Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist FINISHED

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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Hotrod wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Mind Hammer
The the Tschekan uses a six sided psionic crystal rod as it's haft and has a head made of crystal and black metal dragon bloods. The hammer's head made of the black metal and the spike is made of crystal blood.
Imbedded in the top of the hammer's head with Gantrium tracery running from the join between the metals & appears to run through out both the metals so it seams like the gold filaments that run through out the crystal rod. This unique weapon made by a combination effort of a Hex dwarf and the dwarvish "crystal mage" Uzbad Baruk

Base weapon: Tschekan (Russian war hammer)
Base damage: 2d6.
Base quality bonuses: +2 init, +1 parry, +1 thrown strike

Crystal haft is a specially made Wand of Psychic Force (a psionicly made psionic device. Island @ the Edge of the World) that was grown into the hammer's head connecting it's internal psychic circuitry to the gantrium circuitry of the hammer's metals head.
Energized it gives the owner it is bonded to : +1 vs magic and psi
Activating the enhanced awareness will grant to those within 20', +1 vs all saves, +1 init, +1 Parry, +1 dodge.
Activating the Awaken and Awareness with grant the owner's allies within 20' +2 init & cannot be surprised attacked.
Other psionic powers of the rod are Protection from Evil, Globe of Daylight, See the Invisible, that duplicate the same named magic spells of the same name.
[ :P you said no magic, you didn't say no psionics. :lol: ]

Weapon mods due to dwarf crafting.
+4 damage
+3 to parry
+1 to strike & parry

Materials mods
Black metal hammer head damage x2
Crystal spike is unbreakable.

Hammer face: 4d6+8 (6d6+8 when activated).
Spike: 2d6+8 (4d6+8 when activated) unbreakable.
Haft End: ?d?+8 (2d6+8 when activated) (using the end of the haft like the end of a billy stick)
...Base, (en. aware.) [A&A]
Strike:+2, (+1) [+2]
Parry:+10, (+1)
Dodge: n/a, (+1)
Init:+4, (+1) [+1]
Thrown strike: +2

Mystic energy recovery rate is doubled.
and a pretty gem decorating the weapon

Those are some serious shenanigans. +1 munchkin point for you! Unfortunately, I can't allow this entry. Your psionics vs magic legal hairsplitting aside (which, by the way, also earns you +1 Rules Lawyer Point), there are no crystal smiths in the Palladium Fantasy world anymore. Even if there were, that psionic technology is known as "Crystal Magic", which would DQ you right there. Finally, even if you could find a canon crystal mage and persuade me that this isn't magic at all, the user of a crystal device must be psionic, so none of the psionic abilities could be factored in.

Now the black metal on one face, crystal on the other... that's got some potential.

Those called "crystal mages" are those who make the crystals. They were called 'crystal mages' cause the people didn't have the words to call them anything else. Same reason 'Mind Mages' also have 'mage' in the class name.

page 89 I@tEotW, 2nd sent. of the 1st complete paragraph
In this sense, they are NOT magic devices and do not register as magic(although magic was used to create them).

The book says in the description that it isn't magic. And the part about magic being used to make them conflicts with the rest of the descriptive text.

As far as current setting time-date canon NPC listing....can't help with that. I@tEotW is the only place they are mentioned outside of possible fan creations sent in as a rifter submission.

Hotrod wrote:
kiralon wrote:Giant sized Hex Crafted Grodnelite Javelin (does an extra 1d6 damage)
8d6+6 +4 strike +4 parry(lol) +8 damage, damages everything in a 10ft radius,
cant be dodged, and if you are under 12ft tall you have a %50 chance to lose initiative and an attack and be knocked to the ground or just lose initiative, also if armour isn't penetrated it does full damage to armour and 1/3 damage to person

24+6+4+4+8+2+2+2+2=54 points! That Grodnelite has a lot of special attack move features.

Been there done that.....more of a tweak of the 1st one just to earn more points then something original.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Prysus wrote:There's a table in Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles that states exactly what the Dex and Parry numbers mean in stats. This includes an Initiative bonus (Dex is more Initiative than it is Strike, by the book). Truth be told, I have no clue how you're getting your Parry and Strike bonuses from the book so accurate without that table (since the numbers don't translate one for one)

I do not have the Compendium book, only the "Weapons & Armor" solo book (which as I understand it is included in the compendium). I do not know either how I'm getting that level of accuracy w/o the table you mention in the combined book that isn't in the solo book. I'm just going off of the description on pg20 in my book "Dex: a relative indication of how 'quick' a weapon is based on balance, mass, etc. The lower the number the better." The "Superior Weapons" section in PF2E main book pg271 for Strike/Parry bonuses mention superior balance in several places, so DEX would seem to equal Strike/Parry.

When it comes to Parry, it is higher = better, so I just go with 1:1, or Parry -1 for the bonus. Dex/Sym is lower equals better, so I subtract 3 from the number and take the absolute value as a bonus. I use 3 here because the values range up to 3, so I assume that is the worst and provides no benefit.

The one that I have the most trouble with though is the Damage rating, since they are not very helpful with it in W&A. I try to compare it to known values to work it out, but there doesn't appear to be an easy 1:1 rate, for example the Voulge is 4 dice and the Scythe is 3 dice (Polearms), but in W&A both get a DAM of 3.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

ShadowLogan wrote:I do not know either how I'm getting that level of accuracy w/o the table you mention in the combined book that isn't in the solo book.

Greetings and Salutations. Yeah, it really sucks that it's not in the smaller books. I'd love to include that table on my site, or just to get Palladium to include it on their site (because they don't even make the big book anymore). But I fear that would break rules and get me in trouble, so I haven't done so. Bah!

ShadowLogan wrote:When it comes to Parry, it is higher = better, so I just go with 1:1, or Parry -1 for the bonus.

Stick to the -1 for the bonus. That rule should keep you with an accurate bonus.

ShadowLogan wrote:Dex/Sym is lower equals better, so I subtract 3 from the number and take the absolute value as a bonus. I use 3 here because the values range up to 3, so I assume that is the worst and provides no benefit.

Whoa ... not sure I follow that one, especially with subtracting 3 from 0 and ending up with a 1. However, I guess it works. Dex 0 is the only way you'll get a strike bonus (the rest are Initiative bonuses, and the worst does indeed have no bonus).

ShadowLogan wrote:The one that I have the most trouble with though is the Damage rating, since they are not very helpful with it in W&A. I try to compare it to known values to work it out, but there doesn't appear to be an easy 1:1 rate, for example the Voulge is 4 dice and the Scythe is 3 dice (Polearms), but in W&A both get a DAM of 3.

Yeah, that's nearly impossible. While the Parry and Dex have one table for all weapons, there are four different damage tables. Since each of the four tables also uses D8 as one of the options and two of the tables using a D4, I can't even try to give an exchange rate.

Though, if anyone would like help with bonuses from Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles, I'll be happy help any requests that I see (no promises that I'll see them). Farewell and safe journeys.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

Hotrod wrote:As for the weapon:
18+8 points for damage, +10 points for strike/parry bonuses,

I'm fairly sure you left off the Natural Bonuses from the list (which is after Damage, but before the Hexmaster section). I just cannot get 10 points when trying various other methods to add them up.

Hotrod wrote:+1 for silver coating against vampires, +1 for the unicorn horn's inherent properties (even if it's not a PPE battery in Fantasy, you can always burn it in a power circle for some cool perks), +1 for being highly damage-resistant, +2 for the ability to stab through armor with the spike (probably with lesser damage, but who cares? It's a special attack), +1 for whatever White Metal does, +1 for its unique ability to hold a lantern, +1 for the symbol's ability to hold back vampires and faerie folk.

I don't see the bonuses from the Black Metal (which are hidden a bit in the Silver coating section and I didn't separate them well). Even if you combine the Invulnerable to all but Magic from Black Metal with the Impervious to Damage from Red Metal, that would still leave the Lightweight from Black Metal (not that a Giant would probably need it lightweight since they tend to have Supernatural Strength and all, but that's not the point! Get it ... point ... points ... no ... just me? Okay). This won't put me in the lead, but I still like accuracy.

And yeah, the P.P.E. in Fantasy isn't book legal, but an extra 1D4x10 P.P.E. for a Palladin would be darn useful with their Demon Death Blow and all. This won't change the points at all, just stating a side motivation that might otherwise be missed. And yeah, I'm not entirely convinced all that god blood wouldn't tip off someone who could sense magic, but it fit the theme of a non-magical weapon so I just went with it and helps explain things like we didn't just make it magical with a Globe of Daylight to replace the lantern (which I actually did in one of my campaigns, but wasn't nearly as munchy as this).

Note: I keep having to stop myself from including concepts from the Land of the South Winds manuscript. It's like: "Oooohhh ... what if I ... wait, no, that's not canon yet. Darn."

