I just don't have the time to go through ALL the spells and give my opinion but I wanted to touch on some. I'll choose to go with Earth magic because just about every weekend for almost two years I've played an Earth Warlock.
Create Wood (5-10) If you can answer yes to the following questions then this spell is vital: Do you have the carpentry skill, do you have the whittling/sculpting skill and do you have the Ironwood spell? If you answered yes to these questions then this spell is for you! otherwise its really circumstantial.
So you'd think... However, I only got the ironwood spell last weekend or the weekend before and I still have not cast it. However, you'd be SURPRISED just how often I've used this specific spell (Don't worry, so was I!) and not just for constructing cheap shelters, but trade, fire, and serving as crude bridges over chasms and long drops. Its very, very handy.
Dowsing (2) Congratulations, you can find water.
Air and Water are the only "holes" in the the Earth Warlock, which is to mean I can be entirely self-sufficient... EXCEPT I cannot create Air or Water. This means that the ability to find water is very handy, I'll admit it is rather circumstantial but its an important circumstance. It helps you know how close you are to underground rivers (having a tunnel flooded sucks and you might be able to walk through stone but you can still drown!) and find water when its scarce.
Dust Storm (5) Another smoke and something else spell, which is better than a smoke spell.
Saved my life on 8 separate occasions and has helped me win
countless battles. Essentially anyone further than 10 feet away counts as "Shooting Wild" at me, yes please. Super Awesome.
Dust Storm as per a 5th level Warlock Caster, Image 1Dust Storm as per a 5th level Warlock Caster, Image 2Fool's Gold (5) Kanye's instant bling is just not that valuable a spell, the best use I can think of for it is to make armor and vehicles look gold for formal occasions, not scamming people.
Yeah, I admit fool's gold would be better if it was a little better mechanically. Still, its "neat".
Identify Minerals (3) Earth Warlocks get this skill as a class ability at first level.
Identify Plants (3) There are any number of devices and a secondary skill that generally does this, but it could be useful because it can identify the plant ingredients in compounds as well.
Again, they get this as a class ability but I was kicking myself for not having it while we were on our stint in England. We encountered a few strange things and a couple of plant monsters no one recognized and it would've been nice knowing what to expect and what we could and could not eat.
Mystic Fulcrum (3) Fascinating for techno wizards, useless for everyone else.
Lies. Gruz (my Earth Warlock) is a Troll and this spell in conjunction with his natural strength makes him strong enough to pick up small trucks and put them down on top of people who cannot lift them. It is an amazing spell. It was the whole reason I even ended up picking the Earth Warlock O.C.C.
How much Dirt Gruz can lift normallyHow much Dirt Gruz can lift with Mystic FulcrumRock to Mud (6) Very very circumstantial.
Yes, I've yet to have a use for it but I've not had a battle in rocky terrain since learning it. The ability to make a path slippery I figured will make it difficult for myself and my companions to be followed. So, although its circumstantial it could easily be one of those circumstantial where it REALLY makes a big difference.
Rot Wood (4) Not the most useful of spells but some people have wooden magic items or wooden gun stocks or armor. Very very circumstantial.
Do not know this spell so I cannot comment on it. Its most obvious application is rotting the wood in someone's house or domicile. Even a single casting is enough to make a house "unsafe" even if it doesn't bring it crashing down.
Shatter (3) Rocks, sticks, boots, sopranos, sudden temperature change and the ground *opens envelope* Things that break glass and fragile ceramics for free.
Don't know it, see no real use for it. Especially when I am limited to three spells per level of experience.
Level 2Create Dirt or Clay (6) If you have skills that make use of dirt or clay then this can be a lot of fun, otherwise this spell is not that helpful.
This is a wrong assumption to make. This spell has saved my ass
nearly as much as Dust Storm has. How? The sheer amount of dirt it creates and the area/range I can create it within. It not only lets me "bog down" my opponents by dumping 50-350 pounds of earth on someone's head (per casting) but I can also use it to smother fires, soak up/cover acids and other harmful liquids. Plus, it lets you do all sorts of neat stuff like fill hallways with soft earth so you can see if people/things have been coming and going while you're not there. Oh, and once I was able to use it to determine where a dangerous oxygen leak was so we could plug it before we lost all our air.
