Propose a Rifts World Book

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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Natasha wrote:
Damian Magecraft wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?
I have seen a few Bollywood films... you are not missing much...

If only saw the Wrath of the Titans or Raven, I would say the same about Hollywood. I've seen much more than those and yet I still the same about Hollywood. :P

As about world books, they are most useful for stealing ideas from. I prefer the source material, not the world material. I use the world books if the players want to but I am just as happy making up my own setting. As for the book about my neck of the woods it is hit or miss. The hits are the parts that take advantage of the clean slate. The misses are the same as elsewhere in Rifts, knowing what history is relevant and which is cliché when bringing the area back to life.
Well the more modern stuf comming out of Bollywood is pretty ugh...
But the Rgvedas? those are magnificent....
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Killer Cyborg wrote:Rifts: Blue Yonder
Rifts: Underground

I could enjoy some underground adventures
*Sniff, Sniff* Why does it smell like wet dog in here?!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Killer Cyborg wrote:Rifts: Underground

LOL I was just going to suggest Rifts: Catacombs!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Braden Campbell wrote:Mars

Main idea: in ancient times, the Red Planet was strong with ley line activity while Earth was weak. While it never developed intelligient life natively, it was a kind of dimensional crossroads for thousands of years, and several differrent peoples lived there for generations before being killed/ dying off/ moving on.

The book would basically take the theories of Richard C. Hoagland (there are 5-sided pyramids and giant faces built on tehsurface by ancient peoples, ect.) and say that they were true. The book would be filled with all kinds of ancient ruins, plus the abandoned terraforming colonies from the Golden Age. Moreover, the Greek/Roman god from whom the place takes its name has made it part of his personal realm, and it is to Mars that the summons minions to train them to take part in battles across the wider Megaverse. Oh yeah, there are also Archons living there now.

Very nice Braden, love it!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Kovoston »

anapuna wrote:i like the idea that someone said RIFTS:cyberspace. make the head jacks useful. more than that please. cyber warfare would be nice and more about or make it into a 100% canon book. i think somethings are in rifters. i do not care what anyone says, in many peoples eye's they are PB approved non canon add ons if it is in the rifters.

also i was thinking operators, city rats, TW somewhat, rouge scholars. in the canada WB it mentions in passing a town full of operators and another town trying to copy it 50-100 miles away. now the operator is a popular original OCC that is essential to rifts NA. heck it is commonly used in the dimension books too. i know i love playing one and there is a lot of rich stuff to play with.

they say that the aviator jacket w/ goggles is TW (wingboarder) fasion. what do operators love? coveralls? multi pocketed get ups?

what are maybe some secret handshakes, trail markers, operator society stuff, how well do they work with TWs? even tolkeen had many operators that setup shop and it even has it in a rifter or book somewhere that says an operator can assist a TW with the physical crafting of a device.

TOOLS!! no do not draw a picture of a crafstman socket set, but what kind of tools where made by the golden age and are common in rifts but not invented in real life. what requires a shop to repair and what can be done in the field. what can be done by an operator or two in the field with a makeshift shop on wheels.

what vehicles are popular with operators. IE it must haul tools and material for trade/repair and a lone operator probably will sleep in it for protection at night. i at first liked the FQ glitterboy support team hover truck. but then after thinking and play testing... it is fine for a lone operator who saves up some real dough and buys one that needs a lot of TLC. if you have a group, duh RPG not FPS. then the 4 seats are taken and the trunk space is filled with the teams weapons and loot or something the team is trading / coming back to town to ID, fullfill quest. if the party has more than 4 people than it is too small. yet an operator needs a vehicle that can hold his big tool chest or multiple smaller tool boxes and can be locked up with enough MDC so as to not have his tools and material stolen by theives and pawned by a city rat. in todays real world tools and devices are stolen all the time from construction sites and trailers of landscapers. anyone who is in the yardwork industry knows you either get a lockable box or post a guard with your open trailer as the rest of the guys grab a burger.

also PA&robot repair. amazing how many times i have seen 2 people decide to do a PA pilot and operator duo. especially after i tell someone that the CS will train you to pilot or majorly repair PA not both. so no pilots with robot mechanics and electronics. you could make an oprator that has made/repaired som old PA and has self taught to pilot it or a runaway CS PA repair tech. but then you have no room for tools and loot. then you will want a vehicle to tow your PA and house your tools and materials.

so book on the practical lives of operators, maybe some variants
the aviation operator, focuses on on aircraft mechanics and flight
the weapon smith, focuses on gunsmithing
the speed demon, focuses on fast hovercycles, jetpack, race cars
the outdoorsman, is into the rock crawlin, mud bogging, back woods vehicle fun,
the dreamer, into robots, dreams of AIs, grew up reading scifi novels and space stuff the nerdiest one
the computer techie, all the computer skills headjacks, some bionics maybe, hacking, cyber stuff, another nerdy one and more of a city game
the nauterater, all about boats and/or submarines
commercial operater, works in power stations, water works and other large scale technical operations in the "kingdoms" or CS
the excavator, always hunting for golden age tech to collect, repair, sell, share with the world. indiana jones with a wrench.

