My Character sheets.

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My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

So one week I sat down and worked these out. They have some pretty neat features like dropdowns for WP, skills, spells (both invocation and elemental), psionic powers, HtH style and Languages.

They calculate attribute (stat) bonuses for you. They calculate Skill percents and increase them by level (you do have to type in the base and the % increase per level but I have those along with the skill names) and there is room to add Bonus % from OCC and RCC and other bonuses like synergy between skills. Once all that is set you just adjust the level and it adds the appropriate % to each skill so you dont have to go through and do it all manually. (I made it so that it actually adds in the +/level at level 1 since I like to give my players a little kickstart) if you dont like this you can either adjust the formula or always mark the character as one level below their true level if you are not good with excel formulas.

It does not add in physical skills to stats or combine the stat bonuses with the physical skill bonuses to get total strike parry and dodge bonuses so you will have to do that yourself. but you can easily do it with a formula like =C:13+2+1+2 so it would take the PP bonus that was automatically calculated in cell C13 and add the 2,1,&2 to it.

I left space for two bonuses to initiative, strike, parry and dodge so if you have a common modifier that gets applied often (like bonuses for being on horseback or such) you can add that in right there.

There are different sheets for various PS levels note the tabs along the bottom (none for HU though sorry if you are a HU fan, I didn't get those added and really don't plan to unless my group really wants to switch to HU).

It also calculates total weight for items carried if you tell it what each weighs and how many of that item you have.

Anyhow here is my Blank Generic Character Sheet. Hope you like it.

Here is an example of it filled out using my Jeridu Juggler/Knife Thrower.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

Wow I thought people would like these :oops:
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by JimmyB »

I think the problem is, your file is a non standard format. I am guessing a lot of people can not even open it.
I know when I click on it, my computer has to use a file reader to see it, and it is , to put it simple, a mess.

That could be because you have programmed tables, I cant say for sure.

You could try doing a save as, in whatever program you are using. And see if it will let you
save it in a more common format. For example if it is a newer doc file with a docx extension
try saving it as just a .doc file. etc. If you are using a newer Microsoft program, try
saving it down to the 97-2000 format, which is the most common used office product.

As a guess I am assuming this was made with the latest Excel product. and has an xlsx format.
If you save it in the older .xls format a LOT more people will be able to read it.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

JimmyB wrote:I think the problem is, your file is a non standard format. I am guessing a lot of people can not even open it.
I know when I click on it, my computer has to use a file reader to see it, and it is , to put it simple, a mess.

That could be because you have programmed tables, I cant say for sure.

You could try doing a save as, in whatever program you are using. And see if it will let you
save it in a more common format. For example if it is a newer doc file with a docx extension
try saving it as just a .doc file. etc. If you are using a newer Microsoft program, try
saving it down to the 97-2000 format, which is the most common used office product.

As a guess I am assuming this was made with the latest Excel product. and has an xlsx format.
If you save it in the older .xls format a LOT more people will be able to read it.
Its created useing 2013 excel and has nested IF functions that have too many layers for the older file format to handle... It has to be an excel 2010 or newer document to maintain its functionality otherwise its pointless so .doc or other word files as well as the ancient 1997-2003 excel format are out.
Anybody with MS office 2010 or newer or open office should have no issues opening it.

Sorry folks its too good for your older programs. :cry:
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

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Well, on the bright side, there is a reason to upgrade :) hehe
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by arouetta »

It would take a bit of reprogramming, but there is a fix for those if/then limits. Create a new (hidden) page that has a series of no more than 7 if/then cells nested 7 deep pulling from the main page, for a potential total of 49 if/then statements. Then back on your main page, have a cell pull from that page, nesting those 7 nested cells. That's what I did when I needed to bypass the limit while making a document for my workplace.

That hidden page can hold a lot of information (when I had a random NPC generator, I had one devoted to random dice rolls).
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

arouetta wrote:It would take a bit of reprogramming, but there is a fix for those if/then limits. Create a new (hidden) page that has a series of no more than 7 if/then cells nested 7 deep pulling from the main page, for a potential total of 49 if/then statements. Then back on your main page, have a cell pull from that page, nesting those 7 nested cells. That's what I did when I needed to bypass the limit while making a document for my workplace.

