Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist FINISHED

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Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist FINISHED

Unread post by Hotrod »

EDIT: RESULTS ARE POSTED!Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone for participating! Enjoy the trophy artwork! Feel free to continue discussion and create new weapons, but I will not be actively scoring anymore.

"What is steel next to the hand that wields it?" -Snake King in Conan
"That depends on the smith!" -Anonymous Dwarf Blacksmith

Back in the day, the most awesome weapon a Viking could aspire to own was an Ulfberht sword, a blade made from crucible steel of a quality that wouldn't be replicated in Europe for the better part of another thousand years. Many have survived to this day, and they have inspired me to put forth this challenge:

Come up with the ultimate book-legal, non-magical, 1-handed melee weapon.
I'd like to see just how much difference a weapon can make in the game.

+You can use any type of metal that could plausibly be found in Palladium (the metal CAN be intrinsically magical, just not enchanted).
+You can use any canon smith in the Palladium world (or create a book-legal character up to 15th level to make it).
+You can use any canon hand-to-hand weapon design found in the Palladium world (to include the Compendium of Weapons, Armor, and Castles.
+You can use any smithing tools found in the Palladium world (the tools CAN be magical)

-No enchantments can be put into the weapon.
-No blessings can be laid upon the weapon.
-No runes, wards, or mystical symbols can be inscribed into the weapon.
-Melee weapons only.

Judging Criteria: The entry with the highest number of points will be the winner. Points will be awarded as follows:
+Each dice of damage gets as many points as an average roll, rounded down (1D4 is 2, 1D6 is 3, 1D10 is 5, and so forth)
+Each bonus to a specific move counts as a point, so +1 to damage = 1 point, while +1 to strike/parry = 2 points.
+Special combat moves that most melee weapons can't do are worth 2 additional points per move.
+Unique beneficial properties (such as coated with silver to fight undead) are worth 1 point per property.

EDIT: New category below:

Side-Contest: The following categories of points have no effect whatsoever on the score of any entry. They are cumulative and can be assessed in any arbitrary amount that strikes me as appropriate:
+Rules Lawyer Points will be assessed for making reasoned arguments, justifying your position with canon references (extra points for obscure ones), applying appropriate penalties to your own submission (thus manipulating the judge), changing my mind on scoring, pointing out errors in my scoring, and generally being nit-picky and persuasive.
+Munchkin Points will be assessed for silly shenanigans shamelessly (but futilely) pulled to crank up an entry's score.
+Awesome Points are assessed for entries that stand out as particularly inspiring.
Last edited by Hotrod on Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:36 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by kiralon »

Hex Mastercrafter's Dwarven battleaxe 3d6 dam (4d6 if lvl 2 or higher) +4 strike, +4 Parry +8 Damage.
Measly 5280gp
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by eliakon »

-Hex Mastercrafter's Dwarven Gein Bian 2d6 damage, +6 strike, +6 Parry +8 Damage.
-Make it out of Stone Wood for +d6 damage -3 strike -3 parry
-Silver and cold iron inlays on the blade means that it harms demons, devils, weres, undead and the like (Not that its needed)
-And then I will put grooves on it for poison, so I can apply the three blade poisons:
-Basilisk's Eye 4d6 damage + Paralysis
-Dragons Breath 6d6 damage
-and Serpents blood for another 4d6
-giant sized so my wolfen can use it +1d6

Don't forget that I can dual wield two of these, and add
W.P. sword adds +1 strike
W.P. fencing skill for another 1d6

A hit (+3 strike, +3 Parry) from this is 5d6+8+PS+ 3 saves vs poison for up to 14d6 more damage and paralysis....

Not quite the 2d6x10 of a legendary rune weapons, but it will have to do.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by eliakon »

If we can go further afield (say books that we know connect like Hades and Dyvval and such it is possible to make devices that will make most people gasp in wonder.
The rules are not a bludgeon with which to hammer a character into a game. They are a guide to how a group of friends can get together to weave a collective story that entertains everyone involved. We forget that at our peril.

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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

kiralon wrote:Hex Mastercrafter's Dwarven battleaxe 3d6 dam (4d6 if lvl 2 or higher) +4 strike, +4 Parry +8 Damage.
Measly 5280gp

9+4+4+8=25 points!

eliakon wrote:-Hex Mastercrafter's Dwarven Gein Bian 2d6 damage, +6 strike, +6 Parry +8 Damage.
-Make it out of Stone Wood for +d6 damage -3 strike -3 parry
-Silver and cold iron inlays on the blade means that it harms demons, devils, weres, undead and the like (Not that its needed)
-And then I will put grooves on it for poison, so I can apply the three blade poisons:
-Basilisk's Eye 4d6 damage + Paralysis
-Dragons Breath 6d6 damage
-and Serpents blood for another 4d6
-giant sized so my wolfen can use it +1d6

Don't forget that I can dual wield two of these, and add
W.P. sword adds +1 strike
W.P. fencing skill for another 1d6

A hit (+3 strike, +3 Parry) from this is 5d6+8+PS+ 3 saves vs poison for up to 14d6 more damage and paralysis....

Not quite the 2d6x10 of a legendary rune weapons, but it will have to do.

Pardon my ignorance, but where's the reference on the Gein Bian and its bonuses?
Giant size is a bit of a shenanigan, since everyone can use it, but by the rules of the competition, it's good.
The poisons aren't actually part of the weapon (and may require an alchemist), so I won't include them. That's a wicked idea, though.
This contest is about the weapon itself, not the skills involved in wielding it, so no dual wields, W.P.'s, or fencing.
If I'm adding this up right, you have 4D6 damage, +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +8 to damage, and can work against undead.
12+3+3+8+1=27 points, giving you the lead (by virtue of the giant size)!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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eliakon wrote:If we can go further afield (say books that we know connect like Hades and Dyvval and such it is possible to make devices that will make most people gasp in wonder.

As long as it can be made without actually enchanting the weapon and isn't super-rare, has an appropriate tech level for Palladium, and isn't tightly controlled by a specific demon/deevil lord or something, I'd be ok with it.

The only thing I can think of would be Chrysteel in Dyval, but I'm not terribly familiar with either book.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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War Frying Pan Giant sized made by a Hex dwarf master smith, made out of Black Metal. Inlayed with pur iron tracery and has silver edge spikes.
SDC: 85
Mass: 2.3 Kg
Damage: 4D8+16
Hand to Hand bonuses: +2 to strike and +8 to Parry, +2 to init.
Immune to non magical damage.

frying pan quality: 85 SDC, 2.3 kg, 1D8 damage +1 init.
dwarvish Master smith: +1 to strike & parry, +3 Parry, +4 to damage.
Hex master smith: bonuses doubled.
Giant sized: +one die of damage.
Black Metal: double damage and half the weight, Immune to non magical damage.

Tashi made by a Hex master smith made out of Kym-nark-mar's blood metal.
SDC: can not be broken.
Mass: 1.4 kg
Damage: cuts threw natural substances as they were not there, additionally does 2D6+8 damage to armor.
Hand to Hand bonuses: +6 to strike and +10 to Parry, +4 to init, +2 to Throwing strike.

