Monstrous Creations

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:With only a 1d6+6 intelligence, I fail to see why they have an RCC. Would they not just be animal intelligence?

:-? A Hairy Jack (a fairy folk) has I.Q. 1D6+2. Most fairy folks have 2D6, which means these guys at 1D6+6 are potentially
smarter in some regard. And like all fairy folk who have R.C.C. so do these guys. They just aren't creatures of magic. Just giants
with bark like ski and the power to travel through the ground.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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As my online time is somewhat limited while I have to order a new AC adaptor for my laptop, the stuff I m planning to post will be delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have more in mind, but here is the one I have done.


An Octopussy is a creature of magic created as a pet for a wizard originally. It is basically a miniature octopus with the head of a domestic cat.

Size: 2-5 feet
Weight: 20-50 pounds
Hit Points: 2d6+10
S.D.C.: 1d6+20
P.P.E.: 4d6
Horror Factor: 8
Attacks Per Melee: 5
Damage: A hit from a tentacle arm does 1d4+1 damage, being crushed by a tentacle arm does 1d4 points of damage per melee, bite does 2 points of damage, or by ejecting water in powerful jets causing 1d4 damage and propelling a dwarf-sized person or child 1d4X10 yards/meters away. An Octopussy may also pick up and use small rocks to bash (add 2d6 to the damage) or throw rocks (3d6 damage).
Octopussy are usually not aggressive or combative and will usually eject water at an opponent rather than engage in other types of attacks. If hurt, angered, or extremely hungry, however, they will attack with tentacles and bite at opponents/prey. Octopussy have incredible strength equal to a P.S. of 20. When a fight goes badly, an Octopussy will secrete an intensely dark liquid and make its escape. Yhe inky cloud will completely obscure a 1d6X10 foot radius. Everyone in the cloud is blinded (-9 to strike, parry and dodge). The inky discharge also confuses the flavor trail by which an enemy might follow in pursuit. Visibility returns after about 3d6 minutes as the cloud disperses.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to pull punch.
Natural Abilities: Can breathe on land as well as in water, keen vision and sense of smell, nightvision 40 feet, climb 60%, prowl 59%, swim 90%: has 8 arms.
Speed: 10 on land, 8 crawling on sea floor, 6 swimming
Average life Span: 10-15 years
Value: 10-25 gold for full ink glands, 18-50 gold as pet
Habitat: House pet
Range: Rare; Land of the South Winds
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Pink Dragon
These hard to find dragons are not so rare as one might think, for they more adept at hiding in plane sight then Chang-Ku dragons and are very social with mortals and each other. They only become reclusive once a mated pair conceives a clutch of eggs, withdrawing from the world at large to protect their eggs.
Most, if found at all, can be found in countries that are at peace and have a high degree of freedoms, using their metamorphosis powers to change to appear to be just another mortal in the community. However, unlike most dragons their breath does not do damage to others, but does allow a great deal of control over mundane objects. Most notably over clothes. For while they want to blend in…they crave to be the center of attention. Dr Lazlo discovered the only family of these dragons in a large town in Kansas posing as a human family (he only mentions them as 'The Joans's') where the hatchlings were participated in the town's high school's yell and cheerleading squads and the adults were leading members of the PTA and other leaders in the community.
In the natural form these dragons are much smaller then most other dragons and a lilac color ("True Pink! not that pail red icky color."said the one dragon Lazlo was able to get to admit anything about their real nature.) And where most dragons seek out gold , silver or other material treasures pink dragon seam to only think of any material wealth as a means to the end of being the center of attention.
Alignment: any, but mostly selfish with principled leanings.
Attributes: Hatchlings [Adults] IQ: 2d6+8[3d6+8d] ME: 3d6 MA: 4d4+4[3d6+7] SNPS: 3d6+7[3d6+18] PP: 2d6+6[2d6+12] SNPE: 3d6+6[4d4+14] PB: 1d6+12[2d6+12] Spd: 3d6+12[3d6+22] flying spd: 2d6x20[1d10x10]
Size: 2.5 to 3.5 feet [5.1 to 10.8 feet] tall (to shoulder), 6 to 9 feet [13 to 20 feet] long (tip of snout to tail tip), 6 to 12 foot [24 to 30 foot] wingspan.
Weight: 175 to 300 [280 to 420]pounds
Nat. AR: 11 [14]
Hit points: PE times 10, +1d4x10 per level
SDC: 3d8x10 [1d4x100+200]
PPE: 2d6x10, +1d4x10 per level [2d6x100, +1d4x100 per level] (
Awe Factor: 7 (in their natural form)
RCC skills: dragonese at 98%, and two other lang skills, land navigation, dance, gym at level 1 proficiency. Can choose a OCC once they reach third level. Keeping track of each Dragon exp.
NPC skills level: 1d4x2 [2d6+6]
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100' (can see in total darkness), excellent color vision seeing into the near IR and UV. Bio-regen at 5d6 HP or SDC per minute, T-port self LoS or 50 meters per APM, metamorphose at will: indifferently: any natural form from hamster size to elephant sized. Can not be sensed as another dragon by other dragons, except when they are touched.
Note: while clutching matted pairs of these dragons loose their metamorphosis abilities.
Breath weapon: Each Pink Dragon breath can change the shape and/or color of material object into any other objects for one hour per level of experience. The items return to their original form at the end of the duration or if canceled. Items can not be turned into living beings, and do not affect people in any form. A favorite tactic is to breath into an area and then to walk into the area of effect to manipulate the clothes they are wearing.
Vulnerabilities and weaknesses: dancing and good music
Combat: Use dragon combat hth,min: 4 APM
Damage: as per SNPS table, tail does punch damage, at L3 replace "tail slap power strike" with "round house Tail strike": power punch damage and counts as two attacks
Magic: can select a Magic OCC @ level 3 and can learn/taught spells at any time. Prin. of magic 82%+3% per level. Can cast spells costing up to 50 PPE from ambient PPE.
Psionics: none saves as a master Psi
Habitat: anywhere, but are normally found in a community of mortals.
Feeding Habits: While they get enjoyment out of eating normal food, the pink dragons are psionic vampires feeding off the feelings of others who are watching them. Each dragon will have their preferred emotion to feed off of.
Average life span: unknown
Enemies: Slavers of any sort and people who ignore them.
Allies: these dragons have an uncanny friendships with most people even if the other parties are unknowing about them as dragons.

MDC Setting Notes: in settings like rifts or the three Galaxies the Pink Dragon's MDC is equal to their HP and SDC combined.

