Conquest 2014

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Conquest 2014

Unread post by ProfessorFate »

Hi all,

Conquest is on this year over the Easter weekend (18th-21st April) in Melbourne, Australia.
As a brand new MA I'm running a Rifts game on three separate occasions at the Con. I've never run a game at a convention before, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the URL if anyone is interested in coming: ... -delivery/
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Fate, here is some advice I got on another forum from a friend who has been to Gen Con several times. I have found it very helpful when planning my con games.
Galahad wrote:Ok, here are my notes from a seminar last year that was about GMing at a convention. At least, that's what I think it was about. Two guys from Gnome Stew, Patrick and Kurt, gave the seminar. Dan, if you remember any other details, post them.

- Allow 1hr between each game. Don't schedule the games you're going to run back to back, because you could be given rooms that aren't even in the convention center and that require a 10min walk.
- It is exhausting. Meaning, running games at the Con are a lot of work
- Leave DMing baggage at home. I personally think this is a really important one.

Mistakes, Don'ts, & other advice
1) False advertising - if running a game, you have to write a description of it to submit to GenCon. You have to stick to that description
2) Don't run a complex game/system and expect everyone to have fun. Choose the best part of the game/system to explore the game. Get rid of the fluff material of the game/system
3) When you say "characters provided" you MUST provide characters.
- The GM must engage everyone in the game
- Make extra characters, meaning if you've only said that there are supposed to be 4-6 players, make more just in case
- Ask them if that's what they want to play, after they've picked one of the pre-gen characters
- Don't have special characters for people
- make 9 characters at the max, meaning don't have 20 pre-gen characters to pick from
4) Don't treat it like your home game. Don't run i ti like there is going to be a game next week.
5) If something doesn't work (like a rule), ignore it and move on
6) Don't cut the scene; give them the closure and provide an end to every scene. Also, have a "kill switch" if need be
7) As the GM, bring everything the players will need (dice, pens, pencils, paper, etc)
8) Rock Star Effect - can give out big rewards, but make the players work for it
9) Can't stop stupidity
10)Give them something worth dying for
- make death noble and memorable
- make it fun as hell to die
11) If you have a problem player, take that player away from the table to give them a few mins to cool down. Ask them if there is a problem and then if they'll work with you to help make sure everyone has a good time
12) Must be prepared
- prepare 4 encounters, but only run 3
- encounters should last 30-45mins (the length of a Con game is 4hrs)
- don't over-prepare
13) Choose a good objective for PCs to complete
14) The breakdown of the game
- act 1: role-play and good NPC
- act 2: first encounter threat
- act 3: scoundrel NPC; can ditch this act to make up for time
- act 4: big bad evil; go all out in this part
15) Remember, it's the player's game, not the NPCs
16) Really, out of a 4hr game, probably only 3hrs will be spent playing. Should wait 5-10mins to start to make sure everyone is there, then generally 30mins to explain the system, 15mins or so of Monty Python jokes and other geek related topics, and so on.

Ok, so not the best notes in the world, but it was a really neat seminar and there is some pretty good advice in there.
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by ProfessorFate »

Warshield73, sorry its taken so long to reply. The advice you gave was great, though obviously I had to tweak it (games only went for three hours). The con was brilliant, and with the exception of one player I got very positive feedback from everyone. I'll be posting my game report as soon as someone lets me know where to post it.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Post it here, we'd love to see it.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Conquest 2014 session report.

Being informed that I'm the only MA in Australia I felt obliged to get out there and start promoting Palladiums games.

During Conquest this year I ran a rifts adventure on three separate occasions. Here is the blurb I used to entice players:

A simple pick-up & delivery.
“A million to go get this thing for them. They must want it pretty bad.”
After the defeat of Tolkeen by the Coalition the players are hired to head into ruins to retrieve something of great power.

At the start of the convention I had four players registered for the Friday session, three for the Saturday, and six for the Sunday.

I pregenerated six pcs, A Wilderness Scout, Rogue Scholar, Mercenary, Cyber-Knight, Juicer and Head Hunter. I made very simple characters as I started to notice that with only a three hour bloke to run the adventure I would be spending too much time explaining the rules. I didn't even give them names, as I was curious how different players would come up with their own personalities just based on the class they chose.