All right, farewell and safe journeys to all.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Hotrod wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Mind Hammer
The the Tschekan uses a six sided psionic crystal rod as it's haft and has a head made of crystal and black metal dragon bloods. The hammer's head made of the black metal and the spike is made of crystal blood.
Imbedded in the top of the hammer's head with Gantrium tracery running from the join between the metals & appears to run through out both the metals so it seams like the gold filaments that run through out the crystal rod. This unique weapon made by a combination effort of a Hex dwarf and the dwarvish "crystal mage" Uzbad Baruk

Base weapon: Tschekan (Russian war hammer)
Base damage: 2d6.
Base quality bonuses: +2 init, +1 parry, +1 thrown strike

Crystal haft is a specially made Wand of Psychic Force (a psionicly made psionic device. Island @ the Edge of the World) that was grown into the hammer's head connecting it's internal psychic circuitry to the gantrium circuitry of the hammer's metals head.
Energized it gives the owner it is bonded to : +1 vs magic and psi
Activating the enhanced awareness will grant to those within 20', +1 vs all saves, +1 init, +1 Parry, +1 dodge.
Activating the Awaken and Awareness with grant the owner's allies within 20' +2 init & cannot be surprised attacked.
Other psionic powers of the rod are Protection from Evil, Globe of Daylight, See the Invisible, that duplicate the same named magic spells of the same name.
[ :P you said no magic, you didn't say no psionics. :lol: ]

Weapon mods due to dwarf crafting.
+4 damage
+3 to parry
+1 to strike & parry

Materials mods
Black metal hammer head damage x2
Crystal spike is unbreakable.

Hammer face: 4d6+8 (6d6+8 when activated).
Spike: 2d6+8 (4d6+8 when activated) unbreakable.
Haft End: ?d?+8 (2d6+8 when activated) (using the end of the haft like the end of a billy stick)
...Base, (en. aware.) [A&A]
Strike:+2, (+1) [+2]
Parry:+10, (+1)
Dodge: n/a, (+1)
Init:+4, (+1) [+1]
Thrown strike: +2

Mystic energy recovery rate is doubled.
and a pretty gem decorating the weapon

Those are some serious shenanigans. +1 munchkin point for you! Unfortunately, I can't allow this entry. Your psionics vs magic legal hairsplitting aside (which, by the way, also earns you +1 Rules Lawyer Point), there are no crystal smiths in the Palladium Fantasy world anymore. Even if there were, that psionic technology is known as "Crystal Magic", which would DQ you right there. Finally, even if you could find a canon crystal mage and persuade me that this isn't magic at all, the user of a crystal device must be psionic, so none of the psionic abilities could be factored in.

Now the black metal on one face, crystal on the other... that's got some potential.

Those called "crystal mages" are those who make the crystals. They were called 'crystal mages' cause the people didn't have the words to call them anything else. Same reason 'Mind Mages' also have 'mage' in the class name.

page 89 I@tEotW, 2nd sent. of the 1st complete paragraph
In this sense, they are NOT magic devices and do not register as magic(although magic was used to create them).

The book says in the description that it isn't magic. And the part about magic being used to make them conflicts with the rest of the descriptive text.

As far as current setting time-date canon NPC listing....can't help with that. I@tEotW is the only place they are mentioned outside of possible fan creations sent in as a rifter submission.

Good point on the Crystal magic not actually being magic. Of course, all the crystal mages are long since dead, so it remains DQ'd. Still, +1 rules Lawyer Point for you, as winning a pointless argument is still WINNING!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

Prysus wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:I do not know either how I'm getting that level of accuracy w/o the table you mention in the combined book that isn't in the solo book.

Greetings and Salutations. Yeah, it really sucks that it's not in the smaller books. I'd love to include that table on my site, or just to get Palladium to include it on their site (because they don't even make the big book anymore). But I fear that would break rules and get me in trouble, so I haven't done so. Bah!

ShadowLogan wrote:When it comes to Parry, it is higher = better, so I just go with 1:1, or Parry -1 for the bonus.

Stick to the -1 for the bonus. That rule should keep you with an accurate bonus.

ShadowLogan wrote:Dex/Sym is lower equals better, so I subtract 3 from the number and take the absolute value as a bonus. I use 3 here because the values range up to 3, so I assume that is the worst and provides no benefit.

Whoa ... not sure I follow that one, especially with subtracting 3 from 0 and ending up with a 1. However, I guess it works. Dex 0 is the only way you'll get a strike bonus (the rest are Initiative bonuses, and the worst does indeed have no bonus).

ShadowLogan wrote:The one that I have the most trouble with though is the Damage rating, since they are not very helpful with it in W&A. I try to compare it to known values to work it out, but there doesn't appear to be an easy 1:1 rate, for example the Voulge is 4 dice and the Scythe is 3 dice (Polearms), but in W&A both get a DAM of 3.

Yeah, that's nearly impossible. While the Parry and Dex have one table for all weapons, there are four different damage tables. Since each of the four tables also uses D8 as one of the options and two of the tables using a D4, I can't even try to give an exchange rate.

Though, if anyone would like help with bonuses from Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles, I'll be happy help any requests that I see (no promises that I'll see them). Farewell and safe journeys.

+1 Rules Lawyer point for explaining the esoteric nuances of W&A, and +1 awesome point for you helping out your competitors. Dang it, I'm gonna need a spreadsheet to keep track of this stuff.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

Prysus wrote:
Hotrod wrote:As for the weapon:
18+8 points for damage, +10 points for strike/parry bonuses,

I'm fairly sure you left off the Natural Bonuses from the list (which is after Damage, but before the Hexmaster section). I just cannot get 10 points when trying various other methods to add them up.

Hotrod wrote:+1 for silver coating against vampires, +1 for the unicorn horn's inherent properties (even if it's not a PPE battery in Fantasy, you can always burn it in a power circle for some cool perks), +1 for being highly damage-resistant, +2 for the ability to stab through armor with the spike (probably with lesser damage, but who cares? It's a special attack), +1 for whatever White Metal does, +1 for its unique ability to hold a lantern, +1 for the symbol's ability to hold back vampires and faerie folk.

I don't see the bonuses from the Black Metal (which are hidden a bit in the Silver coating section and I didn't separate them well). Even if you combine the Invulnerable to all but Magic from Black Metal with the Impervious to Damage from Red Metal, that would still leave the Lightweight from Black Metal (not that a Giant would probably need it lightweight since they tend to have Supernatural Strength and all, but that's not the point! Get it ... point ... points ... no ... just me? Okay). This won't put me in the lead, but I still like accuracy.

And yeah, the P.P.E. in Fantasy isn't book legal, but an extra 1D4x10 P.P.E. for a Palladin would be darn useful with their Demon Death Blow and all. This won't change the points at all, just stating a side motivation that might otherwise be missed. And yeah, I'm not entirely convinced all that god blood wouldn't tip off someone who could sense magic, but it fit the theme of a non-magical weapon so I just went with it and helps explain things like we didn't just make it magical with a Globe of Daylight to replace the lantern (which I actually did in one of my campaigns, but wasn't nearly as munchy as this).

Note: I keep having to stop myself from including concepts from the Land of the South Winds manuscript. It's like: "Oooohhh ... what if I ... wait, no, that's not canon yet. Darn."

All right, farewell and safe journeys to all.

You're right, I left out the natural bonuses. +1 Rules Lawyer point for you, and +4 more points for your submission.
Regarding the Black Metal, I guess I was sharing the inherent damage resistance across different materials, but you're right, you should get an extra point for the lightweightedness of the black metal. It's nit-picking, but legit. Another +1 Rules Lawyer Point for you.

With the 5 additional points, your lantern shield of Dragonwright comes to 49 points!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Whoa ... not sure I follow that one, especially with subtracting 3 from 0 and ending up with a 1. However, I guess it works. Dex 0 is the only way you'll get a strike bonus (the rest are Initiative bonuses, and the worst does indeed have no bonus).

I think I've used two different approaches to handling DEX/SYM. The most recent one works out to using the ABSOLUTE VALUE of the DEX (or SYM) -3, this means it will always be positive. An early attempt was to group 0 and 1 as 1, and 2 and 3 as 0 in terms of bonus.

Absolute Value in math is basically the distance any number is from 0 regardless of sign on a number line. So -3 and 3 both have Absolute values of 3.

So the damage code in the PB system is based on the Attack type in relation to the DAM rating?
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

ShadowLogan wrote:So the damage code in the PB system is based on the Attack type in relation to the DAM rating?

Greetings and Salutations. Well, it does discuss attack types, and certain weapons can only do certain types of attacks, but that's not the Damage system. It's broken up into weapon categories. Specifically: "Swords and Knives," "Hafted Weapons," "Spears and Polearms," and "Bows and Crossbows."

Swords and Hafted Weapons have almost the same table, but swords receive a small bonus at the 2 rating. Spears and Polarms also share a similar table to Bows and Crossbows, but differ by their 2 and 3 ratings (bows are actually BETTER!). Again, really hard for me to get into specifics due to forum rules. Keep in mind though, some of the damage ratings in the Compendium differ from the PF2 main book. One example that comes to mind (and I mentioned this earlier in the thread) is the Battle Axe (which does less damage in the Compendium). The nunchaku also have a different (yet equivalent) damage value (I didn't comment on this since your damage value matched the main book, and it's equivalent, though the Compendium value "beefs up better," to describe it as you did in a previous post).

Judging by this information, the information in the main books, the answers I've given in previous posts of this thread, and the clues I've even given in this post, you might be able to figure out some of it. With that said, my offer to help remains. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

Hotrod wrote:Of course, all the crystal mages are long since dead, so it remains DQ'd. Still, +1 rules Lawyer Point for you, as winning a pointless argument is still WINNING!

Greetings and Salutations. On drewkitty ~..~'s behalf, where in the rules does it state that this must be a weapon that can be currently created? The challenge, as I understand it, is to create a munchkin, non-magical, one-handed weapon. If the item is indeed non-magical and one-handed, could it not have been crafted in the past and still be a viable candidate for this contest? Farewell and safe journeys.

P.S. Also, I realized Veknironth's lance also gains a +2 to strike when thrown (per Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles) ... which is weird, because I never viewed the Lance as a thrown weapon so I didn't even look until I happened to notice it as I was flipping page by page for weapons with throw bonuses.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

Prysus wrote:
Hotrod wrote:Of course, all the crystal mages are long since dead, so it remains DQ'd. Still, +1 rules Lawyer Point for you, as winning a pointless argument is still WINNING!

