VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction)

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VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction)

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

The following is intended as Fan-Fiction and is based on the following modified concepts to address various issues with the design by giving the Alpha 5 reconfigurable mission bays along with optional hardware for known (and uncontested) Hardpoint stations and payloads for them. The Bays are:
Bay #1 is the Cyclone Storage Bay. Given the respective ages of the Cyclone and Alpha systems, it makes sense that short of a major redesign, the "bay" itself had some purpose OTHER than for the storage of the non-existant Cyclone, and it was seen as less important than giving the pilot a Cyclone.
Bay #2 & 3 are the 2 VTOL engine bays. The VTOL engine bays are simply a result of the Shadow Fighters dropping the VTOL feature completely easily and in secret. Though a bit of this is influence from the F-35 also that has models that trade the engine bay for a fuel tank. Since engines can be removed, I see no reason the "bay" can't be used for other purposes if needed by replacing the engine.
Bay #4 & 5 are, QUESTIONABLE I admit, located on the Intake modules of the Alpha, Shadow Drone specifically (their pop-up launchers). This feature may be limited to specific models or block variants of the manned Alpha (that we haven't seen or seen used). The reason for this is that the Alpha's PC canister ports are here, and must logically have been moved on the Shadow Drone due to the pop-up launcher, and must be moved in order to make way for the bays (this is an all or nothing deal, either #4&5 are present or they aren't).

Internal Modular Mission Bay Options
Location notation per RAW (Cyclone =T, Front VTOL engine = F, Rear VTOL engine = R, I = Intake Station)
Cargo Pod (TFR). T location is typically used for the carriage of stowed Cyclone mecha, it originally was used for storage of other mission gear for the pilot to use on foot. The FR locations are more general storage bays and are very uncommon.

Fuel Cell (TFRI). To address the Alpha's range short coming any Mission bay can be configured to act as a propellant tank. Base Range is increased by a factor of 10 for each location used. Additional work is required to run the propellant lines into the existing system for the T location, but the FR locations can easily adapt the built in plumbing for the standard Lift Fan package, consequetly the T location is seldom used in this role. These are standard for the I location (if specific variant/model approach is not used).

Vertical Missile Launcher (T). A vacuum/extreme high altitude only system due to atmospheric buffering while in motion, the pod is configured to fire 8 Short Range Missiles with no reload OR equivalent of 3 VR-041 Missile Launchers w/one set of reload. Available only in Fighter mode.

Communications Suite (TI). Increased jam resistant communications, faster data rates that the regular communication system of the Alpha. I location also features additional sensors.

Lift Fan (FR).
This is the standard configuration, for these locations. One lift fan (typically R) can be retained for STOL operations. OPTIONALLY the GM may allow the Lift Fans to be able to redirect their exhaust for additional thrust in forward flight as a built in featue for one or both of the engines (the F bay could use the B-mode positioning of the engines, the R bay would need to use some type of retractable-movable nozzle to work, sort of like the F-35) see below for additional information.

Additional Forward Thrust Engine (FR).
This can either be a modified version of the Lift Fan module (same/similar specs as baseline) or a purpose built engine (with unique specs) that is used to provide the Alpha with additional forward thrust for fighter mode operation (alternatively the GM could fold this into the regular Lift Fan module as previously mentioned). The F bay should be configured to act in a manner like the Lift Fan does in Battloid in this case. This might make it a retractable feature, and may need to fork the exhaust so as not to damage the R bay (if it uses an engine or other retractable feature. The R bay will almost certainly need to have a retractable and swivel nozzle (F-35 rear engine) in order to function. If the uRRG data internal comparison holds (VFA-6H/I to VFA-6Z) even w/o using their exact numbers then each ~1% increase in thrust will yield an additional ~1% (~0.98 more specifically) to speed in Fighter Mode. There are three ways to handle this, GM can choose which to implement and could even use them as incremental updates:
1. uRRG specific. This assumes Overboost is at play. Both engines will increase Thrust to ~139.9% over baseline for the H/I w/o Overboost it would be ~125.5%, the Z was slightly lower at ~138.7% w/Overboost and at ~124.6% w/o it (yes I double checked the math) over it's baseline.
2. OSM specific, this assumes the x2 JG-97M engines (Robotech Research Technical diagram of Alpha in fighter mode) with their 1840shp engines refer to the lift fan engines, and the ATF-401 w/their 4800kg rating are in legs and arms. The AV-8B Harrier II jump jet has a max takeoff T/W ratio of ~1.13 (I am treating this as the minimum value for practical VTOL operations for a combat platform, note the T/W ratio does fluctuate slightly for the Harrier models, I'm going with the lower value here). If the JG-97M engines are in fact doing all the VTOL work, their combined thrust has to exceed the Alpha's standard loaded mass (as it is implied taking off in this state), meaning they have to generate ~10,000kg of thrust each. If utilized in forward flight this will give the Alpha an additional ~207% thrust over baseline with just the 4 ATF-401 using both, only ~153% with just one JG-97M. This is for the H/I model and assumes no overboost is at play, the Z would be lower if the JG-97M engines aren't updated, and the X/S (Shadow) will be lower due to increased mass (EU-15, and dry).
3. A purpose built engine with unique specs or OSM Engines w/overboost capacity. Here you will have to work out the details for yourself in how much thrust it adds.

