Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Tikon2000 »

This probably has been addressed, but other the cargo bush planes hinted at in Northern Gun 1 didn't show up in Northern Gun 2. I've read and realize that it had to be cut. But it seems like there's a wasted opportunity to showcase air superiority. Something which other than Coalition or Triax, is often ignored. And even then the cargo/exploration craft get ignored. Is it I suspect, because the intention is to keep PC's grounded? Instead of jet setting all around the earth? More drop/gunships would be cool as well. But the Dragonfly is pretty neat.
And not just limit it to Northern Gun. An Air Power supplement would be a great opportunity to show aircraft from say the Japanese Republic? Along with the New Navy, GAW, Iron Heart Armaments... from their new base in say Australia? For or against the Tech Cities, which may strike them as very CS like.
Along those lines, how about showing new ships being built by an expanding Japanese Republic (again:), or better yet the Scandinavian City States (another candidate for IHA shop set up). Since they're supposed to be adept at such. As hinted at in the Triax books. A New Navy (MEF) Marine Expeditionary Force ship? For concentrated amphibious assaults on pirate strongholds. Though that would more likely be interesting Rifter articles :)
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by taalismn »

Indeed. Though one of the merc outfits in the Mercenary books operates C-130s, I believe.
There's still a great void when it comes to official comemrcially-available air transport. Even rebuilds of traditional 'bush planes' like the DeHavillland Canada Twin Otter or the Antonov An-2 would be welcome(and entirely possible).
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

RIFTS kind of seems to go back and forth on aircraft. It's mentioned several times in the early books (which to me really set the tone of the world) that air travel is extremely dangerous and lists several reasons for that and why it's so rarely done even by the super-powers of the world (Triax, CS, Japan), but none of the books ever expands on that or actually stats out any of the reasons for WHY it's so dangerous. They briefly mention things like the difficulty of trade between the CS and Triax (because of the dangers of air travel not-reallly-talked-about earlier) and then at the same time talks about huge Mach 4+ double-decker planes, and then explains how their altitude is limited for fear of being shot down by killer satellites in orbit or for fear of incurring the wrath of the moon-colony.

Overall in the end I don't really know where the future of aircraft in RIFTS should go. Obviously as time has gone on the game's been filled with more and more jets and bombers and cargo planes (just look at Mercenaries!), but on the other hand, major game events seem to pretty much completely ignore the idea of aircraft (Siege of Tolkeen being a big one there) so, although they are present in the background/stats, they still don't appear to be part of the concept/story of the world.

Personally, I don't mind the idea of the planes at all, but I would love if the reasons for WHY they were supposed to be so dangerous to use had of been explained beyond just saying 'monsters/the Rifts/Dimensional anomalies'. On the other hand, using a lot of aircraft seems like tugging at the loose threads of the games concept, it makes sense and there's no reason not to, but the whole game's built on these weird limitations (of which there are really too many to list) imposed on the people/organizations of RIFTS earth, and if you start pulling on them ('why wouldn't they just do this?' or 'why don't we just do that?') the whole thing starts to come apart.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by taalismn »

Go fast and invisible(although the best naked eye invisibility, being magic in nature, makes you show up like a torch to anybody sensitive to magic) or slow, lumbering, and heavily armed and armored(and thus sttracting every SAM and AAA pice in the area) seem to be the best strategies.

Of course, random rifts, the lack of a comprehensive air traffic navigation system, and lack of reliable weather reporting makes high speed air travel iffy at best...sneaking along at mach 2 in the thick, and you run into clear air turbulence, a flock of alin critters, or a gust of air from a Venus-like planet would be like getting clotheslined while riding a bike.
And flying cautiously in a Deaths Head Transport or other gun-blimp has its own problems, like cost and curious monsters.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Mack »

Eashamahel wrote:Personally, I don't mind the idea of the planes at all, but I would love if the reasons for WHY they were supposed to be so dangerous to use had of been explained beyond just saying 'monsters/the Rifts/Dimensional anomalies'.

One of the better explanations I've seen came from someone here on the forums (but I don't recall who): roving bands of Air Elementals They're capable of ripping apart just about any aircraft. And while a single, fast aircraft can pass through an area relatively unscathed, a regular route or group of aircraft are much more likely to draw their attention.

That fits in with the theme of limited air travel (allowing the PC's to utilize it) without there being daily flights around the globe.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by taalismn »

Mack wrote:
Eashamahel wrote:Personally, I don't mind the idea of the planes at all, but I would love if the reasons for WHY they were supposed to be so dangerous to use had of been explained beyond just saying 'monsters/the Rifts/Dimensional anomalies'.

One of the better explanations I've seen came from someone here on the forums (but I don't recall who): roving bands of Air Elementals They're capable of ripping apart just about any aircraft. And while a single, fast aircraft can pass through an area relatively unscathed, a regular route or group of aircraft are much more likely to draw their attention.

That fits in with the theme of limited air travel (allowing the PC's to utilize it) without there being daily flights around the globe.

Rifts Spirit Russia has Wind Demons who delight in working mayhem and would fill a similar role discouraging air travel over Russia.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Tikon2000 »

"Rifts Spirit Russia has Wind Demons who delight in working mayhem and would fill a similar role discouraging air travel over Russia."

Yeah but these all seem like reasons made up to enforce a dynamic. As in It's super science, but we still want you to wander the land like D&D characters. Also the land is infested with monsters on legs. Still got trains and APCs running about.
I can understand it for the NGR with their Gargoyle problem. But North America has more open skies. It does show that the CS has tons of flying equipment. Helicopters, Death's Head transports, jets for their aircraft carriers. I also understand them wanting a monopoly *cough Iron Heart cough*, and would love to see an air base full of fighter bombers. Especially with a demon incursion coming. But as mentioned in the OP, I really did want to see bush planes and independent cargo haulers, as hinted at in NG1. Though converted C-130s are stated in books, so people can go from there.
Another cool addition would be magic & TW aircraft. Flying invisible zeppelins were hinted at in a Rifter article on Lazlo.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by taalismn »

Tikon2000 wrote:" Flying invisible zeppelins were hinted at in a Rifter article on Lazlo.

