Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Shadowknight wrote:Pressure Points Animals II

This feat represents people who are great at Pressure Point attacks but don't have Atemi abilities from Ninja & Super-spies the major difference from this feat and the preceding is the fact this feat is designed to work on Animals specifically mammals. Why ? Several reasons, among them is the historical fact that an Ancient Indian manuscript describes about 108 pts on Elephant to paralyze and kill them. Acupuncture has been used on horse, dogs and cats. As everyone knows Acupuncture & Acupressure are virtually identical except it's done with needles the other with fingers, as for Pressure Points attacks it's basically the dark mirror to Acupressure 1 is used to heal the other is used to hurt. Anyway This feat give you +1 to your critical number and +1 to your critical multiplier. ( For if you normally do a critical with a natural 20, you now do it with a natural 19) also (if you naturally do 2X normal damage with a natural 20 you now do 3X damage with a natural 20, but only 2X normal damage with a natural 19). If you roll a natural 15 or higher, HTH you also do an additional 1d4 damage from any HTH attack.
It can also be used to paralyze Animals. But the use of such an ability cost 2 attacks per use. In game terms it works like this before you roll you tell your GM you are attempting a paralysis attack on your opponent. If you roll a Natural 16 you roll 1D6 to see how much to you temporary remove from their P.P but you do no other damage, if you roll a natural 15 or Less you do no damage period. You can do only 2 paralysis attacks per round. The Animal must make a natural 17 roll to resist the paralysis attack. The GM rolls 1D4 to see how many rounds the parallelization attack last.
Bonus:It cost only 1 feat for anyone with Analytical Genius, Physical Training, Special Training or the feat Intensive Training or Unusual Background
Prerequisite: Min I.Q of 20 & P.P of 20, Pressure Point feat + the Tai-Chi Skill from the Rifter magazine, HtH Martial Arts, HtH from Physical Training or MA from Ninja & Super-spies. Also the Acupuncture skill from Ninja & Super-spies, Mystic China or a Master Degree in Biology or MD
Limitation: This feat will only work on mammals, basically you can't pressure point a crab, a fish or bird. This feat won't work on Undead Animals. This feat can't be used with long range attack or Super Powers. Only (Hands, Feet, knees, elbows, finger, ect) Can't be use with slashing weapons, or piercing weapon only (staff, tonfa, sai, nun-chucks, triple irons, escrima stick, police baton, ect) basically anything with a short blunt point.
Further Limitation: This feat can only be used on( Mammals or Animals descended from mammals likes Saber-tooth Tiger, Wooly Mammoth) it can also be used on animals that's been modified like Dog Boys, Characters from After the Bomb or creature like the 3 headed dog that the Gene Slicers created. Depending on the GM it can be used of a Pegasus, Unicorn and other Supernatural Animals that are resemble normal animals. But no way can it be used on magical or Supernatural creatures even if' it's a dragon that shape shifted into a human being or a cat.
Does this one also cost 2 feats to acquire?

Shadowknight wrote:Pressure Points Mastery IV

This feat represents the ultimate knowledge of Pressure Points outside of someone studying Ninja & Super-spies Atemi abilities. This lvl of skill is a results of yrs of intensive study most heroes don't have the time to dedicate to one subject. The only people that can have this lvl of skill is Natural Genius, Physical Training, Ancient Master, the Dedicated Martial Artist or Worldly Martial Artist from Ninja & Super-Spies This feat adds another +1 to your critical hit number. ( For if you normally do a critical with a natural 20, you now do it with a natural 17). This lvl of skill is the minimum of what required for things like the deadly 5 Star Heart Rending technique or the Red Sand Palm. While I won't get into what these technique will do due to their deadly nature and potential abuse by player characters. Here's a playable version of what they're capable of with this feat, you roll 1d4+1 for the number of attack required. You then need to roll a Natural 14 or higher on each attack that does only 1d4+1 damage no bonus for P.S if all 1d4+1 attacks hit your opponent that round it completely removes all current SDC from them no matter if they have 25 SDC or 500 SDC. Should you miss or your opponent parry or doge any of your attacks that round you do no further damage but it still cost you 1d4+1 of your attacks. Should you fail this feat can only be attempted vs the same opponent every 3 rds except now you need a Natural 16 of higher because he realize you are attempting to do something extremely dangerous to him. The SDC will recover 20 points per day normally or will recover after 1D4 hour after getting treatment from an Acupuncturist, a practitioner of Chi Healing or Moxibustion.

Bonus: At this lvl of PPM you can reverse the effect of Pressure Points, Pressure Secrets parallelization, blindness, deafness or Pressure Points Mastery SDC removal, not the extra damage that was done. It requires the Pressure Points Master to spend 2 attacks hitting certain Pressure points to reverse the effects. It's done automatically if the individual is sitting or lying down. If done in the middle of combat, the PPM needs to hit his patient with 1d4+1 touches of a Natural 14 or higher that does no damage to reverse the effect. Should he roll less than a Natural 14 even once he still waste 1d+1 of his attack anyway. But he can attempt it again next round for another 1D4+1 attacks. Finally because of the PPM feat & his high knowledge of biology when someone is under his care they recover from damage as if they were under professional treatment from a Doctor. If already under a Doctors care a Pressure Point Master increase the person Healing rate an additional 1D4 points per day.
Prerequisite: Min I.Q of 22 & P.P of 24, Pressure Points 1 feat, Pressure Secrets III feat +the Tai-Chi Skill from the Rifter magazine, HtH Martial Arts, HtH from Physical Training or MA from Ninja & Super-spies. Also the Acupuncture skill from Ninja & Super-spies, Mystic China or a Master Degree in Biology or MD
Limitation: This feat won't work on anyone with Alter Physical powers, Bio Armor, Create Force Field unless they haven't turned the power on, or the Invulnerability power. This ability also won't work on Robotic & Cyborg classes. This feat won't work on Undead. This feat can't be used with long range attack or Super Powers. Only (Hands, Feet, knees, elbows, finger, ect) Can't be use with slashing weapons, or piercing weapon only (staff, tonfa, sai, nun-chucks, triple irons, escrima stick, police baton, ect) basically anything with a short blunt point.
Further Limitation: This feat can only be used on( Humans, Mutant, Experiments who started at as humans and any race that can breed with Humans, like Orcs, Neo-Humans, Godlins, Demi-Gods, Atlantians, Lemurians, Sea Titans, ect). On races that resemble ( Humans like Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Gnomes, Titans, Rahu Men, ect) you need to make a Natural 12 or higher for each attack to see if the Pressure Point you hit on the race corresponds exactly to that of a human, before rolling damage on top of the Natural 15 or higher to do extra damage or any other special attack.
This one shouls also cost two feats and have the prerequisites of the previously listed perssure points skills, yet you do not mention that.

Pressure Point Animals II
Cost: 2 feats I don't know why it didn't show the cost maybe gremlins in my computer. I've caught them and rest assured they'll be well tortured for this afront. :badbad: :-o . As for Pressure Point Master IV it has enough Prerequisite, Limitations & other things you need to do before the most powerful technique is applied it cost only 1 feat.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Shadowknight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I started posting these over to the Black Vault Wiki. I noticed that Reputation was incomplete. Do you plan on finishing it?
It's finished hope you like it.
I did also notice one other one on the first page of this thread that was not finished. If you can notify me when you finish them it would be easier for me to post them over to the Vault when they are complete.
The Shadow Skill feat is finished, it's very powerful but the cost of acquiring it, plus all the prerequisite will stop all but the most dedicated from getting it and ruining a campaign. Hope you like it, it one of my favorites but it's well balance without being a game breaker.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Breath Control Cost: 3 feats

This feat is based on advanced Martial Art principles but the use can be many. It can be used for combat, for healing, for recovery, for slowing down the aging process & many other fields. While the field of BC has been practiced the most in India using Yoga, The Chinese using Qigong, the Japanese, the Tibetans have also used a form a BC for many uses. This feat contains 5 dub feats within it.

1. Slowed Aging
2. Power Blow
3. Increase Speed
4. Breath holding or Suspended Animation
5. Increase healing

1) Slowed Aging: This ability is often a side effect of people who do Tai Chi, Qigong & Yoga. What do they all have in common ? They all use certain pose done in slow motion with certain breathing the send Chi, Prana, Energy or Lifeforce to organs inside your body. No matter what you can it people who practice this at least 5 days a week, usually live to be in their 90's with no physical impediments, some being active and powerful up to 110 pr higher. In game terms you add another 20 yrs to your lifespan and you don't suffer the negative of old age. Bodhidharma the Indian monk that came to China and made Shaolin temple famous have said to have live up to 150 yrs old, the secret to his long life is meditation, qigong, yoga and breath control.

2) Power Blow: IS an ability sometimes seen in martial Arts breaking demonstration, when sometimes they are attempting to break bricks, boards or ice. they usually Yell a KIAH sound or a Loud SHH sound when they do the break. In game terms you can attempt to break through a wooden Door or brick Wall with 1 blow, it take all your attacks that round and you need to make a Natural 14 or higher on a D20 if you succeed you do 1D6 per lvl to the door or Wall. If you roll lower than a Natural 14 you take 1d6X2 per lvl to your SDC & you broke your hand or feet.
This ability can also be used as an attack, in that case it takes all of your attacks except 1. In a like manner you need to make a Natural 14 if you make the roll you do a 1d4 per lvl direct to hit point+ P.S bonus. If you roll under the Natural 14 you only do normal damage but it still takes all your attack but 1.

3) Increase Speed: This ability deals only with HTH attacks and can only be done once every 1d4 rounds. In game terms you channel your breathing +chi to increase the amount of attacks you can do than round. You need to make a natural 12 or higher on a D20 before you roll for attack or initiative. If you make the roll that round you receive 1d3 additional HTH attacks. If you fail you lose -2 attacks as you didn't manipulate your chi correctly, and your can't use this ability again that day.

4) Breath Holding or Suspended Animation: This ability deals with slowing down to bodies autonomous system. BH basically deals with being aware of your environment, it's just your breathing has slowed down. It's great if for example you are trapped in a cave with 1 hour worth of air but it will take 2X-3X that long for rescuers to remove the rocks and free you. In games terms anyone with this feat with a P.E of 20 or higher can slow down their autonomous system and double the amount of time their air supply last. But using this sub-feat he only has half his normal number of attacks. Any one with a P.E of 25 or higher can slow down their autonomous system and triple the amount of time their air supply last. The other system is an advance version of BH called SA the basic difference the SA version you basically are unaware of you environment. You can't defend yourself or snap out of the SA unless you take at least 80% of your SDC in damage or the time you specified has expired. While In the SA you don't need to eat or drink & you only take 1/10 of your normal damage. You breathe at the slowest possible rate possible to keep the human body alive basically 1 breath per 5 minutes & your Heartbeat likewise slowed down to the minimum required to keep the human body alive. So while your body will be warm, outside of magic, psionics or the most advanced medical technology you will appear as if you are recently dead sitting in the lotus position. The SA can last up to 1 day per lvl if you are 4 lvl or less, it can last up to 1 week per lvl if you are 7 lvl or more, it can last up to 1 month per lvl if you are 10 lvl of more, it can last up to 1 yr per lvl if you are 14 lvl or more. While the SA ability sounds extreme Bodhidharma the Indian monk that came to China and made Shaolin temple famous have said to have put himself in SA for over 10 yrs inside a cave in ST.

5) Increase Healing: This sub-feat deals with the human body healing at a faster rate than normally possible. It's a scientific fact that improper breathing that's shallow chest only breathing ages people faster and slows down the bodies ability to heal. But because of the characters training in Yoga, Tai-chi, & qigong you have learned Turtle Breathing & Crane Breathing 2 styles of breathing in Chinese Qigong & Yoga that has the side effect of reducing stress and increasing healing. In game terms once a day you can roll 2d4 to instantly negate the damage you took from 1 attack, + because of your intense breath control regiment you heal 2X faster than normal.

