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

A very cool concept..and your right it could be a game breaker. But there are means to counter it already. You stated the big one..its so massive getting lost in it is possible. I see others as well.

1) the other visitors could prove a problem. since they may have been there a while and gone quite made.

2) I could see packs of night and dark dwelling packs in the place. The races may vary but they all have one goal. Food and well as other possible desires...

3) The library may have been used to imprison beings, leaving there body or tombs here so they could not easily be raised or rescued. some of that art could well be the corpses or remains of beings of great power. The library would likely be a prison for knowledge seeking beings told of a secret that want, but the secret is not there..hence they will never leave.
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Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by eliakon »

I would be careful, this treads very close to Conversion. That and the issue of what is and isn't public domain in the Mythos is well...hazy (its got a lot of lawyers working full time these days so...)
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Is there a lot of legal maneuvering on this IP. I thought it was all PD, I mean the Hellboy comics are practically copied on it. Not to mention Shows like Buffy & Angel that use the mythos or Supernatural which used Lovecraft as a character. What is there to fight over anymore?
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Warshield73 »

The idea of the library seems like a good one for Palladium Megaverse but very unbalancing. Seems better to use as a hook for a campaign, stop the forces of evil from getting the library but the PCs themselves never get to it. Or, if they do, it is only for a short time before they have to leave.

As a place of adventure I guess it could be like KS's original Palladium of Desires campaign. Each new area of the museum is a new adventure with a new adversary.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Warshield73 wrote:Is there a lot of legal maneuvering on this IP. I thought it was all PD, I mean the Hellboy comics are practically copied on it. Not to mention Shows like Buffy & Angel that use the mythos or Supernatural which used Lovecraft as a character. What is there to fight over anymore?

Precisely a libbrary like this is like a sword..and try enforcing a patent on the word sword..LOL.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Warshield73 wrote:The idea of the library seems like a good one for Palladium Megaverse but very unbalancing. Seems better to use as a hook for a campaign, stop the forces of evil from getting the library but the PCs themselves never get to it. Or, if they do, it is only for a short time before they have to leave.

As a place of adventure I guess it could be like KS's original Palladium of Desires campaign. Each new area of the museum is a new adventure with a new adversary.

Could be a good dimension book. Would be odd though a dimension entirely filled with books and such. They may be pulled in to eliminate large threats or cull the living (and unliving) in the place now and then. Could even have a culture of people living and being raised in the place as home. Also remember not just museums and libraries of earth will be here...Atlanits (as in the original people, not the sploogies) and other lost races may have people and resources here. also museums across the ages with lost technologies and lore that were culled here. Perhaps to prevent its loss. Could have anew branch emerge now then to liven things up...this would have a massive potential..

Edit: Hmm did I just hit on something? Okay this has my the original poster, do you Mind if I use this concept as well? I'll happily share ideas I get with ya.. here is a basic notion I have.

and I have a candidate for the librarian..This guy

The Library of ?? is dimensionally displaced along with it the massive gardens and ancient museum.

The library grounds are with it there is other life...Do to the art and prowess of roman farmers they are able to grow these plants in the few places the library receives sunlight. Some druids also work for the more evil denizens. Its a war of resource control, Territory and the areas that sunlight enter.

The players are part of the people that have long learned to thrive her or unfortunate travelers that arrived here. a few are prisoners of there own making..seeking knowledge that may or may not exist here.

The library however is not all books, there displays and several museums that are in here..with possibly dangerous entities and items that should never be found or disturbed. as well as other night stalking and other "Dark-Dweller' people who have there own motives..

PC creation:
Its given wilderness survival will be swapped for "urban survival", but I still need to consider other skills. certain materials will be harder to get. Magic using classes will run the risk being corrupted or unleashing creatures or worse as they find spell books. the museums of this place also boast some of the most powerful items in megaverse so they too carry a great risk..And who said the library was boring? :)
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Jefffar »

In regards to the no conversions policy. The status of the Cthulu IP is still somewhat in dispute at this time and so myself and the rest of the moderator team will likely continue to treat it as protected until that dispute is resolved.

However, we have no issue with GMs or players drawing inspiration from the copy-written material of others. The big issue is when they directly convert non-public domain items to Palladium Game stats and post those stats. This includes, but is not limited to posting ideas about what palladium specific races, classes, powers and abilities would best be used to emulate something in another IP as well as any of the more numeric representations of the Palladium game system.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Fair enough, Jefffar. Hope I didn't cross that line...If I didn't.

