Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

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Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by Chronicler »

Welp life's getting better. Been flip flopping to different things and getting my life back together again. Anyways I'm continuing this thread: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=143561

I asked NMI about necroing a thread and he said that I should just create a new one.

So this time around I think I'll make this thread both for my project and for you guys to come up with your own what ifs. Fanfics, one off jokes, or just a string of recurring jokes if need be.
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by Chronicler »

So thanks to a novel online fiction organizer I find it very helpful in this project.

Working on some background for one of the main focus of the Macross Saga itself: The SDF-1.


The Super Dimensional Fortress one (or SDF-1) is a reconstructed alien vessel that crashed landed on earth on December 21st 1999 during World War 3.

The ship was originally Master Zor's battle ship/research vessel. It is a modified monitor class vessel that held the most advanced technology that Zor hid from the Tirolian Empire. Within it's hull lies the first Matrix, the machine that turns The Flower of Life seeds into a near limitless power that can do about anything one can set their mind too.

The Matrix is held in what researchers deemed "The Vault", a sizable room within the heart of the ship that is sealed off from any safe access. There are pipelines and conduits that go into the main engines, electrical power-plants, and a reserve tank that the scientists tapped into for research. What scientist don't realize is the vault acts like a garden with the Flower of Life continuously grows and dies in a close ecosystem. This ecosystem also contains other plant species that would grow out of the SDF-1 wreckage after Khyrons attack.


10 B.C. The Zehi monitor class vessel first rolled off Tirolian dry-docks as the first in a line of Zentradi warships The Masters had built for their growing legion of shock troopers. One however was stolen before it's completion by unknown assailants. They would learn centuries afterwords that Zor and his Disciples were the perpetrators.

9 B.C. Zor completes his modifications to his ship "Dawning Hope". He assigns several of his most trusted followers in manning the ship with him as he sets out to fine new planets to seed with the Flower of Life. In actuality Zor's personal goal was to find more obelisks or artifacts of what he deemed as "The Proto-Culture".

0 B.C. The Masters to Zors horror bombards Optera to a wasteland.


Still in the works, but had to take a break from that and look over other notes.
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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.
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Unread post by Chronicler »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.

Was it on RT's website somewhere, or was there dialog in the show some where? (Also never read anything past the first two omnibus of the novelization, so if it was in the other novels I would have missed it.)
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.

Was it on RT's website somewhere, or was there dialog in the show some where? (Also never read anything past the first two omnibus of the novelization, so if it was in the other novels I would have missed it.)

In one of the macrose episodes Exorod is being debriefed by Glowball and they mention that the Master's empire is 500,000 years old, fell into disarray after some event causes a Civil war...
I infer that Zor's death as the leader of the Master's empire lead to 2 faction grasping for the remnants of the empire.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Chronicler »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.

Was it on RT's website somewhere, or was there dialog in the show some where? (Also never read anything past the first two omnibus of the novelization, so if it was in the other novels I would have missed it.)

In one of the macrose episodes Exorod is being debriefed by Glowball and they mention that the Master's empire is 500,000 years old, fell into disarray after some event causes a Civil war...
I infer that Zor's death as the leader of the Master's empire lead to 2 faction grasping for the remnants of the empire.

It was probably the episode where they took the Factory Satellite when they came across the wreckage. I'll double check but I didn't think the Masters Empire was that long lived. Also I would imagine that Zor's death would be a recent thing (probably a year or two before the ship crashed to earth).
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Tiree »

Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.

Was it on RT's website somewhere, or was there dialog in the show some where? (Also never read anything past the first two omnibus of the novelization, so if it was in the other novels I would have missed it.)

In one of the macrose episodes Exorod is being debriefed by Glowball and they mention that the Master's empire is 500,000 years old, fell into disarray after some event causes a Civil war...
I infer that Zor's death as the leader of the Master's empire lead to 2 faction grasping for the remnants of the empire.

