Robotech Alt project

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Chronicler »

So I have been working on an alternative timeline for Robotech as a possibly expandable world for my rpg games. It's been going slow since I'm split between that and other creative projects, but I thought I should share what I have so far as notes on particular years and how they differ from the osm. I would also like some feed back from it from people that know better than me (only saw the tv show and reading whats in the rpg material).

So yeah I'll start posting some of the time notes that I have so far soon (only up to when the SDF-1 gets attacked on its maiden voyage). Right now I have to go over some things like what happens next.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Ok now that I have time here is the first part of my notes. Just to clear something my note taking is a little odd so sorry in advance:

-1999: Zor’s warship crash lands on a small south pacific island. Earth governments are shocked about this ships discovery and calls for an emergency U.N. meeting. It was there that it was decided to sanction the island under U.N protection, and that the global science community would research the vessel. Science outposts are established on the now named Macross Island.

-Early 2000: After extensive exploration and research scientist confirm that not only are the aliens are 30-60 foot giants, but also war like beings. Another emergency U.N meeting was establish to handle the situation. Majority of world leaders agreed that they are facing a possible extinction level threat and propose that A) Most global resource and scientific/engineering manpower should be put towards reverse engineering the alien technology and rebuilding the ship to combat the alien threat, B) that the public should be kept in the dark of the true nature of the aliens and, C) form a central global governing body to combine strategic resources and manpower to the cause.
The majority of world leaders agreed to set aside their differences to the cause (though out of shear fear), but a splinter faction of nations decide against this and declared themselves as Anti-Union.
-Mid-late 2000: A boomtown has been established on Macross Island with the population made up of scientist, engineers, their families, and military personal from around the world. Initial reverse engineering is successful with breaking down the alien language and learning about the advance robotics. The technology would be dubbed Overtech by most researchers though a few would call it Robotech due to most of the advances in the robotics field.
Meanwhile the U.S military propose that to combat the giants they would have to fight them on their terms, to fight giants with giants. With the advancement made by Overtech Project Excalibur and Project Valkyrie where created to combat ground and air forces, while Project Fortress would be the reconstruction of the alien vessel with humanity’s own space fleet.
During mid-December disaster strikes when Anti-Union terrorist detonated seven bombs on three U.N. warships stationed at Macross Base. Later press releases by the Anti-Union League declares that more attacks would come to all their old enemy’s and their allies. The Unification War begins.

-Early 2001: Two more attacks on U.S and Russian emissaries in Iran and Egypt in late January and early February called for another meeting with U.N. allies. It was decided that The Anti-Union League should be dealt with fast if there is to be any peace before any alien threat should materialize. The U.S volunteer special forces and the C.I.A to combat any Anti-Union forces growing in the Middle East and Central Africa. Operation Unity begins.
Advances in reverse engineering the mecha in the crashed ship provided a test bed for Project Excalibur, and test and prototypes begin to emerge. The research in Variable Engineering and Robotic Integration tech (VERITECH) starts its infancy but grows at an astounding rate thanks to Dr. Ray Grant and his team.
Soon scientist discover the intact Reflex Furnace within the bowls of the ship during the initial setup for the reconstruction. The energy source of the engine was found to be a clean alternative to the fossil fuels. Records from the ships computer was roughly translated as “Protiss”, and was derived from the matrix and storage area of the ship. Sadly to the science team assigned to the task could not access nor use force to access that area of the ship and was left abandon for the time being.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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I will be watching. Do continue. :bandit:
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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-late 2001: After months of conflict in the Middle East fighting intensified as Anti-Union League militants start utilizing advance weapons. It was soon discovered that someone or some group is supplying them with research material from the crashed ship. A witch hunt begins within Macross Island.
In late October Anti-Union terrorist group utilize an advanced stealth fighter to attack the World Trade Centers. Two untested plasma missiles detonated in both towers causing major damage to the towers and the surrounding area. The stealth craft was intercepted by F-22s before it returned to a submersible aircraft carrier of unknown origin. Studying the remains of the craft showed that it was utilizing Overtech. The U.S. commits full force in discovering both the leaks and where they are producing the weapons tech.

