Food Carts of Rifts Earth
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Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Here Goes...I'm sure I'm missing stuff and details, so criticism and suggestions are welcome...
Food Carts of Rifts Earth
“I could really go for some lizard-onna-stick right about now!”
“Likewise. That looks pretty good. My treat, folks. Any of you want anything?”
“See if they’ve got any stuffed peppers. I’d KILL for some nice hot stuffed peppers.”
“Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
“Gerbils! Get your hot fresh gerbils here! Gerbils! We got honey-barbeque sauce!”
“Guys? I think I found a human finger bone in this meat pie I just bought from that vendor down the street ....”
“Happiness is seeing that pizza-engine pulling up to the construction site at lunch time!”
For as long as people have been paying other people to prepare food for them, there have been those entrepreneurs willing to bring that food to them. And not simply pre-prepared food, but the workings of making that food. The mobile food vendor has been a feature of human culinary history, probably since the invention of the cart. Just about every sophisticated society has had food vendors willing to hit the road to bring their fare to the customer. For many vendors, it’s a manner of economy; it’s simply easier to move kitchen top and stock around and follow the business than build or rent an expensive set-location establishment and hope business comes to them. For others. seating is the issue; for people on the go, buying from a street- or park-side vendor beats waiting in a line, waiting for limited seating. For others, it is convenience; trucking good food out to remote locations where it can be served piping hot or refreshingly cold. Be it the wandering tea samovar-man, a Japanese yatai, a hot-dog pushcart on the streetside, the nomadic ice cream truck, or a chromed roach-coach pulling up to a worksheet, food vendors are a common sight in the modern world, and give meaning to ‘eating out’. It should come as no great surprise, then, that the practice of the food cart has survived the Coming of the Rifts and persists even in the post-apocalyptic era, albeit given new practitioners and new angles(indeed, one thing humanity has learned is that food cart vendors are just as common among d-bee societies as among humans).
The basic food cart is exactly that; a mobile cart(or vehicle) carrying a selection of foodstuffs, the means to keep them fresh, cold, or hot, and some means to move it all about. The more elaborate vendors may be equipped with actual food preparation equipment, like an open grill, barbeque pit, ice cream churn, or baking oven. Depending on the size, orientation, and legality of the operation, the set-up may have some form of weather shelter(an umbrella or roof, if only to keep the sun off the vendor), a temporary dining area nearby(folding table, chairs, an umbrella or two, or a tent), and some advertizing banners set up around. Staff can range from a single person doing everything, to a small team handling cooking, order-taking, cash, mechanics, and security. Exact details vary wildly, but those are the essentials.
In many ways, food carts survived the apocalypse where restaurants and grocery stores did not. And as business and profit began to replace basic necessity, food vendors were on the forefront of the return to normalcy. Traveling food carts began moving between rebuilding communities, restoring and reintroducing foreign cuisines, helping move surplus goods, and feeding the reconstruction efforts.
On Rifts Earth, Food Carts are again a fixture of everyday life. Be they legitimate aboveboard businesses in full compliance with local ordinances, or fugitive opportunists looking to squeak out a credit or two before running ahead of the local law, food carts and vendors appear in virtually every community that allows private business. They patrol the streets, hawking local delicacies, surplus foodstuffs, and exotic treats, stake out corners near busy transit hubs or businesses, go door to door delivering fresh produce or hot ready-to-eat meals to the invalided, work-swamped, or lazy, attend to construction sites to feed hungry workers, and follow armies in the field, to feed camp followers and soldiers looking for something other than standard-issue rations to dine on. Whenever a large monster goes down near a settled area, more often than not enterprising food vendors appear like vultures to help dispose of the critter’s remains and offer bystanders a ‘taste of the monstrous’. And for many, food carts represent a social safety net; a chance to work and go into business for themselves and retain some small dignity, even if it is hawking oranges or roasted peanuts from a pushcart.
Surprisingly, the Coalition States military acknowledges food carts as part of their following; food carts often follow the larger CS armies into the field, selling to camp followers and soldiers alike. As long as the vendors meet stringent CS inspection(d-bee vendors are certainly discouraged, and spot health inspections are a regular danger), and, more often than not, pay a hefty bribe to the inspectors, the CS army tolerates their presence. In areas like the Minnesota front, food vendors often clean up on usable meat after the CS has annihilated Xiticix hives; chicken-fried Xit is almost a staple of food cart vendors in the region.
Food Carts can be found around just about any community of Rifts Earth, and sometimes in the spaces in between, following caravans, armies, mass-migrations, and work crews.
a) Type/Size----How big an operation is it? Food Vendors can vary in size from the tray-in-a-shoulder-strap to massive prime movers the size of a supermarket.
01-15% Tiny----The archetype hand-carried or one-man pushcart. Only one employee and a rather limited selection of goods(-20% to Mobility and -15% to Selection)
16-30% Small---A larger cart/rig requiring more than one person(or manual labor) to move about. 1+1d4 employees(usually family or friends, taking shifts)
31-60% Modest---About the size of a small trailer, staffed by about 1d6 employees. (+5% to Mobility and Selection)
61-84% Large----About the size of an large RV. Employs about 1d8 employees. (+10% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
85-99% Huge---As vending operations go, this is a big deal, and is more like a large scale catering operation, with 1d6 separate rigs and about 2d10 employees. These tend to cater to work sites and large public events, and break down into smaller units for regular street-level business. (+15% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
-00% Gigantic--- The high end of vendor groups; 2d6 separate rigs, and upwards of 1d6x10 people. These sorts of operations typically have vehicular heavy-haulers or small herds of animals to help haul the gear around. These sorts of operations are rarely seen in one place(usually country fairs or military encampments); they usually split up into smaller units when working a territory. (+20% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
b) Sponsorship---Who backs the enterprise? This can determine the outlook, policies, and equipment the vendor operates with/under.
01-30% Privately Owned----Mom & Pop, or a private entrepreneur.
31-50% Small Franchise----The vendor actually works under license from a small company, usually providing the main product. (+5% to Supplies)
51-65% Major Company---A fair-sized company uses the vendor as a traveling market agent and advertisement for their goods and services. Cartier-Fury Ranch(see Rifts Canada, pg. 53-57) is a good example of a company on the up and up that has recently begun employing mobile vendors to sell such goodies as ‘Fury Burgers’ and ‘Beetle on a Stick’, promoting their Fury Beetle meat-harvesting operations. (+10% to Selection and Supplies)
66-79% MegaCorporation---A megacorp ultimately runs the vendor(and others like him), typically through subsidiary companies. Triax, Northern Gun, and Paladin Steel often have food companies under their umbrella, and sell/provide equipment to vendors in that position, and such vendors are often found concentrated around the megacorps’ operations. (+15% to Supplies)
80-89% Black Market---The Black Market or other organized crime syndicate is bankrolling the vendor, typically as a cover for some other activity. The vendor might be an honest tradesman coerced into working for the syndicate or might be a diehard operative. (+ 15% to Security and +20% to Criminal Activity rolls)
90-97% Small Government---A small regional government is backing the vendor, as part of an effort to encourage business, distribute food, or as a front for some other operation. (+10% to Security, +10% to Supply)
98-00% Large Government---A large government, like the Coalition States, subsidizes the vendors, as part of an effort to encourage business, distribute food, or as a front for some other operation.(+15% to Security, +15% to Supply)
c) Mobility---How does the food cart get around? Depending on how much power is available to move stuff around, a vendor’s ability to get around and follow the market(or get out of trouble) can be determined by what they have pulling for them.
01-20% None; the vendor relies on their own(or slave) muscle power to move their gear around. This can be pure walk-push-and-pull, or the vendor may have a bicycle or tricycle to make things marginally easier.
21-30% Animal---The vendor relies on animal-power to pull his rigs along. This is less common in the more modern urban centers, where street sanitation regulations discourage animal transport around food operations. (+5 % to Range rolls)
31-60% Tow Vehicle---The vendor owns a motorized vehicle for each of his carts; depending on the size of the operation, this can range from a motorcycle to large tow trucks. (+8 % to Range rolls)
61-85% Fully Motorized---The vendor’s carts ARE the vehicle, often specially configured to advertise the vendor’s goods(like the Oscar-Meyer Wiener Mobile or the Cold-‘n-Fresh Flying Ice Cream Sandwich Hovercraft). (+ 10% to Range rolls)
86-90% Military Surplus---The vendor is driving around in genuine military surplus, admittedly with most(if not all) of the weaponry removed, but all the armor. (+ 15% to Range rolls)
91-95% Magic Vehicle----The vendor, sponsorship permitting, uses magic vehicles, such as wingboards, refitted TW floaters, TW Battle Skimmers, or SkyShips.
96-98% D-bee vehicle---This can be a strange alien float-car, or a scavenged spacecraft. (+25 % to Range rolls)
99-00% Magic Teleport---The vendor, sponsorship permitting, uses magic to get from location to location, using established teleportation sites(typically ley line nexi) or sending scouts to mark locations to jump to. (+ 20% to Range rolls)
d) Alignment of Staff----What are these people like?
01-05% Diabolical & Miscreant---The owners are likely in business for something over than cash, and while you’re chewing, they’re picking your pockets, scoping you out for an ambush by their buddies, slipping a mickey in your drink or measuring you to see if you fit in the meat grinder. These people will readily torture and murder business rivals for position. (+20% to Criminal Activity, Consequences of Stiffing the Stand, and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls)
06-15% Aberrant----The owners are cutthroat capitalists. They won’t deliberately poison you, but they may play games with the change(shortchange the customers), and will definitely mark anybody who does them wrong. They are definitely NOT above using intimidation tactics on rival vendors. (+15% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls)
16-50% Anarchist---Out to make a buck; not above stiffing customers on change or watering the stock, but not maliciously so. May intimidate business rivals or prank them for position. (+5% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls, -15% to Criminal Activity)
51-79% Unprincipled and Scrupulous---Generally good and law-abiding; may do some self-inflicted justice if you stiff them. (-30% to Criminal Activity)
80 -00 Principled---Nice people; you might get a happy lecture on some subject(like religion) but you won’t be stiffed or anything. If you complain about quality(or an abreaction) they’ll listen, and you might even get a refund. ( -10% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls, -30% to Criminal Activity)
e) Hygiene----How clean is the food preparation?
