Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

Unread post by AZ_RUNE »

Here is one of the first logs for Season 2 - Paradise Lost

Rem is member of the Arudanni - a bird like race.


Rem was hurt and bleeding badly from his brother’s arrow. For the last three days he had been hunted like a common animal. He knew exactly why Kel wanted him dead; it was for the letter from his brothers old master, Head Master Retaw. He had sent a message for Kel to read; to draw him out, a message of death. Rem wasn’t going to let him have it and Kel instead of being understanding went into a rage. That was three days ago. Kel had joined a radical group called The Balance and they had found out that Kel’s brother was a magic user and so the letter said that his membership was revoked and his master, the Head Master was sent to kill him. Rem wasn’t going to let that happen.

“I know why you are mad Kel. Believe me I would be too if I was left in the dark.”

“Where are you Rem? I have an arrow with your name on it. You bastard show yourself!”

From his hiding place Rem could watch his brother spin around in circles using those sharp eyes that he had. The man could shoot a target a mile away and not miss and it showed by the wound in the Conjurer’s shoulder. Rem used his magic to create a bandage. He wasn’t sure how well this was going to work or even how long it was going to last. Magic was still new and lacked the field experience. He didn’t know why his brother was so bitter that he was a magic user but here they were and Kel had the upper hand. Frustrated, Kel took to the skies and began to search for his clear target. His eyes could see a rabbit two miles away Rem would have to stay very still or face the archer.

“Where are you? Come out; come out where ever you are. I only want to end your MISERY.” His eyes flashed that anger that he had for the power and success that Rem had gained by being good at school. “I know what father said to you at graduation Rem. You sicken me. Chosen one my ass!” He was bluffing but it was clear that this older brother knew something.

From his hiding Rem called out, “there is no Chosen One Kel. Let’s just talk it over like Arudannen (a reference to male Arudanni). You do not need to kill me.”

“Oh yea! Well we’ll see…”

A random arrow grazed his face. Rem saw it too. There was a new player in this game of cat and mouse. Kel yelled out. “I knew it! I will get you Rem if it’s the last thing I do!” He dived back into the trees to avoid being hit by the two more arrows.

Meanwhile Rem was now looking for the new assassin. What was going on? Was it about the letter from the Head Master? He carefully opened the letter and read it.

My prized student,

It is time that you began you true purpose. Magic has held us non-users back too long. I have watched you from the shadows for nearly a year and have been very impressed with your progress into indoctrination here at the school. Those that practice magic seemed immune to our gospel but you are a special case and we want to help your talents and abilities grow. You could be as fast and powerful as those that use magic and I could help you get there. Meet me at the Head Masters office. Association with magic will get you banned and the reading of this letter is a contract that should you become a sympathizer; don’t kid yourself, you will die. No one must know; no one.


The Balance

Rem’s heart sank. Magic was so prevalent in society and Kel was surely going to get himself killed even if it was by mistake. When he saw the shadowy figure leave the letter at his dorm he was certain that this could be trouble. Kel only saw Rem take it. That was three days ago and he was on the run for it. He could have included authorities but it would of cost Kel; no he had to do this alone.

What made it worse is that The Balance was, he thought, mere street thugs and hoodlums. Perhaps it was more, a lot more. With the new villain on the loose he had to save his brother or at least die trying. From under his hiding place he saw it, an Arudanni like the two of them with his gold and brown feathers doubling for his cover. This assassin had found his target and was sneaking on Kel fast. Taking the initiative he dropped from the tree that he was using for cover. There he was his brother who spun around looking at Rem his bow drawn. He let the string go and the arrow sailed in the air. He was going to kill Rem.

With lightning reflex Rem caught the arrow out of the air and spun around cocking his own bow and fired back. The arrow raced towards Kel who was barely able to escape the fired round. Kel heard the thud of the arrow behind him and loaded a new arrow and pointed it at his target.

“I win Rem. Haha you really had me. I thought that you were going to hit your target but again I proved the superior archer. Your magic will not get you out of this one this time. I know that you are exhausted.”

“I didn’t miss.”

“What I saw you and your arrow. You missed my brother. You missed.”

“I didn’t miss. Turn around.”

“I’m not falling for that.”

“Then as my dying request, watch me.”

Rem approached his brother with only his bow in hand and all the while was praying that he would not shoot; he didn’t . He walked past Kel and showed his target. Not more than two feet an assassin with knife on the ground now was pinned from the arrow to the tree behind him.

“Your precious letter that you wanted so bad”, the Conjurer said, “here”. He threw down the letter. “And as for that guy”, he motioned to the now deceased, “your welcome”.

Kel’s bow string had become loose as he was listening. He pulled it tight and took aim again. “I’ll kill you!” He was salivating.

“I know but not today,” Rem replied

Tears began going down Kel’s eyes. He grit his mouth and finally loosed his bow. “Run; run and never return! My debt is paid brother; my life for yours. Next time we will be enemies. You hear me? ENEMIES!”

Rem shed his own tears and left calmly. He was sure that he would not be allowed back to his home. Kel had seen to that. He held his bow tight and picked up his goods and flew. The pain was excruciating but he was not going to die. Not here; not today.
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
View my game based on the Heroic Realm of Regnum from Library of Bletherad at "Regnum, Paradise Lost",or even better, become a fan!! Winner Campaign of the Year 2014!
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

Unread post by AZ_RUNE »

5th of Vahishta: Dawning Hour

I took the folded piece of paper from the pocket of my tattered robes. My traditional sherwani had torn in both the the armscyes, and was covered in dust and debris. My body sore and aching, had not fared much better than my clothes. My hands had small cuts. My neck was sore from it whipping back and forth. And to top it off, my head ached from where it had hit the side of the deck. I was finding it hard to concentrate, and the early morning rays of sunlight were killing my eyes.


I unfolded the paper and stood up from where I collapsed. All around me was ruin. The mighty airship, the Windracer was demolished. A massive stone wall created through magic had fallen from a considerable height, and crushed the mass and deck. It continued into the hull, killing all those trapped still in their quarters. Once the battle on the deck had ceased, I had mercilessly clawed my way through the rubble. I had collapsed among the debris when I saw the remains of Roshada’s personal quarters. They were no more. She was no more. My strength was ripped from me at that moment from the realization of her mortality. But now as I said, I was once more on my feet.

I brushed the tears from my eyes, it mixed with the dust to form a thin mud across my face. I looked at the words on the paper. They were written by my own hand. Though magic could had been easily used to enchant a pen to write it for me, Master Kihnsed had always insisted that I write the old conventional way. This was to teach the virtue that magic was to be reserved for the benefit of others in helping the greater good, not for personal gain.

I read the first three words in my head. With the third word, a surge of emotion passed over me. I felt weak in the knees once more, but caught myself before I fell. The memory of her made me recall the previous day, which now seemed a lifetime ago.

1st of Vahishta

My heart race with anticipation as I waited in the gardens, a slip of paper in one hand with an iridescent blue emblem of a crest with a crystal. In my pocket, I had a second slip of paper with a handwritten scrawl. I paced back and forth nervously.

Only hours ago I had been in the Golden Tower of Baalgor Island studying in the great library, an extension of Arcanus Hall in Weston. baalgor.jpgI was searching through a magic book that Master Kihnsed had left me the day before. He was gone now. Actually, he wasn’t REALLY gone, but his memories of me and our time together were mere thin threads poorly sewn into a bleached tapestry. Eventually, everything he remembered of me would be gone. Blown away by the winds of time, just as the desert winds blow through the heated lands wiping it clean from all debris. This is as he told me it would be. Master Kihnsed felt he needed to prepare me prior to his transformation to becoming a Living Rune Weapon. He would be reborn into a powerful weapon, retaining his inner character, moral principles and virtues, but his memories would be bleached away. Thus, the master I knew would die. I had been looking through a book he had left me in a large trove that he willed to me in his last will and testament.

I had been searching something important in the book and few other books I found in library. Along with this book and the other belongings in Kihnsed’s trove chest, he had given me a pure blue crystal. I held it in my hand. His last words to me came to my mind, “Find the stone’s mother, and then help its ward. Your path will be revealed.”

He had said this only minutes after telling me that the elderly Gosai I knew as my parents were not my real parents! In fact, somehow Kihnsed had a recollection of events throughout my life in detail, despite the fact that I had never told him before. It was as though he had been there, watching all along from a distance.

This twist of events left my mind puzzled. When I asked him to explain more, he gave me this crystal and message, then closed his door. He seemed constrained to tell me more. I was left befuddled on his doorstep on the eve of his Becoming.

Why had he waited until this very moment to tell me this? I felt that even though I had spent the last 20 plus years studying under his tutelage, I knew nothing about the old man. And now that he was gone, I never would. So, I went to the books to find answers, since Kihnsed only left me questions. It was there in the library that I received her message.
A guardsman dressed in black head to toe in the traditional face veil and turban of Fikir Tayfa approached me. He walked swiftly, yet softly across the stone floor of the library. A curved talwar hung from a leather belt covered by a dark cerulean cloth sash about his waist. The sword swung back and forth as he walked.

When he reached me, he produced a slip of parchment from his sash. “This is from the mistress, Roshada.” He handed me the paper, clicked his heels, bowed, then retreated back from whence he came. I mused how Roshada used her personal guard for menial tasks better suited for a courier. Her father, Ambassador Narakosh, the current ambassador of the mysterious land of Fikir Tayfa, had instructed his daughter many times that task such as delivering letters or trimming flowers in her garden were clearly not meant for those of the warrior caste. And yet she demanded her guard to do them, despite her father’s disapproval. It was her way of rebelling against the traditions, which she had grown up in. Also, I think she thought it amusing to subjugate these men to these tasks.

