Commander wrote:Putting the issue to rest.
I already did, but, hey, you completely ignored everything i posted and just continued on as i everything you said hadn't been thoroughly debunked, but hey, lets do round two anyway.
Tech VS Magic. I have reviewed the spell.
Which one? Invisibility: Superior or Invisibility to Sensors? I covered two different spells. And, from your replies below, i dont think you reviewed either one at all. Ill repost the text of both, just to make sure we're both on the same page here.
Invisibility: Superior wrote:A powerful incantation that makes the spell caster invisible to all means of detection. Ordinary vision, infrared, ultraviolet, other optics, heat, motion detectors, and even an animal's sense of smell, can NOT locate the invisible person. No footprints are made, and little sound (prowls at 84%). The Magic is broken only if the character makes a hostile move, or engages in combat/attacks. At that instant, he becomes completely visible. Note: The invisible character is not ethereal and can not walk through walls; he m ust still use a door. The act of forcing open a door or window, picking a lock, tapping somebody, accidentally bumping somebody, or accidentally getting shot or hurt is not considered an act of agression or combat, so invisibility is maintained.
I added some emphasis on the first sentence there. ALL means of detection. Doesn't matter if it is an automated system or not. ALL. All is quite clear, and not open to any particular interpretation. ALL. Also, there is no saving throw for this spell of any kind. None.
Im going to add Invisibility: Simple as well, because that will come up below when i debunk your ideas. I'm only going to post the relevant part, as the description is much longer and most of it isn't particularly relevant.
Invisibility: Simple wrote:First Sentence: The spell caster and anything he is wearing or carrying at the time of the invocation are turned completely invisible.
Third Paragraph: While invisible, the mag can talk, weave spells, walk, climb, run, open doors, carry objects, and perform other acts of physical exertion, including combat, and remain invisible
Emphasis mine on the last sentence there.
Now well get to Invisibility to Sensors:
Invisibility to Sensors wrote:Note: Saving Throw listed as "Special"
This spell Magically renders the caster invisible to high-tech sensory devices. Any such device, including radar, sonar, thermal imaging, nightivsion optics, motions sensors, surveillance cameras, infrared beams, etc, will not detect the character and thus will not register an alarm if part of a security system. However, the caster himself is perfectly visible to the human eye as well as other magical or psionic viewing means.
There is no saving throw against this spell unless and organic, intelligent life form is viewing the caster directly through a high-tech optical device. For example, a soldier wearing a pair of nightvision goggles is allowed a save vs magic, which, if successful means the soldier can still see the mage with his own natural vision even though the mage doesn't register on the goggle's themselves.
Well, that seems pretty clear. Only organic, intelligent life forms looking through high-tech optics have ANY chance of detecting the character. Now couple this with EITHER invisibility spell, both of which make you invisible to the eye, and there is NO way to detect you. NONE.
The only thing that would get through Invisibility to Sensors is rendered moot by Invisibility (Simple or Superior).
Just for shiggles, we'll add this little gem to the mix, which i just stumbled across while looking up Invisibility to Sensors:
Stealthwalk wrote:(Note: No saving throw). The Stealthwalk spell does not conceal the physical presence of the caster, or footprints, but it does magically suppress any sound made by the enchanted individual while moving. The spells masks the sound of breathing, footfalls and climbing as well as well as muting the sound of equipment attached to or worn by the individual that might rustle, clunk or clatter, including body armor, weapons, etc.
So you add that on top of Invisibility: Superior and you dont even make noise, which was the ONLY possible way a PERSON might be able to detect you (since sensors that detect noise are rendered ineffective by Invisibility to Sensors and Invisibility: Superior 'only' made you 84% silent).
Okay, now that that info is there to reference, let's move on.
Commander wrote: Its the failure of the operator to detect the person not the device.
Incorrect. Read the spell. You're immune to them (actually, you're immune to them twice - once through Invisibility to Sensors and once through Invisibility: Superior.