Bonus: You receive +15% to you save vs Coma/Death, +1 to sv vs H.F, Poison & Disease. Finally Poison & Disease last half as long and you receive half the minuses.
Limitation Sub-feat # 2 &#3 can't be used on the same round or the following round. There must be at least 1 round seperating them.
Prerequisite: P.E of 18 or higher. This feat requires the skill Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi and Meditation from the Rifter magazine.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Illusive Cost: 2 feats Plus 1 per each additional

The Illusive feat is based on heroes & villains who are hard to catch, trick, convict or keep in prison. This feat is based on Arch-Criminals, Mastermind like Al Capone in Chicago, the Teflon Don in NY, El Chapo in Mexico or Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. Or Street lvl Vigilante like Batman year One under Frank Miller. This feat doesn't make you innocent it just makes them hard to arrest you, convict you, keep you in jail or kill you. The reason are legion, here's a few

1. You have legion of underlings who are willing to lie, kill or die for you.
2. You have a regiment of high class lawyers
3. You have bribed up and down people capable of convicting you, arresting you, killing you or keepin you in jail.
4. You have information on what the gov't, press, police or newspapers have on you and you can either feed them false information or have them feed you tips to avoid their traps
5. You have bugged their headquaters or you have a mole in their organization
6. Your tech or resources is equal if not superior to the gov't
7. The Gov't fear you or your followers
8. You are considerably smarter than the people coming against you.
9. You are considered a Robin Hood figure people where you live & operate won't help the gov't, the police, the feds or the U.S armed forces, since you helped the common people specially where you grew up and they have your back.

Now you may ask if my hero is true blue boyscout why do I need this feat? The answer is, that the staple of comic book superheroics is to frame the hero for a crime, have the gov't try to corral him or control him, have some company try to capture him so they can find out how his powers work or get their hands on his gadgets. Lets not forget there's also the Newspaper, radio or television that can paint even a boyscout as a serial killer.
Here's how it works & the benefits you receive you pick 1 (a-d) you start at with 1 for 2 feats, every time you pick this feat again it cost you another 1 feat and you can pick another way of protecting yourself. You start with 30% from either escaping from police, jail or conviction, +2% per lvl. For each additional time you choose this feat again you receive another +10% from your base chance. If you were to pick this feat 4 X you'd have a base 60%= 2% per lvl. But nevertheless everytime you use this feat you reduce your next chance to escape prison or conviction by 15% for 2 lvl. After the percentage go up again.

a) You have 1 of the state if not the countries top 20 criminal attorneys on speed dial and already paid so anything that happens to you within the next 10 yrs.
b) You have the skill Goverment-wise which is basically Streetwise done except dealing with the gov't.
c) You have a mole inside a gov't investigative agency. You or the GM choose only 1

1. City Police Dept
2. State Police Dept
3. Federal Police-depending on the country (FBI)U.S, Investigative Commitee of Russia( Russian FBI),(NCA), (CSIS) Canada, British, (CID) is the abv for the Indian, Singapore & Ghana federal police agencies, (AFP) Australian Federal Police, (DPF) Brazilian Federal Police, Police National (Surete) French
4. District Attorney (City)
5. District Attorney (State)
6. District Attorney (Federal)
7. Federal Drug Investigation, (DEA) U.S, (FSKN) Russian,
8. Spy Agencies-There's way too many to list given that over 50% of the countries in the world have a Secret Service division but here's the most notorious or infamous for RPG purpose. You can Google to find what the initials stand for but most are pretty obvious. (KGB) Russian, (MI-5) &(Mi-6) British, (CIA), (NSA), (DIA) U.S, (DGSI) French,( MOSSAD) & (Shin Bet) Israeli, (ABIN) Brazil, (MSS) China, (DGI) Cuba, (BND) Germany, (MOIS) Iran, (NIS) South Korea, (CNI) Spain. For those interested & have the Ninja & Super-spies book the NSA can be built on 650 pts, CIA 625 pts, DIA 610 pts. The KGB & MSS 550 pts, MI5-MI6, DGSI, MOSSAD, Shin Bet & MOIS on 515 pts, most other Western European, Canada & Australia SS around 450, Eastern European, South Korean & South American 415 pts, Cuba 450 pts, rest of the world depending on financial resources between 350-200 pts. It goes without saying that certain countries spy agencies help each other out like the U.S, U.K, Canada & Australia to a lesser degree Israel, French, Germany, South Korea since they tend to have overlapping interest. In those case as when for example the DEA is working with the Columbian SS or the Mexican SS those countries pts can be considered +50 pts for that month.

d) You have the architecture plans of several gov't buildings, including Central booking, Police Headquaters, Prison & Criminal Court.

Bonus: Even you fail your roll and be convicted, arrested or put in prison. You can make a roll every 3 months game time to see if your lawyer wins an appeal or you break out of jail. But your chance is only half what it would be normally. In addition the Gov't now has you on it's 10 most wanted list, and from now on your percentage of escaping the gov't is maxed out at 55% no matter how many times you take this feat.
Prerequisite: I.Q & M.A of 17 or higher. Must have roll Wealth on character creation or have the Wealthy or Inheritance feat. Also the Prep Feat.
Limitation: Needless to say this feat only works for you not your teammates, also once you use this feat and you escape justice you have now created a Nemesis like the feat from some gov't agency except you don't get any of the benefits from the Nemesis feat
Last edited by Shadowknight on Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Sorry for the delay I was dealing with family emergency & writers block. I should have the Illusive feat done by Thursday August 20 the latest probably Wesn by 6 pm. I hope to have my feat list finish definitely by the end of the month. Should there be a demand I could probably add another 5-10 feats before the end of yr. If not I plan on posting a variation on The Mega Hero called Nigh-Gods which is more powerful an less cookie cutter than the Mega Hero & Immortal class.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

It would be good if you would finish the feats you have already started as well.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:It would be good if you would finish the feats you have already started as well.
As you've seen I just finished the Illusive feat. Like I said before I had family issues, I plan on finishing everything by the end of the month. Should people request I can add more feats other wise it should completely finish period.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Raikov Effect Cost: 3 feats

When I first heard of this ability I thought I had somehow traveled to an alternate Earth were Psionics & Powers really existed since it so amazing. Yet after doing some research as hard to believe this ability really exist in the world. This technique was discovered by a Russian scientist named Prof. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov during the cold war of channeling skills from other people. Whether it's a form of mind over matter or channeling or deep trance meditation it doesn't matter, what matter is that it works the mechanism or how it works is unimportant. What happens is you develop similar abilities to the Mind Bleeder from Rifts Atlantis that is steal someone skills except the person keep their skills. In game terms you spend 2 hours a day meditating on a person whose extremely competent on a skill you'd like to duplicate the next time you go up a lvl, you receive that skill at base lvl +6 % per lvl(as long as you can receive it as a secondary skill) any skill that is bared you can't receive also. You can continue to receive additional secondary skills every-time you go up in lvl using the same methodology. ( At the GM discretion anyone with an I.Q of 24 or higher and the feat can use this technique & receive 3 additional skills every 2 lvls, instead of 1 every lvl) But only Natural Genius, Analytical Hardware or Gizmoteer class from Ninja & Super-spies can have that possibility. If the GM says no respect his decision since this feat is powerful enough as it is.

Bonus: You gain +1 to I.Q, M.E & P.P. Also if you're a Analytical Hardware, Natural Genius or have the Extraordinary Intelligence power this only cost 2 feats
Prerequisite: I.Q & M.E of 18 or higher, Meditation skill. Minimum Education of 2 yrs College or higher or basically roll 51% or higher in the Educational lvl table.
Limitations: The skills gained can only be from the secondary list only.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Shadowknight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:It would be good if you would finish the feats you have already started as well.
As you've seen I just finished the Illusive feat. Like I said before I had family issues, I plan on finishing everything by the end of the month. Should people request I can add more feats other wise it should completely finish period.

Thank you for your work.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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abtex wrote:
Shadowknight wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:It would be good if you would finish the feats you have already started as well.
As you've seen I just finished the Illusive feat. Like I said before I had family issues, I plan on finishing everything by the end of the month. Should people request I can add more feats other wise it should completely finish period.

Thank you for your work.
Your welcome it's nice to be appreciated.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Above the Law Cost: 3 feats

While this feat can sometimes be confused with Diplomatic Immunity feat, there's a few important difference DI has the full force of your gov't behind you, as anyone whose ever seen Mission Impossible knows character with the ATL should know that if they be ever be caught by a foreign nation the gov't will deny they ever sent them out on such a mission. The other major difference people with DI feat has a lesser form of High Society feat also, while people with the ATL feat don't but they have a lesser form of Courtesy rank within their nation borders. The other major difference DI can be revoked if your crime is major enough. For example you can't kill a U.S senator, congressman, President or a Supreme Court judge and then claim DI more likely than not your country will revoke your DI something like that is beyond the pale. At the very least you'd be sent to your home country on the quickest form of travel, and told should you ever come back you'd be arrested, more likely than not if you were ever to visit a close allied country you'd get arrested there too and sent to the country were you committed the crime. DI feat is for type E-B crimes, most type A felonies will cause your DI feat to be revoked. Anyone with DI is suppose to represent their countries interest and have a positive impact with a host country. Someone with the ATL feat for all intents and purpose doesn't have that problem in their own country or outside their country as long as they 're in a closely allied country. For example during the" Cold War" the KGB agents were ATL in Russia & in Eastern Europe specially East Germany. Likewise the CIA, NSA and to a lesser degree the FBI during J Edgar Hoover directorship were also ATL in the U.S, Canada, West Germany, Britain & Australia, South Vietnam, South Korea. Now-days spy agencies are suppose to be more restricted on what they can do, Yeah right it's just hidden better.

Now this is how it works in game terms, first of all this feat works only for you not your teammate or family. In game terms. In your own country you start out with a 35%+5% per lvl that you can ignore any law that stops you from enforcing the law, that means you don't have to worry about getting a search warrant, or you can bug the villain home and have the evidence appear in court or get sued or arrested for rough arm tactics or destroying property. That doesn't mean you can go willy nilly destroying a city block, or kill a senator or congressman unless you have dead on proof the man was a traitor or terrorist about to destroy a city or worse. What this feat simply gives dothe ability to ignore most restriction that cops are restricted to for a conviction. In a closely allied country you start with a 20%+4% per lvl chance that you can ignore inconvenient laws that stop you from stopping crime. Now you might say that's nice but how does that help me in a fight for 1 thing you can order police in your campaign city as if You add the Courtesy Rank feat equal to a police Lt. The 2nd ability is you can request any weapon the Police has in it's Arsenal short of Power Armor.

Bonus: Characters from Ninja Super-spies Espionage Agent classes & the Secret Operative in HU can have this feat cost only 1 feat. Super Soldiers & Mercenary character classes can have this feat cost only 2 feats
Prerequisite: Must have the Espionage basic skill program to qualify for this feat.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Shadowknight wrote:Will Finish later

Says like a great new Feat. :D
Sorry, have looking at Funny worker pictures.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

You still have a lot of them that you have not finished and it is now September.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Security Clearance Cost: 2 Feats

This feat represents real world spy information that 99% of the population will never know. That includes Police, Press,Wife, Girlfriend, Teammates or Foeign Gov't. For all intents & purpose the world that's the Western World I assume most games will be set either in the U.S, Canada, U.K or Australia which use the same methods. I also name those 4 countries because they have a history of working together and sharing information with 1 another. Germany, Spain, Italy, France & Israel should be considered lesser partners. In game terms someone who has a Top Secret clearance from the CIA or NSA, if he requested information about something MI-6 knows about in England would only have access to it MOST of the time as if he only had a Secret clearance, In the 4 other countries his clearance would only apply as if he had a Confidential Clearance. In a like manner someone in the German intelligence community who has a TS with few exceptions could only request information that has a Confidential Clearance and expect the U.S gov't to give it to them. That's 1 of the major reason for example that Jonathan Pollard is in jail for life for giving Top Secret information to the Israeli Gov't even-though U.S is Israel strongest ally. Here are the main classification that are used in the Western World and as far as I can tell most of the world.



Top Secret

It should go without saying even if a character has a Top Secret clearance the character can't automatically find out everything in the country TS database. For 1 thing there's need to know, for example lets say your character is a former Air Force Major before he became a Super Hero, for the sake of argument he retained his TS clearance because he works as a consultant for Boeing so he knows about a terrorist plot to use Airplane to attack the White House. That's fine but he has no need to know about a terrorist plot to use a Nuclear Sub to attack the Fiji Islands.

It should be said the 3 SC I've listed are most common used throughout the world but in James Bond movies they also use You Eyes Only SC which probably means only the double 00 agent and M can receive this information. There's also an Ultra Blue classification that only given to the head of the NSA, Secretary of Defense & the President of the U.S and probably the Joint Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces which basically allows access to everything in the countries database. So unless your GM have you playing a James bond, Matt helm, Nick Fury type of character you'll never receive that type of SC.

