What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

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What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

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What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by gaby »

Tell Me what do you Want most in Rifter? and for What setting do you want them to be for?

For Me it BtS,s Adentures ideas.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Easy - adventures.
Rifter 52 Cannibal Magic
Rifter 55 The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C.
Rifter 59 The Lopanic Games adventure "The Lion, the Ditch & the Warlock". Illustrations to this adventure can be found here.
Rifter 71 & 72 Double Issue Ninjas & Superspies adventure "On a Wing & a Prayer"
Rifter 80 Masters Unlimited
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Voted magic, but more "all of the above".

Which Setting?..... All but Rifts.

P.S.....errr and but Splicers.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Daeglan »

Locations... Towns, regions, etc.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by The Beast »

The thing I want most is less Splicers, but I'll settle for more magic, followed by more adventures.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Premier »

As a HUGE fan and contributor to the Splicers setting, I don't understand why there is so much hating going on as of recent towards a setting that has unfortunately only received ONE core book and yet, (even with just one official book) was nominated as "Game of the Year" (2004) when it debut. Why not just focus on demanding/requesting and supporting more of the setting(s) you fancy versus demeaning an entertaining setting that you don't like (but many others do) simply because it's getting some air time in the Rifter. The RIFTER is a friendly free for all among fans, not an internal competition between settings.

So can we please try to not demean a setting versus simply supporting your fancy?

IF not,then oh well... to each their own, however, please also note that regardless, I will campaign and support the advancement of publications for more SPLICERS material both in Rifters and in Official publication.

I hope to see more of Splicers, Palladium Fantasy, Phaseworld, well-written entertaining stories and or HLS adventures in the various Megaverse settings.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by jaymz »

Source material for the lesser supported games like BtS, NightSPAWN, N&SS...
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by gaby »

I am all for New BtS,s material.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Bill »

25 page setting write-ups. Suitable for freestanding games and dimension hopping. Could be an alternate fantasy setting for use with Palladium Fantasy, an alternate modern horror setting for use with BtS, an alternate mecha setting for use with Heroes Unlimited, an exotic hybrid of Rifts D-bees with After the Bomb etc. Full or partial deviation from canon with the explicit disclaimer that this alternate setting is not part of the existing catalog of Palladium worlds. I'd prefer for it to focus on backstory elements rather than new classes, powers and equipment too. This is one of the occasions where referencing titles and pages from other books would be a good thing to do, in my opinion.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I'd like all of the above, but I voted for more adventures. I've done it all too.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

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I voted for adventures but anything will be appreciated.

While I love RIFTS, I would like to see less RIFTS and more of all the other games.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by pblackcrow »

New mounts, magic, villages; towns; and cities descriptions and MAPS, and blue prints and vehicle schematics for some of the rifts vehicles. Such as the spider skull walker, death head transport, mountaineer ATV, the behemoth explorer, the ships, etc.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by whassupman03 »


Semi-Retired Gamer wrote:I voted for adventures but anything will be appreciated.

While I love RIFTS, I would like to see less RIFTS and more of all the other games.

Agreed! :D I also voted for more adventures, but I am particularly hoping for plenty of Dead Reign material, including pre-generated adventures of course! Personally though, I would be happy with just about anything else if I ended up with the alternative. So please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon.

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by auyl »

I pretty much would like to see anything, as long as it is good and well presented. Some more support for various S.D.C. lines would be nice, but all games could use more support in certain aspects.

If they are going to do Rifts though, I'd like to see more info on Lazlo. Sure they published two articles about it, but I'd like to see a lot more.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by eliakon »

I would love creative NPC, Races, small settings that I can plug & play with. The problem I have with stuff like magic, or psi, or the like is that one persons idea of balanced is another persons idea of munchie. Things that DONT require vetting game stats, nor that overturn canon are the most useful to me. I would love to see, for instance, articles on how law enforcement can work in worlds of magic/psi/super powers....that DON'T bring in new made up powers/devices/skills that I may or may not allow, but instead just use the official skills and powers and look at how they might be used. Or an article on smuggling, or shopping, or entertainment, or farming, or mining, or....... Just don't give me more "Hey I made up something cool and if we change the rules it fits." and more "Hey look, this is how the rules could work AS IS"
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by whassupman03 »


whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

Agreed! :D I also voted for more adventures, but I am particularly hoping for plenty of Dead Reign material, including pre-generated adventures of course! Personally though, I would be happy with just about anything else if I ended up with the alternative. So please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon.


Well it looks like I'm getting my wish! According to this week's Weekly Update, Dead Reign material will show up in The Rifter #68. Looking good Palladium! Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Jerell »

I'm been absolutely loving the Atlantean stuff in the Rifters. I'd love to seem some stuff for Lemurians too.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by ProfessorFate »

I vote for more OFFICIAL stuff, rather than optional.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by ghost2020 »

More adventures, less short stories, more towns/settings and maps.

Support for RIFTS, BtS, HU, PF and would a little more Systems Failure support kill anyone? :)
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Hotrod »

Tyberius wrote:Maps!

