On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Going back to the "original intent" of this post and that's convert 1st edition characters to 2nd edition. By request you will
see the original characters from SPAT that had an unfortuante encounter with everyone favorite villains, the Crime Masters.
These guys have already been given the 2nd eiditon update (and if ever a manuscript comes out) a permanent update. Two
of the SPAT NPCs are dead. Which means I'm temporarily ignoring my personal rule about making stats for dead NPCS. The
concept behind SPAT is still a great idea and one that should still be brought back to the forefront look for it as well.
Look for it :D .
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Good idea.

Maybe after that you can come up with a Mass empowering event,where a number of people get super-powers at the same time.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


S.P.A.T. is the acronym for the federally sponsored Special Powered Assault Teams, or more popularly called Super Squad. It
is an experiment in utilizing super beings as an official special unit of the police force. Eight cities have been selected for this
experiment. G.M.s can use your own real city or a fictitious ones as one of the first two to begin operations-No Century
Station is not as it already has the Centurioins, Sector Squad, and a host of Legionnaires). Nor is Victory City, Ultropolis, Gulf
Coast City, or Motor City as they too have their own Legionnaires who do a pretty good job already. Most major cities with
populations of over one million have U.S. S.C.R.E.T. operating in them, so S.P.A.T. seeks to operate in cities that are off the
S.C.R.E.T.s radar. A city like Springfield, Il or Carson City, Nv would be perfect candidates for SPAT to operate. S.P.A.T. was
inspired by Robert Fitzgibbons, the U.S. Senator who is the government liaison for the Sentinels of Liberty and Justice and
head of the government program known as S.A.T.A.R. (Superbeing, Acquisition, Training, Assimilation, and Rebirth program).
The former president approved the program to employ super powered individuals as a special urban police force to combat
super criminals (as well as terrorism and high threat situations where a super power could be an invaluable advantage). The
current administration is looking to possible cutting the program if it proves to be liability. The bad press from the murders of
Man Mountain, Dart, and Solar are just the kind of the thing the current administration has been hoping for in order to have
the excuse to scrap the program. Fitzgibbons has told his Department heads to launch a full investigation in order to salvage
the program. He has no idea it was sabotaged from within.

Opponents of S.P.A.T are appalled at the practice of offering full amnesty to super powered vigilantes who have been known
to work beyond the law. Likewise they insist that these individuals have proven to be glory hounds seeking adoration and
often have tendencies toward paranoia, sadism, masochism, superiority complexes, and megalomania. One of the biggest
opponents is G.I.G.M.A. and U.S. S.C.R.ET. who see these super beings as a disruption and dangerous means of empowered
super beings that will likely lead to confrontations with other super beings. Senator Winston McCulley of Texas and one of the
biggest spokesperson of the growing anti-super being moment, has openly lambasted S.P.A.T from the beginning and has
vowed to see the program canceled. He will use any tragedy to built on this platform. “We cannot fight fire with fire! How can
we employ deluded children, fanatics, megalomaniacs, and weirdos on our police force? We have already in place an
organization (S.C.R.E.T) which is fully capable of dealing with the growing super being threat. We don’t need individuals who
lack professional training and a superior attitude to combat this threat, doing so will only spell certain disaster. I do not blame
super beings…, but the former administration who policies have not been recalled as of yet and those in law enforcement for
promoting this folly. These same individuals expressing distrust in allowing S.C.R.E.T. access to their city because they fear
government intrusion. Well what is more of an intrusion, super beings given unprecedented legal authority or a law bidding
government authority run by the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Army that utilizes normal individuals whose
agenda will always be to protect the right and safety of all this countries citizens.” It is no secret Senator McCulley is a big
friend to S.C.R.E.T., he formerly served on the Board of Directors of Cyberworks Network (one of the defense contractors for
S.C.R.E.T) as its Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Note: If the adventure BETRAYAL from HU 1st edition is played out or you as G.M. can make it apart of your official history
that Lieutenant Carlos Lupee, second in command of S.P.A.T., was actually working with the Crime Masters all along and
Solar is not dead but has joined the Crime Masters as Power Master. The S.P.A.T. program will be discontinued, however all
members of S.P.A.T will be given the opportunity to join Project Secure, the Sector, or some other kind of government
regulatory body (not G.I.G.M.A. or S.C.R.E.T. unless they are “normal superbeings”).

S.P.A.T Organization Statistics before being shut down
A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (5 Point)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 Points)
C. Weapons: Armed Agents (5 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: None (0 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (10 Points)
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (7 Points). Starts off in two cities, never gets beyond three
H. Military Power: Security Guards (5 Points)
I. Super Power Operatives: A few Regulars (20 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Government (10 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Potatoes (20 Points) $250,000 for a mission.
L. Administrative Control: Loose Laws (5 Points)
M. Internal Security: Tight (10 Points)
N. External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O. Research: Good Connections (10 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Known (10 Points)
Q. Agency Salary: Comfortable (10 points). Spat operatives get $1500 every two weeks.
Total Agency Points: 147 Points
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


After high school, Butch Rollins went to work in the Black Creek mine in Colorado. The mine was owned and operated by
Innovative Future Coal Company (IFCC) was the largest private-sector coal company in the world. Besides its primary
business of mining, selling, distributing coal, IFCC searched for cleaner and safer means of mining coal without adverse
effects to the environment. The company ask for a number of volunteers to be a part of an experiment in order to make
mining safer on workers. Butch volunteered after learning how much compensation he would be earning. Experiment involved
wearing a new type of light weight harness that allowed him to breath a special air mixture and allowed him to function in
total darkness without concern of heat or pressure. Butch and the fifteen others went into the mine to work. The company
deliberately triggered an explosion trapping the miners about 2 miles (3.2 km) inside the mine at approximately 280 feet
(85 m) below ground. All of this was deliberately done in order to see if the miners would survive. After two days, rescuers
were approaching near the location they believed the miners to be when a giant Butch rose up on a 20-foot (6.1 M) tower of
earth. The blast and collapse killed all the miners accept Butch. For whatever reason, the experiment triggered some kind of
bizarre mutation in him. In the end, IFCC was fined and forced to pay restitution to the victims. Meanwhile, Butch found
himself a lab experiment by the U.S. Department of Energy. When it was determined the experiment couldn’t be replicated,
Butch was given a choice to find a career within special law enforcement unit, a military super-ops, or as a member of a
government superhuman task force. Butch didn’t like either of the options, but it was this or containment in a S.C.R.E. T.
Holding Facility. Butch decided to join a newly formed special urban task force to combat super powered criminals in league
with the local police department. As a member of S.P.A.T., Butch found comfort in being amongst like minded individuals,
particularly Sarah Tucker (aka Dart).

Death: Butch was told by Lieutenant Carlos Lupee that S.P.A.T. had to intercept a major drug deal worth nearly 100 million
dollars. They were informed of the location and the possibility of encountering a super being. Butch along with Sarah and
Roger were told they alone could handle the situation and would not need Lisa or Tadashi Niko. When Butch and Sarah arrived
at the docks, they were unprepared for Roger to use his light energy rays at point blank range from behind them. Dazed and
severely stunned, Butch could not defend himself from the combined of Taskmaster and Solar (now revealing himself to be
Power Master).

Real Name: Butch Rollins
Occupation: Former Coal Miner and member of S.P.A.T.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Experiment
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 20/45 transformed S.D.C.: 69/+140 transformed
Armor Rating: A.R. 10 (transformed)
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: Butch is average height and build who spent several years doing intense physical labor. He has short
brown hair and brown eyes. As Man Mountain, he is a stocky, mountain of a man.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 12, M.A. 12, P.S. 12/21 (+10) transformed, P.P. 9, P.E. 12/22 transformed, P.B. 9, Spd 7.
Age: 24, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg)
Side Effect: Must Physically Transform, 8 feet (2.43 m), 360 lbs (162 kg), Dark Brown Skin.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.E., Earth Empowerment, Impact Resistance, and Hyperdensity. Note: He can
carry 9300 lbs (4185 kg) and lift 15,500 lbs (6975 kg) while transformed with contact with the earth.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 initial +2 from hand to hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to damage transformed, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +2 to
pull punch.
Saving Throws: +10% to save vs. coma/death. Impervious to the first 20 point of physical/kinetic damage per melee
round, the rest is ½ damage.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as 2 attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Educational Background: High School.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Physical Labor, Outdoormanship, and Body Building & Weightlifting.
Technical Program: Excavation 50%, Mining 55%, Prospecting 40%, and General Repair/Maintenance 65%.
Secondary Skills: Spelunking 55%, Land Navigation 48%, Wilderness Survival 50%, Basic Mechanics 55%, Jury-Rig
40%, Pilot: Truck 66%, Pilot: Tracked Vehicles 66%, Radio: Basic 65%Whittling & Sculpting 55%, Law (general) 40%, and
Streetwise 24%.
Money: He makes about $1500 every two weeks as a member of S.P.AT. He is not so much concern about getting
paid. Its more about protecting the public.
Weapons: None. He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment and Vehicles: He will utilize whatever is required of him to complete his mission. He is fully capable of
working in and around a coal mine and operate any of their equipment.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


In middle school, Sarah noticed she was a lot faster and quicker than all the other kids were in her class. She could perform
her gymnastics and ballet routine better than her classmates could. At first, she attributed this to simple raw talent, but by
the time she entered high school, she could run faster than most automobiles on the highway. She did everything she could
from that day on to suppress her abilities. She didn’t want to be different she wanted to be like everyone else. Yet her
curiosity always got the better of her. When she her a rumor that some of the football players were possible cheating on
their math tests, she investigated the rumor until she learned the truth. This of course got parents, teachers, and the
student upset with her (all the players had to be expelled thus the school football season was ruined), nonetheless the
injustice was foiled and the truth exposed. When she graduated from high school, she went to study law in Gulf Coast City.
While there she been researching all the unsolved crimes and did some private investigating on her own. In the end she found
herself running from members of the local crime syndicate who wanted their criminal past left in the shadow. Yet Sarah
refused to back off. Using her speed powers, she managed to round up the criminals and provide the police the evidence they
needed to not only arrest the members of the crime syndicate but show down their business for good. So effective was
Sarah she was contacted by government operatives involved with the federally sponsored S.P.A.T. program. When asked to
join the program, Sarah jumped at the opportunity. For the first time in her life she was impressing her powers instead of
hiding from them. After being in the program for over a week, she began to develop feelings for Butch Rollins (Man Mountain).
She also found it increasingly difficult to work with Roger Monroe (Solar) whose dirty jokes and sexual innuendos were
begging to cross into sexual harassment territory. When she could finally take no more, she slapped him hard. From that
moment on, she visual see the burning hatred he had for her.

Death: Sarah was told by Lieutenant Carlos Lupee that S.P.A.T. had to intercept a major drug deal worth nearly 100 million
dollars. They were informed of the location and the possibility of encountering a super being. Sarah along with Butch and
Roger were told they alone could handle the situation and would not need Lisa or Tadashi Niko. When Butch and Sarah arrived
at the docks, they were unprepared for Roger to use his light energy rays at point blank range from behind them. Sarah
survived the initial blast from Roger. When she realized what was about to happen, she dove in front of Butch in an effort to
shield him from a second light blast from Roger. Despite her sacrifice, she was unaware that Task Master was also nearby. As
Sarah lay dying from the second light blast, she witnessed Butch get peppered by Task Master and take another light blast
from Roger who was now calling himself Power Master.

Real Name: Sarah Tucker
Occupation: Former College Student and member of S.P.A.T.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Minor Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 19 S.D.C.: 63
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: Sarah is an attractive, athletic girl of average build who engage in moderate exercise. She has shoulder
length blond hair and light blue eyes. Her costume and mask are gray in color.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 11, M.A. 10, P.S. 14, P.P. 19, P.E. 11, P.B. 18, Spd 140 mph (86.9 km).
Age: 24, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Double Jointed
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P.P. and Extraordinary Spd. Note: As a minor hero, all of her powers have their
usual bonuses and abilities reduced by one-half.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial +2 from hand to hand) +1 from powers
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry, +8 to dodge/+4 to automatic dodge, +4 to damage/+4 to
damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of speed, +11 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, and +3 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as 2 attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick Attack 2D4, and
Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: 40% charm/impress.
Educational Background: One year of college
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Gymnastics (Bars & Rings 84%), Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 90%, Walk
Rope 84%, Climb Rope 98%, and Backflip 90%), and Climbing 90%.
Journalism Program: Computer Operation 79%, Research 65%, Public Speaking 55%, and Writing 50%.
Secondary Skills: Running, Athletics (General), Prowl 55%, Streetwise 32%, Photography 50%, Wardrobe &Grooming
62%, Dance 60%, Law (general) 40%, and Radio: Basic 55%.
Money: She makes about $1500 every two weeks as a member of S.P.AT. She has been complaining that she’s not
getting paid enough for putting her life on the line. So far he cries have fallen upon deaf ears.
Weapons: None. She relies on her super abilities.
Equipment and Vehicles: She will utilize whatever is required to complete his mission. Her most dangerous ability is her
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


His family came to United States Century Station so his father could work a job at Helion Power. His brother and him took
martial arts classes while living in Japan from their uncle. Coming to America, Tadashi and his brother continued to practice
their training just as instructed. Each day the two brothers were harassed whenever they went to school. Finally his brother
could stand no more and attacked one of the bullies and brutalized him. His brother was suspended and put under house
arrest. A few days later while Tadashi was playing at an arcade, a van drove past his house while his brother was practicing
in the yard. The door slid open and two teenaged gunmen opened fire. Not only was his brother killed, but so where his
parents. With no family alive to take care of him, Tadashi was given over to a foster family. Each night Tadashi vowed to find
those who killed his family and make them pay. As he grew older, he dressed up in a ninja costume and walked the streets.
Those who confronted him soon realized he was more than capable of taking care of himself. Soon he earned a reputation as
a brutal vigilante known as Night Stalker. Shortly after graduation, Tadashi tried to become Night Stalker full time. His foster
family sent him off to college, but instead of going to class, he was putting on his costume and walking the streets. One day
he confronted a man who was threatening some elderly people, but that man turned out to be a mutant of some kind. He
easily bested Tadashi and sent him to the hospital. During his recovery, he was visited by a doctor who figured out what he
been doing. “Look,” he said. “If you’re going to try and take on super beings, you’re going to need something a little extra.”
He provided Tadashi a bottle with 32 pills. “Come back when you needed a new prescription filled,” the man said. After
leaving the hospital, Tadashi tried one pill and found himself charged with super adrenaline and rapidly able to heal himself.
Tadashi went back to the area and this time was able to take the mutant down. A week later he was watching the news and
saw U.S. S.C.R.E.T. arresting the doctor for passing illegal performance enhancing drugs. Turns out the man was murdering
super beings, but first he managed to steal their powers and then selling drugs that replicated their powers to normal people.
Tadashi never revealed the secret of “special powers” fearing that he too might be arrested. He was eventually contacted by
Captain Robert Bennet who invited him to join S.P.A.T. Wanting to get out of Gulf Coast City, Tadashi jumped at the chance
to get out of town. Tadashi was able to get along well with the other members of S.P.A.T., but always felt like the odd man
out, because in truth he was a normal guy while everyone else was superhuman.

One evening Tadashi was contacted by Lieutenant Carlos Lupee to investigate illegal activity occurring on the dock. Tadashi
was hoping to have a little back up, but the lieutenant assured him he could handle the situation on his own. When Tadashi
arrived he found Man Mountain and Dart dead. Suddenly an explosion occurred that fortunately he managed to avoid. This led
to a confrontation with Shadow Master. Tadashi tried to escape, but was shot in the back by Task Master using a high-
powered rifle. Tadashi’s near lifeless body was found by Moon Beam. Presently Tadashi is in a coma, and he’s likely never
going to walk again, unless someone gives him his secret stash of pills. But before any of that can happen, Tadashi must
avoid getting finished off by the Crime Masters.

Real Name: Tadashi Niko
Occupation: Street Vigilante
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Ordinary Human (Pretends to be Physical Training)
Experience Level: 3rd level
Hit Points: 21 S.D.C.: 53
P.P.E.: 5
Appearance: Tadashi is a Japanese male who engages in intense physical exercises. He is good looking, has jet-black
hair and dark brown eyes that almost appear black. He costume is resembles something of a ninja.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 11, M.A.14, P.S. 14, P.P.11, P.E. 12, Spd.18, P.B. 14
Age: 23, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 130 lbs (58.5 kg).
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 initial +2 from hand to hand)
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +6 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +4 to
pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate
Kick 2D4+2, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, Crescent Kick 2D4+4, Backward Sweep (cannot
be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Snap Kick 1D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 3D6+2, Axe Kick 2D8+2, and Leap Kick
3D8+2 (counts as two attacks), and all Holds.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Japanese & English 86%/91% and Pilot: Automobile 72%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts and Kick Boxing.
2nd Physical Program: Gymnastics (Sense of Balance 74%, Bars & Rings 84%, Backflip 91%, Climb Rope 81%),
Athletics (general), Aerobic Athletics, and Prowl 60%
Secondary Program: Climbing 60%, Streetwise 32%, Pick Locks 45%, Concealment 32%, Meditation 55%,
Research 55%, W.P. Forked (+2 to strike/entangle/parry) , W.P. Chain (+2 to strike), Law (general) 40%, and Land
Navigation 40%.
Money: He makes about $1500 every two weeks as a member of S.P.A.T.
Weapons: He carries with him a pair of sai (Damage: 1D6, Bonus: +1 to parry) and one set of Nunchaku (Damage:
2D4, Bonus: +1 to disarm).
Equipment & Vehicles: Tadashi has in his possession 16 pills that will induce Regeneration Ultima and Adrenaline Surge
for 10 minutes. He is unable to replenish these pills and they will only work for him. Because he has a limited supply, he is
very careful when and where he will take them. Note: Because he will not take them unless he really has too, Tadashi is
considered a regular human and not an Imbune Character.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


When she was 3 year old, Linda was traveling with her parents (Tony and Mary) and her younger sister (Abby) to visit her
father’s brother. Just outside Denver, a car swerved into their lane of traffic causing her father to veer in the opposite
direction. The car hit the embankment but kept on going until he went up and over the cliff. The car dropped some sixty feet.
At that moment, Linda’s dominant mutant powers activated. She survived the impact, unscathed while the rest of her family
did not. Survivors guilt settle in deeply with Linda. She went to go live with her uncle Micheal Bredford. Linda refuse to tell
anyone, including him the reason why she lived and everyone else died. As she grew older, she and Michael became as close
as father and daughter. Linda managed to finish high school without revealing to anyone including Michael about her super
abilities. While attending college in Ultropolis, Michael was trying various ways to pay for her school. He began to gamble and
earned himself an outstanding dept with a vicious loan shark. He let Micheal slip by just once. When Michael missed his
second payment, he was severely beatened. Linda came home college to see him only to watch him die that very night.
Enraged with vengeances, Linda searched the streets to find the loan shark. Using her incredible powers over gravity, she
managed to defeat his underlings and beat him senseless just as he order her uncle beaten. Afterward, Linda dedicated
herself to helping those like her uncle. She became a lone wolf, rarely allowing herself to get close with anyone. In time, she
became anti-social, and withdrawn, but she became even more cunning, clever, and used her education and intelligence to
help her hunt down her quarry. Eventually she was contacted to become the last member of S.P.A.T. At first Linda was
against the idea, but those behind the program insisted or else she’d be hunt down by G.I.G.M.A. agents and arrested by
S.C.R.E.T. So Linda agreed.

When Linda learned that her teammates where being sent on a mission to the dock region, she thought it was suspicious
because and her contacts were unaware of any criminal activity taking place in those parts. When she arrived she found
Sara, Butch, and the charred remains of Solar in plain sight. Night Stalker was mortally wounded after being shot in the back.
His body was taken to the I.C.U at the local hospital. Linda now guards him day and night. She is extremely angry with
herself for letting her guard down. She allowed herself to care about her teammates, and now like her family they are dead or
near death. She firmly believes there is a traitor in the department, and that person is Captain Bennet. Should she discover
that Solar/Power Master is a traitor she will hunt him unmercilessly. However, she will be satisfied with his being brought to
justice, although she will kill him if she has the opportunity.

