Stats For Ships for 2E

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Stats For Ships for 2E

Unread post by GrimmReaper »

Anyone have an idea if the stats for any of the space ships in 1E Garfish Ikazuchi, are the same ass in the 2E. I have the sentinels book 1E Which has the Horizont T , Garfish, Ikazuchi. PM me if you can get me stats Thanks
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Re: Stats For Ships for 2E

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Stats for the old new gen ships are in the 2nd ed Mainbook hard cover and the new ships in the genesis pit book
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Re: Stats For Ships for 2E

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

GrimmReaper wrote:Anyone have an idea if the stats for any of the space ships in 1E Garfish Ikazuchi, are the same ass in the 2E. I have the sentinels book 1E Which has the Horizont T , Garfish, Ikazuchi. PM me if you can get me stats Thanks

the stats and sizes for the ships changed between editions. ... arison.png
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