New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Thinyser »

I like the idea.

Do you plan on having any huge "secrets of the past" revealed to the PCs? Something life changing?

Texas is a big place! :lol:Gotta be more specific. Maybe beneath the Alamo?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by dreicunan »

Will Vault 13 feature a canteen that never runs out of water?

I also like the idea, but I don't buy even one, let alone two, of the vaults being located in Los Angeles. Did L.A. Underwater mean a different location?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

I think this would be a great gateway for a group of characters that, in seeing the past, try to shape the future. Rifts earth is conflict on a smaller, yet more dangerous level than pre rifts. Yeah, nukes were bad, but an alien intelligence is arguably worse on that world. I think PCs who want to change the world would be great for a game like that.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

This is kind of similar to the campaign I'm currently running. They found Fermilab in Chicago with a stash of NEMA gear amongst other things. Now they need to work out how to sell it and they have also got clues to other locations but not as an extensive list as this.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Glistam »

I think this is a pretty awesome idea. When figuring the locations of the vaults, consider where they were in pre-rifts times, not just where they are now. Their locations should make sense from a pre-rifts standpoint. I would also try to remain flexible about what's in each vault. The PC's could get unlucky and the first few they visit might be duds and they may give up early.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by dreicunan »

Glistam wrote:I think this is a pretty awesome idea. When figuring the locations of the vaults, consider where they were in pre-rifts times, not just where they are now. Their locations should make sense from a pre-rifts standpoint. I would also try to remain flexible about what's in each vault. The PC's could get unlucky and the first few they visit might be duds and they may give up early.

That's a great point, Glistam, about flexibility. In fact, given that they'll have found Vault 3, and Vault 14 will not be on their list of locations, that gives you 12 locations. You could always role a d12 to decide what they find in a vault!

Another idea: rather than have two locations just be looted by the Coalition, why not have one of the "looted" vaults actually turn out to have been only partially looted? I'm thinking a location that they get to, and then somebody notices a spot on the ground where air is blowing the dust clear (because it's flowing out from a secret door in the rock) or something like that. Alternatively, it was partially looted and then sealed up because they found something they couldn't handle. Rather than just zombies, however, I'm thinking more a guardian along the lines of the crusader in Indian Jones and the Last Crusade (but not guarding the Grail, of course). A guardian who has decided to set trials for those who would take these things. Not combat, however. He'll only attack you if you try to take things without proving yourself worthy of being entrusted with the true history....

The Guardian is a being from a race that value knowledge of history above all else. They seek to preserve information from all over the multiverse, and they do so by sending out agents. These agents are able to adopt the physical forms of a limited number of other beings, and even their auras alter to pass as the species without VERY close scrutiny (there is no way a cursory look would turn anything up; for 5 minutes of sustained inspection, there is a cumulative 3% chance of noticing that something is off; this chance resets if one redirects their attention elsewhere for even a second). The forms the agents can adopt are set when they are deployed. This particular agent can look like a human male (three forms: a boy of 12 and a man in his early 30s, both quite looking fit, and an old man who looks to be about 75), an ogre, a grackletooth, and a dog-boy (all forms thought useful to be able to talk to some non-humans). For the purposes of the story, it doesn't matter how they do it or what their natural form looks like.

When they discovered Rifts Earth, they felt a need to start cataloguing both everything that was happening here and to track down as much information about the past as they could (if you want some flavor, they'd previously only encountered the Earth of Heroes Unlimited, and this is the first time that they'd encountered the same world in different dimensions). They've sent out various agents, but this particular agent was sent to study the history of United States. When he heard of the Great Chi-town Library, he was overjoyed. Here he would start cataloguing the history for his people. Three days after arriving, he found a fragment of a magazine article about the same vaults that your players are seeking, with the exact location of one of them mentioned (first of a list that continued on the next page, which is missing). He copied it. The very next day, the Library was in flames, and the Guardian was aghast. He felt as though he'd failed both his people and those of Rifts Earth. Then, he remembered the vault. He decided that he would go there and keep it from being destroyed.