Real Name: Linda Bredford
Occupation: Vigilante and member of S.P.A.T.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 30 S.D.C.: 60
P.P.E.: 30
Appearance: Linda is a plain, ordinary looking young woman who engaged in moderate exercise. She has shoulder
length strawberry blond hair and auburn eyes. Her costume is yellow and black.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 11, M.A. 5, P.S. 13, P.P. 9, P.E. 15, P.B. 9, Spd 14/24 weightless.
Age: 23, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot, 6 inches (1.82 m), Weight: 135 lbs (60.75 kg)
Major Super Ability: Gravity Manipulation
Minor Super Abilities: Gravitational Plane, Personal Force Field (60 S.D.C), and Weightlessness.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 4/5 (2 initial +2 from hand to hand) +1 from being weightless
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+3 weightless, +2 to strike/+4 weightless, +3 to parry/+5 weightless, +3 to dodge/+5
weightless, +4 to roll with punch-fall/+5 weightless, and +2 to pull punch/+4 weightless.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as 2 attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick Attack 2D4,
Educational Background: Three years of College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, and Pilot: Automobile 69%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Gymnastics (Sense of Balance 74%, Bars & Rings 84%, Backflip 91%, Prowl
30%, Climb 25%, Climb Rope 66%), and Swimming 80%.
Communication Program: Basic Electronics 60%, Radio: Basic 80%, Electronic Countermeasures 60%, T.V. Video 70%,
and Optic Systems 60%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 84%, Research 70%, Surveillance Systems 60%, and Writing 55%.
Secondary Skills: Mathematics: Advance 70%, Sewing 55%, Cooking 50%, Streetwise 32%, Pick Locks 45%,
Photography 55%, W.P. Blunt (+2 to strike/parry), W.P. Targeting (+2 to throw, critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20),
First Aid 50%, and Astronomy & Navigation 35%.
Money: She makes about $1500 every two weeks as a member of S.P.AT. The money is not as importance to her, but
she does enjoy the benefit of working a high profile job.
Weapons: She prefers to rely on her super powers and/or quarterstaff, but she also has the know how to use knives,
throwing spikes, and shurikens.
Equipment and Vehicles: She will utilize whatever is required to complete her mission.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Have to take some time off and go back to working on another Palladium project. Be back during the summer :wink: .
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great,Too Bad Spat was disbandit,maybe some people make a What if game,where the Good guys win.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Done with me other Palladium project so its time to crank out some more awesome HU guys. I'll have them posted sometime
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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I got idea what about a H.U,s Space Game,The Heroes are the main crew of a Far,s Ship and ther Enemies,the Best ship of a Rival Space nation ,a Space Pirate,maybe some Others.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You are going off-topic, gaby.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Freedom Alliance is the name of a U.S. government special squad of super-beings under the direct command of the U.S. Vice
President and the nation’s most trusted military leaders. The President of the United States, who is also the U.S. Military
Commander in Chief, has no idea where or how Freedom Alliance is being utilized, putting his faith and trust in his Military
Advisers and the Vice President. Thus the President always has plausible deniability whenever the Freedom Alliance is being
utilized. The President would only get involved if Freedom Alliance became involved in a crucial or public issue of national
security, war, and/or foreign affairs.

Freedom Alliance existence is top-secret, even when in their civilian identities the members conduct themselves in secrecy.
Even their overseers know little public information about the team members, their activities, assignments, location, or
purpose. As military personnel, their activities are a matter of National Security, and not a matter of public knowledge or

Freedom Alliance only involves itself in federal crimes or those of an international nature, such as terrorism, drug trafficking,
kidnapping, bank robbery, extortion, and certain acts of industrial espionage. Freedom Alliance does not go out on patrol,
looking for crimes to stop. Nor do they involve themselves unless specifically assigned to do so. Freedom Alliance doesn’t
work with anyone nor do they sharing information with other Cavaliers, others Super Ops, or Government Superhuman Task
Force. The only organizations that can “force” Freedom Alliance to “trade information” are U.S. S.C.R.E.T., G.I.G.M.A., The
Sector, and the NSA. All other government agencies (including Congress) can have no jurisdiction or authorization to make
Freedom Alliance comply with any demands. Those mention above can “request” Freedom Alliance to work with them, but the
final decision comes from Freedom Alliances military superiors, and ultimately the U.S. Vice President.

Freedom Alliance enjoys unprecedented freedom to do “whatever” it takes in order to get the job done. This is something
even the SLJ and the Centurions don’t possess, much less trusted to utilize. Essentially each Freedom Alliance agent is
authorized to break any and all laws in the execution of their duty (murder, assassination, theft, torture, entrapment, are
allowed!!!). How and why is this team of super beings given such authority?

The reason has much to do with the origin of the Freedom Alliance. Four years ago, the President of the United States was
put in a precarious situation when his daughter was kidnapped by two ruthless super villains. Despite the best efforts of the
Secret Service, FBI, CIA, The Sector, and dozens of super beings across the nation, the child couldn’t be located. Even
psychics were unable to locate her or for that matter track down those who held her captive. For two weeks the President
and the First Lady were given instructions on what to do in order to have their daughter released, fortunately these
instruction did not involve compromising the countries National Security (if anything it was a cat-and-mouse game). But
enough individuals within the National Security Council recognized that if the President could be put into such a position, then
some kind of absolute authority was needed to prevent a doomsday scenario or a situation that could put the U.S. in a
compromising position in regards to its allies and/or enemies. Michael Veil (one of the four directors of the Sector) proposed
the idea to the then Vice President, the Joint Chiefs, the U.S. Attorney General, and the Director of Central Intelligence
about the creation of a “elite super team” with the authority to carry out missions that if necessary prevent doomsday
situations or the compromise U.S. national security. At first everyone object the idea, seeing it just as another means for the
Sector to attempt to reclaim its ultra privilege status it enjoyed for so many decades until the recent tarnishing it took
because of the fame “Paris affair.” But tragedy hit the fan when the location of the President’s daughter was finally revealed,
but before anyone could intercept her, an unknown Legionnaire involved him or herself in the rescue attempt, which turned
out to be a hoax. The explosion destroyed the building and killed the President daughter. The wanna-be hero managed to
escape. He or she continues to this day to elude capture. There is a two million dollar price tag on his or her head and a
$500,000 reward for any information that might lead to his or her capture.

The President and the First Lady were inconsolable as was the entire nation. Finally the U.S. National Security Council agreed
with Veil in the creation of such an agency. However, a committee was made to choose which individuals to recruit, for they
had to see themselves as elite soldiers and defenders of the nations. They needed to be superpatriots who cheerfully live,
fight and die for their country. The must be able to obey orders with few question for their commanders and be able to do
what their told knowing only what they do is for the greater good of the nation, and that is all they explanation they ever
need to know. However, these individuals must not be so loyal that its turns into fanaticism, or they simple kill, destroy and
commit terrible atrocities in the name of their country without question. In other words, the NSC was not interested in having
mindless robots or heartless killing machines. They wanted super beings who sincerely want to protect, defend and help their
country. The must be able to trust their superiors, follow orders, and do whatever is necessary, even if their actions are
contrary to moral standards, public opinion, or defy civil rights and liberties. The point being every member of the Freedom
Alliance most hold a high regard for life and freedom, and serve their country in hopes of making the world a better and safer
place, regardless of the cost or price it holds.

For the last four years, the Freedom Alliance has not been asked to carry out a mission that called into question anything
that could put the Executive Branch and/or U.S. military into “hot water” with Congress and/or the American people. With the
President being kept in the dark as well as Congress, the activities of the Freedom Alliance has so far gone unnoticed or well
below the radar of the media both here in the U.S. and abroad. That of course could change depending upon the mission.

Most of the leaders of G.I.G.M.A. and U.S. S.C.R.E.T. don’t like the idea of a some group of government super beings have
such power even with actively involved handlers making sure they do what they told. While the two agencies are highly
suspicious (more like paranoid) that any one member of the FA might do something at any given time, so far nothing out of
the ordinary has happened, and the handlers of the FA want to keep it that way. It a very stressful situation for the FA, but
they are up to the task. The government and military are counting on them. No one want to make a mistake, but sooner or
later the time will come for them to put their loyalties to the test. On paper and privately they each believe they can perform
their mission, but should it come down to it….then all bets are off.

Freedom Alliance Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (5 Points)
B. Equipment: Gimmicked Equipment (30 Points)
C. Weapons: Arsenal (30 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Cyber Agents (25 Points)
E. Vehicles: Excellent Fleet Vehicles (15 Points)
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (5 Points)
H. Military Power: None (0 Points)
I. Super Power Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Government (10 Points)
K. Special Budget: Big Bucks (35 Points)
L. Administrative Control: License to Kill (35 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron Clad (25 Points)
N. External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O. Research: Excellent Connections (20 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Unknown (3 Points)
Q. Agency Salary: Very Good ($2500 a week, plus expensive-25 Points)
Total Agency Points: 278 Points

Head Quarters for the Freedom Alliance is Arlington, Virginia. There base is actually the First Reserve and Depository Building.
While in truth it does function as a bank, the 3rd-5th floors of the building are dedicated entirely toward the FA. A secret
elevator takes them to an underground automated subway car that leads to the four locations from which they can take their
fleet vehicles (air, land, sea, or space). The vehicles are all piloted by military personnel (3rd level or better) who are all
highly skilled with controlling the vehicles (Basic Military Package and Advanced Piloting Skills).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Don Gleason was one of NASA’s top secret research scientists and physicists. His ultimate goal was to see if it was possible
to travel from one point to another by creating an artificial black hole by using a particle accelerator. While conducting
several field tests, they managed to create a stabilized black hole, but the gravity was so powerful that anything within 100
feet (30 m) of it was sucked into it, and crushed to the size of a grain of sand. Wearing a specially designed space suit
(using anti-gravity tech from Project Secure), Don decided to see if it was possible to travel through the black hole. The
device was activated and Don stepped through. He instantly found himself on a strange, alien world in the middle of the
Titrana Quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy. The abrasive atmosphere was destroying his suit and Don would have been killed in
a matter of minutes if he was rescued by friendly aliens, the Andzio. Don spent the next few days with the Andzio, but the
food, water, air, even the bacteria of the world was slowly killing him. Nobody on Earth had any inclination that Don was even
alive nor where they about to authorize the experiment again. So Don was left for dead. However, the Andzio decided they
might be able to save Don. So he underwent extensive biological and genetic reconstruction to make him capable of surviving
and living on their world. A month later, Don was a superhuman version of an Andzio. Don spent the equivalent of ten Earth
years living among the Andzio and learning about their way of life. Then one day a portal appeared before him. Thinking it was
some sent by NASA, Don went through it only to discover that it was an experiment by Jane Gateway. Though he’d spent the
equivalent of ten Earth years with the Andzios, in actual Earth time he’d only be gone for six months, nevertheless everyone
had written him off and though him dead. He had a heck of a time trying to prove who he was. Once everyone accepted the
truth, the question now was what to do about him. Don was allowed to continue working with NASA at first but he needed
facilities adequate for his size, furthermore the military wanted to put his intellect to work. Don took a part time position with
Project Secure, but later one was hired as a special agent for Freedom Alliance as per request made by Jane Gateway and
Ace Power. With his new teammates, Doc Horror soon found himself among those who didn’t judge him nor where they fearful
of his appearance. Feeling at ease, Don was also able to acquire special equipment that he believed will one day allow him to
recreate a new version of the black hole device that will allow for travel anywhere in the galaxy, thanks in part with the help
of Jane Gateway. Don secretly keep his affection for Jane to himself, fearful of the consequences should he tell his heart’s
desire to anyone. Don also does a rather irritating job of informing people how much superior the Andzios technology and
culture was compared to planet Earth.

Real Name: Don Gleason
Occupation: Former NSA Research Scientist, Current Government Agent
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Eugenics
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 58 S.D.C.: 275 Armor Rating: A.R. 13
P.P.E.: 28
Appearance: Doctor Horror looks like a green demonic looking dinoman. He has a huge, hulking, muscle-bound body,
with small nose and ears. He double, row of spikes running down his neck and back. These spikes gradually merged on his tail.
He has long thick horns on the side of his head which extend up and then backwards and down. His huge feet has two
massive toes. He has huge hands with one opposable thumb and two large fingers.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 10, M.A. 8, P.S. 23 (superhuman), P.P.13, P.E. 19, Spd. 10, P.B. 5
Age: 42, Sex: Male, Height: 7 foot (2.13 m), Weight: 1056 lbs (112.5 kg)
Insanity: He suffers from a thrill of danger and combat. Anything that will endanger his life or freedom must be
Unearthly Environment: Abrasive Atmosphere
Eugenic Modification due to Disfigurement: Large, bulky body. Note: He can carry 4600 lbs (2070 kg) and lift 6900 lbs (3105 kg).
Eugenic Abilities: Brain: Combat/Motorhead, Calcifier/Bone Strengthener, Gland: Butcher's (Chimera), Gland: Pituitary,
Heart, Kidneys: Enhanced, Lungs: Filtering System (Chimera), Spinal Cord: Flexible and Impact Resistant (Chimera), Medium
Armor: A.R. 13, Enhanced Musculature, Inhuman Strength & Powerful Legs-Superhuman P.S., Enhanced Leaping (across and
up), Horn Defense (Chimera)-Large (+5 to parry), Massive Build, S.D.C. Augmentation, Reinforced Skeleton, Tail for Combat
(+3 to strike, parry, disarm, and +1 to dodge), Armored Eyes, Supervision: Infrared & Ultraviolet Sight, Spike Launcher (20
spikes regrow every 24 hours-volley 1,2,3,4 or all, Damage: 2D4 each), Conditioned for Abrasive Atmosphere, and given a
Large, Bulky Body.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Number of Attacks: 6/7 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand Combat +1 from powers) and/or +1 from tail.
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to auto dodge, +8 to damage, +10 to roll
with punch/fall (1/3 normal damage), +5 pull with punch, and +1 disarm.
Saving Throws: Half the damage, penalty and duration against poison, drugs, and toxins, +2 vs. magic, +4 to save vs.
poison, +3 to save vs. drugs/toxins, +3 to save vs. disease, +6 to save vs. heart/blood disease, +7 to save vs. gases, and
+22% save vs. coma/death.
Combat Skills: Punch 3D6, Power Punch 6D6 (counts as two attacks), Karate Kick 2D6+4, Head butt 5D6+2,
Elbow/Forearm 2D6+2, Knee 2D6+2, Tail Strike 4D6+2 + P.S., and Paired Weapons.
Education Level: Masters’ Degree. Note: Because his fingers and hands are so large and thick, he suffers a -15% skill
penalty on any skill that requires a delicate touch or small, thin fingers. The skill listed is his skill without the penalty, which
must be applied when performing the skill).
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot: Automobile 74%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astronomy & Navigation
95%, Astrophysics 85%, and Meteorology 90%.
Computer Program: Basic Electronics 85%, Computer Programming 95%, Computer Hacking 75%, and Computer Repair
Mechanical Program: Mechanical Engineer 85% and Locksmith 98%
2nd Mechanical Program: Aircraft Mechanics 98%, Spacecraft Mechanics (Earth-type) 85%, Basic Mechanics 95%, and
Alien Technology Mechanics (Singularity Mechanics) 75%.
Learned Skills: Pilot: Spacecraft (Earth-Type) 67%, Sensory Equipment 50%, and Read/Write-Speak xx 67%/60%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Radio: Basic 75%, Pilot: Airplane 70%, Jury-Rig 60%, Research 65%, Law
(general) 60%, Navigation: Space 65%, Depressurization Training, Pilot: Hyperthrusters (Civilian) 79%, T.V./Video 60%, Public
Speaking 45%, and Lore: Alien 45%.
Money: He makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for. Doc Horror doesn’t do much because he
doesn’t like to go out in public. It’s also quite difficult for him to go anywhere, so he spends most of his time at the base. He
loves to shop online for new tech and gadgets.
Weapons: None, he relies on his natural abilities.
Vehicles and other Equipment: While he knows how to operate most airplanes, most seats aren’t designed to fit him.
He has access to just about any sort of equipment the government is willing to give him (as long as it is mission oriented or is
involved with something he is working on).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Edison Bell was born in 2061 (long after the chaos of the Cleansing War and the Alien Invasion -The Earth War). By 2097, he
was one of the fore most scientists studying astro and temporal physics. He even went on to say that he believed it was
possible to create a time machine. Of course no one believed him. Edison managed to build a device that allowed him the
ability to look ahead in time. In doing so, Edison witnessed a major catastrophe involving the utter destruction of the Earth.
He wasn’t sure what exactly caused the disaster, but nevertheless he tried to warn people of the immediate danger about to
occur. Yet no believed that this “Golden Age” of humanity was about to be threatened by a world-wide disaster. So Edison
took it upon himself to build a time machine that would allow him to travel into the future and survive the event.
Unfortunately, his experiments proved that the human body was unable to survive the conditions of traveling in time. So
Edison spent the majority of his fortune (made from his fortune on the stock market and scientific patents he sold to NEMA)
giving himself a cybernetic /bionic body. One year later, Edison was in the final stages of testing his devise when the events
of Chaos Earth began to take shape. On the eve of December 22, the ley lines of Earth erupted with magical energy. While
the rest of the world either dead or in a panic, Edison turned on his device and attempted to flee into the future, but instead
he experienced a temporal mishap that sent him one hundred years backwards in time to the year 1998. There Edison found
himself in the time period before the Cleaning War and the Alien Invasion. His time machine was also suffering a malfunction
and the parts he needed to fix it would not be available for at least four or five decades, unless he employed himself with
some of the best and brightest people of the scientific and military community. Edison set out to get himself employed by
Project Secure, hoping to use his “future knowledge” of astronomy and temporal physics. However he was very careful not to
reveal to much future information that might affect the future. After a while, the U.S. government became increasing
interested in Edison and his surprising technical know-how. It was decided to transfer him from Project Secure to the top-
secret project called Freedom Alliance. Edison knows his history well, and has sworn to keep his future knowledge a secret
from everyone, yet every so often, he slips a little. So far he’s done nothing that could threaten the time/space continuum,
but he sees the events of the Cleansing War beginning to take shape, and he knows the name (and places) involved. Does he
allow the events to transpire without innocent and hope he survive, but should he help his friends to keep them safe, or
better yet stir his friends into taking out the leaders of the super being Overlords?

