Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Hello people, while talking about the Bushi Federation from Thundercould Galaxy, their goddess Ameratsu and her actual relation or not to Amaterasu and japanese culture, the subject of which pantheons are actually mentioned as aware or involved with Rifts Earth came up and we sketched this list:

- Ahriman and Ahura Mazda (the former is trying to figure out what caused The Coming of the Rifts...possibly so that he can duplicate the process as well as garner megaversal allies to aid him in his fight against the forces of light). Also, he has not one but two fronts in Rifts Earth in the form of Armaggedon Unlimited and Angrar Robotics. That said, the armor's peculiarities make it less subtle a tool than it could actually be.

- The ersatz 'pantheon of convenience' in South America consisting of Bast from Egypt, Simba from Africa, and what's-his-name who is the god of werejaguars from South America.

- Both Zeus and Odin know the situation on Rifts Earth, and both pantheons hope to recruit a new generation of worshipers in this new age in which so many humans are living in post-apocalyptic, primitive conditions and will more readily turn back to worship than would the people of the Golden Age. Overall, lots of interest but not actual moves so far.

- The dragon god Kormath is observing and studying Rifts earth, but so far has not decided what if anything to do with the place.

- Mumu the Maker, of the babylonian pantheon is present in Rifts Eath as an agent of Enki, who has at least some idea of the situation on Rifts Earth and sent him there to study technology and specially techno-wizardry - unfortunately for the babylonian gods, Mumu is quite disloyal and also been making deals with Tiamat and Splynncryth behind their backs, so it's anyone guess who he might double-cross first. Along the way he acquired a pair of SAMAS armor he heavily customized with his "newfound" Techno-wizard knowledge and his red armor with gold trimmings (iron man joke?) SAMAS has seriously messed up Coalition units in a number of confrontations and now they have a bounty and "kill on sight" policy on him - for all the good it's going to do them...
Also, Tiamat seems to have servants active in the Phoenix Empire, Atlantis and, curiously, on Wormwood.

- Chinese gods are most certainly aware of the Yama Kings' transgressions in China, but are acting only indirectly for fear of causing even worse disorders.

- The Aztecs are familiar with the current situation of Mexico and Latin America in general, seem to have at least some contact with Atlantis and Splynn and seem divided between those who would love to gank the vampires and the Intelligences to dust (Tlaloc, Huitzilopochtli) and those who would just browbeat and make deals with them (Tezcatlipoca, others seem mostly neutral/uncaring on this).

- In the entire line of Palladium Books, the Egyptian Pantheon seems to be the most up-to-date pantheon of them all, by far, and are currently active on several fronts in the Megaverse, including the Palladium World, Palladium Hades, Phase World (cautiously locking horns with the Splugorth), and of course Rifts Earth. What makes it kind of ironic that they were not listed in the Pantheons book alongside the others.

- Thoth has his own power base in Rifts Earth, including a varaity of worshipers and allies in Splyncryth and pharoah Rama-Set. He is also fond of the Splurgorth in general. He even has secured a splurgorthian High lord as his servant, which says all kinds of interesting things. He also has an army of TW modified Dyno-bots at his disposal which suggests he has been active in the NGR as well.

- Set has Also been highly active. Pharoah Rama-Set is his primary Disciple on Rifts Earth, and he is actively supporting the gargoyles of Europe through the NGR. The majority of the Phoenix Empire worship him directly, and he is making Inroads to the dark sorcerers and necromancers in the federation of magic.

- Ahnur has been to Rifts Earth and has considered throwing his lot in with the NRG simply to spite Set, but so far has not commited any resources to the place.

Possibly not complete - most probably not in fact, as i remember the mention of the incan gods in one of the South America books and the Tuatha de Danann & Fomors in Rifts England but not if they actually returned or not in either book.

But anyways, all the talk about gods and their potential influence inspired me to make a topic about stories involving the presence of the gods of Pantheons of the Megaverse (or any deities referenced in the Worldbooks) in Rifts Earth and how it affected your PC groups or the setting status quo in your games and so this title.

Feel free to tell us the tales of wonder and horror histories from your tables. Bring it!
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by eliakon »

Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Involved in what? WHAT daughter you mean? Zeus had lots of kids and is still probably having them all the time.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Nope, I want more. He's too much of a magnificent bastard to not assemble some megaversal posse in the Mediterranean and start messing with everyone in the area.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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SolCannibal wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Involved in what? WHAT daughter you mean? Zeus had lots of kids and is still probably having them all the time.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about White Raven with the Atlantis underground.....
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by eliakon »

Proseksword wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Involved in what? WHAT daughter you mean? Zeus had lots of kids and is still probably having them all the time.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about White Raven with the Atlantis underground.....