Having said all of this you want to know OK, how getting this feat help me in a SH campaign.

1. You automatically start the game with a friendly contact in the intelligence community
2. For all intents & purpose when dealing with people in the intelligence community of your or friendly countries they react to you as if you had a M.A of +3 higher than it actually is.
3. As long as you're within the border of the country that issued you your SC, you have a lesser form of Above the Law feat. That's you an ignore any E list misdemeanors
4. You receive a 1 spy gadget every lvl for free worth approx $100,000 or less.

Bonus: Anyone with the Secret Operative Character class can pick this feat for only cost 1 feat. Because of your training you also receive +2 to M.E & +1 P.E
Limitation: You can't have this feat & also the Connected feat. During the background check the gov't will have discovered your connected feat and you'd be disqualified.
Prerequisite: Only people with the Military Specialist education roll, Secret Operative or Espionage Agent from Ninja Super0spies can have this feat.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Omni-Resouces Cost: 5 feats

This feat not outwardly powerful, in the hands of an intelligent player can give a GM nightmares. Unlike most of my feats that give bonus to stats, abilities or skills. This feat is designed for Role-players first & foremost. To tell the truth 1 of the main reasons I never put it up is I realize in wrong hands it can be a game wrecker. There's a saying that goes Knowledge is power, it the case of this feat connections & resources doubly powerful. This is a feat designed for people wanting to play Lara Croft, James Bond & Doc Savage characters. In the sense they tend to have connections all over the world and gadgets to fit the situation.

In game terms it works like this. Every lvl you 're character can choose 1 of these & only 1. The next lvl you can choose the same or a different choice.

1. 3 Minor Connections
2. 2 Mid lvl Connections
3. 1 High lvl Connections
4. 1 Super-spy gadget
5. 1 Presidential Connection.

1. The 3 Minor Connections are citywide

This represents people in minor supervisory positions in city gov't like Sergeant in a police dept, a Supervisor in the City Clerk Office, Supervisor in the Building Dept, Supervisor in Traffic Dept, ect. These people of the time 95% of the time don't know your secret identity and won't sacrifice their lives for you. But because you save them from a crime or a sticky financial situation are very grateful and will do every possible short of you hanging them out to dry to repay the debt. Now you may ask what good does this do me. Like I said before if you're running a heavy role-playing SH games it's worth it's weight in gold. But if the GM is running a heavy combat game very little. Let me give an example suppose you notice a villain is constantly disappearing inside buildings yet you know this villain has no powers to explain it away. If a player had this feat he could go to the Build Supvisor for that city and ask for plans he would notice discrepancies, in a likewise manner a Police Sergeant in the Property Clerk could let you examine a weapon or evidence that legally you couldn't get your hands on, a City Clerk could help you get a license for the guns your character is walking around in. Contrary to SH comics 99% of gov't tend to frown on people walking around with guns capable of destroying a city block let alone someone who has no official contentions to the gov't.

2. The 2 Mid lvl Connections are statewide

This represents people in Mid lvl supervisory positions in state gov't like a Capt in a state police dept many or the richer states have the state equivalent of the FBI. For example Georgia has the GBI, California has the CBI you have a Connection to the head of a Statewide taskforce basically someone who's 2 in command.The head or the 2nd in command of a State District Attorney, the Head or the 2nd in command of a state Enviormental Protection Agency ect

Limitation: This feat can only be taken by people Special Training, Physical Training, Natural Genius, Minor Heroes or characters from Ninja &Super-spies.
Prerequisite: You must have Wealth, Inheritance feat or roll Wealthy in the character creation

Will Finish Later
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I am noticing a lot of these have still not been finished. I can't really post any more to the Black Vault Wiki until you complete them.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Sorry! family obligations took precedent, my mother is over 90 yrs old somewhat sickly and has beginning stage of Alzheimer. Nevertheless there's should be only between 3 and 6 feats that aren't finished. Baring any family problems you should star see me post again 11.14.2015 at roughly 12 pm EST.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Health Nut Cost: 2 Feats

This feat is different from most in that the bonus are variable from week to week yet nevertheless powerful. Here are the benefits I.Q + 1D4, M.E +2, P.S +1D4+1, P.P +2, P.E +1D4+1, + 15 to H.P, + 10% to SDC, Increases Life Span by 20% and doesn't start rolling for age disabilities till 70 yrs old. The problem is should the character food not be at least 90% organic, nor do the things listed in the Limitation the bonus disappear for at least roll 1d4+1 weeks before the benefits reappear. This feat should be role-played bc to most people the character appears slightly deranged he or she will sleep his or her head base on Feng Shui, or have a magnetic pad under his sheets or drink water that Ozonated Water. While the bonuses are impressive you might ask why choose a feat where the bonuses change from week to week for 1 this feat allows you unparalleled role-playing potential. Since the bonus seems to change your team-mates wont be sure if you're crazy for attributing your bonus from your lifestyle or is it just a case of mind over matter. The other advantage from taking this feat is after a certain amount of time you develop minor Psionic abilities with limited control.

Bonus: Should the GM allow it, people with HN feat can also receive a 25% bonus to their P.P.E or I.S.P this bonus only apply to classes that use those abilities like Mages or Psionics. If the GM allows it they only receive the the to I.Q, M.E, Hit Points & SDC. They don't receive the bonus to P.S, P.P or P.E

Further Bonus: You gain the Psionic ability of Speed Reading & Total Recall after having this feat for over a yr. After 3 yrs you gain the Psionic ability of Night-vision at half the range and duration. You gain an I.S.P of your M.E +1 per lvl you also save as a Minor Psionic. If already a Master or Latent Psionic you also gain an additional +1D6 I.S.P per lvl but NOT an additional M.E bonus for a second time.

Limitation: This feat benefits are contingent on constantly taking Herbs, vitamins doing Meditation and at least 1 of the Chi Manipulation skills listed on Prerequisites at least 6 days a week for 30 min or more. This feat can't be taken that has a hard Science or tech history or Background, so Robotics, Cyborgs, All Hardware Class or people with degrees in Medicine, Biology or Bio-Chemistry. Simply put Health Nut feat isn't or scientific or quantifiable. While there are some research to prove some of their ideas most of their beliefs goes against established Scientific Norms that why the;re called HN people who studied them think part of the reason they 're healthier than normal people is simply a case of Mind over Matter.

Further Limitation: Unlike a Latent Psionic or even a Minor Psionic your abilities are very Hit & Miss. Your Minor Psionic that you gain aren't under your control you start out having a 10% chance per lvl of controlling your minor Psionic abilities, you roll every day to see if you can use it that day. If you fail it simply doesn't turn on when you want it to, the GM now control when you turn it on that day. Which means it might turn on during sex, when you are angry, fighting or when meditating. The GM should roll once in hour after you tried to turn it on that day. If you roll a 90% or above it cost you 2X as much I.S.P than stated by the HU book and you can't turn it off till you used up all your I.S.P points for that day, your Psionic ability will turn on in a time most inconvenient for you subject to Gm control that day. Finally you also receive a -3 to Hit, parry & dodge due or to the intense pain while the abilities is turned on and the following day you only have half your normal I.S.P. The limitation is only applies for Minor PSionist who gain the bonus Psionic abilities or people who had no Psionic abilities and gained them through this feat. Latent & Master Psionist don't suffer from this limitation since their control over their Psionic abilities are fully developed.

Prerequisite: Qi gong, Tai Chi or Yoga skill from the Rifter Magazine + Meditation, Herbalism, Holistic Medicine
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Alien Mindset Cost: 2 feats or 3 feats depending on if the additional suggested bonus are allowed

This feat is different from most in that it specifically geared toward Aliens, so while an Android {Robotic} character with GM permission could take this feat I wouldn't recommend it. So what so great about this feat for 1 thing bc of this Mindset you are very hard to anticipate or counteract. The mindset fits several broad categories while no way does that means it's all inclusive. This are a few examples a general concept that most people have seen in comics, television or movies. I highly recommend a player & GM get together to create a Philosophy the player is comfortable with. Here are few for convenience sake remember this isn't all inclusive it just the ones usually shown in fiction.

1. Logical Mindset (Vulcan)
2. Militaristic Mindset ( Khunds)
3. Warrior (Amazons, Spartans, Romans)
4. Capitalist ( Ferengy)
5. Hive (Borg)
6. Darwinism (Battle Royal)
7. Slave (Merc Rifts handbook pg 89)
8. Herd (Footfall)

So what are the benefits of this feat first and foremost is the ability to resist Social interaction skills( Seduction, Impersonation, Interrogation)when used against you. Whenever someone uses those skills against they receive a -25% to their skill due to the fact they don't understand your thought process. But you also receive a -10% to our skill due to your lack of familiarity to how people on Earth think given it so foreign to the norms of your culture.
The next benefit is your resistance vs certain forms Mind Control. For someone with this feat any Mind influencing Magic, Psionics & Powers at +3 and would last half as long. For example the Control Others & Divine Aura among powers, Empathy, Bio-Manipulation, Cure Insanity, Emphatic Transmission, Hypnotic Suggestion, Insert Memory, Mentally Posses Others, Mind Bond, Mind Wipe among Psionics, Befuddle, Charm among Magic. While I didn't list every Psionic, Magic or Powers listed in ALL the Palladium books that affect the mind the to space limitations a GM can include others that fit the category. Finally here's a few suggested additional bonus based on Mindset (GM has the right to include them or reject them, Player respect his decision since the feat is powerful as is}

1. Logical Mindset- + 3 to I.Q, + 3 to M.E, -2 to M.A ,+5% to Education roll and 1d4+3 additional skills can't be Criminal, Espionage or Physical Program.

2. Militaristic Mindset +1 to P.S, +1 P.E, + 1 M.E, +10 to Hit Points,+20 to SDC + HtH Commando for Free and 1d4 additional skills from either Military or Physical Program

3. Warrior Mindset +2 to P.S. +1 to P.P,+2 to P.E, +4 to SPD, + 15 to Hit Points, +25 to SDC + HtH MA for Free and 1d3 additional skills from Espionage, Military or Physical Program

4. Capitalist Mindset +2 to I.Q, -2 to M.A, +2 to SPD, +1d3+3 additional skills from Business or Criminal Program. Add +25% to Wealth roll at creation of character and if character as a Movement power add 25% to SPD

5. Hive Mindset Unlike the other mindset listed a character with this mindset has variable bonuses, it's therefore implicitly stated he must have 2 set of stats 1 when around his team members 1 when separated from his team member for more than 15 ft. The character receives +1 to I.Q regardless, but when surrounded by team members at least (a team of at least 5 people) and the team is 15 ft radius or less character gains +4 to P.S +5 to M.E, +3 to P.E,+30 to SDC Should character be unable to see team members around him for 1 rd he temporarily lose bonus. He regains them after the team is around him for 1 minute, needless to say this psychological limitation should be role played by the character constantly and even something simple a 1 inch plywood door can take away his bonuses even if his team are within the 15ft radius as long as he can't physically see them. GM you must be strict since he receives amazing bonuses when surrounded by his team members should even 1 of team members be separated from him that's move, fly, swim or run away from him for 1 round or more the bonuses disappear for at least 1 minute even if the team member reappear 1 rd later.

