What is a match for a Splugorth?

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What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by zeroclue »

What creature, being, god, etc might be a match for a Splugorth individually? Is there anything out there?
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

according to text, a crack team of advanced stage promethean dudes killed some sploogies once. according to stats? that's a different matter. I'm sure someone could cook up something in this board though.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Rallan »

zeroclue wrote:What creature, being, god, etc might be a match for a Splugorth individually? Is there anything out there?

"Any alien intelligence with more MDC" would be the obvious answer.

Oh and the Great Old Ones, because it's kind of implied that back in their day they ruled most of the megaverse and were some of the most powerful entities ever to exist. When in doubt, you should always assume that a Great Old One could beat anything in a standup fight.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Fell »

Eylor the Planet.

Or My Psi Stalker.

Either one.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

Well let me take a look at whatcha got goin on over here.

180,000mdc max. Yada yada
Supernatural Ps:60 max.
Blah blah.
13 Attacks. Ok ok...

Magic and psionics. Ugh..The great equalizer.

A few weaknesses. Silver, anything Millennium. .yea who has access to a millennium tree??!?! Pfft.

And for the win Dimensional Teleport.

Soo if a Kreeghor revolt managed to kill one. We need thousands of mid mdc creatures with supernatural strength to gain its attention then we go all blaze of glory and detonate several tactical nukes as soon as the beast reaches Zone Zero Hour.

its going to take at least minimum 20 high level characters.
With a full Ten as the melee combat sacrifice while the other ten tryIng to counter/negate its magical and psionic attacks.

And the person still in control of the battle is the Splugorth. It can leave any time it chooses.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by eliakon »

One on one? Another Alien Intelligence or a D&G level god.

With some planning, and the right equipment a small team of assassins could do it (and seem to have done it)

The first thing is are we saying 'a match for it' as in, kill it. Or as in 'make it run away from a fight' (according to pantheons the latter is the standard for most divine level battles
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

Powersurge could fight a Splugorth. Even though I have 1/10th the mdc having him out numbered 44 to 1 wouldelp.
My energy attacks would be useless. So it boils down to me halving the beasts damage and attacks then just punching it until it runs away.

6D6 average at lets say 10mdc per successful hit.
180,000/10 I would need to hit 18,000 successful strikes.
So roughly 32 melees IF every single copy hit with every attack for average damage.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by eliakon »

say652 wrote:Powersurge could fight a Splugorth. Even though I have 1/10th the mdc having him out numbered 44 to 1 wouldelp.
My energy attacks would be useless. So it boils down to me halving the beasts damage and attacks then just punching it until it runs away.

6D6 average at lets say 10mdc per successful hit.
180,000/10 I would need to hit 18,000 successful strikes.
So roughly 32 melees IF every single copy hit with every attack for average damage.

so eight minutes for it to use its abilities to stop you......
Its not just going to box with you....assuming that for some reason it decides to not bring in help it does have those cool psionics and spells...
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

I say don't do it.

With now monster lore or lores of any type Powersurge did meet a Splugorth. The character gas watched Star wars he thought it was a jabba type thing that traded things and ate people.
Did a few arena fights. Then everyone freaked out and told him what a Splugorth was.

The only way the character could fight one is too walk up to it and trade punches. No.
Even he isn't that Dumb.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by zeroclue »

I've been researching something that solo could at least put fear into a Splugorth. Actually looking for someone to be Free Quebec's suspected X factor in Aftermath. Any ideas? I could use someone from Pantheons and just ignore on earth their minuses? But I wasn't even sure one of them would be up for it.

Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Lenwen »

say652 wrote:Well let me take a look at whatcha got goin on over here.

A) - 180,000mdc max. Yada yada
B) - Supernatural Ps:60 max.
Blah blah.
13 Attacks. Ok ok...

Those are not the max stats for this intelligence. Those are "averages" .. as per the book..
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

The big thing people need to remember about splurgorth is they mass-produce Rune Weapons. the ones in the Atlantis book are just ones for sale--they can in theory make ones far more powerful for their own personal use. We've seen in Pantheons and Dragons and Gods that rune weapons can go up to Hundreds of MDC per hit, I find it hard to beleive the splurgorth don't have such things.

not to mention an arsenal of other rune items to give them auxillery powers and buffs.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

I play at a high power level, with "creative" character generation rules.

I am working on Splugorth menace but Still think its not possible to take one down.

Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Lenwen »

No mortal race in a 1 on 1 fight against the Splugorth can defeat it in mortal combat. You would need one of the Baddest of the bad@$$'$ .. in any palladium game setting to even be able to go 1 round (with out getting splatted) with 1 on 1 fight against a Splugorthian.

D&G .. GODS .. who come to Rifts earth have literally thousands of MDC .. Splynn (youngish splugorthian) has multiple times more MDC then every single one of the D&G's .. Gods outside of the God Dragons themselves ..

Splynn himself in a 1 on 1 combat scenario stands a GOOD chance at defeating MANY pantheon's .. himself .. and he is an "Average" youngish Splugorthian. Imagine if we know what the upper limits of their individual power can reach would be ? (Perhaps powerful enough to take out entire Pantheons all at once ? ?)
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by kaid »

eliakon wrote:One on one? Another Alien Intelligence or a D&G level god.

With some planning, and the right equipment a small team of assassins could do it (and seem to have done it)

The first thing is are we saying 'a match for it' as in, kill it. Or as in 'make it run away from a fight' (according to pantheons the latter is the standard for most divine level battles

When fighting stuff like this the latter is your best and most likely option. Stuff like splugorths are so durable that its highly problematic to kill them before they can manage to dimensional teleport somewhere else to escape. Typically your best bet is to boot them out of wherever they currently are and then occupy it in enough force to prevent them attempting to return. To kill one you need to find something that they want so badly they refuse to retreat from and that would be hard to do.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by boxee »


Yea I know its cheating but be honest is he playing fair?
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Shark_Force »

alternately, a sufficiently large number of people with projectile weapons can kill almost anything. yes, 180,000 MDC sounds like a lot (note: that's the maximum, they can have a lot less). but when you have a lot of small numbers adding up together, it sounds like a lot less.

practically speaking, you're going to need hovering flight (so that you can have more positions to fire from), long range is better than short range, and as noted, something that is not easily resisted (like thousands upon thousands of enchanted assault rifles).

also, something that will keep them from concentrating long enough to use their dimensional teleport ability.

(and of course, some means of actually getting your massive army into place instead of having to deal with what is probably a much larger army of minions than you could hope to bring to bear).

but if you're talking one on one? not looking good.

practically speaking though, if you're actually able to *reach* the splugorth through their screen of minions, you can probably eventually kill one too.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

Off topic but related.
Apollo god of Sun.

Beat the holy dogsnot out of Powersurge.
I had better bonuses and more mdc.
He was a Greater God.
Thats all he needed to win.

A Splugorth can fight a whole pantheon.
And stand a good chance of winning.

The indian Pantheon is one of the Strongest, the Splugorth took their home world, just because they could.

It's not recommended to even try fighting one of these things.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Apsu, an Alien Intelligence in Pantheons is explictly stated to be able to crush any individual splurgorth one on one. with 250,000 MDC, All Invocational Magic and Spells of legend, bio-wizardy and temporal magic, and a SN PS of 70, and 1d4*100 regeneration per melee round and the ability to engulf and trap a splurgorth to make himself invunerable to their attacks while damaging them (He is impervious to any attacks by beings he has engulfed, including by any magic weapons and those within him cannot use any magic, as his insides are effectively the same as an anti-magic cloud, meaning that they might even become SDC within him if they fail to save), he can back it up. He is so powerful he conquers and enslaves entire pantheons to serve him. That's right--he enslaves gods.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:Apsu, an Alien Intelligence in Pantheons is explictly stated to be able to crush any individual splurgorth one on one.

Apsu is a true contender, of single most powerful beings in palladium Exsistence (minus old ones of course)
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Mack »

Erin Tarn.

What? Somebody had to say it.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Lenwen »

Mack wrote:Erin Tarn.

What? Somebody had to say it.

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

even in a slug fest all those attacks means out will acute enough 20's to crit kill you and still have not really felt your attack. you need a plan, not just a beat stick
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by zeroclue »

The plan was for the players to attack the Atlantis outposts in North America. I just wanted to give them back up so the Atlanteans didn't really fight back.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by taalismn »

Killer Cyborg wrote:A Japanese school-girl.

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by boxee »

zeroclue wrote:The plan was for the players to attack the Atlantis outposts in North America. I just wanted to give them back up so the Atlanteans didn't really fight back.

