Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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So, the most comprehensive log comes from the Elf, Azariel, about out session on the 28th of September, 2013.

"In A Troker Hold"

Kym-Nark-Mar 4th, 111 (cont’d)

Well, we escaped the clutches of that vile parasite, and Xerx’ses was rescued. Compared to that, there was nothing truly exciting done today.

One great part, though, was that we got the “G”iant” T”ransit ”A”pparatus Dwarven Seige Vehicle working. Or rather, Overkill did. Cava was able to offer assistance when the Captain seemed overwhelmed, but we were able to organize and get started. Starting it up and slowing it down are very difficult from what I saw, but we did not run into anything that posed much of a problem – the giant Worms and Bug-riders didn’t do much to inhibit us. Xerx’ses seemed to be calmed immensely by the “Vision” of that silver skull.

We were joined by an untrustworthy little imbecil by the name of Bruce, but it shouldn’t pose a threat to our journey. He says he knows the city, so he might be an asset.

Kym-Nark-Mar 5th, 111

Today we were confronted by some of the Quorian creatures. They came for us saying that we were invading holy land! While we probably should have apologized for the understandable mistake, our hot-headed members started accusing the holy men. I mean, how dare they put their holy land under our feet! It’s an outrage! We are CrIsis, of no mortal bonds, hands of the Gods. We need not pay heed nor reverence to any mortal authority. Right.

I have decided I am going to enjoy the time studying Diabolism. I love my brothers in the faith, and we are doing the will and work of the gods. But there are times I wish I could slap them. A good six months basking under the comfortable weight of millennia of knowledge and learning will refresh my patience and zeal. Thank the Gods I have a keen intellect!

We got close to the city today, and tomorrow we enter it. I am apprehensive, as this city has a reputation of serious evil, but our Priest is confident we can leave a mark of good for the Lady.

Kym-Nark-Mar 6th, 111

Today we came upon a haggard widow in a travelling cloak. She asked Cava to step aside and speak to him, and he later told us it was none other than Rurga herself. She put forth a challenge to the members of CrIsis to assault the city covertly, and slice out a piece for the Gods of Light again. Cava accepted the challenge, and we set off to enter the city.

There was a barge to the city, free entrance, taxed exit. Those that were with me talked about forboding remembrances of the city of Kaash. Honestly, I had the same fear. Never trust people with open arms, because they probably have a knife in their hands, and will stab you in the back when you let your guard down. Woah, that was pretty dark and cynical! What’s happened to me? Am I becoming like the Warrior Wizard? I have to get out of here.

We walked through the city, and had several people try to pick pocket us. One group knew Cava by name! We fought them off… well Cava, Overkill, and Indaris fought them off, with occasional assistance from Bruceypoo. I saw there was no danger, and decided to sing and dance. I thought it would be more impressive if I split into four of me, and I was right! People called me “Azariel, Lord of the Dance!” and from the blood in the streets, the onlookers called it bloody “River Dancing”… Either way, there was no lingering in the “Backstreets, Back” roads and alleys.

We were lead to a scrawny woman named Mama, the proprietor of a pub. Cava and I talked to her about needing a trade, our siege vehicle for a boat, but it was Cava’s ear to the ground and “the Streets”mart habits that led us to the right person. The excitable little goblin wouldn’t rest till he saw the siege engine, and then lead us to the King, Kai.

The King seemed to be a brutish oaf, though poor intentioned, and Cava had no trouble convincing him saying “Show me the money” that what we had was worth at least five times what he was offering. The evil king nearly discovered our identity, but through some inventive truths, we got out without incident. With all of that, we WONDER why kings and rulers despise us? My my. Maybe it’s because I am taking a break, but I am really opening my eyes to some crazy things this week.

On the way back, Indaris expressed his need to go to the Temple District, and Cava wanted to go with him. The rest of the group went and got the ship under way, while I trailed Cava and Indaris in the shadows of the buildings, flying on my cape. What I saw there I cannot cheapen with my unworthy lips. I shall just say that true Power, Grace, and Love were felt, and the image of the Sanctuary created by Indaris will stay with me forever more. Unfortunately Indaris was incapacitated by the awe of it, a truly transcendent experience, and Cava was somehow incapacitated by the spell itself. It seems he tried to knock Indaris unconscious, well-intentioned but still aggressive. I had no choice but to grab them and take them. We were in no danger as it was, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

While on the water, sailing from Troker, we were flagged down by an alchemist by the name of Semolina or somesuch. He claims he wished to destroy a rune sword in our possession, but the overreactions almost got us into trouble, yet again. ‘How dare you say you’re no threat! It’s an outrage! We are CrIsis, of no mortal bonds, hands of the Gods. We need not pay heed nor reverence to any mortal authority! Death to you and all you hold dear, and your crew, too!’ Riight…

Kym-Nark-Mar 8th, 111

I left the Black leather-bound journal Xerx’ses gave me in his room tonight. He’s sleeping and shall wake soon, but he won’t see it until I am gone. With it I left a note.

Dear Xerx’ses,

I know you feel you are inadiquate, but you are very intuitive. I have rarely seen practitioners of magic that have the same love and respect for life that you show. If you were to come study at the Guild of the White Ash, I am sure that it would improve things here.

I leave with you this journal of your mentor. The one thing I thought to do with it was simply by deactivating the enchantments through saying your mentor’s True Name. Unfortunately I don’t know it. Also, there is a book known as the “Book of Serpents” which is attuned to its owner through blood on the spine. Do you have anything that has his blood? That might open it as well… or maybe he attuned it to you as well, and you just need to put a drop of your blood on the spine.

One more thing comes to mind: Mystic Ink!! It’s a simple, enchanted ink that has an invisibility charm. Activate your “See Invisible” spell, and you should see it if it was written in such. Also: Keep water handy, or a large blanket. Fire destroyed it, and if it catches fire again, you will need to put it out. Of course, it’d be better to try to extinguish it with the spell “Extinguish Flame,” but that’s for another day.

Anyway, I leave it to you. I have not tried these things because I feel that it would be an invasion of privacy. If I think of something, or come across something in my studies, I will write to you immediately.

Remember: The Gods aren’t mortal. They are above mortal understanding! They have a reason, and it’s not to insult or torture you! Stand in the Light of the Lawgiver! The deaths of those around you aren’t about you, it’s about them, and about their killers. Please, don’t stray into Anubis’ Depths while you try to taint the Lawgiver’s Justice by exacting Petty Revenge! You represent My Lord too.

Your Friend,

Kym-Nark-Mar 9th, 111

The wonderful group didn’t so much as dock in the Western Empire. They simply asked me, “You can fly, right?” with ominous grins on their faces. The only thing that saved me and all of my belongings from the shark-infested, salt-rich watery grave below me was a quick “Fly” spell on my cloak, and some deft mid-air crate snatching.

Ok, it wasn’t that bad, but it was close enough. They expected me to grab the dozens of animal crates and cages stowed in my room, balance them all on a tiny cloak, and fly twenty miles to the nearest port. Which, might I add, was patrolled by Cockatrices. If I weren’t invisible and hadn’t cast a shadow meld spell immediately, I would have been toast. I had to refresh my fly spell at least five times, one of which I almost miscalculated to become acquainted first-hand with that watery grave I was telling you about. Not Happy.

I was able to procure a very comfortable carriage, though, with the opulence the Evil King proffered for the Siege. I could get used to having gold.

Kym-nark-mar 26th, 111

Today I spoke with the Elders of the White Ash about the Lopanic Games. They offered me a deal for CrIsis, and so I wrote a letter. It read;

Dearest friends,

I have spoken to the elders in charge of the Guild of the White Ash, and they are willing to send one person to the Lopanic Games as a representative! It is a relatively small guild, so that means two things.

First, there are not many entrants, so my chances are extremely high compared to large guilds, such as the Tri-Arcanum and the Merchant Guilds like Karowyn’s.

Second, they do not have the superfluous funds to throw at a sponsorship, so they require that the entrant help with the payment. In speaking with the elders, I have a few options.

I could front the cold cash, which means that I would have to borrow at least 300k gold from you all,


I could procure a magical item of great worth. One of the examples of suitable items was a Greater Rune Weapon. I would never in a million years ask for Thor-ak or Callandor. However, we have several weapons attained from the Dread Pirate Jayson. In that group, I recognized two of them were such weapons, Torac and Threk-Goru. The Guild of the White Ash is full of curious and inquisitive old codgers, and as an item such as a Greater Rune Weapon, its value isn’t as simple as gold to them. I remember my wizarding master, Eugene Schpaknel, studied magical items for months or even years without so much as going outside to see the sun.

So please, Could I trade a Rune Weapon, for which we have no need or use, for a sponsorship to the Lopanic Games?

Power to Osiris, Glory to Ra.

>>Journal entries from Kym-nark-mar 4th to 26th in the 22nd Year of Emperor Voelkian Itomas II, from Azariel, Apprentice Alchemist. Acolyte of Osiris and the Lady Luck.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Log in from our game on 10/19/13, from the Dwarven Mariner Overkill (who just reached level 13!!)

"Alone in a Crowd"
Lost Among Immortals


Your friend Overkill is an ass. I know that you were attempting to be low key and I and the rest of CrIsis blew it. I’ll explain.

After sailing for two weeks we landed in Mishala and expecting a quarter-master we met a beggar. He pissed me off. Here I expected some better control of the port and here he is. Well the hospitality of the team came out and they all gave to the man except me and the poke dared to spit on me; this after working out with Cava to have him and his maid servant and team healer stay on the ship.

Well this clown who spat on me after I give him some money disappears. Freaks me out; I thought the guy was more important than it turns out. Well… there’s more. Because the beggar was so casual with our minotaur we thought that the team could come into the town. Yea. That was a mistake; within seconds the city goes into riot and begin running from Xerx’ses and the rest of us. That beggar then shows up again and introduces himself to us, Sulyott, mage supreme (though he’ll deny it).

After then he asks us to follow us and while following this fellow (it pisses me off that I have to look for sources to find the pieces from such *****) a new member of CrIsis magically appears. A… how can I put this, quarrel man with wings (I am still attempting to get used to this). Well between getting locked out and let in by the beggar we find out the guy (annoying human) is Sulyott. I understand you know him, I don’t know how you feel about him but anyway….

We never saw the quarter-master so we headed for the city attempting to find him only to find out from Cava later that the guy showed up and was paid for a day. Meanwhile we headed to a temple at my request. I wanted to donate some money and pay homage. As it turned out that there was no temple of Light and Dark but there was a temple of Dragonwright. Now I have seen the magnificence of Kym-nark-mar among other gods and I thought that he was a decent god and wouldn’t mind CrIsis being there.

I have to say that they really do well in decorating the place as it was laced with wealth that would of competed with the art and craftsmanship of the Dwarves; nice for humans and elves. I have to admit that I thought that it would be more of a cave or less ornate; truly I was wrong. When it comes to the gods, Thoth forgive me but, I have gained a high respect for Algor, Rurga, Kym-nark-mar and especially the gods of Light.

At any rate, we attempted to find information on the town and its leaders and as it turned out an Elf at the temple took a liking to our priest. While they were hitting it off we made sure to give them some space. Funny she was a real looker too. I don’t care how old elves get they can keep their looks for a long time. Well they set up a rendezvous and we headed toward the banking guild Karowyn’s. We talked and at it turned out that the guy I talked to was pretty cool. Well any way, we get a balance and head out.

We headed back to the ship where we are greeted by Cava and Iana. We catch up Cava and do our usual fireside chat knowing that we have to make it quick as we were invited to dinner with Sulyott. He seems to be ok; said that he was from a place between the Land of the Damned and the mountains. I am caught between thought, he seems ok but I was certain that nothing good came from that region of the continent.

At our dinner I finally was introduced to the elf woman and guest of Indaris, Nara Tureld. I don’t know what she does for a living but she has taking a real liking to him. It was while we were walking to dinner that Sir Quixis said that his “loins doth itch for [Nara]”. I am certain that the elf heard it but said nothing.

At dinner, we were introduced to Mikala from Mishala, the prime minister and it was there my big sin started. I revealed Rod Rambler to be you. It was an accident. You probably hate me, as now Mikala and Sulyott know your secret. Sulyott said that he suspected as such and both sworn to secrecy. Mikala told me that he stuck you once and that you haven’t forgiven him ever. He swears it was an accident. I am sorry that this is a scrambled letter. He also told us that the Gold Coast Trading Company was doing its own try outs and that they would be willing to help us get into the games in Lopan if we made our way to New Crests.

Cava and Iana made some arrangements for supplies and we lost it all after we launched that night (the first of Pegasus) when we were rushed by six ships. We escaped by teleporting to Aracho. It didn’t get much better because again the minotaur created a riot again. It was only Father Philip that calmed their spirits.

So here I am at candle light writing this letter hoping that you will forgive us for being brash and stupid. I still wonder why the gods chose us. I can’t keep the secrets of the gods and it comes as no wonder why when in the ship a feather attacked us for asking questions about the gods and where the pieces are. Sulyott, I suspect, knows where the pieces are and under oath to the gods will not tell us for now where the pieces are. Do the gods know this? Sure they do. Sure they do.

I am terrified. What else do I not know?

Written by Overkill on the 2nd of Pegasus in the 1st year of King Minischmee.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official log for the game on 10/26/13 from the returned from hiatus gnome air warlock, Tyvernos. It is a bit crazy, as all his logs are- he does ride a St Bernard as his mount after all.
Next game is 11/9/13.

"New Crests Crisis Convert Concert with a Wind-Blast Upskirt that hits Pay-Dirt"


well I don’t really know what day it is; time has taken on a materialistic meaninglessness for me since the kidnapping. But it’s been a while since it’s seemed like it hasn’t been that long when it was at the time since I hadn’t actually been when I lost my friend Oric Bellode. Shame really. I preferred his company to that of almost anyone. For ol’ Oric abduction is a minor inconvenience but for me…the solitude is unconscionable – singularity of two and duality of one – nigh intolerable and anachronistically chronological in unbearable impossibility. Rather selfish of him to go running off without me and the Bennu-Bernard. Tranny had grown rather fond of him in our interim-interlude. Ah well! I know he’s in a good place and glorified by the graces and faces of the gods. The Dwarf ascended a Stairway to Heaven. And I spiral downward in an eddying vortex of callous calumny, slanderous slights, and debasing defamation! I have rejoined my friends and fellow Scions, CrIsis, and it feels as though little has changed.

The immutability of such a group is ever malleable and CrIsis bends, like a reed in the wind with the changes wrought of our steadfast resolution to deliver this world, Palladium, from the Old Ones essence of evil and rebuild the Law-Giver. We walk calmly in the footprints of our forefathers and pay tribute with homage in a long-winded deference to the Gods of Yore and their original subversion and imprisonment of those that shall remain unnamed. Unnamable Beings. This path – tread and worn with the venerable vestments of verisimilitude and the hierophant’s halcyon hegemony – this is the path of CrIsis. The Scions and Avatars and living extensions of the gods’ wills do battle and carry on this eternal fight through the Strife and Chaos of a churlish churning and psychic slurry of sluice-juice of distilled sinister essence. The War rages on – behind the scenes – and we are but players and pawns and pieces in a silent continuation of an eons-old egregious effervescence. Destiny is a funny thing.

Tear-dimmed remembrance
In a womb of time
Breathe upon me
Possessed by the passion
Fate will set you free
Chaste be the precious
When flesh is an enemy
Fair weather gnome

Every piece has a price. Every organ is a struggle. Every. Last. *******. Inch…of his body. Ossified Osiris – Osirian Osso Bucco. Protozoan Ozone Ozostomia. The members remembered and dismembered. I can’t even imagine how angry I would have to be with Otto to cut the poor sot into fifteen pieces and scatter them to the winds of the world. Maybe if Osiris had been a little nicer, a little more forgiving, maybe if he had relaxed a little bit with all those Laws and Commandments…maybe if he had thrown a couple parties at his place and been a little more generous with the pardons and frivolities…maybe THEN he wouldn’t be having to rely on the feminine wiles of a Gnome and his furry Bennu-Bodyguard to piece Humpty Osirian Dumpty back together again. My momma always said, “Tyvernos, you know hon you’ll get more with sugar than you do with salt.” But…I’m adopted. That’s probably truer for Elves than it is for Gnomes.

Dammit! This Dyvalian curse I’ve been afflicted with has gotten to me tangentially and long of wind in a loose-of-tongue gabber-manner. My friends were so happy to see me! The Pyramidal teleportation is truly the way to travel! When you and dad go on vacation I would highly recommend it over the horses. It’s almost as fast as Riding the Lightning but it can transport you across the WORLD in the blink of an eye – not merely within your line of sight. Oh, incidentally, I had occasion to try two of the new spells dad taught me and I’m grateful for his help! They really came in handy when they saved my life…twice. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

So we put in at Mishala. Big gal but we fit. Nice set of docks though and a long-wharf fit for a short-piered dwarf. Quaint. Provincial. Hot and sticky and sweaty with the exertion and oppression of a jungle heat. She was more than damp and clearly in anticipation of our arrival. I’ve been told that my reputation precedes me and proceeds her to me. We came quickly ashore aboard a boarding board and moored the dock while she harbored the cocked clock. CrIsis is in a hurry. But not too soon that Xerx’ses couldn’t pigeon hole this bird with a one-eyed feather. Cava was there tying feathers to…Overkill hit it off with Father Fillippe. Evidently they worship both the Chocolate AND Vanilla here and our newest member, Indaris was a Vanilla only priest but his patron, friend, and father-figure Pinoy-ploy-pino was considerably more tolerant of other viewpoints. Overkill waxed philosophical and I discovered a neat little pocket of paunch-lint in my belly-hole which I began to excavate and summarily feed to the Bismark.

Is it just me or did the gods forget to inform us that we each had 90,000 credits of Xerxes’s money for no apparent reason? We hadn’t kept track of it in our inventories because money comes and goes but fear…fame…and family is forever. Fillip-pino created bread and milk. I wonder why we’re here. Nah, actually I kinda don’t. Otto needs a haircut. It’s time for the ol’ Elemental Groomer! We’re gonna take the St. Bernard to see the Dogfather! I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse! I wonder if they have a Paws ‘n Claws Dogfather in this town. Otto and I double-dog dared Ivana to cat-call the kitty-ditty with an itty-bitty titty tornado in a tizzy of thin lizzy lust jizzy and Bast-batter splatter on her corn-dog platter…plastered with love and peppered with prayer. And prey we did. Pray the ******* **** outta that prayer. I got in before the buzzer beat Otto and from the looks of it the poor dog had to bat clean-up with CrIsis’s sloppy sixths. Sorry Snoopy – the sloop is soupy and you got Slurpy slurry instead of silky smoothie.

The next morning: Ahhhh…I could totally go for a smoothie. I crushed up a little alchemical morning-after pill and put it in Otto’s omelet. Just in case.

Soon we set out for the Trials in New Crests but not without an hour of analysis paralysis debating the best method of cooking corn on the cob. I do rather enjoy it on the grill with some spices and slathered in butter. There was some pretty strong opposition for boiling and berating a berretta-biretta of butter. Rogtilda knows best. We decide to get some first-hand recipe information from our former rock-friend Rogaine. We should still have plenty of time to get to Nucharest. Oh, we paused for a brief surcease and Fireside Shat. I’m back. And as soon as I return the money leaves for Bram Troker. Folks bought a bunch of supplies and non-magical weapons for the qualifying competitions. I went off to find an apiary and a honeyed-hoe doe-eyed dive with a dovetail hive – honeycomb home and a golden flower power shower. The Gnome is back! Ladies and Gentlemen…the GNINJA IS BACK!!!!

At some point we teleported to Ocheen Kharacho and that’s where the sequins sequence of events gets a little fuzzy. Father fillippe was instrumental in distributing bong-hit brouhaha and didactic democracy for public relations. We got a map so Overkill could practice feeling good about his inability to read it. Thank the Gods the overstoked heat-stroke of a sun-smoked beat-bloke ego dines on the red bearded whim of an untrimmed quim! It’s gonna take 15 days to get to New Crests. Awesome. Quick Sissy took his leave of us and who could blame him. He had secretly confided to Otto about his desire to renounce his vows and follow in the Troubador’s footsteps as a Bard. That’s a big codpiece to fill…never mind the shoes.

We used this interlude to visit an alchemist to procure Gems of Reality-TV. They are a new type of magical devise that allow you to pierce illusions. There’s a camera and boom crew waiting for the Gnome to be voted off Rogtilda! I believe there are three judges and it’s part of some singing competition but I can’t confirm that yet. It’s all very progressive you see. Nonetheless, I nearly parted with my Staff of Apis for a gem worth a mere 40,000 credits. Were it not for the generosity of Cava and…all of CrIsis…I would be the little Gnome who went WHEEE WHEEE WHEEE all the way home without a Gem of True Seeing. Interestingly the Alchemist wanted his family heirloom returned to him – a nut-cracker named Torac – I shall compose a HYMN TO TOURACH!

We finally met back up with our Carvel Carnival Caravel, BLEARGHtilda! I haven’t been on the open seas in a while so I couldn’t help but lose a little lunch and loose a little brunch on the doggy daycare center for battered women. ROVERkill dodged the bullet on that one – but not before narrowly avoiding the seaside heights of a great barrier queef.

Stormy seas of an earth like moon by xsereneix d57uors.png

We’re on Rogtilda and BendOverkill had a large-negative modifier to his Siamese sailing skill. He botched the roll and someone generously donated some Tinkerbell pixie dust. AND OVERKILL RECOVERED!!!! THE GODS ARE WITH US!!! THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES SANCTION OUR MISSION TO MARS!!!! We felt gale force winds and we look up and see a large Elemental and I couldn’t for the life of me understand what it was saying! Terrible! It must have been speaking a strange dialect of the odd language. Many luck points were spent and Overkill finally overcame the penalties and righted the ship’s course. Holy ******!

Rogtilda rocked unexpectedly and many of us failed to maintain our balance – Xerxes, Tyvernos, and Iana – and I managed to get off a spell that transformed me into a GRIFFON!!!! This was the first time I’ve tried this new spell in front of my companions and I think some of them were surprised. Regardless, Indaris healed the crap out of the rest of us who took damage – including Iana who hit her head really hard and was unconscious and needed to be psychically diagnosed and surgically healed by Ja’Deir. I saw the flying Squirrel though. Rocky’s a crafty one. He spread his filmy gauze over the unconscious form of a Bast-believer in Bas-relief for blast-relief. Who knows what he was doing under those big wings? Rocky’s cocky and probably showed the girl his Bullwinkle. I admired his built-in tent. His body…his temple.

Ja’Deir took the next half hour to practice his mudras and mantras, and after each mantra he uttered prayers of thanksgiving. It looked Tantric. And Iana was still unconscious. The verdict is still out on that guy. Evidently he has the power to mudra and mantra people’s minds! I’ve been keeping the Staff of Apis’s mind block invoked without interruption. For all I know he’s already gotten past my defenses! He’s already influenced me to distrust him…he’s wily! He’s sowing the seeds of paranoia in me to cover his tracks! Brillilant! Poisoned my mind with foreign matter and mental mettle and thought-processes. It’s game over. But now I know…so I might as well embrace it.

We encountered Edward Scissor-Teach and he is known as the Pirate Blackbeard! He is famous for tactics like surrounding other boats, taking all the valuable cargo, and leaving people alive. CrIsis decided to batter their way through the blockade. RAMMING SPEED!!!! We all battened down the hatches and braced for impact! I summoned my phantom limbs and bade Otto get himself below deck. And then we narrowly miss their lead boat! Amazingly and epically failed – but the maneuver actually looks like a brilliant success! H u z z a h ! ! ! We lived to fight another day…until Ja’Deir psionically reached out and dumped their helmsman into the drink. Only a few seconds later we heard the command in Southern to “Attack!” Uh oh! Looks like it’s on!
Cava took aim with surgical precision in a sniper shot with a NAT 20 and their steering wheel EXPLODED in a hail of electricity and sparks from his magical bow with one of the Tyvernos Lightning Arrows! Then the Priest of Light, Indaris, summoned a giant cloud of fog to cover our escape. Xerxes turned into a Griffon and flew off to rescue the fallen helmsman. I loosed a giant gust of wind that filled the sails and caused the ship to lurch forward going blazing fast. Overkill tried to use flags and heraldry to flag down ANOTHER ship that was coming at us and it looked like we were in for some more company. This time the large warship approached and Xerxes transforms into a human after returning from his Griffon foray and seaman-saving venture. It turned out they were semi-friendly and respect the fact that we’re in CrIsis but with some ill-fated melodrama it looks like we might have another fight on our hands…and we roll INITIATIVE?!!?

ROGAN took a grip of damage from a huge arbalest while trying to pilot himself! Oh no! It turns out Rogtilda isn’t a great captain and Overkill would have to return to his helmsman duties. He broke from his flagging activities and got us underway again. After two successive / consecutive wind rushes from my Phantom limbs the ship rushed like the wind and we flew off into the sunset. Our assailants shouted, “they are true followers of the Light! Attack no more!” and we actually made it out by the skin of our teeths.

Next day was beautiful and we were approaching an island! We decide to try to pass by the island on the ocean-side and avoid the island. Evidently we’ve been here before! I vaguely remember slaying a sea serpent at this location many moons ago. Ja’Deir found some dolphins. Finally, something that isn’t rations and litmus bread!

We had six days of smooth sailing and then stopped in Ironshod and then kept going. Ironshod was a blur but that’s probably because I was totally high for damn-near the entire week. Oric left with no choice but to liberate his reserve and loot and ransack his house and his every early possession – which I could care less about. But it was a crime against the gods to leave good weed behind for the crypt thieves and grave-looters.

Nude Crests the island city was reached in 17 days – connected to land by only two bridges. Six docking berths are available. We docked – but not before a very important philosophical debate-conversation is had by Xerx’ses. The Minotaur, however, remained as a Minotaur but the Squirrel was going to look like a human. It’s a good thing we’ve got nothing to hide and we’ve never been through this before and we have no idea what to expect and we’re itchin’ for a ******’ fight with people we don’t wanna kill. Love it. They don’t call us Cava’s CrIsis Crybabies for nothin’. Cryin’ Shame for Short! People started screaming and shouting that they’re under attack. Xerxes sits and chills. Tyvernos and Cava chill on the ship waiting for the melodrama to pass. It doesn’’t. They escalated and began to toss rocks at us – big ones.

I put up a wall of air that made the projectiles bounce back and smash into innocent folks on the docks. Then Ja’Deir grabbed the captain with psionic telekinesis and brought him back to us. We’re kind of in hot water at the moment. Sigh. This dude grabbed a dagger out of his belt, reached out across his neck, and started to slice his neck open. What the ****?!?! Ja’Deir, Bennu bless his jolly little Chipmunk Soul managed to SAVE him with a natural 20! He blocked the knife-slice!

When he realized we weren’t going to allow him such an easy egress to the melodrama this guy finally managed to calm down long enough to call off the attack. Suicide would have been easier to clean-up if a little harder to explain. Whatever. He asked us how we can be so calmly when keeping the company of minotaur-monsters. I canceled the Wall of Wind and we managed to finally calm things down. Now this guy’s prejudices started coming out and he and his people consider association with Old Ones as an unpardonable sin. We explained to him, calmly, rationally, and even taking-turns using PHENOMENAL SUCCESSES to the Tyvernos Public-Speaking skill and unfortunately didn’t get very far until Mikala showed up and assuaged him. We got here too fast for our own good. Good goin’ Overkill!

I’ll write again soon. In the meantime there’s some New Breasts for me in Nude Crests and I’ve got to bugger off. Be well and may the winds always be at your back!

Griefernos Snoriflamme

Written by Tyvernos on…an unknown date (actually the 18th of Pegasus), in the 69th year of the Wolfen Empire.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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That is one er . . . ummm . . . strange, that's it, that's one strange Gnome ;)
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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You said it, LOL!
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Sorry about not posting for a bit- will post 2 logs now.
First one is from the game on 11/9/13, from the priest Indaris. As promised, my group is in the middle of trying to qualify for the Lopanic Games- and this log covers some of the physical trials. They are competing to represent the Gold Coast Trading Company.

Heroes Amongst Us All

19th of Pegasus
Dear Father Philip-

I have very sad news to pass on. Overkill’s daughter whom had been taken by the followers of darkness, has been killed and sent to us to try and turn us from our course. Thankfully Overkill has been able to put his grief and rage aside while we have been doing the Trials. I was hoping that you might be able to start organising a shrine to those who fell in the War against Evil. Isis also made an appearance herself, and it was a wondrous thing, I think she may have known what was coming and was trying to give us something, but I’ll start at the start.

19th Pegasus – Midday
Mikala was just getting us invited to tea at the Mayor’s house so we could pass on that which we knew, and to ask questions about the upcoming games. We touched on things that I barely have knowledge of, which is a situation that I will try to remedy. Things like the Defilers joined the games a thousand years ago to fight in a similar fight against evil. (Lord Mikala is from the Defilers, what august company CrIsis keeps). We decided what we were going to do in the games and others orders of business. New Crests has a shrine to CrIsis. With the welcome we got here I almost wouldn’t have believed it but at the beach there is a Shrine where a previous member joined. I wonder how many heroes has fallen by the wayside during this. After that was all sorted we retired for the evening to get up early on the morn to get what helpful tool we could come up with, and my maudlin thoughts the night before made me think of Nara so I decided to get her something as well.
We wandered around almost aimlessly, but New Crests is a very clean town.

The populace obviously takes pride in their whitewashed island city. The paving was firm and well maintained, and they had small groups of people cleaning. This would certainly make Aracho a much more seemly place to live. Some of the roads have trees down the centre, and there are little shops selling various drinks, all in all a relaxing place, but still somehow busy. The goods from the north were cheaper then what i was used to but as its likely that I’m going to be heading more north I thought I would wait and try and find something unique for you. After about an hour of meandering down the sunlit streets we came across a fine dwarf smith. I browsed through his wares and selected what I thought was an average quality Flamberge from him for my part in the fighting in the Trials, but Overkill assures me that i got the much netter end of the deal as it is exceptional quality. While i was at that the others got what other little knick knacks they needed, and when we were finished the Smith mentioned that he wanted some Jade Green Emeralds from the mountains of the Land of the Damned, and he was strangely intense about it. Truly I have no issue with it if I do end up there but it certainly aroused my curiosity but he would say no more, truly if I hadn’t had such urgent business he might have even convinced me to travel there but it wasn’t to be, so afterwards I we found a gem merchant on my urgings to get some earrings for Nara. The gem merchant was irritating to say the least, the earrings were way overpriced and there was nothing else that I really wanted and eventually the Gem Merchant got on Xerx’ses nerves enough that I thought we were about to get the Minotaurs 10 quick tips on kebabing a dwarf, but all Xerx’ses did was turn into a Bird and fly back to the Mayors house. I wanted to punch him in the face so that was very controlled of Xerx’ses. One day he will vent his anger in one fell swoop and woe betide him who has done so, but that’s when the Dwarf surprised us all by calling out thief, saying that the minotaur had stolen a gem. The watch appeared very quickly and took the side of the gem merchant, who was a merchant of high repute so those of us left behind were thrown into Jail. Luckily not all of us went shopping and Xerx’ses had gone back. So we languished in the cell, the cell wasn’t really all that unpleasant as I imagine lots of dungeons are and we were treated mostly with respect. A couple hours later we got a visit from our friends. It was all so wrong, we had done nothing yet here we were in jail on the word of a respected local. I wasn’t quite angry enough to do anything yet, and I didn’t want to bring Isis’s name into disrespect here so I held my tongue. We were advised that we would be seen in court the next day. I warned Xerxs’es that I thought someone else might have planted the gem on us and that we probably should search our things. Our friends left when they had to and the remainder of us spent an uncomfortable night in the cell. The next morning Xerx’ses visits and tells us Jailbirds that a gem was indeed hidden, on his magically disguised personage no less, but apparently him and Jadeir had talked to Mikala and the seneschal and had arranged one of the best lawyers in the city for us.
The Hour came and we were escorted to the Courthouse, and it was packed. Apparently we had made the local news and was now a very strong crowd was thronged about the place. All the seats were taken also as we sat.
I know we need laws but really, the strange and archaic rituals of law that we go though to get said laws enforced must have to look silly to others, but here we are next to men with wigs and funny hats and things,.
The case proceeded as expected with the Dwarven Gemsmith bringing his complaints against us and our defence attorney showing how it couldn’t have been us. But the spectacular time came when they got some forensic magic users to reconstruct the crime, and it showed clearly the Dwarven Gem merchant flicking the “stolen” gem onto Xerx’ses with a dexterity I wouldn’t have thought possible for an old Dwarf. This apparently wasn’t the plan as the Defences forensic mage called out in dismay as I’m guessing the prosecutions mage was better and got a correct non-forged version. The Prosecutions forensic mage gabled something like forgive me dark master and ran from the courts, slamming the door behind him and the echoes of this joined in with a roll of foreboding thunder that echoed through the room. This seemed like a well orchestrated plan, so I mentioned to the Judge that the Gem merchant was probably in danger, and that he might be better be better off in the hands of the temple. He agreed with (I don’t think he likes me very much, I had given a few more words of my wisdom earlier and he reprimanded me) this idea thankfully and put him into protective custody. We had gathered a fair few followers and a lot of people seemed surprised that we had one. I’m sure that if we looked in to people who had bet heavily against us we would find some of or enemies, but now was a time for celebration, so we took it down to the shrine where Gavin and Rell joined Crisis oh so long ago. We started a big group prayer there and to our surprise Isis herself turned up. My mind flip flopped and my jaw locked, not a good thing for a priest, and the gnome barely stopped talking and she kissed him for it with a smile. She gave words of wisdom to us all, and then she gave us her benefaction as well, and it was like the sun rising on a quiet frosty field. Warmth enfolded me and I was relaxed and happy. I noticed that a second sun had appeared in the sky and that all the people who had followed us to the shrine were now on their knees and off in the distance serving lads and lasses were bringing out trestles and cloths and foods and drinks. Someone started up a tune on one of those dwarven pipebag things and sung about the Glory of the Gods. Then it was all merry tunes and flutes and singing and beer and wine. The night was great for everybody.

except one

Unbeknownst to us Overkill had retired to find a package waiting for him, and as I’m customarily an early riser I found him outside in the hall his eyes red with rage and anger, pain and suffering.
I immediately put my hand to weapon and started to look for other threats but his eyes never left the package.

and then I got it
the package was the size of a small child, a small dwarven child.

A chill ran down my spine as my mind formed, and then shied away from what could possibly be in the box. They wouldn’t have dared, surely they wouldn’t have dared. A human might respond to their wishes with a ploy like this but all a dwarf is going to do is rage and then attempt to kill them, there won’t be any Parlay. There won’t be any trading of prisoners or talks at a peace table. There will only be one angry dwarf – with an axe. This meant war, and I hoped that this wouldn’t enrage Overkill to the point of madness. Haven’t they heard of the legendary Dwarven books of Grudges.
I called out to the others and they mentioned that this had happened before and it had been explosive. We mentioned that to the Seneschal what was happening and he arranged a carriage for us. We quickly got the package and Overkill in and headed for the bridges back to the mainland. After about half an hour we found a quiet grove and took the package out. Not knowing what to expect I consecrated the ground.
We discussed quickly what to do and the brave Ashada volunteered to check the packages psychic emanations for traps and the like, but it seemed to be just a package.
Overkill then carefully laid the package out on the ground and opened it gingerly.

Inside was his daughter, his only daughter that he hadn’t even met yet. Hadn’t carried her on his back, or showed her his skills at the forge, or any of the wonders of the world at large, and what worse she had been buried alive, with buttons sewn over her eyes.

Overkill screamed his grief and rage to the skies, a time like this there should have been rain and lightning and thunder, not blue skies and white innocent clouds. Overkill started thrashing around and beating at the ground with his fists until they bloodied. Xerx’ses, not worrying about the damage Overkill could do grabbed his friend and held him from hurting himself until Jadeir could restrain him. Once held the fight went out Overkills eyes, they were flat and listless. Jadier then said he could try to attune himself to the child and might be able to read her last moments so we could identify the torturers, but there was some great risk to himself, so we discussed it quickly but it seemed like in the event of something bad happening the Forensic Mage who helped us in the courts could possible help him, so we let him go for it. I don’t know what he sensed and I don’t want to know. He gouged furrows of dirt with his hands spasmodically and then gasped loudly, as if he was drowning and was trying to fill his lungs with air. He then went limp and looked at us with tears falling unashamedly down his cheeks. He could identify the monster that did this. This was good enough for me.
I then called on the Power of Isis to remedy this great wrong, and there was no answer, no connection to the Holy. Just a feeling of despair that I had failed one of my friends. Thinking about it though the last hours of his child would have been an abomination, and I believe that Lady Isis didn’t return the child as a boon to the child, as those memories would have haunted her forever.
I then cleaned and blessed the body and prepared her for burial. I took the things she had been dressed in and burned them, and covered her in my cloak. We then took her to the carriage and traveled to the docks.
We found a likely boat as Rogtilda being put in drydock and headed down to it. The owner looked to be a fisherman who had just come in and was about to tell us to leave when he saw what Master Overkill was carrying and he called out some terse orders and things were cleaned up, and the funeral procession climbed aboard. We then sailed out past the harbour, I said the Last Rites, which seemed to be engulfed by the dark pit of silence that Overkill had become. Then suddenly Overkill started a despondent dirge to his dead daughter and we all listened in silence. There was no wind and the sea birds were strangely absent. Even the waves of the sea were muted during his song. When he finished we rowed back to shore, unsure what to do.

We took him back to our current abode and let him rest, with each of us taking turns to watch him during the night, hoping he would call a blood feud and head out into the night looking for stark and vengeance.

The next day we awoke, and the Breakfast table, that should have been humming with our laughs and boasts of the coming days events was quiet, until Overkill came down for breakfast and made a simple statement
“They shall pay”
and then started having breakfast and talking like nothing happened. What control he has to put personal tragedy aside and keep working for the gods, knowing that this could also happen to his wife.
Let’s just say I’m happy not to be them when Overkill finds them, though I doubt he will be chastising them alone.

The next couple of days were taken up by the Trials, Overkill seemed to gain strength from his vow of vengeance and did the best out of all the CrIsis members, I think he did it because this was the very thing the forces of evil was trying to stop him from doing.
We had a bit of a mixup at the start, what with taking things onto the field we shouldn’t, not getting the right things to enter and getting the bill which Mikala covered for us as the Gold Coast Trading Company were our sponsors, but after 3 days Overkill has the second most points with a couple days to go. There is nothing like watching a dwarf row I tell you, and if the times hadn’t been as dour I would have teased him about it too.
Overkill made the 1 man and 4 man sweep (I helped in the 2 man but we were out done. the competition is incredible)

In the Pentathlon, I bombed out of the long jump but Xerx’ses made a good showing but even he was outdone by another competitor. Some of these guys are really, really good. It’s like they practiced and everything.
By the end of the 27’th of Pegasus the scores were
Some guy called Joe with 20 points
Overkill has 16
Xerx’ses has 15
Myself, I have 12 – I surprised myself and did better than I thought I would.

P.S. I am thinking of starting a remembrance shrine for the fallen heroes of this quest if you can think of anywhere that is a good place to position it.
Also I have found out about a certain item that was once used by the Defiler know as Perfone. It is a mace and seems to be very handy against creatures of the Old Ones. Would you please check the church library for any information you can find and pass it on to the Gold Coast Trading Company as they should be able to get that information to me.

Yours In Faith and friendship
Indaris Excellar

Jotted down by Indaris the evening of pegasus 27th during the trials.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Here is the official log from the game on the 23rd of November, 2013. It is written by the Ashada Mind Mage, Ja'Deir, who is a substitute character for one of the PC's, Azariel, who is currently learning Diabolism (his goal is to become an alchemist). Again, some of this is a play test of the great Champions of Palladium manuscript waiting for approval at Palladium- tell them you want it!!!

Clues in the Night

The day’s light waned as the rowing competition came to a close. The standings were updated on a large board visible to everyone in the stadium, and even the houses outside. CrIsis seemed to be all at the top of the lists, but an entrant named Joe still commanded the lead. They retrieved their weapons, and Tyvernos noticed malevolent glances from the point leader…

The five adventurers made their exhausted way back to the Groff estate, excited for the next day, and for a full night’s sleep.

The next morning brought rain and thunder, forewarning of the upcoming night’s events. Ja’Deir woke to the soft whispering rain on the balcony outside his room. He sighed contentedly, as rain reminded him of Xarys, high in mist-covered mountains to the north. He luxuriated in the chilly bathwater till the sun cleared the horizon. “Freakishly early games! Why don’t they just draw it out a few extra weeks and start two hours later? That way we could have parties every night.”

He made his way to the dining room, where Overkill was asking in his boistrous pirate voice, ‘’YAAARG! Oy, Mikala! We five be needin’ Magical Chests to stow our Booty! Have ye such, LandLubber though ye Be?’’

The look of pain on the scarred elf’s face was evident even through his mangled features. “not so loud…” he pleaded in a whisper. ‘’yes, we have something. we’ll keep your belongings safe. we could also put your things in the family vault, but you would have to talk to Elanu about that. he’s on the veranda. now go, please.’’

The dwarf made his sealegged, jaunty way to Elanu, who was drinking a mokaffe tea, an ancient elven remedy for headaches. This was lost on him, and he slapped the elf on the back when he approached. “Elanu, matey! We be needin’ use of her strongbox to stow our booty! We’ve not any need of theivery or trickery at the games by any lillylivered worshipers of the dAARRRRk.”

“aaaaaack! clap your trap! yes, yes, you can have it, just go. please.” Mikala said, clutching his head.

CrIsis stowed their precious equipment in the Groff state, and hurried to the arena, almost too late to get in. The games kicked off, and it was barely organized chaos. Hundreds of people milling about, in the stands, around the track, around all of the field events. Dozens of people throwing heavy plates called Discus, launching javelins, tossing enormous trees, jumping from the horns of bulls, lifting enromous weights.

It shocked Ja’Deir that a human could possibly beat a Minotaur in such an event, but Elanu, feeling much better, explained that the event isn’t simply lifting, but it’s in the method that they lift, the proper technique. The lifter would place themselves with the bar under their feet. They would bend their knees, making sure their backs were straight, and bring the weight to their thighs as they stood back up. They then had to bring the weight to their chests in a tricky little maneuver by popping it up with their thighs, and flexing their hips under them, tightening all of the muscles from their core down, until it rested on their chests. With a strength step forward, positioning the hips properly, and fully exerting the upper body strength, they threw the weight skyward, until their arms were extended, and the weight rested in their palms. All of this took only a few seconds, and if they did not perform proper procedure they failed.

Outside of the trials, Ja’Deir and Tyvernos had a very unrelated adventure. They went to a money changer so that Tyvernos could place a wager or two on his travelling companions. Using the Eye of Truth that he got in Aracho, the Gnome saw a Raksasha demon conversing with one of the entrants – the points leader, Joe. He whispered to Ja’Deir, “can you read my thoughts?” The Ashada leaned down and affirmed, “I can also talk to you telepathically.”

The Gnome thought, “Perfect!” He then started to think in rapid-fire of a tiger wobbling around on his hind legs, and dressed up by a child in over-large clothes like a pet tabby, and drinking tea, and then of mountaineering with the child’s mother who turns out to be a saucy serving wench, which made his thought processes go to other places that made Ja’Deir’s hair stand on end in embarassment. His thoughts then turn back to the funny tiger, and then he thought of a little man all in red with a sinuous tail and an evil pitchfork, dancing in flames.

“Raksasha? And… Mountain climbing?” Ja’Deir asked telepathically.

The miniature man winked at ja’Deir and pointed surrepetitiously at a man talking to Joe, and pictured the man in his thoughts, making his nose bulbous, and his buttocks huge and haunchy, and putting him into a Haven Gondolier’s outfit. The real version seemed very average to Ja’Deir, though he guessed that it was because if you’re going to pose as someone, you don’t want to be remembered or recognized.

“Do you know why a Raksasha would be here?” Ja’Deir asked, to which Tyvernos returned a confused answer. He then thought of a scene with a squirrel chittering and following a street cat, but out of sight of the cat so’s he didn’t get caught. Then he thought of a dog following with a breathtakingly handsome man laying astride its back, picking wildflowers shirtless and tossing them to the hordes of busty women following in his trail, but also managing to stay out of sight of the mangy, felonious feline. The remainder of the thoughts took no more than a few seconds, though it was always infested by a buck-toothed flying beaver, and a godly-handsome gnome, and breasts on everyone, even said beaver. It was roughly as such. “let’s stay within range — if you can make yourself invisible psionically — or unobtrusive — that’s better. If not, we shouldn’t be seen together — ESPECIALLY because a gnome and a f#%king st. bernard are FAMOUS for being members of CrIsis — I would inadvertently draw attention / suspicion to you — lesser known newer member of CrIsis…savvy?” And so on.

Ja’Deir laughed audibly several times throughout the rapid-fire thoughts, which spooked the Raksasha, and he high-tailed his humanoid butt out of the arena. The mind mage, deific vessel, and air warlock made their inconspicuous way out of the crowds as well, and followed the feindish feline to an apothecary or alchemist’s shop, or something else of obvious ill repute.

Tyvernos started to channel the divine to turn the trio into seagulls to keep an eye on the building, and Ja’Deir meditated on the future in reguard to the Raksasha. He came up with only one image, one of Elanu screaming in pain. Ja’Deir was turned last into a seagull, after a distraught looking saint bernard-gull and an outlandishly small seagull. Bonnie and Clyde bravely ran away to their homey hidey holes in the Groff Estate, most likely to steal some of the fantastic family silver, or tin hair pins, or copper pieces. It’s all shiny to them, after all.

A few hours of absolute boredom later, an old woman came out of the shop. She looked extremely kind-faced, and Ja’Deir knew instinctively that if he were hurt or sick, this is the person to turn to for chicken soup and a warm bed and all-around pampering. Tyvernos, however, wasn’t as convinced. The three birds followed silently as the old woman went to a nearly empty marketplace. Though he learned later that it was a horrible mistake, the young, impulsive ashada made Tyvernos go back to Elanu, to keep an eye on that end. If only he’d had Tyvernos’ instincts on the granny.

Back at the booth, a small uproar was caused by the two members of CrIsis as they told Mikala, and their dates were unecessarily worried. Irritation showed on Elanu’s face, along with a haughty self-assuredness that comes from being the most powerful man in the city. He muttered unconcernedly to his guardsmen about keeping their eyes out, and doubling the entourage’s guards.

After a long day of physical exhibitions, CrIsis went straight back to the manor to soak in hot baths, except for the dynamic duo in the private box, that glided along softly and invisibly behind Elanu and Mikala, keeping an eye out for any sign of mischeif. Their efforts were rewarded, when invisible assailants seemed to make Mikala disappear, and then reappear. They followed, and were lead to the same shop where the Raksasha went earlier in the day. As the invisibles approached, the old granny nonchalantly opened the door, stepped into the street, and looked around casually, like a normal granny would, but it was too well timed to be happenstance. BLAST YOU and your deceptive kindly eyes, old crone!!

Scene change; Groff Estate – Evening


Stage split between three private suites, focused on the baths. Xerx’ses, Overkill, and Indaris relaxing in steaming water, clean clothes set aside, servants waiting with boiling water to freshen the baths.

OOooh, this water is Mooooooovelous.

Oh, Yes, it be that by t’under. Shivver me timbers an’ call me sally but it be.

After a bath like this, I’ll definitely be ready for tomo -

All three jump out of the water with yelps, a girlish one coming from the PRIEST. OVERKILL, nude, grabs his magic sword, Callandor.