-2002-2004: Research and reconstruction goes at an incredible rate. It was decided that the spaceship would be a combination of carrier, command ship, and battle fortress. The new ship type was designated Super Dimensional Fortress, or SDF-01 Macross after the island and city that overshadows it. Project Fortress was put into full swing with the accompanying warships being built in space.
During 2003 space exploration advance with the first Mars landing, and the foundations for a colony was established. In 2004 Mars Base Sara was setup as a test for colonization. Future plans for extensive moon bases are planned.
Project Valkyrie produced its first prototype the VF-X mk1 was put into lab test with new VERITECH. After months of test the VF-X mk2 was produced for extensive field test on Macross Island. It was during the mk2’s test that both the test pilot and engineers discovered the Guardian or GERWALK (Ground Effective Reinforcement of Wing Armament with Locomotive Knee joint) during an emergency landing. The pilot and prototype survived. The engineers and U.N. military brass where impressed and built a hybrid form into the final VF-X mk3 prototype. By late 2004 the Variable Fighter was approved for mass production and integration with U.N. forces and U.S. forces. It was revealed to the public on Dec. 7 as a forced projection fight, and not as it was intended to. This was for the reason of mass panic if the populace finds out about the aliens true nature.
During this time the U.N. starts a draft for the new world government system, The United Earth Government (U.E.G). Meanwhile The Unification War intensifies with bombings on officials and family along with militant skirmishes throughout the Middle East and Africa.

-Early 2005: Two setbacks happened during the early months of 2005. The first being that the life-support systems on Mars Base Sara failed drastically resulting in a 90% mortality rate. It was abandoned after rescue operations from two of the new space carriers. Focus shifted towards the construction of Moon Base Luna as a closer test-bed.
Macross Base had its own problems when two of its test pilots stole the VF-X mk3. The base was distracted by one of its ammo dumps was detonated, in the confusion the pilots flew off to the south coast and met up with a submersible carrier. U.N fears have been realized mid-2005 when reports of fighters with a similar silhouette as the VF-1 Valkyrie over in Africa. Someone was producing copies and supplying them to Anti-Union forces. The first fully operational squads and air wings go online within the U.S. military.
Project Excalibur is finalized and production of the Modular Battlefield Robot Weapon System, later called Destroids. They were found to be a cheaper alternative to the VF-1 for ground and defense combat.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Looking good so far! Keep it up!
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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

*scratches head*

Unification Wars? Isn't that... y'know... not actually a thing in Robotech, because they decided to make it into a Global War from before 1999 instead? - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Chronicler »

Seto Kaiba wrote:*scratches head*

Unification Wars? Isn't that... y'know... not actually a thing in Robotech, because they decided to make it into a Global War from before 1999 instead?

Yeah I barrowed that from Macross, I just like the idea that some countries like say for instance Iran or other nations with bad blood between them refusing to go ahead and drop everything and be all buddy buddy. Thought it make an interesting element.

Also the whole "Protiss" thing was just renaming protoculture because well I want to use that word for other things.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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-Late 2005: In September of 2005 the U.N. ratifies the U.E.G constitution. Under the new constitution the U.E.G would govern all international aspects of all nations under the U.E.G. The governing body would be made up of representative from all nations under the constitution and would be headed by a chancellor and cabinet of advisors. The U.E.G headquarters will be based in New York City in the new government district.
A day later an Anti-Union message was sent to all news networks and all over the internet in a mass hack of social sites. Its message specified that the leaders of the Anti-Union had had it with the ratification of the U.E.G. constitution, it would retaliate in full force against the U.E.G on all fronts. Fighting intensifies even further as all U.S. forces go on high alert.

On the morning of December 1st the U.S. coast guard lost contact with patrol boats off the New York coast. Ten minutes later New York City is hit with a wave of cluster missiles destroying the harbor area. Soon a massive air wing of Anti-Union VF’s begin their run on the city. Their main target was the government district, but other areas where under attack as well.
The first two U.S. air squadrons, Wolf Squad and Skull Squad, arrive at the scene with the new VF-1’s. The battle soon went from the sky to street level as for the first time the true nature of these war machines were reviled. The streets became a battleground of giants. The fighting lasted for two hours before U.S. Naval forces located and neutralize three Anti-Union carrier subs. All remaining forces were either confirmed kills or captured.

