They look small enough that it'll be easy enough to sink them into the joints, obviously I need to try them out to make sure that they're big enough but normally you don't need a huge amount of strength to hold the pieces in place.
Also these magnets seem small enough that I should be able to sink them into the wings of Valks without punching through though that'll take a bit more planning
They look small enough that it'll be easy enough to sink them into the joints, obviously I need to try them out to make sure that they're big enough but normally you don't need a huge amount of strength to hold the pieces in place.
Also these magnets seem small enough that I should be able to sink them into the wings of Valks without punching through though that'll take a bit more planning
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I saw someone put really some ones on the wing of a VF for the missiles, and it went well. Just don't know their size. And thanks for the links! And another 2 R's done!
Internet trouble so I couldn't post yesterday. Anyway, got 4 A's done yesterday and got 3 A's and 1 J done today. Will try and post pictures this weekend.
I need to finish fighter and guardian mode for the ones I have. I also need to make my VF-1Rs which are going to be made to be a special forces unit.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
The Galactus Kid wrote:I need to finish fighter and guardian mode for the ones I have. I also need to make my VF-1Rs which are going to be made to be a special forces unit.
Was thinking along the same with my R's also. The sad thing is, I was planning on bring all my minis with me to the OH, but it looks like I'll only have time to finish the RDF side, and MAYBE, if I have time, a small Zentradie force. If I had started like a month earlier, I might have made it, but I was nervous about putting these together, and put it off. All well.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
Well, the bug got me. It really affected my work. Only got the 4 about half done. The good news, with me not likely going to work tommarrow, I can finish them and the ones for that day, if not more.
Well, I'm getting a little better. Finished the 4 VT's from yesterday, 3 A's and 1 J. Started on 2 Tomahawks. They really should have designed the leg attactments better.
Finished those 2 Tomahawks along with my last 4, except for were the light/command rig goes. Going to put magnets there so I can change them out for game play. Lastly, finished the last 2 VT's! Both are A's.
Was finally able to work on the mini's again. Finished 2 more defenders. Also got my primer that I'll be using. Will hope to start priming on Sat. along with finishing some of the last of the RDF mini's.
McPherson wrote:Keep up the good work, I had to take a break as my shoulder still isn't fully healed and sitting down to assemble minis was killing me.
Hoping to get back to the construction next week tho.
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First, thanks! And, well, if you're going to take your stuff to the OH, you better hurry, like I'm doing. Going to start painting next week. Should have enough time to prime and basic painting my RDF forces. Not sure how many Zentradie I can finish before OH and have painted also. Might not bring any, at this rate. Anyways, got the last 2 Defenders done! Only Phalanxes and Spartans left!
McPherson wrote:Open House is a a no-no for me sadly.
A. I'm the UK. B. I'm having to look after my disabled Fiancee full time so taking a long weekend to visit Palladium is unlikely
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First, sorry to hear about your Fiancee. I hope she will be about to makes a full recover, if at all possible, soon. And it's perfectly understandable why you can't make it. Hopefully, if there is a next one, you and her can both come! We have several people from the UK and Germany who come to our OH. So you wouldn't be out of place! Keep going on your minis! Got 2 Phalanxes done. Would have gotten more, but I also go my magnets yesterday, and was using today to try and put them on the 2 Phalanxes that I had made. It's more harder then I thought it would be, making sure I got the magnets pointing in the right direction and all.
Hope you guys don't mind if I chime in here. I'll be coming to the Open House and need some inspiration to finish getting my stuff done. I currently have 2 tomahawks and 2 defenders out together. I also have two more Tomahawks in pieces ready to be assembled.
Stocktigon wrote:Hope you guys don't mind if I chime in here. I'll be coming to the Open House and need some inspiration to finish getting my stuff done. I currently have 2 tomahawks and 2 defenders out together. I also have two more Tomahawks in pieces ready to be assembled.