Greetings and Salutations. On drewkitty ~..~'s behalf, where in the rules does it state that this must be a weapon that can be currently created? The challenge, as I understand it, is to create a munchkin, non-magical, one-handed weapon. If the item is indeed non-magical and one-handed, could it not have been crafted in the past and still be a viable candidate for this contest? Farewell and safe journeys.

P.S. Also, I realized Veknironth's lance also gains a +2 to strike when thrown (per Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles) ... which is weird, because I never viewed the Lance as a thrown weapon so I didn't even look until I happened to notice it as I was flipping page by page for weapons with throw bonuses.

Hrm. All this hair-splitting. The OP says you can use any canon smith in the Palladium world, not any canon smith that has ever lived in the Palladium world. Interpreting it the second way is too much of a stretch for me. By the tyrannical power vested in me by... by you people who seem to think my opinion matters, I am ruling out crystal magic items.

Your advocacy on Vek's behalf raises him to 43, pending any further shenanigans. +1 rules lawyer point to you for your advocacy.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by say652 »

Battle Axe 3D6 Kisentite, Giant Size +1D6 damage.
Deals 1/3 mdc un mdc places.

Forged by Ancient Weapons Master,
+2 strike +4 parry +6 Damage.
Improved and sharpened by Weapons Master.
Additional +1 strike +2 parry +2 Damage.

Analytical specialist Upgrades.
Grooves filled with silver.
Handle seperate into short spear 3D6 damage Kisentite same design process.

So silver indestructible Giant Size Battle Axe with a concealed short spear.
4D6+ps Axe.
3D6+ps spear.

+3 strike +6 parry +8 Damage.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

The Saber of Armoth Helkamar

Armoth Helkamar was a frost giant that lived in the mountains that form the board between the lands of the damned and the Ophid's Grasslands. Commissioning a Dwarvish Master Weapons Smith to forge the saber out of the metals he supplied. Armoth had gained from the black suit of armor that some 'hero' was wearing when he came to his cave. Along with a large quartz crystal, and a pound of gold and silver that Armoth had been saving up from what other attacking 'heros' had on them.
What the weapons master produced was a saber gilded in silver and gold, with a simple studded Stirrup hand guard for the hilt. The Hilt handle is finished with Yellow Wood and the quarts crystal has been fashioned into a sphere pommel for the saber. The Weapons master also made a Scabbard made of the wood from a Oakstone tree, Banded with what metal from the suit of armor that was left from half that was not payment for the making of the weapons.

The Scabbard (club) and saber wear made as a paired set.

(weapons quality stats from Com of W,A,&Castles)
Base Saber stat's: Damage: 2D6 +1D6 for being Giant sized.
SDC: 95
Base bonuses for quality
Init: +2
Strike: +1
Parry: +2

Scabbard (Club) Stats: 1d8 +1d8 Giant sized
SDC: 70
Base bonuses for quality workmanship
Init: +2
Strike: +1
Parry: +1
Thrown: +1

Uber quality Dwarf manufacture (edged)
+4 Damage
+3 Parry
+2 Strike& Parry

Uber quality Dwarf manufacture (blunt)
+4 Damage
+3 Parry
+1 Strike& Parry

Black Metal Bonuses (from PF: D&G)
Damage x2
SDC x2

Oakstone wood bonuses and pen.(a stonewood from PF: northern hinterlands page 59)
SDC x2
+1d6 damage
-3 S/P

Saber Totals
sword Damage: 6d6+4, does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating)
Hilt (punching) damage: Punch +5d6, does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating)
Init: +2
Strike: +3
Parry: +7
SDC: 190, for when attacked intentionally.

Scabbard Totals
Damage: 6D8+4,does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating) of the banding.
Init: +2
Strike: -1
Parry: +2
Thrown: -1
SDC: 210, for when attacked intentionally.

Note: And the sword & scabbard are meant to be judged separately for awarding of points even though they are both a part of a pairing.

EDIT: has removed the text about the psi-lite quartz. The pommel is still a quartz crystal just not including any 'mysticly active' properties. For you who want to use the 'mysticly active' properties for a plot device feel free to.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:35 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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The Heat Orb

Is a Ball & Chain Flail made up from the different dragon god bloods and other exotic materials. Made by a deity with all, but also limited to, the skill of a master weapons smith for one of her followers that needed to have a non-magical weapon to pass through a specific barrier that blocked the follower from completing her quest retrieving a long lost tomb from the dwelling of a frost giant priest of the dragonwright.

The ball of the flail is made up of two hollow hemispheres of magically forged Gantrium (indestructible), while the chain is made up of Crystal Metal links (unbreakable) with cores of Korobite (Northern Hinterlands). The spikes of the flail's ball are made up of a Korobite plated Black Metal, while the hilt's core is made up of Red Metal and is finished with Trollwood (NH). Within the Gantrium hemispheres is contained the still hot blood of Kormath (D&G). Her use of Korobite within the chain and spikes makes it able to damage the Supernatural and for decoration. In the base of the the hilt is set a 3 caret Xanthine.

Base weapons stat's
Binnol (Ball and chain)
damage 2d6
init +2
Parry +1

Giant +one die of damage
Black Metal Damage x2
Heat Damage: 1D4 (taken from the stats for the Heat Object & boil water fire E spell cause that is the only place heat damage is mentioned.)

Hex Dwarf manufacture
+10 Damage

damage 6D6 +10 does normal damage to the supernatural
Heat Damage: +1D4 & save vs pain (burn)
Garrot (chain choke) damage: ???
init: +2
SDC: n/a for most of it. the ball and chain are ether indestructible or unbreakable.
PPE storage: 60

Note: the Gantrium is not enchanted so does not provide any PPE recovery bonus. So also does not break the 'no enchantments' rule.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:07 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote: Been there done that.....more of a tweak of the 1st one just to earn more points then something original.

But you can say that about all the hex crafted items too.

The crystal sword and staff say they become magic items/weapons when energised, and all the rods are under projective magic.

and I thought silver weapons did double damage to vamps.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Well, now I'm going to try my best win. First, that Javelin? Not a melee weapon. Disqualified.

As for coating the black metal in silver, I wasn't sure if the black metal's bonus damage came from the weapon coming into contact with the target. However, if it's not, then by all means let's coat my lance with silver for extra points. Make the handle out of a unicorn horn for the PPE. Make the very tip, just the very tip out of white metal so it will slice through any armor or substance. That will break the integrity of whatever the target is and allow the silver coated black metal in to do the real damage. Make the guard on the lance out of Gantrium (NH 56), which will be indestructible and will allow spells to use only half the PPE to cast. Then, on the inside of the guard you embed several Xanthine stones to give additional PPE. Not sure how many extra points that gets me. Also, unlike a javelin, it's not a one use item.

Now for the super crazy weapon. Take a mace. Have the hex masters make it +4 to damage, which might be impossible as you read further, but perhaps +1 str/par (x2). The head of the mace is extra large, and hollow with a screw like a light-bulb. The glass bulb screws into the handle, which is made of red metal, so it's light weight and indestructible . Inside the bulb is packed fire sand from Yin-Sloth (YS p11). The packed fire sand does 2d4/ounce! I don't even care what the damage of the mace is, it only really matters how much fire sand is in that thing. The average mace is listed as weighing 4.5 lbs. So let's say the glass version has a bulb of half a pound. That would leave you with 4 lbs of fire sand. 4lbs of fire sand = 48 ounces of fire sand. That should be 2d4x48. So, that's 4x48=192 points of damage, on average. That's for an average mace. If it's giant-sized, who knows how much sand is in that bulb? I'd recommend having impervious to fire on the wielder, unless it's a Jotan. Oh, and it also knocks any creature of less than 10 feet on its butt (lose initiative and one attack/action).

Now, if that's not enough, you can take a little of the sand out and sprinkle in some white metal nails, which will be fired out as little projectiles that will slice through any armor. I'm not sure what the blast radius would be, but assuming the target survived the 190+ points of damage the flying nails would probably do an additional 1d4 damage. Once you use the bulb, you can screw another bulb onto the handle and go at it again. You could even make different bulbs for different targets. Throw in silver for supernatural creatures, for example. Hell, if you wanted you could forgo the handle and just smash the bulb onto the target, but you wouldn't get the strike bonuses.

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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by kiralon »

Veknironth wrote:Well, now I'm going to try my best win. First, that Javelin? Not a melee weapon. Disqualified.

The skill that you use with a Javelin gives specific strike and parry bonuses for using as a melee weapon.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Heat Orb

Is a Ball & Chain Flail made up from the different dragon god bloods and other exotic materials. Made by a deity with all, but also limited to, the skill of a master weapons smith for one of her followers that needed to have a non-magical weapon to pass through a specific barrier that blocked the follower from completing her quest retrieving a long lost tomb from the dwelling of a frost giant priest of the dragonwright.

The ball of the flail is made up of two hollow hemispheres of magically forged Gantrium (indestructible), while the chain is made up of Crystal Metal links (unbreakable) with cores of Korobite (Northern Hinterlands). The spikes of the flail's ball are made up of a Korobite plated Black Metal, while the hilt's core is made up of Red Metal and is finished with Trollwood (NH). Within the Gantrium hemispheres is contained the still hot blood of Kormath (D&G). Her use of Korobite within the chain and spikes makes it able to damage the Supernatural and for decoration. In the base of the the hilt is set a 3 caret Xanthine.