Create Dirt as a 5th level Earth WarlockDirt to Clay (6) Just create dirt or clay.
You cant create dirt where there is already dirt. However, using this spell you can transmute pre-existing dirt/earth into clay. The transformation is permanent. This is great for battlefield traps, especially against horses and other mounted cavalry, tanks, giant robots, and other super-heavy vehicles.
Dirt to sand (6) Why would you do that?
Same reason as above, except even more effective or maybe you want some glass.
Grow plants (8) With the right skills or allies this is a magnificent background spell, but keep in mind it increases crop yield, it does not make a seed grow into a mighty oak before your eyes.
I once made an Earth Warlock Ganka.
Hopping Stones (6) Wow, you can make rocks throw themselves. Almost as good as freezing water.
Actually, freezing water is better. Hopping Stones is virtually useless unless you are using it in conjunction with higher level spells to be a cheap bastard. For example, Gruz could sink beneath the earth and then use his tremor sense ability to determine the location of tanks or large bodies of troops and then have stones bombard them while remaining safe beneath the earth and not a valid target for attack.
Track (6) Basically a spell that replaces several secondary skills.
Most tracking skills are Related Skills and this gives you a pretty solid percentage. I know Gruz can't track for ****, so if I got this spell I'd be able to contribute a heck of a lot more to the party than I already can.
Throwing Stones (4) Cheaper and more effective than
Hopping Stones.
But more limited in its application because you can't do the hopping stones trick listed above because you need to be able to "throw" the stone yourself.
Wall of Clay (8) A quick, cheap MDC wall between you and your enemies that gets stronger as you gain levels.
Or you can drop it on their head and disable a foe(s). Its another spell that has saved both myself and my companions on a few separate occasions. I've used it as a road, a bridge, to soak damage, and on several occasions to incapacitate foes without needing to kill them. Plus, if you actually do the math on just how big/thick these walls actually are its VERY impressive.
Wall of Clay as a 5th level Warlock Caster, Image 1Wall of Clay as a 5th level Warlock Caster, Image 2Wither Plants (10) Very very circumstantial.
Yeah, not that "amazing" unless youre fighting plant-beings like the Ganka or "blighting" the lands of those who have wronged you. I mean, it might not seem like that much but look at the area of effect. It was once worked out on the fourm sometime ago that in under 12 hours you could destroy the CS's entire food supply (well all their farm land) with a single Warlock. I think he needed to be 12-13th level though? It was a while ago. Regardless, I cannot really comment on this spell because my character doesn't have it and has never used it. Still, the applications shouldnt be ignored. The ability to do that kind of damage to a farm with but a gesture is pretty hardcore and can cause the ruin of entire regions of used correctly.
Level 3Animal Plants (10) Are you in a grove full of MDC plants? OK then, if your opponent(s) have MDC weapons or augmented or better strength this spell is only a .minor distraction. If you are in a grove of steeltrees or otherwise MDC plants this spell can be really nasty
You're thinking like a "warrior" and not a wizard. You don't use the animated plants to fight, you use them to freak people out long before they even get to see you so they're on edge or scared away by the haunted forest. This spell has SO many applications, just not many that are combat orientated unless you've used Ironwood A LOT or you're in an M.D.C. forest. Even so, just stuff like being "picked up" by a tree and put out of the reach of a close-combat attacker is sometimes enough to end a fight right there. Then there are the fun applications, like having a tree shake a birds nest from its branches so you can catch the eggs and eat them for supper without needing to climb the damn thing, fall down, and look like an idiot.
Create Mound (8) OK, you made a Mound... Now what?
Terrain advantage. Its not "that impressive" but it can help you see further (big advantage at long distance), it can "raise" a large group of attackers out of close combat if used/timed correctly... but the best move is the dickiest move of all which is not listed (which is the theme of warlock magic). The wizard can end the spell at any time they choose just by willing it. So, large group of people go up.... mound vanishes... large group of people fall down. Ouch.