I'm with you there!
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by jaymz »

More fan made material less official material. It was supposed to be a show case of fan stuff not a place for official material that didn't fit into a book or wasn't enough for a book on it's own...
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by mellowmaveric »

While I voted for stories, the choice of five subjects seemed rather limited to me. Having updated maps of Rifts Earth, Super Heroes/Villains by region, state, city and country, cities level of paranormal activity, the break down of people of a hierarchy in an organization, fan fiction, stats for characters in said fiction, house rules, crazy situations that people did or didn't survive that they got them selves in to. These are all things I would love to see in the Rifter. I am sure that there are plenty of people out there with their own ideas and contributions to make. I don't know what the feasibility of making the Rifter bi-monthly would be so we would have 6 issues instead of 4 each year. I'm also sure I'm not the only one to suggest this. I have been a subscriber off and on of the Rifter since it's inception. I would also like to see a Best of Rifter for every 25 issues. That's what the last one contained and seems to make sense. Having an index of everything makes it easy to look things up instead of trying to remember the issue and then spending over an hour looking for the right issue and topic. If there is a way I could help contribute to this, let me know. I would be more than willing to help if I can. I deal with organization issues at work all day long. Thank you for your time.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by jaymz »

Actually there is an index here on the forums....though it only goes to issue 50 at the moment

I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

If you go through the thread its up to Rifter #62.

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by jaymz »

Ah ok. I just looked at the initial post...guess they should update it.
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by eliakon »

We have had enough issues that I think its time for another Best of the Rifter (31-60 please)
The Best of the Rifter is priceless to me because if I want to find an article its index is easy to use (and does not require internet!)
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by gaby »

Well,More info about the Alien Unlimited,s Races,in AU they give the Stats,What Power catagories wokr for them and ther history.
Maybe people can come up with ther Government,Culture and Millitaries.

Also like to see more AU,s Adventures.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

eliakon wrote:We have had enough issues that I think its time for another Best of the Rifter (31-60 please)
The Best of the Rifter is priceless to me because if I want to find an article its index is easy to use (and does not require internet!)

actually we need to expand the "best of the rifter" into two products..

Best of the Rifter should have the best non-official material, while we need another product collecting the official material that got printed into one place.

the first 30 issues didn't have much in the way of official material (and by now it's mostly in sourcebooks anyway), but 31-60 has a fair amount, not all of which actually made it into non-rifter sources.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by eliakon »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
eliakon wrote:We have had enough issues that I think its time for another Best of the Rifter (31-60 please)
The Best of the Rifter is priceless to me because if I want to find an article its index is easy to use (and does not require internet!)

actually we need to expand the "best of the rifter" into two products..

Best of the Rifter should have the best non-official material, while we need another product collecting the official material that got printed into one place.

the first 30 issues didn't have much in the way of official material (and by now it's mostly in sourcebooks anyway), but 31-60 has a fair amount, not all of which actually made it into non-rifter sources.

Oh yes. I would pay good money for a "Rules from the Rifter" book that collects the various official rules in one spot. And if it made sure to officially settle which Q&A are canon and which are not.....*drools at the thought*
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i'd rather have the still valid Q&A sections just reposted to the cutting room floor on the site..
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by gaby »

I also like more Adventures for Phase world,that add some New Races and New ships too.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by Hotrod »

gaby wrote:I also like more Adventures for Phase world,that add some New Races and New ships too.

I've always been a bit intimidated by the Phase World setting. Without some basis in present-day reality, I find it difficult to imagine putting together a compelling story. There's so much power in that setting that it's frankly hard to wrap my head around the scale of it all. Small ships have thousands of M.D.C., small factions span multiple star systems, and humans seem like insects next to the power of many of the aliens presented.

This isn't to say that I don't like the books; elements of them could be interesting additions of high-powered stuff, and many of the races can make for some interesting debee backstories. I particularly like the Fallen Cosmo Knight O.C.C. I just feel a bit lost in the Three Galaxies setting, where we could take everything Palladium has ever published and stuff it into one small corner of one arm of one of those galaxies.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by ghost2020 »

I have a bunch of convention games that i've run using BtS and RIFTS, even a Palladium Fantasy.

Time to do some rewrites and get them submitted!
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by ghost2020 »

Would anyone want to see a crossover campaign length adventure? It would use Heroes Unlimited, Nightbane, RIFTS and After the Bomb. Dimension hopping at its best!

I get that not everyone plays every game that Palladium makes, but is that something people would be interested in?

I have several crossover scenarios that i've run or written up. Most involve RIFTS or Heroes Unlimited as the 'base' setting. I did make one house rule to adjust the MDC issue so that it works across all the game lines without being a deal breaker.
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Re: What do you Want mosts in Rifter?

Unread post by bar1scorpio »

As for stories, yes, skipping Rifts.
But BTS? Do you think it'd be cool if more of the team tried their hands at supplying BTS stories that could, well, also just double as a decent series of horror short stories?
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