We also see an obligatory sci-fi advertizing blimp gracing the cover of NG2. Big slow targets in Rifts' skies, but I'd still like to see blimps and other upgraded aerostats for Rifts(if only to see how they compare to my own).
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

Techno-Wizards have had flying ships (and boats) since the RMB as well.

It's strange, because the type of 'air' travel that the books (original ones at least) push have got to be the MOST threatened by the known dangers of RIFTS. Comparatively slow and low to the ground things like SAMAS (500ft ceiling?) or Sky Kings, Terrain Hopper type vehichles (have to constantly land, jump high enough for everyone in the area to see you, not fast enough to outrun anything that can fly, ect.) or THE absolute most dangerous method of travel, the Jetpack...

As Tikon said, the style of the game encourages D&D like travel of the world, people start off with Robot Horses(!) that cost as much as a freaking Hover vehichle that can transport a half dozen people vastly faster with much less danger, but that's just the spirit of the characters/game. A lot is made of the fact that most of the land is uncharted wilderness with no roads or paths and difficult going, but that's only if you use the least efficient vehichles/means of travel to go across them.

Traix/NGR was actually one that always, even years ago when it first came out, made me scratch my head. The Gargoyles are SLOW. They just can't fly anywhere close to fast, pretty much everything presented in the books that can fly (technologically) can fly faster than them, and anything that can actually fly (like a plane) can not only easily out-distance them, but should be easily able to fly far higher than they can possible go. Jet Aircraft with missiles/bombs seems like THE way to fight Gargoyles, but instead the game enforces this mechanic where the humans are, for the most part, limited to fighting them on foot (or in ground based power armours and robots) and the Gargoyles get this natural movement advantage of flight. The same goes for the Xiticix and the CS/People fighting them. Their air travel speed is SO slow, that while it's better than being limited to walking, it's nothing compared to anything that can actually fly (and their swarming puts them in a terrible position to just be bombed out with plasma missiles/ect), and yet, when talk about travelling near/through a hive comes up, it's suggested the best way to do so is to slowly and quietly walk through.

I know we can all come up with reasons to make these things make sense (the air elemental one is a good one, as would be a full ecology of fast flying aerial predators that exist in the lower atmosphere to threaten ONLY flying based creatures capable of that height), but really it is how it is just because that's how the game was imagined. Heck, the Four Horsemen appear on Rifts Earth, and all they need to do is join together to be unstoppable... and they slowly WALK across freakin' Africa to accomplish this goal...

As I said, I don't mind aircraft being introduced, or people pushing their inclusion more, but the more stuff that's added in that was outside of the scope of the original game concept, often the more ludicrous the original stuff looks/more hand-waving it takes to make in game groups and decisions make sense. The CS started off with a handful of converted F-14's (I think) guarding Chi-Town just because no one else made planes because the tech wasn't common/needed (just because). All of ARCHIE3's Robot Drones walk everywhere while Skelebots trudge along Terminator style and the NGR makes armies of bipedal hunter-killers and in a world of apparantely light and mastered hover-tech no one makes flying drones. Enemies are considered mobile when they can fly at a low ceiling at around 80km/h. Chi-Town and Tolkeen are considered far enough away that it takes a real effort for one to deploy forces/attack the other.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Shark_Force »

certain forms of flight being relatively rare does make sense. a plane isn't any good if you can't land at your destination, and a fair number of places won't have the resources to maintain an airstrip, so any plane that needs a runway is going to be pretty limited... you need V/STOL vehicles to really work.

as to the possibility of landing on water, as is fairly often done with planes that fly into wilderness areas today, i would argue that while the skies being dangerous sounds a bit suspect... the water in rifts earth really does have quite a few horrible things, and a plane's mobility in water will be quite a bit lower (especially if you leave it in the water overnight).

that doesn't do much to explain why they don't have aircraft being fairly common in areas where large (mostly) flat open spaces are common, but it does help explain somewhat.

that and the comparatively advanced skills needed to maintain such vehicles... i'd say they *should* be rarer than ground vehicles. automotive and basic mechanics are available as secondary skills. aircraft mechanics, not so much. in fact, i think there are only 4 OCCs in the core book that can actually take anything in mechanics other than basic and automotive; the operator, the rogue scientist, the cyber-doc, and the techno-wizard. most classes have automotive mechanics available as an OCC-related skill, often with some sort of bonus. plus you gotta figure you need some fairly specialized tools to use the skill at all.

not just that, but when flying, failed navigation rolls for aircraft put you 2d6x100 or more miles off course, failed rolls for ground navigation put you only 2d6x10 miles off course, an order of magnitude smaller. driving a car has a 10% higher base skill as well, and a failed roll very seldom results in you plummeting thousands of feet to your death. aircraft frequently require a higher grade of fuel to function as well.

in short, flying *is* more difficult and dangerous than driving. think about it; in our modern world, with purpose-built airports scattered across the globe, carefully trained and experienced technicians and crew, radar stations, GPS systems, and constant maintenance being done on aircraft, we *still* frequently have problems. aircraft are regularly delayed or grounded because of those problems.

with all the resources we throw into making aircraft safe, reliable, affordable, and available to people... they are still very expensive, and suffer from reliability and safety issues, and are not used even *remotely* as often as ground transportation is used, in spite of how much faster they can travel.

now imagine what it must be like without those resources. and the only people who plausibly could make those kinds of investments? guess what: they have aircraft, and make use of them.

i would agree that there should be *some* aircraft. but i wouldn't say they should be terribly common.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Eashamahel wrote:RIFTS kind of seems to go back and forth on aircraft. It's mentioned several times in the early books (which to me really set the tone of the world) that air travel is extremely dangerous and lists several reasons for that and why it's so rarely done even by the super-powers of the world (Triax, CS, Japan), but none of the books ever expands on that or actually stats out any of the reasons for WHY it's so dangerous.

people keep claiming early books said its too dangerous to fly.. but i've yet to find these mentions.

so Page # and excerpts or it didn't happen.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by DhAkael »

OR just ignore canon and KS's idiotic waffling on air-craft and make the game your own... you want massive blimps and air-boats duking it out with breach-loading round-shot cannons? GO FOR IT! You want super-slick TW 'ghost' craft Vs. Skull-nosed aerodynamically impossible superjets? Hey why not?! *shrug* You are the Gm; YOU say what goes where. Bugg3r canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by taalismn »

Canon: "Oh no....not again....I was just managing to sit down again!"
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Not sure where the idea that air travel in Rifts was dangerous originated but I don't buy the elementals thing at all. Or that any supernatural creature that flies poses a credible threat to air travel.