That hidden page can hold a lot of information (when I had a random NPC generator, I had one devoted to random dice rolls).

Damn that does seem like lots of work. Feel free to tackle that for me if you want! :-D

I would just convince my employer that they needed the newer software but I'm kinda lazy and like to use the best tools to make the job as easy as possible.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by firduvin »

works fine in open office :D . But apparently i have to say more than "thanks, great job" because i tried that and it was kicked off because i had to re-register after not being on forums for 15 years.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

Thanks! Glad you like 'em

Check out the drop-downs let me know if you have any questions.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Wow, these are really useful. Thanks heaps.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

Thanks. I think there is some stuff that might be broken. I'll check and upload fixed ones if need be.

EDIT:Nope I just reviewed them and the issue didn't occur in this version. I had a version that for some reason was giving +8 to strike parry and dodge once you got to PP of 16.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

I've been working on something similar that calculates all your bonuses from your hand to hand skill and PP bonus as well as WP bonuses. It doesn't take into account OCC bonuses or one time bonuses from other skills like Boxing or Fencing but does a lot of the other stuff. Perhaps we could combine our spreadsheets into one?

Check it out: ... sp=sharing
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

grandmaster z0b wrote:I've been working on something similar that calculates all your bonuses from your hand to hand skill and PP bonus as well as WP bonuses. It doesn't take into account OCC bonuses or one time bonuses from other skills like Boxing or Fencing but does a lot of the other stuff. Perhaps we could combine our spreadsheets into one?

Check it out: ... sp=sharing

Very nice!
I will look at adding that to my sheet... if you want to try to incorporate it into my sheet also that would be great!
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Cool, I'll give it a go when I get a chance.

Hopefully if we combine them people will take notice, I'm also surprised at the lack of response to these...
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

grandmaster z0b wrote:Cool, I'll give it a go when I get a chance.

Hopefully if we combine them people will take notice, I'm also surprised at the lack of response to these...

My players love them.

I just got a new player and he was literally struck dumb (as in speechless) when he saw them.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

One thing I noticed z0b, is that it only (haha only?!? as if isn't already a shedload of work!) handles Basic through Commando which will handle the vast majority of characters but it looks like it could be made to incorporate the others (and no HtH for some NPCs) with relative ease. Time consuming for sure though. Any plans on expanding to incorporate "none" and the other more exotic HtH styles?

Or expanding the WP section?

I think I get all the formula you are using but if you were planning on doing any expansion projects already I don't want to double up on man-hours doing it myself. :-)
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

I'm definitely going to add hand to hand "none" and expand the WP section to include pretty much all the WPs from RUE. At this stage I don't plan on adding any exotic H2H styles because I don't want to go down that rabbit hole (it is a lot of work) and I made it specifically for Rifts rather than a generic Palladium one. I might add Zen CyberKnight combat because I have 2 CyberKnights in my group.

The real challenge is working out OCC bonuses and skills.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

grandmaster z0b wrote:I'm definitely going to add hand to hand "none" and expand the WP section to include pretty much all the WPs from RUE. At this stage I don't plan on adding any exotic H2H styles because I don't want to go down that rabbit hole (it is a lot of work) and I made it specifically for Rifts rather than a generic Palladium one. I might add Zen CyberKnight combat because I have 2 CyberKnights in my group.

The exotic HtH are listed in the RGMG so I assume they are all available on Rifts Earth (even if very rare).

The real challenge is working out OCC bonuses and skills.
LOL! Challenge is not a strong enough word. Incorporating OCC bonuses would be nearly impossible unless you have no job, no kids, no social life, and are very dedicated to making some freaking huge charts and then referencing them with vlookup or some other function. Nope that's not even on a to-do list.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

"If we let technical problems scare us away from doing anything, humanity would still be in the trees flinging poo at each other."~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Thinyser wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:I'm definitely going to add hand to hand "none" and expand the WP section to include pretty much all the WPs from RUE. At this stage I don't plan on adding any exotic H2H styles because I don't want to go down that rabbit hole (it is a lot of work) and I made it specifically for Rifts rather than a generic Palladium one. I might add Zen CyberKnight combat because I have 2 CyberKnights in my group.