Hows that Dimensional library idea sound? A bit too cheesy? the setting not broad enough?
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by JTwig »

Rimmerdal wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:The idea of the library seems like a good one for Palladium Megaverse but very unbalancing. Seems better to use as a hook for a campaign, stop the forces of evil from getting the library but the PCs themselves never get to it. Or, if they do, it is only for a short time before they have to leave.

As a place of adventure I guess it could be like KS's original Palladium of Desires campaign. Each new area of the museum is a new adventure with a new adversary.

Could be a good dimension book. Would be odd though a dimension entirely filled with books and such. They may be pulled in to eliminate large threats or cull the living (and unliving) in the place now and then. Could even have a culture of people living and being raised in the place as home. Also remember not just museums and libraries of earth will be here...Atlanits (as in the original people, not the sploogies) and other lost races may have people and resources here. also museums across the ages with lost technologies and lore that were culled here. Perhaps to prevent its loss. Could have anew branch emerge now then to liven things up...this would have a massive potential..

Edit: Hmm did I just hit on something? Okay this has my the original poster, do you Mind if I use this concept as well? I'll happily share ideas I get with ya.. here is a basic notion I have.

and I have a candidate for the librarian..This guy

The Library of ?? is dimensionally displaced along with it the massive gardens and ancient museum.

The library grounds are with it there is other life...Do to the art and prowess of roman farmers they are able to grow these plants in the few places the library receives sunlight. Some druids also work for the more evil denizens. Its a war of resource control, Territory and the areas that sunlight enter.

The players are part of the people that have long learned to thrive her or unfortunate travelers that arrived here. a few are prisoners of there own making..seeking knowledge that may or may not exist here.

The library however is not all books, there displays and several museums that are in here..with possibly dangerous entities and items that should never be found or disturbed. as well as other night stalking and other "Dark-Dweller' people who have there own motives..

PC creation:
Its given wilderness survival will be swapped for "urban survival", but I still need to consider other skills. certain materials will be harder to get. Magic using classes will run the risk being corrupted or unleashing creatures or worse as they find spell books. the museums of this place also boast some of the most powerful items in megaverse so they too carry a great risk..And who said the library was boring? :)

Wow! It is like you cracked open my head, and read my thought exactly! The only difference was that I was thinking it was a realm located on the Astral Plane (using the concepts from Nightbane). But making it its own dimension, or pocket dimension, might work better. I also thought that it wouldn't just be filled with book, but art and historical artifacts from countless cultures and races throughout the mega-verse.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

JTwig wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:The idea of the library seems like a good one for Palladium Megaverse but very unbalancing. Seems better to use as a hook for a campaign, stop the forces of evil from getting the library but the PCs themselves never get to it. Or, if they do, it is only for a short time before they have to leave.

As a place of adventure I guess it could be like KS's original Palladium of Desires campaign. Each new area of the museum is a new adventure with a new adversary.

Could be a good dimension book. Would be odd though a dimension entirely filled with books and such. They may be pulled in to eliminate large threats or cull the living (and unliving) in the place now and then. Could even have a culture of people living and being raised in the place as home. Also remember not just museums and libraries of earth will be here...Atlanits (as in the original people, not the sploogies) and other lost races may have people and resources here. also museums across the ages with lost technologies and lore that were culled here. Perhaps to prevent its loss. Could have anew branch emerge now then to liven things up...this would have a massive potential..

Edit: Hmm did I just hit on something? Okay this has my the original poster, do you Mind if I use this concept as well? I'll happily share ideas I get with ya.. here is a basic notion I have.

and I have a candidate for the librarian..This guy

The Library of ?? is dimensionally displaced along with it the massive gardens and ancient museum.

The library grounds are with it there is other life...Do to the art and prowess of roman farmers they are able to grow these plants in the few places the library receives sunlight. Some druids also work for the more evil denizens. Its a war of resource control, Territory and the areas that sunlight enter.

The players are part of the people that have long learned to thrive her or unfortunate travelers that arrived here. a few are prisoners of there own making..seeking knowledge that may or may not exist here.

The library however is not all books, there displays and several museums that are in here..with possibly dangerous entities and items that should never be found or disturbed. as well as other night stalking and other "Dark-Dweller' people who have there own motives..