Real Name: Edison Herbert Bell
Occupation: Former NEMA Scientist, Current Government Agent
Alignment: Unprincipled (formerly Scrupulous)
Power Category: Bionic (Full Conversion Cyborg)
Experience Level: 12th
Hit Points: 13 (his brain and internal organs). S.D.C.: 295
P.P.E.: 3
Appearance: His body is entire cybernetic/bionic. The only part of him that remains flesh is his brain. His head although
it looks like his former self, is actually a cybernetic skill with organic like facial features covering it. Although he is a full
conversion borg, his body and bionic body armor make him appear human looking with cyber attachments rather than a bulk,
robot looking borg. Edison has realistic brown eyes but his head is bald, as he was in his regular life.
Insanity: Bell is obsessed with death. He doesn't want to die, but is fascinated by death and the many ways to die, as
well as theological aspects of death and afterlife. Death has no horror for him, yet he sometimes takes foolish and reckless
chances, assuming he can get mechanically "fixed" later if necessary.
Attributes: I.Q. 25, M.E. 13, M.A. 20, P.S. 28, P.P. 22, P.E. n/a, Spd. 132 (90 mph/144 km), P.B. 10.
Age: 37 years old. Sex: Male. Height: 6 foot, 6 inches (2.01 m). Weight: 410 lbs (184.5 kg)
Bionics from the year 2098 (Full Conversion Cyborg):
Bionic Chest and Skull.
Bionic arms and hands (2) with a P.S. of 28 and P.P. of 22
Bionic feet and legs (2) with a P.S. 24 and Spd. of 132 (90 mph or 144 km).
Bionic heart, lungs, liver, spleen, intestines, and kidneys (rest are his original organs) with Gas Filter and Oxygen Storage Cells for the lungs.
Full Body Exoskeleton (all five)
Bionic Ears (with Amplified Hearing, Radio & Scrambler Implant, Sound Filtration System, and Radio Chip).
Bionic Eyes (with Multi-Optic Eyes-Telescopic: 4-8x30 magnification, range: 6000 feet (1829 m). Macro Lens: 2x to 8x
magnification, range: 3 feet (0.9 m). Passive Nightvision: 2000 foot (61 0 m) range. Thermo-Imaging: 2000 foot (610 m)
range. Light Filters: Reduces glare. Targeting Display: Imposes cross-hairs on a target, adding a bonus of +1 to strike with
any ranged weapon).
Bionic Sensors: Clock Calendar, Gyro-Compass, Internal Computer, Psionic Scrambler/Defense Implant, Motion Detector,
Radar, and Universal Headjack (linked with ear implants).
Synthetic Plastic Skin on face.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial + 4 from Hand Combat).
Combat Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +6 to strike, +9 to parry, +11 to dodge/+13 while running, +13 to damage, +2 to pull
punch, +9 to roll with punch/fall, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +5 to save vs. magic & psionics, +4 to save vs. possession, mind control, horror factor, and empathic
transmission. He is impervious to see aura, sense evil/good, psychic diagnosis, telepathy, empathy, and hypnotic suggestion.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Karate kick 2D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Body throw/flip (1D6 damage plus P.S.
damage bonus, and lose initiative and one melee attack), All holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20
Other Bonuses: +11% to all skills and 60% to trust/intimidate,
Education Level: Master’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 98%.
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Law (general) 98%,
and Research 98%.
Technical: History 98%/98%, Temporal Physics 98%, Computer Programming 98%, and Writing 98%.
2nd Technical Program: Temporal Navigation/Time Detection Equipment 98%, Time Machine Mechanics 98%, Pilot
Time Machine 98%, Cross-Dimensional Piloting and Navigation 98% (Note: All these skills can be found in Transdimensional
Communications: Basic Electronics 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Electronic Counter Measures 98%, T.V./Video 98%, and
Sensory Equipment 98%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Astronomy & Navigation 98%, Pilot: Hovercycle 98%, Appraise Antiques
91%, Basic Mechanics 98%, W.P. Handgun (+6 to aim/+3 to burst), W.P. Rifle (+6 to aim/+3 to burst), Language: German &
Japanese 96%, Literacy: German 98%, W.P. Submachine-gun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), Jury-Rig 86%, Literacy: Japanese 86%,
Salvage 81%, Recognize Weapon Quality 56%, Automotive Mechanics 83%, Cyberjacking 64%, and Recycling 46%
Money: He makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for. Edison uses most of his money to buy
component parts in the hopes of rebuilding his time machine.
Weapons: He has access to any conventional weapon used by the U.S. Army and/or by U.S. S.C.R.E.T. He also has
the following weapons:
Shock Shield, Damage: 4D6 to anyone who touches his cybernetics/bionics when he is not conscious.
Electrical Discharge (both hands), Range: 20 feet (6 m) or touch (punch), Damage: 1D6, 2D6, or 3D6 add normal
punch damage and P.S. if used as an electric punch attack, Rate of Fire: Single attack, Feed: 20 blasts per hour (self-
recharging), Bonuses: +1 to strike.
Concealed Ion Blaster (Left Forearm), Range: 780 feet (237 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single short or semi-
automatic, Payload: 20 blasts per E-Clip.
Concealed Automatic Weapon: Sub-machinegun (Right Forearm), Range: 160 feet, Damage: 3D6, Rate of Fire:
Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 30 round clips.
Two Heavy Pistols (2098), Range: 200 feet (60 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or short burst, Feed:
15 round magazine.
12 Mini-Explosive Grenades, Range 90 feet, Damage: 1D4x10, Blast Radius: 12 feet (3.6 m). Note: They are the
size of a golf ball.
Armor: Full body bionic body armor; A.R. 18, 900 S.D.C.
Vehicles and Equipment: He has access to every gadget and piece of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or U.S. S.C.R.E.T.
Portable Time Machine (backpack), Weight: 1800 lbs (810 kg), Power Source: Micro-Fusion Power System (takes
2hours to recharge-maximum use 4+2D4, he’s already used one), Maximum Area Effect: 25 feet (7.62 m), Chance of
Malfunction, He must make a pilot roll or he will suffer a temporal mishap (1D6x100 years off with a 01-50% in the wrong
direction). Anyone trying to use this machine suffers a -40% to use it and -55% to repair or perform maintenance, anyone
trying to build or duplicate it suffers a -65% (+15% penalty if lack any temporal skills). Anyone trying to use this device
without the pilot skill may do so but cannot bring the machine back if an accident happens or malfunction.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Carole Spencer grew up a bookworm. She spent her nose in books and/or researching information on a computer then
spending time doing anything outside or with her peers. A bright, investigate child, she used her intellect to make up for her
shyness whenever she meet someone. In college, she spent most of her days in the library or any place where she didn’t
have to get involved with people. When she graduated, one of her professors knew someone who helped her get the perfect
job. She became an information specialist for the U.S. government agency, the NSA (National Security Agency). The job was
perfect for her. She didn’t have to spend time socializing with people but she did have to spend time decoding, listening, and
interrupting information. Several years later, Carole was driving home when a falling star landed a few hundred yards from her.
Curiosity took hold and she decided to investigate. When she came upon the landing sight, she learned it wasn’t a meteor but
a spaceship. When the hatch opened, a strange alien emerged. He appeared to be wounded. He beckoned her over. She took
his hands and wings made of light appeared on his back, making him look almost angelic. All at once Project Tyche showed up
and an agent shot the alien in the head. Carole was taken back with them to be interrogated and examined by members of
Project Secure. While there she met with Lock Down Alpha leader Washington. He sensed that something “supernatural”
might have come into contact with her, but nothing more. A day later while she was on her way to work, she realized she
was being followed. She tried to escape from the car following her, but on the mountain highway she was driving she went
too fast and her car skidded out of control and went over a cliff. At the last moment, Carole mentally thought about the
angelic man she saw and whether or not he was an angel. At that moment, Carole turned into an angelic super being herself.
She escaped the falling car and flew away to her home where she returned to her normal self. Over the next several days at
work Carole kept quiet about what happened to her. Then she was asked to come into her supervisor’s office. There was
Washington and another federal agent. They both knew what had happened to her and asked Carole to transfer to a new
intelligence department where she could put her new found super abilities to better use. Carole was reluctant at first but
eventually agreed. Now as a member of Freedom Alliance, Carole is still the somewhat quiet and shy girl, but summoning the
angelic thought in her head, turns her into Madame Strange, an outgoing, overzealous, bundle of energy and emotion, who is
always looking for the next exciting thing to do. Carole has a crush on Thomas Night, but is trying her best to keep it quiet.
She wants nothing to do with Flame Blast. She is the less experienced member of the team but that doesn’t stop her from
participating and giving it 110% or more.

Real Name: Carole Spencer
Occupation: Former information specialist for NSA
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mystically Bestowed
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 23/34 as Madame Strange S.D.C.: 10/188 as Madame Strange/+60 in daylight.
P.P.E.: 7 or 40
Appearance: Carole is a very plain looking woman. She is short and has a lithe build. Her eyes are jet black and her
hair shoulder length blond hair is usually kept in a scrunchy. She has pale skin. She wears large pair of glasses. She is very
mousy. Madame Strange has a voluptuous figure, very athletic looking. Her short, wavy, silky hair is the color of fine gold.
She has narrow white eyes. Her uniform is mostly white, looks like a fusion of an elegant dress and an exotic dancer's outfit.
Carole’s Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 18, M.A. 15, P.S. 5, P.P. 7, P.E. 9, Spd. 10, P.B. 10.
Madame’s Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 18, M.A. 25, P.S. 14, P.P. 12, P.E. 10, Spd. 50 (35 mph/56.3 km)/450 mph (724
km) in flight, P.B. 19.
Age: 28, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 6 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 98 lbs (44.1 kg)
Madame Strange: Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 145 lbs (56.25 kg)
Physical Limitation: Wimp (bookworm)
Vulnerability: Magic and super abilities that involve darkness, shadows and night; they do double damage and/or the
solar being saves against them at half his usual bonuses.
Major Super Ability: Energy Wings (light). 10 feet (3 m). 80 S.D.C. each (regenerate 1D6 points per minute. Impervious
to physical and kinetic attacks. Other energy attacks, magic, psionic, and shadow powers inflict full damage on a
Called/Aimed Shot. Hold breath for 8 minutes.
Minor Super Abilities: Solar Power and Physical Perfection (Bio-regenerate 2D4 hit points/S.D.C. per melee in
sunlight/1D4 at night). Increase P.S., P.B., and Spd attributes by 20% during the daytime even if overcast or she is indoors,
but increase to 40% if operating outdoors on a sunny day or in an environment bathed in sunlight, or if she has already spent
a full six hours in the sun (which powers her up to the max for the rest of the day).
Combat Training: Carole has none. Madame Strange has Expert.
Attacks per Melee: Carole has 2 attacks/actions and 3 non combat actions per melee. Madame Strange has 5/6 (2
initial +2 hand to hand attacks +1 from powers) +1 from flight.
Combat Bonuses: Carole has +1 to dodge. Madame Strange: +5 to initiative/+6 in flight, +2 to strike/+4 in flight, +3 to
parry, +3 to dodge/+5 when flying under 90 mph (144 km)/+9 when flying faster, +2 to roll with punch/fall, +6 to pull punch,
and +2 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Carole has +2 to save vs. psionics & insanity. Madame Strange: +5% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to
save vs. psionics & insanity, +1 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. possession, +4 to save vs. horror factor, and impervious to
heat, fire does half damage.
Combat Skills: As Madame Strange: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two
Other Bonuses: Carole: +5% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate. Madame: +5% to all skill, 84% to trust/intimidate,
and 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: B.A. Degree.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 91%/96% and Pilot: Automobile 74%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Cook 75%, Sewing 80%, and Play Musical Instrument (Piano) 75%
Technical Program: History 98%/80%, Research 80%, Writing 65%, and Philosophy 75%.
Information Specialist Program (by Sinestus): Intelligence 69%, Cryptography 65%, Computer Operation 94%,
and Law (general) 75%.
Languages: Read/Write/Speak Spanish, Russian, Arabic, and Hindi 80%/84%.
Secondary Skills: Mathematics: Advance 75%, Computer Programming 64%, Housekeeping 65%, Photography
55%, Business & Finance 55%, Radio: Basic 70%, Sign Language 45%, T.V./Video 55%, Navigation 60%, Appraise Antiques
50%, W.P. Handgun (no bonuses), and Public Speaking 40%.
Money: She makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for. She has set up several bank accounts for
herself and invested wisely in the stock market (also as member of the NSA). Presently she is worth $1.6 million dollars.
Weapons: She relies on her super abilities. She is trained to use a gun but is terrified to use it.
Energy Wings as Weapons, Range: Touch (half the wingspan). Damage: 4D6, Bonuses:
Energy Blast, Range: 400 feet (121 m), Damage: 4D6 from a single blast or 8D6 firing two simultaneous blasts,
one from each hand, at the same time. Roll for each blast to strike, with the second blast suffering a penalty of -1 to strike.
If both blasts are fired simultaneously at two different targets, both blasts are -2 to strike.
Sunlight increases the energy wings as weapons (range and damage) by 50%.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives around in a 2005 Nissan Quest. She has access to access to every gadget and piece
of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or U.S. S.C.R.E.T.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Thomas Night is actually a greater deevil that went by the name of Honor Drake. For thousands of years, he was a warlord
for the Demon Lord Sahtalus, eventually rising up the rank to Sub- Regent, under the direct command of Regent Dragonsin. In
time, he was given Regent rank and made the official Deevil overlord of planet Earth, where the Deevils awaited one day for a
chance to make the world one of their power bases. During the late medieval ages, his “mate” Arcane Rage informed him it
was time to perform their duty and hand over their clutch of eggs to the Bio-Vats of Lord Diabolus. Yet for whatever reason,
something change in him, he decided to refuse to allow any of his sons and daughters to be turned into Shock Dragons. So
while his wife was away, he made several if his witch servants take the eggs to random hidden location in Dyval Prime to be
watched after by some of his infernal followers until they hatched. This would have gone unnoticed had Honor Drake done
this only once, but he decided that every two hundred years, every clutch of eggs would be spared. After six centuries
(around the Earth year 1914), Honor Drake was preparing for his most loyal witch to lead his deevil followers and worshippers
into a battle that would allow them to assume control over all Europe, Eastern Asia, and North Africa. The day after the start
of WW I, Honor Drake finished his speech to send his troops when Arcane Rage, a greater deevil name Dying Ash, several
hundred Deevil Dragons, and thousands of lesser deevils descended upon the complex. After an all out battle, all of Honor
Drake forces were defeated, namely because his mate had provided the details and means to kill/defeat all of husband’s
infernal minions. Honor Drake was taken captive and returned to Dyval. Instead of being sent to Sahtalus or Regent
Dragonsin, Honor Drake was taken before Diabolus who demanded he explain why he refused to give up his offspring to the
Bio-Vats. At first Honor Drake said nothing, then his mate brought before him, there next clutch of eggs and she began to
destroy them one by one. Full of panic, Honor Drake pleaded for her to stop and spoke of the “emotions” and “attachment”
he felt toward his offspring. This was blasphemy to not only the other Deevil Dragons but pure outrage to all deevilkind that
one of their own would develop human like emotions. So disgusted was Diabolus that he snatched up Honor Drake stripped
him of his immortality then tossed him into a Bio-Vat. A day later, Honor Drake emerged permanently transformed into a
mortal being. He was then allowed to return to Earth, but no longer as its Regent, that positioned was handed over to Dying
Ash. However, none of his Regent’s powers were taken away from him, oh no, Diabolus simply want him to suffer the
humiliation of being made mortal, since he choose to act like one. But what Diabolus had done, only changed Honor Drake
even more so then before. The transformation stripped Honor Drake of his deevil nature and his evil ways, turning him into a
Heroic Hellion, and a champion of mortals. The mistake Diabolus made was soon brought upon Dying Ash as Honor Drake now
calling himself Thomas Night covertly aid the Allies of WW I in defeating his deevil forces. Year later during WW II, Thomas
Drake allied himself with Team America Eagle and Euroforce to help defeat the various supernatural threats from Dyval and/or
Hades. Thomas Drake was now a true champion for mortal kind and that only incited Dying Ash to want to see him dead even
more so. Yet his true success was making a few other Deevil Dragons decide to follow in his footsteps (like Spoiled Yolk of
the Anarchy Team of Asia the Devil Dragons).
Night continued to work alone until he was eventually contacted by Michael Veil and put on the Sector’s freelance list.
Later on, he was invited to join the government group of super beings Creatures of the Night but he refused. When he was
invited to join Freedom Alliance, Night had a private conversation with Michael Veil and agreed. Right now, Night finds himself
trying to keep his feelings toward Jane Gateway to himself, while at the same time Madame Strange has a secret crush on
him. None of his teammates or for that matter anyone else (accept for Michael Veil, Lord Arcane, Thaumaturge, Iron Lotus,
and Scott Benter) knows the truth about what he use to be. Drake has become aware that the Deevils of Dyval (namely
Dying Ash or as he is more popularly known by his alias as Doctor Vilde) are once again planning something for the people of
Earth. He is also aware of Spoiled Yolk and what he did. Part of him wants to speak with his former kind and perhaps convince
him to aid him in possibly returning to Dyval and getting all of their kind to abandoned their Deevil Lord masters and stop
handing over their offspring so they don’t cause the eradication of their own species. However, the chance of that happening
are so slim, furthermore he not entirely sure he wants to be reminded of his former life. He is a champion of mortals, not a
champion for the Deevil Dragon race.

Real Name: Zarton Killdamn
Alias: Honor Drake
Occupation: Former Regent of Earth, now Government Operative
Alignment: Scrupulous (formerly Aberrant)
Power Category: Heroic Hellion (Deevil Dragon)
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 436 S.D.C.: 356 Armor Rating: A.R. 16
P.P.E.: 675
I.S.P.: 310
Appearance: Thomas Night looks like a member of a biker gang. He wears acid stain, holey blue jeans, leather boots
(made from demon skin), tank-top (wife beater), and a studded leather biker jacket. He has long brown hair, glowing red
eyes, and small- pointy horns on his head (he hides them). He has an athletic build although he doesn’t engage in any
physical exercise.
Attributes: I.Q. 22, M.E. 16, M.A. 15, P.S. 31 (supernatural), P.P. 18, P.E. 22, Spd. 46 , P.B. 11
Age: Unknown, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.86 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Source of Enlightenment: Experiment/torture caused the change.
Vulnerabilities: He suffers double damage from demon/deevil slaying weapons, soulmancy bone weapons, and any
magic weapon that does damage to dragon/serpents/reptiles. Holy weapons, those made from a Millennium Tree, and those
made of Dragon Bone or powered by the life essence of a dragon inflict triple damage. The physical attacks from true dragons
(HU 2nd edition immortals and Palladium Fantasy/Rifts) and Shock Dragons do 50% more damage. He is terrified of the idea of
stepping into any pool or body of water. He is not afraid of water, just the idea of being submerged in it.
Natural Abilities: HF 12, Supernatural attributes, Heal 2D6 hit points/S.D.C. per hour, Teleport Superior (78%),
Dimensional Teleport 72%, Nightvision 500 feet (152 m), adjust his physical size up to 18 feet (5.4 m), channel 20 P.P.E. (40
on a nexus) per melee round, impervious to poison, drugs, and disease, and his eyes glow when angry or excited,
Regent Powers: Mask the Supernatural, Wisps of Hellfire (eye blast)-Range: 2400 feet (731.5 m), Damage: 1D6x10
(double damage to demons/deevils, Bonuses: +2 to strike, and Raw Power.
Spells Magic: Animate Object, Astral Projection, Banishment, Befuddle, Blinding Flash, Breathe without Air, Carpet of
Adhesion, Calling, Charm, Cloud of Smoke, Darkness, Decipher Magic, Detect Concealment, Dispel Magic Barrier, Energy
Disruption, Escape, Exorcism, Extinguish Fire, Eyes of Thoth, Fear, Finger of Lictalon, Globe of Daylight, Havoc, Heal Wounds,
Horrific Illusion, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Energy, Increase Weight, Invisibility: Simple, Levitation, Locate, Magic
Pigeon, Metamorphosis: Superior, Multiple Image, Mystic Shield, Negate Magic, Negate Poison/Toxin, Protection Circle: Simple
and Superior, Remove Curse, Sanctum, Seal, Sense Trap, Shadow Meld, Sword to Snake, Tongues, Trance, Turn Dead,
Weightless, and Wind Rush.
Sensitive Psionics: Clairvoyance, Empathy, Object Read, Precognition, Presence Sense, Read Dimensional Portal, See
Aura, See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense, and Telepathy.
Super Psionics: Bio-Manipulation, P.P.E. Shield, Mind Block Auto Defense, and Mind Wipe.
Combat Training: Restrained Punch 2D6+2, Karate Punch 1D6x10 , Power Punch 2D6x10 (count as two attacks),
Elbow/Forearm 6D6, 5Knee D6, Karate Kick 1D6x10, Snap Kick 5D6, Crescent Kick 1D4x10 , Roundhouse Kick 2D4x10, Axe Kick
1D6x10, Leap Kick 2D6x10 (counts as two attacks), Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown),
Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Jump Kick 4D4x10, Body Flip/Throw 6D6 plus
P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Leap Attack, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 18-20.
Attacks per Melee: 6
Combat Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +6 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +16 to damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +5
to pull punch, +2 to disarm, +2 to entangle, +3 to Perception, and +4 to spell strength (16 or higher to save).
Saving Throws: Need a 10 or better to save vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. magic, +1 to save vs. psionics & insanity, +2
to save vs. possession, +8 to save vs. Horror Factor, and +14% to save vs. coma/death.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Headbutt 1D6,
Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +8% to all skills.
Educational Background: Intuitive knowledge equal to a B.A. Degree.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Demongogian 98%/98%, Lore: Demon & Monster 95%, Lore: Geomancy 85%,
Lore: Religion 95%, Archeology 98%/88%, Chemistry 98%, Holistic Medicine 98%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Spell
Translation 36%, Read/Write/Speak English, Spanish, French, Latin, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, and Arabic 93%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 88%, Pick Locks 98%, Find Contraband 94%, Prowl 98%, and I.D. Undercover
Agents 98%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (only the combat skills-no bonuses), Detect Ambush 98%,
Intelligence 98%, Wilderness Survival 98%, Detect Concealment 98%, and Tracking (people) 98%.
2nd Espionage Program: Military Etiquette 98%, Interrogation 98%, Undercover Ops 98%, and Tailing 98%.
Technical Program: History 98%/98%, Law (general) 98%, Research 98%, and Appraise Antiques 98%.
Secondary Skills: Astronomy & Navigation 88%, Land Navigation 84%, Performance 85%, Climbing 98%,
Gemology 83%, Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, Mythology 88%, Lore: Magic 88%, Leather Working 98%, Sewing 98%, Pilot:
Motorcycle 98%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 78%, Brewing (basic) 68%/78%, Radio: Basic 68%, and Kick Boxing.
Money: He makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for. He has a secret stash of $20,000 US
dollars hidden in a safe house in Century Station.
Weapons: None, he relies on his natural abilities, combat skills, and his knowledge.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns a 2013 Harley-Davidson FLD - Dyna Switchback. He has access to access to every
gadget and piece of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or U.S. S.C.R.E.T., but cars little about most technology, but is
willing to “work with it” if it helps him achieve his goals.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


