Aliens from Earth
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Aliens from Earth
As has been suggested in the Alien invasion thread, the idea that some Aliens could have come from other time periods in Earth's past (or future), or even alternate versions of Earth, I thought I would create a new thread to discuss some of these possibilities... and even provide some NPCs that could represent some of these Earth Aliens.
To get things started, here is one villain I have created in multiple settings and games (and will probably do so in other games as I am able to).
Drakonis Rex
Real Name: Unpronouncable by human standards
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: IQ- 14, ME- 14, MA- 24, PS- 85 (Supernatural), PP- 24, PE- 24, PB- 15, SPD- 22
Hit Points: 250 SDC: 2325 PPE: 20 AR: 12
Race: Mokole (humanoid saurians) Height: 8 ft. Weight: 450 lbs. Age: 45y Sex: Male
Disposition: Generally a calm and thoughtful individual who will explore and entertain all options available to him before deciding on a course of action. Once his decision is made, he expects others to carry out his orders until such time that he says otherwise (or circumstances make such orders impossible to follow). While he is usually reluctant to casually sacrifice any life to reach his goals, he does recognize the hard truth that sometimes a few must be sacrificed for others to survive and rarely hesitates when such a choice has to be made. When he is pushed to anger, his fury can be extremely devastating (supernatural strength and fire breath). Though he can be brutal and calouse at times, his natural charisma usually makes even his most dedicated foes respect him when he is forced to make the tough choices all leaders must eventually make.
Experience Level: 9th level Mega Alien
Skills of Note: Military Specialist (15%)
Scholastic– Acrobatics (sense of balance 91%, walk tightrope/high wire 98%, climb rope 98%), Boxing, Camouflage 75%, Detect Ambush 85%, Find Contraband 73%, Gymnastics (work parallel bars/rings 98%, back flip 98%), Intelligence 79%, Interrogation 95%, Language (English) 80%, Literacy (English) 30%, Military Etiquette 90%, Recognize Weapon Quality 80%, Tracking 80%, Trap/Mine Detection 75%, Wilderness Survival 85%, Wrestling.
Weapon Proficiencies:
WP- Sword: +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to strike when thrown
WP- Shield: +2 to strike, +3 to parry
WP- Staff: +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +1 to strike when thrown
WP- Spear: +4 to strike, +4 to parry, +2 to strike when thrown
Secondary– Body Building, Climbing 98/90%, Prowl 75%, Running
Appearance: A large and powerfully built humanoid saurian with golden orange scales covering his body. A pair of leathery wings grow from his back while his legs have a digigrade appearance. His fingers and toes end in short pointed claws and he has a thick reptilian tail long enough to reach the ground (though it isn’t prehensile). His head is almost draconian in appearance with a long snout filled with sharp teeth, though this doesn’t interfear with his ability to speak. A crest of small spines start at the top of his head (giving him a short mohawk look) and travel down his spine to the tip of his tail. Additional small spines can be found on his shoulders, elbows and knees (none are big enough to add damage in combat). The only clothing Drakonis seems to wear is a simple loin cloth. A large sword of unusual metal and design is strapped to his side.
Special Abilities:
Alien Appearance– Reptile
Unearthly Environment– Earth-like (Earth of the late Cretaceous)
Minor– Energy Expulsion*: Fire (10d6 damage), Flight: Winged*, Superhuman Strength
Major– Massive Damage Capacity
Mega– Tremendous PS
Achilles’ Heel– Vulnerable to Magic
Combat Training: Hand to Hand – Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 7
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +7 to strike, +10 to parry, +10 to dodge, +70 to damage, +2 to disarm, +9 to roll, +3 to pull, +28% vs. coma/death, +5 vs. poison
Other Combat Info: Critical Strike on a Natural 18 to 20, Death Blow on a 16 to 20, 80% invoke trust/intimidate
Weapons: Kisentite Sword (4d6 damage; sized for an 8ft reptile)
Other Equipment: None.
Body Armor: None
Money: roughly $1,000,000 in precious stones and metals.
Drakonis Rex is (to his knowledge) the last of the Mokole, an ancient race of humanoid saurians that evolved on Earth durring the late Cretaceous period. While originally tribal in nature, living in the shadow of some of the most fearsom creatures ever to walk the Earth spurred the Mokole to develop in ways to protect themselves. For most, this meant developing what modern humans call super powers, though a few also developed vast psychic potential and others discovered the mystic arts. Combined, these three sources of power allowed the Mokole to thrive and develop a vast civilization even with the massive dinosoaurs roaming the wilds.