Yes sorry, I mistyped and seem to have erased the rest of the post which was supposed to be in Atlantis.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Proseksword wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Involved in what? WHAT daughter you mean? Zeus had lots of kids and is still probably having them all the time.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about White Raven with the Atlantis underground.....

White Raven? Atlantis Underground? Where's that from?
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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SolCannibal wrote:
Proseksword wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Proseksword wrote:Not gonna lie - I really want to see the Greek gods come back and become players in the Mediterranean. There aren't anywhere near enough details on southern and western Europe. I've had my fill of the NGR and Gargoyles, can we write something interesting for England, France, Italy and Greece?

Zeus is explicitly involved (via his daughter) in. Is that a good enough start for you?

Involved in what? WHAT daughter you mean? Zeus had lots of kids and is still probably having them all the time.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about White Raven with the Atlantis underground.....

White Raven? Atlantis Underground? Where's that from?

Rifts World Book: Atlantis I believe.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Only if someone threw a brand-new updated version - because i have the worldbook and never heard of neither.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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She's described in WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market, page 68-71

The most relevant part would be ... "Unknown to White Raven, Zeus secretly admires her and follows her actives regularly. Furthermore, he sometimes helps her and her colleagues via sudden storms, concealing fog, freak lightning strikes and magic --- Zeus is a proud father"
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Incriptus wrote:She's described in WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market, page 68-71

The most relevant part would be ... "Unknown to White Raven, Zeus secretly admires her and follows her actives regularly. Furthermore, he sometimes helps her and her colleagues via sudden storms, concealing fog, freak lightning strikes and magic --- Zeus is a proud father"

Whoops. I have both and sometimes forget what info is in which book.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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The Native American "Great Spirits" if you want to group them in the god category are active in North America.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Mechghost wrote:The Native American "Great Spirits" if you want to group them in the god category are active in North America.

Do they statted out like the gods in other books or at least some OCC related to them in Spirit West or other books?
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Psionycx wrote:What would be really cool would be for the Olympians to remember their Roman aspects and bring in humans (and maybe Wolfen) from another dimension (perhaps the Three Galaxies) to establish a New Roman Empire! That would shock the heck out of everybody! The Germans, the Gargoyles, the Poles, the Phoenix Empire, even Atlantis!

Meanwhile, I wonder what Isis is up to with Madhaven these days?

I think there IS mention of a Wolfen community having already established itself in Italy in one of the books, just can't remember which one, if Sourcebook 2, Conversion Book or some other...
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by Tor »

Incriptus wrote:She's described in WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market, page 68-71

The most relevant part would be ... "Unknown to White Raven, Zeus secretly admires her and follows her actives regularly. Furthermore, he sometimes helps her and her colleagues via sudden storms, concealing fog, freak lightning strikes and magic --- Zeus is a proud father"

If I sent an MDC swan to violate White Raven, would Zeus be level-headed enough to appreciate the Irony?
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Psionycx wrote:
Tor wrote:
Incriptus wrote:She's described in WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market, page 68-71

The most relevant part would be ... "Unknown to White Raven, Zeus secretly admires her and follows her actives regularly. Furthermore, he sometimes helps her and her colleagues via sudden storms, concealing fog, freak lightning strikes and magic --- Zeus is a proud father"

If I sent an MDC swan to violate White Raven, would Zeus be level-headed enough to appreciate the Irony?

When has Zeus ever been level-headed?

The time he remembered not to bang Thetis because having a child greater than him might be bad for his divine rule? Probably about the only time. :-P
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:
Incriptus wrote:She's described in WB21 Splynn Dimensional Market, page 68-71

The most relevant part would be ... "Unknown to White Raven, Zeus secretly admires her and follows her actives regularly. Furthermore, he sometimes helps her and her colleagues via sudden storms, concealing fog, freak lightning strikes and magic --- Zeus is a proud father"

If I sent an MDC swan to violate White Raven, would Zeus be level-headed enough to appreciate the Irony?