01-05 Health Hazard--- The vendor’s probably mobile because it’s the only way he can stay out of trouble with the local health inspectors; it’s that filthy. The food stock is rotten, and the equipment is a stranger to cleaning. Roll versus non-lethal poison; on a failure, contract a nonfatal(but misery-inducing) stomach ailment that lasts 1d6 hours. (-10% to Cash rolls)
06-15 Poor---- The food stock could be fresher and workings could use some hot water and soap, and the owners don’t seem so hot on regularly washing their hands. 10% chance of contracting a stomach ailment similar to previous.
16-80 Decent----The vendor keeps their rig clean and shiny, wiping it all down on a regular basis. Suspect food stocks are thrown out immediately. Slim to no chance of catching anything.
81-00 Excellent ----As above, only a lot shinier and there’s also a generous supply of handy-wipes or hand sanitizer available as well for customers.
f) Cuisine Type---What’s being served up?
Note: There is a 01-50% chance of cold/raw foodstuffs being served(such as raw vegetables/salads or cold cuts/sandwiches, etc. ), 51-00% chance of cooked foods (hot soup, roasted nuts, pizza, etc.) being the draw.
01-20% Local---Don’t look for strangeness here; the vendor serves up food in the accepted local style.
21-60% Regional----The vendor specializes in foodstuffs with a greater regional theme or appeal; like Italian, Indian, Chinese, or Tex-Mex.
61-80% Ethnic---Food prepared according to a particular people’s or creed’s dietary laws or preferences. Like Cajun or kosher
81-00% Fusion----This is quite common on Rifts Earth; combining different styles(often terrestrial and extraterrestrial); styles like Atlantean-Cantonese, D’Norr-Italian, Swedish-Thai, or Cautoic-Mex.
g) Food Type--- Have reservations about eating something might have been once living?
01-20% Vegan---Only pure vegetarian; no animal or animal byproducts!
21-75% Omnivorous----Anything and everything, animal, vegetable, and mineral, especially in combination.
75-95% Carnivore----All meat and nothing but meat!
96-00% Mineral/Synthetic---Don’t worry, this stuff never grew; it was formulated, extruded, or synthesized from all-natural ingredients like Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. No living beings were harmed in its making.
h) Selection----What else is on the menu?
01-30% *MonoCuisine----The vendor focuses on ONE item and one item only(‘We do hot sausage, and only hot sausage!”), though that item may have a variety of condiments offered with it. The menu tends to be fixed, regardless of the season.
31-69%*Limited---The vendor is somewhat more versatile, with an offering of 1+1d4 different items, like hot dogs, burgers, fried dough, soup, and submarine sandwiches. May also offer a selection of 1d4 drinks(usually bottled/canned). Some items may change with the seasons(may offer ice cream in summer, hot drinks or food in winter).
70-94%*Large---You can get a complete and balanced meal from the vendor, with a selection of 3d6 different items, and a selection of 1d8 different beverages to wash it all down. Many items are seasonal.
95-99%*Cornucopia----The vendor offers a wide range of products, almost like a mini-mart. At any given time, the vendor offers 1d4x10 different items(and 1d10 beverages).
-00% *Have It Your Way!---The vendor is cocky enough(or well connected/skilled/equipped) that they take special orders. If they don’t already have it in stock(or can get it while you wait), if you provide the fixins’, they’ll provide the makins’.
i) Quality---How good is the grub?
01-10% *”You Call this Food? I’ve seen better grub on week-old roadkill!” (-10% to Cash rolls)
11-30% *Basic----You could probably prepare better if you had the time and wanted to go to the trouble. The food is occasionally under- or over-done...still, it’s less trouble than making it yourself
31-64% *Solid---The food is done well; few complaints.
65-94% *Just Like Momma Used to Make---Provided that Mom was a professional chef. Roughly equivalent to a Professional-level cooking skill of 7-9th level. (+10% to Cash rolls)
95-00% *Excellent!---Extremely high quality food. The vendor staff are master cooks---10th level professional cooking skill or better, or could be something like a High Cook(see Rifter #32, pgs 81-82). (+15% to Cash rolls)
j) Speed of Service---From ‘Order Up!’ to ‘Here’s Your Order!”, how fast and efficient is the service?
01-10% Slow---Not necessarily a bad thing if you don’t mind waiting on quality, but annoyingly so if you want fast service.
11-75% Quick---About what you’d expect to flip a steamed hot dog into a bun and cover it with sauerkraut, wrap and present it.
76-90% Fast---Can flip that same hot dog, pull and uncap a bottle of soda, insert a straw, and dish up a side order of cheese fries.
91-00% Blindingly Fast---We’re talking Juicer-reflex quick. Can juggle 3-4 orders at the same time, or prepare a full platter in the same time.
k) Cost---How much does it cost? Food carts tend to be less expensive than proper restaurants, but they can still be pretty pricey, especially if they’re the only available food source around(compare the costs for drinks in a supermarket versus what’s vended at a county fair to see what I mean) or utilize special ingredients.
01-15% *Cheap----Incredibly low prices.....1-3 credits for a plate?!
16-39% *Low----Prices shade to the low; 4-8 credits a plate
40-74% *Modest----Expect to spend about 9-14 bucks for a good-sized platter.
75-89% *Expensive---Expect to pay 30-50 credits for a bite of the good life.
90-00% *Exorbitant----Expect to dig deep into your pockets and start inventorying your possessions to pay off the bill. 100 credits or more for a meal(for one person!)
l) Supplies----How much do they have on hand and where are they getting it from?
01-10% Local Foraging----The vendor relies on what they can scrounge up from the wild, scavenge, get locals to hunt for them, or buy cheap from the local markets for ingredients and stock. Unless foraging is good, stocks are small and easily exhausted.
11-20% Livestock Or Capsule Farm----The vendor travels around with their own supply means; a herd of meat animals, a tank of live aquatic life, or a portable hydroponics farm or forced-growth capsule-farm. The vendors breed and grow much of their stock on the go, provided they can get the means to graze or feed it until it’s ready to harvest. Supplies are limited by what the vendor can transport and maintain.
21-68% Local Contract---The vendor has a contract with one or more local businesses to supply him with consumable supplies(like napkins and utensils) and foodstuffs. If his immediate supplies run out, it’s a simple matter to contact the local business. If local supplies run dry, so too does the vendor’s available stock.
69-85% Supply Cache---The vendor keeps a cache (or several) of supplies in his operating territory, such as a rented commercial refrigerator or warehouse, from which he can draw restock, and stock them up as opportunity allows.
86-97% Regular Resupply---The vendor has contacts with a larger organization(or home base) that regularly(once every one or two weeks) sends caravans and supply trains to keep him stocked up. This means that even if famine threatens his operating area, there’s a good chance he can still remain in business with the next supply train from out of town. Also tends to have a good supply of products on hand.
98-00% Supply on Demand----Regardless of the circumstances, the vendor will ALWAYS have a generous supply of goods on hand, and resupply is simply a matter of making a quick contact, and the next thing the customers know, a Death’s Head Transport is making a spot landing to drop off a load of fresh Xiticix meat, or a dimensional rift is opening to deliver fresh trays of cannoli.
m) Security---How ready are these people for trouble?
01-20% None---Unarmed and more inclined to run from trouble(if they can)
21-60% Basic---The cart and facilities are armored with protective plate(10-30 MDC) and the operators have a concealed weapon or two(like large knives, a baseball bat, or sawed-off shotgun) , and the training to use them.
61-75% Well-Armed---All the rigs and vehicles have medium to heavy armor for their weight class(usually 60-200 MDC for civilian vehicles), and the vendors wear plainclothes or light MDC body armor. There’s an MD weapon or several within easy reach, in concealed compartments.
76-85% Heavily Armed----As above, only the vendors are packing holstered sidearms, and have heavier weapons, like energy rifles, hidden in the carts or racked in their vehicles. There’s also(30% chance) of a reserve enforcer(man of arms) lounging nearby, watching for trouble.
86-90% Paranoid---- All the vehicles and carts are fitted with heavy armor and the vehicles can be sealed tight in an emergency. There’s a security team of 1d4 obvious armed guards nearby and a a 30% chance of a sniper or overwatch gunner(like a combat cyborg) on a nearby building.
91-93% Slam Squad---There’s a squad of heavy-hitters on speed-dial nearby who will come deal with any trouble within 1d6 melees. These can be a squad of Headhunters, Juicers, a motorized City Rat biker gang, Black Market enforcers, or a power armored friend/family member/protector ready to lend assistance. If the vendor is paying part of a protection racket, this is the genuine protection he gets for his ‘dues’.
94-95% Mystic Protection---The vendor has several TW protections built into their cart(like Armor of Ithan, Sheltering Force, Chromatic Protection, etc.) and possibly a TW weapon or two. The vendor may also have (30% chance) a mage, Mystic Knight, or other magic practitioner nearby ready to step in if there’s trouble.
96-00% SuperHuman Protector---The vendor has the protection of a full conversion combat cyborg, powerful mutant, reconditioned combat robot, superpowered d-bee, dragon, minor demon, or the equivalent, nearby.
n) Medical----Just in case something happens, how well prepared for an emergency is the vendor?
01-20% None----Better hope somebody nearby knows medical treatment, because you ain’t getting help from the vendor. Depending on the circumstances of the emergency, in fact, the vendor may be vamoosing before your body hits the ground.
21-60% First Aid----The vendor keeps a first aid kit(and maybe a fire extinguisher) in his cart and has the skill to use it.
65-85% Paramedic---One or more of the vendors is a certified EMT, with kit. In the alternative, the vendor can have 1d4 Healing psionic abilities. The cart or vehicle also has at least one fire extinguisher and emergency gear.
86-90% Medical Doctor/Body Fixer----A staff member is a qualified MD with a full field surgery kit. In the alternative, the vendor can have a mystic or psychic healer on hand. The cart or vehicles have spare blankets, stretchers, medical and rescue gear on hand.
91-95%Ambulance on Standby----The vendor has immediate access to a medical evacuation vehicle(or its equivalent, like a teleport to a nearby hospital).
96-00% Magic Potions----The vendor has a stash of healing potions or medical symbiotes hidden away.
o) Range---How far is the vendor willing to go for business?
01-20% Local----The vendor sticks to a few streets or a small town(no more than a five mile area of action), and rarely ventures outside those bounds. Rarely takes long term contracts outside his area of comfort.
21-40% Township Territory----The vendor roams an area the size of a large town or city, and is willing to venture to special events outside the town limits, though not much farther than 30-40 miles. Usually is willing to provide long-term service to an area outside their comfort zone.