As Evil Monster NPCs they will be loners, being shunned by other pink dragons, will hide in plane sight as with others. However, they will cause the surrounding communities to be dark places. With mistrust, envy, and hate abounding.
Last edited by drewkitty ~..~ on Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I've had limited time on the internet due to having to replace my laptop. I do have a couple of creations to post, though, which will be up tomorrow probably.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


An Octocat is a larger, more predatory version of the Octokitty. It has the torso, front legs and head of a large cat/lion or panther, and tentacles on the hind end.

Size: Body: 4 and 1/4 feet, plus tentacles: 12 feet long.
Weight: 350 to 500 pounds.
A.R.: 5
Hit Points: 5d6+20
S.D.C.: 4d6+20
P.P.E.: 4d6
Horror Factor: 14
Attacks per melee: 5
Damage: Claws do 2d4+4 points of damage, bite does 1d6+2 damage. A hit by a tentacle arm does 1d6+6 points of damage, being crushed/squeezed by a tentacle does 1d6 points of damage per melee.
Pouncing and Leaping: Octocats instinctively leap and pounce on prey, wrapping tentacles around prey and crushing and squeezing. They can also strike/slash with their claws. A pouncing leap has a 01-65% chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and suffers 1d6 damage from the impact and fall in addition to any other damage.
Tentacle Strength: Octocats have a tentacle strength with a P.S. of 20 and can drag and throw objects.
Inky Cloud: When a fight goes badly, an Octocat will secrete an intensely dark liquid and make its escape. The inky cloud will completely obscure a 1d6X100 foot radius. Everyone in the cloud is blinded, -9 to strike, parry and dodge. The inky discharge also confuses the flavor trail by which an enemy might follow in pursuit. Visibility returns after 3d6 minutes as the cloud disperses.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to pull punch.
Natural Abilities: Breathe air or in water, keen vision and sense of smell, nightvision 60 feet, climb 80%, prowl 60%, swim 90%, track by smell or sight 70%, has 8 tentacles on hind end, can leap 10 feet high and 20 feet long.
Speed: 8 on land or crawling on sea floor, 6 swimming.
Average Life Span: 12-20 years.
Value: Skin: 100 gold, 100-250 gold for full ink glands.
Range: Timiro Kingdom
Behavior: Octocats are solitary creatures and hunt either by day or night. They prey on fish and other water creatures.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


An Octokitty is a smaller, more domesticated version of the Octocat. It has the torso, front legs and head of a domestic cat, and tentacles on the hind end.

Size: Body: 1 and 1/4 feet, plus tentacles: 4 feet long.
Weight: 100 to 150 pounds.
A.R.: Not appicable
Hit Points: 2d6+20
S.D.C.: 2d4+20
P.P.E.: 3d6
Horror Factor: 6
Attacks per melee: 5
Damage: Claws do 1d4+2 points of damage, bite does 2 points of damage. A hit by a tentacle arm does 1d4+4 points of damage, being crushed/squeezed by a tentacle does 1d4 points of damage per melee.
Pouncing and Leaping: Octokitties instinctively leap and pounce on prey, wrapping tentacles around prey and crushing and squeezing. They can also strike/slash with their claws. A pouncing leap has a 01-65% chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and suffers 1d6 damage from the impact and fall in addition to any other damage.
Tentacle Strength: Octokitties have a tentacle strength with a P.S. of 10 and can drag and throw objects.
Inky Cloud: When a fight goes badly, an Octokitty will secrete an intensely dark liquid and make its escape. The inky cloud will completely obscure a 1d6X10 foot radius. Everyone in the cloud is blinded, -9 to strike, parry and dodge. The inky discharge also confuses the flavor trail by which an enemy might follow in pursuit. Visibility returns after 3d6 minutes as the cloud disperses.
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +1 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Natural Abilities: Breathe air or in water, keen vision and sense of smell, nightvision 40 feet, climb 70%, prowl 70%, swim 90%, track by smell or sight 70%, has 8 tentacles on hind end, can leap 5 feet high and 10 feet long.
Speed: 7 on land or crawling on sea floor, 5 swimming.
Average Life Span: 8-14 years.
Value: 8-50 gold as pet, 50-125 gold for full ink glands.
Habitat: House Pet
Range: Timiro Kingdom
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


The Monkichi, otherwise known as Monkey Spiders or Tree Crawlers, are a race of six-armed monkey people dwelling in trees. They are reclusive, preferring to live deep in the forest. They are shy around other races, though some have been known to attack and raid caravans traveling close to the forest when food is scarce.
Having fur all over their bodies, Monkichi have little need for clothing and armor, and they make do with weapons and equipment they can make from wood. Since they don't wear clothing, they are sometimes mistaken for common monkeys and attacked by other races, such as Ogres, who will eat them. As a result, Monkichi are taught from a young age to fight and are masters of combat.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 3d6, Spd 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 2d6+6
A.R.: None, must wear armor but prefer not to
P.P.E.: 2d6
Horror Factor: 10
O.C.C.s Available to Monkichi: Any
Attacks per melee: Six without and hand to hand combat training, or six plus those gained from hand to hand combat training and/or boxing
Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +4 to roll with impact/fall
Natural Abilities: Climb 98%, acrobatics 90%, nightvision 40 feet, prehensile tail, six arms, and leap five feet high and 20 feet long
Damage: Bite does 2d4 points of damage, claws/punch 1d4 damage, or by weapon
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 50-60 years
Value: Fur: 30 gold
Habitat: Forest
Languages: Human (whatever local language is common) and Gobbley
Enemies: Ogres and Goblins
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Monkichi look like monkeys with six arms and prehensile tails. They have fur ranging in color from tan to gray, blut to white
Size: 3 to 4 feet tall, plus a 32-36 inch long tail
Weight: 48-60 pounds
Notes: Monkichi have a prehensile tail which is very sensitive and is used for balance and climbing. They rarely wear armor and prefer to use wooden weapons such as spears and bows. They live in families of 3d6 members and dwell in trees, being exceptional climbers and leapers.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I've had limited time on the internet due to having to replace my laptop. I do have a couple of creations to post, though, which will be up tomorrow probably.
We all have troubles from time to time. My own have kept me from posting here in a long time as well. Just do what you can.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I've had limited time on the internet due to having to replace my laptop. I do have a couple of creations to post, though, which will be up tomorrow probably.
We all have troubles from time to time. My own have kept me from posting here in a long time as well. Just do what you can.
I still have another creature planned. Will get to it when I can.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Aaaaand two and a half months later I actually got around to doing a couple of creatures. The first is this Squirrel Spider, which does not actually have that much going for it, just seemed like a neat idea.

Squirrel Spider

The creation of a wizard trying to create a unique pet, the Squirrel Spider heas the head, body and tail of a squirrel and the eight legs of a spider.