Tashi of quality: 90 SDC, +2 init, +1 strike, +2 parry, +1 Thrown strike, 2d6 damage. (did not add in the strike and parry bonus because they are overshadowed by the master smith bonuses)
Dwarvish Master Smith: +4 damage, +3 Parry, +2 strike and parry,
Hex master smith: bonuses doubled.
Kym's blood metal: CompletelyTransparent (like modern window glass), cannot be broken, used for it's sharpness, cuts threw natural substances as they were not there armor also takes damage.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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[justify]Greetings and Salutations. I won't compete as I don't know all the books well enough. Like when I read some of the responses I was thinking: What the heck is a Hex Mastercrafter? I honestly have no clue. But some considerations for others...

We're allowed to use Compendium of Weapons, Armor, & Castles. That's the big one with knights jousting. Look at the front. It provides the numbers for the damage stat. What's more, it also provides bonuses to strike and parry before modification. This could help get bonuses up (at the possible exchange of damage, if the stat in there is lower than in a different book).

I'm guessing the Hex Mastercrafter is a beefed up Dwarves Quality weapon, so I won't go there.

Since we're allowed to use other books, HU has the Hardware Weapon Expert. Not sure if those will stack with the Hex Mastercrafter, but not sure that they won't (at least of you can find the right combination).

So an example is: Sikim Gala, which is 2D6, +2 initiative, +1 to strike, and +1 to parry. Dwarven quality adds +2 to strike and parry (+3 total to each, and still with the +2 initiative bonus), and +4 to damage. Add in giant size if needed and possible Weapon Expert bonuses (if allowed to stack).

Also, eliakon, by making it Stone Wood you gained a D6 to damage (+3 points), but suffered -3 to strike and parry (-6 points), so you actually come out with a loss by doing so when using this point system. Farewell and safe journeys.[/justify]
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by say652 »

Hardware weapons expert built weapon.

Kisentite Knife.
1 lb.
2D4sdc(deals 1/3 mdc in mdc realm)
+1: Strike thrown.
+1: Strike H2H.
+2: Parry.
+4: Damage.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

Prysus makes an excellent point. Please provide references for where you're getting materials, construction techniques, weapon design, and whatever.
The hex is a group of six master crafter dwarves who work in the Northolme mines in the Eastern Territory. They produce unique custom orders with double the normal bonuses. As far as I know, they are the best canon non-magic weapon smiths in the Palladium world (and the published megaverse, for that matter. +8 to parry? :eek: ) They also charge 4 times the going Dwarven rate. See Eastern Territories, p80 for details.
Last edited by Hotrod on Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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say652 wrote:Hardware weapons expert built weapon.

Kisentite Knife.
1 lb.
2D4sdc(deals 1/3 mdc in mdc realm)
+1: Strike thrown.
+1: Strike H2H.
+2: Parry.
+4: Damage.

What is Kisentite? Where's the reference on that? Also, the initial rules are for Palladium smiths, as in those from the Palladium world, not the Heroes Unlimited world.

If you can find a canon hardware weapons expert in Palladium Fantasy and this Kisentite, then you've got 4+1+2+4+1=12 points for your entry.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Tinker Dragoon »

Hotrod wrote:Pardon my ignorance, but where's the reference on the Gein Bian and its bonuses?

I assume this is supposed to be the Gieh Bian (Mystic China, p. 32) or the Gien Bian (Rifts China 2, p. 19) both more commonly known as the steel whip. I have no idea why it is being treated as a sword in this example.

Hotrod wrote:What is Kisentite? Where's the reference on that? Also, the initial rules are for Palladium smiths, as in those from the Palladium world, not the Heroes Unlimited world.

Kisentite is a metal mined and worked by the Kisent aliens in Aliens Unlimited. Unfortunately, even if it were to plausibly exist on the Palladium world, it is so dense that it can only be forged with the use of lasers and particle beams (or possibly dragon's breath or magical fire, at GM's discretion).
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Posted my submissions, above in edited post.
Gieh Bian (Mystic China, p. 32) or the Gien Bian (Rifts China 2, p. 19) are not in one of the PF books (that I know of) nor in the Compendium of weapons, Armor & castles (or the as it is now broken up into three different books) unless they are listed under different names. So I don't know why they were used since nether does not meet the sourcing requirement.
Kisentite, it is a HU metal (in some cases rifted to rifts) and does not understand why it was used since it does not meet the 'from the PF world' sourcing requirement.
Hardware Chars also do not meet the sourcing requirements ether.
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.

That is what the OP stated was allowed. :roll:
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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glitterboy2098 wrote:i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.

Given the number of demons, devils, dragons, and angels that seem to show up in the Palladium world, I'd be ok with materials (but not technologies) out of Dragons and Gods, Hades, and Dyval.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Here's my own attempt:

A Giant-Sized Battle Axe (3D6 damage, +1D6 for size).
The weapon is made from the Blood of Styphon (Dragons and Gods, p228) and therefore does double damage. This also makes the weapon invulnerable to everything but magic and lightweight. The nature of the metal MAY qualify it as a magic weapon, but that's not spelled out specifically in D&G.
The weapon is Hex master-crafted (+8 to parry, +8 to damage)
Embedded in the top of the axe is a small quantity of Gantrium (doubles P.P.E. recovery rate) and a small Xanthene stone (can store a little P.P.E.) (Northern Hinterlands, p56)

The result is a battle axe that does 8D6+8 damage, is +4 to strike and parry, doubles its wielder's P.P.E. recovery, and can store a little P.P.E.

24+4+4+8+1+1= 42 points!
Last edited by Hotrod on Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Hotrod wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.

Given the number of demons, devils, dragons, and angels that seem to show up in the Palladium world, I'd be ok with materials (but not technologies) out of Dragons and Gods, Hades, and Dyval.

why i mentioned "related sourcebooks"

if we allow stuff not related to PFRPG at all like HU or rifts you run into some real unbalancing options because of the different power levels and conversion rules.

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.

That is what the OP stated was allowed. :roll:

actually he only specified "book legal".. he didn't specify which books. and being in the PFRPG section of the forums does not automatically limit one to PFRPG in these sorts of things.
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
Hotrod wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i'd say that for fairness, only PFRPG books (and related sourcebooks like the compendium of ancient weapons) should be allowed.

Given the number of demons, devils, dragons, and angels that seem to show up in the Palladium world, I'd be ok with materials (but not technologies) out of Dragons and Gods, Hades, and Dyval.

why i mentioned "related sourcebooks"

if we allow stuff not related to PFRPG at all like HU or rifts you run into some real unbalancing options because of the different power levels and conversion rules.

Agreed; it's just a question of defining what is a "related sourcebook" and what isn't; it gets a bit blurry where dimension books are concerned.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:War Frying Pan Giant sized made by a dwarf master smith, made out of Black Metal.
SDC: 85
Mass: 2.3 Kg
Damage: 4D8+8
Hand to Hand bonuses: +1 to strike and +4 to Parry, +1 to init.
Immune to non magical damage.

frying pan quality: 85 SDC, 2.3 kg, 1D8 damage +1 init.
dwarvish Master smith: +1 to strike & parry, +3 Parry, +4 to damage.
Giant sized: +one die of damage.
Black Metal: double damage and half the weight, Immune to non magical damage.

Tashi made by a dwarf master smith made out of Kym-nark-mar's blood metal.
SDC: can not be broken.
Mass: 1.4 kg
Damage: cuts threw natural substances as they were not there, additionally does 2D6+4 damage to armor.
Hand to Hand bonuses: +3 to strike and +5 to Parry, +2 to init, +1 to Throwing strike.