Base weapons stat's
Binnol (Ball and chain)
damage 2d6
init +2
Parry +1

Giant +one die of damage
Black Metal Damage x2
Heat Damage: ?D? (the least heat damage I found in a PF book was the Flaming Knife weapon magic addition)

Hex Dwarf manufacture
+10 Damage

damage 6D6 +10 does normal damage to the supernatural
Heat Damage: +?D? & save vs pain (burn)
Garrot (chain choke) damage: ???
init: +2
SDC: n/a for most of it. the ball and chain are ether indestructible or unbreakable.
PPE storage: 60

Note: the Gantrium is not enchanted so does not provide any PPE recovery bonus. So also does not break the 'no enchantments' rule.

+1 Munchkin point for your effort, sir, but the magically-forged indestructible gantrium DQ's this (Gantrium is not naturally indestructible as far as I know). Since it's necessary to hold the still-hot blood, I can't just excise that part. You might try a naturally heat-proof material instead.

Also, I don't know know of any rules for alloying different metals together. Unless you can find a book reference to support it, I can't count bonuses for hybrid alloys. I suggest either keeping them separate, plating one with another, or just sticking with a single material.

EDIT: I stand corrected by myself. +1 rules lawyer point for me! Gantrium does become indestructible if forged in a magical fire. Enchantments aren't legit, but using magical fire is. However, alloying still DQ's this entry. Also, Ancient Master bonuses are from HU and are therefore not allowed.

EDIT: Revised post is now quoted; I'll leave my earlier replies to show the progress/count the "other" points.

Gantrium adds +1 point for indestructibility and +1 point for PPE recovery bonuses. Korobite gives an additional +1 for attacks against the supernatural and +1 because it won't tarnish away like silver will. +1 for the PPE battery Xanthene. +1 for Black metal's light weight and imperviosity to normal damage.
18+10+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=37 points, but my tally may be wrong; please double check and PM if I forgot something.
Last edited by Hotrod on Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

say652 wrote:Battle Axe 3D6 Kisentite, Giant Size +1D6 damage.
Deals 1/3 mdc un mdc places.

Forged by Ancient Weapons Master,
+2 strike +4 parry +6 Damage.
Improved and sharpened by Weapons Master.
Additional +1 strike +2 parry +2 Damage.

Analytical specialist Upgrades.
Grooves filled with silver.
Handle seperate into short spear 3D6 damage Kisentite same design process.

So silver indestructible Giant Size Battle Axe with a concealed short spear.
4D6+ps Axe.
3D6+ps spear.

+3 strike +6 parry +8 Damage.

+1 munchkin point for the spear/hammer screw in. That's a neat idea. However, Kisentite is from an alien world in the HU dimension, which DQ's your entry.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Saber of Armoth Helkamar

Armoth Helkamar was a frost giant that lived in the mountains that form the board between the lands of the damned and the Ophid's Grasslands. Commissioning a Dwarvish Master Weapons Smith to forge the saber out of the metals he supplied. Armoth had gained from the black suit of armor that some 'hero' was wearing when he came to his cave. Along with a large quartz crystal, and a pound of gold and silver that Armoth had been saving up from what other attacking 'heros' had on them.
What the weapons master produced was a saber gilded in silver and gold, with a simple studded Stirrup hand guard for the hilt. The Hilt handle is finished with Yellow Wood and the quarts crystal has been fashioned into a sphere pommel for the saber. The Weapons master also made a Scabbard made of the wood from a Oakstone tree, Banded with what metal from the suit of armor that was left from half that was not payment for the making of the weapons.

The Scabbard (club) and saber wear made as a paired set, and the pommel crystal, if in possession of a psion will let the psion use her powers at half the ISP cost being a special form of quartz.

(weapons quality stats from Com of W,A,&Castles)
Base Saber stat's: Damage: 2D6 +1D6 for being Giant sized.
SDC: 95
Base bonuses for quality
Init: +2
Strike: +1
Parry: +2

Scabbard (Club) Stats: 1d8 +1d8 Giant sized
SDC: 70
Base bonuses for quality workmanship
Init: +2
Strike: +1
Parry: +1
Thrown: +1

Uber quality Dwarf manufacture (edged)
+4 Damage
+3 Parry
+2 Strike& Parry

Uber quality Dwarf manufacture (blunt)
+4 Damage
+3 Parry
+1 Strike& Parry

Black Metal Bonuses (from PF: D&G)
Damage x2
SDC x2

Oakstone wood bonuses and pen.(a stonewood from PF: northern hinterlands page 59)
SDC x2
+1d6 damage
-3 S/P

Saber Totals
sword Damage: 6d6+4, does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating)
Hilt (punching) damage: Punch +5d6, does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating)
Init: +2
Strike: +3
Parry: +7
SDC: 190, for when attacked intentionally.

Scabbard Totals
Damage: 6D8+4,does normal damage to Vamps & Were-persons, silver gilding (plating) of the banding.
Init: +2
Strike: -1
Parry: +2
Thrown: -1
SDC: 210, for when attacked intentionally.

Note: the Psi-lite pommel can just be ignored for awarding points if need be. And the sword & scabbard are meant to be judged separately for awarding of points even though they are both a part of a pairing.

I love the idea of using a scabbard as an additional weapon, and the concept seems plausible. +1 awesome point for that. However, I either have to score it as a separate entry or add it as a +2 bonus as a special attack for the overall weapon system. The quartz crystal is kinda cool, but I can't give an extra point for that unless you can tell me where it comes from in canon.
+1 rules lawyer point for including the SDC of the weapons.

I agree with how you've added the bonuses. I'll count the punching and the scabbard club as special attacks: +2 points for each. The black metal also makes it lightweight and impervious to normal damage:+1 for both of those. The silver plating makes it work against the undead, so another +1
So your entry is scored as 21+6+14+2+2+1+1+1=48 points!
EDIT: Ancient master bonuses are from Heroes Unlimited, and are therefore not allowed. -18 points for your submission, leaving you with 30. You must use a canon fantasy smith. PM me if you edit your entry, and I'll adjust the scoring accordingly.

EDIT: I'm guessing that the saber has the higher point total of the two. +2 for its scabbard also being a weapon, +2 for punching attack, +1 for silver plating, +1 for the indestructability of the gantrium, +1 for the PPE recovery bonus of gantrium, +1 for the lightness of Black Metal, +1 for the immune to normal damage of black metal, 18+4 for the damage. The quartz as an ISP battery is stuff from other game-dimensions and therefore not canon for Palladium Fantasy, at least not for this competition. The bonuses kick in another 12 points, for 43 points total!
Last edited by Hotrod on Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

Greetings and Salutations. I wanted to include a Shotel (because I think their design is fun), but the numbers just didn't work for making it a viable candidate. So since one of drewkitty ~..~'s ideas were DQ'd, I decided to make this one in honor of his idea. I expect it to be disqualified as well, but I think it can technically fall within the rules. If it does pass, others are welcome to tweak it how they'd like.

The Mind Shard

Zhardis, a Dwarven miner helping to excavate some old ruins in the Old Kingdom Mountains, uncovered an ancient treasure trove. Within this unsealed tomb rested all manners of Crystal Devices. He concealed his find so that he could keep the hoard all to himself. Now the question became what to do with them? If he used too many openly, he'd become a target. If he sold them all, then he couldn't benefit from their power. He hasn't figured out what to do with everything yet, but he's hatched a plan to use a few of the items and hopes that one day it'll develop enough to let him capitalize on the rest.

He's used his skills at crafting and his natural talents as a Dwarf, taken his time, and forged an expert blade. He's heard of master level smiths in the Eastern Territories, but that would involve telling others what he's up to. By doing the work himself, this allowed him to keep all of the work a secret. He's heard of master level smiths in the Eastern Territories, but that would involve telling others what he's up to. This blade is crafted atop of a relatively small Crystal Wand which he now uses as the hilt. He's also taken a Crystal Band and allowed it to contract around the wand to form nearly one piece. He's then wrapped the hilt in leathers to help conceal the crystal that lies beneath, with merely the base of the hilt extending and appearing more as decoration than its true nature.

Shotel: 1D8+2*

* This would beef up well with Giant Size and then Black Metal, but since I'm going story based I steered clear of those benefits.

Natural Bonuses: +2 on Initiative, +1 to Strike, and +1 to Parry.

Dwarven Craftsmanship: +2 to strike, +2 to parry, and +4 to damage.*

* I avoided Hexmaster for the same reason of story.

* Note: If I had ignored story and made it giant-sized, black metal, and hexmaster, that would be an extra 24 points. But I'm doing this one for fun, not for the points.

Natural Technique: The Shotel blades are specifically designed to attack around/over shields (Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles; page 38).

Crafted Technique: The blade is coated in silver allowing it to damage Vampires, Werebeasts, and others with a similar vulnerability.

Powers of the Handle**:

1. Energy Wand: Energize Wand which allows it to do 2D6 damage, allowing the hilt to also serve as a separate (and rather unexpected) weapon.
2. Energy Wand: Energy Bolt for 4D6, 100 feet away, +5 to strike.
3. Energy Wand: Energy Field that inflicts 4D6 to everyone within a 9 foot radius.
4. Energy Wand: Sparkling Balls of Energy that do 3D6, 60 feet, +4 to strike.
5. Energy Wand: Call Lightning which is based on level, so stats can't be considered (but remains an alternate type of attack).
6. Energy Wand: Dome of Energy that creates a protective yet damaging solid dome.
7. Defender Band: Shadow Meld.
8. Defender Band: Mind Block.
9. Defender Band: Turn Invisible.
10. Defender Band: Basic Force Field.
11. Defender Band: Crystal Skin which is an impervious armor with "ALL" attacks hitting armor first (A.R. 20+).