Size: Body 8-10 inches, plus a long, bushy tail that measures 6-8 inches.
Weight: 1-2 pounds
Natural A.R.: 5
Hit Points: 1d6+6
S.D.C.: 2d4
P.P.E.: 2d4
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Bite does 1d4 points of damage
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet, climb 98%, prowl 80%
Speed: 8
Average Life Span: 5-8 years
Value: Fur: 10 gold; meat: 5 gold; 15 gold for alchemical purposes
Habitat: Forests when living in the wild; kept as pets
Range: Old Kingdom
Behavior: These animals feed on seeds and nuts. One litter of 4-5 young per year.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This is a type of faerie inspired by drawings I have done.

Faerie: Shell

The Shell Faerie appears as a tiny handsome man or woman with a tan or brown complexion, with brightly colored butterfly wings of green, gold, silver, red, violet, blue or yellow. They do not have hair, but instead have a series of bone-like plates forming a suit of natural armor. They are very militaristic and love combat. They are usually seen with tiny swords and spears.

Alignment: Lean toward good
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6+6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 4d6+1 (minimum of 16), Spd 3d6 running and 3d6X10+40 flying
Size: 6 inches tall and weighs 7 ounces
Natural A.R.: 10
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X6
S.D.C.: 5d6+10
P.P.E.: 1d6X100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around them from ley lines and nexus points.
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet, see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water 50%, and sense the location of ley lines 80%
Magic Spells: Blinding flash, mend stone, mend metal, sense evil, tongues and Faerie's Dance.
Psionics: None
Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic
Additional Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge in flight, +1 to save vs. magic, +3 to save vs. Horror Factor.
R.C.C.: Creature of magic and natural/faerie warriors
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobbley 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +10% skill bonus, identify plants & fruit 75%, land navigation 82%, wilderness survival 90%, preserve food 90%, track animals 70%, faerie lore 90%, sing 50%, dance 54%, prowl 60%, climb 60%/50%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Spear, and one W.P. of choice. Skills do not increase.
Notes: Have natural armor and do not trust most big folk. Use tiny swords and spears, as well as other bladed weapons and shields. Unlike most faeries, they tend to be serious and not very mischievous.

After doing this one, I had the idea I might do a Blood Faerie as well, so look for it coming soon.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I want to do race with kangaroo legs and tail but the Monsters & Animals book does not seem to have stats for kangaroos. I might have to rectify that situation by writing them up. Anyway, here are the promised Blood Faeries:

Faerie: Blood

The Blood Faerie appears as a tiny handsome man or woman with a pale or grey complexion standing no more than six inches tall, with dark colored butterfly wings of blood red, midnight blue, dark green, dark purple, white, black, or gray. They have long hair in similar colors, and are often draped in delicate robes or gowns spun from spider's webbing. Blood Elves prey on the sick and injured, biting them and drinking small amounts of blood. They are also known for bathing in small pools of blood that appear on battlefields.

Alignment: Lean toward evil
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 4d6+1 (minimum of 16), Spd 3d6 running and 3d6X10+40 flying
Size: Six inches tall and weighs six ounces
Natural A.R.: 6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X4
S.D.C.: 3d6
P.P.E.: 1d6X100
Horror Factor: 10
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 120 feet, see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water 50%, and sense the location of ley lines 80%
Magic Spells: Befuddle, charm, love charm, sleep, invisibility (simple), turn self into mist, tongues, and the Faerie's Dance.
Psionics: None
Combat: Three hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic. Damage: Bite does 2 points of damage.
Additional Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to parry and dodge in flight, +1 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor
R.C.C.: Creature of magic
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +10% skill bonus, first aid 60%, land navigation 82%, wilderness survival 90%, preserve food 90%, track animals 32%, faerie lore 90%, sing 50%, dance 64%, prowl 80%, climb 60%/50%, W.P. Knife
Notes: Never wear armor and don't trust most big folk. Blood faeries are carrion eaters and can be found near hospitals and battlefields. Use tiny knives.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Well now that I know what will be in Bizantium and what won't be, I'm going to present the one animal that was rejected for whatever reason here on the board.


An old saga claims the god Hoknar once stayed a night at the home of a peasant farmer and according to the rules of
hospitality, he needed to cook a meal for him. The farmer had nothing to serve him but the two sheep he raised for their
wool. Nevertheless, he did not want to offend the god so he killed and cooked the animals. The meat was so delicious the
god resurrected both animals from their bones and vowed to return so the farmer could cook the animals again for him. The
offspring from those sheep are now said to be Heidrun. Whether or not the story is true is irrelevant. But how exactly the
Heidrun came to the Northern Islands is a bigger mystery.

The Heidrun is a small, multi-horned, sheep with no wool on the face or legs. Its most distinguishing features are its four
horns, although some can have as many as six or eight. Both sexes are horned, yet the rams (males) tend to have larger
and more impressive sets. The horns are smooth and balanced, strongly attached to the skull, and both sex like using them
to defend themselves and their lambs. Four-horned rams have two vertical center horns which may be two (.6 m) or more
feet (meters) in length, and two smaller side horns, which grow down along the sides of the head. For those who have six
or eight, the horns grow from multiple positions around the skull but not in a way that it impedes the animal’s sight or
grazing abilities.

Heidrun have a high-grade fleece that is so warm the animals are naturally resilient to the cold. The wool is prized by
weavers as it is soft and has a rich brown color, not to mention retains its cold resistant properties. Their meat is
considered a delicacy outside Bizantium. Western and Timiro nobles pay a fortune to have it imported. Besides being raised
for their wool, meat, and hides, Heidrum are also kept as pets and ornamental animals, and have been used as guard
animals to protect farm property from theft or vandalism and defend other livestock against predators (especially wolves).
Unlike typical sheep, Heidrum do not flock nor are they quick to panic and flee. They will stand and fight. They can even
recognize individual human and ovine faces, and remember them for years, especially if they’ve suffer mistreatment. They
can also differentiate emotional states through facial characteristics.

Perhaps the most unusual skill of Heidrum is their intelligence. They not only demonstrate problem-solving abilities, if
worked with patiently are able to recognize their names and be lead by halter. Yet because they are more intelligence then
the average sheep, and show little fear toward predators, they can be difficult for inexperience shepherds to handle.
Fortunately, they are food-oriented animals and associate humans with regular feeding which often results them soliciting
people for food, but if food is not presented, the sheep will regard the humans as potential predators and likely attack
them. Many traditional North Man has said, “I’d rather be out in the sea surround by sharks then left alone in a pastor
surrounded by sheep.”