In the wake of the battle VERITECH fighters were all over the news and internet sites. The civilian populace demanded why there where such a weapon like the VF-1 and why the U.E.G had to cover up its capability. It was decided within the higher echelons of the U.E.G to disclose all classified information they gathered on the aliens. On December 10th a worldwide press meeting was held at the white house, and the news started a wildfire all over the world. People began to panic about the possibility of extinction from such giants. This lasted for two days before the U.E.G disclosed Project Fortress and a possibility of faster than light travel.

On December 25th, Christmas day, Dr. Stephen Hawking came on the world stage to announce a new plan of action. He and many other scientist both in the research projects of the U.E.G, governments and private sector propose that in order for the human race to survive they must set out into the stars. Project SEED is born.

now if you excuse me I have to work on the rest.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Yep :ok:
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Robotech Alt project

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-2006: Moon Base Luna is feverishly constructed during the early part of the year and is completed during the end of August. During the month of September it was proven to be a success as a semi-sustainable colony with only having a few resources shipped to it. The groundwork for at least twenty lunar bases and a shipyard begin in October.

During the time of Moon Base Luna’s construction Mars Base Sara is reconstructed with new life-support systems and became sustainable. Other Mars bases are created along with an ARMD repurposed as both a communications and as a way station for supplies.

In June while reconstruction of the SDF-1 was underway a Dr. Emil Lang, a researcher of Protiss and overtech, figured out a way to syphon the Matrix to produce stores of Protiss. A large depot was created for the newly syphoned energy in use for both experiments and to fuel any hyperspace fold engines that where in development. Soon scientists begin rapid research and prototyping of both reflex furnace and fold systems in the hope to duplicate for future long distance colonization.

Astronomers began searching the stars for any suitable planets or systems within a close proximity of earth in the early months and by the end of the year they have found well over fifty planets for colonization within a 200 light year area of earth. Plans for colony ships are produce but any construction would take years with the latest being within four to five years. And even then there hasn’t been any field tests of the fold system. It was scheduled for these test on the SDF-1 once it is completed in 2009 of that year.

The United Earth Government forms the United Earth Defense Force and Spacy on the anniversary of the U.E.G’s formation. The Spacy fleet is completed and begins is service in the Mars, Lunar, and Earth space.

In the eve of the anniversary of The Battle of New York Anti-Union forces surrender after long fighting with U.E.G forces and pressure from civilian populace. The Unification Wars have ended.

Hey guys if you have any questions or point out typing mistakes pleas do so. Even Microsoft Office cant fix everything :roll:
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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It seems more like a round-up than a climax, I was hoping for some History Channel type stuff. :)

Your own points added though, i like it.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Chronicler »

Alrik Vas wrote:It seems more like a round-up than a climax, I was hoping for some History Channel type stuff. :)

Your own points added though, i like it.

Can you give an example I don't understand those terms in that context. :?:
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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2007-2008: Plans for a colony ship are drawn and approved during the early months of 07. With the completion of the lunar shipyards the hull of the pioneer class colony ship is laid out and construction begins.

The first human made Reflex furnace is a success and begins mass production for the lunar and mars bases. The first terrestrial plant is constructed for Macross City and produced 90% of its power for the urban and military bases. Surplus Protiss is shipped along with the Reflex Furnaces for Luna and Mars by the end of 2007.

Both colonies on the Moon and Mars see substantial growth as all twenty Lunar Bases are completed and over thirty colony habitats and outpost on mars. It was estimated that around 18,550 people throughout the colonies not including the U.E. Spacy personnel in the three fleets. By the beginning of 2009 the number would double.

During the summer of 08 saw the first manmade Mk 1 Fold system. The U.E.G however saw fit to test the fold system on the SDF-1 since it was the original design of the Mk 1 fold system. It was planned for the following month after the christening of the reconstructed battle fortress.

Sorry I haven't been working on this much with some things popping up in my life. Plus I've been trying to put together some concepts for my own RPG setting.
Sorry :P
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Still a good read. Keep it up!
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Alrik Vas
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Chronicler wrote:
Alrik Vas wrote:It seems more like a round-up than a climax, I was hoping for some History Channel type stuff. :)

Your own points added though, i like it.

