Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

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Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by Sparticus »

Ok so I am cussing along gearing up for my rifts campaign when one of my players submits a character idea for my approval. At first it seemed like an ok build, a human who has been stuck in a rift since the Golden Age right as everything when to hell. However among the powers the person got from such a long expose to said rift was an ability very akin to the Promethean Phase body. Now if I read it right this ability converts all or most (both words were used) sources of MD damage to SDC. If this was the case than just wearing any full suite of MDC armor will pretty much make the character untouchable. I don't what to just disregard the character or ruin my players hard work (the concept is very cool) So does the Promethean Phase body convert "all" or "some" sources of MD damage to SDC and if some than what are the sources that are unaffected.
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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by eliakon »

Sources of damage are converted when they interact with the character personally.
Example. He is wearing a suit of 35MDC armor when he is attacked and hit with a series of laser pulses. They do 50 MD combined. The first 35 MD blow apart his armor. The next 15 would normally turn him to a fine red mist....but in THIS case they are 'phased down' and only do 15 SDC.

So it protects him, personally from Mega Damage attacks, while at the same time making him vunerable to SDC attacks. (if the attackers also shoot him with a 9mm pistol for 15 SDC they will do another 15 points of damage off of his total.)
In other words he himself treats all damage as simply 'damage' (neither mega nor regular) which is cool...but it does not extend to anything else. It most certainly does not provide him with invulnerability of any sort.
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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by VR Dragon »

Yeah as stated this is not a "nothing" can hurt my MDC armor aura power. The armor would take damage before applying conversion. Now if anything gets through then that would convert to SDC automatically. Now if the guy has ooodles of SDC/hps then he could be cocky enough to skip armor.
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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by VR Dragon »

Or if you want to treat it as a aura then just state that anything he wears becomes SDC too for easy. But it would gave have an AR...
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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Sparticus wrote:Ok so I am cussing along gearing up for my rifts campaign when one of my players submits a character idea for my approval. At first it seemed like an ok build, a human who has been stuck in a rift since the Golden Age right as everything when to hell. However among the powers the person got from such a long expose to said rift was an ability very akin to the Promethean Phase body. Now if I read it right this ability converts all or most (both words were used) sources of MD damage to SDC. If this was the case than just wearing any full suite of MDC armor will pretty much make the character untouchable. I don't what to just disregard the character or ruin my players hard work (the concept is very cool) So does the Promethean Phase body convert "all" or "some" sources of MD damage to SDC and if some than what are the sources that are unaffected.

Sounds similar to the PSi-Slinger's "Energy Conversion" ability which can be overloaded if you do enough damage (30). So you could allow the ability as it stands in the Phase section, or put some additional features on it to prevent it from resulting in an invincible foe (at least in terms of damage, options do exist to stop them) since this is akin to the Promethean power, but not exactly like it:
-treat it as inherent to them only and not equipment (ie no aura of protection) as others read it
-allow the power to be overloaded if MD attack exceeded a certain value (as the Psi-Slinger's ability)
-allow exceptions of sources to be able to operate normally, like it doesn't work on laser beams (or specific frequencies) or charged particles (Ion and Particle Beam, plasma to) or attacks of certain materials (wood, silver, iron, etc), gas attacks (intangible power is vulnerable to gas attacks), etc. This might be something they have to discover in the course of play (though to be fair it should be something that wasn't already known to be resisted)
-they might have to stay near a ley line or other source of energy to maintain the phase state, or have a larger than normal appetite to fuel this ability
-they find it difficult to handle items and have to concentrate to cancel out the ability otherwise they can't pickup/use items/vehicles or use is very difficult (takes more time to pull a trigger for example if phased)
-don't allow it as an always on ability, but rather something they have to activate spending some type of energy (PPE, ISP, or PE points) to activate and maintain. Though duration and cost should be reasonable, they would still have to take steps to recharge from the draining experience.
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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by Subjugator »

VR Dragon wrote:Or if you want to treat it as a aura then just state that anything he wears becomes SDC too for easy. But it would gave have an AR...

It wouldn't need an AR. If it was environmental, it'd be just like any other armor.

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Re: Promethean Phased bodies how does this work

Unread post by Tor »

It isn't an aura but...

if you enchant your armor with that FoM spell which converts MDC to SDC when your armor is destroyed...

then you can take half damage from MD for a while :)

Or there are some spells out there which can transform you into an MDC being, like that Giant-ish one in FoM. Which would effectively make the Promethean immune to MD attacks under 100 for a while. Doesn't 4D being also do that? As Temporal Wizards they could learn either.

On the plus side, since they are supernatural beings, at least you can't permanance-ward that stuff, would be super-broken.
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