6. Darwinism+2 to I.Q, +1 to M.E, -1 to M.A,+ 1 to P.E, +5 to SPD, +10 to Hit Points, +15 to SDCHTH Expert for Free, +1d4 skills no restrictions

8. Herd Mindset While Herd Mindset can sometimes be confused by novice role-players with Hive Mindset They are different as the difference between Birds and Insects. Herd Mindset can be considered somewhat like Bird flocks or in Palladium terms like the gargoyles that afflict Rifts Germany in Rifts in the NGR pg 93, Hive Mindset is somewhat similar to Insect Hive or in Palladium terms like the Xicticix in Xicticix Invasion who will attack a member of it own species simply bc it belong to another nest or hive. But like the Hive Mindset characters with the Herd Mindset will have 2 sets of bonuses. Characters with Herd Mindset are social creatures even more so than Hive Mindset they only feel comfortable when surrounded by a group of people, Nevertheless unlike the Hive Mindset who has his team members as his support group and only his team members, the Herd Mindset character bonus and comfort lvl only kicks in when surrounded by people it's immaterial whether or not they are part of his super-hero group as long as they aren't part of the villain group and is actually trying to save them. The character with Herd Mindset loses -2 attacks when alone and is -2 to strike, parry & dodge. Should he be within a 25 ft radius of his SH team a team of at least 5 people he fights normally. But when saving a roomful of people that is 30 people or more his bonus start to kick. Should there be at least 30 people (not counting the villains and his or her henchmen) the character receives +1 additional attack per round, +2 to P.S, +2 to M.E, +1 to P.E and +10 to SDC. Should there be at least 60 people within a 50 ft radius (not counting the villains and his or her henchmen) the character receives another +1 to P.S, M.E, P.E and +5 to SDC. In a like manner should there be at least 120 people within a 100 ft radius (not counting the villains and his or her henchmen) the character receives another +1 to P.S, M.E, P.E ans +5 to SDC. In a like manner the bonus increase at every doubling of the amount of people around him (not counting the villains and his or her henchmen) & doubling the amount of feet . It should be stated the bonus only comes to pass if both the people can see him and he see them. The character could (for example be fighting in an office building but if it's only the 200 people in the cafeteria) that can see him he only gets the bonus from fighting in front of 120 people not the bonus from fighting inside of a building with 2,000 people since they cannot see him. The bonuses top off at + 12 to P.S, M.E, P.E but the bonus to SDC top off at 75 SDC.

Limitation: For Characters with the Herd Mentality it cost 4 feats

Will Finish Herd Mindset Later

Bonus: For anyone with this feat Anthropology, Criminology or any other skill based on logical interpretation on how the human think is at -50%. So any traps, appeals or deductive reasoning used by humans against this character will be at -50% chance of success

Limitations: It goes without saying this feat is limited to Aliens or at best with GM permission Androids. Also the resistance works for beneficial as well, so for example if the character ever became Insane a Psionist trying to cure him would still be subject to his +3 to resist Mind Influencing ability. Finally his resistance is based on Earth and people not used to his thought process, were the Alien facing someone form his home world or someone from the galactic community that knows how his thought process work his +3 to sv would be null and void.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Sorry Double post
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Thanks for adding to your List. Hope things are better with your family and with keep so this Year.
Have a Great New Year!!
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Very impressive, Shadowknight. :ok:
I'm tempted to try my own hand at creating a few.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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In my games, as heroes level, I often allow a powers abilities to expand some and/or let heroes develop a new power.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by gaby »

Love the mindset for Aliens,Will you give more detail like a Code for Warrior to follow?

I hope you do other Feats for Aliens.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Posse Cost: 3 feats

This was inspired By Doc Savage, the Arrow superhero show and to a lesser intent Batman. This feat is designed for street lvl heroes in mind not for already powerful heroes. Most heroes 95% even street lvl heroes with very few exceptions are unwilling to train someone to become a SH unless it's a relative, someone adopted or someone raised in the same culture (Amazons). That being said there are exceptions. This feat speak to those exceptions. One of the main reasons outside of willingness to train someone else is the time, dedication & effort it takes to do it, the second reason for the most part the hero is tasked to condense what it took him or her many yrs of training, practice & experience to know and be able to do into something his sidekick or Posse can duplicate in 6 months-2 yrs. Which requires dedication and a willingness to strive when pain or fatigue calls on the aspiring Posse member.

Now you might ask how does having a this feat help me. In many ways this feat mirrors the ability granted by the Hive Mindset except that it gives bonus to combat instead of stats. First of all when you acquire this feat you roll 1D4+1 to see how many people join your Posse. In many ways your Posse is similar to a supporting cast, except this supporting cast either goes on adventures with you or supplies you with skills you lack. In fact a whole team of street lvl heroes can be created to fight crime in a major city using this feat where teamwork and intelligent tactics are used to take out Super powered villains. Here is how it works whatever your initial number 2-5 people the first 2 you receive within a few weeks of choose this feat, the GM should work with the player character to introduce the first 2 members of his Posse to him in an adventure. It shouldn't be a GM fiat that that 2 flesh robots with no personality or history just pop out nowhere and decides to join your crusade. By comic book convention they are either relatives, ward, adopted, ect or work for you in some fashion either at you home or at your company.

Of the 2 people 1 is supporting cast he or she gives advice, wisdom, a shoulder to cry on and plenty of skills. This person has + 75% to his or her Education roll and has stats of 14+ 1D10 to I.Q, M.E, M.A roll other stats as usual but any stat below 12 raise to 12 remember this is a non combat member so outside of the base, headquarters being attacked or an emergency they aren't going to combat or adventures. The second member of your Posse can be from any class from the Prerequisite but 75% of the time the class is identical to the main hero. As a member of his Posse he's create normally except any stats below 12 is raised to 12, in a like manner is every other member of his Posse created. After the main hero acquires the first 2 and goes up another 2 lvls he can acquire a 3rd member, after that he gains 1 new member every lvl he or she goes up till he reaches the target number he rolled for acquiring people for his Posse feat.

Now lets deal with the abilities this feat gives out which are quite substantial. As long as you & at least 1 member of your Posse are fighting within a 15 ft radius+5 ft per lvl of each other you receive +2 to Strike, Parry & dodge. In a like manner your posse members receive +1 to Str, Parry & Dodge from being around you as long as it 15 ft radius +2 ft per lvl. Each additional member (if you had rolled 3-5 members) gives you an additional +1 to Str, Parry & Dodge. A third member of your Posse gives you the ability of Automatic dodge, a fourth member gives you an additional attack. As for your Posse members every 2 additional member when fighting around you gives them another +1 to Str, Parry & Dodge. Should you not be around but they are fighting within a 15 ft radius +2 ft per lvl of each other they only receive a +1 to Str, Parry & dodge no other bonuses even if there's 5 of them fighting together.

Unlike the similar ability of the Hive Mindset you and the members of your Posse aren't required to be able to see each other to receive the bonuses. You've trained together so long and know each others fighting style so well, the bonuses apply as long as you can see or hear each other even when fighting in total darkness.

Further Bonus: For anyone who has the Support Staff feat that also pick this feat, it cost 1 feat less. Also anytime any member of your Posse reaches Half your lvl or more you now gain 5% of his experience points when the GM is giving out experience points.

Final Bonus: Posse members are extremely loyal to 1 another you receive +4 to any Psionic, Magical or Brainwashing that would cause you to betray or attack 1 another. Members of the Posse receive +3 to resist any Psionic, Magical or Brainwashing that would cause you to betray or attack 1 another & they receive +5 to resist any Psionic, Magical or Brainwashing that would cause them to betray or attack you.

Prerequisite: This feat can only be taken by Special Training, Physical Training, Ancient Weapon Masters, Natural Genius, and with the GM permission Minor Heroes, Hardware & Super Soldier. This feat also requires either the Wealthy or Inheritance Feat or rolling Wealth in character creation since members of your Posse will look to you for their equipment, uniform, vehicles, training and headquarters. Most of the time they will be getting paid by you or working for 1 the companies you own or is in a high position of power.

Limitation: Needless to say this feat is extremely rare in comic books even among street lvl heroes. Therefore only 1 person in the party can have such a feat and no more than 2 people could have this feat in a Continent. Realize that the hero sacrifices Experience Points when first creating his Posse even-though at later lvl he gains them back with interest.

Further Limitation: Until the members of your Posse reaches at least half your lvl the GM subtracts 15% of your experience points to donate to the members of your Posse. The 15% is divided evenly to all your Posse members, this represents the time, effort and training they're constantly receiving from you. Should a member of your Posse leave the Posse and strike out on his or her own, get sent to prison or die. You receive a new Posse member who's half the lvl the old Posse member was when he left or died. But you only contribute 4% of the experience you gain since the New Posse member is somewhat trained.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

gaby wrote:Love the mindset for Aliens,Will you give more detail like a Code for Warrior to follow?

I hope you do other Feats for Aliens.
Thank You. The Problem is Stone Gargoyle has been after me to finish my list for 6 months or so. Therefore to finish everything up I skip some of the fluff intending to either go back when everything is done or have whatever GM do his own interpretation of what that mindset represents. If you noticed I put several examples next to the Warrior Mindset of cultures based on history that had Warrior Mindset that should give you a rough guideline on how to role-play them. Generally speaking WM hate cowardice, keep their word of honor even if it goes against the law, cherish teammates, constantly train to improve themselves, will show mercy to an honorable foe but will kill those they consider without honor. If I have time later on in January 2016 I plan on filling in the blanks.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

abtex wrote:Thanks for adding to your List. Hope things are better with your family and with keep so this Year.
Have a Great New Year!!
Thanks You too!! Baring extenuating circumstance, I should have everything done by Mid Feb if not the end of Jan. Unfortunately for me every-time I think I'm about to finish and wrap everything up, I get an idea for 2 or 3 more feats to add to the list.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

City Communion

This feat is almost always picked by Street lvl heroes that do most (85% or more) their adventures in 1 campaign city & have a love for 1 particular city. This feat works in a similar fashion as the Psionic ability of Sixth Sense except it's directed at the city instead of yourself. The major difference between the Psionic Power is it must involve at least 50 people to trigger & it's not Psionic it's little clues that your subconscious mind notices around you but it don't register into your conscious mind except that something is wrong. If anyone has ever seen the Dirty Harry movies Specially the first 1 Dirty Harry and Sudden Impact where he walks into a Diner order his Coffee walks out and then come back bc something off understand how this ability is suppose to work work.

Bonus: You receive all the bonus of the Psionic ability Sixth Sense except due to it being based on Perception it doesn't come on automatically and only comes on if it's danger or crime that would affect 50 people or more. The feat also gives you a +4 to all your Perception rolls, and the GM rolls for you, each lvl you've a 8% cumulative chance to spot this danger for the city as long as you're within a 1 block radius. You can only use this ability once day. You also have the ability to sense great danger to your city as long as it can affect 1000 people or more. This ability can be used once a week, you receive a 5% per lvl cumulative chance to know theirs a great danger in the City. Should you make the roll you won't know where the danger just the direction, that North, South, East Or West. In that case you receive the Psionic Sixth Sense bonus for 1 hour.

Additional Bonus: This feat will also work for you if city (i.e NYC) exist in Parallel Earths, like Beyond the Supernatural Earth, Nightbane Earth, System Failure Earth or Dead Reign Earth. But it won't work In the Nightland Earth or Rifts due to those cities being so different. Also bc of your intimate knowledge of the city some things are easier for you, you receive +10% to your Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Find Contraband & Weapons, Streetwise, Prowl whenever it's done in your city.

Prerequisite: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Streetwise

Limitations: This feat is specific to heroes that are for some reason or another tied to 1 city. It doesn't mean they can't have adventures somewhere else, whether it being statewide, province wide, countrywide, Continent-wide or even in a different dimension. It simply means you spent at least 80%+ of your time, resources & adventure in 1 particular city till you know like the back of your hand. For this reason Aliens, Godlins, Immortals, Experiments, Eugenics, Mega-Heroes, Mages, Psionics, Robots,Super Soldiers & Hardware can't take this feat. They simply have too many others skills, powers & abilities to concentrate on which distract them from ever having this feat.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Alien Resistance Cost: 2 feats

This feat is in many ways a combination of Poison Resistance combine with Disease Resistance. The main difference it's based on a totally different principle behind the resistance to Disease & Poison. If anyone spent who decent amount of time watching Sci-Fi movies or reading Sci-Fi books will notice very quickly most Alien have a totally DNA & RNA from us given some of them a Reptilian, Catlike, Dog-like, Silicon based, Crystalline base lifeforms, ect. Even those among them that resemble us enough that we can have sexual congress are usually incapable of procreating. The perfect example in the animal kingdom being Monkeys who share over 98% of our DNA yet can't breed with us. It's therefore perfectly reasonable that Alien would have a Resistance to our Poison & Diseases. Now with this feat even those Aliens that are genetically identical to us can have Poison Disease resistance due to the fact their technology is so advance they inoculated themselves against 99.95% of Earth disease & Poison.

So without further ado, the Alien receives +5 to saves Earth based poison, +1 to sv vs magical poisons unless a magical race or a race that has studied Magic & Alchelmy for hundred if not thousands of yrs in that case they receive +4 to sv vs Magical poison. They also receive +4 to save vs Earth based Disease, +1 to sv vs Magical diseases unless a magical race or a race that has studied Magic & Alchemy for hundred if not thousands of yrs in that case they receive +3 to sv vs Magical diseases.