Alignment: Self or Anarchist only
Hit Points: 6D6
S.D.C.: 4D6+10
Natural Armor Rating: 6
Horror Factor: 8 but a herd of six or more 10
Average P.P.E.: 2D6.
Magic: None,
Psionics: None, however it has the same sensitivity to the supernatural and potential psychic energy as horses.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, superior sense of smell, track by smell 87% (can detect the scent of its attacker 100
yards/91.4 m away), swim 60%, prowl 50%, leap 8 feet (2.4 m) high or long (this is doubled while running), and cold
resistant (impervious to normal cold, half damage from magical cold and ice).
Spd.: 32 (22.4 mph/36 km), but can run at a speed of 30 mph (48.3 km) for 1D4 minutes.
Attacks per Melee: Three
Damages: Kick does 2D4 points of damage. Its horns do 3D6 damage. A full charge done at 60 feet (18.3 m) away
takes an entire melee round, but does 4D6+8 points of damage with 01-35% chance of knocking human sized prey off
balance or even off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack).
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike and parry, +1 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, and +6 to save vs. horror
Value: Wool 40 gold; tanned pelt 60 gold; meat (whole animal 50 gold, outside Bizantium 120 gold). They are
difficult to herd (-15%) because it’s not a natural behavior. Their wool can be turned into material that retains a natural
immunity to cold (half damage and penalty regardless if natural or magical), however, the wool must be properly prepared
and sewn (-10%) otherwise the property is lost. Cost: +25 gold to the value of any clothing material.
Average Lifespan: 15-18 years.
Habitat: Bizantium and the Shadow Coast colonies. They don’t seem to thrive well in place with year round warm
climates, and become susceptible to many diseases.
Languages: None
Enemies: Predators (wolves specifically) will attempt to prey upon them. These sheep attack Canine races on sight.
They also remember the face of any humanoid that’s mistreated them.
Allies: None, difficult to domesticate but can be turned into a loyal farmer animal and pet with patience and training.
Physical Appearance: Heidrum are a dark brown color. The fleece is high grade with a coarse, longer outer coat. The
body frame is long, with a straight back and a rump that slopes toward the base of the tail. The head is slender and
triangular, and clear of wool forward of the horns and on the cheeks. The tail is long and woolly, extending almost to the
ground. The legs are medium-length, slender, free of wool below the knees, the hooves are black.
Size: 3-3.5 feet (.9-1.0 m) at the shoulder, Body 4-5 feet (1.2-1.53 m), Tail 3-3.5 feet (.9-1.0 m) long. The two
vertical horns of a ram can be 2 feet (.6 m) or slightly longer. The other horns vary in size, but they’re always half the
length of the two verticals. Ewes (females) horns are typically half the length of males.
Weight: Mature rams (males) weigh about 120 to 180 pounds (54 to 82 kg), while ewes (females) weigh about 80 to
120 pounds (36 to 54 kg).
Rifts® Conversion Notes: Remains an S.D.C. creature in Mega-Damage settings. On Rifts® Earth, they can be found
in the wild parts of Scandinavia, Germany, Russia, and France.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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This is also something I going to share :wink: . When I first started contributing on this post, someone of you may remember
an undead creature called the Drowned Ghoul. Well that creature ended up in Rifter #58 which is the reason why you
don't see him on the board any more. Now he has crawled like the undead into true cannon as he will now appear in Bizantium
under the name Sea Ghoul. Once again I love how something started out as a creature I used in my games, decided to take
him to the next level by posting him on the board, he evolved again into semi-cannon status in the Rifter, and now the
monster joins the legion of Palladium undead monsters to menace player characters throughout the Palladium Megaverse 8)
8-) .
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Reagren Wright wrote:This is also something I going to share :wink: . When I first started contributing on this post, someone of you may remember
an undead creature called the Drowned Ghoul. Well that creature ended up in Rifter #58 which is the reason why you
don't see him on the board any more. Now he has crawled like the undead into true cannon as he will now appear in Bizantium
under the name Sea Ghoul. Once again I love how something started out as a creature I used in my games, decided to take
him to the next level by posting him on the board, he evolved again into semi-cannon status in the Rifter, and now the
monster joins the legion of Palladium undead monsters to menace player characters throughout the Palladium Megaverse 8)
8-) .

Nice! Can't wait to have the book in my hands!
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Northern Ranger wrote:I have something I could post, but I would need to make sure it wasn't a copywright issue first. I created a race of demons called Jesting Demons, which are known in the world at large as Gremlins. (Hence why I'm not sure if it could be posted.) I'll try and find out. long as it is not a car...
Gremlins have existed in European Folklore for centuries.

As long as your work is based on folklore, you *should* be fine.

Cool...I've been FAQed... atleast twice!

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Re: Re:

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Borast wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:I have something I could post, but I would need to make sure it wasn't a copywright issue first. I created a race of demons called Jesting Demons, which are known in the world at large as Gremlins. (Hence why I'm not sure if it could be posted.) I'll try and find out. long as it is not a car...
Gremlins have existed in European Folklore for centuries.

As long as your work is based on folklore, you *should* be fine.
The term is fairly common, so unless you are using a gremlin that you cannot feed after midnight, expose to sunlight or get wet, you shouldn't have any board violations. Anything based on the movie Gremlins would be a violation, however.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Somehow the idea of Glider Sheep came about due to joking around with my friends, so I'll be writing something up soon and posting it here.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Okay, I came up with two variants on the flying sheep theme. Here is the first.

Sailing Sheep

Sailing Sheep are sheep possessing wings that allow them to fly after a running start. The wings are similar to glider flaps on squirrels, extending from their front legs along their sides.

Size: Body: 4-6 feet, tail: 6 inches, wingspan: 5 feet
Weight: 150-300lbs
A.R.: 5
Hit Points: 6d6
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Head butt does 1d6 points (female) or 2d4+2 damage (male)
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +3 to strike and +2 to dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly (glide), climb (rocky ledges) 85% - very sure-footed, leap six feet high and 30 feet lengthwise.
Speed: 22 on the ground, 44 flying (glides down from high elevation)
Average Life Span: 5-12 years
Value: Hide/wool: 60 gold, meat (whole animal): 50-70 gold, horns (pair): 40-60 gold
Habitat: Uplands and mountainous areas
Range: Mountains of the Ophid's Grasslands
Behavior: These animals live on high mountain peaks and use their flight abilities to travel between them. They are rarely found in large groups, preferring to be solitary unless mating and rearing young.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

And here's the second variation on flying sheep.

Cloud Sheep

Cloud Sheep are sheep which can inflate themselves and float around. They are sometimes mistaken at a distance for clouds.