Internal Lower Horizontal Missile bay (FR). Useable only in Fighter and Guardian modes, the bay is equipped to handle 2 Medium Range Missiles (these are purpose built units for the launcher much wider than normal allowing for a decrease in length to fit) or 8 standard Short Range Missiles. Rate of Fire is limited to 1 MRM or 2 SRM. Can also carry gravity bombs in place of missiles. There is a 10% chance the feed mechansim can become jammed (optional) after the first shot. These aren't in launch tubes, but horizontal racks limiting the Rate of Fire volleys of 1 MRM or 2 SRM.

Internal Upper Horizontal Missile bay (I). Useable in all 3 modes, note the Alpha's shoulder sensor pod (H/I/Z model) when deployed will block that particular bay from opening up in Battloid (possibly Guardian, the module in question is known to be in some shots, but not others in the show). Based somewhat on the Beta's MM-16 launcher, the intake is of the a pop-up variety and can hold 3 missiles, typically MRM (SRM and Mini's also work, but the bay is to small to allow "reloads" and for saftey the missiles aren't stacked in a tube) as the MM-12 provides much better payload of SRMs when needed, and mini's aren't used for air-air combat much.

MM-12 Missile Launcher Bay (I). Useable in all 3 modes, note that the Alpha's shoulder sensor pod (H/I/Z model) when deployed will block that particular bay from opening in Battloid mode (possibly Guardain, module in question is known to be in some shots, but not others in the show). This is the standard launcher seen used by the Shadow Drone that is a 2x6 flip-up missile launcher. Note Shadow Variants (Drone, S/X) do not have the shoulder sensor pod.

Internal Chest Launcher (F). Similar to the Veritcal Missile Launcher for the top station in configuration. It is limited to battloid mode, but can fire in atmosphere.

Reconissance Package (FR).
A suite of advanced reconissance cameras and other sensors (treat as similar to the AHR-15 Phantom).

Advanced Electronic Warfare package (FR). System includes jammers, spoofers, and intercept equipment. Useless against the Invid, but Space Pirates and more conventional forces it has proven useful.

Recon Drone (T). A self propelled and recoverable recon drone (more Remote operated than autonomous) with flight capabilities. Basically a RAT-1 Pegasus Drone (1E Sentinels RPG) w/o the wings.

The Alpha has 3 gun pod stations, two on either side (500lbs limit each) and one on top (750lb limit). In this way the Shadow Fighter's EU gunpod did not necessitate another redesign aspect, but rather taking advantage of an existing capability. I am avoiding the issue of additional rail/hardpoints beyond these 3, though I do think the Alpha would have them.