Tashi of quality: 90 SDC, +2 init, +1 strike, +2 parry, +1 Thrown strike, 2d6 damage. (did not add in the strike and parry bonus because they are overshadowed by the master smith bonuses)
Dwarvish Master Smith: +4 damage, +3 Parry, +2 strike and parry,
Kym's blood metal: CompletelyTransparent (like modern window glass), cannot be broken, used for it's sharpness, cuts threw natural substances as they were not there armor also takes damage.

The frying pan: 16+8+1+4+1=30. I'm not sure if Giant damage should be an additional D8 or a D6

The Tashi: 6+4+3+5+2+1, and I'm giving you +2 for the ignoring armor as a "special move unique to this weapon". Total: 23
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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The 'giant size' weapons text says it adds 'one die' of damage.

btw I updated my submissions with hexadecimals since the lot of you included them too.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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It'd be nice if cost factored into it, would you rather have 1 best non-returning javelin or 10 competent non-returning javelins?
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Question for the group: Which of the dwarvish bonuses stack? Can one make a blunt weapon that is both +4 to parry AND +2 to strike and parry AND +4 to damage (for a combined hex master crafted bonus of +12 to parry and +4 to strike and +8 to damage?)?
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

Tor wrote:It'd be nice if cost factored into it, would you rather have 1 best non-returning javelin or 10 competent non-returning javelins?

Computing price would make things much more complicated and murky than they already are. This is more about what could plausibly be made than what could practically be made. I'd certainly welcome an economical gear discussion.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The 'giant size' weapons text says it adds 'one die' of damage.

btw I updated my submissions with hexadecimals since the lot of you included them too.

Interesting; I never really thought about it, but according to P2E, you're quite right. Nice catch.
Here's how I score your entries:
Frying Pan: You've doubled the damage roll AND the bonus. I see the +8 as a final addition, not as a bonus that is then doubled because of the material. The material multiplier of black metal should be applied to the design and size, but the bonus is something that is added after, per the Blacksmith OCC description in Northern Hinterlands, and is therefore not subject to the multiplier.

Where do you get the initiative bonus from? Not disputing, just curious.

16+8+2+8+2+1=37 points!

Tashi with Kym-Nark-Mar's blood metal: 6+8+6+10+4+2+2+1=39 points! (how do you compute the +10 to parry?)

Where do you get the "of quality" bonuses? Are those from the Compendium? I'm not sure whether those should be included in the Hex doubling or not.

EDIT: +1 more point for the frying pan, because it can also make crepes! Your point total is now 38 points!
Last edited by Hotrod on Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by kiralon »

Hotrod wrote:Question for the group: Which of the dwarvish bonuses stack? Can one make a blunt weapon that is both +4 to parry AND +2 to strike and parry AND +4 to damage (for a combined hex master crafted bonus of +12 to parry and +4 to strike and +8 to damage?)?

I don't think so otherwise you would be able to combine the +1 +2 +3 and +4
and I don't think you would be able to take the +2 to Strike and parry and the + 3 to parry either, but that's because the blurb talks about superior balance, that's why my entry didn't have +4 strike +6 parry and +8 damage, but if we want to use suicidal once off weapons use the hex dwarves to forge grodnelite javelins as the grodnelite javelins do 7d6+6 damage as a base

Hex Crafted Grodnelite Javelin (I play spears as bladed weapons as they do have a bladed damaging point, and spears aren't mentioned in the upgrade list, and a +4strike +8 damage spear is as ridiculous as a +4 strike +8 damage knife)
7d6+6 +4 strike +4 parry(lol) +8 damage, damages everything in a 10ft radius, cant be dodged, and if you are under 12ft tall you have a %50 chance to lose initiative and an attack and be knocked to the ground or just lose initiative, also if armour isn't penetrated it does full damage to armour and 1/3 damage to person (so in effect extra damage).
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Hotrod wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The 'giant size' weapons text says it adds 'one die' of damage.

btw I updated my submissions with hexadecimals since the lot of you included them too.

Interesting; I never really thought about it, but according to P2E, you're quite right. Nice catch.
Here's how I score your entries:
Frying Pan: You've doubled the damage roll AND the bonus. I see the +8 as a final addition, not as a bonus that is then doubled because of the material. The material multiplier of black metal should be applied to the design and size, but the bonus is something that is added after, per the Blacksmith OCC description in Northern Hinterlands, and is therefore not subject to the multiplier.

Where do you get the initiative bonus from? Not disputing, just curious.

16+8+2+8+2+1=37 points!

Tashi with Kym-Nark-Mar's blood metal: 6+8+6+10+4+2+2+1=39 points! (how do you compute the +10 to parry?)

Where do you get the "of quality" bonuses? Are those from the Compendium? I'm not sure whether those should be included in the Hex doubling or not.

The init bonuses for both come the compendium bonuses for quality workmanship.
Of course in a munchkin weapons build people are going to read things in a positive light (or do a creative ignore) for their weapon. 8-)

Fry pan damage bonus.........hummm oh well ooooonly a +8 then. :wink:

Exceent smithing quality +3 to parry & superior smithin quality +2 to Strike and Parry= +5 Parry x Hex=+10
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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I'm assuming the idea of just using a cheap one-handed weapon to trigger another attack (like a trap, tell archers to fire, fire a siege weapon, etc) is out.

Dragon Dagger Claws (for Dragons, rare produced by a Dwarven blacksmith who owed a dragon a favour, some knockoffs are known to exist)
An armored glove intended for Dragons equipped with giant-size dagger/knife mounted in the fingers, these blades are dwarven manufacture (max damage on blades). Due to the way Cybernetic Rules allow for bladed fingers doing damage per finger (in Rifts Main book), each of the daggers is contributing damage in a claw attack as I see it.
Damage: 10d6 + 20 (2d6+4 per dagger, 5 daggers) base.
Construction Material: The quintet of daggers is each made from another material, optimized for different vulnerabilities (Silver, Iron, Gold, etc). Though only the blades that can "do damage" apply in those situations (so against undead Silver gets extra damage but the others might be zeroed out or just regular damage)
Features: There is also a vanity mirror built in near the " wrist" that can also be used against those who fear their own reflection (Rifts Main Book Monster Table weakness) or to make sure you're looking good (to score points with the person you are.. er "wanting to spend time with") or to signal your human "allies".
Note: Sized for specific Dragons, smaller individuals can remove the daggers and use them independently.
Rumours: Only one that seems to persist of one dragon (pretty consistent in name) who ditched the "daggers" and went with (giant-size) short swords instead.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

ShadowLogan wrote:I'm assuming the idea of just using a cheap one-handed weapon to trigger another attack (like a trap, tell archers to fire, fire a siege weapon, etc) is out.

Dragon Dagger Claws (for Dragons, rare produced by a Dwarven blacksmith who owed a dragon a favour, some knockoffs are known to exist)
An armored glove intended for Dragons equipped with giant-size dagger/knife mounted in the fingers, these blades are dwarven manufacture (max damage on blades). Due to the way Cybernetic Rules allow for bladed fingers doing damage per finger (in Rifts Main book), each of the daggers is contributing damage in a claw attack as I see it.
Damage: 10d6 + 20 (2d6+4 per dagger, 5 daggers) base.
Construction Material: The quintet of daggers is each made from another material, optimized for different vulnerabilities (Silver, Iron, Gold, etc). Though only the blades that can "do damage" apply in those situations (so against undead Silver gets extra damage but the others might be zeroed out or just regular damage)
Features: There is also a vanity mirror built in near the " wrist" that can also be used against those who fear their own reflection (Rifts Main Book Monster Table weakness) or to make sure you're looking good (to score points with the person you are.. er "wanting to spend time with") or to signal your human "allies".
Note: Sized for specific Dragons, smaller individuals can remove the daggers and use them independently.
Rumours: Only one that seems to persist of one dragon (pretty consistent in name) who ditched the "daggers" and went with (giant-size) short swords instead.

