Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

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Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Crow Splat »

Just wanting to see how other people would set up a cyborg.

Parameters are a 1st level, any borg OCC is acceptable. You're in North America but can select any systems you want if you support it with backstory.

You don't know what type of campaign but can rest assured that you will be in combat somewhat regularly. Also, a conscious attempt to avoid going full munchkin should be made.

So how would you build an all around borg for NA?
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by say652 »

Full light Bionic Japanese Police Officer:BombSquad.

-10% prowl penalty.
Hand to Hand Akido.
Crazy skills.

Leb1 270mdc. -15% prowl.

Four Arms.
Four Palm Particle Beam Cannon.
Internal energy supply.
Flight System.

And if the option is there. As many Phaseworld bionic upgrades the gm allows.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

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The prowl penalty is eventually overcome at higher levels.
Bionic attributes are lower on the light borg.
6'-6'6". Height.
600-660lbs weight.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Tor »

I'd like one of the fast-running borgs from NGR and then just get a very long-range rail gun and use my speed to keep at that range against opponents so they couldn't fight back.

Ideally if I had a long-range energy weapon I could hook into my nuclear pack this would rock, like the epic sniper rifle in Triax 2. Bonus if you can get a Naruni field as well, since Borgs can get robot-style protection, better than PA.

Also it might be cool if you had a small enough borg that you could pilot a robot with it.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Wooly »

For expensive conversions like MOM, Juicer and Borg I like to play a desperate on the run from creditors and thier unscrupulous Cybersnatcher (is there any other kind) repo men.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

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I go heavy. Other characters in the group can cover stealth and diplomacy, my borgs are built to carry big guns and take punishment. Max out strength, medium or heavy cyborg-armor, multi-optic eye, radio hearing and transmitter. Shoulder mini-missiles, drum fed railgun or particle cannon. I don't talk much, just shoot things.

Backstory: A young casualty, dismembered during a simvan raid, I volunteered to undergo borg conversion rather than live bound to a chair. I served in a small kingdom's military for three years to pay off my body and upgrades. Now I'm looking for adventure and payback.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Crow Splat »

I find that lately I have been favoring a "go anywhere" type of borg with mostly handheld weapon systems.

The last one I built was:

Environmental Upgrade
Rebreather lungs
Jet Propulsion
Underwater Propulsion
And sensory upgrades.

I like the idea of being able to fight no matter where my target is. Let's me take the fight to them anytime and anywhere.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Shark_Force »

hmmm... i don't know much about them, but i'd be inclined to go for a cyber-humanoid from the bionics sourcebook (if my information is correct, that is... don't own the book, only heard of them).

replacing my crappy human parts with machine parts sounds cool (i really wouldn't mind never needing to work out to stay fit), but i'd kinda like to keep looking like a human.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Hotrod »

I've never been inclined to cyborgs as an initial starting class. What I've always kind of wanted to do, however, was to take a non-cyborg character who gets horribly/mortally wounded (SDC character who takes an MDC shot) and THEN rebuild him as a borg. The whole "losing humanity" aspect of them would be a lot more compelling to play if the group actually knew the borg before he was rebuilt.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

I've gone fast armored car route with a Heavy Conversion; enough armor to shed fire, enough strength to tote around heavy firepower, enough speed to blitz in and out of trouble, and enough concealed weaponry to always have a backup. Then I can give myself a few decent social skills(took professional-level cooking), because there are occasionally situations that can only be resolved satisfactorily with warm apple pie.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by say652 »

With a light frame in Staelth armor, I prefer the North America borg armors, the option to pilot rpa, vehicles and custom body armor also opens.
As close to mansize as possible.
Thats how I like borgs.
Weight is a problem.
Mdc frame. Enough to help in a pinch.
I prefer body armor, forcefields etc.
Bionic Strength. At least 20 (Extraordinary Physical strength lift, conversion book enhanced strength md)
Flight System.
Out of Phasefield Generator.
Internal energy supply.
Palm energy blasters.
Advanced visual and Audio.
Use skills for Sharpshooter, RPA:Elite, Espionage, Military, Rogue, don't need many physical since the borg body handles attributes for you.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

Bah, weight limitations are for people not afraid to cut the world down to their level, tunnel their way through obstacles, make their own bridges in life.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Crow Splat »

taalismn wrote:Bah, weight limitations are for people not afraid to cut the world down to their level, tunnel their way through obstacles, make their own bridges in life.

Exactly. The best way I've heard it put, "If you're gonna be a bear, you want to be a grizzly." When I make a borg, I want to be one of the biggest, meanest, and strongest dudes on the block.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by kaid »

I am a big fan of the big metal. Things along the lines of the shock troopers the warlords use. If I am going to have my brain trapped in a bionic body I want it to be in the biggest most bad ass body I can find. Full heavy cyborg with the heavy assault armor heavy on integrated weaponry preferably ballistic sorts so less draw on the power plant.