When the Coalition patrol arrived some years later, they found themselves confronted by a being who would not let them pass. All weapons proved ineffective. The being attacked them if they tried to remove anything, forcibly throwing them out of the vault but otherwise leaving them unharmed and berating them for buying the Coalition propaganda; exhorting them to think for themselves and not be sheep while attempting to instruct them of the true history of the planet. Eventually, after 2 days of attempting to handle the situation, they decided to just blow up the entrance to the location and leave, sealing the strange being inside the vault. However, one of the grunts in that group was actually inspired by the Guardian. He'd learned to read shortly before Prosek came to power, and ended up becoming a rogue scholar in the burbs, seeking out true history. Perhaps he knows the rogue scholar who hired your party. Perhaps he's the one who originally gave her the idea to search for these vaults!
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

there's some canon Madhaven loot info in Rifter #36 that would probably fit well into your campaign.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by dreicunan »

crashmurdoch wrote:Actually I wasn't planning on having Vault 14 unlisted, I just haven't decided where to put it yet.

The idea behind the two looted Coalition Vaults is that they were the basis for most of the Coalition's technology and included things like the plans for the Samas style armor (about 80% complete which explains the variation in appearance). I was contemplating having one of these Vaults in Old Bones (Chicago Ruins) but if it's already looted then the P.C.s would be taking a big risk for nothing.

Hmm, maybe Old Bones would be a good location for Vault 3. Though that may mean I'll have to move the start location to New Lazlo or Tolkeen.

Also some of the vaults are still sealed. Others have been opened by the locals who are using the equipment, but may be willing to trade for some of it and the "weird old knicknacks" that they found inside (books, DVDS, CDS). Others will have become lairs for monsters, and one was actually discovered by a dragon and used as the basis for his hoard before he died (the one at the end of the Sharptooth trial).

I'm also contemplating having the PCs discover the Orb of Solomon in one of these Vaults (Coalition War Campaign: Part One). However this might side track them from this exploration mission. Maybe if they start getting bored with exploring.

Okay I'm rambling... time to read some more of your thoughts. :D

According to canon, most of that coalition tech actually came from the Chi-town library (the SAMAS would be an example). Of course, your game world is your game world.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Re: Texas Vault location, the two major players in Texas are the Pecos Empire and the CS State of Lone Star. So you have some flexibility in main bad guys, or you could go small scale and have it as a nest for monster type (either RMB random or some other).

Re: Archie3 complex. I don't think Archies complex(s) should be the vault in question. It could be in the D.C. area though. Weather its under the control of the Republicans or some other player...

Re: PT14. Suggestions, Alaska or Porto Rico (sp) offer great flexibility in what you can do there IINM. And major power blocks aren't there. You could also have it that Vault 14 construction was never completed/started but the location assigned.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

there is a continuation of government site in Virginia that would make for a fun one instead of ARCHIE's complex.
it's the planned CoG site for FEMA, which given FEMA is absorbed into NEMA makes it a good canidate to be a NEMA facility of some sort. you have an underground bunker complex (which would make for a good dungeon crawl game)

another would be the site of the (currently mothballed) project Greek island, a cold war CoG site where congress was to go. apparently it got too famous and they changed the sites, but the complex is still there, and i could see it being re-purposed into some sort of Vault complex. apparently it is already being used for digital records storage.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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I don't think you'll have to look very far for info on Alaska and Puerto Rico as they are areas that really have not been described in any great detail if at all in any Rifts Book I've seen. You'd have a completely blank slate to work with. Looking at the geography maps (RMB) PR may be underwater or on the edge of a Triangle, and Alaska looks relatively intact.

Rifts Atantis and Underseas setting books might be helpful in a PR campaign. Underseas for underwater enviornment rules and encounters, plus IIRC they do have the tables for traveling in the Triangles (I know Atlantis has them). Though from here they could end up in Dino Swamp, Atantis, northern SA, or Mexioc/Central America for side detour for a change of pace.

Alaksa was lumped with a few territories in Canada in RMB discription of territories, though that was omitted in RUE. I don't think the Canada book specifically covers Alaska, but it will most likely still have information you'll find useful for the area given how some territories it covers where lumped with Alaska. Books that might still be useful, though I can't confirm, would be the Russian books and Spirit West.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Mechghost »

This is the kind of game I've been hoping to find LOL very cool ideas
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

This is pretty sweet! The post apocalyptic setting makes it viable for Atb (my game of choice) as well. I would love to hear more about this, and if you don't mind sharing (after the fact of course so the players don't get wise), see what you create for story progression and such (like what you did in the introduction section). If you presented it like Danger Man does, well that'd be up there with titties, bacon, and beer on the list of things I like.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Gamer »