That... is awesome! Shenanigans on an epic scale! I salute your munchkinism, sir!
Of course, the rules lawyer in me must point this out this quote from the original post:
+You can use any canon hand-to-hand weapon design found in the Palladium world (to include the Compendium of Weapons, Armor, and Castles.

You could, however, apply some of these same approaches and concepts to a different weapon. I especially like the vanity mirror!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Lukterran wrote:Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228

And not one handed.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Lukterran wrote:Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228

And not one handed.

Its one handed for my Barbarian Bearman lol
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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What about the Dragon Dagger Claws doesn't fit the "use any canon hand-to-hand weapon design found in the Palladium world"?
Clawed gloves appear in a few places (Gryphon Claws in the main book, Dragon Claws in Dragons & Gods) as magic weapons, I just produced non-magical version?

For a Dragon to use weapons I do believe is rare, but Styphon is said "While Styphon uses all weapons, he has a preference for things that have sharp edges, or that are rough hewn" (D&Gpg228), and D&G also has a section on Technology for each of the 4 Dragon-Gods. For a dragon in general to use technology/weapons (even non-magical) would require they either metamorph or have items they can use in their natural state size even a "giant-size" weapon might be comically small to use in their natural size.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Lukterran wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Lukterran wrote:Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228

And not one handed.

Its one handed for my Barbarian Bearman lol

That takes a GM ruling...soooo....HR gets to decide how to rule on it.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by kiralon »

ShadowLogan wrote:@Hotrod
What about the Dragon Dagger Claws doesn't fit the "use any canon hand-to-hand weapon design found in the Palladium world"?
Clawed gloves appear in a few places (Gryphon Claws in the main book, Dragon Claws in Dragons & Gods) as magic weapons, I just produced non-magical version?

For a Dragon to use weapons I do believe is rare, but Styphon is said "While Styphon uses all weapons, he has a preference for things that have sharp edges, or that are rough hewn" (D&Gpg228), and D&G also has a section on Technology for each of the 4 Dragon-Gods. For a dragon in general to use technology/weapons (even non-magical) would require they either metamorph or have items they can use in their natural state size even a "giant-size" weapon might be comically small to use in their natural size.

I reckon it would be the cybertech rules for damage from each finger, palladium fantasy isn't real well known for cybertech.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by kiralon »

Lukterran wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Lukterran wrote:Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228

And not one handed.

Its one handed for my Barbarian Bearman lol

I think it should stand, as that is a classic munchkin response. (Even though a voulge is out of what a barbarian can use 1handed)
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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kiralon wrote:
Lukterran wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Lukterran wrote:Giant Dragon Wright Voulge
Dwarven Made Quality – Forged from the Blood of Kym-nark-mar and Styphon.
4D6+6 Original / 10D6+12 (+1D6 Giant sized, Double Damage - Black Metal)
+2 Initiative, +2 Strike +2 Parry and +1 to Throw
Special Characteristics: “It will cut through any natural material as if it were not there!

Main Book pages 271 and 272
Compendium of Weapons, Armor and Castles pages 5 And 72
Dragons and Gods page 224 and 228

And not one handed.

Its one handed for my Barbarian Bearman lol

I think it should stand, as that is a classic munchkin response. (Even though a voulge is out of what a barbarian can use 1handed)

Yes, but this is a challenge to both munchkins and rules lawyers alike. Just because a barbarian can wield a 2-hander with one hand does not make the 2-hander a 1-hander. We're looking at the weapon itself, not the hand that wields it. Nice attempt at splitting hairs, though! I give you a munchkin point for your shenanigan in the relentless pursuit of victory!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

kiralon wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:@Hotrod
What about the Dragon Dagger Claws doesn't fit the "use any canon hand-to-hand weapon design found in the Palladium world"?
Clawed gloves appear in a few places (Gryphon Claws in the main book, Dragon Claws in Dragons & Gods) as magic weapons, I just produced non-magical version?

For a Dragon to use weapons I do believe is rare, but Styphon is said "While Styphon uses all weapons, he has a preference for things that have sharp edges, or that are rough hewn" (D&Gpg228), and D&G also has a section on Technology for each of the 4 Dragon-Gods. For a dragon in general to use technology/weapons (even non-magical) would require they either metamorph or have items they can use in their natural state size even a "giant-size" weapon might be comically small to use in their natural size.

I reckon it would be the cybertech rules for damage from each finger, palladium fantasy isn't real well known for cybertech.

That's a good point, but my reason for not allowing it are that gryphon claws are magic items, not a design for a no-magical item. If you can show me a non-magical version of grypon claws in the published books, then I'll be happy to allow it. Until then, +1 munchkin point for your initial effort AND +1 rules lawyer point for your legal maneuvering!

Maybe I should have a prize for the winner, most determined munchkin, and most dedicated rules lawyer, like a free dungeon map commission or something.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Okay that helps. I just wasn't sure what the hangup is as I could see a few things that might be it. I would have thought that for there to be magic items there must be some non-magic version somewhere. My selection of PF titles is rather limited.

While not a "glove" "Weapons & Armor" supplement (which is allowed as a source) has examples of claws on pg29 the Bagh Nakh (aka "Tiger Claws"). So there is at least one "claw" weapon out there.

Moving on two candidates:

Shield Axe
Base Weapon: Battle Axe, Shield,
Construction Notes: The Battle Axe Head attaches to a shaft that is forged from a metal shield. The Shield is forged from Red Metal (x3 SDC), the Axe Head from Black Metal (x2 dmg). Both Dragon's Blood. Dwarven Construction for superior damage (blade, +4) and Mobility (Blunt Parry +3). A trio of daggers with superior blades where used in the construction of the shield's outer face to allow it to be used to increase the combat range of the Shield Axe. The daggers are made with hunting the supernatural in mind, so come in a variety of the most common materials a supernatural enemey might be vulnarable to (Silver, Iron).
Damage: 6d6+8 using the Axe Head (+2d6 for giant size), 3d6+12 (+3d6 giant size) when using the shield's outer face trio of daggers, 1d6 (+1d6 giant size) as a blunt instrument (shield face)
Features: Horror/Awe Factor 10 (or +1) due to the sight being somewhat intimidating, +3 Parry
Penalty: Due to weight/mass it requires a normal PS of 15 to wield it effectively, and a PP of 12 due to balance

Lantern Ball & Chain
Base Weapon: Ball & Chain (Mace & Chain is also been known to be substituted).
Construction Notes: The Ball has been replaced by a reinforced lantern so it can survive impacts (a few use Red Metal from Zandragal's blood making it impervious to damage). Lantern uses a high energy (so it shines bright) candle typically, though a few oil based models exist, and is partially enclosed by mirrors on the inside to increase the light power of the lantern by reflecting more light into a given path.
Damage: 1d8 (2d6 giant size) for the "Lantern Ball", the altered damage profile(s) altered as the reinforcement is to improve durability not lethality for the special attack
Special Attack: With the candle lit and with suitable light conditions (night/darkness) on a Successful called shot head (-1 penalty due to design of the lantern) it can temporarily blind someone (equivalent to a blind flash spell no saving throw, 1 round) due to the light source coming close to the eyes. At GM's discretion a missed called shot, but that is "close" (by 1 or 2points) can blind the target with reduced effectiveness (1/4 normal effects).
Note1: When used against a similar sized opponent use penalties above, can not effectively engage someone above your size level for the Special Attack (-3 to strike on called shot for each size level difference), when attacking someone below your size level an extra 1d4 is applied for each size level and the duration of "blind" increases by one increment.
Note2: Intended to be part of a "paired weapon" fighting technique with a more lethal one handed weapon to help deliver a one-two punch. It is also intended for "darkness" fighting, though the GM might feel it appropriate (if the candle is lit) to work under other lighting conditions.