41-59% County----The vendor is prepared to migrate around a county-sized area(that can be some 5d6x10 square miles). These folks tend to be willing to set up shop at a worksheet or encampment outside more developed areas, if the money and security is good.
60-79% State/Territory---The vendor is willing to travel over an area equivalent to a pre-Rifts state or general region(like New England, the West Coast, or Ohio River Valley) to look for customers, and take long-term service contracts with clients.
80-94% Continental----The vendor is willing to wander a continent looking for opportunities. These people will definitely follow profitable contracts with a client.
95-99% Global----The vendor is willing to go around the world for business.
-00% Extraplanetary/Extradimensional---The Rifts have offered food vendors a whole megaverse to explore as potential territory.
p) Special Features---What else distinguishes the stand?
01-20% Non-Food Products----The vendor also sells, as a sideline, things like toothbrushes, soap, postcards, flowers, and the like.
21-30% Reserved Corner---The vendor has staked claim to a particularly profitable location, and defends it against all newcomers. Established businesses respect the claim and the location can go unoccupied for 2d4 days before anybody else tries to muscle in. (+ 20% to Cash rolls)
31-40% Information Broker---If you ask nicely, the sandwich man can prove a font of detailed information. For an appropriately large tip, the onion rings come with serious information, or at least reference to who might know what. A good place to check for under-the-radar work.
41-50% Gossip---The vendor has their finger on the pulse of the community and is willing to share the latest news and hot gossip for free or an exchange of information. Not as in-depth or as dangerous as the Information Broker, but a lot cheaper and more general. A good person to advertise with if looking to score legitimate work.
51-59% Special Dish---The vendor has a special dish or foodstuff that draws attention and keeps customers coming back, even if the rest of the offerings are junk. This can be a food or drink that conveys special bonuses(like a +1d6 to P.E. or +5 versus disease) or simply tastes good or addictive(may have a divine blessing or infernal attractant on it), that cannot be replicated by anybody else.
60-69% Charms---The vendor sells little religious icons, good luck charms, and amulets for a small fee. There’s a 15% chance they may actually have something to them. There’s also a 20% chance of your fortune being read by the vendor(or staffer), again, there’s a 25% chance this will be an actual mystic prognostication.
70-79% Fruit Stand Shield---Maybe it’s magic, maybe it’s simple location, but if a fight or chase breaks out in the area, the vendor’s cart is the LAST to take damage or be targeted in the area. Other food carts in the area will serve as ablative armor(obviously no other carts in the immediate area can have this protection).
80-89% Contacts: Black Market----Even if not part of the Black Market, the vendor(s) is/are on friendly terms with them. If a customer asks nice(and likely pays a little bribe), the vendor may introduce them.
90-97% Contacts: Government Official---Maybe it’s the local health inspector, or the local Coalition NETSC watch officer, or a member of the Lazlo High Council, but the vendor has a friend in a high place that can pull strings or do a big favor for them.
98-99% Contacts: Big Friend---The vendor knows somebody with serious firepower or serious clout, like a great horned dragon, Lord Dunscon, or Joseph Prosek II(‘Damn, but you make a good taco sandwich! Ever thought of coming and cooking for my family?”).
-00% Contact: Divinity---The vendor is favored by a god, goddess, or godlike being. (Supposedly, there’s a little old human guy who sells apples and oranges from a cart in the streets of Splynn; NOBODY bothers him because word on the street is Splynncryth himself likes the little fellow for some reason)
q) Personality---Do you get a serving of attitude with your order?
01-10% Service with Snark----Efficient, with sarcasm. Not particularly unfriendly, but sometimes crosses the line into crass.
11-20% Soup Nazi---Institutional and efficient, but not particularly friendly. Makes it clear that the vendor reserves the right to refuse service to anybody they don’t like.
21-30% Orator----Uses the cart like a soap box. Given opportunity, the vendor will share his or her social/political views at length(“I’m telling you, Karl Prosek ain’t nothing compared to his father; now that man knew how to run a government! None of this d-bee coddling!”)
31-40% Comedian---The vendor delivers the hash with a side order of standup, maybe even some song.
41-50% Flirt--- Makes friendly passes at the opposite gender, buddy-buddy’s with members of the same gender(or the opposite if gay). Will back off if they sense the attention’s unwelcome.
51-60% Chatterbox----Will fill any silence with wordage on anything and everything. Bubbly and happy and sometimes annoying.
61-70% Old Timer----Will reminisce on his life and the local area, and at length. If prompted, he may divulge useful info about the area and the people in it.
71-80-% Doom and Gloom---Will go on and on about how everything is going to hell in a hand basket, from clothing styles and the economy to the weather and the world.
81-90-% Foody---Can lecture on the fine art of cooking and eating, with the zeal of an expert.
91-00% Sage---Full of pearls of wisdom, advice on life, and what portents of the future they can discern.
r) Criminal Activity----Besides possibly trespassing, is the vendor up to any other mischief?
01-60% None
61-70% Thievery--- The vendor is a cover for a thieving operation, often wandering about casing potential targets, and using the food cart to conceal stolen goods. 30% chance of operating as a fagin, directing 3d6 juveniles as pickpockets and smash-and-grab artists.
71-75% Spying---The food vendor’s cart and gear conceals surveillance gear; the vendor is gathering intel on people and places for his employers or for sale to anybody with the right money.
76-80% Smuggling(Contraband)---Miscellaneous contraband like books, DVDs, gemstones, magic items, and the like.
81-87% Smuggling(Weapons)---The vendor is moving guns, ammo, and explosives under his legal inventory.
88-94% Drug Dealing----The vendor is a cover for a drug dealer.
95-99% Slavery----The vendor scouts out possible victims and either drugs them if there’s no risk of being discovered, or reports the party to slavers to ambush later. In the alternative, the vendor may be selling small (but sentient) critters like faerie-folk, or serve as the front contact for a slave market(“Like my young assistant here? She’s yours for a piddling thousand credits.”).
-00% Cannibalism----They may not call it ’Soylent Green’ but that’s what it is. If a vegan vendor, the victims are fertilizer.
s) Cash on Hand---How much money does the vendor usually have on hand at any given time, for emergencies (or for handing over to a holdup)? This can be an indicator of how good business is, or how often the vendor squirrels away any earned cash to a different location.
01-20% Petty Cash---Not more than 1d6x10 credits
21-50% Small Potatoes---4d6x10 credits
51-85% Goodly Roll---2d4x100 credits
86-98% Serious Mullah---1d4x1,000 credits
99-00% Moneybags---3d6x1,000 credits
t) Consequences of Stiffing the Stand----Steal from the fruit stand? What could go wrong with that?
01- 55% Nothing, aside from an upset vendor shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off.
56-77% Rocks or knives thrown at your backs. Depending on the security, it may be more than just rocks lobbed at you.
78-80% Ambush---About a mile(or a block) down the road the PCs will be jumped by an ambush, could be extended family, could be the local authorities. They’ll rough you up(if they can) and extract a penalty payment of equal or greater value than the drink(s) you quaffed(usually greater) on just general principle and because they think you’re thieving sods.
81-85% Black Market now has your number; you’re tagged as having a reputation for being petty change-pinchers and skinflints. Next time you try this, you may be short a hand. Or you may find local merchants are turning against you as word gets out.
86-90% Bountyhunter or Professional Thief set on your path to steal something of equal or greater value from you, just on principle.
91-95% Curse laid on you and your party; Cloud of Insects. The PCs will be followed and besieged by a thick cloud of gnats, mosquitoes, or midges that get into just about anything. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
96-98% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
99-00 Slow-acting poison. Characters fatigue twice as fast and suffer increasing pain(and 1d4 Hit Point damage per hour). An antidote can be acquired by going back to the stand and begging for it(along with a hefty fee of 1d4x1,000 credits per person being treated)
u) Consequences of Destroying the Cart--- Some folks consider food carts fair game(enemy logistics) in a war zone, and arguably virtually all Rifts Earth is a war zone. And even if not deliberately targeted, a food cart is often collateral damage.
01-50% Nothing, aside from an upset vendor shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off(and maybe taking a potshot at you if their Security is good enough).
51-70% Local Authorities(such as extended family clan or local militia) ambush you 1d4 miles down the road.
71-78% Black Market gets the word that you’re a bunch of bastards.
79-82% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
83-87% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Doom. Curse lasts 1d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
88-91% Curse laid on you and your party; Curse of Hunger----The characters can eat all they want/can but they will suffer incurable HUNGER. Curse lasts 2d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
92-97% Monster set loose on your trail; this can be a HellHound, predatory dinosaur, minor demon or Shadow Beast, or something like a Rhino-Buffalo. It will chase the PCs for 2d6x10 miles(or 1d6 days) or until slain.
98-99% Booby-trap---The stand explodes; 50% chance of an explosive device(roughly equivalent to a Medium Range Missile Warhead with regards to damage and blast radius). Possible damage from being splatted with flying inventory, such as vegetables, caustic sauce, or scalding/burning hot cooking grease/grill fuel(GMs, use your discretion).
-00% Curse From On-High---Your actions against small business have earned you the wrath of a Divine or Infernal entity. Or maybe you kicked over one of Splynncryth’s little operations. You may not know now who the God of Small Businesses is, but you’re going to find out, much to your regret.
a) Type/Size
b) Sponsorship
c) Mobility
d) Alignment of Staff
e) Hygiene
f) Cuisine Type
g) Food Type
h) Selection
i) Quality
j) Speed of Service
k) Cost
l) Supplies
m) Security
n) Medical
o) Range
p) Special Features
q) Personality
r) Criminal Activity
s) Cash on Hand
t) Consequences of Stiffing the Stand
u) Consequences of Destroying the Cart
Food Carts of Rifts Earth
“I could really go for some lizard-onna-stick right about now!”
“Likewise. That looks pretty good. My treat, folks. Any of you want anything?”
“See if they’ve got any stuffed peppers. I’d KILL for some nice hot stuffed peppers.”
“Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
“Gerbils! Get your hot fresh gerbils here! Gerbils! We got honey-barbeque sauce!”
“Guys? I think I found a human finger bone in this meat pie I just bought from that vendor down the street ....”
“Happiness is seeing that pizza-engine pulling up to the construction site at lunch time!”