PC creation:
Its given wilderness survival will be swapped for "urban survival", but I still need to consider other skills. certain materials will be harder to get. Magic using classes will run the risk being corrupted or unleashing creatures or worse as they find spell books. the museums of this place also boast some of the most powerful items in megaverse so they too carry a great risk..And who said the library was boring? :)

Wow! It is like you cracked open my head, and read my thought exactly! The only difference was that I was thinking it was a realm located on the Astral Plane (using the concepts from Nightbane). But making it its own dimension, or pocket dimension, might work better. I also thought that it wouldn't just be filled with book, but art and historical artifacts from countless cultures and races throughout the mega-verse.

Yup and Including the actual yard which could have Zoos. Leaves you with a real nice setting.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Jerell »

Rimmerdal wrote:Could be a good dimension book. Would be odd though a dimension entirely filled with books and such. They may be pulled in to eliminate large threats or cull the living (and unliving) in the place now and then. Could even have a culture of people living and being raised in the place as home. Also remember not just museums and libraries of earth will be here...Atlanits (as in the original people, not the sploogies) and other lost races may have people and resources here. also museums across the ages with lost technologies and lore that were culled here. Perhaps to prevent its loss. Could have anew branch emerge now then to liven things up...this would have a massive potential..

That is massive and awesome potential. I love the idea of a pocket dimension for this, props to you and JT, this is a great thread. A pocket dimension filled with books wouldn't be that strange at all compared to some of the other dimensions out there. This might even work as dimension that Spacia (Rifter 57) set up. :bandit: A combination Atlantean and Lumerian run dimensional Library would also be cool. I always though the Atlanteans should have a huge library on Alexandria, I always had hoped that something would be mentioned in the UWW that was planned but is now stalled.

A dimensional library seems like it could make a great 96 page book.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Jerell wrote:That is massive and awesome potential. I love the idea of a pocket dimension for this, props to you and JT, this is a great thread. A pocket dimension filled with books wouldn't be that strange at all compared to some of the other dimensions out there. This might even work as dimension that Spacia (Rifter 57) set up. :bandit: A combination Atlantean and Lumerian run dimensional Library would also be cool. I always though the Atlanteans should have a huge library on Alexandria, I always had hoped that something would be mentioned in the UWW that was planned but is now stalled.

When I thought of a race to run this place I was thinking Titans or maybe have it be one of the races that was lost in the war with the Old Ones. Something new to players but very old in Palladium mythology.

Jerell wrote:A dimensional library seems like it could make a great 96 page book.

Something along the lines of the Black Vault book would work.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Jerell »

How about the Jeridu, those multi-armed elf-like beings from LotD?
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Jerell wrote:How about the Jeridu, those multi-armed elf-like beings from LotD?

I think those would be perfect. But any ancient but almost extinct race would do.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by arouetta »

Warshield73 wrote:
Jerell wrote:That is massive and awesome potential. I love the idea of a pocket dimension for this, props to you and JT, this is a great thread. A pocket dimension filled with books wouldn't be that strange at all compared to some of the other dimensions out there. This might even work as dimension that Spacia (Rifter 57) set up. :bandit: A combination Atlantean and Lumerian run dimensional Library would also be cool. I always though the Atlanteans should have a huge library on Alexandria, I always had hoped that something would be mentioned in the UWW that was planned but is now stalled.

When I thought of a race to run this place I was thinking Titans or maybe have it be one of the races that was lost in the war with the Old Ones. Something new to players but very old in Palladium mythology.

Jerell wrote:A dimensional library seems like it could make a great 96 page book.

Something along the lines of the Black Vault book would work.

I got a different feel from this thread. It was suggested in LoB that other seed libraries still survive, their location unknown. Maybe this could be a seed library gone haywire. The extra-dimensional aspect could easily be worked in as something that happened by accident after the library was established which is how the library has gotten so large and varied.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Jerell »

That wasn't my first thought, but it seems like it could work as a seed library that had multi-dimensional patrons for a long time too.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Okay, now I need to do something on this. I'll be needing to look up plenty of races and the terrain will need some consideration. Food and water will be from wells, fountains and other sources in libraries. I can have them remain full and continue to operate. Food is another thought.

eternally full vending machines, gardens, and habitats with wild life will provide healthy options (all that Vender machine candy is bad for the lovely women's slim figures..) with weapons Since there are museums and areas with trees..bows and melee weapons are available as well fire gunpowder..that would be an issue. Will worry about that later. and I can throw in some mid-stone age museum that has a pit with minerals or something odd. have it run by ancient lost stone giants or Golem type monsters that the races can raid now then. the recipe for gunpowder is not so hard to find.

