Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by parkhyun »

It's gotten really bad.

Just like sailing ships had rats, the SDF-1 has a Morlock problem. God knows where they came from - who would have thought Macross had an active Morlock population underneath? - but now large uncharted sections of the ship are virtual no-go areas. To make matters worse, they appear to have gone from occasional snacking on Macross citizens to making buffets of entire units.

This needs to be stopped. And only your PCs, who for some reason chose the Military Specialist OCC despite this CLEARLY being a game focused on giant robots, are up to the job.

Maybe they'll do it on their own. Maybe they'll need a good electrical engineer, or field scientist. Maybe their only hope is that the communications engineer can call for back-up, because these things are big, they're blue, and they're coming your way.

Morlocks: 100 SDC, 40 HP, 20 PS, 20 PE, 20 Spd. Claws do 1d6+4, grapple + ripping does 1d10+4.

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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Arnie100: "Annie, I found some cute critters for you!"
Annie: "Oooohhhh...where?!"
Arnie100: "In there!"
Annie: "Thank you, Mister!"
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

"I take it simply opening the hull to vacuum won't solve the problem?"
Khyron: "I can help with that! Not a problem!"
"Not unless you want to lose all of Macross City as well."
Khyron: "I repeat; not a problem!"
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by parkhyun »

Good team OCCs for your Morlock-hunt Dungeon Crawls:

Military Specialist - There to kill Blue Meanies. Load him up with the nastiest SDC weapons you can find, and make sure he don't use any explosives on the hull.

Field Scientist - What can you learn from a pile of Morlock excrement? If this guy's around, a lot.

Electrical Engineer - How are you going to keep the lights on, open locked doors, and disable deadly security traps without one of these guys? Morlocks love the dark. Take it from them.

Communications Engineer - bait.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

parkhyun wrote:
Communications Engineer - bait.

That's what Civilians are for. Ever wonder what happened to Minmei's little cousin?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by BookWyrm »

GORMAN: "At ease. I'm sorry we didn't have time to brief before we left Gateway but..."
HUDSON: "Sir?"
GORMAN (annoyed): "Yes, Hicks?"
HUDSON: "Hudson, Sir. He's Hicks."
GORMAN: "What's the question?"
HUDSON: "Is this going to be a stand-up fight, Sir, on another bug-hunt?"
GORMAN: "All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that a xenomorph may be involved."
HICKS (to Wierzbowski; low): "It's a bug-hunt."
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

Let's hope not. Let's really hope not. Let's hope the UEDF soldiers have seen that movie(or something like it) and have prepared themselves accordingly.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Chronicler »

UEDF trooper: "Sir, I have seen this little movie called Aliens. It's by a little known director name James Cameron. There is no way me and the rest are going in there."

UEDF Officer: "Is that insubordination I hear?"

UEDF trooper #2: "At least give us some @#$%ing motion trackers and SLAP rounds!"

UEDF trooper #3: "Maybe some of that MDC armor might help too."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

Flamethrowers, Area of effect, for those hard-to-reach-with-direct-fire weapons.

Or ideally set up a situation like in Michael Crichton's 'Prey' where the protagonists give the Big Bad the choice between burning to death or triggering the fire suppression system which has been spiked with a species-specific poison agent.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

BookWyrm wrote:GORMAN: "At ease. I'm sorry we didn't have time to brief before we left Gateway but..."
HUDSON: "Sir?"
GORMAN (annoyed): "Yes, Hicks?"
HUDSON: "Hudson, Sir. He's Hicks."
GORMAN: "What's the question?"
HUDSON: "Is this going to be a stand-up fight, Sir, on another bug-hunt?"
GORMAN: "All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that a xenomorph may be involved."
HICKS (to Wierzbowski; low): "It's a bug-hunt."