What was that? It felt like the water froze for a second! Didst thou feel thusly as well?

Yes, I did! I’m checking my rOOOOooom for traps, I suggest you dOOOooo the same!

They scour their rooms for traps, and OVERKILL starts slashing at the water of his tub, clearly flustered at the unforseen attack. Indaris throws talcum powder, saying —

Surely, if there be demons about, made invisible by magic most foul, I shall find them with this!!
Oh, blast, now it smelleth like a nursery!

I found a trap on mooOOOOoy tub, evil, frooOOOoozen mMMmagics!

I hath found the same, brother! Hold where thou art, I shall come to thee, and we shall investigate the villain that attacketh the hands of the Gods!



Spotlights illuminate the individual rooms, and the trio each run to a different room, OVERKILL to Xerx’ses’, INDARIS to Overkill’s, and XERX’SES to Indaris’. Then they leave, and shuffle again. Antics ensue, until INDARIS pulls the running minotaur and dwarf into Xerx’ses’ room.

THERE! Now we shall investigate!

They all three search and find a secret door to a previously thought empty room.



AVAST! Lilly-livered villains be fleein’ like clippers under full sail and tropical tail-wind!

Battle ensues, enemies try to escape through —


And are taken down.

ENTER TYVERNOS and JA’DEIR, returned from their protection detail, soaked and muddied from the night’s storm.

Hey, dudes, what’s happening? We were, uh, like totally following these invisible guys that full-out attacked Mikala, and followed them back to their hide out. If we’d have known you were having a nudist party, we’d have come, no problem, man!

OVERKILL (embarassed, still nude)
Forget me skin n’ skivvies, lad! Thar be sharks in these here waters! We be set upon by low-life bilgerats n’ pirates in this here barge! They’ve plundered me chests an’ looted ‘em cleen! Help us find the villain that be after CrIsis, and who be lettin’ them into the manor!

Oh, my! Brutish brigands set upon us? NO! My beautiful, brilliantly-baubled acoutremants! ACK!

I shall check the litrine.

EXIT TYVERNOS and JA’DEIR. Spotlight follows XERX’SES, OVERKILL, and INDARIS, who jump down the trap door, to the ground floor, and search for more invisible foes. Opening door after door, seeing a janitor, a baker, a young lover’s couple, etc…

INDARIS spreads the word of attack to all, saying —

The house of thine lord is set upon by forces of the beast, that great jackal, ANUBIS! Find the guards, and get thine self to safety!


JA’DEIR, muttering softly to himself, scrubbing his hands, face, clothes, tools, unconvinced he’s doing any good. After cleaning everything, he starts back on his hands, then face, and continues.


Dim spotlights follow the quest of INDARIS, OVERKILL, and XERX’SES, while the focus is on TYVERNOS, who left the hidden room, distracted by a noise in Indaris’ room. He sniffs the air,

Babies? Why does Indaris have babies in his roo—

TYVERNOS opens door, and beastly hands reach around it to swipe at him.
(Feral Growls)

YIPES!!! F*$K THAT $#!7…

TYVERNOS Casts a few spells over his shoulder as he runs for the guards and the rest of CrIsis.


XERX’SES, INDARIS, and OVERKILL return to the hallway, entering stage left seconds after TYVERNOS exits, stage right.
(feral growls continue, more noise from INDARIS’ room)

What fel beast is in my room? Hence, brethren! We shall vanquish the foes!


Battle ensues. XERX’SES and OVERKILL leave after fight, Exit stage right. Indaris recovers Oathbringer, and starts destroying evil artifacts on the corpse.

Meanwhile, TYVERNOS meets up with a guard, and sends him off to the defense of the estate. He continues searching for CrIsis, and finds Elanu at the dinner table.

>*DIM, Indaris*

ELANU, seated at the table in the dining hall, sobbing.

Master Elanu, vile, villainous vermin have infiltrated your impregnable stronghold of a house and have set upon us! Help us while we vanquish them and set aright your magnanimous household as a bastion of glory and light to the gods and to the testimony of Family Groff!

ELANU (between sobs and sniffles)
It is all your fault! You are in league with the dark! Mikala has been taken, and my house is fallen! There would never have been such if you and your ilk hadn’t been here! LEAVE! You are no longer welcome.

Ah….. If you wish, but it is not our fault this has happened. It is the Dark’s fault. They are the enemies here, not us. But I shall gather my friends.

TYVERNOS exit stage left.


INT. INDARIS, in the BEDROOM, with the MACE – EVE

JA’DEIR enters, freshly scrubbed. INDARIS seems to be in pain, going over the evil trinkets on the corpse. JA’DEIR examines the trinkets, but is unable to get anything as to the location of more enemies. (Ad Lib)

TYVERNOS enters, and explains Elanu’s eviction, and Mikala’s kidnapping. JA’DEIR Tries again to find the location of the sequestered Prime Minister, nothing. (Ad Lib)


(Orchestra Reprise)




CRISIS enters, with bags packed.

Knowest thou, esteemed brother, that it isn’t fault of the light that which the Dark does! We were not the reason for thine hardship, and knowest thou that thine strength shall grow from such trial and tribulation! And Verily, I say unto thee that THOW KNEWEST such attacks mightest have happened when thou tookest us in.

I guess you’re right, but it is such a tragedy! What do we do now? Do we wait? WHAT, PRIEST, DO WE DO NOW??

We find the sinners in thine house, and burn the chaff.

CRISIS puts bags down, and splits up, in teams of twos, with XERX’SES staying in the room with ELANU.




Ja’Deir and Indaris search the house for more invisible foes, and work on bringing all of them outside to a funerary pyre. They find a small object underneath a bed, and Ja’Deir, after cleaning it vigorously, puts it into his pocket.




XERX’SES sits at the table with ELANU.

Elanu, do you have anything of Mikala’s with which we might see him, or find him?

Yes, in fact I do. But I am not sure how much help it will be. He gave it to me centuries ago, after the Defilers vanquished their foes.

ELANU Exit stage right, returns with an arrow glowing red.

This is a magic arrow, and it might help us!

If I am correct, that’s a RUNE Arrow! Here, may I hold it?

Yes, but be careful. It doesn’t take kindly to all that hold it. Even me.

XERX’SES picks up the arrow, and starts to examine it. He thinks a question,


VOICE (from off stage)
I am not Mikala, though he was my bonded many years ago. I see the good in you, but you are not worthy to hold me.

He says I am not worthy of him… but that he could see the good in my heart… Is there one that could handle such an arrow?

Yes, I think I know someone who could bond with it. I shall go and find him.

I will stay here. I’ll ask moOoy comMmpanions if they woOod like toOo acoOomMmpany yoOou.

XERX’SES Exit stage left, goes to Tyvernos, who jumps up and down, and hurriedly runs into the dinning room. TYVERNOS, ELANU, and GUARDS leave into the night.




INDARIS and JA’DEIR perform the last rights on the intruder’s corpses, JA’DEIR teaches INDARIS some mudras as they pray over the dead..

ENTER ELANU, stage right.

We found someone to hold the arrow, and shall find Mikala! Please, help me have more faith, Priest!

Gladly, my son. Lets go to the Temple of the Lady. I think you are ready to catechise into her fold! Come, Ja’Deir!


A CLUE-filled Night at Mystery Groff Manor.

>>Written from memory, on the 29th of Pegasus in the 3rd year of CrIsis. Events spanning several days in the port town of New Crests. Entry by Ja’Deir, Ashada Mind Mage, disciple of Apis.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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I really like that last one, and if it was a movie skit
Who would play Xerx'ses, Overkill, Jadeir, Indaris and Tyvernos
Tyvernos would have to be Dominic Monaghan
Xerx'ses - J.G. Hertzler
Jadeir - Johnny Depp
Overkill - John Rhys-Davies with a bright red hairdo
Indaris - Hmm, a tricky one, someone with wit and nuance, lets say Karl Urban
Elanu would have to played Orlando Bloom
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Wit and nuance for Indaris? I thought a dullard would be a better choice, lol....
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Latest "official" log from our game played on the 7th of December, written by the minotaur wizard Xerx'ses. One of my players was the substitute GM, as I was in Green Bay for a Packer game- and they finished the physical trials for the Lopanic Games (thanks again Dark Elf!) (edited to add log title)


| Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Brother Malkin.
Noble Brother & Scholar,

The Good news.

Night of the 28th/29th – After Brother Indaris blessed Mayor Elanu they went on to find some noteworthy archer named Evan Eastwood and presented him with the rune arrow – Natura in exchange for becoming the captain of the watch of New Crests. So far so good and while the search for Mikala moved onward…

… you remember Mikala, old Defiler companion getting defiled by Set because you’re sore. I saw a pillow merchant outside the Trials thought you might want one for your pride, its not getting any younger I hear. I know I sleep pretty good but could you recommend the person that made your bed and bedding? I am just curious what kind of fabric would allow me to forget a companion I stood with in battle while evil tortured him? Oh, I must apologized the bed may be cursed to make you forget your friend. If that is the case I apologize and recommend burning that bed, just saying.

As Master Overkill and I slept, Brother Indaris, Master Tyvernos andMaster Ja’Deir head back to the demon infested apothecary shop to investigate. Good Master Ja’Deir said they decided to go as seagulls but the poor priest was so bad his bird looked as though it had been retarded from pecking at mologoth **** for food. Well he was born human can’t fault him for that. When they arrive no one invisible in the street or around the house as Master Tyvernos listens and Brother Indaris senses two supernatural evil below the group, and other evil emanations. Through thorough checking they find a way in for seagull size.

They see the Old Lady and the Man from before and the old lady reports to “the man” and then it was explained the Old Lady had invisible cronies, four I believe, that reported to the Old Lady that…
…the plans for the search parties are going to plan. Master Ja’Deir reported that he had to change back and forth with the gnome warlock’s help to plant the Eye Tile we had found among the intruders on the manor. All those present appear to have the same amulets from the manor intruders earlier. They also see parchment in the room similar to what the Agent would use. Hmm, I wonder if they have finally laid eyes upon the man I mean to kill?

Almost two hours past high moon on the 29th I am told by Master Tyvernos as he came to get Master Overkill and I that Mikala was thought to have returned but was a demonic ruse to separate CrIsis and drive more fear into the city and good folk around the world. When we arrive via elemental courier to the apothecary shop we split into two groups for front and rear assaults. Through spells and cunning strikes we subdue a member of the underlings before they can use the amulets to flee to the dreaded island of Cynopolis via magic! Back to sleep for Master Overkill and I as the others, my friends, question our trophy.

The others and I use magic to burn the apothecary shop to the ground. Later on the 29th I am able to find a town crier and guardsmen and tell them of the demon infestation on the way to the games. Once the crier hears and has it confirmed by the guard’s acknowledgement of how we stamped out evil our praises are sung that day throughout the town! People begin talking about how odd the apothecary shop owner was. People just need to have the veil of ignorance pulled back and in the light evil cannot hide.

I might have already mentioned the javelin, but I began winning competitions for my sponsors of the physical matches, the Gold Coast Trading Company. After winning the Javelin throw I was offered to try my hand at dueling and Brother Indaris loaned me his sword. It is amazingly balanced but even at 6 feet I was worried that since it was normal I might break it. So I kept it out of harm’s way as I fought my opponents and won dueling! Ha can you believe it? I got help from my teammate and triumphed over adversity. Wow, if Mikala only had someone like that from his days, hmmm? I then won the Discus, but nearly dislocated my arm the throw was so hard, over 300 feet! The Dolochos long race I placed second which surprised me I have never met anyone that could run faster than I could.

I got into a philosophical disagreement with Mayor Elanu over the search for his brother and then went to sleep. On the 30th of Pegasus I got trounced in Pankration by a Titan, but that samed Titan made it to the finals against Master Overkill and WOW WHAT A BATTLE. Overkill had to surrender his victory to the Titan but was cheered by the crowd for making the giant work for it!!! In the Stadion short run I again place 2nd to the same individual from the Dolokos. Four hours after highsun were the closing ceremony and then party.

I place 1st for Dueling and Pentathlon, while Overkill placed 1st in Single Oar Rowing! Now on to Wisdom for the magic trials! Part of me wants to mention Mikala is still missing but you clearly don’t care so what’s the point.

>>> Written by Xerx’ses Goldenflail,
upon the evening of the 30th of Pegasus the year 111. <<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Log from the previous session, 12/21/13, from the Priest Indaris- a very angry priest! Next session is tonight, so a new log is forthcoming!

"Nara to Nothing"

30th of Pegasus
Dear Father Philip-
What a hectic time it has been, but thankfully we had time to party and cleanse ourselves. We had just finished the award ceremonies, you would think that someone had been made king by the noise the crowd had been making, and there were people, music and food everywhere, and the end of the ceremony was stupendous, I can’t think of another word, somebody spent a lot of money for that bit of entertainment, but the noise was getting to me, so I decided to head to the beach where the miracle occurred, the others decided that since everything hadn’t gone the way the dark wanted it to we were probably still in danger, albeit only small. So we all went, there was now a shrine to the gods of light where Lady Isis had shown herself. I decided to leave a small offerering in the sand under the shrine, and whilst I was doing this a priest, Pastor Vertan I believe, came up to me and mentioned that the church had purchased this rude home from the owners, and now was converting into a small temple, and that I could give my donations there. What a change 3 days had made, I looked up from my reverie and noted that others, a lot of them, had joined our celebrations, I felt a moment of jealousy that I quickly smothered, Isis was for all, not just Crisis. Music and story tellers started their acts here and there, a puppet master quickly had some children enthralled with his puppets fighting against the dark, (the puppet that looked like Overkill was quite funny in his mini chainmail).
Ja’Deir and Tyvernos looked as if they were enjoying themselves and best of all, a little girl went up to Xerx’ses and asked if he gave milk like her cow daisy did, and did the horns come off and if they do can she have one. After her some more children came up and asked him questions until eventually the adults did as well, everyone seemed to want to touch and talk to him, luckily he took it all in good humour, telling them stories and answering questions. After I made my donations to the church I sat down again at the front of the dwelling, looking out over the sea. The Pastor came up to me and asked if I could getCrIsis to do a signing, as apparently we were now fairly popular with the local crowd, so I asked and they agreed, and we spent the next 5-10 hours signing things, I must of used 50gp in ink just by myself. As I had had a long day I decided to retire early, knowing the others would likely want to continue, I informed them that I was heading to bed and Xerx’ses decided that he wanted some rest time early as well and would go with me. I left my pen with the Pastor and massaged my numb hand and we left just before midnight. On the way back suddenly the towns bells were ringing and a heap of laughing and squealing children came running out of the buildings, and I remembered something that was in the back of my mind, Tonight was the festival of Taut, where kids run amok and splot, sure enough I had been hit by a soft and squidgy squash.

This one was ultrasoft, smelly and full of rotten flesh and must have been prepared yesterday or the day before. Unfortunately I wasn’t in the mood, thinking that more nefarious things could be covered by this Xerx’ses used his magic to change into a gryphon, he then picked me up, roared at the children which made them run, squealing even louder and launched himself into the air. This was a lot less comfortable then flying around as a seagull I will say and we made it back to Elanu‘s without further incident, that occurred as we approached as some overexcited guards took some potshots at us as we were landing, and yet again Xerx’ses handled himself well, dropping me smoothly to the ground and changing into a little bird to dodge the arrows, which stopped when they recognised us. They were very apologetic but it irritated me, they got some shots off at us coming in to land, but didn’t seem to be around when the place was attacked. I gave them a curt goodnight and headed into the mansion. I then said goodnight to Xerx’ses, who looked just as tired as me and we went to bed.

The next morning I awoke, feeling a little out of sorts but otherwise happy, and I went down to the break fast table to see everyone else up and at least mobile. We sat down and started breakfast and there was a bell, a message boy from the Gold Coast Trading Company had arrived, I was hoping from Father Phillip, who would have answers for a few of my question. Caution however said to at least check the thing out first so I checked it, so did Xerx’ses and Jadeir, and it came of clean. I tore the message open and started to read it in my eagerness, not recognising that the paper was different, and the writing style strange.
It was a ransom note
The Dark had taken Nara, and sent me the earrings to prove it.
I blinked and read the note again, then tipped the earrings out into my hand, a tear came to my eye, and I thought of Nara, with buttons sewn over her eyes. I felt a burning sensation wash through me, my hands were shaking and tears fell freely from my eyes. I passed the message to the others and they got shocked looks on their faces. Overkill or Xerx’ses put his hand on my shoulder, which I shrugged off. I grabbed my things and told everyone I was heading down to the church, they all, with worried looks on their faces collected their gear as well, and hurried after me. I could barely hear their voices on the way to the church, the Dark dared to do this, dared. I would show them. I heard Xerx’ses and Overkill saying something about not being able to help our loved ones and I replied, We are here helping Isis return her loved one, surely she wouldn’t begrudge us helping our own as long as it doesn’t interfere with our mission. I knew this day would come and I did the only thing I could think of. The only person I trusted to return Nala and my friends loved ones was . . . me.
On the way to the church I noticed that a furtive, secretive fellow seemed to be following me. In a burst of anger I went down a deserted alleyway, and waited, Sure enough the furtive robed figure followed me, so I ducked out of hiding and walked directly at him with my weapons drawn and an expression of hatred on my face. Drop your weapons or die scum was the only warning I gave him. thankfully I gave him one because when he lifted the hood, it was Sir Quixus. He wanted to rejoin us but also wanted to stay hidden because of what was going on. I shook his hand and nodded, my happiness at seeing him drying up like water in the Baalgor. I explained what had happned and he nodded, he then dropped back behind us again to to help out with any other followers.
I went into the church, ignored the poor Pastor, whom once he saw the expression on my face decided to leave us alone. I picked up a candle, placed it on the floor at the feet of the statue of Isis and prayed.
Passion of Isis, sanctify me
Strength of Isis, save me
Blood of iSIS, inebriate me
Water from the hands of Isis, wash me
Gaze of Isis, strengthen me
O good good lady, hear me
within your wounds, hide me
let me never be separated from you
and from the evil one, protect me
at the hour of my death, call me and bid me to come to you that with your priests, I may praise you forever and ever. Amen.

and I called upon the Power of Isis, to help me. Not others, not the mission, but me.
and she answered.
I opened my eyes, and in front of me stood myself. I looked at myself and said “You know what to do”. I nodded and walked out of the temple with purpose. Jadeir came running in and said to Xerx’ses that I had just left and should he follow, and then saw me. He looked outside, then looked back to me and shook my head. I gave him a feral grin and said I have done that which I can, let us pray, and I knelt and prayed.

all day
then all night
and then all day and night again.
then on sunup on the next day said my last prayer

Be merciful to me, O My Lady of the Greatest Heart,
because of your constant love.
Because of your great mercy
wipe away my sins!
Wash away all my evil
and make me clean from my sin!
I recognize my faults;
I am always conscious of my sins.
I have sinned against you
and done what you consider wrong.
So you are right in judging me;
you are justified in condemning me.
I have been wrong from the day I was born;
from the time I was conceived, I have sinned.
Sincerity and truth are what you require;
fill my mind with your wisdom.
My sacrifice is a humble spirit, O She of the Greatest Heart;
I hope you will not reject a humble and repentant heart.

I then stood, stumbled slightly as I walked to the water font, and had my first drink for a day and a half.
I said now that that’s settled we should continue, so we all left the little temple and headed for Elanu’s.
On the way wer were briefly interrupted by a largish man, who seemed to be using his child as a distraction or thief for the guards, but the guard’s capture the child and warn the father to stop. He raises his hands and in the right one is a silver skull. Xerx’ses stomped over, grabbed the skull, said mine. Roared in his face until the man wet himself, pulled the skull out of his hands gently and stomped back to us. I shrugged, it wasn’t a follower of the dark that I could see, otherwise I would be slitting his throat with the sisters. Xerx’ses looked happy with his find, didn’t seem to want to do anything else to the guy, who was already making himself scarce, so we continued on to Elanu’s.

Elanu was still depressed, but looking a lot calmer. We approached him about getting to wisdom and he eyed me like I was going to run of and do something stupid, so I bowed elegantly to him to show him that I had regained my senses, but that I would happily dismember those involved in the abduction of Nara. I would then tie their limbs back onto their arms with their intestines and resurrect them, so I could then torture them to death so I could resurrect them and then cause them some pain and grief. I stopped thinking about it as my fists had clenched again and I was thinking of invading Cynopolis with the sun used as a battering ram,
and then we find that Greminor has been taken, during the Festival of Taut most likely. Overkill stomped around a bit in distress but as there is nothing we can really do about it we decide to take Elanu up on the offer of a wagon for the ride to Wisdom for the magic trials. It takes about 2 hours to get fully ready, in which time Overkill and I tend to avoid each other. There are lots of emotions that can be shared, rage isn’t one of them.

After the fitting of the wagon we all descended down to the wagon, and with Xerx’ses driving it only takes us about 7 days to make it, in that time we are left alone, and the only traffic we see is that which overtakes us on the way to the pageant that is the Wisdom magic trials. Other then the first night. Overkill pulled out an ancient leather book (I think it might be orc skin) and pulled out a quill, and wrote something in dwarven in it. I think it might have been the ancient dwarven book of grudges, and that something bad was going to befall the person who stole Greminor, but when I asked him about it he only grunted in response. It certainly was intriguing.
We made it to wisdom late on the 9th of Taut. Xerx’ses lead us to the Tri-Arcarnum Guild, the place that left those magical tracking things in Crisis’s stuff, which I still think was wrong of them to do without asking. Tyvernos trotted in like he owned the place, and it seemed as if he did, and the Matron of the house treated him like he was, I don’t know what because they disappeared into his room and didn’t come out again, but I did hear laughter and other noises coming from in there so they both seemed to be enjoying themselves. Jadeir and Overkill headed off to find a temple and Xerx’ses and I stayed to try and get some rest.

While we were waiting Xerx’ses and I got to talking about the issue of our items going wandering, so Xerx’ses thought that people here could help. Tyvernos by then had finished his business and had entered into the chat at the end of it and said that he was going to visit one of the masters of the house, I thought I should go along and ask, and Tyvernos didn’t seem to mind that at all. We went up some (as in a lot) of stairs and down some musty corridors lit by magelight until we came to a fairly standard door and he knocked, and an older voice commanded us to enter, which we did. Inside was Master Wesvon Mardeen, we talked for about a minute, and he said something about me being a serious young individual, then reached into his desk and pulled out a decanter and some glasses, which I declined but Tyvernos was all in. Master Wesvon poured the gnome a pint of something and they started chatting about which wenches that were currently in the place would give er umm help out with things. I hmmd a little, then coughed, for which Master Wesvon gave me a cup of Elven wine to help with, until I asked him outright about marking our things, which Tyvernos then said that we needed our items marked. Master Wesvon waved the question away like it was an irritating fly, but did say he would get someone to fix the problem for us. He then got my measurements for a robe for me, then told me that I shouldn’t be so serious and said that I should probably go because him and Tyvernos were going to discuss strategies for the Magic Trials. As I left I saw Master Wesvon raise his hand and a keg of dwarven spirits floated out of the closet and headed towards him. I ducked my head and went outside as quick as I could.
The next week is a bit of a blur, partly because of the party we had, it was a very big party.

While others were doing some serious things related to the Quest, Jadeir came up with a good idea.He had all of Crisis working in a Tavern exclusively for the tavernkeeper as a draw card and we would use our various talents to keep the crowd entertained. I decided that my drawing skills would be best so I drew caracitures of people heads on Xerx’ses or Overkills body (some wanted us others too). The others used their skills that they were best at, and I found that after a week of hard work my rage had subsided somewhat, and that we seemed to be a hit. The Tavern was full constantly and I drew until my hand ached. We managed to make a fair bit of money from the whole endeavour. After the awards ceremony and the winners decided, we got our things marked by the diabolist and decided to head off. Master Wesvon and Master Keled came down to see us off. I got given my guild Robe and Tyvernos got a tearful farewell from Matron Christine. Master Keled talked to Xerx’ses about the accursed rune weapons that had been left on Rogtilda, and Xerx’ses agreed, after talking to us, to hand one over. Master Keled supplied some teleportation scrolls and Xerx’ses was gone, to reappear a short time later with bad news. The weapons had been taken, and people had vanished from the cleaning/repair crew. Master Keled looked disappointed, but not surprised, after that dismal failure on our behalf we all trooped back onto the wagon and headed back to New Crests.

About the 27th we arrived back at New Crests, the guards scurried around a bit as we got close and the reason why was very apparent, somehow Greminor had been found while we were away, and the Guards kept the weapon for Overkills return. Overkills smile returned slightly as he inspected and then sheathed it. We waved happily to the guards as we went into New Crests and was just waiting to get back to Elanu’s. When we arrived the guards didn’t let us in, mentioning that Mikala had returned, and they had been ordered to let none pass until they had sorted things out. I thought this suspicious but we decided to leave and come back later. No point in including ourselves into an argument if we didn’t have too. We headed down to Rogtilda’s on the wagon and got ambushed. It was a good one too, Xerx’ses was puzzling out why someone was bouncing arrows off him and whether they had fatal intent when we got attacked. It was brutal and vicious as Crisis had some anger issues to work out. After we managed to mostly get out of the wagon Overkill again showed his prowess with a sword, and Tyvernos even prevented the enemy from gaining entrance to the wagon with the quick thinking, slamming the door into his assailants sword, and wedging it just long enough for Overkill to solve all the problems of living for the fellow. We managed to overpower one of the attackers, but yet again he escapes us the only way they can. We finally make it to the docks and when the docks workers get over the excitement of Crisis being with them, they put their back into the work of getting Rogtilda back into the water, whilst we retired to a nearby tavern to watch. After a quick talk we manage to patch together that Elanu knew about the weapons being stolen, but he had forgotten to tell us, I know that he was under stress but forgetting to tell us that a bunch of weapons that had the power to level New Crests had been taken was getting unbelievable, he would want to have a good excuse for that one when we see him next. Over the next few hours we debated on what to do, and it seemed that the Great Wooly Dragon would be a good next target. There was a bit of dissension because a couple of us didn’t want to leave Elanu and Mikala the way we were going to, but Xerx’ses put it best.

We aren’t here to save the world and right all the wrongs, we have a mission and we should stick to it.
Thinking of rescuing Nara may have been colouring my thinking a lot, so after the debate was over we decided to head to the Floenry Isles, and it was as if the gods had smiled upon us. No pirates, dragons or evil ordained comets. Just a peaceful sailing trip to the isles at the southern end of the world.

Knitted into Overkills jumper on the 22nd of Od by Indaris Excellar
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Official Log, from the gnome air warlock Tyvernos. He is the 2nd longest serving member in our group, and the only one who has thus far avoided death!

I'm a Rainbow Too!
Tyvernos's Account of the Ancient Wooly Adventure

To the Agent (a pigeon sent to Oric Bellode in the hopes that it will reach the Agent’s eyes and ears),

0(DSRJK@#$Y(D(F D((FJkjdKJ#J#K!#!!KjdfkjA98du@pxx(UFDOKI3409dlk
#(#$IIODMKLAD:SLfid908-#$Kl;ks0-298 fjk 0d9aLDIFA( djkladds#(UA LSKDKJ#J#K!#!!Kjd@#@098u0jdkj3jdaijd@p@
Evidently my scribe’s penmanship ability is woefully absent from the Phantom Limbs. That was their brief opportunity to express themselves, the clumsy appendages (far worse with the written word than with the spoken). They mean so well and yet they’re just too young to communicate. I think this is what they were trying to say:

Dear Agent,

The sun was shining! The weather is sweet!
It made me want to move my dancin’ feet!
To the rescue….here I am!
Want you to know, y’all, where I stand.
Tell myself a new day is rising. Get on the rise.
A new day is dawning. Here I am.
I want you to know just where I stand.
So when the morning gathers the rainbow.
I want you to know I’m a rainbow too. I’m a rainbow too! HERE I AM!!!!!

Ahhh…can you smell that? The spray of brine in the air, swells that crash upon our Rogtildan Hull. It’s gorgeous out! The sky is clear and the sun’s warmth makes lounging lizards of anyone above deck. This is paradise! The breeze keeps muggy heat from sweltering my armpits into a broth that marinates Gnomish tenderloin in the juices of perspiration. Basting the Bennu-Bernard with the sweat of servility. We are overripe! Even Tranny attentively fans herself with free, airy hands — one up high on her crystalline face and one down below in her voluminous folds. She hasn’t been this moist since Lady Shandra’s fastidious (read: thorough) tidying of her dirty person after an assault on the citadel.

The Dragon’s Roost is an island on the Eastern edge of the Floenry Isles. It is the home of thick, jungles, rare species, some monkey-cat mooksh, and a family of Ancient Wooly Dragons. It was the perfect spot for a CrIsis vacation! Sun, surf, and serpentine strife! What more could a group of trailblazing brazen heroes ask for? When we arrived we were immediately introduced to a Bennuvian Care-Package in the form of a new signet ring on an Elvish Finger. Express delivery! It was awfully thoughtful of the Phoenix Mother to drop off a sylvan sniper. Who says the gods can’t predict the future?

I nonchalantly bade Our Captain use the Gem of Reality while he was telescopically espying the island — and crotchety old Dwarf caught my sea-drift when he very casually surveyed the landscape…and the newcomer just after dropping the spyglass. Very slick! And a good way of cutting to the mutton and chops of our Fireside Chat. The Elf’s name is Isle-Wren. He’s a local ornithologist and that worked out perfectly for our introduction to the restless natives.

Overkill had caught a glimpse of an invisible ship that was masked by magical illusion. Once I had reason to doubt the magic it quickly fell before my imperious disbelief. I had Tranny give Otto the old “How’s your father?” so she could see over the gunwale and give me her impression of a bird-dog. These piquant primates looked like a cross-pollination of Lunacy and Buggery with a little Skulduggery thrown into the mix. I thought we’d get on famously but the industry with which they emptied that ship gave me pause. This calls for a closer look. On Tranny! On Xerxes! On Otto! On BLITZEN!!! We’ve got quite a few options for reconnaissance and they concurred that most of the sailors corpses showed the bloated, blue-rimmed signs of drowning. They made a fine appetizer for the jungle denizens. While the Tranny’s away the CrIsis will play — with Eye Tiles of course! I had the ol’ girl deposit one above deck and one below deck (each linked to either Ja’Deir or Xerxes) so we could get a bird’s eye view of what was going on on the strange vessel.

This looked like a perfect time to intrude! We hopped into the dingy and Michael rowed our boat ashore. Not moments later, after inspecting the bloated bodies of drowned sailors more closely, we saw a pod of hippos CRASH out of the jungle and STAMPEDE straight toward us on the beach! It was like Normandy all over again! I was almost too stunned to act surprised when I was paralyzed from the pen…neck down. “Everything is going numb!” I shouted but my companions were too busy focusing on getting Overkill’s tiny body working again. Apparently we had BOTH eaten the same bad chicken and contracted para-salmanella! Simultaneously! The diminutive statures have very similar metabolic processes. I gave the silent, mental command to both my Tranny and my doG, to beware foul play! This wouldn’t have been the first time that someone immobilized me to get into my pants. That time, however, I was posing as poster-child for the Man-Boy Love Association to save Gavin’s juicy ruby starfruit from being deflowered. Take it from a seasoned ******* — these things require delicacy. Kaash is King they say! But only when money’s tight. And my money was on revealing the prodigious digit-turned-phallus dangling pendulously from betwixt wee Gnomish thighs.

You’re never gonna guess who it was. Remember that Waternix who refused to die? No? That’s because she ******* died like she was supposed to. Good girl. The Syvan who didn’t? The one who took Kchaketch-egh (there is literally a wad of phlegm crusted to the parchment here). Ahem, excuse me. The one who took that old Wolfen’s sword from his never-dying bones? Yeah that GODS-FORSAKEN SYVAN WHO GOT THE KILLING BLOW ON THE WATERED-DOWN **** VERSION OF NECROM’S LATEST INCARNATION! Yeah, after an electromagnetic black hole vortex skewered that demonic skidmark down the asscrack of cum-sliding dick-deriding cum-dumpsters…and left him with just enough life for DARKSONG to waltz in and steal the kill. Credit where credit’s due. Thank you Karowyn’s. We left unfinished business on that ******’s face and forgot to wipe the best part of our patronage out from his mama’s crack. Not again I tell you…NEVER AGAIN!

Credit where credit’s due. That guy knows how to hold a grudge. I mean, he waited for us on Dragon’s Roost in the Floenry Isles. Jesus! He waited for over a year in some random armpit of jungle and autochthonous mongoose dung! I respect that. I almost wanna let him kill me now. It’s a skewed sense of morally misguided obligation that feels guilt. I should have died. He had his chance — and he’d have ANOTHER one (but I’m getting ahead of myself) — and he ****** it up. A Syvan is an evil undead creature that can be very tough in its own right. Give one the Mindprancer (read: Mind-Raper) Rune weapon from the Dread Pirate Jason’s treasure hoard and you’ve got one WICKED antagonist who’s nigh impossible to kill. He stabbed me good…and got Overkill even better…but we lived to tell the tale due in no small part to the heroism of a Bull and a Squirrel — Rocky and Bullshitwinkle. Anti-magic cloud negated the magical component of the poison / paralysis and psychic diagnosis and psychic surgery / purification brought us to a semi-swift recovery. Thanks guys! OK and I owe you our lives!

We were at an impasse. Elfy-Spice had gone off into the jungle and made contact with the Lord of the Flies. Abu was our single point of contact for the monkey-cats. They were willing to lead us to the dragon in exchange for something called “shinies.” It sounded a bit like a scam but I voiced my opinion to press onward without their help and definitely without rest. We were on a mission. Internal Strength and Potential Psychic Energy were luxuries we didn’t need. There are people in Timiro who are STARVING! I bade Tranny donate the balance of her energy to the Bullotaur and we strode further into the jungle with…

OUT FURTHER ADO — DARKSONG STRUCK AGAIN!!! This time we were only marginally less prepared and Tranny stepped in to parry for me — luckily — saving my life! THANK YOU TRANNY!!!! This guy just wouldn’t give up. I’ll give him that. And he was relentless! Only now, in retrospect, do I find it odd that with Tranny’s innate ability to see invisible things, Otto’s tracking by scent, my invoking of my Ring of See Invisible, and Indaris’s See Invisible prayer that this ballsy ************ attacked AGAIN! Sigh. If only someone would have attempted to Detect an Ambush! Guffaw! And we expect to save the Megaverse? Not with performances like that one guys. I managed to get a Wind Rush off and nail that sonofabitch with 15 seconds of immobility at the EXACT same time that Tranny hit ‘em with her own Wind Rush. Alright, ******! It’s on! If ever there was a life more deserving to be taken I didn’t know it. I was seeing CRIMSON! Until…

The threat was neutralized with Xerx’es playing of a DRAMA LLAMA CARD — Safe Passage! It got us through the jungle unharried, unharrowed, and unscathed directly to the dragon’s doorstep. Holy ****! Thank you Doctor Zizmore! Alas, it wasn’t Darksong’s day to die and Xerxes saved me the agony of having to separate him from that agonizing Assassin’s Blade. Ancient Wooly Dragon HERE WE COME! We used the respite to rest from the road, buff, heal, meditate to full, and get ourselves into tip-top-fighting-shape.

I immediately cast a great cloud of magical darkness and announced to the group that they could seek refuge and shelter within the cloud if they feared for their lives. Only an Air Warlock and other air elementals can see clearly through the cloud of mystical obscuring. It was a perfect vantage to shield my next few spells from wyrm-purview. Speaking of which…the Mystical Bulwark you taught me worked INCREDIBLY! The Whirling Wall summoned 44 stones that revolved and rotated around me in a miniature hurricane with me standing in the “eye.” From within that protection nothing could approach or attack me without being parried by the stones! I used this time to hand-over my Scroll of Behemoth to Xerxes and wished him the best of luck being our distraction. He took it with grim determination and began to weave the spells of a Wizard’s Enhancements.


Elfy-Spice hit with expert marksmanship and pierced the wyrm’s eyeball! It didn’t even flinch. I sent Tranny to scurry about and seek out the foot of Osiris. Foolishly, it was a waste of her energies and I only later realized that her I.Q. of 10 wasn’t receptive to complex directive. Never mind the fact that the foot was probably a prize of the dragon’s treasure hoard — not just sitting out in a clearing of the jungle. Overkill charged forward into Mortal Combat…but not before whipping out the Divine Digit as a divining rod to find the nearest piece! Xerxes WADED through the Jungle towered 30ft above us all and crashed through the vines and brush and fauna as if ready to go toe-to-toe with the Ancient foe. At the same time Ja’Deir scaled a tree and floated down in a hang-gliding psychic assault that was meant to completely incapacitate the dragon. Indaris was our steady bastion of priestly support and with his vantage point he made the perfect commander. His grasp of CrIsis’s battle prowess and her members’ powers gave him strategic insight to preside over the battle and utilize our unique combination of powers to maximum effect.

I used the added measure of protection to maintain my concentration and cast my MASSIVE DESTRUCTION spell. I gave Tranny the order and she imbued the giant Wyrm with Float in the Air. H u z z a h ! ! ! ! In the next instant my TORNADO spell went off and caught the Ancient Wooly Dragon in 120mph gale force winds! In the next instant I was momentarily paralyzed until I remembered the feature and function of being inside a magically obscured darkness with a legendary mystic bulwark that provides automatic parry to ALL attacks leveled at me no matter whence they originate. Whew! Good call! But I then took note that Overkill was just standing there. For that matter, it looked like Ja’Deir was too but I was too distracted to notice. I absorbed the remaining psychic energy from Tranny, kissed Otto good luck, and transformed into a Creature of the Wind. It was an easy strike roll for me to wrest the Finger of Osiris from Overkill’s callous and stony grip and I took off at 500mph with the Finger guiding my movements.

After that, everything was a blur. I re-summoned Tranny and entered the cave with giant treasure hoard! None of which interested me in the SLIGHTEST. I’m sure Lady Alessandra would “tsk” if she knew. And I’m sure Oric would “cluck” with disapproval. But, you see, Agent, I’m eager to face you — if only to put the confrontation behind us. I’m moist with anticipation. I don’t want to change myself and I don’t want to stoop to your level. I don’t want to conform to a set of rules I don’t acknowledge or believe in. I’m the guy who stands with CrIsis between you and world domination. So I sidled around the magic-draining ward, stole the foot, and returned to Rogtilda where I promptly sent a pigeon to my friends and lounged in the lap of luxury after a job well-done. From what I understand they lured the Dragon and it’s evil servitor, Abu_is_Evil into the cave, invoked a Legendary Divine Sanctuary, sanctioned and granted by Bennu, and brained the incapacitated wyrm to death…but not before killing Overkill. Y’know that guy has been resurrected like, I dunno…five times already? Sounds a little unfair, eh? We’re on our way.


Dear Lady wreathed in flame and fiery in the Eternal Phoenix. Thank you for your love and your guidance. Bless me in this quest to retrieve the piece of Osiris. In your name I pray. Love, Tyvernos

And I am reminded, painfully, that the Light once stood with the Dark to banish a greater evil…CHAOS…from this world. You’d do well to remember this. We are collecting the pieces and we are coming for you. We aren’t afraid and there are very few of our family members and friends left for you to use as leverage. It will soon me time to face the inevitable.

…because, if we can’t save the world, you can be damn sure we’ll Avenge it!

To the rescue, here I am!
Want you to know, y’all, where I stand!
I’m a Rainbow too!

Written by Tyvernos on…an unknown date, in the 69th year of the Wolfen Empire.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Latest official log from our game on 1/18/14. This is written by Overkill, the dwarven mariner, who passed 3 years of service in the player group, CrIsis, on this night (and in real life celebrates 3 years in just over 1 month) This log is called "New Toys and Old Dead Guys"


If anyone wanted this letter then good for them. It seems that the last two weeks of being covered in decomposing wet fecal matter that calls itself a jungle has given me a chance to see Yin Sloth Jungles in a whole new light. Instead of being a hot festering putrid sweat lodge the winters here are a bit different. There is so much rain and mist that this must be the ‘rain’ season. It’s cold at night and extra effort is made to keep the fire going. Why on Thoth’s green earth did I come back to this mud hole?

I know. It was for Osiris. Thoth knows I hate this place. Give me a snow covered cap any day. At least winter in Bizantium is predictable.

At any rate, I got a new sword. Dwarven quality named Ceire (the name was on it already) and named my Kobold sword (MorAim, dwarven for Brave Cutter).
I’ll tell you all about it.

We were near the Floenry Islands at a place called Dragon’s Roost on our buddy Rogtilda. We had just got out of the grips of a barbarian dragon and man that battle was tough. Really could have gone for an awesome ’General Bard’ to sing about it.

Wink Wink Nudge Nudge. There’s my vanity, sorry.

So we were just licking our wounds when an intense light appeared with two personages in it. I knew that this was either really good or really really bad. Thankful it was the first, yet somehow it was also the later. Appearing in the light was an old friend Jidian and a kobold (I assumed was a servant initially) named Asher. The kobold, old and balding, then exchanged nothing for Ylren his CrIsis ring. Ylren (whom I had barely a chance to know) then disappeared and the two in the light explained everything as the light faded. To be honest I was confused. Perhaps it was the beating that I got going against the dragon.

The team after chatting it up decided to go back to the Wooly Dragon’s den and loot the house of ‘goodies’. I suspected that there would possibly be some trouble and I loved loot but I had some real reserves about going back into the ‘lion’s den’ as it were. There have been too many dragons in my short life. I have only lived to 10% of what I am supposed to. I really want to live to see Mary and grow old with her.

Before we went inside (it took three days to get there) Indaris healed me back to my old self. Part of me was grateful for what he did; the other part of me was ready to die. Did I mention we were on an island with jagged rocks? If you have never experienced Abu, the best way I can explain it is a money possessed lemur. Well this island was chalk full of these creatures; always in hiding. I hate them. When we got to the entrance after the tree days of travel we hadn’t really seen those annoying creatures. At the mouth of the cave there they are; hundreds! Ok I am exaggerating there was one. It pounced on the priests face and jumped off running back into the forest that we had just come out of. I was certain that it was a bad omen.

Then Tyvernos decided that he could not go into that cave. Indarus opted to stay with the gnome. With our numbers now lightened by two I was so twitchy I almost ran out of the cave on more then occasion. I wasn’t sure why we were on this mission but I was told ‘gold’ and that was enough to keep going. In the dark we wondered over and over til we came to the prize of our obsession, a chest with magic protecting it inside and out. I really don’t know how we didn’t get killed but we disarmed the magic by bashing the chest against the wall and bam… open. There is a nice share for everyone. Well there was more wondering but nothing new except my new sword (awesome) and frankly I wanted to get out of there and get back to boat. When we exited it was two days after the first reign of Mini. It is a shame that he stepped down. I know that it was for a purpose. Probably saved the country.

On the boat we were able to rest and frankly the salt water smell was soothing. Let the monsters come; I was in my element. Lucky us, there was no monsters, pirates or any other unwanted unmentionables in the water.

For almost a month we sailed. The dragon nightmares were starting to subside and I was feeling better. Did I mention that I have begun to hate dragons? They are such a mystery and have their own agenda. How does Kym Nark Mar explain it to his followers? I am certain that there is something that mortals see in these beings.

The worst of the trip was a ghost that visited Xerx’ses but it was an old master of magic. I thought that once you’re dead it would take a person a lot of personal energy to appear but hey it was an ancient wizard, so….

Well anyway we sailed to Yin Sloth. Ugh. I really hope that Osiris appreciates this. We arrived in Mishala and our stay was short because we were jumping on a coach and headed to the necromancer we were going to get Osiris and get out of there. The coach ride was smooth and the food and service was nice but once we got the destination we were kicked out and the coach and disappeared. Can’t blame them this was cold, wet, smell funny (like wet minotaur, one of my farts and decomposing plant mixed) and gave us the willies; and no wonder really, the place was crawling with the dead, undead and servants of the dark. Eight days of chopping vines and limbs of the dead; undead; living, it got to me. I am so glad that we have a cleanse spell. The bodies and wild animals just piled up. At least we had food though I thought that we could do better for eats. It was then we finally got to the ‘Cave of Wonders’. I ain’t kidding the cave had a mouth of a cat open and ready to eat us.

In the cave we finally had got out of the rain (thank Thoth) and could finally wring out our clothes and could dump out the water out of our shoes. My beard still smelled like the jungle but it was dry. A fire was set and we spent the night in the mouths opening. The following day we went inside and man it was more of the same. What was a real frustration was there was no necromancer. Well passing over a crevasse with flight and using it to travel we then had multiple forms of attack by air. Electric arrows are awesome. After cutting though more crap we saw her; a vision and beauty, the necromancer. She was sitting in the middle of a pool of calm water and on the shore closest to us was her horde of uglies. They attacked without mercy and when she realized how organized we were she retreated and left her chest of goodies for us to claim.
So here we sit; fire light relaxing. Man this has been a ride. Some of the other guys speculate that this gal was not even the criminal we were after as she didn’t have the piece. More than one? Sure it makes sense that there would be a coven of necromancers. Man we are going to get it. Anyway I’ll let you go, might just shave my beard to get rid of this smell.

Written by Overkill on the 12th of Grekar in the 2nd year of King Wilgan.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Official log from the session on 2/1/14. From the Ashada Mind Mage, Ja'Deir.

"Clearing the Minds"

Ja’Deir’s head broke the surface of the serene pool and suddenly all of the inner voices clamoring for cleanliness hushed. He’s always felt at home in water, and with the creatures of the deep. It’s like being wrapped in a blanket from head to toe – a nice, clean blanket. All of the sounds that hit you when you’re in the open air drop off and you feel a comfortable pressure all around you, reassuring you that you’re not alone in a bleak desert. Ja’Deir swam around the rock where the elf sat a few times, exploring the depth of the pool, and doing a few loops and barrel rolls in the process.

But as usual, when you shut a problem out it doesn’t go away. His head emerged from the watery bedding, and a voice started back in on him. Well, it isn’t so much a voice as a spiritual pressure. It was like those high-pitched sounds Ja’Deir heard from time-to-time, but humans didn’t seem to notice. His ears twitched as he pulled himself from the water, partially because of the voice, and because there was a deep grinding rumble, as if the cavern’s belly grumbled. The magicals in CrIsis were studying the circles when Ja’Deir went down, but all except Tyvernos had readied themselves at the entrance to the room when he had come back out. Tyvernos and Ja’Deir shared a significant glance, and they both rushed to the entrance; the Gnome putting away his Holy Digit, and the Ashada pulling back out his glowing sword and shield.

It was then that Ja’Deir stopped dead. His weapons had changed. The psi-sword – the deadly, laminar extension of his mind – had always taken the shape of a scimitar, with a clean sweeping edge, supported by the horned black. It was wicked looking, but still simple, the perfect representation of Ja’Deir’s mental attacks. Now, it was a thin, clean, razor-sharp rapier. No more were the ornamentations, or unnecessary swoops or bends, only a simple blade easily cleaned.

That change wasn’t as shocking as the change in his shield. It had been ridged and rounded, like the top of an acorn. If you were dragged across it you would come away with scratches, and the crevices were nearly impossible to get out all of the blood. Ja’Deir had often reveled in the symmetries it attributed to his own mind. Though it was rudimentary and seemingly benign, it was just as deadly and unforgiving as a metal shield, but each and every time it was used against a living thing it left a permanent reminder. Now it was a smooth rounded shield that spanned from mid-thigh to shoulder. Its smoothness was so perfect that it no longer resembled anything made by human hands. His previous shield could have been replicated easily, and despite the glow it almost looked as if it were man-made. Now its perfection removed all doubt as to what it was.