Let's take a major air elemental with a MAXIMUM Spd of 300 which is approximately 200mph. Now compare that to the Triax XM-280 which travels at Mach 3. Let's say the air elemental becomes aware of the jet at a distance of 2 miles and moves to intercept. By the time the air elemental has moved that two miles to where the jet was, the jet is now 20 miles away. Basically for any jet, by the time the creature moves to intercept, the jet is already too far away for the supernatural creature to be a factor for it. The only way for supernatural creatures to interfere with jet aircraft is if the jets accidentally fly into them. By the way, for a 'slow' moving jet aircraft going at about 500mph, will have moved 5 miles away by the time the air elemental gets to the position where it was first spotted from. It will never catch up and never be a threat. The air elemental is only ever going to be a threat to the really slow moving aircraft such as power armor and helicopters. And only for the fastest of elementals. Most will only travel at about 170-180mph which will threaten hover bikes and jet packs.

On the other hand Atlantis is an advanced tech nation hostile to all human nations. It is likely that flying over or near Atlantis poses a genuine danger to air travel. But it is a relatively static and known obstacle that can be avoided. There may be some patrols to Newfoundland, England and Africa that also randomly interfere with both air and sea traffic.

Dimensional anomalies such as the Bermuda triangle and similar such as active nexus points also pose navigation hazards that may interfere with radio and navigation equipment. Again these are likely to be well known obstacles that can be avoided with proper planning.

The Orbital community poses some threat to high altitude craft but the description of the XM-288 suggests that the maximum ceiling that the Earth based ground powers can get away with is more or less known. At least by the NGR and likely the CS as well. A little trial and error is likely all that's needed for any other tech based nation to figure it out as well.

The last barrier to air travel is the technical knowledge and capability to create aircraft at all.

So there are obstacles but nothing that I would call insurmountable.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Tikon2000 »

I do remember an Erin Tarn getting air support from the NGR mentioned in the Africa World Book. A couple of fast fighters flew in and carpet bombed some hostiles.
Though it makes you wonder what kind of air forces Atlantis can all up to obliterate an area.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Cybermancer wrote:I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that.

because they didn't happen in the books
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by eliakon »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that.

because they didn't happen in the books

Juicer Uprisings page 97, its in the backstory/fluff on Aramis Knight. It Wasn't Erin Tarn that was being rescued but it does have an NGR airstrike.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by grandmaster z0b »

For air travel to be dangerous there needs to be some monsters that can compete with aircraft and/or work on the spatial anomalies and other dangers.

Elementals can travel at Mach 1 in energy form, so technically an Air Elemental could be flying around in energy form might be able to catch some aircraft and then form a body on top of the aircraft. Similarly astral projection allows you to move at mach 1 but I don't know if there that many monsters that have astral projection, however those that can could still use psychic powers on the pilot potentially causing havok.

What about a corrupted, evil version of the UFOnaut from Beyond the Supernatural? They travel at Mach 5 and have powerful psychic powers. Hmmm... maybe I'll write one up.

As far as anomalies go high altitude variations on Ley Line Storms would do well.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by flatline »

Rifts aircraft are too durable. Reduce their MDC to something vulnerable to passing small arms fire (or Call Lightning, in the case of air elementals), and suddenly air travel is dangerous even if the aircraft can outrun elementals.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Cybermancer »

flatline wrote:Rifts aircraft are too durable. Reduce their MDC to something vulnerable to passing small arms fire (or Call Lightning, in the case of air elementals), and suddenly air travel is dangerous even if the aircraft can outrun elementals.


I reject both the assumption that air travel needs to be made more dangerous and that Rifts aircraft are too durable.

And even if I didn't, speed and altitude negates these 'threats' just as they do today.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

If there are a lot of air craft...there will be people who want to plunder the goods they're transporting. TW and Tech bandits...air pirates.

Whacha gonna do when Don Carnage comes for you, brother?!?!
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that.

because they didn't happen in the books

In fact it did, as mentioned already it was actually in Juicer Uprising and did not involve Erin Tarn by t a mage.


Just because I happen to have Triax directly beside me and was just reading it a few days ago, I flipped to pg 131 where i remembered in the description of Triax super-sonic transport it's mentioned how 'comparatively' safe travel using it is.

"It stays in a low sub-orbital altitude because to go higher into orbit means getting blasted by Pre-Rifts weapon satellites in orbit around the planet (or possibly getting attacked or intercepted by the forces from the moon colony). The XM-288 Supersonic Transport is the vessel used to transport other vehicles, bots, power armour, weapons, supplies, and raw materials from the NGR to the Coalition States and vice cersa. The extreme altitude makes travel reasonably safe from would-be monster attackers and even most combat jets. Dimensional anomalies from the ley lines and rifts are also less common at these highers. The giant transport can cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach Chi-Town in less than three hours."

So, just from this one description, we can see that it takes an aircraft that flies nearly into orbit, and indeed to fly any higher would mean being shot down by space cannons (ie-you can't fly higher) to be "reasonably safe" from being attacked by monsters and for ley line storms and Rift activity to be 'less common'. This vehicle travels at Mach 4.5 by the way. So that's what it takes to be 'reasonably safe' to fly from Triax to Chi-Town, Mach 4.5 and almost into orbit/higher than pretty much any other vehichle can fly.