Can I set up a betting pool on how far your head flies, sans body, like a champagne cork? 'Cause that's going to be some major Olympian strength around your neck.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Back on the sumero-babylonian gods, there's also mention on the Tablets of Destiny description of how it gives its user a form of cosmic-level oracle/clairvoyance powers and how through this Marduk has learned of the arrival of the Mechanoids to Rifts Earth, the coming of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the evil events transpiring in Camelot. There's also talk of him assembling a select team of godlings, demigods, young dragons and other champions of good, to be sent on missions of espionage and sabotage against Atlantis in preparation for the day when he feels strong enough to launch a large-scale attack (not likely for several

What opens room for the interesting possibility that Zeus might be watching White Raven heroically acting in the unwitting (or at least secret) service of another pantheon leader without even knowing.

On the Tablets it is also said "He can understand the workings of any magic and device if he is interested in examining it. With the Tablets, Marduk could learn to manufacture a Techno-God device." - is that hyperbole on techno-wizard devices or there is mention of some thing called "Techno-God device" in some other book(s)? I'm curious now.
Last edited by SolCannibal on Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by eliakon »

SolCannibal wrote:Back on the sumero-babylonian gods, there's also mention on the Tablets of Destiny description of how it gives its user a form of cosmic-level oracle/clairvoyance powers and how through this Marduk has learned of the arrival of the Mechanoids to Rifts Earth, the coming of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the evil events transpiring in Camelot. There's also talk of him assembling a select team of godlings, demigods, young dragons and other champions of good, to be sent on missions of espionage and sabotage against Atlantis in preparation for the day when he feels strong enough to launch a large-scale attack (not likely for several

What opens room for the interesting possibility that Zeus might be watching White Raven heroically acting in the unwitting (or at least secret) service of another pantheon leader without even knowing.

On the Tablets it is also said "He can understand the workings of any magic and device if he is interested in examining it. With the Tablets, Marduk could learn to manufacture a Techno-God device." - is that hyperbole on techno-wizard devices or there is mention of some thing called "Techno-God device" in some other book(s)? I'm curious now.

Total hyperbole. Basically the same sort of thing as when they say that Epim can 'replicate prototypical deific powers with her runic abilities' and stuff. Its just 'hey here is random plot level hook, or half thought through idea use it...or not.'
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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eliakon wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Back on the sumero-babylonian gods, there's also mention on the Tablets of Destiny description of how it gives its user a form of cosmic-level oracle/clairvoyance powers and how through this Marduk has learned of the arrival of the Mechanoids to Rifts Earth, the coming of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the evil events transpiring in Camelot. There's also talk of him assembling a select team of godlings, demigods, young dragons and other champions of good, to be sent on missions of espionage and sabotage against Atlantis in preparation for the day when he feels strong enough to launch a large-scale attack (not likely for several

What opens room for the interesting possibility that Zeus might be watching White Raven heroically acting in the unwitting (or at least secret) service of another pantheon leader without even knowing.

On the Tablets it is also said "He can understand the workings of any magic and device if he is interested in examining it. With the Tablets, Marduk could learn to manufacture a Techno-God device." - is that hyperbole on techno-wizard devices or there is mention of some thing called "Techno-God device" in some other book(s)? I'm curious now.

Total hyperbole. Basically the same sort of thing as when they say that Epim can 'replicate prototypical deific powers with her runic abilities' and stuff. Its just 'hey here is random plot level hook, or half thought through idea use it...or not.'

Good to know - and what you just said made me think i need to take some time one of those days to give Dragons & Gods the good, long and thorough read it merits, then maybe spend some time on some silly waste like getting stuff from the gods in Pantheons and porting to its format, maybe use some of the unique powers here and there to expand general options and plot hooks...

Now on a little swerve, lots of hindu gods, because hindu gods are awesome too, no more reason needed:

Durga (Parvati)
Indra & Vritra
Kali2 (NSFW)
Rudra (Shiva)
Rudra2 (Shiva)
Vayu (yeah, i know he appeared among the persians)
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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taalismn wrote:how far your head flies
Olympian strength around your neck.

Implying my character is not a Splugorth.

Plus: since his daughters are just about the only thing Zeus won't impregnate, he has to get grandkids somehow. They may as well have feathers.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:
taalismn wrote:how far your head flies
Olympian strength around your neck.

Implying my character is not a Splugorth.