The slip of paper had been folded in a single fold and sealed together with golden wax bulla. The seal was stamped with the shield of Fikir Tayfa. The crystals embossed into the shield shimmered blue atop the golden wax, possibly through enchantment. I broke the seal and opened the note:

“My Dearest Tadje,

“I have pleaded with my father that I may stay here in Baalgor, so that I may stay here with you. But, this is not to his liking.

“We must meet in the gardens. I wish to spend my last hours in Baalgor with you. I will be free from all obligations of state matters at 10 minutes after 2 in the afternoon. Please meet me there.

“With my love,


I gently closed the note. It still smelled of her perfume. I drew it close to my nose and closed my eyes. I imagined the first day we met where she nearly knocked me off the skywalk connecting two of the towers of Arcanus Tower in Weston. Apparently, she had been in an ill temper from an argument she had just had with her father.

She had stormed out of the hall to get some fresh air. Unfortunately, I was on the other side with my nose in a book, just as the door swung open. It knocked me back and over the railing. I would have fallen several stories had I not caught one of the marble spindles of the banister with my feet.

She realized what she had done and quickly pulled me up. She pulled so hard that as I came back over the rail she fell backwards bringing me along with her. I toppled on top of her. Embarrassed, I tried to get back to my feet. As I did we met eyes. Time just stopped in that moment. I became lost in the enchantedness of her golden eyes. She was angelic.

My heart now ached that this would be the last night I would be with her. I quickly sat back down at my table, and cleared away my books. Kihnsed’s questions would just have to go unanswered for now. I produced a piece of paper from my leather satchel where I kept this journal and the bizarrely enchanted book on fumemancy Kihnsed had given me. I began to write….

…An hour later, I stood waiting in the garden anxiously. Roshada’s message was in my hand. What I had written was secretly but gently tucked in my pocket. Roshada entered the garden. The same guardsman that delivered the note was standing behind her. He stopped at the entrance, and allowed her to enter alone. But his eyes were ever vigilant.

“Tadje! I wanted to see you so badly. All those meetings have been such a bore. Saying goodbye to people who only pretend to know you is so tiring especially when all I wanted to do is be here with you. I am sorry I am late. Did I keep you waiting long?” She asked this with a smile in the corner of her mouth. She enjoyed knowing that I had waited anticipatedly for her.

“Yes, my love.” I said with playful pretense in my tone. “I have been waiting ever since I received your note.”

She giggled gleefully over the jesting sarcasm of my tone. Her rich smile spread to her whole face. It warmed me to see her happy. I reached my hand into my pocket to draw out the words I had written: my last goodbye. I wanted them to be special like the ring Roshada had given me the week before when she first learned she would need to return to Fikir Tayfa.

“Can’t you come with me?” She asked half jokingly, and half wantonly. She knew I had my studies to finish here at Arcanus Hall.

Her question took me by surprise. Not because the answer would be no, but that it could be yes. I thought for a moment before answering. Kihnsed was gone. I really was not attached to Baalgor Island as I once was. I had no obligations. Everything I needed to study with I could take with me. Kihnsed had given me his special rug that connected to a familiar dedicated to tending to his house and library back in Berkay. Kihnsed would use this rug to be able to gain access to his vast library. As he knelt on the rug and concentrated in meditation he would magically call to his familiar. The familiar would then search the book Kihnsed desired and relay the information telepathically back to its master. Along with the rug, Kihnsed had left me instructions how to use it, and the true name of his familiar. I could take this anywhere and still be able to research the books needed to continue my studies in wizardry.

I pushed the paper deeper into my pocket. With resolve I answered, “Yes. I will! I will go with you. There is nothing left here to keep from you. Kihnsed is no longer my master, and I have no family. To be honest, I could stand for a change of scenery. The scholars are beginning to drive me to boredom…”

She did not let me finish my dissertation. Her face lit up with excitement at “Yes”, and she beamed ear to ear. She jumped on me and squeezed tightly around my neck, nearly causing me to lose my balance. “You really mean it? I must tell my father at once to see if it is even possible.”

“How is it that you always seem to knock me off my feet and take my breath away, Roshada dyar’Narakosh?” I said in a weakly voice. She broke free, allowing me to breath.

She straightened me up and put the tips of her fingers seductively under my chin. “It is because I am your princess.” She then tapped me on my nose completing her spell of playful seduction. “Meet me back here. I will go to my father to ask him if you can come with us. He is in a meeting, but I should be able to return at the fourth hour of noon.” With that she took my hands in hers and drew them to her cheek. Then pulled me in close, and kissed me. My eyes closed in reverie as I enjoyed the sensation. Before I opened them, she had flitted away towards the entrance of the garden. She raced across the flagstone walkway like a giddy butterfly, zipping right passed her guard. He quickly turned, trying desperately to keep soldier-like posture, yet still keep close to her heels. “Good luck,” I thought humorously regarding the guardsman.


rose-airship.pngThe time flew by as sometimes it does when you are in love. Her father okayed the proposition of me giving up all to live with them in Fikir Tayfa. The next thing I knew we were aboard the magnificent sky-vessel, the Windracer, headed for the skyfast city of Belfast. I had only seen Belfast from the ground growing up on the streets of Galilee in Berkay. It was a sight to behold. Nonetheless, I had always dreamed of how magnificent it would be to walk through the gates of the sky-city. Today, I would get that opportunity.

GOLDEN-TOWER.pngFrom the deck of the Windracer, I looked back at the towers of Baalgor. I saw the familiar walls of Arcanus Tower in Weston, which we were just passing over. Then, I gazed upon the iconic Golden Tower still maintained for thousands of years since the island had been transported here to Regnum oh so long ago, bring the Founder races along with mine and Roshada’s people. I contemplated that journey to a new land. Regnum had come a long way since then. The signing of the Accord being one of those pivotal moments that brought this change.

Next, I followed the horizon to the North to Northton. There I saw the modest Towers of the Civilian. To the South stood the impressive Towers of the World Committee standing as a beacon of truth and justice, virtues Kihnsed made sure I lived before his Becoming. I then looked off into the distance across the Island of Baalgor to Easton to see the stalwart alabaster spires of the bastion of hope, known as the Towers of the Holy Dawn. But they were obscured by darkening clouds of a storm front coming in from the eastern sea. A chill ran down my spine, the cold wind filled the sails propelling us faster toward our destination. We would be missing the storm.

“Cold, eh?” Asked a voice from behind me.

I turned to see a jetblue Arudanni standing behind me. His head was crowned with a set of black feathers that shined in the golden light of the setting sun. These black feathers decorated the tips and broadness of his folded wings in a speckling pattern. “Uh, yes.” I said a bit startled from being caught up out of the moment.

“Forgive me. I did not mean to startle you. Name’s Rem.” He shot out a scaly hand from beneath his cloak of jet blue and black feathers. I did the same extending my hand of friendship.

“I am Tadje. Sa a’hied felorum.” I greeted him instinctually in my native tongue.

“Ah! You are from Berkay! Said ahead fey lorem.” He tried to parrot. I lightly chuckled, smiling at his gesture to be friendly, but his inability to say it correctly. “I don’t see much of your kind up here.”

“My kind?”

“Oh, I mean no disrespect, gov. It’s just that Gosai typically prefer the warmth of being closer to the ground. You don’t have the privileged gift of the Welkin-Mother, Sheenova, the Aruda Goddess.” He extended his arms and unfolded his wings to their fullness with a slight turn of his body. The insides of his wings were a most impressive bright blue. They were magnificent! I could not help but show my awe of the full beauty of his display.


“You like?” He asked. “Then here.” He flicked his wrist and snapped his fingers. From out of thin air a full length cloak seemed to pour from his hand like water. Once it was fully created, I noticed a subtle greenish shimmering flash that spread quickly over the entirety of the cloak. He handed me his creation. I took it. It was made entirely of feathers of various shades of green, and dusky browns and cimarrons. The inner lining was of bright emerald green feathers. I felt them. They were of the softest down. I looked up. He could tell I was beaming.

“Ya’ like it, eh?” The generous bird-man asked. “Put it on. It will keep you warm even during the storm.”

It was if I was waiting for him to give me that permission, as this was one of the finest gifts I had ever been given. I did as he asked, slipping my right arm first, then around my back and through the left armscye. It fit wonderfully and felt so warm. I pulled the collar close to my neck.

“May Sheenova ever bless you and your family, Rem!”

“You are too kind. I wish wizards as yourself would show that same gratitude towards my brother.”

“Wizard? How did you know I…?”

“I notice many a thing, my brother-in-magic.” He interjected.

“Well then, may those of magic be kind to your brother, too.”

“Ah! Now that is something I could drink to! Shall we go down to dine? I believe they are all starting.”

I had forgotten all about dinner! I was so caught up in the moment of leaving Baalgor that I forgot that I promised to meet Roshada prior to dinner. “Yes, yes. Let us go.”


On board were many dignitaries I met while we dined at the ambassador’s table. renaissance_man_gsd_by_foxfeather248-d49olub.jpgOne, a daedal scholar stayed close to the ear of ambassador Narakosh. He seemed to be able to see through my efforts to hide my rough past, ignoring my attempts to fit in with the higher class. He did not share with me his name, as he saw that I was just scum. Yet, it was not hard to learn he was called Emerson, as he did not refrain from letting all the rest of the upper classmen know it. But I did not let his arrogance stop me from meeting the other dignitaries.

Roshada and I sat across the table from someone I had only heard of in news stories that arrived to Arcanus Hall by magic pigeon. To confirm her identity, I leaned to Roshada and whispered, “Is that the Lady Leena?”

“Yes, introduce yourself.” She whispered back.