For as long as people have been paying other people to prepare food for them, there have been those entrepreneurs willing to bring that food to them. And not simply pre-prepared food, but the workings of making that food. The mobile food vendor has been a feature of human culinary history, probably since the invention of the cart. Just about every sophisticated society has had food vendors willing to hit the road to bring their fare to the customer. For many vendors, it’s a manner of economy; it’s simply easier to move kitchen top and stock around and follow the business than build or rent an expensive set-location establishment and hope business comes to them. For others. seating is the issue; for people on the go, buying from a street- or park-side vendor beats waiting in a line, waiting for limited seating. For others, it is convenience; trucking good food out to remote locations where it can be served piping hot or refreshingly cold. Be it the wandering tea samovar-man, a Japanese yatai, a hot-dog pushcart on the streetside, the nomadic ice cream truck, or a chromed roach-coach pulling up to a worksheet, food vendors are a common sight in the modern world, and give meaning to ‘eating out’. It should come as no great surprise, then, that the practice of the food cart has survived the Coming of the Rifts and persists even in the post-apocalyptic era, albeit given new practitioners and new angles(indeed, one thing humanity has learned is that food cart vendors are just as common among d-bee societies as among humans).
The basic food cart is exactly that; a mobile cart(or vehicle) carrying a selection of foodstuffs, the means to keep them fresh, cold, or hot, and some means to move it all about. The more elaborate vendors may be equipped with actual food preparation equipment, like an open grill, barbeque pit, ice cream churn, or baking oven. Depending on the size, orientation, and legality of the operation, the set-up may have some form of weather shelter(an umbrella or roof, if only to keep the sun off the vendor), a temporary dining area nearby(folding table, chairs, an umbrella or two, or a tent), and some advertizing banners set up around. Staff can range from a single person doing everything, to a small team handling cooking, order-taking, cash, mechanics, and security. Exact details vary wildly, but those are the essentials.
In many ways, food carts survived the apocalypse where restaurants and grocery stores did not. And as business and profit began to replace basic necessity, food vendors were on the forefront of the return to normalcy. Traveling food carts began moving between rebuilding communities, restoring and reintroducing foreign cuisines, helping move surplus goods, and feeding the reconstruction efforts.
On Rifts Earth, Food Carts are again a fixture of everyday life. Be they legitimate aboveboard businesses in full compliance with local ordinances, or fugitive opportunists looking to squeak out a credit or two before running ahead of the local law, food carts and vendors appear in virtually every community that allows private business. They patrol the streets, hawking local delicacies, surplus foodstuffs, and exotic treats, stake out corners near busy transit hubs or businesses, go door to door delivering fresh produce or hot ready-to-eat meals to the invalided, work-swamped, or lazy, attend to construction sites to feed hungry workers, and follow armies in the field, to feed camp followers and soldiers looking for something other than standard-issue rations to dine on. Whenever a large monster goes down near a settled area, more often than not enterprising food vendors appear like vultures to help dispose of the critter’s remains and offer bystanders a ‘taste of the monstrous’. And for many, food carts represent a social safety net; a chance to work and go into business for themselves and retain some small dignity, even if it is hawking oranges or roasted peanuts from a pushcart.
Surprisingly, the Coalition States military acknowledges food carts as part of their following; food carts often follow the larger CS armies into the field, selling to camp followers and soldiers alike. As long as the vendors meet stringent CS inspection(d-bee vendors are certainly discouraged, and spot health inspections are a regular danger), and, more often than not, pay a hefty bribe to the inspectors, the CS army tolerates their presence. In areas like the Minnesota front, food vendors often clean up on usable meat after the CS has annihilated Xiticix hives; chicken-fried Xit is almost a staple of food cart vendors in the region.
Food Carts can be found around just about any community of Rifts Earth, and sometimes in the spaces in between, following caravans, armies, mass-migrations, and work crews.
a) Type/Size----How big an operation is it? Food Vendors can vary in size from the tray-in-a-shoulder-strap to massive prime movers the size of a supermarket.
01-15% Tiny----The archetype hand-carried or one-man pushcart. Only one employee and a rather limited selection of goods(-20% to Mobility and -15% to Selection)
16-30% Small---A larger cart/rig requiring more than one person(or manual labor) to move about. 1+1d4 employees(usually family or friends, taking shifts)
31-60% Modest---About the size of a small trailer, staffed by about 1d6 employees. (+5% to Mobility and Selection)
61-84% Large----About the size of an large RV. Employs about 1d8 employees. (+10% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
85-99% Huge---As vending operations go, this is a big deal, and is more like a large scale catering operation, with 1d6 separate rigs and about 2d10 employees. These tend to cater to work sites and large public events, and break down into smaller units for regular street-level business. (+15% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
-00% Gigantic--- The high end of vendor groups; 2d6 separate rigs, and upwards of 1d6x10 people. These sorts of operations typically have vehicular heavy-haulers or small herds of animals to help haul the gear around. These sorts of operations are rarely seen in one place(usually country fairs or military encampments); they usually split up into smaller units when working a territory. (+20% to Mobility, Selection, and Supplies)
b) Sponsorship---Who backs the enterprise? This can determine the outlook, policies, and equipment the vendor operates with/under.
01-30% Privately Owned----Mom & Pop, or a private entrepreneur.
31-50% Small Franchise----The vendor actually works under license from a small company, usually providing the main product. (+5% to Supplies)
51-65% Major Company---A fair-sized company uses the vendor as a traveling market agent and advertisement for their goods and services. Cartier-Fury Ranch(see Rifts Canada, pg. 53-57) is a good example of a company on the up and up that has recently begun employing mobile vendors to sell such goodies as ‘Fury Burgers’ and ‘Beetle on a Stick’, promoting their Fury Beetle meat-harvesting operations. (+10% to Selection and Supplies)
66-79% MegaCorporation---A megacorp ultimately runs the vendor(and others like him), typically through subsidiary companies. Triax, Northern Gun, and Paladin Steel often have food companies under their umbrella, and sell/provide equipment to vendors in that position, and such vendors are often found concentrated around the megacorps’ operations. (+15% to Supplies)
80-89% Black Market---The Black Market or other organized crime syndicate is bankrolling the vendor, typically as a cover for some other activity. The vendor might be an honest tradesman coerced into working for the syndicate or might be a diehard operative. (+ 15% to Security and +20% to Criminal Activity rolls)
90-97% Small Government---A small regional government is backing the vendor, as part of an effort to encourage business, distribute food, or as a front for some other operation. (+10% to Security, +10% to Supply)
98-00% Large Government---A large government, like the Coalition States, subsidizes the vendors, as part of an effort to encourage business, distribute food, or as a front for some other operation.(+15% to Security, +15% to Supply)
c) Mobility---How does the food cart get around? Depending on how much power is available to move stuff around, a vendor’s ability to get around and follow the market(or get out of trouble) can be determined by what they have pulling for them.
01-20% None; the vendor relies on their own(or slave) muscle power to move their gear around. This can be pure walk-push-and-pull, or the vendor may have a bicycle or tricycle to make things marginally easier.
21-30% Animal---The vendor relies on animal-power to pull his rigs along. This is less common in the more modern urban centers, where street sanitation regulations discourage animal transport around food operations. (+5 % to Range rolls)
31-60% Tow Vehicle---The vendor owns a motorized vehicle for each of his carts; depending on the size of the operation, this can range from a motorcycle to large tow trucks. (+8 % to Range rolls)
61-85% Fully Motorized---The vendor’s carts ARE the vehicle, often specially configured to advertise the vendor’s goods(like the Oscar-Meyer Wiener Mobile or the Cold-‘n-Fresh Flying Ice Cream Sandwich Hovercraft). (+ 10% to Range rolls)
86-90% Military Surplus---The vendor is driving around in genuine military surplus, admittedly with most(if not all) of the weaponry removed, but all the armor. (+ 15% to Range rolls)
91-95% Magic Vehicle----The vendor, sponsorship permitting, uses magic vehicles, such as wingboards, refitted TW floaters, TW Battle Skimmers, or SkyShips.
96-98% D-bee vehicle---This can be a strange alien float-car, or a scavenged spacecraft. (+25 % to Range rolls)
99-00% Magic Teleport---The vendor, sponsorship permitting, uses magic to get from location to location, using established teleportation sites(typically ley line nexi) or sending scouts to mark locations to jump to. (+ 20% to Range rolls)
d) Alignment of Staff----What are these people like?
01-05% Diabolical & Miscreant---The owners are likely in business for something over than cash, and while you’re chewing, they’re picking your pockets, scoping you out for an ambush by their buddies, slipping a mickey in your drink or measuring you to see if you fit in the meat grinder. These people will readily torture and murder business rivals for position. (+20% to Criminal Activity, Consequences of Stiffing the Stand, and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls)
06-15% Aberrant----The owners are cutthroat capitalists. They won’t deliberately poison you, but they may play games with the change(shortchange the customers), and will definitely mark anybody who does them wrong. They are definitely NOT above using intimidation tactics on rival vendors. (+15% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls)
16-50% Anarchist---Out to make a buck; not above stiffing customers on change or watering the stock, but not maliciously so. May intimidate business rivals or prank them for position. (+5% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand rolls, -15% to Criminal Activity)
51-79% Unprincipled and Scrupulous---Generally good and law-abiding; may do some self-inflicted justice if you stiff them. (-30% to Criminal Activity)
80 -00 Principled---Nice people; you might get a happy lecture on some subject(like religion) but you won’t be stiffed or anything. If you complain about quality(or an abreaction) they’ll listen, and you might even get a refund. ( -10% to Consequences of Stiffing the Stand and Consequences of Destroying the Stand rolls, -30% to Criminal Activity)
e) Hygiene----How clean is the food preparation?
01-05 Health Hazard--- The vendor’s probably mobile because it’s the only way he can stay out of trouble with the local health inspectors; it’s that filthy. The food stock is rotten, and the equipment is a stranger to cleaning. Roll versus non-lethal poison; on a failure, contract a nonfatal(but misery-inducing) stomach ailment that lasts 1d6 hours. (-10% to Cash rolls)
06-15 Poor---- The food stock could be fresher and workings could use some hot water and soap, and the owners don’t seem so hot on regularly washing their hands. 10% chance of contracting a stomach ailment similar to previous.
16-80 Decent----The vendor keeps their rig clean and shiny, wiping it all down on a regular basis. Suspect food stocks are thrown out immediately. Slim to no chance of catching anything.
