why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

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why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the Phalanx's 'derringer missile pods's' are listed as Volley 4, ammo 11... which would be a total of 44 missiles per mecha. but the show, RPG, and robotech.com sources all have only 11 missiles per arm-pod.. for a total of 22.

i noticed this after several people on another forum started complaining about how super-powerful SPhalanx's are because of their undodgeable high damage attacks.. and how their deep ammo bins mean they can can just spam said attacks all the time.

44 missiles per mecha is absurd and since it doesn't match the show... i'd suggest cutting it back to the canon.

so either make them volley 2 with 11 shots (meaning you can dodge their attacks but they have the ability to throw a lot of them your way) or volley 4 with only 5 shots.. which makes them powerful attacks, but you have to ration them a bit.

and i think the points should stay where they are... because as it currently stands, Phalanx's are evidently way more powerful than their points suggest
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by Mike1975 »

Those are the stats listed in the RPG. Right or Wrong, that is where they come from. I think it assumes that each arm has a reload somewhere.
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

double checked.. your right. which means the RPG is also incorrect, because the show and HG specify 11 missiles per arm. (which makes sense anyway.. there isn't space to fit more than 11-12 macross period LRm's into those pods..)

not that it matters for RTT.. the RTT stats in several places don't match up to the RPG already.. reducing the payload or volley size on a mecha's weapon to avoid it becoming an 'i win' button the moment you deploy it isn't going to cause issues.
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by Mike1975 »

What other units don't match up statwise?
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by Malcontent-Khyron »

I recently used 4 phalanx in a game with a friend.

We had randomly rolled the hazardous conditions which made all shots at -2 to hit and max 24 range.

Under these conditions I think the phalanx were even more brutal because I just ran up close to a fully loaded zentraedi attack squad picked a target and missed with 10 out of 16 missiles . the ones that hit their mark were actually mostly shot down by anti missile weapons but the other 10 scattering all over the place anhiliated almost the entire squad with the exception of the 4 pods that I had actually targeted.

Being able to continue unleashing that amount of hell every turn was rediculous. funny thing is if visibility was normal I would have only missed with like 3 and all the ones that hit dead on would have probly been shot down.

It was mildly humerous and sad at the same time that these units just get more effective when they miss.
Why are they using such primative weapons?
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by eliakon »

I am pretty sure what happened was that things went like this
They went with the canon 11 per pod.
Then they put in 'load 22'
Then someone in editing saw the 22 load and thought that was a per-pod load and not the per-mecha load.
Presto now it has double the normal ammo load out.
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by Forar »

Which would make sense as to how it happened.

The question is how nobody noticed this in editing and/or testing, if it's as powerful as is being described in this thread (and this isn't the first place I've seen Phalanxes described as brutally powerful).

But that's academic. If it requires fixing/tweaking, it seems like an easy thing to rectify with the pending FAQ/Errata page.
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by warmaster21 »

they have 11 missiles in each arm. they also have an Internal magazine which holds another 11 missiles for each arm. for a total of 44 missiles. there is no mistake
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Re: why are the Phalanx's carrying 44 missiles?

Unread post by Mike1975 »

It really does not matter how many shots the Phalanx has. They are high priority targets. If you die from the first salvo or the 6th you are still dead and rarely do they last or need to last that long. What needs to be done is allow Blast missiles to be shot down on a 5+ like any other missile to balance them out. Missed shots are easy to dodge.
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