A small number of individuals developed powers far greater than their fellow Mokole. Most saw these individuals as a Royal Class, with most becoming the rulers of their tribes, cities and nations. As the Mokole grew more civilized, these leaders dubed themselves the Alpha Leaders and acted as protectors and champions of their people. For millenia, the power of the Alpha Leaders protected the Mokole as the explored their world and mastered the arts of magic (leading them to develop the art of techno-wizardry). When they discovered the existance of other dimensions and worlds, they began to explore those as well.
Drakonis was born into the Alpha Leadership at the height of their civilization and was trained to use his genetic powers as a Military Leader, to protect his people and to fight the few enemies they encountered on their dimensional eplorations. Unfortunately, the dimensional exploration of his people attracted the attention of powerful supernatural beings.
These beings had been to many worlds and encountered many mortal races before, most of which saw these beings as Gods; and so this ancient Pantheon began to believe that all mortal races should worship them as such. That changed when they encountered the Mokole. Never before had they encountered a mortal race as powerful or as advanced as the Mokole… a race that neither feared them nor worshiped their might. While the Mokole were respectful of the Pantheon's power, they saw themselves as equals to these powerful beings… which the Pantheon took as an insult. How dare a mortal race, no matter how powerful, think themselves equal to a God! When the Pantheon demanded the Mokole bow before and worship them like the insignificant mortals they were, the Mokole refused. When the Pantheon tried to force the issue with their magics, the Mokole fought back and forced the Pantheon to leave Earth.
Never before had a mortal race dared to stand up to the Pantheon… let alone force it off of a world. With their pride wounded by the humiliation, the Pantheon vowed to bring low the Mokole and teach the Mokole that the place of mortals was at the feet of the Gods. Gathering their followers and transforming many of them into supernatural servants, the Pantheon prepared for war against the Mokole. Their plan was two fold, to draw out the Mokole defenders to other worlds and dimensions where their minions would distract them while a secondary force would return to Earth and lay waste to the unprotected civilization.
While the minions of the Pantheon were able to draw out many protectors as they had planed, Drakonis suspected that these skirmishes were but a distraction meant to draw their forces away from Earth. While the majority of the Alpha Leaders engaged the Pantheon’s minions on other world and dimensions, Drakonis and a small number of volenteers elected to stay behind to protect their home world. Soon it became apparent that Drakonis’ hunch was correct, for his scouts soon discovered a number of Pantheon cults across the world, each performing a massive magical ritual, though the nature of which was unknown. Leading the few defenders he had, Drakonis broke through the lines of cultists protecting the rutuals, but not before the rituals were completed. The Pantheon sought to ignite a catacysmic event by drawing forth a massive meteor to strike the Earth, devistating the world and plunging any survivors into a new dark age.
Helpless to stop the cataclysm, Drakonis tried to contact the other Alpha Leaders for help… only to discover that the ritual has also shifted the Earth out of alignment with the majority of the Megaverse. Not only were the Mokole on Earth trapped there, but those on other worlds and dimensions were cut off from any reinforcements. Desperate to save his people, Drakonis humbled himself before the emissaries of the Pantheon and begged them to spare his people. Though the devistation to Earth was far greater than they had intended, the Pantheon refused Drakonis’ plea, stating that the fate of the Mokole would serve as a lesson to all mortal races that dared to think themselves as the equal of the Gods. Finally pushed beyond his breaking point, Drakonis attacked and killed the emissaries before they could retreat to another world.
Unwilling to let his people die, Drakonis had the few techno-wizards left construct experimental stasis chambers where he hoped that at least a few of his people could survive until the cataclysm was over and then rebuild their civilization… and maybe even reconnect with any survivors in the Megaverse. While he had no intention of being one of those to enter into stasis himself (he believed a leader should suffer the same fate as his people), his followers insisted that as the last of the Alpha Leaders, their people would need his leadership and power if they were to rebuild their civilization. And thus, Drakonis Rex entered stasis, hoping to emerge in a future world where he could help his people rebuild the Mokole civilization… he just never expected to sleep for 65 million years.