The first session ended up with five players, no one chose the Head Hunter. The second session only ended up with the three as, due to public transport, I was running slightly late (note to self, no more 9am sessions at cons). They took the Wilderness Scout, Rogue Scholar and Juicer. The final session I ended up with a full compliment after talking the GM and player from my previous session to join me. Two of the players for the Sunday pulled out, one from illness, the other, I found out later, was convinced by one of the other writers/GMs not to play because it was Rifts. I encountered the Palladium biases you often see around the internet (I personally have a few issues with it myself, but that's for another time). Most of the players had never played a Palladium game, and those that had said it was quite a while ago, with most of them citing not having played since the TMNT days.

I took some liberties with the Rifts canon timeline, but that is a GMs privilege. lol

The game started out with myself describing that everyone had volunteered for this mission. The characters had never met each other before, so I allowed a few minutes for them to introduce themselves in character, this also allowed me to get an idea on how each of them were going to play. It was interesting to note the similarities between some of the players interpretations. The player of the Juicer in each party played him as a drugged out combatant, and the Scholar was always obsessed with books.

They started out in the foothills surrounding Tolkeen, leaving the Wilderness Scouts hover vehicle a hour or so away. I started the session here to show that the world of Rifts can be a bleak and horrific place. I described in detail the desolation of the city in the aftermath of the war with the Coalition. Each party observed the area for Coalition patrols, noting their times. They proceeded into the ruins with only a pre war map for guidance.

After several hours they arrived at the address they were given. They discovered a flat, destroyed area. Some of the team noticed a shimmering effect at the border of the clearing. Upon passing through the barrier they found themselves in a grassy area surrounding a large building. as they approach they find a sign claiming that this is the main library of Tolkeen (cue Rogue Scholars squealing with delight). They entered the building to be greeted by Charles, the main they are to retrieve the item from. He takes them upstairs where he makes them comfortable and tells them the history of the item. Seven years ago psychics around the world started having visions of a blackness pouring fourth from a rift, covering the world. Some called it the Devourer, or the Swarm (sound familiar?). A cabal of mages formulated a plan to prevent this catastrophic event, and one woman volunteered to stop it. She fought her way through to nexus and trapped the power of the opening rift. To do this she had to bind it to the life force of another being. Having no other option as she was to weak after fighting her way though, she bound it to the unborn child. At this point the group realises that the "item" they need to transport is the girl that was born. Various questions came forth from the players at this time with a variety of subjects. All three groups asked where the mother was. She was killed in child birth. With the trauma of childbirth combined with the power contained within the girl, Angela, proceeded to burn the mother up from the inside. The next question was "How is this place still standing?". To protect Angela a group of powerful mages tapped into the power within Angela to protect the library from the war and to hide it. The first group of players instantly jumped onto the idea of tapping into themselves. I had thought of some player thinking of this, hence why none of the characters were magic users. Lastly they asked why she had to be moved. Simply put, there was a group looking specifically for her.

After meeting Angela Charles gave them the coordinates of the man they were to deliver Angela to. The group left to try and get out of the ruins in one piece. After a few minutes they heard the whine of engines heading towards where they had just been. Looking back they could now see that since Angela had been moved the protection had failed. The Coalition swarmed the library, and they used the diversion to put some distance between themselves and the city. Once they left the city they had the feeling they were being watched.

Getting back to the vehicle they speed off to make the delivery. Stopping to camp overnight the group are awakened by Angela's screams. She tells them that she had a dream where she was surrounded by creatures of all different sorts in a place made of rock. She also tells them that she saw them there as well, but they were on the other side of the monsters.

Breaking camp the next morning they still had the nagging feeling that they were under surveillance.

They travelled through the day, approaching the valley, and the farm where they are to meet their contact, Robert. Approaching cautiously they make contact with Robert and he asks them to wait while he goes and gathers the people needed to transport Angela to her new home. A coupe of hours later two trucks approach and half a dozen people exit, including Robert. As the approach Robert to hand over Angela Robert disappears beneath to foot of a dragon. The dragon takes out the other men that came with Robert with a swish of his tail and demands that the team hand over Angela immediately. As players are want to do, the refuse and attack the dragon. Within three rounds the dragon has swatted the players aside (no deaths) and taken off with Angela. All three groups jumped in their vehicle and gave pursuit. Only the first group cam close to taking the dragon down as they cut out the roof of the vehicle and kept shooting at it. They even almost totalled the car by ramming it into the dragon.

