Feats for powers

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Feats for powers

Unread post by hinomaru »

example super natural strength you want a feat and decide that you want to shatter windows you buy the feat with XP
or knock back: you would add 20 points of damage per knock back to the rules. the damage is Only for the knock back effect not actual damage.
maybe you wanted to add thunderclap to your character AoE(Area of Effect) half the damage you normally do to yards per feat starts at say 4 yards/12 ft and 4 yards per additional feat..common sense to a dodge roll if a opponent character cant leap say past 12 ft he just suffers the damage. Healing powers would easily rank 1 would double and after .50% every additional rank. Force fields or SDC from powers you can just double rank 1 and increase it at .50% per rank after its rather simple or reduce the amount of time in to melees example if a power is 2d6 per melee instead of per melee you would do it for half the characters attacks say if they have 4 attacks ( round down) every 2 attacks they spend they would regenerate per melee it breaks down to 4d6 per melee.
1 feat equals 1,000 xp
2 feats equals 2,000 xp
3 feats equals 4,000 xp
4 feats equals 8,000 xp and so on
each power would start at 1 when purchased.
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Re: Feats for powers

Unread post by NMI »

Take a look at this thread here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=147482
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