81-00 Excellent ----As above, only a lot shinier and there’s also a generous supply of handy-wipes or hand sanitizer available as well for customers.
f) Cuisine Type---What’s being served up?
Note: There is a 01-50% chance of cold/raw foodstuffs being served(such as raw vegetables/salads or cold cuts/sandwiches, etc. ), 51-00% chance of cooked foods (hot soup, roasted nuts, pizza, etc.) being the draw.
01-20% Local---Don’t look for strangeness here; the vendor serves up food in the accepted local style.
21-60% Regional----The vendor specializes in foodstuffs with a greater regional theme or appeal; like Italian, Indian, Chinese, or Tex-Mex.
61-80% Ethnic---Food prepared according to a particular people’s or creed’s dietary laws or preferences. Like Cajun or kosher
81-00% Fusion----This is quite common on Rifts Earth; combining different styles(often terrestrial and extraterrestrial); styles like Atlantean-Cantonese, D’Norr-Italian, Swedish-Thai, or Cautoic-Mex.
g) Food Type--- Have reservations about eating something might have been once living?
01-20% Vegan---Only pure vegetarian; no animal or animal byproducts!
21-75% Omnivorous----Anything and everything, animal, vegetable, and mineral, especially in combination.
75-95% Carnivore----All meat and nothing but meat!
96-00% Mineral/Synthetic---Don’t worry, this stuff never grew; it was formulated, extruded, or synthesized from all-natural ingredients like Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. No living beings were harmed in its making.
h) Selection----What else is on the menu?
01-30% *MonoCuisine----The vendor focuses on ONE item and one item only(‘We do hot sausage, and only hot sausage!”), though that item may have a variety of condiments offered with it. The menu tends to be fixed, regardless of the season.
31-69%*Limited---The vendor is somewhat more versatile, with an offering of 1+1d4 different items, like hot dogs, burgers, fried dough, soup, and submarine sandwiches. May also offer a selection of 1d4 drinks(usually bottled/canned). Some items may change with the seasons(may offer ice cream in summer, hot drinks or food in winter).
70-94%*Large---You can get a complete and balanced meal from the vendor, with a selection of 3d6 different items, and a selection of 1d8 different beverages to wash it all down. Many items are seasonal.
95-99%*Cornucopia----The vendor offers a wide range of products, almost like a mini-mart. At any given time, the vendor offers 1d4x10 different items(and 1d10 beverages).
-00% *Have It Your Way!---The vendor is cocky enough(or well connected/skilled/equipped) that they take special orders. If they don’t already have it in stock(or can get it while you wait), if you provide the fixins’, they’ll provide the makins’.
i) Quality---How good is the grub?
01-10% *”You Call this Food? I’ve seen better grub on week-old roadkill!” (-10% to Cash rolls)
11-30% *Basic----You could probably prepare better if you had the time and wanted to go to the trouble. The food is occasionally under- or over-done...still, it’s less trouble than making it yourself
31-64% *Solid---The food is done well; few complaints.
65-94% *Just Like Momma Used to Make---Provided that Mom was a professional chef. Roughly equivalent to a Professional-level cooking skill of 7-9th level. (+10% to Cash rolls)
95-00% *Excellent!---Extremely high quality food. The vendor staff are master cooks---10th level professional cooking skill or better, or could be something like a High Cook(see Rifter #32, pgs 81-82). (+15% to Cash rolls)
j) Speed of Service---From ‘Order Up!’ to ‘Here’s Your Order!”, how fast and efficient is the service?
01-10% Slow---Not necessarily a bad thing if you don’t mind waiting on quality, but annoyingly so if you want fast service.
11-75% Quick---About what you’d expect to flip a steamed hot dog into a bun and cover it with sauerkraut, wrap and present it.
76-90% Fast---Can flip that same hot dog, pull and uncap a bottle of soda, insert a straw, and dish up a side order of cheese fries.
91-00% Blindingly Fast---We’re talking Juicer-reflex quick. Can juggle 3-4 orders at the same time, or prepare a full platter in the same time.
k) Cost---How much does it cost? Food carts tend to be less expensive than proper restaurants, but they can still be pretty pricey, especially if they’re the only available food source around(compare the costs for drinks in a supermarket versus what’s vended at a county fair to see what I mean) or utilize special ingredients.
01-15% *Cheap----Incredibly low prices.....1-3 credits for a plate?!
16-39% *Low----Prices shade to the low; 4-8 credits a plate
40-74% *Modest----Expect to spend about 9-14 bucks for a good-sized platter.
75-89% *Expensive---Expect to pay 30-50 credits for a bite of the good life.
90-00% *Exorbitant----Expect to dig deep into your pockets and start inventorying your possessions to pay off the bill. 100 credits or more for a meal(for one person!)
l) Supplies----How much do they have on hand and where are they getting it from?
01-10% Local Foraging----The vendor relies on what they can scrounge up from the wild, scavenge, get locals to hunt for them, or buy cheap from the local markets for ingredients and stock. Unless foraging is good, stocks are small and easily exhausted.
11-20% Livestock Or Capsule Farm----The vendor travels around with their own supply means; a herd of meat animals, a tank of live aquatic life, or a portable hydroponics farm or forced-growth capsule-farm. The vendors breed and grow much of their stock on the go, provided they can get the means to graze or feed it until it’s ready to harvest. Supplies are limited by what the vendor can transport and maintain.
21-68% Local Contract---The vendor has a contract with one or more local businesses to supply him with consumable supplies(like napkins and utensils) and foodstuffs. If his immediate supplies run out, it’s a simple matter to contact the local business. If local supplies run dry, so too does the vendor’s available stock.
69-85% Supply Cache---The vendor keeps a cache (or several) of supplies in his operating territory, such as a rented commercial refrigerator or warehouse, from which he can draw restock, and stock them up as opportunity allows.
86-97% Regular Resupply---The vendor has contacts with a larger organization(or home base) that regularly(once every one or two weeks) sends caravans and supply trains to keep him stocked up. This means that even if famine threatens his operating area, there’s a good chance he can still remain in business with the next supply train from out of town. Also tends to have a good supply of products on hand.
98-00% Supply on Demand----Regardless of the circumstances, the vendor will ALWAYS have a generous supply of goods on hand, and resupply is simply a matter of making a quick contact, and the next thing the customers know, a Death’s Head Transport is making a spot landing to drop off a load of fresh Xiticix meat, or a dimensional rift is opening to deliver fresh trays of cannoli.
m) Security---How ready are these people for trouble?
01-20% None---Unarmed and more inclined to run from trouble(if they can)
21-60% Basic---The cart and facilities are armored with protective plate(10-30 MDC) and the operators have a concealed weapon or two(like large knives, a baseball bat, or sawed-off shotgun) , and the training to use them.
61-75% Well-Armed---All the rigs and vehicles have medium to heavy armor for their weight class(usually 60-200 MDC for civilian vehicles), and the vendors wear plainclothes or light MDC body armor. There’s an MD weapon or several within easy reach, in concealed compartments.
76-85% Heavily Armed----As above, only the vendors are packing holstered sidearms, and have heavier weapons, like energy rifles, hidden in the carts or racked in their vehicles. There’s also(30% chance) of a reserve enforcer(man of arms) lounging nearby, watching for trouble.
86-90% Paranoid---- All the vehicles and carts are fitted with heavy armor and the vehicles can be sealed tight in an emergency. There’s a security team of 1d4 obvious armed guards nearby and a a 30% chance of a sniper or overwatch gunner(like a combat cyborg) on a nearby building.
91-93% Slam Squad---There’s a squad of heavy-hitters on speed-dial nearby who will come deal with any trouble within 1d6 melees. These can be a squad of Headhunters, Juicers, a motorized City Rat biker gang, Black Market enforcers, or a power armored friend/family member/protector ready to lend assistance. If the vendor is paying part of a protection racket, this is the genuine protection he gets for his ‘dues’.
94-95% Mystic Protection---The vendor has several TW protections built into their cart(like Armor of Ithan, Sheltering Force, Chromatic Protection, etc.) and possibly a TW weapon or two. The vendor may also have (30% chance) a mage, Mystic Knight, or other magic practitioner nearby ready to step in if there’s trouble.
96-00% SuperHuman Protector---The vendor has the protection of a full conversion combat cyborg, powerful mutant, reconditioned combat robot, superpowered d-bee, dragon, minor demon, or the equivalent, nearby.
n) Medical----Just in case something happens, how well prepared for an emergency is the vendor?
01-20% None----Better hope somebody nearby knows medical treatment, because you ain’t getting help from the vendor. Depending on the circumstances of the emergency, in fact, the vendor may be vamoosing before your body hits the ground.
21-60% First Aid----The vendor keeps a first aid kit(and maybe a fire extinguisher) in his cart and has the skill to use it.
65-85% Paramedic---One or more of the vendors is a certified EMT, with kit. In the alternative, the vendor can have 1d4 Healing psionic abilities. The cart or vehicle also has at least one fire extinguisher and emergency gear.
86-90% Medical Doctor/Body Fixer----A staff member is a qualified MD with a full field surgery kit. In the alternative, the vendor can have a mystic or psychic healer on hand. The cart or vehicles have spare blankets, stretchers, medical and rescue gear on hand.
91-95%Ambulance on Standby----The vendor has immediate access to a medical evacuation vehicle(or its equivalent, like a teleport to a nearby hospital).
96-00% Magic Potions----The vendor has a stash of healing potions or medical symbiotes hidden away.
o) Range---How far is the vendor willing to go for business?
01-20% Local----The vendor sticks to a few streets or a small town(no more than a five mile area of action), and rarely ventures outside those bounds. Rarely takes long term contracts outside his area of comfort.
21-40% Township Territory----The vendor roams an area the size of a large town or city, and is willing to venture to special events outside the town limits, though not much farther than 30-40 miles. Usually is willing to provide long-term service to an area outside their comfort zone.
41-59% County----The vendor is prepared to migrate around a county-sized area(that can be some 5d6x10 square miles). These folks tend to be willing to set up shop at a worksheet or encampment outside more developed areas, if the money and security is good.
60-79% State/Territory---The vendor is willing to travel over an area equivalent to a pre-Rifts state or general region(like New England, the West Coast, or Ohio River Valley) to look for customers, and take long-term service contracts with clients.
80-94% Continental----The vendor is willing to wander a continent looking for opportunities. These people will definitely follow profitable contracts with a client.
95-99% Global----The vendor is willing to go around the world for business.