Prerequisite: Being an Alien

Limitation: Should the character insist his race would also receive the +4 & +3 to save vs Magical Poisons & Disease warn him or her the Galaxy, Universe & Multiverse are full of Evil Greater Supernatural Entities looking for new slave stock should they discover his or her race exist which such abilities they will more than likely attack & enslave his or her race. If the player character still insist give them the bonus but every lvl after the first of the character the GM should roll a 12% cumulative chance than an Greater Evil Supernatural menace(Minimum power lvl of a God see Pantheons of the Mega-verse & his minions )attacks the player character home-world and try to enslave it.( This is a good opportunity for a clever GM, to create an Alien Unlimited campaign if the rest of the Super-hero decides to go to outer-space and try to free the characters home planet) it will take the loss of over 60% of his minions for the Evil God or Supernatural menace to temporarily give up conquest of the planet, GM roll again every 1D4X 100 yrs for a new attack.

Should the race resist 3 of his Invasions or do more than 75% casualties to his minions, he will give up his attacks but superciliously let it be known to other Evil Supernatural powers that such a race exist. (so they can try to enslave the race that resisted him, if they should somehow succeed the first ESE will demand a 20% cut of the profits, should they also fail he will broadcast their failure throughout the Universe if not Multi-verse). Should the race also resist the second Supernal Invader they will be spared further attacks for at least 1000 yrs as other Supernatural Entities study them from afar and plant spies, minions and stooges on their planet in other to find out their strengths and weakness. (This would be an excellent opportunity for Secret Operatives, Super-Sleuth, Ninja & Super-spies characters to shine as they try to discover traitors, moles and minions among the population in the planet)

If the GM doesn't want to run an AU campaign or if the player doesn't care that his or her race is basically being treat like potential cattle, the GM should roll a 8% cumulative chance per lvl that the Greater Supernatural Entity will send a slave catching group to capture the player character. The group sent will be at the very least 50% stronger or more powerful and backed by powerful magic of Aberrant alignment. GM are encourage to create such a group based on the Slave races available in the Atlantis (Rifts books) the only difference being they are now SDC creatures. Should the SCG succeed they are promised their freedom if also slaves, if not they are promise a minor rune weapon.

Their goal is to capture the player character and bring him to their master, they don't care about the rest of the party for good or bad. Nevertheless they will kill to accomplish their mission but they prefer not to. Should they succeed they & the character will disappear from the game forever unless the GM decides to run a Scrapyers or Atlantis Rifts campaign in that case the character will be probed, examined and eventually dissected molecule by molecule. Basically after 2d4+2 yrs of this treatment (Imagine the most painful examination you've ever had in a doctors visit and multiply that by 1000) as the Evil Supernatural Entity tries to discover what the secret to his or her resistance and where the planet might exist. Therefore the Party members have between 4-10 yrs to rescue him or her. Should the character be rescued between the first 3 yrs roll on the Optional Side effects from serious Hit Points damage on pg 19 of HU. Should the character be rescued after 4-8 yrs roll on the Optional Side recovery side effects from near death Hit Points damage on pg 19-20 of HU. Should the character be rescued after 9-10 yrs roll 2X on the Optional Side recovery side effects from near death Hit Points damage on pg 19-20 and once on the random Insanity Table if character has a M.E of 24 or Higher, roll 2x if he or she has a M.E of 18 or more, roll 3X if the character has a M.E of 17 or less. Regardless of the Insanity roll the character will either lose 1 attack and be -5 to strike, parry and dodge against any creature that resembles the Aliens who capture him, tortured and examined him or is a Evil Supernatural menace for 1d4 rounds. Or the character runs, jumps or swims away for 1d4 rds at top speed unable to attack just defends themselves at -6 to parry or dodge if cornered. Or goes Berserk for 1d4 rds attacking at +2 to hit & damage said creatures at full power never holding back trying to kill them. The GM should roll a 33% chance every encounter.

Further Limitation: Unknown to the player character the GM should roll 1d3 substance that are addictive or poisonous to the character but not people from Earth and they recieve-5 to resist against it. (Here's a few examples) If anyone ever seen the original War of the World the Aliens were defeated due to their lack of resistance to getting a cold, Alien Nation movie the Aliens react to sea water as if dropped in concentrated sulfuric acid and get drunk on spoiled milk. In the Colonization Sci-Fi books by Harry Turtledove Ginger acts like a euphoric drug to the male of the species to the females, it causes them to go into estrus. In John Ringo Troy Rising series the Aliens get drunk on Maple Syrup it affect them like High quality rum. These are just some examples, GM be fair if you are going to create something that kills them or cause the character massive amount of damage make sure the player knows what it is so he or she can avoid it as much as possible. On the other hand something that's mildly addictive, cause the character to get drunk like Ginger, Maple Syrup, spoiled milk or some preservative in our food might take the character months if not yrs to discover. I recommend 4+1d4 lvl before the Alien discover the source of his inebriation or addiction that's if he actually looks for it. It's quite possible the character likes getting drunk or assume it's something in the air or water on Earth and therefore he or she must live with it while on the planet.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Shadowknight wrote:
abtex wrote:Thanks for adding to your List. Hope things are better with your family and with keep so this Year.
Have a Great New Year!!
Thanks You too!! Baring extenuating circumstance, I should have everything done by Mid Feb if not the end of Jan. Unfortunately for me every-time I think I'm about to finish and wrap everything up, I get an idea for 2 or 3 more feats to add to the list.

That's the way it works.
When you "Finish" then you start wanting to updating the "Finished ones".
Mankind does not even Finish something before we see a better way to do it or someone "Says you know..." and it start trying to finish it again.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Went back updated & improved the Alpha male & Alpha Female feat which i felt was a little weak given it's cost. I plan on going back to the finished feats during the next 2 weeks and see if I can improve them or clear out any misunderstandings or any confusions. Hope you like the new Improve version of the Alpha feat
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Affect Intangibles Cost: 3 or 5 feats

This is 1 of the rarest abilities in comics and depending on the GM can be either very useful or a waste of feats. To tell the truth in all my yrs of comic book reading I can recall only 4 characters ever having this ability. With this feat you can affect characters with Astral Projection both the Magical & Psionic version, people with the power Intangibility & Vibration Intangibility. Given its rarity in comics I no more than 1 person per continent should have this feat at best.

The feat works like this, the feat gives you 2 abilities 1 let you sense Intangibles characters near you like Ghost, people using Astral projection and people using some form of Intangibility power. You can sense them at 5 ft radius per lvl but you only have a 6% cumulative chance per lvl to detect them. Should you be able to sense them you can attack them and do damage, but it comes with limitations. The Second ability is the attack and damage if for example you have 2 minor attack abilities like( superhuman strength & an Energy Blast) the feat will only allow you to affect the Intangibles with 1 you choose when this feat is taken, should you want to be able to affect the second ability also the feat will cost you 5 feats. Should you have a third attack power it can't be used to affect Intangibles.

It cost 2 attacks every-time you attack an Intangible character & you only do half damage to them, nevertheless the ability to affect a creature that's normally immune to physical attacks shouldn't be sneeze at.

Bonus: You also receive +2 to sv vs H.F & +1 to sv vs Psionics

Limitation: When using this feat you lose half your attacks for that round & you only do half damage vs the Intangible opponent.

Prerequisite: This feat is limited to people with powers, It must be either a Long range attack or someone with Superhuman Strength or Supernatural Strength.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Okay, I'll toss this in for peer review:

Cybernetic Tolerance
Cost: 2 feats
The character has a biological and psychological tolerance for cybernetic and bionic implants. Their body readily accepts and adapts to such systems being implanted, and does not reject the new parts. Normal recovery and rehabilitation from any sort of implant surgery is HALF, and any penalties(sense of touch, sense of balance, and skill performance) are HALF, as the person is quick to adapt to their new parts.
Furthermore, the person is not limited by the degree of cyberization they may receive; they do not have to change OCCs (as in becoming a Cyborg character) by reason of exceeding a certain number of implants/bionic parts. Their existing powers seem to adapt and work around the new components, even if they become a full conversion cyborg.

*Superpowers are (mostly)unaffected by the presence of cybernetic/bionic parts.

*Magic and psionics suffer only 1/4 the normal penalties(including PPE reduction) for cybernetic implants/bionic conversion.

*Regeneration abilities will NOT affect the cybernetic/bionic parts, unless this feat is purchased for 4 Feats., in which case they will be regenerated, albeit at HALF the rate of the organic portions of the character.

*Shapechangers will be unable to take this feat unless their new assumed forms can accommodate or conceal the added parts, Assuming a liquid form, for example, will mean leaving the cybernetics/bionics behind if the character flows through small openings that the parts cannot pass through. In such cases, the character likely doesn't need the implants for medical reasons anyway, and the implants would be more in the nature of tools, rather than integral parts of the character.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

taalismn wrote:Okay, I'll toss this in for peer review:

Cybernetic Tolerance
Cost: 2 feats
The character has a biological and psychological tolerance for cybernetic and bionic implants. Their body readily accepts and adapts to such systems being implanted, and does not reject the new parts. Normal recovery and rehabilitation from any sort of implant surgery is HALF, and any penalties(sense of touch, sense of balance, and skill performance) are HALF, as the person is quick to adapt to their new parts.
Furthermore, the person is not limited by the degree of cyberization they may receive; they do not have to change OCCs (as in becoming a Cyborg character) by reason of exceeding a certain number of implants/bionic parts. Their existing powers seem to adapt and work around the new components, even if they become a full conversion cyborg.

*Superpowers are (mostly)unaffected by the presence of cybernetic/bionic parts.

*Magic and psionics suffer only 1/4 the normal penalties(including PPE reduction) for cybernetic implants/bionic conversion.

*Regeneration abilities will NOT affect the cybernetic/bionic parts, unless this feat is purchased for 4 Feats., in which case they will be regenerated, albeit at HALF the rate of the organic portions of the character.

*Shapechangers will be unable to take this feat unless their new assumed forms can accommodate or conceal the added parts, Assuming a liquid form, for example, will mean leaving the cybernetics/bionics behind if the character flows through small openings that the parts cannot pass through. In such cases, the character likely doesn't need the implants for medical reasons anyway, and the implants would be more in the nature of tools, rather than integral parts of the character.

While the feat has potential as is I wouldn't recommend it for a GM to allow it in his game. Here's where I see flaws.

1. The cost at the very least it should cost 3 feats if not 4 feats

2. There's a difference between cybernetics & bionics, to me I'd have less problems with this feat if it was limited only to cybernetics. Bionics should be limited to the Bionic class if you let any character class have them why would anyone ever play a Bionic character class.

3. You didn't mention Prerequisite or Limitation, while I don't always mention them in my feats they are important specially when you're creating feats that go against the spirit or the letter of the game

4. Lets look at Prerequisites for this feat The most obvious should be rolling Wealthy from Social Economic Background or either the Wealth feat or Inheritance feat. Look at the cost for Bionics Component cost on pg 104 of HU that just for a beginning character since this is his power. For any character that didn't pick the Bionic class in character creation, in paying for the cost Bionics or Cybernetics should be at least 3X-5X book cost. Now after this there's the problem of finding people that have the knowledge of Cybernetic or Bionics, at the very least you'd need to have 2 of these skills, Streetwise, Gov'twise, Techwise or High Connection to the Gov't to be able to get Bionics after your character has been created using some other class. Lets not forget even if you have the Wealth to get Bionics you need the connections, Osama Bin Ladin was a Multi-Billionaire yet he could never get his hands on a nuclear weapon, EL Chapo the most powerful drug dealer in Mexico likewise couldn't get his hands on an M-60 tank. In a like manner unless your character start the game as a Bionic Class or doesn't have High Connections to the Gov't will find it extremely hard to get his hands on Top of the line Bionics. Cybernetics will be somewhat easier to get your hands on but there's also the availability, while I can see the Gov't giving someone like Apex from Century Station pg 107 Bionics or Cybernetics if he ever lost a limb or his sight since he's basically the Cap America of the HU. But Gov't throughout the world aren't going to give it willy nilly to every hero out there specially without a compelling reason outside that the character wants it or has feat and wants to become more powerful. These things cost serious money and resources Gov't don't work that way, neither does corporation, mafia or medical research companies. If they give you the Bionics or Cybernetics and that's a big if they're going to want their pound of flesh from the favor, more likely than not they'll want several pounds of flesh from you (That means they want you to do several unpleasant task for them) Imagine (Godfather movies) and don't even think of saying yes and after you get the Bionics or Cybernetics telling them to screw off. These types of organization don't play around they will put safeguards in the Bionics or Cybernetics they'd install in the hero at the very least some sort of tracking device and a way of turning it off.( Good luck if you had Cybernetics eyes, bionic lungs or heart installed). More likely than not they would install some way of frying the component or blow it up that means doing between 4d6x 10 damage in a 5 ft rd if the (GM is feeling generous) more likely than not 6x6x10 damage in a 5 ft rd. The character with the Cybernetics or Bionics attached to his body would get no save or roll for half damage since it's attached to his body, needless to say the character with the Bionic parts would receive the damage directly to his or her Hit Points. But every else in a 5ft radius would sv for half damage.