There are also references throughout Triax and the NGR about the dangers of trade abroad and how it's difficult due to geography (note: Not 'Easy because we have a plane that flies in orbit at mach 4.5 that we transport ALL our stuff in', but difficult and dangerous, pg 21 "Trade to Americas is difficult and dangerous because of it's geographical location, dimensional anomalies and the supernatural.") So again, even with this oribtal flyer at mach 4.5 that transports ALL of their stuff to North America (and under those conditions is "reasonably safe" from monster attacks and "less likely" to encounter RIFTS activity and ley line interference) trade is still "difficult and dangerous".

There are more references in Triax, as well as in England and Japan. I read these all in the last month, which is why I just quick flipped to this one, and maybe in the next few days I'll skim them again and get the correct passages for reference, but I think after claiming that one passage 'didn't exist' and being wrong, maybe you should go back and read a few of these old books yourself.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by flatline »

Cybermancer wrote:
flatline wrote:Rifts aircraft are too durable. Reduce their MDC to something vulnerable to passing small arms fire (or Call Lightning, in the case of air elementals), and suddenly air travel is dangerous even if the aircraft can outrun elementals.


I reject both the assumption that air travel needs to be made more dangerous and that Rifts aircraft are too durable.

And even if I didn't, speed and altitude negates these 'threats' just as they do today.

Armor is heavy. This is a bad thing for aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the less effective control surfaces are and the more closely the aircraft's handling resembles that of a brick with a rocket strapped to it.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

Just because I have a few second while cooking:

Rifts Japan, Page 9
"The Islands of Japan are extremely isolated from the rest of the world, particularly from distant Europe and the Americas. Remember, long distance travel, especially by air or sea, is incredibly dangerous. Ground travel has it's advantages and disadvantages, but is painfully slow and fraught with danger."

The book then goes on to detail the lands over which one MUST travel (on the ground) to get to Japan, before moving onto this:

"In the days before the Great Cataclysm and the transformation of Earth into a dimensional nexus, water or air travel were the easy alternatives to crossing thousands of miles of land and hostile natives. However, in the Time of the Rifts, such travel on the open seas or vast blue skies is suicide."

After listing the dangers that are present to water travelers, we get this:

"Less than 30% of most airborne or ocean travelers ever reach their destination and many of them don't arrive in one piece."

And on and on. Despite that being Page 9, it's effectively the first page of the book talking about Japan, and it's littered with references like that. As I said, I'm sure more exist in England, but I honestly don't feel like searching for them (though they aren't that hard to find).

I assume by now the point is well proven that, at least in the original vision of RIFTS, air travel was extremely rare and frought with danger, and yet those dangers were rarely explained. Comments from the writers (Kevin Siembieda in all of these early cases) are invariably about pirates, sea serpents and other water based dangers, while claiming travel by air is at least or more dangerous than travel by sea. It's the fact that this claim is made, again and again, in the early books but never supported by any stats, monsters, reasons, ect., that have led to the confusion in later books and among fans who (rightly) look at the world of RIFTS and ask 'what dangers? Why not fly?'

Anyways, I assume that's enough for you, glitterboy2098. From here, you'll have to go back and read the books yourself.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

flatline wrote:Armor is heavy. This is a bad thing for aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the less effective control surfaces are and the more closely the aircraft's handling resembles that of a brick with a rocket strapped to it.


The problem with this is that it assumes that we're dealing with something where real-world physics and aerodynamics actually matter in any way, when in fact in the entirely fictional world of RIFTS, they don't. Some authors and entries may try and keep things realistic, but if a book says that vehichle X breaks every law of aerodynamics 'just because' and is also the best-ity-bestest flying machine ever made, then that's just how it is. Death's Head Transports come to mind, but if KS (or some other writer) designed a 100 tonne cube of concrete and said there is a single ten foot propeller on top that makes it the ultimate jet fighter, and that it had 10 Boom Guns but didn't have to worry about recoil because it was in the air and not on the ground, then so it would be.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Eashamahel wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that.

because they didn't happen in the books

In fact it did, as mentioned already it was actually in Juicer Uprising and did not involve Erin Tarn by t a mage.

There are more references in Triax, as well as in England and Japan. I read these all in the last month, which is why I just quick flipped to this one, and maybe in the next few days I'll skim them again and get the correct passages for reference, but I think after claiming that one passage 'didn't exist' and being wrong, maybe you should go back and read a few of these old books yourself.

The scene as described was Erin Tarn being rescued by an NGR air strike. Which didn't happen in any book. And no air strike is described in Rifts Africa at all as was indicated. So saying that the scene referred to (that Erin Tarn was rescued by NGR air support) did not happen is a true statement. That the NGR is referred to conducting an air strike that doesn't involve Erin Tarn in a whole other book doesn't make it untrue.

So the passage he claims doesn't exist, does not in fact exist. The one you're referring to is a whole different passage describing something else entirely. Perhaps the poster was misremembering that passage in both content and location but it still wasn't accurately reported. It's kind of inappropriate for you to climb aboard glitterboy2098 for being wrong about a statement when in fact he's correct in his assertion that it didn't happen.

If you're referring to his comments about the difficulty of air travel, then that's what should be quoted.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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DhAkael wrote:OR just ignore canon and KS's idiotic waffling on air-craft and make the game your own... you want massive blimps and air-boats duking it out with breach-loading round-shot cannons? GO FOR IT! You want super-slick TW 'ghost' craft Vs. Skull-nosed aerodynamically impossible superjets? Hey why not?! *shrug* You are the Gm; YOU say what goes where. Bugg3r canon.

I actually missed this post I think while reading this thread, but I wanted to take a second and first of all, agree with it (not the "idiotic" part, but about making the game your own), and second of all, say that none of THESE ideas are actually against game cannon/concept.

The idea of people fighting in the sky is pretty common (Triax has supersonic jets introduced early on that it uses to hit targets outside of it's area of control, for example), as is the idea of people just meandering around (wingboards, flying ships [ships, not boats, but big pirate style vessels] and other craft limited to cruising ley lines like old-time vessels cruising along rivers) on flying machines of all types.