Crumble Stone (10) Very circumstantial.
Agreed, but another "handy" escape spell that could save the entire party while fleeing a powerful enemy.
Dig (8) The mobility granted by this spell is actually really really useful.
This spell makes me a God. It is by far my most powerful spell.
Earth Rumble (10) Area affect Horror Factor spell with a chance of fleeing.
Very useful spell.
Encase Object in Stone (10) Saving throw free Disarming spell that can turn a sophisticated laser rifle into a stone club.
Yup, this has saved my butt too. I once used it on the missile launchers on a Glitter Boy Killer, he failed his sensor systems roll miserably and didn't pick it up, then fired a volley of 10 or so missiles at one of my comrades and blew himself to kingdom come. Good times.
Locate Minerals (10) Very Circumstantial.
Two weeks ago while we were on an Alien Moon I found a vein of silver and spent a few hours excavating it using magic while my companions were sorting out our way back to Rifts Earth. The G.M. did some research on how much silver is in a vein "on average", made some rolls, and I walked away with 20,000,000 credits worth of silver. I cast the spell about fourteen times before I was lucky enough to be able to detect the silver but I had nothing else to do.
Ironically, I bought this spell so I could sense the steel in people's swords (or copper wiring in their vibro-weapons) or the coins in their pockets so I could track people through walls and avoid being sneaked up on, I never thought It'd prove to be such an impressive money maker.
Shrink Plant (10-200) For all those times you just need a banzai oak.
Earth Warlock Ganka.
Wall of Stone (15) A solid wall that can get pretty crazy strong.
Yup, cost is too high to "spam" like Wall of Clay but its saved me and my group from a couple of missile volleys and while its up other practitioners of magic cannot draw line of sight to us which is always handy.
Level 4Animate Object (12) Creating a mindless sdc combatant is not that helpful in rifts earth.
Disagree, same deal as Animate Plant. Just because something cannot kick ass, does not mean its not useful. "Behold! My automated trap Seteroffera" He proclaims as the chair hobbles down the corridor and is pin-cushioned with poison darts and fireballs.
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Plus, they can get you drinks and you can animate little statues you make to flip people the bird. Its great fun.
Cocoon of Stone (15) Great way to lie low for a while but not generally useful.
And until I went to Phaseworld, I agreed with you 100%. I often sat there with my book of magic open thinking "Man, who the heck would ever choose this spell?"
Then, during our phaseworld adventure the enemies were constantly blowing holes in our spaceship and several members were sucked out into space. Gruz (who was up until this point a rather solid combatant and resistant fellow) suddenly (for the first time in a long time) was terrified of death and dying. If he was sucked out into space there was practically NOTHING he could do. However, if I had cocoon of stone I could've survived
pretty much indefinitely, by going into a coma-state inside the rock as I tumble through space and just recasting it again each time it runs out. After all, plenty enough time would have passed that I'd have gotten all my P.P.E. back. Sure, it might take him out of the game for a few million years while he waited to crash into a plantoid of sometype... but thats better than being dead!!
Mend Stone (15) Useful for Minecraft style warlocks, not so much for everyone else.
The ability to magically repair damage is incredibly useful. Especially when stuck out in the wilderness away from a repair bay. Sure you might be limited to basic armor and such, but its better than nothing and its "free" but for the P.P.E. expenditure.
Quicksand (15) Decent battlefield control, particularly for infantry.
Yup, solid spell. Perfect for dispatching annoying Glitter Boy Pilots who only exist to kill your character because their player has some sort of deep psychological issues.
Quicksand as a 5th level caster, image 1 Quicksand as a 5th level caster, image 2Note: The image is raised to show the depth, I couldn't dig deeper so instead I was forced to raise it.
Repel Animals (10) The usefulness of this spell depends entirely on your GM's definition of animals.