Remembering etiquette in that moment, I straightened myself in my chair. I brought my napkin to my mouth and elegantly (as possible) used it in both hands to wipe the corners of my mouth. Then cleared my throat to speak, leaning forward towards the lady across the table.

“I do not wish to gawk anymore, thus it behooves me to endeavor the mystery of your persona…” I gave a little shrill from the pain caused by the quick kick to my shins from Roshada’s pointed boot. I looked over at Roshada a bit annoyed. She was smiling politely back at me, but her eyes were staring daggers. I realized that I was trying to imitate Emerson who was sitting to the left of ambassador Narakosh at the head of the table.

I looked back at Leena. “Excuse me. It sometimes pains me to use such formalities.” I emphasized the word pain. “Forgive my curiosity, but are you Lady Leena of the nefarious battle of the Galvin Necropolis?”

“I am. And you are?” She responded politely.

“Ah, yes. I am Tadje al’Qudura, wizard apprentice of the Once Kihnsed Tal’Kihmshahid.”

“Pleasure to meet you, master Al’Qudura. The Lady Roshada must be in good hands to have an apprentice of the venerable Tal’Kihmshahid.”

“You knew Master Kihnsed?”

“Who does not know the great Tal’Kihmshahid?” She asked rhetorically. “His exploits as an Arcanus Guardian Janissary in the Free Islands have made his name renown throughout all the Twelve Realms of Regnum. He singlehandedly rescued the Vilgard ambassador’s daughter. She was only 18 years old at the time. Furthermore, no one will forget the events of Northton at the base of the Towers of the Civilian. Tal’Kihmshahid set up a wall made of golden vines with silver thorns. The wall not only protected the entrance of three demons into the Council of the Civilian, but it was made to twist around the depraved triad and crushed them into oblivion. For this reason the Tal’Kihmshahid Gates of the Tower of the Civilian were constructed to resemble this golden and silver-thorned wall wrapped about three demon heads. Two of the sculpted heads hold the golden ring knockers for the doors. Tal’Kihmshahid along with eleven other diabolists and rune makers engraved the massive set of doors with powerful magic that now protects any further penetration from those of the underworld.” I felt sheepish that I was not aware of this part of my master’s life; yet, honored that he was my master.

“And of your exploits?” Wishing to change the focus off of my master. “Would you care to share with us a tale of your adventures at the Galvin Necropolis?”

The Lady’s mouth opened as if to speak. I noticed a single tear fall from her eye and glide down her cheek. “Forgive me, m’Lady. I did not know it would upset up. Though much was gained that day—-more were lost. All would have been lost if not for the brave that fought, and the courageous that fell. Our thanks shall be eternal.” I touched my hand to my forehead and brought it forward, palm upward: a gesture of gratitude in my country.

“Master Al’Qudura, you are too kind.”

“Please. Call me, Tadje.” I stood up and bowed. From the corner of my eye, the daedal scholar broke free from Ambassador Narakosh’s ear for just a moment to view the act of gratitude.

“Tadje I shall ca….” Lady Leena was interrupted by a bursting open of the galley door. Just before the cold blast of wind shot through the door and down the table, a gray furry blur unmistakably wearing a scarlet scarf bolted in and underneath the table. The first two patrons at the end of the table jumped up out of their chairs with a yelp then sat back down. Then the next pair and sequentially down the table like a wave. At every other place setting a black paw crept up with precision and dexterity and stole some food to be devoured beneath the table. It was there, and then it wasn’t. This happened until the wave reached our settings where a raccoon suddenly presented his head clothed in red scarf. It eyed me precociously. He turned to Leena, then jumped up on her lap in full bipedal stance. Roshada shrieked with glee.

“I’m a pirate!”

“Yes, I can see that. But where did you get the scarf?” Leena inquired patiently with the talking raccoon, as a mother would speak with a child. I could now see the full length of the the scarf. It flowed down the raccoon’s shoulders and passed its tail.

“I found it. I needed it to be a pirate.” He sniffed the air. “This smells good. Can I have some?” He quickly jumped to the next subjected.

“Rascal, I can give you some fish. But you have to put the scarf back where you founded, or else I will have to put you in the box.”

“Rascal like fish. Rascal no like the box.”

“Then you need to give the scarf back to who you took it from.”

“Okay, Rascal put it back when he done being a pirate. Can I have fish now?”

“Lady Leena, it is fine. I do not believe my father minds that one scarf goes missing. Especially if he learns on who stole it.” Roshada suggested kindly.

“See! Rascal like green lady. She is smart, and has eyes like a goat. Rascal like goats. They make delicious milk, and are fun to ride. Leena should listen to smart green girl.” Roshada blushed and laughed.

“Rascal! Do you need to go to the box?” Leena scolded.

“It is all right. Rascal, I know, meant no offense. He was just giving a compliment.” Roshada said kindly to Leena. She turned to the raccoon with a humble bow of her head. “Thank you, sir for your kind words.”

“This is incredible. How is it that he is able to speak so affluently?” I asked in amazement of the talking raccoon.

Rascal looked over at me with a raised eyebrow, then put his slender fingered paw up to his mouth to give Leena an aside. “He is not as smart as the green lady.” He tried to whisper, but clearly said it that all could hear. Emerson snorted a haughty laugh from the head of the table, then returned back to conversing with the ambassador. I felt cheekishly embarrassed more from Emerson’s jeer, but kept composed.

“I can see that he is quite the witty one. Would you like a piece of madukamelon candy?”

“Candy?!” The raccoon perked up to even taller. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Leena? Can he?” I asked respectfully, not wishing to over step.

“Yes, I’ll will take one too. Our trading company imports madukamelon from Galilee ports, yet I have never tried the candy.” Rascal scurried beneath the table to my side. He popped his head out right into my lap. Then put out his paw.

“Candy, candy!”

“Be polite, Rascal.” Leena chastened.

“Rascal sorry. Candy…PLEASE!” Rascal corrected.

“Here you go.” I dug out two piece of candy from my pocket brushing my hand next to the note I had made for Roshada in the library. “One for you. And one for the Lady.”

Rascal snatched them up and bolted underneath the table. “Rascal!” Leena chided then cleared her throat as a reminder. The raccoon’s head popped out again, and quickly said, “Thank you.” He retreated once more. I smiled. Leena vocalized her approval of her familiar’s manners. He hurried off in a flash after giving his master her piece to reaffirm his mission of piratism and shenanigans.

4th of Vahishta

p42_by_hbdesign-d420qyc.jpgWe traveled in luxury aboard the Windracer. After three days of travel, the ship’s lookout, a dutiful young Arudanni Boatswain’s Mate Skyman, spotted the floating city of Belfast at the first light of dawn. I ran to the deck to get my first glimpse. I must admit. I could not see anything toward the western horizon for sometime. But sure enough, it was just as the Skyman described it. The earthen spires came into my view. The dawning sun coming from behind the ship scattered its rays of light on the red rock walls of the city of Belfast like a fiery stone moon against the azure backdrop. It was stunning. Its rusty red visage warmed my eyes, despite the brisk morning breeze against my neck. I pulled the Conjurer’s cloak of feathers close to my neck to block out the chill so that I could take in the sight a while longer. Rem said that the cloak would last through the journey, then it would be gone. I wanted to take advantage of it as long as I could.

Roshada joined me at the bow of the ship. She too was wrapped in a cloak, but her thin bare legs were uncovered just below the middle of her thigh. I pulled her in close to the cloak of feathers to be warmed. One of the feathers on the breast of the cloak bristled her mouth. She pulled away, wrenching her face from the discomfort of getting a feather up her mouth. I apologized. We then had a good laugh together.

Soon we docked. The captain of the Windracer, Captain Vrajai Akshay, a retired Guardian Naval officer that now only did contract work for the World Council, barked the order to outfit the plank walk. The crew moved with synergistic coordination, carrying out the orders given by the captain’s First Mate, Parlo Zanshariff, a gruff Zaranceti that seemed more comfortable in the sky than underwater, and was not afraid to use the whip. The sails were trimmed with haste, and tied with the precision of several hearty knots that only a ropesman like myself could appreciate. Finding it hard to resist. I grabbed one of the loose ropes, and tied it down just before an Apprentice Skyman could tend to it. Captain Akshay noted my work.

“Mighty fine knot!” He spoke firmly, but jovially. “You could make a fine crewman if you ever chose, Master Gosai. I always have room for another Petty Officer on the bridge.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Captain. But I have given up that life long ago. I chart a different heading now.” Looking over at Roshada absentmindedly. “You have a fine crew though.”

The captain noted my glimpse. “And she be a fine ‘heading’ to fix your compass to, m’boy!” He wacked me square between the shoulders with the broad of his palm, and gave a hearty laugh.

I assisted Roshada in disembarking. It felt good to be on solid ground again. Though Belfast was not truly solid ground, the magic that held it in the sky was rooted deep in earth magic and rituals giving the whole mass of rock and city stability and constance. The drop from over the side of the dock was several miles down. It was a bit nauseating to be too close to the edge. Roshada kept trying to look over to see the ground below. I on the other hand felt we should be more cautious.

The sky-harbor was a bustling place of commerce. Ships even in this early morning hour were coming and going. Roshada noted the various levels of docks at the main port. She described it as a wall several hundred feet high (or deep, depending on your perspective) with bridge-like docks protruding from the red rock wall. There were various large portholes hewn from the stone where from which each dock extended. From across the sky-harbor about at our same level, I saw several Arudanni docksmen open one of the large wooden docking bay doors of another dock. Once open, two birdmen began turning a wheel that allowed the dock to extend out from the door. No sooner did the dock reach its full extension when a skyship rendezvoused with the end of the dock.

We turned from the harbor and headed into the city. It felt more like a normal city as we moved further away from the edge. Though I was used to heights having had to traverse them as a streetrat growing up in Galilee, I was not used to mile high heights where the air was thin enough that it made you a light more weak in the knees.