Ripley: How many Ops for you is this, lieutenant?
Gorman: Thirty-eight. Simulated.
Vasquez: How many combat Ops?
Gorman: Uh, two. Including this one.
Drake: ****.
Hudson: Oh-ho, man...

taalismn wrote:Flamethrowers, Area of effect, for those hard-to-reach-with-direct-fire weapons.
that didn't work out too well for the Colonial marines on LV426..
Or ideally set up a situation like in Michael Crichton's 'Prey' where the protagonists give the Big Bad the choice between burning to death or triggering the fire suppression system which has been spiked with a species-specific poison agent.

Vasquez: All right, we got seven canisters of CN-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole ******* nest.
Hicks: That's worth a try, but we don't know if it's gonna affect them.
Hudson: Let's just bug out and call it even, man! What are we even talking about this for?
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Remember to stay frosty.
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by mech798 »

taalismn wrote:
parkhyun wrote:
Communications Engineer - bait.

That's what Civilians are for. Ever wonder what happened to Minmei's little cousin?

he's set himself up as the God of the Morlocks. That's the reason all the Petit Cola machines have been vanishing and are later found, drained of their precious bodily fluids.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
BookWyrm wrote:GORMAN: "At ease. I'm sorry we didn't have time to brief before we left Gateway but..."
HUDSON: "Sir?"
GORMAN (annoyed): "Yes, Hicks?"
HUDSON: "Hudson, Sir. He's Hicks."
GORMAN: "What's the question?"
HUDSON: "Is this going to be a stand-up fight, Sir, on another bug-hunt?"
GORMAN: "All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony and that a xenomorph may be involved."
HICKS (to Wierzbowski; low): "It's a bug-hunt."

Ripley: How many Ops for you is this, lieutenant?
Gorman: Thirty-eight. Simulated.
Vasquez: How many combat Ops?
Gorman: Uh, two. Including this one.
Drake: ****.
Hudson: Oh-ho, man...

taalismn wrote:Flamethrowers, Area of effect, for those hard-to-reach-with-direct-fire weapons.
that didn't work out too well for the Colonial marines on LV426..

Or ideally set up a situation like in Michael Crichton's 'Prey' where the protagonists give the Big Bad the choice between burning to death or triggering the fire suppression system which has been spiked with a species-specific poison agent.

Vasquez: All right, we got seven canisters of CN-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole ******* nest.
Hicks: That's worth a try, but we don't know if it's gonna affect them.
Hudson: Let's just bug out and call it even, man! What are we even talking about this for?

Ripley: "I say we nuke the site from orbit...just to be sure..."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by parkhyun »

Random Encounters in the Morlock Zone of SDF-1

Roll 1d10 every so often and consult below:

1 - Patrol of 2d4 adult male Morlocks. If challenged, they'll give the old "Our people wandered these caves for many moons before the coming of man" speech, which will be heartfelt, because they have really short memories and forget they're basically an infestation.
2 - A giant midden of human remains, Morlock excrement and remaindered "Lynn Kyle: My Message" books.
3 - A nursery of 1d4 Morlock females and 3d4 Morlock young. Easy shootin'!
4 - Hippies. They've been sneaking off and smoking the wacky tobaccy in these hallways. They're like, whoa, man.
5 - Trap door. An earlier team welded the door to this hallway shut and set up movement-sensitive lasers to fry anything that gets close. You brought the electrical engineer to disable it, right? And the comms guy to discover it?
6 - Another team. They get mad that you're on their turf. There actually is no "turf" but Morlock hunters don't like to cooperate with other teams because We Got This, Man!
7 - Minmei. Rick left her here after the events in DYRL. She's so glad you've come, she's going to sing a song for you, and wait... where are you going?
8 - The main hive, built out of what looks like a decaying skull and torso of a Zentraedi warrior who must have gotten sucked into a ventilation shaft. The giant armor means their "walls" are pretty sturdy, and the "hive" means there's 5d20 of them milling around. Where was that other team again?
9 - An arms room. Literally. There's a stack of uneaten arms and legs in one corner and 1d4 terrified crew members cowering in a corner. They beg you not to bring them back to their Squadron, as the Morlocks are okay compared to someone named "Commander Toombs."
10 - A group of 1d6 micronized Zentraedi trying to defect. They have blue skin, though. Hmm.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