Now, looking at the sword and shield, Ja’Deir realized he had been tense whenever he looked at his sword and shield, ever since the vision with Overkill’s poor deceased – A tension that was no longer there. His weapons were clean. They were painless, and they were clean.

This exchange felt like it took hours to complete, but it was in the split-second between leaving the water and the arrival of the first Tezcats Ja’Deir had ever seen. They were tall. He’d always thought of them as Pygmies, the size of Dwarves or Gnomes. But no, they were as tall as Ja’Deir himself, carrying wicked-looking weapons, their faces and bodies disfigured for battle. It seems that in order to create the proper fear in their enemies, they make their faces into gruesome beast’s faces. Some had bones shoved through their skin, made to look like they had horns or extra teeth. Some had beast’s pelts made into costumes, and others merely painted their faces into demonic expressions. One even had cut her face into an inhuman grin, literally stretching from ear to ear, and showing all of her sharpened teeth and forked tongue.

All of this had no effect on Ja’Deir or CrIsis. When you’ve faced real demons non-demonic humanoids don’t hold a flame. Ja’Deir let loose a battlecry, “PYO! o’ṃ ishanaya intaraya sowaka,’’ and leapt at them like an arrow loosed from a giant’s bow. The first one in line, skin scorched by lightning, saw true terror instants before he died. An Ashadan Mind-Mage full of Righteous Fury and flying faster than most mortals dreamed is something to see. The rest of CrIsis were on Ja’Deir’s heels, like a deadly imitation of salmon swimming upstream. With each landing, a savage fell. Only half of the enemy fell before the rest fled the horror.

CrIsis followed them, since their route was the only one not explored yet. CrIsis abruptly entered vast jungle, in what seemed to be an earthen shaft. A single gargantuan tree rose from the middle, stretching past the top, and casting strange shadows on the rest of the flora in the basin. CrIsis battled their way through the basin, for the Tezcats had themselves set up to receive. CrIsis walked right into a trap, even though we knew we were assaulting a Necromancer’s Stronghold. We’d forgotten that a Tezcat of this power must preside over a large tribe as well. Their infernal poisons stopped us in our tracks as we made our way through, but not permanently. It felt like we’d take a leap and fall asleep, then take another leap, and fall asleep. Overkill growled under his breath, “Yar, someone be needin’ ta stop tha’ necromancer, ‘cause he’s bringing out ‘omicidal feelings in me fer these ‘innocent’ Tezcat Bilgerats.”

Then, as if CrIsis closed their eyes and ran screaming toward the Necromancer’s stronghold, they came upon a strange mine entrance, the world changing from forest to rocky cavern. The smell of death and decay assaulted Ja’Deir’s sensitive nose and, with the sight of the waxy, swollen foliage near the cavern’s mouth, made him gag. Surely they had found it. CrIsis’ discussion finally made it into Ja’Deir’s ears. They had been talking about Leylines, vast currents of power flowing through the earth. Apparently magicals can draw this energy right from the earth itself, and it makes all of their abilities last longer and more potent. Most of this seemed strange to Ja’Deir, having no basis to understand it from, as all of his power came from a well of energy within himself, and he couldn’t take psychic strength from other creatures or from the earth. They were saying that all of the ‘excess’ energy that they were siphoning wasn’t available, after entering the jungle shaft. They’d come to the conclusion that something was pulling a lot of energy, far more than any caster unaided would be able to do.

Ja’Deir’s stomach dropped. He’d always thought that he could handle anything by himself. Wooly Dragons didn’t stand a chance to him, and neither did an unholy relic that plagued hundreds of villagers. Nothing had even given him a scratch since he was a child, smaller than the rest, and targeted for his high placement in the adult’s hearts. Even the Ancient Dragon’s crushing foot did not vanquish Ja’Deir! But the horror in their voices as they talked about what kind of being could draw that much power, that there wasn’t anything for them to take…

CrIsis entered the mine, and started down one of the passages. Ja’Deir thought of the metal cart tracks, and how cattle would die if they were touching the metal bars of a fence if it were hit by lightning – no matter where it hit. He asked everyone to fly, to avoid injury, and asked that all of the magicals hit the metal with lightning, so anything coming down the path would be killed before they came across it. Tyvernos and Xerx’ses obliged, but the concern was raised after they passed the first room full of redead undead that they’d just announced their presence. Anything not standing on the metal would see the deaths, and know that an assault was under way.

That started a very long discussion. So long that even Ja’Deir was siding with Tyvernos against the endless chatting, and almost ventured off alone. The question was raised about how to scout ahead. Ja’Deir didn’t want to leave the group alone, (at first) and thought that scouting wasn’t necessary… better that the scout had a full army with him if he were in trouble than that he were alone and killed. Asher spoke of a form of Astral Projection that would save him versus anyone not able to see his Aura or see the Invisible, and would save him from beings on the astral plane. Ja’Deir had long dismissed this out-of-hand, since the psychic tether connecting body and spirit would lead anything to both, and it lay unprotected and unwatched for anything to destroy. The body was also not invisible, so anyone passing by would be able to see it and kill the mage. But, the idea sparked interest in the group, and it kicked off a discussion about who we really are, since there was so much we were still learning about the basic skills and abilities of our companions.

Asher is an Archeologist. His passion is for cultures and peoples long-dead and currently alive. He loves getting to the ‘roots’ of things, and feels knowledge will come naturally. This is all important on a personal level, and Ja’Deir loves that about him, but it won’t stop a blade from entering his flesh, neither will it stop gouts of flame from killing his friends. This isn’t to say he’s not a skilled mage in his own right. He somehow commands both magic and psychic forces. His abilities to adapt to any situation are astounding to Ja’Deir. That is what is important to CrIsis as a military force.

Indaris is a Cartographer. He loves to know the lay of the land, and does an incredible job at showing people the beauty and the danger of the land, and how to navigate it. He has a great hand at art, and could make a living in a court of a king. Ja’Deir loves that about him, that instead of fame and fortune he has chosen a hard life of sacrifice. But can that stop his friends from being taken by the dark? Will it stop the world from burning when the Dark wins? No. His faith in the Light and his resolute actions are what will do that. That is what is important to CrIsis as a military force.

Ja’Deir loves to talk to people. He loves to tell stories, and laugh, and cry, and get to know them on such a personal level that he can’t help but to love them. But there is a time and a place for play, and a time for concentration. Ja’Deir learned that lesson long ago. He has heard that his ancestors are playful, and their personalities draw people to him and out of their shells. He’s been out of his homeland for too long, as it would seem, though. He’s become jaded toward life, and doesn’t know how to get back the primal need to play, to pull pranks, and to joke. But there is a time and place for that – In the entrance of a cavern full of Necromancer’s creations, on a holy quest, with the whole world depending on their safe return from the infernal depths is NOT IT.

CrIsis has plenty to discuss, but they will perish if they talk when they should act, and act when they should talk.

>>Letter written in a cavern in the Yin Sloth Jungles on Grekar 12th, in the 3rd year of CrIsis.. Entry by Ja’Deir, Ashada Mind Mage, disciple of Apis.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Can't wait for Saturday!!!
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official Log from the game on 2/15/14, written by the Minotaur Wizard Xerx'ses-

"Right Hand of Osiris- Part 2"

Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Ondemeira the White.
| At the castle of King Guy the First
| in the city of Credia

Good Scribe of Light,

While casting I am using a hand to scrawl briefly an update to the events of hour tunneling a few hours after my last missive. We face our third Mummy Immortalus and Master Ja’Deir has informed us about wrappings but I am moving events to quickly.

From when we stopped on the “Primary level” to discuss events in the last missive we decided Master Tyvernos should summon a ‘lesser air elemental’ to guard our rear side while we push onward to the Tezcat Necromancer. The Divine Index Finger kept showing us the way and down as though we had made it to the correct cave system at last just he was somewhere below us in the dark. At this point it did kinda feel like hunting those nearby cannibal minotaurs in the next set of caverns at home. We began to hear noise a few minutes after my little buddy began his chanting to merge his soul to the plane of Air and bring forth his elemental brethren. A few of us began to move to a 4-way junction in the tunnel tracks of this mine. Might I add this was very well laid out mine complex (more to that later). We were greeted with the undead and some FOUL NECRO-LIGHTNING of the color of night! When it hit me not a single muscle twinged but I felt my soul BURN! I yanked back and dropped a Carpet of Adhesion spell down over the entire 4-points of access to the dungeon.

As my companions began to lend aid whilst my shouting about black lightning. Master Asher had thrown a set of his holy daggers and lost one through the floor. Light shown through and when he tried to make the hole bigger to get it back a sink hole opened up dropping us nearly fifty feet! Through luck I was able to grab Asher before he fell through below. Were it not for the potent durability of my little buddy’s magic giving us the power to fly still we might have all died right there! However, by the grace of the Pantheon of Light they stuck our rag tag band together and this motley mix seems to be a chef’s recipe for heroism! For every trial we face we are still here. While I am worried about the Agent knowing our true names I suspect one of the hidden blessings of the Pantheon of Light is that they are preventing that form of summons. Why I finally see their hand now I do not know but having nine tenths of every mortal I have ever known killed by the Pantheon of Dark seems to have focused my awareness of blessings from on high.

On the “Secondary level” I had a chance to look up and my spell was holding a portion of the tracts and rock in place, above us! Venturing forward we found the kitchen where they cook those they kill! THIS DID NOT SMELL LIKE HOME! Regardless of being underground burning hair, flesh, and boiling blood is disgusting to say the least. We set upon the undead and Tezcats here en masse and with vengeance! The bastard necromancer had come down from above in some back tunnel and hit me once more with FOUL NECRO-LIGHTNING, so I twisted his head around backwards to grant him a different perspective in the afterlife. My friends went back to looking for the dagger and since I had mystically augmented my strength and speed I flew through the debris to recover the dagger missing. Master Asher seemed quite overjoyed and a friendship began there I think. As we moved forward over an underground river that still had a steady stream of BLOOD running down it did we learn some rather sad news about Kobolds raise their young. Poor Master Asher was fed blood in his homeland where his parents worshiped Set the Vile, and he was asking to go get some to drink! While none among us could hide our revulsion I felt pity for the poor creature knew no better. Let the world think ill of me please be kind or omit this little fact for I do wish him well if he lives through our ordeal. We eventually came across a pit mining operation and after more orcs were slain and a few chased off were Masters Overkill, Tyvernos, and Asher able to determine this was an ancient Dwarven Mine. None of my historical readings mentioned any enclaves of Dwarves in the Yin-Sloth Jungles, a mystery indeed. There were huge veins of gold visible in the walls and floor. I think my feet may be dusted in the yellowish ore now. From there we continued following the finger and blood stream. We diverted to check one more cave and clear out anyone in it. This cavern had gemstones in enormous quantity and size such that a diamond embedded in the wall was the size of Master Overkill. The poor dwarf fretted over the thing much I broke two chunks off and gave him one and kept the other for our “Earth Warlock” soul infused ship, Rogtilda. I would say the wealth was tempting but I just want out of this jungle and never come back! In the end of the cavern we found chiseled stairs leading down and we took them.

Upon our arrival to the “Tertiary level” we noticed the cavern return to a natural state not shaped by Dwarf hands. We had a prolonged battle with orcs in these tunnels from one direction and then undead from another direction. I have nearly forgotten to mention Master Tyvernos’ has been communicating with me much more in these fights – focusing his elemental fury – and his brave canine familiar Otto the Bold, who has been charging forward and slaying the monster alongside nearly joined Benevolent Bennu. Were it not for Master Asher and his third holy dagger: Apis Horn, he used his mind to move the dagger through the combat and heal our little buddy’s beloved companion! I think I mentioned motley heroes and such acts are the stuff of grace under fire! My friends may never know how much they inspire me to try and lead them well. During this battle I had one of my few misplaced lightning bolts and I saw Master Overkill’s body glow and then wilt in smoke!

The following moments were not a happy place for me as rage took over and I charged the undead crushing one completely under my feet and shoving another back into the tunnel creating an avenue for others to attack. Then Master Ja’Deir called out for everyone to back up out of this set of tunnels. After the last undead near was smashed by the Lawbringer’s Thighbone I was able to retreat bringing up the rear. Brother Indaris had lept in and restored the good Dwarf before death could claim him!!! Master Ja’Deir then erected and barrier of mental energry allowing us to shut that portion of the cave system off while we checked the rest of this area.

Out of Character Note: follow the yellowish-green rectangle and then arrows to see our progress.

We soon realized the direction the Divine Finger was pointing through the wall at the farthest corner of what we could find. We would have to double back and go through the mental energy wall!

Out of Character Note: follow the light-blue rectangle and arrow for that part of our progress.

There was a boulder we had to climb, however, our magical flight was still in effect and we surpassed that issue with ease. Once we pass there was another fork in the tunnel and I blocked off one passage with a Carpet of Adhesion spell and were set upon by undead mummies and many animated dead in their wake. Master Ja’Deir went ‘All or Nothing’ on a wild strike and slipped between the bandages of the mummy slicing it in half! The lightning from the Lawbringer’s Thighbone appeared ineffective and then Ja’Deir realized we were facing two Mummy Immortalus creations! The second one dropped a Carpet of Adhesion spell of his own on US!! Master Tyvernos was able to drop enough lightning down onto the second one that the gaps in the banadages were enough to send it to permanent death! Master Asher brandished his holy dagger he called Ra’s Will and banished ALL of the supporting walking dead behind the Mummy Immortalus, except one. Which turned out to be a third of these creatures and so battle continues!

Now I would mention THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD more except he is with us at every turn, every battle, and without him we would have faired poorer or not at all. Needless to say if he points his bow at something it should begin making peace with the last few seconds of its existence. THHWWOOOMMP! Dead! Then he smiles and takes aim again.

Need I really say more?

Well onward we go, and in accepting the grace the gods have bestowed upon me I have shed my old moniker for one more befitting my role in this life. So signed below.

Be well good Scribe of Light,

Xerx’ses, War Wizard of CrIsis

>>> Written by Xerx’ses Goldenflail,
later upon the 12th of Grekar, 70th Year of the Wolfen Empire, 2nd year of King Guy the First of the Timiro Kingdom, and 343 year of the Dominion of Man. <<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official Log from the game on 3/1/14, written by the Human Priest of Isis, Indaris.
CrIsis, the player group, has acquired another piece of Osiris, the Right Hand!!

"CrIsis the Mighty"

12 Grekar, Time – Unknown
Dear Father Phillip-

I know you are worried about me, I am worried about myself.

The Darkness that resides in this place , in this Jungle of rotting dreams and tangled hopes, is slowly seeping into me. The evil that is here though I fear is already part of me, only my faith in the Lady of the Light brings me to think that we will make it through this stinking place.

We have come across bandage wrapped figures of evil, their laughter as I tried to turn them turned my stomach to lead, but amazingly CrIsis barely even noticed me failing and started tearing their bandages of, to let in the purifying light, well lightning anyway. You might have heard of Jidian Kulder, apparently he helps out Crisis every now and again. He is a true hero, he stepped to the left slightly so he had a small letterbox view of the mummy between Xerx’ses legs and let fly truly with an arrow, this arrow zipped between Xerx’ses legs, then just over the top of Overkill’s head and smashed into the Mummy, almost obliterating it, and when I looked up again he had already fired another arrow at yet another target off in the darkness and was preparing a third arrow. I was mesmerized, I would really hate to be on the receiving end of what he dishes out. Then Overkill steps in and one of his great blades smashed into the leg of the mummy, and the half stumbled, but Overkill’s blow with his other sword was already swinging around the other way and slashed fully across its chest, the mummy staggered back and then the burning sword of Ja’Deir’s mind punched through its chest, as it staggered another mummy lurched out of the darkness and Xerx’ses let out a mighty roar and charged it, the ground shook as he thundered by, head down, breathe snorting out in anger and he actually smashed into it, but the body of the mummy was made of sterner stuff, I fully expected it to shatter but is bounced off the side wall and ended up near Overkill. Overkill was still swinging his swords at the first mummy when the fist of the mummy whistled through the air at his head, he moved slightly to the side and the mummies punch cracked the wall, not to be deterred the one behind him tried to grab him which he easily avoided but the second wound up and just smashed him to the ground with a double overhand blow. I heard Overkill’s shoulder and ribs break and blood burst from his mouth and he dropped like he had been hammered into the floor. Then Otto, our amazing wonder idontthinkisreallyjustadoganymore leaped over Overkill as more arrows from Jidian flew over him up the tunnel and I heard more hard impacts. Otto then growled low, twisted, grabbed a mouthful of bandage and ran, and the mummy unwound right in front of us, while it was obviously incredibly strong Otto must of outweighed it as it on stumbled and spun until Jadier put his scintillating scimitar through the neck of the monster, and with a savage twist almost ripped its head off. While this was happening Asher and I dragged Xerx’ses back into an alcove and I quickly checked him. Overkill was dead again. Impotent rage filled me, and banished it, knowing it wasn’t going to help with what I was going to do next. I grabbed his hand and whispered just in case this didn’t work.

One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness
One last blade, forged in defiance of hate
If your life is given in service to the Light
your death shall not be in vain.

Asher, was also doing something and whispered something about being protected and I nodded as I removed my candle from my pack, I imagined it lit as I visualized Isis in my thoughts and prayed.
For Isis and for duty,
For past and for future,
For the world and the Light,
No brother falls forgotten.

While I was doing this the other crowded into the alcove, and tears came to my eyes as both Tyvernos and Jadeir tried to revive Overkill, not fully realizing his spirit had been released from the broken shell that had protected him. As we were still well and truly in enemy territory I was still whispering my prayer

Holy Isis, Holy Osiris;
We give you thanks
That your Love, Beauty and Truth
Are manifest with Power and Peace
throughout all spheres,
within all beings,
and we accept your Blessing now,
in Mind and Heart.

I reached out with my hand, placed it on his chest and willed the light of Isis to restore his body and his soul, in my grief I stuttered and sputtered but still against the odds a gentle warming glow banished the darkness briefly and flowed into Overkill. His shoulder bones cracked and popped as they moved back into place, his ribs, which were staved in moved back into their normal position, and then with a great snorting of breath Overkill breathed in then out, then in then out.

Overkill was back, I placed my hand on his shoulder and prayed again, this time for his wellbeing.

Holy Goddess Isis, Mother of all beings, come to our hearts.
Grant us, Thy children, Love and Joy, Wisdom and Abundance.
We offer Thee our loving care for all who are born of Thee.

And slowly all his wounds healed.
Asher, still alert suddenly told us to be quiet and held up his hand, footsteps, and many of them were coming, I gathered together my things and got ready for a fight, but Asher whispered, if we are quiet and don’t move they won’t see us, so we all hunkered down and got ready to fight, and sure enough some more of those loathsome Tezcat went by, with some Humans on cages and what seemed to be a Vampire controlling them, and this wasn’t a sparkly get your teen angst on Vampire, this one radiated malevolence, and would sooner eat you then say Hi. As it went by it glanced into the alcove and my heart stopped, this was a very bad place to try and fight our way out of, and well Kobolds aren’t exactly paragons of virtue, but it only shook its head and continued. Asher’s magic had tricked a Vampire and that’s no mean feat.
After the last one went by we immediately started arguing about what to do, with most of us wanting to let them by so we could sneak in, or stopping them because the humans in the cages were obvious sacrifices and that would make the Tezcat Necromancer more powerful, as the gods had set our course, and if we couldn’t save our loved ones then saving these fellows was in the same vein, but all I could think was what if it was my family in there, we were going to let them die in a terrible way, and let their spirit energy bolster the enemy. This meant to me that the evil of this place was starting to get to everyone, and twist their thoughts and intentions, as even Xerx’ses thought it was a better idea for us to rest. We needed to leave this place sooner rather than later. Xerx’ses was always the fighter for justice, even those that didn’t deserve it, and if any deserve justice rather than vengeance it is those poor captives. I don’t know what to do, my instincts say to stop it from happening for it is evil, and all it takes for evil to take root is for good men to ignore it, and Crisis is good people, yet we are commanded to turn the other eye by the gods themselves, and that’s another cause of confusion, so many have lost their life to the darkness whilst trying to find the parts of Lord Osiris, Lady Isis seems to thinks that it OK for us to lose our loved ones in the pursuit of returning hers, I know its more then that but that’s what my heart tells me and it causes more confusion and anger. Overkill lost his daughter and will likely lose his wife to the cause of returning of Osiris’s parts yet seems to be immured to the sadness that even I feel at his loss. What is the right path, is there a right path, is this the slow darkening of Crisis to fully represent the Church of Light and Dark, rather than just the light. Its a scary thought, are the gods focused on good, or balance.
We rested, except myself, I continued healing everyone and once their wounds had been taken care of I just stared off into the darkness where the captives went, the thoughts passing through my mind precluded sleep, what if one was Nalla, or my sister or mother, what would my friends say if one of them was their mother or sister and I let them go to their grisly deaths. And Yet I still managed to close my eyes and rest during this time, knowing full well what was going on somewhere near.

Ill-fatedly for the captives the Necromancer must have started his murders early, because the Kobold woke everyone with a poke, Xerx’ses groaned and moaned just like Overkill, but they both perked right up when the ground shook again. Using their native senses the dwarf and kobold deduced that whatever it was going to be coming to a head sooner or later, and a Banshee’s wail split the air, we all froze in brief indecision but Tyvernos showed his powers by giving everybody flight again, and we decided to go Invisible as well. I picked up a rock and put it in my pocket so the others could figure out where we were, and Xerx’ses set out a chain as well. The 5 minutes were crazy as hell, flying through the dark over Tezcats and Vampires, twisting and turning with Xerx’ses sticking those he could with his ever favourite carpet of sticky spell. We suddenly broke free into a large cavern with an unhealthy smell that I couldn’t quite figure out as we soared over a small underground lake towards some figures at the other side, and then I found what the smell was as the spell keeping us aloft ended and we tumbled into


A whole lake of it, I tried to wipe it off but I was standing knee deep in blood, it was in my hair and in my gear. Jadeir brought me back to reality quickly when his circumfulgent cutlass buzzed into life and lit up the area. We quickly regrouped and started casting our defensive spells. When I incanted fleet feet the world slooweed doowwwnnn and sped back up again slightly and I looked around, this was going to be nasty, a some vamps and Tezcats doing some sort of ritual to help boost the Necromancer and his friends. My eyes narrowed in on him, he had nasty things attached to his clothes in various places, and was holding dead things claws like fetishes that would slay us when we came near. We blurred into action, Overkill whipped forward and met a solid invisible wall that threw him back roughly back, and none of the others attacks seemed to penetrate this invisible curtain of power, and as the chant of the Tezcats picked up in intensity the ground shook some more, this was so not good. If we didn’t penetrate the shield soon we were going to be like fish in a barrel, I thought back to what you had taught me.

“If your path seems impossible, and it has been blocked by forces of dark magic, you can request aid from Our Lady Isis, just imagine your intent and pray as hard as you can, and if you are lucky she will answer with godlike power that will be nothing like you have ever felt, and you will know what to do”

I prayed and I prayed hard, how many more times could Overkill die before his soul refused to return to its broken shell, that will not happen . . . again . . .today.

Abruptly music wended its way through my head, and I could almost hear Isis whispering to me. I opened my eyes again and yes, right there in front of me was a curtain of magic that if I . . .
I waved my hand forward and across, and the barrier disappeared with it, Jadeir reacted quickly and launched himself forward at the Necromancer. The worried look on the Necromancers face disappeared as he cloaked himself in darkness and the Jadeir screamed, as bilious green energy arced up through him from the circle on the ground that he had just scrambled up on from out of the blood. Xerx’ses roared and pushed forward and mystical words fell from his mouth like a bell tolling someone’s death, and the Vampire that he pointed at buckled at the knees and gently sunk to the ground. Jidian’s arrows started exploding amongst the enemy and Xerx’ses pointed at another Vampire, and this one crumpled in on itself like paper crashed in a giant hand. Then Overkill launched himself over the circle, the sickly emerald green energies arced up and through him but he threw off the effects and plunged into the darkness, scything his swords in deadly arcs. I worked my way up the left as Xerx’ses pointed at another creature of blood and death, and it too dropped to the ground as Xerx’ses magic crushed the life from it. This beat its arms and legs on the ground spasmodically and they lay still. I swung Oathbringer at the head of the foul creature in front of me, and it easily avoided my blows, the second try was much better as I slashed it wickedly across the arm, it ignored the wound and punched out at me, luckily the fleet feet was still on me as I twisted out of the way, its claws dug furrows in the stone wall I was standing near, this wasn’t working, I wasn’t a fighter like Overkill, nor did I have great strength or deadly precision, or a glowing magical sword from a galaxy far, far away. What did I have, I smiled reached around behind me and drew the Three Sisters, I swung them around my head thrice and flung them up into the air and cried out

Hail Isis, glorious Goddess,
as the sun, warm and strong
to put me in the mind of perceiving You,
Isis, glorious Goddess
Who rises behind me like a flame of gold
and brings the fire of purification to those whom warship evil

and fire burnt down my arm, I almost dropped Oathbringer, I looked around and none of the enemy were looking at me and then Oathbringer screamed in the vaults of my mind.


I looked down in disbelief, I was in the middle of a battle against the forces of darkness, and this powerful weapon from ages past blasts me with power because I used another weapon to do something she/he/it couldn’t do, and did more damage to me then anything else we had met. Powerful yes, but apparently I didn’t meet its standards, and I swore at the damned thing and dropped it into the blood. If it was going to zap me in the middle of a battle it could damn well stay at home.

By the time I looked around I saw ivory and white fire play around the feet of all the Vampires and engulf them, and their screams faded off into the distance and were gone. I noticed I could still hear the music and thought to myself I wonder, and I reached out towards the inky black that surrounded Overkill and the Necromancer and pushed and the darkness just faded, and standing over the body of Overkill, pulling those dark claws out of the heinous ruin that was left of Overkill’s chest was the Necromancer.

The Necromancer gestured something stone in his hand off towards where Xerx’ses was and a powerful glowing giant fist slammed into the party, I managed to avoid it just thanks to my enhanced speed but other weren’t as lucky. I concentrated my thoughts and thought to myself.

If I was Isis, would I want the chance to take a part of Osiris back out of the hands of one of those enemy that had his them from me, I looked at Overkill and vengeance burnt in my heart, Isis’s precense would burn this foul being from existence. I thought of all that I had heard of Ma’ip as the others fought, and a glowing shining portal opened up behind the Necromancer, now all I had to do was rush the bastard and push him through the portal and Isis herself could judge him. I smiled some more and looked at the others, and they were all looking at me shocked, the power flowing though me was amazing, I felt as if I could do anything, and
I stopped.

If Isis wanted to punish this creature she has the power to do it herself, who am I, a lowly priest to guess or second guess her wishes. She wanted us to solve this problem, not her. I concentrated again and the portal closed. I wished I had had the faith to walk through and find out

When my eyes focused again the Necromancer decided that I was a threat, that was fine by me as Xerx’ses magic staff of Osiris smashed into his body and he doubled over like he had been gut stabbed, and as he stood Xerx’ses rended him limb from limb, as blood gurgled up from his lungs and burst from his mouth he called out my Lord of the Yin , you promised me, you promised meeeeeeee.
And he died, someone did the required deed and separated his head from his shoulders. I rushed over to Overkill.

All the ribs on his left hand side were shattered, I could see part of his lungs, blood had pooled out across the floor from where he fell and drop by drop joined the other sacrifices blood in the lake. I knew I had pushed my luck with my Lady and the help I had called upon so far.

I put my hand on his shoulder again, tears falling from my face. I whispered come back to us brother, you are needed.

I concentrated and started praying.

Most holy and everlasting, blessed Lady, Redeemer and perpetual comfort of us all, who by your bounty and grace nourish all the world, cherish our lives, and bestow the consoling smiles of a Mother with great affection upon our trials and tribulations. As a loving Mother you take no rest. There is no day or night, not so much as a moment, that is not filled by your mercy succoring all men and women. On land as well as at sea, you are She who chases away all storms and dangers from our lives by your right hand. Likewise you restrain the fatal dispositions, appease the great tempests of fortune and keep back the course of the stars. The gods supernal do honour you. The gods of the earth hold you in reverence. You rotate the globe. You give light to the Sun. You govern the world in time and space. You tread down the powers of Hades. By you the seasons return, the Planets rejoice, the Elements serve. At your command the winds do blow, the clouds do gather, the seeds prosper, and the fruits prevail. The birds of the air, the beasts of the hill, the serpents of the den, and the fish of the sea, do tremble at your majesty. O but my spirit is not able to give you sufficient praise, nor have I the means to offer you acceptable sacrifice. My voice has no power to utter what I think of you. Not if I had a thousand mouths and so many tongues, not in an eternal flow of unwearied declaration could I affirm it. Howbeit, poor as I am, I shall do as a good religious person, and according to my estate, I shall always keep a remembrance of your countenance deep within my breast, and there in the secret depths of my souls shall I keep divinity forever guarded.

I opened my eyes with hope and looked at Overkill, nothing, the wounds in his chest still glistened wetly and I said to him like he was still alive standing there.

We are Crisis
the Sons and daughters of the Dawn.
Whilst we draw breath, we stand.
Whilst we stand, we fight.
Whilst we fight, darkness shall not prevail.
Nothing shall bar us from our duty.

The others were all looking at me with hope, and I shook my head, Overkill had tested fate and finally lost, I covered him with his cloak and I stood up, there were prisoners who hadn’t been sacrificed who needed my help.

As I stood, Overkill made a noise, it was wet gurgly sound but it was definitely words. I leaned closer and he tried again, this time it was clearer, I moved his cloak aside, his wounds were healed, is lungs were inside his body.
Overkill tried a third time
Did I get the bastard
I laughed with relief, that was definitely Overkill allright. I concentrated on healing again and as I felt the Grace of Isis leave me and wash over Overkill I watched the wounds slowly heal, and his hands twitched and started reaching for his weapons.

We had won, we had the Right Hand of Osiris.

But at what cost.

Written on the 12th of Grekar, the day that seemingly never ends, by Indaris Excellar
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official Log from the Gnome Air Warlock, Tyvernos, for the game played on 3/15/14. WARNING- Adult language!!!

"Good Goddamn Goodbyes By Bygone Gods Buy Goodbye"

It’s the season the trees die
The birds don’t sing anymore
The rivers never come back
Nature dies out

Focus tomorrow’s horizon
Sorrow means no future
Cover my face
With my guilty hands

This tragic future
destined to hurt never heal
What end can save me?
What good gives me an end?
Uncle Firsar,

I’d like to have a normal life. Will it ever happen? I’ve met the most fetching lass. She works in customer service. How were you able to finally move on? Sometimes I feel like I’ll be getting married to and growing old with Otto. The Lady works in mysterious ways. She does keep rather warm even under the coldest of night skies. The Firefox wishes you her warmest regards. Here’s a snippet of our latest journey — this time an attempt to LEAVE the jungle.

Where did I leave off?

Xerx’ses cleansed us of blood. There were gems everywhere! CrIsis doesn’t have a jewel-crafter! I humbly offered my services after The Squirrel suggests that we find a giant diamond for Rogtilda. I happen to be a fledgling jewel-crafter AS WELL as an expert miner and underground spelunker and geomantic radar-detector. Xerx’ses found a 10 carat diamond and Tyvernos found a 7 carat diamond. Xerxes found another 3 carat and Tyvernos found a 6, and a 2nd 6 carat diamond for OVERKILL. Xerxes found a 13 carat Ruby and a 12 carat emerald.


We “found” out that the health and vigor added when holding a piece of the Lawbringer now no longer “heal” at a normal rate — most pieces give bonus 200 SDC but they WILL heal on a ley line and doubly as fast on a nexus. The pieces also give DOUBLE SDC on a ley line nexus. A few lore magic rolls got to the bottom of that. Whew! We’re about to drop off two of em! What a load off my wee conscience (read: mind).

The group decided, to the chagrin of the self-professed mendicant that they should completely clean out this mine. Indaris informed the group after finding out from me that it is the 13th of…well, some month — that it is the DAY OF HIS BIRTH! He didn’t look a day over…two. I used the distraction as a great time to speak to the group and tell them to be mindful of things like Gantrium, Xanthene, Adamantium, Kisentite, and other rare metals, heavy metals (\m/), ores, and gems and other various substances. I found 2 more diamonds (7) carat and (6) carat. Xerxses found a 13 carat emerald and a 3 carat ruby. Ja’Deir found 2 (3) carat emeralds. Asher found 2 (7) carat diamonds. Overkill found a 13 carat ruby and a 9 carat ruby. Indaris found a (6) carat diamond and a (3) carat diamond.

I stressed to folks that they should remember to UPDATE THEIR BACKPACKS and put all their loot away lest it be taken by the Divine Hand of Fate.

Next we encountered Oric Bellode’s disembodied head and it is inside three pulsating circles of magical energy — and Mack — a human Monster Hunter. I began crying, emotional and forlorn — rushing to the head of Oric and cradled the beheaded skull as Otto rushed up and howled for all he was worth. I am reminded of the feelings I had when I witnessed Oric’s abduction and subsequently failed to prevent it. I am reminded of the face of the Agent. I am reminded of the face of evil. And I am renewed in my resolve and reminded of the debt that lays before me. I have always been at peace with my fate. When it comes time for me to join my parents in Ma’ip I will do so without reservation, hesitation, or regret. The natural order of things demands that my substance return to the earth whence it came. Bennu, furry, lovable, by my side — was a guide on the journey. She lent her helping hand when she could. She reciprocated my faith with her own…and not without a sarcastic note or two. (A giant paw print is stamped here, in ink, on the parchment). Just a word from the Lady. She sends her regards, Uncle. Ahhhh…what it will be like to spread my wings and fly at the side of my father, and his father, and the fiery phoenix, and the elemental father before him, and the mother earth before him…

Oric, my friend, the deed I had once suspected is now confirmed. With my dying breath I will avenge you. While I have strength yet left to fight I will deliver the Agent your warmest regards from beyond. While I have breath yet left to breathe I will live on, in your name, and in your loving memory with the warmth of a soul that embraced life and enriched the lives he touched. Be well, Oric Bellode, and keep clear two spots beside that hearth.

(water-marks here stain the parchment where tears fell and quill pressed an etched emotion into eternity.)

There is work to be done.

Full moon – raise the rainbow
The sea experts – Prepare the bow
An optical miracle – A moon as big as one

It buzzes around your ears
An easy day will follow the twilight
It must be the last full moon
It’s near the promised time

Two thunders
High strain
Threaten mankind
Among two storms
Two thunders
High strain
Threaten mankind
Among two storms

It’s hot although it’s midnight
The Mothers died at once
Father itself the rainbow
Both sons will last no more

The thunder bears two mothers
The mother bears two sons
Echoes in the distance
All turn to sun’s eyes
Jidian introduced us to “the one the gods warned him of…” He then bid us adieu and took his leave of CrIsis. The Legion had need of him and he informed us that the gods have replaced him with “Mack” the epithet-less. We tried to give him a few but I suppose that didn’t win him over with cordiality and the promise of friendship (read: partnership at the very least). We tried “the Knife”, “the Lego-Maniac”, “the Truck”, “the Donald”, “the Big…replete with Special Sauce”, “el More”, “the Row”, “Xe imus”, “A Zeen”, “In Tosh” and a few others but he didn’t warm up right away. Y’know even “freelance” members of CrIsis need a thick skin and a healthy helping of Humor-Sense — an oft-neglected Secondary Skill that levels up VERY slowly. Jidian gave everyone a hug and sprinted off. I asked that we all observe a moment of silence — a moment of prayer — for the fallen Oric. Indaris lead CrIsis in prayer.

Ja’Deir asks if I wish to join him in the mourning ritual of Xarys?

Tyvernos joined the squirrel and followed his lead in the mourning ritual of Xarys. It’s very tai chi. You go through nine positions, Rin; Pyo; To; Sha; Kai; Chin; Retsu; Zai; Zen. Though you do not say Kai, to avoid calling the attention of Set. Each pose you say one word. Zen means Osiris, and is the formal greeting and farewell.

Indaris asked that Jidian do some research and background checks on the Agent. Jidian then told us that his communication might not come from him — in fact that it might come from the Chaos fam-damnily and that they work closely with a College of Navigation in Credia — suggested by Xerxses. Overkill and Tyvernos visited a royal college of navigation in Bizantium.

Next: Circle diagnosis. Overkill and I AGREED that the cave will definitely kill us all if we try to collapse it. Mack asked us if there were healers among us — he wanted us to free his brother and their friend from their comas. Awfully selfish of him — during our time of mourning. Couldn’t he see that we were clearly dealing with bigger matters than a mere coma or two? He should be thankful those still bodies were still alive (wink). Xerx’ses figured that while they were sleeping they’d be easier to fit into his luggage — more malleable I guess, and too little room in the overhead compartment. It won him a Clever and Useful idea but we ended up having to heal the ****** anyway. Would have been a chiropractic mess and Indaris is fresh outta miracles. Le sigh…I am wondering when he’ll forsake the gods and turn to acute-punctures. Mack’s brother came to and pointed out that he has yet to be introduced to CrIsis and they realize they have no clue who we are and why they’re joining us. Turns out they’re all speaking Elven. Turns out the gods have a WICKED Humor-Sense (skill at 98%). Ever get that feeling that you’re being watched? Like breaking the fourth wall will alert you to the fact that you’re not real, that someone else is deciding where you go and what you do and how you act? Like someone else is literally cherry-picking thoughts and implanting them into your skull? Inception.

(more water-marks mar the penmanship and stain the page…they smell like smoke and saliva — both Gnomish and Bernardish.)

Where was I? Oh yeah — smokin’ some of ol’ Oric’s ragweed in commemoration.

Xerxses picked up the man who proposed we run with him as a body guard and alluded to a reward. The minotaur politely informed this man that he isn’t to imply that CrIsis should take direction from him and that CrIsis would gladly go with him in a direction that coincides with our own. By politely informed I mean he lifted him bodily and added “implied threat” to his ever-lengthening list of alignment-blurring actions. I agreed wholeheartedly with the bull. He was 100% right for STICKING UP FOR US — I concurred with the “assertive” Xerxses and put my wee hand on the giant “calf” of the bull in SUPPORT for the de facto leader of CrIsis…

Something in the back of Overkill’s mind tells him he thinks the man looks familiar. I cast cloud of truth from the bong and informed everyone not to be alarmed while we continue our negotiations in the midst of a very wispy light white cloud. We interrogated these guys in the fashion of a ****** and realized that it didn’t really matter why he was being so evasive because we’re gonna be escorting them regardless — unless of course they intended to stab us in the back.

Tyvernos thinks really hard and gets Ja’Deir’s attention — winking — and tries to get his point across — hoping to get the squirrel to scan the surface thoughts of Gromak and Paul.

Otto barks at Ja’Deir enthusiastically and approaches the squirrel in an attempt to lick his palm.

One of the guys wants to stay behind. At this point I’m like…**** it.

On the 14th of Grekar we got a pigeon from my parents — They are leaving Palladium soon. Sigh. I’ve been away from home for a long time. I’ve had an incredibly rich life filled to near-teeming with experiences both high and low. I will miss them terribly but they have been preparing me for this day for my entire life. My father’s legacy lays with me…in the wind. My mother’s love warmed the cockles of my breast on the coldest of evenings and in the face of my mortality. If this is the next chapter in their lives then I do naught by wish them well and bid them Godspeed. I will see them again soon. In my heart of hearts I know it.

Overkill had heat-exhaustion.

Just because you don’t have a turtleneck doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

CAMINATA ROLLED TWO NATURAL TWENTIES IN A ROW and Indaris is basically the most observant ************ in the MEGAVERSE!!!!! Cat people surrounded us. We dispatched them handily and travel onward. Then all of a sudden my Phantom Sense / Sixth Sense started going crazy! We’re surrounded by magical creatures who are attacking us! Mack busts out two daggers and wades into combat. We are set upon by “cat creatures!” MACK ATTACK!!!! MACK THE KNIFE!!!! We vanquish the cat-things. We move on. We’re accosted by FROGS!!! Okay, the trip through the jungle is fraught with peril. We are accosted by CHIMERAs!!!! Xerxses fried em! We move on!

Grekar 20 is the FESTIVAL OF APIS!!!! We honor the cow…somehow. I straddled my scepter and rode it like a cowboy’s wooden horse. Ahhhh…to feel young again! The Scepter of Apis makes a wonderful back-scratching implement. I paid my respects in my own way.

Spring Equinox — monumental!

Grekar 24 – Agent log arrives and BES IS IN CHARGE!!!! ******!!!! It is a little known phenomenon of the Elemental Magic that Forces of Nature are neither constructs nor magical in nature. Even gods cannot resist a Tornado…a Typhoon…a River of Lava…a Tidal Wave. Agent, Bes, all your resistances and Saves and bonuses will avail you NAUGHT when it is time to REAP THE WHIRLWIND. Elemental forces are an equalizer. One day, the weak will overcome the strong. One day, the few will overcome the many. And one day, the meek shall inherit Palladium. One day, the Light will overcome the Dark — but NOT, you see, to eradicate Darkness — to embrace the BALANCE. The Church of Dark and Light knows this, intrinsically. The Dark fights to win. The Light simply fights because we must. What the Agent and Bes and Set and even Anubis fail to understand is that there must always be a balance. CrIsis will deliver that Palladia to the meek. It is their custodianship that will pass onward when we have long since left this plane.

Grekar 26 – pigeon arrived for Indaris

Overkill got summoned…****!

Our worst fears realized.

I gave up the finger to Indaris in preparation for my own summoning. Overkill reappeared and informed me of the horrors that awaited. I am the biggest liability. I have seen the Agent, I know the true names of Defilers and Elder beings, I know CrIsis’s plans, I have the RIGHT NOSE-PICKER!!!!. I have a well-spring of knowledge that is ripe for the picking. I…I would do the group too much harm to be captured. I must take my own life, lest my knowledge and memories fall into the wrong hands and sabotage all we have worked for. Thanks Indaris — I won’t ever ******* forget. Ahh…I got an even better idea. Take my own life — they try to summon me — FAIL — resurrect me later (preferably when we’re out of this GODDAMNED JUNGLE!!!!) perfect — save me the trip. I fly first class — in a comfy coffin. Force my teammates to heft my ass around in a box through the jungle — sounds like a ******* plan!

CrIsis isn’t receptive to my plan. Odd. It’s not like I intended to STAY dead. Hah! Besides, Overkill’s done it 7 times now. I’m pretty sure the gods like me more than they like him — at least the one who’s on duty does….hehehe! It is only fitting that Indaris be the one to suicide me and then bring me back. If that’s not poetic I don’t know what is. Uncle, would you believe I never even got the chance to ask him? Sigh…

I steeled myself for summoning. Overkill isn’t INSANE!!!! Luck points to the rescue! Psychic surgery was done by Ja’Deir. huh??? is going on? Overkill was near-death. Ja’Deir tried to bring him back to life and Overkill died again until a LUCK POINT is used by Xerxses. Maryarrives. I cast clouds of truth. Xerxes asks Mary to speak something quietly and something that only she would know is true. Xerxses asked Mary about the loss of a child. Xerxses hands Ja’Deir a leaf and tells him he has grief stuck to his fur.

After that everything gets blurry. It probably wasn’t important…

Written by Tyvernos on…an unknown date, in the 70th year of the Wolfen Empire.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Official Log from our kobold psi-mystic, Asher, from our game on March 29, 2014.

"Travelogue From Majestic 3rd-28th on Behalf of CrIsis."

As a member of CrIsis it is incumbent upon each of us, from time to time, to write a travelogue of the places we’ve been and the people we’ve murdered. Did I say murdered? It feels as though some members of our party would happily murder the innocent in our quest to destroy the guilty, but this is not the place to speak of my feelings about that subject.

The dawn of the third day of the 6th month of my 99th year, the Third of Majestic for all of you less understanding of my peculiarities, was one that matched the attitude of the group. Tyvernos, our diminutive and ever verbose warlock was tapped as the next to be taken to the lair of that ever to be damned Djinn. With a tear in his eye, or was that a drop of rain for it was in a downpour that we last spotted our friend, he disappeared from our knowledge. We had given him every benefit we could think of, including wiping sections of his memory, and hoped for the best for our companion. Indaris even thought to allow Ty to touch Oathbringer before he left to give him strength.

As everything else was sodden I summoned food and drink for the group, excluding myself of course. I ate wet jerky. From the midst of the storm a group of humans known to our guide appeared as if spectres of doom. They even gave the obligatory message of intrigue that should have sent all of us trooping off to slay the evil dragons of Dragonwright. It was all for naught. My companions, fearing the renamed Deathgate pass decided to triple our journey to Mishala by going around the mountains. Not one to strike off on my own, especially when there are dragons in the mix, I followed after my companions.

The next day, while rainy was not the downpour of the previous day. My new companion Kupyr found a lady friend in the bushes as we walked. I did not spy on him…much. We spent the rest of the day tromping through the well and truly sodden jungle.

The next day dawned to a clear sky, but if we thought our soaking was at an end we were sorely mistaken. The heat caused the sodden ground to release it’s vapors and fill the air with this little thing that civilized countries call humidity and here in the jungle we just called miserable. While we were slogging through the jungle a group of Tezcat, who I am sure just missed the memorandum stating that CrIsis should be avoided attempted to waylay us. Overkill and Ja’Dier were paralyzed by the aborigines, Mary climbed under the body of her man to protect her self, and the rest of us, with Ja’Dier’s mind magery, dispatched them to their place of everlasting bliss and/or punishment. Kupyr even got himself a bite of Tezcat flesh.

The next two days were quite clear of any harassment and we made relatively good time. The next day brought another being that should have known better. The sound of lions greeted us from the jungle, but unlike any lions we had heard in the past. There was a sort of multi voiced buzzing snarl/hiss any time the roar sounded. Chimera decided to descend upon us. Ja’Dier attacked them from his new place of refuge in the juvenile’s backpack. We dispatched them readily.

The next five days were again uneventful. It would seem that our fame was preceding us.

Five orcs thought to waylay us where much more significant threats had failed. We tried to dissuade them, but they did not respond to my entreaties in Gobblely. Being parched after my morning calisthenics I drank from one of the orcs when we finished dispatching them.

The 15th of the same month dawned and I burned a prayer for the fallen, specifically Drauka.

We ran into Hytril in the forest. I think that these are not the annoyance that the rest of CrIsis thinks them to be. Annoying? Definitely, but easily dealt with. You toss a few coins at them, let them play with a lizard and a squirrel and there is nothing to worry about.

Ty appeared to us two days after the Hytril. He was not alone. Nath Everall joined with him. What is there to say about the rest of our journey? The noble was mad, but not that mad. He thought to give us wealth, but only gave us a mere handful of Dragon Coins. The people cheered. Rog-tilda was fine. Overkill finally married his girlfriend. CrIsis became young.

All in all it was completely uneventful from the point we arrived in the town.

Penned by the hand of Asher on the 28th day of the 6th month of his 99th year.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Official Log from Overkill, the Dwarven Mariner, for our game on 4/12/14. Next game will be Live in Las Vegas!!

"Musical Chairs"

Honorable Ondemeira,

I will attempt to keep things happy though my pessimistic attitude will want to come out. It is hard to leave a bride and do the duties of a sailor for my mates and I. Knowing that one of us was going to disappear without a clear reason why or for how long was getting to me.