As we perused the streets of Belfast, Roshada and I were not alone. The stalwart guard that had delivered Roshada’s note to me four days before was following us like a shadow. He politely gave us some distance that we could carry on a conversation in private if we whispered. But he did not stray far from us. It was his duty to stay close and he carried out that very well.

Roshada, being the strong-willed woman she was, felt that the bit of distance between us and her escort guard was not enough. She gave me that look that made me get swirls in my stomach. She wanted to break for it, and was trying to pantomime to me if I approved. You do stupid things when you are in love. And today was no different. I gave a sheepish smile to affirm her non-verbal request. At the next vendor tent in the bazaar we saw a break into an alley. Roshada grabbed my hand and bolted for it! Adrenaline surge in our veins enhancing our sprint. We weaved in and out of back alleys and walkways. I looked back. We had lost old Iron Pants. I pulled on Roshada’s hand to drag her to a stop.

“I…think we…lost him.” I said between breaths.

“Isn’t this fun!” She said excitedly clearly with no labored breathing.

I rolled my eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. “It’s…a blast.” I puffed fibbingly. “I think…we best get back.” I finally was able to catch my breath.

“What’s the matter? Afraid to be alone with a girl in a dark alley in a strange city?” She asked flirtatiously coming in closer to me with her golden eyes hiding even more sensuality than her lips.

“Uh? Pretty much yes…to all of it.” I smiled at the last part. She did too.

“All right.” She consented. “So how do we get back?”

I looked around. In the heat of the moment I failed to do what I normally did when in a new part of a city. Having to move around a lot in Galilee with the rest of the Fox’s Fist gang I had to develop a good skill at finding my way back through the city’s maze of back roads and shanty alleys. It was an invaluable skill that my dodger mentor, Pha’Aryn the Fox made sure I learn. Boy, how he’d ream me now.

I started down one of the alley ways trying to get my bearings. Dead end. We turned around and saw a man in the shadows. I quickly pulled Roshada behind me. “What do you want?” I asked hastily.

“You should not wonder off in a strange city.” His voice was clearly familiar. He stepped into the light unhooding his cloak. It was old Iron Pants. I sighed a sigh of relief. The guard looked at us both disapprovingly.

“Hendiresh, we were just playing around. Tadje and I meant no harm.” The realization of what we had done…what I had done was beginning to set in. I had just taken the ambassador of Fikir Tayfa’s daughter away from her armed guard. I might lose my head for this. Roshada knew this as well. Thus, she was trying to pass the blame to herself.

“I was wrong, Hendiresh.” I admitted. “I accept the consequences of these actions.”

“No, Tadje! I made you do this. This was my idea.” Roshada pleaded.

“But I should have stopped you. It is my duty to protect, not to place you in potential harm despite your own choices.”

“Very well then.” Hendiresh said coldly. “I will put this in my report to Ambassador Narakosh. Come now. The ship is this way.” We followed the guard without another word. The walk back to the Windracer was quiet and slow.


I was locked in my quarters for the duration of that evening for my actions in the city. I paced my room pensively, not knowing my fate. As the reason for our trip to Belfast was of a formal nature, I was not being dealt with swiftly. The ambassador was attending to more pressing matters of state. Thus, it surprised me that he came to my quarters. He dismissed the guard from his post that he might speak with me privately.

“Tadje. Is it true what you have done with my daughter, that you left the protection of her armed escort?”

“This is true, Ambassador.”

“Is it still true you wish to give up everything to be with her? Would you marry her if you were given this chance?”

“Lord, this is all true. But I fear that I cannot marry her. I am not worthy of her. My past would not allow it.”

“The Tal’Kihmshahid has told me of your past.” A cold pain passed through me to hear this truth. “But, he has also named you as his only heir. He thought very highly of you, Tadje. As does my daughter, Roshada. Take heart. Not all is not lost. If you will give me an oath, my daughter’s hand may be yours, and your life spared.”

“Name your oath, lord, for it is MY oath. I make it now with you. What would you have of me?”

“Boldly descanted and forthright though of an impudent temperament, I do say.” Said a voice behind the open door. Emerson the Daedal scholar stepped into view, but made it clear not to step into my quarters. “The rapscallion hides nothing and risks everything without knowing anything. I see weakness, Lord Ambassador.”

“Weakness, may it be, master Scholar. But, I find strength in following Asha’s path.” I stated. Emerson simply eyed me over again. Turning once again to Ambassador Narakosh I redoubled my commitment. “What would you have of me, lord?”

“In one years time, show me that you are worthy of my daughter’s hand, and she is yours.”

I bowed my head. I looked at Emerson with fierce eyes, “I give you my word, Ambassador.”

“Well, first thing is first. You need not call me Ambassador any longer. Fikir Tayfa now has a new ambassador. He is young like yourself, but wise. He was just named in our latest meeting. I am now absolved of this title. You shall follow the newly instated Ambassador Bumi as part of your oath. You will meet with him on the morrow.”

The emeritus ambassador, the scholar and the guard all left me alone in my quarters. I dressed down and readied myself for bed. I took myself through my evening ritual of washing my feet and saying my nightly prayers. Just after I ended my last prayer, there as a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said calmly.

Rem opened the door just a crack. “Just checking if everything is secure here. My turn for watch.”

“Hey Rem!” I said delighted to see him. “I wanted to thank you again for the cloak.”

“No prob. Anything I can do to help. Is it still around, by the way?” He asked. I pointed to the wall by my bed where the cloak hung on a peg.

“It is still looking good. Does it really have to go away?”

“Yeah, most things I create are only here for a few hours. That cloak took a bit more energy to make it stay as long as it has. Well, I need to keep checking the rest of the ship. Enjoy!” Rem closed the door and left me again in silence.

I got into the bed and drifted off to sleep.


At about the second hour of the night I woke up to an alarm! Someone was ringing the warning bell that was positioned on the deck near the helm. Something was wrong!

I jumped out of bed throwing on Rem’s cloak of feathers. I raced out of my quarters. My room was nearest to the stairs leading up to the deck. I jumped the stairs three steps at a time. Just before I got to the deck a purple flash of light pulsed like a wave across the ship. I hid myself, not knowing what was going on. I peered from the stairs to get a better look. A dark man dressed in sleek black armor and sharp creased black robes stood on the deck with a large gnarled black sword in his hand. SoulWidow.pngThe blade was stained with blood and it continued to gently pulse this same purple light. Five of the ambassador’s Janissary Guardians lay fallen on the deck. One of the fallen lay with his face looking at mine. His eyes were glazed over, lifeless. None of the bodies seemed to be covered in large amounts of blood.


From atop a perch in the rigging, Rem swooped down with an emerald green conjured spear in his hand. The spear had just finished taking shape when he attempted to thrust the tip into the dark intruder. The black-swordsman recognized Rem’s attack, but did nothing to even stop it. He just let it hit his armor, which the spear did not even penetrate. He simultaneously thrusted his own weapon’s tip into the descending birdman. There was a purple flash again.

Rem did not even make a whimper. He slid down to his knees, the black blade driven through his torso and out his back nearly a foot. The dark intruder remorselessly pulled the blade from the Arudanni and began to turn toward the stairs towards the quarters. Just before I turned away to hide myself from his encroaching view, I saw the white essence trail from Rem’s face and enter the sword. Rem was gone. My cloak of feathers shimmered with that same green light as once before, but this time it was a little bit brighter.

I quickly, but quietly ran back down the stairs. I needed to find Roshada, and make sure this intruder did not harm her. I found the door to her quarters and burst it open. The room was empty, though the window was open. I ran to the window hoping to find Roshada trying to find safety away from the ship, but I found nothing. Footsteps ran past the door of Roshada’s room. I heard others battling the intruder. It sounded like the intruder was not alone. Others must had boarded the ship with him.

Formulating somewhat of a plan, I scurried out the window and began climbing the side of the ship. It took me a while to reach the rail to the deck. Once I did, I saw the black-sworded intruder and some of his minions battling Anrir the Living Rune Weapon along with Leena and one who I could only assume was the new ambassador, since Anrir seemed to be protecting him. From the battle scene I looked up and saw a dreadful sight. About thirty feet in the air, a stone wall had formed. I only had a second to react, because I knew what was coming. I dug my claws deep into the wooden walls of the ship. CRASH!

The whole ship lurched in towards the wreckage in the center where the stone wall had smashed through the deck. The wall crushed most of the intruders. But miraculously Black Sword was nearly unscathed. The stone wall continued to descend through the hull of the ship disabling the magical apparatus that allowed it to float. The ship suddenly began to fall. Fortunately, the fall was mitigated by a second ship docked immediately below the Windracer on a lower dock. The abrupt crash and stop of the wreckage of the Windracer nearly knocked me from my hold. Nothing was beneath me at this moment from my position. I looked briefly down into the murky blackness of the night from the zenith of our height in the skycity. My grip tightened even deeper into the wood. I pulled myself up onto the deck just as Leena, Anrir and Ambassador Bumi fell from a portal created right where the Windracer once was.

Bumi attempted a sand trap on the Black Sword. Leena tried to put him to sleep with a Cloud of Slumber. For a brief moment Anrir entangled the dark intruder’s weapon. But he was much too powerful from them to handle. Just as Black Sword was about to smite Lady Leena, a portal opened up beneath him and he was gone. The other Living Rune Weapon protector assigned to the Ambassador then stepped out from the wreckage. She had sent the intruder away.



I continued reading the words aloud. My hope was that wherever Roshada was beyond the veil that she would be able to hear my words of love and grief:

“Thy eyes, Roshada, are as the dew drops of the golden sun.
They captivate my heart, my soul they’ve won.