I like how in #9 it's not entirely certain these guys haven't gone cannibal themselves.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Tim Wing »

Meanwhile, all the 11B's (infantrymen) on the SDF-1, who have been sitting around in the barracks playing "hide the salami" for the entire f-ing war are like: "Dude! We finally get to go kill something?!?!?!"
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

Tim Wing wrote:Meanwhile, all the 11B's (infantrymen) on the SDF-1, who have been sitting around in the barracks playing "hide the salami" for the entire f-ing war are like: "Dude! We finally get to go kill something?!?!?!"

Dear god, the thought of a Mini-Gun going full auto in an armored service trunk tunnel...all that dakka bouncing off the walls and the NOISE....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

parkhyun wrote:Random Encounters in the Morlock Zone of SDF-1

Roll 1d10 every so often and consult below:

1 - Patrol of 2d4 adult male Morlocks. If challenged, they'll give the old "Our people wandered these caves for many moons before the coming of man" speech, which will be heartfelt, because they have really short memories and forget they're basically an infestation.
2 - A giant midden of human remains, Morlock excrement and remaindered "Lynn Kyle: My Message" books.
3 - A nursery of 1d4 Morlock females and 3d4 Morlock young. Easy shootin'!
4 - Hippies. They've been sneaking off and smoking the wacky tobaccy in these hallways. They're like, whoa, man.
5 - Trap door. An earlier team welded the door to this hallway shut and set up movement-sensitive lasers to fry anything that gets close. You brought the electrical engineer to disable it, right? And the comms guy to discover it?
6 - Another team. They get mad that you're on their turf. There actually is no "turf" but Morlock hunters don't like to cooperate with other teams because We Got This, Man!
7 - Minmei. Rick left her here after the events in DYRL. She's so glad you've come, she's going to sing a song for you, and wait... where are you going?
8 - The main hive, built out of what looks like a decaying skull and torso of a Zentraedi warrior who must have
gotten sucked into a ventilation shaft. The giant armor means their "walls" are pretty sturdy, and the "hive" means there's 5d20 of them milling around. Where was that other team again?
9 - An arms room. Literally. There's a stack of uneaten arms and legs in one corner and 1d4 terrified crew members cowering in a corner. They beg you not to bring them back to their Squadron, as the Morlocks are okay compared to someone named "Commander Toombs."
10 - A group of 1d6 micronized Zentraedi trying to defect. They have blue skin, though. Hmm.

11 - Annie with a net chasing a group of terrified Morlocks down a tunnnel.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

[quote="Arnie100]11 - Annie with a net chasing a group of terrified Morlocks down a tunnnel.[/quote]

Temporal disconnect---it's before her time.
Though I'd argue the case that perhaps she is DESCENDED from Morlock stock.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Tim Wing
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Tim Wing »

Dear god, the thought of a Mini-Gun going full auto in an armored service trunk tunnel...all that dakka bouncing off the walls and the NOISE....

"I know Sarge... I've got, like, the weirdest boner right now."

"Put that thing away, Smitty."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

"Now aside from blowing through most of our machine gun ammo in that eight second burst, did that actually CCOMPLISH anything?"
"Well, we flushed out about four Morlocks."
"-we shot twelve of our own people."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:"Now aside from blowing through most of our machine gun ammo in that eight second burst, did that actually CCOMPLISH anything?"
"Well, we flushed out about four Morlocks."
"-we shot twelve of our own people."

"And this is why I cover my backside with THREE extra layers of armour."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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Slapping the side of the unit.

"So is this motion tracker good for anything?"

"Yeah! It makes a noise so it's easier for the Morlocks to track you."
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Chronicler »

I'd rather to equip my troops with this pulse rifle instead: ... -134389117 Makes things much easier when it's built in.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by SRoss »

Trooper: "50 meters! 25!"