When humans discovered his stasis chambe, they had no idea what they had found. At first they thought they had found a new species perserved in the ice of Antartica, but soon they would discover that this creature was still alive… when he broke out of confinement while enroute to a more secure facility for study. Alone in a strange yet familiar world, Drakonis sought out any refuge of the Mokole that might still exist. While he found a few shattered ruins of his once great people, salvaging a few artifacts (including a scroll that has allowed him to learn one of the human languages enough to communicate with this new species), he has yet to find any intact stasis chambers with surviving Mokole. While he has since tried to approach humanity as an equal, his reptilian form and great power has made most fear him as a monster, leading him to be attacked by both law enforcement and heroes who believe him to be a villain. This has only spurred him to search for more Mokole artifacts in the hope that he can find other survivors and unite his people (and toying with the idea of teaching humanity a lesson in humility in the process). He also hopes to one day discover what became of the Mokole trapped on other world and dimensions and track down what remains of the Ancient Pantheon that destroyed his people… so that he can do the same to what remains of their worshipers.
So, what sort of alien races from Earth's past, future or alternate Earths (or even isolated areas on contemporary Earth) can you come up with? A sample character with an interesting background would also be nice to see. Additionally, if anyone wishes to comment on Drakonis here, I will be more than happy to add any further details... including possible plots he would be involved with.
To get things started, here is one villain I have created in multiple settings and games (and will probably do so in other games as I am able to).
Drakonis Rex
Real Name: Unpronouncable by human standards
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: IQ- 14, ME- 14, MA- 24, PS- 85 (Supernatural), PP- 24, PE- 24, PB- 15, SPD- 22
Hit Points: 250 SDC: 2325 PPE: 20 AR: 12
Race: Mokole (humanoid saurians) Height: 8 ft. Weight: 450 lbs. Age: 45y Sex: Male
Disposition: Generally a calm and thoughtful individual who will explore and entertain all options available to him before deciding on a course of action. Once his decision is made, he expects others to carry out his orders until such time that he says otherwise (or circumstances make such orders impossible to follow). While he is usually reluctant to casually sacrifice any life to reach his goals, he does recognize the hard truth that sometimes a few must be sacrificed for others to survive and rarely hesitates when such a choice has to be made. When he is pushed to anger, his fury can be extremely devastating (supernatural strength and fire breath). Though he can be brutal and calouse at times, his natural charisma usually makes even his most dedicated foes respect him when he is forced to make the tough choices all leaders must eventually make.
Experience Level: 9th level Mega Alien
Skills of Note: Military Specialist (15%)
Scholastic– Acrobatics (sense of balance 91%, walk tightrope/high wire 98%, climb rope 98%), Boxing, Camouflage 75%, Detect Ambush 85%, Find Contraband 73%, Gymnastics (work parallel bars/rings 98%, back flip 98%), Intelligence 79%, Interrogation 95%, Language (English) 80%, Literacy (English) 30%, Military Etiquette 90%, Recognize Weapon Quality 80%, Tracking 80%, Trap/Mine Detection 75%, Wilderness Survival 85%, Wrestling.
Weapon Proficiencies:
WP- Sword: +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to strike when thrown
WP- Shield: +2 to strike, +3 to parry
WP- Staff: +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +1 to strike when thrown
WP- Spear: +4 to strike, +4 to parry, +2 to strike when thrown
Secondary– Body Building, Climbing 98/90%, Prowl 75%, Running
Appearance: A large and powerfully built humanoid saurian with golden orange scales covering his body. A pair of leathery wings grow from his back while his legs have a digigrade appearance. His fingers and toes end in short pointed claws and he has a thick reptilian tail long enough to reach the ground (though it isn’t prehensile). His head is almost draconian in appearance with a long snout filled with sharp teeth, though this doesn’t interfear with his ability to speak. A crest of small spines start at the top of his head (giving him a short mohawk look) and travel down his spine to the tip of his tail. Additional small spines can be found on his shoulders, elbows and knees (none are big enough to add damage in combat). The only clothing Drakonis seems to wear is a simple loin cloth. A large sword of unusual metal and design is strapped to his side.
Special Abilities:
Alien Appearance– Reptile
Unearthly Environment– Earth-like (Earth of the late Cretaceous)
Minor– Energy Expulsion*: Fire (10d6 damage), Flight: Winged*, Superhuman Strength
Major– Massive Damage Capacity
Mega– Tremendous PS
Achilles’ Heel– Vulnerable to Magic
Combat Training: Hand to Hand – Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 7
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +7 to strike, +10 to parry, +10 to dodge, +70 to damage, +2 to disarm, +9 to roll, +3 to pull, +28% vs. coma/death, +5 vs. poison
Other Combat Info: Critical Strike on a Natural 18 to 20, Death Blow on a 16 to 20, 80% invoke trust/intimidate
Weapons: Kisentite Sword (4d6 damage; sized for an 8ft reptile)
Other Equipment: None.