That made me remember a group of soldiers sharing tales around the fire and the words of one of them - a rogue scientist turned borg-gladiator by the atlanteans - "The day i escaped that hell along with my friends is the day we swore to make them pay, we would one day, no matter how long it took and how mych it cost us, we would kick the damn Splugorth @$$es out of this planet. But to honest, after all those decades, i'm pretty certain it's a lost cause..... the sploogs don't have @$$es." :mrgreen:

Tor wrote:Plus: since his daughters are just about the only thing Zeus won't impregnate, he has to get grandkids somehow. They may as well have feathers.

Don't be so certain he won't, it's greek gods we are talking about, not to mention Zeus is the worst of the lot when it comes to restraint. :P
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Zeus probably isn't aware of ALL the kids produced by his dalliances, so I'm sure some accidents have occurred. Inevitably if he ever learned of them, he would do background checks first before going forward.

He DID hook up with his sister (Hera, and look how well that turned out) but trying to pluck White Raven's tail is a step beyond that.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by SolCannibal »

Tor wrote:Zeus probably isn't aware of ALL the kids produced by his dalliances, so I'm sure some accidents have occurred. Inevitably if he ever learned of them, he would do background checks first before going forward.

He DID hook up with his sister (Hera, and look how well that turned out) but trying to pluck White Raven's tail is a step beyond that.

Well, there was Zagreus, whose mother was Persephone, his daughter with his sister Demeter...
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Considering Zeus is still alive, I'm inclined to take Aeschylus' claim of Hades being the dad, rather than that of Orphism.

Gonna believe this misinterpertation is based on Illiad-type "Zeus Katachthonios" (Underground Zeus) phrasing.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Zeus does have that belated 'gifts to my kids' thing going for him when he can be convinced to ante up a form of child support. But that might be more 'better to have the kids n my side than align with one of my enemies' thing.
Hera, on the other hand, tosses out her kid because he's ugly.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Hera had to ditch Hephaestus, his simmering beastial looks would have tempted her eventually.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by SolCannibal »

taalismn wrote:Zeus does have that belated 'gifts to my kids' thing going for him when he can be convinced to ante up a form of child support. But that might be more 'better to have the kids n my side than align with one of my enemies' thing.
Hera, on the other hand, tosses out her kid because he's ugly.

Actually, that is sort of dubious.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:Zeus does have that belated 'gifts to my kids' thing going for him when he can be convinced to ante up a form of child support. But that might be more 'better to have the kids n my side than align with one of my enemies' thing.
Hera, on the other hand, tosses out her kid because he's ugly.

Actually, that is sort of dubious.

Fits with the old tradition of exposure, getting rid of unwanted kids that way.
But still, them ancient Greeks were a messed-up lot.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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taalismn wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
taalismn wrote:Zeus does have that belated 'gifts to my kids' thing going for him when he can be convinced to ante up a form of child support. But that might be more 'better to have the kids n my side than align with one of my enemies' thing.
Hera, on the other hand, tosses out her kid because he's ugly.

Actually, that is sort of dubious.

Fits with the old tradition of exposure, getting rid of unwanted kids that way.
But still, them ancient Greeks were a messed-up lot.

Well, what can one say, brutal gods for brutal times...that said, Hephaestus tale overall could be seen as an ancient protestation of sorts against exposure.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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SolCannibal wrote:
Psionycx wrote:What would be really cool would be for the Olympians to remember their Roman aspects and bring in humans (and maybe Wolfen) from another dimension (perhaps the Three Galaxies) to establish a New Roman Empire! That would shock the heck out of everybody! The Germans, the Gargoyles, the Poles, the Phoenix Empire, even Atlantis!

Meanwhile, I wonder what Isis is up to with Madhaven these days?

I think there IS mention of a Wolfen community having already established itself in Italy in one of the books, just can't remember which one, if Sourcebook 2, Conversion Book or some other...

Rifter Number 1 actually, the New Republic. It was an awesome idea, but I disliked the use of the Wolfen, it just seemed corny to me. I could see a Human Empire calling itself Neo-Rome, but why the Wolfen did makes little to no since.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Ravenwing wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Psionycx wrote:What would be really cool would be for the Olympians to remember their Roman aspects and bring in humans (and maybe Wolfen) from another dimension (perhaps the Three Galaxies) to establish a New Roman Empire! That would shock the heck out of everybody! The Germans, the Gargoyles, the Poles, the Phoenix Empire, even Atlantis!

Meanwhile, I wonder what Isis is up to with Madhaven these days?