I won't be the fastest thing around but I am going to wade through a storm of fire and be able to rip enemies apart.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

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I like the White Tiger Shock Trooper. Never used one but alqays thought they looked cool.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

say652 wrote:I like the White Tiger Shock Trooper. Never used one but alqays thought they looked cool.

Tigers are cool.
Cyborgs are cool.
Cyborg Tigers therefore are way cool.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

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I would ditch the tentacle things add white tiger fur, use it in phaseworld with an Environmental upgrade. Good partner for a Star Marshall.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Blue_Lion »

IN north America I would go with the four armed SF FQ cyborg can't remember the name of it, off the top of my head.

From all rifts I would go with the ninja borg. Because he is a ninja. (if he is a loot ninja +15% all loot rolls :fool: )
Give him the cyber slave implant to allow take over others cyborgs.
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I may debate canon and RAW, but the games I run are highly house ruled. So I am not debating for how I play but about how the system works as written.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Crow Splat »

taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:I like the White Tiger Shock Trooper. Never used one but alqays thought they looked cool.

Tigers are cool.
Cyborgs are cool.
Cyborg Tigers therefore are way cool.

Solid reasoning there. Though aesthetically I have always been partial to the Avenging Angel. I also always wondered how the Coalition would react to an army of those tread legged shock troopers running around the western US.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

say652 wrote:I would ditch the tentacle things add white tiger fur, use it in phaseworld with an Environmental upgrade. Good partner for a Star Marshall.

Plastic fur...or substitute really fine fiber optic for that really high-tech glowing ice look.

And..cats and dogs living together?! The Cosmic Forge's Remaking is upon us!!!!!
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Hotrod »

I take it back. I would totally play a Wolfen Quatoria from Phase World. It's like playing the T-800, except that under all that metal, you're still a living person.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

Cyborgs are still vulnerable to magic and psionics, but you got resistance, and if it comes to a matter of cultural legality, you're less likely to be scrapped as a cyborg than as a full 'bot.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Mechghost »

The Wolfen Quatoria in a Phaseworld setting, the Mantis 'borg from Russia is very cool, but the 'borg I would play in a NA setting right now would be a Mining 'Borg, just to have a different feel.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

Mechghost wrote:The Wolfen Quatoria in a Phaseworld setting, the Mantis 'borg from Russia is very cool, but the 'borg I would play in a NA setting right now would be a Mining 'Borg, just to have a different feel.

:ok: Plus the employment possibilities(there might not always be work for a merc, but miners, construction workers, infrastructure building/repair, and salvage? There's lots of work to be had), and the ability to tunnel into basements and under streets(especially if you have a legal cover, such as you're working on the nearby sewer project) is fun too.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Q99 »

I really like Naruto Repobots. Stylish, powerful, and manage to be both fairly intimidating when they want to be, but not as openly aggressive as a shock trooper.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

Q99 wrote:I really like Naruto Repobots. Stylish, powerful, and manage to be both fairly intimidating when they want to be, but not as openly aggressive as a shock trooper.

And with the corporate might of Naruni Enterprises potentially on speed-dial. Like being a cyberpunk Corporate troubleshooter with some serious integral chrome. NE IS Arasaka with cthuloids in charge.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Q99 »

taalismn wrote:And with the corporate might of Naruni Enterprises potentially on speed-dial. Like being a cyberpunk Corporate troubleshooter with some serious integral chrome. NE IS Arasaka with cthuloids in charge.

If one is still loyal to NE.

A rogue could do well to hide on Rifts Earth, a location where local powers try and keep it off.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:
Mechghost wrote:The Wolfen Quatoria in a Phaseworld setting, the Mantis 'borg from Russia is very cool, but the 'borg I would play in a NA setting right now would be a Mining 'Borg, just to have a different feel.

:ok: Plus the employment possibilities(there might not always be work for a merc, but miners, construction workers, infrastructure building/repair, and salvage? There's lots of work to be had), and the ability to tunnel into basements and under streets(especially if you have a legal cover, such as you're working on the nearby sewer project) is fun too.

I agree! Mining Borg, with Demolitions Skill, for the win.

No enemies to kill? Tunnel into a mine and blow it up!
Enemies with a big base? Tunnel under it, and Blow it up!
Hive of Xitixix? Tunnel under it, and Blow it up!
Flying Fortress type enemy? Clamp on, tunnel in, and Blow it up!

Blow uo anything that you can reach, and become a legend!

Brute Force. If it isn't working for you, then you're not using enough!
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-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Bill »

GaredBattlespike wrote:I agree! Mining Borg, with Demolitions Skill, for the win.

No enemies to kill? Tunnel into a mine and blow it up!
Enemies with a big base? Tunnel under it, and Blow it up!
Hive of Xitixix? Tunnel under it, and Blow it up!
Flying Fortress type enemy? Clamp on, tunnel in, and Blow it up!

Blow uo anything that you can reach, and become a legend!

Brute Force. If it isn't working for you, then you're not using enough!

