After the Bomb II Erratta

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After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by NMI »

Anything specifically wrong in any of the After the Bomb II? I dont mean what you would have done differently or this sucks, etc.. I mean things like typos, wrong number values, something mentioned to be in a given book, but not in it?

Please be as precise as possible.

Keep this thread to erratta only as this is something that "The Galactus Kid" needs.

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Last edited by NMI on Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by dulsi »

That is great to hear. I can't help but wonder if my questions/complaints on the forum helped this come about. If so I'm sorry but thankful that the erratta is being made. Here are my Q&A posts.

"ATB Domestic Skills"
1) If I get a Domestic skill as a primary skill (not part of an apprenticeship) does it get the 10% bonus? Or is the bonus only given if you take the skill as two secondary skills?

Accepted answer from Q&A: yes.

"ATB Armor Weight"
1) In the equipment section of ATB pg 153, it list Spider Silk Armor as "lightweight". Does that have a game effect?

2) What is the weight for armors? How is it affected by the creature's size level?

"ATB Hunting, Bio-Regeneration, and a map"
1) I started creating a character with a feral background. One of the starting skills, Hunting, isn't described in the list of skills. What are the rules for Hunting or should it be eliminate/replaced with something else?

Accepted answer from Erick Wujcik: For the "Feral" characters it should be 'Trapping' instead of Hunting.

2) In the Gun Bunnies & Zombies adventure, Brother Bill has the Psionic power of Bio-Regeneration. There is no description of this power. What does the power do? How much BIO-E does it cost or is it not available to players?

Accepted answer from Erick Wujcik: This is not something that should be available to player characters.

In the case of Brother Bill, assume that the Bio-Regeneration is roughly the equivalent of the version in Healing Psionics found in other Palladium games, and that the character can restore 2D6 Hit Points or 3D6 S.D.C., up to once per hour. Each time it is used it takes eight melee rounds.

3) In the Gun Bunnies & Zombies adventure, the Benny Area description has a reference to a map "(indicated by shading on the map)." Should there be a map or should the comment be removed?

Accepted answer: Since the map doesn't appear to be in the original ATB book, there isn't a readily available copy. Simply ignore the comment about the map.

"ATB Frontier and Hunting"
Raised on the Frontier also has the Hunting skill but that background already has the Trapping skill. Should the skill be eliminated, replaced with something else or left as is? If left as is what are the rules for Hunting?

"ATB Kick It"
1) Based on the fact that Kick attack is learned skill of HtH: Basic, Expert and Assassin and automatic for HtH: Martial Arts, does kicks do the same damage as punches normall? (I'm assuming people can kick even without the Kick attack,)

2) What is the damage for a Kick attack? Basic, Expert, and Assassin say their Kick attack is 1D6. Martial Arts says 1D8. Basic damage table (p 145) says 2D4 or 1D8.

3) How about a Karate-style kick? Marial Arts says 1D8 or 2D4 at 3rd level. Basic damage table says 2D6.

4) Should that be Karate-style punch at 3rd level Martial Arts instead (or also)? When do you get the Karate kick if it is suppose to be a punch?

"ATB Brute Strength"
1) If I have a Mole with PS 7 and use BIO-E to get Brute Strength, what does that do? Just increase carry/lift? Increase PS to 17?

Accepted answer: All of the strength powers in ATB2 increase one's weight capacity (and base unarmed damage in the case of Crushing strength), but don't change one's actual P.S. score. Brute strength merely happens to be possessed automatically by anyone with a P.S. of 17 or greater.

2) If I have a Mole with PS 20 and use BIO-E to get Beastly Strength, do I have to pay full BIO-E cost or just the difference from Brute to Beastly since the high strength automatically give Brute Strenght?

Accepted answer: Unfortunately not. Having a power by default (whether it be strength level, natural weapons, leaping, etc.) doesn't give you a discount on upgrades.

"ATB Animal Questions"
1) Badger has 2D4 Digging Claws for 5 B IO-E. It also lists Digging Claws without any damage as 10 BIO-E in it's powers section.

