One of the things I hear (and I'm sure you do too) on other message boards is that Palladium books look dated.
I personally don't mind. BUT have you seen the RPG Tactics rulebook? That looks awesome I would kill for some RPG rule books that looked like that. Glossy paper and full cover. Damn, that would be sweet
MikeM wrote:One of the things I hear (and I'm sure you do too) on other message boards is that Palladium books look dated.
I personally don't mind. BUT have you seen the RPG Tactics rulebook? That looks awesome I would kill for some RPG rule books that looked like that. Glossy paper and full cover. Damn, that would be sweet
's pretty much the main reason I haven't bought anything of Palladium's outside the Robotech and Macross II game lines.
Perhaps my friends and I are gaming snobs or something, but we've always seen Palladium's standard printing approach as feeling a little on the cheap side. I can't pretend to have done an extensive survey of game publishers, but from my experience Palladium's a stand-out in that they're NOT releasing new books hardbound, in full color on glossy paper. That, and digital editions, seem to be the new industry standard... and if Palladium started going that way themselves, they'd find me much more willing to dig into my wallet for new books.
Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness.
I'd certainly agree as to the digital editions and general layout etc. If Palladium Books would sell their current content on say Drivethru, they would already have a lot more of my money.
Adventure is someone else in deep ****, far far away.
If you want to learn something new, read an old book.
Logic merely enables one to be wrong with authority.
My Keiretsu is bigger than yours.
Will other lines be added to RTT ?? Rifts bots, heroes unlimited flying supers, the Kittani, geez even the mechanoids should get a few ships in on this. Js
I might be in a minority here..... But I don't really care about glossy paper and full color layouts. I would much rather get a good book that looks meh to an eye-candy treat that has spent all the money on layout and not on content.
Color plates, glossy paper, hard back editions, multiple fonts......yah it looks nice, but it costs money. I would MUCH rather the money be spend on product (or lower book prices) than wasted on frivolities that don't do anything for my actual gaming experience.
I will though say that I would love more PDF books. I am a HUGE fan of the idea of being able to carry my gaming libraries around on my laptop.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.
Edmund Burke wrote:The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."