Optional Standardized UEEF Gunpods
1. EU-13 80mm Gun Pod. RAW (standard) Stats. can carry 2.
2. EU-15 100mm Gun POd. RAW Stats (Shadowfighter). Only carry 1. Post 2042 development.
3. HRG-140 Dual Rail Gun in a gunpod package suitable for use by an Alpha. RAW (see Silverback) Stats. Post 2042 development.
4. AAC-11 Flack Cannon repackaged into an Alpha suitable gunpod frame. RAW (see Silverback) Stats.
5. LMMDS-12 SRM Missile launcher. Seldom used, RAW stats (See Silverback)
6. MMMDS-6 MRM Missile Launcher. Used when BVR combat is expected. RAW stats (See Silverback, the total payload weight IS less than a EU-13). Typically only one is carried, though two are possible. Intended to be disposable, though they can be serviced for re-use.
7. MMDS-48 type Mini Missile Launcher. Basically a giant sized version of an RL-6.

Beta Docking Station. The Alpha has docking equipment on the underside to connect to the Beta's docking arm. Since the Beta was canceled in 2022, it makes sense that the UEEF would look for other uses for the docking station, or remove it completely. All equipment here utlizes a simplified system with regard to connecting to the underside for several reasons, not the least of which is to make them more "disposable" should the pilot have to abandon/jettison the module. Obviously an Alpha using any of these systems can not connect to a Beta as the docking port is in use, and the VTOL engines bays will be blocked.

Options of the Beta Docking station:

Anti-Ship Missile. This is a specialized missile built for the Alpha Veritech for use against capital ships, and the Alpha can only carry one. To compensate for this the destructive yield is much greater than a single VF-1's anti-ship missile (estimated to be between x4 and x6 as strong). Treat as a Long Range missile in terms of performance (range/speed), it is smart, but heavier than a standard LRM.

Medium Range Missile Rack.
This is a simplified "hanging" rack system intended to allow the Alpha to carry four (300mm diameter) medium range missiles primarily, though it can be configured to carry twice that many 190mm short range missiles (rarely done), or even gravity bombs (rarely done). The Rack will not interfere with transformation between Fighter and Gaurdian modes, but will have to be jettisioned when transforming to Battloid mode.

Dolly Weapon & Booster Module. Also known as the "micro-Beta" and "broom stick" by Alpha Pilots, the DWBM can literally be thought of as a micro-Beta on many levels. At its core, the DWBM resembles the Beta docking arm. However, it has been emptied of unnecessary hardware from the Beta (retractable features, about the only thing left is the skeleton/shell and a simplified docking system) and modified to sport a full heavy duty retractable landing gear (3 locations) capable of supporting itself and over 20metric tons easily. In addition they installed a propellant tank (increase range, giving the Alpha capacity to enter orbit, though range isn't as good as the Beta) and a Alpha ATF-401M engine (modified for higher thrust, this prevents the DWBM from being dead weight, and actually offers a modest increase in thrust), and a small internal weapons bay with an undercarriage release (holds 4 Medium Range Missiles, though can be configured for other ordnance). Externally there are a pair of rail stations on either side (4 total) each capable of carrying 1 medium Range missile or gravity bomb (or 2 rails are used to carry 1 LRM), however the rail stations prevent the mecha from transforming out of fighter mode. Like the full Beta, the DWBM is capable of remaining connected to the Alpha in all modes, and in Battloid gives the impression the mecha is flying with a broom stick.

Super-Sized Gunpod. The EU-15 isn't the only large gunpod the Alpha can carry. In fact by this standard, the EU-15 is more a medium sized gunpod for the Alpha. Various configurations are available, usually over sized weapons with large bore (VHT-1 main projectile cannon, or Tomahawk Particle Cannon) or those with high rate of fire (or modified for it). The mecha will move the pod into the proper position when transformation occurs similar to the GU-11 on the VF-1. This is a two handed weapon for the Alpha, and as such doesn't carry a secondary gunpod.

Prone Glider Insertion Vehicle. Intended for insertion of intelligence and special operations personnel. There is room for one person (two if they are small or don't mind getting cozy) in a prone postion, plus room for a single cyclone. The glider controls where fairly simple (anyone with Pilot Airplane or similar fixed wing aircraft skill should be able to fly one), and the glider itself was designed with re-entry in mind (as such it as minimal attitude gas jets to steer during early re-entry operations) and is battery powered (12hr), life support has to be brought along. Two additional variants of the vehicle are available for unmanned missions: one turns the unit into a glide bomb (w/over 200kg of explosive material) and the other into a cargo delivery pod (about 1000kg and volume has to fit into a prone position for a human and a cyclone in storage mode).

