Who are your guys personal favorite ?

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Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Lenwen »

As the question stated already.. Who are your guys personal favorite factions on rifts earth?
I am truly curious as well as wanting to say this is a subjective question in that there are no right or wrong answers only personal opinions here .

I'll start us off..

1)- Atlantis : everything about Atlantis I find very refreshing , as well as the fact they are not a one of a kind civilization but rather a modified variation there of their normal Splugorthian civilization.. (again which is one reason) I like the Atlantean based Splugorthian more so then any others in the meg averse.

2) - Archie three oz!! This lil toaster that could has soo many absolutly great hook line an sinkers .. And the very fact that he is a direct link to the ancient American empire is flat out as awesome as it gets for me (golf clap) !!!

What says you ??
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Jerell »

I says,

1) Lemuria: Chuck Walton Bio Armors in Rifts Earth, Ancient earth survivors coming back, moving/flying cities, genetic engineering. At least in name, inspired by an antediluvian civilization. What's not to like.

2) True Atlanteans: Dimension hopping descendants of survivors of a Magical catastrophe, still hopped up on magic, with little chance to reclaim their home. Is just cool to me.

3) Coalition: Believe in Man! This is OUR planet.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Crow Splat »

As a player, Warlords of Russia. Cyborgs and PA everywhere.

As a GM, the Coalition. I love starting new players as CS soldiers when they have no idea that they may be ordered to slaughter innocents. After a while I give them a mission that makes them do something horrible and see what they do. No matter what they choose it's always entertaining.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Kagashi »

I prefer lesser known factions:

-The Gromek tribe in New England
-The Verlunian Spec Ops team in Mexico
-Queenston Harbor
- The Black Ship fleet of South America
- The hamlet of Clavicle in Alabama
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Incriptus »

Kingsdale is my default city.
I enjoy Columbia
and I'm a fan of mindwerks
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by eliakon »

I really like the NGR myself a human centered high tech empire....that still allows for the use of magic and d-bees and hasn't gone all stupid evil (well they are going a bit genocidal on the gargoyles but that's not the worst flaw a nation could have)...what's NOT to like
I have a soft spot for Columbia, for many of the same reasons.
I also like the Republic of Japan, mainly because I thought it was interesting.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Athos »

Wormwood !!! I love this place, wish I could play more in it. Fight the dark horde!
yes, I know it isn't Rifts Earth, but I just love it. truly good vs. evil.

South America. Another place I really enjoy gaming in the Rifts World. So much variety.
especially like the idea of the gods coming back and establishing a kingdom.

England. With the spluggies base in London, it gives lots of interesting opportunities.
knights versus monsters, what more do I need say.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Mechghost »

The Knight of the White Rose for the whole secret war thing against the Mystic Knights etc

The New Navy

England, Japan, and Russia are fun

South America, I enjoy the setting.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Morik »

RIFTS Source book 3 is very underrated. Gene Splicers are nasty. Mindwerks and the Angle of Death have a great story.

The Kingdom of Tarnow was a great surprise. Can the king keep his alignment in check?

Great villains and a true underdog against the Brodkil and Gargoyles. Good buy all around.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

North Eastern Mercenary Amalgam
especially the North Eastern Reasearch and Development division... that's right NERD.
in other words my group that for some reason is regularly harassed by the CS, we just don't get it :)
the young Merlin and real ling Arthur's New Camelot
The Empire of the Black Throne, established dominion of Earth and the Sol system in 3000 Anno Domini
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Kagashi »

Mechghost wrote:The Knight of the White Rose for the whole secret war thing against the Mystic Knights etc

The New Navy

Yeah, those are great too!
I want to see from Palladium:
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-Rifts: Dark Woods/Deep South, Space 110 PA, Scandinavia
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by masslegion »

I'll try and put some in order from my most favorite to least amongst my most favorite.

I love Triax and the NGR!
Archie 3
Free Quebec
Republic of Japan

notice my top 4 all have Glitteryboys (haha). I'm a total tech guy.

The Coalition as my favorite villain. Even though FQ is more human supremacists i root for them because the CS is more domineering vs FQ fierce independence.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by jaymz »

I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by torjones »

Lenwen wrote:As the question stated already.. Who are your guys personal favorite factions on rifts earth?

Merctown - don't care who you are. don't care what you do. so long as you aren't breaking the law, you're welcome.
Takamatsu - High Tech character? Welcome! Magic User? Welcome! DB? Welcome! You kill Oni? Welcome!!!
Republic of Japan - All intelligent life forms qualify for citizenship in the Republic, as guaranteed by their constitution.

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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Razzinold »

New West
Lazlo - Needs it's own book, I make up a lot of stuff on my own but would like some more official material
Merc Town - great starting point for an adventure, mid point for an adventure or anything in between
Australia - Love pitting scavenging roving road gangs against champions of good (the PCs), in an ongoing battle for dominance of the road
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by kaid »

Probably the warlords of russia and lemuria.

The warlords of russia is a really interesting concept. High tech bionic barbarian hordes. They also let me bust out my really terrible fake russian accent which is just bonus!

Lemuria because its finally a magical society that is both not a bunch of demon summoning madmen and possessing enough unique magic equipment/animals to hold their own vs tech cultures without tons of hand waving. I also love that the lemurians city states are basically triphibious being under sea, ocean going and flight capable means you can potentially bump into them anywhere from high mountains in russia to the deserts of mexico to the depths of the oceans.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Mack »

Arzno - Nice little corner of the world where almost any type of game can be based. Almost any type of character could end up there. And there's a nice little rampaging horde just to the south.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Raze_7 »

Lenwen wrote:As the question stated already.. Who are your guys personal favorite factions on rifts earth?
I am truly curious as well as wanting to say this is a subjective question in that there are no right or wrong answers only personal opinions here .