Size: Body: 3-5 feet, tail: 6 inches
Weight: 100-200 pounds
A.R.: 5
Hit Points: 6d6
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Attacks per melee: 2
Damage: Head butt does 2d4+2 points of damage
Bonuses: +1 to strike and dodge
Natural Abilities: Fly (float), climb (rocky ledges) 85% - very sure-footed and can even leap around without stumbling or falling, leap six feet high or lengthwise
Speed: 22 on ground or 2 flying (floating)
Average Life Span: 5-12 years
Value: Hide/wool: 40 gold, meat (whole animal): 50-70 gold, horns (pair): 10 gold
Habitat: Mountains
Range: Mountains of the Northern Wilderness
Behavior: They live on a diet of lichen, grass and leaves. Males and females both look similar with white fluffy wool and small black horns. They gather in herds of 4d6. Females give birth to two kids after a gestation of about 7 months.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Great,It Halloween soon,I hope people show ther ideas for Monsters.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Like a wooden puppet for a golem, necromancer who kills clowns and brings them back as zombies to serve his dark needs, etc.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:Like a wooden puppet for a golem, necromancer who kills clowns and brings them back as zombies to serve his dark needs, etc.
The golem would be covered under magic, and this is not really a topic for posting characters, more for monsters. I will see if I can come up with something to post, though.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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If they wokr in a Fantasyland like Palladium yes.
Maybe One who feeds On fears,like in the Dresden Files.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gaby wrote:If they wokr in a Fantasyland like Palladium yes.
Maybe One who feeds On fears,like in the Dresden Files.
This thread is for creations of monsters and animals, not characters. And please avoid naming books as the source of ideas, as that can be misinterpreted as asking for a conversion.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Really, um...when did wooden puppet golems get added to the books?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Sorry I did not known about the Book thing.
But this is for a Monster not a character.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:Really, um...when did wooden puppet golems get added to the books?

Creating a golem would be a spell, would it not? I really want monsters and animals posted here more than creatures created by spells, which would be best posted elsewhere.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by say652 »

StoneGargoyle, i am an avid user of the Monstrous Creations but, can you mark the ones thay would become mdc creatures on Rifts Earth.

I would use my judgement but, i am extremely Munchkin and all of them would be MDC.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

say652 wrote:StoneGargoyle, i am an avid user of the Monstrous Creations but, can you mark the ones thay would become mdc creatures on Rifts Earth.

I would use my judgement but, i am extremely Munchkin and all of them would be MDC.
I don't really want to go through all my stuff and write conversion notes. I pretty much only play in SDC games, so I have no idea what would play well in an MDC environment. Use your best judgement. Obviously faeries and sprites would not be MDC, nor would any of the small animals.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Really, um...when did wooden puppet golems get added to the books?

Creating a golem would be a spell, would it not? I really want monsters and animals posted here more than creatures created by spells, which would be best posted elsewhere.

Okay, Mate.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
say652 wrote:StoneGargoyle, i am an avid user of the Monstrous Creations but, can you mark the ones thay would become mdc creatures on Rifts Earth.

I would use my judgement but, i am extremely Munchkin and all of them would be MDC.
I don't really want to go through all my stuff and write conversion notes. I pretty much only play in SDC games, so I have no idea what would play well in an MDC environment. Use your best judgement. Obviously faeries and sprites would not be MDC, nor would any of the small animals.

Actually, they made the Fae MDC. DON'T ASK.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Really, um...when did wooden puppet golems get added to the books?

Creating a golem would be a spell, would it not? I really want monsters and animals posted here more than creatures created by spells, which would be best posted elsewhere.

Okay, Mate.
Looking back through some of the early posts in this thread, there was someone who posted a spell and the creature it created, so I could actually allow someone to create such a spell and golem to be posted here. I would have to get my books to do so, which I currently do not have with me, as they are in storage. I might see what I can come up with, though.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Really, um...when did wooden puppet golems get added to the books?

Creating a golem would be a spell, would it not? I really want monsters and animals posted here more than creatures created by spells, which would be best posted elsewhere.

Okay, Mate.
Looking back through some of the early posts in this thread, there was someone who posted a spell and the creature it created, so I could actually allow someone to create such a spell and golem to be posted here. I would have to get my books to do so, which I currently do not have with me, as they are in storage. I might see what I can come up with, though.

:roll: I doubt that he will do it now, but who knows.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I would like some help with play testing and stating a potential beast/pet/familiar/war tool.

The gryphounds (or wingless gryphons) are still a combination of a large cat with eagle (Golden, bald, harpy, etc), but without wing and slightly smaller with a more dog like frame. They were bred magically at first, and are extremely loyal to those of whom they considers their friends or loved ones. Their speed, strengths, and colors will vary with which big cat and eagle the originals were. Though orange and tan cats were always combined with golden eagles, white cats with either bald or harpys, ie white lions with bald, the snow leopards always with harpy eagles, white tigers with either one, panthers with black eagles, etc. They prefer fish, but they will eat most meats as long as it is fresh and uncooked.

They have a rather unique weapon that they have full control of...Their voice, can it bombard the ears with sound and causes vertigo. 15 to save per action (8 if wearing a helmet), NO BONUSES APPLY. Area of effect is a 40 feet triangular (isosceles)/funnel shape area from the mouth of the gryphound. The sound last for 1D4 actions, but it's effects lasts for 2D4 melees. Over exposure to this sound can pop ear drums or slowly lead to deafness. They will always do some kind of signal that it is about to loose the shrek, as to what that is varies form individual to individual but will be known to those who pay attention to it. And no, not every vocal sound they make is this sound.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Whiskeyjack »

My first post in this thread. I made up this critter about 15 years ago. Finished the write up tonight while listen to Christmas music. :)

Ravenwood Dragon
Native to the Ravenwood, an expanse of forest in the Northern Hinterlands that contains
unusually large trees with incredibly dense canopies these large reptilian creatures (they are not true dragons) can be found
travelling swiftly through the forest both on the ground and through the canopies, where their
agility allows them to leap from trunk to trunk without slowing down. Watching them move,
especially a group of them, is mesmerizing.
They are carnivorous creatures, that use their speed and agility to tackle a wide range of prey,
especially the many grazing animals found in the area.
While they definitely have the ability to take down humanoid creatures, the dragons are much too
smart to go down that path, and avoid any intelligent race that comes into their forest, except in
self defence. As this area is unexplored and virtually unknown to the outside world, they have yet
to be truly exploited.
A few people, mostly rangers living in the area, have rescued hatchlings or eggs and found that
the young imprint on their rescuers and make extraordinary mounts.
Strikingly beautiful, they appear as a slender, muscular, wingless dragon with a large fin on their
tail. They are metallic in colour, always with two toned scales (half one colour, half another,
usually contrasting).