these are all hands on OCC variants. if you wanted to R&D a new bionic hand then go for rouge scientist but not be rouge...or maybe you are now that you have runaway with the prototype from your backer.

what about rouge scholors and scientists. i assume that they have some occassional meet up places where they trade notes, leeds on things. maybe share findings try to publish some findings. like outside the lazlo university library or reconnect with mentors and classmates. share CS ambush and patrol info.

do they leave some high college level markers that warn other rogue scholar and scientists about CS activity or mark a building as totally investigated and gutted?

also doctors and cyber docs. if the majority of the humans and many DBs do not have MAGIC, PSI and are not men at arms. then why not have a book that explains or lifts the veil just a little on what makes the majority go around?

if they could make more than one book out of mercs why not at least one on operators, rogue scholars and scientists? heck what about non rogue scientists and scholars.

how does the CS educate the top 1%. how does lazlo? how does the black market get the brains to knock off, reverse engineer, and create:drugs, electronics, MD weapons, PA, vehicles, computers, ETC.

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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by quertas »

Must have more canadian books... Rifts: Calgary would be awsome.. this is what calgary has: the flames, stampedes, close to a penatentury, spawn (also form hell) and much more.. hell on earth..

Rifts:edmonton - city of champions, the capital...need i say more..

or how bout Rifts:Alberta
could have a telephone and internet network.. for 90%+ of telephone cables are buried in teh ground.. especially fiber optics. The birthplace of Telus, born from AGT alberta governbment telephones.

Maybe have a town outa time (like atlantis or psyscape) and phases into rifts earth.
- The town or city of athabsca (depending on how much the town has grown from beyond from now and the coming of the rifts. Has a university and river access. Plenty of lakes. As wel their are natives that might have be reborn with the coming of the rifts into shamans etc.
ANyways: WOuld like to see more alberta stuff.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I'd love to see an adventure series with the Coalition in a civil war. One side wants the prosek's out and with Quebec backing them have cut the empire in half.

I also would love to see Rifts: Mars
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Mercbook1 wrote:Man you guys missed the easiest one out there Rifts Vegas think about rifts book about sin city what it like after all this time. Also forgot how close area 51 is to think that could be a book that could be fun. Maybe have it a zombie wasteland where all the dead the mob barried in the desert come to life again lol.

Las Vegas was mentioned in Rifts: Black market
currently it is a giant area where entities and ghost inhabit
so much so it is left alone for fear of being scared beyond norms
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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how about rift: silly but usefull, for the ideas that seem silly but could acturally work!
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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No...there are too many Rifts books coming out as it is.

Land of the Damned 3
Mysteries of magic 2
hardware unlimited
RT marines (or whatever they are calling it now)
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Athos »

Hystrix wrote:Chi-Town. It's been nearly 22 years and we still don't have a book on Chi-Town itself.

Thank you !!!

Cyber-rats everywhere rejoice, a major city to play in.

In all honesty though, it would be a low power setting, since law enforcement would close in quickly on any "big boys", even in the slums. And if it is low power, most people won't want to play it, so unless it was done extremely well, I doubt it would be a popular book.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I would like to see more on Lazlo, Calgary, Magic Zone, etc.

I think a Rifts:Cyberspace would just be a poor rip off of shadowrun, which was a mediocre rip off of William Gibson.

I think Kevin knows, most Rifts fans will continue to buy whatever they put out, regardless of where it is set or how much it conforms to what we want. Even if I don't like something, I usually get it in the XMas pack. Been buying Rifts books since 1992, probably won't stop anytime soon.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Akashic Soldier wrote:World Book: Counter-Earth
An official parallel reality where Tolkeen won. That'd sure put an end to a lot of the arguments around here. :lol:

Looonatic wrote:RIFTS: Through The Looking Glass.
I'd like to see a book depicting alternate realities, timelines, NPCs and rules for creating twisted versions of our own PCs.

ShadowLogan wrote:Rifts: Kittani (Triax 2-style)

The Dark Elf wrote:Rifts: Underground (do you really think that all the rifted D-Bees are surface dwellers? - You wish!! Journey to the centre of the Earth to the Ultimate Rift & PPE origin, Spelunking Borg, Cave critters, Troglodyte Biomancy, high pressure specialised environmental power armours and much, much more).

Zamion138 wrote:Rifts: Cyberspace (makes headjacks usefull)

Icefalcon wrote:Rifts: Archeology for all those Pre-Rifts sites of interest

Chronicle wrote:To Be Honest i would like a book full of Hook, Line and Sinkers without all the index pages.....You know how many of those got blown up into things that are bigger then what they started out as?

Lost Seraph wrote:Rifts: Small Powers. The random suggestions of all of these small kingdoms that never appear in print from every old Rifts book before 1995

Missed this thread the first time around. All of these receive my stamp of approval.

I'd like to see Rifts GMG2: Set Dressing and Storytelling. Not a worldbook, I know, but a book dedicated to helping a GM flesh out his adventure locations with advice on how to describe towns and cities of different types, what is available there, and how different institutions commonly interact. Fill out the page count with generic NPC profiles like low-level cops, mid-level mercs, high-level assassins, etc.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Mad Cow Milk wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Rifts: Underground

LOL I was just going to suggest Rifts: Catacombs!

