Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Slight001 »

The Galactus Kid wrote:The bookworms seem to go against the flavor of the setting as printed now with the remnants of the human resistence not knowing whether they are on earth or a colony world. That being said, I could see them maybe coming out in a future suppliment, but I'd be surprised if it was anything close to what Carmen originally intended.

From what I recall of the mention of the bookworms they were actively restricting knowledge to the general public as they were creating hordes/archives of old books. Why they were doing this from what I remember wasn't covered. I also don't know where I got this information... it feels like actual information and not something I've created.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Slight001 wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:The bookworms seem to go against the flavor of the setting as printed now with the remnants of the human resistence not knowing whether they are on earth or a colony world. That being said, I could see them maybe coming out in a future suppliment, but I'd be surprised if it was anything close to what Carmen originally intended.

From what I recall of the mention of the bookworms they were actively restricting knowledge to the general public as they were creating hordes/archives of old books. Why they were doing this from what I remember wasn't covered. I also don't know where I got this information... it feels like actual information and not something I've created.

Carmen may have mentioned it back in the day when he frequented the forums.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Slight001 »

The Galactus Kid wrote:
Slight001 wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:The bookworms seem to go against the flavor of the setting as printed now with the remnants of the human resistence not knowing whether they are on earth or a colony world. That being said, I could see them maybe coming out in a future suppliment, but I'd be surprised if it was anything close to what Carmen originally intended.

From what I recall of the mention of the bookworms they were actively restricting knowledge to the general public as they were creating hordes/archives of old books. Why they were doing this from what I remember wasn't covered. I also don't know where I got this information... it feels like actual information and not something I've created.

Carmen may have mentioned it back in the day when he frequented the forums.

Found it...

Carmen wrote:
Therumancer wrote:2. Memory discs and such things aside, I can't see books (which are not metal) being totally destroyed. Again this goes with the whole 'I don't buy this whole premise of ignorance' concept.

There are a few books remaining that are horrded by the "Bookworms" an OCC that was cut due to space. But most of these individuals think it is their secret right and duty to keep that knowledge from the people and especially the Librarians. They also actively try to prevent anyone from learning the secrets of their past untill the machine is stopped and the word is theirs again. I hope to cover them in the first sourcebook.

First page of this thread... though I did clean up the formatting a bit... Carmen didn't seem to comprehend the quote functions intricacies.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by cornholioprime »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I'm new to Splicers. Literally just started reading the book today 1-20-14. While I appreciate almost all of my fellow forum mates (there are a couple that pet my cat backwards) I can't believe that ANYONE is still arguing over What Planet It Is. To not know this answer I can only think of 3 possible reasons. 1.) You're illiterate. Nope that can't be the case because you had to read the book to know what was going on. 2.) You have jumped to a conclusion based on your neglect to carefully read the text. 3.) You are a willfully ignorant troll with a desire to be a pain in the tuchas.

Please allow me to refer you to the canon answer to the question of, "Does Splicers take place on Earth." That answer is NO.

Where do I find this information?
Splicers Core Rule Book
First Printing October 2004
Page 6, Second Column, 3rd paragraph, 2nd through 5th lines of text:
Wildlife, both native and colonial, had all but
vanished from the face of the planet, replaced by buildings,
highways and machines. Nature was represented by the cryozoos,
holding native, colonial and some alien DNA of animals

Page 15, Second Column, 4th paragraph, 5th and 6th lines of text:
1) Native life: both plants and animals; 2) colonial life
forms: alien specimens brought here by our ancestors

Native life (the biological forms indigenous/native/there first life of the planet where the game is set)
Colonial life (Alien, Brought Here By Our Ancestors: those of the PC's).

You, the Player are the descendant of a COLONIST. Someone who traveled to a planet that was/is NOT Earth. This planet had its own biological Native Life forms. Your (human) ancestors brought ALIEN biologic LIFE forms with them when they came here.

Now where here (the game world) is or what here is called is completely up to you.
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, there is a MUCH easier way to determine that Splicers is NOT the planet Earth.

In one of the first pages, the Librarian informs the latest group of Splicer recruits that the planet's landmass was ONCE a single landmass before N.E.X.U.S. terraformed it.

So either this is another planet, or this is indeed Earth......and humans actually existed in their current form tens to hundreds of millions of years ago when there was still a single continent named Pangaea.

The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Snake Eyes »

In one of the first pages, the Librarian informs the latest group of Splicer recruits that the planet's landmass was ONCE a single landmass before N.E.X.U.S. terraformed it.