Robots are in a quasi grey area. As are automated guns.
Not from anything i can find, they aren't. They use sensors, and therefore, you're invisible to them. Nothing in any of those descriptions intimates that Robots are special somehow. Feel free to point out and quote a source that you feels supports your position, if you can find one.
Here are a few rules of thumb to handle such.
Im not particularly interested in your house rules being presented as if they were somehow true when they aren't, but this should be amusing, at least.
People can feel as they are being watched or have a Sixth Sense feeling.
Only if they are actually psychic and have Sixth Sense. Otherwise, no they cant. And It's pointed out right off that the only way to detect an invisible person with psionics is with See the Invisible, so Sixth Sense may clue you into "man something is hinky here" but it wont help you locate an invisible person in any way.
Superior Invisibility only works if no combat is engaged. Thus hand held devices or such being used by living beings will not work as the person fails to recognize the invisible person.
This has nothing to do with how Invisibility: Superior works. It isn't about the person. You're immune to the sensors themselves, not just the operator. There is literally NOTHING in the spell that says it somehow only affects the operators and the sensors are still actually seeing you. Ill repeat: NOTHING. Even if that were the case, Invisibility to Sensors has this covered anyway.
Should said person engage in hostile actions they become visible. That being said using good judgement i would say that any ship that is able to detect things hundreds of miles away have detected the person.
Right, but flying (or teleporting) to nearby isn't a hostile action, and the ship CANT detect them. CANT. They're immune to the ships sensors. And the great thing is nothing is preventing you from having both Invisibility: Simple and Superior active at the same time, so even if Invisibility Superior goes down, you're still invisible to optics, and Invisibility to Sensors is making you immune to all the rest, so you're completely covered. Nothing can see you other than magic or psionic See the Invisible. (Or a natural ability that mimics them)
Psychics might also mill about as the NGR does not use magic.
What does this even mean?
Now in this case due to it not being a starship but a ship none the less. Sensor operators are not seeing the object.
No, the SENSORS THEMSELVES AREN'T DETECTING THE OBJECT. That's clearly stated in both spells.
Nor will a hand held device or anything that would be robot like. How ever since the NGR has things like Fusion reactors and the like to advanced sensors or nano bots i would assume that the ships automated defences will not see the intruder on passive devices like IR. How ever the spell says motion detectors.
So if you plan on flying right in laden down with a suitcase nuke or explosives thus are using a flying spell thus you have a chance to be detected.
I'd grant that arming a nuke would probably be considered 'hostile" and therefore lower Invisibility: Superior once you did it.. but i already covered that above. Having Simple active as well neatly covers you.
I never actually presented this scenario, though, and you've totally ignored the one i did present to just rattle on about something no one was actually talking about.
Patrols of craft not to mention robots patrolling the hull as it would be locked down against intruders. So avoiding patrols of robots and patrols of craft or robots.
A automated defense system will engage the said person if he or she is aggressive.
Only if it can see or detect them - and it CANT. Invisible to optics thanks to Invisibility Simple and Superior, Invisible to ALL OTHER SENSORS due to Invisibility to Sensors and Stealthwalk, just for shiggles.
It might not be able to see that person but it can try to track or target it. Robots like the Dyna-Bot, Skelebot or Sentry Bot Dv-40 or Archies robots all are able to process information or even computers. So if the computer recognizes an anomaly it will flag it.
But it wont. It can't see anything any more than a person can.
Robots would have penalties to track or see what ever it is that is invisible due to a failure but illusions nor mind control works on them.
Since none of these spells are mind control, or an "illusion", as such, we've got nothing to worry about. They even say that they DO prevent you from being detected by high tech sensors.
They do not have a human mind as does a borg so the sensory input is not the same. So doing things or moving too fast also gives a chance for them to Detect. Not see them per se.
No it doesn't. Invisibility to Sensors AND Invisibility: Superior both make you completely immune to motion detectors. Stealthwalk means you dont make any noise whatsoever.