Thinking atlaneans, an ancient race that is older than humans but is equally if not more advanced, a human race say the people who were in Alexndria's library at the time it disappeared. so lets start on noted libraries..sample bellow any thoughts or opinions?

50 Civilians
30 Scholars
100 Soldiers of the Tenth Legion Plus another 60 in training
(60% Greek/Roman, 40 Egyptian)
Food resources: Good (grows own with trading with friendly factions for other resources)
Weapons and metal resources: Good the wood and metal held when the library was attacked are present. Each legionnaire also has several weapons taken for barbarian (Celts and others the tenth legion faced) and Egyptian kills.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by JTwig »

Rimmerdal wrote:Okay, now I need to do something on this. I'll be needing to look up plenty of races and the terrain will need some consideration. Food and water will be from wells, fountains and other sources in libraries. I can have them remain full and continue to operate. Food is another thought.

eternally full vending machines, gardens, and habitats with wild life will provide healthy options (all that Vender machine candy is bad for the lovely women's slim figures..) with weapons Since there are museums and areas with trees..bows and melee weapons are available as well fire gunpowder..that would be an issue. Will worry about that later. and I can throw in some mid-stone age museum that has a pit with minerals or something odd. have it run by ancient lost stone giants or Golem type monsters that the races can raid now then. the recipe for gunpowder is not so hard to find.

Thinking atlaneans, an ancient race that is older than humans but is equally if not more advanced, a human race say the people who were in Alexndria's library at the time it disappeared. so lets start on noted libraries..sample bellow any thoughts or opinions?

50 Civilians
30 Scholars
100 Soldiers of the Tenth Legion Plus another 60 in training
(60% Greek/Roman, 40 Egyptian)
Food resources: Good (grows own with trading with friendly factions for other resources)
Weapons and metal resources: Good the wood and metal held when the library was attacked are present. Each legionnaire also has several weapons taken for barbarian (Celts and others the tenth legion faced) and Egyptian kills.

Its your game, but I would personally recomend that you make the creator(s) more mysterious; like a lost race, ancient (or even an Old One) alien intelligence, or a god of knowledge. I think Atlanteans as the library's current care-takers and guardians make a good story, especially if their enemies knew of the library's existance and wanted it for themselves. A library under siege story could be a lot of fun.
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Re: The Great Library at Celaeno

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

JTwig wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:Okay, now I need to do something on this. I'll be needing to look up plenty of races and the terrain will need some consideration. Food and water will be from wells, fountains and other sources in libraries. I can have them remain full and continue to operate. Food is another thought.

eternally full vending machines, gardens, and habitats with wild life will provide healthy options (all that Vender machine candy is bad for the lovely women's slim figures..) with weapons Since there are museums and areas with trees..bows and melee weapons are available as well fire gunpowder..that would be an issue. Will worry about that later. and I can throw in some mid-stone age museum that has a pit with minerals or something odd. have it run by ancient lost stone giants or Golem type monsters that the races can raid now then. the recipe for gunpowder is not so hard to find.

Thinking atlaneans, an ancient race that is older than humans but is equally if not more advanced, a human race say the people who were in Alexndria's library at the time it disappeared. so lets start on noted libraries..sample bellow any thoughts or opinions?

Alexandria section:
50 Civilians
30 Scholars
100 Soldiers of the Tenth Legion Plus another 60 in training
(60% Greek/Roman, 40 Egyptian)
Food resources: Good (grows own with trading with friendly factions for other resources)
Weapons and metal resources: Good the wood and metal held when the library was attacked are present. Each legionnaire also has several weapons taken for barbarian (Celts and others the tenth legion faced) and Egyptian kills.

Its your game, but I would personally recomend that you make the creator(s) more mysterious; like a lost race, ancient (or even an Old One) alien intelligence, or a god of knowledge. I think Atlanteans as the library's current care-takers and guardians make a good story, especially if their enemies knew of the library's existance and wanted it for themselves. A library under siege story could be a lot of fun.

I was thinking the dimension the 'megaversal 'library' was in had other libraries added. the reason they were there is unknown. Each full library would be or was from a different time, location and/or dimension. Each added library would be one of many sections of the megaversal library.

Visitors would also possible...have to make a central section for them.
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.

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