Straw man. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
****Edit to fix all the quote blocks... THIS is why I don't like long posts....
Nightfactory wrote:In case you forgot, we're talking specifically about the current invisibility of GBLT people in cannon PB literature. We are not talking about you. No assumptions were made. I directly addressed your claim that "it's not an issue".
Actually, you said
Nightfactory wrote:It's easy to say "it's not an issue" when you have the luxury of having your demographic be socially-accepted.
my demographic. I was pointing out MY demographics, and how many are NOT socially accepted. As such, NOT straw men arguments.
1) Straw Man.
2) Straw Man.
3) Straw Man.
4) Straw Man.
5) Straw Man.
1-5, not socially accepted. As such, VALID points, as I'm establishing credibility as someone who DOES fall under the "not socially accepted" umbrella. You can't call them straw man arguments when they actually directly reply what you tried to claim about me.
Nightfactory wrote:Which fallacy do you feel I am using?
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Explained this pretty well, but if you need me to add more...
I asked you directly to name the fallacy. Can you?
Goliath wrote:In all of those examples you use, not a SINGLE ONE was actually about the issue that was brought up. In ALL of those examples, ALL OF THEM, someone was actually being hindered. That is not the case here.
I did. There. If you can't see the fallacy that I'm pointing out, it's not my fault that you need to improve your reading comprehension skills. But, I'll break it down by the numbers for you.
1) You list several instances where people were being beaten, threatened, murdered, robbed, taxed unjustly, prevented from doing things, etc etc etc.
2) That's NOT the case here.
3) The case here is that someone didn't go out of their way to include a minority group, and now you're upset and offended.
4) the world isn't fair. Nobody owes you anything. Deal with it.
5) The list you provided does NOT equate with the argument you're trying to make.
I argued that disenfranchising an entire demographic constitues "being hindered". You cannot simply dismiss it
because you say so, or else you are guilty of
Circular reasoning.
1) What are they being disenfranchised of? To be disenfranchised you have to be deprived of a right. What right are they being deprived of?
2) Disenfranchisement constitutes being hindered. Nobody here is being disenfranchised. This is a case of "WAAA, they didn't go the extra mile to make me feel special".
You're trying to say that not purposely INCLUDING is the same as purposely EXCLUDING. They're NOT the same issue.
No, that's the argument that you're trying to force me into (which is effectively another Straw Man). The thread is about whether or not Palladium should include GBLT characters in future books. I have never argued that Palladium was intentionally exclusive.
Goliath wrote:You used examples of people that were being beaten, ripped off, murdered, imprisoned, tortured, and plenty more- none of which is the same as "not purposely including" someone. No one, not even fictional characters, are purposely being excluded.
Nor did I argue that; that is your false analogy. What I did argue is that your claim that "it's not an issue" is untrue. If it's not an issue, as you claim, I must wonder why there are so many people, including yourself, have felt the need to come forward and the voice their opposition to it? If "it's not an issue", then why oppose it?
I didn't say I oppose it. I said that in this, it's a non issue. If I opposed it, I would have voted no. I didn't vote, because there was no option that coincided with my point of view.
In another post, I responded about the poll results. You can go read that comment. Also, plenty of people really just don't care. It's not about EXCLUDING. It's that nobody went out of their way to INCLUDE. And yes, that IS what you're arguing. Who's been actively excluded? Who's been hindered? Who's been disenfranchised? NOBODY.
Nightfactory wrote:So you're arguing that the historic US cultural trend toward disenfranchising those outside the status quo
does not exist and has never existed?
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Ah, nice attempt to twist my words. No, that is NOT what I said.
I made an argument that there was a historic US cultural trend toward disenfranchising those outside the status quo. You dismissed it without saying why. So, naturally, I asked you why you felt that way; I didn't twist your words - I asked you to refute my argument (which you dismissed). Can't do it? Fine, but just admit it rather than resort to sophistry.
Actually, that's NOT what you did. You attempted to claim that I was arguing AGAINST that, when I never did. I never even suggested it. You brought it up out of the clear blue sky. And it has NOTHING to do with the case at hand.
Goliath wrote:I said it was not the case HERE. I'd like to further add that in SOME cases, people try to make an issue, to make themselves feel more the victim when you don't agree, or when they're not winning.
Nightfactory wrote:You said it was not the case here. Ok. Why? Please do not simply dismiss the argument.