Accepted answer: The second entry appears to be a misprint; not only does it not include damage, it's in the wrong section. Go with the listing under Natural Weapons.

2) Do bats get the same penalty for hands on wings as birds? I would assume so.

Accepted answer: The book doesn't say, but common sense would say yes. Their selection of human features and animal powers include flight and extra limbs just like birds, and their hands are on their wings by default, just like birds (which is funny because the bird section mentions the placement of the hands as being like a bat).

3) Do you have to have Digging Claws to get Digging, Tunneling or Excavation? It doesn't look like it.

Accepted answer: Nope. Digging claws are helpful in digging (allowing one to physically attack tree roots, rocks, building foundations, etc., with one's bare hands), but not specifically required.

"ATB Psionics"
1) In ATB2, pg 61 says Psionics get a 10 or higher save vs. animal psionics. But pg147, says 12 or higher. Which is correct?

Accepted answer: 10 or higher

2) Bio-Manipulation requires concentration to maintain. Does that mean he cannot do any other attacks or does he simply lose one attack per round?

Answer posted in FAQ: It means each Bio-Manipulation use counts as one attack and the character cannot use any other psionic powers while using Bio-Manipulation.

Answer I accepted: Concentration counts as one attack. (I understood that the initial attack counts as one attack and you can't use another psionic while using it. I wanted to know what concentration meant as mind trap shows that it isn't always one attack.)

3) A simple Mind Trap uses one attack per round. Can the rest of your attacks be used to beat up the subject without his being able to defend himself?

Accepted answer: Yes

"ATB Combat Question"
After reading the ATB book, I assumed a combat would go as follows:

Character A has 4 attacks/round. Character B has 4 attacks/round.
A wins initiative.
A fires bow at B.
B dodges.
Both now have 3 attacks/round left.
I assumed B then gets to act.

But the Rifts combat example disagrees with this explaination. It says B used his action so it goes back to A for combat. Is this how combat is intended for ATB as well?

About aimed shots, the ATB book says "the act of carefully aiming takes a bit of extra time but provides greater accuracy and still counts as one melee attack per aimed shot." I read this as an aimed shot takes one action just like a wild shot. Again the Rifts combat example says an aimed shot takes two actions. Is this the intention of ATB as well?

A combat example would a great thing to have.
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Bird questions

Unread post by dulsi »

The explaination of bird wings is odd to me. Say you have an Eagle. You're choices are have glide, some kind of flight, vestigal wings or no wings. So if you take vestigal wings you get -10 BIO-E but if take no wings or tail you get -20 BIO-E. Why do you get more BIO-E for having no disadvantages? (One person explain it as you have no arms in that case and need extra limbs. That doesn't seem right. Besides eagles would gain 5 BIO-E by getting extra limbs and not taking vestigal wings and tail. Owls would break even so why bother with the disadvantage. The only reasonable explanation I could think of is that other bird folk treat you badly and think of you as a invalid.)

If you take vestigial wings do you also need to take vestigial tail? Do you get the BIO-E and disadvantages of vestigial tail.
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ATB Bio-Manipulation

Unread post by dulsi »

If you are using Bio-Manipulation on a person and maintaining concentration requires only one attak per round, could you attack additional people with Bio-Manipulation? Could you use a different form of Bio-Manipulation on the person you are still concentrating on or does that count as a different psionic power?
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Unread post by Rali »

I am going through the book this weekend to look for any errors that I/we may have overlooked, but here are the ones that I've known about for some time:

Speed Loaders: At the top of page 152 (col 1, graph 1) it states: "The cost of the speed loader is 100 bucks." (statement made in general). However, on pages 155 and 156, under "Revolvers", each model of revolver has it's own price for a speed loader from 5 - 50 bucks. There is also no clarification if these speed loaders come with the ammo listed (i.e.: "Speed-loader with seven bullets, 35 bucks", Tobermoray .14 Revolver). It is assumed that refers to how many rounds the speed loader holds, not that every speed loader comes with X number of rounds already attached.