All his life, Jamie Richard wanted to be like his dad Jed Richards, the best NASCAR Pit Crew Chief in the business. He used to
watch his dad go to work on all sorts of race cars for famous race car drivers. Many NASCAR driver once said the only reason
they won the race was because of the speed and precision that Jed Richards and his crew operated. Not only was his dad an
expert crew chief, his dad also fabricated and designed race cars. Life was grand for the Richard’s family until the incident at
the Motorcity International Speedway when Eric Larry Sparks failed to keep his vehicle under the pit road speed limit and
accidently struck Jed Richards with his vehicle, killing him. Some believe Eric Sparks hit Jed deliberately but after a long
investigation, the incident was considered just an unfortunate accident. Jamie, however, refused to believe it. So he vowed
to one day to get even with Eric Sparks. When he was old enough, despite his mom’s protest, Jamie began to drive. She
instead wanted him to do anything else for she was in fear of his safety, but Jamie wouldn’t hear it. When Jamie began racing
in the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, he was just qualifying and never advancing more than 10th place. He needed an edge
but he didn’t know what. That’s when his friend Vern Hill revealed a special fuel additive he invented that was the size of a
Vitamin E pill. Just one in the fuel tank would boost the speed and fuel efficiency of the vehicle by 25% or more. Jamie hired
Vern to be his gasman on his pit crew, and together they developed a covert means for Vern to deliver the tiny capsule into
car while he was pouring the gas in without anyone noticing. The capsules had an immediate impact for soon Jamie was
wining every race he was in. It wasn’t long before he was ready to enter the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, with his first race
being at the Motorcity International Speedway. Jamie vowed that he didn’t care if he finished the race. All he wanted to do
was make sure Eric Sparks didn’t finish. But unbeknown to Jamie or anyone else, Eric Sparks owed 3 million dollars to the De
Teluzzi crime syndicate, and they were going to make sure he won. The crime syndicate somehow learned Jamie and Vern
secret. The day before the race members of the crime syndicate told Vern to put three capsules into Jamie’s gas tank, if he
didn’t Vern’s entire family would be killed starting with his sister and her fiancée. Reluctantly Vern agreed. Half way through
the race at the scheduled time, Jamie pulled into the pit and Vern add three capsules to the fuel, knowing full well what was
likely to happen. Thirty seconds later, Jamie’s car exploded, engulfing Jamie in a green cloud. After the fire was put out and
Jamie was rushed to the hospital, Eric Sparks finished the race. A day later, Eric Sparks was found dead in his hotel room
from a drug overdose. A few days later, Jamie Richard left the hospital in search of Vern. When he arrived Vern was hanging
from the rafters but he’d witness two men driving away in the alley behind the house. Jamie announced on live T.V. that he’d
been cheating. The following day the same two men paid Jamie a visit. He fled the room as the men drew their guns.
Suddenly Jamie took off like a rocket. A few minutes later he returned striking the two men with explosive force. With his
newly discovered super powers, Jamie took a job with Taylor Oil (one of his racing sponsors) as a private military operator (a
mercenary). Jamie received some specialized training in the use of his abilities. During one such incident, he and his
associates interfered in a Sector operation. The following day, Jamie was contacted by a government liaison and offered a
position with the new government special squad of super-beings called the Freedom Alliance. Jamie accepted the position. He
remains a hot head, a react first, think later kind of guy. His arrogance is quite irritating as is his show-boating. He is always
hitting on Madame Strange and Jane Gateway. In fact many females involved with Freedom Alliance complain about his
immature behavior and sexual innuendos. However, despite these behavioral issues, Flame Blast is without question, a loyal
patriot and always ready to do whatever he has to defeat the enemies of the United States, especially those who torture
and kidnap to achieve their means. He has never forgiven himself for allowing so many to suffer because of his selfish need
for revenge.

Real Name: Jamie Richard
Occupation: Former Race Car Driver, now government agent
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 25 S.D.C.: 147
P.P.E.: 25
Appearance: His hair, eyes, and skin are bright red. He has an athletic build of a male who engages in regular exercise.
He keeps his hair cut short. His costume resembles that of a race car driver, except without the helmet.
Attributes: I.Q. 9, M.E. 14, M.A.14, P.S. 12, P.P. 11, P.E. 13, Spd. 10/4000 mph (6440 km) flight, P.B. 10
Age: 26, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg).
Major Super Ability: Rocket Fists. He can travel up to Mach 6. He can hold his breath for one hour.
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fireballs, Supervision: Thermal, Impervious to Energy and Electricity.
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 in flight.
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative/+2 in flight, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge/+6 in flight, +4 to damage for
every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed, +5 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Snap Kick 1D6, and all Holds.
Saving Throws: He is impervious to all energy attacks.
Educational Background: Trade School
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Basic Mechanic Program (See Ninja & Superspies): Automotive Mechanics 90%, Basic Mechanics 80%, Basic
Electronics 70%, and General Repair/Maintenance 85%.
Advance Pilot Program: Navigation 80%, Sensory Equipment 70%, Orbital Navigation (from Mutants in Orbit)
90%, Pilot: Race Car 85%, Pilot: Combat Driving, and Pilot: Jet Pack 77%.
Secondary: Hand to Hand: Basic, Athletics (general), Depressurization Training, Radio: Basic 75%, Public
Speaking 55%, Jury-Rig 50%, Salvage 60%, Firefighting 65%, Law (general) 50%, and W.P. Energy Expulsion: Fireballs (this
training gives him an extra +1 to strike with the ability).
Money: He makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Rocket Body Strike, Range: Line of sight, Damage: 1D4x10 for a short-range strike under 200 feet (51 m).
1D6x10 for every 700 mph (1120 km) of speed in a long-range attack (more than 200 feet/51 m) in which he can reach faster
speeds, Attacks per Melee: Counts as two melee attacks if target is within 200 feet (61 m), three attacks if farther. If a mile
or more, the attack uses all his attacks for that round, Bonuses: +2 to strike.
Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fireballs, Range: 250 feet (76.2 m), Damage: 5D10 with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast
radius, victim must make a roll of 19 or better (d20) or be knocked down. Those in the blast radius must roll a 14 or better to
stay on their feet. P.P. attribute bonuses reduced by half apply to this save or any specific knockdown save bonuses. Those
knocked down are sent flying backwards 1D20 feet (0.3 to 6.1 m) and lose two attacks, Attacks per Melee. Counts as one
melee attack, Bonuses: +1 to strike.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has access to access to every gadget and piece of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or
U.S. S.C.R.E.T.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Jane Duffy was an egghead during her adolescent. She was fascinated with quantum mechanics and the idea of traveling
beyond the stars. After high school, she went to the California Institute of Technology to get her quantum physics degree.
During her sophomore year, she attended a lecture of Professor Don Gleason, one of the world foremost experts on
astrophysics and the study of black holes. After attending the lecture, Jane asked Gleason for an opportunity to work with
him. After listening to some of her theories and idea, Gleason said if she’d be welcomed after graduation. This only made Jane
want to prove herself even more so. After graduating at CIT with her Masters, Jane went to Cape Carnival only to discover
Don Gleason was missing, the apparent victim of his own experiment to create an artificial black hole in order to travel from
one destination to another. Jane immediately took up from where Gleason left off using his notes but altering some of his
mathematics. The one thing she did differently was make a few modifications to his suit, namely to use the suit to change
the dimensional fabric of the given area. When she activated the device, she was soon bathed in dimensional energies that
over time began to radically change her body, making her unable to consume solid foods. It also turned her skin a pure white.
More importantly, Jane learned she had the power to open tears in the fabric of time/space that allowed her to move from
them or send object to the other side. The technology Gleason tried to create for humankind was now a power of her making.
Nevertheless she wanted to find a means to rescue Gleason, for she alone was convinced he was alive. With the help of the
suit, his accelerator, and her own powers, Jane created a portal and to everyone surprise Gleason returned, but as an alien
monster. After a thorough interrogation with operative from Project Secure, it was proved without doubt the alien monster
was indeed Gleason who was very appreciative of what Jane had done for him and the personal sacrifice. Project Secure
however confiscated his accelerator, but wanted him and Jane to come work for them. Gleason took a part time position, but
Jane was quite thrilled to work with many of the Lockdown Teams. Eventually she had a chance encounter with Ace Power
and struck up a strong friendship. When Ace told her of the new government team he was leading, he wanted her to join.
Jane said she would if Gleason would be allowed a position as well. Ace agreed. Jane still idolizes Gleason and has some
romantic feelings for him, but she’s afraid to show them because of his transformation. She cannot stand the flirtation and
sexual harassment she receives from Jamie Richards. She would make a formal complaint yet she also recognizes the
contributions and sacrifices Jamie has made for the team. She still keeps up with her various friends from the Lockdown Team
and is always willing to help them out. Her friendship with Ace is simply platonic.

Real Name: Jane Duffy
Occupation: Former NASA Scientist, Now Government Agent
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Experiment with a Super Invention
Experience Level: 9th level
Hit Points: 49 S.D.C.: 40/+25 in space.
P.P.E.: 17
Appearance: She is a friendly, tall, attractive adult woman with short, curly black hair and brown eyes. Her costume is
bright orange and white. She wears reflective shades instead of a mask.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 11, M.A.14, P.S. 14, P.P.11, P.E. 12, Spd.12, P.B. 14(8)
Age: 28, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 150 lbs (67.5 kg).
Side Effect: Requires Energy for Nourishment. She cannot eat or drink normal food. She must absorb energy such as
electrical, light or heat energy (not organic life energies). She never gets hungry or fatigues when exposed to sunlight or
heat, and is resistant to energy weapons and most energy attacks (electricity, ion, heat, and light/laser blasts do half
damage, while plasma, magic energy, and others do full damage). Jane’s body is stark white accept for her head.
Major Super Abilities: Portals (PU 3 version) and Portals (Armageddon Unlimited version). All three powers work in
tandem. She can create a portal to pass through walls and doorways or a short distance of 570 feet (173 m). These portals
are made by touch or up to 90 feet (27.3 m) away and remain open for 1D4 melees. Opening one portal counts as one action.
Bonuses: +2 to strike and -4 to dodge (when used as an attack). Opening two counts as two actions. Long range portals
(900 miles/1440 km) can be made twice a day to her home or base of operations (even if she can’t see it). These Gate
Portals can be used to travel to locations that are not a straight-line of sight visible location. Gate Portals can be made with
the aid of a camera, television, computer monitor, even a cell phone. Must be a live feed and an actual place. Range: 4500
miles (7200 km). This can be done 3x a day. The size of a long range and/or Gate Portal can be from 10 to 90 feet (3 to 27.4
m) in diameter. These portals remain open as long as she desires or wishes to or she is rendered unconscious. Note: Her
containment suit allows her boost the range of her portals by 25%!!!
Minor Super Ability: Space Native
Super Invention: Jane’s Environmental Containment Suit, A.R. 14, 400 S.D.C. Repairs are expensive, time consuming
(6D6+24 hours), difficult (-15% to -25%), specialized (Engineer training), and expensive (4D6x10, 000 dollars). 3rd level in
Major Super Ability: Alter Dimensional Fabric
Minor Super Ability: Supervision: Spectrum Vision (the reflective shades won’t work without the suit).
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 initial +4 Hand to Hand Combat) +1 in space
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative/+3 in space, +2 to strike/+3 in space, +3 to parry/+4 in space, +3 to dodge, +4 to
damage, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch/+5 in space, +2 to disarm/+3 in space, and +4 to save vs. horror factor.
Note: Jane has received some additional bonuses having been trained as a Project Secure operative.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Body Flip/Throw 1D6
plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20
Saving Throws: She is impervious to cold (cold magic does half damage), depressurization, radiation, breathes without
air, and is invulnerable to small bits of flying debris. Gravity Manipulation attacks are half as effective (reduce damage,
duration and other effects by half). The suit gives her a +1 to save vs. magic and dangerous dimensional energies when on a
ley line (+2 to save vs. magic and dimensional magic when on/at a place of power (Stonehenge).
Educational Background: Masters Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98% and Pilot: Automobile 87%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry 98%, Astrophysics 98%,
Astronomy &Navigation 98%, and Physics 98%.
Medical Assistant Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 98%, and Paramedic (Nursing) 98%.
Technical Program: Computer Programming 98%, Research 98%, History 98%/98%, and Barter 91%.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, and Electricity Generation 98%.
Secondary Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Swimming 95%, Streetwise 56%, Sewing 85%, Wardrobe & Grooming 86%,
Public Speaking 75%, Pilot: Motorcycle 96%, Pilot: Truck 98%, Pilot: Boat: Sail Type 98%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and
Hydrofoil Type 98%, Language: German & French 71%, Literacy: German 60%, First Aid 65%, Law (general) 40%, and
Appraise Antiques 35%.
Money: She makes about $130,000 a year, plus all her expenses are paid for. Jane has several bank accounts all over
the country. With some keen investing on her part, Jane has been able to put away $1.7 million dollars so far. When she has
about three million, she plans on retiring and living off the interests.
Weapons: She relies on her super abilities and her battle suit.
Armor: Jane’s Environmental Containment Suit, A.R. 14 and 400 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: She has access to access to every gadget and piece of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or
S.C.R.E.T. Because of her super abilities, she has little need to use a vehicle.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The man known as Dalton Ace Powers believes he was an All American athlete from Houston, Texas, who decided to join the
U.S. Army as a patriotic duty to help serve and protect/fight for his country. Later on he trained to join the U.S. Army
Special Forces. During one of his missions, he was critically injured so he agreed to volunteer for super soldier upgrading.
Afterward he decided it was a patriotic duty to help his fellow man by enlisting in a joint operation with U.S. S.C.R.E.T with
the Canada S.C.R.E.T., in which he became one of their team leaders. He did this for three years before returning to the
United States. Instead of returning to U.S. S.C.R.E.T., he was asked to become the leader of a U.S. government special
squad of super-beings under the direct command of the U.S. Vice President and the nation’s most trusted military leaders. All
of this, Ace did without question or any consideration of his own welfare or needs. Ace is a true patriot, always doing what
must be done in order to achieve his mission goals and for the betterment of America. The enemies of the U.S. both foreign
and domestic must be defeated before their plans to do the country, government and its people harm. Ace is already for the
next mission and will do whatever he can to support and aid his teammates. His loyalty toward the U.S., its military,
government, and its people is absolute, yet he has no trouble taking the strong (bloody) fight to America’s enemies. Ace has
a perfect platonic friendship with Jane Gateway. He admires Apex and Patriot, hoping one day to following in their footsteps
and transition to a Cavalier group that works with the public and receives the support and appreciation of the news media
and law enforcement.

In truth, Ace Powers is a false identity for a classified individual who was turned into a super soldier likely against his will,
then psychologically condition to be a loyal super operative for the ultra secret spy agency known as the Sector. It is not
known how many missions or even how many years he served with the Sector working alongside many of its other operatives
(both freelance and espionage agents). Around the time of the Paris affair, Ace had his memories of working with the Sector
erased. These were replaced with memories and documentation that he worked with the Canadian S.C.R.E.T. in joint effort
with the U.S. Afterword, he was invited to become the leader of Freedom Alliance. No one except those in the high ups of
the Sector knows the truth about Ace (including his real name and identity). Even the people he believes to be his family are
false memories. For a while a phone number he dialed caused a computer program with a Standard A.I to mimic his parents.
This program ended before he joined Freedom Alliance (he believes his parents and sister were killed in a train crash in Texas-
false documents are available at the local, state and federal level). The man who exists before Ace Powers is gone forever
(psychically erased) leaving only the memories and personality created that is Ace Powers. Because of the Paris affair,
psychic conditioning (psionic brainwashing) is now used to prevent subjects like Ace from acting against or revealing The
Sector’s interests. The process should not be compared to mind control, but rather a way of directing a person’s behavior to
conform to The Sector’s values and norms. Through psionic means Ace readily accept being loyal, obedient, respectful, and
devoted not just because he know he must, but because the behavior is internalized and a part of his emotional life and
thought process. Ace experiences intense guilt if he successfully violates Sector procedures or values.

Real Name: Classified
Alias: Dalton Ace Powers
Alignment: Scrupulous (note this is not his original alignment)
Occupation: Former Sector Super Soldier. He also believes himself to be a former Team Leader for Canada S.C.R.E.T.
Now Team Leader for Freedom Alliance.
Super Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 89 S.D.C.: 607 Armor Rating: A.R: 14
P.P.E.: 10
Appearance: He is built like a professional bodybuilder. He has all American male looks and physique. He has military cut
blond hair and icy blue eyes. His battle suit is a combination military fatigues and fancy costume.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 11, M.A. 11, P.S. 48 (superhuman), P.P. 11, P.E. 23, Spd. 27, P.B. 10
Age: 30+ Sex: Male, Height: 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 m), Weight: 460 lbs (207 kg).
Vulnerability: Ace Powers is an artificial personality that has been created by the Sector using psychic powers
(hypnotic suggestion, insert memory, mind wipe, steal memory) and lots of psychological condition (brainwashing). In order to
violate his conditioning, Ace must make a save vs. mind control (15 or better) without any additional bonuses including from
the M.E attribute score. If successful, Ace will complete the task, but he feels and expresses intense guilt over what was
done. For the next 7 days, each day an additional saving throw must be done or these feelings will intensify and he will begin
to pass judgment on his actions, and is likely to confesses, turns himself in, or possibly (01-13%), take his own life. If Ace
successful makes each saving throw, he will be free of the psychological conditioning but he will need psychological therapy
from an expert to regain his free will completely (see Curing Psychosis, page 32 in Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition). Should Ace
attempt to directly or indirectly cause harm or threaten a high ranking person (supervisor) within the Sector (and only the
Sector), he must make a saving throw vs. mind control (15 or better), but even if he should succeed all his combat/skill
bonuses and attacks per melee are reduce by one-half. After 1D4 melee round of combat, a second saving throw must be
done. Failure means Ace will surrender and/or turn himself in regardless of the consequences. Should Ace face a logic dilemma
(conflict of his psychological condition or Sector loyalty training), a save vs. insanity (12 or better) must be made. Failure will
result in Ace going into a catatonic state (3D6 months). A successful save however will result in a sort of mental torture,
forcing Ace to roll on the random insanity table (page 28-29 in the Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition book).
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman P.S., Extraordinary P.E., Iron Will, and Healing Factor. Ace can carry 9600 lbs/4.8
tons (4320 kg) and lift 14,400 lbs/7.2 tons (6480 kg).
Super-soldier Abilities: Attempt to make Invulnerable, Tissue Density Increase, Bionic Sensory System (Clock Calendar,
Explosives Detector: Range: 8 feet/2.4 m, Motion Detector: Picks up motion all around the hero within a 10 foot (3 m) radius,
alerting him to imminent attacks from behind or above; Radio Scrambler-Will distort or "scramble- outgoing radio signals,
preventing interception and interpretation by the enemy. He must be using a radio, Radar Warning System: Alerts him
whenever he is being bombarded by radar signals, Infrared Warning System: Alerts him whenever infrared light is focused on
him), and Bionic Weapon System (a concentrated bolt of energy-Range: 400 feet (122 m), Damage: 2D6 or 4D6 damage per
blast, Payload: 50 Shots per hour. Self-Regenerating. Can be used by either hand.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Commando
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial +3 from hand-to-hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +5 to Initiative, +3 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to dodge, +3 to automatic dodge, +35 to damage, +7
to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and +3 to Perception.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow or Forearm 2D6, Karate Kick
3D6, Knee 2D6 , Snap Kick 2D6, Crescent Kick 2D8, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Axe Kick 3D8, Wheel Kick 3D6,Tripping Leghook
(cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep Kick (cannot be parried, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to
dodge), Body Block/Tackle 2D4+2 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown),+1 to Body Flip/Throw2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus
(Lose Initiative and 1 attack/action), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D4+2, all Holds, Paired Weapons, and Knockout on an unmodified roll
of 20 for 1D6 melees.
Saving Throw: Need a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +5 to save vs. psionics, +7 to save vs. possession, +8 to
save vs. mind control, +5 to save vs. illusion, +3 to save vs. insanity, +56% to save vs. coma/death, +10 to save vs. magic,
+7 to save vs. poison, even if make the save of a poison, toxins, chemical, disease (duration, penalties, effects, and
damage) are a mere one third normal, +10 to save vs. disease, +14 to save vs. horror factor, fire and cold inflict half
damage, and skill penalties for being confused, dazed or drugged are half for this focused and drive character.
Sector Agent Bonuses: Ace has received additional bonuses for being a Sector Agent that are additions to those
received from his attribute, hand to hand, skills, or power category. These bonuses are already factored in his accumulative
bonuses seen above.
Education Level and Skills: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95%, Mathematics: Basic 93%, Pilot: Automobile 81%.
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing 85%/75%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 80%, Radio: Basic 95%,
W.P. Rifle (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+3 to strike).
Advance Military Program: Special Forces (based on John C. Philpott #25): Hand to Hand Combat: Commando,
Camouflage 65%, Demolitions 91%, Demolitions Disposal 91%, Demolitions Underwater 94%, Parachuting 85%, Prowl 70%,
S.C.U.B.A. 95%, Swimming 95%, Trap/Mine Detection 65%, W.P. Knife (+3 to strike, parry, throw), and W.P. Sub-machinegun
(+3 to aim/+1 to burst).
Physical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Building & Weightlifting, and Athletics (general).
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush 75%, Intelligence 70%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Interrogation 75%%, and
Undercover Ops 75%.
Secondary Skills: Law (general) 70%, Public Speaking 65%, Basic Electronics 65%, Pilot: Truck 91%, First Aid 80%,
Firefighting 75%, Basic Mechanics 75%, Land Navigation 64%, General Repair/Maintenance 70%, Recognize Weapon Quality
50%, W.P. Handgun (+1 to aim), and Pilot: Airplane 58%.
Money: He makes about $130,000 a year, plus all his expenses are paid for.
Weapons: He has access to any conventional weapon used by the U.S. Army and/or by U.S. S.C.R.E.T.
Powered Punch Gauntlets: Release a powerful discharge of raw energy on contact with a target, Damage: Each
adds +4D6 damage to a punch, Payload: 40 punches each per hour; they have a self-regenerating power source.
Armor: His battle suit is the equivalent of a point blank vest (A.R. 10 and 70 S.D.C.).
Vehicles & Equipment: He has access to every gadget and piece of equipment within the U.S. Army and/or U.S.
S.C.R.E.T. He always properly equips himself for every mission.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Enjoy folks. Back when something else catches the fancy.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Just want to let all the HU fans know that HU is still my first Palladium love and will always be my default game. I also vow to try my best to bring new titles to our beloved line. And you will
still see posts here on the board.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Still doing a Great Job Reagren Wright,I will check the others,to see if you come up with a Monsters for BtS or a Aliens for Phase world.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Monsters for BtS or Aliens for Phase world? My mug is already seen heavily on HU and Fantasy. Not sure folks want to see me
posting for those lines. Besides I'm happy to post my ideas here and here alone.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Ok.I have no problem.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Finishing up a post Bizantium project then I will be back for a very short visit. The wheels are turning for a HU manuscript so I'm
going to limit my time so I keep all the good stuff for other project :D
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