Sargent: "GET READY!!!"

Trooper: "10!"

Corporal: "That can't be! That's in the room!"

Trooper: "5! What the hell!?!"

Bits of debris fall from the ceiling...

Sargent: "Oh crud!" :shock:
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:Trooper: "50 meters! 25!"

Sargent: "GET READY!!!"

Trooper: "10!"

Corporal: "That can't be! That's in the room!"

Trooper: "5! What the hell!?!"

Bits of debris fall from the ceiling...

Sargent: "Oh crud!" :shock:

(Suddenly a tiny head pokes through the ceiling...)

Annie: "Ecxuse me...did you guys with the big guns see any cute furries around here?"
Troopers: :shock:
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Thom001 »

There are morlocks in this? :shock: Like the devolved people living underground from the time machine h.g.wells morlock?

(I don't have these books)
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

Thom001 wrote:There are morlocks in this? :shock: Like the devolved people living underground from the time machine h.g.wells morlock?

(I don't have these books)

Nope; parkhyun's engaging in his unique form of mindgorkery by throwing an absurd situation rife with potential for violent hilarious debauchery at us staid, conservative players.
However, it also plays off previous suggestions of alien refugees living like bilge rats in the crawlspaces of the giant Zentraedi starships.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Arnie100 wrote:
parkhyun wrote:Random Encounters in the Morlock Zone of SDF-1

Roll 1d10 every so often and consult below:

1 - Patrol of 2d4 adult male Morlocks. If challenged, they'll give the old "Our people wandered these caves for many moons before the coming of man" speech, which will be heartfelt, because they have really short memories and forget they're basically an infestation.
2 - A giant midden of human remains, Morlock excrement and remaindered "Lynn Kyle: My Message" books.
3 - A nursery of 1d4 Morlock females and 3d4 Morlock young. Easy shootin'!
4 - Hippies. They've been sneaking off and smoking the wacky tobaccy in these hallways. They're like, whoa, man.
5 - Trap door. An earlier team welded the door to this hallway shut and set up movement-sensitive lasers to fry anything that gets close. You brought the electrical engineer to disable it, right? And the comms guy to discover it?
6 - Another team. They get mad that you're on their turf. There actually is no "turf" but Morlock hunters don't like to cooperate with other teams because We Got This, Man!
7 - Minmei. Rick left her here after the events in DYRL. She's so glad you've come, she's going to sing a song for you, and wait... where are you going?
8 - The main hive, built out of what looks like a decaying skull and torso of a Zentraedi warrior who must have
gotten sucked into a ventilation shaft. The giant armor means their "walls" are pretty sturdy, and the "hive" means there's 5d20 of them milling around. Where was that other team again?
9 - An arms room. Literally. There's a stack of uneaten arms and legs in one corner and 1d4 terrified crew members cowering in a corner. They beg you not to bring them back to their Squadron, as the Morlocks are okay compared to someone named "Commander Toombs."
10 - A group of 1d6 micronized Zentraedi trying to defect. They have blue skin, though. Hmm.

11 - Annie with a net chasing a group of terrified Morlocks down a tunnnel.

12 - you suddenly find yourself some distance back the way you came but you don't remember how you got here, foggy recollection of a flash of light...
13 - 2d6 Protesters protesting the Morlock hunt
14 - 3d4 Morlock gardeners
15 - Roving Cola Machine 'bot (or vid phone, or camera, or insurance sales'bot)
16 - As #15, only with 2d4+1 Morlock "bronco riders" with the 'bot as the bronco
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Thom001 »

taalismn wrote:
Thom001 wrote:There are morlocks in this? :shock: Like the devolved people living underground from the time machine h.g.wells morlock?