Size Levels go from smallest to largest: Farie, Gnome, standard/human, giant
Last edited by ShadowLogan on Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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ShadowLogan wrote:@Hotrod
Okay that helps. I just wasn't sure what the hangup is as I could see a few things that might be it. I would have thought that for there to be magic items there must be some non-magic version somewhere. My selection of PF titles is rather limited.

While not a "glove" "Weapons & Armor" supplement (which is allowed as a source) has examples of claws on pg29 the Bagh Nakh (aka "Tiger Claws"). So there is at least one "claw" weapon out there.

Moving on two candidates:

Shield Axe
Base Weapon: Battle Axe, Shield,
Construction Notes: The Battle Axe Head attaches to a shaft that is forged from a metal shield. The Shield is forged from Red Metal (x3 SDC), the Axe Head from Black Metal (x2 dmg). Both Dragon's Blood. Dwarven Construction for superior damage (blade, +4) and Mobility (Blunt Parry +3). A trio of daggers with superior blades where used in the construction of the shield's outer face to allow it to be used to increase the combat range of the Shield Axe. The daggers are made with hunting the supernatural in mind, so come in a variety of the most common materials a supernatural enemey might be vulnarable to (Silver, Iron).
Damage: 6d6+8 using the Axe Head (+2d6 for giant size), 3d6+12 (+3d6 giant size) when using the shield's outer face trio of daggers, 1d6 (+1d6 giant size) as a blunt instrument (shield face)
Features: Horror/Awe Factor 10 (or +1) due to the sight being somewhat intimidating, +3 Parry
Penalty: Due to weight/mass it requires a normal PS of 15 to wield it effectively, and a PP of 12 due to balance

Lantern Ball & Chain
Base Weapon: Ball & Chain (Mace & Chain is also been known to be substituted).
Construction Notes: The Ball has been replaced by a reinforced lantern so it can survive impacts (a few use Red Metal from Zandragal's blood making it impervious to damage). Lantern is candel based not oil, and is partially enclosed by mirrors on the inside to increase candle power.
Damage: 1d8 (2d6 giant size) for the "Lantern Ball", the altered damage profile(s) altered as the reinforcement is to improve durability not lethality for the special attack
Special Attack: With the candle lit and with suitable light conditions (night/darkness) on a Sucessful called shot head (-1 pentalty due to design of the lantern) it can temporarily blind someone (equivalent to a blind flash spell no saving throw, 1 round) due to the light source coming close to the eyes. At GM's discretion a missed called shot, but that is "close" (by 1 or 2points) can blind the target with reduced effectiveness (1/4 normal effects).
Note1: When used against a similar sized opponent use penalties above, can not effectively engage someone above your size level for the Special Attack (-3 to strike on called shot for each size level difference), when attacking someone below your size level an extra 1d4 is applied for each size level and the duration of "blind" increases by one increment.
Note2: Intended to be part of a "paired weapon" fighting technique with a more lethal one handed weapon to help deliver a one-two punch. It is also intended for "darkness" fighting, though the GM might feel it appropriate (if the candle is lit) to work under other lighting conditions.

Size Levels go from smallest to largest: Farie, Gnome, standard/human, giant

Holy shenanigans, Batman! You're thinking way outside the building, let alone the box.

The Shield/axe/knife thingy: A picture would help, because I'm totally confused about this weapon's layout. You seem to be inventing a new weapon by slapping together five weapons whilst maintaining the individual performance stats of the individual weapons. +1 munchkin point for the effort, but this one is sadly DQ'd due to the fact that this Franken-weapon is not in canon. If you want to take advantage of multiple blades, I'd suggest you look at the double-bladed knife (I think it's in Monsters and Animals somewhere) or some of the more exotic weapons in Weapons and Armor.

The lantern & Chain is an intriguing idea. It's not a canon weapon design, but it's a modest modification of an existing one. I'll allow it. I'll award +1 point for its ability to be used as a light source. However, I don't see how a single candle is going to blind an opponent like a Blinding Flash spell; a single candle just doesn't produce enough light. However, if you're dealing with some kind of creature with a major fear of light/fire, like a Scarecrow, you've got a potent source of intimidation and possibly a special attack. You know what, what the heck, I'll throw in 2 more points, not for blinding opponents, but for fire-based intimidation attacks against scarecrows.
In summary, +1 for light source, +2 for special attack, +6 for damage, +1 for impervious to damage, for a total of 10 points.

I like the restrictions on your special blinding attacks, by the way. +1 rules lawyer point for you! You now have a solid lead in both departments!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Veknironth »

Well, I have two submissions, one I'm pretty sure is legit, the other might be a stretch.

For the legit one, let's go with our good friends the Hex Mastercrafters making their finest Dwarven lance out of Black Metal. Let's make that Giant sized. We'll max out the damage on it as well.

So, 2d6+2 + 1d6 for giant sized. (I think the lance does more damage in the Compendium but I can't find mine atm.)
Then add +12 damage for the hex mastercrafter.
then double everything for the black metal.

So, I end up with 6d6 +28 damage.

The cheesy one is the Goupillon flail. It's listed as two-handed but that wouldn't be a problem for a giant sized person to use. IF that's a dis-qualifier, stop reading now. IF not, then you go with the Hex boys again, and the black metal. The super munchkin part is where you have +5 damage added to each head of the flail. Again, that might be ruled against. But, if it's allowed, then you have:

3d6 +15 (x2) so that's 6d6+30 damage.

For each weapon, you throw in the silver lining and the iron so they damage your undead, demons and such.

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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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You and I must have a different definition of what constitutes the size of the box. ;)

Re: The Sheild Axe is in part inspired some real world examples but the shield is forged to be a "shaft/handle" for the "head" to be attached, it isn't one single piece, there are at least 2 examples I am aware of in PF titles for something like this for this type of weapon in a general context:
-Lukterran in the magic shield thread mentions a magic shield "and has a wicked buzz saw-blade around the outer edge" found in Western Empire (pg37). I realize this is a magic item, but it would seem the blade would have to be built in before the magic IMHO, sounds like a Chakram (W&Apg29) turned into a shield. Axes are bladed instruments.
-Pata is an Indian Gauntlet Sword (Weapons & Armor pg39), I realize this is an armored gauntlet and not a shield. Just think axe instead of sword, with a proper shield

For a rough visual idea research "Lantern Shield". Shields are also known to have spikes put on them to (don't have a quick link for this part).

Re: The Lantern Ball & Chain
The candle's light is "reinforced" by the mirrors to help amplify the light. I went with the blind flash spell for simplicity. This weapon is intended to be used in less than idea light (darkness/night) where the light source coming so close to the eye (called shot head is for) which should temporarily "blind" the person. The weapon is inspired by the Lantern Shield entry at Wikipedia that mentions using Lanterns in duels to do just that. I originally was going to use an oil lantern, but a candle seemed like a better fit given the range of movement the ball would be going through. I'll amend the original post to include an oil lantern version and special bright burning candles.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Next submission attempt is more about being sneaky than outright power.