You are DigDug. :lol:
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by say652 »

Any of the Palladian(? I can't brain this early??) Paladin Steel Blade using Borgs. The P.Steel bunny borg or any of the P. STEEL physical upgrades.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by kaid »

Mechghost wrote:The Wolfen Quatoria in a Phaseworld setting, the Mantis 'borg from Russia is very cool, but the 'borg I would play in a NA setting right now would be a Mining 'Borg, just to have a different feel.

Plus side as a mining borg you can bust out your best Ahnold impression and yell SCREWWWWW YOUUUUUU when drilling bad guys to death with your mining tools.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Q99 »

Hm, what other major cyborg types are there...?

Oh yea, no one has mentioned either the Japanese cyborg Samurai, or the Oni Cyberai, a samurai cyborg with morphing nanos.
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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Upgrade the Manhunter chasis. Max physical stats, hearing+filter, multi-optics, oxygen storage, radar detector, psi-dampner, talisman (the saving throw bonus monkey spell from RUE), heavy NE FF integrated, boosters for assisted running/leaping and cat like landings, heavy-heavy armor, concealed pulse lasers, multi'mini launchers, NG R-50 as a pistol conversion with U-rounds as sidearm, silvered vibro-blades, specialized gauntlet for the armor that packs shape-charged HE for punching bigguns in the nose, main armament is the NE-700 plasma cartridge gattling gun.

Former special operations, h2h commando, skills like whoa.

Lets blow stuff up and beak things down.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Cyborgs. What flavor and why?

Unread post by taalismn »

say652 wrote:Any of the Palladian(? I can't brain this early??) Paladin Steel Blade using Borgs. The P.Steel bunny borg or any of the P. STEEL physical upgrades.

What I've done to date: :D

Paladin Steel PS-FC- LAOC12 ‘Angelina’ Cyborg
Paladin Steel PS-Lt-Ut-FC-2 'Flexman' Utility 'borg
Paladin Steel PS--FC-SO/XE-1(Warrior)/SO/XE-2(Worker)/SO/XE-3(Nanny) ‘Braconidae’ Xiticix-Emulation Full Conversion Cyborg

ChefBorg-RD PS/VBCA--FC-CB-RD Culinary Full Conversion Cyborg
Howletts Bionics/Canada HB--FC-HB-02-SO-008 ‘Mooseborg’ Full Conversion Cyborg

PS-Esp/Recon-FC-1 'Wolfman" Scout/Wilderness Cyborg
PS-UB-FC-02 Ganton Full Conversion(Dwarven) Cyborg
PSW/UB--FC-03 ‘Beetleborg’ Dwarven Mining Full Conversion Cyborg
PS/HB-FC-04 Borgupine Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-5 Montoya Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-Ut-FC-6 Hazard Full conversion Borg -Industrial/Hazmat
PS-FC-HA07 Aries Full Conversion Assault Cyborg
PS-RX-FC-8 Schweitzer Full conversion Borg - Medical
PS-FC-9 ‘Heizo’ Full conversion Borg - Enforcement
PS-FC-10 ‘Light Dancer’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-Myst/SA-FC-11 ‘Metal Mage’ Full Conversion Cyborg
PS/HB-FC-12 ‘Roo’ Full Conversion Borg -Heavy Machine
PS-FC-13 Tarantula Full Conversion Borg - Special Assault
PS-FC-EVA/SpOp-01/14 Halley Full Conversion Space Operations Borg
PS-FC-15 Maczek Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-16 Armadillo Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-A17 ‘Midas’ Full Conversion Combat Cyborg
PS-FC/R-017(FC-18) Rhobar Full conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-19 Mirronid Full conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-20 Karyatoid Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-21 ‘Stalker’ Full Conversion Cyborg---Special Operations
PS-FC-22 ‘Centrus’ Full Conversion Cyborg---Drone Operations
PS-FC-23 SeaCobra Full Conversion Marine Assault Cyborg
PS-FC-24 Helmuth Full Conversion Borg - Assault
PS/PP--FC-25 ‘Avalanche’ Earth Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-26 ‘Inferno’ Full Conversion Fire Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-27 ‘StormSurge’ Water Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS/PP--FC-28 ‘Aeolus’ Air Elemental Emulation Assault Cyborg
PS-FC-30 Shield Warrior Full Conversion Cyborg
PS-FC-31 Kagerou Full Conversion Borg--Aerial Assault
PS-FC-33 Maveli Full conversion Borg
PS-FC-34 Minotaur Full Conversion Cyborg
PS--FC-35 Zhu-Rong Full Conversion Borg, Assault (Fire Support))
PS-FC-37 Kishru Full Conversion Borg
PS-FC-39 Argus Full Conversion Borg -Surveillance
PS-FC-40 Reaper Full Conversion Borg - Combat
PS-FC- 41 ‘Kraken’ Full Conversion Borg---Aquatic Operations
PS-FC-42 ‘Levitor’ Full Conversion Borg---Aerial Operations
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