When we got back to Rogtilda after being gone for so long we could only comfort the fellow with trinkets and stones. We spent the day talking about who was next and the dread that was going to befall us. I still wondered at the time what game they were playing and why we were kept in the dark about the rules. It was during this powwow that I was given the Foot of Osiris and we also found out from our psychic that Rogtilda was next.

The following morning we spent some time in construction to perhaps keep our mind busy from what was coming next. Indaris build some statues of the gods of light and even though we had discussed who we were going to carve, it was against my vote that we should carve more than the gods of light. It’s funny how our little chapel on the ship was coming along and somehow I was able to find some peace in it.

After a full day of construction and distraction Asher discussed some ideas of using the Astral Plane to our advantage so that we could get some idea of what was going on. It was later turned down because we would place the dear man in too much danger and perhaps lose another member of CrIsis.

The holiday of Osiris was spent mostly in prayer and supplication for our dear friend Roggan. We were still not sure how they were going to get him or what they were actually going to do. We spent some of the day leaving the ship and watching it from a distance. The fame was distracting. It’s so hard to keep a happy face in such gloom. I am certain that it would be different if the adventure was over and the prize won but this is not that day. I spent the last few moments with Mary at the time. We had such fun and for a moment I honestly had a pleasant moment.

Several days later Rogtilda was nabbed like we knew. He is so innocent for such an experienced Earth Warlock. Sometimes it’s hard to think of him as a mature adult that can handle himself. On that day I toke some time to fulfill my obligation to Bennu and look for the members of Redbeard and went to go get a drink. I am not used to bartering and talking slick so as to get jerks to talk. I’d rather bounce some guys head like a ball on the bar until they told me what I wanted to hear… like a bar fight I… Sorry got distracted. I went the bar to look for some members of my old crew and would luck have it I found a keeper that knew of an old pirate named Plint, a dwarf with one patch over his left eye. However getting the data out of that keep cost me a pretty coin and getting Plint to cooperate was even harder. It comes as a no wonder that the northern barbarians call him Little Hot Pepper (a.k.a. He Who Burns Coming Out) in Dwarven. I thought that the gods would have me be a peaceful person and attempted to bribe him and it turned out that he only responded to the old Overkill and after beating the snot from him he with his money in tow told me where to find other members and agreed to go to Sinza. Good thing too because I was going to kill him; cost me too much (Now that I think of it, should have, it would of saved me time and money). I hope that the other members are not as expensive.

The following morning we launched sail and it was so hard without Roggan. He really is an asset him and his auto navigation and magic engine. We got some good miles under our sails and were on our way. We didn’t get far before we were already on an intercept course with some other ship. It hadn’t even been a whole day till some ship decides that we were vulnerable and heads right for us. I am so glad that we have magic and fantastic talent. If it wasn’t for the magic of our Air Warlock I am certain that we would have been captured or worse. However in the scuffle our mast cracked severely in a vertical fasion and upon inspection I was sure that it was going to hold though Tyvernos had other opinions. It’s funny because for the entire trip every time we talked about that mast the two of us would say nothing; only give each other a look. His would always be one of concern and mine would be that ‘don’t worry’ look.

We had some rough waters and I was certain that we would have not made it if it wasn’t for our courage of our valiant crew and quick thinking. Several times on our trip we all took a spill in the water. Thankfully the gods have prepared us.

It was on the 7th of Corg that we noticed strange happenings on the ship. Tyvernos asked to have his head examined and more than once I saw rats. I am certain that JaDeir thought it was a joke and recommended suppositories for our jumpiness. How wrong he would turn out to be. Two days later Roggan returned and he was in the same pain that we all were under the Agents power. However the effects of Roggans torture was beyond skin deep and the ship was dying; rotting from the inside out. That day we dropped anchor and blessed and removed any possible curses, unaware that we were still being watched by an unseen force.

The following early morning (10th of Corg) Xerx’ses was taken and again we wondered what was going on and why they had power over us. I want to say that it was exciting with the islands and reefs that we passed or that the monsters of the blue were a true adventure but alas I cant. We spent most of time keeping watch and building the temple in the now cold ship. (It was odd how the warmth of Roggans spirit was missed). When we finally finished the temple news had arrived from Azariel that he had finished his training as a diabolist; a fine asset indeed and good news to boot.

As I said myself and one other (Ja’Deir) objected to not include all the gods that have helped us all but when the temple was finished, we had some great figures made of oak to represent our gods. We would had celebrated except that we were attacked. As you recall I had the foot of Osiris and I wanted to run a theory about the power of the item and placed it on the mast of the ship to see if it would help us in our travel. Well it did. We were able to get some speed and great distance but I was careless and had not taken it off the mast when a thief attempted to steal it and a fight ensued. We are blessed that I had two swords and can throw them. I launched one sword and disarmed him from his new possession but that was not enough. It was the combined effort of the whole team (and the dog) we were able to keep a Dark Character from steeling the foot. It turned out that he was a returned visitor. We had disarmed him previously of the Glaive of the Old Ones and here we were again disarming him of what he craved the most, revenge. We must be more cautious.

We then proceeded to bless the ship over and over to insure that there was no more evil aboard the ship. In the morning one more member would disappear; Xerx’ses then Ja’Dier some six days later. You for such a different guy then me I have found a lot in common with him. They both were replaced by Azariel. However how he found us is beyond me but It was nice to see such a familiar face. I was concerned though that otter face as well as the minotaur was gone. Where they taken by the Agent? It was during our Morning Prayer circle that the wizard appeared. Of course in a sacrilegious exchange he wanted to know what was going on while we were thus praying. Azariel you crack me up some times.

When Xerx’ses returned Ja’Dier was not with him but Xerx’ses Father was. I don’t know what happened perhaps Azariel was attempting to lighten our spirits because he began to play fairy tricks, changing our skin colors and setting of little explosions while I was steering the ship. My mind was sharp and stayed in control. Did I mention that we had Nath Everall? He showed up with Tyvernos when he was abducted and when he joined us I really wish that Cava was here to enjoy his company. I am certain that we would have seen two brothers in arms tell stories till the wee night.

As much as Azariel attempted to bring up spirits, when Azariel disappeared again we were vulnerable and I could not help but feel sick like I didn’t have control. All the assurance of the gods and family could not shake the feeling. I love the gods and my wife and family but the dark have something over me that scares me every night. I pray intently at night to keep my soul calm (that and a quick shot of something from downstairs helps).

The following morning was the Festival of Peace, a holiday that Gavin invented. A sort of ani-slavery holiday; I don’t cater to it much but to remember him I reluctantly give him at least a moment of silence to show some respect to what he attempting to do. He might of forgot but that it was because of slavery that I found happiness. Slaves have their purpose and not all slave owners are cruel.

When we finally got to Phi our mast busted and fell in the drink. Tyvernos gave me a look that could have frozen a gorgon. I could only give him a look that said ‘we made it, didn’t we?’. Perhaps I should take more stock into what he was saying about the ship. He is after all a gnome and a fellow sub-kingdom dweller like myself. Thankfully Asher got the mast up and Roggan was able to get it sealed in place.

Phi is not far from Lopan and when Azariel showed up he appeared with the Bishop Tutu. Both were covered in their own fluids and I thought they were dead for a moment. Thanks to the team they were healed and were able to tell us more about the agreement.

I wanted a private moment with the Bishop because of what I had written to Rose, alas it was not to be, we sailed into the harbor and with trumpets piping and drums beating we were greeted to where we would be till the games.

I am sorry that I bore you with the details; there is not a lot to tell. There was lots of colors and streamers and the Pontiff greeted us personally at the steps of the city. I wish that I could say more about the festivities however I can say one thing; it seems that the rules of the game have changed and that is why we were all taken, why the family and bishops were returned. With the new rules I am certain that it has got more dangerous for us.

Written by Overkill on the 8th of Selestra the 1st year of King Wilgan.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Our live in Vegas (our 1 time/year we get together in person, rather than Skype) was 4/26/14. There are 2 logs from this long event, as we had 5 guest players and did some very rare PvP action. The first of the logs is here, and the second will be the following post. Both are from the Elf Azariel, on his way to becoming an Alchemist. He had to play 2 characters that day, as the person who usually plays Xerx'ses, the minotaur wizard, could not attend.

Out of Time

Installment #1
Selestra 22nd

Sunlight_and_Curtains.jpgMidday sun filters through the gossamer curtains across my suite’s window as I pen this entry. I would have thought I was free from any harm in this haven of the Light and Dark alike. It seems I am not; at least, not from Visions of death and destruction. I awoke, covered in freezing sweat, buried in torn sheets and twisted bedding. I was tossing and turning, and I don’t doubt that for a second.

The Festival of Ra was enough to assuage all of our worries and troubles. Overkill won in a drinking contest against Tyvernos, Indaris, Xerx’ses, and Asher. Indaris wooed Nara, both grateful to be alive after the harrowing experience of torture. In fact, all of us were grateful to be alive, each having left in turn to the dark…

Sezar.jpgI sang, danced, and played my Cello, followed by harrowingly bad attempts at playing the Guitarra. I offered renditions of many different ballads and tales taught to me by my Father, including The Three Wisemen, Davedei slays Gorias, The Garb of King Nebukudnezzar, and the perennial favorite, Romulo and Julianne, the story of an Elven warrior that falls hopelessly in love with the daughter of the Dwarven King, during the Great War. Indaris and Nara wept in each other’s arms at the bittersweet romantic tragedy.

Well after midnight I made my way to bed, exhausted by the night’s excitement – little did I know I would not be rested this night.

This is the vision, no, the nightmare I had.


LaRochelleNightGLK_1_0.jpgRogtilda glided into the prison-like docks of Oceanside, a Western Empire city that I hadn’t visited in decades. It had changed, as do most things after that much time, but so had I. I was no longer the apprentice bard traveling with his Father. I was now a master of the arcane, well on my way to apprenticeship Alchemy. In the Crow’s Nest, I surveyed the town, full of introspection and hope… Or so I assume.

Dreams are so funny that way. They are so jumpy and fragmented that to make any sense of them you have to put yourself in your own shoes, and walk through the events.

We docked, and were immediately assaulted by a funny little man, ragged and begging for alms. I approached him, though my perspective suddenly changed, as if I towered his full height above him. My voice came out as me, but it sounded fuller, more resonant. The little man did not cower or run from this size-changing elf, but instead he stood his ground, and asked again.

‘Ooh, you are rich. Preeze, Speah a coin for me. A Ronery beggah. I need to feed my famiry,’ he asked, barely intelligible through his gap-toothed grin.

‘Here, one gold coin for you,’ I said, tossing him a coin fished out of my pouch… but it wasn’t my hand I saw, it was Xerx’ses hairy mitt. As soon as I saw it, I shrank back to my regular size, and my pink fleshy hand replaced the leathery, hairy Minotaur’s. ‘Uh… um… Here, take a hundred.’ I said, flustered, as I fished a handful of gold out for him.

‘Ooh, you are very generous. Preeze, come wif me. I feed you fried rice and grirred beef!’ With that, he loped lopsided off the docks. We followed, to see this supposed family. With each step, I grew, until I returned to the nightmarish height of a Minotaur. I felt irritation at the short, little man, for taking us away from our godly cause, but that warred with my need to help those in need. A pang for Luur’na and all that we could have had together threatened to strangle me, but I pushed it back down. This family wasn’t our family, nor were these children mine.

Chen.jpgWhen we caught up to the … I’ll just call him “Chen” because I don’t want to keep describing him when I refer to him. Ok. So, when we caught up to Chen, he motioned happily at a pile of driftwood, and a woman made of straw propped on a rock. I knew I had been had, or this was a very disturbed man. Either way, we needed to leave. I hefted the bone club, and threatened Chen to leave us be, and to not bother us again. He seemed not to notice a Minotaur waving a giant bone, and continued to invite us inside. Overkill spoke up, worried we had made a mistake or had been duped, and he led us, running faster than I had ever seen him go before, back to Rogtilda.

We were met by a group of pompous-looking officials. As we approached, Indaris, Asher, and Azariel all complained about my use of racial slurs, and force, on an ‘Obviously’ disturbed man, but I knew the truth. He had lured us there to waylay us, and beyond that he made me hope for a happy ending with Lura.

I shrank back to my normal height, and continued to berate Xerx’ses… and now that I think about it, it doesn’t make any sense. My mind had me arguing with me about a decision I made, and I was actively participating in both sides of the argument. Strange. Though, this is good for me to learn diplomacy, I guess. It’s beneficial to see the world from both sides, to better know how to reach an answer both sides understand.

‘How may I serve you?’ I asked as we approached.

‘Ah, yes. We are here to search for rats, and plague,’ the lead man said in reply.

I have lived a century in the Western Empire, and I don’t remember a single ‘plague scare’ as it were. When magic is so abundant it’s rarely any problem at all, especially when you’re in the Old Kingdom Frontier. With apprentice Wizards, Summoners, and Diabolists galore to slave out from the Guild in White Ash to quell an outbreak, even if you had one it would end relatively quickly. I was wary, but after some argument, we allowed the group onto the ship for an inspection, as long as they were all accompanied by a member of the ship’s crew.

chihuahua-i-john-silver.jpgDisappointment etched the puffy, paltry politician’s face, but he set the search underway, guiding a pack of rodential dogs they called Chiwawas. They found the rats that we hadn’t removed after Ratel’s attack. They proclaimed they needed to have our belongings strewn across the docks for them to make sure there was no plague upon us, which made no sense to Asher, who knows more about the gooeyness than any of us. From his Biological standpoint, he did not think it possible to determine plague without magic, at least not with anything that was currently in existence – he started to ramble about something called a micro-scope, though what that is I can only imagine… it sounded like a tiny looking glass to me.

After a very long discussion, and some trumped up charges, it was clear that the tiny bit of power this man had over the docks had gone to his head. We acquiesced, and Indaris noticed that our food had become magical after the inspection. Not surprising. We threw it all out, and headed to the markets to replenish our stores, and prepare our journey to Shandala and home.Indaris_Saves.jpg

The regular fanatic mobs pushed at us as we went through the town. Word traveled fast that CrIsis was facing off against the rude Di Dock Master and his pu possy.

We reached the grain merchant, and were assaulted by ‘fan’s. No sooner had Asher gone out into the street to meet up with them had a magic net dropped upon the rest of us! A real attack, while we were distracted by the CrIssians. Panic struck, and more people were hurt by the stampede than would have been hit in a crossfire.

Around the street, on the rooftops surrounding the market, appeared over a dozen Gargoyles. The lead one, a particularly ugly brute, yelled over the din of screams and shouts, “I’m gonna get me some CrIsis!” Well that’s what I think it said. My Demonic doesn’t cover expletives… and it added a bunch of them in there.

Then, they dove.

>>An excerpt from his Journal, written on Selestra 22nd in the 23rd Year of Emperor Voelkian Itomas II, by Azariel, Apprentice Alchemist. Acolyte of Osiris and the Lady Luck.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Our live in Vegas (our 1 time/year we get together in person, rather than Skype) was 4/26/14. There are 2 logs from this long event, as we had 5 guest players and did some very rare PvP action. The second of the logs is here, and the first is the previous post. Both are from the Elf Azariel, on his way to becoming an Alchemist. He had to play 2 characters that day, as the person who usually plays Xerx'ses, the minotaur wizard, could not attend.

And Out of Mind

Installment #2
Selestra 22nd (cont’d)

Gargoyles.jpgWe reached the grain merchant, and were assaulted by ‘fan’s. No sooner had Asher gone out into the street to meet up with them had a magic net dropped upon the rest of us! A real attack, while we were distracted by the CrIssians. Panic struck, and more people were hurt by the stampede than would have been hit in a crossfire.

Around the street, on the rooftops surrounding the market, appeared over a dozen Gargoyles. The lead one, a particularly ugly brute, yelled over the din of screams and shouts, “I’m gonna get me some CrIsis!’’ Well that’s what I think it said. My Demonic doesn’t cover expletives… and it added a bunch of them in there.

Then, they dove.

gavin_portrait_chris_2.gifBefore they reached us, a human child on a flying carpet rushed down to us. “CrIsis! Overkill, Tyvernos! It’s me, Gavin! Hurry, before they get to us! Climb up and let’s get out of here!” Overkill’s demeanor changed, and his eyes became wistful; it had been so long since he’d seen his friend.

Otto released a circle of fire, protecting us from any further attack, and the rest of us set to removing the net. No sooner had we begun that it disappeared. My hackles raised immediately. Magical Nets don’t go down of their own accord…

The Gargoyles reached us, and I ripped a page out of my Wardbook. The page was one of six identical. Several rune words and phrases adorning a wicked-looking circle drawn in black ink covered the page. In the center of the circle, defiantly bold, the symbol for Death sat – A line with a small triangle balanced point-down but at a jaunty angle, and a stylistic crook and sickle sitting on top of it. With a word and a touch the ink shone, as if freshly written. I held it, ready to be hit by one of the swooping Gargoyles. Luckily they’re as stupid as they are ugly, and they slammed into a Diabolist who’s had a chance to reach is Wardbook.

Angry red light exploded from the parchment, and twenty howls of agony rose. My mind calibrated, and I realized that I hadn’t exempted Otto, Gavin, or Kupyr. I hoped that I didn’t kill any of them. The Gargoyles lifted us all off the ground and started to fly us away. Luckily they aren’t very smooth-flying creatures with cargoes, so when I activated my second death ward it activated almost immediately. A second blast of red light washed over the scene, and this time twenty-two screams rose, more blood-curdling and anguished than before. It seemed like the second death ward was my Ace in the Hole, ironically, and it took down twenty-one targets. Every gargoyle sent against us mere moments before plummeted to the ground in the throes of death, carrying CrIsis with them.
I landed with a crash next to the corpses of a toddler and her mother. My heart lurched, though I knew that I saved many more from much worse by ridding the realms of the beasts – not to mention saving our lives, allowing the work of the Gods to continue unhindered.

Overkill landed, unscathed through his Godly Warplate. I got up, and lept over a hundred feet, and slammed deific lightning from my staff into a giant troll astride a dire gryphon. As I battled with Minotalic fury, Overkill stood, and proclaimed to the world that his Gods would not let harm come to him! Magic and foe alike slammed into him, and not a step he took, an austere pillar of stone amid a turbulent stormy sea.

Indaris leapt to his feet with ease, as nothing seemed to touch him. He threw Asher onto his back, and they lifted the rest of CrIsis from the pits of defeat to the peak of success.


One by one, the enemy of Crisis fell, not without harried panic gripping most of CrIsis. Azariel’s body lay unconscious in the street where he fell, and I hurried the fear of death into the enemy’s hearts with horrific feats of physical prowess. At long last, my horns punctured the invisible puppet master behind the whole attack, none other than Lady Daera Kaze, Priestess of Taut.

Our wagon approached the gates of Shinkasa…. Wait.

From Oceanside to Shinkasa… um… Where did we get the wagon filled? What happened during the journey? Huh. See what I mean? Jumpy.

As our wagon approached the Gates of Shinkasa, I saw the shadow of death and decay fall across our path. It was made by an enormous tower, white-washed and compensating for the lack of any possible human decency of the ruling family. I felt the need to go around the capitol city, but we needed to replenish our stores. I stood in the driver’s perch, and spread my arms wide. I proclaimed to the Gatesmen that we were CrIsis, and that no door would be closed unto us, and that they should give us free passage.

No sooner had I said “CrIsis” that a dark cloud of arrows rose from the city walls. ‘Ah, yes. Another city of Taut’s minions, ready to perish!’ I thought; then the screams of, ‘’MINOTAUR AT THE GATES! FIRE!’’ reached my ears. I looked at my outstretched arms, and saw the hairy leather stretched over steely muscle of Xerx’ses’ arms. I sighed to myself.

We made our way through the city’s streets….

What? Oh, yes. I think I remember Tyvernos protecting us with a wall of wind, but I can’t think of how we went from outside the gates, being fired upon, to walking through the city’s streets free of city guards. Either way…

A wagon full of straw blocked the far end of the street, and the alleyways were far too narrow to allow us exit. My hackles rose once more. As soon as it exploded in flame, I grabbed my Wardbook, slammed my hand at the section of Death Wards and activated them. My hand came away slick with ink, but no mar was visible on any of the pages.

I collapsed from exhaustion, and as I drifted off to sleep, I felt a strange sensation… a jolt or something, followed by an ogerish howl. To my surprise indaris’ feet stayed firm in front of me.


I swung my mace at the Ogre’s face. Another troll, astride a gryphon, dove at us. This one hefted a giant polearm, glowing black. Would that be considered anti-glowing? Or Unglowing? Regardless, it sucked the light from around it, and Tyvernos yelled, ‘’Soul Drinker! Ack!’’

Asher waggled his fingers a few times, and the gryphon lost control of itself. The troll threw the Runic Polearm at us, and it landed in the wagon. Before any of us could react, the ground opened up under us, and all but Indaris and Asher landed in the river of lava eating its way through houses on either side of the street.

My minotaur legs froze, and my chest contracted in a silent scream as I slowly sank to the bottom of the magma.

Unseen hands grabbed me and me and hefted us out of it. The charred, barely identifiable remains of an elven body soared seemingly unaided through the air. Arrows pincushioned it as it left all possible range. The half misshapen bovine body came to a rest on the ground next to the Psi-Mystic and the Priest. As my mind processed the agony it went through in the Lava, I had the presence of mind to find the Irony in a Priest casting magic even after all of the magical-class group members were prevented. There must have been the hand of Fate and Luck herself watching that fight.

The pigeon Tyvernos set Azariel’s lifeless form on the ground as I watched helplessly from above. Out of the forest strode Indaris, carrying Overkill’s melted form, and Asher carrying a bald and burnt Xerx’ses, as if on an invisible funeral litter. I could feel the love, greif, and hope like a palpable force washing over the half-destroyed heroes. Days of struggle proved fruitful, and I sat up next to myself, weak but alive.

Thank the gods for magic. I cannot imagine the pain and agony that we would have to go through to recover from that, if we even were able to live past the first few moments.


As I write this I feel in my bones that this was not a simple dream or nightmare, but a horrific vision of our future. Sometimes fate is as unavoidable as the Sun rising each day, but I will do all I can to prepare us for this terror.

>>An excerpt from his Journal, written on Selestra 22nd in the 23rd Year of Emperor Voelkian Itomas II, by Azariel, Apprentice Alchemist. Acolyte of Osiris and the Lady Luck.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official log from our game on 5/10/14, from Xerx'ses, the Minotaur Wizard

Mortals are the Shadows in the Light & Dark

| Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Ondemeira the White.
| At the castle of King Guy the First
| in the city of Credia. This has also been
| sent to Zeelik Stonemace.
| At the caverns of the Serinan Tribe
| in the Baalgor Rocky Desert.

Good Scribe of Light
To my noble Brother,

I am writing to you both because I am unsure after an Agreement of the “rules of engagement” between the Gods of Light and Dark was reached. As to whether the Scribe of Light would receive missives sent to you Zeelik. I have been trying to wander more and more under a Hooman guise to understand these short, frantic peoples of the world. They clearly are the dominant form among the races in power on the world and figuring out how to live with them will be key to any race’s continued survival. I shall recount the last few weeks here in this missive which might be one of the few I get off before the Lopanic Games begin and the whirlwind starts.
~ This part of the letter details events from the 13th through 20th of Selestra ~

I’m glad to hear that you and Father have been able to converse a few times while I have been away these last few days in Wisdom. I was studying with Master Kel-ed at the Tri-Arcanum Magic Guild. I had sent him my 10,000 gold earlier for ‘Magic Pigeon Fees’ from what Southern coinage I had. Upon my arrival I did get some money changed out with the Gold Coast Trading Company notes of marque. I paid 353,000 gold and 1oz. of Gantrium to my guild leader and was graced with a spell to trade skill knowledge I possess between strong and weak skills so I am no longer very good at blunt weapons but you should see me with a sword NOW!!!
~ The 21st of Selestra ~

Master Tyvernos gathered everyone around and bid farewells because his Defiler parents are finally dying and he is going to be with them for and issue the Gods asked him to see to. My biggest little buddy may not be back for he took the Eternal Torch Ring off! As he walked out the door he vanished and we were soon met by an old friend of Master Azariel, Sister Caminata. She came directly from the Lord of Light and is a wilderness animal priestess dedicated to the Lawgiver!

Well if Master Azariel trusts her and she has a CrIsis ring then I was good at that point. Just before we could get into it any further we exited the main stronghold of the Pontiff and stumbled onto a GIGANTIC (over 10,000 people) mass ceremony for the Festival of Ra! What is even worse is we were making some jokes that were less than appropriate for the occasion! I have even begun to joke about myself such is the companionship I feel growing for my adopted tribe. However, if you want a funny image picture an eleven foot tall Minotaur looking sheepish, mouthing – ‘sorry we can come back later’ and trying to back up tip toeing!! If you both ever tell me that you did not laugh or at least grin, then Ra will burn you for liars. Oh the Pontiff did not let us off that easy, and well when the crowd begins cheering seeing you and your friends. We became enraptured (at least I did) when the Pontiff began with a story of Creation during the few more hours the festival went on.

I was hungry actually but it would appear that feasts follow festivals!!!!!! I had wanted to turn into a hooman then to hide among the crowds but I became the CrIsis totem pole for the throngs of worshipers.

“yeah over there I saw them…


“See the giant bull of light?”

‘’Oh my gosh is that Apis?’’

“No you dolt, its Zerkzees! The mino-tar wizard!”


We were seated among the heads of the Church of Light and Dark as befit the Scions of Light. I wonder though, were ReSet here would we be forced to sit next to them as Scions of Dark? During these thoughts I was introduced to Father Lamriel, Bishop of the Western Empire, and for some reason feels he is a servant of that land’s leader despite his soul belonging to Ra? While using polite words (I did not swear vulgarities), I did not hide my disdain for the ‘Western Sin Breeding Haven’ he was sent to heal. The manner of our meeting was profound because he had become uncomfortable around Sister Caminata’s wolf familiar, and nearly tried to draw his mace when Master Asher let his familiar, Kupyr upon the table. I tried to appear non-threatening when I mentioned to the good Father his ‘mace’ had come loose accidentally and he might want to fix it.
- Lesson 1: You’re eleven feet tall, your voice booms and scares people no matter what you say –

I am not moping here brother, but it bears repeating even your nicest actions will come under attack due to our size. I must be getting better because no reproach was forthcoming for my words to the Father about his mace. In fact the discourse about the Western Empire has enlightened me. It is as bad off as the whole of the Baalgor Wastelands! There’s a place of wicked evil in it called, the Middle Kingdoms, that is run by foul priestess of darkness whom is also a noble among this land so named Lady Daera Kaze. Then there are good people struggling against them in another place within the empire called the Vequerrel Woodlands. This is where Sister Caminata and another former member of CrIsis came from. Master Azariel mentioned his home town as being a place of good and I agreed because he shook off his dark fetters to Bes and now worships the Lawgiver. T’would seem this land has need of the good Father as we have need of good Brother Indaris. Master Overkill tried to chime in defending their position but only managed to inadvertently insult Sister Caminata and myself regarding the nature of ‘tribes’ and his definition of them. While other members of CrIsis got caught up with the Bishops they knew far better than I did. This time did afford me the chance to repay the Pontiff for the scrolls that allowed me transportation to Wisdom and back.

Bishop Tutu of the Timiro Kingdom tried to help heal the rift between our good brother and Oathbringer by offering counseling and a story about Perfone and the holy mace. Later still was our conversation with Bishop Nodeki and her adviser from the Dark, the one and only Agent – Zizean. We did learn about his associates, the evil Lady Kaze, Helgriven -a Night Owl demon, and the dark god Bes himself.

Then the conversation changed to one of outside influence and enemies made independent of this celestial conflict. Ratel, an Arch Fiend, hates our group for stopping him in his pursuit of the Glaive of the Old Ones. Other gods are discussed and some of it is over my head, however, nothing gets past Master Azariel whom has the right of it and will explain it to me later in simpler terms spoken plainly and not this hidden language of contractual interpretations.

I sought my bed after Bishop Tutu talked with Brother Indaris about ‘After CrIsis’ and for one of the few times I thought about my own future. Thinking about the demons to vanquish and anger I have felt I see quite the bloody road before me. I think I shall try and trust the Gods will put me where I am needed most and maybe I will slay some demons along the way. Father had left me a note that he had taken my sword and an emerald for a purpose I would learn later but I was weary that night and left for dreams of the future.
~ The 22nd of Selestra ~

I woke early and changed into a hawk, there are quite a few here and some falcons I believe as well. Rather than running about the city for exercise I stretched my wings, and if I have a guilty pleasure it is FLYING!!!! I can’t explain it other than I am drawn to the air the way sailors feel about the sea. I wonder why I never became a warlock at times, oh well. When Ra’s eye began to peak up over the horizon I returned to my room knowing that much was still afoot.

We needed help looking through the libraries regarding the pieces of the Lawgiver.
Did you know the gods all have libraries each dedicated to their names here!
We needed a crew since Rogtilda had lost that ‘special light’ in the in-jun room making running the ship a 12+ person job.
We’re 5 weeks out from the Lopanic Games and we need to get to the capitol and arrange for all of our supplies, find Overkill’s crew (hoping they’re not dead), get registered, the list goes on and all well before the 1st of Thoth.

Well since we are guaranteed safety in Sekti-Abtu we opted to split up to resolve all of these pressing issues. Master Azariel was waylaid by a deific curse/affliction and was treated by the Pontiff. I am not completely sure how he came by this malady but clearly they reference the scars on his arms. Knowing we had three days before our master arcanist would be up and about once more Masters Overkill and Asher set about to hiring a crew and found two of the Redbeard Pirate crew he was looking for.

Brother Indaris and Sister Caminata helped me used Master Azariel’s contract for hiring scholars and set about to have interviews. We ended up with four candidates:

Two hooman males,
One elf also male,
One of the LOST RACES! I thought I had been blessed to have met an Ashada from the Land of the Damned! But tell Mergerij I have met a Jeridu! To think I thought elves were the only fair faced race about. I was so happy for my height to stop from gawking at this rare and beautiful scholar.

They all read the contract and I put forth a test to help Brother Indaris, the two that would return with the most impressive piece of information regarding Oathbringer would get the job slots. Off they went while Brother Indaris and Sister Caminata went looking for supplies for our trip. Staying to one of our age old models of safety they went in a pair since Acolyte-Sister Nara is studying what it means to be a priestess of Horus currently.

I thought the Library of Osiris would be the obvious place to begin looking and if I could think of that then so could anyone else. So I changed into hooman form and headed to the Library of Thoth on my own. Just when I thought I had found a book detailing legends and tales pertaining to the Skull of the Lawgiver I was blocked by an errant patron of this library.

Rystrom Khejas

This famous hooman scholar had snatched and pilfered the book for his own research. Now I don’t mean to make him out to be a thief but his last appearance here was over a year ago according to the staff! I queried a librarian about the anything pertaining to the ‘skull’ and he helped me after introductions to a reference note from the reign of King Narraphon the Second and his successor and daughter, Queen Gertrude of Timiro. Both King Narraphon the Second and his son Prince Jonthul (from his first wife and queen) drown at sea due to a sea serpent attack. His second wife the Lady Delandor – is the Queen Mother of the new monarch, Queen Gertrude. Further reading of the time revealed many different reports that Queen Gertrude is deaf and mute yet rules via her mother as a living Lady-Protector of the Realm. The librarian believes he can find copies of the missing pages regarding the skull from an associate in the Libraries of the Dark but I must return on the morrow. Thanking him I leave for sword practice with the giant sized cutlass and dagger. Only in private do I shed the disguise of a hooman to use the weapons needed for the duel and I think I may have just figured out how dancing also works because a lot of the moves remind me of people dancing at the festival.

What follows is a scrap that took the librarian a day to recover, and later I will learn how lucky I was to get this information.
(note- please go to the actual log to see this- here is the link)

This next fragment is farther down the parchment and one of the few examples of Queen Gertrude’s hand writing.

So, while it now holds idols of those trying to restore the Lawgiver. The Obelisk of Osiris was originally purposed to guarding the Skull some 1,600 years ago in a Timirian town called Nisi.
~ The 25th of Selestra ~

At high sun we received the three remaining applicants that showed up, and for this I had taken my natural form. I brought them in one at a time so they could reveal what they had discovered. The first was a hooman male named Zeon Joreaven. Zeon lost his brother, who is killed by the Dark, during the competition to decide on whom would become the scholars serving CrIsis. I later learned it was his need to search in the Libraries of the Dark Gods where before the split they had never been in danger before. Now one had died for speaking to us and the remaining three would be marked for association! The lore he brought was that Oathbringer had been to Hades and back. This is great news because we will likely be headed there at some point to retrieve the Skull! Second was the elf named Tamuríl Elendil. His lore about Oathbringer was that it killed a member of the Defilers! That was unexpected news regarding the holy weapon and clearly more to that story. Lastly, was the Jeridu named Xandria, and I tried everything to keep my eyes forward. She actually brought news that Oathbringer liked which was that the more one wielded it, the more powers would manifest! After hearing about the brother we talked and then brought them back in and explained they had all done admirably and it was fortunate that there would be three slots which they were all to fill. Welcome to CrIsis, scholars three!

Rejoining the others we found out that we have a team of 14, two from Master Overkill’s old crew and 12 others, were chosen to help CrIsis and to pilot Rogtilda. This is wondrous news and Master Overkill looks overjoyed though I am perplexed I think one of the two maids either contemplated cooking me or doing things that are NOT physically possible! I don’t think I could even last seven days in some Dwarf mating ritual! PASS.
~ The 1st of Ra ~

I was getting up when I felt another hand on the Holy Femur! In the dark I can see as well as any of our kind and another Minotaur dressed in black got into the room! With a head butt and arm lock I tossed him across the room and then as he was charging back at me I snared him with a ‘Carpet of Adhesion’ spell. Then I heard our father’s voice, “I am glad to see you learned how to hold on to your weapon son. Now drop this spell for I think it is time you got your second chance.” I did as my father requested and he removed his black robes. From under them he produced a Mologoth hide sheath with the word ‘Serinan’ stitched in leather cording along it. Within the sheath was a sword that looked like my dwarven flamberge I had been awarded for winning the right to represent the Gold Coast Trading Company as the Swordsman Champion. Well, save for the golden cobra pommel with emerald eyes that now adorned it. My father told me of a dream where Ra spoke to him. The Pontiff had made arrangements to get him in touch with the Church of Light’s chief Dwarven Swordsmith after hearing about the dream and the spell I had learned to become a real Swordsman Champion Duelist. The old pommel was removed and modified by Rostam under the directing guidance of the Dwarven Swordsmith of the Church of Light. It is named for Ra’s chief minion, the golden cobra: Uraeus, such is the reason for the pommel’s shape when recast. The eyes on the cobra head are inlaid with two 6ct. emeralds cut from a stone that was in my former possession. The handle is inlaid with lapus lazuli to resemble the crook staff used by Osiris. The blade color forge altered to a deep blue hue like the life giving rivers governed by Apis and used by snakes to sneak up on prey. The blade was etched with eight of the same prayers found on the Flail of Prayers, and taken from the Book of Ma’at of the Pantheon of Ra!

‘’This is Uraeus’ Fang,’’ as he pressed it into my free hand he shove me back up against the wall with a stern a reproachful look to drive home his next words, “my Lord and savior, Ra the Everbright, said to tell you if you lose this one Uraeus himself will come for you!”

I gulped and asked if there was anything else needed of me other than a sure grip? Our father hinted at tipping the Dwarf Master that has decided to help him perfect his craft as well as any non-dwarf can. 67,000 Eastern gold later and change I hope satisfies the Dwarf and helps Father with anything he might need. I gave him my dwarven flail as well for he preferred that type of weapon. After getting dressed I strapped the serpentine blade on my back to get used to carrying it everywhere. If I win at the games I will likely change my own surname from Goldenflail to… um. I checked though the blade is not magicked so I won’t be cheating using it in the competition. I had won renown to get this blade, I had practiced and sacrificed to be great with it. Now it and I were declared minions of Ra himself and a celestial serpent is watching to make sure I don’t screw up his name, no pressure.

After breaking the fast of the evening our father left for his work with the payment for the dwarf wrapped up to not make noise. The Festival of the Pantheon of Ra was getting into full swing and might I say it was wonderfully more enjoyable than the other pantheon’s thieving little raid on New Crests and our ship. Heading out to meet my friends was much harder than I had thought getting through the throngs so again my Hooman disguise availed me and while greeted and bless for the holiday I moved among the crowds largely forgotten.

Around early afternoon the Pontiff, U’Selekma, uses magic to get us out to Rogtilda so he may see the wonder of our friend himself. With his visit came a map of every known sea and land location available to the Church!!! Then the Pontiff was gracious enough to consecrate our shrine in a group two and a half hour ritual! I am sorry I could not remember all of it but this was a lovely prayer we made repeated after Brother Indaris:
O Queen of Seamanship,
thank you for bringing this day to a close.
Thank you for giving me rest
in body and soul.
Your hand has been over me
and has guarded and preserved me.
Forgive my lack of strength
and any wrong that I have done today,
and help me to forgive all who have wronged us.
Let me sleep in peace under your protection,
and keep me from all the temptations of darkness.
Into your hands I commend my loved ones.
I commend to you my body and soul.
O Lady, your holy name be praised.

Afterwards Master Overkill and Brother Indaris get horses for the wagon, and we find out Master Asher has donated 1 MILLION of his share of the gold to the church, matching the largest donation ever done to date. I offered 500,000 gold and was humbled by the kobold’s gigantic heart. It appears we leave on the morrow after Master Overkill introduces the crew to Rogtilda and the Pontiff’s nephew acts as a temporary captain to get them trained while we are at the games.

Be well to you both,

Xerx’ses Goldenfang.. Goldenblade… Goldensword… Swordfang… gah this can wait till after the games,
War Wizard of CrIsis

P.S. Although I am no priest may the Lawgiver’s judgement keep you both safe.

>>> Written by Xerx’ses Goldenflail,
later upon the evening of the 1st of Ra, 70th Year of the Wolfen Empire, 2nd year of King Guy the First of the Timiro Kingdom, and 343 year of the Dominion of Man. <<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official log from our game on 5/24/14, from Indaris, the Human Priest of Isis. The group has arrived in Lopania for the Lopanic Games. The Hero of the Olympiad will get the Lung of Osiris!

"Gamesward Bound"

Dear Father Philip


The time of the Games is almost upon us, so the next few weeks will be a flurry of activity as we try to ready ourselves for the games and my correspondence with you might be sporadic at best so whilst I rest and my friends seek healing I thought I would pen this letter to you.

On the first of Ra we were taking our leave of Sekti-Abtu, we had the wagon all set and Master Azariel’s horse was prancing proudly along the streets as if it knew we were being watched and were in a parade, which I guesa we sort of were, as wherever we went people would come out and clap or give us their best wishes, I think it almost brought a Tear to good Xerx’ses eye. We trundled up to the massive gates leading into the interior of Lopan, when we heard a “Make way, make way for his holiness” and we looked back, and there was Adreyn, or Ildreyn, the head of Lord U’Selekma’s household coming towards us waving his arms and puffing like a bellows, as the good fellow didn’t seem like the type to run across town much, which is what it looked like he had done. When he got up to us he said, “Thank goodness I managed to catch you before you left, My Lord the Pontiff has requested the Heroes of Light come quickly”. Adrenaline immediately kicked in as I imagined all sorts of terrible things that might have happened, but there was no smoke coming from burning buildings, no screaming or terrible creatures flying around. Xerx’ses said “Calm yourself friend and tell us what the problem is” and Ildreyen responded, ‘’His Holiness has requested that you come with me to see the His Lordship the Acamarch, keeper of the keys and master of the Treasury.’’ I looked at Xerx’ses and shrugged, we got off the wagon, handed the reins to the gate guards and told them that we would be back soon. Ildreyen looked immensely relieved that we would come with him. I started off immediately, but Xerx’ses with a bit of caution asked what it was all about, and apparently it was secret and we had to come, So come we did. We made good time to the treasury and what can I say, it is the most heavily fortified building I can remember seeing, Guards everywhere, archers peeking out of sniper alcoves, guards walking in asynchronous patterns, I really was glad I wouldn’t have to ever try to sneak into this building, and as we got close Ilderyn pulled out an Ankh and held it aloft, making sure it was visible to all. He then slowly walked through the gates as if it was a dragon’s hoard being watched by the careful eye of a hungry dragon. We eventually made it to the Acamarch himself, he was an old dignified looking elf sitting quietly at a chair reading, but as soon as he saw us he settled his attention fully upon us and smiled. He thanked us for coming and mentioned me specifically, which made a little nervous, though his smile did a lot to put me at ease. ‘’Welcome CrIsis, but before we continue this conversation any further we will need to go to a room with greater security’‘, that gave me pause, he wanted to talk about something that was so delicate that it rated more security than this. He slowly led us further into the building, until we came to another fortress inside this one. I’m not going to say much about the place except the Titan looked exceptionally competent, and the room that the Titan opened for us, gleamed like the noonday sun, for inside was piles of shiny gold, silver and gems. It took my breath away just to see it all. I’m not a greedy man but my goodness there was a lot of gold there.

Ain’t no dragon here, just gold and Lord Forenque

Master Forenque Dnng seated himself on the gold and I heard Xerx’ses cough and I would swear I heard the word Dragon, I waited a second or 2 and Xerx’ses said nothing else and Lord Forenque continued on like he hadn’t heard what Xerx’ses had said and went on and painted a bleak picture of a Holy Crusader gone bad, the specific one in fact who was supposed to carry a magic torch all around Lopan for the masses to bring them hope, and then at the end use the torch to gain entrance to were the lung of Lord Osiris is being held and steal it. The cleverness of the plan infuriated me as the Holy Crusader, Dio Regellant, was known for being a force for good, and if they could corrupt him . . .

Thankfully U’selekma and Forenque had come up with a plan to foil this dastardly plot. Lord Dio Soontobedead Regellant had to take a circuitous route around the island, visiting all the main towns, whereas we ourselves could just go directly to Lopania with the Torch itself and hand it over to the Queen. Xerx’ses asked how we would smuggle this there and Ferenqe went to the wall and pulled a torch off it, muttered some arcane sounding words (klatu, verata, unfortunately I didn’t quite get the last one, I think it was necktie or something like it) and then suddenly in his hands was the most magnificent torch I had ever seen was in his hands. Light reflected off the torch in a prismatic spray of colour blue, yellow, black green and red gems had light dancing on them merrily, and the flames upon crown of this magnificent construction the burned with a white gold gleam that almost promised victory. I then noticed, as did the others, that the torch symbol on our rings started to glow with the same colour and a warmth suffused the room.
Mighty, majestic, and radiant,
You shine brilliantly in the evening,
You brighten the day at dawn,
You stand in the heavens like the sun and the moon,
Your wonders are known both above and below,
To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven,
To you, Isis, I sing!

I noticed everyone was looking at me, apparently I had been praying out loud. Everyone paused with a moment of silence, which I then broke. Lord Forenque, would it be possible to have a fake that looks like the real golden version, our enemy is smart and might have multiple plans to counter even such a discrete mission such as this, and if we do get found and someone asks for the torch we can then happily give them the fake and continue with our mission. Lord Ferenqure replied that the Temple of Isis would indeed have what we seek. Just as Lord Forenque was about to change the torch back to its hidden form I bid him halt, and he looked at me curiously, I had seen something like that in my dreams, I went through my satchel and pulled out my silver torch that I had received so long ago as it had some similarities,
I thought to myself maybe this torch can be lit by the torch of Isis here, so I held out my arm, Just as my arm extended I felt a jolt of power and there was a sudden roaring of flame, The shock of it made my arm jerk back thankfully, because with just a couple of seconds the flame that had roared to life from my torch had eagerly sought an exit, and finding none had burnt its way out the inner and outer walls of this impregnable fort. The room gleamed even more as the gold and items stored here reflects the sunlight that now poured into the room from the hole I had just burnt.

I Immediately started apoligising to Lord Forenque, and he waved off my apology with a quick motion of his hand and looked at me thoughtfully and said “so you have one of those too, you will have to tell me about it”, just then the Titan on guard at the door stuck his head in and inquired about the state of things, and Forenque said everything is fine, except the hole of course, we will have to fix that.

I started stuttering my apology again, iiiit. . . It has never done that before, and Lord Forenque, in his infinite mercy said its truly ok and smiled at me. I regained my composure at that and my next set of words will probably haunt me for life, and I don’t know why I said them

“I haven’t burnt a hole in anything all day”

The others looked at me a little stunned and then started to laugh, and I joined in sheepishly, even Lord Forenque smiled, and then the smile slowly left his face, and a much more serious mien replaced it, I haven’t seen one of those in a long time, Brother Indaris, I do believe you might have a story for me, as I started to answer Azariel asked if the damage to the walls could have damaged the magic protections concealing our location. Lord Forenque seemed to think about it and said none of those wards went off, even though they should have, not that I am sorry mind you as the resultant release of energy would have killed us all, so the magic protections are still intact". Azariel looked intrigued at this and immediately went and inspected the closest ones, and Lord Forenque did as well, and they both came to the conclusion that the wards were still intact and probably should have went off. Lord Forenque thought that it was going to bear a little investigating and mentioned so.

With a quick whisper the magnificent torch turned back into a torch that you would expect to see in, well it wouldn’t look out of place in a tavern. When he placed it in my hands I felt a warm tingle run through me. I immediately placed it in the container that he had prepared for it and I placed it in my backpack.

Lord Forenque then smiled again and said I believe you still owe me a story, and nodded to the silver torch
sitting on the ground behind me, I picked it up and passed it to him, and he murmured that it was one indeed, and I replied one what. He hefted the torch into the light so it sparked and simply said, they are an extra protection for the places holding the Relics of his Lord of Light Osiris, one of these almost held off a horde of demons by itself. I whistled in appreciation and he handed it back to me, it did in the end fail, but it wasn’t just a random bandit raid either. Overkill joined in and guessed that it was the obelisk, from which the skull was taken, and Lord Forenque smiled again and nodded and said that even though the attack seemed to be done by black ships trying to increase the power of the western navy, the attack itself had a darker purpose, but that is a story for another day, then looked back at me. If you get the chance you should ask the Guardians themselves, as they will be able to tell you more, and then he looked back at me and smiled the Story, Lord Forenque prompted as I was staring at the torch with new appreciation.

Well, I said, there isn’t really much of a story, while travelling on Rogtilda in the South, I had a holy dream vision, and when I awoke I had this and a feather. He nodded, glanced over at the hole in the ceiling and said “You should probably be on your way, and I have work to do”.

We nodded, we were escorted out again and surprisingly nobody mentioned the hole in the roof. Once there it was a quick walk over to the temple of Isis, whom were waiting for us with a magnificent golden torch, which I packed carefully into my satchel. We then left for the gates, and our wagon that we had left there. The walk back was yet again filled with people waving and following us, on the way Azariel got some doves and we continued until we made the gates, and bid civilisation adieu, even if only for a few days, as it was only going to take about a week to get to Lopania.

The day we left was a beautiful day in the middle twenties, with a nice cool breeze coming off the ocean, with the odd white puffy cloud wandering across the sky like a sheep looking for a better grazing spot.
Azariel was riding his magnificent horse, and I joined Xerx’ses on at the front, whilst the rest of us scrambled up onto the back of the wagon and made themselves comfortable, the first mile or so of road was cobbled, which would have been more helpful except for he flocks of people heading into Sekti-Abtu for the Festival of the Pantheon of Ra. Eventually we got free of the crowds and the rest of the day was relaxing, and during the afternoon Asher used his magic prowess to make a magical gem of resistance to fire, and handy item if there ever was one. We camped for the night, lamenting again the lack of a decent cook and that night Caminata took to the dark, and came back after midnight with talismans of protection from witches. The next day went peaceably enough, and it was warmer, making it to the higher 20’s, and even though it was a dirt track, it was wide and the occasional other group passed easily. The place we stopped at was nice enough, tea was ok again, which is funny considering the magical power in the group, we can slay demons and burn breakfast, all in a days work. While contemplating on how best to fight the evil waiting for us a Lopania, I was blindsided by one of the hardest to detect evils, that which we brought ourselves.