Nunchaku of Misdirection
Base Weapon: Nunchacku
Construction Notes: The handles on each end of the Nunchacku contain a symmetrical ditch/grove so that when the handles are brought together properly the ditche/groves form a blowdart gun (should be one handed). One handle is inlaid with silver, and the other iron for dealing with SN creatures. Kobald manufacture for extra damage (max)
Damage: 2d4+3 by nunchacku strike don't forget any silver/iron vulnerabilities that can be exploited by using the proper end, or by blowgun dart (regular, superior craftsmanship, and/or poisoned)
Penalties: -1 to strike in melee combat with the nunchacku due to the way the handles feel for inexperienced users (need 1 level of regular use), blowdart gun is -10% on range due to less than ideal seal for the shaft. Some users have attempted to compensate for the seal by putting sticky substances (wax usually) on one or both handle just before they switch modes to reduce the range penalty to 5% instead of 10%. If a two handed grip is used the blowdartgun is +1 to strike.
Note: Favoured by assassins due to its ability to misdirect searchers when the blowgun is used to kill their prey and they are found carrying "only" nunchacku as any spare "darts" can be "lost" to avoid searches. Infiltrators (Spies, theives) also like the weapon since it allows them to carry two weapons in one nice package.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Veknironth wrote:Well, I have two submissions, one I'm pretty sure is legit, the other might be a stretch.

For the legit one, let's go with our good friends the Hex Mastercrafters making their finest Dwarven lance out of Black Metal. Let's make that Giant sized. We'll max out the damage on it as well.

So, 2d6+2 + 1d6 for giant sized. (I think the lance does more damage in the Compendium but I can't find mine atm.)
Then add +12 damage for the hex mastercrafter.
then double everything for the black metal.

So, I end up with 6d6 +28 damage.

The cheesy one is the Goupillon flail. It's listed as two-handed but that wouldn't be a problem for a giant sized person to use. IF that's a dis-qualifier, stop reading now. IF not, then you go with the Hex boys again, and the black metal. The super munchkin part is where you have +5 damage added to each head of the flail. Again, that might be ruled against. But, if it's allowed, then you have:

3d6 +15 (x2) so that's 6d6+30 damage.

For each weapon, you throw in the silver lining and the iron so they damage your undead, demons and such.


The lance is legit! The only adjustment I'd make is the bonus. Per Northern Hinterlands Blacksmith O.C.C. description, bonuses are added 1 point at a time after the weapon is made. Therefore, the bonus isn't doubled from the metal selection; rather, the base damage is doubled, and then the bonus is added. It's already a double bonus anyway thanks to the hex, so your base damage is 6D6+6, and the damage bonus is 12, yielding a damage of 6D6+18. Being made of black metal, it's also light and impervious to normal damage, so you get 18+18+1+1=38 Points! Impressive! With a bit of tweaking, you might be our winner!

The flail is double DQ'd, partly because of the 2-hander exemption, and partly because of the separate bonuses for different components. In general, the bonuses are applied to the whole weapon, not to its parts. I might make an exception for a weapon with two buisiness ends that cannot hit the same enemy simultaneously: each end could have different bonuses to damage, but the total parry/strike bonuses would be the same. For points purposes, I'd score the higher of the two damage bonuses and give credit for different methods of attack.

The flail earns you a munchkin point, though!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

ShadowLogan wrote:@Hotrod
You and I must have a different definition of what constitutes the size of the box. ;)

Re: The Sheild Axe is in part inspired some real world examples but the shield is forged to be a "shaft/handle" for the "head" to be attached, it isn't one single piece, there are at least 2 examples I am aware of in PF titles for something like this for this type of weapon in a general context:
-Lukterran in the magic shield thread mentions a magic shield "and has a wicked buzz saw-blade around the outer edge" found in Western Empire (pg37). I realize this is a magic item, but it would seem the blade would have to be built in before the magic IMHO, sounds like a Chakram (W&Apg29) turned into a shield. Axes are bladed instruments.
-Pata is an Indian Gauntlet Sword (Weapons & Armor pg39), I realize this is an armored gauntlet and not a shield. Just think axe instead of sword, with a proper shield

For a rough visual idea research "Lantern Shield". Shields are also known to have spikes put on them to (don't have a quick link for this part).

Re: The Lantern Ball & Chain
The candle's light is "reinforced" by the mirrors to help amplify the light. I went with the blind flash spell for simplicity. This weapon is intended to be used in less than idea light (darkness/night) where the light source coming so close to the eye (called shot head is for) which should temporarily "blind" the person. The weapon is inspired by the Lantern Shield entry at Wikipedia that mentions using Lanterns in duels to do just that. I originally was going to use an oil lantern, but a candle seemed like a better fit given the range of movement the ball would be going through. I'll amend the original post to include an oil lantern version and special bright burning candles.

Ok, I get what you're saying about the shield/axe/knife thingy. I can't allow this particular creation due to the fact that there's no canon example of it (see original rules; if I open that door, then this becomes a "who can slap the most pointy things onto a handle" contest). If you want to use the canon lantern shield in Weapons and Armor or the canon "buzz saw" shield, or any canon weapon with more than one attack mode, I'll allow it. For damage, I'll only score the most-damaging feature, but I'll give you 2 points for each unique additional attack option.

+2 rules lawyer points for the obscure canon buzz-saw shield argument and reference.

I can accept the lantern mace as a quasi-blinding flash attack (with a much shorter duration); I'll add 2 points to my previous assessment, bringing that entry's total to 12.

Another +2 rules lawyer points for making your case and changing my mind!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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ShadowLogan wrote:Next submission attempt is more about being sneaky than outright power.

Nunchaku of Misdirection
Base Weapon: Nunchacku
Construction Notes: The handles on each end of the Nunchacku contain a symmetrical ditch/grove so that when the handles are brought together properly the ditche/groves form a blowdart gun (should be one handed). One handle is inlaid with silver, and the other iron for dealing with SN creatures. Kobald manufacture for extra damage (max)
Damage: 2d4+3 by nunchacku strike don't forget any silver/iron vulnerabilities that can be exploited by using the proper end, or by blowgun dart (regular, superior craftsmanship, and/or poisoned)
Penalties: -1 to strike in melee combat with the nunchacku due to the way the handles feel for inexperienced users (need 1 level of regular use), blowdart gun is -10% on range due to less than ideal seal for the shaft. Some users have attempted to compensate for the seal by putting sticky substances (wax usually) on one or both handle just before they switch modes to reduce the range penalty to 5% instead of 10%. If a two handed grip is used the blowdartgun is +1 to strike.
Note: Favoured by assassins due to its ability to misdirect searchers when the blowgun is used to kill their prey and they are found carrying "only" nunchacku as any spare "darts" can be "lost" to avoid searches. Infiltrators (Spies, theives) also like the weapon since it allows them to carry two weapons in one nice package.

This is totally a non-canon design, but it's so genious and cool that I can't help myself! I could see this being an actual, not-cheesy weapon! I'll accept it!

We have a damage of 2d4+3, a special mode of attack (blowgun), and 2 special material properties. That's a total of 7+2+1+1=11 Points

+1 Rules Lawyer Point for you for including reasonable penalties. You're racking these up!
+1 Awesome point (a whole new category I just invented because of this post) for you because this idea is so creative and cool! I want to roll up an assassin just to have a character use this thing!