Body Armor: None
Money: roughly $1,000,000 in precious stones and metals.
Drakonis Rex is (to his knowledge) the last of the Mokole, an ancient race of humanoid saurians that evolved on Earth durring the late Cretaceous period. While originally tribal in nature, living in the shadow of some of the most fearsom creatures ever to walk the Earth spurred the Mokole to develop in ways to protect themselves. For most, this meant developing what modern humans call super powers, though a few also developed vast psychic potential and others discovered the mystic arts. Combined, these three sources of power allowed the Mokole to thrive and develop a vast civilization even with the massive dinosoaurs roaming the wilds.
A small number of individuals developed powers far greater than their fellow Mokole. Most saw these individuals as a Royal Class, with most becoming the rulers of their tribes, cities and nations. As the Mokole grew more civilized, these leaders dubed themselves the Alpha Leaders and acted as protectors and champions of their people. For millenia, the power of the Alpha Leaders protected the Mokole as the explored their world and mastered the arts of magic (leading them to develop the art of techno-wizardry). When they discovered the existance of other dimensions and worlds, they began to explore those as well.
Drakonis was born into the Alpha Leadership at the height of their civilization and was trained to use his genetic powers as a Military Leader, to protect his people and to fight the few enemies they encountered on their dimensional eplorations. Unfortunately, the dimensional exploration of his people attracted the attention of powerful supernatural beings.
These beings had been to many worlds and encountered many mortal races before, most of which saw these beings as Gods; and so this ancient Pantheon began to believe that all mortal races should worship them as such. That changed when they encountered the Mokole. Never before had they encountered a mortal race as powerful or as advanced as the Mokole… a race that neither feared them nor worshiped their might. While the Mokole were respectful of the Pantheon's power, they saw themselves as equals to these powerful beings… which the Pantheon took as an insult. How dare a mortal race, no matter how powerful, think themselves equal to a God! When the Pantheon demanded the Mokole bow before and worship them like the insignificant mortals they were, the Mokole refused. When the Pantheon tried to force the issue with their magics, the Mokole fought back and forced the Pantheon to leave Earth.
Never before had a mortal race dared to stand up to the Pantheon… let alone force it off of a world. With their pride wounded by the humiliation, the Pantheon vowed to bring low the Mokole and teach the Mokole that the place of mortals was at the feet of the Gods. Gathering their followers and transforming many of them into supernatural servants, the Pantheon prepared for war against the Mokole. Their plan was two fold, to draw out the Mokole defenders to other worlds and dimensions where their minions would distract them while a secondary force would return to Earth and lay waste to the unprotected civilization.
While the minions of the Pantheon were able to draw out many protectors as they had planed, Drakonis suspected that these skirmishes were but a distraction meant to draw their forces away from Earth. While the majority of the Alpha Leaders engaged the Pantheon’s minions on other world and dimensions, Drakonis and a small number of volenteers elected to stay behind to protect their home world. Soon it became apparent that Drakonis’ hunch was correct, for his scouts soon discovered a number of Pantheon cults across the world, each performing a massive magical ritual, though the nature of which was unknown. Leading the few defenders he had, Drakonis broke through the lines of cultists protecting the rutuals, but not before the rituals were completed. The Pantheon sought to ignite a catacysmic event by drawing forth a massive meteor to strike the Earth, devistating the world and plunging any survivors into a new dark age.
Helpless to stop the cataclysm, Drakonis tried to contact the other Alpha Leaders for help… only to discover that the ritual has also shifted the Earth out of alignment with the majority of the Megaverse. Not only were the Mokole on Earth trapped there, but those on other worlds and dimensions were cut off from any reinforcements. Desperate to save his people, Drakonis humbled himself before the emissaries of the Pantheon and begged them to spare his people. Though the devistation to Earth was far greater than they had intended, the Pantheon refused Drakonis’ plea, stating that the fate of the Mokole would serve as a lesson to all mortal races that dared to think themselves as the equal of the Gods. Finally pushed beyond his breaking point, Drakonis attacked and killed the emissaries before they could retreat to another world.