As I been thinking about that poor Malaysia plane that's been missing for so long that the South Pacific and Africa should have
some kind of superhero team. After all India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines all have comic book super heroes in their
country so it time for HU to reveal a team that helps out this part of the world as well as Africa.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Good idea,I like Superheroes too and I love mix it with Aliens.
Maybe after your idea,I got idea for you,a original Alien Empire,who is in secret using Earth as a Breeding/Testing ground for ther Super-soldiers and weapons,Some play the hero and others the villain just out of rivalry,this is to do something different then the Old Alien invade story.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Second job and the fact they are working on my house and keeping me from being there :x is delaying my post of these cool
guys from Africa and Asia. Slow progress but working on them when I can. Fun research.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The Forever Guardians are a group of global super beings who have choose to protect the people,
places, and environments of Asia and Africa. While the team receives support from the United
Nations, the group is heavily backed by U.K. S.C.R.E.T. in the very same way Euroforce operates.
The one advantage FG have over Euroforce they work more akin to the Peacekeeper League,
assisting nations in Africa and Asia that are unable to defend themselves against attacks from
super villains, meta-terrorists, criminal masterminds, and wielders of super/meta technology
(robots, super inventions, energy weapons, etc). Unlike the PKL, the FG don’t need permission
from a UN host country to intervene on the behalf of people in crisis and/or the environment as
they wield the same authority as the International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL.
While some war-torn and rogue nations don’t like the idea of FG entering their country, the
activities are only undertaken when they do not involve interventions or activities of a political,
military, religious, or racial nature. The purpose of the FG is focus on the safety of people who are
threatened by terrorism, crimes against humanity, genocide, organize crime, piracy,
environmental crime, war crimes, the supernatural, the mutant slave trade, super/meta
technology, alien encounters, and super villains/crimes.

Because the FG operates only in African and Asia countries (although it has on rare occasions come
to Australia), the team doesn’t enjoy the public recognition received by Euroforce or the
Peacekeeper League. In fact, many in the U.S. government are not even aware they even exist.
But that is find by the team members and directors, the less exposure means they don’t have to
worry about retaliation or criticism by anti-super being groups, governments, and organizations.

Though FG regularly involves itself in the affairs of nations on behalf of the “public good,” they try
to stay out of the hair of the nation’s governmental and military affairs. Even if the local law
enforcement is corrupt and accused of performing crimes against humanity, FG is not out to topple
dictatorship or undermine anyone’s authority. The goal is to ease the suffering of humanity and to
protect the environment from the harms caused by humankind. So while the FG would go into a
place like the Democratic Republic of the Congo or Afghanistan to help its citizens, it is not looking
to involved in a fire fight with the legal authority of the region regardless of what it may be doing
to its citizens. However, they would go after a terrorist organization that has no legal authority or
moral support to be operating in the nation. While capable of handling itself in a firefight, this is
not the strong point of the organization, if anything the FG is perfect suited to engaging
supernatural threats.

Former MX7 Director, Major Adrian Durand runs the organization and its staff of 90 personnel on a
semi-submersible platform located in Chagos Archipelago, a group of seven atolls comprising more
than 60 individual tropical islands in the Indian Ocean. The platform resembles an offshore drilling
rig. Sergeant Douglas Mason is the official liaison between the team and U.K. S.C.R.E.T.

FG enjoys an open dialogue and support from Euroforce and the Peacekeeper League. In fact the
three groups are currently operating more closely after reports of strange activity taking place on
one of the islands in the Indiana Ocean off the west cost of Australian (called the Houtman
Abrolhos Island). This region is not without its share of strange phenomena, after all it’s the
location of the antipodal position (opposite side) of the Bermuda Triangle. An Australian navy
vessel was attacked by a host of strange creatures. This resulted in an investigation by the
Australian S.C.R.E.T. who was complexly overwhelmed by the host of strange beings. At the
request of the Australian government, the FG arrived on the scene to battle a host of deevils and
super beings attempting to operate an alien device. After destroying the device and the deevils
were banished back to Dyval, the super beings (those left alive) were arrested and interrogated.
These “induced mutants” knew next to nothing, simply following orders, but according to Bela Jet
he felt inclined to believe that this operation was the first of many to come. As such, it’s become a
high priority joint operation involving all three groups. As of today, the group is unaware of the
operations of Doctor Vilde and his Armageddon plot.

Forever Guardians stats

A. Outfits: Specialty Clothing (10 points)
B. Equipment: Superior Electronic Supplies and Lesser Equipment (15 points)-$20,000 worth.
C. Weapons: The Arsenal (30 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: Robot Arsenal (40 Points)
E. Vehicles: Spy Cars (25 Points)
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (5 Points)
H. Military Power: Security Guards (5 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Government (10 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Potatoes (up to $200,000/17 Points).
L. Administrative Control: Free Hand (15 Points)
M. Internal Security: Iron Clad (25 Points)
N. External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O. Research and Information: Excellent Connections (20 Points)
P. Agency Credentials: Between Faceless and Known (7 points)
Q. Employees Salary: Good (10 Points) about $1000 a week, with bonuses.

Total Agency Points: 249 Points
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Seventy-five hundred years ago, when evil was ruling the world, the Suryanshis (a dynasty of
ancient India) choose him as their greatest mystic warrior to combat the evil. When the five
natural elements of life; fire, earth, water, wind and sky (sun) invigorated his body, he gained
superpowers from these elements and it made him immortal. For thousands of years, he fought
against the evil within people, not the sinner themselves. Yet all the while the Asuras (Indian
Demons) plotted to defeat him. As the centuries pasted, Bela Jat continued to remain and enemy
of demons, to the point that Ravana, King of the Asuras decides they must find a means to do
away with him, if they are ever going to take over the world. They forge a magical metal plate that
can release rays of darkness. Velu beloved Vaishnavi is captured and the plate is magical attached
to her. When Bela Jat comes to rescue her, he is struck multiple times by the darkness rays.
Severely weakened, the Asuras attack him. Once they believe him close to death, the Asuras grab
him and throw him into a deep cave, forever sealing him away in darkness. But unbeknown to the
demons, darkness itself doesn’t kill Bela Jat, it just severely weakens him, but it was more than
enough to imprison him for thousands of years. Nevertheless the demons are defeated by others
champions of good. Seven years ago, an archeologist named Brij Alankaar comes across the cave
and with the aid of his workers they remove the boulder. Bela Jat emerges from the cave into the
light. He thanks Brij for helping him. When Ravana learns Bela Jat has escape his imprisonment,
he lures a group of terrorist into joining forces with him and gives them mystically bestowed
demonic powers. These villains attack the city of Chemmai. Three journalists secretly film the
illegal activities of the terrorist in a secluded house. They are discovered and attacked, two of the
journalists are killed and the third Geeta D’Souza is stabbed, but just then Bela Jat comes to her
aid. He defeats the terrorists and takes Geeta to the hospital. Believing she is a reincarnation of
his beloved Vaisnavi, he disguises himself as a common man (Velu Chandrasekhar) and takes a
job as a photographer for the newspaper Aaj Ki Awaaz so he can be close to her and keep her save
from future demon attacks. Over the years, Bela Jat has numerous adventures fighting terrorists
and the forces of darkness. During one adventure he manages to convince the demon Gar to
switch sides and join the forces of good. Recently he and Gar have joined forces with other heroes
to form the superhero team Forever Guardians in an effort to combat terrorism, piracy, and the
continual forces of darkness. Having already defeated a team of demons and super villains from
activating a Chaos Generator, the team is actively searching for others throughout the Pacific and
Indian Ocean.

Alias: Velu Chandrasekhar
Occupation: Photographer for Aaj Ki Awaaz, Team captain of Forever Guardians
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Immortal (Demi-God)
Experience Level: 15th
Hit Points: 226 S.D.C.: 128/+60 in daylight
Armor Rating: A.R.: 12/14 with Earth contact.
P.P.E.: 143
Appearance: He is a handsome Indian male, who wears a brown hooded cloak over
traditional peasant attire. He is an ancient warrior and always conducts himself as one. He is
always armed with his sword.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 11, M.A. 18, P.S. 15 (superhuman)/25 supernatural, P.P. 13, P.E.
16, Spd 23, P.B. 20. Note: His P.S., P.B., and Spd increase by 20% during daytime (overcast or
indoors), +40% outside on a sunny day or spent a full six hours in the sun (an effect that last the
rest of the day
Age: 7500 years old, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg).
Achilles’ heel: Solar/Sky Powered: He is vulnerable to magic and super abilities that involve
darkness/shadows and night; they do double damage and he saves against them at half his usual
bonuses. At night reduce his P.S. and S.D.C by one half. The same happens to all his super powers
(reduce range, duration, effect and damage by one half during nighttime or when trapped in
darkness for more than 15 minutes. Without exposure to at least 4 hour of light (even from an
overcast day or bright artificial light) within a 24 hour period, his powers and attributes diminish
an additional 10% per every eight hours he is trapped in darkness. They stop dwindling when
reduced to 30%
Mega Hero Abilities: Immortal (See page 181 of HU 2nd edition, Mega Hero section). Note:
He can bio-regenerate 3D6 hit points/S.D.C. every 10 minutes, but heals 2D4 in sunlight every
melee round.
Natural Abilities: He is never fatigued, does not eat or drink. He can hold his breath for
2D4+4 minutes.
Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Fire, Water, and Air.
Minor Super Abilities: Earth Empowerment and Solar Powered. Note. He possesses
Superhuman P.S. but his carry/lift capacity is equal to Supernatural when in direct contact with the
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 8/9 (3 Initial +5 from Hand to Hand Combat) in daylight
Combat Bonuses: +6 to initiative/+7 in daylight, +2 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +4
to damage, +6 to pull punch/+8 in daylight, +3 to roll with punch/fall, and +5 disarm/+7 in
Saving Throws: Cold and lightning/electricity does half damage, impervious to fire, heat,
smoke, +4% to save vs. coma/death, +4 to save vs. magic, +1 to save vs. poison, +7 to save vs.
possession and horror factor.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+2 (Counts as two attacks,
Backhand 2D6, Karate kick 4D4, Snap Kick 2D6+2, Roundhouse Kick 4D6+2, Wheel kick 3D6+2,
Tripping/leg hook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown) Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6,
Jump Kick 7D6+2, Flying Jump Kick 5D6+2, Body throw/flip 2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose
initiative and 1 attack or action), All Holds, Paired Weapons, Leap Attack, Critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 18-20, Knockout/stun on an unmodified roll of 18-20, and Death blow (if desire,
must announce intension).
Other Bonuses: +3% to all skills, 50% trust/intimidate, and 50% charm/impress.
Education Level: Equal to on the job training, however having lived for seven millenniums,
he has acquired extensive worldly knowledge.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Hindi 98%/98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot:
Automobile 98%, Read-Write/Speak Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Persian, and Marathi.
Military Program (Basic):, Running, Climbing 98%/98%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 98%, Wilderness Survival 98%, W.P. Spear (+5 to strike/parry and +4 to throw), and
W.P. Sword (+5 to strike/parry).
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 98%, Intelligence
98%, Detect Concealment 98%, and Interrogation 98%.
Anthropologist Program: Anthropology 98%, Biology 98%, Archeology 98%, History
98%, Research 98%, and Writing 98%.
Physical Program: Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 98%), Outdoormanship, Prowl
98%, and Swimming 98%.
Technical Program: Lore: Religion 98%, Lore: Demon and Monster 98%, Mythology
98%, and Philosophy 98%.
Secondary Skills: Barter 98%, Dance, 98%, Fishing 98%, Land Navigation 98%, Track
& Trap Animals 98%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 98%, Hunting, Identify Plants & Fruits 98%,
Public Speaking 98%, Gardening 98%, Astronomy and Navigation 98%, Holistic Medicine 98%,
Brewing: Medicinal 98%, Recycle 98%, Language: English 83%, Literacy: English 93%,
Photography 73%, Law 73%, Computer Operation 75%, Performance 53%, Radio: Basic 58%, and
T.V./Video 43%.
Money: He has little use for money, but knows it is essential in the modern day civilization.
He owns about 100,000 in US dollars in tradable/sellable goods. He has about 9,737,565 Indian
Rupe (160,000 US dollars) in available spending cash. This doesn’t include the money he already
spent to make his photo lab.
Weapons: Khanda, a double-edged straight sword. This magic weapon does 3D6 points of
damage to mortal opponents and 1D6x10 to supernatural/immortal beings.
Armor: Studded leather (soft). This is worn beneath his peasant attire and under his
hooded leather cloak. Magical incantations have been woven into the armor making the equivalent
of PFRPG Leather of Iron (A.R. 15 and 150 S.D.C.).
Vehicles and Equipment: He own 135,000 USD in high value digital cameras, computer
software, video equipment in order to maintain his photographer identity. He owns a top dollar
smart phone with the latest features/apps. This device is his primary means to communicate with
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Garozaecxis was Black Jinn of great renown in Hades. Not wanting to be like the rest of his kin, he
wanted to lead large forces of troops into combat in the Minion War. On the battle field, he proved
himself on numerous occasions. In time, his name was being mentioned by the Demon Lords as a
possible candidate for leading a large group of lesser demons in an important military campaign.
The first thing Garozaecxis did when he learned this was kill his closest rival. The mission was to
lead a strike force into a world controlled by humans and destroy their main headquarters.
Unfortunately Garozaecxis made the mistake of leading his troops to the wrong Earth dimension.
He was supposed to take them to Rifts Earth, instead they ended up in Heroes Unlimited Earth.
When his strike team of 60 lesser demons and himself attacked Washington D.C., their invasion
plans were detected by a number of psychics employed by the Sector and CIA (MTF). With the
approximate date understood, U.S. S.C.R.E.T. stood ready. When the demons arrived, all hell
broke loss. Garozaecxis managed to escape, but all of his troops were killed. It was the worst
military failure of his career. Knowing he would be summoned back, the Jinn sought a means to
make amends for his failure. He decided to seek out other world leaders and execute them. He
chose to target the leader of Africa, but he could find no distinct individual who would be
considered the prime candidate. Meanwhile, Bela Jat decided to investigate this mysterious greater
demon rumored to prowling the cities of Africa. Bela Jat went to a museum in New Delia and
retrieved a demon bowel; an ancient powerful talisman used to trap demons within. When
confronted, Bela Jat proved to be more than a match against the powerful Jinn. At a precise
moment, he revealed the Demon Bowel. Despite the Jinn mystical might, he was no match for the
bowels talismanic powers. He was soon trapped within. The next day Bela Jat released him and
told the Jinn he had three wishes he wanted granted. The first was, “You will evolve into a
benevolent supernatural being.” The second wish was, “You can never again behave as a
malevolent demon.” And the third and final wish, “I command you to willing place this mark on
your forehead thereby making you susceptible to its magic.” The Jinn did as he was wished,
believing he be able to weasel his way out of the commands, but the moment he pressed the
mystic “G” mark into his head, a terrible pain tore out his throat as if he been hit with a massive
fist. His innate spell magic was gone and he lost many of his supernatural abilities and demonic
powers, including his immortality. Garozaecxis was now trapped in the form of an African male
dwarf. Yet the wishes made by Bela Jat earlier remained very much a part of him. The evil within
him was gone and a champion of light emerged. Calling himself Gar, he became the constant
traveling companion of Bela Jat, accept when the immortal was in his “alias” as Velu
Chandrasekhar, and even then he sometimes makes an appearance in order to talk to him. Gar is
still a demon at heart in some ways. He is still conceited, haughty, arrogant, impatient, and
condescending, but in a good way. If asked if he be willing to go back to his true nature, Gar has
rejected the idea and is fearful that somehow the magic could be undone. What the Jinn doesn’t
know is the mark was self inflicting. Something within his empty soul sought the sincerity of Bela
Jat wish, and truly made it possible. Gar loves life and joy, and simply being among humanoids.
He will do anything to protect them, accept go back to his evil ways. He is prepared for the day he
once again confronts the forces of Hades and does battle against them, this time on the side of