That would be a good one for Paris or Rome or any of the euro cities that have catacombs, twist ot to horror.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Icefalcon wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Rifts: Blue Yonder
Rifts: Underground

I could enjoy some underground adventures

instead of blue yonder :nh: High Flight and open with John Gillespie Magee Jrs. poem

Meh that would be more like an aviation book rather than a flying d-bee book, something on par with Northern Gun or the Naruni books.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I was thinking of trying one where Wilks wasn't actually a laser weapon manufacturer but was selling that small portion of their tech to fund their almost complete, completely unrelated, research in a more "interesting" field. One that would change economics on the continent.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by HWalsh »

If I could write a Rifts book...

I'd look more at the USA... I'd like to see something that adds to the current game... While at the same time furthering the Metaplot.

If I had to do a World Book... I dunno... I'd like to see a city that was secretly set up by the Republicans, and who try to become kind of an "anti" CS. They'd have problems with ARCHIE, problems with the CS, but they'd be humans who don't do magic... So the CS citizens wouldn't really support moving against them... So it would be some kind of underground conflict between them and the CS like a Shadow War... Something not fought with Skelebots and Glitterboys... Something on the sly... More spy-tech and espionage... I dunno...
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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anapuna wrote:scotland, ireland, scandinavia... yes all books that are in limbo but i want them or just RIFTS: UK for one good sized book. then scandinavia on itas own.

Scandinavia is in the works.. progress is just slow due to that dreaded thing called 'real life'
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

*Brings da popcorn and sets up the camera*

This should be good!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Blastaar wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

*Brings da popcorn and sets up the camera*

This should be good!

NO cameras or flash photography! Quick hide the cardboard boxes and the wheels.:fool:
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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How about we ahem get a version 2 of the southamerica books with the powerlevels toned down ?
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Riftmaker wrote:How about we ahem get a version 2 of the southamerica books with the powerlevels toned down ?

Uh, yeah cuz there so ridiculous compared to the weapons coming out of the RUE generation. Granted the turtle and mammoth are still a bit outrageous. But anyone who has a mech or ship heavy enough to mount multiple boomguns and goes for a standard railgun, is a freaking moron.

"I have decided to go with a standard railgun array because it goes through more ammunition and makes a lot of plinking noise on other ships. It is a necessity, because we have such a large amount of scrap metal that were drowning in it AND because the psychological warfare of an array of four railguns making dents in your ships armor is greater than that of an array of four boomguns sinking your ship."
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Zer0 Kay wrote:
Riftmaker wrote:How about we ahem get a version 2 of the southamerica books with the powerlevels toned down ?

Uh, yeah cuz there so ridiculous compared to the weapons coming out of the RUE generation. Granted the turtle and mammoth are still a bit outrageous. But anyone who has a mech or ship heavy enough to mount multiple boomguns and goes for a standard railgun, is a freaking moron.

My colleague means to say that he would prefer other books be given priority over a revision of material that isn't necessarily that much more powerful than what has been published recently.

I would like to see the Southern Federation expanded upon. While enough material could easily be generated for a World Book, I would actually prefer to see it presented as a campaign book. A dozen or so fully fleshed out, interlocking, adventures; each with half a dozen hook line and sinker style extras. I think that would provide ample opportunity to expand on the sketch from SA2 and detail several of the cities that make up the Federation while focusing more on story opportunity than piling on races, classes, and equipment to a game already choking on the variety. Admittedly, that would reduce the potential sales of the book. Only GMs and collectors will have reason to purchase a book without a significant volume of player oriented material.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by kaid »

anapuna wrote:i like the idea that someone said RIFTS:cyberspace. make the head jacks useful. more than that please. cyber warfare would be nice and more about or make it into a 100% canon book. i think somethings are in rifters. i do not care what anyone says, in many peoples eye's they are PB approved non canon add ons if it is in the rifters.

also i was thinking operators, city rats, TW somewhat, rouge scholars. in the canada WB it mentions in passing a town full of operators and another town trying to copy it 50-100 miles away. now the operator is a popular original OCC that is essential to rifts NA. heck it is commonly used in the dimension books too. i know i love playing one and there is a lot of rich stuff to play with.

they say that the aviator jacket w/ goggles is TW (wingboarder) fasion. what do operators love? coveralls? multi pocketed get ups?

what are maybe some secret handshakes, trail markers, operator society stuff, how well do they work with TWs? even tolkeen had many operators that setup shop and it even has it in a rifter or book somewhere that says an operator can assist a TW with the physical crafting of a device.