Not really man, I've seen repel animals be surprisingly handy when used by the Temporal Wizard in our troop. Sure, we rarely "need" protection from hungry predators and spooked animals and such but it avoids the conflict and that gives us more time to do the encounters that really matter. Plus, its a good way of getting around without NEEDING to hurt or kill animals (plus it keeps rats and such out of our camp and away from our food).
Rust (15) There really is just not enough vulnerable to this spell for it to be worth your time.
Lots of things rust, as a "combat spell" its not really that handy, but as a utility spell its very handy. Again, like rot wood, it can make houses unfit to live in, cause leaks, upset the electrical wiring, you name it. Its all about what you want to use the spell for.
Sand Storm (15) Effectively a smoke+ something else spell, however full environmental armor pretty much blocks this spell's worst effects.
Read Vampire sourcebook. Your sandstorm can clog engines, screw up all kinds of **** for folks, and although the person inside the armor might be AOKAY they're still more than likely going to be Shooting Wild unless youre an idiot and standing in close combat with them.
Wall of Thorns (15) Wall of stone does it better.
Wall of Stone isn't a "plant" and cannot be "buffed" with your plant buffing magic.
Level 5Chasm (25) Good for keeping melee masters out of your hair.
Yeah, this is how DEEP and how BIG the chasm is by the time you can cast it...
Chasm as a 5th level caster.
Note: The raised pillar in the background is there to show depth. That is how much earth to can "sink" with a single casting. Its incredible.
Clay to Lead (20) Do you need lead that badly? OK, here you go.
Still trying to find a use for this, but apparently lead is valuable for many reasons. My first thought was increasing the weight of the clay you dropped on someone with your last spell to make sure they stay pinned.
Clay To Stone (20) Useful for a warlock who can sculpt and conjure clay.
Very handy indeed.
Close Fissures (30) As it does not work with the Chasm spell its a bit hard to make this spell work for you.
But if you can its practically an insta-win because you trap your opponent underground. All you need to do is be a little prepared and choose (or build using your magic earlier) the battlefield carefully.
Little Mud Mound (30) A strong cheap durable minion! Awesome.
Meh. Handy I suppose but not my cup of tea. They're too "stupid" because of their "elemental brain" to be exceptionally useful and their strength and power makes them a danger if not carefully managed.
Travel Through Walls (20) too limited in its scope be of much use.
Level 6Clay or Stone to Iron (40/60) Iron can be pretty cool to have, especially if you could mold it properly same with stone.
Create Steel (34) A resourceful player can do a lot with this spell, but as it is mostly about creating non precious materials.
Create steel has made me a lot of money. First, I find battlefields that are still covered in old husks and hulks of M.D.C. vehicles and robots that are still half buried in the earth or blown to pieces around the battlefield. Then I cast this spell, many many times. You can find the price you can sell "mega-damage alloy plates" in Merc Ops. Assuming you can move them you can turn a tidy profit. So far this spell has earned me over 30,000,000 credits and kept my armorers supplied with M.D. alloys for repairs on the groups vehicles and robots.
Mend Metal (30) With the right armor this spell is awesome but it has to be exactly right.
Covered this a bit earlier.
Stone to Flesh (30) Petrification is just not that common.
I was once turned to stone by a three-eyed monster demon accidentally summoned by our Shifter. Petrification is common enough that if one of my companions get turned to stone I want it so I can turn them back. Also, using it in conjunction with the petrification and cocoon in stone spells allows me to turn my allies into stone and then turn them back. This is great for long distance space travel because there is no chance of a computer shutting down or losing life support or anything like that. Heck, if I was getting really original I could dress up the party in disguises, turn them to stone, and then give them as a gift to an enemy only to turn them back in an epic Trojan horse stunt. Assuming of course they'd trust me to turn them back.
Travel Through Stone (35) great way to avoid flying enemies or conflicts.
Wood to Stone (30) OK, so your wood is now stone... Now what?
Stone trees are cool. Plus, after you turn them into stone you can turn them into metal.
Level 7Earthquake (50) A devastating spell that can destroy non flyers and enemy buildings with terrifying ease.
And wreak havoc on the surrounding area. The AOE is so big on this I've NEVER been able to use to its maximum potential it in good conscious.