Real Name: Garozaecxis
Occupation: Former General of the Minion War, now friend and body guard of Bela Jat.
Alignment: Formerly Miscreant, now Scrupulous
Power Category: Heroic Hellion (A Black Jinn)
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 121 S.D.C.: 190 Armor Rating: A.R. 14
P.P.E.: 10
I.S.P.: 107
Horror Factor: 11
Appearance: Gar looks like an African male dwarf with a bodybuilder’s physique. He is bald,
has a goatee, and a mean disposition on his face. He has a glowing white tattoo of the letter “G”
permanently in of his head. He never wears a shirt, always in baggy jeans, and he must have his
ultra-cool shades on his face at all times.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 15, M.A. 18, P.S. 39 (supernatural), P.P. 16, P.E. 21, Spd. 45
(31.5 mph/50.7 km) running, 180 (126 mph/202 km) flying, P.B. 10
Age: Unknown, Sex: Male, Height: 4 foot and 1 inch (1.24 m), Weight:
175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Vulnerabilities: He is vulnerable to any weapons designed to inflict damage against demons
or is considered a Holy Weapon. He takes double damage from weapons made out of silver or
bronze. These weapons inflict triple damage if they are Bless or Holy. Like all, Jinn, he is a creature
of the twilight and strongest at night. During the daytime, whether sunny or overcast, all of his
powers, abilities, number of attacks, bonuses, physical S.D.C., etc., are at one-half. He takes full
damage from magic and psionic attacks.
The G Mark: The glowing “G” tattooed on his forehead is a permanent magical mark
that Gar put upon himself via a wish command. This mark has stripped him of his spell magic, his
P.P.E., and many of his natural demonic powers. He is forever stuck in the size and shape that he
appears in. On the plus side, the magical mark has made him immune to the Jinn Curse, so he
doesn’t have to obligate 3 wishes to anyone who captures him, aids him, or saves his life.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., impervious to most normal weapons, including
explosives, bullets, energy blasts and physical attacks, breathe without air for an unlimited period
of time, turn into mist at will, turn invisible at will, metamorphosis into an insect at will, fire and
cold resistant (even magic fire attacks do half damage), impervious to toxic gases, resistant to
disease (half damage, duration, and penalty), night vision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the invisible, bio-
regenerates 4D6 hit points/S.D.C. once per melee round, and magically understands and speaks
all languages at 95%. He has Strength of Body bonus.
Psionics: All sensitive and physical psionic powers!!!
Attacks per Melee: 8
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +24 to damage,
+4 to roll with punch/fall, +5 to pull punch, and +2 to Perception.
Saving Throws: He needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +12% to save vs.
coma/death, +7 to save vs. magic & poison, +4 to save vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. Horror Factor,
and +4 on other saving throws.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 3D6, Full Strength Punch 6D6, Power Blow 2D4x10 (counts
as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6x10, Knee 6D6, and Body Block/Tackle 5D6 + P.S. damage
bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown).
Other Bonuses: 50% trust/intimidate.
R.C.C. Skills: Basic Electronics 90%, Computer Operation 90%, Concealment 70%,
Intelligence 90%, Land Navigation 85%, Literate in Dragonese/Elven, Hindi, and English 98%
Locksmith 80%, Lore : Demons & Monsters 90%, Lore: Faeries 90%, Math: Basic 98%, Palming
70%, Pick Locks 90%, Pick Pockets 70%, Radio : Basic 90%, Streetwise 65%, Swim 80%, Track
(people) 50%, Wilderness Survival 70%, W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/parry), W.P. Energy Rifle (+5 to
aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Handgun (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Chain (+4 to strike/+2 to parry),
and W.P. Blunt (+4 to strike/parry).
Money: He has little use for money, but he understands it has value in this world. He has
30,000 US dollars in precious stones/metals.
Weapons: Desert Eagle, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 6D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or semi-automatic, Feed: 7 round mag.
Modified Arab Mace, Damage: 2D6+3, Bonuses (+2 to strike/parry and +3 to
damage). The mace is made out of a super alloy metal that can resist his supernatural strength
without breaking (NAR 17 with 700 S.D.C).
Brass Knuckles (made of super alloy), +1D6 damage.
Equipment & Vehicles: Gar rarely uses technology except for weapons. He relies on his natural ability to transport him.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
Joined: Sun Feb 10, 2002 2:01 am
Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Thomas de Klerk trained as a lawyer at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. One day he found
himself stricken by a terrible illness. Despite all the best efforts of modern medicine, nothing
seemed to work or do anything to make him any better. Desperate to get well, Thomas sought out
a South African sangomas, a practitioner of traditional African medicine using mystical and spiritual
means. Thobeka Mugabe lived in a village in KwaZula-Natal province. Her family came from a long
line of Nguni people who practice African traditional religions. Her grandfather was a powerful
medicine man, supposedly the son of deity (though it was never proven). When Thomas came to
see her, she determined that he was under the influence of sympathetic magic from an African
Witch. The two of them sought out this witch. In time they found the woman who wanted revenge
against Thomas for his racial discrimination in favor of whites. During this journey to find the
witch, Thomas and Thobeka fell in love. After killing the witch and freeing him of the curse,
Thobeka learned she was with child. Fearful of what the consequences it would mean for either of
them, the two went their separate lives. Nine months later Thabo was born. Right away Thabo
showed a natural gift in being able to speak and see spirits. His mother taught him all the
traditional and ancient practices to be a sangoma. At the age of ten, Thobeka was stricken with
AIDS. Despite all his attempts Thabo could do nothing to cure her. So he decided to attempt to
summon a powerful spirit that might be able to do something to aid her. Unfortunately, Thabo only
succeeded in summoning a malicious spirit that encouraged Thabo to perform unnatural and
hurtful forms of magic, namely to punish innocent people, yet all the while the spirit was
supposedly curing his mother. Meanwhile his father decided to come back, now that the political
climate in South Africa had improved. When he arrived, he saw his son practicing a ritual that
would allow the spirit to bond with him forever. Thomas realized the spirit was a discorporated
demon looking for a physical body to bond with. He immediately disrupted the ritual causing the
malevolent spirit to attack him. Thabo struck the spirit with his mother’s Kifaalu horn, instantly
killing the entity. Unfortunately the wounds to his father could not be healed. A few days later,
grief stricken over the lost of her beloved and the shame of what he son had done, Thobeka
surrendered to death embrace. Heartbroken over the loss of his parents, Thabo vowed to never
again embrace magic. Years later, a twenty-three year old Thabo graduated from college with a
degree in Criminology. While working with the police department on a gruesome homicide, he
keep seeing a strange man that no one else could see. Thinking he was going crazy, he consulted
a sangoma only to learn the spirit was his great, grandfather and that he subconsciously was
summoning the spirit himself. Thabo confronted the spirit who told him he was ignoring his destiny
that he owed it to his mother to continue the legacy that was created in protecting the world from
“bad medicine”. Thabo agreed but only on his terms. With the help of the spirit guardian, he
passed his initiation test. By doing so, he was able to summon his great, grandfather’s powerful
medicine staff. This transformed him into a powerful medicine man, far greater than he could ever
be in his life time. Thabo traveled the African continent confronting malicious spirits, foul creatures
of magic, demons and evil supernatural beings. Yet the most troublesome evil he confronts is
human in origin. One day he was met by Bela Jat who wanted him to join forces with a group of
super beings seeking protect Africa and Asia from the forces of evil (caused by men and the
supernatural). Seeing this as an opportunity to further his own agenda as well as confront the sins
of humankind that he doesn’t fare so well against, Thabo agreed. In doing so, he did give up his
college teaching job and his part position with the police department, but he still finds his work to
be just as fulfilling as he follows the path of destiny set before him. He is very much concerned
about the increase presence of demons and deevils appearing in the world, and is quite willing to
do whatever is necessary to stop both sides from unleashing Armageddon.

Real Name: Thabo Mugabe
Occupation: South African Medicine Man (sangoma)
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Medicine Man (see Rifts Africa™) with a Weapon of Order
Experience Level: 7th level
Hit Points: 31/+11 with staff S.D.C.: 55/+17 with staff
P.P.E.: 109
I.S.P.: 64
Appearance: He is a tall, exceptionally built South African male. As Thabo he dresses as a
professional doctor or advisor (suit and tie). As Obaluaye he wears the traditional garb of a Tribal
African Medicine Man. His appearance is controlled by the medicine staff.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 15, M.A. 13, P.S. 9, P.P. 11, P.E. 14/17 with staff, Spd. 14, P.B. 8
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 180 lbs (90 kg).
Healing Psionics: Psychic Diagnosis
Sensitive Psionics: Clairvoyance, Empathy, Mind Block, Presence Sense, See the Invisible,
Sense Evil, and Sixth Sense.
Spell Magic: Armor of Ithan, Amulet, See Aura, Commune with Spirits, Globe of Daylight,
Ignite Fire, See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Turn Dead, Negate Poison & Toxin, Detect Poison,
Remove Curse, Heal Wounds, Constrain Being, Protection Circle: Simple and Superior, Repel
Animals, Purification, and Exorcism.
Powers of African Medicine Man: Recognize Enchantment and See Effects of Witchcraft &
Necromancy, Track werebeasts and other supernatural monsters (65%), Recognize Mind Control
65%, Recognize Rune weapons and weapons of power 60%, impervious to magic snakes of
witches, impervious to possession, make a medicine stick, make a medicine horn, amulets, and
charms, and summon spirit guardian,
Spirit Guardian or Emandwa, Only he can see and talk to this spirit. He must mediate for
1D4 minutes to summon his spirit guardian. The spirit of his great, grandfather is the only
guardian spirit, but he has been visited by other ancestral spirits who’ve often their aid. The
guardian spirit offers information that can be very specific or it can be vague. Usually he must
mediate to call on the spirit, but sometimes during a serious crisis, the spirit appears on its own or
visits his dreams to raise questions, concerns, warnings or to offer suggestions. Most of the spirit
guardian's help deals with combating supernatural forces, witches, or “evil spirits” (super beings).
Examples of what the spirit guardian can do for him:
Warns of the involvement of witches and witch magic.
Warns of the involvement of evil spirits.
Warns of approaching danger from especially bad evil spirits.
Warns of going in the wrong direction; philosophically, analytically or physically.
Warns about the presence of bad medicine.
Warns of danger to if he pursues his current course of action - which may be necessary
and encouraged.
Warns him about immediate danger from taboo items or areas and identifies the taboo
subject. This is one situation where the spirit appears whether summoned or not.
Identifies motives of revenge, hatred, greed, lust, or sadistic cruelty.
Identifies possession and mind control.
Identifies old enemies, especially witches.
Identifies the presence of good medicine
Locates secret passages and compartment
Locates drinking water via divining, using the medicine horn.
Suggests where a lost child might be found.
Suggests the safest route of passage.
Warns whether a particular person speaks the truth (yes or no)
Adds strength of will: + 1 to save vs. magic and psionics, +2 to save vs. horror factor.
(Lasts 7 hours).
Adds to physical endurance: Thabo fatigues at half the normal rate and can survive on
half the normal requirement of food and/or water without ill effect. Lasts 7 days.
Adds to skills through encouragement: Temporary bonus of 10% added to one key skill.
Lasts 7 hours.
The spirit guardian will also help him escape by untying bonds of rope and picking the
locks of handcuffs, chains, doors, and prison cells at 75% efficiency. It can try to pick a lock once
every melee round (15 seconds).
The spirit guardian will also magically carry/pull him to safely when he is in danger of
Spirit Guardian cannot attack nor protect him from opponents. It can however serve as a
distraction and lead individuals away. It has two actions per melee rounds. Hit Points: 25. S.D.C.
29. Natural Intangibility. Briefly turn solid for 2D4 melees. While solid, the spirit is Impervious to
Magic and Psionics. P.S. 15, P.P. 10, P.E. 17. Even while solid impervious to possession, mind
control, and organic attacks. +4 to automatic dodge. Fly at 90 mph (144 km).
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+2 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Body throw/flip 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack or action), all Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Saving Throws: He needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +5% to save vs. coma/death
with staff, +1 to save vs. magic/+2 with staff, +1 to save vs. poison/disease with staff, +2 to save
vs. mind control, and +6 to save vs. horror factor. Note: The saving throw bonuses from all of his
various magical charms are not included.
Other Bonuses: 50% to trust/intimidate and 45% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Special Training with college education.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Afrikaan 98%98%, Language: English and Zula 91%,
Lore: Demon & Monster 98%, Mythology 75%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Holistic Medicine
75%/65%, Land Navigation 74%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Track & Trap Animal 60%/70%,
Dance 75%, and Hand to Hand: Basic.
O.C.C Related Skills: Anthropology 80%, Law (general) 85%, Literacy: English 81%,
Intelligence 65%, Crime Scene Investigation (police level) 75%, Research 85%, Biology 60%,
History 98%/85%, and Public Speaking 35%.
Secondary Skills: Outdoormanship, Aerobic Athletics (Sense of Balance 65%), Cook
70%, Identify Plants & Fruits 70%, W.P. Staff (+2 to strike/+1 to parry), Prowl 40%, Running, and
Philosophy 55%.
Money: He currently has 19,000 South African Rands (1,709 US dollars) in his checking
account he has in a bank in Port Elizabeth.
Weapons: He relies on his special abilities and those of his medicine staff.
Three Magic Amulets-Protection from Sickness/+6 to save vs. magical disease and +3
to save normal disease, Protection from Supernatural (+2 to save vs. Horror Factor), and Turn the
Kifaalu taboo horn. This is a powerful taboo charm and weapon made from the horn of the
rhino. As an amulet-charm, the horn must be worn around the neck to serve as a warning to all
demons and supernatural beings (evil spirits) and those with super abilities. All supernatural
monsters will recognize the dreaded horn. Those who dare to attack him will realize he’s under the
protection of the Kifaalu horn and will fall victim to taboo-like magic (no saving throw). The
creature(s) will be haunted by a ghostly apparition of a rhinoceros and suffer the following
penalties: - 1 attack per melee, -1 to save vs. horror factor and magic fear, and all combat
bonuses are - 2. Vampires and animated dead are held at bay (cannot attack). Note: If he attacks
the evil spirit(s) first, then the taboo is negated and the foul creatures can attack without fear of a
taboo curse or penalties. While wearing the horn, he is +2 to save vs. magic and poison cast from
evil spirits (and +2 to save against the super abilities of super beings), +2 to save vs. horror
factor, and the horn can be used as a magic weapon inflicting 5D6 points of damage against
supernatural monsters and creatures of magic (and super beings).
Equipment & Vehicles: He relies on the various charms and amulets he’s made over the
years. He drives around in an old safari jeep when visiting back home. However, when he’s with
the others he utilizes whatever form of technology is available to him. He is familiar with modern
technology, yet only utilizes when it’s required of him. He desperately tries to avoid having to do
anything with a computer.


With the help of his spirit guardian, Thabo Mugabe was able to locate this powerful magical item,
his great grandfather’s medicine staff. This Weapon of Order appears as a 6.5 foot (1.98 m) ornate
wooden Shepherd’s Crook. Floating permanently in the middle of the gap is a perfectly round stone
of Rhodochrosite. How the staff was created has never been learned, but Thabo great, grandfather
belong to a mystic order known as the Great Tree Medicine Men, who served and protected a tree
called Ancient Father. The staff possesses the power of to bestow “good medicine” and remove
“bad medicine” and protects the wielder and whomever he deems worthy from the effects of evil

Alignment: Any good
Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Order:
+2D6 to hit points and 4D6 to S.D.C. Increase P.E. by 1D6
Wielder is +3 to save vs. poisons, drugs, toxins, and disease.
Wielder is +2 to save vs. possession and mind control.
Wielder is +4 to save vs. horror factor, fear, and illusions.
Wielder has +15% to save vs. coma.
The Minor Super Ability of Healing Power (ignore Bonuses)
The Minor Super Ability of Life Sense
The Minor Super Ability of Living Anatomy
Battle Dress: Resembles a traditional African Medicine Man with traditional wardrobe with a
long cape, full afro of hair with waist length hair tied into braids, beads and stones are bonded to
his body (making them look as if he is wearing jewelry. His feet are in wooden sandals that
provide him complete comfort regardless where he travels. His eyes have a white glow to them.
The staff only appears in his hand when he asks for it, which can only be received via his spirit
guardian. Where the staff exactly is when not in his possession remains unknown. When done with
the use of the staff, he must return it to his spirit guardian.

Powers of the Medicine Staff of Order:
Weapon Damage: 2D6 damage to ordinary mortal foes, double damage to witches, 6D6 to
werebeasts, evil spirits (including super beings), and supernatural beings. Does double damage
direct to the hit points to all vampires (wounds cannot be healed until the vampire sleeps).

Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry.

Banishment: As per the spell, the wielder can call on this power to banish 10 lesser
supernatural beings, including demons, deevils, entities, or 3 greater supernatural beings. Lesser
supernatural beings need to make a saving throw of 18 or higher, Greater supernatural need only
a 15 or better. This power can be done 3x per day. This power doesn’t work on super beings
unless they are supernatural in nature.

Exorcism: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to being cast by a 10th
level wizard.

Globe of Daylight: As per spell, can be cast ten times per day; equivalent to being cast by a
10th level wizard.

Cure Illness: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to a 10th level wizard.

Cure Minor Disorder: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to a 10th level

Negate Poison/Toxin: As per spell, can be cast five time per day; equivalent to a 10th level

Purification: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to a 10th level wizard.

Negate Magic: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to a 10th level

Breathe Without Air: As per spell, can be cast five times per day; equivalent to a 10th level

Divine Healing: As per the major super ability. This power is fueled from the life source of
the owner. Ignore #7-Other Abilities and Bonuses.

The Medicine Staff can only be used by someone who is instructed on its use by the spirit guardian
(its creator). Without its instruction, the staff will inflict damage rather than heal, this also occurs
on the wielder as well. Therefore no one other than Thabo can use the staff.  
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


When fourteen year old Bobi and several of her classmates we’re coming home from school in the
newly formed Democratic Republic of the Congo, they were confronted by militia soldiers. At first
they thought the soldiers were loyal to the government and offering them protection. Instead, they
were taken by gunpoint, force into a truck and taken away. Later they were brought to an
encampment where they were violated (both boys and girls). Afterward, the boys were all
executed and the girls were all dowsed in gasoline and set on fire. Instead of burning, Bobi
sprouted wings, her hair turned into a column of flame, and her eyes turned a burning red. The
men open fired on her, but the bullets melted before they even touched her. She released bolts of
flame against her attacks and hurled explosive fireballs, killing all those who savaged her and her
friends. Afterward, word was sent that a dangerous mutant was on the loose. Bobi spent weeks
hiding in the wilderness. Soon she was being hunted by the military and guerrilla troops from the
FDLR. Despite their best efforts, Bobi learned to control her mutant powers and used them to
attack anyone in a uniform as she was unable to distinguish between friend and foe. Bobi became
such a threat that the leaders of the DRC contacted U.K. S.C.R.E.T. to either capture or eliminate
her. England sent Douglas Mason and a heavily armed platoon to do just that. While in the DRC,
Mason witnessed firsthand the violence perpetuated on woman in the region. It didn’t take long for
Mason to determine what has probably been done to this female mutant and why she was so
vicious on inflicting maximum harm onto any male she encountered. A trap was set and Bobi was
captured. But instead of turning her over to the authorities, Mason said he was taking her back to
the U.K. for “a lengthy incarceration”. This angered many in the government who demanded they
turn over the evil mutant and called for the arrest of Captain Mason for aiding a wanted fugitive.
Back at U.K. S.C.R.E.T. HQ, Bobi was interrogated and allowed to explain herself. Although
S.C.R.E.T. was sympathetic to her situation, they still had to label her a terrorist super being. She
was transferred to a Medium Security Holding Facility in Newfoundland, Canada. There Bobi agreed
to allow herself to be experimented on in order to discover the source of her mutation and if it
could be replicated. When the facility came under attack by Doctor Fright and his underlings,
instead of joining with the super being terrorists, Bobi joined the S.C.R.E.T forces. Fight’s cold
powers nearly killed her. Days later she awoke in a Canadian S.C.R.E.T. Command Post in Quebec.
Because of her bravery and heroics under fire, Bobi was given special consideration and trained to
join the Canadian government sponsored super hero team Canada Supreme. After a year of
training, the team set out on their first mission into Afghanistan. Two of the team members Blue
Sea and Admiral Spirit got into an argument resulting in an all out brawl. This revealed their
position to insurgents. Although they manage to kill several soldiers, they found themselves
heavily outnumbered and at a significant tactical disadvantage. Each of the heroes suffered serious
injuries during the firefight in their attempt to flee from the insurgents. In response to a distress
call, a rescue team headed toward their location. As the helicopter tried to take off, it is shot down
by the insurgents, killing everyone onboard except Bobi. In a last ditch effort, she went super nova
and destroyed everything. Hours later another rescue copter arrives at the scene. Bobi is the only
person they find alive. She spends three months recovering from her injuries and loss of super
abilities. While recovering she is sent to Australia where she reunites with Mason. He convinces her
to join forces with a new super hero team. Reluctant to join forces with those crazy enough to take
on armed rebels, Bobi agrees when she learns they will be conducting missions in her home
country. On several occasions, Bobi has outright killed military personnel regardless if they are
“friendly troops.” She has a hair trigger temper and flies into rages at the slightest provocation
that her life or that of any woman life is endangered. She has used her nova powers on seven
incidents when it wasn’t called for. Some of her team mates believe she is suicidal, but Mason
knows she simply loses connection with reality and the rage and fear takes hold of her. She is very
loyal to her team mates and will anything to take care of them, especially Mason whom she has
fallen in love with. But she knows he will always return home to his wife and family. When not with
the team she participated in Woman Right Groups for Africa and Asia. She is just now becoming a
spokesperson with some recognition in the United States and the U.K., but only a select few within
Canada and U.K. S.C.R.E.T. know the truth about what she really is, as do a number of members
of the military and government of Congo.