So either this is another planet, or this is indeed Earth......and humans actually existed in their current form tens to hundreds of millions of years ago when there was still a single continent named Pangaea.

This here is a great idea :-D

If i do run a Splicers game, i may have to run with that idea
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

or, considering NEXUS primarily inherited human technology, humans pushed the land back into a single landmass at some point.

I mean, if NEXUS can split the world using technology, humanity could have decided it needed to be pushed together previously. splitting the continents may have been NEXUS deciding to undo some of what it may have decided was a negative change.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by cornholioprime »

Shark_Force wrote:or, considering NEXUS primarily inherited human technology, humans pushed the land back into a single landmass at some point.

I mean, if NEXUS can split the world using technology, humanity could have decided it needed to be pushed together previously. splitting the continents may have been NEXUS deciding to undo some of what it may have decided was a negative change.
Sorry, but the same narrative also indicates that the Earthers slowly advanced in their technological achievements over time......finally coming up with the supercomputer N.E.X.U.S.

Essentially, up to the time of the Great Purge, the colonists of the world of Splicers were more or less "only" at our real-world level of technology....not the tech level that would presumably be needed to terraform even relatively minor (but permanent) changes to a planet, much less the separation of an entire single super-continent into several more.
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

16 Blessed art Thou above all others, O COALITION STATES, beloved of Kevin;

17 For Thou art allowed to do Evil without Limit, nor do thy Enemies retaliate.

18 Thy Military be run by Fools and Dotards.

19 Yet thy Nation suffers not. Praise be unto Him that protects thee from all harm!!
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

so... your definition of "slowly advanced over time" is that they somehow completely halted progression entirely? it doesn't say they stopped. it doesn't even say where they slowed down at - for all we know they were at rifts golden age technology when they developed NEXUS (and in fact, that's the most likely thing to have happened, considering NEXUS has access to force fields, material science at least on par with, and probably better than, rifts earth, weapons technology surpassing rifts earth, flight technology at least equalling rifts earth, and definitely substantially superior AI and computers technology. not to mention apparent superior nanotechnological advances, too.

NEXUS is *far* more comparable to ARCHIE than it is to anything from our current level of technology. NEXUS military tech is pretty close to what you might see from Triax, though imo slightly beyond. the machine has nanobots that can turn a tin spoon into a combat drone capable of destroying a modern main battle tank within a single melee round, or a paperclip into a vibro-blade, more or less.

none of this suggests in any way that the world had modern earth tech in any way.

furthermore, the mere notion that they *could* have a space colony with millions of people pretty clearly tells us they were beyond our modern technology level. the level of effort involved in getting thousands or hundreds of thousands of people not only out of earth's gravity well but transporting them to another stellar system, which either must have had an earth-like planet (meaning no, they didn't go to the closest ones) or which must have been completely terraformed into an earth-like planet (did i mention this is not sounding like the sort of thing a civilization with modern technology could ever dream of pulling off?).

not to mention we know that gaia has access to massive levels of detailed information about extraterrestrial life forms, to the point where she can basically create them starting from base DNA, which means that humanity not only has gotten to other worlds, but those other worlds have colonies capable of at the very least doing some very in-depth genetic research and sending the information from said research back to earth... bearing in mind that for a single earth species (humans), it took 13 years to map our genome. 13 years. for one species which we had more or less full cooperation from (no need to capture or figure out basic needs of, for example, which is pretty important considering some of the species gaia unleashes in her preserves are not only capable of taking out a modern main battle tank like the spoon drone could, but could actually give a glitter boy a run for their money).

none of this even remotely suggests that humanity had stopped at a level of technology equivalent to modern earth.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by cornholioprime »

Shark_Force wrote:so... your definition of "slowly advanced over time" is that they somehow completely halted progression entirely? it doesn't say they stopped. it doesn't even say where they slowed down at - for all we know they were at rifts golden age technology when they developed NEXUS (and in fact, that's the most likely thing to have happened, considering NEXUS has access to force fields, material science at least on par with, and probably better than, rifts earth, weapons technology surpassing rifts earth, flight technology at least equalling rifts earth, and definitely substantially superior AI and computers technology. not to mention apparent superior nanotechnological advances, too.