The only real issue of contention (the thing that's constantly warned about in the early books) seems to be the use of legit flying-craft for TRAVEL over 'long' distances.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Eashamahel wrote:Just because I have a few second while cooking:

Rifts Japan, Page 9
"The Islands of Japan are extremely isolated from the rest of the world, particularly from distant Europe and the Americas. Remember, long distance travel, especially by air or sea, is incredibly dangerous. Ground travel has it's advantages and disadvantages, but is painfully slow and fraught with danger."

The book then goes on to detail the lands over which one MUST travel (on the ground) to get to Japan, before moving onto this:

"In the days before the Great Cataclysm and the transformation of Earth into a dimensional nexus, water or air travel were the easy alternatives to crossing thousands of miles of land and hostile natives. However, in the Time of the Rifts, such travel on the open seas or vast blue skies is suicide."

After listing the dangers that are present to water travelers, we get this:

"Less than 30% of most airborne or ocean travelers ever reach their destination and many of them don't arrive in one piece."

And on and on. Despite that being Page 9, it's effectively the first page of the book talking about Japan, and it's littered with references like that. As I said, I'm sure more exist in England, but I honestly don't feel like searching for them (though they aren't that hard to find).

I assume by now the point is well proven that, at least in the original vision of RIFTS, air travel was extremely rare and frought with danger, and yet those dangers were rarely explained. Comments from the writers (Kevin Siembieda in all of these early cases) are invariably about pirates, sea serpents and other water based dangers, while claiming travel by air is at least or more dangerous than travel by sea. It's the fact that this claim is made, again and again, in the early books but never supported by any stats, monsters, reasons, ect., that have led to the confusion in later books and among fans who (rightly) look at the world of RIFTS and ask 'what dangers? Why not fly?'

Anyways, I assume that's enough for you, glitterboy2098. From here, you'll have to go back and read the books yourself.

thank you. and sorry about the tone of the post. a lot of times people on these forums tend to let their personal opinions and such rule the discussion, which they believe is in books but can never seem to be found. it happens enough that i tend to get a bit annoyed by it.

on those entries, i will suggest they could be read as intercontinental/ultra-long-range travel is very dangerous, which certainly would be true. the use of "thousands of miles" and "long range", along with the context of getting to a place like japan is what suggests it.
and it would be dangerous. with pretty much nowhere to stop for repairs if a problem occurs, lots of mystic triangles and storms and such to face, unknown dangers in the wilderness.. yeah trying to fly between continents would be pretty dangerous, even i you have a nuke-powered plane. if your still using fuel, your really out of luck.

so shorter range travel, like say just around the Domain of man in North America, i'd say air travel would be rather safer. you have more chances to get to a safe haven if something goes wrong, and you tend not to have to worry about things like dimensional storms and mystic triangles as much. though you would have to take into account various nation's territory and how they'd treat people crossing into it.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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Cybermancer wrote:So the passage he claims doesn't exist, does not in fact exist.

True, Erin Tarn was never rescued by an airstrike from the NGR.

Cybermancer wrote:The one you're referring to is a whole different passage describing something else entirely.

This, however, is not true. Although Erin Tarn was not a part of this story, everything else in it is correct. A person (not Tarn) was rescued by an airstrike from the NGR in Africa.

Also note that the line that started this was:

"I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that."

Which was answered by Glitteboy2098 with:

"because they didn't happen in the books"

When in fact a(ny) scene(s) like that DID happen in the book (Juicer Uprising) and involve those two areas (happened in Africa and was done by NGR).

The vast majority of the information was correct, the event itself did occur in the books with the exception that the person who it occurred to was wrong. Now, if this is a thread about 'things that have happened to Erin Tarn' then I suppose point proven, it didn't, but if it's a thread about Airplanes in RIFTS, and the important piece of information was then the EVENT which involved the planes and not the person.

As a small aside, I don't have a copy of Juicer Uprising anymore, but if someone does, they should check the passage about the death cultists and see if it was recorded by/presented by Erin Tarn, which would likely be the cause of the confusion (or it might just be that since it took place in Africa and involved the NGR it seemed reasonable to think it was her who it happened to).
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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Eashamahel wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:So the passage he claims doesn't exist, does not in fact exist.

True, Erin Tarn was never rescued by an airstrike from the NGR.

Cybermancer wrote:The one you're referring to is a whole different passage describing something else entirely.

This, however, is not true. Although Erin Tarn was not a part of this story, everything else in it is correct. A person (not Tarn) was rescued by an airstrike from the NGR in Africa.

Also note that the line that started this was:

"I'll have to take a look through my Africa and Triax books as I don't recall any scenes like that."

Which was answered by Glitteboy2098 with:

"because they didn't happen in the books"

When in fact a(ny) scene(s) like that DID happen in the book (Juicer Uprising) and involve those two areas (happened in Africa and was done by NGR).

The vast majority of the information was correct, the event itself did occur in the books with the exception that the person who it occurred to was wrong. Now, if this is a thread about 'things that have happened to Erin Tarn' then I suppose point proven, it didn't, but if it's a thread about Airplanes in RIFTS, and the important piece of information was then the EVENT which involved the planes and not the person.

As a small aside, I don't have a copy of Juicer Uprising anymore, but if someone does, they should check the passage about the death cultists and see if it was recorded by/presented by Erin Tarn, which would likely be the cause of the confusion (or it might just be that since it took place in Africa and involved the NGR it seemed reasonable to think it was her who it happened to).

I'm sorry but you don't get to dissect a scene and say that part of it happened and therefore statements that it didn't happen are false. The scene, as described, didn't happen. The statement was that Erin Tarn was rescued by NGR air support. The comment about that statement is that it didn't happen. It did not in fact happen. A similar incident did but that doesn't change the fact that it didn't happen, and that saying it didn't happen is an accurate and true statement.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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perhaps i should have just said "because they didn't happen in those books."
i knew that no such mention in WB4 or WB5. i'd not considered that the story might have been from a later book.

a lot of times when this topic comes up, the people involved often end up arguing their own house rules and worldviews instead of canon, yet they claim their info comes from the books, but of course no one ever seems to find the stuff they refer to.

i made the bad assumption that the person in question confused something from a campaign they'd heard of and just attributed it to a book, something that happens a lot on these forums when discussing topics like this.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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glitterboy2098 wrote:thank you. and sorry about the tone of the post. a lot of times people on these forums tend to let their personal opinions and such rule the discussion, which they believe is in books but can never seem to be found. it happens enough that i tend to get a bit annoyed by it.

