Sentinel Races Possible?

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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Melamber wrote:I know the Sentinel stuff has been booted from cannon, however is it likely that any of the Sentinel races may be brought into the new edition? Specifically the Praxians catch my interest, but all of them had their pluses.

Eh? No, the Sentinels races are still canon... or, at least, that they exist is still canon. They appeared in the RTSC runup comic Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles, though it's only one ambassador per species not two, and only Veidt and L'ron had any dialog.

It's the particulars of the EVENTS of Sentinels that got binned. According to HG's stance posted over on, the "broad strokes" of the concept are still valid (the SDF-3 goes to Tirol, fights the Regent, etc.) but the details are no longer accurate and may or may not be included in future stories.

An example of this is in the first issue of Prelude, where they show Edwards' betrayal and the battle in Tiresia (Tirol's capital) from the old Sentinels comics, but the VF-1s and Hovertanks have been taken out and replaced by Cyclones, and there's the discovery of "shadow technology" and a bunch of new events (like the baby that would've been Roy Hunter being a miscarriage or the Haydonites secretly wanting to exterminate everyone who uses protoculture. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Melamber wrote:I know the Sentinel stuff has been booted from cannon, however is it likely that any of the Sentinel races may be brought into the new edition? Specifically the Praxians catch my interest, but all of them had their pluses.

As Seto indicated that isn't exactly true. Prelude includes the Sentinel Races so we know they are still around, what has changed really are the specifics of events.

I don't know how likely it is that the Sentinel races would get included in a future book given the current state of affairs. The races would likely be less detailed than what they where in 1st Edition at this time (unless HG was flexible in allowing the 1E stuff to be all updated for these guys). However you should still be able to use 1E classes as is in 2E with the exception of the class skills area as those might need some work to properly fit into 2E.
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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

About the only details that are still known to be true WRT the old specifics of the Sentinels races are that the Karbarrans are still big shipbuilders and the Haydonites are still robots led by "the Awareness". - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Seto Kaiba wrote:About the only details that are still known to be true WRT the old specifics of the Sentinels races are that the Karbarrans are still big shipbuilders and the Haydonites are still robots led by "the Awareness".

Well we do know that the given species still retain their recognizable appearances from before. So in that light, various aspects based on their appearance can be retained.

At least for the 2E RPG, there is nothing to really invalidate the 1E approach given the Karbarrans and Haydonite traits still remain until something more official comes along.
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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

ShadowLogan wrote:Well we do know that the given species still retain their recognizable appearances from before. So in that light, various aspects based on their appearance can be retained.

Some of 'em, really... not all. Ironically, it's the two that spoke that got redesigned, while the rest are more or less unchanged. L'ron went from looking like a shaved, neckless Wookiee to looking remarkably like a normal Terran bear that has humanoid hands, and Veidt traded in his "limbless department store mannequin" look for having the Hal 9000 for a face.

ShadowLogan wrote:At least for the 2E RPG, there is nothing to really invalidate the 1E approach given the Karbarrans and Haydonite traits still remain until something more official comes along.

I agree wholeheartedly... the two biggest staples of either are more or less confirmed, so it seems relatively safe. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)

Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by Protoculture »

Seto Kaiba wrote:Some of 'em, really... not all. Ironically, it's the two that spoke that got redesigned, while the rest are more or less unchanged. L'ron went from looking like a shaved, neckless Wookiee to looking remarkably like a normal Terran bear that has humanoid hands, and Veidt traded in his "limbless department store mannequin" look for having the Hal 9000 for a face.

Hmmm, Haydonite mecha designs closely resembled Palladium's Mechanoids. Just look at Wraith fighter, it is almost a carbon copy lookalike of Improved Mechanoid Wasp sans the Wasp's tail section.


Haydonite Wraith:

Haydonite Wraith Pre-production Art:

Mechanoid Wasp 2.0:
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Re: Sentinel Races Possible?

Unread post by tobefrnk »

I'm hoping for at least one race to pop up in the UEEF Marines book.

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