Hunting: This skill is listed under "Feral Background" and "Raised on the Frontier" on page 17 under these backgrounds Primary Skills. However, as previously mentioned, this skill appears nowhere in the book.

Map of the old Albany/Troy area: In the "Gun Bunnies & Zombies" adventure, in the third paragraph of "The Benny Area" on page 196, it mentions in parenthesis: (indicated by shading on the map). However, there is no map in the adventure, and it is not a reference either of the "Missing Maps" posted in the Cutting Room Floor.

Stats for Stuckey: In "A Journey to Boar's Town", the commander of the M.E.B. has not stats aside from his weapon of choice, armor, hit points and SDC mentioned on page 204, under M.E.B. Personnel. Not sure if this was an oversight or intentional omission.
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Unread post by Rali »

Still working my way through the book. Also added more info to the Psionic Saving Throw error dulsi found:

Typo: Page 168, 2nd paragraph, last sentence: "Talichiland seems poised to spread it boarder east,"

Psionics Save Target: Page 61, 2nd paragraph: "Psionics must roll a 10 or higher save against Animal Psionics." However, on page 147 in the Saving Throws section, it says: "Animal Psionics: 12 or higher, for character with Animal Psionic Powers, with M.E. bonus."

Talichiland: On page 168, Talichiland's Military description seems to be a direct copy of Zambiziland's Military: The "Royal Militia" consists of 4,000 recruits. I mention this as a possible error because most everything in Talichiland is a mystery, and since Talichiland is described as a "hive" a military of recruits is highly unlikely as the description also states that the society would most likely have specialized workers and warriors. If it's not a hive with specialized warriors, the fact that so much is unknown it's still unlikely that it would be known how large it's military force would be.

Inkuruland: Also on page 168, Inkuruland seems to be missing a lot of information: Description, Military Strength, Education info, and Economy. Not sure if this was an unintentional omission or if it was left for individual GM's to fill in. However, it seems that with the three African nations locked in war, and that the other two have a fair bit of info attached to them, it seems odd to leave this one with so little info.
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Unread post by BookWyrm »

I'll add all this to a new file & print it out when it's done.
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Attributes Beyond 30: On page 13, column 1, 1st paragraph. It says that a PS of 40 is "the absolute P.S. limit for normal humans and humanoids" which contradicts the limit set by Beastly Strength (max 50). And then goes on to talk about "super abilities" that aren't even covered in this book. Also at the end of the 2nd paragraph, it says in parenthasis (see below), but there is nothing below.
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Beastly Strength: On page 12, column 2, 1st paragraph, 2nd sentence, under Beastly Strength. The term is Beastly P.SA. suddenly changes to Extraordinary P.SA. without explanation that it may be the same thing. Consider replacing this description with the one shown on page 70, 1st column, 3rd paragraph (Beastly Strength) where this is clarified.

Crushing Strength: On page 12, column 2, 2nd paragraph, under Crushing Strength. Again terms are changed without explanation. It does not say that Crushing P.S. is Supernatural Strength, but in the second sentence it says, "Characters whose strength is Supernatural..." Consider replacing this description with the one shown on page 70, 1st column, 4th paragraph (Crushing Strength) where this is clarified.

Purebred herd/pack instinct example: Page 14, column 2, 2nd paragraph under Purebred Table. It start talking about "herd or pack instinct" and how "tribes" are rare. Then the second sentence starts with "For example," and talks about the Pixie-Bobs and Egyptian Throwbacks, but gives no example of herd/pack instinct or tribes among purebreds. The paragraph on Pigs (4th paragraph in this section) should be the example that follows "For example" in the 2nd paragraph.
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Unread post by dulsi »

On p 151, it says "12 or higher if the target is small". Could some guidance as to what is "small"? Is 3 feet small? Is 4 inches small?
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Rifter #18

Unread post by dulsi »

I picked up Rifter #18 for the Emperor Penguin stats only to find several other answers:

It says someone who gets brute strength is raised to the minimum level (17) if less than the minimum. Now since none of the other strength have a minimum do they stay unchanged or increase to 17?