Alpha Specific Medium Range Missiles
These missiles are built for the Alpha specifically to use for specific stations on the MM-60 (Forearm, Upper Arm, Outer Leg, Inner Leg). It is possible to mix/match the payload of the specific station in many cases.

The basis for the missile changes is that increasing the propellant load of the missile will allow for increase range and speed (longer burn time and more propellant will do this) as in the real world. However I have applied a bit of Palladium logic that increasing the mass of an SRM by 2.5x (2.4x technically) will make the missile an MRM with higher range and speed yeilding an increase in flight time that averages of 5.5x by the Silverback's stated weight of an SRM and MRM and using the missile chart range/speed to get time. This is basically can be accomplished in a variety of ways: mix of increased diameter and length version, lengthened version, increased diameter version. I will address payload by each.

The only MRM missiles available for these are the types on both the SRM and MRM tables (HE: Light, HE: Medium, Frag: Light, HEAP: Medium, Plasma, Smoke).

Upper Arm Medium Range Missile:
Use of this type of missile requires the launch doors to be open until all MRMs are fired from that particular station. Missiles do not effect transformation, and are available in all modes. Payload by size modifer:
-A purely larger diameter is not possible without using another shape (baseline is circular), but would be limited to 1.
-A mixed approach with primarily an increase length would require each single MRM occupy multiple 4 SRM slots (in a more rounded corner square body stye). 2 total per
-A simple increased length option would yeild 8 per.
-Another mix approach using a more flattened rectacular shape with rounded corners and increase length could be done to take 2 SRM slots per 1 MRM. Total of 4 per.

Before some one wonders if the last two versions could be used on the lower leg launchers, they can technically fit, but as those stations are angled would create a lot of drag for the MRM carriage I would think, so I would say no to actual use. Payloads are done to distribute the weight evenly (so if only carrying 2 MRMs, 1 per side with the other slots using SRM).

Forearm Enhanced Short Range Missile
Use of this missile type does not effect the launch doors, however the MRM is placed in horizonatally as opposed to vertically (as the SRM is). The missiles require an adapter to be placed inside to eject the missile. The launchers will only fire when in the Fighter Mode position. Payload by size modifier:
-purely larger diameter is not possible
-any mixed approach will not work either.
-a lengthend missile would yeild a payload of 1MRM per 2.5 SRMs. The use of a mixed SRM/MRM payload is avoided as the MRM the adapter run the length of the bay.

The missile is designed to use the mentioned adapter, so can not be used on the upper arm station, though they may be derived from it depending on how the missiles are set up in the GMs world (ie all MRMs are lengthed version at a given factor). Also note that the Alpha carrying these missiles will not have its vertical tails deployed and will have to rely on thrust vectoring (asymetric as opposed to paddel) to assist in stearing until the missiles are all fired from the2 outer launch stations at which time the tails will deploy.

Concealed Lower Leg Medium Range Missile:
This MRM missile is designed to fit inside any of the Alpha's lower leg launchers (it can also work for other stations) and allow the door to close. Only one MRM (regardless of size modifier) can be used per launcher. This makes the trade off expensive in terms of destructive power carried (by RAW since you are trading four SRMs for 1 MRM) though you are getting a longer reach. This type of MRM uses a very radical change to the expected body shape of the missile (circular/rounded-square) in favor of a exagerated rectangular body with rounded corners. The missiles engines (there are 4) are specially calibrated to burn to work together to distribute the load allowing for an increased burn time and speed (which results in increased range). Normal SRMs could technically take advantage of the reworked engine, but the UEEF has yet to embrace the idea due to manufacturing difficulties of the newer motor (which has limited availability of this type of Alpha MRM). There are three variants:
-Space Only versions of the missile see the range of the missile increased by a factor of four (even in atmosphere) compared to the SRM version
-Atmospheric optimized versions exist that can equal a regular MRM (in space they are no better than the Space Only Version)
-Atmospheric optimized version with a glide phase for air-ground or ground-ground engagements, range is increased by 25%

Carpenter Fighter as Alpha Fighter Derivative.
In the interest of more cross generational connections in this section I consider two seperate approaches to the fighter we see Maj. Carpenter deploy in "Outsiders" as we lack any real specific information I am connecting it to the VFA-6 Alpha Fighter of the New Generation era (depending on where one looks, the Alpha is supposed to be around so...).