Real Name: Bobi Bemba
Occupation: Peacekeeper, Woman Rights Advocate, Force of Revenge.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 45 S.D.C.: 90+50 with fiery aura. Armor Rating: A.R.14 with aura.
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: She is an attractive native African woman who participates in moderate
exercise. She has black hair and brown eyes. She wears clothes and styles that depict her African
heritage even when she is not in her native county. As Moto Malaika, she wears a special costume
that has a Bio-Aura on it.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 13, M.A. 17, P.S. 18, P.P. 13, P.E. 19, Spd. 30/260 mph (418.6 km), P.B. 18
Age: 24, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 136 lbs (61.2 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Besides her wings, Bobi’s eyes that resemble those of a birds,
giving her perfect 20/20 vision and twice the normal vision range of a normal person. She has long
slender fingers and is ambidextrous. Though her body generates a hot aura, Bobi’s hair burns like
a candle. She can manifest this flame to a variety of sizes and shape.
Insanity: Bobi is easily outraged by acts of violence, becoming violence herself with a 75%
chance of going berserk and attack the male perpetrator of the violent act without regard for self.
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to physical damage, and +1D6 damage to her super abilities. Should
Bobi witness a woman being assaulted or if she herself feels that she will be, there is a 01-33%
she will initiate a super nova.
Major Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Fire.
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Wings, Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fireballs, and Supervision:
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +1 in flight.
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike/+3 in flight, +3 to parry/+5 in flight, +2 to
dodge/+6 to dodge while in flight under 80 mph (128 km)/+8 to dodge in flight over 90 mph (144
km),+3 to damage/ +4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +7 to roll with
punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to fire, heat, and plasma. +8% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to
save vs. poison and magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2, and all Holds.
Other Bonuses: 50% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak French & Swahili 90%/93% and Mathematics: Basic
Military Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Running, Climbing 98%, Military Etiquette,
Radio: Basic, and W.P. Super Abilities (Bobi has receive special training in each of her super
abilities. This gives her the following listed bonuses to hit with her ranged attacks (+1), plus an
additional +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 11).
Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk Rope 90%, Climb Rope
98%, Backflip 98%), Athletics (General), Gymnastics (Bars & Rings) 95%, and Aerobic Athletics.
Secondary: Dance 55%, Singing 60%, Photography 60%, Streetwise 40%, Philosophy
60%, Navigation 65%, Housekeeping 60%, Law (General) 60%, Pilot: Automobile 87%, Pilot:
Airplane 70%, T.V./Video 60%, Language: English 74%, and Literacy: English 70%.
Money: Bobi has the equivalent to 10,000 US dollars in a checking account and 2200 US
dollars in a saving account.
Weapons: She relies mainly on her super abilities. Note. She can unleash flame from her
hands or her hair.
Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fireballs, Range: 250 feet (76.2 m), Damage: 5D10
points with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius. The victim at the impact point must roll a 19 or higher
on a D20 or be knocked down (lose initiative and two attacks/actions). Those in the blast radius
must roll a 14 or better. Only P.P. attribute bonuses reduce by half apply to this save. Those
knocked off their feet are sent flying backward 1D20 feet (0.3-6.1 m), Bonus: +3 to strike.
Continuous Bolt of Flame: Range: 42 feet (12.8 m), Damage: 7D6 for one hand or
double damage for two, Duration: 10 melee rounds (cannot stop once triggered), Rate of Fire: One
or Two Flame Bolts, Attacks Per Melee: Each counts as 3 attacks/actions, Bonuses: +6 to strike.
Fireball, Range: 450 feet (137 m), Damage: 8D6 or 1D4x10+8 points, Bonus: +5 to
Firey Touch, Damage: 4D6 points to anything she makes physical contact with or
strike with the flame of her hair.
Super Nova. Note: The following results happen if she rolls a 01-25% and 86-00% she lives
with no permanent damage; unable to use power for 2D4 weeks. This is the reason why she has
successful caused seven super novas in her life time.
Equipment & Vehicles: She has access to whatever equipment or technology the group is
currently using in order to complete their mission. Her knowledge about certain forms of
technology is limited.

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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Douglas Mason was born in Liverpool, England, but his father took a job in New Deli, India for a
company. Growing up slightly better off than the average person in India, Douglas learn to
appreciate the good things in life, but to also always look out for those less fortunate than himself.
When Douglas was 17, his father left his job in India and took the family back to England. Douglas
upon graduating left to join the Royal Marine Corps. Douglas excelled serving in numerous
operations in the Middle East, particular with his knowledge of computers and electronics. During
one operation, a group of super being terrorists called the Desert Sands struck their base camp
with merciless precision. Douglas managed to hold off a number of villains until reinforcement
could arrive. Afterward, Douglas was invited to join U.K. S.C.R.E.T. Right away, Douglas proved he
was a perfect candidate to wear an exo-skeleton, proving his mastery of the armor within a week.
Years later during a mission in Africa, Douglas and his squadron were asked to capture a
dangerous female super being. Upon capturing the so called super villain, Douglas learned she
been brutally violated and subjected to torture. Unable to pass judgment on her for her crimes,
Douglas convinced his superiors that what was done to Bobi Bemba caused her super powers to
manifest and that if she could be taught to channel her abilities and anger into something positive,
it would be far more beneficial than simply imprisoning her. Douglas made a convincing argument
nonetheless Bobi was transferred to a Holding Facility in Canada. Douglas and his squadron
continued to operate in the India Ocean, returning briefly to receive training on the new RB2
Harrier, a robotic aircraft that proved far superior to any current flying aircraft in operation in the
British military. Upon returning to the India Ocean with his squad, Douglas learned that Bobi
Bemba had been recruited into the Canadian government sponsored super hero team Canada
Supreme, Unfortunately, they were caught by insurgents and the entire team except for Bobi was
killed. Douglas met with England’s Chief Guardian, a member of the Defense Counsel of the United
Kingdom and the Admiralty Board. They later talk with individuals from India, Australia,
Philippines, and several leaders from African nations. They decided what was needed in the region
is a rapid response team that react quickly to situations involving super beings. This team would
be given funding from the United Nations (and would rely on resources from U.K. S.C.R.E.T). All
parties agreed. Douglas was name the team liaison with the British Government. One of the people
he wanted on the team was Bobi. Douglas has been married to his high school sweet heart Vivian.
They have two girls, Mary and Elizabeth. They mean the world to Douglas and he is always
thinking about them whenever he is on a mission. While he enjoys working with the group, he is
contemplating retiring in a year or two so he can spend his remaining years with his family. He has
no idea that Bobi has develop feeling for him, not that he would ever take notice. She is a good
friend and that’s all.

Real Name: Douglas Mason
Occupation: Color Sergeant of U.K. S.C.R.E.T. and Royal Marines. British Government Liaison
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Robot (Exoskeleton/Robot Pilot)
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 60 S.D.C.: 60
P.P.E.: 6
Appearance: Douglas is a good looking, British male who engages in routine exercises. He
has brown hair (military cut) and brown eyes. He typical is wearing a uniform or military style of
dress when not in is combat gear.
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 14, M.A. 9, P.S. 13, P.P. 17, P.E. 28, Spd. 41, P.B. 11
Age: 31, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 1 inch (1.85 m), Weight: 210 lbs (105.75 kg)
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch, +1 to disarm, and +3 to perception.
Saving Throws: +26% to save vs. coma/death, +7 to save vs. magic & poison, and +4 to
horror factor.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Body throw/flip 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1
attack or action), All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +7% to all skills.
Educational Background: Special Training.
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak British English and Hindi 98%/98%, Mathematics:
Basic 98%, Pilot: Automobile 88%, and Pilot Robot & Power Armor 95%
Computer Program: Basic Electronic 87%, Computer Operation 98%, Computer
Programming 93%, and Computer Repairs 87%.
Advance Piloting Program: Navigation 97%, Sensory Equipment 87%, Weapon
Systems 97%, Pilot: Airplane 98%, Pilot: Truck 98%, Pilot: Jet Pack 92%, and Military: Jet Fighter
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 97%/87%, Forced March, Military
Etiquette 92%, Radio: Basic 98%, W.P. Rifle (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Grenade (+2 to aim).
Learned Military Skills: Military: Combat Helicopters 78%, Naval History 77%, Naval
Tactics 72%, Parachuting 87%, Electronic Countermeasures 77%, and W.P. Handgun (+3 to
aim/+1 to burst).
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), History 95%/75%, S.C.U.B.A. 92%, Swimming 92%,
Basic Mechanics 82%, Body Build & Weightlifting, Business & Finance 77%, General
Repair/Maintenance 87%, Law (general) 72%, Jury-Rig 57%, T.V./Video 52%, and Land
Navigation 51%.
Money: Douglas makes around 108,000 USD a year. Although considerable less than a U.S.
S.C.R.E.T. operative, it still allows him to live a very comfortable lifestyle and provide considerably
for his family. In addition to his weekly pay, he receives 300,000 USD a year in order to fund the
team’s operations. He has set up a number of bank accounts for the team in the U.K., India, and
Australia. The team even has a credit card should he need to make a quick purchase.
Weapons: He has access to the standard weapons and armaments issued by U.K.
S.C.R.E.T. and the U.K. Marine Corp. If he wants something “special” he must put in a special
request for it. He uses the following most often besides his power armor. For additional
information on the weapons used by U.K. S.C.R.E.T. checkout Rifter #42.
Sig P229, Range: 165 feet (50 m), Damage: 4D6, Rate of Feed: Single shot or semi-
automatic, Feed: 12 round mag. Note: The gun can be chambered in .22 LR, 9mm, .40 S&W or
.357 SIG. Changing between .40 S&W and .357 SIG is as simple as switching out the barrel.
SA80A2, Range: 3280 feet (1000 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Semi-
Automatic, Full Automatic, Feed: 30-round detachable STANAG magazine, Bonuses: +1 to aim
when using sights. Note: Can be fitted for an under barrel 40mm grenade launcher.
Four HE Grenades or 4 tear gas/CS and two stun/flash grenades.
Armor: Generally, he wears a hard armor vest (A.R. 12, S.D.C. 120) or Class 4 Armor (full
suit-A.R. 17, S.D.C. 280). When wear the exo-skeleton, he can only wear the hard armor vest.
Equipment & Vehicles: Aside from is armor, Mason has access to the standard technology
and equipment issued by U.K. S.C.R.E.T. For anything outside the regular scope, he must put in a
special request for it. Like a good agent, he always carries with him two pair of Heavy Handcuffs.

EX-9A1 Super Exoskeleton

A variant of the EX-9 suit of power armor made by KLS Corporation specifically made for the
U.K S.C.R.E.T. Not officially available yet for the U.S. S.C.R.E.T.

Model Type: EX-9A1
Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit
Crew: One
Armor: A.R.: 14: special alloy-laser resistant (laser/light attacks inflict half damage)
S.D.C. by location:
Main Jet Thruster (1, back)-100
Lower Maneuvering Jets (2, back): 40
Intake Jets (2, top)-40 each
Wings (2)-150 Each
*Forearm Backup Computer/Communicator-25
**Main Body: 450
*Destroy the head/helmet of the power will eliminates all optics and sensory systems as well
as negate all power armor combat bonuses. The pilot will have to rely on his own human vision
and senses. The head is relatively small and difficult to hit, especially when the robot is moving.
Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a “called shot,” and even than the attacker is –
3 to strike. The left, forearm computer-communicator is an even smaller target and -5 to strike.
Power Supply: Nuclear
Height & Body Frame: 8 feet (2.4 m) and Reinforced Human Frame
Width: Wings down 3.5 feet (1.06 m) Wings extended 10 feet (3 m)
Weight: 450 lbs (202.5 kg)
Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m)
Running: 90 mph (144 km/h). This does not fatigue the operator, fatigue rate is reduce to 20% normal.
Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) up or lengthwise. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the power
armor up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.
Flight: The rocket propulsion systems enable the power armor to hover stationary up to
1000 feet (305 m; 50 feet/15.2 m with no wings) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 150 mph (241.5
km/h), but cruising speed is considered 110 mph (177.1 km/h). The flying range is three hours.
Afterwards the system starts to overheat, causing the jet thrusters and sensor systems to burn out
within 2D6 minutes: require replacement of parts to get to work again.
Underwater Capabilities: 10 mph (16 km/8.6 knots) using arms and legs to paddle. 50
mph (80 km/43.5 knots) using its jet thrusters to skim across the surface of the water. 30 mph
(48 km/26 knots) using the thrusters underwater. Maximum Ocean Depth: 300 feet (91.44 m).

Internal Weapons: Retractable blade (one arm-3D6 damage plus P.S. bonus), wrist blaster
(other arm-3D6 damage).

Bonuses: Laser targeting gives the wearer +3 to strike using any single shot/short burst
weapon and +2 to strike with long bursts, plus bonuses the pilot has from the W.P. skills.

Attribute Enhancement: Increase PS to 30 (robotic), P.P. to 24, Speed (running to 132 (90
mph/148 km).

Sensors: Bio-scan, micro radar, radar detection, and radiation detector.
Optics: Full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive nightvision (light
amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization.
Audio: Wide band radio and loudspeaker.

Special Equipment:

SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) GEAR: Enables the pilot to receive radio or cell phone
frequencies. He or she can monitor specific frequencies, or scan though a range of frequencies for
a specific signal. Once the signal has been found, a radio directional finder will attempt to track the
signal to its source (88%).
Secure Radio: Encrypted radio transmissions. Must use Electronic Countermeasures in order
to intercept aircraft’s transmissions, and even then it’s a –25% penalty.
Satcome Radio: Receive and transmit radio broadcasts with any military and/or civilian
satellites: Range: World Wide Communications.
Missile Warning System and Anti-Missile Chaff/Flares: Enough to decoy 4 heart seeking or
radar guided medium or long-range missiles. The system provides a +5 bonus to Initiative
whenever any missiles or rockets are propelled at the power armor. There is a 01-75% chance to
confuse the missile, resulting in an automatic miss.
Radiation Shielding

Weapons: Railgun (experiment), Weapon requires a P.S. of 22 or higher (or Extraordinary
or better). All bullets fired from this gun are considered armor piercing. Lower the A.R. of the
target by 3 points, whether the A.R. is for artificial armor or Natural (or +3 to strike). There is no
muzzle flash from a rail gun, but the speed of the rounds makes a sonic boom like thunder, so the
gun is ill used for stealth mission. Weight: 35 lbs (16 kg) 87 lbs (39 kg) with the ammo drum full,
Effective Range: 4000 feet (1219 m), Maximum Range: 22,000 feet (4.1 miles/6.6 km), Damage:
1D4x10, PV 12, Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3 shot short burst, or Full Automatic, Feed: 1000 round
drum, Bonuses: +1 to aim.

CN2 Laser Rifle, Range: 1800 feet (548.6 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot or
semi-automatic, Feed: 20 blast E-clip.

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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3248
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Zahi was born in 1901. All his life he wanted to know more about the ancient sites around his
country. So he went to England to study archeology. He returned to Egypt and began searching for
the White Pyramid of Atum. When he discovered the pyramid there was tremendous media
attention, and he invited high state officials, journalists, reporters and film teams. Upon opening
what he thought was an intact burial chamber proved to be empty. Further exploration proved
even less fruit full. One newspaper criticized “They dig for three years and found nothing, how
utterly disappointing.” Afterward, Zahi went on a lecture tour of the US and wrote a book, but
nobody was interested in the empty pyramid that didn’t even have any hieroglyphs. The book and
the tour were utter failures. Back at home in Egypt, he was falsely accused of smuggling a large,
valuable vessel out of the country. There was no hard evidence, only accusations and slander. But
it devastated Zahi. He was repeatedly interrogated by the police. Finally the perpetual harassment
became too much. Zahi went to the pyramid to simply get away from people. While there he was
unaware that it was also the date of the Summer Solstice. Zahi couldn’t have known that the
pyramid sat on a powerful ley line nexus point. The entire pyramid charged with power. While
standing in the center of the pyramid, Zahi found a strange stone scarab that he never seen
before. The moment he touched the stone all the P.P.E. that was in the pyramid channeled directly
into his body. He absorbs thousands of P.P.E. in a matter of seconds, in effect turning him into a
living nexus pyramid, possessing most of the abilities typical used by those able to manipulate
pyramids. Unfortunately the transforms permanently scars his body and face. Zahi let the world
believe he was killed in the ley line eruption. He put on a mask and costume and chose to become
a protector of humankind, since he could travel to any location of his desire. His adventures soon
attracted the attention of the government who consider him an enemy of the state, despite his
good will intentions. Zahi was eventually contacted by Euroforce who invited him to join their
ranks. Not willing to join anyone from a Western civilization, Zahi considered going into hiding,
when he was approached by Bela Jat to join the Forever Guardians. Intrigued by the idea with
working with fellow super beings from the African continent as well as Asia, Zahi agreed. In a short
while, he became the outspoken member of the group, and its public face. The camaraderie Zahi
experiences he’s never known before. He considers his teammates family and is willing to do just
about anything for them.

Real Name: Zahi Habachi
Occupation: Egyptologist and Archeologist
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th level
Hit Points: 74 S.D.C.: 200
P.P.E.: 41
Appearance: He is a good looking, clean-shaven male with short, stylish brown hair and
brown eyes.
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E.14, M.A. 18, P.S. 19, P.P. 16, P.E. 23, Spd. 34, P.B. 7
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.87 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: His face and body is covered with permanent scars that will never
go away. Bright yellow skin and pale white hair.
Major Super Ability: Powers of a Stone Pyramid (Special). Longevity (same as minor
super ability). Increased Healing, He heals twice as fast as a normal person. Any amount of
rest he gets, removes all stress and fatigue from his body. Sleep Stasis, He can put himself
into a state of suspended animation that can last days, years or decades. All he needs to do is
relax and meditate while focusing on the amount of time he wishes to remain in stasis. During
stasis, he ages one week for every ten years, requires no food or water, is unaffected by changes
in temperature, and is completely healed of any wounds or minor illness. He will instantly awaken
(full recovery) should he be attacked or threatened, Alter Dimensional Fabric (same as
major super ability), Alter Atmosphere Conditions (same as in Control Elemental Force:
Air), Image Communication, a holographic-like image of himself will appear to a specific
individual or to everybody present if a general call/message is sent. Atum can make the person
receiving his transmission see and hear him but he must know their specific/exact location.
Likewise he can see and hear them as well. He can maintain this open communication for 30
minutes (five minutes per level of experience). There is no range limit other than being on the
same planet. A two-way transmission between dimensions is also possible, but he needs at least
one hour of meditation and he must know the dimension and exact location. He can only maintain
the transmission for only two minutes. If he wants, he can send a recorded message that will play
the moment the intended recipient arrives at the exact/specific location (delay it for 100 years or
until received by the intended person, whichever comes first), Teleport, Same as the spell
Teleport Superior (Range: 1800 miles/2880 km), but doesn’t cost him any P.P.E. He can do
it twice per melee round. Chance of a successful teleport are the same as the spell (+10% bonus).
Nexus Teleport, He can teleport from any ley line nexus point or nexus pyramid to another
one. The only requirement is the nexus or pyramid must exist in the same dimension, on the same
planet, and he must know the exact location. The process takes about three seconds regardless of
the distance (counts as two attacks/actions). Dimensional Teleport, He can open a
dimensional portal that takes him to any nexus pyramid in any other dimension (Rifts Earth for
example). If he knows the location of one of these dimensional pyramids he can momentarily open
a dimensional rift and teleport to that dimensional plane or he can instantly link himself to all
available pyramids, by mentally sensing and scan/search the dimension for pyramids connected to
a desired dimension without having ever been to that dimension or having any prior knowledge
about it. The scan takes a full minute of concentration (no other attacks/actions possible). The
opening of a dimensional rift to another pyramid takes 30 seconds (two melee rounds). Once
opened, he simply steps through and the dimensional doorway instantly closes. This is a very safe
way to travel the dimensions, because there is no risk of opening the rift to the wrong dimension
or letting some undesirable monster into or out of the world. Dimensional Portal, Same as
the spell Dimensional Portal, but doesn’t cost him any P.P.E. The portal can be opened to a specific
world or random dimension. All the usual dangers and difficulties of creating a rift apply. The portal
will remain open for 6 minutes. There is also a 01-53% chance that a being from another
dimension may usurp control of the dimensional portal if the portal connects to the beings home
dimension or plane of existence. This is usually done only by alien intelligences or beings of
incredible power (gods, deevil or demon lords, etc). Having a rift usurped means Atum has
completely lost all control over it. The being who dominates that world controls the portal and can
instantly close it, or keep it open and/or send its minions into the rift and into the world connected
by the portal. Energy Expulsion: Dimensional Blast, Can produce a blast of energy by
opening a small portal in the palm of his hand that unleashes energies from some extra-
dimensional source. The blast ignores conventional armor (goes right through it). However, it is
stopped by force fields, magic armor, magic barriers and force fields (both take full S.D.C.
damage), spells of protection and circles of protection (the latter simply stops the blast from
travelling through the circle; no damage).Range: 600 feet (182 m), Damage: 9D6 or 1D4x10+14
(does double damage to supernatural beings), Duration: Instant, Attack per Melee Round: Counts
as two attacks per melee round, Bonuses: +4 to aim/+2 to wild shot.
Minor Super Abilities: Impervious to Energy and Electricity, Increased Durability, and
Physical Perfection.
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand).
Combat Training: Expert
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +5 to parry, +5 to dodge, +4 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (2), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate
Kick 2D4, Snap Kick 1D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), all
Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified 18-20.
Saving Throws: Impervious to electricity and energy, +36% to save vs. coma/death, +7 to
save vs. disease, +4 to save vs. poison, and +5 to save vs. magic/+7 near place of power, +6 to
save vs. horror factor, and +4 to save vs. possession and mind control.
Other Bonuses: 50% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Bachelor’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Arabic 92%94%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Pilot:
Automobile 78%,
Archeologist Program: Archeology 90%/70%, Anthropology 90%, Appraise Antiques 80%,
History 98%/98%, Research 90%, Excavation 80%, and Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs 80%.
Language Program: Read-Write/Speak English, German, Hebrew, and French
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Athletics (General), and Body Building &
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 98%, Photography 85%, and Writing
Secondary: Mathematics: Advance 76%, Art (Drawing) 65%, Running, Swimming
80%, Prowl 55%, Fishing 70%, Cook 65%, Barter 54%, Law (general) 65%, General
Repair/Maintenance 75%, Lore: Religion 62%, Radio: Basic 70%, Land Navigation 40%, and
Astronomy & Navigation 45%.
Money: He has a secret stash of about $4500 hidden away in his room in New Haven.
Weapons: He relies on his super abilities.
Equipment: He relies on whatever equipment is used by the team for the mission. He still
has over 2D6x10,000 USD worth of equipment used for archeological investigations.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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70,000 hits :D as always love it when this post gets visited. Thank you all for the love.
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And this is why I love Palladium.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Even though I'm working on a HU project I'm planning on a return visit to this post real soon with another batch
of NPCS. I'm trying to decided if their heroes or villains or maybe--both :mrgreen:
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Is there an offsite where all these goodies are at? it seems that the first 20 pages are missing now.
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
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The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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All the pages are here. Click on page one and you can see numbers for pages 2,3,4,5, and 6.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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I only see 2 pages. I was going to use some v2 guys for my current campaig .
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Imagination is more important than knowledge." but knowledge does help. - Albert Einstein
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Zenvis wrote:I only see 2 pages. I was going to use some v2 guys for my current campaig .