Why on earth would anyone build a vault that is supposed to survive 'the worst' sitting next to nuclear targets (Washington D.C. Manhattan, Los Angeles, Los Vegas and so on), major earthquake zones (L.A.) or anywhere near the coast lines due to flood threats ?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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the cataclysm was unexpected though. the world had been gearing up for WW3, including nuclear exchange. which means places like Washington would have been seen as having big bullseyes over them. preservation sites are usually located well away from anyplace likely to be a target of a nuclear strike or bombing attack.

and places like DC, florida, etc couldn't be during-cataclysm construction because those areas where wiped clean by the tidal waves.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Glistam »

It makes sense to me. When civilization collapses the first places where the new generations of survivors are going to look for remnents of old technology and civilization are the cities. So place the vaults there so they can be found. If that seems so far-fetched, then maybe the vaults were haphazardly put together at the last minute by cataclysm survivors and they used whatever they could get to - half-destroyed military complexes, bank vaults, a survivalist's bomb shelter, a particularly deep basement, etcetera...

Perhaps once NEMA realized that the chaos of the cataclysm would far outlast their ability to protect humanity, they made their last act a final, coordinated effort to create these "vaults." NEMA knew they would fall, but before they were consumed in the madness of the new world they would at least make sure that humanity could rise again.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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crashmurdoch wrote:Well my philosophy was simple, put the Vaults somewhat near interesting stuff in Rifts North America to draw the characters to those areas.

And really, that's all the explanation needed.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Nightmask »

crashmurdoch wrote:
Glistam wrote:It makes sense to me. When civilization collapses the first places where the new generations of survivors are going to look for remnents of old technology and civilization are the cities. So place the vaults there so they can be found. If that seems so far-fetched, then maybe the vaults were haphazardly put together at the last minute by cataclysm survivors and they used whatever they could get to - half-destroyed military complexes, bank vaults, a survivalist's bomb shelter, a particularly deep basement, etcetera...

Perhaps once NEMA realized that the chaos of the cataclysm would far outlast their ability to protect humanity, they made their last act a final, coordinated effort to create these "vaults." NEMA knew they would fall, but before they were consumed in the madness of the new world they would at least make sure that humanity could rise again.

Though these aren't my words, this was sort of my thinking as well.

You also have to expect self-serving politicians and the like to want those vaults to also double as bunkers to escape to in a disaster and given they're likely in the cities rather than living in the countryside they're going to want those vaults where they can get to them and the farther away they are the less chance they have of getting to them and surviving.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Gamer »

No Ottoman I wouldn't be amazed, wouldn't even be fazed in the slightest.
Your wrong with there are no craters in a nuclear exchange.
There is no one weapon does all doctrine with nukes, you have airbursts near-surface bursts, surface burst and subsurface burst and has been this way for decades.
Both the soviet union and united stated utilize bunker busting nuclear weapons and have for years.
Most current bunkers are not rated to survive a nuclear exchange against such systems, the military knows this and they know they can't fix it, they know the soviets are targeting them with direct subsurface bursters and not by one but by a few 'just to be sure' just like we do.

Airbursts are directed at surface facilities and surrounding communities as well as transportation hubs, centers of industry, communication hubs and the like, no big deal it's been this way since the cold war nothing new there.

Subsurface burst hits are targeted at bunkers, be it command and control to nuclear weapons themselves this too has been long known, nothing new there.
We knew airburst weren't going to be very effective on underground shelters since ww2 as both Hiroshima and Nagasaki had conventional air raid shelters that proved it, again nothing new there.

The Cheyenne facility hasn't been rated to survive any nuclear exchange for many years, it wasn't going to be hit by one but by by several bunker busters 'just to be sure' just like we target their command and control facilities.
The Cheyenne facility was down rated to a training center and an aux control center and is still circling in BRAC to be later turned into a cold war museum if the budget issue stays as is.
It's days as a nuclear bunker are over, it was never going to survive and they know it and refuse to spent money on the futile effort to get it to survive and it's also too well known and too well targeted to waste the resources trying, it was past time to move it and so they did.
There's no point worrying over what happened to Cheyenne mountian in Rifts as it was nothing to care about by the time of the cataclysm.
A new 'Cheyenne facility' like bunker can be placed anywhere the gm wants to now and call it good to go.

With the proliferation of Mega damage materials the nuclear wepons will be forced to go to higher yields, the current low yield doctrine isn't going to do squat in that timeline and that is backed as what you see in the books in certain areas being radioactive craters of decent sizes.