Eventually the dragon comes to a mountain range and enters a large cave. Groups on and two lest the car outside, while group three drove in after it. As the groups travelled through the tunnel they saw a light growing steadily brighter and the sound of chanting. They emerged onto a landing overlooking a huge cavern full to various creatures, all of them non-humanoid. On the other side of the cavern was a raised dais where the dragon ad Angela pinned under its claw. Next to her was a human mage chanting and holding a knife. A Neuron Beast is standing next to him. As they watch the mage lowers the knife and nicks Angela, releasing a few drops of blood. Suddenly the cavern is filled with a blue light as a rift burst forth from Angela, reaching up through the roof. Group one started shooting and running around the platform to get to Angela. Group two ran back for the car. Group three launched their car straight into the crowd. Group two speed back in with the car and launch it off the platform, straight into the dragon. during the fight a black figure steps through the rift and shoots the mage standing right next to it. It then proceeds to start taking shots at the characters, ignoring the rest of the crowd. The fight continues for a while until each of the groups remembers what Robert told them about the rift being linked to Angela's life force. Each group agonised over the decision, but ultimately shoots Angela, instantly shutting the rift.

During the fight the crowd starts to run out through the tunnel after the cavern starts shaking and rubble starts falling from the ceiling. Everyone bolts out and hides in the surrounding bushes. The crowd of creatures have gathered outside and are staring up at the mountain cheering. As the players look up they see dozens of small flying objects and a huge metal thing on legs launching missiles in all directions. Here I ended the game informing the players that I would be running the sequel at the next con.

Almost all of the players expressed interest in playing the sequel, which made me feel good about my gming ability. Everyone said they enjoyed the game and loved the world they were playing in.

In case anyone hadn't worked out what was unleased through the rift, you should check out Rifts Sourcebook 2.

I hope the report wasn't too detailed. If anyone has any advice or questions please post them for me.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Warshield73 wrote:Fate, here is some advice I got on another forum from a friend who has been to Gen Con several times. I have found it very helpful when planning my con games.
Galahad wrote:Ok, here are my notes from a seminar last year that was about GMing at a convention. At least, that's what I think it was about. Two guys from Gnome Stew, Patrick and Kurt, gave the seminar. Dan, if you remember any other details, post them.

- Allow 1hr between each game. Don't schedule the games you're going to run back to back, because you could be given rooms that aren't even in the convention center and that require a 10min walk.
- It is exhausting. Meaning, running games at the Con are a lot of work
- Leave DMing baggage at home. I personally think this is a really important one.

Mistakes, Don'ts, & other advice
1) False advertising - if running a game, you have to write a description of it to submit to GenCon. You have to stick to that description
2) Don't run a complex game/system and expect everyone to have fun. Choose the best part of the game/system to explore the game. Get rid of the fluff material of the game/system
3) When you say "characters provided" you MUST provide characters.
- The GM must engage everyone in the game
- Make extra characters, meaning if you've only said that there are supposed to be 4-6 players, make more just in case
- Ask them if that's what they want to play, after they've picked one of the pre-gen characters
- Don't have special characters for people
- make 9 characters at the max, meaning don't have 20 pre-gen characters to pick from
4) Don't treat it like your home game. Don't run i ti like there is going to be a game next week.
5) If something doesn't work (like a rule), ignore it and move on
6) Don't cut the scene; give them the closure and provide an end to every scene. Also, have a "kill switch" if need be
7) As the GM, bring everything the players will need (dice, pens, pencils, paper, etc)
8) Rock Star Effect - can give out big rewards, but make the players work for it
9) Can't stop stupidity
10)Give them something worth dying for
- make death noble and memorable
- make it fun as hell to die
11) If you have a problem player, take that player away from the table to give them a few mins to cool down. Ask them if there is a problem and then if they'll work with you to help make sure everyone has a good time
12) Must be prepared
- prepare 4 encounters, but only run 3
- encounters should last 30-45mins (the length of a Con game is 4hrs)
- don't over-prepare
13) Choose a good objective for PCs to complete
14) The breakdown of the game
- act 1: role-play and good NPC
- act 2: first encounter threat
- act 3: scoundrel NPC; can ditch this act to make up for time
- act 4: big bad evil; go all out in this part
15) Remember, it's the player's game, not the NPCs
16) Really, out of a 4hr game, probably only 3hrs will be spent playing. Should wait 5-10mins to start to make sure everyone is there, then generally 30mins to explain the system, 15mins or so of Monty Python jokes and other geek related topics, and so on.