-1 Rules Lawyer Point for me for totally caving on an initial stated contest rule.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Hex Crafted Grodnelite Javelin
7d6+6 +4 strike +4 parry(lol) +8 damage, damages everything in a 10ft radius,
so squeeze 8 people into a 10ft by 10ft area and thats
56d6+48 dam +4strike and another +8 to damage if you want to add the hex bonus also cant be dodged, and if you are under 12ft tall you have a %50 chance to lose initiative and an attack and be knocked to the ground or just lose initiative, also if armour isn't penetrated it does full damage to armour and 1/3 damage to person
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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Pata (Idian gauntlet sword, W&A pg39,)
Base Weapon: Giant Sized Pata Sword (W&A pg39, I am assuming that 1point of damage = 1d6)
Construction Notes: Built out of Black Metal for a giant sized Pata, Using Dwarven construction techniques to maximize the blade (non-hex). 3 Colored cloth streamers run from the forearm edge, more for dramatic effect.
Damage: (3d6 base + 1d6 giant + 4) x2 for Black Metal = 8d6+8 for Pata Blade
Bonuses: +4 Damage (factored in already), +2 Strike, +3 Parry with blade
Special Feature: Fishing Hook and line. Has no combat purpose, there to give the weapon a non-combat role (fishing, I'm sure it can find some other uses to)

Metallic Bull Whip
Base Weapon: Foil (W&A pg38), Bull Whip
Construction Notes: Zandragal commissioned a master Drawven blacksmith, who loved a challenge, to construct a Foil sword blade out of Red Metal (it is supposed to be very flexible) that with the longest blade possible. He was provided with five samples of red metal to work with. This was his fifth attempt, and he considered it a failure because while the blade worked out to being as long as a bull whip it was far to "flexible" to be used like a foil sword. The Blade has been the subject of some sharpening and attempt at balance (maybe to much given the result). Due to its nature it is considered "giant size".
Damage: 3d6+3
Special Moves #1: a skilled user (at least 1 level/months of practice of experience using it) can also entangle where the blade wraps itself onto a target, due to its nature there is a 10% chance of doing damage when initiating or ending an entangle as it is hard to control.
Special Moves #2: User can also attempt to "crack the whip" (2 actions basic)to make a sonic attack/signal comparable to "Thunderclap" spell, it can also make a more advanced version (3 attacks total) that does everything the basic does, plus when directed at a target it does x2 damage.
Bonus & Penatlies: Use WP Chain, +2 Strike, +2 Entangle, -1 to parry (usually by going after the arm not the weapon) as a bull whip is not as dextrous as a foil sword blade (W&A stats), fatigue will set in after short period of use (PE value in terms of number of melee rounds).
Feature: As a chain weapon it has to be swinging to be effective, it will also require a lot of room. While it is swinging those who try to approach much save vs Horror Factor of 12 (or +2 if other contributors to horror factor are in play) each time they "dare" to get close, fail and they lost their nerve to approach to close for that one action.
Availability: Very Rare, some duplication efforts have occurred attempting to improve upon the design without much sucess.
Historical Note: Indian (sub-continent) has a weapon/type-of with a similar theme (which is not in Weapons & Armor, though Indian Sub-Continent is covered in other areas) called the urumi (aka aara that appeared on SpikeTV's "Deadlist Warrior" series).
Justification: Given that the blade on a foil sword is very flexible, maybe not as much as a bull whip, and using red metal (which is very flexible) and having someone create the biggest "foil" they could might result in a Urumi type weapon if it was customized canon example.

Unicorn Meat Tenderizer
Base Weapon: Hammer, 9 or 25 Unicorn Horns (which do 2d6 or 4d6 depending on the nature of the target)
Construction: During the forging process a grid of Unicron horns (3x3 or 5x5 depending on size of intended user) is put into the mould for the Hammer as the metal begins to cool. The cooling metal is intended to solidify around the horns, securing them in to place in the rear of the hammer forming a sort of meat tenderizer.
Damage-Normal Size: 2d6 blunt face, 18d6 (1d10x10+8) with the spiked rear face to non-supernatural materials/creatures OR 36d6 (or 2d10x10+16) to super-natural materials/creatures
Damage-Giant Size: 3d6 blunt face, 50d6 (5d6x10) with spiked rear face to non-SN materials/creatures OR 100d6 (1d6x100) to super natural materials/creatures
Note: Requires a human PS equivalent (lift/carry) of 15 to lift and wield effectively.
Note2: As this is based-on/inspired-by cutlery to some extent (which I don't think is covered), and the use of the unicorn Horns might qualify it as a magic weapon depending on how magic weapon is determined (is it a construction process, material, combination, etc).
Availability: Super Rare
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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kiralon wrote:Hex Crafted Grodnelite Javelin
7d6+6 +4 strike +4 parry(lol) +8 damage, damages everything in a 10ft radius,
so squeeze 8 people into a 10ft by 10ft area and thats
56d6+48 dam +4strike and another +8 to damage if you want to add the hex bonus also cant be dodged, and if you are under 12ft tall you have a %50 chance to lose initiative and an attack and be knocked to the ground or just lose initiative, also if armour isn't penetrated it does full damage to armour and 1/3 damage to person

Multiple targets multiplication is some serious shenanigans. +1 Munchkin point, but I can't allow that, as damage is always listed in the books for one target. I'll count it as a special attack, though.

Grodnelite is genious, though! I have no idea if the hex bonus should apply, but what the heck, I'll allow it for a single target. We have raw damage and the bonuses (including the parry, which is too hilarious of a mental image for me to disallow). We also have a unique special knockdown attack (+2) that can damage with a near-miss (+2)
21+4+4+8+2+2=41 points! if you giant-size the javelin (which you didn't do, but what the heck, I'm feeling generous; I never said I was a good judge), you have 44 points, which gives you the overall lead!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

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ShadowLogan wrote:Pata (Idian gauntlet sword, W&A pg39,)
Base Weapon: Giant Sized Pata Sword (W&A pg39, I am assuming that 1point of damage = 1d6)
Construction Notes: Built out of Black Metal for a giant sized Pata, Using Dwarven construction techniques to maximize the blade (non-hex). 3 Colored cloth streamers run from the forearm edge, more for dramatic effect.
Damage: (3d6 base + 1d6 giant + 4) x2 for Black Metal = 8d6+8 for Pata Blade
Bonuses: +4 Damage (factored in already), +2 Strike, +3 Parry with blade
Special Feature: Fishing Hook and line. Has no combat purpose, there to give the weapon a non-combat role (fishing, I'm sure it can find some other uses to)