Note: There is a note about Finger Bands needing to be worn all the time to benefit from effects. However, Crystal Bands are a slightly different category. Finger Bands, for example, only have 1 power while Crystal Bands have more. Also, the benefits need not apply while outside of combat, so he only needs to benefit from them while holding his Shotel.

** If I really wanted to push my luck, I'd try to put multiple bands onto the hilt for multiple powers. However, I decided to stick with the Finger Band restriction of a max of 2 (one on each hand). Since this is one weapon, I decided to count it as one hand, even though Crystal Bands can be worn around the neck, head, wrists, and fingers as well, and there is no clear restriction on the number of Crystal Bands.

Seeing as the Crystal Devices are being used as materials in a new weapon, they should be allowable (since you've already admitted they're NOT magic). They don't need to be created today any more than the smith needs to be able to create silver or god-blood. All that should be needed is that the materials are provided to craft the weapon design.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Hotrod »

Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. I wanted to include a Shotel (because I think their design is fun), but the numbers just didn't work for making it a viable candidate. So since one of drewkitty ~..~'s ideas were DQ'd, I decided to make this one in honor of his idea. I expect it to be disqualified as well, but I think it can technically fall within the rules. If it does pass, others are welcome to tweak it how they'd like.

The Mind Shard

Zhardis, a Dwarven miner helping to excavate some old ruins in the Old Kingdom Mountains, uncovered an ancient treasure trove. Within this unsealed tomb rested all manners of Crystal Devices. He concealed his find so that he could keep the hoard all to himself. Now the question became what to do with them? If he used too many openly, he'd become a target. If he sold them all, then he couldn't benefit from their power. He hasn't figured out what to do with everything yet, but he's hatched a plan to use a few of the items and hopes that one day it'll develop enough to let him capitalize on the rest.

He's used his skills at crafting and his natural talents as a Dwarf, taken his time, and forged an expert blade. He's heard of master level smiths in the Eastern Territories, but that would involve telling others what he's up to. By doing the work himself, this allowed him to keep all of the work a secret. He's heard of master level smiths in the Eastern Territories, but that would involve telling others what he's up to. This blade is crafted atop of a relatively small Crystal Wand which he now uses as the hilt. He's also taken a Crystal Band and allowed it to contract around the wand to form nearly one piece. He's then wrapped the hilt in leathers to help conceal the crystal that lies beneath, with merely the base of the hilt extending and appearing more as decoration than its true nature.

Shotel: 1D8+2*

* This would beef up well with Giant Size and then Black Metal, but since I'm going story based I steered clear of those benefits.

Natural Bonuses: +2 on Initiative, +1 to Strike, and +1 to Parry.

Dwarven Craftsmanship: +2 to strike, +2 to parry, and +4 to damage.*

* I avoided Hexmaster for the same reason of story.

* Note: If I had ignored story and made it giant-sized, black metal, and hexmaster, that would be an extra 24 points. But I'm doing this one for fun, not for the points.

Natural Technique: The Shotel blades are specifically designed to attack around/over shields (Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles; page 38).

Crafted Technique: The blade is coated in silver allowing it to damage Vampires, Werebeasts, and others with a similar vulnerability.

Powers of the Handle**:

1. Energy Wand: Energize Wand which allows it to do 2D6 damage, allowing the hilt to also serve as a separate (and rather unexpected) weapon.
2. Energy Wand: Energy Bolt for 4D6, 100 feet away, +5 to strike.
3. Energy Wand: Energy Field that inflicts 4D6 to everyone within a 9 foot radius.
4. Energy Wand: Sparkling Balls of Energy that do 3D6, 60 feet, +4 to strike.
5. Energy Wand: Call Lightning which is based on level, so stats can't be considered (but remains an alternate type of attack).
6. Energy Wand: Dome of Energy that creates a protective yet damaging solid dome.
7. Defender Band: Shadow Meld.
8. Defender Band: Mind Block.
9. Defender Band: Turn Invisible.
10. Defender Band: Basic Force Field.
11. Defender Band: Crystal Skin which is an impervious armor with "ALL" attacks hitting armor first (A.R. 20+).

Note: There is a note about Finger Bands needing to be worn all the time to benefit from effects. However, Crystal Bands are a slightly different category. Finger Bands, for example, only have 1 power while Crystal Bands have more. Also, the benefits need not apply while outside of combat, so he only needs to benefit from them while holding his Shotel.

** If I really wanted to push my luck, I'd try to put multiple bands onto the hilt for multiple powers. However, I decided to stick with the Finger Band restriction of a max of 2 (one on each hand). Since this is one weapon, I decided to count it as one hand, even though Crystal Bands can be worn around the neck, head, wrists, and fingers as well, and there is no clear restriction on the number of Crystal Bands.

Seeing as the Crystal Devices are being used as materials in a new weapon, they should be allowable (since you've already admitted they're NOT magic). They don't need to be created today any more than the smith needs to be able to create silver or god-blood. All that should be needed is that the materials are provided to craft the weapon design.

+1 Awesome Point for the backstory and imposing roleplay-based story limitations on your design.
+1 Rules Lawyer Point for getting around the crystal weapon limitations already imposed
No munchkin points for this entry, though, since you didn't grab for every possible point. Your inner 10-year-old must be hanging his head in shame.
All powers of the crystal devices incorporated amount to zero points, however, because they require the user to be psionic (and have the Object Read power, I think).
+2 for the around-the-shield attack, +1 for the crystal property of being repairable by any psionic, +1 for the silver anti-undead coating,
4+2+10+2+1+1=20 points!
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

Hotrod wrote:All powers of the crystal devices incorporated amount to zero points, however, because they require the user to be psionic (and have the Object Read power, I think).

:lol: Awesome reason for allowing it and yet still making it 0 points. :ok:

Greetings and Salutations. Yes, I does require psionics and (I do believe) Object Read to work. That's why I chose a Dwarf (because they can be psychic). Though as you ruled early on (and I have repeated since then), the weapon cannot be based on the skills/talents of the wielder. I could argue the same of "giant-sized" weapons, but I think we're a little too late for that one. All in all, for whatever it's worth, I say good call. Farewell and safe journeys
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Veknironth wrote:That's for an average mace. If it's giant-sized, who knows how much sand is in that bulb?

Per PF2E pg308 under the "Other Notes" section for Trolls: "#6. Weapon Notes: Troll and giant weapons weight 3-5 times more than the standard human-sized equivalents..."

So giant size weapons are x3-5 more massive.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by Prysus »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Veknironth wrote:That's for an average mace. If it's giant-sized, who knows how much sand is in that bulb?

Per PF2E pg308 under the "Other Notes" section for Trolls: "#6. Weapon Notes: Troll and giant weapons weight 3-5 times more than the standard human-sized equivalents..."

So giant size weapons are x3-5 more massive.

Greetings and Salutations. And this reminds me, Hotrod hasn't reviewed Veknironth's last two entries. To avoid him having to search back upward, here's a copy:

Veknironth wrote:Well, now I'm going to try my best win. First, that Javelin? Not a melee weapon. Disqualified.

As for coating the black metal in silver, I wasn't sure if the black metal's bonus damage came from the weapon coming into contact with the target. However, if it's not, then by all means let's coat my lance with silver for extra points. Make the handle out of a unicorn horn for the PPE. Make the very tip, just the very tip out of white metal so it will slice through any armor or substance. That will break the integrity of whatever the target is and allow the silver coated black metal in to do the real damage. Make the guard on the lance out of Gantrium (NH 56), which will be indestructible and will allow spells to use only half the PPE to cast. Then, on the inside of the guard you embed several Xanthine stones to give additional PPE. Not sure how many extra points that gets me. Also, unlike a javelin, it's not a one use item.

Now for the super crazy weapon. Take a mace. Have the hex masters make it +4 to damage, which might be impossible as you read further, but perhaps +1 str/par (x2). The head of the mace is extra large, and hollow with a screw like a light-bulb. The glass bulb screws into the handle, which is made of red metal, so it's light weight and indestructible . Inside the bulb is packed fire sand from Yin-Sloth (YS p11). The packed fire sand does 2d4/ounce! I don't even care what the damage of the mace is, it only really matters how much fire sand is in that thing. The average mace is listed as weighing 4.5 lbs. So let's say the glass version has a bulb of half a pound. That would leave you with 4 lbs of fire sand. 4lbs of fire sand = 48 ounces of fire sand. That should be 2d4x48. So, that's 4x48=192 points of damage, on average. That's for an average mace. If it's giant-sized, who knows how much sand is in that bulb? I'd recommend having impervious to fire on the wielder, unless it's a Jotan. Oh, and it also knocks any creature of less than 10 feet on its butt (lose initiative and one attack/action).

Now, if that's not enough, you can take a little of the sand out and sprinkle in some white metal nails, which will be fired out as little projectiles that will slice through any armor. I'm not sure what the blast radius would be, but assuming the target survived the 190+ points of damage the flying nails would probably do an additional 1d4 damage. Once you use the bulb, you can screw another bulb onto the handle and go at it again. You could even make different bulbs for different targets. Throw in silver for supernatural creatures, for example. Hell, if you wanted you could forgo the handle and just smash the bulb onto the target, but you wouldn't get the strike bonuses.