Unwilling to let his people die, Drakonis had the few techno-wizards left construct experimental stasis chambers where he hoped that at least a few of his people could survive until the cataclysm was over and then rebuild their civilization… and maybe even reconnect with any survivors in the Megaverse. While he had no intention of being one of those to enter into stasis himself (he believed a leader should suffer the same fate as his people), his followers insisted that as the last of the Alpha Leaders, their people would need his leadership and power if they were to rebuild their civilization. And thus, Drakonis Rex entered stasis, hoping to emerge in a future world where he could help his people rebuild the Mokole civilization… he just never expected to sleep for 65 million years.
When humans discovered his stasis chambe, they had no idea what they had found. At first they thought they had found a new species perserved in the ice of Antartica, but soon they would discover that this creature was still alive… when he broke out of confinement while enroute to a more secure facility for study. Alone in a strange yet familiar world, Drakonis sought out any refuge of the Mokole that might still exist. While he found a few shattered ruins of his once great people, salvaging a few artifacts (including a scroll that has allowed him to learn one of the human languages enough to communicate with this new species), he has yet to find any intact stasis chambers with surviving Mokole. While he has since tried to approach humanity as an equal, his reptilian form and great power has made most fear him as a monster, leading him to be attacked by both law enforcement and heroes who believe him to be a villain. This has only spurred him to search for more Mokole artifacts in the hope that he can find other survivors and unite his people (and toying with the idea of teaching humanity a lesson in humility in the process). He also hopes to one day discover what became of the Mokole trapped on other world and dimensions and track down what remains of the Ancient Pantheon that destroyed his people… so that he can do the same to what remains of their worshipers.
So, what sort of alien races from Earth's past, future or alternate Earths (or even isolated areas on contemporary Earth) can you come up with? A sample character with an interesting background would also be nice to see. Additionally, if anyone wishes to comment on Drakonis here, I will be more than happy to add any further details... including possible plots he would be involved with.
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
Re: Aliens from Earth
24 hours with plenty of views, but no comment or question.
So... no interest?
So... no interest?
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
- say652
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Re: Aliens from Earth
On my phone.
If I can get to a computer. ..
If I can get to a computer. ..
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Re: Aliens from Earth
So, what sort of alien races from Earth's past, future or alternate Earths (or even isolated areas on contemporary Earth) can you come up with?
I've mentioned before that I'd enjoy seeing an alien superbeing from 'our' alternate Earth, such that we all have Negate Super Abilities (and never noticed, because, hey, how could we?) and, say, Extraordinary Mental Endurance (likewise): you know you're in a setting where you can simply disbelieve much of the over-the-top stuff that doesn't jibe with our reality, and over there that makes you a force to be reckoned with.
- slade the sniper
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Re: Aliens from Earth
I use the Cthulhu Mythos for a lot of my games background and pre-history. As such, you can have all sorts of stuff from Conan, Alan Quatermain, John Carter and all sorts of public domain stories since almost everything can be tied into the Cthulhu Mythos.
Due to this, it allows for several millions of years of races prior to and post human dominance of Earth.
By tying in some multiversal goodness you can get any of the other PB Games in on the multi-versal Earth inhabitants game.
Due to this, it allows for several millions of years of races prior to and post human dominance of Earth.
By tying in some multiversal goodness you can get any of the other PB Games in on the multi-versal Earth inhabitants game.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
Re: Aliens from Earth
Regularguy wrote:So, what sort of alien races from Earth's past, future or alternate Earths (or even isolated areas on contemporary Earth) can you come up with?
I've mentioned before that I'd enjoy seeing an alien superbeing from 'our' alternate Earth, such that we all have Negate Super Abilities (and never noticed, because, hey, how could we?) and, say, Extraordinary Mental Endurance (likewise): you know you're in a setting where you can simply disbelieve much of the over-the-top stuff that doesn't jibe with our reality, and over there that makes you a force to be reckoned with.
To be honest, there are some truly remarkable people alive that could be thought of to have "super powers".
One example is an artist who lives in eastern Europe (not exactly sure where) who has painted some remarkable pictures of places he's never been to, which all the more surprising since he was born blind.
Then there is am man who doesn't seem to be affected by the cold in any noticeable way... he even seemed able to reverse the process of frostbite in his own toes when he ran for nearly 10 miles in sub-zero weather... in only a pair of shorts (no shoes or anything else).
Okay... maybe nothing like what we see in comics where people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, but the number of truly remarkable people alive today is far greater than when we realize... and far stranger too.
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
Re: Aliens from Earth
slade the sniper wrote:I use the Cthulhu Mythos for a lot of my games background and pre-history. As such, you can have all sorts of stuff from Conan, Alan Quatermain, John Carter and all sorts of public domain stories since almost everything can be tied into the Cthulhu Mythos.