Metallic Bull Whip
Base Weapon: Foil (W&A pg38), Bull Whip
Construction Notes: Zandragal commissioned a master Drawven blacksmith, who loved a challenge, to construct a Foil sword blade out of Red Metal (it is supposed to be very flexible) that with the longest blade possible. He was provided with five samples of red metal to work with. This was his fifth attempt, and he considered it a failure because while the blade worked out to being as long as a bull whip it was far to "flexible" to be used like a foil sword. The Blade has been the subject of some sharpening and attempt at balance (maybe to much given the result). Due to its nature it is considered "giant size".
Damage: 3d6+3
Special Moves #1: a skilled user (at least 1 level/months of practice of experience using it) can also entangle where the blade wraps itself onto a target, due to its nature there is a 10% chance of doing damage when initiating or ending an entangle as it is hard to control.
Special Moves #2: User can also attempt to "crack the whip" (2 actions basic)to make a sonic attack/signal comparable to "Thunderclap" spell, it can also make a more advanced version (3 attacks total) that does everything the basic does, plus when directed at a target it does x2 damage.
Bonus & Penatlies: Use WP Chain, +2 Strike, +2 Entangle, -1 to parry (usually by going after the arm not the weapon) as a bull whip is not as dextrous as a foil sword blade (W&A stats), fatigue will set in after short period of use (PE value in terms of number of melee rounds).
Feature: As a chain weapon it has to be swinging to be effective, it will also require a lot of room. While it is swinging those who try to approach much save vs Horror Factor of 12 (or +2 if other contributors to horror factor are in play) each time they "dare" to get close, fail and they lost their nerve to approach to close for that one action.
Availability: Very Rare, some duplication efforts have occurred attempting to improve upon the design without much sucess.
Historical Note: Indian (sub-continent) has a weapon/type-of with a similar theme (which is not in Weapons & Armor, though Indian Sub-Continent is covered in other areas) called the urumi (aka aara that appeared on SpikeTV's "Deadlist Warrior" series).
Justification: Given that the blade on a foil sword is very flexible, maybe not as much as a bull whip, and using red metal (which is very flexible) and having someone create the biggest "foil" they could might result in a Urumi type weapon if it was customized canon example.

Unicorn Meat Tenderizer
Base Weapon: Hammer, 9 or 25 Unicorn Horns (which do 2d6 or 4d6 depending on the nature of the target)
Construction: During the forging process a grid of Unicron horns (3x3 or 5x5 depending on size of intended user) is put into the mould for the Hammer as the metal begins to cool. The cooling metal is intended to solidify around the horns, securing them in to place in the rear of the hammer forming a sort of meat tenderizer.
Damage-Normal Size: 2d6 blunt face, 18d6 (1d10x10+8) with the spiked rear face to non-supernatural materials/creatures OR 36d6 (or 2d10x10+16) to super-natural materials/creatures
Damage-Giant Size: 3d6 blunt face, 50d6 (5d6x10) with spiked rear face to non-SN materials/creatures OR 100d6 (1d6x100) to super natural materials/creatures
Note: Requires a human PS equivalent (lift/carry) of 15 to lift and wield effectively.
Note2: As this is based-on/inspired-by cutlery to some extent (which I don't think is covered), and the use of the unicorn Horns might qualify it as a magic weapon depending on how magic weapon is determined (is it a construction process, material, combination, etc).
Availability: Super Rare

I have a use for this idea. Wow evil.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Unread post by Hotrod »

ShadowLogan wrote:Pata (Idian gauntlet sword, W&A pg39,)
Base Weapon: Giant Sized Pata Sword (W&A pg39, I am assuming that 1point of damage = 1d6)
Construction Notes: Built out of Black Metal for a giant sized Pata, Using Dwarven construction techniques to maximize the blade (non-hex). 3 Colored cloth streamers run from the forearm edge, more for dramatic effect.
Damage: (3d6 base + 1d6 giant + 4) x2 for Black Metal = 8d6+8 for Pata Blade
Bonuses: +4 Damage (factored in already), +2 Strike, +3 Parry with blade
Special Feature: Fishing Hook and line. Has no combat purpose, there to give the weapon a non-combat role (fishing, I'm sure it can find some other uses to)

Metallic Bull Whip
Base Weapon: Foil (W&A pg38), Bull Whip
Construction Notes: Zandragal commissioned a master Drawven blacksmith, who loved a challenge, to construct a Foil sword blade out of Red Metal (it is supposed to be very flexible) that with the longest blade possible. He was provided with five samples of red metal to work with. This was his fifth attempt, and he considered it a failure because while the blade worked out to being as long as a bull whip it was far to "flexible" to be used like a foil sword. The Blade has been the subject of some sharpening and attempt at balance (maybe to much given the result). Due to its nature it is considered "giant size".
Damage: 3d6+3
Special Moves #1: a skilled user (at least 1 level/months of practice of experience using it) can also entangle where the blade wraps itself onto a target, due to its nature there is a 10% chance of doing damage when initiating or ending an entangle as it is hard to control.
Special Moves #2: User can also attempt to "crack the whip" (2 actions basic)to make a sonic attack/signal comparable to "Thunderclap" spell, it can also make a more advanced version (3 attacks total) that does everything the basic does, plus when directed at a target it does x2 damage.
Bonus & Penatlies: Use WP Chain, +2 Strike, +2 Entangle, -1 to parry (usually by going after the arm not the weapon) as a bull whip is not as dextrous as a foil sword blade (W&A stats), fatigue will set in after short period of use (PE value in terms of number of melee rounds).
Feature: As a chain weapon it has to be swinging to be effective, it will also require a lot of room. While it is swinging those who try to approach much save vs Horror Factor of 12 (or +2 if other contributors to horror factor are in play) each time they "dare" to get close, fail and they lost their nerve to approach to close for that one action.
Availability: Very Rare, some duplication efforts have occurred attempting to improve upon the design without much sucess.
Historical Note: Indian (sub-continent) has a weapon/type-of with a similar theme (which is not in Weapons & Armor, though Indian Sub-Continent is covered in other areas) called the urumi (aka aara that appeared on SpikeTV's "Deadlist Warrior" series).
Justification: Given that the blade on a foil sword is very flexible, maybe not as much as a bull whip, and using red metal (which is very flexible) and having someone create the biggest "foil" they could might result in a Urumi type weapon if it was customized canon example.

Unicorn Meat Tenderizer
Base Weapon: Hammer, 9 or 25 Unicorn Horns (which do 2d6 or 4d6 depending on the nature of the target)
Construction: During the forging process a grid of Unicron horns (3x3 or 5x5 depending on size of intended user) is put into the mould for the Hammer as the metal begins to cool. The cooling metal is intended to solidify around the horns, securing them in to place in the rear of the hammer forming a sort of meat tenderizer.
Damage-Normal Size: 2d6 blunt face, 18d6 (1d10x10+8) with the spiked rear face to non-supernatural materials/creatures OR 36d6 (or 2d10x10+16) to super-natural materials/creatures
Damage-Giant Size: 3d6 blunt face, 50d6 (5d6x10) with spiked rear face to non-SN materials/creatures OR 100d6 (1d6x100) to super natural materials/creatures
Note: Requires a human PS equivalent (lift/carry) of 15 to lift and wield effectively.
Note2: As this is based-on/inspired-by cutlery to some extent (which I don't think is covered), and the use of the unicorn Horns might qualify it as a magic weapon depending on how magic weapon is determined (is it a construction process, material, combination, etc).
Availability: Super Rare

For the Pata (black metal also makes it light and immune to damage, +1 for each of those. Also +2 for the fishing line/hooks, as I will interpret it as a special attack against fishies): 32+5+1+1+2=41 points!

The metallic bull whip is some outside the city block thinking. Very creative design, but unfortunately DQ'd for not being a canon design. The nunchucks/blowgun at least fit into both categories completely... ahh, shucks, who am I kidding, this is cool, but not as cool as the nunchuck blowgun, so yeah. I'm not allowing it because reasons.

The unicorn horn... thingy. Wow. I honestly have no idea how to evaluate this. I'll get back to you.

If my judging seems a bit off, it's because our newborn baby had me up half the night last night, and it's bedtime.
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