Ok, so not the best notes in the world, but it was a really neat seminar and there is some pretty good advice in there.

The advice is awesome.
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by Zenvis »

ProfessorFate wrote:Conquest 2014 session report.

Being informed that I'm the only MA in Australia I felt obliged to get out there and start promoting Palladiums games.

During Conquest this year I ran a rifts adventure on three separate occasions. Here is the blurb I used to entice players:

A simple pick-up & delivery.
“A million to go get this thing for them. They must want it pretty bad.”
After the defeat of Tolkeen by the Coalition the players are hired to head into ruins to retrieve something of great power.

At the start of the convention I had four players registered for the Friday session, three for the Saturday, and six for the Sunday.

I pregenerated six pcs, A Wilderness Scout, Rogue Scholar, Mercenary, Cyber-Knight, Juicer and Head Hunter. I made very simple characters as I started to notice that with only a three hour bloke to run the adventure I would be spending too much time explaining the rules. I didn't even give them names, as I was curious how different players would come up with their own personalities just based on the class they chose.

The first session ended up with five players, no one chose the Head Hunter. The second session only ended up with the three as, due to public transport, I was running slightly late (note to self, no more 9am sessions at cons). They took the Wilderness Scout, Rogue Scholar and Juicer. The final session I ended up with a full compliment after talking the GM and player from my previous session to join me. Two of the players for the Sunday pulled out, one from illness, the other, I found out later, was convinced by one of the other writers/GMs not to play because it was Rifts. I encountered the Palladium biases you often see around the internet (I personally have a few issues with it myself, but that's for another time). Most of the players had never played a Palladium game, and those that had said it was quite a while ago, with most of them citing not having played since the TMNT days.

I took some liberties with the Rifts canon timeline, but that is a GMs privilege. lol

The game started out with myself describing that everyone had volunteered for this mission. The characters had never met each other before, so I allowed a few minutes for them to introduce themselves in character, this also allowed me to get an idea on how each of them were going to play. It was interesting to note the similarities between some of the players interpretations. The player of the Juicer in each party played him as a drugged out combatant, and the Scholar was always obsessed with books.

They started out in the foothills surrounding Tolkeen, leaving the Wilderness Scouts hover vehicle a hour or so away. I started the session here to show that the world of Rifts can be a bleak and horrific place. I described in detail the desolation of the city in the aftermath of the war with the Coalition. Each party observed the area for Coalition patrols, noting their times. They proceeded into the ruins with only a pre war map for guidance.

After several hours they arrived at the address they were given. They discovered a flat, destroyed area. Some of the team noticed a shimmering effect at the border of the clearing. Upon passing through the barrier they found themselves in a grassy area surrounding a large building. as they approach they find a sign claiming that this is the main library of Tolkeen (cue Rogue Scholars squealing with delight). They entered the building to be greeted by Charles, the main they are to retrieve the item from. He takes them upstairs where he makes them comfortable and tells them the history of the item. Seven years ago psychics around the world started having visions of a blackness pouring fourth from a rift, covering the world. Some called it the Devourer, or the Swarm (sound familiar?). A cabal of mages formulated a plan to prevent this catastrophic event, and one woman volunteered to stop it. She fought her way through to nexus and trapped the power of the opening rift. To do this she had to bind it to the life force of another being. Having no other option as she was to weak after fighting her way though, she bound it to the unborn child. At this point the group realises that the "item" they need to transport is the girl that was born. Various questions came forth from the players at this time with a variety of subjects. All three groups asked where the mother was. She was killed in child birth. With the trauma of childbirth combined with the power contained within the girl, Angela, proceeded to burn the mother up from the inside. The next question was "How is this place still standing?". To protect Angela a group of powerful mages tapped into the power within Angela to protect the library from the war and to hide it. The first group of players instantly jumped onto the idea of tapping into themselves. I had thought of some player thinking of this, hence why none of the characters were magic users. Lastly they asked why she had to be moved. Simply put, there was a group looking specifically for her.