I think there IS mention of a Wolfen community having already established itself in Italy in one of the books, just can't remember which one, if Sourcebook 2, Conversion Book or some other...

Rifter Number 1 actually, the New Republic. It was an awesome idea, but I disliked the use of the Wolfen, it just seemed corny to me. I could see a Human Empire calling itself Neo-Rome, but why the Wolfen did makes little to no since.

WB5: Triax & the NGR also mentioned Romanesque Wolfen in Italy, Rifter #1 simply took the idea and ran with it. I'm okay with the idea of a Wolfen Empire in Italy. The more egregious material to me were the Sicilian mobsters with vibro-garrotes. I'd like to see the area get fleshed out much more, maybe tweaked so it's a little more gritty when finally integrated into canon.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Ravenwing wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Psionycx wrote:What would be really cool would be for the Olympians to remember their Roman aspects and bring in humans (and maybe Wolfen) from another dimension (perhaps the Three Galaxies) to establish a New Roman Empire! That would shock the heck out of everybody! The Germans, the Gargoyles, the Poles, the Phoenix Empire, even Atlantis!

Meanwhile, I wonder what Isis is up to with Madhaven these days?

I think there IS mention of a Wolfen community having already established itself in Italy in one of the books, just can't remember which one, if Sourcebook 2, Conversion Book or some other...

Rifter Number 1 actually, the New Republic. It was an awesome idea, but I disliked the use of the Wolfen, it just seemed corny to me. I could see a Human Empire calling itself Neo-Rome, but why the Wolfen did makes little to no since.

As Proseksword said, it was previously mentioned in passing (i think in the Conversion Book 1 or Sourcebook 2 also, i guess) and it makes some sense in a twisted visual-mythic sense due both to the Wolfen of Palladium having roman empire inspired visuals and the myth of Romulus & Remus and the She-Wolf.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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SolCannibal wrote:Hephaestus tale overall could be seen as an ancient protestation of sorts against exposure.

Except it probably made him stronger, motivated him to improve, so it worked.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:Hephaestus tale overall could be seen as an ancient protestation of sorts against exposure.

Except it probably made him stronger, motivated him to improve, so it worked.

Or "don't do this crap, fate may turn against you and a big and bad child's vengeance will come a-knockin'" Depends on how one reads it.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Hera got about as much punishment as his cheating nympho wife, brief capture and embarassment, not that harsh really.

I would consider Prometheus a way harsher example. Apparently wanting to help humanity is worse than wanting to ditch your humpbackbaby.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:Hera got about as much punishment as his cheating nympho wife, brief capture and embarassment, not that harsh really.

I would consider Prometheus a way harsher example. Apparently wanting to help humanity is worse than wanting to ditch your humpbackbaby.

True. But then the point here is that the gods rule for their power, not their fairness and challenging them even out of good intent can get you messed up bad.

Greek myth and literature has this funny dissonance of values when it comes to matters of justice and fairness, as the tale of the Furies and Orestes's judgement shows.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

Unread post by eliakon »

SolCannibal wrote:
Tor wrote:Hera got about as much punishment as his cheating nympho wife, brief capture and embarassment, not that harsh really.

I would consider Prometheus a way harsher example. Apparently wanting to help humanity is worse than wanting to ditch your humpbackbaby.

True. But then the point here is that the gods rule for their power, not their fairness and challenging them even out of good intent can get you messed up bad.

Greek myth and literature has this funny dissonance of values when it comes to matters of justice and fairness, as the tale of the Furies and Orestes's judgement shows.

[soapbox]There is also the fact that attempting to apply modern morality and values of justice to tales from well over 2,000 years ago will result in severe values dissonance. The ancient Greeks had different values for what was important, or what was right and wrong. This would therefore result in their literature reflecting their societies values not ours. What I am saying is that the dissonance is between our worldview and their worldview, not internal to their world view. [/soapbox]
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Different world views coincide between different nations in the same time just as they do the same nation in different times. I believe values dissonance always occurs in all comparisons, so it is inherent and no reason to object to any sort of comparison.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:Different world views coincide between different nations in the same time just as they do the same nation in different times. I believe values dissonance always occurs in all comparisons, so it is inherent and no reason to object to any sort of comparison.