Can you give an example I don't understand those terms in that context. :?:

Oh, it's just getting the facts of what happened. I realize it's a lot for you to draw up and describe. I was just hoping for some more dramatic flair is all. :P
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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The first Robotech War

2009 February: With the completion of the SDF-1 the U.E.G. council decides that it would be in good gest to hold a celebration for its christening. It would be a good moral boost for the populace and most of all good PR for the U.E.G. The celebration would be mainly held at Macross City, and also in major cities all over the world with a live broadcast of the ship till takeoff. Little does anyone know that day of celebration would be a turning point in history.

In the morning of that day Alaska Base, Luna Base, and the SDF-1 picked up a massive hyperspace defold anomaly on the far side of lunar orbit. The Zentraedi under the command of Breetai have come to reclame Zors warship and the matrix aboard it. High Lord Breetai was shocked to see the reconstructed vessel by the native populace. Perplexed he sends an advance scouting group of 30 ships for a closer scan and recon of the island.

On board the SDF-1 a hidden command by Zor was activated and override the ships main gun to fire. Despite the bridge crew’s efforts the main gun fired causing the destruction of the nearby buildings and all 30 Zentraedi ships. The U.E.G. and all that witnessed the blast on live television was shocked at the display of power. This also dumbfounded the crew until Captain Henry Gloval figured out that it was a system rigged trap for whoever folded near the ship.
With the initial shock worn off of Breetai he soon ordered a full invasion force to reclame the ship. Thousands of fighter pods and reentry pods swarmed towards the planet only to be intercepted by the U.E.G Spacy Earth fleet. The ships and fighters of the U.E.D.F where able to intercept and destroy a number of fighters and pods before Breetai ordered support fire from the fleet. Soon the Earth Fleet suffered 80% losses from the Zentraedi ships allowing the Reentry pods to land in the ocean off of Macross Island.

As Valkyrie fighters fought off the fighter pods above Macross Battle pods soon moved into the city. A hasty evacuation of the civilian populace was made while Destroids engaged the enemy. It was a scene of total chaos as around the world the U.E.D.F prepped for mass combat. Captain Gloval soon ordered for immediate takeoff of the SDF-1. U.E.D.F command orders the remaining Earth Fleet to regroup with the SDF-1 and Lunar Fleet. With the successful takeoff the SDF headed to the crippled fleet only to have it obliterated. Gloval soon ordered the unthinkable. His plan was to head into atmo and engage the Hyperspace Fold to jump to the awaiting Lunar Fleet.

During the Fold operation a systems malfunction occurred creating a fold bubble that engulfed the island and surrounding ocean. After the fold the SDF-1, Macross Island, and the carrier group was orbiting Pluto. All hands were lost on the Prometheus and Daedalus. The civilian populace however survived thanks to the advanced shelters. They were moved onboard with any supplies and material from the ruined city. It was later reviled that the fold systems disappeared from its hold. (Note the fold system actually made it to the surface of Pluto, it just didn’t show up on sensors so no one check the surface.).

In the aftermath of the battle Breetai soon rallied his fleet and leaves Earth, fallowing the sensor pickup from the edge of the system. The U.E.G. could not get a signal from the SDF-1 and tried for weeks till it was declared MIA. Seeing as how the Zentraedi retreated it was decided to accelerate the colony program.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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More good reading, keep it coming!
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Well sorry for necroing this. Started back up on my project as people in my local group are interested in this. That and I burned myself out by doing every single detail. but lets jump ahead to the events of Reflex point. This is a write up for my players:

Quick overview: In the events that led up to the assault on Reflex Point went far different than in the television series. By this point humanity has 20 colonies including the moon and mars that supplied both men and machine. Zor Prime survived the events of the Second Robotech War, though crippled he worked on developing a new protoculture matrix on New Eden. It was also found that given the right lab conditions the flower of life can grow.

During the UEEFs exploration to Tirol humanity came face to face with the Regent and his Invid forces. With each world they discovered the UEEF saw whole races in captivity. And so a campaign of liberation was made as each world was freed from the Invid. With gratitude the races of these worlds help the UEEF in their quest to Tirol, forming The Sentinels.

Back on occupied earth resisting forces use everything at their disposal to make way for the assault on the Invid Hives. Scott Bernard and his band of resistance fighters make their way to Reflex Point (as in the TV show). The UEEF and all her colonies prepare for the assault with the help of the Sentinels and the Haydonites.
But the Haydonites betrayed the Sentinels by sabotaging the Neutron S missiles resulting in the apparent destruction of the SDF-3 and her fleet. The message was out to the whole UEEF and the abandonment of the NS Missiles where wide spread before the battle. Shadow Technology however was still used.