“Thy lips, Roshada, are as the petals of a ‘Ssurian rose.
Their touch to mine, all’s lost in sweet repose.

“That night, Roshada, e’er now it lasts in sacred memory.
I’ll ne’er forget your touch’s serenity.

“To wish, Roshada, and let my heart speak its single most desire
Like Guillandae’s love ours would never tire.

“Yet now, Roshada, the Fates have forced us now to be apart.
So this I keep your ring a token near my heart.

“Of me, Roshada, I so plead to you, keep me close to thine.
Yet though apart your love like Indurin will shine.”

Written by the hand of Tadje Al’Qudura Rope Weaver
In ‘The Writings and Learnings Woven in Time: A Personal Reflection and Apprenticeship in Rope Casting, the Lost Art’

On the early morning 5th of Vahishta, in the year 10K and 2 A.T.
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

Unread post by kiralon »

Who does not know the great Tal’Kihmshahid?” She asked rhetorically. “His exploits as an Arcanus Guardian Janissary is legendary.
say that line 10 times fast after a few lol

Good read, keep up the good work. :ok:
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Chen is a Yin-Lord


Lord Drakkos,

Several days ago the search and rescue team resurrected a horse. I realize that in my short time I have never seen that done. I wondered why it was not quickly replaced by a golem. Oh sure, they did some heavy clean up and saved a captain of the skyship previously part of their voyage but a horse? I am not sure where their priorities lie.

From what I have observed though compassionate they are; it seems they are a bit naive. Scary, really. I’ll explain. After we pieced together a horse, please lord forgive me for rolling my eyes, we found the crewmen who had also expired named Surazal. There was an elf dress in our country’s fashion and a yin-lord that assisted with the process of resurrecting those slain in a similar fashion, or could be resurrected, and etcetera, excreta.

While the clean up was in order and the deceased were being revived and the debris removed. The living rune weapon by the name…. uh… oh yes Anrir found some particular pieces of interest, a rune staff that he stashed away via dimensional magic. In speaking with the Yin-Lord it is mentioned that such magic as the Swordsman being a Living Rune Weapon of darkness has not been seen since the ‘incident’ twenty years ago.

The yin-lord, I think his name was Makon, orders the guardian soldiers aiding the Skyfast citywatch with the crime scene to be cleared and people reluctantly leave. I am certain that the rune weapon had something to do with the clearing. While we were thus contemplating and discussing the matter a guard informed us that we were to stay at the Lord-Protector’s manor. Such a fetching invitation though unwarranted; it wasn’t suspicious necessarily but perhaps odd. Then again we do have one of the ‘Twelve’ with us and so his reputation would precede him.

A set of Arudanni and swarthy looking Berkaic humans of the Skyfast’s Citywatch escorted us to the Lord-Protector Avenor’s home. I still didn’t know anyone in the group and had not asked for papers. Who were these fellows? What was my assignment going to change to? As you know the human element would change the outcome of what we were doing and though I had not experienced much I would say that the attack on the skyship and the Swordsman was unexpected and already had changed things.

At the library, it seemed that we were all aloof and distant. I wanted to fulfill my assignment and thought it a good idea to chat it up with one of them so I picked the Gosai; he seemed harmless enough. It appears that he is a wizard and a pupil of a very powerful but alas lost wizard, Tal’Kihmshahid. I have vaguely heard the name and thought it well to chat it up with the fellow and find out how the old wizard was really versus what I had read before in books and heard in the pigeons. Finding myself comfortable I dismissed my concubine and proceeded to make small talk.

Shortly after dinner with the Lord-Protector we met up with the former captain of the ambassador’s old ship. Whom was putting on the finishing touches on the new ship that would escort the ambassador to his new home. The captain, Vrajai Akshay, presents the White Eagle, a ship that will later be renamed and blessed with the name Chaaya’s Quest. The captain took great stock in the name change. He went as far as to tell us the ceremony; in humble quiet I just observed this region’s traditions.

Shortly after the blessing/renaming an Arudanni decided that it would be appropriate to approach the ship. In a surrendering gesture he has no weapons in his hands and his wings are wide open; he was completely vulnerable. That didn’t stop one of the guards from stunning him with petrifaction. I found it odd that one would be so bold as to come to an ambassadors ship unannounced and demanding. He wanted a dead creature’s bow. He swore that the bow was his brothers however the team didn’t say that the fellow had ever mentioned his siblings let alone one so bold or brash. He should have been arrested and thrown in the brig or even worse removed but the ambassador took compassion on him and allowed him to tell his story and even receive the desired bow. I am not sure what was so special about the bow as it was not a rune weapon, just an ordinary bow.

Now here is where I say that the team trusts too much. Without papers, the Arudanni offers his services and they readily accept. I had no say but might I say I must protest and now even now stay closer to the ambassador; the wizard, though amusing must be second priority.

I must say one more thing in my report. The ship when given a new name took a new look. Chaaya must be a person of significance though I am not sure if I have heard that name or if I have, where? The ship when renamed took a more cream color. Colors that I am sure would of have been used by a woman. Even the forward mass took on a new look and is now that of a woman who looks like the likeness of Chaaya of Fikir Tayfa, home of the Barren Lands, or so I am told.

The ambassador announces that the ship will be ready in three days and then proceeds to send of pigeons off from his window room. Shortly after that I could have sworn that I felt a dragon’s presence. I guessed that it was yours as you do represent us in Yin-Lord country though I am not sure why the ambassador would make the attempt to contact the others or why would anyone of the ambassadors would come to visit the newly appointed ambassador. I am certain that it is all government business.

At dinner we again discuss where we are going and the origin of the swordsman. Many of us have theories and I even present one that you had given to me only days before; that there was more than there was, more than one and that we would be in danger if we went after the one only to be caught unprepared if there was more than one. It was I then, who recommended that we go to Baalgor and visit the library. Several of them were in agreement and while we were thus in agreement that I thought again of the Arudanni; where was he and what was he doing while we were making our plans. What is his real goal and why isn’t anyone else questioning his motives.

When security finally gave us clearance and believe me when we were leaving the other ships were quite happy. I learned later that they were put on hold until we wanted to leave should anyone make an attempt at the ambassador’s life; interesting.

At the request of the wizard we made a detour and visited a city called Galilee where the wizard – in a vision – saw the familiar of his old master dead. Upon arrival we discovered that not only was the familiar dead but the house was being looted by riffraff that the wizard was familiar with. Restraint is not one of my strong suits and watching others take care of the situation was tough. I made some comments about the familiar and it seems that familiars think that they are people. The one on our ship didn’t like my comments and proceeded to point at his eyes and then at my face; the universal symbol of ‘I’m watching you’. I found out later that the little bastard vandalized my property in protest of my comments. It is neither here nor there.

At any rate my lord, I will continue to give you feed back as it comes. I will do my best not to bore you with unnecessary details in the future.

An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Feel free to leave a comment on the logs we love hearing from everyone!!
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
View my game based on the Heroic Realm of Regnum from Library of Bletherad at "Regnum, Paradise Lost",or even better, become a fan!! Winner Campaign of the Year 2014!
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Leena is a Changeling from Season 1 returned to Season 2



I’m writing this entry from Ith-Mahal, and it feels amazing to be Vora for awhile. Valryk is next to me, Savina is snoring, and Rascal is at my feet. At this moment, everything is right with the world. Our journey here was rather unexpected, but I am thrilled with any reason to see my lovely Valryk.

As we were leaving Galilee, I noticed a ship in distress off the starboard. We send Kel in for a closer look, and it was a merchant skyship: Anatolia, for Pigeon’s Passage – and they were being attacked by pirates. Our group immediately decides to help. We do manage to gain control of the ship, but it was badly damaged, and several people were killed. Bumi, Tadje, and myself manage to heal the others before sending them on board the pirate ship to retrieve their lost goods. The pirates had only managed to obtain a handful of packages before we were able to gain control of the ship.

Unfortunately, the skyship was so badly damaged that it can no longer sail on its own. We offer them a tow to Belfast, and the merchants immediately agree. I don’t know how thrilled Elijah will be when he finds out that we helped out our competitors. But really, they are a small company and hardly a threat to us.

Rascal rather enjoyed the remainder of our adventure. He remained at the wheel of the damaged skyship, pretending to steer it as we soared. He still had the hem from Chen’s robe wrapped around his head and snarled fiercely in the wind as the sails flapped around him. I guess at one point he got too excited though. I heard another member of the group shout that Rascal had fallen off the skyship from the wind. My heart leapt into my throat until I heard a sullen voice from my realm “Come get me!”. I am so happy that I insisted on that fear initiated charm. I had instructed Ina to hide me good boots so that Rascal couldn’t get to them, so I wasn’t too worried when I told him that he would have to wait a bit until we had gotten to Belfast before I could retrieve him. The wait did not please “pirate Rascal” so he found something to occupy his time. This entailed burying treasure under my bed in Greenwater. Usually my servants don’t mind his antics, but this time, Rascal’s treasure included rotting fish heads that weren’t discovered for several days. The entire cottage required airing out, and Rascal was furious when his precious cargo was absconded.

Before I went to retrieve Rascal, the group decided to make a stop in Ith-Mahal. I was so excited, because I would finally have a chance to see my husband and visit the shop! I really need to try to come home more often, I miss him when I’m gone.

When I went to pick up Rascal, he was thrilled with the idea of seeing Valryk. He likes Vakyk so much that I wasn’t even concerned about him misbehaving in the shop. Usually, he just sits quietly at his feet when we are there.

When we arrive in the city, I ran into Valryk (I was in my Vora persona at this point). I immediately gave him a huge hug and we made our way back to the shop. Once everyone was settled, the group begins to explain our purpose in coming. I ask Valryk point blank if he has heard of any rune makers that would be capable of producing something like Black Sword.