TOOLS!! no do not draw a picture of a crafstman socket set, but what kind of tools where made by the golden age and are common in rifts but not invented in real life. what requires a shop to repair and what can be done in the field. what can be done by an operator or two in the field with a makeshift shop on wheels.

what vehicles are popular with operators. IE it must haul tools and material for trade/repair and a lone operator probably will sleep in it for protection at night. i at first liked the FQ glitterboy support team hover truck. but then after thinking and play testing... it is fine for a lone operator who saves up some real dough and buys one that needs a lot of TLC. if you have a group, duh RPG not FPS. then the 4 seats are taken and the trunk space is filled with the teams weapons and loot or something the team is trading / coming back to town to ID, fullfill quest. if the party has more than 4 people than it is too small. yet an operator needs a vehicle that can hold his big tool chest or multiple smaller tool boxes and can be locked up with enough MDC so as to not have his tools and material stolen by theives and pawned by a city rat. in todays real world tools and devices are stolen all the time from construction sites and trailers of landscapers. anyone who is in the yardwork industry knows you either get a lockable box or post a guard with your open trailer as the rest of the guys grab a burger.

also PA&robot repair. amazing how many times i have seen 2 people decide to do a PA pilot and operator duo. especially after i tell someone that the CS will train you to pilot or majorly repair PA not both. so no pilots with robot mechanics and electronics. you could make an oprator that has made/repaired som old PA and has self taught to pilot it or a runaway CS PA repair tech. but then you have no room for tools and loot. then you will want a vehicle to tow your PA and house your tools and materials.

so book on the practical lives of operators, maybe some variants
the aviation operator, focuses on on aircraft mechanics and flight
the weapon smith, focuses on gunsmithing
the speed demon, focuses on fast hovercycles, jetpack, race cars
the outdoorsman, is into the rock crawlin, mud bogging, back woods vehicle fun,
the dreamer, into robots, dreams of AIs, grew up reading scifi novels and space stuff the nerdiest one
the computer techie, all the computer skills headjacks, some bionics maybe, hacking, cyber stuff, another nerdy one and more of a city game
the nauterater, all about boats and/or submarines
commercial operater, works in power stations, water works and other large scale technical operations in the "kingdoms" or CS
the excavator, always hunting for golden age tech to collect, repair, sell, share with the world. indiana jones with a wrench.

these are all hands on OCC variants. if you wanted to R&D a new bionic hand then go for rouge scientist but not be rouge...or maybe you are now that you have runaway with the prototype from your backer.

what about rouge scholors and scientists. i assume that they have some occassional meet up places where they trade notes, leeds on things. maybe share findings try to publish some findings. like outside the lazlo university library or reconnect with mentors and classmates. share CS ambush and patrol info.

do they leave some high college level markers that warn other rogue scholar and scientists about CS activity or mark a building as totally investigated and gutted?

also doctors and cyber docs. if the majority of the humans and many DBs do not have MAGIC, PSI and are not men at arms. then why not have a book that explains or lifts the veil just a little on what makes the majority go around?

if they could make more than one book out of mercs why not at least one on operators, rogue scholars and scientists? heck what about non rogue scientists and scholars.

how does the CS educate the top 1%. how does lazlo? how does the black market get the brains to knock off, reverse engineer, and create:drugs, electronics, MD weapons, PA, vehicles, computers, ETC.

There actually are some decent rules already for rifts cyberspace type stuff. Rifter two has official rules for rifts cyberspace and aliens unlimited galaxy guide has some very similar rules for how to use/integrate it. It would however go pretty well if they ever made a chitown world book since its one of the few citadels of high tech where you could do the cyberspace stuff.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by kaid »

Zer0 Kay wrote:
Blastaar wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:I hear India has a huge movie industry. They call it 'Bollywood'. Lots of bright colors and dance numbers. They spend millions and millions on it. I've never once in my life seen a bollywood movie. Have no interest in it.

ya know?


I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

*Brings da popcorn and sets up the camera*

This should be good!

NO cameras or flash photography! Quick hide the cardboard boxes and the wheels.:fool:

Rifts Singham! Now you can walk around being a total badass police officer of the future ridding your hell scape post appocalypse world of corruption through sheer manliness and dance numbers!
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Bill wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Riftmaker wrote:How about we ahem get a version 2 of the southamerica books with the powerlevels toned down ?

Uh, yeah cuz there so ridiculous compared to the weapons coming out of the RUE generation. Granted the turtle and mammoth are still a bit outrageous. But anyone who has a mech or ship heavy enough to mount multiple boomguns and goes for a standard railgun, is a freaking moron.

My colleague means to say that he would prefer other books be given priority over a revision of material that isn't necessarily that much more powerful than what has been published recently.

I would like to see the Southern Federation expanded upon. While enough material could easily be generated for a World Book, I would actually prefer to see it presented as a campaign book. A dozen or so fully fleshed out, interlocking, adventures; each with half a dozen hook line and sinker style extras. I think that would provide ample opportunity to expand on the sketch from SA2 and detail several of the cities that make up the Federation while focusing more on story opportunity than piling on races, classes, and equipment to a game already choking on the variety. Admittedly, that would reduce the potential sales of the book. Only GMs and collectors will have reason to purchase a book without a significant volume of player oriented material.

:lol: Shure. I wouldn't mind seeing a sourcebook that expands on/updates the various SA storylines. So... I agree with your assessment.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Much as Carella's stuff (including SA and PhW) is full of power creep, I feel that toning down the super tech found there to levels closer to what the CS, or even Triax can achieve is wrong, it was designed to be super... if you don't like the power level, just brush that part of the world /megaverse aside and stay in the lo tech areas.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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kaid wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Blastaar wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:

I hereby second the motion for Rifts: Bollywood!!!

