Psionic-based spells

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Psionic-based spells

Unread post by Tor »

Considering that there are some spells that basically do the same things as psionic powers, I am wondering if by looking at as many examples as we can find, we might come up with some kind of formula on how to create a new spell (TTGDish) that emulates the effect of a psionic ability.

To use Nightbane books as an example to highlight differences:

Astral Projection (same durations)
*MainPg70sensitive 8 ISP
*MainPg132lvl4spell 7 PPE

Death Trance
*MainPg72 lasts 4 days, 1 ISP physical 2 ISP sensitive
*MainPg127lvl1spell 1 PPE for 2.5min/LVL

Extinguish Fire/Flames
*MainPg81physical 4 ISP 15ft area (25+lvl*5) range PERMANENT
*MainPg129lvl2spell 4 PPE 20ft area 80ft range Level=Minutes

Fuel Flame
*MainPg81physical 4 ISP 10ft area (25+lvl*5) range
*MainPg131spellLev3 5 PPE 100ft area 100ft range

Ignite Fire/Spontaneous Combustion
*MainPg81physical 2 ISP 30ft range, unspecified area/damage
*MainPg131spellLev3 6 PPE 40ft range 3ft area 2d6/melee after 2

Impervious to Fire
*MainPg80physical 4ISP 3min/lev magic still does 1/2, protects against heat
*MainPg131spellLev3 5 PPE 5min/lev magic does none, no heat protect

Levitation (same ranges)
*MainPg80 ISP is weight-variable, the top can't agree with the bottom, hard to compare, generally sucky compared to spell though
*MainPg130 5 ISP weight 200+LVL*20 lbs duration 3min/level height (6+LVL)*10

See Aura
*MainPg75sensitive 6 ISP 60ft/2rounds
*MainPg128lvl1spell 6 PPE 100ft/1round

See the Invisible (same durations)
*MainPg76sensitive 4 ISP 120ft
*MainPg128lvl1spell 4 PPE 200ft

Sense Evil (same durations)
*MainPg76sensitive 2 ISP 140ft not pentacle-blocked
*MainPg128lvl1spell 2 PPE 90ft blocked by pentacle

Sense Magic (same durations/ranges)
*MainPg76sensitive 3 ISP
*MainPg128lvl1spell 4 PPE

There's more, including Dreamdance: Minor (Dream Senses) and Dream Window (spell and Dreammaker ability) in Between the Shadows, but basically, that's probably enough examples of differences to figure out some kinda trend. It seems like cost seems to be about the same.

Assuming that some psionics are easier to emulate than others, and the most efficient are those that have become spells, I am wondernig if we can come up with a rule which makes it less efficient (say double the ISP as PPE) but still possible to copy their effects.
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Re: Psionic-based spells

Unread post by gaby »

Your right,a Mage would make a spell that copy another power.
What other psionic power do you think can make a Good spell?
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Re: Psionic-based spells

Unread post by Tor »

A mind block spell would be pretty useful, or an Astral Golem.
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Re: Psionic-based spells

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

I'm actually more interested in the reverse, Spell-based Psionics to help diversify the Psionic Power list since it pretty much is static with occasional spurts (in general categories, I admit some classes do get exclusive or near exclusive new powers). While magic isn't much better in many respects, it also comes in much more forms and variety allowing for more built-in diversity of spells. So I suppose if you have one set of rules it should be possible to work both ways.

Less Efficient conversion for cost would be 2:1 based on known examples of power magic/psionic devices with the others power source (and certain psychic power IIRC). It may be that the easy ones are done with a one step process, and the more difficult are done w/a two step process that.

There might also be some more examples to use with Gem Magic (Stone Master ability in Atlantis/BoM) as some gems have Psychic powers. Off hand I forget if they use ISP or PPE to active.
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Re: Psionic-based spells

Unread post by Tor »

They use PPE, a Stone Master doesn't necessarily even have ISP.
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