Valryk mentioned that he’s heard there’s an apprentice to Drodd, and I felt absolute panic from Savina. She was screaming so loud and with such intensity that I stumbled backward and hit my head on a book shelf. I would have fallen over completely if Valryk had not caught me so quickly. It took a lot of effort to calm Savina down, and I had a hard time explaining to the others in my group what had just happened. As I explained to the group, Savina had been purchased by either Drodd or an assistant of Drodd when she was a child – and she is still terrified of him.

Savina has been pleading with me to stop this entire investigation into Black Sword. She fears for all of our safety. And while I don’t blame her, I know we have to move forward. We have to discover where Black Sword came from.

Until next time,
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
View my game based on the Heroic Realm of Regnum from Library of Bletherad at "Regnum, Paradise Lost",or even better, become a fan!! Winner Campaign of the Year 2014!
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Vira is a Dwarf


The player got to write as the NPC adopted Dwarven daughter trailing her adopted mother's group


To my partner in crime – Uncle Elijah,

Thank you so much for posing as Dad and your friend as mom for my graduation. By Sharevar’s beard they are going to be so mad when they find out I graduated a year early! Your reporters hovering in the Golden Tower of Baalgor Island have the right of it. Over the last four months I counted 167 ‘pigeons’ leave his balcony alone. He had no idea I was the girl Roshada was seeing for advice on how to snag Tadje. Oh my that pigeon repeater statue you gave me for forwarding pigeons sent to me is BRILLIANT!!!!!! No one has any clue I am not at the Hall of Faith! If Mom ever found out the real reason you started the Pigeon News & Accord Report she would be touch and horribly mad at you. I think you remember my response and how are your ribs doing I didn’t mean to hug you that hard I swear it.

Your update is as follows:

14th of Vahishta: It’s hard looking across the street using a hidden eye and ear tile to see your mom and dad. I don’t know why parents are so scared. Mom ran the store with my dad, but all they talk about uncle is how they are worried they did something wrong raising me and Valdus. I applied to get on the ship – Chaaya’s Quest – but deliberately blew the interview. It would seem they have one of the 17 Celestial class ships!!!! They have managed to sail it with 12 full time crew! TWELVE!!! They try not to look it on purpose but every person hired and the current crew are ALL ex- Guardian Navy except the probationer – Kel. I don’t know about you but I smell a back-story here. The Ambassador was getting new hires with the Berkay Captain to bulk out the crew.

Current crew
Captain Akshay,
The Zaranceti First Mate: Parlo,
The weird Arudanni probationer Kel,
Six ex-Guardian navy Berkay Humans
One ex-Guardian navy Vilgard Human
Two ex-Guardian navy Daedal Mariners from Vilgard as well, neither appeared psychic, odd usually one of them always is.

New Crew:
Note – This crew was vetted via pigeon with the capital and someone high up the Capt. trusted. I could overhear him vouching for an Admiral of the Guardian Skyfleet but not the name.
Four ex-Guardian army Dwarven Artillerists
Six ex-Guardian navy Shirn Mariners (four Lulhi, two Rahl)

They also stocked the ship with voucher notes, I don’t think they have been to Baalgor yet??

The Yin-Lord went and checked on some research and the so did the Gosai but to separate libraries. I missed the Gosai following the Ambassador to the one in the North of town. He checked out trade law books and had copies scrawled about a few pages ?? Then the Yin Lord and his lady friend, you were right they do keep whores on retainer in that country, but then again they live with Dragons! Who knows what rampant appetites they have and that spicy food made my tongue swollen for days in training!! Oh the Yin-Lord started talking about living rune weapons and I moved away when I saw others move. Two undercover city-watch tried to leave to inform our Wardens about the talk ever since the incident with Mom in Belfast they have begun locking down on stuff in all of Korin Ithrik! The Yin Lord and Ambassador gave chase and caught them but made to big a scene and local Dwarf and some Shirn workers broke it up defending those they knew from outsiders. The guards following the Ambassador kept him from getting hurt from what I could see.

Late that night they left and it was all I could do to catch a red eye through the storm to keep up. By Sharevar’s beard that is one of the largest skyships ever built!!!

Late night 16th of Vahista: Mara’s Fist pulled into a public skydock in Weston which allowed me a glimpse with the most amazing device I have ever used – farseer tubes!! They expand and allow you to see REALLY FAR AWAY!!! I could tell the group had a meeting with high up World Council of some sort.

17th of Vahista: They left in the morning for different parts of the islands, I know you want me to follow the ambassador but if mom breaks away your screwed no one is getting near her as long as I am around. Dammit I think someone spotted me gotta run.

Your niece,
Vira, 3rd Dan of Ith-Rhun
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Bumi is a Human of the Barrens



Dearest Chaaya,
It would seem my world has been turned even more around since leaving your chambers that fateful night three mere weeks ago.

I kept my ruse well, that of a prominent merchant’s son, rising to be Ambassador. To the whole of Regnum knows me as ‘Bumi,’ and they ‘know’ that my interests are in the wealth and prosperity of all nations. I was given an airship, a great wooden monstrosity that sails the clouds like a skeeterbug skims a pond, by the Ambassador of Berkay, Karak Del Tork, which adds to the illusion. I apologize for the need to keep my identity secret, even from you dear mother. It was necessary to keep the family’s lives intact.

My first voyage, from the Belfast to Baalgor, was definitely an eventful one, from a near-assassination in the docks by the ‘Black Blade,’ to meeting literally hundreds of beings, from sultans to ambassadors to peasants. Luckily my image hasn’t been sent to all peoples yet, so I can still walk among them unseen. There will come a time, though, that I will not be able to do so. I fear that the time approaches much faster than we had hoped. Everything I have come across points directly to the Crystal Palace.

After Father sequestered me out of the palace and faked my death by assassin’s blade, I lived in a hovel in the middle of the north-western jungle. He set me up through a pseudonym to get to the Arudanni city of Belfast a week later. From there, I met with the Ambassador Narakosh, who set me on my way with a group of travelers I did not trust initially. It was, after all, the self-same day I met them that I was attacked by the Blade.

As with crystals, my shipmates and companions were proven by trial. City to city, we came across dangers that ranged from mortal attack to thieves, and though one of my companions is one, not a penny was stolen. The famous Leena showed her trust in me, and that engendered the same, so we shared very secret information. She knew my true identity, and I knew her family’s secret.

Our arrival in the Golden Tower was marked by many people greeting us. Though I may hope to keep secret in the cities of the far west or north, the city-state of Baalgor is not so accommodating. I spoke with the Berkaian ambassador, Torak, and the Arudannian ambassador, Harudannen. They were most gracious and I missed the chance to converse with the Galvan ambassador, Prefect Magnus. I thanked Torak for his gifts, and spoke briefly to Harudannen about Patents, the likes of which we use in Fikir Tayfa to encourage free market and progress. Though the idea wasn’t birthed by me, the Arudanni had never heard of such a method, and I could see behind his mask the greediness in his eyes. This was much more than any people had gotten from the Hidden People in the history of the Barrens; free trade and exchange of ideas. As an Ambassador it is the most he could ever have hoped for, and I am happy that we could provide it to him.

Living a lie, with a kind of sand wall around me as I walk among this people, it makes me want to destroy the barrier and let all of the truths loose, to fly free to all peoples, nations, and races. Let mortals do with knowledge what they will, as most will be responsible with it. Let our mortal lives be filled with growth and brotherhood one with another. Surely there are more than Humans and Daedalans that can be Psionic! Surely not only the Psionic deserve to feel the love of Brahma. I can see the beginnings of this, and I rejoice.

After we reached our rooms, my companions split up to research more on the subjects they thought might lead to the identity of the Blade and his mission. They were lead, almost as if guided by deific hands, to the knowledge of Crystals, Ley lines, Dragons, and one curious vision of a great dwarf wielding an axe on the creatures beneath The City-Nation. It all was far too close to the reason I had left Fikir Tayfa to believe that I wasn’t meant to come across these beings, and that we weren’t supposed to follow this to the end. I knew then that I had to lay myself bare to them, and that we needed to share in the camaraderie of truth.

I revealed my true self to them. I invited them to my chambers, where I wore a powder blue silk dress, the one I wore on my sixteenth crysta. They arrived, and I introduced myself to them for the first time, Bhuvana Kī bēṭī Abhayesh, Third Child, Second Daughter of King Abhayesh.

To say I was met by shock and surprise is an understatement. The poor Drathiest Drakkari Doctor, Chen, was so flabbergasted he was speechless. I told them all that I knew of Fikir Tayfa, of the Vaults of the Word, and of the creation of the Chosen People. I explained why I was smuggled out of the Dustwall, and why my mission was so important, as was my secrecy. Chaaya's Quest As usual, knowledge created kinship. They are my bosom-buddies, all searching for the vindication of the Innocent in our ship, Chaaya’s Quest. I knew you would love that name. It’s all done in honor of the strongest, most independent, and beautiful women known to the land. Our talks led my companions to action. They all had things they wanted to finish immediately, as the urgency of it all was transferred.

Mother, we know that the land of the Crystal City is in danger. The Dissidents have grown in power, and I fear that they will gain power outside the wall, especially when we start to break through the old barriers of trade and travel. The Sixth Crystal Key is hidden, safe in a location of my hiding, but it might not always be such, and it might still not stop them from gaining entrance to the Vaults of the Word.
In preparation, Tadje left to study, as did Leena. Chen did as well, though he was side-tracked by the appearance of a Dragon close to the city. While they were away, I finally opened the drawers of the Ambassador, and spoke with Narakosh, who was thankfully safe. We had feared he perished in the attack by the Blade, as we had erroneously feared of his daughter and the Scholarly friend of his. They are all safe, and we can communicate with them freely now.