5. Lets look at Limitations for this feat the most obvious should be People with the powers of Invulnerability or any Alter Physical would be unable to get this feat, in a likewise manner people with powers similar to Alter Facial Structure, Limbs, Metabolism, Copy Physical Structure, Chameleon, Growth, Intangibility, Multiple Beings, Shape-change, Shrink would be at the very least severely inconvenienced by Bionics. Lets not forget that in the Pantheons of the Megaverse Godlins & Demigods hate Bionics & Cybernetics and if they get them it will either not work on them or will lower their natural abilities and powers, in a similar manner Mega Heroes & Immortals IMO will also hate them and if they get them it will either not work on them or will lower their natural abilities & powers. Now look at Mage & Psionics if you ever read Siege on Tolkeen series Bionics will severely cripple a mage or psionic they're not going to pick this feat for all the gold in Fort Knox. I could go from class to class and list reasons why they wouldn't pick this feat but suffice to say the only Class I could easily see picking this feat and suffering no significant disadvantage either mentally or physically is a Hardware, Super-soldier & Special Training.

6. Finally when creating a feat it should follow a comic book norm, this feat doesn't. People with powers don't go around getting Bionics or Cybernetics unless they lost a limb or an eye, even than they go for Cybernetics that look and feel as close to their old limbs as possible. They don't go around chopping limbs off simply to become more powerful and lose what makes them human or living creatures no matter abilities it gives them.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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First try at this, so yeah, I figured it would be chockfull of errors, hence the tentative nature of my approach to this.
You raise plenty of good, valid points.
To be honest, I based the idea on an NPC who is a Natural Genius who is essentially a full conversion cyberhumanoid from birth(massive physical birth defects, but her brain and nervous system were left mainly unaffected). As a result of growing up mainly bionic as her normal state of being, she's more cerebral and skill-based(she avoids the more gross bionic amps out f preference for a more human form), but has a certain aptitude for machinery(especially bionics).

So. I'll withdraw this from consideration and make the NPC a one-off rather the result of a Feat.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

taalismn wrote:First try at this, so yeah, I figured it would be chockfull of errors, hence the tentative nature of my approach to this.
You raise plenty of good, valid points.
To be honest, I based the idea on an NPC who is a Natural Genius who is essentially a full conversion cyberhumanoid from birth(massive physical birth defects, but her brain and nervous system were left mainly unaffected). As a result of growing up mainly bionic as her normal state of being, she's more cerebral and skill-based(she avoids the more gross bionic amps out f preference for a more human form), but has a certain aptitude for machinery(especially bionics).

So. I'll withdraw this from consideration and make the NPC a one-off rather the result of a Feat.

Thanks for the feedback.
I didn't mean to be overly critical it has potential. I really want to finish up the feats I've already listed roughly 4 more so Stone Gargoyle can stop reminding me I never finished them, if you can give me a week or 2 I'll see if I can correct it I've an idea or 2 you might like when I post it. As for the NPC you mentioned, to me that character should be considered a Mega hero based on Rifter magazine were they combine 2 classes. I take it this character is base on the Cyber-humanoid from pg 74 of the Rifts Bionic Source-book which is well and good being basically a normal human. The problem is your feat as is invites Munchkins the way cheese on a table overnight invites rats to your house. Like I said before powers don't work well with Bionics, neither does Psionics or Magic outside of Techno-wizardry bionics. Also while there's nothing wrong with creating feats player character can try out,(since that's basically what I'm doing) as a GM you must constantly be in the look-out for player abuse and rule lawyers that can turn an innocent idea into a GM worst nightmare. Even my post powerful feats are balanced by skill requirements, needing other feats, Classes, Prerequisite or cost. And while not necessary I try in most of my powerful feats to sprinkle role-playing or adventure ideals to the GM ,since feats should be fun for the GM also. Finally when creating a feat you should try as much as possible to follow established norms of the Super-hero world.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Shadowknight wrote: I didn't mean to be overly critical it has potential. I really want to finish up the feats I've already listed roughly 4 more so Stone Gargoyle can stop reminding me I never finished them, if you can give me a week or 2 I'll see if I can correct it I've an idea or 2 you might like when I post it. As for the NPC you mentioned, to me that character should be considered a Mega hero based on Rifter magazine were they combine 2 classes. I take it this character is base on the Cyber-humanoid from pg 74 of the Rifts Bionic Source-book which is well and good being basically a normal human. The problem is your feat as is invites Munchkins the way cheese on a table overnight invites rats to your house. Like I said before powers don't work well with Bionics, neither does Psionics or Magic outside of Techno-wizardry bionics. Also while there's nothing wrong with creating feats player character can try out,(since that's basically what I'm doing) as a GM you must constantly be in the look-out for player abuse and rule lawyers that can turn an innocent idea into a GM worst nightmare. Even my post powerful feats are balanced by skill requirements, needing other feats, Classes, Prerequisite or cost. And while not necessary I try in most of my powerful feats to sprinkle role-playing or adventure ideals to the GM ,since feats should be fun for the GM also. Finally when creating a feat you should try as much as possible to follow established norms of the Super-hero world.

Honestly? You're absolutely right in that I didn't spend enough time critically looking at what was already there and hammering out the mechanics, a trap I've criticized others of falling into(ah, hubris!).
Really, this would be of greater use to more mundane characters like Hardware types who find themselves looking at serious implant work, or magic or psychic characters rather than meta-powers, and if/when I rework it, I'll pitch it more to those OCC-classes.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Shadowknight wrote:I really want to finish up the feats I've already listed roughly 4 more so Stone Gargoyle can stop reminding me I never finished them
I don't think I've really been that bad. I was posting reminders more when you were not posting at all for several weeks. I'm sure you'll finish them eventually.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Universally Hunted Cost: 4 feats

In many ways is very similar to Arch Nemesis except in your case you'll feel like it's half the world out to get you. This is a feat for people wanting to play a tragic hero, not for Power Gamers nevertheless this feat gives out some of the most powerful bonuses and abilities from the whole list of feats. The only reason this feat doesn't cost 5 or even 6 feats the negatives lower the cost down. Before we get further along realize if you pick this feat they'll be consequence among them people, army, air force, marine and other heroes constantly after you to arrest you for your ''alleged crimes " or kidnap you to find out why you 're so powerful or trick you into helping them. So don't complain to the GM about him being unfair to you when that happens.

Having said all of this if the hero or heroine with this feat continues to show themselves heroic and doesn't go around destroying public property for no reason (Holds back) or rarely kills except in self defense or a in a no win situation the tide will slowly change in his favor and he will gradually lose his Hunted status. But it will take many lvl & yrs of role-playing a character that his misunderstood or demonized by the press or the Gov't.

Ok now that the preliminaries are over lest look at this feat history & reason behind it. This feat is a bastard offspring of the cheesy 1950's Horror movies I used to watch as a child, so while not limited to them over 90% of people with this feat fall into 6 basic broad categories Aliens, Eugenics, Experiments, Immortals, Nightbane & Mutants. Now lest look at the feat abilities it gives + 8 to P.S, + 4 to P.E, +10 to SPD and doubles character normal healing. If the character has an ability or power that gives him Enhance SPD increase the SPD by 25%, this included Flight & if it's Enhance Leaping power increase the distance the character can leap by 25%, if the character has an ability or power that gives him Enhance healing increase the Hit Point healed by +1d6. Should the character already have Extraordinary P.S it's now considered Superhuman P.S, this doesn't mean he get the bonus of Superhuman Strength it simply means he can now lift & carry as if he had Superhuman P.S. In a like manner should the character already have Superhuman P.S it's now considered Supernatural P.S, this doesn't mean he get the bonus of Supernatural Strength it simply means he can now lift & carry as if he had Supernatural P.S. Should the character already have Supernatural P.S as a power add an additional +5 to P.S and he can now lift & carry 2x book value would be for someone of his strength lvl.

On top of these bonus add another 100 SDC to the characters base. +2 to A.R if he has a power that gives it to him, otherwise he receives an A.R of 10. The character has an amazing endurance & the ability to hold his or her breath extremely long time. They can hold their breath for 10 minutes before rolling under suffocation rules like being underwater, on top of this he can survive 10X a normal human depth tolerance. This character can survive the pressure up to 800 ft underwater.

The character start out with being hated by 95% of the heroes & authority figures( Police, Federal Police, Spy Agencies, Armed Force, Gov't agencies, Judge, Mayor, Governor, Senator, President, Prime Minister, King) will assume the worst of him. In a like manner 90% of the general public will run in terror when seeing him or her. Every lvl after gaining this feat if the character shows mercy, kindness & compassion toward the general public or his opponent the GM should roll a Percentage dice below his hated roll to see if they were favorably impressed. If they are reduce the percentage of being hatred, hunted feared and attacked by 1d6%, should the act of compassion, mercy & kindness be shown on TV or Internet the GM can reduce the percentage of being hated, hunted feared and attacked by 1d8%. Should the character show no mercy, compassion or kindness toward his foes and specially innocent bystanders his or her hatred and fear roll automatically goes up by 1d4% to a max of 99%. Act of kindness or brutality not witnessed by at least 150 people or not mentioned in the news with pictures, video or internet will not improve or lower his or her hatred roll it's not that it the people won't be believe it's just in the age of instant communication, internet or TV it will be lost in the latest celebrity or gov't scandal.

Elective Bonus: Should the GM or the character wish these elective bonuses can also be used. The character gain an additional 1d3 feet of height roll only once. Each additional feet gives an additional +3 to P.S & an additional 75 lbs to character weight.

Elective Limitation: This limitation only comes into play should the character or GM also choose the Elective Bonus. Character must have 2 physical states roll 2 sets of physical stats for the character. In that case the -4 to P.B & -3 to I.Q only applies when transformed. The character powers are only available when transformed period even if an Alien or Immortal. Characters super-powered state can only last 2 hour per point of P.E per week. (for example someone with a P.E of 30 could only stay super-powered transformed for a max of 60 hrs, given the week has 168 hrs) Therefore a wise player should only transform only during combat or a life or death situation.

Bonus: Character with this feat gains a +2 to H.F if he has a power that gives him the ability or +2 to sv vs H.F if he doesn't have the ability & +3 to any form of Mind Control regardless if it's Powers, Psionics, Magic or Vampires the duration only last half as long.

Limitations:Anyone with this feat will receive a -4 to P.B max P.B is 15 Min P.B is 6 & -3 to I.Q min I.Q is 6

Further Limitation: There can only be 1 person in the party with this feat, this feat is extremely rare even in the comics at most there's 1 person per continent with this feat.

Prerequisite: This feat can only be taken by people with Powers & a minimum of 30 P.S and 100 SDC since you'll have people constantly after you.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Improved the Alien Resistance feat by adding Further Limitation which IMO give it better role-playing opportunities and gives the GM a way of controlling players that think they are invulnerable to poison and disease.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

NMI wrote:
Shadowknight wrote:OK here's a couple more

Enhance Lifespan Cost: 2 feats

This can be considered a lesser version of the Longevity minor power. It represent people in comics who clearly age but for some reason are very active beyond what biology should allow them to. they basically age 9 mts for every 12 mts. This is very similar to the Ancient Master who could be 90 but is as active and vital as someone over half is age. In game terms you receive +1 to P.E, + 1 P.B and +2 to save vs any temporal power or magic. There's many ways this feat can be accomplished it could be a Special Meditation taught by Monks from Tibet, Yoga, Chi Gung all 3 are said to slow down aging. It could be you translated an old Manuscript from India, a special Acupuncture ritual that you must undergo every 6 mts, maybe a special potion you ingested or splash on you when you receive your powers. No matter how it happened you age slower than your compatriots. You also never suffer from dementia, arthritis, brittle bones, lost of vision or hearing, Outside of the last 10 yrs of your life you can remain an active crime fighter. The majority of people with this feat live to roughly 150 yrs old, to determine how long you'll live multiply your P.E number X 5. Old age doesn't start to kick in till you are over 90 yrs old, you start losing 3 pts of SPD every 5 yrs beyond 90 or 10% of your SPD if you have some sort of Enhance SPD or Flight based power, you lose 1D4 pts of STR & DEX every 4 yrs beyond 90 and you start losing 1D6 Hit points every 6yrs beyond 90.

Limitation: This feat can't be taken by Robotics or Cyborg character class

Not all aspects of the Robotics category is "robotic"... The Robot Pilot -- ie: the jock who sits in Power Armor or that guy who drives the super, robotic car with an attitude. These individuals who are part of the Robotics class should be able to take this feat. True robots and androids should not.

In regards to Cyborgs -- It's common throughout the Palladium Megaverse that cyborgs and such have longer lifespans -- less "organic" parts and such.

Under further review of the source material that's Superhero comics, I have to admit you're right. I've therefore tweaked, improved the bonus & upgraded the feat to include Androids & Cyborgs as long as they can keep getting upgrades in parts, it's similar to a person improving an old computer by adding memory, hard drive, a more advanced operating system ect. But this feat is still forbidden to Robot Pilots characters.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Added 2 other Alien Mindset and will be giving bonus for said Mindset later on this week.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

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Aunt May Mode Cost: 2 feats

Aunt May Mode is a strange name for a feat nevertheless it represents something often demonstrated by superheroes when their love ones are in danger. I call it AMM sort of tongue in cheek since it's most commonly displayed by Spiderman when he's fighting for or bc he wants to save his Aunt May. This feat could also be called Save Lois Mode or Alfred needs me Mode, Save Felicity Mode . This feat requires you having a love one as an NPC that you will drop almost anything short of the destruction of the planet or the destruction of the country to come and save them. While this feat gives powerful abilities the reason it only cost 2 feats instead of 3 or 4 is it rarely comes into play during the game and the harsh negatives that come with it should you fail. While not a hard rule, but unless the hero has a public identity there's not that many times a love can get kidnapped, shot, stabbed, mugged, drugged, framed, ect. Therefore this feat will only come into play at best once every lvl, more likely than not once every other lvl.

Here are the benefits when your love ones are in danger that's (terrorist attack, mugged, shot at, kidnapped, framed, home broken into, drugged, stabbed, ect) You gain amazing abilities, +2 additional attacks, +3 to Strike, parry and dodge, +2 sv vs H.F, +50 SDC , +20% to sv against coma death & +15% to any applicable skill as long as it helps in saving them or rescuing theml.

The player & GM together should create the NPC love one, it can be anyone from a 1 yr child to a great grandfather. The only hard and fast rules are the person must be either related to you, a potential lover, lover, wife or someone you grew up with. The other rules is this must can't have powers or be a character class that has special abilities, they can have any lvl of education nevertheless they tend to have 4 yrs college or more. Physically they tend to be in the upper range of normal that's Physical Stats from 13-18 and mental stats from 14-20. The love ones can have any alignment except Evil ones. The NPC must be role-played with as a person that you care about, & their opinion of you matters, it can't someone you never interact with outside of saving them from carjacker or the mugger of the week.

Limitations: This ability only last 1 round for every 2 lvl of the character & after it's uses the character is drained for the whole day -4 attacks, -4 to strike, parry & dodge. Should the NPC love one be seriously hurt the character will feel helpless and worthless it will take him twice the amount of experience point to go up to the next lvl and lose 1 attack and be -2 to strike, parry & dodge for the next 6 mts game time or the next lvl whichever is longer. Should the NPC love one up die he will either bc darker lose 2 steps in Alignment (for example Principled becoming Unprincipled) but the worst Alignment the hero will become is Aberrant, but he will lose 1 experience lvl permanently as a result of his change of Aliment and his sense of loss. Or the Hero will lose 2 lvl temporally for 9 mts as he's wracked will feeling of loss earning no experience pts for that time, after the 9mts he will regain the lvl lost nevertheless for the next 2 lvl he will cost the character double the normal experience to go up a lvl as he deals with his crushing sense of failure.

Prerequisite: Only characters with honorable alignments are allowed to pick this feat.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Improve the Reputation feat by adding limitations, prerequisite and made it slightly more powerful
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Wired Cost: 2 or 3 feats

If anyone have seen the movie Fast & Furious 7, Too Close or the TV show Arrow really don't need to explain what this feat does. For those who hasn't this feat gives the player who has it a massive advantage versus ordinary criminals and to a lesser degree vs people who think powers, robotics, magic or psionics is the answer to everything. Heroes Unlimited is suppose to be a thinking man superheroic RPG. This feat practically above all other I've ever created has it in mind. Now if you want massive bonus to STATS or combat this isn't the feat for you, bc for the most part the bonus it gives in combat a not spectacular. Nevertheless for a smart player character this feat can give the GM nightmares as it has the possibility to unravel GM plans, plot and twist left & right.

This feat gives the player +25% to any Computer skill he or his Posse member or Support staff that has an Computer Science degree, +10% to Communication, Espionage & Research skills he or his Posse member or Support staff possess. On top of that it gives the character a Limited form of Infra Red & Supervision: Night-vision & Advanced Sight. It should be stated while the person at the base possess a limited form of Infrared, Night-vision & Advanced Sight it's the person at the base that sees it. He or she has to tell the members of the posse what they see. Plus the range is only half that of the power and it never goes up. Finally cameras can be spoofed, turned off or made to show past events no way is the ability equal to the power. How the feat works is someone usually the support staff through remote sensors, hacking through remote cameras or satellite can detect and warn the POSSE member what they see. The person only has 1 chance to hack trough gov't surveillance satellite per day extremely hard to break in-40% chance, they have 2 chances to hack through private satellite per day-25% chance, they have 3 chances per day to break through traffic cameras or building cameras, -10% chance.

Bonus: The abilities of this feat is limited only through the imagination of the PC, for example this feat send a signal through a building cameras that the hero isn't in the building instead showing a something from an hour ago, detect electronic bombs, bugs, see where the bad guys or police are stake out inside the building, ect. To tell the truth a clever player with a little imagination can make himself the star of his SH team. Outside of those abilities as long as your support staff or your Posse Member back at your base can hack a building security or other surveillance system like traffic camera near you, you possess +2 to Str,+1 parry,+2 Dodge even in the dark as long as your Posse member can communicate the danger or where your opponents are to you.

Here are some possible abilities

1. change traffic signals for cars or trains, switch train lanes (-35% chance of doing it unless they break in the company that reset the train lanes). It also requires the controls are modern post 2000. Which most train companies don't bother doing since it's so expensive. Therefore outside of Japan, Western Europe and the top 20 cities in the U.S with train system this ability can't be used.
2. Open & close electronic doors, gates including bank door
3. Detect if someone has a modern pacemaker & turn it on or off (-35% chance of doing it unless they break in the company that reset the pacemaker)
4. Control & set off bombs this only works with bombs that can be set off with radio or wifi ( basically bombs created using electronics, this work work on old style bomb without wifi)
5. take over air traffic control (-40% chance of doing it)
6. Hack into Hospital or Doctors computers or equipment( as long as it's WI-Fi connected) and change results of a test, diagnostics or medicine.
7. Erase stored data on a computer including evidence or camera footage
8. Break into CSI computer and erase test result (-30% to change results), (-50% to change results from the Federal Gov't way better protection)

Prerequisite: Wealthy in character creation or the Wealthy or Inheritance feat since for this feat to work you need a state of the art computer network costing a min of $45,000 more likely than not over 3x-10x that amount when including peripheral and other electronic equipment. Also the Posse or Support Staff feat not including a Headquarter with a min of 500ft for the Electronics equipment. It would help if you have your own Satellite which cost upward 500 million and another 350 million to have the Soviet Space program put it in a geosynchronous orbit around the Earth, if you do it with NASA they'll charge you upward 900 million dollars. Having your own Satellite will increase the cost to 3 feats but you now would gain the 35% to Computer skills, +15% to Communication & Espionage skills. Plus as long as you are using your own Satellite anyone else has a -20% to hack into your Computer system and your Communication system is virtually hack proof and detection proof -25% for anyone outside of a Super-spy Agency, Pentagon or someone else who has their own satellite from breaking into yours.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Cleaned up, improved the Posse feat & the Prodigy feat made it easier to understand and added a slight bonus to the feats.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Secret Style or Master of Many Styles Cost: 3-5 feats

This feat represents the Ultimate in MA styles baring the Ninja & Super-spies or Mystic Ninja source-book. This feat can be constructed for people who underwent the specialize training from Ninja & Super-spies style but didn't stay long enough or have the patience to learn all the exotic abilities of the style. The problem I've always had with HU MA is it's too generic, while it fine for most heroes it lacks the bells, flash & whistles of some street lvl heroes sometimes demonstrate in comic books. So while the MA of the Physical Training character class is a step in the right decision is still too limiting and too cookie cutter IMO. This feat is basically my attempt to correct it and create a MA that's as individual as the heroes that inhabit the SH world of comics. While this feat uses the basic HU HTH MA or PT MA as its template it also includes special abilities, weapons skills and specialties. It can basically be boiled down to 5 sub-styles within the HTH MA style that represents styles most widely demonstrated in Elite street lvl MA.

1. Secret Style Cost: 4 feats

This is based on the Ninja & Super-spies it mostly resembles Shao-lin or Hwarang Do style. You receive 2 additional attacks HTH attacks & you gain 2d4+2 Ancient W.P skills for free. On top that you specialise in one of those weapons. When you use the one weapon you specialize in, you recieve an additional +2 to strike & parry from the weapon, the weapon does double damage on a natural 17 or more. Outside of this your style identical to the normal HU HTH MA.

Bonus: This feat is usable with NSS style, Physical Training MA or HTH MA. Should you choose Shao-lin or Hawrang Do Style as your style this feat only cost you 3 feats. In addition the Iron Bones Feat & the Knock-back feat cost you 1 feat less. You receive 1 Atemi Ability, 1 Body Hardening, 1 Chi Mastery Power from Ninja & Super-spies.

Additional bonus: Your style while resembling Shao lin or Hwanrang Do is a more refined perfected version. You receive an additional +1 to Strike, parry & dodge when fighting anyone outside of a Master of Many Styles or Shao-lin & Hwarang-Do.

Famous Practitioners : In comics Iron Fist & Richard Dragon

2. Master of Many Styles Cost: 5 feats

Unlike the the other sub-styles this style is ever changing depending other circumstances this gives you an advantage in combat since you are extremely hard to figure out. At it's core it resembles Hwarang Do but it also has elements of Wing Chun, Animal Styles, Tai Chi, Hung Gar, Nin-jit-su. In many ways people with this sub-feat could be considered a MA prodigy in a similar manner from the Prodigy feat since they basically mastered styles in few yrs that would take normal person decades if not centuries to master.

Bonus:You receive 1 Atemi Ability, 1 Body Hardening, 1 Chi Mastery Power from Ninja & Super-spies.