Earthquake tech does not protect against flooding, it isn't designed for it, the typhoons and tsunamis hitting the fat east show it time and again.
Nor is that tech rated to help in a nuclear exchange without making one hell of a hole for the baffles to be emplaced to survive bunker busters.

You may be amazed at just what the soviets did target with both air and ground burst weapons (ya gotta love the fall of the soviet union and the exchange of information from the former states to the west).
Targeted old mines of no interest to us yet they swore they were bunkers of importance.

Building bunkers off grid is the only way to ensure survival.
Rifts time period with MDC only means heavy and more nukes will be targeted at them meaning nobody for miles would even have a chance to survive to get eaten later.
Which explains certain areas being radioactive craters.

Weapons don't need to destroy them, real life examples of people who live near them destroying the 'doomsday bunkers'.
THese bunkers didn't have anything fancy in them like weapons, hardware and data just something simple like seeds for planting after disaster to feed the people.

The national seed bunker of the Phillipines was hit by a typhoon and contents mostly destroyed and few years later on the contents is totally destroyed by fire.

The National seed bank in Abu Garuub, Iraq was destroyed by the citizens on the city and former military members getting to the seeds for themself.
The national seed banks of Ghazni and Jalalabad Afghanistan were met with a similar fate.
Only some people thought there was military hardware in them but there wasn't.

Building vaults during the cataclyms and expecting them to survive?
No rational explanation for that.
There is no infrastructure to get them built and certainly no free manpower with the skill do handle the job.

It would be like building a 6 flags theme park during the Hurricane Katrina debacle or building one during the 2004 tsunami.
Just how are they going to get anything there to build it in the first place.

Not to mention nobody sane would allow the things they need NOW to survive to see tomorrow to be placed in a hole for later.
What good is "for later" if we are all going to be dead, will be what is said and for good reason and you now have a military standoff on your hands Nema already has it's bolt hole that is also a self supporting manufacturing facility and doesn't have the manpower to fight it's own people among everything else just to make a few vaults at places it barely has the manpower to live day to day as it is.

We've had vaults in our campaigns, but they were built before the cataclysm and placed where the masses never knew or expected and in places that were stable enough to survive without 'handwavium'.

We had something similar to the Gamma World subtrain that went from coast to coast and Canada to the Yukatan, though not all of it survived and many miles collapsed.
One section of the subtrain line on the mexico-US border was still filled with zombies and other badness from the cataclysm and we accidentally unleashed it on the inhabitants of the area, t'was not a shining moment for the group.
Another section of the subtrain even lead to a buried airport/spaceport terminal, the only thing sticking out of the ground was the towers.

The old rpg "The Morrow Project" is a good one to mine ideas for vaults and bunkers.
Gives an example of an organization that would be right up the Campaigns street that Crashmurdoch is making.
A similar organization could very well do exactly what he wants, although the vaults would have been built prior and not during.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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In my scenario it's a small splinter group within NEMA that defies their organization and goes off to do this, along with a handful of civilian volunteers. They all come to believe (realize), about one year after the apocalypse, that NEMA is fighting a losing battle. They desert NEMA in order to collect any and all pre-cataclysm knowledge they can get their hands on, and preserve it in any way they can.

They don't build vaults, they utilize suitable structures/facilities that they can find, or know about. One such location could be a small U.S. military complex about 80 miles away from Chicago...

Actually, this is a Chaos Earth scenario/campaign that's been percolating in my brain for a while now. This topic has inspired me to start actually working on fleshing it out.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Glistam »

I linked this topic to a friend of mine and then asked him "Would you play in that game?" His response to me was, "I'd play the **** out of it."
Zerebus: "I like MDC. MDC is a hundred times better than SDC."

kiralon: "...the best way to kill an old one is to crash a moon into it."


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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by izanebricks »

This looks like a fantastic idea for a campaign!

A few ideas that came to mind are:

- After 2 or 3 more vaults, the Coalition catches wind and sends a hit squad to take out the group
- In the DC vault, there is a proto-Archie intelligence (Archie 2)
- Holograms play out "scenes" in the vaults that tell a wider story to the players
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

would anti nema be..Amen?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by guardiandashi »

crashmurdoch wrote:
Glistam wrote:In my scenario it's a small splinter group within NEMA that defies their organization and goes off to do this, along with a handful of civilian volunteers. They all come to believe (realize), about one year after the apocalypse, that NEMA is fighting a losing battle. They desert NEMA in order to collect any and all pre-cataclysm knowledge they can get their hands on, and preserve it in any way they can.