We received news that Chen might be in danger, and we all left on taxi-carpet to his rescue. He was conversing with a Night Stalker of all things! My heart stopped, and I knew that it would be a miracle if any one of us walked away with our lives. To our astonishment he turned his back on it, and walked back through the clearing unscathed.

With Chen safely returned to us, we started to chat with our Taxi-Carpeteer, D’din Ali. He had valuable information about a clan of Dwarves that might have more to do with the great Bio-Wizards of the past than any of the research we had hitherto come in control of. A nervous, flighty energy took root in my gut, and we set off for their Tavern, in search for the Dwarves of the Silver Mountain.

No sooner had we arrived that a brawl broke out.

Ambassador Bumi,
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
View my game based on the Heroic Realm of Regnum from Library of Bletherad at "Regnum, Paradise Lost",or even better, become a fan!! Winner Campaign of the Year 2014!
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Chen is a Yin-Lord



Honorable Drakkos, Primarch of our faith and nation

I have not discovered much. There is a nugget of knowledge here and there. Earlier today we caused quite a ruckus at a bar in Northton, the Spinning Toadstool according to its sign. Tadje asked for a contest of might between Dwarves and himself. It went south when one of them turned out to be a wizard. I couldn’t let him get beat to death by the five or six of them so I sprung into action and discovered that the fight was over before it began. In the end I had a couple of bruised ribs and Tadje had a goose egg on his poor head from a jump that went wrong. The city’s finest had shown up with a sleep spell and it was over. Somehow I am glad that the concubine wasn’t there to see it.

The events turned around when Leena talked to the Dwarves, got a private powwow and thanks to some manipulation and convincing we let them know of our awareness of Leena’s famous husband and the dwarf in turn gave up data on the rune lords of the Dwarves. Apparently they have taught their rune magic to every nation but have kept most secrets to themselves. It kind of showed in Leena’s husband as he is fantastic at rune magic. He has made leaps and bounds in discovery and is a coveted master of the art. I still didn’t see a tie into the end times with the rune masters but I am still looking. Perhaps other faiths are fooling themselves and have made stories of things that were locked away when the Founders arrived assuming that story is true too. It seems that thousands of years can cloud the truth and take the facts and truth and turn them into legends and myths. Elves might find this offensive but I feel that even with as legible as the language of the elves is it seems that it still is up for private interpretation. Religion could be vague at best and with great hindsight could be as easily predicted as a prophet. Alas I am talking out of my butt. I know that the dragon gods exist (though the other gods could be questionable) and this is a tangent. On the other hand not all Dwarves it would seem share the same viewpoint of the villian behind the arrival of the Founders, Gazhur Drodd. The song troubles me because it speaks of a hate long thought buried for longer than your honor is reported to be alive!

It speaks of the times of the Founders’ War!

Far over the silver mountains tall
To kingdoms deep, and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the rune enchanted throne.

The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.

For dwarven king and elvish lord,
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and power they caught
To hide in runes on axe and sword.

On silver necklaces they strung,
The gleaming stars, on crowns they hung,
The forge-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the might of rune and spell.

Far over the silver mountains tall
To kingdoms deep, and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the rune enchanted throne.

Goblets they carved there for themselves
And harps of gold; where no elf delves
There lay they long, and many a song
Was sung unheard by folk above.

The pines were roaring on the height,
The winds were moaning in the night.
The fire was red, it flaming spread;
The trees like torches blazed with light.

The bells were ringing in the dales
And dwarves looked up with faces pale;
Then Elvish ire more fierce than fire
Laid low their towns and halls had fell.

The mountains smoked beneath the moon;
The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
They fled their hall to dying fall
Beneath elf feet, beneath the moon.

Far over the silver mountains grim
To kingdoms deep and caverns dim
We must away, ere break of day,
To win our throne and runes from them!

When we finally met up with Rascal, it was interesting as the thief had discovered a lost and very old runic powered dagger that he claimed to have found in the city streets. He told us that it was discarded as trash and that he had taken the effort to pick it up only to find that it was enchanted. We should of taken the familiar at his word because when Leena attempted to touch it she too fell asleep. Several minutes later revived to hear how Rascal picked up the accursed thing; his bag. The magic only worked with direct contact. When we asked about the owner he was vague (perhaps we all look the same to him) and could only give us directions that were very visually oriented but he remembered enough to find the place, a tower of learning; a tower of the dark arts.

Getting there was easy though I think that I had overthought the issue when it came to transportation and when the taxi pointed out that I was a 500+ pound Yin-Lord, I thinking that it would be an easy thing to rectify transformed into a dwarf. It was the last thing I had seen and so the shape was familiar to me. I had not thought much about it because a dwarf without pants gets the chiding of mothers with children when they have no pants. I had forgotten that I usually was without pants most of the time and so when I turned into a dwarf I forgot to get pants before I had started the idea. I quickly transformed back and soon a larger carpet appeared to take us to the tower that the familiar was going to lead us to.

When we arrived at the uh… museum; school? Whatever. There was a school of students leaving the building all with smiles and as chatty as could be. When we inquired of the owner of the dagger and introduced ourselves, it seemed that the knowledge of the ambassador presence was quite exciting. The children were eager to share what they knew of the owner of the dagger and of the building witch wasn’t much as they were students. Tadje and Bumi showed some relation to the students; they were smiling the biggest from such an impressive display. It finally ended as they all began to fly away. The curator of the building offered us a free show of the building and when we showed him the dagger he told us that that blade was ancient and had been missing for over a thousand years and that the discovery was unexpected as they were sure that it was lost forever. In the museum there was a place setter for where it should have been displayed but now a tea kettle was in its place (strange). He also told of a story of a golem that he called a mannequin that had not moved for hundreds of years and he assumed that the creator was now destroyed or dead. He then told us that prior to the children arriving that day that the golem had disappeared for over half the day. When it emerged from hiding prior to the children showing up, it was in the exact position as if it had never left. He (the curator) was concerned that the children were in danger and had even cut their trip short for safety sake. That’s when we arrived.

Because of its enchanted nature the curator asked if we would give him permission to destroy the golem. It seemed an odd request but Bumi granted the request and when we went to destroy it, that’s when the eyes shifted and we found ourselves in a fight.

It was during the fight that Tadje pointed out a thought that perhaps the fight was a distraction. Tadje left during the fight and turns out he was right. When the fight turned bad for Bumi I had to let some of my “medical knowledge” out and Leena watched me bring back the ambassador from ‘not breathing’ to ‘breathing’. I am sure that I will be asked for some explanation of the fire and power that ran down my arm and coursed into the ambassador’s body. The question is will my secrets be helpful to a changeling? Should it be shared? I cherish my secrets but am so bad at keeping my lies straight.

Attache Chen of Yen-Drakkos.

Penned on evening of the 17th of Vahishta, 10,002 A.T.
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

Unread post by AZ_RUNE »

Rascal is an animal familiar built using the advanced rules in Mysteries of Magic: Book One



Today is the 18th of Vahishta, and this means little to me other than I get to see my second bestest friend. I was eating fish and listening to them all yap, yap, and more yapping! However, there is words amongst the yapping between him and my best friend. Two more people close to my second bestest friend’s wife, oh yeah the not-so-dead one, only kinda sort dead, like possum dead! Well they died but not before someone took a Tezu of someone else in a room where the dying occurred. It would seem we will meet the Bloody Man once more. This time we should cook him so he cant cut himself and do evil stuff and stuff!!! It would seem this knowledge needs to go to the nice person that rubs my tummy!

Oh snap!

Someone almost saw me practicing fearlessness, that is between me and the pretty yin-lady for now. I will eat this fear thing and then I decide when I go to the Realm!



I have been working hard to handle small fear and even burned some of my tail to prove I could override my fear! I took my pirate scarf off for that because it’s pretty and stuff. Without her help I would have scarred myself to much and POOF!!!!! Now I know some small steps to conquer fear is to endure pain. The tail must have no fear because she has to endure mister poopy tail all the time. She seems to like him, so i think she got hit in the head really hard. I have seen what that does to people. OWWW!!!

When we got back to our rooms in the big tower we found a silver bracelet and a note!!!! My best friend would have read it but I grabbed it and ran around the room yelling that I wanted to read it first. She said other words but I like my version better.

stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, and stuff. stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, more stuff, stuff, stuff. stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, double stuff, stuff, and no more stuff.
Clearly, I had more to say but you had to listen between the stuffs. What she read was how to use the circle to take us to the flying ship!!

When we got there I missed out on another fight but I overheard more yapping then Blacksword! The hunt had begun once more and we will eat evil! Well maybe just push evil overboard because I heard evil tastes bad! Days have passed and We are at some place called Quin-Long and I caught the slow green one eating something that made him act funny and he had gone through the pretty tail lady and poopy tail man’s stuff!!! I tried to show them but even the pretty lady had no idea and couldn’t see what I saw! She needs to stop getting hit in the head.

I found the green one in the netting and admitted defeat, he got it passed everyone else. I pawed his paw and we watched the sun go down.

Bye Bye,
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
View my game based on the Heroic Realm of Regnum from Library of Bletherad at "Regnum, Paradise Lost",or even better, become a fan!! Winner Campaign of the Year 2014!
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Re: Campaign Logs from Regnum - Season 2: Paradise Lost

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Leena is a Changeling from Season 1 returned to Season 2



19th of Vahishta

We leave the city of Quin-Long in the morning. It’s dusk now and the chair has been sold. Tarak’rabeth tells Chen that she will be staying for a few days, since this is her birthplace and she can use his funds to catch up later if he can pigeon her as to where he’ll be. It is very different but just as green as my home in the Kingdom of Greenwater. The step pyramids and even walking past not one but three dragons throughout the day has been so exotic. Some don’t have wings and Chen’s concubine tells us that they love to take new forms one day and lounge in the natural form other days to weeks on end. The crew loves us because we have brought so much income to the group and shared it so evenly among everyone.