The exotic HtH are listed in the RGMG so I assume they are all available on Rifts Earth (even if very rare).

Yeah, still too much work for me at this stage for something so rare.

The real challenge is working out OCC bonuses and skills.
LOL! Challenge is not a strong enough word. Incorporating OCC bonuses would be nearly impossible unless you have no job, no kids, no social life, and are very dedicated to making some freaking huge charts and then referencing them with vlookup or some other function. Nope that's not even on a to-do list.

Yeah and I have a job, kids and a social life.

I used vlookup for the various HtH styles so I'm not adverse to trying, it's all the data entry that would kill me. There is a list of all skills and the percentages in the GM's kit that I could possibly use to copy and paste for the basic values and I've thought about trying to extract tables of data from the old RGMC... but even it I did that I would need to update it all to RUE anyway.

That being said if there's anyone out there foolish generous enough to help with data entry it is a possibility.

EDIT: Copy and pasting from the GMs kit was quite easy actually, so I've already made a sheet with all the skills listed! It works at a fairly basic level and again doesn't include OCC bonuses but does calculate the base + % per level. ... sp=sharing
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

i've done something similar with a MS Office Access 2000 database. It can handle most aspects of character creation automatically now including Skill Bonuses from other skills (and stat bonuses), HTH & WP levels (for the most part, some aspects are still manual). I haven't really entered any of the RCC/OCC specific aspects to the same tables, so those are still manual, but it can be done.

One thing I did differently though is that Attribute Bonuses from 16-30 can be reduced down to a simple formula I found (for each Attribute) a long time ago, so no nested IFF statements are required (used originally), and it allows a "theoretical" score above 30 to be calculated based on it. I haven't looked at updating it for RUE above 30 stats though (mostly because it's never been an issue).
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

ShadowLogan wrote:i've done something similar with a MS Office Access 2000 database. It can handle most aspects of character creation automatically now including Skill Bonuses from other skills (and stat bonuses), HTH & WP levels (for the most part, some aspects are still manual). I haven't really entered any of the RCC/OCC specific aspects to the same tables, so those are still manual, but it can be done.

One thing I did differently though is that Attribute Bonuses from 16-30 can be reduced down to a simple formula I found (for each Attribute) a long time ago, so no nested IFF statements are required (used originally), and it allows a "theoretical" score above 30 to be calculated based on it. I haven't looked at updating it for RUE above 30 stats though (mostly because it's never been an issue).

I know there has to be a way to do it without the nested IF statements but at the time I had just learned them in school and saw in my mind how I could apply them to my character sheet. These were originally just "dumb" excel sheets that had no calculations in them and no drop downs... then school became useful!

What IS this simple formula?
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

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ShadowLogan wrote:i've done something similar with a MS Office Access 2000 database. It can handle most aspects of character creation automatically now including Skill Bonuses from other skills (and stat bonuses), HTH & WP levels (for the most part, some aspects are still manual). I haven't really entered any of the RCC/OCC specific aspects to the same tables, so those are still manual, but it can be done.

One thing I did differently though is that Attribute Bonuses from 16-30 can be reduced down to a simple formula I found (for each Attribute) a long time ago, so no nested IFF statements are required (used originally), and it allows a "theoretical" score above 30 to be calculated based on it. I haven't looked at updating it for RUE above 30 stats though (mostly because it's never been an issue).

The original RGMC (Rifts Game Master's Companion) was built in Access I think but was delivered as a stand alone program. You can still download it but I think it will only run on WinXP 32bit and below. You could still extract the tables and stuff from it though.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Thinyser wrote:I know there has to be a way to do it without the nested IF statements but at the time I had just learned them in school and saw in my mind how I could apply them to my character sheet. These were originally just "dumb" excel sheets that had no calculations in them and no drop downs... then school became useful!

What IS this simple formula?