It also gives the stats for the hunting skill which implies that it shouldn't be replaced. They do tell you it is a "Wilderness Skill" which implies to be that they didn't bother to look at the AtB2 book.
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Unread post by dulsi »

From starting skill percentage thread:

Each skill lists a base percentile + an adder per level. For example, a skill is 50% + 5% per level. At Level 1, is the skill at 50% or 55%?

50%. In later books it has been specifically clarified that the per level bonus starts at second level.

It doesn't appear to be specified in the AtB2 book.
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Unread post by dulsi »

On p142, it says "Note that the shooter will have penalties if he is moving as well as shooting at moving targets. See the Modern Combat section." There doesn't appear to be any mention of said penalties.

I suppose you could consider p151 "Moving or dodging targets are more difficult to hit and require a role of 12 or higher to strike. Also see Dodging & Parrying Ranged Weapons." But that only explains moving targets not moving shooters. It appears under called shots but I assume it applies to all types of shots. It doesn't explainif someone at a distance (61+ feet), has the same roll to hit or not. I don't see any "Dodging & Parrying Ranged Weapons" section.

So appearently you can dodge bullets and energy attacks with a -10 penalty and no bonuses. When dodging the shooter needs a 12 or higher to strike making the entire dodge useless unless you roll a natural twenty. Maybe they didn't mean the combat action of dodging but simply running and trying to avoid being hit but I have no idea.
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Unread post by dulsi »

On p145, the Bull Whip is listed as doing 2D4 or 1D8. On p154, Bullwhip is listed as doing 2D6.

On p 218, Ali Komani is probably has Card Shark not Card Sharp.

On p222, Canine Ranger Unit has a Hunting skill of 86%. Although missing in the AtB2 book other books don't give it a percentage. Instead it gives bonuses to other skills.
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Weapons Section Errors
Found these while typing up an equipment sheet handout for a game this past weekend.

Hooves, Metal Shod & Hooves, Metal Spiked: both descriptions say "See Farrier for costs." No prices are listed under the farrier apprenticeship.

Rhode Island .38 vs .38 Derringer: Both guns use the same ammo, but do not do the same damage. They also list the same ammo at different prices.

Labarre .45 vs Razorback .45: Again, these guns use the same hollow point ammo, but do not do the same damage. They also list the same ammo (both regular .45 & .45 Hollow Point) at different prices. (sidenote: the Ouachita .45 SMG lists the same base ammo price pre box of 24 as the Labarre)

Basco 5.56 Bolt-Action Rifle: Feed says "Single shot or 5 round clip", however under ammunition it offers a "Clip with 6 rounds."

Carter 10 Gauge vs. Tallahasse 10 Gauge: Another instance of the same ammo doing different damage and listing different costs.

Basco 5.56 Bolt-Action Rifle vs. Cardanian Assault Rifle: Another instance of the same ammo doing different damage.
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Wild Shooting vs. Shooting Wild???
Pages 151 & 152

Wild Shooting says that there is No Penalty however Shooting Wild says "The penalty for for shooting wild is -6 to strike."

Equipment Weights Omited:
Pages 152 - 154

I know that the Spider Silk Armor's lightweight notation has been brought up, but I should note that there are NO weight's listed for items under the Equipment Section until you get to the Firearms.
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I don't have my copy of AtB with but. Isn't the Labarre a revolver. And the Razorback a self loading pistol. Different damages would make sense. The revolver would be (in my thinking) similar if not a copy of .45 long colt. The same cartridge used in the peacemaker. While the auto loader would use a copy or variation of the .45ACP. The .45 long colt is more powerful than the .45ACP.
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Unread post by maasenstodt »

Rali wrote:Weapons Section Errors
Found these while typing up an equipment sheet handout for a game this past weekend.