Alignment: Wild ones are considered unprincipled or anarchist. Ones imprinted on a person are
scrupulous or unprincipled.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+3, M.E. 3D6+6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6+10, P.P. 5D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6+6,
Spd 6D6+20
Size: 7 to 11 feet tall, 16 to 24 feet long.
Weight: 1400 to 2400 lbs.
Natural A.R.: 12
Hit Points: 4D6 x 10 + P.E. attribute number
S.D.C.: 4D4 x 10
Horror/Awe Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Fire and cold resistant (half damage from even magic attacks), nightvision 600
feet, leap 60 feet high and 120 feet long, track by smell 75%, prowl 55%, swim 80%, climb 90%.
Bonuses: + 2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge (automatic dodge), +3 to roll
with impact, +4 to save vs horror factor, +2 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs poison, +2 to save vs
Attacks per melee: 4 as wild animals, 6 as trained mounts.
Damage: Bite inflicts 3D6+3 damage, claws 4D6, tail strike 3D6 and knocks their opponent back 2D6 feet. Add P.S. bonus to claw and tail strikes. Their favourite combat tactic is to run past an opponent, biting or clawing them on the way by, then following up with a tail strike to send them sprawling.
Language: Speak to each other through a series of clicks, whirls and trills, very similar to many sounds heard from birds. When happy they make a constant low humming sound, similar to a cat purring. Most people find it incredibly relaxing, especially if they are leaning against the beast, feeling the gentle vibrations emanating from its chest.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Habitat: Native to the Ravenwood Forest in the Northern Hinterlands. The main barrier to them expanding is the lack of trees large enough to allow them to move in their preferred way. If they could get to the Yin Sloth Jungles they would thrive there, as well as many of the mountainous areas of the world. It’s possible some exist in the Northern Mountains.
Average Life Span: Unknown. At least known to be 100 years, they may live for centuries.
Enemies: Winter Storm Ice Demons are their only true enemy. If the outside world learns of them, Western slavers and hunters will become their biggest threat. A few high ranking Wolfen officials have learned of their existence and are considering an attempt to obtain some eggs to try them as mounts for the Wolfen. They are perfectly sized to carry the large humanoids.
Allies: Other Ravenwood Dragons and anyone bonded to one of them.
Last edited by Whiskeyjack on Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Whiskeyjack »

Might as well go with number two tonight.

Gnomish Beetle
An invaluable aid to the Gnomes of the world, these large ground beetles are used as pack animals, mounts, and as living excavators. They are incredibly loyal to the person who raised them and are capable of following simple instructions (dig here, guard here, stay etc). They appear as a giant ground beetle, with slightly larger claws on their first set of legs.
Alignment: Considered scrupulous or unprincipled
Attributes: I.Q. low animal, M.E. n/a, M.A. n/a, P.S. 10+2D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 10+2D6, Spd 3D6+6
Size: 4.5 feet long, 1.5 feet high
Weight: 200 lbs
Natural A.R.: 14
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + 2D6
S.D.C: 4D6+80
Horror Factor: 10 to those not accustomed to them
P.P.E.: 2D6
Natural Abilities: Can tunnel at half their Spd attribute through soil, can do a speed burst running
at 30 mph for 15 minutes before needing 12 hours to rest.
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to dodge, +10 save vs horror factor. Impervious to any psionics or spells that affect the mind or cause illusions.
Attacks per melee: 3
Damage: Bite inflicts 2D6 damage, power bite inflicts 4D6+6 and counts as two attacks, claws do 1D6 damage, ram from a running start does 4D6 damage and uses up all attacks for the round. Add P.S. bonus to all attacks.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Habitat: Found in forested areas worldwide, only Gnomes have taken to keeping them as a form of pet/work animal. Most people are unaware that they exist, since they spend most of their lives underground, and never bother anything unless attacked. Gnomish Beetles in the tropics tend to have vibrant colours and spend most of their time under the leaf litter instead of actually burrowing through the earth.
Average Life Span: 20 years
Enemies: Very few creatures bother with them. It’s too much trouble to dig them out and try and crack their hard carapace.
Allies: Gnomes and troglodytes.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Okey-Dokey »

Reagren Wright wrote:THUNDER HOOVES

According to some, they were created by Nut (the mother of Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nephthys)
as a gift to her husband/brother Geb (father of the gods). When one of the Old Ones kidnapped
Nut to prevent Geb from participating in the Chaos War, the ancient god released the herd
and allowed them to roam freely. After the war, Nut never returned, and Geb lost interest
For thousands of years, large herds of these gigantic wild horses roamed freely within
the New Kingdom and what would later be called the Eastern Territory. They held such majestic
sway over the elf empire that all considered it unthinkable to attempt to rides such animals.
Only a select few elves possessed the skill to tame one, much less ride it. However,
when the Elf/Dwarf War started, every elf knight, paladin, and noble wanted one. The sight of
these huge horses urged the dwarf empire to exterminate their numbers by the hundreds. By
the end of the war, only a single herd of 20-30 animals survived in the High Grass region of the
Forest of Enchantment protect by the entirety of the faerie folks living in the region. For the
next 1000 years, the herd slowly migrated out of the region and back into the Old Kingdom
Lowlands away from the mountains. Unfortunately, they became a food source for tribes of
orcs and goblins, as well as ogres and trolls. The horses remained in small herds but because of
their isolation, the fledgling human kingdoms knew nothing of their existence. They were though
of only as a creature of legend, wipeout during the Great War.

During the last century, explorers from the Western Empire and Land of the South Winds soon
brought word of gigantic horses roaming the desolated wastelands. Some ever told stories of
ogres and giants riding such animals. Using literacy pictorial and archeological sources, scholars
were able to confirm these animals were indeed the legendary Thunder Hooves of long ago.
Nobility from all over the world have sent trappers and hunters into the region in order to
acquire just one animal. To the horror of many, the Nimiro Kingdom instead of using these
animals as mounts has deemed the animals a food source. A single horse can feed two or three
giants. Fortunately, no one in the Giant Kingdom has been able to successfully domestic these
animals to put them into pens to be raised for slaughter. The animals are to wild and unruly for
such actions, no to mention, one of these horses is strong enough to kill a giant. Meanwhile,
the Wolfen Empire has sent experts in horsemanship into the region to investigate the
possibility of using the animals as mounts, already reports in the Disputed Lands have sightings
of a wolfen knight, paladin, or noble riding these giant steeds.

Thunder Hooves live in small herds (9-24) like those of wild horses. They are usually made up of
small bands led by a dominant mare, containing additional mares, their foals, and immature
horses of both sexes. There is usually one herd stallion, though occasionally a few less-
dominant males may remain with the group. The makeup of the herd shifts over time as young
animals are driven out of the herd they were born into and join other herds, or as young
stallions challenge older males for dominance.