-00% Extraplanetary/Extradimensional---The Rifts have offered food vendors a whole megaverse to explore as potential territory.
p) Special Features---What else distinguishes the stand?
01-20% Non-Food Products----The vendor also sells, as a sideline, things like toothbrushes, soap, postcards, flowers, and the like.
21-30% Reserved Corner---The vendor has staked claim to a particularly profitable location, and defends it against all newcomers. Established businesses respect the claim and the location can go unoccupied for 2d4 days before anybody else tries to muscle in. (+ 20% to Cash rolls)
31-40% Information Broker---If you ask nicely, the sandwich man can prove a font of detailed information. For an appropriately large tip, the onion rings come with serious information, or at least reference to who might know what. A good place to check for under-the-radar work.
41-50% Gossip---The vendor has their finger on the pulse of the community and is willing to share the latest news and hot gossip for free or an exchange of information. Not as in-depth or as dangerous as the Information Broker, but a lot cheaper and more general. A good person to advertise with if looking to score legitimate work.
51-59% Special Dish---The vendor has a special dish or foodstuff that draws attention and keeps customers coming back, even if the rest of the offerings are junk. This can be a food or drink that conveys special bonuses(like a +1d6 to P.E. or +5 versus disease) or simply tastes good or addictive(may have a divine blessing or infernal attractant on it), that cannot be replicated by anybody else.
60-69% Charms---The vendor sells little religious icons, good luck charms, and amulets for a small fee. There’s a 15% chance they may actually have something to them. There’s also a 20% chance of your fortune being read by the vendor(or staffer), again, there’s a 25% chance this will be an actual mystic prognostication.
70-79% Fruit Stand Shield---Maybe it’s magic, maybe it’s simple location, but if a fight or chase breaks out in the area, the vendor’s cart is the LAST to take damage or be targeted in the area. Other food carts in the area will serve as ablative armor(obviously no other carts in the immediate area can have this protection).
80-89% Contacts: Black Market----Even if not part of the Black Market, the vendor(s) is/are on friendly terms with them. If a customer asks nice(and likely pays a little bribe), the vendor may introduce them.
90-97% Contacts: Government Official---Maybe it’s the local health inspector, or the local Coalition NETSC watch officer, or a member of the Lazlo High Council, but the vendor has a friend in a high place that can pull strings or do a big favor for them.
98-99% Contacts: Big Friend---The vendor knows somebody with serious firepower or serious clout, like a great horned dragon, Lord Dunscon, or Joseph Prosek II(‘Damn, but you make a good taco sandwich! Ever thought of coming and cooking for my family?”).
-00% Contact: Divinity---The vendor is favored by a god, goddess, or godlike being. (Supposedly, there’s a little old human guy who sells apples and oranges from a cart in the streets of Splynn; NOBODY bothers him because word on the street is Splynncryth himself likes the little fellow for some reason)
q) Personality---Do you get a serving of attitude with your order?
01-10% Service with Snark----Efficient, with sarcasm. Not particularly unfriendly, but sometimes crosses the line into crass.
11-20% Soup Nazi---Institutional and efficient, but not particularly friendly. Makes it clear that the vendor reserves the right to refuse service to anybody they don’t like.
21-30% Orator----Uses the cart like a soap box. Given opportunity, the vendor will share his or her social/political views at length(“I’m telling you, Karl Prosek ain’t nothing compared to his father; now that man knew how to run a government! None of this d-bee coddling!”)
31-40% Comedian---The vendor delivers the hash with a side order of standup, maybe even some song.
41-50% Flirt--- Makes friendly passes at the opposite gender, buddy-buddy’s with members of the same gender(or the opposite if gay). Will back off if they sense the attention’s unwelcome.
51-60% Chatterbox----Will fill any silence with wordage on anything and everything. Bubbly and happy and sometimes annoying.
61-70% Old Timer----Will reminisce on his life and the local area, and at length. If prompted, he may divulge useful info about the area and the people in it.
71-80-% Doom and Gloom---Will go on and on about how everything is going to hell in a hand basket, from clothing styles and the economy to the weather and the world.
81-90-% Foody---Can lecture on the fine art of cooking and eating, with the zeal of an expert.
91-00% Sage---Full of pearls of wisdom, advice on life, and what portents of the future they can discern.
r) Criminal Activity----Besides possibly trespassing, is the vendor up to any other mischief?
01-60% None
61-70% Thievery--- The vendor is a cover for a thieving operation, often wandering about casing potential targets, and using the food cart to conceal stolen goods. 30% chance of operating as a fagin, directing 3d6 juveniles as pickpockets and smash-and-grab artists.
71-75% Spying---The food vendor’s cart and gear conceals surveillance gear; the vendor is gathering intel on people and places for his employers or for sale to anybody with the right money.
76-80% Smuggling(Contraband)---Miscellaneous contraband like books, DVDs, gemstones, magic items, and the like.
81-87% Smuggling(Weapons)---The vendor is moving guns, ammo, and explosives under his legal inventory.
88-94% Drug Dealing----The vendor is a cover for a drug dealer.
95-99% Slavery----The vendor scouts out possible victims and either drugs them if there’s no risk of being discovered, or reports the party to slavers to ambush later. In the alternative, the vendor may be selling small (but sentient) critters like faerie-folk, or serve as the front contact for a slave market(“Like my young assistant here? She’s yours for a piddling thousand credits.”).
-00% Cannibalism----They may not call it ’Soylent Green’ but that’s what it is. If a vegan vendor, the victims are fertilizer.
s) Cash on Hand---How much money does the vendor usually have on hand at any given time, for emergencies (or for handing over to a holdup)? This can be an indicator of how good business is, or how often the vendor squirrels away any earned cash to a different location.
01-20% Petty Cash---Not more than 1d6x10 credits
21-50% Small Potatoes---4d6x10 credits
51-85% Goodly Roll---2d4x100 credits
86-98% Serious Mullah---1d4x1,000 credits
99-00% Moneybags---3d6x1,000 credits
t) Consequences of Stiffing the Stand----Steal from the fruit stand? What could go wrong with that?
01- 55% Nothing, aside from an upset vendor shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off.
56-77% Rocks or knives thrown at your backs. Depending on the security, it may be more than just rocks lobbed at you.
78-80% Ambush---About a mile(or a block) down the road the PCs will be jumped by an ambush, could be extended family, could be the local authorities. They’ll rough you up(if they can) and extract a penalty payment of equal or greater value than the drink(s) you quaffed(usually greater) on just general principle and because they think you’re thieving sods.
81-85% Black Market now has your number; you’re tagged as having a reputation for being petty change-pinchers and skinflints. Next time you try this, you may be short a hand. Or you may find local merchants are turning against you as word gets out.
86-90% Bountyhunter or Professional Thief set on your path to steal something of equal or greater value from you, just on principle.
91-95% Curse laid on you and your party; Cloud of Insects. The PCs will be followed and besieged by a thick cloud of gnats, mosquitoes, or midges that get into just about anything. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
96-98% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 HOURS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
99-00 Slow-acting poison. Characters fatigue twice as fast and suffer increasing pain(and 1d4 Hit Point damage per hour). An antidote can be acquired by going back to the stand and begging for it(along with a hefty fee of 1d4x1,000 credits per person being treated)
u) Consequences of Destroying the Cart--- Some folks consider food carts fair game(enemy logistics) in a war zone, and arguably virtually all Rifts Earth is a war zone. And even if not deliberately targeted, a food cart is often collateral damage.
01-50% Nothing, aside from an upset vendor shaking their manipulatory appendages at you as you ride off(and maybe taking a potshot at you if their Security is good enough).
51-70% Local Authorities(such as extended family clan or local militia) ambush you 1d4 miles down the road.
71-78% Black Market gets the word that you’re a bunch of bastards.
79-82% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Death. Curse lasts 1d4 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
83-87% Curse laid on you and your party; Aura of Doom. Curse lasts 1d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
88-91% Curse laid on you and your party; Curse of Hunger----The characters can eat all they want/can but they will suffer incurable HUNGER. Curse lasts 2d6 DAYS(or until otherwise broken/lifted, such as by an apology and bribe to the offended party).
92-97% Monster set loose on your trail; this can be a HellHound, predatory dinosaur, minor demon or Shadow Beast, or something like a Rhino-Buffalo. It will chase the PCs for 2d6x10 miles(or 1d6 days) or until slain.
98-99% Booby-trap---The stand explodes; 50% chance of an explosive device(roughly equivalent to a Medium Range Missile Warhead with regards to damage and blast radius). Possible damage from being splatted with flying inventory, such as vegetables, caustic sauce, or scalding/burning hot cooking grease/grill fuel(GMs, use your discretion).
-00% Curse From On-High---Your actions against small business have earned you the wrath of a Divine or Infernal entity. Or maybe you kicked over one of Splynncryth’s little operations. You may not know now who the God of Small Businesses is, but you’re going to find out, much to your regret.
a) Type/Size
b) Sponsorship
c) Mobility
d) Alignment of Staff
e) Hygiene
f) Cuisine Type
g) Food Type
h) Selection
i) Quality
j) Speed of Service
k) Cost
l) Supplies
m) Security
n) Medical
o) Range
p) Special Features
q) Personality
r) Criminal Activity
s) Cash on Hand
t) Consequences of Stiffing the Stand
u) Consequences of Destroying the Cart
Last edited by taalismn on Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
LOVE IT! I am thinking a player team might want to sponsor a food cart as part of their operations.
- Rimmerdal
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- Comment: Official Member of the 'Transformers don't need Humans Club'
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Agree, this puts a broader range of use for a merc company. Its a big world and an army travels on its stomach. so such a company would get work easily..Just watch out you don't tick off the boys in Larsen's Brigade..LOL!
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
this could easily provide a model for how larsen's food service works. just take out the cost factor, but do allow of extra pay/bribes by soldiers for something special.
also allow for soldiers/customers that hunt/farm/gather to provide suplimentary food stores.... "that bear that Joe killed last week was mighty tasty" I can see developing a relationship with a local food cart vendor.... "you bring me what you kill and you get a few meals free"
also allow for soldiers/customers that hunt/farm/gather to provide suplimentary food stores.... "that bear that Joe killed last week was mighty tasty" I can see developing a relationship with a local food cart vendor.... "you bring me what you kill and you get a few meals free"
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Rimmerdal wrote:Agree, this puts a broader range of use for a merc company. Its a big world and an army travels on its stomach. so such a company would get work easily..Just watch out you don't tick off the boys in Larsen's Brigade..LOL!