Azariel wanted to summon a Raksasha to get it to make some scrolls and things for us.

I was gobsmacked, stunned and horrified all at once. Demons and Devils are an evil that should never be brought to Palladium, as even if you are successful once or twice, they always get free, or so the stories say, and they are malevolent beings only existing to cause suffering. I could understand maybe summoning one if we had no other choice, but to summon one just for scrolls that we could get from other resources, including one we had just left was yet again stunning. I tried convincing them that it was wrong, and against the law, but I didn’t know that for sure, but evil begets evil. This would be something that we paid for, either now or later, the argument for it was that the ends justified the means, especially as the risk was low, but my knowledge of demons told me that if Azariel failed to gain control over it, Xerx’ses or I could banish it, but banish also only had a chance of working, so we were going to try and summon corruptors of souls for our own ends, believing that they couldn’t corrupt/trick or overpower us, and that our protections against it would be enough. That is pretty much how every story about the evil summoner getting eaten by his pet demon and it then killing everyone in the area starts.

The worst thing was we can’t guarantee that it won’t escape, as it could break out of Azariel’s magic bindings, throw off the power of mine and Xerx’ses banishing’s and either attack us or leave, and even If that didn’t happen they have the power to dimensional teleport to places they have been, and could just wait a day after we left and eat everyone in the area, and It was just our hope of them not wanting to do that to stop them from actually doing that that they thought was enough.

Whats the worst that this thing could do ? He certainly looks friendly enough to never come back to play with his food without permission from a person

It came down to a vote, an actual vote sullied my soul, I have now worked with the forces of Ultimate evil, it might not have been fully willingly, but I should have done what my instincts said to do and stopped it and walked away, even if the gods had punished me with death I would still go to the afterworld with my soul clean, now, unless the gods intervene, since we have broken laws that should not be broken will I be destined for hell. I could have stopped it, I know Oathbringer has taken down a Defiler, it could do the same to a member of Crisis, and even if they didn’t know it I would be doing them a favour, as they would die without this blemish on their souls, but no, the gods had given us a great mission, and if this travesty was going to be stopped it would have to be stopped by the gods. May the Gods forgive us all.

The votes started, obviously Azariel said yes, and I wasn’t much surprised when Asher said yes, as their race is a violent one and they think of these things a little differently, then the surprises started, Xerx’ses said yes, his race was a violent one but he was the one I looked to as the moral compass of the party, If a party member was going to do evil he normally would have made his displeasure known. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t in some sort of nightmare, he said that he trusted Azariel in what he was doing, even if he didn’t like it, Overkill agreed with Xerx’ses, and Caminata looked very uncomfortable, and sort mumbled yes, but then straight afterwards showed her distaste of the idea by leaving the area. I looked around at my friends and thought to myself, how could we have strayed so far, I was here to help lead them back to holiness, but here we are, taking the express elevator to hell. It might be stopping a few times on the way so the destination wasn’t immediately apparent buts that’s where it is was destined.

I voted no, the only one of us voted not to dally with demons. I know as much about demons as does Azariel, but I haven’t been tainted by actually learning to summon them and they trusted the person who had never wanted to do this before, but now suddenly did. We could now no longer say to people to lead yourself to the light do as we do now, Xerx’ses and Asher had managed to drag themselves up out of the viciousness of their races to become paragons of their kind, showing that even the darker races can see the light, Overkill had given up his Pirating ways and Azariel had buried this aspect deep inside him. I thought about it for a bit, he had recently been to the Empire of Sin to learn about diabolism, something over there must have awoken his dark side, as he never even mentioned the idea of summoning a demon before he left that I can remember, and he hasn’t talked about being taken by the agent, maybe that is what broke the barriers he had put up.
Not that it mattered, the sacrifice of a few doves and 15 minutes setup and he was ready to go, I grabbed Oathbringer and the 3 Sisters of Dawn, Xerx’ses, Overkill and Asher readied themselves as well.

It was quicker than I expected, Azariel chanted, no that is too long a time, he muttered some world shaking words, that more sprung into existence rather that rolling of his tongue, and then 30 seconds later a portal ripped open and a demon stepped through, just like that, I raised the three sisters, Azariel looked as if he was concentrating terribly and the demon roared out its frustration, and I could only agree with it, I raised my weapon and Azariel banished it, for it wasn’t magical enough to do the scrolls. 3 times we repeated this process on the way to Winterfrost, 3 times we tried to damn our souls. The last demon summoning was a bit of a heartstopper as it looked as if it was getting away, but that was just Xerx’ses banishment taking hold, and Azariel still managed to banish it with the magics that come with summoning. The bandits and other travails on the road paled in comparison to what we were doing (even though there was a group of Adram, weird fairy like beings the are proud as peacocks and ugly, real ugly, but if you are nice to them they leave you alone, they took an extreme shine to Xerx’saes and Overkill, mostly from Overkills and Xerx’ses compliments and decided that we were worthy of their interest and jumped into the wagon, Asher said that they would be tasty so one of them grabbed him and he magically threw it off the cart, I made one seasick and the sight of us, and what had happened to them seemed to break their morale because they fled). Before Azariel managed to get the demon he wanted we stopped off at Winterfrost, a small town on the way, that may or may not had dwarven roots, we gathered supplies and some long hooded cloaks because I thought it was best for us to sneak in as the Agent had had months to plan his campaign here waiting for us, and everywhere else we have gone solid walls and good magic protections haven’t been enough to stop the Agent, so every tavern and resting place supplied to us by either of the companies will have been compromised by spies at best, or a death trap at worst. I even bought a load full of vegies for the wagon to help with our disguise, and while a couple of the others were out looking around I made some sketches and we headed off again.

Then a day out of Lopania Azariel managed to summon a Raksasha, and started commanding it to do the scrolls he wanted it to, and as expected the demon made it as hard as possible, until I mentioned to Oathbringer about slaying a Demon, that was a mistake as the next three days were her asking, complaining, whining and commanding me to kill it, what’s worse I agreed with her. Once the commands had been given it was down to us to pick the scrolls we wanted, we had put our immortal souls in peril by dealing with the Devil, and Azariel didn’t have a clear idea of what he wanted from it and that we could help choose, which was thoughtful of him I guess, except that he was asking a Priest of Light to ask for things made by an enslaved Demon, I didn’t answer at first but then mumbled off some random ones. Since we had gone this far and hadn’t been punished maybe a scroll of resurrect that would work might make all this worth it.

On the 8th of Ra we rolled into the outskirts of Lopania, and there were all sorts of people milling about, we even saw some of the High Elves from Phi walking about looking graceful and beautiful, drawing the eye of most all around them. Its was a bit funny to watch, men would adjust their belts and shirts, and women would check their hair and brush invisible (and sometimes not so invisible) specks of dust off their dresses.
The place was already crowded and this was outside of the town proper, but luckily we found an empty spot to setup our tent on the main road close to the main entrance from this road and setup wagon to display our wares. Next to us was an Ogre doing Tattoo’s, and on the other side some sort of healer. Azariel introduced himself to the Ogre, and managed to get himself into some sort of mercantile agreement with the Ogre involving Tattoo’s, so I thought I’d check out the healer next door. She happened to be a very beautiful healer that used a strange and ancient magic, thanks to Caminata who gave me a friendly nip on the leg I even got to see it used close at hand, and she tried her hardest to get me alone at some Tavern for dinner that night in town, and didn’t seem happy that I wasn’t real enthusiastic about it. I agreed to go to dinner, maybe Azariel would be able to discreetly enchant her to see and hear what she says while I distract her at the dinner table, because as far as it goes, I’m not the most handsome of fellows, not even close, and she seemed pretty keen to get me alone.

We agreed to a time and I left, and went back to the camp, and mentioned what had happened. Asher and Overkill had went into town to get some gems for more fire resistance gems and maybe see the lay of the land.

Over the afternoon I started feeling unwell, and when the Druid checked my leg it was blackening where the healer had “healed” me, and Xerx’ses determined that there was definitely a magical component to my ailment, luckily Caminata drew out a small Holy Relic and touched it to me, and the sickness that was clouding my mind cleared, and as I write this Xerx’ses is preparing himself to go over and give some payback, Loyal friend that he is, but maybe our best bet would be try to show her the error of her ways and convert her to the light. Turning one of the Agents spies would be preferable to killing her at the moment as we might be able to find out from her how she contacts the agent, because I’m sure that he is here on Lopan as we speak. This would be too complicated a venture to leave to underlings. I am looking forward to sticking something sharp and pointy into his eyes. Preferably Oathbringer, but a fork would do in a pinch.

P.S. If you can think of any scripture or stories that I can tell my friends to show how dangerous the waters we are sailing in it would be much appreciated, I don’t think they understand that if we weren’t Crisis and this was the Southern Lands I would be hunting us down to bring us to Divine Justice for our transgressions

Written on the afternoon 8th of RA by Indaris Excellar
and yes the leg hurts. Nasty bit of magic that.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official log from our game on 6/21/14, by the longest serving member of CrIsis, Overkill the Dwarf, former pirate. The game ended with the opening ceremonies of the Lopanic Games.

"Pregame Events"


I want to tell you of the crazy things that happened prior to the games; there were drinking parties and lots of deceit. The pregame stuff has been pretty crazy; got arrested, ran from arrest and when we got back we bumped into Azarael’s mom er… wife(?) It was crazy. One minute hes ok, then he’s calling for arrest of a woman that I have not seen. The arrest was denied. Then again I thought perhaps there was some weight to it on both ends; no witnesses, except us, and even we were not completely privilege to the whole story. Some of the things that happened in Western Empire, one day, we’ll get the whole story.

Our group wanted to set up walls so that we would not be looted. There was some suspicious characters in the make shift store next to us. They could have been related to the witch (remember she was an actual witch not a witch with a B) Thankfully when she died last night there was nobody but those guys kept looking at us with such suspicion it’s only natural that we would want walls.

Well we split up to get a tent, looked around for a hotel and selling the vegetables. Caminata, Xerx’ses and I went down to a famous hotel in the region called Ras Magiras. It turns out to be a real snazzy place with guards and some of the most wealthiest people in the region attending among them the reporter. When we originally got there the guards were real jerks. I don’t know if it was about our druid being in wolf form or what but as soon as she was identified, suddenly everyone all peachy. I hate this place. I am not sure if they have a problem with elves and dwarves in their towns or if they are just naturally douche bags. For example the guards pretend to know only Eastern when we got there but when the druid is introduced They all know Elven. See what I mean. Suddenly the house minister and his maitre’d are all full of kind words and with open arms. There is food, wine (and I have a story about that), magic lights, the finest silks from South Winds; the place was crawling with wealth. There were porters, bards, musicians’ writers, theologians and politicians all over the place and adventurers… didn’t belong; it bothered me.

While we were away those troublemakers from the other came by and… well… caused trouble. It turns out their names were Joe, Malah and Rahl, competitors from our try outs. In a verbal fight they told us that they would ‘kick our asses’. They were looking for a fight and one of us said that that fight would have to wait. If they really were as good as they said then they would show it on the field; clever.

Azariel registered with a magic user and when he got back, though the details were vague, he noted that the tent they registered in disappeared when they were done; pretty cool.

Gold Coast Trading Company wanted to meet with me finally for something that I had done only a few days before where I went into Karowyn’s. At first the pompous stood to his whole 6’3” after asking me to sit down. This oaf wanted to do some serious power tripping (apparently it works with humans). He barked some ‘requests’ and tells me that it will be done blah blah blah…. It was then I exploded and jumped to my feet, kicked out his legs so that he was on all fours and I started barking my own orders into his face. He didn’t dare wipe the saliva from his face as I told him who I was and what I was going to do and that he was never to give me an ‘request’ again! There was a hint of the smell of waste as I am sure that he soiled himself. I walked out with the assistant wondering what had happened in that room. Should of stuck around because apparently a Changling went into the place disguised as me and took that mans leg. I’ll explain later. In the meantime I am sure that no one will ever give CrIsis a hard time from Gold Coast though I will have to talk to the leader of Gold Coast because my outburst and temporary warrant should have raised alarm and threatened my involvement in the games.

Azariel the elf was able to get us our security for our tent at a place called Galthor’s Guards. It was then that Xerx’ses wanted to read the contract. He had little experience with human law and wanted to read the agreement.

When I got back with the others, there was a ‘reporter(?)’ that wanted to interview me and all those involved in the games. To be honest, I was suspicious but it turned out ok. Jaymus Murray was very polite and really eager to find out technique and sporting style. It took a bit of the day and finally when the day was setting to a close we had to meet ‘the reporter’. She hadn’t changed. Her demeanor was so jaded I really didn’t want to talk. She was the opposite of James style, intrusive, brash and interruptive, granted I thought she was a dwarf for a moment. Please keep her name to yourself so that her reputation isn’t tarnished by this letter. She is kind but just… different.

While she was interviewing a imperial psychic asked to interview me about an incident. I had made the mistake with Gold Coast being alone with someone. I hope to never do it again. Remember that incident with the administrator getting his leg cut off? Well I was prime suspect one. Caminata accompanied me for the interrogation and to be honest I was grateful for the chance to escape.

That night, I spent in jail as per our agreement with the empress of this place. Thurgood Andress, or as I know him, Spazz was not happy with the government’s decision and wanted to put us in jail and throw away the key I am certain of it. Caminata wanted to heal wounds and was willing to offer an apology but I really am not going to do any more kissing hinny; Eastern Territories will just have to show some… augh… I can’t find the words.

On the morning of the 11th, we took some fresh spirits; there was music and poetry. Ms Hoppner’s (you perhaps have heard of her and her work) interview was sent out in a pigeon to the world. We each spent time doing various things; I for example spent time in the hotel away from the Eastern Territory while Caminata and Xerx’ses spent time with the people selling goods at our make shift food plot; Azariel learned magic and Indaris taught children to pray and have fun. It was like this for days.

One of the things that is going to get me in the most trouble is Eastern Territories Rosewood Wine (come to think of it was it that wine I had with Mary?). I forgot how dwarves are affected by it. Most of the next few days were a blur. Though I spent part of the time talking to locals and kissing babies I was drunk most of the time and Rosewood Wine is not good for dwarves. It makes us very amorous and like catnip, stupid and eager to screw anything with two legs. In four days I had sex with every dwarf that was willing; Honeysuckle got in at least two or three times. Oh Thoth I am sure that I am going to regret it. Please don’t publish this part. I want children to believe in heroes, priests to believe in the Gods choices and Mary to believe in me.

On the 15th some days later (and more sober I might add) some of us were turned into mice tons of us were, well not all of us thank Thoth.

The next day was no different. I went to the Naval College and got some maps and talked to some old ‘friends’. I just hope that I remember the promise that I made to get Jame Khejas’ brother in giant country. I also gave some info on the treasure trove on the island of the woolly dragon and in exchange I got those maps that I need. One of those maps are gold and will help us get around Western Empire water routes.

The 17th was interesting because two great heroes showed up. Sir Quixis and Master Terramore showed up and shook hands and talked to the team. Over the next couple of days Terramore shows his talent and it changes people. They’re healed and perform better etc. Caminata took some time to get to know the guy and though Overkill was not there he would have been there if he could have been.

A week later, we saw Asher. Holy Moley! That poor guy was busting a gut and splitting his pants! He had put on so much weight his clothes literally didn’t fit. It had just torn free and there he was in all of his old wrinkling ‘beauty’. Some of the fat had pulled the wrinkles tight and in his embarrassment he just farted and this was not no ordinary fart, it was a fart that would end a marriage. If the food had not been blessed it would of wilted from the smell. Good Thoth.

The following night a black fairie attacked us. I was certain that it was from the neighbors but I could not prove it. I was losing my mind again and began to drink the wine. Damn I was screwing again. I got to get out of this place and away from this wine. I woke up days later in a daze. Who knew what I was doing?

Seven days later on the last day of the month we finely made an effort to get rid of that torch. I was glad for the chance. The torch had not given us trouble but we had not picked up on the clue that we were being set up. That guard that was paid off for heavens sakes was greeting us at the door. We should of seen the ruse that was coming. A fight in the throne room and a meeting with a Changling that was the jerk that set me up. I was just glad for the chance to get justice. I wanted to get even… I am only grateful that the empress dropped the charge of attempted murder and was able to clear all this up.

I’ll explain. When we arrived we got escorted up to the room and what appeared was the woman that we were seeking presented herself and asked for the torch. We handed it over but asked for her to prove herself by igniting the torch. Immediately we knew that there was a problem when the ‘light’ that came from the torch didn’t ignite our rings that mysteriously glow when the torch is ignited. We attacked and she summoned her crew. They didn’t even have a chance. Less than a minute later bodies were on the ground broken but not lost and all surrendered. They should of seen it coming as we started we had what Chip would have called a epic pose with a dwarf in between a kodiak bear and minotaur. We were in such a heroic pose for a moment that it was epic… till the kobald broke wind. A moment after the thought of the end of the fight, It was then I learned that one of them was the Changling. I raced to take them out and was pinned down by Xerx’ses. It was good that he did. I am certain that I would have murdered the bastard in cold blood. I have a lot to answer for but thanks to CrIsis, I have kept my sanity and compass of right. Thanks guys and Thoth.

Written by Overkill on the 1st of Thoth the 1st year of King Wilgan.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games begin here- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

First, from Xerx'ses the Minotaur, who is going to competing in both the Pentathlon and the Dueling.
"The Lopanic Games Open"

Now on to the Lopanic Games!

~ The 1st of THOTH ~

After the ‘Opening Ceremonies’ and word from my brother I turned to Brother Indaris, knelt and made a prayer, ‘’I am bad at prayers when I come up with them, I hope I am doing you proud and have met the Soldiers Of The Torch, knowing that I helped to inspire their creation fills me with hope I am doing your good work. Another band sets forth to try and reclaim thy temple in Troker, my brother among them. I know the gods do so much for us we never see and most fail to understand as just coincidence. I know you take an active hand and may that hand guide them safely to Troker so they may continue to bring thine light to dark places of the world.’’

Looking at the good priest I asked, “You think it was okay?”

He replied with a suprised look, "You are one of her champions, priestly intervention is helpful to bring a community together in prayer, trust me when I say she is listening to your own personal prayers. Try not to start with I’m bad at prayers even if you are, but the gods would prefer a badly worded but heartfelt prayer, rather than a very pretty but empty prayer. That was a heartfelt prayer, and the gods would recognize that. If you do it every day it does get easier. If you want I can get you to lead a talk and prayer at the next gathering I’m at, and people will listen.

Looking like someone had just slapped me I was stunned by his reply. "I’d love to talk to the group you select, just tell me if I need to use Hooman disguise, " and standing, “we should help get Overkill ready for his debut to the world.”

The good priest smiled at me and said, “Brother Xerx’ses, I would be honored for you to come and talk as you have a very special view of the world with your personal experiences, and I believe your experiences could help others. Hopefully your disguise won’t be needed everywhere but here I do believe you will give a bigger impression as yourself.” Then Indaris laughs and say’s, “I think you might have that backwards, I think we need to get the world ready, if possible, as Overkill will probably try to head-butt it into submission!”

Onward, we tried to head off to the rowing event. However, first we headed to Titan Park to take the ‘Oath’ in front of the statue of Rurga Truthsayer. Then the statue was imbued with the Truthsayer’s power and the statue spoke, “Remember all that give an oath to me and break it will die.” Looking around we members of CrIsis noticed some people had vanished at the oath. Then was the great line for exiting Titan Park where they went over event ‘specific rules’ for each person as they left and verified their identity. We were told of there would be celebration party that evening for competitor’s and a guest for each in Alliance Park. None of us opted to go afraid that we would be targets for ‘altered’ food and drinks. I was worried Master Overkill would screw someone from another team and get disqualified.

Brother Indaris, Sister Caminata, and I were about to head to the Religious Sector to pay homage to the gods when Master Overkill said he needed me to go with him and meet Mikala at the Ras Magiras hotel. I thought again with this bloody hotel, just make it with more towers and call it a summer castle. I read that in a book on the History of Wisdom, though I have never seen a summer castle. The group started arguing about whether it was safe, a trap, was this the real Mikala. I had raised my hand to mention that maybe we could forgo any fees by just transferring accounts and give them the money as a thank you for all the work they had done for CrIsis. Soon other members spoke up about investments of coin and time. I also was ignored for the same reason I watch to not step on small folk. My raised hand was 3-4 feet above their heads they never saw it. Eventually, it was decided we would meet up in an hour at the tavern where Master Overkill cheated on his lifemate, but opted for some other location. After warning him about getting hooked up with some slut I noticed he checked more than a few of the fasteners on his golden armor. On we went and since the start of the ‘Games’ I have been able to ditch the disguise of a Hooman via magic. You know short people aren’t bad, having had to be one for weeks on end each day I can see benefits and consequences to each size. Seems I learned something today, Master A’zad would be proud I think.

Master Overkill entered the room of Mikala’s office/suite with a sense of hesitancy. I stayed outside just in case their was a demon or other evil changeling try and trick us by dividing us up into smaller groups to deal with. At one point I heard wood cracking at one point and was being prepared with Carpet of Adhesion spell so I could stop the ruckus and let everyone calm down. I was thrilled to find out soon afterwards that I heard laughter then more talking (to low to make out what was said). Until I heard the shout…

…‘ave you ever seen a mole hill?’…

…now no fighting came but I again had readied the spell holding the last syllable as long as I could before releasing the energy once more. Mikala escorted Master Overkill out and made his salutations to me when I greeted them. Master Overkill looked stunned when the door closed behind him. I looked at him and asked, “What’d he say?”

The dwarf replied, “I… I’ll tell you on the way back to the vegetables.”

He told everyone about his agreement and we understood. I then brought up going to the religious corner because of something Rod Rambler had said to me once regarding prayer and the Games. My personal differences aside when advice is good you should follow it even if you are not fond of the choices a person makes. Good advice is what it is, good, and therefore important to warrant adherence to. I explained that I was going to perform a vigil for the Lawgiver in the temple for the Cult of the Great One. This ‘Cult’ is the world wide faction of the Church of Light dedicated to Osiris and the prophecy of his resurrection. I prayed and read what books they would lend me as I sat at the main alter and hovered over where I had lain Uraeus’ Fang upon it. I was dedicating my time in the games to the Glory of Osiris as the world renowned bard had suggested we might do as others before us had to their chosen faiths. I had even taken it a step farther, before I had left Sekti-Abtu I had my father and the Master Dwarf smith of the Church of Light repair and alter my suit of tempered bronze scale armor. It now has scales to make it look like golden snake skin my my sword’s namesake, Ra’s golden cobra, Uraeus!

The old Kobold (whom is still 300lbs heavier due to a scroll mishap, and don’t remind me of the time I turned myself pink for a week) stayed with me for my vigil, I was honored he has a giant heart. I overheard Brother Indaris say he was visiting the other temples of Ra’s Pantheon to give them each a Dragon Coin of the lost Elven Empire. I gave my last Dragon Coin to the temple and realized I have had so much money past through my hands its value to me was transitory at best. The longer I prayed over the day and read the scriptures of the Lawgiver all I could think of was poor Rod Rambler. He and Mikala were heroes of an age still talked about and dreamed of yet this difference of viewpoint had poisoned them both. I again felt drawn to try and pray for them:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I hope this prayer to you all finds its words pleasing I have been listening to the good Brother and trying to phrase it as he does.

Your servent now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

Then dawn came and Ra’s eye cast its heavenly gaze bring us forth from vigil, slumber, and any other form of rest to begin the GAMES!!!

~ The 2nd of THOTH / Day One of the Competitions ~

There were two events today going on one after the other. First was the Rowing competition Master Overkill was competing in the single man event of this segment. Many times I have been in awe of a Dwarf taking to water even on Rogtilda, but what I saw this day was just him, his oars, and a boat loaned to him! Boots, breaches, and salt-stained tri-ponted black hat he loves so much and refuses to replace sat down to show the “kids how its done” he murmured.

Then event took place INDOORS!!!!!!

The stadium among the “Arenas of Light” called the “IPPODROME” was big enough to have a field 600 feet long by the Dwarven measuring standards and 200 feet across!!! THEN THEY FLOODED THE WHOLE FLOOR OF THE FIELD!!!!! It was no different than an underground lake! Each of the three round was was three complete laps around the outer edge of the watery field.

Then Overkill stood out cleared the air for all listening, oh and did I mention there were over 10,000 people in the seats this was a instant city!!!!!!!! I cannot fathom how much the games disrupt life in so many cities around Palladium! Clearly, the world is far bigger than even I have seen and I have teleported, walk, sailed, and flown over the southern half of it!

Overkill cleared his throat and spoke…

I am Overkill of CrIsis! CrIsis has in the past done business with Karowyn’s and Gold Coast. We bear no ill will toward Karowyn’s but Gold Coast has stepped up and sponsored us for the games. We will be transferring our book sales to them and use them exclusively for our commerce endeavors from now on!

There was a nod shared between the Dwarf mariner and the aged Elf Merchant.

A fire bolt was shot into the sky from a rod held by a judge to start the competition. Watching the first three laps of round one you would have thought the others didn’t even know how to row a boat (although, come to think of it I didn’t know how to row a boat so maybe I can compete next time, hmmm)!! His opponents though in the second round of three laps seemed to let loose more but with a tiny point of luck on his side Master Overkill pulled his boat ahead by an arm’s length to win the second round! I thought the thunder of the gods had descended from on high as 10,000 screaming fans were RRROOAARRRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“OVERKILL, OVERKILL, OVERKILL,” echoing so much giants could have invaded Lopan and no one would know! Round three’s last set of laps seemed to be looking like another close finish and this time Overkill was not leading the pack, however, as they ran into the last lap he HEAVED so hard jutting his boat forward and cracking the seat he was on! On broken board he kept his strokes even but with every ounce of strength and as he passed us his face was red and temples throbbing! He pulled it out in the end by 8 meters according to the Elven measurment system FOR THE WIN!!!

THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE AND CHEERS were all I could here for several minutes! Then as the ability to hear ANYTHING else came back the top three were taking their place on the winner’s podium with Master Overkill at the top. The Dwarf received his golden feather as did the silver and bronze winners. Then horror struck Master Overkill as he had to sing the Anthem of the Eastern Territories! Walking out on stage now was Commander Terramore and they sang together. Really the good bard just drowned out Master Overkill saving him any embarrassment from his voice cracking and getting heckled.

Kingdoms of the East; The Lands that I call home! Kingdoms OF the East, Kingdoms OF The East! The Land that I call home!

From Sweet Creek to New Crest’s Ports, From Haven to Llorn; Our providence given, and destiny manifest! Long live the kings, their subjects and their heirs. For the Father country we shed tears!

Kingdoms of the East; The Lands that I call home! Kingdoms OF the East, Kingdoms OF The East! The Land that I call home!

You could tell everyone in the stands that was a member of the Territories as they were singing along. For a small moment no one hated anyone, well not openly at least.

Later that day I snuck away in Hooman guise to watch the Hurdles at the Juggernaut Stadium. No one from CrIsis was competing but I didn’t know if they would ever let me back so I wanted to see it ALL!!! I wore one of the nice outfits I got the night of the dinner with Miss Hoppner. It was a set of of very nice court clothing an Eastern nobleman might have. There is a white and black theme to the clothing with small Ankh’s embroidered along the outer edges, white ankh’s on black pieces and black ankh’s on the white parts. I ended up sitting with some young acolyte priests of Horus and they treated me like a noble when I mentioned my father worked in Arms and Armor portion of the Church in Sekti-Abtu. I would be lying if I said I really watched the match, I was enthralled with all the people Hoomans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs (bodyguards for some), Goblins selling food to the crowd and ducking between them the way hoomans do to us and we to giants! When one Goblin merchant fell over spilling his strapped tray of food wares I helped him up and SO MANY people seemed struck awe at my kindness and disgust I would stoop so low. I gave him 176 in Eastern gold so he could hopefully buy more with for the tray and didn’t loose any money.

When one of the Acolytes of Horus asked why I intervened for a measly goblin I told him, “All creatures that can bask in the light of Ra were his creatures, and they deserve to be shone that all races can share its warmth.” When he was stunned and about to attempt a retort I told him Brother Indaris of CrIsis told me that himself. The Acolytes wouldn’t let me pay for anything the rest of the event. I think I managed to fit in for once. That night I again felt drawn to try and pray for Rod Rambler and Mikala:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I hope this prayer to you all finds its words pleasing I have been listening to the good Brother and trying to phrase it as he does.

Your servent now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

~ The 3rd of THOTH / Day Two of the Competitions ~

There were six events today but they ran them in pairs so people had to pick which of each group they wanted to see. First two events on board split CrIsis apart and I wouldn’t to see my little buddy, Master Tyrvernos or Master Azariel compete in the first part the Mage’s Tri-Athalon:

The Freestyle Deathmatch!

What made me want to go more is I heard they were going to face the same Hydra I lost to in Wisdom, because no one wanted to work together! I told our leader I would wish him luck but I knew his mettle, and he needed no such hopeful accolades.

I was right they are among four mages that made it through to the next round! The spectator in me wanted to see if the battle was in the water or how they covered it up because that event was also held in the Ippodrome from the day before! Since we were running against the same time slot for the mage’s battle you could see spots in the top of the stands that were empty. Funny thing I have been looking to see my first Wolfen that is suppose to be here, but I have not seen him yet. Now we still had quite the attendance and I would guess eight to nine thousand. There was nearly 18,000 watching the mages battle it out and some idiots tried climbing the outside of the arena because they could afford seats and fell to their deaths!!! Unbelievable!!!

My trials to see whom would end up in the final eight for the Pentathlon was held in the stadium called: The Lopanic Bowl. This grueling set of qualifiers took nearly the whole day but I made it into the final eight! This also caused me to miss out on seeing:

Weightlifting, which ran against Freestyle Derby,
and Gymnastics, which ran against Freestyle Javelin.

It is now I should point out that they had events in Pentathlon that at first seemed to have duplicate events, but I was mistaken. There would be a match for Javelin throwing outside of the Pentathlon for that specific event. I would only win a golden feather if I won the ‘Five’ events associated with the Pentathlon. Not for each event and the Pentathlon.

Just to push those that had qualified we ‘eight’ were expected to preform the first of the five competitions of the Pentathlon, the Long Jump. This event was one of my better events to perform in since I never scored less than 5 meters according to Elven measurements. I did far better and won the first of the five events and the standings at the end of the day were:

Xerx’ses – 8 points
Foster – 7 points
Cobert – 6 points
Joe – 5 points
Sir Palomedes – 4 points
Blaife – 3 points
Rahl – 2 points
Arleep – 1 points

That night I once more felt the urge to thank the Lords of Light for the people in my life helping me get here and pray for Rod Rambler and Mikala:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank my mother and 1st father, thank Luur’na for being kind and caring, wish her and Zeelik centuries of happiness and many children. Mergerij for helping to train me.

A prayer for Old Gregg for helping me find my way home and helping Zeelik now.

Your servent now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

~ The 4th of THOTH / Day Three of the Competitions ~

Today I headed back to the Ippodrome from two days before and you would have had no idea there is a lake beneath the sands. Master Azariel told me there are great stone slabs that cover it. To see such structures from a time when Elf and Dwarf still called each other friend makes me have hope these games can allow others to see past their worlds and experience a larger friendlier world seeing that other races and nations are not so different as their own.

This was to be my second event of the Pentathlon: Wrestling and since the qualifiers were all done it was just the final eight competing again for points. I the other stadiums their were other events beginning as well, some of them were churning through their qualifiers for the final matches later that day.

Non-Pentathlon Long Jump was back in the Lopanic Bowl.
Something called Freestyle Steeplechase was being held in the Juggernaut where I saw the hurdles two days ago.
Freestyle Stadion racing was held in the FIFTY FLOOR TALL Tower of Angels! My last missive had us here ferreting out and impostor but this is the biggest structure I have ever seen, ever!!!
Discus, Javelin, Archery were being held on different ranges in the stadium known as the Dragon’s Breath. I teased Sister Caminata one of her suitors from Winterhaven would be there. She did not look amused.

On to my second event, I was facing off against a human named Cobert whom had an ugly sneer on his face towards me. I was trying to not scare anyone unduly so I was quiet: no roaring or charging. I think goring my opponent was a disqualifying event. So I just jumped forward when the judge said “FIGHT” and tackled him to the ground! I landed on him so hard he tapped out and healers had to come remove him from the sands on a padded board for such things. The other winners of the Quarter-Finals was Sir Palomedes of the Knights of the Dawn, Foster (currently in second place behind me), and the minion of the dark: Rahl.

Semi-Finals began with a pairing between Rahl and myself. He is a cagey fighter from what I saw in the Quarter-Finals and he is very quick and slippery to hold on to as we had both worked up quite a sweat. Height, weight, and well-timed bursts of speed eventually carried me to victory over Rahl but the truth is the match could have gone either way. He was a worthy opponent even if he fought for evil. I offered him my hand to help him up from the ground after the match. He rolled back on his shoulders and shoved his foot into my crotch and I grimaced but stood and did nothing to him. There was a ringing in my ears that passed shortly. The other winner of the Semi-Finals was Foster and we would face off in the Final Match.

The Final match was not as exciting as Rahl and ended in duration much closer to the Quarter-Final match I had against Cobert. The crowd went wild though and while cautious I offered my hand to Foster whom accepted in nodding to me. I knew that nod, the one that said – one mistake and I can take this from you. At the end of this day the Pentathlon points stand as follows:

Xerx’ses – 16 points
Foster – 14 points
Cobert – 10 points
Sir Palomedes – 9 points
Rahl – 8 points
Joe – 7 points
Blaife – 4 points
Arleep – 4 points

I managed to get away and a ‘Cleanse Spell’ later I was dressing for my Hooman disguise and went to see the Finals in 200 Meter Archery. Using yet another set of very nice traveling clothes a noble explorer of the Old Kingdom land of Sulestan might have I got there as the archers lined for for the final volleys and I saw Master Ylren win!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved cheering and hugged two or three other spectators singing along in Elven to the Anthem of the Eastern Territories and the Island of Phi as he was given his GOLD FEATHER!!!!!!!

WOW just what a day after stopping off at the temple to pray again for thanks, Rod Rambler, and Mikala I wandered quietly among the crowds listening to how they saw everything! Finally my greatest chance to mingle among other races and understand them on their level. After two hours I made my way to the Tavern where Caminata was earning quite the reputation as the traveling minstrel. Others in CrIsis were there and soon they noticed me smiling in a corner people watching. This one night even Master Asher’s story time couldn’t match up to seeing so many people carousing, happy, and not a care about race or nation.

I am blessed.

Xerx’ses … Name in progress … ,
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games begin here- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

This is the official log, from our newest member, Caminata the female elf Druid

"And Let the Games Begin"


Finally after torturous days wasting about the city only broken by drama and thank all the gods Terramore Gleba it was the day of the opening ceremony. Asher insisted on borrowing Xerxses for a morning jog which seems destined to become a regular routine before we headed off. The opening ceremony itself was carried out from a balcony perched high above us on the side of a fifty story tower (overcompensating much city dwellers). Framed on either side by the proud three ringed games flag and the Lopanic cauldron, Rod Rambler was given the honour of lighting the true torch as recently rescued by us.
After the lighting ceremony competitors were ushered away to Titan park for a swearing of the oath of truth, “for the glory of the Alliance”, and once inside a cordon was quickly erected and over seen by an elderly gentlemen with a wagon carrying a large crystal. Later as recounted by our competing CrIsis members whose story seemed slightly preposterous(if I wasn’t getting use to stranger things I would have doubted them), they told me they were made to read aloud the rules to the statue there of Rurga who acknowledged with a bare nod which seemed to startle many of the officiators. The statue then went on to speak a warning of death to those who would break the rules. When I questioned the man next to me about the rules he acted kind off shirty but I eventually discovered among the other inane rules that no women were allowed, I very nearly lost my cool if not for representing Crisis I think “A Western werewolf in Lopan” may have been the next big headline. I could taste the metallic tang of blood in my mouth where I bit down hard and tried to distract myself watching the old man with one hand on the crystal talking with each competitor in turn as they left the park. I’m guessing Azariel was not pleased with his conversation as the peeved look on his face and the deliberately placed wards sending the surrounding crowd into various colours seemed a directed insult at the old man from the bow and the wink in his direction. Likewise Overkill didn’t seem much happier with the gentleman’s gestures at his armour. The competitors were then invited to a VIP only party afterwards but all of our elite CrIsis athletes forgo the offer to pursue other matters and game preparations. Azariel took the brief opportunity to tells us about an overheard conversation from the eye tile with Helara Hoppner. Apparently Karowyn’s intended to dump our accounts and charge us exorbitantly for their transfer. It was not a pleasant bit of information and from the spluttered expletives from the priest I felt their very souls in jeopardy. It was also brought up that the tile had gone dark. I mourned the loss of the resource but felt a twinge of guilt at secreting it on the reporter even for the sake of our security. Some discussion was had on how to handle the situation and Azariel took ownership of setting up a independent porter system for the accounts should it prove more financially viable. I glazed over a bit not really having the depth of knowledge in these matters, a rabbit for in trade for a hot meal is about as much as I’d ever felt need for before now. Overkill tried to slip away during the discussion pulling Xerxes with him. As you can imagine secreting a minotaur away is not a job for the amateur. When pressed he told us he’d been summoned to a meeting with a man named Mikala whom apparently was known to some of the party members, and recently been abducted and swapped for an imposter then presumably found. The situation was wholly dubious and known of us liked letting him go in alone but he is a grown man for all his spontaneous stupidity sometimes. We eventually let him go with the warning for his host that we would come rescue him if we didn’t see him safe within the hour and a blessing from Indaris on his dagger to warn of evil as best to prepare him as we could. After another discussion we decided to wait for him at our stall rather than the lovers leap, (we didn’t want to tempt Overkills chastity) and spent the time erecting a sign to let our patrons know the party would be elsewhere for the night. He returned upon the hour Xerxes assuring us he’d passed the sniff test and seemed himself so we resumed our interrupted pursuits. sniff.jpgWe all headed off to the religious district separating out to our various churches, Azarial to the church of the great one, whilst the rest of them settled in at the church of light. Indaris stopped at the donation box on the way in to leave a valuable okdc for each of the gods of light, creating one of his myriad heartfelt prayers at the same time.

“She of the Great Wings and the Scythe of the Moon
I thank thee for the opportunity to serve the against the forces of darkness in the spirit of competition
I thank thee for the strength of arms to fight as well
I thank thee for the agility of mind to turn the plans of the evil ones back upon themselves in these games.”

Before I left them there I saw Xerxes make his own donation before laying down Uraeus’, his weapon on the alter and kneeling down in prayer, I kept their image in my head, the perfect vision of what we could be. I left then with Overkill, him playing my stern protector as I visited the other churches of the light gods searching out the other faithful competitors. I admit turning on a little of the charm that Azariel had been teaching me when approaching each man I recognised and we finished that night securing the promise of the lung if they should win from four of them and another four that would pray on it. I have great confidence that as men of obvious faith that this is a good sign. As for the first four Osiris’ Lung for a date seems a more than fair exchange, but I was awfully relieved the two that asked for a little more than that were willing to adjust their expectations. I had ambitions of visiting more of the churches but was reminded by a grumpy yawn from the dwarf that he had to compete in the morning. Feeling guilty at letting myself forget him and get carried away we retired to the vegetable stall where I guarded his snoring form, although woe betide the thing that tried to wake him that night.

Our first competition for the games was rowing and everyone was super excited, Azariel thrilled the crowds with ingenious fireworks created from coloured wards that flew into the sky dazzling in the morning sun. Overkill’s appearance was greeted with renditions of verse about him at various skill levels. Xerx’ses championed him on with cheers attributed to Mary my shushing’s not effective in dimming his shout, and I hoped the reminder of his recent indiscretion wouldn’t’ distract him from his efforts. Overkill lived up to our hopes moving through his heats and semi ’s whether by photo finishes or explosive leads he came out on top. Before the finals the dwarf caught the attention of the crowd and whilst somewhat shy clearly announced his sole allegiance with Gold Coast. It smelt of politics even from my vantage but people seemed pleased. The final was horribly white knuckled we watched him fall behind two, three, four meters but then he surprised even us putting on an incredibly burst of speed to take the race home by eight meters! Watching him up on the podium receiving his golden leaf wrists tied in red ribbon with his sponsor, we were so proud, watching Overkill choke out the Eastern Territory anthem though may have been even more fun.

Kingdoms of the East;
The Lands that I call home!
Kingdoms OF the East,
Kingdoms OF The East!
The Land that I call home!

From Sweet Creek to New Crest’s Ports,
From Haven to Nim’ro;
Our providence given,
and destiny manifest!
Long live the kings,
their subjects and their heirs.
For the Father country we shed tears,

Kingdoms of the East;
The Lands that I call home!
Kingdoms OF the East,
Kingdoms OF The East!
The Land that I call home!

The others had explained to me his real feelings about the human populaces over the earlier days and I could only laugh happily as I read his expression in a new light, and our first gold!
We must have all been thoroughly exhausted from the excitement because I can’t honestly remember the night, we must have piled in like hapless puppies after the days efforts piling up and snoring in a corner. We woke up early the next day to venture down the Lopanic zoo were Azariel’s and Tyvernos’ challenge was apparently housed. The title “death match” and the explanation of the last thing standing rules against the hydra were quite concerning but when we finally viewed the creature it was magnificent, my mind started whirling, eggs, mating or grown this would be a perfect addition…….No, that was Asher’s’ stern and in a very unarguable voice.

When we arrived back at the competition grounds we found the indoor course where Overkill had won the rowing (yes indoor! did I not mention that before?), had had a stone floor laid over the water and was hosting the death match. The finger wiggling began. The fact that Az and Tyv seemed to wiggle their fingers first did little to reassure me. One man immediately produced multiple images of himself, the arena would only continue to populate as the fight progressed. Tyv was victim to a falling wall straight up(I mean who drops a wall?), and by some luck of the gods after teetering backwards and forwards under the shadow squeezed out of the way unscathed before flying up into the air transformed into a creature of wind. The pace of finger wiggling increased, more copies populated the stadium this time of Azariel before suddenly half the arena went mad. Someone in the crowd whispered the name “world bizarre” and it certainly lived up to the name the competitors seemed to have been immersed in a realm of nightmare, clawed trees grasping around them whilst their fellow athletes turned into monstrous visions with teeth and claws(not quite as scary as me of course when I want to be but impressive nonetheless). The hydra seemed to have been somewhat stunned by its release until now and started to lash about wildly seemingly effected by the same delusion the others were witnessing. Fingers were temporarily shocked into interruption before we noticed a figure appear next to Azariel and gasped a warning knowing full well he couldn’t hear us. Tyv’s familiar phantom friend joined the increasing numbers on the field whilst lighting spears wildly zipped past the hydra(someone should really be ashamed of their aim, I mean it’s a hydra!). Suddenly a riva of lava appeared mind boggling huge and instantaneously killing two of the competitors, returning the stadium to reality. I thought I heard a choked off scream from one of the family before we realised Azariel had already vacated the now molten area flying away unharmed into the air. Tyv lost a few hairs as the hydra let out a barrage of attacks, fire scathing close beside him, Ice shot toward Az but fell short before it could do harm and a cloud effect of some kind enclosed another hapless competitor. Azariel drew his mace free, wildly swinging at the hydra before finally connecting, but if the creature noticed it wasn’t apparent. Tyv appeared to stop to have some kind of mid air tryst with his phantom before it seemingly shot out of the sky falling to the floor unmoving. We watched as one of the heads bent down and swallowed one of the competitors and all I could think was I just wanted our friends out of their now! It was Azariel’s turn to burn of a few excess whiskers while the now tagged lightning bolt guy kept practicing his aim. Suddenly the situation changed dramatically when the hydra was lifted into the air unable to gain purchase the huge body began a slow spin as it lashed out. Lightning guy gave up in final frustration pulling out a staff and whacking at the dragon like a piñata, his first swing missing as the hydras slow spin moved him out of the way. His face was red with exertion or embarrassment or even anger and I almost felt sorry for him, almost he can’t have been too bright because it was becoming quite apparent that one of the other athletes was repeatedly energy bolting him in the back with some lame excuses about going for the hydra. I don’t know what that stick was he was using was but when it finally connected with the hydra’s foot it definitely noticed. Between the hydra Az, Tyv and the other remaining competitors the arena continued to be filled with fire, lighting, energy, dust and a late multiple images from one of the unknowns. Suddenly Tyv was hit, dropping out of the air landing hard next to his incapacitated phantom, one of the hydras heads darting down next to him and attempted to devour the helpless phantom, Tyvs view must have been exquisitely exciting at that point. More flying, more wiggling then a tornado appeared on the poor hydra whose only option was to twirl hideously fountaining a variety of unpleasantness from all heads as it lurched in misery. The cry of “c’mon guys let’s do this” wasn’t as rallying as one competitor elf might have hoped landing him a quick cloud of slumber from Tyv for his effort which could have been a lot worse I suppose. The final indignity for the hydra as an electric field appeared in the tornado ending the competition and sending the four remaining through to the next stage.

Meanwhile the long jump portion of the Pentathlon was happening elsewhere and with far less near death experience. As I understand it (not being able to be there personally), it was a best of two style effort between eight competitors. The chatter I heard from spectators moving between events said Xerx’ses made an incredible leap in the first round putting himself straight up as favourite. The effort may have psyched out our illustrious arch enemies Joe and Rahl because they both failed to even hit the mark in one of their subsequent jumps leaving Xerx’ses to an overall win in very convincing style.

The night again blurred past arriving at day three. Being a fairly competent archer myself I went off to barrack for former companion of the group Ylren in the 200m archery event, whilst some of the others went to support Xerx’ses in the wrestling. Personally I didn’t think anyone was silly enough to want to wrestle a minotaur but I wished him luck anyway. Of the six archers competing in round one four produced outstanding shots the competition was obviously going to be extremely close. Round two produced another wave of precision with only one imperfect shot and Jidian of Northmoor Legion hitting closest to the mark. Thankfully round three saw our only competing arch enemy Rahl fumble a less than perfect shot putting him out of the running. With a little luck and amazing aim (I definitely envied) Ylren came out in front by two points which doesn’t sound like much but the competition was exceptional. I stayed to watch him sing the song of Phi’ before racing off to catch what I could of the wrestling.

I had the others catch me up on the details but I’ve included the results excerpt from the local paper as entered by the famous Mr Murray.

Joe Vs Foster > winner Foster
Palomedes Vs Arleep > winner Palomedes (win on first pin)
Xerxes Vs Cobert > winner Xerxes (Cobert down to crushing injury)
Blaif Vs Rahl > winner Rahl (Blaif taps out early)

Xerxes Vs Rahl > winner Xerxes (Epic battle of the day, fight could easily have gone either way taking longer than all other bouts combined.
Foster Vs Palomedes > winner Foster (good fight but quick win)

Foster Vs Xerxes > winner Xerxes (Unexciting end to the day, convincing win on first pin)

Xerx’ses looked everything the perfect athlete on the stand, representing us to the people better than we deserve. I understand his sportsmanship cost him a kick to the groin earlier but you would never have been able to tell from his proud and upright appearance. Mother I hope all is well with you and I must leave you there, bed calls it’s convincing song to me and there is so much still to do.