No no... .No no no... no!

I did not say that! *Tazes KC*

*Brings da popcorn and sets up the camera*

This should be good!

NO cameras or flash photography! Quick hide the cardboard boxes and the wheels.:fool:

Rifts Singham! Now you can walk around being a total badass police officer of the future ridding your hell scape post appocalypse world of corruption through sheer manliness and dance numbers!

:lol: :cry: Oh such a funny idea. Resurrection of RT's Lancer's Rockers while we're at it anyone? :nh: :lol:
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Svartalf wrote:Much as Carella's stuff (including SA and PhW) is full of power creep, I feel that toning down the super tech found there to levels closer to what the CS, or even Triax can achieve is wrong, it was designed to be super... if you don't like the power level, just brush that part of the world /megaverse aside and stay in the lo tech areas.

and honestly, compared to the stuff in the more recent books (post CWC) it really isn't all that over powered any more.. and in the setting, the vast majority of the stuff you'll encounter are actually pretty pathetic.. the SA books had some very powerful stuff.. but said stuff was also pretty uncommon even in its own area. most of SA is getting by with lower powered energy guns or bulky and low damage rocket rounds.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I would love to see the Europe books that were mentioned fleshing out d-bees, gargoyle empire(s), brodkil.

A book for Rifts space needs a complete overhaul. Sure keep the original stations, some of the history, the vehicles but it needs to be bigger.

Fully detail the stations (MDC, weapons, population, government, NPCs)
Spacecraft - should be as close to Phase World ships as Rifts power armor is to silverhawks (no force fields, rotating sections for gravity, no FTL but high relativistic speeds)

How they get resources (Solar arrays, hydrogen "farms", asteroid mining, water mining)

We also need Arkohn ships, and I love the Mars idea

Braden wrote:Mars

Main idea: in ancient times, the Red Planet was strong with ley line activity while Earth was weak. While it never developed intelligient life natively, it was a kind of dimensional crossroads for thousands of years, and several differrent peoples lived there for generations before being killed/ dying off/ moving on.

The book would basically take the theories of Richard C. Hoagland (there are 5-sided pyramids and giant faces built on tehsurface by ancient peoples, ect.) and say that they were true. The book would be filled with all kinds of ancient ruins, plus the abandoned terraforming colonies from the Golden Age. Moreover, the Greek/Roman god from whom the place takes its name has made it part of his personal realm, and it is to Mars that the summons minions to train them to take part in battles across the wider Megaverse. Oh yeah, there are also Archons living there now.

I would love to see the minions of Mars/Ares going head to head with Arkohns. Great background for PCs searching the ruins of Mars for ancient tech.

My biggest thing about world books is they need to flesh out areas already described (Chi-town, Lazlo, Iron Heart) and stop filling in the empty places that are empty and useful for GMs to run wild.

I would also like to see some Rifts books that describe a people and even an empire that can be placed anywhere the GM wants. Someone in a very early post mentioned doing something with Ahriman and Angrar Robotics. This would be a perfect idea for this. Describe Ahriman, his minions, his armies, Angrar robots, his citadel, even the surrounding area, and then let the GM put it where he wants.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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First off I would love a rifts mars book.
I want to have books on:
tolkien, lazlo, new lazlo (pre cs war)
more on the russia, ukraine, romania, latvia, estonia region
a fleshed out chi-town depicting the living conditions, the law, the works

I have always loved the ley line walkers and think a book expanding on them and possibly depicting a kind of small town or village nestled in a forest area with huge, permanent or frequently appearing ley lines or even near a nexus could be an interesting.

I also would like to see a book talking about a civilization that lived under the ruins of a city or under a city while in a 19th century kind of steampunk like techno wizard city.

beyond that maybe more civilizations in tundra topographical regions would be nice.

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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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My proposal is:

Rifts World Book: North America 2

An advanced take on North America in the world of Rifts Earth. This takes place 50 years after the Fall of Tolkeen. The free people of North America cheered when the Emperor fell. Chi-Town had been assaulted and Emperor Prosek had been slain, the CS elected a new general but the enemies kept coming. Then "They" appeared. They were the descendants of the Neeman. They brought with them new technology and new science. In less than a decade the CS had been changed into something that was actually praised by the free peoples of North America.

Many thought that it would be a new Golden Age. Many people were wrong.

Robotic monsters arose from the darkest reaches of North America. They were some kind of plague, many assumed that had come from the Rifts. Robots with technology that rivaled any that had been seen before. Human settlements were seized by these creatures, and the humans drug to re-education camps. The war for North America had only just begun.

Updated OCCs

New OCCs!
New Vehicles!
New Power Armor!
New Weapons!
New Armor!

See the world of North America after the fall of the Coalition States... See the factions that believe that the CS will rise again... Watch as a three way war engulfs the continent as these new Robotic monsters and their mysterious leader wage war against the forces of the new United States of America and the remnants of the Coalition States.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Rifts: Psycape 2.