It was probably the episode where they took the Factory Satellite when they came across the wreckage. I'll double check but I didn't think the Masters Empire was that long lived. Also I would imagine that Zor's death would be a recent thing (probably a year or two before the ship crashed to earth).

I want to say it's quite a bit longer than a year or two before the SDF Crashed. IIRC Bretai had been searching for Zor's ship for quite some time.
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Re: Re:

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Chronicler wrote:
It was probably the episode where they took the Factory Satellite when they came across the wreckage. I'll double check but I didn't think the Masters Empire was that long lived. Also I would imagine that Zor's death would be a recent thing (probably a year or two before the ship crashed to earth).
I felt it has been a very long time, The Master's and the Disciples' of Zor spent countless generations decimating their respective factions. Up until they arrived on earth, the Master's thought the DoZ had found the SDf-1 before the Zents had.
by the old comics, it may have been a few years, but they conflict with the show since the Invid and bioroids are on board the SDF-1 when it crashes.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Chronicler wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Taking into account the timeline provided by the series, ~2000 years is about 1/250th the actual history of the Master civilization.

Was it on RT's website somewhere, or was there dialog in the show some where? (Also never read anything past the first two omnibus of the novelization, so if it was in the other novels I would have missed it.)

In one of the macrose episodes Exorod is being debriefed by Glowball and they mention that the Master's empire is 500,000 years old, fell into disarray after some event causes a Civil war...
I infer that Zor's death as the leader of the Master's empire lead to 2 faction grasping for the remnants of the empire.

It was probably the episode where they took the Factory Satellite when they came across the wreckage. I'll double check but I didn't think the Masters Empire was that long lived. Also I would imagine that Zor's death would be a recent thing (probably a year or two before the ship crashed to earth).

Episode 31 "Khyron's Revenge".

The problem with the 500,000year figure is that the Masters can not be genetically identical to Terrans after such a long period of time. Modern Humans are A, not that old as a species, and B evolutionary forces should also have prevented this. The Coincidence of Genetic engineering Exedore mentions is possible, but seems improbable.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

ShadowLogan wrote:
Episode 31 "Khyron's Revenge".

The problem with the 500,000year figure is that the Masters can not be genetically identical to Terrans after such a long period of time. Modern Humans are A, not that old as a species, and B evolutionary forces should also have prevented this. The Coincidence of Genetic engineering Exedore mentions is possible, but seems improbable.
Improbable or not, its attempting to use "realism" to disprove dialog when "realism" disproves the complete show... The Genetic compatibility Trope is present in all space-opera's masquerading as science fiction. As the Master's are from a completely different galaxy the chances of them having bipedal forms and breathing oxygen and not being boiled alive by h2o is amazing... worse is the fact they all speak English...
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Chronicler »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
Episode 31 "Khyron's Revenge".

The problem with the 500,000year figure is that the Masters can not be genetically identical to Terrans after such a long period of time. Modern Humans are A, not that old as a species, and B evolutionary forces should also have prevented this. The Coincidence of Genetic engineering Exedore mentions is possible, but seems improbable.
Improbable or not, its attempting to use "realism" to disprove dialog when "realism" disproves the complete show... The Genetic compatibility Trope is present in all space-opera's masquerading as science fiction. As the Master's are from a completely different galaxy the chances of them having bipedal forms and breathing oxygen and not being boiled alive by h2o is amazing... worse is the fact they all speak English...

Ah finally found something I printed awhile back when Robotech Illustrated 2077 was still around. It was "A Brief Description and History of Tirol by Peter Walker with Pieter Thomassen and Aubry Thonon, with minor editing by Tim Wing". This was one of the things that I was going off of, never got the chance to ask the authors but Tim was okay with me referencing from his site.