(I don't have these books)

Nope; parkhyun's engaging in his unique form of mindgorkery by throwing an absurd situation rife with potential for violent hilarious debauchery at us staid, conservative players.
However, it also plays off previous suggestions of alien refugees living like bilge rats in the crawlspaces of the giant Zentraedi starships.

Oh, well now I'm very disappointed. :(
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

Thom001 wrote:[
Oh, well now I'm very disappointed. :(

Why? It opens up all sorts of in where the morlocks originated from? Tirolian refugees? Tirolian genetic experiments? Alien primitives? Lost inhabitants of Macross Island? Mutated construction workers from the refit of the SDF-1? Protoculture-mutated teenage stoners? Really aggressive cosplayers lost in a bad 'vampire/monster' LARP?

Oh yeah, and they could be d-hopping, time-traveling Wellsian morlocks too. 'SuperDimensional' Fortress and all that.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by SRoss »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
parkhyun wrote:Random Encounters in the Morlock Zone of SDF-1

Roll 1d10 every so often and consult below:

1 - Patrol of 2d4 adult male Morlocks. If challenged, they'll give the old "Our people wandered these caves for many moons before the coming of man" speech, which will be heartfelt, because they have really short memories and forget they're basically an infestation.
2 - A giant midden of human remains, Morlock excrement and remaindered "Lynn Kyle: My Message" books.
3 - A nursery of 1d4 Morlock females and 3d4 Morlock young. Easy shootin'!
4 - Hippies. They've been sneaking off and smoking the wacky tobaccy in these hallways. They're like, whoa, man.
5 - Trap door. An earlier team welded the door to this hallway shut and set up movement-sensitive lasers to fry anything that gets close. You brought the electrical engineer to disable it, right? And the comms guy to discover it?
6 - Another team. They get mad that you're on their turf. There actually is no "turf" but Morlock hunters don't like to cooperate with other teams because We Got This, Man!
7 - Minmei. Rick left her here after the events in DYRL. She's so glad you've come, she's going to sing a song for you, and wait... where are you going?
8 - The main hive, built out of what looks like a decaying skull and torso of a Zentraedi warrior who must have
gotten sucked into a ventilation shaft. The giant armor means their "walls" are pretty sturdy, and the "hive" means there's 5d20 of them milling around. Where was that other team again?
9 - An arms room. Literally. There's a stack of uneaten arms and legs in one corner and 1d4 terrified crew members cowering in a corner. They beg you not to bring them back to their Squadron, as the Morlocks are okay compared to someone named "Commander Toombs."
10 - A group of 1d6 micronized Zentraedi trying to defect. They have blue skin, though. Hmm.

11 - Annie with a net chasing a group of terrified Morlocks down a tunnnel.

12 - you suddenly find yourself some distance back the way you came but you don't remember how you got here, foggy recollection of a flash of light...
13 - 2d6 Protesters protesting the Morlock hunt
14 - 3d4 Morlock gardeners
15 - Roving Cola Machine 'bot (or vid phone, or camera, or insurance sales'bot)
16 - As #15, only with 2d4+1 Morlock "bronco riders" with the 'bot as the bronco

17 - Micronized Mhyti, running for his life with 2d20 Morlocks in hot pursuit.
18 - Lynn Kyle protesting the military's violence against Morlocks.
19 - Micronized Mirya wearing a stylish Morlock skin coat.
20 - Rabid Pollinator! RUN STUPID!!!
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by taalismn »

SRoss wrote:[17 - Micronized Mhyti, running for his life with 2d20 Morlocks in hot pursuit.
18 - Lynn Kyle protesting the military's violence against Morlocks.
19 - Micronized Mirya wearing a stylish Morlock skin coat.
20 - Rabid Pollinator! RUN STUPID!!!

