Jefffar wrote:So we have the entire fleet, or is it most of the fleet or is it just three ships missing? Is that supposed to be the entire fleet on screen or is it possible there are other elements off screen?
No mention or reference is made to other fleet elements offscreen... as in the series, it was supposed to be one massed attack.
Jefffar wrote:Not all of these ground troops would be survivors from the various Mars divisions sent in earlier (most of them seem to have been vanquished at Point K).
True, a few might have been survivors of advanced recon units like the ones we saw get massacred in episode 83.
ShadowLogan wrote:Which is still scouting.
If they're not looking for an enemy, it's really more cartography than anything...
ShadowLogan wrote:Which quite frankly seems pretty stupid from a logistics standpoint. The SDF-1 had trouble dealing w/70k people w/n 12-1/2month period, the AA and Angel classes may be bigger than the SDF-1 but they aren't going to have an easier of a time it, especially if they are tossing in multipliers of extra people.
There's a lot of stuff in Robotech that is fabulously stupid from a logistics standpoint... but if Tommy wants to make things like Macross in his Shadow Chronicles story that's his call even if it isn't necessarily the most efficient way to go about it.
(Though it's hardly important, as colonization in Robotech was always meant to be a non-starter from the minute Tommy first crowbarred it in.)
ShadowLogan wrote:No you can get 750k in there (multiple decks). It really depends how much space is reserved for the colonists, and how that space is allocated. The problem with building City Districts inside the ships is that they tend to result in a lot of wasted space.
Considering the design of the ship, the colonists would almost certainly be confined to the area between the hangars and the engine systems, which doesn't give them a heck of a lot of room. Even the best-case scenario of them using the entire floorplan of the ship bodes ill.
ShadowLogan wrote:ShadowLogan wrote:Lets say that the colonists have 1sq km per level, and they have 20 levels (per the Size Comparison Chart at the ship is similar in height to the SDF-1/3 so not unreasonable)
It doesn't work if you look at the physical dimensions of what you just suggested... the ship would need to be several times bigger for that to work.ShadowLogan wrote:What is odd is that both the Tok. and SDF-3 & SDF-4 all have capacities for passengers/crew that get into 100,000+ people.
These numbers are pretty comical on the face of it... unless these ships are literally bigger on the inside than the outside.
You could fit the entire UEEF into a single Tokugawa-class ship now, eh?ShadowLogan wrote:Which doesn't work for several reasons:
1. Leonard was not counting Zentraedi in that statement, who are as the show establishes essentially human, if he excluded one group of people there could be others.
The Zentradi that are supposed to be functionally extinct, and the remainder of whom had left Earth seven years previously?
You don't count absent people and corpses.ShadowLogan wrote:2. To get the populations we see in later arcs, those 70k people would have to have had an unrealistic growth rate
That is predicated entirely upon a baseless assumption about the populations in later arcs...ShadowLogan wrote:3. We know that the devastation of the Earth was not 100%, so any people in those areas might not be counted as survivors
Why would Leonard not count them if he'd referring to the descendants of the survivors of the Rain of Death?
ShadowLogan wrote:That may not work. The listed size of the Shimakaze-class has it nearly as long as an Ikazuchi (548m vs 608m hull more w/engine shields and antenna).
Officially, the entire front half of that ship is given over to weapons... not crew space. It was originally a colossal detachable ammo space for missile launchers, before being converted into a single large synchro cannon.ShadowLogan wrote:In RT, no we do not see anything like Stasis chambers for Zentreadi in the show. What you might be thinking of is the cloning chambers. Baring that example, you might be thinking of the Macross2 OVA, which is not part of Robotech, where we see the Zentran "sleeping".
Even that wasn't stasis... that was, explicitly, just mind control apparatus.