Or a comprehensive book of Psionics (which isn't strictly rifts) featuring all the rifter occ's and powers as canon and more added by the authors. The fact that Palladium still have not addressed a book of Psionics is shameful.

Rifts Lone Star 2/ Rifts Desmund Bradford. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he IS the BEST npc in rifts. Why oh why is he not included in more events. He has genius clones of himself for crying out loud. Why is this not being expanded? Did you writers forget? Seriously, what the hell???

If Lazlo is indeed being worked on then I will not mention it, just don't take 3 years to make.

Rifts India would be incredible for the lore on offer especially with it's pantheon. I imagine it to be a magic heavy realm, plenty of spellcasting occs, lots of demons and constant skirmishes between rival pantheon supporters. Would expect to see some other forms of demon slayer OCCs and a few blood cults of Kali Ma with it's own unique OCCs. In fact every God should have it's followers have a few unique OCCs each. In a place like India it makes sense and would make for some very tense encounters.

I agree, Rifts Cyberspace should be avoided. Shadowrun this is not.

I'd personally like to see a a brief conflict between Cyber Knights & Mystic Knights. Forcing the Order of the White Rose to be involved and actually do something. Neither side to be destroyed ofc. (fingers crossed for the MK to win it)

I'd also like to see a Rifts book on Crazies! Or Rifts: Argentina. More scientific advances have lead to more techniques for more varieties, different side effects (some less, some worse). Maybe have a crazy with such distinct personality changes that each personality has a different and distinct occ and may or may not be aware of his crazy powers with each one. Conversely maybe have some implants that don't make the Crazy go quite so... crazy.
More Psionic Crazy combinations!
A Crazy Burster & a Crazy Nega Psychic for example.
Let's have Crazies that can form Psi Weapons. As he/she charges you he/she jumps and flips over you, acrobatically turning mid air to land facing you ready to attack. Weapon fully formed in hand, a manic look in their eyes and a crazy smile on their lips....
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Secondhand Smoke wrote:Rifts: Psycape 2.

Or a comprehensive book of Psionics (which isn't strictly rifts) featuring all the rifter occ's and powers as canon and more added by the authors. The fact that Palladium still have not addressed a book of Psionics is shameful.

Rifts Lone Star 2/ Rifts Desmund Bradford. I've said it before and I'll say it again, he IS the BEST npc in rifts. Why oh why is he not included in more events. He has genius clones of himself for crying out loud. Why is this not being expanded? Did you writers forget? Seriously, what the hell???

Agreed & agreed. I am running a group with a Mind Melter for the first time ever and the player is having some problems with the powers. Compared to magic and technology there just is not the selection of powers or high powered abilities that you would expect. Where is the psionic equivalent to the annihilate spell or the Wilks' pulse rifle? More powers and maybe new tech to enhance them would be great.

I love Bradford, the short conversation between Bradford and Emerson on page 100 Lone Star book is still one of my favorites and gives him so much personality to work with.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Rifts: Europe - specifically France, Iberia, Italy and Greece.
Rifts: West Coast - U.S. and Alaska
Rifts: England 2 - more info on Ireland, Scotland, etc.
Rifts: The Republic - Washington D.C, I also wouldn't mind finding out what happened to several military bases in Virginia.

Others would all be great.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I'd love to see a Middle East book.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Here's some more:

Mercenaries 2; featuring newer gear and updates of the various Free Companies featured in the first book.
Caribbean; if any of the islands survived the cataclysm.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I think a NGR secret missions book would be awesome. Something along the lines of studying leylines, etc. and the build up/development of an experimental large tank/ crawler that has a large gun on it that can collapse nexus points..and interrupt the flow of ley lines..and the secret missions that arise from field testing it. I'd also like to flesh out the military leaders of the NGR. We all know who the big players are within the CS, but what about the NGR government. Secret missions into western europe, etc.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Lazlo anyone?
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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His Dudeness wrote:Lazlo anyone?

I def want a Lazlo book, for the background, etc. But then I think "where's the tension?" They seem to be good guys who have the good guy thing well in hand. How much of a criminal underground could there be? Would we have to have another story about "not all is as it seems and the good people of Lazlo could turn into evil demon spawn mutants but for the PCs!" That's kind of a yawn.

What could be done? Maybe make the Lazlo sourcebook THE definitive techno-wizardry sourcebook. Does TW need more info? Maybe not. But you could probably give the history and map the city, then add a bunch of TW toys and rule options/ideas and it would sell.

I also want Chi-Town. I see it maybe working as a "stand alone"-ish book. Cyberpunk (with a little psionics, and maybe the occasional demon/vampire/something). Rules about hacking the net that could work for other cities that have such things. Expand on the city-rat stuff in the bionics book. Noir ISS cop stories and corrupt rich top floors vs. crime (and non-human) ridden bottom floors. That kind of stuff. You could play entire cyberpunk campaigns in the mega-city. Or use the rules to go from city to city (all the ones that have relevant tech or whatever) beyond Chi-Town. Walled city life, post apocalypse.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Jorick wrote:
His Dudeness wrote:Lazlo anyone?