NEXUS is *far* more comparable to ARCHIE than it is to anything from our current level of technology. NEXUS military tech is pretty close to what you might see from Triax, though imo slightly beyond. the machine has nanobots that can turn a tin spoon into a combat drone capable of destroying a modern main battle tank within a single melee round, or a paperclip into a vibro-blade, more or less.

none of this suggests in any way that the world had modern earth tech in any way.

furthermore, the mere notion that they *could* have a space colony with millions of people pretty clearly tells us they were beyond our modern technology level. the level of effort involved in getting thousands or hundreds of thousands of people not only out of earth's gravity well but transporting them to another stellar system, which either must have had an earth-like planet (meaning no, they didn't go to the closest ones) or which must have been completely terraformed into an earth-like planet (did i mention this is not sounding like the sort of thing a civilization with modern technology could ever dream of pulling off?).

not to mention we know that gaia has access to massive levels of detailed information about extraterrestrial life forms, to the point where she can basically create them starting from base DNA, which means that humanity not only has gotten to other worlds, but those other worlds have colonies capable of at the very least doing some very in-depth genetic research and sending the information from said research back to earth... bearing in mind that for a single earth species (humans), it took 13 years to map our genome. 13 years. for one species which we had more or less full cooperation from (no need to capture or figure out basic needs of, for example, which is pretty important considering some of the species gaia unleashes in her preserves are not only capable of taking out a modern main battle tank like the spoon drone could, but could actually give a glitter boy a run for their money).

none of this even remotely suggests that humanity had stopped at a level of technology equivalent to modern earth.
Two points:

First: I'll give just a little bit of concession by saying that the introductory text of Splicers indicates that the colony's tech level is/was somewhere between that of real life Earth, and the fictional Earth of the Golden Age.

However, it doesn't at all imply that Earth's humans were at or above or anywhere near the level of technology employed by NEXUS in the present day. About the only thing that they had 'back then' on the Splicer world that we don't have now is hover-cars; WE have Androids in the present day, and WE have (in the infancy of the science for this particular creation) computing prototypes that are going to think more like biological brains than electronic ones.
(We even have a prototype from of data storage composed of biological materials.)

Second: I would remind the good Shark that just because the colonizing entity has a Tech Level of X or Y or Z, this doesn't mean that the colonies (apparently left to fend for themselves in this setting for reasons as yet unknown) have to have the same tech level.

At the time of NEXUS's creation and during the first years of the rebellion, these people were still using coal-fired plants, propellant-fired weapons (i.e., real-world firearms), and modern-day (i.e., real-world) primitive fishing techniques, for heaven's sake!! (NEXUS is implied to have developed most if not all of the beyond-space-age, non-Splicer armaments present in the game setting.)
The Kevinomicon, Book of Siembieda 3:16.

16 Blessed art Thou above all others, O COALITION STATES, beloved of Kevin;

17 For Thou art allowed to do Evil without Limit, nor do thy Enemies retaliate.

18 Thy Military be run by Fools and Dotards.

19 Yet thy Nation suffers not. Praise be unto Him that protects thee from all harm!!
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

so i've been looking, and i've found what i think is the basis of the one continent thing (it mentions fishing in the world's single ocean, which is slightly vague considering the only thing that gives earth "multiple" oceans is the invisible lines we drew between them, but probably indicates one landmass).

haven't found where you're getting that humanity before NEXUS had a low technology level. i see nothing to indicate that at all. i see mentions that humans were forced to use old obsolete stuff that wasn't hooked up to NEXUS when the machine went crazy, but i don't see anything that says those things were at the tech level of modern-day earth. in fact, there's a note about how the entire planet is pretty full, with the only wildlife being in cryo-zoos... something which, to me at least, implies higher than modern tech levels (i don't think we could make a cryo-zoo if we tried, for any amount of money, right now).
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

cornholioprime wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I'm new to Splicers. Literally just started reading the book today 1-20-14. While I appreciate almost all of my fellow forum mates (there are a couple that pet my cat backwards) I can't believe that ANYONE is still arguing over What Planet It Is. To not know this answer I can only think of 3 possible reasons. 1.) You're illiterate. Nope that can't be the case because you had to read the book to know what was going on. 2.) You have jumped to a conclusion based on your neglect to carefully read the text. 3.) You are a willfully ignorant troll with a desire to be a pain in the tuchas.

Please allow me to refer you to the canon answer to the question of, "Does Splicers take place on Earth." That answer is NO.