No worries, it did seem a bit combative, but my post(s) might have seemed that way as well (they aren't).

glitterboy2098 wrote:on those entries, i will suggest they could be read as intercontinental/ultra-long-range travel is very dangerous, which certainly would be true. the use of "thousands of miles" and "long range", along with the context of getting to a place like japan is what suggests it.

Yeah, I think I wrote above that it's 'long' range travel that is the issue in the books, and it's all about what 'long' counts as. In Japan, 'long' is anywhere outside of Japan trying to get TO Japan, but I'm relatively certain if I flip through it that it also mentions Japan hardly travels (by air) outside of their controlled land area/off their own shore, and Japan isn't a very 'big' place, so it's all relative.

In the same way, people don't seem to have a problem fighting with jets, helicopters, SAMAS, ect., in pretty much every single book, nor doing short jumps with Jetpacks and things of the same type. I really think it's supposed to be true 'travel' by air that was supposed to be hindered in the early game concept in the same way that it's often mentioned in the early books in-universe that travel by Rift/ley-line is also extremely dangerous on-planet/from place to place on planet.

glitterboy2098 wrote:and it would be dangerous. with pretty much nowhere to stop for repairs if a problem occurs, lots of mystic triangles and storms and such to face, unknown dangers in the wilderness.. yeah trying to fly between continents would be pretty dangerous, even i you have a nuke-powered plane. if your still using fuel, your really out of luck.

It really seems like the majority of the danger is supposed to happen from Rifts/Ley line storms, ley line triangles, dimmensional anomalies and the like (with the illusive 'flying monster' being a vague, secondary concern). The problem, of course, is that we as readers first of all know exactly where the triangles are and how they work, so wouldn't have any problem plotting around them, whereas the NGR or the CS or another group would only have in-universe knowledge and no real hope of avoiding them, and secondly that there's really no mechanic for 'how many miles do I have to travel at speed X before I run into a random dimmensional anomaly/open Rifts/Ley Line Storm?'

We know by looking through the info on Ley Lines and Rifts what times these things occur, what their chances are, ect, and so travel SHOULD be pretty safe as long as we avoid those, but the in-universe effect seems to be that Rifts pop open at random at the perfect time to always foil people (or almost always), transport them at random to new worlds (which just might be the next Dimmension Book to be released), and other things that, if you were to do it re-occuringly to a party as the GM, would get people mad at you for being 'unreasonable' and making (what the books imply are) rare occurences happen so oftn.

glitterboy2098 wrote:so shorter range travel, like say just around the Domain of man in North America, i'd say air travel would be rather safer. you have more chances to get to a safe haven if something goes wrong, and you tend not to have to worry about things like dimensional storms and mystic triangles as much. though you would have to take into account various nation's territory and how they'd treat people crossing into it.

The fact that we really don't know what the Ley Lines look like in North America (and that they seem to work differently in the background than how they are presented in the rules) makes considering travel routes out of game hard (for me at least). Although their are 'demon triangles' at sea, I'd think there would have to be some on land as well, plus the normal Nexus points, super nexus points, ect.

It really does seem like a 'cheap' out to say 'well, you can't do X because there are Rifts', but that's really how it's presented, and that's because there aren't any other legit options given for why it is apparently SO dangerous. I really, fully do think it's another of those 'loose threads' in Rifts that just exists the way it does because that's how KS imagined it, and that when you start looking into it, and realizing theres really no reason presented for WHY it works that way, the whole thing starts to come unraveled. If newer books want to just ignore that loose thread and say 'it does work because there's no reason presented it shouldn't' (isn't there a commercial flight service in one of the NG books?) then I don't have any problem with that, the vision behind RIFTS seems to have shifted mightily over time (and actually pretty early on as well).
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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glitterboy2098 wrote:i made the bad assumption that the person in question confused something from a campaign they'd heard of and just attributed it to a book, something that happens a lot on these forums when discussing topics like this.

No worries, the general thrust of it was right, but the details were off, and I've looked through both Africa and Triax trying to find that story in the past as well, since it doesn't seem like something that would pop up in Juicer Uprising.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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Eashamahel wrote:
flatline wrote:Armor is heavy. This is a bad thing for aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the less effective control surfaces are and the more closely the aircraft's handling resembles that of a brick with a rocket strapped to it.


The problem with this is that it assumes that we're dealing with something where real-world physics and aerodynamics actually matter in any way, when in fact in the entirely fictional world of RIFTS, they don't. Some authors and entries may try and keep things realistic, but if a book says that vehichle X breaks every law of aerodynamics 'just because' and is also the best-ity-bestest flying machine ever made, then that's just how it is. Death's Head Transports come to mind, but if KS (or some other writer) designed a 100 tonne cube of concrete and said there is a single ten foot propeller on top that makes it the ultimate jet fighter, and that it had 10 Boom Guns but didn't have to worry about recoil because it was in the air and not on the ground, then so it would be.

If that's how you want to handle it, then so be it.

In my game, however, I correct things that I don't like. As you might imagine, many of the things I correct are science related where the author was either totally ignorant of the subject or at least didn't think things through.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by eliakon »

flatline wrote:
Eashamahel wrote:
flatline wrote:Armor is heavy. This is a bad thing for aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the less effective control surfaces are and the more closely the aircraft's handling resembles that of a brick with a rocket strapped to it.