Approach One: non-transformable spin-off variant
In the late 2010s into the early 2020s the UEEF was an era where the UEEF was running into stumbling blocks with various programs it was under taking the Condor, the Beta, and the Alpha where all be set with difficulties. The UEEF did need a new strike fighter to replace or lighten the load on the Conbats. In the late 2010s the UEEF looked at using the Alpha's non-transformable fighter mode test units as an interm fighter (this design pre-dates the Beta connection hardware being included). Numerous changes where implemented as the program was fast tracked among them:
-the nose mounted radar and radome was replaced with an energy cannon. The radar emitter was moved into the wings using conformal antennas.
-the forearm engine assembly was removed and replaced with the same type of engine found in the Alpha's legs. Without the need to accommodate transformation requirements, the engineers where able to mount a new engine nozzle to improve performance even more. This has resulted in the loss of the two MM-60 launch stations in each forearm.
-the upper arm remained largely unchanged, the structure was fixed into position and the transformation hardware removed obviously, but the MM-60 station remained (the missiles here are rated for anti-mecha use not anti-ship use explaining why they aren't shown firing in the episode)
-the head module was removed to improve aerodynamics (any fighter mode relevant sensors have been moved)
-further modifications of the nose included four (2 per side) maneuvering thrusters (this improves the fighters yaw and roll ability)
-the legs where completely removed and replaced with a more streamlined package, they still use the same main engine as the Alpha, but like the upper arm engines, utilize a better nozzle design for improved performance. Early models did not carry over a hardpoint as the Alpha had in this location, but later models restored them.
-the wings where strengthen and side mounted tail structures that where used on the Sylphid where introduced to improve turning ability in atmosphere (they also act to shield engines from IR sensors to some degree). As previously mentioned the radar antenna was moved to the wings using conformal array (the technology isn't common). The wings are also strengthened to include one hard point.
-the Alpha's top mounted gunpod station (used by the Shadow Fighter) remained, and could be configured with mecha gunpods, missiles, and boosters.

Approach Two: Veritech in Fighter Mode with add-ons (mode limited)
The Shrouded VF/A-6 Alpha Fighter was an attempt by the UEEF to address short comings with the Alpha design. The UEEF had put together several simultaneous projects to address the issue, one resulted in the VF-X-7 program, another looked at the use of FAST-Pack system, another looked at find internal solutions (basically they looked at given feature/system to determine if it was really needed). Then there was the Shroud Approach.

The Shroud approach is very similar to the VF-1's GBP-1S add-on, only instead of being used for Battloid mode as in the VF-1 the approach is used in Fighter Mode for the Alpha. A series of armored conformal modules where devised that would drastically alter the appearance of the Alpha, though retain the basic lines of one. These armored modules are mounted, most stream line the mecha's lines and can be jettisoned:
-as propellant tanks to the arms and legs, this unfortunately blocks the majority of the MM-60 stations and requires the tail to be retracted. The leg hardpoints for carriage are blocked requiring any gunpod to use the top mounted station. Late production examples included a hardpoint.
-Adapter nozzles are installed for improved performance on all four main rear facing engines, these nozzles override the existing nozzle
-an under side propellant tank is mounted such that it runs from the head to the rear completely blocking the VTOL engines
-due to the need to have the Alpha's tails retracted the designers mounted a glove to the wing that allowed them to mount new larger tails borrowed from the ASC non-transformable fighters. This glove allowed the Alpha to also mount one hard point. Late production examples would also include a launch rail on the wing tip. Conformal Radar antennas are also included in the glove (improves coverage when linked with the built in Alpha nose radar, otherwise equal to it)
-the nose cone and radar have been removed to make way for podded beam cannon, this is the only module that doesn't jettison it must be removed in a hangar, it also has its own PC power pack. It is also an aspect that isn't fleet wide for the Shroud System as those who are expected to see atmospheric use go with the standard nose/radar for improved aerodynamics.
-four side facing (2 per side) maneuvering thrusters have included