After meeting Angela Charles gave them the coordinates of the man they were to deliver Angela to. The group left to try and get out of the ruins in one piece. After a few minutes they heard the whine of engines heading towards where they had just been. Looking back they could now see that since Angela had been moved the protection had failed. The Coalition swarmed the library, and they used the diversion to put some distance between themselves and the city. Once they left the city they had the feeling they were being watched.

Getting back to the vehicle they speed off to make the delivery. Stopping to camp overnight the group are awakened by Angela's screams. She tells them that she had a dream where she was surrounded by creatures of all different sorts in a place made of rock. She also tells them that she saw them there as well, but they were on the other side of the monsters.

Breaking camp the next morning they still had the nagging feeling that they were under surveillance.

They travelled through the day, approaching the valley, and the farm where they are to meet their contact, Robert. Approaching cautiously they make contact with Robert and he asks them to wait while he goes and gathers the people needed to transport Angela to her new home. A coupe of hours later two trucks approach and half a dozen people exit, including Robert. As the approach Robert to hand over Angela Robert disappears beneath to foot of a dragon. The dragon takes out the other men that came with Robert with a swish of his tail and demands that the team hand over Angela immediately. As players are want to do, the refuse and attack the dragon. Within three rounds the dragon has swatted the players aside (no deaths) and taken off with Angela. All three groups jumped in their vehicle and gave pursuit. Only the first group cam close to taking the dragon down as they cut out the roof of the vehicle and kept shooting at it. They even almost totalled the car by ramming it into the dragon.

Eventually the dragon comes to a mountain range and enters a large cave. Groups on and two lest the car outside, while group three drove in after it. As the groups travelled through the tunnel they saw a light growing steadily brighter and the sound of chanting. They emerged onto a landing overlooking a huge cavern full to various creatures, all of them non-humanoid. On the other side of the cavern was a raised dais where the dragon ad Angela pinned under its claw. Next to her was a human mage chanting and holding a knife. A Neuron Beast is standing next to him. As they watch the mage lowers the knife and nicks Angela, releasing a few drops of blood. Suddenly the cavern is filled with a blue light as a rift burst forth from Angela, reaching up through the roof. Group one started shooting and running around the platform to get to Angela. Group two ran back for the car. Group three launched their car straight into the crowd. Group two speed back in with the car and launch it off the platform, straight into the dragon. during the fight a black figure steps through the rift and shoots the mage standing right next to it. It then proceeds to start taking shots at the characters, ignoring the rest of the crowd. The fight continues for a while until each of the groups remembers what Robert told them about the rift being linked to Angela's life force. Each group agonised over the decision, but ultimately shoots Angela, instantly shutting the rift.

During the fight the crowd starts to run out through the tunnel after the cavern starts shaking and rubble starts falling from the ceiling. Everyone bolts out and hides in the surrounding bushes. The crowd of creatures have gathered outside and are staring up at the mountain cheering. As the players look up they see dozens of small flying objects and a huge metal thing on legs launching missiles in all directions. Here I ended the game informing the players that I would be running the sequel at the next con.

Almost all of the players expressed interest in playing the sequel, which made me feel good about my gming ability. Everyone said they enjoyed the game and loved the world they were playing in.

In case anyone hadn't worked out what was unleashed through the rift, you should check out Rifts Sourcebook 2.

I hope the report wasn't too detailed. If anyone has any advice or questions please post them for me.