And the long-lived/immortal gods don't necessarily have to get stuck in a rut with them. Mercury's fascinated with technology(especially fast transportation and firearms), for example, though one wonders what he thinks of radio, the internet, and FTL communications. And can you imagine if Hera up and hired a divorce attorney? :D

(Imagine being the mortal marriage counselor between Hera and Zeus...that goes beyond combat pay in terms of hazards..)
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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eliakon wrote:
SolCannibal wrote:
Tor wrote:Hera got about as much punishment as his cheating nympho wife, brief capture and embarassment, not that harsh really.

I would consider Prometheus a way harsher example. Apparently wanting to help humanity is worse than wanting to ditch your humpbackbaby.

True. But then the point here is that the gods rule for their power, not their fairness and challenging them even out of good intent can get you messed up bad.

Greek myth and literature has this funny dissonance of values when it comes to matters of justice and fairness, as the tale of the Furies and Orestes's judgement shows.

[soapbox]There is also the fact that attempting to apply modern morality and values of justice to tales from well over 2,000 years ago will result in severe values dissonance. The ancient Greeks had different values for what was important, or what was right and wrong. This would therefore result in their literature reflecting their societies values not ours. What I am saying is that the dissonance is between our worldview and their worldview, not internal to their world view. [/soapbox]

something that sadly many people have trouble with.. getting the students in my history classes to recognize that has been an uphill battle.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Well, back on track with some things i forgot...

- The "rogue" Aztec god and Quetzacoatl's companion, Xolotl, seems to be fascinated by the dog-boys and other mutant animals created by the Coalition's States and Gene Splicers. In fact, he has secretly visited the Lone Star complex and is one of the few beings who has any idea of the evils festering at that place. He believes that the dog boys would make excellent worshippers and allies for him in particular. Xolotl has even toyed with freeing them from the Coalition.

- Enki has visited Tolkeen and Lazlo several times in disguise, learning the wonders of techno-wizardry. He might have tried to protect those states against the depredations of the Coalition States, but does not want to act openly because he fears that the Gods of Darkness will join the Coalition in destroying any place he holds dear. That could either imply that he might now be helping a number of survivors out of guilt for his past vacilation - or even worse, that he did try to intervene, but others like Ereshkigal, Nergal and Kingu (not to mention double-crossing Mumu) did too, bring who knows what kind of monsters along.

- One of the rumors about Aphrodite (her current whereabouts are apparently uncertain) places her on Rifts Earth, trying to seduce King Arr'thuu himself, so either someone mistook Lady Guinevere for Aphrodite in disguise (what could cause some interesting confusion if Ares or some other deity comes to visit after hearing the tale) or Aphrodite really is around and about to cause Zazshan epic lots of trouble.

- Both Poseidon & Hel have interests in the Mechanoids and while their threat to Rifts Earth wasn't as big as once feared, either good could have agents in the lookout in North America, just in case.

- Soma has visited Rifts Earth on a couple of occasions. He wants to study the Millennium Trees because he thinks that with them he can make even more powerful potions. He is very cautious of the supernatural forces in England, Europe and Africa. He is also fascinated by Juicers and has toyed with creating his own army of superhuman warriors via chemical augmentation. Soma is also close friends with Indra and the Greek god Dionysus, all who enjoy getting into mischief as well as engaging in several attempts to try to drink each other under the table.

- Surya strongly believes that Rifts Earth will be an important battleground in the wars between good and evil. Thus, he has advised Brahma to prepare the pantheon to return to that world. Meanwhile, he is preparing a select group of godlings and demigods to send to Earth in an effort to learn more about the servants of evil that are in power. These agents will be sent as lone operatives and in small groups. Their orders are to blend in among the population and learn as much as possible about the supernatural evil that pervades the land.

- There is a rumor that the goddess Ratri was ambushed in Mexico by the evil Mayan god Camazotz, in alliance with two vampires intelligences and the Summerian deity Kingu. According to the rumor, the goddess has been bound to a Mayan pyramid, with physical and magical bonds, where she is being slowly bled of her mystic energy like a living battery. Even if not true, such rumor could attract the attention of any gods or heroes as committed to hunting vampires, demons and other such evil beings and lead to lots of trouble even if partly true (what Mayan pyramid are we talking about and what else could be imprisoned in one, by either this alliance of evil beings or some other group?)

- Yama, Indian king of dead, became interested in Rifts Earth when the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse made their appearance. He considered joining the monstrous creatures in their rampage, but decided to wait and see what happened. If his interest ends with their defeat or he will see it as an opportunity to insert or strongarm his influence across any surviving groups or societies of necromancers across the Phoenix Empire and the rest of Africa, who knows.