Unlike the VF-1 GBP-1S that was the inspiration for the system, the Shroud is more like the VF-1's FAST-Pack in terms of impact with the exception of the transformation aspect. Use of the transformation system results in the loss of the extra propellant capacity and engine power, the weapon stations are expected to have been used up. The impact on propellant/engine is more felt than the additional weapons as with the Shroud in place, the Alpha can achieve performance similar to the VFB-9 Beta when it carries an Alpha. Unlike the VF-1s FAST-Pack (and later Shadow Fighter FAST-Pack seen in TSC), the Shroud is better optimized for atmospheric use, but like the FAST-Pack and GBP-1S systems (and unlike the Beta) the system can not be reconnected on the fly. This typically has resulted in Shrouded Alpha pilots being very careful about when they "jettison" the Shroud when they deem it necessary.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by taalismn »

Speculation Approved. :ok: 8)
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by jedi078 »

Bay #1 is the Cyclone Storage Bay. Given the respective ages of the Cyclone and Alpha systems, it makes sense that short of a major redesign, the "bay" itself had some purpose OTHER than for the storage of the non-existant Cyclone, and it was seen as less important than giving the pilot a Cyclone.

IMO the early Alpha variants VFA-6A through VFA-6G didn't have the Cyclone storage bay or docking ports to connect tot he (at the time) failed Beta prototype. This area was probably gained when the newer VFA-6H, I and Z varinets were designed spcifcally to house a Cyclone and dock with the Beta.

One thing I've added to the Alpha in my games are the under intake MRM's and the extra missile pod you see mounted on some of the Alpha model kits. What is really interesting is that the extra missile pod can bee seen on the inside cover art of the Deluxe edition of the Shadow Chronicles book as well as page 70.

Bay #2 & 3 are the 2 VTOL engine bays. The VTOL engine bays are simply a result of the Shadow Fighters dropping the VTOL feature completely easily and in secret. Though a bit of this is influence from the F-35 also that has models that trade the engine bay for a fuel tank. Since engines can be removed, I see no reason the "bay" can't be used for other purposes if needed by replacing the engine.

While this takes away VTOL capability while in jet mode, it's a moot issue since the pilot can just go to guardian mode for VtOL landing/take off. I can certainly see the VTOL engines being removed to include more fuel.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by Tiree »

I disagree about the docking port. Even the pre-production sketches have the Alpha using a Booster of some sort. This Booster probably uses the docking port, and the Beta being a giant transformable missile laden booster.

As for the Shoulder Missiles of the Shadow Drone. I guess it's possible that the Shoulder Missiles caused the PC to be moved where the Cyclone Storage bay would be. Probably it also houses the Shadow Technology to make the PC Emissions go into another dimension.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by Chronicler »

jedi078 wrote:
Bay #1 is the Cyclone Storage Bay. Given the respective ages of the Cyclone and Alpha systems, it makes sense that short of a major redesign, the "bay" itself had some purpose OTHER than for the storage of the non-existant Cyclone, and it was seen as less important than giving the pilot a Cyclone.

IMO the early Alpha variants VFA-6A through VFA-6G didn't have the Cyclone storage bay or docking ports to connect tot he (at the time) failed Beta prototype. This area was probably gained when the newer VFA-6H, I and Z varinets were designed spcifcally to house a Cyclone and dock with the Beta.

One thing I've added to the Alpha in my games are the under intake MRM's and the extra missile pod you see mounted on some of the Alpha model kits. What is really interesting is that the extra missile pod can bee seen on the inside cover art of the Deluxe edition of the Shadow Chronicles book as well as page 70.

Bay #2 & 3 are the 2 VTOL engine bays. The VTOL engine bays are simply a result of the Shadow Fighters dropping the VTOL feature completely easily and in secret. Though a bit of this is influence from the F-35 also that has models that trade the engine bay for a fuel tank. Since engines can be removed, I see no reason the "bay" can't be used for other purposes if needed by replacing the engine.

While this takes away VTOL capability while in jet mode, it's a moot issue since the pilot can just go to guardian mode for VtOL landing/take off. I can certainly see the VTOL engines being removed to include more fuel.