No problem! If you're going to be in the tornament, I just heard it will be a 250 point game. If you go with what you have now, you got 60 points with those 4 right now. 4 VTs will be 80 points. So you can go up to 3 squads with those. Or you can go with 4 Tomahawks with 80 points, and add the 2 defenders for 40, I think, as an add on to the destroid core card. The add on for the Defenders might be less. Having a hard time remembering. VT add on cards are 40 points, IIRR. I'm still not sure what I'll use in the tornament. They will have all the details on Mon. BTW, 2 more Phalanxes done and with magnets put in!
Allowed to many distraction. So, technically, only one Phalanx is done with all magnets in. The other one still needs a few magnets to be put in, but it was getting late. Got my paints! Won't be the exact colors, because the paint guide in the book wasn't compatible with the paints at Hobby Lobby. So I had to guess.
I wouldn't worry so much about perfect matching colours.
From personal experience I've found you generally need to paint a half shade lighter than you want the final product to look due to lighting and the size of miniatures. And that's without going into more advanced colour theory involving different light sources and their effect on colours.
Just paint them to be as close as you want and be happy with them and that's all you should need to worry about.
McPherson wrote:I wouldn't worry so much about perfect matching colours.
From personal experience I've found you generally need to paint a half shade lighter than you want the final product to look due to lighting and the size of miniatures. And that's without going into more advanced colour theory involving different light sources and their effect on colours.
Just paint them to be as close as you want and be happy with them and that's all you should need to worry about.
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Ya, that's basicly what I'm going for. I'm just going to do the basic 3 colors so I can be in the tournament. That is the best I can hope for at this time, as I'm new to all this. Got the last of the Phalanxes done! Only Spartans left! Hope to start priming at the latest, by this weekend. Then start painting my army that I'll be using at the OH and then go and do the rest.
Allowed things to get in the way again. Got all the pieces glued, but no magnets put into the Spartans. Cross your figures for this weekend for good weather. Going to need it to prime via spray can. Once that is done, I think I should be able to paint them preaty fast.
Hey Alpha, just wanted to drop a line to encourage you and let you know you're not alone. With the release of the tournament rules, I realized that an all-Destroid list was not competitively viable and so suddenly had a to crash build a Valk army to supplement it. Over the last three days, I've got the F and G modes assembled. Tonight I will start on the B modes which I think will take the longest to the required seam filling. My hope is to begin priming on Sunday and then begin laying down the paint scheme on Monday. With a little luck I can get them finished next week so that I can build my display board and then get my Zentradi past the primer phase.
Maxgravity wrote:Hey Alpha, just wanted to drop a line to encourage you and let you know you're not alone. With the release of the tournament rules, I realized that an all-Destroid list was not competitively viable and so suddenly had a to crash build a Valk army to supplement it. Over the last three days, I've got the F and G modes assembled. Tonight I will start on the B modes which I think will take the longest to the required seam filling. My hope is to begin priming on Sunday and then begin laying down the paint scheme on Monday. With a little luck I can get them finished next week so that I can build my display board and then get my Zentradi past the primer phase.
Thanks! Got some help and got, I think, over half of the RDF molds primed. Its not perfect, but should get the job done. And you keep going also.
Well, only got the holes drilled for the magnets on the Spartans, BUT, painted my first mini! Max's VF-1J in fighter mold is done. Won't win any prizes, but at least you can somewhat tell who it is.
First the bad news, didn't get as much done as I should have. Just got 2 Spartans done, with magnets. Only 4 left and then all done with the RDF. Ordered more magnets since I'm starting to run low. Though I did get the 4 Tomahawks that where going to have the command option done. They now have magnets so the light can be traded with the command option. Only a handful of RDF mecha remand to be prime. Good news now! Got blue squadron painted! They are completely done!
Didn't get as far as I thought I would. Primed some of the last of the RDF forces, and finished the last of the Spartans with magnets. Just got to prime them, then all done with priming the RDF. Then just paint, and paint, and paint, as many as possible before OH.
Wow. Didn't realize how long it took to paint a dozen minis. I even did it like an assembly line, going through them all and just doing one color at a time, and it still took from the time I got home from work till jus a few minutes ago, minis eating and getting ready for work tommarrow. BUT, red squadron is done at least.