Due to this, it allows for several millions of years of races prior to and post human dominance of Earth.
By tying in some multiversal goodness you can get any of the other PB Games in on the multi-versal Earth inhabitants game.
Care to share some of your "creations" with the rest of us?
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
Re: Aliens from Earth
Oh... and just to clarify things a little (and set a small ground rule)
Alternate branches of more or less modern humans won't count as alien... even from an parallel Earth. There needs to be a significant alteration to them where they count as a truly separate species. This means that even though True Atlanteans hail from both a different time and multiple dimensions, they are still more or less human (and can still interbreed with normal humans; only a few thousand years of parallel evolution compared to hundreds of thousands or millions of years).
Now, races that evolved from earlier hominid species like Neanderthals or Homo Erectus are viable, as those lines of human ancestors died out in the main timeline (base-line HU). Additionally, future offshoots of modern man (from the distant future) would be viable... modern man would be to them like the Neanderthals were to us.
Alternate branches of more or less modern humans won't count as alien... even from an parallel Earth. There needs to be a significant alteration to them where they count as a truly separate species. This means that even though True Atlanteans hail from both a different time and multiple dimensions, they are still more or less human (and can still interbreed with normal humans; only a few thousand years of parallel evolution compared to hundreds of thousands or millions of years).
Now, races that evolved from earlier hominid species like Neanderthals or Homo Erectus are viable, as those lines of human ancestors died out in the main timeline (base-line HU). Additionally, future offshoots of modern man (from the distant future) would be viable... modern man would be to them like the Neanderthals were to us.
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
- slade the sniper
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- Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:46 am
- Location: SDF-1, Macross Island
Re: Aliens from Earth
Razorwing wrote:slade the sniper wrote:I use the Cthulhu Mythos for a lot of my games background and pre-history. As such, you can have all sorts of stuff from Conan, Alan Quatermain, John Carter and all sorts of public domain stories since almost everything can be tied into the Cthulhu Mythos.
Due to this, it allows for several millions of years of races prior to and post human dominance of Earth.
By tying in some multiversal goodness you can get any of the other PB Games in on the multi-versal Earth inhabitants game.
Care to share some of your "creations" with the rest of us?
Well a lot of this was covered way back in some of the Robotech Crossover threads years ago, but sure, why not? Don't know if this is really what you are looking for, but since you asked...
What I like to do is find things in one setting and just port them over by tenuous you get things like COBRA [1980's TV], a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world, that is a front group for a Settite vampire clan [from Old World of Darkness], and is also half controlled by a Mythos entity (Shuma-Gorath) [from Marvel].
A Color out of Space [Cthulhu Mythos] are actually the weak dream fragments of the C'tan [from Warhammer 40K]
Cybertron [Transformers] is the original home of the Hadonites [Robotech Sentinels].
Earth, Post Rain of Death (2025)
Flood, The –
Genestealers- [spoiler/ The "Dark Young" of Shub Niggurath. They are a fully biological race that has one "mother" and are hostile to all other life forms. It has been determined that this race is actually the Advance Force for Tyrannids, leading to the conclusion that the Tyrannids are a Servitor Race of Shub Niggurath. (Warhammer 40K/CoC) [/spoiler]
The Joker - “Joker” His father was the Comedian via some Pilipino hooker and was staying with his father when he saw Ozymandius kill him, but stayed perfectly still. He joined the Navy SEALs and took the name Jester, eventually becoming a part of SEAL Team 6 (DEVGRU) and was on the mission to kill Aloysius Knight… eventually, he went insane, like his father. His psychologist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel, fell in love with his anarchistic mindset becoming his lover and taking the identity of Harley Quinn.
ROBOTECH Wars, The History of
Sentient Rights Act- Sentient Rights Act is the one thing that eventually saves Earth as the galaxy goes up in flames. Basically, if you can prove you are sentient, you effectively gain "human" status...which means that every lame sentient alien race really, really likes humans when they find out about that law...which then turns Earth into an "Open Planet" (officially, after many years of it being so de facto due to an agreement by MAJESTIC and the MiB’s in order to allow Terra to basically serve as a “holding area” without diplomatic connections to anyone instead of being forcibly “occupied” by any of a number of other galactic factions) and thus allows for membership in both the UFP and the Confederation of Non-Aligned Worlds (AKA the Sentinels) and why no one really complains when humans serve in the An-Lashok, The Sentinels, Star Fleet, Ground Corp and yet still maintains the REF...