Looking at the pages you said it kind of looks like the leg launchers that are stated. But I do agree with the under intake missiles as I have seen then used on the model kits and figures. Could have sworn I seen line work of it too.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Holy Cr@p! Very cool! :)
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

@Arnie100 and taalismn
Thank you.

jedi078 wrote:IMO the early Alpha variants VFA-6A through VFA-6G didn't have the Cyclone storage bay or docking ports to connect tot he (at the time) failed Beta prototype. This area was probably gained when the newer VFA-6H, I and Z varinets were designed spcifcally to house a Cyclone and dock with the Beta.

I do agree the Docking system likely did come later, but given the size of the Cyclone bay that is a lot of redesign work (~1cubic meter concentrated) IMHO for something as complex as the Alpha. It also begs the question of what was there before, leaving the bay as a reconfigurable module seemed the best explanation unless the REF/UEEF had another survival mecha before the Cyclone than the UEDF on Earth didn't use/have (neither the RDF or ASC had them apparently).

jedi078 wrote:One thing I've added to the Alpha in my games are the under intake MRM's and the extra missile pod you see mounted on some of the Alpha model kits. What is really interesting is that the extra missile pod can bee seen on the inside cover art of the Deluxe edition of the Shadow Chronicles book as well as page 70.

No argument from me, but these are typical mods to the Alpha in my experience. The extra pod is also in the 1E books in places, they also have a gu-xx/EU-13 top mounted. Which further strengthens the idea the Shadow Fighters top mounted point isn't unique to that model.

jedi078 wrote:While this takes away VTOL capability while in jet mode, it's a moot issue since the pilot can just go to guardian mode for VtOL landing/take off. I can certainly see the VTOL engines being removed to include more fuel.

That is one of the many questionable design choices with the Alpha, the VTOL capability in fighter mode given it has the ability to transform into another mode that can do the same.

Tiree wrote:As for the Shoulder Missiles of the Shadow Drone. I guess it's possible that the Shoulder Missiles caused the PC to be moved where the Cyclone Storage bay would be. Probably it also houses the Shadow Technology to make the PC Emissions go into another dimension.

I'm not sure the PC ports would be moved into the Cyclone Bay, that would seem to require a lot more in terms of plumbing changes I would imagine. It would seem more likely the PC ports moved to the side of the intake. That or the bay has to be in an "open" position to access the ports.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

in regards to the VTOL thing.. the ability to transform from fighter to guardian while parked on the ground is unlikely. so VTOL in fighter mode is helpful in increasing the number of places the Alpha can operate from.

also, those VTOL thrusters seem to have a beneficial role in guardian and battloid mode in increasing the amount of control in those modes.. given their placement.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

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glitterboy2098 wrote:in regards to the VTOL thing.. the ability to transform from fighter to guardian while parked on the ground is unlikely. so VTOL in fighter mode is helpful in increasing the number of places the Alpha can operate from.

also, those VTOL thrusters seem to have a beneficial role in guardian and battloid mode in increasing the amount of control in those modes.. given their placement.

Exactly. You need some ground clearance to get those legs swung forward, unless you LIKE gouging troughs in the ground or striking sparks off the decking(accompanied by sounds that make fingernails-on-chalkboard sound positively LYRICAL in comparison).
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by Tiree »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Tiree wrote:As for the Shoulder Missiles of the Shadow Drone. I guess it's possible that the Shoulder Missiles caused the PC to be moved where the Cyclone Storage bay would be. Probably it also houses the Shadow Technology to make the PC Emissions go into another dimension.

I'm not sure the PC ports would be moved into the Cyclone Bay, that would seem to require a lot more in terms of plumbing changes I would imagine. It would seem more likely the PC ports moved to the side of the intake. That or the bay has to be in an "open" position to access the ports.

Well the fact that a Shadow Drone does not need to have a Cyclone. I'd be inclined that empty space would be utilized better. Not to mention, the need for a Shadow Cloaking Device (we don't know how large it has to be), and the fact that the bay is more in the center of the vehicle to help with the shielding.

