Col. Wolfe wrote:The only cross-breeding in Palladium is typically humans of various varieties.
Ogers (anchient humans) with Earth Humans, True Atlanteens with Humans, ect.
Yes I know, but the result in these case still isn't some mix of the two, its straight one type or the other. The only exception I can think of is when it comes to mating with a god and bearing offspring, but in that case we are dealing with super powerful SN beings.
And Zent/Tirolians essentially fall in the category of human variety. They do break from the PB norm though given the templates, but that is more a result of the source material than their choice.
Col. Wolfe wrote:The True-hybrid is completely watered down, its able to Teleport about .00003% the distance about taking 24x longer to recharge. with some minor ability score modifiers, the other abilities are way less powerful.
It is still the result of GE experimentation, not natural. The Invid can control which genes are expressed in the lab, but have no control over natural selection w/o outside assistance. So the THIH from experimentation is at best an ideal outcome, it is far from a practical outcome so a naturally conceived hybrid shouldn't be anywhere near as powerful as the lab version on average.
And we have no idea from the canon material what the abilities of a L-S child might actually be. It could turn out to be Regis 2.0 (GOD), Dana/Mia-esque 2.0 (NONE), or pre-Ep84-5/TSC Ariel/Corg/Sera 2.0 (SENSITIVE) in terms of powers as shown in the animation.
Col. Wolfe wrote:TBH, I would write natural hybrids to be much more powerful, even expanding to allow Rifts-level Psionics.
its to the point if the only contributions to the topic is to tell people they're wrong and not contribute alternative ideas, there is little reason to continue the round-an-round of disagreement as neither of us is going to see eye to eye on these rules.
I don't see why the natural hybrids are going to be much more powerful than an ideal situation lab modification. If anything they should be weaker on average since genetically speaking they aren't able to stack the deck.
I have contributed an alternative idea to how to make it work previously. Roll % dice for each attribute/ability to see which parent it pulls from.