R Ditto wrote: ...
A 406mm HE shell is roughly 2000 pounds IIRC, and even if just 1,000 pounds of that was HE, ...
I also think of how 406mm shells tend to leave 50ft wide blast craters in the ground.
I am not an explosives expert, but have been researching military and explosives SO MUCH in the last 15 years, I MUST be on FBI watchlists.
Anyway, the 1930s and 1960s stockpile 406mm shells did not carry the weights of explosive you presented. The 50 foot crater is correct (15 meters wide and 6 meters deep) when the AP shell struck concrete.
Well known data for the Mark 13 or 14 406mm high capacity shell weighed 862 kg and packed 69.66 kg of Comp B. There are NO published blast radius of the HC round. Questionable data says 200 yard frag radius. There's also a website stating that a german tiger tank was flipped on its side from a near impact. Even the HC blew from 3 to 4 meters concrete depending on range out to 38 km.
The Mark 8 Armor Piercing round weighed 1225 kg with 18.55 kg of Comp B. It would penetrate from 8 meters concrete at 9 km to 4.6 meters concrete at 38 km. Its ARMOR penetration was 664 mm at 9 km, and 241 mm at 38 km.
I can not find any data on US 406mm number of fragments, or their weight or their velocity, but I did find data on German 380mm HC shells which were 800 kg with 64.25 kg of explosive filler. (TECHNICAL REPORT No. 372-45 GERMAN FIRE EFFECT TABLES August 1945
http://www.kbismarck.com/german-fire-effect-tables.html )
One cannot simply scale 127mm naval or 155mm howitzer shells up to 406mm, although I wish it were that simple. The 406mm HC shell carried enough Comp B that CONCUSSION over-pressure alone:
- 69 kpa (10 psi) at 16.5 meter radius,
- 28 kpa (4 psi) at 27.6 meter radius,
- 14 kpa (2 psi) at 44.4 meter radius,
- 6 kpa (1psi) out to 86 meter radius,
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_ ... explosions (see direct effects) or
http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overpressure for what sort of damage would be inflicted.
Note: these blast overpressure estimates for the 406mm HC do NOT take into affect the fragments. Again, no proper data is available.