Love you daughter Cami
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

The newest account from our Pentathlete, Xerx'ses!

"The Lopanic Games: A Chance At Immortality"

| Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Ondemeira the White.
| At the castle of King Guy the First
| in the city of Credia.

Dear Lady Torchwood,

I thought it would be fun there to try your pseudonym for it being filled with ‘mystery’ & ‘wonder’ of knowledge yet gleaned, very cunning of you. I have informed my brother, Zeelik, and his lifemate Luur’na of the following bit of information and just wanted you aware. My brother is heading to Troker to help re-establish the Church of Isis there and bring light to such a dark and wanton place. If he should perish she will send word but since I am not sure where I will be I left a note about using your office as a go between. If this is not correct allow a bit of time to find another means of conveyance of the missive I NEVER hope to get.

’ …If you or any of the others need to reach me then send the pigeon missive to Ondemeira the White. At the castle of King Guy the First in the city of Credia… ’

I know you said you would be coming to the games good Scribe of Light and I have deliberately not sought you out in your official persona to the southern king you aid / serve (not sure which word is correct here). But maybe Lady Torchwood could make a public debut and interview CrIsis? Really just a thought since I have been listening to ‘Druids’ and ‘Bards’ tell tales. Silly, me you won’t read this until you make it back home unless it is allowed for you to recieve them anywhere as the ‘Scribe.’ Well I suppose we should get on to continuing recording the ‘Games’ themselves.

~ The 5th of THOTH / Day Four of the Competitions ~

This was to be my third event of the Pentathlon: Discus. I will list the other stadiums where there were other events beginning as well.

Freestyle Archery was back in the Arena’s of Light.
Swimming was being held in the Ippodrome.
Freestyle Diulos racing was held in the Lopanic Bowl.
All of the Equestrian events was held in the Hippodrome today.
Pentathlon Discus were being held again in the stadium known as the Dragon’s Breath.
Cryptomancy Preview of the puzzle the Mage Triathlon would be required to solved was to be held in the gigantic Tower of Angels.

I teased Master-Sister Caminata once more that one of her suitors from Winterhaven would be there. She did not look amused the second time any more than the other day I did it, HA! I feel bad that Master Asher is still having to work off all that weight from the botched scroll creation. Magic is like fire, a tool, but a tool can be a weapon in the wrong hands or when accidents happen. To his credit I have never heard him complain about it, and please don’t mention the eight foot difference between his mouth and my ears. Wow! More funny jokes I am on a roll today! Oh sorry Master Asher when you read this volume I … sorry that was rude.

I woke before dawn to the most unsettling thing I have yet to experience. I overheard a small boy pay one of the guards to let him ‘see’ the Bull of Light! It was only when the tent flap pulled back and a small Hooman child came face to face with me sitting up on the floor did I realize whom the bull of light was! He quickly scampered away but of the two of us I think I was more frightened of scaring him than he was of seeing a ‘Minotaur’ or redeemed Spawn of Evil as many of the ‘gossip scholars’ seem to be carrying on about. Clouds began forming and moving over the island as day crept over the ‘Tent Sea’ and Ra’s Eye began gazing upon us once more bringing life where it went. Then, as though a tower of mages were directing the weather it parted and turned a different direction away!! Over the course of the next few days I learned it was Warlocks responsible for keeping the games in perfect season! I bet the rains that come after they leave are kind of brutal, hehehe!

As we prepared to leave the tent we could hear crowds going and I heard one of the same kids sitting on the canvas roof of the tent with a few of his friends! Looking down my companions seemed unaffected by all of this and I simply assumed they were here to try and glimpse Master Overkill our active member that was a champion in rowing after all. His fame as well being a member of CrIsis only compounds this inundation by the populaces of all these nations coming together. When we exited the tent I had gone last and my friends were to either side smirking! Huh? Why are they smirking I thought then I heard the first of the cacophonous wave of calls saying but one word…

…my name!


I panicked and normally I have my height to hide my face but there were HUNDREDS I could see and HUNDREDS more I couldn’t, some standing on shoulders and other crying out from two story tents!!! Some children were trying to give us a tapestry of some kind but could not make it through the crowd. I wanted to help them but thought I might start a riot, panicking Hoomans thinking I had gotten hungry.


I was so scared I thought I was going to be dragged away and burned alive! My eyes were darting for arrows, catapults, mages, the infamous ReSet we have yet to encounter in full somewhere lurking in the crowd, nay THRONG of peoples chanting…


I slowly moved my arm to wave and stopped it at my waist when I heard gasps from the crowd. I am not sure which of friend took me and lead me onward to the Dragon’s Breath arena where I was to compete in my third event of the Pentathlon: the Discus. As I neared the partly covered stadium I think I saw Master Tyvernos head off with Masters Azariel and Asher to their Cryptomancy Preview of the puzzle the Mage Triathlon would be required to solved, was to be held in the gigantic Tower of Angels. I won’t deny the jealousy I felt being a wizard and having failed to match my betters as they wandered off to mystical glory.

The corners of the Dragon’s Breath arena are flanked by two statues of Kym-Nark-Mar the Dragon God of Magic. Ugh another reminder of my inadequacies as a wizard. I trust the gods know my path otherwise I would wonder why they picked such a weak wizard as myself. Still we each have our part to play and my magic has saved Isis’ Torch and my friends so I am not completely worthless in the mystic arts. Oh to be as wise as our leader upon land, sigh. Once I made it into the Dragon’s Breath Range I noticed Brother Indaris take my satchel with all my magical stuff as I changed into my uniform of Gold Coast Trading Company. Breeches that stopped at the knee and sash made of blue with Gold Coast Logo and words or initials upon it. Mine still looked new because I had been using a ‘Cleanse Spell’ to keep them that way.

I tried a great deal to show only my right half to the crowds because now the left side of my torso, neck, face, and arm were visible. The scarring was from the fire he was in my youth that I have yet to repay the debt to my assailants. Their day will come though, mark these words it will come. Still I have been embarrassed by them because I felt unable to defend myself and protect my home when the attack came. So much knowledge of Dwarven Magic went up in the flames that day, were it not for being rescued by my brother, Zeelik, I would be dead. Alas, there I stood for the world to see adjust the sash to show as much of the logo and wording across my back side with the anchor logo centered on my spine and wrapping it around to tie in the front. On smaller competitors the their sashes went from shoulder to opposite hip, but no one from the Gold Coast felt like correcting me based on the number of times I heard behind me, “NOOO!!! Uh UH! You can tell him, what if he thinks I’m a carrot he likes them ya know!”

Rahl went first and a few other and then I was fourth or fifth. Each of the competitors was handed their colored discus by the officials judging the games. They were all clad in crimson robes with the famous shield logo of the LGC about their necks. I must surmise this process kept cheating to a minimum. Rahl and Joe had not been performing well in the last two events and I was curious to see how they were going to do in this event. Apparently, I need to pay attention to them both when they throw things because both did excellent. Rahl was again superb given his strength is not as impressive compared to Joe or myself, his toss was 298 feet! ! ! Just wow!!! apparently during the course of this event some of us were setting Lopanic Games records and then breaking them! I clapped for my other Gold Coast teammates even though they worked for the side of evil. They were worthy and showed their mettle in this match. Joe reminded me of how Groun’na uses his Runic Chakram, the bladed ring knife that oft-times has a handle in the center of the ring. I suspect he is good with knives as well. Foster and Cobert did very poorly and even Arleep and Blaife did not suck as bad! Aside from myself everyone’s standing changed. All I can remember is what Groun’na taught me about knife throwing and focus. When I stepped into the throwing ring I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

‘Lawgiver, guide me in helping to bring your lungs home to restore your breath.’

I opened my eyes and saluted toward the Gold Coast section then swung my arm back, AND FORWARD BEGINNING THE SPIN! Whoosh!!!!!!!!!!

I stayed in the pose I let go until it hit the at 310 feet!!!! My first throw had set a new Lopanic Games RECORD!!! The crowd went wild as Jaymus Murray called out the action of each athlete in what I am told is a hard event because I thought I had to win each of the five to get the gold feather! If I thought they had gone crazy before then when I made my second throw and the discuss landed 314 FEET shattering my own record and raising the bar because I beat Joe by only two feet! I had won the third competition!!!! I then took the banner of the Gold Coast Company and joined the athletes in the run around the field showing off for the crowd and our fealty to our sponsors. At the end of the third match the points stand thus:

Xerx’ses – 24 points
Foster – 18 points
Sir Palomedes – 14 points
Rahl – 14 points
Joe – 14 points
Cobert – 13 points
Blaife – 6 points
Arleep – 5 points

Once we were done I changed back into my normal clothes and folded my uniform reverently using magic when we were back at camp to clean it. Master-Sister Caminata had gone off to have a Druidic celebration of her ascension to Master among the woodland order. I sat quietly listening to the throngs outside try to see if they good see the Golden Minotaur. Not understanding I asked why they called me golden, and Master Overkill said because had won three games of the Pentathlon and was a likely winner of the event based on points alone.


He went on to explain that you could lose an event and still if you had the most points, honestly, I think I knew that from hearing it before but the weirdness of the day had made me a bit addled. Then he added that winning tomorrow would really make me a possible Golden Minotaur. I tried to get him to explain further but he said not knowing was better.

When Master-Sister Caminata returned from her celebration she had brought a guest to try and help the competing CrIsis mages with the Cryptomancy challenge which seemed Druidic in nature. The guest was none other than the Supreme Druid of all Palladium, Devacious! Master Asher whom wields psionics as well as magic may not have been competing but his breadth of powers is extraordinary enough earn him a seat in the discussion. The wise, Kobold loremaster was not happy about sharing the knowledge for fear of it leaking to the team’s competitors. Strangely enough, neither the Guild of the White Ash or the Tri-Arcanum Magic Guild had any complaint (that I had heard of) about Masters Azariel and Tyvernos working together. Merchants are far more prickly for their chosen associates and endeavors. Having missed the mage events though I don’t know how they faced off in the ring. A battle between those master wielders of the arcane arts would be quite the show! Someday I will be their equal I just have to not give up, simple!

There was an impassioned debate, but it was REALLY civil and I felt like I was at home sitting among tribal elders that had strong views but could debate them rationally. While the debate went on the Supreme Druid went across the way to the tavern to await the decision about whether or not the group would share the findings of the Cryptomancy Preview. What intrigued me was Master Azariel abstaining from most of it. I bet he was taking it all in, evaluating, re-classifying, taking mental stock of his soldiers. After a vote Master-Sister Caminata and I were sent to escort the Supreme Druid back. I got delayed at tavern when everyone wanted to buy me drinks and congratulate me I have been praticing simple phrases in Eastern to help, but I was so terrified once more of screwing up I blurted out in Elven the next round was on me and I dumped 100 eastern coins on the bar and made my way out as the mob rushed for free drinks chanting my name again. Once we were all back the Supreme Druid helped fill in or simply verify what the group already knew. After they were able to ascertain his conditions for giving his word not to share what he heard. Afterwords I went to the Temple of the Great One in Hooman guise and the black and white outfit of an Easterner and prayed:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank my mother and 1st father, thank Luur’na for being kind and caring, wish her and Zeelik centuries of happiness and many children. Mergerij for helping to train me.

A prayer for my 2nd father that life for him is well and he is happy out in the world.

A prayer for Old Gregg for helping me find my way home and helping Zeelik now.

May I win not for me but the golry of my people. May I serve as an example that their is a brighter path and evil does not have to be the road of our destiny.

Your servent now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

~ The 6th of THOTH / Day Five of the Competitions ~

Today looked perfect and those weather warlocks are earning their money! I headed to my fourth event of the Pentathlon: Javelin. I will list the other stadiums where there were other events beginning as well.

Freestyle Weightlifting was held in the Lopanic Bowl.
Freestyle Hurdles was held in the Alliance Stadium.
Running (All except Stadion) was held in the Juggernaut today.
Pentathlon Javelin was being held again in the stadium known as the Dragon’s Breath.

Master-Sister Caminata and Brother Indaris went to running to help cheer on a few of the runners willing to donate the Lawgiver’s Lung should they be chosen as the overall champion! Masters Asher and Azariel headed off to sell scrolls and wards, Master Overkill came with me to the Dragon’s Breath arena and held my satchel with the magical items. While changing I kept over hearing whispers about how relaxed I looked and man could they have been more off. For me this is the chance to show the world I could be a good sportsman, and maybe other like me would be given a “shot” at proving they could be good as well. If I screw this up no one will care. Along with the Western Empire’s slave Wolfen we may set a precedent for allowing other races to compete. Yeah no pressure!

Again I was in the second half of the order to throw and the crowd was getting bigger from my first events, even Jaymus Murray seemed excited to be covering the proceedings. Then tragedy struck on the third toss! Sir Palomedes ran forward to throw and just before the line his foot twisted and I heard a crack which spun him nearly completely around as his javelin flew, RIGHT INTO FOSTER!!! My mind tells me I heard a gasp and I keep playing the events back but none of us moved. It happened so quick and down Foster went the silvered colored shaft sticking out of his chest. Cries from the stands, LGC officials running and healer appearing as though by magic on the field. I got eyesight to Master Overkill and we began to pray, and I have no proof of this but I felt Master Asher and the others praying as well for Foster’s “FORTITUDE” to become immense. Our prayers were answered by someone for the javelin was stopped by Foster’s rib bones otherwise it would have pierced the heart! Foster is withdrawn from the competition due to injury and poor Sir Palomedes is disqualified. As bad as it was at least he didn’t kill him and the knight limped off the field, clearly an injury to his foot.

I was so shaken from the event my throw which followed right after was lackluster at best and only a few hundred feet. Everyone, even Arleep and Blaife over shot me I had to regroup quickly so much was riding on this and my shot meant I went last in the second toss. The crowd was deathly quiet at each toss and Joe and Rahl placed their javelin’s around 450 feet, just amazing! I look to Master Overkill and tried to remember I am the chosen scion of Isis and she doesn’t pick quitters!!

I took the javelin closed my eyes and focused once more

‘Lady Luck, guide not my hand for quitters thinking luck is the last dying chance of winning, and champions know its a choice of sweat. You chose me and I intend to be your champion!’

HUURRRAAHHH!!!!!!! I hauled the javelin back and with a single leap cleared to the line and release yelling out and staying in pose till it landed. Land it did at 470 feet and I dropped to my knees in gratitude of everything that has brought me to this moment! I knew now from what Master Overkill had said I just had to finish the next match and I was already guaranteed to win the golden feather! I bowed to Mikala and he bowed back to me! I took my Gold Coast sash and began waving it for all to see!

Xerx’ses – 32 points
Cobert – 19 points
Rahl – 18 points
Joe – 17 points
Blaife – 11 points
Arleep – 12 points

Now back at our tent the good dwarf shared with me why they were calling me the Golden Minotaur.
Why I have a chance at Immortality.
Apparently in 2,000 years of these games only ‘FOUR’ people have ever won all five competitions in the Pentathlon!!! I would be five and the first of my race to do so if tomorrow be what we hope it can be.

I finished this night with prayer once more:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank my mother and 1st father, thank Luur’na for being kind and caring, wish her and Zeelik centuries of happiness and many children. Mergerij for helping to train me.

A prayer for my 2nd father that life for him is well and he is happy out in the world.

A prayer for Old Gregg for helping me find my way home and helping Zeelik now.

May I win not for me but the golry of my people. May I serve as an example that their is a brighter path and evil does not have to be the road of our destiny.

Your servent now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

Xerx’ses … Name in progress … ,
War Wizard of CrIsis

P.S. Although I am no priest may the Lawgiver’s judgement keep you and yours safe.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

The newest account is the official log, from the Elf Alchemist to be, Azariel

Excitement at the Games

Thoth 4

Fates be praised, the Lady Luck smiled upon me today. Asher journeyed across the ‘In-Tents’ City yesterday, and came across the one Master Alchemist that saw my Aerial Ward-Work displays, which I have aptly named ‘Aww’s. My ingenuity simply astounds me. Anyroad, this Master Alchemist came to our tent, designated “Turnip n’ Thyme” and offered to purchase some selection of scrolls of Ashers. As luck had it, he not only knew who set off my Awws, but that both Asher and I were in the same group and tent! Granted, we’ve lived in this ‘in-tents-city’ for a month, but I was staying in the Ras.

CrIsis doesn’t appear in a town without everyone knowing within the hour, though, especially when there are wild stories running about the rumor mill of them spending a night in jail after foiling the master of the policing mercenaries himself, ‘Sir-ly Through-with-Good.’ That one was a bit much, so I apologize, but I am not taking it out!

After working out a price for the scrolls, as well as a cure for his curse, Asher allowed for ‘Masteralchemist Gabe’ to speak with me. He wasn’t impressed with the complexity of the Awws, but he was impressed with the originality of the things.

Originality is what we as mortals treasure over all. If you have two children, and one comes to you with a dirty joke, you laugh internally as you swat his rump. If your second comes to you with the same joke – though still funny – you don’t laugh as you swat him. A master alchemist that invents an impossibly complex and innovative fabrication is lauded as genius, and rewarded immensely! What innovation! What creativity! But, if a second alchemist comes out with the same fabrication a week or month later, even though he worked isolated from the first, already he is not so much a genius, even though he is as innovative and creative as the first!

So, since he knew the process of creation, he did not need me at all to create them. However, he had a counter offer that would make us both rich! And, it would spread the goodness of CrIsis abroad. No longer are we simply the vigilantes that spit in Kings’ and Dukes’ eyes. We’re truly of the Light, and you can’t be of the Light and not revel in the joy of others! He asked if he could put my ugly elven mug on the ‘packaging’ when he sells them. I told him that as long as the effects weren’t too damaging, and would all wear off, I would be fine with him selling a whole line of “prank” wards and paraphernalia; this all I sold to him for a year’s retainer of 80,000 gold. Granted, he stands to make more than that in Lopania and in Caer Itom, where his shop stands, but I thought that this served both our ends well enough.

Then, after talking with us, he had an epiphany. A joke ward based off of an ancient magic labeled simply “Ludicrous” that would turn the target into a court’s jester for a random period of time! It would even make them speak in rhyme! Oh no, did that alchemist cast it on me? If he did, from the effects I wish I could flee! Oh, no. He didn’t. That was just hysteria settling in. Either way, for the increased diversity of the items, and also for the possible damage to CrIsis’ name, being lumped into an insult upon an entire people called Law-ieres, I asked that he teach this exceptionally rare bit of magic when I have become a Master Alchemist.

My, what a wonderful day! I feel decades younger! This talk of pranks and party goods reminds me of the times that I was still worshiping the Long-Dead and Forever Gone God of Gaiety. The one for whom a day of revelry and pranks was created! I remembered that though the God was destroyed, revelry shouldn’t be.

Thoth 5

We were awakened early today by a decent sized crowd. Several dozen onlookers came to cheer for the underdog, Xerx’ses… though how anyone might think him an underdog, I am not sure! I love that the son of Osiris is getting the loving adoration of fans! Do not get me wrong!

However, there is a reason that the Lopanic Games is restricted to Male Humans. It is the same reason that no magical equipment or enchantments are allowed in anything other than the Freestyle events. It’s not racism, or sexism, or majisim. It’s because they are there to have a competition, where every contestant has a chance. If you were to have a female in an event of strength with a male, the female would be at a disadvantage. It’s simple anatomy, as Master Asher would put it. The female Might win. This is true. But more likely than not, she would be vastly outclassed simply because the male contestants happened to be born with the musculature for the sport, and didn’t have to work against nature to succeed. The same with a Minotaur against a human! It baffles me how the supernaturally strong Minotaur even has to try to beat the mundane strength of mere humans – and it is beyond my comprehension how he was allowed to compete.

However, I bask in his joy. It is like a youth courting a lady for the first time, the demure embarrassment, and sheer exhilaration of the experience and the hurricane of emotions broiling underneath…

The crowd followed him to the stadium, and raised the chants till the stands themselves shook with the sonorous explosions of “Xerx’ses.”

How any of them managed to throw a discus during the tumult, I have no idea. I am thankful that during the Freestyle events there’s a magical sound barrier.

Tyvernos – I am thankful the little guy was allowed to come with – and I went to the Cryptomancy preview in the meantime. My ears have been ringing since the second day when an Aww went off too close to my head, and I haven’t been able to concentrate very well. Luckily I had Asher there to interpret Gabe’s offer yesterday!

The Gnome started a riot by revealing a magical step stool that cast an enlarging spell, in order to see the box more clearly.

The Cryptomancy Preview:

Hundreds of feet away, floating over the bay, was the Box. It took the shape of a silver serving tray, though from this distance, it must have been at least 12 feet long, and 4 feet wide. It rotated in place, and I noticed during that minute that the sides and ends were engraved with various mortal beings dancing, and horns and food between them all. On the bottom was a storm cloud, and on the top – thanks to Tyvernos I know, since I didn’t see it from my low point of view – was what we later found out was the World Tree.

Since Tyvernos was the one to have discovered the stool, as per standing rule, he was allowed an extended viewing, allowing us a sneak preview of some ‘hints’ as it were. A wooden crate was brought before him, Mala, and another mage, made of a strange material. It was apparently Ash, a wood revered by the Woodland Folk as a tree of life and protection. Inside was a smorgasbord of food, all of which I am sure gave off a magical aura.

On our way back to home base, I caught a glimpse of the scarring of Xerx’ses’ flesh, and he noticed me see it, out of the corner of his eye. Almost as a passing thought, he shifted his robes to cover it. I can’t help but think that washing in the waters of Isis in a Temple of Osiris would wash the outward, physical scar away, and I immediately went through my mind, for any chance that CrIsis could have stopped by a Pyramid of Osiris. My, but the Crisis of my day is much more sinful than the original group, even though the original two founders of CrIsis were from a godless land known as “Rifted Earths,” or somesuch. I am glad that we are going to a Pyramid to drop off a piece of the Great One, and will get a chance to cleanse ourselves not only physically but spiritually.

Huh. I need to donate more to the church, methinks… even though every gold piece I spend on the quest is a donation and allocation of a donation in one… though I am sure that a certain Priest of Isis would disagree. But if I donate to CrIsis, it’ll be used for the War on Taut, and if I were to donate to the Church of Light and Dark, I might be funding our enemy! I shudder to think what the millions of gold donated in the past by members of CrIsis has come to.

Our resident Druidess, Caminata, seems to have reached an echelon of enlightenment and privilege among her fellows. She had a gathering, the likes of which I can only imagine, as only those of her Druidic order were invited. While there, she enlisted the help of the one High Druid of all of Palladium, though his name detracts from that prestige – Devacious.

Scoffing aside, we were faced with a truly troubling situation. Druids are known for their avoidance of ‘sides.’ They are truly neutral when it comes to most politics and worldly discussions, unless it directly affects their own realms that they jealously guard and worship. I have my own views and opinions, most of which are diametrically opposite of the world’s praises of them, but I do not wish them ill either. One thing that you can definitely say about them, though, is that when it comes to their domain, there are none better than they.

Devacious helped us piece together the clues into a coherent jumble: The key to the box seems to be the arrangement of the Clouds in relation to the Tree. The whole thing revolves around the Millennium Tree, Ash, Fairies, and Food…

Thoth 6th

Last night I dreamt about the Games, not surprisingly. I remembered days long gone, when Sezar had travelled here to turn a coin. It was rare, as the trip is very expensive, and his coin generally went right back into the inns we entertained at. It seems that every throw, every event, and every contestant breaks more records than the last. The level of sportsmanship and the competition is so much higher this year than any that I had seen before, and I blame the Gods.

This year, the games are not only the pinnacle of exhibition for the athletes, magi and guilds, but it is also a focus for most if not all of the efforts of CrIsis and ReSet. By extension the Gods themselves are focused as well, as they aren’t allowed to meddle personally in the affairs of men. This has brought all of CrIsis, and all of Bes’ athletes to the games. Not only are we in the top echelon of contenders, but we have been living war and conquest for months and years. Our combined experience is such that any individual contestant is vastly outclassed. It reminds me of the stories of the Defilers, and how different those games were from any that came before or since.

That being as it is, I believe the accidental impaling of one of the contestants by a Knight of Light was blown way out of proportion! Any Gaming Commission worth its salt would employ mages of both wizardry and psionics to verify the truth of any event. If a contestant did not intentionally harm another, then there is no crime. If there is no crime, there is no blemish on reputation.

It was too much, with the prayers and gasps of, “Oh, no! Gods, bless him! Don’t allow the knight to be arrested! If not, all life is in vain!” I started to laugh at its absurdity, and Asher was offended. I’ll have to make it up to the tyke.

After the Javelin competition, though, came the real distress. Mikala, head of the Groff family, and president of the Gold Coast Trading Company went missing. Caminata searched for him, as he was her ride in to the games – something that I feel is very dishonest, getting a ride into an arena you did not pay for under a guise intentionally used to accomplish such. He was nowhere to be found, despite how long she looked for him!

The strangest thing about it is this: That morning, the security measures had been heightened at the Games. No one would gain access that isn’t in true form, nor would they allow entrance to those with active enchantments. This is a leap, but from where I am standing it’s not a large one, but what if Mikala isn’t Mikala? From what I read about CrIsis in New Crests, there was some body switching going on. The Mikala that was eventually “saved” was never truly verified by CrIsis, as they left before he was rescued, and didn’t return to Mikala’s presence when they passed back through. They unmasked one imposter, but who’s to say that there wasn’t a second imposter? Mikala originally was very helpful and understanding of CrIsis’ usage of both Karowyn’s and Gold Coast. It truly shouldn’t have changed to the extent that it did here in Lopan. He seemed to be only ‘accommodating’ to CrIsis here at the games, from what I could tell, for appearance’s sake.

I fear Mikala has been in the Clutches of the Agent for quite some time, and his face can’t take any more abuse! It’s already hard enough to look at as it is.

Anyroad, we shall find out, and I hope to send someone off to find him… Looks like I will have to go through CrIsis’ contact book.

>>An excerpt from his journal from Thoth 4th through the 7th in the 23rd Year of Emperor Voelkian Itomas II, by Azariel, Apprentice Alchemist. Acolyte of Osiris and the Lady Luck.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

The newest account is the official log from the game on 8/2/14, from the Minotaur Xerx'ses, in which he tries to sweep the Pentathlon and win the Dueling competition.

The Lopanic Games: The Isis Gambit

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| Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Ondemeira the White.
| At the castle of King Guy the First
| in the city of Credia. A copy was
| made for each current member
| of CrIsis not in custody.

Dear Lady Torchwood,

Since you said you were to be here at this, …no these (not this) games I wanted you to know the religious epiphany of what I believe is the visual machinations of the Isis Gambit. Now I have had some time to think about this and the more I think about the Lopanic Games the more I believe we were sent here not because of the Lung of the Lawgiver. I believe the lung was actually a secondary goal! I believe we were sent here to put right a wrong and save a knight from himself!

Sir Thurgood Andress

Now the reason I believe our winning the lung was a secondary goal is the departure of the Defilers of all things. These heroes (yes that includes Brother Malkin even if he doesn’t care about his fellowship anymore), one and all were being ask to stay and watch in obscurity until another ‘Group’ would come along and replace them as the guardians of this world. The Pantheon of Ra can do whatever they want, yet they try and let us live in free will and make our own choices to learn and be better. In other words we have been granted the ability to screw up and become more knowledgeable for it.

That is a big leap of faith on their part!

Now when I had joined my new family in Wisdom over a year ago. They had just come from Llorn and had offended the aforementioned knight above. However, a passage sticks with me about what Master Cava wrote:

’ …In the Hall of Right, we met with the Duke (who was very shouty), a dwarf who looked like he knew how to handle himself in a fight, and a strange elf-woman who whispered things into the Duke’s ear every time he looked to be winding down, and started him off yelling at us again.

I’ll summarize his shouting by saying that my extreme political acumen and polished silver tongue had once again saved the day, as the Duke’s son was one of those “diplomats” I oh-so-gently rebuked in Haven.

Oh dear.

This insult was made worse by the fact that the Duke absolutely hates religion of any stripe because one of Rurga’s people was caught with his hand in the till. I have met Rurga, and I have a very hard time believing this, especially in light of the fact that this man is still alive.

Come to think on it, I think the elf-woman has the Duke under some kind of spell because she would whisper into his ear the most whenever anyone brought up the Church… ’

and then this part later in the same missive:

I fully intend to investigate the mind-controlling she-elf and this magical, brain-eating rock garden. Perhaps we can free Llorn of some great evil and the Duke won’t insist on an embarrassing published apology from us.

This elf woman I believe to be an agent of the Dark, now I don’t know if she is working directly for Zizean and I am also not sure having never met her whether she is a Changeling fallen from grace or some other Demon in disguise. This is the purpose I feel is the source of the Isis Gambit! Having been thrown in a state of war for a solid year of running across the world and slogging for days on end with undead creatures, and dying twice, I have been on edge. Then between Brother Indaris and Master Asher I have been reminded of why the Great Lady chose me, she said it was my piety she found impressive. My late mother gave her life for the Great Lady and my first father did the same fighting evil. I found that CrIsis as a whole had a part to play in the Gambit and it started with Isis requesting her priest to cheat.

Yes I wrote cheat, but before anyone reading this screams sacrilege just remember I am going to explain the Isis Gambit, this is just the groundwork.

~ The 7th of THOTH / Day Six of the Competitions ~

This was the final day of the Pentathlon, the Stadion. Master Overkill saw I was awake and huddling with my legs drawn up to chest.


When he asked me what was wrong I told I was hearing Zii’clymnt and Ca’Van’s voices crying out my name and then the smell of fire. Watching A’zad’s tower go up in flames and I couldn’t stop them as they held me down over the flames to burn alive. To be a warlock or wizard was a big deal and now that they had rune weapons they were going to level the playing field and make sure I stayed away from Luur’na. Whom at the time was dating the bearer of the black runesword: Lightning Striker.

He put his hand on my left arm and was touching the scars I fought the urge to flinch. The old sea Dwarf looked up to me, “You’re not alone I have no idea why me kissing a baby makes for a positive portent in the life of that child or this child. We’ve been fighting so long it will take time to not look for daggers big guy.”

I nodded and gulp as Master Azariel & Master Asher brought in a new friend they had made from the Western Empire. Master Alchemist Gabriel was his name and I thought he was the same alchemist mentioned in Extra Edition of the Lopanic Games Beacon. The three of them went into the back of the tent and had some quiet clandestine conference as the rest of us got ready for the day.

Here is the list of the day’s Events:

Freestyle Boxing and Wrestling was held in the Arena of Light.
Freestyle Pankration was held in the Alliance Stadium.
Pentathlon Stadion was held in the Juggernaut today.
Freestyle Dolichos was being held at Lictalon’s Ley Line.

When the master alchemist left the guards said we need to hurry because they were not going to be able to hold them off forever. Three of our security detail from Galthor’s Guards came with us, and I can say they have been great in their duty, professionalism, and decorum. I would hire them again in the future with no reservations.

Luckily, I had paid for Master-Sister Caminata’s ticket to the last of the Pentathlon’s event yesterday on the way back to the tent. We had stopped at a place I called a mobile ticket building, but everyone else called those ticket merchants ‘scalpers.’ Masters Azariel and Asher headed off to I Need In where I described the roving merchants selling tickets. The rest of us headed to the stadium. Master Asher told us that morning that we now had account at the Gold Coast Trading Company and he’d shared the password with us later that night when we could be safe about being overheard. There was also a note about ‘monster haters’ at Dark Elf Alchemy so don’t go in there or Not What You See because they work for Zizean, the Agent.

Well, I soon found out about the ‘Elven Protests’ mentioned in the news reports. I was so sad because I really wanted to visit there someday, but alas I’m not going there now. The Elves of Sulestan, or at least 30 of them had barred the entrance saying I should not be allowed to compete! Where were they on the first day of the competition? No I knew this was because I had done something or was about to do something that threatened them. We had two turns of an hourglass before the start of the games. When they drew swords, two of the three LGC guards at the competitor’s entrance ran off for reinforcements.

What worried me is that there were around 400 screaming “fans?” wanting me to compete. 30 or so “armed & armored” Sulestani Elves and I could light the torch turning this into an inferno! I did the one thing I thought would help until LGC Guard reinforcements would arrive. Given the time we had to wait until the game started I knew the next thing I reminded myself how big I was and the “world” was watching how the monster would handle this mess. So I asked everyone to join me in a prayer to Osiris about praying for:

“law tempered by mercy for those that oppose us in our life.”

I knelt and began my prayer and 400 people followed my lead, so I tried to remember prayers my father and mother used to have me state when I was younger and some were etched into the blade of Uraeus’ Fang.

To my Lord Lawgiver, bringer of the paths of order and society, provider of council and caring for your fellow mortals I ask that you forgive those of Sulestan. They are bound up by pride and the ancestral hate my race did earn. Your light which comes from almighty Ra and borne on the heart of your lady, She of Countless Names, has saved me from darkness. Please now saved them from the darkness of pride, save them from the darkness of wrath, lead them to stand in the light away from the gluttonous edge of hate. May your warmth and light bathe them in humility, may patience guide their hand and temperance their heart.

For ourselves are not without fault in our lives we offer from us to those we have transgressed
All that we ought to have thought and have not thought;
All that we ought to have spoken and have not spoken;
All that we ought to have done and have not done;
For thoughts, words and works, pray we, O Legion of Light, for forgiveness, and repent with penance.

Right about this time (or just before it, hard to remember) Masters Azariel and Asher had shown up with their tickets. Just as horns blared and Sir Thurgood rode up with enough reinforcements to match the protesters. He looked the prayer circle and I leading a peaceful gathering against angry Elves with disgust and a bit of shock. He made it clear that they were going against the laws of Lopan, the Eastern Territories, and even their homeland of Sulestan to try and bar my entrance. He noted their lodged complaint with the LGC and that those officials would deal with it in due course.

A second later I saw Sir Thurgood fall from his saddle and I heard Master Asher scream about an attack by magic from the elves and . . .


When I came to Masters Overkill was leaping from ‘protecting’ Sir Thurgood, alongside Master Asher, to attacking an Elven wizard. Above me was Master Azariel, Master-Sister Caminata and Brother Indaris whom then moved to try and help the Mistoan Knight but was politely rebuked as he had come around as well. A full blown riot had broken out and there were a total of six dead: 3 Sulestani Elves and 3 of the LGC guards. I had the option to act in the last bits of the melee but elected not to. I needed people to see me not blindly react to violence with violence. Still not sure if I was doing the right thing but it seemed wise at the moment. A few fans were arrested because they would not stop harassing the Sulestani Elves that had been put in chains and in the case of mages, gagged as well.

It wasn’t until I heard Jaymus Murray begin his announcements that I truly understood why the the Sulestani Elves had attacked. The last person to perform the “Golden Sweep” was Anion Nerodin of Sulestan and it was done 933 years ago. The next person to get as close as I had been was Lord Kilnaron also of Sulestan, 102 years ago. Then he went on to make a point that for this games it seems monster races were allowed in on a trial basis. I suspect this was due to Western Empire wishing to try a Wolfen slave against the other athletes. I guess he was eliminated because I still have not seen this mysterious creature. Hearing them announce my name the chanting is a near deafening ROAR!!!

After the roar died out I began to hear again . . .
. . . and he finished second in the final event, the Stadion race, by a hands breath…. We shall see if Xerx’ses shall suffer a similar fate!

Speaking of the Elves of Sulestan, they tried to block Xerx’ses entry into the event today. They have lodged a formal complaint with the LGC, the Lopanic Games Committee, to have the entire Pentathlon thrown out! They eventually were broken up by the LGC security detachment, headed by an angry Sir Thurgood Andress, a Mistoan knight from Llorn.

Going into this event, the standings are only a determination for who will gain the silver and bronze leaves- Xerx’ses is dominating this Pentathlon!

* Xerx’ses – 32 points
* Cobert – 19 points
* Rahl – 18 points
* Joe – 17 points
* Blaife – 11 points
* Arleep – 12 points

The favorite for this event, by far according to those wagering on the event, is the Elf Rahl. In fact, leading up to the Games, many had thought he would only be entering the running events, but when I interviewed him prior to the Events he said he wanted the Lung, so he entered the Pentathlon. However, barring a freakish event, like we had in the Javelin event, (poor Foster- at least he is alive!) Xerx’ses cannot lose. Since there are no weapons in the Stadion, there is little chance of that!

The crowd is raucous here! The noise is deafening, and the loudest cheers by far are for Xerx’ses! The Elven protesters are trying to overcome the cheers- it seems they have adopted Rahl as their champion, but they are being drowned out by the shouts for the Minotaur!

The race began and in the first three portions I maintained a second placed leader spot, I was worried but I dug deep in that last quarter of the heat and like an ‘Ace in the Hole’ I found my body willing to push itself to the limits and passed Rahl by a mere “3” Elven meters. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WON!!!

I made to shake everyone’s hand that competed to which Cobert, Arleep, and Blaithe did so. However, Rahl, spit upon me and Joe just punched me in the face. It was then that Jaymus Murray, himself, descended to interview me personally and I want to say I remember everything I know his reporting is fair. I knelt down when he came up so we could be eye to eye and I “hopefully” would be slightly less intimidating. During the interview I told I was a wizard, I was born in the Baalgor Wastelands, but also explained our last names to him. That we get them for great deeds or items of power we have done with them. I asked Jaymus Murray to give me my surname in his article and I would bear my surname with pride it was won in the land of the Fair Folk and gracious people of Eastern Territories. Kind enough to honor me with competing for their land.

You can read the interview for the rest of what we talked about and my new name in his article, I took the stand with Joe and Rahl as we did in Wisdom at the exact same spots! Which means Gold Coast won the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place of the event and the Eastern Territories won the “Golden” Pentathlon. This was no longer in control of the Kingdom of Sulestan. I wonder if King Hafton might grant me the privileged of residing in Wisdom? Sir Thurgood in his duty bound honorable self gave us a large contingent to escort us back to our tent, which took 3 hours!!! Yes 3 hours!!! All the well wishers, people wanting to touch the red ribbons tied around my wrists. I am still not sure why rubbing my horns will bring people luck, but it did get me out of kissing children.

The night ended with first with my classic prayer at the Temple of the Cult of the Great One:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank my mother and 1st father, thank Luur’na for being kind and caring, wish her and Zeelik centuries of happiness and many children. Mergerij for helping to train me.

A prayer for my 2nd father that life for him is well and he is happy out in the world.

A prayer for Old Gregg for helping me find my way home and helping Zeelik now.

A prayer for all of CrIsis, my best friends and loving family.

May I win tomorrow not for me but the glory of my people. May I serve as an example that their is a brighter path and evil does not have to be the road of our destiny.

Your servant now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

Then finished listening to a discussion about something that happened to Master-Sister Camminata today trying to buy tickets for the Dueling tomorrow. It appears that the rumors of Changelings may actually be about Werewolves!!! I have no idea but shape changing beasts always sound dangerous to me. Our Elven Druid turns out to also be our resident werecreature expert! I had bad dreams of Ms. Hopper turning into a Wolf beast and easting me alive for an article, not a great sleep, ugh!

~ The 8th of THOTH / Day Seven of the Competitions ~

This was the final day of events I was in. Here is the list of the day’s Events:

Freestyle Mage Dueling was held in the Alliance Stadium.

Dueling was held in the Arena of Light.

Brother Indaris (and Oathbringer as you will see in the Isis Gambit) and I were in Dueling. The good Brother was carrying his ‘special’ sword into his final two matches before the first place fight, and this competitor was named Bruce, a human from the Bizantium. Brother Indaris has a mean swing with that shield of his and dominated the fight, winning in the end. I went up against a dwarf that could have passed for Master Overkill’s twin brother. Our battle was good and comical because each of us was dual wielding and both lost control of a sword. I recovered first and grabbed the red bearded Dwarf’s fallen blade and blocking him from getting to my fallen sword. He eventually yields and I help him to his feet. Master Ankal Boughtor was what he gave me for a name.

Brother Indaris and I moved on to the semi-finals where the good priest faced off against Joe each of them with sword and shield. I watched this fight and knowing what I knew about the good priest’s ‘special’ sword. I saw the blade Joe was wielding make a ‘wicked’ bite into the priest’s side and cannot say I was surprised if Isis had not made this part of her gambit. Brother Indaris fought Joe to the death and the entire fight was a barrage of strike followed by shield parries!!! IT WAS A BRUTAL SLUGFEST BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARK!!!!

In the end the ‘special’ sword of the priest of light cut into Joe’s skull just over his right ear. His helm exploded and pieces went flying! The Priest of Light had triumphed over the Champion of Dark and all of it with a festering wound I could smell from the sidelines. It reeked of chemicals/reagents/poisons or magic to leave such a mark with a single shot.

Now I faced a human whom clearly worshiped Anubis the Betrayer and his flag from the corner he came from was one I had associated with the Land of the South Winds. While there is nothing in the rules to prevent the use of poisons most lawful societies find them distasteful in practice. People of many races (from my time here at the Lopanic Games) like to know they won on their own merit. Still some care about winning at all costs and on a battlefield I can see that logic, but in a competition based on skill. Even if it is not against the rules I feel it may go against the spirit of them.

Which makes me wonder if my mere presence at these games goes against the spirit of them? Clearly one nation feels that way and I feel I have to be an ambassador “Of Good Will” and so above board that no one can find fault with me. If I do this well then maybe the Wolfen can compete one day from their own lands. If not we can start our own games and just invite everyone there, hah!

Alas, “something” was used in the fight to paralyze me twice allowing him to get extra shots in on me. He was quick and constantly tried to get on my back, which I did stop. I was thankful for my gifted swords but did not get much chance to use any special maneuvers it was all I could do to swat this voracious little pest from biting me with envenomed fangs.

When I felt the second poisoned sting start numbing me up I struck hard down with Uraeus’ Fang and then let the Scorpion Strike fly. I had my giant sized cutlass with hand guard chained to my wrist so disarming would not work after my last fight. I had been practicing this maneuver and threw the sword out past my foe and then jerk back on the chain making it whip back and strike his back like a scorpion’s tail! The crowd went nuts watching it impale him through his back. Though his dying words to me shook me to the core because he had to have come from my homeland or near there.

I checked and he entered the games as “Unknown Swordsman” under the Land of the South Winds. No one could or I think “would” give me anymore information. It was hard on me in the quiet of the hazy barrier they put up on the fights this day “for safety” we are told. Likely to prevent further attacks on me of the Sulestani Elves or others they pull to their ranks.

This “Unknown Swordsman” had me all up in a tizzy but it would have to wait, I had one more fight.


Well this sucked and at the time I was thinking I would show the Gods I could win without cheating, oh was I stupid. More and more these games were not about the lung, they were not about me. They were all about Sir Thurgood Andress, and saving the one knight that could save Llorn, only none of us knew it then. Hold this thought while I continue.

The crowd was expecting the duel of the century after witnessing the matches that had led the Priest of Light and the Golden Minotaur here!

Brother Indaris gave a prayer:
Mother, in the coming hours, center and settle our hearts. Let the light be more compelling than the painful acts of the day. Hard news will either harden us before men or humble us before you. By faith, we choose to humble ourselves before you.

He knew!!! See, looking back how stupid I was!!

Isis never asked him to cheat, she asked him to sacrifice himself!!!!!!!!!! It was all right there, but I am getting ahead of myself again. When we drew down on each other after a friendly hug to show sportsmanship at the games I said, “Brother Indaris. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete.” To which he replied.

“If you strike me down Xerx’ses I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

Seriously how did I not see this coming!?!?!?

Brother Indaris brought his ‘special’ sword down to strike me and I parried with Uraeus’ Fang. I parried so strongly that I disarmed him and sent his ‘special’ sword flying from his hand to land in the sand where it immediately changed back into Oathbringer!

The hazy barrier fell away and I could hear the crowd turn dark with foul cries! Judges raced out onto the field and I quickly presented my weapons so they could check them and me. They got the crowd to quite for the small announcement that I had not cheated and was cleared of any wrong doing. Then the crowd seem to constantly be in flux between cheering for me and crying out for the blood of the cheater, jail. The guards allowed us to rejoin our friends in the stands where we met Sir Thurgood once more and whom asked us to surrender our friend to his custody where he promised he would be safe until they decided what his sentence would be.

CrIsis had seen Sir Thurgood do his duty and job over any personal vendetta so we wished Brother Indaris our love and trust then remanded him into the knight’s custody. A thoroughly stunned Sir Thurgood then used a magical device to be heard all over the stadium.

With prompt demeanor he turned and left with the good priest, un-chained and they headed to the jail cells that we had been in for a night. Still I didn’t see what was really happening but was glad Rurga Truthsayer had not slain my friend.

This was the ISIS GAMBIT!

Lady Luck, She of Countless Names, Isis the Just had " I Believe / In My Opinion " contacted Rurga about Llorn and offered to cleanse the slate for Master Cava. She would save Llorn by presenting evidence the mortal knight could not refute, forcing him to look long and hard at the Duke of Llorn, but more importantly, at those that may be corrupting his noble liege. I suspect the punishment Rurga agreed to was not killing him as she did not kill her priest of Llorn accused of stealing money. I think a very different Sir Thurgood will be returning to Llorn to wage a war in the shadows where Demons and dark little things like secrets and lies hide. How I came to that is Sir Thurgood knows his opponents. Once he had peacefully acquired Brother Indaris over 20 LGC Guards took off cloaks hiding themselves around CrIsis had we decided to do something stupid and start a fight in the stands.

He will save Llorn, this day has taught me that if nothing else.

I left my friends with copies of this after sending this to you and going to pray.

Tonight’s prayer:

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank my mother and 1st father, thank Luur’na for being kind and caring, wish her and Zeelik centuries of happiness and many children. Mergerij for helping to train me.

A prayer for my 2nd father that life for him is well and he is happy out in the world.

A prayer for Old Gregg for helping me find my way home and helping Zeelik now.

A prayer for all of CrIsis, my best friends and loving family.

Thanks to Isis for showing this humble servant how wise she is and cunning as well, thank you for the glimpse of your majesty, may my mother’s soul serve you well.

Your servant now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

Xerx’ses … Name Coming Soon … ,
War Wizard of CrIsis

P.S. Although I am no priest may the Lawgiver’s judgement keep you and yours safe.

>>> Written by Xerx’ses, after the events upon the of the 8th of Thoth, 70th Year of the Wolfen Empire, 2nd year of King Guy the First of the Timiro Kingdom, and 343 year of the Dominion of Man. <<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Logs from the Lopanic Games- As previously promised, some logs reflecting our gameplay of the awesome Champions of Palladium manuscript from Dark Elf here on the forums. Tell Palladium that you want this great resource!!

The newest account is from the game on 8/30/14, from the Minotaur Xerx'ses, in which he talks about the end of the Games.

"The Lopanic Games: All Things End"

| Reader Note: This has been
| sent to Ondemeira the White.
| At the castle of King Guy the First
| in the city of Credia.

Dear Lady Torchwood,

~ The 8th of THOTH / Day Seven of the Competitions ~

Late into the night it was, we, were all numb. Master Tyvernos had told us to keep it down and not step on him, he went to sleep right away. I am not sure how much time passed but after the gnomes departure to dreams of women (it’s always women trust me he dreams of nothing else, hahaha) horse begin to arrive. Commander, Sir Quixis had brought some of the Knights of the Dawn and the Soldiers of the Torch to help protect and watch over us.

