ShadowLogan wrote:While I agree they "ripped-off" concepts from Macross, that is such a common sight in industry to "rip-off" concepts from one show/movie for another I don't see re-using concepts as "rip-off".
This was before that was really a thing, man... and MOSPEADA didn't really "re-use" concepts so much as crowbar them in where it made no sense to have them, in the name of making a buck off the success of Macross. (Which they didn't exactly succeed at doing anyway.)
Though, admittedly, whether or not your interpretation is actually relevant is another matter... it hardly counts if the creators of MOSPEADA are very open about the fact that it was hijacked and turned into an attempt to cash in on Macross.

Mind you, Southern Cross had hardly an original idea in the show... it was a 50-50 split between a ripoff of Macross and one of Gundam, both mechanically and narratively. MOSPEADA did try to copy a number of narrative and mechanical aspects of Macross as well, and RTSC isn't even trying to hide the fact that the only things important in its story are either from Macross directly ("Rick Hunter", Skull Squadron, FAST packs, SDFs) or are first-degree relatives of same (Maia Sterling, Wolf Squadron, Vince Grant, Janice Em, the UEEF logo).
ShadowLogan wrote:The name really isn't the problem though, its HG's involvement that has done the damage.
After almost thirty years of seemingly doing everything in their power to offend or irritate everyone they could in the industry and the anime hobbyist viewer base, the name Robotech is pretty intrinsically linked to Harmony Gold USA. I very much doubt that it could ever escape the stigma of its owners even after a sale. The brand is a poisoned well.
ShadowLogan wrote:Honestly I don't find the Novels to be like Star Wars, yes there are some references to Star Wars, [...]
More than "some". Quite a few. Loads, really. So many that it's not hard to get the very distinct feeling that they started with a rejected Star Wars manuscript and just went to town on proper nouns with the correction fluid.
(C.S. Goto is notorious in SF circles for doing something very similar... many of the novels he wrote for Games Workshop UK under their Warhammer 40,000 line are just name-changed versions of older screenplays he penned that were rejected.)