They don't build vaults, they utilize suitable structures/facilities that they can find, or know about. One such location could be a small U.S. military complex about 80 miles away from Chicago...

Actually, this is a Chaos Earth scenario/campaign that's been percolating in my brain for a while now. This topic has inspired me to start actually working on fleshing it out.

I'm glad my work inspires others to come up with their own campaigns or something similar to mine.

I actually like the idea of the rogue faction of Nema, I might use that. Maybe there's a line of "guardians" that have held onto the knowledge of the vaults for centuries and have been guarding them against the wrong people opening them. Perhaps these guardians have been whittled down over the years until now there are only a few left, few enough that the just want to make sure that the vaults end up in the right hands before their long watch ends. Actually come to think of it "The Long Watch" is a good name for that group! :D

As far as the vaults, yeah I'm thinking they are all different with one exception, the entryway. The Vault builders have come up with a specific type of door or locking mechanism that will protect the treasures inside, and with a lock complex enough that mankind would have to have a certain level of tech to open, or at least a certain understanding of mechanics to get around. The locking mechanisms could be brought with them, and perhaps the structure was enhanced with M.D.C. material to keep out the worst.

I have shot down some locations, as it seems that they wouldn't work or don't exist anymore. For example if there was a Vault at Area 51, it would have been found already. I'm sure Golden Age or whomever owns the complex now has thoroughly scavenged that place for anything useable. Also I had thought of putting a Vault in Cheyenne Mountain, but the Rockies were pretty much destroyed and replaced by the barrier wall, so it wasn't an option either.

Glistam wrote:I linked this topic to a friend of mine and then asked him "Would you play in that game?" His response to me was, "I'd play the **** out of it."

Awesome! Glad to hear it! :D

places that come to mind for me as to where vaults could or should have been sited are:
in Alaska somewhere (or more than 1) in the northwest Washington, Oregon, Idaho areas. Colorado, possibly Montana, Utah, new mexico, California (likely more than 1) several in the Midwest, several in the Appalachian mountain range, etc.
I guarantee there was likely a bunker attached to the white house, and the pentagon. etc.
that's not to say that most of these vaults/bunkers survived in fact I would expect ~90% or more didn't survive and or got looted in the ~400-500 years but hey its a cool concept to even find some with some of their contents still intact.

things I would put in a typical vault if I was setting them up.
1 a power source preferably multiple redundant ones.
2 supplies food/water, water purification, seeds etc.
3 vehicles
4 medical supplies
5 repair supplies and parts
6 weapons and ammo
8 manuals, books, and as large of a library as feasible
9 manufacturing resources if possible even if its only the equivalent of a small machine shop
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

Unread post by Nightmask »

If you haven't you should websearch for information on bunker construction and possible bunker designs, as it's indeed an industry (and apparently even more active now than it was in the 50s during the Cold War), to get ideas for what you need and what they include at least in RL designs to extrapolate from.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Pretty nice, take inspiration as it comes.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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crashmurdoch wrote:So I had an idea. A Psychic, Shifter, and a Cyber-Knight
walk into a bar....

I couldn't help myself
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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I really like this campaign idea. I may steal it to run a group of people that have never played Rifts.

As for locations within Texas, it's a really big state so I would personally consider having more than one location within the state. Likely areas would be the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, Abilene, and either Austin or San Antonio ( or possibly in between the two).

I picked DFW because it is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country and a major hub for interstate commerce. It is relatively close to a military base and has at least 4 airports that I can name off hand. It is a pretty happening place with cultural centers as well as commerce.

Austin and San Antonio are pretty much the same as above only Austin get points for being the capital. But if you go with Austin, you have to fill the vault with art and music, a majority of which must be terrible because it's Austin and those folks are weird.

Abilene is kind of the oddball but I gave it a nod for one reason. Dyess Air Force Base. This base is home to the US' s B1 bombers. Surely the home of America's nuclear response would be a good place to hide something. Plus there is lots of open space around so even if you were looking for it you would have a hard time.

But if I were only going to do one, I would go DFW. I think New West has info on the ruins, basically they have all kinds of nasty things.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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You could also place a facility/vault at the old Yuma proving grounds in Arizona.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Crow Splat wrote:But if you go with Austin, you have to fill the vault with art and music, a majority of which must be terrible because it's Austin and those folks are weird.