While Palladium has traditionally kept damage standardized for each caliber, it's worth noting that it is quite possible for two firearms firing the same ammunition to have substantially different effects upon their target. This is probably most evident in rifles, where the length of the barrel alone (think carbine vs. sniper rifle) can account for variances of 33% or more in the foot-pound energy of the bullet's impact.

Given the post-apocalyptic scenario, it probably works to everyone's benefit to have fewer calibers available. OTOH, given the great differences in the sizes of firearms users in this setting, the size of the weapons themselves will necessarily vary greatly. This situation could make sense of the existing numbers.
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Grey Death wrote:I don't have my copy of AtB with but. Isn't the Labarre a revolver. And the Razorback a self loading pistol. Different damages would make sense. The revolver would be (in my thinking) similar if not a copy of .45 long colt. The same cartridge used in the peacemaker. While the auto loader would use a copy or variation of the .45ACP. The .45 long colt is more powerful than the .45ACP.

maasenstodt wrote:While Palladium has traditionally kept damage standardized for each caliber, it's worth noting that it is quite possible for two firearms firing the same ammunition to have substantially different effects upon their target. This is probably most evident in rifles, where the length of the barrel alone (think carbine vs. sniper rifle) can account for variances of 33% or more in the foot-pound energy of the bullet's impact.

That may be so, but the book makes no mention of these ammunition differences (for simplicities sake I would immagine). So it's better to keep ammunition damage based on calliber unless there's something in the weapon's description that reflects a good reason for the difference. After all all the gun does is aim and fire the ammo, the damage is determined by the slug and the propellant. However, maasenstodt make a good point, but I don't recall that differences like this were ever taken into account in the Palladium's Compendium of Contemporary Weapons, but I'll have to go back and look.

If the weapons had explained that the ammunition described was .45 ammunition made by X manufacuter, as compared to .45 ammunition made by Y or Z manufacturer who may use more or less propellant, or a softer slug, or whatever...

Also, IIRC, the only real difference between automatic pistols, revolvers, and rifles in Palladium games has been accuracy.
Last edited by Rali on Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Not to be picky but the gun guy in me demands it. .45 long colt has a far larger powder charge behind it and is a rimmed cartridge. .45long colt power wise is just shy of .44 mag. While .45ACP is a rimmless design with smaller powder charge. (at least when compared to a .45LC) But as you said it was probably all run right together for simplicities sake.
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Tarvok wrote:The "Raised on the Frontier" background (page 17) has under "Secondary Skills" "Select any eight domestic skills."

Is this deliberate, or should the frontiersman be able to pick from all secondaries?
One explanation is that when you're on the frontier, you probably have a limited pool of skills to learn in the first place.

Maybe it's more of the "old west" type of frontier where tech is very-rare.

*shrug* :D
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Unread post by dulsi »

Keep this thread to erratta only as this is something that "The Galactus Kid" needs.

I take it since 'The Galatus Kid' internship is up we aren't really getting an errata. I suppose it doesn't matter for me anymore anyway.
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Unread post by gordyzx9r »

Mephisto wrote:
ScooterinAB wrote:My friend told me that the animals out of the other books (like Road Hogs and Mutants Down Under) are, rules wise, worse that the animals in ATB 2. Like not having as many ability options or BIO E as the animals in the newer book. Now, I understand that there are quite a few animals in these other books.

Is there a call on this? Like "give them 10 more BIO E and call it a day" or something like that? Or is the issue more complicated?

Read the stickied thread "Revised Mutant Animals" where I updated the animals in Road Hogs, Mutants in Avalon, Mutants of the Yucatan, Mutants Down Under and Magic of Palladium Books. The other threads update Transdimensional TMNT as well as including new animals not seen in ATB2.