A VF-1S is done and a Phalanx squadron done, with the optional missiles also done. Now got to pack them all, and I mean, all RDF forces, and mail them to Palladium via UPS. Looks like it will safer and cheaper to do it this way. Will then start to make more Zentradei forces. Will need them when I get back, because I'm planning to have a game with my brother in law and will be needing them. All forces I'll be using in the game are painted, and more. Just wanted to have plenty of options when I get there, for when I play pick up games. That's why they are all going.
Well, they are on their way. Should get there this Thur. Didn't realize it would be that fast via the cheapest way. But I was there and all, so I just sent it now. If I had know, I would have waited and gotten at least another VF squadron done. But all well. Now to get some more Zentradei done.
Well, my stuff made it there ok, it seems. Hopefully nothing came loss during the trip, though if it happened, I put some extra supper glue in the bag so I can put them back together. And after all that rushing, it was nice to take it easy for a few days, but I'm starting back up, but not at the hurrying speed I as at before. No need for that anymore. Well, maybe a little. Going to be having a game with my brother in law the night before Memorial Day(if all goes well), and will need more Zentradie, which I've started on again, since they are the only thing I can work on right now anyways. Got 3 Battle Pods put together.
Got a Recon Pod done on Thur. Had started it on Tue., but started late. Started an Officer Pod, but then had problems with the arms. Finally got it finished today. Also "finished" 6 light arty pods and 2 heavies. I want to be able to switch out the missle pods, between the heavies and lights, so that I can have more opions using magnets, but I've run into some problems with the lights. Right now, the lights, except for one, are on the hard points, but not glued or magneted on. The fit is tight enough for them to stay on without any help. So that will do for the game. Will get back to them after the game. So now I have enough Zentradie for a 300 point game, if nessecary.
Well I have finally recovered enough from my shoulder operation to continue assembling my RRT.
Had a look at everything i've got put together today, 2 Glaugs, 24 Regults, 4 Artillery Regults magnitised so I can switch loadouts out (Not a fun process I dont suggest it unless you have the patience of saints and fingers immune to glue) 2 Scout pods and 1 Recovery Pod.
For the UEDF I have 4 Valkyries (all three modes) 3-A's and 1-J to lead them, and 2 of each Destroid from Wave 1.
There are definitely a few pieces which I question the decision behind making them separate now I've assembled at least one of each of the wave 1 mini's. Going to finish up a second group of Valkyries and a second pair of each Destroid then begins the first wave of painting.
McPherson wrote:Well I have finally recovered enough from my shoulder operation to continue assembling my RRT.
Had a look at everything i've got put together today, 2 Glaugs, 24 Regults, 4 Artillery Regults magnitised so I can switch loadouts out (Not a fun process I dont suggest it unless you have the patience of saints and fingers immune to glue) 2 Scout pods and 1 Recovery Pod.
For the UEDF I have 4 Valkyries (all three modes) 3-A's and 1-J to lead them, and 2 of each Destroid from Wave 1.
There are definitely a few pieces which I question the decision behind making them separate now I've assembled at least one of each of the wave 1 mini's. Going to finish up a second group of Valkyries and a second pair of each Destroid then begins the first wave of painting.
- End of Line -
I think most of us agree about those small pieces. The lights are a problem with magnates because half of the hole is open for one of the pods. Need to find a way fill that half so I can put a magnate in, or just keep those that are like that free floating, since they seem to be tight enough to hang there without a magnet. Good to see you're almost done. Still got most of the Zentradie to put together. But since there is no big hurry now( got 300 points of Zentradie done already, and both games that I was going to play in, the Open House and the one with my Brother in law are over.), I will be going at a slower speed. Its been nice not to have to work on them the last several days. But I'll start doing them again soon, but like I said, slower. And McPherson, keep going! The light is at the end of the tunnel!
With the light missile pods what I did was use my larger magnets and actually glue them inside the pod when assembling it onto the half that was there (who thought having half the joint missing made a mistake!)
