could one still use magic

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Re: could one still use magic

Unread post by Rimmerdal »

Tor wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:I tend to lump name calling with trolls. Trolls tend to be insult others.

Just most trolls I've seen tend to insult (directly or indirectly)

I would argue that most trolling involves INDIRECT insults, and namecalling is direct.

Being that it requires falsehood (presenting false opinions to enflame) trolling is inherently linked to misdirection, so direct insults are against the spirit of trolling.

The classic troll which should define the steretype is more of a 'I will convey a general opinion that upsets others' moreso than 'I will convey a specific insult that insults a particular person/group'.

A "perhaps x group should be locked up" rather than "you x groups are ADJECTIVE".

True, but being the kind liking a good debate and not taking (or making) things too personal I tend to overlook that indirect attack. Too much time on these forums I guess...toughens one up and lets one ignore them likes duck ignore water. As it I do tend to be hard headed and have a bit of a different view most of the time. But this time I tried to stay in the written rules...a first for me..LOL!
taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
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Re: could one still use magic

Unread post by warrenthewanderer »

It is only metal that affects spell casting as it absorbs and dispenses magical energy (pg 13 &53 in mysteries of magic) so armor made of rubber or ceramic would not affect magic.
Bionics require metal to build them so they would affect spell casting. Bio-systems and cloned badly parts do not have metal in them and would not affect magic abilities.
Bio-wizardry, symbiotes or organic baby armor also have no effect on spell casting.
Genetics/eugenics/mutation will only affect spell casting if more than one major and one minor super powers or 3 minor powers are gained. The only exception is if you are born with the mutation/genetics.

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Re: could one still use magic

Unread post by Tor »

Mysteries of Magic is a PFRPG2nd book, based in a setting lacking environmental body armor. So I take this to mean that metal armor is the only kind of non-environmental body armor that impedes magic, but that environmental armors in Rifts (even if non-metal) would still follow whatever restrictions, as would any high-tech enviro-armors brought into the PRPG setting.

I'm not sure that bionics necessarily do require metal, even if it's standard to incorporate it. I'm sure some weaker lighter version of bionics using alternative components could be feasible.
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