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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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I was getting to it! His second one just required a bit more thought (and I have a newborn baby, wife, and three other kids to take care of).
Veknironth wrote:Well, now I'm going to try my best win. First, that Javelin? Not a melee weapon. Disqualified.

As for coating the black metal in silver, I wasn't sure if the black metal's bonus damage came from the weapon coming into contact with the target. However, if it's not, then by all means let's coat my lance with silver for extra points. Make the handle out of a unicorn horn for the PPE. Make the very tip, just the very tip out of white metal so it will slice through any armor or substance. That will break the integrity of whatever the target is and allow the silver coated black metal in to do the real damage. Make the guard on the lance out of Gantrium (NH 56), which will be indestructible and will allow spells to use only half the PPE to cast. Then, on the inside of the guard you embed several Xanthine stones to give additional PPE. Not sure how many extra points that gets me. Also, unlike a javelin, it's not a one use item.

Now for the super crazy weapon. Take a mace. Have the hex masters make it +4 to damage, which might be impossible as you read further, but perhaps +1 str/par (x2). The head of the mace is extra large, and hollow with a screw like a light-bulb. The glass bulb screws into the handle, which is made of red metal, so it's light weight and indestructible . Inside the bulb is packed fire sand from Yin-Sloth (YS p11). The packed fire sand does 2d4/ounce! I don't even care what the damage of the mace is, it only really matters how much fire sand is in that thing. The average mace is listed as weighing 4.5 lbs. So let's say the glass version has a bulb of half a pound. That would leave you with 4 lbs of fire sand. 4lbs of fire sand = 48 ounces of fire sand. That should be 2d4x48. So, that's 4x48=192 points of damage, on average. That's for an average mace. If it's giant-sized, who knows how much sand is in that bulb? I'd recommend having impervious to fire on the wielder, unless it's a Jotan. Oh, and it also knocks any creature of less than 10 feet on its butt (lose initiative and one attack/action).

Now, if that's not enough, you can take a little of the sand out and sprinkle in some white metal nails, which will be fired out as little projectiles that will slice through any armor. I'm not sure what the blast radius would be, but assuming the target survived the 190+ points of damage the flying nails would probably do an additional 1d4 damage. Once you use the bulb, you can screw another bulb onto the handle and go at it again. You could even make different bulbs for different targets. Throw in silver for supernatural creatures, for example. Hell, if you wanted you could forgo the handle and just smash the bulb onto the target, but you wouldn't get the strike bonuses.

"What's my prize?"

Javelins are listed under spears in P2E, and spears are valid melee weapons. I see your point, and I agree that I wouldn't consider a javelin to be a melee weapon, but the rules as written don't make that distinction.

Ok, so your entry was at 43 points, I think.
The white metal tip shenanigan is clever. +1 munchkin point for that. I'm not sure if it would cancel out the silver coating, but I'll allow it, as you can always club the undead with the silver-coated shaft, and it would certainly make it more armor-piercing. +2 for the unique attack that the white metal affords, +1 for the unicorn horn (still not convinced about the PPE, but you can always burn it in a power circle for some nice perks), and +1 for the ability to store PPE in the Xanthene.
Gantrium isn't indestructible, but it would give you a magic bonus (not half PPE, as that requires it to be enchanted jewelery, but even raw, you recover PPE at double the normal rate), so +1 for that. Oh, wait, I see. If forged in a magical fire, then it becomes indestructible. +1 more point, then!
That's 6 more points, bringing your lance-of-awesomeness total to 49.

As for the firesand boomstick, wow. +1 munchkin point for that. It's suicide to use, but no more than the boomstick javelin. In fact, since the damage is fire-based, an impervious to fire would make it risk-free. Also +1 awesome point; I could see this being an actual thing in the wrong hands. Scary!

Here's the rub, though: it's not a canon design. The boomstick javelin is. While I don't mind modifications that add a second attack option, the second attack option must be some kind of canon weapon design, too. That is to say, the modification must have some kind of canon upper limit, or else we have the same issue as the Franken-weapon entries. The challenge would become a "who can pack more compacted firesand into a 1-handed weapon shell" contest.

You could make an argument that compacted firesand grenades of indeterminate size are canon, and there's certainly some merit to that point. You could also take the perspective that explosive single-shot weapons shouldn't count as melee weapons (they kind of are, but only up to a single collision). However, to keep the challenge open to a more interesting variety of weapons, I must issue the following decree: No more Firesand or Grodnelite weapon entries will be considered for points. Kiralon's entry will be allowed to remain valid for points as it is (at 54 points)

In short, Vek, you're five points shy, but you still have a chance. If you can come up with a few extra shenanigans, then you can tie or beat Kiralon, who can only watch now as you and others creep up on his leadership status.

-1 Rules Lawyer Point to me for making this arguably unfair ruling against Vek and Kiralon's boomsticks.

P.S. The prizes are coming along. The designs for the munchkin, awesome, and rules lawyer awards are about 50% done. I haven't started the grand prize yet, but I know what i want to do with it
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Greetings and Salutations. While I generally advocate to help other people's submissions (and I can still think of how Vek's lance can get more points for the win, I don't want to start picking sides here and think I'll keep my mouth shut until called upon) ...

Are we allowing craftsmanship from Heroes Unlimited now? I ask because two of drewkitty ~..~'s last submissions both includes the Ancient Weapon's Master crafting (from Powers Unlimited 2, a Heroes Unlimited sourcebook). I ask because the answer may be important to other submissions, or to make sure we're all sticking to the rules here. I'm fond of bending and twisting them though. Farewell and safe journeys.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. While I generally advocate to help other people's submissions (and I can still think of how Vek's lance can get more points for the win, I don't want to start picking sides here and think I'll keep my mouth shut until called upon) ...

Are we allowing craftsmanship from Heroes Unlimited now? I ask because two of drewkitty ~..~'s last submissions both includes the Ancient Weapon's Master crafting (from Powers Unlimited 2, a Heroes Unlimited sourcebook). I ask because the answer may be important to other submissions, or to make sure we're all sticking to the rules here. I'm fond of bending and twisting them though. Farewell and safe journeys.

Oh! I thought those were from the compendium, which I don't have! Good catch! +1 Rules Lawyer point for you.

Bad kitty! You shall now lose your ancient master points (I'll edit accordingly)! Alternately, you could just use the Hex crafting instead. Please edit your submissions accordingly, PM me when you're done, and I'll edit my evaluations accordingly.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Hotrod wrote:
Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. While I generally advocate to help other people's submissions (and I can still think of how Vek's lance can get more points for the win, I don't want to start picking sides here and think I'll keep my mouth shut until called upon) ...

Are we allowing craftsmanship from Heroes Unlimited now? I ask because two of drewkitty ~..~'s last submissions both includes the Ancient Weapon's Master crafting (from Powers Unlimited 2, a Heroes Unlimited sourcebook). I ask because the answer may be important to other submissions, or to make sure we're all sticking to the rules here. I'm fond of bending and twisting them though. Farewell and safe journeys.

Oh! I thought those were from the compendium, which I don't have! Good catch! +1 Rules Lawyer point for you.

Bad kitty! You shall now lose your ancient master points (I'll edit accordingly)! Alternately, you could just use the Hex crafting instead. Please edit your submissions accordingly, PM me when you're done, and I'll edit my evaluations accordingly.

Not using Hexadecimals due to story constraints on the saber and scabbard.

New weapons are updated to answer the stated DQ reasonings.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Hotrod wrote:
say652 wrote:Battle Axe 3D6 Kisentite, Giant Size +1D6 damage.
Deals 1/3 mdc un mdc places.

Forged by Ancient Weapons Master,
+2 strike +4 parry +6 Damage.
Improved and sharpened by Weapons Master.
Additional +1 strike +2 parry +2 Damage.

Analytical specialist Upgrades.
Grooves filled with silver.
Handle seperate into short spear 3D6 damage Kisentite same design process.

So silver indestructible Giant Size Battle Axe with a concealed short spear.
4D6+ps Axe.
3D6+ps spear.

+3 strike +6 parry +8 Damage.

+1 munchkin point for the spear/hammer screw in. That's a neat idea. However, Kisentite is from an alien world in the HU dimension, which DQ's your entry.

Darn. Can I still use the ancient Mayer hardware tweaked process or Nah
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Well, I am left being a petty jerk and having to attack the Grodnelite javelin. The Nimro book states that only the Nimro have Grondelite, and no one else in the world knows about it. So, how is the Hex Master forging the weapon? Also, the "can't be dodged" aspect of it is for when it's thrown and it either hits the target or the ground. As a melee weapon, it can be dodged, unless you're just striking it on the ground, in which case how does the strike bonus help? As for the +8 damage, the weapon doesn't actually do any damage as a physical weapon. It's all from the explosion. They only have 1-3 SDC, so when they strike anything solid, they explode. The sharpness of the blade doesn't matter. That would also rule out parrying with the weapon as well. Sure, you can bring the weapon in between you and the attacker, but you can't actually block anything (and doing so would make the weapon explode and do damage to you as well). It's like having a piece of paper that's +4 to parry.

Finally, on page 98 of the Nimro book second column, last paragraph, 4th-5th line it says "The explosive properties of this stuff make it unusable as any kind of melee weapon...". If the book says it can't be used as a melee weapon, my rules lawyering is probably at an end.

"So, Prysus, what are the additional tweaks you had in mind?"
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Veknironth wrote:-Vek
"So, Prysus, what are the additional tweaks you had in mind?"