Sixth World – the term used to refer to Terra after the Rain of Death/Coming of the RIFTS. There have been 6 worlds so far- generally characterized with a declining magical component:
The First World – The Age of Magic (Elric)
The Second World – The Old World (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
The Third World – Middle Earth (LOTR)
The Fourth World – The Hyborean Age (Conan)
The Fifth World – the commonly referenced “modern world”
The Sixth World – Terra after 2012 (Shadowrun, ROBOTECH, RIFTS)
Earth’s Population using the figure 8 Billion (circa 2000 est.) as total world population. This only includes beings who are part of human society or once were part of human society.
Supernaturals and people aware of supernaturals account for .025% of the World Population or 1,500,000 individuals
41% or 615,000 Individuals of these are Aware. Or individuals who have encountered and know the truth about supernaturals. IE like Kinfolk or Hunters
21% or 330,000 Individuals are Mages Technocracy, Nephandi, Tradition or Otherwise
20% or 315,000 Individuals are Twilights or normal humans possessed of supernatural powers. Such as psychics, mediums, sorcerors, fomori or even ghouls
12% or 180,000 Individuals are Shapeshifters. Such as Garou, Bastet, Corax, Gurahl, or otherwise.
5% or 75,000 Individuals are Vampires. Eastern or Western.
1% or 15,000 Individuals are Other. Mummies, Dragons, powerful unnamed creatures, Other.
These “guess-timates” were arrived at by using 1 vampire per 100,000 population of a city. There is no real intelligence on numbers, we don’t conduct a census, so therefore it is the recommendation that these estimates be used only as a basis for theoretical modeling and not for actual operational information.
As you can see, the supernatural crowd is not that large. What is large is the population of the Earth, the solar system, then the local group, then the quadrant, and then it is truly a mind boggling experience to try and understand just how large 38 trillion beings really is.
One of the more interesting things about this world is why, with all of our technology and occult skills, are there not more SPB’s or SNB’s. The reason is actually quite simple…economics. It takes a lot of time, resources and money to become or create one of these beings. Think about it…how much money time and resources would it take to create a super soldier? Well, you have to have the research, which is several years and several million dollars. Then the scientists have to be paid, and they don’t come cheap. The facility is expensive, as are the cover stories and red herrings. Then you have to have volunteers…and using criminals or unwitting subjects is NOT a good idea.
So now that you have a few super soldiers, what can they do? Not a lot unless they are trained and equipped, and that takes more money. So now that you have these super soldiers all gen-ed up and decked out, you send them on a mission. Some of them will die…and what has come as a very hard lesson to the governments and organizations that have conducted these projects, they really aren’t worth it. In order to gain any appreciable advantage, you have to spend an inordinate amount of money, which, really, can be better spent on buying more standard agents or better tech for the agents you already have. Augmentation (bio or cyber) is far preferable to building a super soldier from the ground up.
Somewhat on this subject is that most of these projects are military, and that the typical rank of these individuals is usually junior officers, Captains and Majors mostly, although they lack the command experience and are typically used in small teams or independently with a security team attached to them.
That takes care of the “created” projects, but what about those who are self taught? Typically you are talking about SNB’s and the rare accidental SPB. Well, in order to be somebody like this, you have to spend…decades learning the Craft and the Art. It does not come easy, for obvious reasons. Loyalty and determination are the major factors for becoming an Acolyte in anything remotely similar to these groups.
The accidents, well, they typically don’t matter. Even with fantastic abilities, there is still something missing, and that is mindset. A highly trained soldier is told to go on missions and given a reason (loyalty), and support. A project is told to go on a mission and given a reason (threats, brainwashing, etc.) and support. A mage or member of any SNB group is told to go out on a mission and given a reason (threats, more knowledge, power, etc.) and given support. An accident…is just that. An accident. They simply live their lives as best they can, try not to get noticed and hope that nothing happens like that again.
Accidents are typically termed fomori by several SNB’s types. Why? Apparently because of their specific belief systems and several historic encounters between these groups. I have seen far too many paradoxes to worry about it, so we simply refer to them as accidents.