Either she was landed in the wrong spot or this is her showing the micronians 'how to properly deal with the vermin'.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

21 - Rabid pollinators feasting on Morlocks...
22 - Kyle getting his @$$ kicked by Annie for interrupting her furry-hunt...
23 - Morlocks begging you to take them away from the crazy human child...
24 - A pollinator...isn't he cute? Wait...where'd all these other ones come from...and they look HUNGRY...
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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Honestly I just have no idea how else you would use most of the OCCs in the book.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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parkhyun wrote:Honestly I just have no idea how else you would use most of the OCCs in the book.

Hurling them bodily to plug holes in the pressure hull?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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taalismn wrote:
Thom001 wrote:[
Oh, well now I'm very disappointed. :(

Why? It opens up all sorts of in where the morlocks originated from? Tirolian refugees? Tirolian genetic experiments? Alien primitives? Lost inhabitants of Macross Island? Mutated construction workers from the refit of the SDF-1? Protoculture-mutated teenage stoners? Really aggressive cosplayers lost in a bad 'vampire/monster' LARP?

Oh yeah, and they could be d-hopping, time-traveling Wellsian morlocks too. 'SuperDimensional' Fortress and all that.

:lol: That is not what I meant. I've never played Robotech. I was getting excited thinking that there were morlocks in the game officially somehow.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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Thom001 wrote:[

:lol: That is not what I meant. I've never played Robotech. I was getting excited thinking that there were morlocks in the game officially somehow.

Bah, their morlocks couldn't possibly be as interesting as our morlocks.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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taalismn wrote:
Thom001 wrote:[
Oh, well now I'm very disappointed. :(

Why? It opens up all sorts of in where the morlocks originated from? Tirolian refugees? Tirolian genetic experiments? Alien primitives? Lost inhabitants of Macross Island? Mutated construction workers from the refit of the SDF-1? Protoculture-mutated teenage stoners? Really aggressive cosplayers lost in a bad 'vampire/monster' LARP?

Oh yeah, and they could be d-hopping, time-traveling Wellsian morlocks too. 'SuperDimensional' Fortress and all that.

they're actually ROUS's.. all the plot shield energy flowing around the SDF-1 has had a similar effect on the ship's rodent population that the unseen university's library does..

either that or the SDF-1 made stop at alpha centauri before coming to earth, and picked up a few devolved Pak breeders in the process..
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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COL Brad Tuffman
Commander, RDF Internal Security Brigade
7th Level Military Specialist
IQ - 14
MA - 17
ME - 12
PS - 16
PP - 12
PE - 14
PB - 9
Spd - 12
Notable Skills: HtH Martial Arts, WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle, boxing, Intelligence, Interrogation, pilot: motorcycle
Attacks: 4 SDC: 45 HP: 45
Personal Profile: COL Tuffman is a man's man! Hell, he's a Morlock male's male! COL Tuffman don't need no energy rifle to kill Morlocks, but son, if you need one, COL Tuffman will rip one from the hands of a coward and give it to you. COL Tuffman weren't gonna sign up to sit on his britches and hide inside a mobile bunker! He likes his combat eye-to-eye, and if you don't need to wash the enemy's blood off your diapers when you get back inside the wire, you didn't do it right! Now do it again!
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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COL Tuffman---Voted 'Most Likely to Have His Eyes Eaten Out by an Alien Lifefiorm Like Jube-Jubes."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by parkhyun »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Thom001 wrote:[
Oh, well now I'm very disappointed. :(

Why? It opens up all sorts of in where the morlocks originated from? Tirolian refugees? Tirolian genetic experiments? Alien primitives? Lost inhabitants of Macross Island? Mutated construction workers from the refit of the SDF-1? Protoculture-mutated teenage stoners? Really aggressive cosplayers lost in a bad 'vampire/monster' LARP?

Oh yeah, and they could be d-hopping, time-traveling Wellsian morlocks too. 'SuperDimensional' Fortress and all that.

they're actually ROUS's.. all the plot shield energy flowing around the SDF-1 has had a similar effect on the ship's rodent population that the unseen university's library does..

either that or the SDF-1 made stop at alpha centauri before coming to earth, and picked up a few devolved Pak breeders in the process..