Where do I find this information?
Splicers Core Rule Book
First Printing October 2004
Page 6, Second Column, 3rd paragraph, 2nd through 5th lines of text:
Wildlife, both native and colonial, had all but
vanished from the face of the planet, replaced by buildings,
highways and machines. Nature was represented by the cryozoos,
holding native, colonial and some alien DNA of animals

Page 15, Second Column, 4th paragraph, 5th and 6th lines of text:
1) Native life: both plants and animals; 2) colonial life
forms: alien specimens brought here by our ancestors

Native life (the biological forms indigenous/native/there first life of the planet where the game is set)
Colonial life (Alien, Brought Here By Our Ancestors: those of the PC's).

You, the Player are the descendant of a COLONIST. Someone who traveled to a planet that was/is NOT Earth. This planet had its own biological Native Life forms. Your (human) ancestors brought ALIEN biologic LIFE forms with them when they came here.

Now where here (the game world) is or what here is called is completely up to you.
Once again, ladies and gentlemen, there is a MUCH easier way to determine that Splicers is NOT the planet Earth.

In one of the first pages, the Librarian informs the latest group of Splicer recruits that the planet's landmass was ONCE a single landmass before N.E.X.U.S. terraformed it.

So either this is another planet, or this is indeed Earth......and humans actually existed in their current form tens to hundreds of millions of years ago when there was still a single continent named Pangaea.


Or it is billions of years in the future when the plates meet back up the other way forming neopangea.
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sHaka wrote:Nanites are airborne by virtue of being small. Bacteria can't "fly" either.

They infect non-precious metal, so if a person's supply is "exhausted", any contact with metal will still cause a response. Mind you, the airborne nanites will quickly infect a person once again - they saturate the Splicers environment.

Think of the plague as making metal allergic to mammals.

and not all bacteria communicable via air and can only be contracted via touch.

Your argument ranks up there with MP:QHG trial of the witch.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by ZulkirJhor »

I have a question. In the description of Regeneration: Super (pg 84) this is this line,

"Of course if the human limb was lost too, the pilot will still be unable to use that limb until the healing powers of the Host Armor can regrow it."

I have been unable to find any reference of the Host Armor being able to heal its pilot, either in that section or elsewhere in the book. Can all Host Armors heal their pilot or does the armor need to have a Super Regeneration to heal their pilot. And also, at what rate does the pilot heal?
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

there are no direct answers canonically, but these are my answers:

only super regeneration, and as fast as it would regenerate its own limb.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by LostOne »

Shark_Force wrote:there are no direct answers canonically, but these are my answers:

only super regeneration, and as fast as it would regenerate its own limb.

That's how we've played it as well.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

LostOne wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:there are no direct answers canonically, but these are my answers:

only super regeneration, and as fast as it would regenerate its own limb.

That's how we've played it as well.

Not MDC value rate of arm but completion of suit limb percentage right? (e.g. The pilots arm isn't instantly regenerated with the first MD, but rather as the suits elbow is done so is the pilots, suits wrist and pilots wrist)
Or do.you think otherwise?
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:there are no direct answers canonically, but these are my answers:

only super regeneration, and as fast as it would regenerate its own limb.

That's how we've played it as well.

Not MDC value rate of arm but completion of suit limb percentage right? (e.g. The pilots arm isn't instantly regenerated with the first MD, but rather as the suits elbow is done so is the pilots, suits wrist and pilots wrist)
Or do.you think otherwise?

well, unless you rule that the entire arm is regenerated when the first point of MDC is regenerated for some reason (bearing in mind that i already said it takes as long to regenerate as it takes for the suit to regenerate), no it won't be on the first point of MDC.

in fact, i'm afb at the moment, but i'm pretty sure the time to regenerate a limb for the super regeneration host armour is in fact not measured in MDC at all, so i'm not even sure where that question came from. unless i'm remembering completely wrong, super regeneration recovers far more MDC in the amount of time it takes to regenerate a limb than their limb could ever hope to have.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Shark_Force wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:there are no direct answers canonically, but these are my answers:

only super regeneration, and as fast as it would regenerate its own limb.

That's how we've played it as well.

Not MDC value rate of arm but completion of suit limb percentage right? (e.g. The pilots arm isn't instantly regenerated with the first MD, but rather as the suits elbow is done so is the pilots, suits wrist and pilots wrist)
Or do.you think otherwise?

well, unless you rule that the entire arm is regenerated when the first point of MDC is regenerated for some reason (bearing in mind that i already said it takes as long to regenerate as it takes for the suit to regenerate), no it won't be on the first point of MDC.

in fact, i'm afb at the moment, but i'm pretty sure the time to regenerate a limb for the super regeneration host armour is in fact not measured in MDC at all, so i'm not even sure where that question came from. unless i'm remembering completely wrong, super regeneration recovers far more MDC in the amount of time it takes to regenerate a limb than their limb could ever hope to have.