Indeed..I thought of including as a Special Feature a Dedicated Hunting Party, but figured that could be taken care of by such combos as Supply: Foraging, and a high security count, or Local Contracts. There might be many military format small companies that hunt 'bush meat' for living, with an emphasis on staffing with psi-stalkers and Big Game Hunters,preserving and packaging it, and selling the meat to food vendors and other concerns. Having that old Mark V APC set up with a portable smokehouse so they can make dinosaur sausage to sell on the go would be a good way to make money.
Only the most hidebound cook or food conservative wouldn't seek to take advantage of a large supply of a local ingredient, so many a hotdog stand could double as a 'boiled Thunderbeetle' stand if they have enough expertise and advance warning to set up appropriately.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Rimmerdal
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- Comment: Official Member of the 'Transformers don't need Humans Club'
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
mmm Rifts street meat..
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Rimmerdal
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- Comment: Official Member of the 'Transformers don't need Humans Club'
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
LOL! I had to put that in my sig.
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
taalismn wrote:"Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
Makes me kinda sad that no mention of psi cola was made.
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
And on Rifts Earth, the Roadkill Cafe is in full swing!
Especially considering you're not only dealing with tire run-over or grill-whack, but robot kick and stomp, mid-air collision with wingboards, leyline mowdown, tank tread trauma, hoverjet turbine-minced, and thruster-fried.
Especially considering you're not only dealing with tire run-over or grill-whack, but robot kick and stomp, mid-air collision with wingboards, leyline mowdown, tank tread trauma, hoverjet turbine-minced, and thruster-fried.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:LOVE IT! I am thinking a player team might want to sponsor a food cart as part of their operations.
Do they know that? There are ways to make sure they will do it, even if they don't.

I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...

Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.
taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...
taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink...

- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
abtex wrote:sirkermittsg wrote:LOVE IT! I am thinking a player team might want to sponsor a food cart as part of their operations.
Do they know that? There are ways to make sure they will do it, even if they don't.![]()
Do tell. Do tell. personally I think anything that brings in extra money for the group is a good thing. In general I am the king of salvage.
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Noon wrote:taalismn wrote:"Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
Makes me kinda sad that no mention of psi cola was made.
would not Psi Cola be covered under contraband? its not exactly legal is it?
- Rimmerdal
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:Noon wrote:taalismn wrote:"Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
Makes me kinda sad that no mention of psi cola was made.
would not Psi Cola be covered under contraband? its not exactly legal is it?
only in some areas it is. In Psyscape its like alcohol and considered socially acceptable, the federation of magic while not banning considers it a crutch for the weak, The CS does ban it. Though some units in Psi-Batt do keep some of the stuff they seize...just in case. Kingsdale, merctown and Lazlo/new lazlo see it as unnecessary and have Psicola addiction centers but if I recall have similar policy as Psyscape.
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
- keir451
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My real physics defeats your quasi physics!!! - Location: Denver,CO
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
I'm looking for CMOT (Cut Me Own Throat) Dibbler, from Terry Pratchet's DiscWorld.
My real world Physics defeats your Quasi-Physics!!!
Bubblegum Crisis, best anime/sci-fi/ for totally hot babes in Power Armor.!!!!
Magic. Completely screws logic at every opportunity. (credit due to Ilendaver)
Bubblegum Crisis, best anime/sci-fi/ for totally hot babes in Power Armor.!!!!
Magic. Completely screws logic at every opportunity. (credit due to Ilendaver)
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Noon wrote:taalismn wrote:"Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
Makes me kinda sad that no mention of psi cola was made.
Though I gotta some areas, Psi-Cola is illegal, and in others it's virtually a street staple. So an innocent street peddler wandering into a new territory with a cartload of what was selling like liquid candy in his last stop is suddenly considered a narcotic by the folks in his new place of business.
Word to the (Smart) Food Peddler: Know the Local Laws(and who to bribe)!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Rimmerdal
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- Comment: Official Member of the 'Transformers don't need Humans Club'
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
speaking of Beverage is there a PPE version of Psi-Cola yet?
taalismn wrote:Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..
Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Rimmerdal wrote:speaking of Beverage is there a PPE version of Psi-Cola yet?
Not that I know of in Rifts.
I imagine though that there are a lot of 'snake oil' versions claiming to have PPe-boosting effects, but are simply heavy on stuff to get your buzzed. The real mages know enough to avoid such stuff, but the gullible ...well, to quote P.T. Barnum; 'there's a sucker born every minute!'.
Still, I can imagine some magic-oriented beverage names and flavors:
"LeyLine Lemon-Lime', 'Mage-Mango', 'T-Man Tangerine', 'Raspberry Rift', 'Liquid Lite'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
I played a game that would go along great with the food carts. At the time we worked in NG as Mercs and picked up a contract to 'acquire' dinosaur meat, for the express purpose of "Dino Burger"
We'd make expeditions to Dino Swamps (Or other dino rich environs) To hunt, kill, butcher, and recover, transport and deliver huge amounts of Dino meat (Of differing breeds) For the NG Chain "Dino-Burger" ("Where the Burgers Can Bite Back!!")
The hunting and killing of Dino's wasn't the only thing, we had adventures to and from and on the side and in consiquence to, but it was a long running campaign. lasted almost a year real time.
We'd make expeditions to Dino Swamps (Or other dino rich environs) To hunt, kill, butcher, and recover, transport and deliver huge amounts of Dino meat (Of differing breeds) For the NG Chain "Dino-Burger" ("Where the Burgers Can Bite Back!!")
The hunting and killing of Dino's wasn't the only thing, we had adventures to and from and on the side and in consiquence to, but it was a long running campaign. lasted almost a year real time.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I played a game that would go along great with the food carts. At the time we worked in NG as Mercs and picked up a contract to 'acquire' dinosaur meat, for the express purpose of "Dino Burger"
We'd make expeditions to Dino Swamps (Or other dino rich environs) To hunt, kill, butcher, and recover, transport and deliver huge amounts of Dino meat (Of differing breeds) For the NG Chain "Dino-Burger" ("Where the Burgers Can Bite Back!!")
The hunting and killing of Dino's wasn't the only thing, we had adventures to and from and on the side and in consiquence to, but it was a long running campaign. lasted almost a year real time.
Man oh Man...THIS sounds ROCKING! I can see how there could be allot of adventres involved....encounters on the way to the swamps.... on the way back....
not to mention you had transportation issues..... had to have vehicles for processing and refridgeration or preservation of the meat with you.
- Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:Pepsi Jedi wrote:I played a game that would go along great with the food carts. At the time we worked in NG as Mercs and picked up a contract to 'acquire' dinosaur meat, for the express purpose of "Dino Burger"
We'd make expeditions to Dino Swamps (Or other dino rich environs) To hunt, kill, butcher, and recover, transport and deliver huge amounts of Dino meat (Of differing breeds) For the NG Chain "Dino-Burger" ("Where the Burgers Can Bite Back!!")
The hunting and killing of Dino's wasn't the only thing, we had adventures to and from and on the side and in consiquence to, but it was a long running campaign. lasted almost a year real time.
Man oh Man...THIS sounds ROCKING! I can see how there could be allot of adventres involved....encounters on the way to the swamps.... on the way back....
not to mention you had transportation issues..... had to have vehicles for processing and refridgeration or preservation of the meat with you.
Yeah it was fun. It all started on a lark after our group read the Mega-steel chef article in the rifter but it turned into a serious campaign along the way.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- glitterboy2098
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
keir451 wrote:I'm looking for CMOT (Cut Me Own Throat) Dibbler, from Terry Pratchet's DiscWorld.
he's also got a Roundworld cousin.. Falafel
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
Visit my Website
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
Visit my Website
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I played a game that would go along great with the food carts. At the time we worked in NG as Mercs and picked up a contract to 'acquire' dinosaur meat, for the express purpose of "Dino Burger"
We'd make expeditions to Dino Swamps (Or other dino rich environs) To hunt, kill, butcher, and recover, transport and deliver huge amounts of Dino meat (Of differing breeds) For the NG Chain "Dino-Burger" ("Where the Burgers Can Bite Back!!")
The hunting and killing of Dino's wasn't the only thing, we had adventures to and from and on the side and in consiquence to, but it was a long running campaign. lasted almost a year real time.
'Dino Burger'(or a similar enterprise) could be drawn up using my Rifts Eateries tables:
Their mobile operations, if they expanded into that, can be represented by the Food Cart tables.

As for Rifts' version of CMOT Dibbler? How about SMITF ("Shoot Me In The Face') Grubcobbler?

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Submit this to Rifter! I would totally pay for this one.
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:Noon wrote:taalismn wrote:"Get me a can of carbonated glucose-infused rehydration solution while you’re at it.”
Makes me kinda sad that no mention of psi cola was made.
would not Psi Cola be covered under contraband? its not exactly legal is it?
Danger is the secret ingrediant!
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Noon wrote:[
Danger is the secret ingrediant!
While danger is the spice of life, I'd suggest finding some other source than dining at food cart with a 'Deadly' hygiene rating.
Or buying fresh fugu from a vendor who only last week was selling moldy cheese doodles.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Heh. In my game they fought and killed a Spiny Ravager, only to discover afterwards that it was DELICIOUS. Now there's all these people out looking for Spiny Ravager meat to make into burgers, steaks, and stews. And those creatures are NOT pleasant to engage.
- keir451
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
glitterboy2098 wrote:keir451 wrote:I'm looking for CMOT (Cut Me Own Throat) Dibbler, from Terry Pratchet's DiscWorld.
he's also got a Roundworld cousin.. Falafel

My real world Physics defeats your Quasi-Physics!!!
Bubblegum Crisis, best anime/sci-fi/ for totally hot babes in Power Armor.!!!!
Magic. Completely screws logic at every opportunity. (credit due to Ilendaver)
Bubblegum Crisis, best anime/sci-fi/ for totally hot babes in Power Armor.!!!!
Magic. Completely screws logic at every opportunity. (credit due to Ilendaver)
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
keir451 wrote:Was wondering if anyone else would get it.
"Sausage inna bun!" (only you DON'T want to know WHAT went into the *sausage*) Or we do Demolition Man, "Rat burgers".
Sly's character said that the rat was pretty good.
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:keir451 wrote:Was wondering if anyone else would get it.
"Sausage inna bun!" (only you DON'T want to know WHAT went into the *sausage*) Or we do Demolition Man, "Rat burgers".