Metal to Clay (40) Most armor and weapons you run into are ceramic and not generally vulnerable to this spell.
But many walls and floors are. Metal to Clay, Clay/Dirt to sand (or a good solid kick!) and insta-door. Yay.
Petrification (40) A save or die spell that only affects one target at a time.
I once turned a biological alien spaceship to stone once, resulting in the death of the entire crew because it failed a saving throw. 'Nuff said.
River of Lava (50) So Earth Warlocks get Fire Warlock's most powerful damaging spell, and while it can be deadly it is pretty easy to avoid for most targets.
It also has a MASSIVE AOE like Earthquake. It has a number of huge advantages over Earthquake (like being able to have it running down of a roof or a cliff face onto victims below) but I think its pretty self-explanatory.
Sculpt & Animate Clay (40) The stats on a clay critter are just not that impressive.
They don't need to be, by the time you can cast the spell you can create about four a day and they last 48 hours each. You can calve stone doubles of yourself and paint them or just have them cheering you on or fetching you drinks. Maybe you're having a hard time finding some babes that will lower themselves to serving you drinks so you can just chisel some out of stone and bring 'em in the meantime. There are SO many cool uses for this BEYOND combat that I can't even list them all!
Wall of Iron (45) Wall of stone does basically the same thing for 1/3rd the P.P.E. and a single action, not good enough even with the option of dropping the wall on an enemy.
Even so, I will be taking it at the next level. The extra M.D.C.
could come in handy when facing multiple robots or power armor and I'd rather have a wall that lasts two or three attacks than one that is gone in one and leaves me and my friends open.
Level 8Cap Volcano (80) Very very Circumstantial.
Unless you build a volcano and make people offer you tributes and worships less you NOT cap it. Then again, you're obviously an evil ******* if that is the case. Otherwise, again... yes... it is a circumstantial power (probably the least useful of all of them) but I am willing to bet that the one time you HAVE to cast it, you're glad you can. Imagine how many lives you could save with this spell. Literally thousands, maybe even millions!
Create Golem (80) All the bonuses of the Invocation with a significantly reduced penalties! Supernaturally strong mooks for 7000 credits each! This is why you want the Create Clay spell and the Clay to Iron spell! So you can have an army of Iron soldiers to smash things for you.
The Hit Point cost deters me. I'd rather stone statues as I need them. Plus, Gruz is a gem-whore and "wasting them" in Golems means they can't sit in his treasure hoard to attract a pretty young Trollop.
Firequake (80) Wide area, damage over time and big penalties, good stuff!
Again, another massively effective spell but absolutely devastating if not properly restrained or utilized.
Ironwood (50+) The uses for this spell are without number, free M.D.C. material is always useful.
Plus, according to Vampire Kingdoms Revised (or is it just Vampires?), I can make about 40,000 credits per casting. Pretty hot ****. However, the obvious "real" application is in the ability to turn wood into M.D.C. so you can make M.D.C. structures out of pretty much nothing. Combined with create wood and a little carpentry/whittling sculpting you can literally make weapons that can parry Mega-Damage attacks (or armor) out of thin air.
Magnetism (40) Fantastic Battlefield control.
Shhh. This is one of my new tricks. I've not yet had a chance to use it.
Suspended Animation (80) Honestly cooler if you have a TW buddy to make a TW cryo chamber, this spell has more story uses than practical uses.
Essentially a better version of Cocoon in Stone, plus you can set a condition which is absolutely fantastic. So you can do stuff like -- "I will sleep until the time comes when Eraga the Bold first steps foot into Testament" and then as soon as that guy walks into your home town, you wake up and know he is there. Of course, it can backfire hideously if not used carefully but that is true of all the best magic.
Transference of Essence (50) This spell has more story uses than practical uses.[/spoiler]
Depends on how you use it. For example...
Find someone with better attributes than you >> Turn them to Stone >> Transfer into their statue body = Win (Rinse and Repeat).
P.S.: There are some other Warlock Spells you missed from Mysteries of Magic and Library of B. just in case you didnt know.
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