Tadje has been looking for more magic aside from what he has in his single grimoire. He convinced Chen to take him to a Dragon and introduce him since he is from Yin-Drakkos, and has that Dragon sensing ‘ring.’ Tadje is very eager and is seemingly conviced Chen must know some powerful Dragons since he avoided death at the Nightstalker! All of this is being done in an effort to acquire more magic, and before I thought he would say no, Chen tells him he knows a rather friendly Thunder Lizard named, Rhavamanthys.

Chen was going over the basics regarding Rhavamanthys as they left the ship:

roughly 600 years old or older,
about 40 ft including the tail and 18 tons,
and the deepest emerald green scales you’ve ever seen.
Chen and Tadje arrive back in the evening with a gigantic water clock from the dragon, Rhavamanthys. The captain remarks how exquisite the clock is and offers to mount it in Tadje’s room to avoid it breaking. When Bumi asks where such a ‘heavy’ looking treasure would have come from? Tadje tells Bumi that a Thunder Lizard will be on board the ship to teach him magic as far as Bezroku. Rascal wants to know if the boat will hold such a large creature and off he runs to pester Captain Akshay. The captain answers his question but inadvertently refers poor Rascal as my pet which makes him scowl, and when he discovers their are no wings on the Dragon he stomps proclaiming his last poo is smarter than Tadje.

20th of Vahishta
The next morning is very pleasant, and the breeze feels almost as though the boat is rocking on water. I am woken up with a lovely plate and Rascal is given a bowl of fish as well from the new cook, a Shirn-Karya. The spices used are all local to the city and it would appear he is classed as major talent among his “brothers of the mind.” He loves to have dreams of what to cook for those he works for to help keep his mind sharp, and even learn new recipes sometimes.

When the dragon arrives, the form he has taken is an “all” green yen lord, a very deep forest green. He arrives with just one bag. “Dang that slow green one, he doesn’t even know what a dragon is. He brought another poopy tail instead”, my poor Rascal is most distraught maybe some extra fish today. Bumi and the dragon discuss their “official ambassadorial business.” They discuss the ‘trade agreement’ the wizard made, that Tadje will trade rope magic for spell magic he does not know on a one for one basis. Afterwards Tadje shows him to his room and shortly thereafter most of the magically inclined on the ship feel the immense expenditure of energy coming from the same room.

Aside from the new cook that is also a Shirn, five new warriors, Martial Sai that were hired to help with the Chaaya’s Quest. The three are Shirn, two Shirn-Rahl & a Shirn-Lulhi. The last two of the five is a pair of golden scaled, green striped Yin-Lords.

The captain explains to Rascal that the dragon is the Yin-Lord, since he was still fuming that another poopy tail had snuck onboard. Rascal is very excited about the notion of riding him and being a real pirate, oh this is not going to end well. I will have to warn our guest before Rascal does something I know I’ll regret perhaps permanently.

21st of Vahishta
The beginning of the day when we set sail is very pleasant. At dinner, we re-tell the stories of the pirates, and our encounter with blacksword to our new guest and some of the crew in the room. We make it to ithendral at the end of the 21st. We arrive ahead of schedule. Way off in the distance, we can see the Mount Skyfast as the sun sets. It’s a hazy bump in the distance but it’s there.

We arrive in Ith-Angdral, and notice the dwarven “sky-navy”. Their vessels are all skyships and very blocky in design and use some of rotating blades was their skywings. These ships are not even half the size of ours, though in fairness most aren’t half our size. However, they have 63 ships in docks or hovering and those are the skydocks we can see.

We decide to land and the captain wants to resupply and do some trades for items that are rarer outside the Dwarven Empire. Tadje heads out with the crew but when they return three hours later and ahead of schedule they mention he is still haggling over some alchemical components. The Captain left instructions if he was not back in another hour to go acquire the little green runt so we could be on our way. Tadje’s return is agitated by the knowledge he might be able to acquire an item the Arch Mage of Arcanus Tower, Zhuyin Hu, would trade rare magic for.

What’s not surprising is the one million marques per ounce they want for the alchemical metal, Gantrium! Consideriong its magically conductive properties, when made into jewelry magic users spend less of their energy to cast magic. It’s also rumored to be used to make rune weapons, and act as a powerr source in the Skythrones on most sky ships! When Tadje mentions needing a few ounces of the mystical component Rascal runs off and returns with a 4 ounce metal measuring spoon from the kitchens. He pats him on the leg mentioning the spoon should help and runs off again to practice what he calls “Dragon Riding.” Tadje tries to thank him and explain why it won’t work but Rascal is gone and leaving the Gosai talking to air. Bumi agrees after some major convincing on Tadje’s behalf that his country may have need of such an element and agrees to meet with the seller.

We meet a dwarvan alchemist and I ask him if he knows Valryk. The room stops and the dwarf wants to know how I know him. I turn into Vora. The gentleman bows and says that he’ll be back. Valryk is with him! I give him a hug and he demands to know why we’re there. Valryk learns that we’re trying to buy the gantrium. We find out this is one of his sourcces to finding out about Blacksword. We negotiate for at least an ounce, more if possible for testing. Valryk asks what they can expect in return, and Bumi offers information on the patent proposal.

Valryk presents the Runesmith Guild to us after returning after 20 minutes. (there are several elderly dwarves with him). They want to guarantee a member of their guild has a seat on the patent counsel with Bumi. The spokeperson for the Runesmith Guild informs us (by gesturing to a Dwarf to his right hold what could be a metal rod, mace, nightstick..) that Torrin used to be an assistant to Drodd. He vowed to never share the secrets before being turned into a rune weapon (that explains the bluish-grey metal stick). He says that Drodd’s desscendents don’t believe in the tale of a ten thousand year old Dwarf running a shadow organization to destroy the Elves and anyone that allies with them. However, they do believe in dwarven supremecy. He asks for a guarantee to be on the council, and offers at least 2 ounces of gantrium – and all of his trade secrets to go with it!!

Bumi states that he will try, but can’t guarantee this. The dwarves leave abruptly. Bumi says that it’s not that he doesn’t want to have a relationship with the runesmiths, but he’s concerned that we’ll be in a war against them because of the fact that the children of drodd still exist. What the dwarf offers is extremely distressing because they want control of the patent office, and they’ll be playing with livelihoods for entire countries. The dwarves give us three days to think it over.

When we get back to the ship, there is a courier waiting for us. Stating ‘…if you wish rooms for your friend’s companions, travelmates, and staff, there are hotels that will offer service to us on behalf of the Korin Ithrik government…’ None of us partake of the offer and instead sit in council deep into the night with Bumi.

22nd of Vahishta
Bumi agrees to allow the dwarves on the seat on the counsel after considering everything. He uses the circle on the Chaaya’s Quest to contact the former Gosai ambassador Narakosh. She is advised that the civil war situation in Fikir Tayfa is getting worse. When we go back my husband is not among the council. The spokeperson for the Runesmith Guild pulls out the Gantrium and a pile of papers. Bumi tells them that he agrees to grant the guild of runesmiths a seat on the council, or if he fails to do so his country will join them as non-presiding members of the organization. They ask him to sign paperwork, which Bumi does and it is with a quill that is enchanted to sribe in liquid silver! A silvered rune is applied to each page making them indestructible!!!!!

When Bumi asks about Blacksword the spokeperson for the Runesmith Guild waives over a trunk, filled with books. The books were written by sons and daughters of Drodd, and they have detail magical knowledge so advanced it would shake the world. Among the secrets they have figured out how to break runic bondings, or reforge a good rune weapon into one of darkness. As part of this process, the soul has no choice in the issue. In Badenfeld, up to 100 were thought to be unleashed in that eleven day nightmare. The dwarves have been tracking 27 of them – and Blacksword is one o the worst. Blacksword comes from Bumi’s homeland. According to the dwarves, the image of Drodd’s hand in the runic tome Valryk had is 8,000 years old.

The way that Drodd got in and overwrote the dust wall hasn’t been done by anyone else. They think that the Great Undersea Tunnel was used to burrow and bypass the defenses of the land. Drodd is thought to have gotten through from the crystal caverns.

The crystals deep in the earth have a will of their own.

Over the past 8,000 years there has been a character like Blacksword. He is deliberately murdering people of Fikir Tayfa that live outside of the dust wall. He is looking to murder their descendents. Whatever the crystal caves are and hold, Drodd got out early, and turned it into a Living Rune Weapon!!! The spokeperson for the Runesmith Guild also gives us a warning: if we’re ever to hit Baalgor Island, we need to get the chests off the ship. Otherwise, the chests will explode and cause damage in the process. The first chest has documentation from Drodd’s descendants: notes, journal entries. The second chest holds every documentation of any run ins with Blacksword (in addition to Blacksword, there are also 27 other dark rune weapons).

The Dwarves also get pigeons and knows why we’re going to Bezroku. I think the chests will be stored in my personal realm. The Dwarves offer to use a massive teleportation circle to move the ship. Thankfully this appears to be a lengthy and magically expensive procedure because this would allow the nation of Korin Ithrik to seriously compete with the Three Brothers Trading Company! The circle would take us to a skies near Bezroku, but they need three days to make it big enough to move the ship. It was mentioned that three of the Dwarven mages that will help with the circle, also helped raise the skydock 15 years ago. They really are the best of the best.

Until Next Time,
Leena, 22nd of Vahishta, 10,002 A.T.
An amateur practices 'til they get it right, a professional practices 'til they can't get it wrong. - Anon.
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