Thats easy, use either the CS or ARCHIE. Also a splugorth is not going to suddenly go there, it is more effective to let the base fall and start up somewhere else.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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The idea was he wouldn't start somewhere else after he got his teeth kicked in and told to stay on Atlantis.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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Cronus as well then.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by boxee »

zeroclue wrote:The idea was he wouldn't start somewhere else after he got his teeth kicked in and told to stay on Atlantis.

That would be Splynncryth, he would be really hard to kick out if he put his weight behind it.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Svartalf »

Mack wrote:Erin Tarn.

What? Somebody had to say it.

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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zeroclue wrote:What creature, being, god, etc might be a match for a Splugorth individually? Is there anything out there?

A very well feed Power Leech.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Shark_Force »

if you're trying to intimidate a splugorth, the splugorth itself is basically an afterthought. anything that can actually deal with their army, which have a combined might much greater than any individual splugorth, is going to be able to deal with the splugorth also.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by sHaka »

Ancient Dragon Shifter (for the pychological effect, Splugs fear them and could prevent or divert the Splug's Dimensional Teleport) plus a legion of its followers?
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by RiftJunkie »

Chuck Norris for the WIN!!! :twisted:
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by flatline »

sHaka wrote:Ancient Dragon Shifter (for the pychological effect, Splugs fear them and could prevent or divert the Splug's Dimensional Teleport) plus a legion of its followers?

How could it prevent the Splug's dimensional teleport ability?

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

Cibola has wards that hamper teleport and temporal magic.
That takes care of the escape.
Then just keep dumping cannon fodder at it, keep mages to counter its spells and hopefully they can kill before they all die.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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Also Hela in her home dimension is capable of defeating a Splugorth with thousands of minions to help.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

flatline wrote:
sHaka wrote:Ancient Dragon Shifter (for the pychological effect, Splugs fear them and could prevent or divert the Splug's Dimensional Teleport) plus a legion of its followers?

How could it prevent the Splug's dimensional teleport ability?


in RUE, Shifters gained the ability to hijack any teleportation within 50 miles of them and force them to appear where they want.

of course, Splurgorth have the power to redirect Rifts in the same way, so a shifter who does so to a splurgorth is foolish indeed...
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by valise »

I have yet to see mentioned especially amongst the power gamers. A squad of Cosmos Knights. They are suppose to be the ultimate judgment agints evil forces. Unless i am mistaking.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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Not a fan of Cosmoknights personally.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by valise »

I like them in the fact that they are just all powerfull. As a person who loves power gameing i wont even play one or let any one play one. I mentioned them for the fact that agints a sploogie. A powerful race that goes cosomo knight i think would fare better then most.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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I let my players use them.
The code is to strict for my play style.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by flatline »

valise wrote:I have yet to see mentioned especially amongst the power gamers. A squad of Cosmos Knights. They are suppose to be the ultimate judgment agints evil forces. Unless i am mistaking.

The splugorth casts Impervious to Energy, and suddenly the Cosmos Knights are limited to melee attacks and any non-energy weapons they may have brought with them.

I don't care about canon answers. I'm interested in good, well-reasoned answers and, perhaps, a short discussion of how that answer is supported or contradicted by canon.

If I don't provide a book and page number, then don't assume that I'm describing canon. I'll tell you if I'm describing canon.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

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Powersurge cracks his knuckles and stomps heavily towards the splugorth.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Borast »

Killer Cyborg wrote:A Japanese school-girl.

Only while she is in her uniform and it is then appropriately torn.

If Japanimation has taught me anything, it is a 40 kilo 14 year old girl can do ANYTHING if her school uniform is damaged! :lol:


RiftJunkie wrote:Chuck Norris for the WIN!!! :twisted:

Not if the Sploog is channelling Bruce Lee! :P


A single surprise strategic nuke. Take-out the Sploog and anything else in 20km.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

So smallest possible squad now.

12 Heavy combat borgs, with 50 cal machine guns loaded with silver rounds.
Thats 1D6×10 times two per bullet.
6 Shifters.
3 Glitterboys with silver ammo .
Even normal glitterboy damage is off the chain, doubled for using silver. pfft!
3 Yamabushi Monks.
Those millennium staffs deal times 10!! Damage.
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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

um...the school girl thing...i think you guys are missing KC's point...

Splugorth have...tentacles...
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: What is a match for a Splugorth?

Unread post by say652 »

I chose to ignore that.
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