My first post in this thread. I made up this critter about 15 years ago. Finished the write up tonight while listen to Christmas music.

Ravenwood Dragon
Native to the Ravenwood, an expanse of forest in the Northern Hinterlands that contains
unusually large trees with incredibly dense canopies these large reptilian creatures (they are not true dragons) can be found
travelling swiftly through the forest both on the ground and through the canopies, where their
agility allows them to leap from trunk to trunk without slowing down. Watching them move,
especially a group of them, is mesmerizing.
They are carnivorous creatures, that use their speed and agility to tackle a wide range of prey,
especially the many grazing animals found in the area.
While they definitely have the ability to take down humanoid creatures, the dragons are much too
smart to go down that path, and avoid any intelligent race that comes into their forest, except in
self defence. As this area is unexplored and virtually unknown to the outside world, they have yet
to be truly exploited.
A few people, mostly rangers living in the area, have rescued hatchlings or eggs and found that
the young imprint on their rescuers and make extraordinary mounts.
Strikingly beautiful, they appear as a slender, muscular, wingless dragon with a large fin on their
tail. They are metallic in colour, always with two toned scales (half one colour, half another,
usually contrasting).
Alignment: Wild ones are considered unprincipled or anarchist. Ones imprinted on a person are
scrupulous or unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+3, M.E. 3D6+6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6+10, P.P. 5D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6+6,
Spd 6D6+20
Size: 7 to 11 feet tall, 16 to 24 feet long.
Weight: 1400 to 2400 lbs.
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit Points: 4D6 x 10 + P.E. attribute number
S.D.C.: 4D4 x 10
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Fire and cold resistant (half damage from even magic attacks), nightvision 600
feet, leap 60 feet high and 120 feet long, track by smell 75%, prowl 55%, swim 80%, climb 90%.
Bonuses: + 2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge (automatic dodge), +3 to roll
with impact, +4 to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs
Attacks per melee: 4 as wild animals, 6 as trained mounts.
Damage: Bite inflicts 3D6+3 damage, claws 4D6, tail strike 3D6 and knocks their opponent back 2D6 feet. Add P.S. bonus to claw and tail strikes. Their favourite combat tactic is to run past an opponent, biting or clawing them on the way by, then following up with a tail strike to send them sprawling.
Language: Speak to each other through a series of clicks, whirls and trills, very similar to many sounds heard from birds. When happy they make a constant low humming sound, similar to a cat purring. Most people find it incredibly relaxing, especially if they are leaning against the beast, feeling the gentle vibrations emanating from its chest.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Habitat: Native to the Ravenwood Forest in the Northern Hinterlands. The main barrier to them expanding is the lack of trees large enough to allow them to move in their preferred way. If they could get to the Yin Sloth Jungles they would thrive there, as well as many of the mountainous areas of the world. It’s possible some exist in the Northern Mountains.
Average Life Span: Unknown. At least known to be 100 years, they may live for centuries.
Enemies: Winter Storm Ice Demons are their only true enemy. If the outside world learns of them, Western slavers and hunters will become their biggest threat. A few high ranking Wolfen officials have learned of their existence and are considering an attempt to obtain some eggs to try them as mounts for the Wolfen. They are perfectly sized to carry the large humanoids.
Allies: Other Ravenwood Dragons and anyone bonded to one of them.