-30% To -40% as ghost like actions like bumping into people or the like. Increase +5% actions like bumping into someone ect. that some ghost or thing is aboard. They cannot see it but it exists. Also the person would be sneaking around. Anything that would constitute as not normal. Doors opening or some one puts a suitcase down yet the are not around. Remember if its hostile you loose Invisibility Superior spell. Is going to be suspicious.
Sections of the ship will have safeguards during wartime.
If this were a CS ship, i'd agree that those safeguards might matter. Sea Dogs posted at all the hatches. Because the CS actually fights spellcasting enemies on a regular basis of the type that CAN infiltrate their facilities. Ergo, they have a special unit they developed specifically to help them deal with these threats: Dog Boys. The NGR has no equivalent, and doesn't have enemies that are organized, human-sized and looking spellcasters. They do face enemy magic in the field, but it is from Gargoyle Mages, most of whom wouldnt even FIT inside a human-sized building or ship, so they've never had to develop defenses against magic infiltration on this scale. The CS has had to deal with this for about 100 years, though, with the Federation of Magic, Tolkeen, and other magic using, human and human looking enemies.
As should be proved by how the CS does it, though, technology isn't the answer. If it was, they wouldn't need Dog Boys to protect sensitive facilities from supernatural infiltration. They'd have tech to do it, and they dont.. because there isn't a good tech answer.
Not to mention things locked down so intruders cannot get below decks. As for the robots if you do something that is odd as a computer can process things faster than a human than it can alert some one that a person or thing(even a Fairy) Is aboard.
Invisibility does not mean that said person avoids detection.
Actually, as you can see in the above spell descriptions, that is exactly what it means.
If you look in RUE In the Magic Section the spells do cost something.
Yep, for the entire shebang, we're looking at about 56 PPE to be 100% immune to detection by any technological means and immune to detection by people. (20 each for Invisibility: Superior and Invisibility to Sensors, 10 for Stealthwalk, and 6 for Invisibility: Simple).
So a mage might be reluctant unless they have good reasons for doing what people are trying to describe. I am not saying the person is not invisible to be clear but that once people are aware that strange events that Video Tape ect can be used to piece together if some one is on board the ship that should not be or even use psychics or robots to ferret out the intruder.
Psychics is the only way to do it, and See the Invisible has an absurdly short range. Robots and video recordings cant see you or detect you. And really, im not sure what you're getting at with "for doing what people are trying to describe". No one described a boarding action for anything other than recon. Ill get back to what i DID actually describe in a bit here, and you can maybe address what was ACTUALLY said.
I am stating the person will need to be inventive. Ships sensors depending on the tech can do many things with a power source like a fusion reactor or nuclear reactor. Thus if people make a roll just using sensors if very high tech like spaceflight unless they have magic means of detection.
So this means if the person thinks some one is aboard or somehow the computer picks up an anomaly thus they cannot see it yet its flagged. Yet its on the deck or nearing the ship they can make a roll to see if they can spot it or they can use the sensors with a hefty penalty to be aware of the mage or person.
Except, as we've already covered... they really cant. You're invisible to sensors of any kind other than optics thanks to Invisibility to Sensors, and Invisibility Simple and Superior have you covered against optics. Stealthwalk prevents you from making any noise, even accidentally.
So any person who can see the invisible person make sounds or attract attention via automated weapons that fire at anything yet they cannot see it. Thus it takes good judgment. A mage who is careless thus thinking the motion detector would not pick them up on a automated weapon would fire at the mage who is flying faster than normal. It does not have a IFF or is a target it can see as it likely is telling the computer that something is moving. Computer says to fire at it as it is motion.
Except the motion detector cant detect the mage at all, so it isn't going to fire at anything. How fast the mage is moving (except for stealthwalk) has no affect on any of these spells.
Thus robots have exceptions
No they don't. You can feel free to try to quote a page/passage that you feel supports that theory, but i dont think you're going to find one, given how clear cut the spells in question are.
as they are not exactly tricked unless the magic is so powerful it really ignores common sense or logic. Thus it is used like the description. Exceptions will happen.