The problem with this is that it assumes that we're dealing with something where real-world physics and aerodynamics actually matter in any way, when in fact in the entirely fictional world of RIFTS, they don't. Some authors and entries may try and keep things realistic, but if a book says that vehichle X breaks every law of aerodynamics 'just because' and is also the best-ity-bestest flying machine ever made, then that's just how it is. Death's Head Transports come to mind, but if KS (or some other writer) designed a 100 tonne cube of concrete and said there is a single ten foot propeller on top that makes it the ultimate jet fighter, and that it had 10 Boom Guns but didn't have to worry about recoil because it was in the air and not on the ground, then so it would be.

If that's how you want to handle it, then so be it.

In my game, however, I correct things that I don't like. As you might imagine, many of the things I correct are science related where the author was either totally ignorant of the subject or at least didn't think things through.


Which is cool for your game. House rules are a fact of gaming. But it doesn't negate his point that the books present things certain ways. Thus the premise of those books is that what is in the books is the way it works in Palladiumverse. Arguing that the books are wrong seems to me to be a pointless way of just getting into a 'oh yah, well nuh uh' sort of argument. Now where the books haven't said something it might be fine to try and argue that RW science should be used. But to try and 'fix' all the 'errors' in the game would seem to be a fools errand (especially since much of the basic assumptions like how damage works, or even how movement or combat works defy physics, let alone stuff like magic or cinematic technology)
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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Only none mystic power need transport aircraft mystic ones just teleport
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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can't teleport to places you've never seen.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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eliakon wrote: Arguing that the books are wrong seems to me to be a pointless way of just getting into a 'oh yah, well nuh uh' sort of argument.

I disagree. Pointing out mistakes and suggesting corrections is how we make the game better. It's also how we help to make others aware of how things really work. Finally, and perhaps most importantly from my own perspective, very often I learn something from the resulting discussion.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by eliakon »

flatline wrote:
eliakon wrote: Arguing that the books are wrong seems to me to be a pointless way of just getting into a 'oh yah, well nuh uh' sort of argument.

I disagree. Pointing out mistakes and suggesting corrections is how we make the game better. It's also how we help to make others aware of how things really work. Finally, and perhaps most importantly from my own perspective, very often I learn something from the resulting discussion.


Except that by the time your finished 'correcting' all the 'mistakes' the game would be a totally different game. Just off the top of my head you would have to redo, all the armor, all the energy weapons, cybernetics, genetics, nanites, energy densities of storage mediums, computers, weapon ranges, weapon scales, speeds, stats, strength, interta, gravity....and then there is the can of worms of what is the 'correct' way to do magic..... :?:
For your own game sure, do what you want to, but there some of us are happy to use the actual game as written and not make our own system.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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eliakon wrote:
flatline wrote:
eliakon wrote: Arguing that the books are wrong seems to me to be a pointless way of just getting into a 'oh yah, well nuh uh' sort of argument.

I disagree. Pointing out mistakes and suggesting corrections is how we make the game better. It's also how we help to make others aware of how things really work. Finally, and perhaps most importantly from my own perspective, very often I learn something from the resulting discussion.


Except that by the time your finished 'correcting' all the 'mistakes' the game would be a totally different game. Just off the top of my head you would have to redo, all the armor, all the energy weapons, cybernetics, genetics, nanites, energy densities of storage mediums, computers, weapon ranges, weapon scales, speeds, stats, strength, interta, gravity....and then there is the can of worms of what is the 'correct' way to do magic..... :?:

It is not necessary, or even desirable, to correct everything since some corrections would remove things from the game that we want to keep. Correct the things that are wrong that don't somehow contribute positively to the game (like mach speed limits on space ships) while preserving the things that make the setting interesting (like magic).

For your own game sure, do what you want to, but there some of us are happy to use the actual game as written and not make our own system.

That's great. And those of us who are unhappy with certain elements of the game will continue to discuss how to improve things (or at least try to understand the issue more thoroughly). These forums are the ideal place for such discussions.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

flatline wrote:If that's how you want to handle it, then so be it.

Well, that's not how I 'handle' it, that's how it is. When you order a Palladium book, the info in it says certain things. All of the 'that's wrong, it's not how it should work' ect., ect., doesn't change how things actually ARE.

That said, people should run games anyway they feel is appropriate and have fun with them. I know I've used different 'interpretations' of Rifts or ran things different ways (changing game stats) for different games, and they've all been just as much fun.

This thread though is about the current, existing background of RIFTS in regards to air travel as it was presented in the original vision of RIFTS (RMB + first ten World Books I'd guess, with a few exceptions like South America which are someone else' vision) what that original tone of the game was, and why.

On the correction issue, if I could make corrections to RIFTS books (in a magical world where they let me edit their copies which would effect all further printings) I would 100% guaranteed fix the editing errors or match the descriptions/illustrations/stats that are presented. Far more than the science, that stuff really bothers me (as my rambling little thread on Japan showed) since by it not matching that means one (or more) of those IN-UNIVERSE things is wrong. I don't care about trying to correct how in-universe stuff works (or doesn't) so that it matches OUT of universe stuff/reality (I often point out the sillyness of the HtH skills, Physical Skills, combat, ect.), really all I care about is making sure the in universe stuff matches other in-universe stuff.

For example, if RIFTS said helicopters are faster than jet planes because they were designed that way, and every set of stats for the two backed that up, then I'd have absolutely no problem with that, it's how the game works and doesn't break immersion. But if a description of a vehichle describes it as a jetfighter, and the picture has rotor blades on top, and the stats say it only has a ground travel speed, THAT breaks the immersion, because it's something in-game contradicting something else in-game.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Tor »

Eashamahel wrote:none of the books ever expands on that or actually stats out any of the reasons for WHY it's so dangerous.

Level 3 shifters who can command Greater Air Elementals (although this never really got clarified until Dark Conversions and RUE, or maybe that dimension book... shifters get upped in so many places it overwhelms me) to take out easily visible aircraft is one major reason I think. Cast CotW, go 500mph, can catch up with most aircraft, only the Mach-level guys are safe.

Not to mention all those CB1 guys with Sonic Flight who can pester planes. Rifts is just full of speed-of-sound vagabonds wielding Energy Expulsion.

When you travel via ground you're not always as visible due to coverage, horizon line, not blipping the radar, etc.