Armor Rating: N.A.R.: 8
Hit Points: 1D6x10+10
S.D.C.: 2D4x10+10
Average P.P.E.: 6D6.
Appearance: A giant draft horse, with powerful and muscular build, a dense rounded
body, a broad back, strong loins, powerful hind-quarters, and long legs with dense bones. Their
coat is almost always a dark gray (color of thunderclouds), but there is the occassional black
stallion or white mare. Their legs often have white stockings with long hairs.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and endurance, a single horse can pull a 5 ton
boulder for nearly one hundred miles (160 km), nearly fearless, leap 10 feet (3 m) high or 20
feet (6 m) across, swim 55%, Sensitive to the Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy
(P.P.E.), Range of Sensitivity: 1200 feet (365 m).
Speed: 40 (28 mph/45.08 km) , but maximum speed is 60 (42 mph/67.62 m). The
horses pulling speed is half its normal speed. A Thunder Hoof can maintain its average running
speed for 22 hours with minimal strain/exhaustion (needs only two-three hours of rest). It can
maintain its maximum speed for 1 hour and 1D6x10 minutes. A domesticated horse is extremely
loyal and will run until they collapse from exhaustion. Note: If the horse is made to travel its
maximum distance without stopping, after the animal rests it will spending 2-3 hours grazing or
needing to be feed, before it can take off again. If the horse is not allowed to eat, it will
become unruly and lash out (its hungery).
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Front kick does 3D6+6 points of damage, rear does 5D6+6 points of damage,
stomp 2D4, trample 6D6, and bite 1D6+2 damage. Unlike other horse, Thunder Hooves do not
instinctively leap over and run around humanoids and most other animals, they will fight by
kicking and trampling. It does take much for a rider to coax a domesticated horse into
attacking an opponent.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +5 to strike, +1 to dodge, +9 to save vs. Horror Factor, and
+3 to save vs. poison and disease.
Magic: None
Psionics: Natural Sensitivity but no actual powers.
Value: Untrained 10,000-18,000; trained 60,000-110,000 gold. Note: These horses are
not easily domesticated. In fact, because of their size and unruliness, they are considered
exotic animals, and have to be tamed as such. Any attempts quickly figure out how to ride
these animals using traditional horsemanship is done with a -20% and -25% penalty to breed
(raise, break, train, etc).
Average Life Span: 25 years.
Habitat: Grasslands and plains
Range: Old Kingdom Lowlands (west of the mountains).
Language: None.
Enemies: Giants races and large predators. They are cautious around humanoids but
with time and patience, they can be taught to trust
Allies: Benevolent faerie folk and trust worthy humanoids.
Size: 32-34 Hands (10.5 to 11.3 feet/3.2 to 3.4 m) high at the withers (shoulder).
Weight: 6000-6600 lbs (2700-2970 kg).

this is perfect! i am running a campaign in the baalgor wastelands, and one of my players is a Wolfen Palladin, i have been trying to think of a suitable mount for a 9 foot tall wolf man. I think he will enjoy this. reagren i was actually going to message you privately about this but decided to check the forums first, so you solved my problem anyways :P
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Okey-Dokey »

Reagren Wright wrote:Glad you survived your encounter. The tale of how two party members and a half dozen
hunters npcs (in red shirts) got slaughtered by four boars takes to long to tell but its a funny
one. The idea of a vicious hogzilla I've always found deliciously wicked :twisted:

yeah... that was a blast! I'm so glad i purchased that Hunting dog in the previous town
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:And here's the second variation on flying sheep.

Cloud Sheep.

I'm late to this thread, but what do I see first?
A source of fleece for bomber jackets....
Now I'm picturing the sort of shepherds and what they'd need to be packing to herd these critters. 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:And here's the second variation on flying sheep.

Cloud Sheep.

I'm late to this thread, but what do I see first?
A source of fleece for bomber jackets....
Now I'm picturing the sort of shepherds and what they'd need to be packing to herd these critters. 8)
A species of winged elves, perhaps?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[A species of winged elves, perhaps?

Or just about any winged species who'd wear/use wool.

"A good fleece nest, if taken care of, should serve us a few brooding seasons."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Adroanzi (Yin Sloth River Otter)

Called river dogs by the Yin Sloth jungle tribes, the Adroanzi are a giant otter species found in the slow-moving streams and rivers, in the swamp, marshes, and lakes
throughout the Yin Sloth Jungle. They prefer non-floodable banks with ample amounts of natural vegetation so they can have easy access to hunting if the area has sufficient
amount of prey in the relative shallow waters. They are highly social animals living in extended family groups from two to 20 members, but typical average between four and eight.
Larger groups come about when two or three family groups gather together because of the surplus in food. The family operates in a strong cohesive unit, attacking and defending
themselves as a pack of wolves. One almost never fights a single Adroanzi. The entire unit sleeps, play, travels, and feeds together. Led by a dominating breeding pair with a strong
attachment bond, however the female always dominates in the pair. Older siblings will baby sit the younger cubs while the rest of the family is out hunting. The dominant female
gives birth once a year to 1D6 cubs inside an elaborate dug den that serves as the night time home for the entire family. After two months, pups join their siblings and parents on
hunts. After three years, siblings depart to find mates and form their only families in an unoccupied territory. However, if the new pair fails to find their own place, they often return
back to their original family group.
Adroanzi always seem to be hungry. Each animal eats up to 20% (16 to 22 lbs/7.2 to 9.9 kg) of its weight in food each day. While the bulk of their diet consists of fish, reptiles,
and amphibians, they will attack and eat ANY warm or cold blooded thing that comes into their territory, including any humanoid race (notably Lizard Folk and Krog). Faerie folk
(any) for reasons unknown are a favorite prey item. Adroanzi can take down almost any potential living thing because they are powerful major psychics, able to use bio-manipulation
or mind bolt to take down prey as big as True Giants, and being they work together, are highly intelligent animals, able to perform primitive strategies and problem solve, the
Western Empire regards them in the same category as lizard folk, hostile natives that need to be eradicated.
Adroanzi are smart, loyal, and loving toward each other, and if domesticated at an early age, they can become companion animals as long as their single owner “stays” near
water. However, as they grow older, they will grow resentful and hostile, recognizing that he or she is living as a prisoner to this “humanoid”, and when the appropriate moment
comes, the Adroanzi will attack and devour its owner, then flee the area using every effort it can devise to avoid being recaptured. The Jungle Tribes of Yin Sloth regard these
animals as the region to apex predator and do nothing to anger them and go out of their way to avoid their territory. The Tezcat tells stories that the Adroanzi were the subjects of
an Elder Jungle deity defeated by Yin Sloth the Terrible. The strange white patterns on their fur, according to a Tezcat oral story, each represent a puzzle piece of a “map” that leads
to the location where one can find the frozen statue of the lost jungle deity. Kill around twenty or more Adroanzi and one can find its location by assembling and sewing the
appropriate pieces together (the Garden of the Gods perhaps or somewhere else in the Yin Sloth Jungle?). The problem is anyone who attempts to track and/or trap these animals
often ends up trapped themselves and quickly devoured by these “wolves of the jungle.”