Anyways in it long before recorded history (some 15,000 years or so according to this) an alien race transplanted Humans on Tirol (and Praxis) as a slave race, it is assumed that Tirol was a backwaters colony meant for agriculture. Their genetic makeup can be traced to Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

So yeah that solved the whole "hybrid" thing (though technically it is I guess?). I pegged The Masters Empire at 2,500+ years and have Tirolians themselves having space travel capabilities 500 years before hand.
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

Chronicler wrote:Ah finally found something I printed awhile back when Robotech Illustrated 2077 was still around. It was "A Brief Description and History of Tirol by Peter Walker with Pieter Thomassen and Aubry Thonon, with minor editing by Tim Wing". This was one of the things that I was going off of, never got the chance to ask the authors but Tim was okay with me referencing from his site.

Anyways in it long before recorded history (some 15,000 years or so according to this) an alien race transplanted Humans on Tirol (and Praxis) as a slave race, it is assumed that Tirol was a backwaters colony meant for agriculture. Their genetic makeup can be traced to Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

So yeah that solved the whole "hybrid" thing (though technically it is I guess?). I pegged The Masters Empire at 2,500+ years and have Tirolians themselves having space travel capabilities 500 years before hand.
I like the opposite... something akin to the movie Outlander (2008)- Earth may have been a Colony of a common ancestor of the Tryrolleans and Earthlings...
Even the Master say when they lie to emmerson "we respect all species that share our common form"...
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Re: Re:

Unread post by Chronicler »

Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Ah finally found something I printed awhile back when Robotech Illustrated 2077 was still around. It was "A Brief Description and History of Tirol by Peter Walker with Pieter Thomassen and Aubry Thonon, with minor editing by Tim Wing". This was one of the things that I was going off of, never got the chance to ask the authors but Tim was okay with me referencing from his site.

Anyways in it long before recorded history (some 15,000 years or so according to this) an alien race transplanted Humans on Tirol (and Praxis) as a slave race, it is assumed that Tirol was a backwaters colony meant for agriculture. Their genetic makeup can be traced to Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

So yeah that solved the whole "hybrid" thing (though technically it is I guess?). I pegged The Masters Empire at 2,500+ years and have Tirolians themselves having space travel capabilities 500 years before hand.
I like the opposite... something akin to the movie Outlander (2008)- Earth may have been a Colony of a common ancestor of the Tryrolleans and Earthlings...
Even the Master say when they lie to emmerson "we respect all species that share our common form"...

Hm, well I am having an ancient "seeder" race as mentioned before. The Earth colony thing burned me thanks to the recent Battlestar Galactica (really sci-fi?)
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by Chronicler »

I know that due to RT being a splicing of three different anime shows I never could get behind the three mounds being the remains of the SDF-1 and the city now being a full grown forest (wasn't their suppose to be high background radiation?). So I thought of just describing that area as the exposed wreckage of the SDF-1 with the city in disrepair because of the high background radiation. Granted by 2029 it must have died down a bit, and the higher concentrated areas at the time would have been Khirons ship (old unstable reactor) but even that died down.

Just a thought.
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by dataweaver »

My Alt setting would begin by moving the arrival of Zor's super-dimensional fortress from 1999 to 20XX — that is, some time in the middle of the 21st century, at least twenty years in the future. One effect of this would be an excision of 80isms from the setting. I would establish all dates relative to this event.

Next, instead of having the SDF's arrival interrupt a global war, I'd have it trigger a global war. Said war would rage for five years or so, followed by another five years where the war's victors consolidate power and declare a United Earth government. Then the Zentreadi arrive.

I'd establish the Robotech Masters and Zentreadi as rivals: the Masters may have created the Zentreadi; but they have long since lost any control that they once might have had. Prior to Dolza's Rain of Death, the Zentreadi and the Masters have been fighting a protracted war against each other. The secrets Zor extracted from the Flower of Life are coveted by the Masters because they have the potential to turn the tide of the war against the Zentreadi; that potential is realized during the Rain of Death as the crew of the SDF-1 uses those secrets to devastate Dolza's fleet.