I tried to give the Giant-Sized Dwarven-made Cutlass to either the elder Titan or the Cyclops because it would be sized for them as a short sword but it had a noble history now helping with my win at dueling today. I found out later they returned it to Master Azariel later. Well, we brought the Knight Commander up to speed and Master Asher is just so amazing he’s reach another circle of enlightenment and more magic has come unbidden or studied to him. I am so envious some days of my friends and how quickly they master spells. I may not write about it but I still keep a spell journal and have been working on the formula, and power words to create the Superior Teleporting Spell I know our group needs! It takes me so long sometimes and I am trying to not use the Book of A’zad as a crutch to figuring spells on my own. After all Master A’zad has been dead for almost a year and a half, I can’t expect him to spend eternity teaching me from the Ma’ip.

I digress, it was decided for Master Asher to summon some dogs and Sir Quixis would stay inside the tent while the other knights and soldiers would be external guards. Gosh I want to talk so much more with a Titan and Cyclops not trying to kill me but I . . .
. . . I was shy and didn’t know what to say, how to begin talking to a Lord of Lightning, or to a . . . well, a Titan.

I did additional prayers as the talks wound up over the blade of Uraeus’ Fang thinking facing demons and living yet again was cause for such praise.

To the Lords and Ladies of Ra’s benevolent fellowship of light!

May the good monk/bard and warrior/merchant find their souls healed and faith in friends restored. I seek not mending betwixt me and the monk for that would be avarice and gain for which I have not prayed. I beseech thee to before the last of the Defilers flee this world for your warm embrace in the hereafter and he is left behind. That he sees his brothers and sisters again for the fellowship they were, are, and shall always be for those of Palladium.

I want to thank you for the gifts that allow me to vanquish the foes of the light.

Thank you for teaching me how to persevere among the slings and arrows of a world not ready for monsters to try and change.

Thank you for my friends and family

Your servant now and forever,
Cyrus Far’zan, named by his mother, Xerx’ses, chosen to remember the Lawgiver’s servant that was his first father.
P.S. may Masters A’zad & Aesyl find peace as well in the Lord of Wisdom’s hall.

When our merry band had gathered behind a curtain and began to lay down we were visited by the Lord of Wisdom in person! I threw myself on to the floor in prostration I would not even try to look at his feet. The feet of the greatest symbol of magical power anywhere, the Lord of Wisdom was in front of me and I could think and pray for was to not open my mouth or appear stupid. Master Azariel eventually tries to pull me up and succeeds in getting me on my knees but looking down. I could feel cold sweat bead all over my body for I knew how unworthy I was to be in his presence. Regardless of worth he spoke to each of us and mentioned only a single item of improvement.

Later I found out about the giant cutlass being returned and that I should give it over to the church if it wasn’t a style of weapon that made me comfortable. Not that I didn’t appreciate the power to punch a person in the face with the large, bronzed, bell-shaped handguard. I will take it back to Sekti-Abtu.

Ugh, I digress yet once more and I am sure I was mistaken but I think the Lord of Wisdom paid me a compliment of…

…A Diabolist, a Summoner, a Wizard; though not as good as ‘Tall & Skinny’ over there…

…in the gentle admonishment of Master Azariel. I don’t know how to handle someone telling me I am better at being a Wizard than Master Azariel! I mean my lightning bolts may strike harder but I am a Minotaur, I just assumed I hurdled them harder, mystically speaking. How can I be better if I couldn’t even get into the magic competition? Regardless, it was a warming to my heart he did not call me stupid. Had that happened I would know ‘spell-weaving’ was not for me and likely joined the priesthood so I could still serve in CrIsis. Or at worst, tried to become a Paladin, a Knight and follow Sir Quixis around for the rest of my days helping him smite evil from the shadows defending people that clearly would rather I just go off and die.

When he left Sir Quixis came to check on us and Master Tyvernos told us all to SHUT. THE. F.. FORNICATE. UP so he could sleep. What is the purpose of the middle finger gesture? Is it emphasis? For short people seem to find its use prolific in anger, alas the rest of the night passed without incident.

~ The 9th of THOTH / Day Eight of the Competitions ~

The final day of what I will remember as one of the top moments in my life. The Mystical Triathlon in the Alliance Stadium was to begin today and we had our Dawn Knights and Soldiers of the Torch escort headed by Sir Quixis. When we tried, or I should say as I neared the competitors door with everyone the Elves of Sulestan barred the entrance again. Meekly, I told everyone I could go back to the tent and avoid unnecessary violence today. Everyone balked at that idea and Master-Sister Caminata took a hold of my hand Masters Azariel and Tyvernos continued in. The Sulestani tried to get Master Azariel aside but Master Tyvernos was loud and poignant in his rebuke of their attempt.

On the way to the pedestrian entrance with tickets I am told that were delivered and box seats, but not from whom we saw another group of Elves try and block my way. Only to be pushed out by the LGC Guards or better known as the Mistoan Knights and Llornian Mercenaries working for the LGC. It wasn’t until we took our seats in the box that we had any clue as to the tickets origins. We were to share a box with the Defilers themselves!!!!!! I was also so overjoyed to see ALL of them together !!!!!!! Yes Bro.. sorry for the misspelling I mean Rod Rambler was sitting next to Mikala!!! The Gods of Light had answered my prayers once again!!!!!! They were laughing and telling stories as though no time had passed for them at all. I waved briefly and then flipped around to give them privacy in exchange for the glorious seats!

How do I explain the most glorious display of might and magic I have ever seen!!! Well I learned again to watch for guile and cunning for my grand little buddy had pulled it out in the end!
The Tri-Arcanum Magic Guild and therefore the Eastern Territories wins another event!!!

In gnomish flair he offered Malah the winning object after he was declared the victor! He just let Malah do all the work and swooped in and stole the prize when Malah could not figure out to take the fruit of his ‘labors’ and run over the finish line. It was poetic justice for the dark but alas their time was not at an end, just keep reading for that part. I found out listening to Xar-Xar bicker behind me that Malah had won the Mystical Freestyle duel and so was likely in contest for winning the Lung of the Lawgiver! Still I was the only one to have won two of those events so I was not worried. When I stood and thanked the greatest champions of the World (yes that includes Rod Rambler), Xar-Xar stood and asked us to have breakfast on the following morning after the awards ceremony. Master-Sister Caminata asked if we were staying that long and I snapped yes in excitement! To which Xar-Xar turned to our leader and Master Azariel confirmed we would be delighted to.


Quixis and our rather impressive set of guards escorts us home. Not long afterwards Jaymus Murray asks if he can interview me further than what little time we had after I won my Golden Sweep of the Pentathlon. Brother Indaris came along to prevent either of us from being waylaid by – oh Hades the list is to damn long to pick one person or group that wants me dead. Lady Torchwood I am sorry for swearing Master Tyvernos is an enveloping influence. We went back to the “Ras” or as I like to call it “Ras Magnificent” because some of the castles I have been into were not as lavishly furnished as this kingly inn. As grand as the Dwarven Fortress of Etrinan was – spartan – would be a distinct descriptor. Although a word of warning for “normal sized” folks or my bigger cousins giants and such. To find a chair that will support you here you must be an epic world spanning hero (the Defilers have a Troll among their order), or win two gold medals at the Lopanic Games, HAHAHAHA!!!

The Elven sports scholar and I headed to a table in the restaurant as Brother Indaris waited in the lobby. They had raised a circular table and added steps to the booth side of it so when I took my seat Master Jaymus and I were much closer to eye level! Now the chair issue came into stark perspective from smaller folk’s view. I see the effort they went into making me feel at home if even for a brief time and I was humbled. Then the interview began with notes about I prepared myself for each of the competitions. I even got his view point of why he thought certain events were more difficult than others. I took this moment to try and pay homage to Brother Malkin.

I have faults because I am mortal, maybe longer lived than some but mortal none the less. I still feel what I said to the noble scholar-monk was correct. But I do not hate him or dislike him in any way, and despite the gulf between us I feel honored and a better person for having his influence in my life. I saw this moment as a way to honor the man that I promised I would not trouble any further with my presence. I feel the world does not value study enough and Brother Malkin and the Library of Bletherad are an illustrious bastion of the past, present, and future. I tried my best to say that as eloquently as possible. I want the world to know were it not for his tireless devotion to information I would not have been half as successful as I was.

So in this accounting to the great Brother Malkin,
Thank you!

We talked about (he said to omit that part about Rystrom Khejas.), the war between the Giants and the Gromek. I talked about how I had been “killed” twice once by each race. I had to go into some description of a Gromek because it was a race he had never heard of before. That led to an explanation of the territory dispute between them in the Baalgor Mountains. A distinct segment of this he did not record using the Crystal and that part is what I won’t write down here.

Once we got back on track I explained a few of the events about how I studied with Brother Malkin’s help and then trained for the dueling with Master Overkill and Brother Indaris. Then we talked more about my life growing up in the Baalgor Wastelands and how it shaped me into a natural pentathlete. The last item he talked about was my request to be given a surname since my people get them for items of power great things they do, etc. Jaymus talked about older games using wreathes of golden leaves for the victor and despite all the other names I Goldenwreath or Goldencrown, Goldcrown because it means victor through trials. Goldencrown or Zarrintaj in ancient Dwarven it shall be! The interview ended and I thanked him for the honor and he paid for Brother Indaris and I to have a meal before we headed back home to the sea of tents.

The ‘Closing Ceremonies’ were held in Alliance Park, and each competitor was given a wreath to lay at the feet of their chosen god. I laid mine upon the statue of the Lawgiver. From their we made the procession to Juggernaut Stadium where we had tickets from our future breakfast companions for normal seats. The boxes here are much smaller and I can’t imagine how they might all cram into one themselves, HA! The Guilds are announced for countries they represent and the last two are the Tri-Arcanum Magic Guild & Gold Coast Trading Company! I was waving my banner all the way there amiss the cheers and jeers of the pro & anti Xerx’ses crowds. All the winners, be they bronze, silver, or gold were given red ribbons and told to not lose them. Tomorrow morning we would receive our medals and the winner of the Lung would be decided in the private ceremony at the – GIGANTIC – structure called the Tower of Angels. I was indeed the only Gold Medalist with two ribbons!

Then the stadium was treated to a fairly impressive list of musical bands, singers, and various physical acrobatics! Quite the spectacle indeed, with the Defilers being introduced to near universal cheers!!!! After they cries of joy subsided Empress Jesslyn took the stage and thanked everyone for coming to her second time hosting the Lopanic Games since taking on her role as ruler of Lopan. Then she mentioned the names of the eleven athletes that had lost their lives and were unable to be brought back to life. The whole of Palladium seem to mourn their passing as the stadium joined in prayer. This was followed by Rod Rambler and his protege Commander Terramore singing the closing song and with that for all but the winners the Lopanic Games were over.

Quixis and our rather impressive set of guards escorts us home once more to our tent where I begun penning this missive and reflecting on how the world would never be the same for me now. In a good way mind you but this was just so overwhelming an experience to take in!

~ The 10th of THOTH ~

This morning found CrIsis outside at the – GIGANTIC – structure called the Tower of Angels. The first group to go in was those that had won Bronze. They came out holding a bronze leaf and bronze ring some of which had already adorned their fingers with. The second group was those that had won Silver. They came out holding the same leaf and ring. Only the metal was silver for their rank. Then came time for those that had won gold. They called those by name leaving only nine of us gold medalist still outside. Our fellow victors emerged with a golden leaf and ring that nearly all were already wearing and smiling.

Now they called forward the ‘Nine Victors of Ten’

Santhor the Elf, for his Grand sweep of the Swimming Events!

Tyvernos the Gnome, for his victory of the Freestyle Mystic Triathlon!

Malah the Elf, for his victory of the Freestyle Mystic Duel!

Gor’las the Dwarf, for his victory of the Weightlifting event!

Ylren the Elf, for his victory of the Archery event!

Overkill the Dwarf, for his victory of the Rowing event!

Rafanon the Human, for his victory of the Pankration event!

Xerx’ses the Minotaur, for his victory of the Dueling event!

As I strode forward not a crowd of 40 but nearly 100 of the Sulestani Elves swarm over the LGC guards and I am surrounded by nine Elves two with swords and now have to endure the being stabbed once more without retaliating! I tried to say I forgive you but let us be truthful about how many times you can A) get stabbed with a weapon, B) coated with poison and C) forgive your attacker. I knew better than to retaliate but was genuinely worried I may die this time for the third time. After my flesh is pierce for the fifth time I finally use a ‘Cloud of Slumber spell’ and half of my attackers and the throngs behind them fall asleep! Thus allowing for the remaining outer edge to loose their support and I can see my friends and guards fighting their way to me. Soon some guards burst through and begin to help me deal with those that resisted the spell, they themselves were strong enough to resist the cloud as well. When one of the Elvish attackers was de-masked a guard called that it was an EVIL & UNDEAD abomination!!!


Turning on my attacker I realized it was Darksong, the Syvan! Swinging Mindprancer, the RUNE SWORD at me!!!!!!!!! Now genuinely afraid for my life from what I had seen it do to the group before, I ACTED!!! I reached out and laid my hands upon his shoulder and upper right arm. Just as swiftly I ripped his arm COMPLETELY OFF!!! To which I was given an amazing piece of knowledge regarding this creature as it cursed CrIsis and teleported away. It feels pain! I dumped the runesword and arm into my bag with the dimensional pocket and knew what I would do with at least the sword later. The fight had been broken up but I had to admit real, genuine fear at the thought of facing an opponent with a runic weapon. I need to find one for such encounters and when I finally face off with Groun’na.

After I was ushered into the antechamber just past the door with Sir Thurgood Andress they continued to call for the contestants:

Sir Kalnear the Human, for his Grand sweep of the Mounted Combat Events!

Xerx’ses the Minotaur, for his Golden Sweep of the Pentathlon Events! Since he is already inside can we get a cheer for his double win! The ROAR from outside vanishes with the door’s closing! The inside of the massive tower has changed once again to appear as a single story structure with a fifty floor high ceiling. Sitting upon her throne on a raised dais was Empress Jesslyn, holding the Lung of the Lawgiver! Wishing to appear as impartial as she could a huge glass cauldron was wheeled out and I was amazed looking at the hundred scroll within it. She decided to forgo the established tradition of simply choosing and left it up to chance from Lady Luck. I wondered if Master Azariel and her went to the same branch of the Church of Light. She also made it VERY CLEAR that magic would not be wise in here and that’s when I noticed the wards remembering a “certain” vault in a Holy City that shall remain nameless. Ha! I got a subtle joke in a log finally!

Well when Malah accused her of cheating by skewing the odds she rebuked him rather sternly with words Master Tyvernos smiled at. Then she drew forth the scroll and read the winner I remember thinking – be a good sportsman even if you loose. So began clapping for Rafanon who won the Lung. Now I am mortal and couldn’t help feeling I have failed the group somehow, and part of did think that if something underhanded were going on it was to prevent a Sulestani riot. I found my spine quick enough and said to myself, Lady Luck was invoked and this is all part of a greater plan! Then the three medalist for the Dark – Malah, Gor’las, and Rafanon touched amulets and I think teleported away. I felt magic but I don’t know for certain if it was amulets or the wards which seemed brighter to me.

The next hour was surreal, I was asked to turn in the golden feathers and I was given two gift from a Millenium Tree, whatever that is. The Leaf Blanket of Healing was explained to me and I marveled in wonder and gave one over to the group and kept the other! I was given two golden rings made for me that bore the Coat of Arms of Lopan, the Rune of Light, the date of Event, and the event Name: Dueling & Pentathlon obviously for me. Master Tyvernos and Overkill each got one as well. Malah received a staff of some kind and I also got a free enchantment on Uraeus’ Fang which gave it some lightning powers like the Lords of Lightning some of my favorite spells imitate.

I want to write about our brunch with the Defilers but I am going to wait on that since some of the information shared I have to decide what to write about. The rest of the day so many people told me I was robbed and I just smiled and said that luck like the gods will is not always apparent. These things will out in there own time. I loved that the Sulestani Elves were just avoiding me now or giving me glares. Some children came running around a corner and I had to stop quick before the lot of them plowed into my booted feet. When I looked down and waved some ran, but one child waved back and stood up puffing his chest out. I cast tongues to speak Eastern, squatted down and asked his name. He told me Jonas and I said he was brave to not run from a Minotaur. I could see his friends watching him so I tried to make his moment shine. He said I wasn’t so tough and I smiled. I took the red ribbon for dueling (it was embroidered upon it) and presented it to him for his courage. He laid his hand on my snout and thanked me before running off with his prize. I looked across the street and saw my destination of Master Alchemist Gabriel’s shop: Gabriel’s Alchemy.

Now that I knew where it was I went back to the tent and changed into my Eastern Human form and attire and returned with my satchel looking like a ruck sack over my shoulder. We had the most amazing discussion and he is enchanting my sword and a suit of Sulestani inspired armor for me! I also have the chance to teach him some magic and learn some i don’t know. I will have to check with the group first to make sure it is okay and then let know on the 11th of Thoth what the verdict was. Oh Master Alchemist Gabriel is a Sulestan Elf!!!

From there I changed into my Elven Explorer outfit and wandered back to the “Ras” and asked to see Master Kel-ed. It is so funny watching the staff act friendly and nice based on name fame and coin spent. I knew Master Kel-ed would know me because of the dog tag sewn into my bag. He waved me over and we got into the mystic lift to go up to his room. He complimented my attire and when I told him how I acquired it we laughed and said how rich that was. Once in his room I changed into my Tri-Arcanum robe and full size. I then shared the story of Darksong when I presented him with Mindprancer the Runesword. Then I shared what I learned about it experiencing pain when I ripped it off. When the master weaver made a quip about down playing the significance, and having to still paid dues I reminded him that out of everyone in the guild that has offered to get him a rune weapon I am the only one that delivered! Also how to break the connection with Darksong was revealed from the confidential records of Tyvernos and Overkill. He thanked me explaining he did not know about Syvan and their pain response, he even called me friend as well.

Well I headed back from there to beg my friends to let me stay and learn some magic.

Xerx’ses Goldencrown,
War Wizard of CrIsis

P.S. Although I am no priest may the Lawgiver’s judgement keep you and yours safe.

>>> Written by Xerx’ses Zarrintaj, after the events upon the of the 10th of Thoth, 70th Year of the Wolfen Empire, 2nd year of King Guy the First of the Timiro Kingdom, and 343 year of the Dominion of Man. <<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Official log from the wrap-up of the Lopanic Games, from the beautiful Elven druid Caminata

Inhale Exhale


Some where over this rollercoaster week we started the morning in good spirits. Azarial, Asher, Indaris, and I waited impatiently in the chilly morning air, staring up at the tower of angels expectant of Xerxses triumphant exit carrying the lung. Guess what that’s not how it happened. Instead it was Sir Thurgood who first appeared racing to mount and rush off, he briefly replied to my query the answer being no surprise. Evil had broken the law enacting their obviously pre planned sabotage to steal the lung and fled. thurgood.jpgHe did also kindly asked us not to kill them if possible during the pursuit, I would tell him it would save a lot of pain and misery if he just let us finish them now but of course we must play by the rules not them. I changed to my new found form and spread my wings rushing into the tower to find Xerxses and Overkill and join the chase realising somewhat later that the others hadn’t followed. Inside I found a broken trapdoor and following the obvious egress soon caught up to the others exiting a tunnel under the statue of Bes in the Park. My brief scan for tracks cut short when Xerxes pointed out direction and we rushed off again. Seeing our prey heading for an open doorway I launched myself at the opening doing a text book transformation you would have been proud of, plugging the gap with my ursine form. I needn’t have panicked Xerxes sent two of them flat on their face racing over his carpet of adhesion, and in style that made me chuckle even in such serious business Tyv sent Malah following the others to an undignified face plant. After the appropriate securing of the prisoners and checking that the lung had not been switched all were handed over to Thurgood on his arrival with the promise of secure cell even for Malah. Asher arrived soon after hundreds of little friends in tow, evil just never really stood a chance.

Later we found Indaris and Azariel back at base, believing the escapee’s might use next door in their plan they had searched the grounds but all they found was a death ward which caused numerous casualties, more charges to be added to evil’s roll of destruction. After helping all they could it must have been at least a small relief when we arrived to know that Mala and friend’s hadn’t escaped with the lung. Later after we had been given proper city permissions to cleanse the place Indaris tiredly mentioned that Oathbringer had been able to point out the lung, information which could be very useful in the future. We were also presented with a message that had been found under the now disarmed ward. Evil will Triumph, see you in the Western Empire. No words to express my hatred of these stupid selfish people, grrrrrrrrrrrr.

In a much simpler ceremony the remaining eligible winners were again regrouped in the tower, Xerxes this time being awarded the lung and joining us outside, I felt immensely less buoyant than at the start of the day that had held much more promise for so many people. The exertions at least providing us with one peaceful nights rest to forget the less pleasant parts of the day.

The next day produced another glorious morning, no evil was going to sour this one for me. Breakfast with the Defilers, I could gladly do this every day. Only Elanu was missing out of the entire group of them. We all put on our “respectable” clothing and The Raz was kind enough to provide me with a dress. I’m not sorry you missed it whilst I was assured I looked fine I won’t be making a habit of getting out of the beautiful leather’s you stitched for me. However as I know you would be interested I’ve included the sketch Indaris made for posterity sake. dress.jpgWe peppered them with questions for the better part of a morning. Some casual some more serious. Asher started the banter thanking them for paving the way for our quest a sentiment I’m sure we all shared. The Ogre in the group responded by questioning his presence being a kobold in Crisis to which Asher replied, “for being one of the few followers of light” which shut him down quickly. I cheered inwardly, I wouldn’t want to have to defend my families honour and start a brawl here or with these people. Azarial got straight into the more practical questions garnering information on our intended location, apparently only western ships would be allowed to dock on the Isle Of The Cyclops. Indaris asked Perfone advice on Oathbringer but the response was not very comforting, I didn’t envy him that ball and chain. Overkills presentation of Elanu’s ring caused a cheer in all but the dwarf who tried to slap the image, and I didn’t even understand Xerxes’s first question about an arrow incident but it caused an obviously long running argument between Rod and Mikala, the others just smiled. I tried to coax them to tell us some tales about their own adventures but they all looked to Xar Xar who begrudgingly agreed to regale us with one later. There was some swapping of weapons old friends meeting briefly and of course Tyv lowered the conversation to the ribald asking Nexine of any cloud top experience which earned him the glare of his mother, but the smile of potential from his target would have been more than worth it for him I’m sure. Az brought us back on track asking how we might survive Hades. The titan responded with the advice that fitting in was a must and not just in looks. Permission to act against our gods advice might be required to accomplish our task there, a sobering thought. We established a contact in the western empire allthough the way this “Slayer of Mountains” was talked about made me wonder why they recommended him at all. The request for more physical help resulted in us learning the defilers had all signed pact of non interference to allow them entry to Maip. Tyv was able to hand over some specific group items for which I was grateful but sadly reminded me we may not see him again. Xerx asked how the casters had learned so fast and we were told that stopping to take advantage of training opportunities was always encouraged, not something to begrudge. This reminded me of my father but they could only tell me vaguely that his kind might be found in the Northern Wilderness or the swamps of the LOTSW. As the conversation dwindled Xerx asked if it had been worth it. The reply was unanimous and serious “Yes”.

That evening we gathered around sorting our purchases from the days shopping and resupply trip, Gabriel the Alchemist had supplied us with many of our needs at very reasonable arrangements, Asher had found a good friend in him. Xerxes took the time to show us his other prizes from the games, having won two competitions he was awarded two blankets made from the millennium tree itself. millenium_tree.jpgTo give away a part of the tree seemed sacrilegious and looking around at the party no one stepped forward at the offering but I still felt selfish beyond belief and overwhelmed to accept and touch the fabric to hold some part of the tree in my hands. The moment seemed surreal, it would be a treasure I will hold above all others in my possession. The family just continued in their preparations a vision of the mundane but my heart continued to beat at a pace far faster than it should, this must prove to be an impossible dream at some point. With arrangements made for Xerxes and Azariel to study in town for the rest of the month, Indaris offered to team up with Overkill and hunt down some of his crew before the crowds left town. I was definitely starting to suspect I’d never woken that morning when I audaciously called out to Devacious and he’d responded agreeing to train me for the month and allowing Asher the use of the park for meditation for the week. Being back in the forest was a balm to my sorely tried soul. The time there alone with Devacious, his bear familiar and Nosse was welcome, but before we parted I asked about my father and to my shock he apparently knew him. He also told me he’d promised to never reveal his name or location to me. I felt angry so close to knowing something of my father but to be denied. He followed up by telling me I was prophesied to kill my father. I didn’t want to believe what he said but it explained too well his absence from our lives. How could I kill my father?, for all my angst toward him growing up I could never kill a good creature and I couldn’t believe him actually evil? With knowledge gained in this outside world my reality slips further from my grasp I feel I have more questions now than before, my hunger for information only being fueled rather than sated by my adventures.

The family reformed at the end of the month in Sekti Abtu, after paying our various donations to the church. Overkill relayed his success at finding another three of his crew, all female. Asher had apparently been granted a vision which led him to frustrating old women who nether the less seemed to help expand his mind. Azarial and Xerxes had completed their own training successfully. Xerxes handed out the jewellery which he had commissioned for us based on Osiris’s parts before leaving to pay visit to his father. He also allowed me to come along and meet him which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Looking down the gang plank of Rogtilda on our final boarding the vision of this city does not seem so bad. The months respite a last meal before throwing ourselves back into the fray. Refreshed and prepared the future seems ready for our entry, feats impossible within our abilities at every turn. I will be home soon at least in the broad sense of the word, be well mother until I see you again and be safe.

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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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New log up, from the newest group member, a Hobgoblin Ludicrous Mage named Burlap. He replaces the longest serving member, Overkill, who died in a river of lava.

"Burnt Beard"


What can I say about Overkill? Nothing! I didn’t know the guy. Sure his reputation preceded him but really? Ok I do know one thing; he’s dead. But really, no I have nothing but respect for a guy that gave up his whole life, a chance at career and family to be a servant to the gods.Indaris told me that his last days were spent in the service of Thoth. His last moment of life, he took the very item that he had of Osiris, the foot of the old god (talk about boot to the head) and chucked it at Xerx’ses before burning to a crisp. I hear that he even mouthed “Mary, I tried” before he died. What a guy!

Its funny how all that came to be; I was at the mercy of Thoth only a month before because I said some political jokes that Slapstick loved but the local lords thought it was beheading worthy. As I was at the mercy of the local lord and was losing out on the mercy and was certain to lose my head, a hooded figure came to my rescue.

“He is my servant. You may execute him if you pay the full price for him; a million gold.”

The lord jumped to his feet aghast and insulted. He spilled some grapes, beer and bread when his fat butt got up (how? I don’t know. I mean look at those kankles). It was a bit comical to see a balding fatty attempting to exercise authority but the hooded fellow had complete control of the situation.

“Will you pay me?”

The lard-o gets all bent out of shape as he is barking insults and making a lot of gestures toward me. Did I mention that I don’t speak too many languages? I knew that it was Elven but I just don’t speak it. Well this dignitary asks for restitution for my insults and the hooded fellow drops a sizable bag. On impact it explodes open with enough gold for a small mansion. This bloated pig then called for my immediate release and turns me over to the hooded guy. I wish that I could of used my magic to understand what happened. I only know that when we were alone that my savior revealed himself to be Thoth. Imagine my surprise. I just stood there.
“Uh… What do I owe this pleasure?”

“You will help me and the members of CrIsis when I call you. You will be my champion should my champion fall.”

“Uh… who is your champion?”

“Overkill of Sinza.”

Now this guy’s reputation had preceded him a little and I had heard of him as far as the Western Empire. This guy had bit the dust at least a half dozen times and could not die. I could only smile figuring that whatever this Overkill was called to do, he was going to finish. Man, I wish that I was right.

A month later I was called. I thought that I would be a wiseass and give a quick “Tada…!!” Not exactly the right approaches to the recent death of a comrade of CrIsis. It took so little time to get really warmed up because when I arrived the town was on fire and a river of lava was flowing through it. The team had just pulled out the dwarf’s remains so there was a baked skeleton in a melted suit of, I think, gold. The shock and horror on their faces, I wasn’t sure when I could introduce that I was a magic clown or the fact that I really enjoy a good… laugh.. Uh… yea.

So any way, you know that our family is from Western Empire and well I haven’t been more than a hundred fifty feet from home; I really thought that I would be out of here. I reappeared roughly about twenty miles from where I was doing a gig. So much for my rampant sense of adventure and the thought that I would see the world; I think that I had been to this town. As I recall it was called Shincasa. The river of lava was an improvement from where they started; a real den of iniquity; a real hive of ‘scum and villainy’ (the priest’s words not mine). The locals were not too happy and had started hunting for the ‘guy’ that had started the river and we had to leave town to keep from being noticed.

Its interesting, being out of the loop as it were it was interesting to see Tyvernos disappear and Caminata (who I didn’t know was biped because she came as a wolf) appear with her companion, oh and her other companion Bast (what a hottie) who apparently was just dropping off and picking up. This is the third god that I’ve seen in my life. Awesome!

Some days later because of a decision of going to White Ash and traversing the most terrible monsters (politicians) we finally got to the city.Azariel was certain to pay homage to his lords and ladies who were… uh… good at magic I guess. I wasn’t sure if Azariel was just seeking to add to his grief of a lost comrade by seeing the grave site of his father. I really did my best to behave and thankfully I came across an old friend from school there called Backwash. While the team talked to some old guys and get information Backwash (an old buddy from college) and I exchanged five years of stories. Later we were invited to dinner and man that was awesome, the turkey was a bit dry like some of the jokes but all in all I thought that CrIsis really had it good with knowledge of people in high places and knowing gods, I mean really? Where was the struggle? Running from pissed peasants? Then again I do remember that there was a demon that was attempting to get us. Where was he?

At dinner there was talk of the gods and some guy named Asol. I made a pun about not wanting to talk of my Asol. How was I supposed to know that that was a guy who was an old friend and mentor of Xerx’ses. I know, funny right? Not the evil glare but uh… Anyway, Caminata was given a chance to stay there in the city by a woman who knew ice and crystal magic. I wonder if she was involved in the encasing of Kahn Halo in crystal for his stunts from our old school. I didn’t bring it up. I was certain that it was a private moment.

Later that night was a candle light eulogy for Overkill. I really wish that I knew him more than from a book and legends. I am certain that some of the hype was true. At the funeral the priest gave a poem that went something like this…

Prayer for Overkill
My Lady of the Garden of Death
Thy Love pervades the Earth,
Please watch over our Beloved as They pass through the Two Lands,
As Thou send forth rays from Thy two Beautiful Eyes.
The Dead are rapturous with delight when Thou shine.
Thy stars arise, and we are cheered by Their rising,
The faithful sing in joy when thou shine in full power
May you carry our companion with thee as thee surveys thy domain.
Beloved art Thou when Thou art in the Southern Sky,
And Thou art esteemed Lovely when Thou art in the Northern Sky.
Thou draws our fears away when you pass through the eastern sky
and the carry our lost friends to thou bosom when your flow through the western sky
Thy Beauty takes possession of and carry away all hearts,
And the Love for Thee subdues all,
Thy Beautiful Form makes the hands to tremble,
All hearts are healed at beholding Thee.
May our fallen friend travel with thee to Ma’ip and be reunited with his child.

That night we spent in some of the finest goose feather beds and I slept like a log and snored like one too. I was roomed with the only kobald. I didn’t tell you this yet have I? The famed Asher was my roommate. Funny how the only language I was sure that I was never going to use because our master discouraged it was going to be the means of chatting up half the night. I really like the old fart. Turns out that he used to be a citizen of our country but changed. I know, right? I mean what the… Anyways…

The next few days after that were somewhat of a blur as we travel through the jungles of the Western Empire fighting snakes, giant squirrels, politicians, orcs etc (ok there are no giant squirrels; just making sure that you’re paying attention). We worked hard and finally got to Shandala (a choir sings in the background), a city that the members of CrIsis knew all too well. There was a small citywide celebration for our ‘return’. We made a hasty retreat to the temple where after going through all the names of Isis, we finally got to the top (I failed to realize that that girl has so many names; dang!). I got some cool duds out of the exchange though; ones with my name on them. When we went into the inner sanctum of the temple and were greeted by Isis and there we handed over the Foot of Osiris (I’m telling you this has geek out all over it). Also there were all the members of the past of CrIsis… Yea I know what you’re thinking. Overkill, the man… er… dwarf, the legend. Here was tons of guys that I had only read about in Rod Rambler’s books and I was beholding their faces, shaking their hands and talking to them face to face.

Caminata wanted to know more of what was going to happen to us, to osiris, to the world and in this holy of holy I get this holy hard on that only Bast could tame as she begins to unrobe and through her chanting and such gains a prophetic vision. When she passed out I took the time to take her robe and cover her soft succulent body. (I bit my knuckle just to keep my thoughts pure).

Overkill gave his last hurrahs to his pals before returning to Bennu and a god awful scream that I am sure that there is an explanation for why he is suffering. Side note here, I might give an evil cackle that sends chills up a person’s spine letting them know that they are up against a funny looking and talented wizard but that really upset me.

Now there is a polearm that we had acquired prior to me being on the team and we were considering leaving at the temple or using it to find the team called ReSet (the Dark Side version of CrIsis). In the end and still undecided we exit and are met by Father Yogi Abba (a goofy looking dude because of his large hands, feet and nose and you know if those are large then he must have a large… well never mind. I’m just saying he better be packing because like I said he is one goofy looking dude). He gives good counsel and tells us to leave the spear; that here is a place where it will never see the light of day nor ever do evil again. I’m pretty convinced and so is the rest of the team so away it goes to be part of the relicts that reside here in the temple.

So now we leave the temple patting ourselves on the back thinking “that well that’s over with.. ha ha…” Man I wish I was right. Remember how I wondered where that ReSet group of clowns were? Yea, they were waiting for us outside. Demons to the left of me, demons to the right of me, they were all over us. Ok there were a few demons; I’m just going for the flair of the dramatic. Now I hadn’t done too much Ludicrous Magic in a combat scenario (kind of shows seeing that I almost lost my head only a month before) but these guys were good, really good. In a matter of seconds Balrogs and Alu demons vanquished, fields were on fire and their little master (I’m serious here he was really short; a dwarf) captured and ready for interrogation. So what to do? We totally made him talk. Within seconds he was singing like a canary (oh… that gives me an idea for a spell).

All in all, we have had our ups and downs here. I am not sure exactly where we are right now (I don’t navigate often). I am not sure what my role is (am I the junior member, the noob?). In the end I aim to finish what that dwarf started. I am the kazoo (attaché) of Thoth.



This letter will also go to a gal calledOndemeira the White, that’s why there is a lack of fart jokes here, because I know you love my fart jokes.

Attached is a picture of my ripped body. Just kidding, its an stolen painting of a guy I owe money to.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Truly among my favorite writes.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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The Balrog copping the Rake to the private parts was great fun, this new character is going to make life interesting for everyone.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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The latest official book, err err log, is from Xerx'ses, in his human form which he has named Osric.... Xerx'ses the Minotaur would be Mino Meat if caught walking around in his natural Minotaur wizard form....

"Captain Osric Orghallar - First Log"

Captain’s Log ~ 5th of Set, 343 year of the Dominion of Man

Until stated otherwise in future logs a copy of everything I write will be sent to Lady Torchwood, so she may chronicle the tales of CrIsis and its current membership:

Master Azariel – Land Commander,
Xerx’ses – Captain of Rogtilda – I’ll explain this change below,
Brother Indaris,
Master Asher,
Master-Sister Caminata,
Master Burlap.

Ever since the death of the former Captain of Rogtilda – Master Overkill. I’ve had nightmares and I’m not sure if they are mine for certain or my friend’s memories, the Rune Cutlass, Callandor.

Some of them are Xerx’ses! You try wading through lava and having a hand melted off you. Crap you were there sorry I’m in a pissy mood today, continue.

Which brings up a note for anyone reading these, I am the steward of Callandor till I die and a portion of my soul will be forever bound to the blade as well. One side effect of such a union is that when I write he can interject his thoughts and I don’t realize I write them sometimes till ink is drying upon parchment.

You said it wasn’t a problem?

See. It is not a problem my friend just explaining for readers that may not know about our adventures, my new alter persona as the Hooman, wizard-captain, Osric Orghallar, or the wonderful new friend I have in you.

Oh, continue then.

Blessings unto her: Isis, Iset, Aset, Behbeit and countless other names. Ever since I met her directly my life has never been dull, even after dying twice in one day! We had our fireside chat with our newest member after escaping a further attack leaving Shandala. The Hobgoblin, Master Burlap, is a Mage practitioner of Ludicrous Magic! Now, I have written about it before but I wanted it in this log as captain for those that read this in the future. His magic has a comedic bent to it but it is wicked sharp in its ability to screw up a target’s original goal or purpose! Read further for a life saving example.

I had decided that since I was now a steward of Callandor someone would have to break the news to Rogtilda and I also decided that were I to survive this I would stay with Rogtilda, which means I need to learn how to pilot the ship. At the time of this epiphany I realized I would need to find a way to secure acting Captain, Jershon Herriman’s help. I would also need to secure another form to visit other races among. Now comes the alternate persona of the Hooman, wizard-captain, Osric Orghallar! Though I was not the captain yet by this stretch. I took a beard and even colored my hair red in honor of the Redbeard Dwarf Clan Master Overkill hailed from.

Here is the back story I have compiled from events in my life to make the alter persona as truthful as possible:

Raised on tales of the Elf-Dwarf War he was named for the Brother of the Dwarf King at the start of the conflict – Osrik Orgjallar. Also called Osrik the Goldenhorn as his last name translates outside Dwarven. So moniker-ed for his golden colored, runic inscribed horn which could level people and terrain in the wake of its blasts of auditory doom!!! It is said his horn was unknowingly the herald of doom to both kingdoms as they plunged into the Great War. To not completely claim the name or offend any Dwarves Osric’s folks altered the spelling of the name. Osrik to Osric and Orgjaller to Orghallar.

Osric’s mother died fighting evil and his father retired to work at Sekti Abtu. Osric had talent for magic, however, teachers were in sort supply. He has studied with Elves and tomes taken from vanquished wizards! Learning more magic from self study and the tomes acquired in the wastelands!

I think I did okay and I have sent word to Master Kel-ed so he knows about this identity and can back up any inquiries.

Why am I not in your backstory?

That’s a good question I have no answer for, would you give me a few minutes and I can amend it?


Well here goes:

Osric’s journeys took him far and wide and he worked as a shipmate on-board Rogtilda, under the infamous Captain Overkill! When the captain had passed he won the election for the Captain’s position and with it he claimed his rune cutlass, Callandor the Mighty!

I’m sorry I could not figure out a way to fit in “Stabbity Action” so I went with “the Mighty” is that okay?

Until we come up with anything better I am fine with it, not bad.

Okay then back to the log explaining how I became captain. We had arrived back at the Western Empire city of Oceanside on land upon the 3rd of Set. We had made the best travel overland via many well kept roads and several miles of them were PAVED WITH CUT STONE!!! I could not believe it! Not since walking the pathways of the Etrinan Fortress had I seen paved streets or walkways. Even Haven and Credia only had paving stones that were smoothed and shaped but not cut to fit! It contributed greatly to our speed of travel. We were twenty miles on foot away from the town when the stone road had shone up and everyone except Masters Azariel and Burlap were just as shocked as me. Apparently, in the Western Empire this is a far more common occurrence than in every other country! Master Azariel mentioned this was the birthplace of hooman civilization and where a vast majority of the Elves and Dwarves fled to after the end of the Great War.

It was almost as astounding as Oceanside was from the plains we arrived from. Maybe Haven and Wisdom would surpass this city but most other settlements in the Eastern Territories would pale in comparison. I will have to travel to Llorn someday but I hear it is among the grandest in the Dominion of Man.

A half mile out from the city the weather got as cold as the mountains and I began looking for frost giants on the move. Not so, this land has something called a season of frozen hell!


It was not long after frozen droplets of water began to fall and I sneezed and felt something I have rarely ever felt in my days – COLD! The blasted torrent wouldn’t stop as though the clouds in the sky were angry as the sea and drowning us in freezing white droplets of water was the method that would succeed! Chattering as I might to urge our band forward we decided to rally behind Master Azariel riding upon Lictalon as the entourage of the Apprentice-Alchemist, Birchwood Halthozaar, our land leader’s alternate persona.

I hate SNOW, I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT! When it melts your swimming is stale sweat and mildew, disgusting!!! It get in everything! Were it not for Master Birchwood Halthozaar (Azariel), expertly leading us through the city we had fled just over a month ago I, and everyone else would like have drowned in this falling, white, silent death! Just then the Gods of Light took pity upon us for we ran into our acting Captain, Jershon Herriman. He explained that former Captain Overkill had forgotten to leave Rogtilda with provisions and Master Azariel had forgotten to set up their accounts for pay or pay them for the month they were training in Sekti-Abtu. Master Asher step forward in an act of utmost truth and very in the “spirit” of Ra, the Everbright and said he was a part of the screw up because he had helped hire the crew. A most noble thing indeed to admit to when many would shun the responsibility of it. He shouldered the onus like a titan, I am so proud of him.

Master Azariel covered the replenishing of provisions and I covered the pay with an extra 1,000 as the bonus for the thirty days and the worst fact. Yesterday on the 2nd of Set they went without food!!! We vowed to correct the issue and set things in motion to prevent that from happening again. We continue on to the grocery store and as I said above Master Azariel took care of that soon we were back in the falling white death powder pushing through it to the docks with food and my fate, though I had not completely realized it at the time. Chills were worse than the damn lava!

Once aboard came the moment I had actually dreaded, we all explained how Captain Overkill had died to Rogtilda. I made sure to have my hand on Callandor so he could share in the sorrow of the ship and how much it loved our friend. I hoped if Callandor could see how sad everyone was he would not feel so alone, the world would mourn with him. I am sure this would have been frightening to the local had the blizzard storm of white death powder not been distracting them.

Jershon soon asked whom would be the new Captain of Rogtilda and the group, I included, looked as though someone had slapped us. No one I think had thought about it that deeply, and it was quickly decided to have Jershon act as the tie breaker when we all agreed it needed to be a member of CrIsis. I nominated myself since Jershon had agreed to be the first mate / helmsman of the chosen captain. Master Azariel abstained because he was already the land leader. After the first round of votes it was between Master Asher and myself. I was so happy for us because this group really gravitates toward a meritocracy approach of advancement. Those that can, do. Master Asher has saved the group on more than one occasion and previous logs I have written for the Books of CrIsis state these facts as much. When it came in as a dead tie both Master Asher and I looked at Jershon, and he looked at both of us and chose me. I am not sure why but it seemed my plan to take care of Rogtilda was shaping up in a very fate like sort of way. Jershon and I headed out to the crew and inform them of Captain Overkill’s death, my replacement and the food and money was distributed.

During the late lunch Master-Sister Caminata offered to use magic and make some wine. She was so proud of it but few things upset my stomach like that bad batch of wine did. So vommit was everywhere and I started with the Cleanse Spells and then wiping my finger off in the deck covered in the choking death powder. Another of us made beer and everyone loved it but I was to catapult shy to try it. Master-Sister Caminata and Nosse kept me company as I poured over books of CrIsis reading the early tales of Captain Overkill.

Upon the 4th of Set, the former Redbeard crew said they will fullfill their promise to Captain Overkill and return to Sinza and they left in the morning when the fall of white death powder had stopped. Jershon asked to just be referred to as Jershon and would do his best to show me how to pilot and be captain. When he promised to do his best to not countermand me in public I thanked him because this would be no easy task to learn to be a leader so late in the game, as it were. I asked good Brother Indaris for help with a pigeon missive to my tribe and making the map in this log. This log map charts our course to Caer Itom. As we were leaving port a suspicious ship pulled in that Master-Sister Caminata had brought to my attention after doing a survey as a seahawk. We managed to get past the sea wall before we passed it on our port (left) side. It flew the flag of Kirgi the Rat God! I fear dark times may have come to Oceanside but the watchers on the sea wall did appear to notice it I’m told. Hopefully they’ll deal with the worshipers in an appropriate fashion. We began heading out to sea and the Straights of Thunder!

The 5th of Set was nearly all day with me at the helm and learning to spot reefs, sandbars. Long day hard work but the hardest part was learning to navigate the size of Rogtilda without being able to actually see some of the things I was trying to avoid as I got close to them. Jershon was ever patient and more than a few times I was called “green” which I now understand means new guy and mistakes. I made plenty but Jershon kept correcting where he needed to. Patient as always but stern about the rules or best practices of being a captain.

Captain’s Log ~ 9th of Set, 343 year of the Dominion of Man

The 6th and 7th of Set I learned a hard lesson about jumping into battle when Jershon made it clear when the Kappa attacked if I left that wheel he would stab me for abandoning my post. There were seven trained sailors on this ship hand picked by better men than I and the rest of CrIsis. My role was to bark orders to keep their efforts coordinated and the ship stays moving! It was a clearly different approach to fighting I had never dealt with before. Even Callandor said if I did not learn to be the captain he would stop talking to me so clearly my path was set. I watched everyone and threw a couple of well placed Carpets of Adhesion Spells from the wheelhouse to assist. Sure enough they had it handled and Masters Asher and Burlap were the sneak attacks of the defending party because the Kappa focused on the taller fighters which gave Master Azariel time to use his invisible flaming flail to launch fireballs at them and the crew could gang up on the others not so engaged. The bear and wolf tore into others and ate happily on Kappa meat for a few days from those two raids! Brother Indaris is fast making friends on the ship because of his healing and leading the prayer time about four of the sailors attend nightly, including Jershon and I. Jershon made it clear to me in private I have earned nothing yet other than being a competent, mystical powered thug.

The 8th of Set we ran across our first pirates with me at the wheel. Jershon looking at me to see what I would do. One of the crew had gotten quite good at the Blazing Light Balista of Ra and I had people get ready and when they called out for us to surrender I told the crew to fire a warning shot and the rest of CrIsis to do the same but not hurt the boat only scare the hell out of them. I asked Master-Sister Caminata to speed up our wind to make following difficult. Let’s just say beams of light, items on their deck floating, a fireball flying overhead and a deck filled with rakes was rather discouraging and they thought the better of tangling with us. Jershon asked why those choices, and I said I wasn’t a pirate but I wanted them to understand I would end the fight permanently if they pushed anything. Before he could reply I started barking the orders to move starboard (right) to avoid a sandbar I had spotted. Then two more reefs before the day was over, and I managed to get “good job” from Jershon. He was as hard a teacher as Master A’zad was, though exhausted, I knew how lucky I was to have him aboard.

As I sit on wheelhouse writing this as one of the senior crew, and the only elf among the remaining seven sailors, has the wheel I can’t help but be afraid of how close I came to loosing everyone today. In a previous journal entry of this campaign we’re all on I had read about Demon Black Ships but they were all supposed to be gone with the White Paper Treaty. Well today I learned that is not true! Today we were targeted by such a black pit of Hades upon the sea I shan’t sleep well tonight.

It was just past high sun when the crow’s nest called down “SHIP DEAD AHEAD!” I looked and very soon I could see the blood red sails and black hull! Oh RA!!! people were moving into position and they didn’t know how just a few of these ships brought Timiro’s navy to its knees!!!!! We were not prepared and this black behemoth was THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF ROGTILDA!!! I know I can take a demon but if the riots of the ‘Games’ back in Lopania were any lesson these skilled crewman could not be replaced and we needed to avoid this fight at all costs. It was not that I could see one [Baal-Rog] Baal-Rog but a group of them!!! Every bad report of those Hades-spawn ships I had heard was coming true right before my eyes. On top of all of this it was headed at us to ram the ship!!!