Confused. Every page is accessible. 1-27 as it stands now.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote:
Zenvis wrote:I only see 2 pages. I was going to use some v2 guys for my current campaig .

Confused. Every page is accessible. 1-27 as it stands now.

I still can only access two pages (the last two pages). perhaps its my browser but I believe it is the forum. I am not sure how to fix this. I have sent a message to NMI and am waiting for a reply. I keep you posted.
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Maybe you can imporve the Races of Alien Unlimited?
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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There was a race page that was done in Rifts forum that was awesome. Take a look at it. Guys created a series of races that could be easily used with the AU Universe.


Just wish that we could see the whole thread.
Everything you can imagine is real. - Pablo Picasso
Imagination is more important than knowledge." but knowledge does help. - Albert Einstein
The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge. - Albert Einstein
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

gaby wrote:Maybe you can imporve the Races of Alien Unlimited?

On page 21 of this post I did four alien races the Tanteers, Ogaireans, Zirlions, and Uloxians. As for everyone
else, they've been updated via Alien Unlimited Revised. However, I do have two more alien races I might be
persuaded to post here. Depends whether or not I believe I should try to have them used for cannon material.
They have nothing to do with what I'm working on now. Just back burner material. Anyway the new group will be
coming sometime soon, or I'll at least get their name and history up.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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The Supreme Champions

The Supreme Champions is the name of a Cavalier team of super heroes currently operating in Victory City.
Unlike the more famous city heroes, the Watchguard, Supreme Champions operate like a black ops teams of super
heroes, where it’s not politically or publically approved for the Watchguard to get involved. Nevertheless several
organizations have taken note of their success, namely Project Secure, The Sector, The CIA, CHIMERA, and the
government program known as S.A.T.A.R. (the organization in charge of the Sentinels of Liberty and Justice). All of
them are interested in getting the Supreme Champions to come work for them. Captain Valiant has entertained each
organization, and looks ready to sign an agreement with CHIMERA to have a new team of protectors served Century
Station. Valiant has spoken often to Paladin and Doctor Z that he wants to redeem his good name in Century Station.
Paladin believes whatever he and the Champions decide to do, under Valiant’s leadership they can accomplish anything.
Truthfully Captain Valiant is playing his old friend and everyone for fools. Captain Valiant is not only a cold-
blooded murderer, he’s a debaucher of women, and is seeking a chance to get his revenge against Century Station. The
members of Supreme Champions are all super villains; a con-artist, a sociopath, a manic terrorist, a misanthrope, and
an insane champion of justice. Their goal is to become “heroes” for Century Station, an once they receive all the perks
and benefits that CHIMERA is willing to offer them, they will turn on the Centurions and Sector Squad, kill every single
member, then become the dominant hero team. They will then begin a campaign in which they slaughter any “hero” who
shows his face in the city limits, while every villain and crime lord will be given a free reign to do whatever they want.
In order to carry out their plans, they will kill and destroy anyone who gets in their way. They already turned on one of
their own Mistress Raven. Killing her was part of Valiant plan all along (never told the others) because they needed a
sacrifice to make their organization look good for the media and shed any doubt that he was a true hero. Although it
was in his power to kill the Watchguard, he has a tender spot for his old friend Paladin, not that it stopped him from
knocking out his girl friend Psyche, and having his way with her. Valiant is the epitome of evil. He will not stop until he
turns Century Station into a cesspool for sin and malevolence. Stopping his evil plan will not be enough, exposing him
for the rake monster that he truly is, will be far more effective in getting a confession out of him.
The Supreme Champions operate out of what looks like an abandoned warehouse near the sea shore. The facility
has some security guards (paid for by Zane Enterprises). All their tech and equipment is theirs although paid for by
Zane, although Fabricators Inc has supplied a few extras so if the truth where revealed, the Watchguard would be
unprepared for their defensive measures.

Supreme Champions Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: None (0 Points)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 Points)
C. Weapons: Ammunition (2 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: None (0 Points)
E. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (3 Points)
F. Communications: Computerized (15 Points)
G. Offices: Urban (5 Points)
H. Military Power: Security Guards (5 Points)
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agent Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: Large Loans (25 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Free Hand in Victory City (15 Points), Rigid Laws in the rest of the United States(0 Points)
M. Internal Security: Tight (10 Points)
N. External Infiltration: None (0 Points)
O. Excellent: Excellent Connection (20 Points)
P. Business Credentials: Recognized in Victory City (30 Points), Known in the rest of the
United States (10 points)
Q. Employees Salary: Good (20 points). $1500 a week in Victory City. Note: CHIMERA is offering them a raise of $1800
a week to come to Century Station.
Total Agency Points: 210 Points.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Dennis Black grew up in an upper middle class income home in Denver, Colorado. His father was a commercial airline
pilot and his mother was a high school teacher. When he was five years old, his father for no unexplainable reason shot
and killed the co-pilot and flight engineer, then drove his airplane into a mountain range killing everyone on board the
aircraft. Dennis’ mother became depressed over her husband’s death, withdrew from family life, and lived in the
basement of their home. Though the elder children felt the effects of the emotional and mental turmoil, young Dennis
was unscathed by it. He was always happy, a young boy who smiled a lot. And he was so cute, with his dimpled good
looks and sweet smile that many of the mothers just wanted to pinch him on the cheek whenever they saw him. He was
the perfect child they all wanted: polite, well mannered, doing well in school. Yet there was a silent rage within him that
continued to be expressed out in the woods of their home where he used it to hunt and kill animals. At the age of
sixteen, his mother began to show signs of manic-depression. She repeatedly told him that his father was worthless and
he was conceived illegitimately during an extramarital affair with a former lover of her. Repulsed, he began to openly
call his mother filthy names until the day she slapped him, and he responded by punching her in the face. He left home
never to return. Dennis stayed with relatives of his father until he graduated from school and joined up to serve in the
U.S. Army. Yet Dennis found it difficult to handle military training in a co-ed environment. He didn’t like seeing women
trying to be equal or better than himself. This envy coupled with his anger issues and prone to violence in a physically
aggressive environment turned him into a predator against women. He’d developed dark fantasies and enjoyed
humiliating women in pubic and beating up the women he dated. When he and his troop were deployed oversees, they
came to an enemy stronghold that was stock filled with strange chemical weapons. Suddenly an enemy soldier tossed a
grenade in his direction, Dennis dove for cover. The explosion ripped apart a metal container filled with some kind of
green gas. Everyone exposed to the gas literally had their flesh melted away, everyone accept Dennis. Upon returning
to the base, he was given a clean bill of health. Days later, Dennis began to realize he no longer fatigued and his
durability had been magnified. Finally, he awoke one morning floating in air. His superiors immediately separated him
from the rest of the company and sent him back to the United States to begin training with S.C.R.E.T. special covert
operatives called SUPREME. It was there that Dennis Black met Corporal Shawn Gable, a member of a group of army
volunteers who were given an experimental treatment used by the Russian S.C.R.E.T. to turn operatives into super
soldiers (the RIG-Red Iron Guard). The project failed nevertheless Shawn and those who volunteered where given a new
assignment. Shawn and Dennis began working close together, Shawn taking on the mentor role and teaching Dennis how
to handle his super abilities, especially his deadly particle beam blast. Dennis excelled yet worried for his friend who
seem to lack compassion and a moral code, and he was excessive brutal toward any women who displayed super
powers. When Tanya Noble joined the team, they became romantically interested in each other almost immediately.
Unlike the other women he knew, she encouraged his aggressive behavior.
After the folding of SUPREME Dennis continued to be used as a freelance operative for U.S. S.C.R.E.T., yet he also
did wet-work for the Canadian and Great Britain S.C.R.E.T.s, including missions in third world counties for numerous
unsavory individuals. During these missions, he committed multiple assaults on young women whom he stalked after
they left public transportation. Meanwhile back in the United States, the super hero team the Centurions of Century
Station were looking for new recruits. Apex received files of numerous government freelancer super operatives. Reading
about High Flier, he believed Dennis would be a perfect fit into their group. Dennis came to Century Station to live and
work alongside the Centurions as they vetted him as a possible team member. Right away he fit in with the group,
although he didn’t take kindly taking orders from Alpha Prime or having to work alongside the crazy Joan of Arc or new
recruit Iron Lotus. He in fact grew to hate the woman with a vicious malevolence, all of which he took out on young
women throughout the city. During a joint operation with C-SWAT, Dennis and several officers target a townhouse
believed to be the headquarters of the Colorpunk gang The Cancer Syndicate. As the C-SWAT approached, a firefight
ensued between them troops and unknown gunmen inside the house. High Flier immediately fired upon the house, using
his newly modified high energy particle beam blast which completely leveled the building killing four people—gang
leader Damon Vossa, two women and a child. Dennis and the police were cleared of any wrong doing. In fact C-SWAT
reported that his actions saved the lives of three officers. The day before it was to be officially announced that Dennis
would be the newest member of the Centurions, famed defense attorney Albert Taylor provided video testimony of
Dennis having an immodest affair with the known super villainous Vermillion Rose describing how he entered the
building and killed all four people with a single energy blast then raced out of the building before destroying it utterly. At
first Dennis and CHIMERA ignored the negatively publicity but pressure from Civil Right Advocates, public opinion over
Dennis began to sway. Not to mention, rumors of possible assaults committed against several woman started to reach
the ears of CSPD that were start to come close to his description. Dennis abruptly withdrew his application and left
Century Station to head toward Victory City. There he stayed with his friend and mentor Scott Gamble who now went by
the name Paladin. He was the leader of the Cavalier team of heroes known as the Watchguard.
Scott believed his friend to be innocent and advocated that perhaps it was time to hang up High Flier and assume a
new identity. Dennis agreed. A few days later he unveiled his new costume and his new hero identity Captain Valiant.
Dennis participated in a number of adventures with the Watchguard, yet his envy and hatred toward Watchguard
members Gale and Virago was increasingly obvious. A month later Patriot and Captain Valiant were working together
when a woman cried out, “Murderer! You killed my family.” The woman’s name was Penelope Rice (aka the super
villainess Mistress Raven) who claimed Captain Valiant killed her father, mother, and six year old sister. Paladin refused
to believe that his friend could have possibly been involved. Rice insisted that if Valiant did not surrender himself to the
police and tell the truth, she would make everyone in Victory City pay for his crime. A day later, Mistress Raven put
every member of the Watchguard under her mind control power and began to use them to attack civilians and cause
havoc throughout the city. Fearing that the media and VCPD would turn against his friends, Captain Valiant recruited five
super beings to take on the mind controlled Watchguard. They were subdued and on live television Valiant turned the
full power of his particle beam on Mistress Raven and atomized her, thus ending her control over the Watchguard.
Having saved his friends, Paladin and Doctor Z insisted that they stay in Victory Cxity to help them patrol the city.
Dennis agreed and declared that the Supreme Champion would do everything possible to be like their comrades in arms.
Yet all of this was nothing more than a huge charade. Full of hate and bitterness over his dismissal from the
Centurions, Dennis vowed to get even with the city of heroes and its leaders that turned on him. He thought about killing
Albert Taylor but it was the betrayal he felt from the public that truly enraged him. They saw him as a killer when he
was the one who took down a man planning on leading his pack of crazed lunatic gang members against city hall. If the
Century Station wanted to pass judgment on its heroes and praise madmen then he given them the lawlessness they
wanted, total anarchy and civil unrest. He discussed his plans with his former lover, Tanya Noble who was now the
crazed villainous Freezelove. He recruited a number of super villains and one mentally unbalanced champion of justice
and told him his plan. They all agreed with enthusiasm. The one person he didn’t tell was Mistress Raven. She all along
believed he was going to allow her to escape unharmed. She had no idea her execution was all a part of his master
plan. Supreme Champions has worked so well together they are now being sought after by other federal and state law
enforcement and government agencies , but it was the position in Century Station he covets the most.
Dennis continues to assault young women whenever he has any “free time,” doing so in the disguise of a masked
hoodlum. Already this individual is wanted for a dozen assaults and the murder of three ladies of the evening. So far
VCPD have no leads or suspects. In fact the situation has reached the point that VCPD is considering contacting the
Watchguard for their assistance. Of the Supreme Champions, Freezelove is the only one who knows of Dennis secret
crimes. She is ever encouraging, sometimes participating or just watching. Paladin and the Watchguard have no idea the
super team they share their technology and equipment are nothing more than a band of super villains. Scott has shared
all of his deepest insecurities about Psyche’s split personality and the increasing affections War Cry shows her. All of
which the manipulative Dennis Black tries to break the down the principled barriers that make up Scott Gamble’s mind
frame. If he could turn his friend and mentor into a mirror image of himself, he would consider it a personal triumph
and the greatest accomplishment of his career. However, should Psyche start to remember the vicious assault she
endured several months ago from an unseen attacker, he’d might have to consider having her eliminated. But if so, why
not blame her death on War Cry, for it would definitely be the nudge to push Paladin over the edge. Nevertheless the
ultimate goal of eradicating the Centurions and turning Century Station into a cesspool of crime and malevolence
remains his ultimate goal, that and tearing apart Alpha Prime and extinguishing her essence forever.

Real Name: Dennis Black
Occupation: Former S.C.R.E.T. operative, former candidate for Centurions, now team leader for Supreme
Champion. He held the rank of Sergeant in U.S. S.C.R.E.T.
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Unstable Mutant
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 246 S.D.C.: 1380 Armor Rating: A.R.: 12
P.P.E.: 22
Appearance: He is tall with a muscular build. His blond hair has a military cut and he has le brown eyes. His
costume is red and blue with a yellow eagle (resembles the on the dollar bill) on the belt. His blue eye mask is the only
thing that hides his face. Note: This costume (and his appearance) doesn’t resemble High Flier.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 19, M.A. 21, P.S. 27, P.P. 13, P.E. 25, Spd. 40 running/380 mph (611 km) in flight, P.B. 14.
Age: 30, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 2 inches (1.82 m), Weight: 232 lbs (104.4 kg).
Vulnerability: Magic spells and magic weapons inflict double damage against him.
Major Super Power: Massive Damage Capacity and Super Power Blast (Special)
Super Power Blast: Same as the major super ability Super Power Punch, except Captain Valiant can channel
all of his attacks per melee round into one devastating energy blast. Range: Same as his energy expulsion. Duration:
Instant (lingering penalties and side effects): Damage: Energy Expulsion damage multiplied by the number of attacks he
has at the beginning of the melee round. Limitations, penalties, and dangers are the same, except he cannot use his
energy expulsion powers for one minute (recharging). This attack cannot be divided into two simultaneous blasts, nor
can the damage be regulated. The massive energy blast can still be fired as an aim shot or wild (same bonuses to
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Wingless. Note: Up until he was 3rd level, Dennis has the power Energy Expulsion:
Particle Beam, but the minor power mutated into his Super Power Blast.
Combat Training: Commando
Attacks per Melee: 7/8 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand +1 from boxing) +1 in flight.
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike/+4 in flight, +6 to parry/+8 in flight, +6 to dodge/+10 when
hovering or flying under 80 mph (128 km)/+12 when flying over 90 mph (144 km), +3 to auto dodge, +14 to
damage/+4 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km), +6 to roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 disarm.
Saving Throws: +30% to save vs. coma/death, +2 to save vs. psionics & insanity, +7 to save vs. Horror Factor,
and +5 to save vs. poison & magic.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Backhand Strike 1D6, Elbow &
Forearm 1D6, Knee 2D4, Karate Kick 2D6, Snap Kick 1D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Wheel Kick 2D6, Tripping/Leg Hook
(cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to
dodge), Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Leap Kick 3D8 (counts as two attacks), Jump Kick 6D6, Flying Jump Kick
4D6, +3 to Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 +
P.S. damage bonus (must parry/dodge or knockdown). All Holds, Paired Weapons, and Knockout on an unmodified roll
of 20, and Deathblow on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: 65% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Military
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/97%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Pilot: Automobile 87%.
Military Program (Basic): Running, Climbing 95%/85%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 90%, Radio: Basic 98%,
W.P. Rifle (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P, Grenade (+3 to strike).
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Commando, Detect Ambush 85%, Intelligence 78%, Wilderness Survival 85%,
Sniper (+2 to called or aimed shot), and Detect Concealment 80%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Kick Boxing, Prowl 85%, and Swimming 98%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general) , Body Build & Weightlifting, First Aid 90%, Computer Operation 87%, Pilot:
Truck 98%, Basic Electronics 75%, Astronomy and Navigation 75%, Public Speaking 85%, Law (General) 70%, History
89%/69%, Research 60%, Streetwise 36%, Cook 40%, and Land Navigation 40%.
Money: He makes about $1500 a week from Zane Enterprises. He has $320,000 he made as an operative for
S.C.R.E.T. in a separate bank account in Victory City. He has another $6D6x10,000 dollars stashed away in a safe house
in Kilgore in Century Station (money he made as High Flier). Finally he has a secret bank account ($3D6 x 25,000) set
up by Fabricators Inc from his days as a mercenary/assassin.
Weapons: He is trained in using standard US military rifles, but he relies on his skills and powers.
Energy Expulsion: Particle Beam, Range: 400 feet (183 m), Damage: 6D6+16, Bonus: +1 to strike on Aimed
Shots only. Note: He can no longer use this power in this form. It can only function as a Super Power Blast.
Equipment & Vehicles: He has access to Watch Guard technology and equipment.

Note: Dennis has based his costume and his super hero persona on the original Captain Valiant (Wade Armstrong) who
was the patriotic super hero of WW II and Leader of Team American Eagle (see page 25)
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 4340
Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 2:01 am
Location: Québec

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

Great idea,Well,if you have a group of villains passing as heroes,maybe they can be counter by a team of heroes undercover as Villains?
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