No they wont. The spells work like the spells say they work.
Any Ship with expensive sensors, Plus a good crew and a power core might be able to figure things out in time.
Except that there is nothing for them to figure out. They cant detect you visually, with sensors of any kind or by sound. So, you're literally 100% undetectable outside of magic or psionics.
As for Teleport i know that one also. Sure the question is why would some one spend all that money or favors ect to get that one spell only to die in a suicide attack.
All this shows is that you didn't read a word i said. Teleport: Lesser is level 6. It would cost about as much as an expensive weapon on the market, and isn't that high level. It doesn't even let you make a "suicide attack" as you cant teleport living beings with it. Just objects.
So unless the mage is rich or understands how to make or even how to steal a nuke even pay off the right people i am sorry to say that its unlikely this will happen.
Well a Technowizard has the skills to make a nuke, not that he needs to. A Nuclear (Medium) LRM is 80,000CR on the open market, and i can literally walk into Ishpeming and buy one. Not that for the attack i was formulating, you need anything more than grenades, fusion blocks, or mines.
I also want to point out that Archie has no problem through tracking or detecting Splugorth
Im not sure what this has to do with anything. Giant Splugorth slaving ships aren't hard to track.
so i would assume if such people were to do such things it would be ferreted out NGR informants. So all of this would be a waste of time as the mage never reaches his destination going to pick up the bomb from the informant who arrests or kills the mage. It takes high tech in Rifts earth to have such a bomb. CS And NGR to name a few.
And Bandito Arms, Northern Gun, Triax Industries (who does sell LRM's on the open market), Free Quebec, Wellington Industries, and maybe even Golden Age Weaponsmiths. Again, though, you dont need LRM's to make this work. Fusion Blocks will do fine and are mass produced and freely available for about 8,000CR per heavy fusion block. Grenades would work well too.
Unless they want to go digging in Pre-Rifts missile silos then have to get the key to unlock or arm such a device even the pass codes that are long gone as Presidents or Prime Ministers ect are long dead with the access to even get a code.
Im not evne sure what this has to do with anything, really.
Subject of Sensor Spells. So you need a target area even a Area of Effect Spell. AOE. So unless you plan on blanketing the communication towers and the ship. You need to know how it works. So you can disable or deactivate them with magic. Otherwise it would be silly to just throw spells around on the off chance that would happen. You would run out of PPE. Lets not forget that someone would notice.
Someone has never read the spell Energy Sphere. PPE for even a middling mage, provided the GM isnt a d-nozzle, is nearly irrelevant. Never let me have Talisman if you want PPE to matter. Ever.
Im also not sure what this has to do with anything at all.
Fallowed by alarms unless you know where you are going and what to disable. Otherwise you are shooting in the dark. Power Armor and Robots will be coming at you from all directions. Why lets ignore logic or good judgement. Oh right the mage has all these spells, he would not waste on a suicide attack that will fail.
How is it a suicide attack? Let's assume your sneak-aboard mission is the one we're talking about (it isn't, but hey, ill indulge you). Im 100% invisible to enemy sensors of every kind. I make no noise of any kind. I Fly as the Eagle, fly up to the ship, land on the deck. I avoid bumping into people because im not a moron. I get down three or four decks, and arm the nuke. Invisibility: Superior fails, but Invisibility: Simple does NOT, so im still invisible to optics. Im still invisible to all non-optic sensors because of Invisibility to Sensors, and i make no noise of any kind from movement. I find an out of the way place and recast Invisibility: Superior just for shiggles, make my way back to the deck, and fly off.
A minute later, BOOM, a heavy nuclear warhead goes off, inflicting 2d4x100 to the internal deck structure of the ship, crippling it or destroying it, depending on what systems were affected and how.
At no point was I at serious risk. Nothing could see me, hear me, or detect me at any time. As long as i put the Nuke under a bunk or something where it wont be noticed for five minutes, they wont even know it is there until it explodes.