The battle of Reflex Point went far different as the UEEF was devastated and forced to retreat. The Regess was not all that convinced by her daughter Ariel as she still held on to earth for her people. She however let Ariel and her companions leave the hive without fuss and allowed the UEEF forces to gather wounded and retreat. Now with Admiral Rick Hunter missing along with the SDF-3 the remaining UEEF and colonies are banking on Zors research in producing a protoculture matrix.

The search for the SDF-3 is on as teams of UEEF are formed and given the last location of the SDF-3 and her small fleet, while earth’s future is still uncertain.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Lt Gargoyle »

So what's the players job?

Your time line and story is interesting.. but I don't see ships with fold devices being built till at least on fold system is tested.

Also if the sdf 3 and its escort fleet are consided lost, how much of the fleet resources would be redirected to search for a destroyed vessel? Especially now that you have two enemy fronts..
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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Chronicler »

Lt Gargoyle wrote:So what's the players job?

Your time line and story is interesting.. but I don't see ships with fold devices being built till at least on fold system is tested.

Also if the sdf 3 and its escort fleet are consided lost, how much of the fleet resources would be redirected to search for a destroyed vessel? Especially now that you have two enemy fronts..

The players jobs revolve around being part of a team to recover the SDF-3 and the matrix, what they would find is that some of the ships made it out including the SDF-3. Problame is is that the near by mini black hole through off the fold drive (including the players they wined up in one of the backwater colonies instead of new eden). So there is the possibility of them being out there.
What the UEEF would do is just send 5 teams (all on Garfish cruisers with the bare minimal) including the players, while the UEEF calculate their next move.
I'm going for a star trek/ lost in space sort of adventure with the players finding clues, discovering planets, and I might detour them to earth for an adventure or two.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

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Chronicler wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:So what's the players job?

Your time line and story is interesting.. but I don't see ships with fold devices being built till at least on fold system is tested.

Also if the sdf 3 and its escort fleet are consided lost, how much of the fleet resources would be redirected to search for a destroyed vessel? Especially now that you have two enemy fronts..

The players jobs revolve around being part of a team to recover the SDF-3 and the matrix, what they would find is that some of the ships made it out including the SDF-3. Problame is is that the near by mini black hole through off the fold drive (including the players they wined up in one of the backwater colonies instead of new eden). So there is the possibility of them being out there.
What the UEEF would do is just send 5 teams (all on Garfish cruisers with the bare minimal) including the players, while the UEEF calculate their next move.
I'm going for a star trek/ lost in space sort of adventure with the players finding clues, discovering planets, and I might detour them to earth for an adventure or two.

Sounds like a blast! Wish I could play in it.
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Re: Robotech Alt project

Unread post by Lt Gargoyle »

Chronicler wrote:
Lt Gargoyle wrote:So what's the players job?

Your time line and story is interesting.. but I don't see ships with fold devices being built till at least on fold system is tested.

Also if the sdf 3 and its escort fleet are consided lost, how much of the fleet resources would be redirected to search for a destroyed vessel? Especially now that you have two enemy fronts..

The players jobs revolve around being part of a team to recover the SDF-3 and the matrix, what they would find is that some of the ships made it out including the SDF-3. Problame is is that the near by mini black hole through off the fold drive (including the players they wined up in one of the backwater colonies instead of new eden). So there is the possibility of them being out there.
What the UEEF would do is just send 5 teams (all on Garfish cruisers with the bare minimal) including the players, while the UEEF calculate their next move.
I'm going for a star trek/ lost in space sort of adventure with the players finding clues, discovering planets, and I might detour them to earth for an adventure or two.

While I would not use all your timeline changes, I have added colonies into my own Robotech universe years ago. I think your group is in for an awesome adenture. I dont think a Garfish would have the abilities needed for such a job myself. I do have issues with the lack of intelligence given to the Robotech High Command. the whole; lets keep our only full making source on one ship which goes out into dangerous situations and leads the way in battle.

I do not think our military leaders from our world would be that stupid. The SDF-3 would be a moble command center surrounded by a fleet, and would be cordinating the fleet from safer areas. Especially if it's the fleets fuel source.
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