Only problem with that is you have to be 200% sure you have your polarities right before you carry on building else you end up having to try and open up the pod again to turn the magnet around (get bored of trying and just gluing it in place and having one of your artillery pods default as a light pod )
Sadly i'm not almost done, I got the double battlecry backer pledge (Shipping to UK plus the fact I have found zero stores anywhere in the midlands that stocks PB product) meant it was better for me to get more from the kickstarter so I have a solid core to build upon, so I'm heading towards halfway done But progress is being made again which is good, though part of me is starting to think this is going to be more of a labour of love than an actual chance to play the game. Going to run demos and games where I can with the local games clubs but as I said no body is stocking it and there was zero sign of RRT at last weekends Birmingham Games Expo (A rather large 3 day board games and wargames convention) leaves me worried. But Palladium has their hands full getting after-sales support sorted in the US so it's going to take some time until they can turn their attention to the UK.
Once I start getting some paint on some of these i'll start posting pictures.
McPherson wrote:With the light missile pods what I did was use my larger magnets and actually glue them inside the pod when assembling it onto the half that was there (who thought having half the joint missing made a mistake!)
Only problem with that is you have to be 200% sure you have your polarities right before you carry on building else you end up having to try and open up the pod again to turn the magnet around (get bored of trying and just gluing it in place and having one of your artillery pods default as a light pod )
Sadly i'm not almost done, I got the double battlecry backer pledge (Shipping to UK plus the fact I have found zero stores anywhere in the midlands that stocks PB product) meant it was better for me to get more from the kickstarter so I have a solid core to build upon, so I'm heading towards halfway done But progress is being made again which is good, though part of me is starting to think this is going to be more of a labour of love than an actual chance to play the game. Going to run demos and games where I can with the local games clubs but as I said no body is stocking it and there was zero sign of RRT at last weekends Birmingham Games Expo (A rather large 3 day board games and wargames convention) leaves me worried. But Palladium has their hands full getting after-sales support sorted in the US so it's going to take some time until they can turn their attention to the UK.
Once I start getting some paint on some of these i'll start posting pictures.
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Didn't think of that. What size are you using then? And sorry to hear of the no support in your area. Wish I could help. Anyways, can't wait to see those pictures!
Inside the pods I have 2mm thick rare earth magnets that are just a touch larger than the recess in the pod (I don't have measurements near me atm) And in the central connecting arm i have sunk in smaller (2mm diameter) rare earth magnets.
Seems to work ok, only time will tell
As for no support, yeah its tough but I'll see what I can drum up - it was why i joined the MA's, biggest hurdle I'll have is the lack of suppliers nearby, it doesn't help that most of the bigger UK wholesalers are stocking PB stuff either and the stores here don't deal directly with battlefoam (who are handling wholesale in the UK if memory serves) and don't want to create an account to stock a game they are not sure will shift. Ho hum the joys of games retail
McPherson wrote:Inside the pods I have 2mm thick rare earth magnets that are just a touch larger than the recess in the pod (I don't have measurements near me atm) And in the central connecting arm i have sunk in smaller (2mm diameter) rare earth magnets.
Seems to work ok, only time will tell
As for no support, yeah its tough but I'll see what I can drum up - it was why i joined the MA's, biggest hurdle I'll have is the lack of suppliers nearby, it doesn't help that most of the bigger UK wholesalers are stocking PB stuff either and the stores here don't deal directly with battlefoam (who are handling wholesale in the UK if memory serves) and don't want to create an account to stock a game they are not sure will shift. Ho hum the joys of games retail
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As soon as you can, see about getting the info on how big the diameter of those magnets are. I think I'll get some. When the next Open House comes (we WILL have a next one), you should come on over so you can play it with us all. I know like, 2 or 3 people come from England each time there is one. So you won't be alone.
Finally got back to doing some work on the minis. It's just that, with nothing big coming up, its kind of hard to get back to doing them. Anyways, got 3 Battle Pods painted!