Sly's character said that the rat was pretty good.
Chinese place(in China) sells honey-fed rat.
Of course, on Discworld, rat is SERIOUS business if you're a dwarf.
I always liked the oblique references in 'Alien Nation' to what the Tectonese considered 'comfort food'....such as raw muskrat guts(and sour milk)...

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
tristen wrote:Now you need the Magic Chef OCC summoning all the freshest ingredients right to the grill. on a leyline nexus..
Or else lining up at a nexus during a solstice, ready to offer their wares to whoever/whatever steps through(a good clairvoyant peddler might do this).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- glitterboy2098
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
imagine the episodes of "Diner's, Drive ins, and Dives"..
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
Visit my Website
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
"Uh-uh, bozo, the cook is NOT on the menu!"(as the cart goes through a Transformer-style *beep-bop-verp-enk* into a fully armed and operational Ragnarok Machine)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
You folks realize there's an 'acceptable' amount of rat in your ground beef and what not that we use to make hamburgers and stuff, Right?
I happen to have two fancy rats as pets. They're sweet and gentle. Now, I wouldn't eat them any more than I'd eat my cats, or my hedge hog, but... People all the world round do. Guini pigs were purposefully developed for a food source, not actually for pets. Having them as pets was secondary.
In a post Apoc world like Rifts? There's going to be a lot of people that chow down on Rats. Now... Not in the CS Upper levels of the mega cities, but out side of very high tech centers, people aren't turning up their noses at protean.
I happen to have two fancy rats as pets. They're sweet and gentle. Now, I wouldn't eat them any more than I'd eat my cats, or my hedge hog, but... People all the world round do. Guini pigs were purposefully developed for a food source, not actually for pets. Having them as pets was secondary.
In a post Apoc world like Rifts? There's going to be a lot of people that chow down on Rats. Now... Not in the CS Upper levels of the mega cities, but out side of very high tech centers, people aren't turning up their noses at protean.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:You folks realize there's an 'acceptable' amount of rat in your ground beef and what not that we use to make hamburgers and stuff, Right?
I happen to have two fancy rats as pets. They're sweet and gentle. Now, I wouldn't eat them any more than I'd eat my cats, or my hedge hog, but... People all the world round do. Guini pigs were purposefully developed for a food source, not actually for pets. Having them as pets was secondary.
In a post Apoc world like Rifts? There's going to be a lot of people that chow down on Rats. Now... Not in the CS Upper levels of the mega cities, but out side of very high tech centers, people aren't turning up their noses at protean.
Actually ALL processed foods are allowed by law to have some "impurities" (up to 5%). In California, the tomato growers that are suppling the ketchup industry actually dial their machines to make sure they are getting that percentage...even though the sorting machines allow them to have a near 100% ratio of good tomatoes. a friend was involved in maintaining the machines and had the farmers told him to keep them working exactly the way they wanted. the point of view was that the 5% impurity allowance meant more money in their pockets.
I have to agree that in Rifts, lots of animals will be food sources....especially in the less affluent places like the burbs. The idea that people would test the monsters from other worlds as potential food sources makes total sense to me....because at some point regular food stores would run out. fried Xictic for example makes total sense to me....especially if it turns out to taste good.
- Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
The article in Mega Steel Chef, while not full canon, does indeed state that the Xit's do indeed taste great. It's a favorite recipee of CS Cookies, and they'll send squads out to acquire more 'meat' for the express usage of feeding the troops.
There are some moral questions about 'eating' bipedal creatures advanced enough to use firearms and tactics. The books put the Xits in a gray area, saying they use instinct as much as thought, but still. You're kinda eating thinking beings if you munch on them.
Which may slow some people's metaphoric roll when it comes to havint a Xit burrito or something.
Dino's on the other hand are 'stupid' animals and you can chow down on those. lol
There are some moral questions about 'eating' bipedal creatures advanced enough to use firearms and tactics. The books put the Xits in a gray area, saying they use instinct as much as thought, but still. You're kinda eating thinking beings if you munch on them.
Which may slow some people's metaphoric roll when it comes to havint a Xit burrito or something.
Dino's on the other hand are 'stupid' animals and you can chow down on those. lol

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The article in Mega Steel Chef, while not full canon, does indeed state that the Xit's do indeed taste great. It's a favorite recipee of CS Cookies, and they'll send squads out to acquire more 'meat' for the express usage of feeding the troops.
There are some moral questions about 'eating' bipedal creatures advanced enough to use firearms and tactics. The books put the Xits in a gray area, saying they use instinct as much as thought, but still. You're kinda eating thinking beings if you munch on them.
Which may slow some people's metaphoric roll when it comes to havint a Xit burrito or something.
Dino's on the other hand are 'stupid' animals and you can chow down on those. lol
Cup-o-Dinosaur in the self-heating serving bowl. Ummmm-ummmm.
As for the Xits-are-People-Too activists? I tell 'em stand out in the middle of a field where the Xits play. If they don't attack you over an extended period of time, even when you invite your magic-using buddies to join you, you might be onto something. If the Xits attack and eat you? Well, we'll save a plate of Xit pepper-nuggets for any of you who survive.
And Horune eyeballs? Yummy if fresh-cooked. Especially with a good rum.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Pepsi Jedi
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- Location: Northern Gun
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Well people on our earth may attack you if you're in their field. I grew up in the south. No Trespassing under penalty of 12 gauge was quite common.
"They'll attack you" is not what I'd call "Justification for munching them" Type designator.
"They'll attack you" is not what I'd call "Justification for munching them" Type designator.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Well people on our earth may attack you if you're in their field. I grew up in the south. No Trespassing under penalty of 12 gauge was quite common.
"They'll attack you" is not what I'd call "Justification for munching them" Type designator.
What if I'm really REALLY hungry and they taste REALLY really good with blue cheese dressing?

Well, more seriously, you probably wouldn't want to eat that monster that's been known to have been terrorizing and eating the neighborhood. After all, some of that fat and muscle it put on used to be people. That's why a lot of meat harvesters advertize themselves as 'waste disposal experts' to the locals. Unless the locals stake a definite claim to a monster carcass, the harvesters will offer their services to dispose of the monstrous corpse, possibly hinting at 'taint', 'poison the land', etc., if it's not properly disposed of. Next town over, though, it's sausage and steaks.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Jun 05, 2014 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Pepsi Jedi
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- Comment: 24 was the start... We are Legion.
- Location: Northern Gun
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
taalismn wrote:Pepsi Jedi wrote:Well people on our earth may attack you if you're in their field. I grew up in the south. No Trespassing under penalty of 12 gauge was quite common.
"They'll attack you" is not what I'd call "Justification for munching them" Type designator.
What if I'm really REALLY hungry and they taste REALLY really good with blue cheese dressing?![]()
Well, more seriously, you probably wouldn't want to eat that monster that's been known to have been terrorizing and eating the neighborhood. After all, some of that fat and muscle it put on used to be people. That's why a lot of meat harvesters advertize themselves as 'waste disposal experts' to the locals. Unless the locals stake a definite claim to a monster carcass, the harvesters will offer their services to dispose of the monstrous corpse, possibly hinting at 'taint', 'poison the land', etc. if it's not properly disposed of. Next town over, though, it's sausage and steaks.
I imagine that happens a great deal.
Exactly that.
In "This" Town it's Monster killers. Then then, next town over it's Sausage and steak.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.
James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Pepsi Jedi wrote:[I imagine that happens a great deal.
Exactly that.
In "This" Town it's Monster killers. Then then, next town over it's Sausage and steak.![]()
"Hey, I found a gold ring in these chitlins!"
"Guess you're lucky! That more than pays for the snacks!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- Looonatic
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Ooh! Taco truck!
--The more powerful you are, the less tacos you get.--
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Looonatic wrote:Ooh! Taco truck!
Only if you can read the sign.

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Taal, I love this post. My family has been in the food concession business since 1941. I had a blast going through the options and picking out which ones applied to the concession trailers that various family members have had. Thanks for making me smile.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!
Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!
Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today.
- Eclipse
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
Well done Taalismn, more excellent tables. 

And if... somone whipped out a mini gun. We run and hide. lol.
Now.. some guys won't... and you can say nice things at their funeral. "He was a brave soul.... if stupid.. he didn't take cover when the guy whipped out the mini gun on us that day.. but his blood-fountaining corpse did give us a chance to sneak around and clonk the machine gunner on the head with a rock. Rest in Pieces.... Swiss Cheese Man.....
Pepsi Jedi
Now.. some guys won't... and you can say nice things at their funeral. "He was a brave soul.... if stupid.. he didn't take cover when the guy whipped out the mini gun on us that day.. but his blood-fountaining corpse did give us a chance to sneak around and clonk the machine gunner on the head with a rock. Rest in Pieces.... Swiss Cheese Man.....
Pepsi Jedi
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
taalismn - do you have a master listing of all these tables you have made?
I love the food cart chart, the resturaunt chart, and the bath house chart.
I love the food cart chart, the resturaunt chart, and the bath house chart.
- taalismn
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Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
sirkermittsg wrote:taalismn - do you have a master listing of all these tables you have made?
I love the food cart chart, the resturaunt chart, and the bath house chart.
Well, over in the Dimension Books threads, I have Random Interstellar Kingdoms and random-generation Spacesuits.
I also have construction charts for Interstellar Spaceliner and Cargo line companies, and Corporations of the Three Galaxies.
(been a busy year),
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48992
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Taal, I love this post. My family has been in the food concession business since 1941. I had a blast going through the options and picking out which ones applied to the concession trailers that various family members have had. Thanks for making me smile.
I'm goin' to be looking at you very strangely if any of your family members had anything like 'Superhuman Protector' apply to their business.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- The Oh So Amazing Nate
- Hero
- Posts: 1458
- Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:29 am
- Location: West Central region of Indiana
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
taalismn wrote:The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Taal, I love this post. My family has been in the food concession business since 1941. I had a blast going through the options and picking out which ones applied to the concession trailers that various family members have had. Thanks for making me smile.
I'm goin' to be looking at you very strangely if any of your family members had anything like 'Superhuman Protector' apply to their business.

Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!
Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!
Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today.
- taalismn
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- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Re: Food Carts of Rifts Earth
And remember; Food Carts can be meshed quite nicely with Traveling Shows, allowing you to make some money from the entertainment(though clowns may not always be your best attractant for new business).

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling