Toxins in TMNTaOS

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Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Moths »

Hi, i'm not a Palladium geek but love a good rpg in the style of movies and tv series so i procured the game of TMNT and other strangeness.
In the ability section when you have a PE of 16 or greater you get a bonus for save vs coma/death and a bonus for toxins
I've searched and searched but couldn't find any reference for toxin use in the book

Do any palladium crack could help me please
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Nekira Sudacne
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Re: Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Moths wrote:Hi, i'm not a Palladium geek but love a good rpg in the style of movies and tv series so i procured the game of TMNT and other strangeness.
In the ability section when you have a PE of 16 or greater you get a bonus for save vs coma/death and a bonus for toxins
I've searched and searched but couldn't find any reference for toxin use in the book

Do any palladium crack could help me please

There are no specific Toxins stated out in the book, the rule is there in case the GM feels the need to have them save against any accidental exposure to toxins--say, during a fight a barrel of industrial waste gets busted and splashes the character. it's entirely GM's call on when to use it, and what the effects are.
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Re: Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Moths wrote:Hi, i'm not a Palladium geek but love a good rpg in the style of movies and tv series so i procured the game of TMNT and other strangeness.
In the ability section when you have a PE of 16 or greater you get a bonus for save vs coma/death and a bonus for toxins
I've searched and searched but couldn't find any reference for toxin use in the book

Do any palladium crack could help me please

There are no specific Toxins stated out in the book, the rule is there in case the GM feels the need to have them save against any accidental exposure to toxins--say, during a fight a barrel of industrial waste gets busted and splashes the character. it's entirely GM's call on when to use it, and what the effects are.

pretty sure a few mutant animals have toxins listed under their entry, actually, but yeah... the book doesn't have a list of standard poisons or anything.
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Re: Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Moths »

Shark_Force wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Moths wrote:Hi, i'm not a Palladium geek but love a good rpg in the style of movies and tv series so i procured the game of TMNT and other strangeness.
In the ability section when you have a PE of 16 or greater you get a bonus for save vs coma/death and a bonus for toxins
I've searched and searched but couldn't find any reference for toxin use in the book

Do any palladium crack could help me please

There are no specific Toxins stated out in the book, the rule is there in case the GM feels the need to have them save against any accidental exposure to toxins--say, during a fight a barrel of industrial waste gets busted and splashes the character. it's entirely GM's call on when to use it, and what the effects are.

pretty sure a few mutant animals have toxins listed under their entry, actually, but yeah... the book doesn't have a list of standard poisons or anything.

Tried to find one with toxins but didn't
I'll check again thanx
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Re: Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Shark_Force »

Moths wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Moths wrote:Hi, i'm not a Palladium geek but love a good rpg in the style of movies and tv series so i procured the game of TMNT and other strangeness.
In the ability section when you have a PE of 16 or greater you get a bonus for save vs coma/death and a bonus for toxins
I've searched and searched but couldn't find any reference for toxin use in the book

Do any palladium crack could help me please

There are no specific Toxins stated out in the book, the rule is there in case the GM feels the need to have them save against any accidental exposure to toxins--say, during a fight a barrel of industrial waste gets busted and splashes the character. it's entirely GM's call on when to use it, and what the effects are.

pretty sure a few mutant animals have toxins listed under their entry, actually, but yeah... the book doesn't have a list of standard poisons or anything.

Tried to find one with toxins but didn't
I'll check again thanx

hmmm... maybe i'm thinking of some of the expansion books.

anyways, basically poison can do a lot of things, ranging from inflicting penalties to dealing damage to causing what would be considered status conditions in other games (paralyzed, unconscious, etc). you're pretty much mostly going to have to come up with your own rules for a lot of poisons... but i bet you'll find rules for some if you do a text search for poison in the updated animals thread, as well as the new animals thread. there's a ton of animals in them, and i know i've seen rules that would allow players to choose an animal with venom in one of the TMNT/AtB books my cousin owned. couldn't find much of anything in my copy of AtB, at any rate (a couple of mutant spider entries in random encounters, a special plant, and pleasure bunnies...)

but yeah, at least for a variety of animal venoms, someone has likely done the work for most of the ones you can think of... not official, but there's several stickies at the top of this subforum you can search through.
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Re: Toxins in TMNTaOS

Unread post by Razorwing »

You will want to look under Saving Throws.

Generally, Poisons and Toxins fall under one of two broad categories... Lethal and Non-Lethal (simplistic, yes, but it generally works). Surprisingly, non-lethal poisons and toxins require a higher saving throw than lethal ones do. As a note, particularly difficult or easy poisons to resist will either have a penalty or a bonus for the save, but these are usually noted with the specific poison/toxin.

As for a list of known poisons/toxins... I don't think such a list has ever been compiled given the number of books and the general rarity of such attacks.
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