Advanced Bonus: This is why this feat is expensive. You've mastered 4 advanced techniques not found anywhere else on the list of feats.

a. Your STR is My STRed- with this ability if you fight an opponent with a P.S within 15 pts of your own, on the following rd you can do damage as if you had the same strength as him ( for example our hero Dark Eagle with a P.S of 25 is fighting Dark Emperor with a P.S of 40, after the first rd of combat Dark Eagle would be doing damage to Dark Emperor as if his P.S was 40). If Dark Emperor had a P.S of 41, Dark Eagle wouldn't be able to duplicate his damage potential since it's over 15 pts difference. To be clear this ability only works against the person P.S you are fighting, were D.Eagle fighting D.Emperor and 2 of his minions, D.E would cause HTH damage as his normal P.S of 25. This ability can only be used for 1 rd per lvl of the hero per day, also the hero lose 1 attack per rd while using this ability. Finally this ability can't be used against Cyborgs, Robots, Mega Heroes, Immortals, people with Supernatural P.S or Invulnerability power.

b. My STR is Your STR-with this ability if you fight an opponent with a P.S within 20 pts of your own, on the following rd you make a Breath Control roll of 17 or higher on a D20 adding only your P.E bonus if you make it your opponent HTH attack does damage as if had the same strength as you ( for example our hero Dark Eagle with a P.S of 25 is fighting Dark Prince with a P.S of 45, after the first rd of combat Dark Eagle would be taking HTH damage to Dark Prince as if his P.S was 25). The character must make a BC roll for every successful attack fro his opponent. If Dark Prince had a P.S of 45, Dark Eagle wouldn't be able to reduce his damage potential since it's over 20 pts difference. To be clear this ability only works against 1 person, were D.Eagle fighting D.Prince and 2 of his minions who had P.S of 30, D.E would receive HTH damage from his 2 minion as their normal P.S of 30. This ability can only be used for 1 rd per lvl of the hero per day, also the hero lose 2 attack per rds while using this ability. Should the hero ever fail his Breath Control roll for any attack his opponent successfully strikes him. The hero takes double damage directly to Hit Points loses 2 attacks for the next 2 rd from the pain & is -4 to strike, parry & dodge for the next 1d4+4 rds. It also should be state he's unable to use ability a. or b. for the rest of the day. Finally this ability can't be used against Mega Heroes, Immortals, people with Supernatural P.S or Invulnerability power. But can be used when fighting against Cyborgs & Robots. To be clear your opponents P.S isn't reduced he could still pick any weight as his normal P.S it's just you channel the effect of his P.S into the ground around you. It's quite possible if fighting inside a house, building, boat, airplane,sub or spaceship in the course of your combat you cause damage to the floor and both of you fall 10 ft & take 2d6 damage from the fall and debris.

[u] Final Limitation:
Neither ability a.,b.,c.,d. can be used in the same rd or following rd the hero must turn the ability off and wait 1 rd to turn on the other ability. In game terms you switching from hard Chi to Soft Chi.

c. Invisible Speed-with this ability you can duplicate the famous Bruce Lee fight scene in Enter the Dragon were BL hits O'hara in the face before he can move. In game terms you can use this ability to hit your opponent before Initiative is rolled and your opponent has -10 to parry or dodge. This ability can be used once every rd for every 2 lvl the hero possess, for this ability to work the opponents must be within 3 ft or less from each other. This ability can also used in non combat situation like palming a deck, switching a glass or cup with poison with one that doesn't have poison without anyone noticing, another use is the infamous scene from the movie Bloodsport were Jean Claude Van Damm switched coins from the Arabs hand before he could close his hands. This ability gives you a +10% to your pick pocket skill.

Final Limitation: This ability can't be used against anyone with a P.P of 28 or higher, Extraordinary P.P, Extraordinary Speed, Flight, Sonic Speed or Sonic Flight. Neither ability a., b., c. or d. can be used in the same rd or following rd the hero must turn the ability off and wait 1 rd to turn on the other ability.

d. Kick with No Shadow- This ability was made infamous by famous Hung Gar Grandmaster Wong Fei-Hung in which over 100 movies have been made on his life. While it can be considered the kicking version of the Invisible Speed punch but it's different in certain fashion. Legend has it that one day while not feeling well a particular obnoxious Master of a different style challenged him to a contest knowing Master Wong wasn't well and therefore hoping to defeat him while weakened. Wong after trying to convince the other Master to call off the contest for a week later when he would be a full strength, reluctantly agreed to the contest when the other Master said he would proclaim Wong Fei-Hung a coward throughout Guangzhou City. Master Wong knowing he wasn't up to a long fight kicked him so hard and so fast the other Master flew backwards 10 ft broke through the brick wall and fell another 6 or so feet badly damaged and knocked out.

1. This ability can be used even as against an opponent 7 ft away.

2. This ability will cause knockback damage from the kick as if you had the Knockback feat

3. This ability can only be used once every 1d4 rd

4. This ability can be also be used like a bastard version of the Mauy Thai Lighting Form in N&SS pg 108. In that case the hero rolls 1d4 that's how any additional kick attacks he gets to add to his regular attacks. These attacks only do 1d6 +P.S bonus, nevertheless it looks impressive from the receiving end, the character receiving the attack suffers -1 to strike, parry & dodge for the next rd due to his amazement that someone could kick so fast.

Limitation: When using the Kick with no shadow to duplicate the Mauy Thai Lighting Form it can only be used once per 1d4+1 rds and the following rd you're -3 to str, parry & dodge.

Final Limitation: This ability can't be used against anyone with a P.P of 28 or higher, Extraordinary P.P, Extraordinary Speed, Flight, Sonic Speed or Sonic Flight. Neither ability a., b., c. or d. can be used in the same rd or following rd the hero must turn the ability off and wait 1 rd to turn on the other ability. Also if the hero decides to use the Kick with No shadow like the Mauy Thai Lighting Form he can't use any of the other abilities for 2 rds.

e. Your Style is known-This ability requires your character spends 1 rd doing nothing but defending himself and studying his opponent style, the following rd you must make a Perception roll of 14 if you make it you gain +2 to parry your opponent attacks.

Limitation:-This ability will not work against someone with the Secret Style or someone from Outer space even-though they maybe using HTH MA it's just different enough from standard HtH MA that this ability is unusable.

Famous Practitioners : In comics Batman, Lady Shiva

Prerequisite: Trained by a Master AND Intensive Training feat, HTH MA, HTH from Physical Training or HTH from Ninja & Super-spies. On top of this anyone wishing to have this sub feat must have a min of M.E, P.S, P.P, P.E of 24 and SPD of 30.

3. Acrobatic Style Cost: 3 feats

This is based on the Ninja & Super-spies it most resembles Monkey style. With your style you do double damage with any attack on a natural roll of 15 or more and triple damage on a natural roll of 19 or more as long as the attack roll follows an acrobatic roll of some-type(Backflip, somersault, ect). Should the character mess up his acrobatic roll the character lose 2 attacks and is -4 to parry & doge for that rd. Outside of this your style identical to the normal HU HTH MA.

Bonus: This feat is usable with NSS style, Physical Training MA or HTH MA. Should you choose Monkey Style as your style this feat only cost you 2 feats. You receive 1 Atemi Ability, 1 Body Hardening.

Famous Practitioners : In comics Daredevil & Nightwing

Limitation: Because of your specialty with Acrobatics your style is somewhat predictable, after the second rd of combat any opponent with HTH MA, Ninja & Super-spies MA styles or HTH Physical training styles receives +2 to parry & dodge your attacks.

4. Kicking Style Cost: 3 feats

This is based on the Ninja & Super-spies it most resembles Tae Kwon Do. With your style you do double damage with any Kicks on a natural roll of 15 or more and triple damage on a natural roll of 19 or more. Plus any Jumping Kick does 3X damage on a natural 16 or more and 4X damage on a natural roll of 19 or more. Outside of this your style identical to the normal HU HTH MA.

Bonus: This feat is usable with NSS style, Physical Training MA or HTH MA. Should you choose Tae Kown Do as your style this feat only cost you 2 feats. You only receive the Kick Chagi special Body Hardening no other special power outside of choosing s style from Ninja & SS.

Famous Practitioners : In comics Batroc the Leaper

Limitation: Because of your specialty with Kicking your style is somewhat predictable, after the second rd of combat any opponent with HTH MA, Ninja & Super-spies MA styles or HTH Physical training styles receives +3 to parry & dodge your attacks.

5. Throwing Style Cost: 4 feats

This is based on the Ninja & Super-spies it most resembles Moo Gi Gong style except this version only uses throwing weapons. With your style do double damage with any throwing weapon on a natural roll of 15 or more and triple damage on a natural roll of 19 or more, plus you can throw a weapon 2x it's normal range. Outside of this your style identical to the normal HU HTH MA.

Bonus: This feat is usable with NSS style, Physical Training MA or HTH MA. Should you choose Moo Gi Dong as your style this feat only cost you 3 feats. You also only receive 1 Atemi Ability from the Ninja & Superspies book no other special power unless you choose a style from Ninja & SS.

Famous Practitioners : In comics it's Deadshot & Arsenal

Limitation: Because of your specialty with thrown weapons, you lose 1 of your HTH attacks for the first 2 rds of combat. This limitation only applies if you're not using a throwing weapon.

Prerequisite: Trained by a Master or Intensive Training feat, HTH MA, HTH from Physical Training or HTH from Ninja & Super-spies. This Prerequisite is for every except the Master of Many style sub style.
Last edited by Shadowknight on Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:40 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Improved the Natural Linguist and the Wealth feat to fit comic book norms.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Updated the Wired feat and include more examples of what's possible for an imaginative player character.
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Re: Feats * Something to equalize power lvls

Unread post by Shadowknight »

Catchphrase Cost: 2 feats

This feat is often demonstrated by Dark Heroes Street lvl heroes and sometimes by Minor heroes to srike fear in their opponents. This ability relies of a famous catchphrase the hero spouts before going into action which tends to scare Minions and Low lvl Minor Villains. It works partly on the heroes reputation and partly on their will to resist their fear or awe of him. (for example Arrow TV character use " You have failed this city" the Shadow the radio show from the 1930's used "Who knows what lurks in the heart of men, the Shadow knows" and a "maniacal laughter for few more seconds" . When done correctly this feat affects 1 minion per lvl of the character they lose Initiative, 2 attacks at the beginning of the rd and ae -3 to str, parry & dodge the hero attacks that rd, the following rd they lose Initiative, 1 attack at the beginning of the rd and are -2 to strike, parry & dodge. The third rd they automatically lose Initiative but attack as normal.

If for example their are too many minions & villains to affect by the heroes catchphrase, it affects the minions first and then the GM rolls to seewhich of the Super-villians it affects. (for example Dark Eagle using this feat makes a spectacular entrance on a dark rooftop, gives his soliloquy since he's an 8th lvl character affect all 6 minions automatically, but there's also 3 super-vilians on the roof the GM rolls to see which of 2 the super-villain hears him and is affected, Since their were 3 super-villains the third automatically makes his save vs D.E). So while this feat can be used against Super-villains also but they unlike their minions receive a sv vs H.F or Awe Factor that their minions don't receive. In game terms you start with an Awe Factor of 6, +1 for every 2 lvl of the hero, +1 for every 2 pts of M.A above 20. (for example an M.A of 20-21 would give you +1 to your Awe Factor to cause a Super-villain to back-down, run or lose attacks, an M.A of 22-23 would give +2 to your A.F and so on another +1 for every 2 pts of M.A above)

It only cost 1 feat for people with the Reputation feat ofCrazed, Relentless Hunter, Vengeful

Further Bonus: Because the character with this feat is so good at creating fear or intimidation in the mind of others, the character knows how the human mind works and has trained himself to resist any form of Mind Control including Magic & Psionic. He resist any form of M.C +2 and sv vs H.F or A.F at +2

Prerequisite: the Reputation feat & a M.A of 20 or higher

Limitation: This feat can only be taken by Physical Training, Special Training, Minor heroes character class or Ninja & Super-spies characters.

Further Limitation: This feat won't work on Mega Villains, Immortals, Gods, Godlins, Demi-Gods, Supernatural Creatures, Magical creatures ( logic behind this is simple, a guy dressed as a bat jumping at you from the dark isn't going to scare someone who's been around for several hundreds if not several thousands of yrs they've seen too much to be impressed. In a like manner someone who can bench-press a tank, do the closest thing to a nuke in 10 block radius or take a nuclear bomb with a smile on his face doesn't scare very easily).

Final Limitation: While the hero can use this feat against a Super-villain that's higher lvl than he or she's the villain receives bonus to his or her sv throw vs A.F. For every 2 lvl of difference in favor of the villain, the villain receives a +1 to his sv throw vs the heroes A.F (for example Dark Eagle a P. T with a M.A of 26 which gives +3 and is 8 lvl which gives him +4 to add to his A. F for a total of 6+3+4=13 A.F, but bc the villain Dark Emperor is 12 lvl he receive a +2 to his sv vs D.Eagle A.F of 13. Therefore the GM roll an 11 on a D20 which normally D. Emperor would fail bu bc he's 4 lvl higher than D. Eagle his +2 allows him to sv and he doesn't lose attacks nor is he impressed by D.Eagle soliloquies)
Last edited by Shadowknight on Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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