Greetings and Salutations. Simple, and I kind of commented on it earlier, but unless I missed it ... you Hexmastered your blade edge for superior damage, but totally ignored the balance for combat bonuses. So unless my calculations are off, that would be a bonus 8 points. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake. You don't even need to attack the Grodnelite Javelin (which by the way, I know almost nothing about to attack, defend, or beef up ... which is why I've avoided it). At this point, the Grodnelite is likely to be grandfathered in, but I'll leave any rulings to Hotrod.

So by my calculations, without anything more than Hexmaster and Black Metal the lance is ...

8D6+12 (36 points), +1 on initiative, +6 to parry (Hex 4 + Natural 2), +4 to strike (47 points) with an extra +2 to strike (when thrown), lightweight, and invulnerable to all but magic. Not sure how the +2 to strike thrown is factored in (I figure either a bonus 2 points from strike or a bonus 2 points from an added attack option). Add in silver and that's a 50-52 point weapon right there.

Then you can still add in any other tweaks that you've already done. The fact it was a one-handed pole arm just made the bonuses stack way too easy (better damage, and better Dwarven/Hexmaster type bonuses as well). That's why when my submissions haven't really been about the points (exercises in munchkinness, maybe, but not for a real attempt at winning unless I stole your Lance ... which would have been unethical). Farewell and safe journeys to all.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Well, I did forget to add the combat bonuses, duh! I'm going to rule out the throwing bonus. I don't think you can throw a lance effectively. Also, if you do, then you're not using it as a melee weapon which rules it out. The lance as a one-handed polearm is something we figured out long ago, when a guy had a Paladin character. It can really do some damage, and that doesn't even factor in the bonus from a charge attack, or any of the "way of the lance" options if you're a Knight or Paladin.

"The Grodnelite weapons are on page 98 of the Mount Nimro book. They're devastating."
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Veknironth wrote:Well, I am left being a petty jerk and having to attack the Grodnelite javelin. The Nimro book states that only the Nimro have Grondelite, and no one else in the world knows about it. So, how is the Hex Master forging the weapon? Also, the "can't be dodged" aspect of it is for when it's thrown and it either hits the target or the ground. As a melee weapon, it can be dodged, unless you're just striking it on the ground, in which case how does the strike bonus help? As for the +8 damage, the weapon doesn't actually do any damage as a physical weapon. It's all from the explosion. They only have 1-3 SDC, so when they strike anything solid, they explode. The sharpness of the blade doesn't matter. That would also rule out parrying with the weapon as well. Sure, you can bring the weapon in between you and the attacker, but you can't actually block anything (and doing so would make the weapon explode and do damage to you as well). It's like having a piece of paper that's +4 to parry.

Finally, on page 98 of the Nimro book second column, last paragraph, 4th-5th line it says "The explosive properties of this stuff make it unusable as any kind of melee weapon...". If the book says it can't be used as a melee weapon, my rules lawyering is probably at an end.

"So, Prysus, what are the additional tweaks you had in mind?"

No-one outside of Hinterlands knows of black or white iron, but I would have no issue with either. The same principle applies to Grodnelite. It's a canon Palladium Fantasy weapon material with several specific designs. Kiralon himself acknowledged the hilarity of parrying with the thing; the bonus helps the defender make contact, which is immediately followed by a KABOOM. Using it as a melee weapon is a one-shot deal. It's a melee weapon for kamikaze-style warriors and those who are immune to normal physical damage, like vampires.

Your point about the explosive damage has some merit. +1 rules lawyer point for you. However, I am ruling that the craftsmen who put so much time and attention into this thing have found ways to make its shrapnel more damaging, adding pyrophoric material (like your firesand), or something else. Yes, I'm arguing for Kiralon, which isn't the proper role of a contest judge (-1 rules lawyer for me), and yes, I'm continuing to allow a weapon that is otherwise no-longer permitted (-1 awesome point for me), but I'd feel like a jerk if I pulled the rug out from under Kiralon at this point. I've already prevented him from updating his entry any more.

The ball is in your court, Vek. Will you surrender to the might of the Grodnelite Javelin, or will you rise to meet and perhaps overcome it with a few more tweaks to your Large Lance of L'audace?

Apparently I suck at alliteration today. Another -1 awesome point for me.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Well, I have to cede then. I've done my best rules lawyering and I feel I submitted a strong case but if the book saying "it is unusable as a melee weapon" isn't enough, then there is no rules lawyering argument left to be made. I also feel that if you add additional metal to the Grodnelite javelin to give it a useful edge, then you no longer have a Gordnelite javelin and there is a question of how you even attach the additional bladed metal part to the very volatile Grodnelite. The Grodnelite would have to be honed to that edge, right? Otherwise, you're taking the weapon and putting another weapon on the outside of it. If that's allowable, I'd like to stick a Grodnelite sling stone at the end of my lance. Actually, every weapon could have a Grodnelite sling stone glued to it. IF we can put gems into the weapon, why not a sling stone? Everyone gets an additional 2d6 damage. And for giant sized, let's make that a hardball sized throwing stone for 4d6. Hell, let's take that javelin, put a metal coating around it that has a blade that can do damage, and then insert Grodnelite stones in the metal to add even more to the javelin!

I'm munchkining and rules lawyering my ass off now!

I can't think of anything else to add, that's canon. I was thinking of using the lightweight aspect of the black metal to make the lance a double lance, but that's not a canon weapon and that would be creating a new weapon that is just sticking additional weapons onto an existing one. Why not have a triple lance then, right?

I also thought of arguing that the user of the lance would probably have Horsemanship, which adds a lot, depending on the level of horsemanship, but that's not specific to the weapon, just how it's used. I think I've thrown on just about every silly bell and whistle that's available.

"I feel like I should have more Rules Lawyering points."
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Greetings and Salutations. And okay, because this contest has gotten way too serious and competitive ... I now bring you this for submission.

The All American Dagger

Triple Dagger: 1D6

Natural Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, and +1 to parry.

The main, center blade is made out of White Metal. The other two are made out of Red Metal and the other from Kym-nark-mar's blood, which may leave behind a crystal substance but when it first comes out is blue.

That makes this dagger a true representation of the Red, White, and Blue that America stands for. It doesn't need points, because it's American. The fact that America doesn't exist in the Palladium World is irrelevant because this it's America! Special abilities? Who cares! An American weapon doesn't need special abilities because it's already the greatest weapon ever created just by being American. This weapon doesn't need Dwarven or Hexmaster craftsmanship because it's American! We didn't make it giant-sized so any true red-blooded American could wield it. And if this weapon doesn't win first place it's only because you don't know what it means to be a true American. So remember, when it comes time to vote, vote for The All American Dagger. And if this contest doesn't allow votes, it's because it's not American either! America is based on democracy and the voice of the people, the good American people. America! America! America!

Note: This dagger is neither created in America nor endorsed by the American people. In fact, it's created from the blood of a pagan religion with false gods and you're probably going to Hell just for reading for this post.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Well, I think we can improve the All American Dagger. Have it used solely in the Shadow Coast Colonies, and have it manufactured in Timiro by slave labor!

"U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Veknironth wrote:Well, I have to cede then. I've done my best rules lawyering and I feel I submitted a strong case but if the book saying "it is unusable as a melee weapon" isn't enough, then there is no rules lawyering argument left to be made. I also feel that if you add additional metal to the Grodnelite javelin to give it a useful edge, then you no longer have a Gordnelite javelin and there is a question of how you even attach the additional bladed metal part to the very volatile Grodnelite. The Grodnelite would have to be honed to that edge, right? Otherwise, you're taking the weapon and putting another weapon on the outside of it. If that's allowable, I'd like to stick a Grodnelite sling stone at the end of my lance. Actually, every weapon could have a Grodnelite sling stone glued to it. IF we can put gems into the weapon, why not a sling stone? Everyone gets an additional 2d6 damage. And for giant sized, let's make that a hardball sized throwing stone for 4d6. Hell, let's take that javelin, put a metal coating around it that has a blade that can do damage, and then insert Grodnelite stones in the metal to add even more to the javelin!

I'm munchkining and rules lawyering my ass off now!

I can't think of anything else to add, that's canon. I was thinking of using the lightweight aspect of the black metal to make the lance a double lance, but that's not a canon weapon and that would be creating a new weapon that is just sticking additional weapons onto an existing one. Why not have a triple lance then, right?

I also thought of arguing that the user of the lance would probably have Horsemanship, which adds a lot, depending on the level of horsemanship, but that's not specific to the weapon, just how it's used. I think I've thrown on just about every silly bell and whistle that's available.

"I feel like I should have more Rules Lawyering points."

Pity you can't make a Grodnelite claymore mine with the ball bearings made out of the different metals and bloods.
However I have used Grodnelite with goblin sacrificial troops, they wear a backpack of grodnelite, run into battle and jump at their opponents and detonate, and the giants can use them as hand grenades. They blow the wings right off those gromek. Just feed the goblins some fansolin and your off.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Hotrod wrote:

EDIT: I'm guessing that the saber has the higher point total of the two. +2 for its scabbard also being a weapon, +2 for punching attack, +1 for silver plating, +1 for the indestructibility of the gantrium, +1 for the PPE recovery bonus of gantrium, +1 for the lightness of Black Metal, +1 for the immune to normal damage of black metal, 18+4 for the damage. The quartz as an ISP battery is stuff from other game-dimensions and therefore not canon for Palladium Fantasy, at least not for this competition. The bonuses kick in another 12 points, for 43 points total!

@ Hotrod: 'ISP recovery' akin to the PPE recovery of enchanted gantrium is not a 'ISP battery'.
The text about the quartz being a mystically active substance have been removed.

You could of done like I suggested and just 'ignore it', you did basically that with Prysus'' 'Mind Shard'.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by say652 »

Blunderbus, flint lock weapon.