The formulas very from attribute to attribute bonus and I don't recall them off hand (I can look them up later, but I'm not on a unit that currently read the DBs). Basically if you graph the Attribute Score vs the bonus you can use Excel (I think, I did this originally in Works but I don't see why the more advanced Excel couldn't do it) to work out the formula for each, you'll have to modify it slightly so that it rounds the figures properly, but you would be good to go.

[quote="grandmaster zOb]The original RGMC (Rifts Game Master's Companion) was built in Access I think but was delivered as a stand alone program. You can still download it but I think it will only run on WinXP 32bit and below. You could still extract the tables and stuff from it though.[/quote]
I know, I have the RGMC and have occasionally looked at their Access Data base.

There are ways to get it to run above WinXP though like Virtual machines or with compatibility mode (neither are completely reliable).
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

I looked up those formulas for those interested. They don't consider the cap at 30 so some adjustment will have to be made to make it work if you want to have the cap at 30 and doesn't consider bonuses above 30 as mentioned in RUE (said features wasn't something I was aware of when these formulas where originally worked out).
IQ Bonus =IIf([IQ]>=16,[IQ]-14,0)
ME Bonus =Fix(([ME]/2)-7)
MA Bonus =IIf([MA]<16,[MA]-16,IIf([MA]<24,5*[MA]-40,2.6*[MA]+20.333))
PS Bonus =([PS]-15)
PP Bonus =Fix(([PP]/2)-7)
PE Bonuses
Comma =IIf([PE]>=17,1.9714*[PE]-29,[PE]-17)
Poison =Fix(([PE]/2)-7)
PB Bonus =IIf([PB]<16,[PB]-26,IIf([PB]<26,5*[PB]-50,3.1*[PB]-0.4))

PS lift/carry should be self explanatory in how to do, along with Spd rate.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

Cool thanks.
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Hi, I've begun to combine our work. So far I only have the sheet with normal strength to test. ... sp=sharing

I was thinking of adding a drop down that specified the strength and programming the various strengths from that rather than having 4 different sheets.

It calculates the hand to hand combat and skill bonuses but obviously doesn't do OCC bonuses... yet.

Let me know what you think.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

grandmaster z0b wrote:Hi, I've begun to combine our work. So far I only have the sheet with normal strength to test. ... sp=sharing

I was thinking of adding a drop down that specified the strength and programming the various strengths from that rather than having 4 different sheets.

It calculates the hand to hand combat and skill bonuses but obviously doesn't do OCC bonuses... yet.

Let me know what you think.

OOOh I'm excited to check it out after work tonight!

Impressive! I noticed that my dropdown lists are not used for Pionics, Invocations, and Elemental spells any longer, was this conflicting with something?
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

"If we let technical problems scare us away from doing anything, humanity would still be in the trees flinging poo at each other."~~Killer Cyborg

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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

Thinyser wrote:
grandmaster z0b wrote:Hi, I've begun to combine our work. So far I only have the sheet with normal strength to test. ... sp=sharing

I was thinking of adding a drop down that specified the strength and programming the various strengths from that rather than having 4 different sheets.

It calculates the hand to hand combat and skill bonuses but obviously doesn't do OCC bonuses... yet.

Let me know what you think.

OOOh I'm excited to check it out after work tonight!

Impressive! I noticed that my dropdown lists are not used for Pionics, Invocations, and Elemental spells any longer, was this conflicting with something?

Oops something must not have copied over properly, I didn't touch those fields. I'll have a look and get back to you.
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Re: My Character sheets.

Unread post by Thinyser »

It said it had an issue while opening and asked if I wanted to try and restore, even with it trying to restore it said some things might be lost I assume that this was the problem since it wasn't on your end. I love technology... when it works.
Below is what it says was removed.
"Removed Records: Formula from /xl/worksheets/sheet8.xml part"
"We live in a world where people use severed plant genitals to express affection.
Rifts is really not much weirder than that." ~~Killer Cyborg

"If we let technical problems scare us away from doing anything, humanity would still be in the trees flinging poo at each other."~~Killer Cyborg

"Everything that breeds is a threat."~~Killer Cyborg
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