- Thor often travels to Rifts Earth seeking new challenges, looking for adventure and travelling through its many dimensional rifts to other worlds. There was also a godling daughter that he apparently rescued from Tolkeen's fall in a number of Rifter, if memory fails me not.

- Persian god Asha Vahishta's background mention a rumor that Asha is already on Rifts Earth and was among the heroes that gathered to fight the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Africa. Meanwhile Sharevar has visited Rifts Earth several times to study the situation, but has yet to intervene directly, as he fears any intervention by himself or his family will alert Ahriman and his demons to the planet's existence and invite an open attack (won't he feel stupid if he ever learns of Ursus and Armageddon Unlimited...).

- Two fragments of Ahzi Dahaka's essence have recently arrived on Rifts Earth, possessing mortals and starting small cults to the gods of darkness. These cults kidnap people and use these victims in sacrificial ceremonies. The power and influence of the cults is steadily increasing. A few medium-sized towns are now completely under the control of the cultists. Visitors will find the townsmen friendly and hospitable, until they are ambushed and taken to the dark altars below the town and sacrificed by the harmless-looking townspeople, as generic a plot hook as possible. Putting one of them in North America to serve as contacts or support for Ursus might be sensible, depending on how loyal or how much of a team player a GM sees Ahzi Dahaka as.

- Nasu the Corpse has, over the past few centuries, tried to forge an alliance of vampire intelligences, led by him and subservient to Ahriman. He hasn't been very successful, since the vampire intelligences hate and distrust each other (after all, they are in competition). This plan of his could lead to either alliance or rivalry with Tezcatlipoca and/or Kingu, not to mention Camazotz and Enumu (from South America) among others. There's also something about him recruiting a weakened intelligence that fled Rifts Earth that "might be the creature responsible for the Dracula legends", make of that what you will.

- Also there's the possiblity that each and every Millenium Tree somewhere in the Megaverse may serve as a connecting portal to Yggdrasil and vice-versa.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Don't forget Hecate is hanging out with Sahtalus these days so her and her followers might do something for the deevils in the minion war. I don't have MiF yet, so she might be talked about in it.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Athos wrote:Don't forget Hecate is hanging out with Sahtalus these days so her and her followers might do something for the deevils in the minion war. I don't have MiF yet, so she might be talked about in it.

Good to know, though i'm trying to focus on those already acting in Rifts Earth overall. Hecate as an associate of Sahtalus could help him on Rifts Earth or a bunch of other places, like the 3 Galaxies, Palladium, HU Earth and a number of less notorious fronts, not to mention backstab one of his many internal rivals - or Sahtalus himself if some big tempting reason for such a move offers itself. Also, she might go crazy giddy with joy if she ever found out about the World-Tree's Gift of Knowledge.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Njord was active on earth before the rifts (apparently he's responsible for the Titanic sinking. lol), so he might be active post rifts as well.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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glitterboy2098 wrote:Njord was active on earth before the rifts (apparently he's responsible for the Titanic sinking. lol), so he might be active post rifts as well.

Oh yeah, i totally missed that. The "Still immortal, Njord built a shipping empire that has endured over the centuries." part got my attention though, as it would imply a presence of Njord on Earth at least up to the first decades of of the 20th century. If this "shipping empire" of his survived the Time of Rifts in any shape or form, that's something i really would like to see more of. But considering how vague everything is it could just as well be some parallel Earth like TMNT/After the Bomb, Robotech, Nightbane or HU Earth.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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That guy is probably working with Lord of the Deep to try and sink the Ticonderoga or something.

Athos wrote:Hecate is hanging out with Sahtalus these days so her and her followers might do something for the deevils in the minion war.

Where was this information introduced? Did I miss it in Dragons and Gods or Dyval? I don't think Sahtalus even existed when Pantheons came out, the 'Satan' in PRPG was ignored in favour of Mephisto.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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Tor wrote:That guy is probably working with Lord of the Deep to try and sink the Ticonderoga or something.

Depends, has the Ticonderoga declared itself unsinkable or somesuch? :D

As long as the guys sell their image well Njord might even help - he has always cared far more for sailors, explorers and navigators than sea creatures.
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Re: Gods Among Men - Pantheons in Rifts Earth

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or Njord could be working with the Whales and other groups to destroy the LotD.. heck, i think it might be fun if Njord's company, pre-rifts, helped build the Tico..
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