What says you ??

Hmm, well, number one is definitely the Tundra Rangers. Those guys are bad-ass, but they're not overly-large, and many people that I've met don't know of them.

My second favourite is the people of Psyscape, also being bad-asses, and not overly large.

Third would have to be the Harvesters, because, even though they're sadistic and horrible and depressing, they are interesting, and I've often wondered why there weren't any aberrant ex-harvesters, which has lead me to start writing a book with such a subject.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by flatline »

I don't know. As a player who tends towards magic characters, probably some faction that won't try to kill me because I use magic.

Are there any left on Rifts Earth that aren't secretly governed by some evil alien intelligence or insane god?

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Nox Equites »

Colombia. They have a nice variant of human supremacist. Tech and magic. Anti-monsters are a great concept.

Megaversal Legion. Great excuse for transdimensional combat ops. Use David Drake and Keith Laumer for inspiration.

Shadow Warriors. Bad guys doing good things in vamp turf.

Ichto. Evil corp state. Useful as a villain.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by eliakon »

flatline wrote:I don't know. As a player who tends towards magic characters, probably some faction that won't try to kill me because I use magic.

Are there any left on Rifts Earth that aren't secretly governed by some evil alien intelligence or insane god?


Arnzo, NGR allows for magic, Columbia, The Incan Empire is openly ruled by gods of questionable stability, but not secretly. The New Empire in Japan, Lemuria, Tarnow, Lazlo, Bath......
There are actually a surprisingly huge amount of places....I think I may have to go relook at some of these places now in fact.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by VR Dragon »

I'm for one really like the Atlantis books. The Atlantians are a great faction as are the sploogies. I'm have always wanted to play a resistance fighter game on Atlantis helping run away slaves. But no one has been interested.

The least favorite has been the England book. The entire Camelot thing just felt hokey and somewhat cheesy. But the herb lore was useful.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Morik »

Didn't want to miss out saying that the Black market source book as a whole shines an awesome light on this "hidden" faction.

Working for them or having them as antagonists is fun. Just use them.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The mid-west independents.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

VR Dragon wrote:I'm for one really like the Atlantis books. The Atlantians are a great faction as are the sploogies. I'm have always wanted to play a resistance fighter game on Atlantis helping run away slaves. But no one has been interested.

The least favorite has been the England book. The entire Camelot thing just felt hokey and somewhat cheesy. But the herb lore was useful.

So would it then be more or less cheesy to you if The real Arthur returned from Avalon with a young (aged backwards) Merlin and get rid of the AIs influence in the area?

You had to have some clue that Rifts was supposed to be a post appocolyptic rehash of legends with the rise of Atlantis.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

not counting my own creation?

the NGR. i like their focus on high tech, and how they aren't just the CS in europe. their aesthetics are fun, they have an interesting storyline and culture..

though i do think their airforce needs tactical thinkers beyond "must have all the technologies!".. seriously, your biggest problem is the gargoyles and difficulty defending airbases.. so you build non-VTOL, Non-STOL high speed jets that can't fight gargoyles very well? really?
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

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glitterboy2098 wrote:not counting my own creation?

the NGR. i like their focus on high tech, and how they aren't just the CS in europe. their aesthetics are fun, they have an interesting storyline and culture..

though i do think their airforce needs tactical thinkers beyond "must have all the technologies!".. seriously, your biggest problem is the gargoyles and difficulty defending airbases.. so you build non-VTOL, Non-STOL high speed jets that can't fight gargoyles very well? really?

I think the supersonic cargo and any other craft made to escape the area should be AFAP but gargoyle flight being as slow as it is, the NGR should be able to dominate and achieve airpower with assault helos. If the fans don't think it's high tech enough use AVs real AVs with vectored thrust nozzle for ground effect NOT like the reverse helicopter from, one of the mercenary... or maybe naruni second wave books. Stupid non-AV AV. I mean what kind of nimrod would ever think putting helicopter props so they were less obscured from ground fire was a good idea, never mind that there is already a device with blades at the bottom... they call it a blender.

K, I love Wormwood and NGR because they both have pretty big stories and grace us with a vision of the world with the little comic books. Since PBs switch in formatting to the reverse mullet (fun stuff up front, rules in the back), I say they go a step further. PB should have a small NGR/Wormwood size comic upfront, followed by comic NPC, followed by the fun stuff (setting/setting NPCs/classes/equipment), followed by the rules.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Hotrod »

My favorite faction is the cyber-knights. I love the fluff behind them, although I don't care for the anti-tech slant they retconned into during the Siege on Tolkeen series.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Bood Samel »

The cs, Free Quebec, the federation, Shemarians/ARCHIE, Pecos Bandits, Le soldats de st john.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

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Mercs for the most part, but I also like Whykin, New Navy and the Native Americans.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Secondhand Smoke »

Mystic Knights. A troupe of mystic knights livens up every proceeding.

I like rifter 45s take on them as a collective, I wouldn't necessarily agree with it but given the extensive description of KotWR, it would be nice if palladium did the same and increased their lore.
Also the magic items the KotWR have is ridiculous.
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Re: Who are your guys personal favorite ?

Unread post by Whiskeyjack »

I've loved Atlantis since it came out. So many plot lines to follow there.
Xiticix are another favourite that I'll be integrating into my current campaign. Maybe it's because I live in the future hivelands. :)
Vampire kingdoms is also cool. The group may end up down there as well.
Lots of others I love as well (Phase World, Wormwood, New West), and I still need to pick up some more.
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