Ill be the first person to grant you that this wouldn't work on a CSN ship of any kind - Sea Dogs are all over the place. Theyll detect you with their psychic powers the moment you land, most likely (unless you are also a psychic and have Mask P.P.E., then they are just sorta pooched).
But everyone else? Not a lot they can do here, unless the entire ship and every hatch is on lockdown at all times.
Even if it is? Just attach the nuke to the hull at the waterline with a Carpet of Adhesion and leave. When the warhead blows a 40' hole through the ship and out the other side at the waterline, thall be all she wrote.
Why do you ask ? As great as magic is it does have limitations. As Does tech. So going around randomly casting spells that would disable a hand held device or Security Camera but Radar ? Its hooked into the ships main power supply. You the caster unless you have a powerful version of it will need more power to blanket out the entire system Or several castings.
Except that isn't how the spells work AT ALL. Nothing in the spells mention that it is harder for Invisibility to Sensors to fool a radar hooked up to a poweful reactor. Nothing.
So the person with all these spells would be great for espionage learning what goes on as a spy. When the time is right plant a bomb. Problem is that only humans will be on board. So they might or might not catch the mage. It depends on the escape plan.
It would cost more wealth than to just hire a thousands of gargoyles or persuade them to destroy such a thing.
Ah... yeah, sure it would.
Much easier than spending hundreds of thousands on spells
The only remotely expensive spell here is Invisibility: Superior, at 7th level. Everything else is 6th or lower. And you dont even need Invisibility: Superior to make it work - Invisibility: Simple + Invisibility to Sensors works just as well.
or millions
If i spend a million to sink a ship worth tens to hundreds of millions, it's an expense well worth it. And a lot of the expense (new spells) is a one-time expense. Now i can do it forever and ever.
even all that time or effort only to be eaten by a Demon or such a mad quest end in so many ways before they would even be able to carry it out. Explosives sure i could see that. Infiltration i could see that also as the person with a forged papers a uniform via the black market ect. Sneaking around a bit.
But just bluntly flying in and no one noticing ? Not to mention the act of planting the bomb would make the person visible.
Only if you are relying solely on Invisibility: Superior. Invisibility: Simple doesn't have these limitations, and Invisibility to Sensors covers up all the other limitations of Invis: Simple.
Nor that people might sense what they cannot see even normal people ?
Except that they cant, unless they are psychic and have those abilities.
Not to mention the personal sacrifice unless you plan on sneaking it aboard ? Also the question of does the person have spells to Make Sensors Not function ?
Yes, he does. Or, more simply put 'Sensors Dont Function on Me'. I covered them all above. Go read them.
Now ill actually re-iterate my original plan, that you've ignored three times now:
- Sit dozens of miles away.
- Get a visual on your target, either via remote viewing spells, psionics, or even just a good old fashioned telescope or binoculars, or remote video camera.
- Rig up your explosives (missile warhead, fusion blocks, mines, whatever) to detonate. Will probably require the Demolitions skill. Maybe Field Armorer or Weapons Engineer. Technowizard is best for doing this solo, but a party should be able to manage it.
- Cast Carpet of Adhesion on your pile of explosives
- Cast Teleport: Lesser on your pile of explosives, teleporting them onto the hull of the ship at the waterline. The Carpet will stick them to the hull AND prevent anyone from interfering with them, not that theyll have time - timer doesn't need to be set for longer than 15 seconds.
- Boom.
You have not exposed yourself to the enemy at all. You're miles away, underground in a cave for all it matters. There's nothing to trace back to you, just a giant hole in the hull where there wasnt one a few seconds ago. You cant back-trace a teleport. Im not out in the open for you to see me. Even if i AM out in the open, it's on a hilltop, under a camo net, in a trench and cover, looking through a telescope.
Then i just head into my fox hole and have a vodka while your ship sinks. Or your tank is destroyed. Or whatever.