They were most likely created by Tiglath the Cruel before he got run over by a land rover:
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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parkhyun wrote:
They were most likely created by Tiglath the Cruel before he got run over by a land rover:

Mummy Dearest....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by SRoss »

Hudson: (On hearing COL Tuffman's pep speech) "Why do I have this feeling that somewhere, out there. The losers in Mauve Squadron are laughing at us?"

Tuffman: "Gentlemen, guns are for whimps. Therefore, we will be hunting the Morlocks with these." (Passes out a box of K-Bars) "Know cue the battle music!"
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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SRoss wrote:Hudson: (On hearing COL Tuffman's pep speech) "Why do I have this feeling that somewhere, out there. The losers in Mauve Squadron are laughing at us?"

Tuffman: "Gentlemen, guns are for whimps. Therefore, we will be hunting the Morlocks with these." (Passes out a box of K-Bars) "Know cue the battle music!"

And that's when they discover the morlocks know how to make and use zip-guns.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:Hudson: (On hearing COL Tuffman's pep speech) "Why do I have this feeling that somewhere, out there. The losers in Mauve Squadron are laughing at us?"

Tuffman: "Gentlemen, guns are for whimps. Therefore, we will be hunting the Morlocks with these." (Passes out a box of K-Bars) "Know cue the battle music!"

Hudson: "That's not right..."
Red Shirt: "Yes...somebody else besides US gets killed!"
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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SRoss wrote:Hudson: (On hearing COL Tuffman's pep speech) "Why do I have this feeling that somewhere, out there. The losers in Mauve Squadron are laughing at us?"]![/i]"

"Gentlemen, it has come to this; the lack of success of the other units assigned to this particular theatre of operations has led us to bring you in to take care of the matter."
"Oh god, it's orcs again, isn't it?"
The other members of Mauve Squadron shared a despondent nod; it looked like it was their turn in the sludge tanks again.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by parkhyun »

LTC Todd "Doc" Bohwer
Chief, Internal Security Platoon, Internal Security Brigade

LTC Bohwer's unit has two crucial missions: protecting ISB's equipment from being pilfered and pilfering extra equipment from other units.

Although both the Macross police and its gangs keep trying to get their hands on ISB's energy weapons, LTC Bohwer's primary pain in the nuts is ISIM (Islamic State in Macross), which is attempting to unleash the hordes of morlocks upon the city to terrorize it into submission. To stop them, Bohwer runs a not-so-secret torture program and uses cleaning robots as assassination drones.
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

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parkhyun wrote: To stop them, Bohwer runs a not-so-secret torture program and uses cleaning robots as assassination drones.

"And now here's Minmei with her top hit single "My Boyfriend's a Pilot!"-"

"That's only the eighth replay."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1

Unread post by BookWyrm »

25 - a small group of Morlocks (1d4+1) huddled together, conversing in low grunts, wearing makeshift costumes.....they appear to be some type of medieval style. One clutches a long piece of pipe like a staff, the others have makeshift 'weapons' wrapped in conduit insulation. As soon as the light from any one of the team's flashlight hits them, they stare back, then attack. The 'weapons' do no damage (other than being annoying) and after about 3-4 rounds of pummeling the team, they claim a victory by grunting & dancing, then dash off.

26 - The team crosses paths with another team; a dark-skinned Terran wearing a weathered leather-jacket, a well-dressed fanged humanoid who keeps talking how the humidity is ruining the creases in his clothes, a blocky-headed android and another human with a 'H' on his forehead. Both groups stop & stare at each other for a full round, then the jacket human says (in a distinctly North London accent) "Sorry mates, wrong ship." Then proceed elsewhere, around a corner. Following them only shows they have vanished.

27 - The team come across a small pile of Morlock bodies, dressed in brightly colored makeshift cartoon and comic-book character costumes, but savaged viciously. There is a blood-spattered barely intact sign that reads "Tirolia Proto-Con Or Bust".
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