The UN RDF calls them Alpha ones and Alpha twos. An Alpha one is an accident that was caused by something and it has a definite effect…and that effect is large enough to make their life…less than livable. Their skin falls off, they turn into a cannibal, their eyes grow out on stalks…stuff like that. An Alpha two is an accident that causes some change, but it is able to be concealed, such as suffering a random mutation when exposed to a genetically engineered spider, or other such improbable cause. Alpha twos are also sometimes referred to, incorrectly, as mutants.
Soul Stealers- A group of spiritually corrupted Changelings that are no longer part of the Dominion and are involved in insurgency operations on numerous worlds, including Earth. May be related to The Flood, though the Flood are considered Undead and have a communal Gravemind whereas Soul Stealers are a slow infection and corruption of a base creature to allow for differing degrees of bodily morphology, greatly increasing levels occur with age and experience. Soul Stealers are the method that the Tzimisce clan of Vampires gained Vicissitude. (Star Trek/WW – World of Darkness)
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
Re: Aliens from Earth
True... not quite what I was expecting or meant... but still a lot of interesting ideas from a lot of different sources.
Feel free to keep the ideas flowing.
Feel free to keep the ideas flowing.
There are three types of people in the world; those who can count and those who can't.
- slade the sniper
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Re: Aliens from Earth
Well, as far as races go, I use the breakdown of the different worlds:
The First World – The Age of Magic (Elric)
The Second World – The Old World (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
The Third World – Middle Earth (LOTR)
The Fourth World – The Hyborean Age (Conan)
The Fifth World – the commonly referenced “modern world”
The Sixth World – Terra after 2012 (Shadowrun, ROBOTECH, RIFTS)
Which allows me to use Atlanteans (much more closely related to Tolkien elves than D&D elves) that slowly devolve into Melniboneans and finally to standard fantasy elves, and of course all of the typical fantasy races like dwarves, halflings, etc. You just kick back the timeline a few hundred thousand years and you can fit in all the goodness of the Hyborean Age as well.
I don't usually make a lot of races, since I just steal from other settings and can find anything I need somewhere else and just port them into my setting with a little homebrew modding.
The First World – The Age of Magic (Elric)
The Second World – The Old World (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
The Third World – Middle Earth (LOTR)
The Fourth World – The Hyborean Age (Conan)
The Fifth World – the commonly referenced “modern world”
The Sixth World – Terra after 2012 (Shadowrun, ROBOTECH, RIFTS)
Which allows me to use Atlanteans (much more closely related to Tolkien elves than D&D elves) that slowly devolve into Melniboneans and finally to standard fantasy elves, and of course all of the typical fantasy races like dwarves, halflings, etc. You just kick back the timeline a few hundred thousand years and you can fit in all the goodness of the Hyborean Age as well.
I don't usually make a lot of races, since I just steal from other settings and can find anything I need somewhere else and just port them into my setting with a little homebrew modding.
My skin is not a sin - Carlos Wallace
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
A man's rights rest in three boxes. The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box - Frederick Douglass
I am a firm believer that men with guns can solve any problem - Inscriptus
Any system in which the most populated areas have the most political power, creates an incentive for areas that want power to increase their population - Killer Cyborg
- SolCannibal
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Re: Aliens from Earth
Razorwing wrote:Oh... and just to clarify things a little (and set a small ground rule)
Alternate branches of more or less modern humans won't count as alien... even from an parallel Earth. There needs to be a significant alteration to them where they count as a truly separate species. This means that even though True Atlanteans hail from both a different time and multiple dimensions, they are still more or less human (and can still interbreed with normal humans; only a few thousand years of parallel evolution compared to hundreds of thousands or millions of years).
Now, races that evolved from earlier hominid species like Neanderthals or Homo Erectus are viable, as those lines of human ancestors died out in the main timeline (base-line HU). Additionally, future offshoots of modern man (from the distant future) would be viable... modern man would be to them like the Neanderthals were to us.
Where do Ogres as described in PF and Rifts stand on that context?
As an aside, Conversion Book 1 has a blurb about Rahu-Men existing on pre-Cataclysm Rifts Earth hymalayas and/or Tibetan and inspiring the legends about Yeti, wha can mix and mesh with other bits of local myth and folklore to interesting results, i would guess. Pretty sure at least one of the Worldbooks also mentions one race of "alien beings hidden within the ranks of humanity", the Two-Faced Star People (Spirit West) also known as Erishiks (in Aliens Unlimited), if memory tricks me not.
Plus the Ellal possessing spirits and Pucara giants - from Rifts: South America (1 or 2, i don't remember for sure).
- Dungeon Crawler
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Re: Aliens from Earth
Wow, way to necropost.