The destruction of Dolza's fleet leaves a power vacuum that the Masters take advantage of — or at least try to. Meanwhile, per the Gloval Initiative, Earth starts sending out colony ships even as it rebuilds. By the time the Masters get to Earth, there's a thriving colony on Mars as well. That colony plays a small role in the Masters Saga (it's where Carpenter comes from), and a bigger role in the New Generation era (it serves as the base of operations for the Earth Reclamation Forces).

The Zentreadi do not disappear from Earth after Khyron's revenge, nor do they get micronized; full-sized Zentreadi remain a thing throughout the Masters Saga, though they tend to get hunted down by the Masters and generally don't fare well. Likewise, the New Generation features surviving Zentreadi and Masters as well as humans.
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by Chronicler »

dataweaver wrote:My Alt setting would begin by moving the arrival of Zor's super-dimensional fortress from 1999 to 20XX — that is, some time in the middle of the 21st century, at least twenty years in the future. One effect of this would be an excision of 80isms from the setting. I would establish all dates relative to this event.

Next, instead of having the SDF's arrival interrupt a global war, I'd have it trigger a global war. Said war would rage for five years or so, followed by another five years where the war's victors consolidate power and declare a United Earth government. Then the Zentreadi arrive.

I'd establish the Robotech Masters and Zentreadi as rivals: the Masters may have created the Zentreadi; but they have long since lost any control that they once might have had. Prior to Dolza's Rain of Death, the Zentreadi and the Masters have been fighting a protracted war against each other. The secrets Zor extracted from the Flower of Life are coveted by the Masters because they have the potential to turn the tide of the war against the Zentreadi; that potential is realized during the Rain of Death as the crew of the SDF-1 uses those secrets to devastate Dolza's fleet.

The destruction of Dolza's fleet leaves a power vacuum that the Masters take advantage of — or at least try to. Meanwhile, per the Gloval Initiative, Earth starts sending out colony ships even as it rebuilds. By the time the Masters get to Earth, there's a thriving colony on Mars as well. That colony plays a small role in the Masters Saga (it's where Carpenter comes from), and a bigger role in the New Generation era (it serves as the base of operations for the Earth Reclamation Forces).

The Zentreadi do not disappear from Earth after Khyron's revenge, nor do they get micronized; full-sized Zentreadi remain a thing throughout the Masters Saga, though they tend to get hunted down by the Masters and generally don't fare well. Likewise, the New Generation features surviving Zentreadi and Masters as well as humans.

First point no you can still have it in 99 and use the same advancements that we already know and the tech they use in the show. Second point that happened in the original Macross show, that was the unification war. Third point yes and no, yes cause there were some that splintered off, and no cause I like that the masters still had some if not total influence with their creations. Fourth point already doing that with mars and a butt load of exo-solar colonies. Fifth point already doing that with the Zents.

Also why did my browser auto correct Gloval's name as Glowball?
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by dataweaver »

Let me direct your attention to something from your first post:
Chronicler wrote:So this time around I think I'll make this thread both for my project and for you guys to come up with your own what ifs. Fanfics, one off jokes, or just a string of recurring jokes if need be.
It was with that underlined part in mind that I posted. Did you mean that, or is this thread really only about your own Alt? If the latter, I'll go ahead and delete my contribution and leave your thread in peace.
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Re: Robotech Alt 3: third times the charm

Unread post by Chronicler »

dataweaver wrote:Let me direct your attention to something from your first post:
Chronicler wrote:So this time around I think I'll make this thread both for my project and for you guys to come up with your own what ifs. Fanfics, one off jokes, or just a string of recurring jokes if need be.
It was with that underlined part in mind that I posted. Did you mean that, or is this thread really only about your own Alt? If the latter, I'll go ahead and delete my contribution and leave your thread in peace.

As I said when I PM him I forgot about that one bit. I've been scattered brained for a month and forgot most of this stuff (I have a lot of stuff on my end that just get in the way and tires me out). Plus I probably should have worded my stuff better. I thought you where suggesting things to me for my setting, I read that the wrong way. I deeply apologize for that dataweaver.
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