Before I could react I saw my friends leap into action and most of them forgot that what they have to keep them safe NONE of the crew has! I had no intention of engaging the ship but I was to slow to begin with orders as Jershon called for a hard pull to port as he hopped in front of the wheel front the other side I was on and started turning it as I then began to help yelling out why I didn’t want to fight the ship, and coating myself in mystical armor. Master Burlap to the rescue as he ensnared the will of their helmsman to follow a Mystic Bouncing Ball to our starboard side. Master-Sister Caminata re-did her previous efforts to speed up our wind to make following difficult. Master Asher also in the crows nest let go with an Anti-Magic Cloud Scroll making it even harder for us to be followed. Jershon mentioned I did the right thing, you can’t save anyone if you’re in danger of getting killed." When he pointed at the armor and that I did not leave the wheel I understood more.

After the rest of CrIsis went to sleep that night and the crew changed out hands for night duty I changed back to my eleven foot frame and girded myself for war. I went back above and here I sit waiting for the Demon Black Ship to return and prepared to wage the war to save the ship and my crew.

Captain’s Log ~ 16th of Set, 343 year of the Dominion of Man

I hate this cursed month! A year ago our ship was robbed and this year we have been robbed again by Carl the Terrible, thief scourge of Caer Itom! We have now lost a piece of Osiris! The Right Index Finger was pilfered from Master Azariel! Yep I said it before and I will say it again I hate the month of Set!

Dawn on the 10th of Set was a blessing to see the Eye of Ra. When Jershon came on deck and saw me he cocked his head to port and asked if he should get a weapon. The Elven Helmsman told him about my watchdog activities as though I wasn’t even on deck! I was about to say something and was told to just grab the wheel Jershon asked the night helmsman to bring up food for the two of us before retiring. He got a yes sir and I was at least addressed by Mister Osric Xerx’ses. Jershon said now was a good as time as any to learn that as captain days like this might happen where sleep is for others. I am ultimately responsible for the ship and I knew the hours I would be on deck. Not getting enough rest – justified or not – was no excuse for shirking duty. The waves were very kind to me this day and we drilled degrees of turns all day using the wheel and every time I got it right he would hand over some food. I didn’t eat much that day and slept that night like a rock!

More drills occupied the 11th and 12th of Set, and I resumed my Osric form that night having seen two ships on the horizon that day. Then on the 13th of Set I can safely report I have seen the biggest city in the whole of Palladium! Caer Itom was visible so far out I thought I had missed a 10 or 20 leagues at sea! Jershon informed me I was going to do everything he said but I was bringing the ship into port! I asked him which set of docks he thought would be the safest and least expensive, having been warned by Master Azariel how much this city taxed everything. Did I mention it was big, like ten times the size of ANY OTHER CITY I HAVE EVER SEEN BIG!!! I am not even going to try an include a picture, its huge and my words do it no justice. I can only imagine this is what the Golden City of Baalgor would have looked like if it was still around, but maybe cleaner. Jershon mentioned Biboca Docks on the southern side of the ports and directed me appropriately, more than once he would nudge the wheel and tell me I was doing fine so I would not over think and make more mistakes. I was sweating so much when we finally docked it looked as though “just me” had been in a smelly rainstorm. Magic quickly resolved that issue and I earned two nods of approval from the crew before they jumped overboard to tie the ship to the dock.

Master Azariel asked about the appropriate bribes and Jershon filled him in. I sent a mystic pigeon to Master Alchemist Gabriel asking how do we find his shop, signed CrIsis, at the Biboca Docks. I asked Master Azariel to send a missive to this ‘Slayer of Mountains’ the Defilers and Elanu mentions in the early books of CrIsis. Jershon soon points out that mystic pigeons are taxed in the city and in short order the Masters of Biboca Docks arrives demanding his fees so he can keep up on the taxes.

We sicked Master Azariel on him with his charm and wit the poor sod never stood a chance. Sod? Master Burlap is rubbing off on me I think? Soon when he tried to mention another fee and a had an out stretched palm I shook his with two 100 Imperial coins making him mention our rat inspection was already done. He even produced a ledger mentioning that both Masters Halthozaar & Orghallar had accounts with credits in them. We paid for 30 days at the marina and tipped him very well.

Most of us stayed on the ship for three days while the crew got shore leave thanks to Jershon bringing it to our attention. We were sent a map with an " X " marking the location of his shop, and I replied we would be by on the 16th after the crew got back from shore leave. When they returned all of them looked very happy and one or two of them still had some of their pay! Heh. [Caer Itom] The map is a copy made by Brother Indaris, of one provided by Master Alchemist Gabriel after he gave our groups red hats, I’ll explain all of it below. The numbers on the map correspond to a ‘Guide Book’ which is sold separately for another fee!!! Suffice to say we are the yellow splotch near #20 and Master Alchemist Gabriel’s shop is #63. The Gold Coast Trading Company is not far from his at #70.

Now for our crappy walk which could have only sucked further had there been powdery, white, freezing, death falling from the sky! From the Biboca Docks we headed out following the Apprentice Alchemist Halthozaar (Azariel) as his entourage. For the record we agreed on this disguise as a group and Masters Asher & Burlap followed behind like dutiful slaves to not arouse suspicion. It started out simple enough with us hitting the main road leading from number #20 and passing #36 on the map. The road was a paved marvel to behold. Wagons, eight abreast with four coming and four going took up the center of the road. Hand drawn carts and single horses were on either side for coming and going and foot traffic was on the farthest edge of the road. When we passed the intersection at #36 someone called out to our illustrious Elf “HEY MISTER FANCY PANTS!” To which none of us deigned with a response but ALL the traffic on the road stopped and immeadiately headed the other direction! All of us were accosted and/or bumped into and then traffic returned to normal! We quickly headed forward an did not stop till we hit a park across from the Imperial Zoo which is #10 on the map.

Checking our belongings we had all been stolen from and Master Burlap chuckled that I had lost my copy of the Tristine Chronicles! Distraught I mentioned how much I liked that book, but he said with his jesters outfit jingling all the way, “Oh my you’re RICH, some kid steals your book and you’re not happy,” He made an inappropriate sound from his backside continuing, “ah Hades man, you probably just taught some kids how to read! Stolen Education!!!!”

I admit not knowing how to react because it had not occurred to me that most people couldn’t read. Knowing I could purchase another copy I gave up and was happy it was just a book. I was thrilled to not be carrying a piece of Osiris, because it could have been so much worse. Oh if I have only mentioned this to the others at the time. Master A’zad always said your reflections are always clearer than looking to the future.

The tragedy truly struck at the intersection between The Flame of Victory and the Imperial Arena. The Flame of Victory is an impressive public courtyard with an eternal flame in the center, commemorating all who died in the name of the Empire, which is #7 on the map. The Imperial Arena both Masters Azariel and Burlap said was the biggest fighting arena in the city, which is #15 on the map. At the aforementioned intersection we were besieged by beggars so we used our magic to feed them and this time we failed to notice the outlying beggars make their way in and back out once more. This time with the Right Index Finger of the Lawgiver! The truly sad part was those other beggars really did need the food! We finished making our way to Master Alchemist Gabriel’s shop and closed for the day to try and help us.

Turns out the first group of thieves by the docks was run by an Elf known as: Eskler. Those that purchase protection from his gang are given a special red hat to wear, to which the Alchemist had enough for us to all have one. It was the second gang that was likely the real threat run by someone called: Karl the Terrible.

He gave us the map that was copied into this log and marked the square-like corridor of the most crime in this city and where to avoid. Master Asher picked his merchandise he ordered back at the ‘Games.’ It was then I noticed an invisible, ant-looking type creature that was invisible. Turns out he is a bound Demon known as a Lasae, called Tim. Now this demonic critter is how Master Alchemist Gabriel gathered a great deal of his information regarding the city and the underworld of unscrupulous activity within it. It would seem Tim had stopped in to let the alchemist know he was off to perform that job he asked about before we had arrived. Then he saw Master-Sister Caminata and revealing his presence visually to everyone, tried to ask her out on a date in exchange for helping her get the “Finger” back!!! Needless to say our companion did not stoop to date a demon in exchange for any offer. I can’t say I blame her but I am beginning to suspect Demons are the true spectators of this war between light and dark gods.

After we left there a quick stop at Gold Coast turned into quite the meeting of another Jeridu, that seemed to know Xandria back in Sekti-Abtu. At first we had no idea the banker assigned to us was in a metamorphic disguise like mine. Once we explained in a ward room we were CrIsis Landaric, the Jeridu revealed his identity. When I remarked about Xandria and the other Jeridu sailor aboard the ship we were surprised he knew our scholar and in their travels they had been separated. Seems he is quitting his job and going to leave for the Holy City on the morrow. At least some good came of the day. Master-Sister Caminata was also a big help cementing how the CrIsis Sailors would be paid and have access to cash in our absence going forward. I am so blessed to have good people around me.

Using the alternate routes we made it back to the ship unscathed by thieves that seem to rule the streets in this colossal city. Time to help out around the ship and try to get to know the crew.

Till my next entry,

Xerx’ses Goldenhorn,
War Wizard of CrIsis,
aka: Captain Osric Orghallar of Rogtilda

P.S. Although I am no priest may the Lawgiver’s judgement keep you and yours safe.

>>> Written by Xerx’ses Goldenhorn, upon the of the closing hours of the 16th of Set, 70th Year of the Wolfen Empire, 2nd year of King Guy the First of the Timiro Kingdom, and 343 year of the Dominion of Man. <<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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The latest official log, from Indaris, the human Priest of Isis. CrIsis, the player group, is on a quest to recover their stolen piece of Osiris, his right index finger, stolen from them in Caer Itom

"Walking in the Dark"

Dear Father Philip

They say that the Western Empire is the cradle of Humanity, where the light of humanity started to shine. Where humans crawled out of the filth and muck and tried to transform ourselves from uncivilised barbarians to a Cultured and learned society.
And it’s apparently where we want to send ourselves back to. On the way here we came across a Demon Blackship, and it tried to stop us.

We escaped from it without finding much about it but it means that the Western Empire has once again started building Demon Black Ships, against the treaty they signed to never do this again, this is troubling news as it means the Emperor’s Imperialistic ambitions are starting to flow over, or there is a rebellious faction that the Emperor can’t control and they are building them. Both are troubling as they are precursors to outright war with the other civilised peoples, as not building them was part of the treatise they signed. As you know a few CrIsis members come from the Western Empire so this could be testing for them if they have to fight against their people and Leaders, maybe using Azariel’s and Caminata’s influence here with Crisis’s own brand of diplomacy we could gather together an army to deal with Çynopolis.
However we may have come across potential allies in unlikely places, but let me explain.

16th of Set
We get mobbed in Caer Itom and the Finger of Osiris gets stolen from us, just as we were about to get, ermm, lets say dangerous we got a letter from a person called Mangy Carl, and that if we ever want tot see the finger again it would be in our best interests to meet him in Syrefald as soon as possible, we mulled over this and decided that rather then destroying the city brick by brick, fighting off the Western Empire’s Armies and Demon Hordes we might wait until we really really had to, So we got our things together and decided to head to Syrefald. Lady Caminata wanted to try fly there but the Western Empire has a tax on flying, and you need to pay this before doing so, and the line was enormous, and we waited but it closed before we got in, So we decided to go with the Wagon and Carriage Idea, which has worked out fairly well as Master Azariel has a whole heap off odds and ends that he carry’s with himself now. The Carriage was set to go the next morning so we loaded up the carriage and moved to Syrefald, city that is, Meat Markets and Monsters.

Leaving Caer Itom we got taxed, entering Syrefald we got taxed, as I feel that this money will be making its way into the hands of those who make the Demon Blackships we need to avoid handing any more money over to the Imperial agencies we come across, as I don’t feel like fighting things that I helped pay to arm and armour, as the tax on the net worth of our group would be millions, not to mention I never really liked the Western Empire, but the fact that the Demon Blackships are about means that I feel justified in any of the the destruction of property that I feel is going to happen here eventually because of it. I feel pity for the commoners, as they will feel the brunt of things when they go awry, s on the whole seem to be a decent people who could fit in at home and the Eastern Territories, It just seems that the place is highly corrupt, so it corrupts those that live here. However Azariel manage to sail the sea of shady deals and return with a horse drawn carriage and a wagon, this was need for all those extra items that constituted as part of his cover here, so we were going to be traveling in high style.

The trip to Syrefald was uneventful, the roads were OK and the weather was quite bearable with the help of the carriage we were traveling in, compared to some of the mud tracked jungles we have traveled through this was relaxing. As the taxes are seem high in the area you would expect the roads to be in better condition, if not made of gold and honey, but they were barely maintained so somehow i feel these high fees end up in the local lords pockets. Timiro might end up at war with these people, which would be devastating to both sides, but if the Black Ships are about something has to be done about them before they get too numerous. I know Timiro has issues with slavery, but this place is dangerous for those who aren’t of the fairer races. My friends tell me though the further East you travel the better it gets, so we are going to have to travel to the Vequerrel Woodlands to see if I can change my mind that the Western Empire needs to be burnt to the ground to get rid of the infection that is here ideas.

19th Set
Syrefald is a Terraced City snuggled up into the mountains like a tick sucking the blood from a boil, I know that sounds harsh but this place is getting to me.

We get taxed going in, but manage to only pay the bribe to the gatekeepers, who only ask why we are there. When Sir Osric (no relation to the Palladin of the Sun God, as its actually Xerx’ses who has decided to flesh out his Human alter ego) replied that we were looking for a business associate, who seemed to be missing, he handed us a form saying that even though it says to hand it into the Guild, it would be best to take it to Bogan’s Meat Market.

This was the first nice person we have come across that we didn’t bring with ourselves. We slowly rolled into the city, looking for anything that would lead us to our destaination so Master Burlap asked the nearest person about directions to the meat market, this person went white, and then ran off as fast as his feet could take him. That obviously didn’t bode real well for our eventual destination, so we tried to follow Cami’s nose, until we came to a laundrette that Cami thought was a front for unsavoury types and Burlap tried yet again to get some information out of another person, there was a fight, as both Burlap and the stranger he was questioning seemed fairly rambunctious and almost immediately the crossroads filled up with a thoroughly unpleasant odour, so as Burlap recovered we traveled further on through this unpleasant area until we made it to Darla’s Darling Doxies, the doorman was small, but seemed to have a very over inflated sense of self importance that i thought Sir Osric might have had issue with, but we managed to make it in unmolested by the people that is, the weather had opened up and hailstone the size of duck eggs and bigger started falling from the sky, it actually killed
someone who didn’t have the fortune of being inside so we dragged him into safety, but his head had been split like a melon. I tried to resurrect him and the Ladies Grace flowed through me unimpeded and he lived again". We split up and poked around the room a bit until one of the others managed to provoke a reaction from the Mistress of the Soiled Doves, who in turn pointed us through a hidden doorway down into an underground bar that looked at first look to be fairly unremarkable with smoke and meat and other smells crossing the room.

Oathbringer almost brought the whole thing to an end when she screamed out “DEMONS, KILL ALL THE FILTHY UNBEINGS” and I instinctively grabbed at at my weapons, but Sir Osric hadn’t even twitched, so I looked around more carefully and noticed then that the room was actually full of monsters, and some of them were actually quite close.

Sir Osric got talking to a Raksasha who seemed to be looking for a fight, so Xerx’ses disrobed then and there, and changed back into his Minotaur form, getting wolf whistles and cat calls from across the room, this was indeed a very odd sort of ambush. However Mangy Carl was eventually pointed out to us, he was certainly well named and had a drink in each hand that was wrapped around 2 ladies, whom if had put all their clothes in my hand would barely cover it, they were dirty and had lost looking eyes but Mangy Carl seemed to not notice. He started talking fairly quickly when he noticed that Xerx’ses anger seemed to be coming through. Apparently he has quit ReSet and decided to follow his on way, which at this stage involved stealing the finger from reset who stole it from us in the first place to show us that it wasn’t just good people who were on our side, and to my surprise he raised his cup and said very loudly “To Crisis” and everyone else in the room started chanting “Crisis, Crisis, Crisis”. This took me aback, normally I would be trying to destroy a good half the occupants of this room, I looked across to a more normal looking Lady who was calling out our names and she smiled, and she licked her lips with her forked tongue and smiled a promise of much delight. I had shifted myself to Xerx’ses back, noting that the others had done the same as the monsters had crowded in and were still chanting Crisis. Mangy Carl waved his hand and the room went quiet and he said “I fully intent to give you the finger, but for my trouble I have decided to put on a show for my, ahem, friends here, and to show that you are worthy. In this place is a maze that will test your wit and skill, and at the end is the finger. Make your way through the maze and I will give you the finger”. That seemed fairly straight forward to me, in fact way to straight forward, but he waved his hand and things shook and moved and a pool appeared, were one poor kobold fell in, and yet again the Grace of The Lady flowed through me and after Asher had fished him from the pool he lived again too. Did this mean The Lady approved of what was happening, I hoped so. Mangy Carl certainly has changed his outlook on life, leaving Reset, then backstabbing them by stealing the finger from one of their people after they stole it from us, and then sort of selling it back to us, maybe he realised that the only place you end up when working with the Dark is dead. It does pose a quandary, how much can we trust him, is this all some sort of trap with Reset at its helm, but having been in the circle of evil means he knows things that could certainly help us, but we are going to have to keep a close eye on him. I gathered my thoughts as we headed into the maze, I felt that this should be OK because usually the biggest problem with a maze is the minotaur at the end, and I’m pretty sure we have the biggest baddest minotaur around, backed up by two power casters, Asher and Azariel, with a druid and a priest to round it out, and a chaos mage(not sure what else to call his brand of magic) to put a spin on the dice at the end.
Apparently Xerx’ses and Burlap the IWonder mage (I wonder what the hell he’s going to do next) had a test of strength, and Asher had a test of speed, that little Kobold has more surprises up his sleeves than I first thought. Caminata and I had what I guess was the test of intellect and had riddles to answer before the door would open, the first was a little odd, maybe it would have made more sense if I had lived at the right era, but Caminata got it right, and I managed to get the second one right, as it reminded me of a joke Overkill once told me in a bar in Lopan after he had polished off 4 kegs of dwarven ale. Once we had them all right a new door appeared and opened, heartened by our success we moved into the next area, and came across what I would call the test of Morality, A knight had 3 people in manacles as the master of the House had been murdered, and we had to figure out whodunnit. There was the Butler, the Son and a Thief who had broken in during the night and had been consequentially captured because of the uproar of the Murder, this made me think that the thief, even though he was the odd one out, was not the murderer. We looked around for clues and we found a will stating that the son would inherit everything, so he was high up on my list of suspects. The Butler mentioned during his questioning that both the master of the house and the son used to beat him, which was another really good motive, but all in all it seemed that the people in this household almost deserved each other as I think the Butler did it The real problem was we were never going to find any evidence that would stand up in a court so it turned out that Asher and Xerx’ses had the best answer, as we were supposed to get all these clues together and decipher who the bad murderer was and execute him. The answer from those 2 was “We aren’t going to execute people based on some flimsy evidence we scrape together” and I agreed. Mangy Carl must have some funny ideas about who we are, but after we all agreed that we weren’t going to engage this riddle or puzzle we moved on through the next door, surprisingly it let us through, and it opened into a corridor, at the end of the corridor there was a mirror which I assumed would show us something and it would come true, so I tried to outwit it and walked walked backwards up to it, and then through it, apparently there was now a bad version of wither me or Asher, who had followed right behind
The next one riddle now we have been told that one of us was a bad version of ourselves and that we had to fight one of the others, and I get to face off against Asher, I will send this message now just in case, and hopefully it gets through.

Sent during Mangy Carls test by Indaris Excellar
P.S Im going to think about the Obelisk issue a little more.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Hey Zyanitevp!

I don't have enough patience to read through all of your posts, but I finally took a look at your A God... Rebuilt website (I've been meaning to do it for ages), had a look around and read your recap. Great stuff! Sounds epic! I didn't realise your campaign was done over video conferencing. Sounds like you've got through a lot of players! And only five pieces in so far - you'll be at this for ever!

Maybe you can hep me with one thing - I see some of the parts of Osiris are already placed in the books. So, as I guess you have researched this in some detail - can you tell me which of the parts are already in Palladium canon and where they are? Just curious. Thanks.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Soldier of Od wrote:Hey Zyanitevp!

I don't have enough patience to read through all of your posts, but I finally took a look at your A God... Rebuilt website (I've been meaning to do it for ages), had a look around and read your recap. Great stuff! Sounds epic! I didn't realise your campaign was done over video conferencing. Sounds like you've got through a lot of players! And only five pieces in so far - you'll be at this for ever!

Maybe you can hep me with one thing - I see some of the parts of Osiris are already placed in the books. So, as I guess you have researched this in some detail - can you tell me which of the parts are already in Palladium canon and where they are? Just curious. Thanks.

Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

It is a 5 year campaign, and it looks like we will hit within 4-6 months of that- in other words, a few months over.
They are not acquiring all the pieces megaverse wide- just the ones on Palladium, plus the one in Hades as the grand finale.
We use Skype- we have players literally around the world!
Thanks for the compliments.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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The latest official log, from Azariel, the Elven mage, trying to become an alchemist. CrIsis, the player group, is on a quest to recover their stolen piece of Osiris, running a "gauntlet of thieves." This is from our game on 11/8/14.

"Waking Up"

Set 19

CRISIS WILL NOT BE PAWNS ANY MORE! I am through playing to mortal pipers’ tunes. I am finished with the inanity of hustling and bustling. ReSet knows who we are, and we can either stand in the light and fight with its backing, or we can fall to mortal mens’ schemes. This Mangy Carl is the last being to abuse CrIsis without repercussion. Heed my words, O Ye of this Mundane Coil! CRISIS WILL STAND UP.
I have fallen to the depths of my own piteous dithering drivel for the last time. I have failed in my duty to lead since I was given it. I have lead as a half-awake tusker blundering through a field of pansies. ARISE AND FIGHT I SHALL! FOR OSIRIS! FOR THE LAWGIVER! O DEUS! O VINGADOR!

Unfortunately this realization came far too late. Asleep, I watched as CrIsis blundered through a delicate lace spider’s web, and I am sorry to say most of the arachnid net’s vibrations were caused by me. This self-proclaimed “Crime Lord” is no more than a petty schemer, a lowly usurper to a minor dutchy, full of his own sense of smug self-importance. Which is only said to shine an even poorer light on CrIsis.

Finally – after not one, or two, but three, people battered to pulp by unguided fists refused to help us – we were lead to an unsavory brothel in this godsforsaken town. The voluptuous proprietor lead us to the hive of scum below her establishment. Warning bells silenced by my listless stupor sounded as, looking around the room, we saw Tyvernos, Bungo, Jidian Kulder, and others that would never have taken up with such an unsavory wretch as this. We had to nearly draw weapon on the barkeep before he lifted his arm two feet to point to the back of the room. The crowd parted, as far as possible, welcoming us in for death’s embrace, closing around us as we passed.

Only fear of the Hydras and Giants held my hand from activating every death ward in my arsenal then and there. They would have lasted far too long for it to have been worth the trouble. Mutual Suicide isn’t on my “bucket” list.

He gave a canned speech, something about us being pawns in his schemes, though that might have been me coloring events. He says he’s on our side, but how is that possible if he’s doing nothing more than making us dance on his strings? He explained his little trial of terrors, and it sounded like a contrived scenario to force us to grow together and bond. Unfortunately you need a leader for that, and one that people will follow. I was not that man.

Through stairs, hallways, and rooms we fought and puzzled. None of us are thieves or assassins, and this whole dungeon seemed to be catered specifically to that skillset; skill, speed, strength, forcing mages to get by without magic or psionics. And then came the duels. Duels forced to the death. What possible purpose would that serve? We aren’t simply a group of knights, and it means nothing if one can kill another in a head to head duel. For instance, if given an hour’s notice, I would never fall to anyone in CrIsis. But I am not aiming to murder. We aim to rebuild Osiris. Our focus fuels our abilities and skills.

Abrupt. That’s the name of the duel between Xerx’ses and Me. It was cut unbelievably short, thanks to the simple spell “Paralysis Bolt.” As I fell, eyes unable to move from the towering minotaur, I saw the pain and confusion in his eyes as he cradled my unmoving form in his arms and gently wrenched my head from my shoulders. Why?

Confusing: The fight of Burlap and Asher. A lucky lob of a comical confection ended the fight abruptly, though I had never heard of Death by Dessert.

Convoluted: The fight of Burlap and Indaris. Honestly, I don’t know where it began and where it ended. It was as if the entire fight was seen in a dimensional mirror. What seemed like hours passed, and time jumped from the first punch to the third punch to the second spell cast and back to the first punch. What’s worse is those watching in the wings seemed to be arguing of which spell, attack, or movement came before or after which. I saw blood spurt from indaris’ burst lip as a strange bouncing ball hit him in the face, and then perform a dribbling return into the gash, only to burst forth again in a spray of crimson. By the end I wasn’t sure if Burlap was truly dead, or if he would of a sudden be standing and in the middle of a spell, instead of broken on the floor.

Hazy: The fight of Caminata and Me. My moves seemed to be broadcast to her, with flight and invisibility. It would seem that I need to pay more attention to what my groupmates have available to them, as I didn’t know she could see the invisible realms After a failed death ward, I decided to take the easiest path – Cloud of Slumber. Now, the problem with my magic in a one-on-one battle is that My spells aren’t very potent. Xerx’ses and Me casting the same spell would come out with different results. That is not my focus. So, it is not surprising that after 6 clouds, the Druid was still alert and attacking.

I was filled with the absolute asininity of the whole situation. Why were we killing each other – KILLING EACH OTHER – at the whim of a MAN? A man who has ties to ReSet? WHY? I refused to continue the farce. I needed to show my new-found clarity, and my dedication to it. I lay down before Caminata, resigned to death. I would not kill anyone in CrIsis.

I awoke to that stupid, grinning, haggle-bearded, snaggle-toothed, halitoxic, grime-covered stupid face of Mangy Carl’s. I looked, and to my side was Burlap. The defeat sank in. I could not escape, not when we had blundered so completely into the spider’s lair. So, I took Burlap, and we fought our way back to the blood-soaked sands of the dueling pit. We found the rest of CrIsis waiting. With a temporary surge of purpose, I lead the charge into the next room, to find all of our magic and psionics were useless.

The hallway was dominated by a trapdoor fully a third the length of the passageway. I lead the defeat of the obstacle, but it was obvious I wasn’t prepared to be leader, since I wasn’t able to route the conversation to a constructive vein. The blasted ennui returned, and I let the conversation run rambling out of control, everyone going every which way. Once we passed the chasm, with the help of a mundane bit of hemp, we proceeded to the next room, where I let Asher take the lead. The innovating little kobold led us all through the hallway of spinning disks with relative ease, and even yanked Burlap’s unintentional blundering head out of the line of fire once. Maybe this should be our leader? I thought. But no, even his leadership was flouted as well-meaning group members overlooked his detection efforts to skirt around him and down the hallway in front of him.

We made our way down that following stair to a room of strangeness. Magic seemed to work, but then when one of the group tried to negate all magic, it seemed to not affect the clearly magical Golems that attacked us. I was useless in the onslaught. Wave after wave of Golems attacked, and Crisis staved them all off with relative ease. What is the point? To prove that we are the ones that have done what we have done? Wouldn’t you be able to know that just from going to the recently vacated lair of one Tezcat Necromancer? Or see the smouldering remnants of a district of Shinkasa? Or the repairs to Oceanside? We regularly make it through this kind of thing, and putting us through a contrived revival of the past isn’t going to change us. We are independant, and aren’t a cohesive group. It is something that possibly needs to be fixed, but it won’t be.

We seem to be close to the end, but the last golems’ death rattle broke me from my stupor. I AM DONE WITH THIS. MANGY CARL WILL PAY. He says he’s on our side, but someone that is on our side wouldn’t manipulate and control us. You don’t force people to kill each other, and then refuse them Lady Luck’s final kiss. I remember seeing the light of Ma’ip, and then being yanked back into darkness. For that interminable instant, I thought that it had to be Anubis’ infernal hooks latched into my flesh. I prepared myself for an eternity of torment. And then I saw his face. His face fills my sight now. I will watch him suffer. I will bundle him for the guards in Caer Itom. He will be put in front of the judges over the land, or whatever passes for judges here. With the “Lawyers” I have heard of that seem to be cropping up, the judges must be quixotic at best.

Whatever the result, we will take him.

>>An excerpt from his Journal, on the 19th day of Set in the 23rd Year of Emperor Voelkian Itomas II, by Azariel, Apprentice Alchemist. Acolyte of Osiris and the Lady Luck.<<
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Soldier of Od wrote:(you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Nobodies watching, its safe here, definitely, no prying eyes lurk these forums. Surely not.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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kiralon wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:(you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Nobodies watching, its safe here, definitely, no prying eyes lurk these forums. Surely not.

Very very funny Indaris.... I mean Kiralon
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Correct- my players are watching. However, according to canon, the right eye of Osiris is protected by the Knights of the Rose in Madhaven.
The skull is in the hands of Modeus himself!!! (according to canon)
We did a bit of crossover with the eye- a player ran it in his Megaverse spanning campaign Ladies in Hades
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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zyanitevp wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Correct- my players are watching. However, according to canon, the right eye of Osiris is protected by the Knights of the Rose in Madhaven.
The skull is in the hands of Modeus himself!!! (according to canon)
We did a bit of crossover with the eye- a player ran it in his Megaverse spanning campaign Ladies in Hades

Brilliant! Thanks for your help!
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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zyanitevp wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Correct- my players are watching. However, according to canon, the right eye of Osiris is protected by the Knights of the Rose in Madhaven.
The skull is in the hands of Modeus himself!!! (according to canon)
We did a bit of crossover with the eye- a player ran it in his Megaverse spanning campaign Ladies in Hades

Oh, very cool. I knew that the intent of that game was for the Eye to get recovered for A God Rebuilt, but I wasn't sure you actually acknowledged that until this moment! :lol:
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Correct- my players are watching. However, according to canon, the right eye of Osiris is protected by the Knights of the Rose in Madhaven.
The skull is in the hands of Modeus himself!!! (according to canon)
We did a bit of crossover with the eye- a player ran it in his Megaverse spanning campaign Ladies in Hades

Brilliant! Thanks for your help!

No problem!
If you have any questions please send me a pm- I can let you know the behind the scenes stuff.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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Glistam wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:
Soldier of Od wrote:
zyanitevp wrote:Foot of Osiris on Dragons Roost Isle, in Seas Book. Heart of Osiris in Haven- Eastern Territories book. Eye of Osiris in Madhaven. Skull of Osiris in Hades. Those are the canon references I used. All other placements were my own!

Thanks for the information! I noticed one more of your placements is already from Palladium - the tongue in Rhaznor's stronghold! Couple of further questions: which eye is in Madhaven, and where in Hades is the skull? (you could PM me the answer if you want to keep it secret from your players (who might be watching)! Cheers.

Correct- my players are watching. However, according to canon, the right eye of Osiris is protected by the Knights of the Rose in Madhaven.
The skull is in the hands of Modeus himself!!! (according to canon)
We did a bit of crossover with the eye- a player ran it in his Megaverse spanning campaign Ladies in Hades

Oh, very cool. I knew that the intent of that game was for the Eye to get recovered for A God Rebuilt, but I wasn't sure you actually acknowledged that until this moment! :lol:

Your GM was supposed to let you know that.
The original idea was supposed to have you guys get more than one piece, and have the two groups get together at the end for an assault on the Skull in Hades.
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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New official log up, from Asher, the Kobold Psi-Mystic. The players finished the thieves gauntlet, and were later attacked by former tribesmen of Xerx'ses the minotaur.

"4th Recorded Report to Empress Jesslyn"

My Empress,

This is the 27th message I have sent you since becoming a citizen of Lopan. I have a feeling that this message will be recorded in the books of CrIsis so I shall be a bit more formal than I have been of late. We have finally finished the gauntlet of that rapscallion Mangy Carl, and have recovered the piece of Osiris that was stolen from us.

Still, it boggles my mind that I was unable to react to what I saw happening, but I have gone into detail with you about that previous action. In continuation of the journey under the city, we quickly realized that the statues were nothing of the sort. The casting of an Anti-Magic Cloud in the confines of the room should have told everyone that something was up, but nothing would have prepared us for the truth of what had actually been crafted here in this room in what appears to have once been a thriving dwarven city.

The dwarves had devised a series of wheels with fingers that stick out in all directions and link with the fingers of other wheels. Apparently, in this manner you can transfer the motion of one wheel to another without losing any of the motion of the first wheel.

These…devisings were put together in such a way that the statues, completely filled with these finger-wheels, were able to come to a semblance of life. Without magic, they were able to create a golem. A golem that had lain here for eons and was still active.

I rely upon the fact that the books change the locations and names in our journeys for the following information. We have found another demon blade. Even here I shan’t be telling you the maner of it’s disguising, or where we hid it, but we did put nineteen death wards on the chest, and included a statement that it is death to open the chest.

After finishing with the room of Statues that Work…workings? Yes, I will call these workings if I ever run into them again. After that room, the rest of the dungeon was anti-climax, even if we treated it as more than it was. We are getting too paranoid it would seem, seeing shadows jumping in all directions.

Take Mangey Carl for example. He had been a part of our enemies. He was a former member of ReSet, and yet he’d worked with us, provided a way that he could feel comfortable working with the ‘good guys.’ He is a villain, and for some poor adventurer in the future, I’m sure he will be The Villain, but for us, he was willing to put that aside because he needs balance in this world.

U’Selekma was right, that even in the darkness there is some light. None of us are without emotions and beyond the need of comfort once in a while.

Carl relayed to us that he was the cause of Overkill’s death. Knowing what I do about that moment, that Overkill had a choice to make before that moment that could have saved his life, I do not blame Carl. Overkill had all the tools he needed to prevent a senseless death.

Honeysuckle the former mistress of Overkill and former pirate extraordinaire, has convinced two more former members of the Redbeard’s crew to head home. She is living up to her reputation and I find it hard to fault her for her actions with Overkill. It would seem that there is much blame that can be laid on Overkill’s slate, and I truly pray for his soul when the keeper of the dead is once again placed upon his rightful throne.

So, we were asked to visit the palace here in Caer Itom. It would have been good if all of us could go, but that was not to be. We had to enter in our real form, and the Minotaur was asked not to come at all. The two elves and the human went in to represent CrIsis. They did us proud, only being involved in an almost tussle, not even a significant one at that.

We were put up in the Ivory Royal Inn, a name that could have been invented by our master of the ludicrous on the spot, in order to await the day of our appearance before the Mountain. Making use of my new found power I have begun again to scribe spells in preparation of our future travels. Now that I am able to cast even the largest of the spells I know I am less reliant upon them, but even so, the ability to scribe spells into scroll form, to save them for future need, makes me feel much more at ease with our trip.

Apis send me strength and knowledge that these preparations will be enough to prevent future death among my friends in CrIsis.

Early on the 27th of this month, the events that just previously occurred. Screaming awoke us in the dark of the night. For once in a long time, CrIsis acted with a common purpose. We cast beneficial spells on one another, treating those others in the group as our extensions of will and not just a loose collection of people thrown together by fate.

We ran down the stairs, Fleet of Feet, and ready for anything. Even without the warning we might normally have given, we found ourselves flat footed to the assault of the opposing force. The attacked Caminata and Burlap brutally, almost striking Burlap to the ground in a single blow. A wicked gleam entered the eyes of our diminutive member, a man greater in stature than I, and he began to cackle in the most spine tingling manner. A couple of our members were almost shaken by the creepy laughter and all but one of our opponents were fully shaken by the sound of the ludicrous ones voice.

Xerx’ses then stuck them to the ground with his sticky carpet. The lone individual not completely bewildered and frothing because of the laughter was stuck tight. The magic net and fairy dance that came after were simply icing on the cake. From a potential of lost of life on our end we turned it into a complete massacre, and massacre I mean.

We slaughtered those fellows, former tribe mates of Xerx’ses who had turned on the light. Cami, Nosse and I ate the hearts of our victims to prevent the dark from sending them once more against us. I fear that I may have taken some of their darkness within me, but more I worry that it was darkness that already existed within myself.

Asher of Lopan
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Re: Campaign Logs from A God...Rebuilt

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New official log up, from Caminata, the Elven Druid. The group meets with the legendary Slayer of Mountains!

"Politics and Compromise"


You will find today’s letter long and tedious as I attempt to also share every detail with our august scribe to twist and conceal in the form of the CrIsis stories as well as talk to you. The events of the past days making it obvious that the details that we share with our trusted few must have a vast amount of editing of location and characters in order to protect our mission before being displayed to the world, I have new respect for the extent of the work and creativity that our Writer must undertake.

At our last correspondence we were granted the miracle of a some amount of closure to my brother Xerxses’ pain by the swift deaths of the minotaur betrayers at our hands. I am extremely grateful for the fate that allowed us the chance pursuit of this terrible wrong. Had they not fallen into our lap it would have been impossible to accomplish any justice as we cannot turn aside from our quest no matter how deep the hurt or rightful the task. I thank the gods for the mercy shown, carrying the full weight of this unreconciled pain was torture on my brother, one which I selfishly found intolerable. We continue to support our brother as best we can but the trauma is surely causing him the deepest pain. We gathered the weapons of the fallen handing them to Xerxes until such time as we might return them to his father and the tribe. In one of our few times of complete agreement it was the only right thing to do, although when turned out to be a greater cause for debate.

After the deaths of the traitors we returned to our room at the innkeeper’s insistence to discover a trap across the door in the form of a tripwire. Xerxes applied each of us with magical armour before Asher psionically cut the wire causing an explosion from the doorway and the running steps of the guards downstairs to investigate. Xerses was hidden from sight by magic which might be wrong but we must be practical. Time to change the worlds view on the matter another day. The guards themselves did nothing to assuage my impression of their peoples jaded view by immediately entering and systematically accusing my brother Burlap then Asher of the damage. Their accusation only turned aside by Azariel taking lead and ownership in their sight. At least Oathbringer was able to assure Indaris that they were not demonic in nature, he was also allowed to heal us as they pompously sauntered into the room despite our warnings and the half uncharitable thought crossed my mind that setting of another trap might serve them some sense. After finding nought we were held under house arrest downstairs whilst the guards confirmed our identity and story. Five hours of waiting only broken by the accepted appeal for water and then food soon wore At one point they took Indaris away for a private chat for which Xerxes followed in mouse form to ensure his safety, he may have thought harder about his disguise if he knew how sharply I had to reign Nosse in from unconsciously pouncing on the moving aperitif. It wasn’t until around breakfast time the commander arrived to apologize for our wait and release us to our choice of the inns rooms assuring us of the innkeepers release and arrival within an hour. My curiosity to investigate our old rooms was overturned perhaps wisely and debate raged on as to the timing of our weapon drop the final outcome being after our visit with the Mountain and the Festival of Set to avoid any delays.
Later in the day a royal guard turned up to take us to our meeting, we left Nosse, Xerxes, Asher and Burlap at the inn not wanting to risk trouble with the local perceptions. The carriage provided was the same one as our previous royal trip the driver familiar as well.

Our home is beautiful and I would never like to admit to comparing it to anything but I cannot help but share my awe at the castle proper here in our capital. How such immense beauty and craftsmanship was envisioned and built is mind numbing. We were greeted by name before being ushered through its halls, always our mission is foremost in our mind but I’m sure we all struggled with distraction as we journeyed through this spectacle before entering a device that raised us up eight stories high above the level of the main hall, showing off its stunning beauty even more. What kind of man were we about to meet that held his own room above this wonder? A short thirty minute wait later we were greeted by Boderick. He first remarked on our unexpected politeness which I allowed myself to acknowledge might not be the usual expectation from our group. He may have felt the surroundings might soften us to his next request or maybe he had just grown immune himself to the dazzle but we spent some time working out a deal in which any part of our letters that might make it to the Crisis stories should at least at surface value mention only an attack by demons rather than minotaur’s. Apparently allowing such peoples to sneak in and attack in the middle of their city was an embarrassment that they could not contemplate becoming public. We were asked to leave all magical items at this point for which I fumed at myself as we had forgotten the previous warning that this would be the case, we could not allow ourselves these kinds of mistakes but now it was too late. As our gods parts were an exception I also requested to take in a ring for which there was no aggressive power, Boderick examined and acceded. He also allowed us time to discuss the dilemma, Brother indaris in particular not wanting to leave certain items. Azariel attempted to arrange time for us to return to the others but with 60secs or no meeting we felt compelled to continue.

Entering the room was a blatant contrast to the outside, completely bare the figure presumably of the Slayer of Mountains floated before us his appearance much like some of our more independent and elevated mystics. He first insisted prove of our identities, I was mildly surprised he couldn’t tell for himself but stepped forward and presented the ring of the wanderer activating its image. His responding fits of laughter and insistent calls to turn it off I couldn’t help but meet with momentary delay before allowing the image to be snuffed out. He turned to Azariel and said “so leader let’s talk”. Being previously let in on Azariels plan to gain his accompaniment to the isle I unashamedly took the opportunity to turn on every charm I could muster and ask for his company. The man was certainly worthy his knowledge and intelligence were legendary amongst other things, but his response changed my mind completely in one sentence, not something which often happens. His description of the countries plight in balance and the need for him here next to the king, which we should desire I had not considered. A foolish attempt on my part maybe but not regretted. Azariel held far more sway with his silver tongue and could have persuaded him to journey with us despite this but we hopefully wisely didn’t push further. He had already arranged for a western ship to takes us there as crew if we so desired, it would dock and stay for up to a week in the isle port before returning.

Suddenly within a blink of an eye we were teleported away to a special chamber of the mountains own devising perfectly secure apparently even from the eyes of the gods although this last bit I had no desire for and felt less comfortable rather than more. The rest of the family were also present as well as all our items returned and not a hair out of place although Enshalla felt like a dead twig in my hands. Refreshments of the alcoholic variety were provided and inevitably some high level philosophy followed, Azarial asked about the veracity of the possibility of Thoth having been an old one. The Mountain’s response in firm agreement quite stunning, he even admitted to having conversed with U’Selekma about the god’s erratic nature possibly hiding a personality disorder which jumped him between the natures of the other gods in his pantheon. The mountain at this point chose to return to his natural form and though we should have guessed I felt a fresh blush of embarrassment at trying to woo the great horned dragon. I hadn’t noticed how badly Xerxes was handling his drink until I saw the sad stunned look sliding over his face, ’’I’m following an Old One?!‘’. It was too much I couldn’t help my response “a minotaur following an old one who would think”, my thoughts were only affectionate but I could see it may have caused him some concern to think how hard he tried to impress a better image of his race to the world. This knowledge for some reason didn’t bother me I’m not sure why but if an old one could be redeemed it’s power reborn to become Thoth then it just opened the world up to more amazing possibilities and hope than I had previously envisioned. I hope when my time comes the wheel sees fit that my reincarnation be so apt.

At some point as I raised glass to lips my vision cleared and the image of the dragon feasting down on live humanoids shocked me out of my reverie. Had I seen someone being murdered on the street I would not have debated the whys or how’s but taken action, the thoughts skittered through my head so quickly I could not save these people and I could not let my family die here but this was wrong, was I really willing to sit still and compromise my soul for our mission, is this how the slide to the dark started. At this instant some stray thought popped into my head of the letter you sent me about my Father. You said his words were “I will prevent her from completing my mission”, was he once as holy and righteous as I believe my journey is now, is this how his demise started little compromises to the greater good? When the dragon explained afterwards that these were evil followers of the dark from other worlds my anger erupted “you could have told us before your feast”. He believed he was above explaining himself to us. His level of intelligence plummeted in my eyes I could see our new ally was not without his own weakness for which he was blind. Should I ever become so self important to put myself as an individual above other living entities to be unable to put myself in their shoes and act accordingly, my vision so narrow that I blinker myself to world in such a manner I hope you might find me and slap me awake. Breaking through this shock was Xerxes continual drunken babble “bad dragon” etc and after the mountain’s third call to muzzle him Asher had the good sense to use his shirt to stop any further inciting of the dragon. The unfortunate and probably predictable loss of the shirt seemed to unduly upset Asher but gave me some tension release at the situation we were in. The Mountain settled down and tried to explain to us why he wanted us to succeed, “have you ever been somewhere were everything was right, everything was how it should be?”." Your favourite bar always serving your favourite drink people you wanted to see always there at the right moment. You understood the why’s and purpose". Of course I couldn’t relate exactly to what he was saying, I’d never felt this but I could understand the need for balance restored, I felt it as a druid as a child of this world that he needed to be restored it would not be a world of all light but it would be right, we would bring back the world of balance things would just feel right.

The Mountain opened up the conversation to any questions and I immediately sought any further information on pieces he might have. Having just swallowed the remainders of the shirt Xerx butted in with something about knowing what a muzzle was and that Tyv had explained there should be a ball included, some of the others erupted in laughter but I honestly didn’t think the minotaur’s drunk ramblings were that funny, that didn’t stop all of us bipeds almost ending as splatters across the far wall if not for a little luck. The dragons advice for us was as follows, to pay our scholars when they ask, to seek access to the basement of Bletherad and to revisit the places we may have already thought complete. Following that he insisted on us all having more of his alcohol for which our sensible brother Indaris held out until the mountain’s utmost insistence. The poisonous mix seemed to be having as much effect on the dragon as Xerxes which Azariel took clever opportunity of to discover the possibility of the dragon simply slipping in and asking for the piece we next sought in disguise without any hassle. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the dragon’s butler Earthshaker signalling Indaris an entreaty to help the dragon. As we pondered the idea Asher used his gifts to seek out the future ramifications, the vision he beheld of a pyramid in flames and my most esteemed Brother Lamriel dead combined with the idea of using the Mountain when he was compromised convinced most that we would have to continue the hard way. A had a sneaky suspicion of a deeper game on the dragon’s part when Azarial went to clear the poison from his body and it appeared to already be done. I asked a third time if there was any new unrelated information he might have regarding the pieces, surely he if anyone would. He told us we should read the wanderers words and seek out the man like himself. Xerxes face lit up even in his stupor he blathered something about a mage in the Old Kingdom’s mountains . Some more discussion as to our disguise for the Isle was had with the eventual outcome of Azariel taking ownership of most of us and seeking a trade. The indication from the mountain that the Cyclops leader might indeed trade with what he felt as lesser beings gave me some hope to a less bloody outcome.

Eventually we were appeared back at the Inn, the innkeeper lets us know it would be our last night and prepared a lavish dinner before bed. We spent our final day and night aboard Rogtilda, leaving instructions for the girls to continue their search for Overkill’s old crew and relayed our time frame for return. One week in port plus travel time either way and be ready to sail at a moment’s notice. That day the family chipped in to buy Burlap some fancy cigars from our friend Gabriel the alchemist and a few of us paid a brief visit to the church of Osiris before we were asked to leave before the festival of Set began. The chants of death to Crisis amongst other things convincing us of the seriousness of the priests words. We arrived back at the ship to find a multitude of guards who insisted on proof of our identities before boarding. I sit now making these notes for our author, tomorrow will bring the start of our new sea voyage on a strange ship with unfamiliar crew, my hopes are this trip may end in a trade satisfying to both parties but should things go wrong I fear we will be in as much danger as we have yet faced. I hope fate yet walks with us and you will hear from me again soon but will always feel comfort knowing somewhere out there the circle sits in prayer for us. Again be well mother I will write again soon.

Last edited by zyanitevp on Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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