Large bore deals 1D6x10 to an effective range of about 50 feet.
Different types of shot(scrap metal, rocks) are added depending on the target.

Only burst bonuses apply to use of this primitive fire arm.
Reloading takes 4 attacks(not actions for you paired weapons types) four full attacks.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by kiralon »

say652 wrote:Blunderbus, flint lock weapon.

Large bore deals 1D6x10 to an effective range of about 50 feet.
Different types of shot(scrap metal, rocks) are added depending on the target.

Only burst bonuses apply to use of this primitive fire arm.
Reloading takes 4 attacks(not actions for you paired weapons types) four full attacks.

you would need the pistol as a blunderbuss is 2 handed
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Veknironth wrote:Well, I have to cede then. I've done my best rules lawyering and I feel I submitted a strong case but if the book saying "it is unusable as a melee weapon" isn't enough, then there is no rules lawyering argument left to be made. I also feel that if you add additional metal to the Grodnelite javelin to give it a useful edge, then you no longer have a Gordnelite javelin and there is a question of how you even attach the additional bladed metal part to the very volatile Grodnelite. The Grodnelite would have to be honed to that edge, right? Otherwise, you're taking the weapon and putting another weapon on the outside of it. If that's allowable, I'd like to stick a Grodnelite sling stone at the end of my lance. Actually, every weapon could have a Grodnelite sling stone glued to it. IF we can put gems into the weapon, why not a sling stone? Everyone gets an additional 2d6 damage. And for giant sized, let's make that a hardball sized throwing stone for 4d6. Hell, let's take that javelin, put a metal coating around it that has a blade that can do damage, and then insert Grodnelite stones in the metal to add even more to the javelin!

I'm munchkining and rules lawyering my ass off now!

I can't think of anything else to add, that's canon. I was thinking of using the lightweight aspect of the black metal to make the lance a double lance, but that's not a canon weapon and that would be creating a new weapon that is just sticking additional weapons onto an existing one. Why not have a triple lance then, right?

I also thought of arguing that the user of the lance would probably have Horsemanship, which adds a lot, depending on the level of horsemanship, but that's not specific to the weapon, just how it's used. I think I've thrown on just about every silly bell and whistle that's available.

"I feel like I should have more Rules Lawyering points."

I do, too. +1 Rules Lawyer Point for your persuasiveness. You're making me begin to regret allowing Kiralon's entry. However, I still believe you can win this thing without DQing Kiralon. If you don't believe me, just read some of ShadowLogan's entries.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Hotrod wrote:

EDIT: I'm guessing that the saber has the higher point total of the two. +2 for its scabbard also being a weapon, +2 for punching attack, +1 for silver plating, +1 for the indestructibility of the gantrium, +1 for the PPE recovery bonus of gantrium, +1 for the lightness of Black Metal, +1 for the immune to normal damage of black metal, 18+4 for the damage. The quartz as an ISP battery is stuff from other game-dimensions and therefore not canon for Palladium Fantasy, at least not for this competition. The bonuses kick in another 12 points, for 43 points total!

@ Hotrod: 'ISP recovery' akin to the PPE recovery of enchanted gantrium is not a 'ISP battery'.
The text about the quartz being a mystically active substance have been removed.

You could of done like I suggested and just 'ignore it', you did basically that with Prysus'' 'Mind Shard'.

Yeah, I think I confused your two entries. The ball and chain had the gantrium, which doubles PPE recovery as stated in Hinterlands. The saber one didn't have gantrium. Sorry. Lotta posts to go through, and I was working this in multiple tabs. I'll fix it.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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I wanted them big and heavy, carried by Wolfen or Ogres.

Staggered fire squads could take down most things that got within that 50 foot range.

Now I guess we can discuss ammo tech level for time period.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Its not a true munchkin weapon until the gm has said no repeatedly. Then I have to use whine at gm incessantly skill until the gm allows its use just to get the player to be quiet.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Back then the gm would have mechanoids invade and give you your request of course....
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. And okay, because this contest has gotten way too serious and competitive ... I now bring you this for submission.

The All American Dagger

Triple Dagger: 1D6

Natural Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, and +1 to parry.

The main, center blade is made out of White Metal. The other two are made out of Red Metal and the other from Kym-nark-mar's blood, which may leave behind a crystal substance but when it first comes out is blue.

That makes this dagger a true representation of the Red, White, and Blue that America stands for. It doesn't need points, because it's American. The fact that America doesn't exist in the Palladium World is irrelevant because this it's America! Special abilities? Who cares! An American weapon doesn't need special abilities because it's already the greatest weapon ever created just by being American. This weapon doesn't need Dwarven or Hexmaster craftsmanship because it's American! We didn't make it giant-sized so any true red-blooded American could wield it. And if this weapon doesn't win first place it's only because you don't know what it means to be a true American. So remember, when it comes time to vote, vote for The All American Dagger. And if this contest doesn't allow votes, it's because it's not American either! America is based on democracy and the voice of the people, the good American people. America! America! America!

Note: This dagger is neither created in America nor endorsed by the American people. In fact, it's created from the blood of a pagan religion with false gods and you're probably going to Hell just for reading for this post.

Assigning points to this weapon (or this post) seems un-patriotic, because how can I enumerate the awesomeness that is America?

It's not that I'm DQing this entry. I'm DQing this entire challenge with respect to this weapon on the basis that it's not worthy to compete with something so American.

The challenge shall go on, though. Three days remain. I'm off to go sing patriotic songs at the top of my lungs.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

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say652 wrote:Blunderbus, flint lock weapon.

Large bore deals 1D6x10 to an effective range of about 50 feet.
Different types of shot(scrap metal, rocks) are added depending on the target.

Only burst bonuses apply to use of this primitive fire arm.
Reloading takes 4 attacks(not actions for you paired weapons types) four full attacks.

Not a melee weapon, so DQ'd. +1 munchkin point for being the first to try a firearm, though.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Full Moon of the Lantern Goddess

Zathar the Engul was wandering on a Mid-Summer's Eve walking off the firey rage she was in from the latest fight with her husband over having children. Pacing through a meadow her hawk had just flew past the full moon eclipsing it for an instant. Distracted by her hawk, when she looked back to the path she was taking she saw a an elder elf of the next valley over. When striding to him, it was then he spoke the words of the ancient tongue of the elves in greeting. "Fear not Warrior of Night, for the Lantern Goddess has moved me here to meet with you. It is you she has chosen to right a wrong and cleanse the temple of the vileness which occupies." Standing there stunned Zathar questioning why he was saying this when she was being shunned for wedding a human. The Elder raised his hands and bringing them together, seaming to her eyes as to grasp the moon. An instant of darkness later his hands were holding a strange weapon which he handed to her. "Take her gift and and when the quest is done your home will be filled with joy." With that the Elder turned and walked away towards the village he lived in.

The weapon was a full circle blade attached to a hilt that extended into a parrying horn out of each end. The circle is decorated with two lines of runes, the outer line being the the zodiac with all of their sigils in the proper order. Starting with the Gryphon, followed following through them till her own Red Hawk properly between Selestra the Mermaid & The Scholar, and ending back with Ghundeg, Od's Sword next to the Gryphon. The inner line looks to be writing in elvish lettering that seam to shift what they say when the light changes. The Body of the weapon, a Full Moon, is made of White Iron Steal plated with Korobite. The sigils, excepting her own, and writing appear to be the flat black of Black Iron Steal. Her own Red Hawk is done in some red metal The crafting of the blade is more then superior is as good as any mortal hands can craft a blade.

Base quality weapon stats & bonuses: Full Moon (Compendium:Misc.)
init +2
Strike: +1
Parry: +2
SDC: 85
Damage: 2d6

Hex dwarf quality smithing (blades)
Damage +8
Strike & Parry +4

Made of Korobite plated White Iron. (PF:NH 56: K: harms the SN & WI: +1 Strike, flexible & negated the 1st 20 points of damage in any given attack to it. Does not conduct Electricity)
The handle is made from single shaft blood marble wrapped with Arrowhead leather. (nothing mystical or bonus adding about them, just for a full description. BMarble comes from one of the minion war Hell lands books you said we could use [is guessing it will give the weapon's aura an other-worldly'ness seaming since Blood Marble is not of the PF world-which might just be a plot point somewhere], & arrowheads critters are in PF:NH)

Decorated with the zodiac runes around the circle of the main blade and a line of elvish writing on both sides of the blade. (Maybe outside this contest they maybe are plot device or a magic circle :bandit: ) With the connecting braces marked with a four sided lantern with a pitched top & hanging ring.

Has a scabbard made out of Giant Scuttle Crab Shell. NAR 14 (made out of the top shell chitin).

Damage: 2D6+10
Init: +2
Strike: +6
Parry: +12
SDC: 85
Does rated damage when attacking the supernatural. because it is Korobite plated.
The 1st 20 points of damage does to it are negated by the White Iron flexing & totally resistant to normal Electricity and 1/2 damage from magical electricity.
Has a slightly other-worldly'ness to it's aura.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Unread post by say652 »

Hotrod wrote:
say652 wrote:Blunderbus, flint lock weapon.

Large bore deals 1D6x10 to an effective range of about 50 feet.
Different types of shot(scrap metal, rocks) are added depending on the target.

Only burst bonuses apply to use of this primitive fire arm.
Reloading takes 4 attacks(not actions for you paired weapons types) four full attacks.

Not a melee weapon, so DQ'd. +1 munchkin point for being the first to try a firearm, though.

I will try again.
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