I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Let's pause to remember that the exact same things were said eight years ago when Warner Bros revealed they'd acquired those same movie rights... and how exactly NOTHING came of it.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by SRoss »

Balabanto wrote:http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/423263-sony-pictures-announces-robotech-franchise-plans

Not to sound too sarcastic, but they've been talking about a live action movie for some time now. Even if they did make it, that doesn't necessarily translate into profit for Palladium.

I'll start believing in it when they officially announce the cast.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

on the otherhand, a live action film means more material for the RPG.. even if it's a retelling of the story, the inevitable visual changes to mecha and the like could be spun off into new designs or variants in the RPG.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Shorty Lickens »

Just saw the news today.

I suspect the movie will suck, but it will make money regardless.
And I'm hoping this will refresh the RPG and maybe get us some video games.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

SRoss wrote:
Balabanto wrote:http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/423263-sony-pictures-announces-robotech-franchise-plans

Not to sound too sarcastic, but they've been talking about a live action movie for some time now. Even if they did make it, that doesn't necessarily translate into profit for Palladium.

I'll start believing in it when they officially announce the cast.

+1, but I'll start believing it when it hits trailers in the theater, though I'm tempted to say actually playing in theater.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Come to think of it, when Harmony Gold initially sold the license for a Robotech movie to Warner Bros, they also gave them the rights to merchandise like games and comics that might be based on that movie if made.

If their arrangement with Sony Pictures is the same (very likely!), that means that the movie material may not be covered by the scope of the license Palladium currently holds...
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Balabanto »

Interest inspired will lead people to buy Palladium Robotech products, or force Harmony Gold to buy back the rights to existing material at a premium.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by FatherMorpheus »

Anyone else notice how close one of the producer's name is to a particular Rifts group? Nunnari? Hmm.

I'm not holding my breath on this coming out any time soon though.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

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Jury out on this for me wait and see
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Balabanto wrote:http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/423263-sony-pictures-announces-robotech-franchise-plans

yah....ahm....I am even more sceptic about movies being planed then PB gamebooks. There have been more talk about a Live Action RT then I care to remember.

I will not hold my breath at all. And start making plans to see them IF & When they are released.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by mech798 »

Rule of thumb about a movie. If it's optioned, it isn't going to happen. If you hear about a producer getting involved, it isn't going to happen.

It only starts to move into the "maybe going to happen" when you hear about actors getting signed (not just expressing interest) and actual production beginning.
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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

what about writers? :p

I know the answer, just saying. Heh
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by torjones »

mech798 wrote:Rule of thumb about a movie. If it's optioned, it isn't going to happen. If you hear about a producer getting involved, it isn't going to happen.

It only starts to move into the "maybe going to happen" when you hear about actors getting signed (not just expressing interest) and actual production beginning.

Oh, you mean, kinda like that Rifts movie that's been "going to happen" for how long now? 12-ish years? I have never liked Jerry. He's been the producer on more movies that made me bash my head through cinder-block walls to make the pain stop than any other producer out there. Ok, so Crimson Tide didn't make me want to commit wallicide, And you'd think that Sean Connery and Ed Harris would have helped The Rock more than they did, but Nick Cage wouldn't know what acting was if the annotated works of Shakespeare were used to bludgeon him to death. But really, Armageddon? Pearl Harbor? National Treasure? (how he got involved with Black Hawk Down, I haven't a clue...)

He's about as mainstream Hollywood as you can get really, which is good if the only thing your interested in is drawing in crowds and filling seats for a movie that has absolutely no substance, and is nothing more than a string of explosions and pointless running gun battles. If you want the public to know about Rifts, and how fertile it is for GREAT STORY and gaming, you absolutely must have a movie with GREAT STORY and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

Anyway, sorry for the rant...

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Re: I think Palladium is about to make buckets of money...

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Well, there seems to be a little progress, BUT, its still a LONG way off. Still a good chance of it not happening.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-v ... ony-792447
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