I too am AFB, but I think your right. Even though there is a Mac valu given it is for damage iirc limb regeneration is listed in time.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by ZulkirJhor »

Follow up question to that.

With Super Regeneration you are able to regenerate via your armor as long as you remain inside it. The duration for an arm or leg is listed as 4d6+12 days. To regrow the limb you must remain inside the Host Armor the entire time. Exiting early leaves you with a "mishapened limb or no limb at all".

Since your Host Armor eats via its mouth, and you enter from its back, how does one eat, drink or take care of other bodily functions without leaving? The longest a human can go without food or water is much less than the 16 to 36 days required to regenerate.

The two options that come to mind is partially exiting the armor, which seems silly and like it could ruin the regeneration... or that you can somehow eat and drink with the armor on, which is unintuitive at best.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

i would speculate that there are ways to feed a person much like an IV, except with biotech. in all probability, you either get to some sort of medical station where they can provide such forms of treatment, or you just starve to death (or more likely, die of dehydration) unless your host armour has some means of providing nourishment to you specifically (pretty sure that's an option for some metabolisms). in fact, depending on host armour metabolism, you likely need to get someplace safe with someone to care for you anyways, because you aren't gonna be doing much hunting with only one leg :P

frankly, keeping you alive rather than death coming in a matter of minutes is in and of itself very impressive.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by LostOne »

I would assume the suits are designed to allow the pilot to stay in it for days or weeks at a time on missions. Not too safe or practical to get naked in hostile territory to eat, relieve yourself, etc. You can get food and water to the pilot just as easily as air IMO.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by ZulkirJhor »

Thanks for all the help.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

ZulkirJhor wrote:Since your Host Armor eats via its mouth, and you enter from its back, how does one eat, drink or take care of other bodily functions without leaving? The longest a human can go without food or water is much less than the 16 to 36 days required to regenerate.

Certain metabolisms can provide nourishment, but there is a new enhancement in the "Genetic Expressions" that covers this specifically for other armors.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Slight001 »

The Galactus Kid wrote:
ZulkirJhor wrote:Since your Host Armor eats via its mouth, and you enter from its back, how does one eat, drink or take care of other bodily functions without leaving? The longest a human can go without food or water is much less than the 16 to 36 days required to regenerate.

Certain metabolisms can provide nourishment, but there is a new enhancement in the "Genetic Expressions" that covers this specifically for other armors.

iirc this was covered in one of the rifters...
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

We had the enhancement written for a while, so we may have included it in Rifter #50.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by LostOne »

I didn't realize Rifter 50 had Splicers stuff in it, will have to borrow that from a friend. What other Rifters have Splicers material in them? I know 32, 37, 38 and now 50.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Shark_Force »

LostOne wrote:I didn't realize Rifter 50 had Splicers stuff in it, will have to borrow that from a friend. What other Rifters have Splicers material in them? I know 32, 37, 38 and now 50.

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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Shark_Force for the win.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Tor »

ZulkirJhor wrote:Since your Host Armor eats via its mouth, and you enter from its back, how does one eat, drink or take care of other bodily functions without leaving? The longest a human can go without food or water is much less than the 16 to 36 days required to regenerate.

The two options that come to mind is partially exiting the armor, which seems silly and like it could ruin the regeneration... or that you can somehow eat and drink with the armor on, which is unintuitive at best.

Just because the armor eats via its mouth doesn't necessarily mean it can't feed you through that orifice too, does it?

Although some don't have mouths, like the solar-powered...

I always figured it could accept food somehow, and take care of waste removal by inserting some kind of biological catheter where needed.

If you had to exit armor, why not just let the regen pick up where it left off when you re-enter later? Maybe with some kind of waiting period at first to re-acclimate before it begins again.
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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

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How Does Any Not Know What Planet They Are On ??

Answer Simple.
The Knowledge of Astronomy is forgotten.
It has been Hundred if Years since anyone with that knowledge all died off. All the Human currently Alive on Planet Splicer was created from DNA of long dead humans the Machine brought back to life. Data of where they are was purged from all data archives long ago.


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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

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Come over to Facebook groups.

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Re: Splicers Mistakes and Questions.

Unread post by Borast »

TG - that would require a creation of a FB account!
No thank you! :)

I prefer my PB information here! ;)

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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