But maybe it's me, plumbing isn't usually a problem. It's the passageways that the plumbing has to get to.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

IMO, the AI computer would be stuck in the cyclone bay (center of mass means less vulnerable to being disabled, and it is probably better adapable to whatever hardware is needed.. also means the cockpit area can be devoted to additional sensors)

the shadow cloak can't bee all that bulky given that they adapted regular alpha's to use it, and those don't look to have any major changes to internal layout. though it is true we don't really see any of the pilots pulling out cyclones from them (mainly because the story told doesn't have any real chances for it)
in the episode from the main show where Lt. Graham does her presentation on the shadow fighters, it sounds like the modifications are to the engine itself, like some sort of special construction or shielding type thing to give the effect.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

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:ok: IMHO i love it man well done
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by jedi078 »

Chronicler wrote:Looking at the pages you said it kind of looks like the leg launchers that are stated. But I do agree with the under intake missiles as I have seen then used on the model kits and figures. Could have sworn I seen line work of it too.

The leg missile launchers on the Alpha are on underside of the mecha when in Fighter mode. The shoulder launchers are located on the topside of the mecha when in fighter mode.

If you look the upper left corner of page 70 (Shadow Chronicles, Deluxe edition) you see that the covers for the shoulder missiles are open, and can clearly see that there is a gap between the shoulders. In the center right side of page 70 (Shadow Chronicles, Deluxe edition) we see a fighter mode Alpha with the gun pod stored topside. Just below the barrel of the gunpod we see 8 missiles (not covered) they are not the shoulder missile launchers because the shoulder missile launchers are clearly closed.

So yeah, the shoulder mounted SRM launcher found on the Alpha model kits did find it way into the RPG book.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by Chronicler »

jedi078 wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Looking at the pages you said it kind of looks like the leg launchers that are stated. But I do agree with the under intake missiles as I have seen then used on the model kits and figures. Could have sworn I seen line work of it too.

The leg missile launchers on the Alpha are on underside of the mecha when in Fighter mode. The shoulder launchers are located on the topside of the mecha when in fighter mode.

If you look the upper left corner of page 70 (Shadow Chronicles, Deluxe edition) you see that the covers for the shoulder missiles are open, and can clearly see that there is a gap between the shoulders. In the center right side of page 70 (Shadow Chronicles, Deluxe edition) we see a fighter mode Alpha with the gun pod stored topside. Just below the barrel of the gunpod we see 8 missiles (not covered) they are not the shoulder missile launchers because the shoulder missile launchers are clearly closed.

So yeah, the shoulder mounted SRM launcher found on the Alpha model kits did find it way into the RPG book.

Oh I thought you where talking about the intake from the bottom next to the fuselage (chest in battloid). I seen people model three missiles for each side under that and seen it on a figure once, like a wing hardpoint.
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Re: VFA-6 Alpha Series Modular Mission Packages (Fan-Fiction

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

glitterboy2098 wrote:in regards to the VTOL thing.. the ability to transform from fighter to guardian while parked on the ground is unlikely. so VTOL in fighter mode is helpful in increasing the number of places the Alpha can operate from.

also, those VTOL thrusters seem to have a beneficial role in guardian and battloid mode in increasing the amount of control in those modes.. given their placement.

I agree the Alpha isn't going to be able to transform on the ground out of vehicle mode, about the only Veritechs that likely can do that are for the ground units (Cyclone, VHT, Silverback), none of the aircraft units are shown to do it or even attempt it. However, the inclusion of those particular VTOL thrusters is more of a mixed bag given other short comings in the design (range being one of them) and really depends on how much priority a given user places on various attributes.

The Shadow Fighter though seems to show that they aren't need for g/b mode operation and don't seem to impact it much, provided they are using the same engines as the H/I or even the Z.

Tiree wrote:But maybe it's me, plumbing isn't usually a problem. It's the passageways that the plumbing has to get to.

Which I'm lumping in with the plumbing. Moving the position of the PC tanks will require additional plumbing regardless, but moving them around inside the intake area would require less complex plumbing to consider in comparison to moving them into the Cyclone bay, which itself appears to move around during transformation if the H/I/Z are any indication (when going to battloid mode that bay would have to move due to the nose section rotating back into that area, and if its in the shoulder sensor pod (I doubt that) that's even more complexity to the plumbing I would imagine) or moving to a different section..
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