I def want a Lazlo book, for the background, etc. But then I think "where's the tension?" They seem to be good guys who have the good guy thing well in hand. How much of a criminal underground could there be? Would we have to have another story about "not all is as it seems and the good people of Lazlo could turn into evil demon spawn mutants but for the PCs!" That's kind of a yawn.

What could be done? Maybe make the Lazlo sourcebook THE definitive techno-wizardry sourcebook. Does TW need more info? Maybe not. But you could probably give the history and map the city, then add a bunch of TW toys and rule options/ideas and it would sell.

I also want Chi-Town. I see it maybe working as a "stand alone"-ish book. Cyberpunk (with a little psionics, and maybe the occasional demon/vampire/something). Rules about hacking the net that could work for other cities that have such things. Expand on the city-rat stuff in the bionics book. Noir ISS cop stories and corrupt rich top floors vs. crime (and non-human) ridden bottom floors. That kind of stuff. You could play entire cyberpunk campaigns in the mega-city. Or use the rules to go from city to city (all the ones that have relevant tech or whatever) beyond Chi-Town. Walled city life, post apocalypse.

Didn't they already release a book about Chi-town?

As far as Lazlo is concerned, they also have Cyber Knights and whatnot. Not to mention all of the refugees from Tolkeen. I would like more info on the city, it's make-up, and how it's dealing with the massive influx of refugees. Maybe an adventure idea or two involving the exploration of territory to be allocated to the refugees, running into monsters, dee-bees, maybe a recon patrol from Free Quebec or the CS or even the Federation of Magic.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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His Dudeness wrote:Didn't they already release a book about Chi-town?

Unfo, no. Lots and lots of stuff about the Burbs. No Chi-Town. Kevin is apparently torn on the Chi-Town idea 'cause lots of folks like the "mystery" of the walled city. I think a "life inside the walled city" book would be cool.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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CaptKaruthors wrote:I think a NGR secret missions book would be awesome. Something along the lines of studying leylines, etc. and the build up/development of an experimental large tank/ crawler that has a large gun on it that can collapse nexus points..and interrupt the flow of ley lines..and the secret missions that arise from field testing it. I'd also like to flesh out the military leaders of the NGR. We all know who the big players are within the CS, but what about the NGR government. Secret missions into western europe, etc.

a giant tank doesn't seem very "secret mission" to me, and the ability to destroy/shut down leylines sounds remarkably gamebreaking.. not to mention implausible.

that said, a book dedicated to covert ops in europe could be fun. New OCC's and gear for spies, secret agents, and special operations groups from the NGR, CS, sovietskii,, maybe even the warlord camps, the brodkil, etc. plus tons and stons of plot hooks. cults, secret societies, covert missions of all kinds.. both inside the major nations and outside.

as for Chi-town.. ican see why PB would want to leave chi-town proper more of a blank spot.. but the CS have like a dozen of the same kinds of cities in different areas. heck there are like 3-4 right next to Chi-town proper by canon, and the CS is building another only a few dozen miles north of Chi-town.

so i don;t see why we couldn't get a detail book on one of those other fortress city sites. at the back of the book cold be a quick guide to the other ones the CS has, detailing some basic changes for each of the cities.. like how Chi-town is bigger than the rest and would have tighter security, or how Lonestar is largely populated with mutant animals and the families of scientists, etc.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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Nightbane vs Vampire Kingdoms.
Heroes unlimited vs Palladium Fantasy.
Splicers vs Phaseworld.

One character from every world book in one adventure.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Tor »

World Book 8: Japan wrote:As long-time Rifts® fans may already suspect, we couldn't fit everything we wanted for Rifts Japan into one book.

Consequently, we are already working on a supplement that will focus on many of the key gods, oni, and supernatural beings that fill Japanese mythology.

This book will also focus on magic powers, Shinto priests and a variety of other character classes.

It is likely to be a big book (160 to 220 pages) and may be presented as a Rifts® Conversion Book with a title like Gods & Oni of Rifts Japan.

It will be available in early 1996.

How about "early 2016" instead?

speaking of upcoming products, the following books are also slated for 1996: The Juicer Uprisings™, Lemuria & Easter Island, Northern Gun™, The New West™, and Lone Star. These titles are already in development!

JU/LS/NW all came out in a timely fashion, and we eventually got Lemuria and Northern Gun a decade later, all promises would be kept if an Easter Island book came out.

Japan intro still wrote:Other likely releases are Rifts Chi-Town™ or The Coalition States™, The Omegan Order™ and Cyber-Knights™,

Sot4 was basically the last one. I could swallow a book that fleshes out Chi-Town as long as the focus is on world-building (ala Vampire Kingdoms) with loads of businesses, inns, brothels, etc. Lots of NPCs although preferably cliff's notes (like VK did) for GMs to build on rather than complete stats.

"The Omegan Order" was eventually talked about in Anvil Galaxy, but never really fleshed out, considering they've built an entire multi-planet society, a dimension book dedicated to describing it would be pretty interesting.

"The Coalition States" sounds pretty vague though, I'd ditch that as an idea. When you've had books about its war campaign and individual states, I'm not sure what the unique purpose of one about the empire as a whole would be. I'd be interested but am curious what kind of approach it could take, what it would add.