Of course flying super-high or above cloud cover could create protection from piracy-targetting I guess.

Eashamahel wrote:major game events seem to pretty much completely ignore the idea of aircraft (Siege of Tolkeen being a big one there) so, although they are present in the background/stats, they still don't appear to be part of the concept/story of the world.
In what way were they left out.

The initial volley of long-range missiles used against Tolkeen I figured had been launched from CS aircraft.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
Eashamahel wrote:It's mentioned several times in the early books (which to me really set the tone of the world) that air travel is extremely dangerous and lists several reasons for that and why it's so rarely done even by the super-powers of the world (Triax, CS, Japan)
people keep claiming early books said its too dangerous to fly.. but i've yet to find these mentions. so Page # and excerpts or it didn't happen.

Probably not the best examples, but to get the ball rolling until people find better references:

Atlantisp12 "grey to black clouds roll in, the wind gusts at around 35mph" .. "a ley line storm can occur at any time along any ley line on land or at sea"

Sounds like it might make flight difficult. Even if Rifts did have modern weather-prediction abilities (unlikely) this would be very hard to predict, and is a lot rougher on aircraft.

NGRp131 "The extreme altitude makes travel reasonably safe from would-be monster attackers and even most combat jets. Dimensional anomalies from the ley lines and rifts are also less common at these heights".

Implication being that lower-altitude aircraft are vulnerable to being attacked by flying beasts (if slow) or ramming into ley storms with little warning (if fast).

Cybermancer wrote:Let's take a major air elemental with a MAXIMUM Spd of 300 which is approximately 200mph. Now compare that to the Triax XM-280 which travels at Mach 3.

Majors all know "creature of the wind" and can increase beyond the maximum speed to 150% higher at 500mph, although that's still below the XM-280.

Mid-flight, unless the flight path could be predicted and directly intercepted, the main risk to a pilot in this thing would be when they run low on food and have to land. Their flight speed would slow down as they came down on a strip, and that's where air elementals could lie in ambush.

More flexible aircraft like the XM-275 would have less predictable less obvious landing habits and would probably be better at avoiding the elementals, in spite of being slower than the XM-280.

The XM-270 is of course too slow to evade an amped-up Major Air, although they would have to be spell-sped so it could not be done casually and PPE would need to be regenerated in between pursuits.

The XM-180 could normally evade elementals but would be vulnerable to them during drop-slowdowns.

Tikon2000 wrote:I do remember an Erin Tarn getting air support from the NGR mentioned in the Africa World Book. A couple of fast fighters flew in and carpet bombed some hostiles.

The NGR carpet-bombing a horde of undead is mentioned in Juicer Uprising. I don't recall Tarn being brought into it, nor am I noticing NGR aircraft mentioned in Tarn's 2 letters at the start of Africa or her journal at the start of NGR.

Presumably the NGR was aiding the gathering-of-heroes and Tarn was tagging along with them and writing down what they did (who knows, maybe she used a talisman of fireball or laser pistol to help now and then) so I guess they could've possibly helped her, but it might've been some other group.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by flatline »

Eashamahel wrote:
flatline wrote:If that's how you want to handle it, then so be it.

Well, that's not how I 'handle' it, that's how it is. When you order a Palladium book, the info in it says certain things. All of the 'that's wrong, it's not how it should work' ect., ect., doesn't change how things actually ARE.

If this were a video game where the rules are implemented in unchangeable code, you would be correct. However, that is not the case. The books contain ideas that we can use to run our game, nothing more, nothing less. We have a special word for what's written in the books: canon. But it's just a label. Being canon has no power over us and a game that uses canon ideas is not automatically better or worse than a game that uses ideas from other sources.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Tor »

Recognizing the problem is one thing, but there are multiple fixes for it.

1) make everyone capable of safe air travel, all lack of prior air travel was due to superstition, world changes
2) reveal the secret reason why air travel is so dangerous, introduce special air-rifts and invisible flying threats, MDC cloud monsters that eat people, etc.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Eashamahel »

Tor wrote:
The initial volley of long-range missiles used against Tolkeen I figured had been launched from CS aircraft.

Really? I never got that impression. It's been awhile, but I had thought they were launched by a general who had set up a stationary position outside of Tolkeen. I assume they were launched by Robots/Tanks.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by kaid »

Eashamahel wrote:
Tor wrote:
The initial volley of long-range missiles used against Tolkeen I figured had been launched from CS aircraft.

Really? I never got that impression. It's been awhile, but I had thought they were launched by a general who had set up a stationary position outside of Tolkeen. I assume they were launched by Robots/Tanks.

Given the ranges involved I am pretty sure LRM missiles launched from chitown itself could reach tolkeen. The distances involved between northern IL and the twin cities area is not that far and I believe is well within long range missiles from chi town and even more so from other boarder forts/bases they clearly must have along the western edges of IL by the mississippi.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by kaid »

I think the omission of the planes from NG2 was due to any not wanting personal aircraft reason or they would not have put the bush pilot in NG1. I think it was more of a matter of they had to put their foot down somewhere and the book was already almost double the original intended size. We have enough evidence of both the CS and triax at least having some long range high altitude aircraft so there is not much reason the NG would not have at least some capability in that direction especially when both books make mention of these things existing.

That said flight by more traditional planes in rifts earth has some perils. First for traditional aircraft is most require a runway of some sort. Some bush planes and even the c130 can potentially land on some really sketchy areas but most still require at least an attempt at a runway a long flat cleared space. Outside some known larger towns these are likely to be very uncommon. It is one reason one of the primary vehicles of the CS is the deaths head transport which can land anywhere with a clearing wide enough for it. The NG2 has a similar if smaller flying APC/cargo craft with similar capabilities.

It would have been nice if they had added in some basic bush planes in NG2 but given how its size ballooned something was not going to make the cut and it looks like the bush and cargo planes were it.
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Re: Rifts: Air Power! or what happened to...

Unread post by Shark_Force »

to be fair, basic bush planes should be really easy to add.

just take the speed etc from a regular modern plane, give it a few MDC or whatever, and call it a day.
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