I think he was fishing for an official ruling and not homebrew.
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Question: What about Vehicle stats & prices ? I didn't see 'em listed in the book.The goes with the fuel prices as well.
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Sgt_Leo_MacKenzie_CSA wrote:Question: What about Vehicle stats & prices ? I didn't see 'em listed in the book.The goes with the fuel prices as well.
Sgt. Leo MacKenzie CSA Commando

You can use the prices found in some of the "modern" Palladium settings, use Road Hogs or Heroes Unlimited to build and price a vehicle, or have the GM come up with the prices. Gas prices, mileage, etc. for vehicles can also be found in the Road Hogs book.
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Cool thanx for the tip.
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Check THIS, Wulfgar.
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

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Click the link I provided, go over to the left side of the screen to the button marked "After The Bomb" & click on it, or try THIS.
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Ah, you mean the original "Magic of Palladium Books" flyers. Well, they're reprinted in that larger book as a compilation. As far as I know, those articles are only available in the MoPB sourcebook. I only had one or two of the original MoPB flyers & one of them had an old TMNT/AtB adventure, "The Owl & The Pussycat". I don't know if there were any more TMNT/AtB articles in any other MoPB flyers, you'd have to look at the compilation to see.

Or, if anyone else is reading this, can you help us both out & let us know what's in the MoPB's compilation?
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by Grandil »

For those in the know, The Pixiebob cat isn't the Correct term for the cat mentioned. The cat is called a "polydactyl" cat.
I'd call them Shrodingers cats for reference, & for Flavour! :lol:
The Pixiebob is a Lynx-cat (sorta) Mix. Another name for the Polydactyls could be "Hemingways" as old Ernest had several
in Key West! Another possibility where they are is Cuba-where the Dinos roam! Their still in key west as far as I know. I
found several wiki sites on this. The "Polydactyl" really isn't a breed, per se, just a "Mutant"...... :-P
Could you Sticky this one, Nimmy?
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Unread post by mike19k »

Grey Death wrote:Not to be picky but the gun guy in me demands it. .45 long colt has a far larger powder charge behind it and is a rimmed cartridge. .45long colt power wise is just shy of .44 mag. While .45ACP is a rimmless design with smaller powder charge. (at least when compared to a .45LC) But as you said it was probably all run right together for simplicities sake.

Same for me not to be picky but the gun guy in me there is no such round as .45 long colt, it is the .45 colt, yes it is called long colt most of the time but that was started to not mistake it for the .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol). There is also a .45 Scholfield (SP?) both the .45 Colt and .45 Scholfield were out at about the same time the .45 ACP came later and as far as .45 rounds go the newest one is the .45GAP (Glock Action Pistol).
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425 Geek Points "There is NO separation between God, & Man" Joseph Campbell
Location: Pinole, CA

Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by Grandil »

Grandil wrote:For those in the know, The Pixiebob cat isn't the Correct term for the cat mentioned. The cat is called a "polydactyl" cat.
I'd call them Shrodingers cats for reference, & for Flavour! :lol:
The Pixiebob is a Lynx-cat (sorta) Mix. Another name for the Polydactyls could be "Hemingways" as old Ernest had several
in Key West! Another possibility where they are is Cuba-where the Dinos roam! Their still in key west as far as I know. I
found several wiki sites on this. The "Polydactyl" really isn't a breed, per se, just a "Mutant"...... :-P
Could you Sticky this one, Nimmy?

a couple of thing I found out. Pixiebobs can & sometimes do have more toes & claws(?).
It's also my wifes favorite character...... 'nuff said.
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by hollowecho »

Also The Aligator Has "Extra"speed not extraordinary speed so what is that
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by asbjorn »

On the Height & Weight Table on page 22:
Size Level 7 & 8 are both 60+1D6, is that correct or is that a error?

Also, Size Level 20 breaks the size level growth of 12 inches by jumping from 96+3D6 to 132+3D6, that's a 36 inch gain from 19-20. Is that a error?
Thank you for your time.
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Re: After the Bomb II Erratta

Unread post by Warmaster40k »

Spotted this, Turtles don't have stats for thier base level shell, so there is issues with the trait vestigial trait shell.
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