Erin Tarn, via Traversing Our Modern World, RMBp145 wrote:Psi-World is a community of psychics
Their plan is to create a utopian society free of the fear and hatred they experienced in the world beyond their kingdom.

Firstly, I think anything called a kingdom should have a king, so I want more 'Psyscape' and there to be a King of Psyscape, just like Tolkeen got a king.

Secondly, the fun thing about that last sentence is, it seems to me you could read it a few ways:

"they experienced fear and hatred in the world"

"create a utopian society .. in the world beyond"

The "world" could very well be the "Psi World" they're creating their utopian society in, the other-dimensional Astral Kingdom. As opposed to referring to Earth.

World Book 9 (South America 2) page 154 wrote:This community, known by such names as "Psi-world" and "Psyscape"

World Book 10 (Juicer Uprising) page 160 wrote:Psyscape, a mysterious gathering place of psychics that has been a source of rmors and legends for centuries is revealed at least!
After years of hiding, the secret community is finally coming into the open.
The history of Psyscape and a limpse into the Astral Kingdom!
new psychic O.C.C.s including the Astral Warrior, Psi-Filer, Mirage Weaver, Gate Maker, and Psyche Killer.

There's long been dissatisfaction about how little fleshing out Psyscape got (ie 5 pages of Tarn speculation, 8 pages about Soul Harvest, 6 pages about the book's namesake, 6 pages on Psi-Cola, most of the book taken up with powers/psionicRCCS/monsters, 5 pages on the CS, 6 pages on Psi-Implants, 3 pages on psionic tech/TW) and there is precident for giving certain regions a second book. Atlantis/China/NorthernGun/SouthAmerica/Triax got 2nds (Mindwerks arguably being a 3rd for NGR), Japan was promised a 2nd, Australia was promised a 2nd and 3rd, two "West" books (arguably 3 counting Lone Star), 2 "Russia" and "Dinosaur Swamp" books, Quebec/Xiticix were basically Canada 2+3

I'm sure Palladium still has Carrella's script for Psyscape, I dunno if they ended up buying the rights to it but that could be negotiated. Could finally see the cool-sounding classes that were promised and build on whatever was in the notes to flesh out the 'Scape' as a Kingdom and a World.

Even if CJ can't be brought on board to use his material to create Psi-World, it could still be built upon entirely from scratch. Lots of campaign ideas, NPCs, businesses, etc. I'd probably prefer to see more new powers than more new classes, even though I do want to see the ones advertised in JU's back.

World Book 18 (Mystic Russia) page 2, December 1998 wrote:Coming for Rifts in 1999
Rifts Scotland
Rifts Australia Two

Coalition Wars: Siege on Tolkeen 1 (Sedition) page 2 wrote:Rifts Sourcebooks for 2000 Release
Rifts Australia Two
Rifts Australia Three

Seeing Scotland more fleshed out than the cliff's notes it got in England would be pretty cool, whatever was happening with that project. If a script gets rejected I don't think it means you can never make a book on the topic. Same with Aus2/3.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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I'm surprised no one has commented on the potential schedule for future World Books beyond the two CS source books coming out, the 'Heroes of Humanity' and 'The Disavowed', and 'Secrets of Atlantis'.
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Blastaar »

His Dudeness wrote:Lazlo anyone?

I believe they placed it as optional material in some of the rifters.. the numbers elude me at the moment
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

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In addition to bumping this, Sovietski is now apparently the next world book on the schedule for release.

I'd also like to propose a new list for new world books I'd like to see;

Rifts: Chi-Town (all of it)
Rifts: The Republicans (what are they about?)
Rifts: West Coast of U.S. (from California on up to Washington)
Rifts: England 2 (more info on Ireland, England, etc)
Rifts: Africa 2 (covering the areas south of the Sahara)
Rifts: Lazlo
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Jorick »

His Dudeness wrote:In addition to bumping this, Sovietski is now apparently the next world book on the schedule for release.

I'd also like to propose a new list for new world books I'd like to see;

Rifts: Chi-Town (all of it)
Rifts: The Republicans (what are they about?)
Rifts: West Coast of U.S. (from California on up to Washington)
Rifts: England 2 (more info on Ireland, England, etc)
Rifts: Africa 2 (covering the areas south of the Sahara)
Rifts: Lazlo

Good list. I think we're getting more on the Republicans with the upcoming "Haunted Tech" supplement.
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Zer0 Kay
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Re: Propose a Rifts World Book

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

His Dudeness wrote:In addition to bumping this, Sovietski is now apparently the next world book on the schedule for release.

I'd also like to propose a new list for new world books I'd like to see;

Rifts: Chi-Town (all of it)
Rifts: The Republicans (what are they about?)
Rifts: West Coast of U.S. (from California on up to Washington)
Rifts: England 2 (more info on Ireland, England, etc)
Rifts: Africa 2 (covering the areas south of the Sahara)
Rifts: Lazlo

Encourage Fell to do west coast. He already has some stuff started but then decided he'd do them as Rifter articles instead.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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