For the Future...

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For the Future...

Unread post by Neferkem »

I am soon starting a new Choas Earth campaign for a buddy and I. When I was asking him what is he wanted from it and his answer was an epic game. It took several days for an idea to percolate its way to the surface of my mind, and that was to have the toons save ARCHIE III from himself.

This game is going to start in Charlotte, NC, which was a happy accident due the fact its ruins survive even to 109pa (per Dinosaur Swamp books). My primary reason for this is one of the toons genrated to this point is a US Army Spec Ops (using the ex-spec ops from the Nightspawn book Between the Shadows occ) who is an Aztec native american who is serving to earn his citizenship in the USA. He was headed home for Christmas leave after having finished up his run through the Q-course, when the ballon goes up. The other toon generated by my buddy is an operator with psi abilities ( from the Rifts main book), he did this second toon because he wanted a toon that was an inventor.

Now I am going to generate two dmpcs , if you will, but I am having trouble settling on which race/occ combinations I will you use for this campaign. I want ones that will be fun as well as be supportive of the campaign's end goal with out overshadowing my buddies toons. Any suggestions from you all on what kind of toons I should build?

Now I have some other questions. In the CE main book in Gen. Sawyer's journal enteries it says it takes six days for her forces to reach Chicago from Atlanta and one of the books it says that they pass through the Charlotte area on thier way north. How many hours or days would it take for her forces to reach Charlotte area? I am planning on an Alamo type game for the first adventure. In the Dinosaur Swamp books there is an entry in the adventures section it talks about a proto-AI. I am planning on using this entry in my campaign in the following way, the pc's will use it to patch ARCHIE III's errors and thereby preventing his slide into insanity, what is the opinion on this as well as suggestions for this idea?
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Re: For the Future...

Unread post by PSI-Lence »

i don't know the area or terrain but for an average travel time you could just see what the distance between the 2 points are
if charlotte is half way a (very rough) estimate would be 3 days to get there

and running a game with 2 chars each and gm'ing it as you run it sounds difficult but good luck

(since it is CE i'd avoid using any race except human, most people in that era are seeing them all as invaders right now, maybe a fire and rescue occ and a para arcaine or demon/witch hunter, and a teenage chaos mage helper-fixer, protector , or sneak could do well for support and give some magical boost)

an operator with psionic's in that time should be very new to the powers because until the rifts came they would not have had any psi ability's and would probably have been more like a NEMA field engineer occ
i own but am less well versed in RUE, and my memory is ... lackluster at best keep that in mind if my posts contradict canon lol
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: For the Future...

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

distance = rate x time so that means
rate = distance / time
rate = 998 miles (Atlanta - Charlotte - Chicago)/ 6 days (144 hours) this assumes continuous non stop travel.
Rate = 6.93 miles per hour. That gives you a rough idea of how fast they were traveling.

So to get from Atlanta to Charlotte at this rate.
Time = Distance/Rate
Time = 245 miles/6.93
Time = 35.35 hours or about a day and half of continuous non stop travel.

However, it is safe to assume that their travels were interrupted for combat, hiding from monsters, helping those in trouble, going around or through devastated areas. Adjust your time and or rate of travel accordingly
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: For the Future...

Unread post by Neferkem »

Thank you for the input time to travel and the feed back on occs.
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Re: For the Future...

Unread post by Neferkem »

What would happen to NEMA and the "Neemans" as well as North America if Lt. General Sawyer is killed prior to reaching Chicago?

I think that it is her force of personality that holds everyone together and allows them to survive. What does the future look like if she were not at the "beginning"?
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