This is fantastic! I am going to make sure that you get rewarded for your hard work. I apologize for the delay. You have done some great work. I have some questions though. You gave a great report on the adventure, how did the players generally respond the the adventure, to the characters design, set up and rules? Did they look like they would buy Palladium product or show interest? We want to know what drove interest.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Thank Zenvis for the feedback. Rewarded? I thought we were doing this for the love of the game. Though I'm not going to turn something down. lol

The players all responded positively to the adventure except one. He was enjoying it till the end. He was upset that the girl HAD to die to complete the adventure. He was playing the Cyber-Knight in the first party.

As I said in the report, I made very simple characters with minimalist sheets. To be honest, a Rifts sheet to someone that has never played a Palladium game before can seem quite intimidating. I condensed it down to a few lines that were relevant to the adventure. Everyone seemed to grasp the simplified combat rules I used quite easily, and they all managed to get into character since I left the personalities up to them.

Being a three hour convention game I made the set-up quite simple as explained in my previous post. By plunging the characters straight into it, rather than do a big mission briefing etc. they could get into the action quicker.

I am unsure on how many of the players would be purchasing Palladium products after the game, though I know one of them already has quite a bit. Palladium products aren't the easiest to come by in Australia, with even one store I went to refusing to stock their products because they couldn't order the books they were after for a very long time. Even MilSims (, who is one of the biggest importers/wholesalers of games (not just rpgs) in Australia find it difficult to keep products in stock. Check out their website to see what I mean.

Almost all the players have expressed an interest in playing the sequel at the next convention, I'm planning a trilogy. After talking to many of the players about previous experience with Palladium many mentioned playing TMNT when they were younger, so I'm also going to run one of them at the next con as well. When I run the second part of the story I am planning to run it over a double block (six hours) so I can use the full Palladium rules and have adequate time to explain them at the beginning.

Unfortunately I didn't have a proper look around the MA forums, so I didn't have the questionnaire for the players to fill out. Though I do feel that many of the questions on that are more aimed at GMs than players.

This con was my stepsons first foray into roleplaying. I had been trying to get a group of his friends and himself set up for a game, and I was going to run them through a non-Palladium game with a simple rules set. He however fell in love with the Rifts world frame, and after mentioning it to his friends they also all expressed an interest. So, depending on how a few job applications go over the few weeks I may be starting a new Rifts campaign in my local area.

Also, as long as I can convince the other half, I will be attending the open house with a mate next year. Have to represent the continent considering I'm the only MA here.

I hope this answers your questions. If you want to know anything else just ask.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Oh, and if I wasn't unemployed at the moment I would be stupid on the half price sale this week. So many books I'm missing there this week.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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I am going to insure that I this thorough report gets to Palladium. We really appreciate it.
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Re: Conquest 2014

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Thanks Zenvis. Glad I could answer your questions. I'm glad I can help promote Palladium here in Australia, even if it's only in my own small way. Finding the time for regular gaming between constantly looking for work, raising a two year old and living in a smallish country town is proving to be quite difficult. At the moment it looks like one of these jobs may come to fruition, so we will be moving back to Melbourne, which will make finding players that much easier.
A question about putting in a request for for "prizes" for the next con. I know from asking about ordering in the past that shipping to Australia can be quite expensive, so is it honestly worth me submitting a form?
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Re: Conquest 2014

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In one word, YES!
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Re: Conquest 2014

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All good. I'll make sure I put in the request form with as much time as humanly possible. Freebies/give aways are always good incentive for people to play. lol
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by ProfessorFate »

Zenvis wrote:I am going to insure that I this thorough report gets to Palladium. We really appreciate it.

Hey Zenvis, did the report ever get through to who it needed to? Also you mentioned being rewarded, and I kniw the latest couple of posts in the "you want to be an ambasador" forum has mentioned real swag.
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by Zenvis »

I forwarded a copy of the data to one of the Palladium staff members. Ill ask him again about it this weekend. If not, I will investigate it.
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Re: Conquest 2014

Unread post by Zenvis »

ProfessorFate, we are still working on ways to reward our of US MA's and I am attempting to see says to get you rewarded. I apologize that you have not received anything yet (that last reference was for anther MA, my apology). If you would when I send out the new MA forms please send them back to me filled out to and I will keep the reward on the forefront on Palladium's mind. Thanks.
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Imagination is more important than knowledge." but knowledge does help. - Albert Einstein
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
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