:ok: :ok:
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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crashmurdoch wrote:
Re: Texas Vault location, the two major players in Texas are the Pecos Empire and the CS State of Lone Star. So you have some flexibility in main bad guys, or you could go small scale and have it as a nest for monster type (either RMB random or some other).

One of my players is contemplating playing a mutant Honey Badger, and if he does I'll put it somewhere in the Lone Star Territory as a reason to get the P.C.s into his home area. (He'll most likely be a Lone Star runaway).

Re: Archie3 complex. I don't think Archies complex(s) should be the vault in question. It could be in the D.C. area though. Weather its under the control of the Republicans or some other player...

I wasn't intending to place the vault in or in very close proximity to his complex. More than likely it will be in the area that Archie considers part of his territory.

Re: PT14. Suggestions, Alaska or Porto Rico (sp) offer great flexibility in what you can do there IINM. And major power blocks aren't there. You could also have it that Vault 14 construction was never completed/started but the location assigned.

Where would I find information on Alaska? I'm assuming that Puerto Rico is in either South America or South America 2. I'm still thinking about Vault 14, and these are some good leads, though I'm trying to keep it in the main continental US.

Don't know about Puerto Rico, but Havana does seem to get some attention in Megaverse in Flames.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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I'd also think of using places that are far enough out of the way, but close enough to be within distance of the places you're talking about. Instead of a vault in D.C. maybe have one built in the Appalachian chain somewhere. Or the Anarondecks (sp?) for New York.

Stone Mountain in Georgia would be an interesting choice. Especially if you want to incorporate dinosaurs into your campaign. Plus, it's controversial history could be of use with some of the C.S. elements you may be thinking about using in your campaign.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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What about building the complexes in places that are a little out of the way but close enough to be near the story elements you wish to use. Instead of a vault in D.C. you could build one one in central Virginia, somewhere between D.C. and Quantico.

Instead of NYC, maybe the Anarondecks (SP?).

If you're thinking about using dinosaurs in your campaign, you could use Stone Mountain in Georgia.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Have you thought about a vault built somewhere in between D.C and Quantico?

How about Stone Mountain in Georgia?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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His Dudeness wrote:What about building the complexes in places that are a little out of the way but close enough to be near the story elements you wish to use. Instead of a vault in D.C. you could build one one in central Virginia, somewhere between D.C. and Quantico.

Instead of NYC, maybe the Anarondecks (SP?).

Did you mean the Adirondack Mountains perharps?
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Sorry about the triple post. I was waiting for the posts to be approved.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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His Dudeness wrote:Yes.

Sorry about the triple post. I was waiting for the posts to be approved.

It can happen to anyone - sometimes if you are quick and nobody has answered yet, you can delete redundant posts to avoid it, but it depends on luck a little. :mrgreen:
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Another idea for a vault location; Wyoming.

It could explain some of the reasons for the presence of both cyber knights and Bandito Arms.

I would also consider putting a Vault in Montana. There isn't much out there beyond farmlands and mineral mines.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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This sounds like an awesome campaign, I wish I lived closer so that I could see about joining it. I have a T.I. Robot who had an encounter that left him without a body in an area that Archie used to scout every once in a while and one of them found him and brought him back to Archie. Archie saw him as a kindred entity and used his Android making facilities to create a new body for him (plus an identical one as a backup). He is currently working as a Merc (Headhunter OCC). He would be a great link back to Archie. ;)

Hope your game goes well.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Where was this adventure supposed to go after you found all of the vaults?
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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His Dudeness wrote:Where was this adventure supposed to go after you found all of the vaults?

The short answer would probably be the top of the CS most wanted list right next to Erin Tarn. But given the amount of pre-rifts information about the rest of the world that would be stored in these vaults, I could see it going anywhere on the planet.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Mt. Rushmore is an excellent choice for a vault. I was surprised to learn when I visited that they carved a great big vault into the granite hoping to house things like original copies of the US Constitution: ... of_Records

I heard this featured in the National Treasure movies, but I never saw those.
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Re: New campaign idea - Rifts: Vault Hunters

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Babachewy wrote:Mt. Rushmore is an excellent choice for a vault. I was surprised to learn when I visited that they carved a great big vault into the granite hoping to house things like original copies of the US Constitution: ... of_Records

I heard this featured in the National Treasure movies, but I never saw those.

Whoa, i remember this from watching the Buck Rogers reruns back in the late 80s to early 90s. Daaaaaaamn....
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