Nightfactory wrote:No one is being hurt? Are you claiming that disenfranchising a significant element of a population doesn't "hurt" them? If so, how?
Goliath wrote:How are they being disenfranchised?
Nightfactory wrote:If they are excluded from further books, then they are being disenfranchised.
Go look up the word. I explain earlier in this post, they're not being deprived of a right, they're not being disenfranchised. They might FEEL that way, but feeling that way doesn't make it so.
Because other people aren't going out of their way to try to include them? Where's the RIFTER submissions with LGBT characters? If the LGBT community is so disenfranchised, why aren't they trying to slip in there?
Nightfactory wrote:Wow. When someone (you) argues that a demographic has no right to be included in something, then obviously they are being disenfranchised.
That's not my argument. I didn't say they had no right to be included. Obviously, you're reading words that aren't there.
Goliath wrote:And please, tell me ONE PERSON who's been disenfranchised from this? Who's gone through all of the books and said "What?! They don't have an LGBT NPC! Obviously, they don't want LGBT persons playing their games!"
Nightfactory wrote:Could you argue your point without all the dramatics? That would be nice. To answer your question, I personally know many people who have wondered why Palladium hasn't embraced the GBLT demographic in their writing. Also, there have been arguments in this thread by GBLT people and people associated with GBLT people to the effect that they'd like to see such inclusion.
Wondering about, and wanting inclusion is, would like to see.... none of that even is remotely close to disenfranchisement.
Nightfactory wrote:On what evidence to you base this claim?
See above.
I love when I ask you a direct question in response to something you said and you do not answer direcly. Though this is off-topic, may I say that I have and did respond directly to
every single comment you left. If you're going to make arguments and expect to retain credibility, you might consider returning the favor. [/quote]
I'm not going to type the same things over and over. I don't work for the Department of Redundancy Department.
Funny: that's the same argument that has been used to justify racism and sexism.
Goliath wrote:Actually, NO, it's not. The arguments to justify racism and sexism are more along the lines of inferior/superior arguments, often with pseudo-scientific claims in an attempt to justify the line of reasoning.
Again, you've ducked the original argument. You're great at quoting me directly when it suits you, but when it doesn't, you don't.[/quote]
Actually, I quoted you directly, and responded directly. You accused me of using something, and I corrected you. Just because you don't like the fact you were corrected doesn't mean I'm in the wrong. If you'll note, I typically only quote the actual bit I'm replying to, so the posts won't be five miles long.
Nightfactory wrote:What is an issue to someone is relative to the group they identify with. It may not be an issue to you - if you don't fall into the same group, but I think you'll have a difficult time presenting coherent, logical arguments that state that a disenfranchised group doesn't have a right to feel disenfranchised.
Please explain why you feel they are unjustified. (Note: DO NOT accuse me of "twisting your words". I am quoting you directly).
Well, first, as I've addressed, nobody here is actually being disenfranchised. Just because they FEEL that way doesn't mean it's true. Anyone can FEEL anything they want- doesn't how they feel is backed up by fact. Feeling disenfranchised, when
nothing even close to disenfranchisement is going on is not justified.
A false analogy from you: The difference here is GBLT people (and all the other groups I mentioned) did not sign up for it.
That's not what you had bet money on.
Nightfactory wrote: I'd be willing to bet $100 that if your rights and identity were suddenly taken away from you (or if they never existed) you'd have a very different perspective.
I was explaining you'd lose that bet, because I've HAD those rights taken away from me. I've BEEN that guy who was threatened to be tossed into a fire because of my religious beliefs, and then was told "well, he didn't physically try, so we're going to just talk to him about not making those comments". Directly applies to what you had said.
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Furthermore, I'd like you to tell me who's rights and identity are being taken away in this case? Honestly, whose? Not even fictional characters are having anything taken from them.
Nightfactory wrote: ![Laugh Out Loud :lol:](./images/smilies/lol.gif)
I asked a
rhetorical question. Look it up.
Actually, it's what your entire argument is based upon. Disenfranchisement.
Nor is that what I argued; you've got a real gift for making Straw Man rebuttals. Somewhere there is a cornfield beset with a plague of crows that desperately needs your help.
For the Straw Man comment, see my opening line of this post.
And yes, that IS effectively what you're arguing. You're being all upset because someone didn't go out of their way to make a group feel included. They didn't say "we won't have you", or "we won't allow this" "we don't want", or anything else. they just didn't bother to come knocking on your door and say "hey, we want to include you in this".