Alignments: Considered anarchist or aberrant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+10, M.A. 2D6+6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 2D6+9, P.E. 2D6+12, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd 2D6+5 on land, 4D6+10 swimming.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +8
S.D.C.: 4D6+10
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 10 for an individual, 16 when facing three or more
P.P.E.: 1D4x10
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute number plus 6D6. 1D6+1 for each year of age.
Magic: None
Psionics: Eight sensitive or physical psionics, plus bio-regeneration, bio-manipulation, and mind bolt. Each year of age is the equivalent level of experience. Equal to a Major
Psychic. They naturally sense the supernatural and places of power. Range: 480 feet (146.3 m) to sense the supernatural and sources of P.P.E. (including powerful creatures of
magic). Range: 240 feet (73.1 m) to sense ley lines, nexus, places of power and powerful magic users (above average P.P.E. levels in humanoids).
Natural Abilities: Swimming 98%, hold breath for 10 minutes, nightvision 60 feet (18.3 m), keen hearing and smell, prowl 60%, track changes in water pressure and currents
(helps identify prey or other items/creatures swimming or standing in the water-75%), detect ambush 60%, intelligence 50%, and burrow/dig. Adults eat 20% of their body weight
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Damage: Claws 1D6+4 points of damage, bite does 2D6+4. The first thing they target is always the head/neck of their victim.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to dodge/+5 underwater, +4 to save vs Horror Factor and possession, and +3 to save vs mind control.
Average Life Span: 15-20 years
Value: Pelt/fur worth approximately 200 gold; its fur/pelt has a velvety feel and can be made into a magical furry hat that will grant its make its wearer a +2 bonus to save vs
psionics, possession, and mind control, unfortunately this alchemy process is extremely rare and very few alchemists know how to do it (less than 5%). A.R. 6 and 10 S.D.C. Magic
fur hat is valued at 150,000 gold or more. Young pups can be domesticated but after one years of age, there is an ever increasing 15% chance the animal will suddenly turn on its
owner regardless how well it’s been trained or made to love/obey its owner. See dent contents for possible items to be found in there.
Habitat: River and lakes of Yin Sloth Jungles only. They need to swim in fresh water daily.
Language: They have a complex repertoire of vocalizations that very in frequency and volume. Each family has its own unique audio signatures. All Adroanzi bark or let out
explosive snorts when they express interests in prey and/or at possible danger/threats.
Enemies: Giants, humanoids, and dragons.
Allies: None, they will quickly decide if it’s a threat or a potential meal.
Physical Appearance: A huge weasel like creature that can propel itself through the water with a thick, powerful tail and flexing its elongated body. It has sharp clawed
webbed feet (nearly the size of an average human hand), with the front paws able to grasp and hold objects. Its water-repellent fur keeps its skin completely dry and warm. Their
nostrils and ears seal shut in the water. The fur is typically chocolate brown, but may be reddish or fawn, and appears black when wet. Unique patterns of white or cream fur color
the throat and chin, so distinct are they not too animals are alike. Adroanzi recognize these patterns to identify each other.
Size: 6.9 to 9.4 feet (2.10-2.86 m) from head to tail with females typical a foot shorter. The animal’s well muscular tail can add a further 28 inches (70 cm) to their total body
Weight: 80-110 lbs (36 to 49.5 kg) for males, females typical weigh only 20% less than males.
Special Note: Den contents: Adroanzi build dens, campsites, and latrines beside rivers, going so far as to clear significant amounts of vegetations and digging into dry ground
to create an extensive maze-like den. The size of their dwellings averages around 138 feet (42 m) long and 75 feet (22.86 m) wide, and is well marked by scent gland, urine, and
feces to signal their territory. Their dens are sufficiently built to allow them amble room to maneuver with a handful of entrances, typically under root systems or fallen trees. Even
more surprising, these areas are often adorned with all sorts of miscellaneous items, either found in the jungle or they are the non-edible remains of victims. Adroanzi have learned
to make these “equipment piles” in order to entice humanoids to come into their dens so they can get be assaulted and quickly devoured.

Random Items Found in Adroanzi den and campsites Table

01-03% Jungle Trinkets (equal to 10-20 gold among jungle tribes)
04-06% 1D4 darts for blow gun
07-09% Backpack: Contains a pair of cloth gloves, deck of playing cards, hand axe, attire suitable for the jungle, boots, insect repellent herbs (still viable), metal knife, water skin,
1 healing potion (1D6 Hit Points/2D6 S.D.C.), and map of the region (notes written in Western)
10-12% 1D6 empty vials or bottles
13-15% A canteen (G.M. decides contents)
16-18% Backpack (empty)
19-21% 1D4 long lasting torches
22-24% Wooden staff or branch used as a walking stick
25-27% Backpack: Contains a pair of leather gloves, short sword (machete), knife, pouch with 2D6 gold, a pocket mirror, and flint/steel.
28-30% 2D4 feet (0.6 to 2.4 m) length of chain
31-33% Coil of rope, 2D4+10 feet (3.6 to 5.4 m)
34-36% Backpack: Contains a blanket, a cloak, a fork and knife, flint/steel, 1D4 candles, a bottle of wine (2-6 gold), two bottles of water, 100 sheets of blank paper (dried and
protected), and crow quill pen.
37-39% One person size tent
40-41% A bow (G.M. choice for type); no arrows.
42-45% Tinder box
46-48% Bottle of ale (4 gold)
49-51% Sack with 2D6 pounds of dried fruit and/or vegetables (still good)
52-54% Tool kit, basic or 2D6+2 different rusty, but salvageable tools.
55-57% Backpack: Contains 2D6 bottles of water, 1D6 salted pork, tinderbox, flint/steel, and two torches.
58-60% A sealed jar of honey or jam
61-63% A hooded robe
64-66% Fishing pole and tackle
67-69% spy glass (small telescope, 5x magnification, maximum range one mile (1.6 km) Value: 100-200 gold.
71-72% Gideon Compass, Value: 300 to 500 gold.
73-75% 1D4 snares, a pair of medium-sized metal “jaw” traps, and set of skinning/tanning knives.
76-78% 1D4 stone knives
79-81% Backpack: Contains three sets of men’s or women’s traveling clothing (jungle)
82-84% Holy symbol (G.M. Choice)
86-87% Lantern and 1D4 pints of lamp oil
88-90% Medical Kit (contains bandages, ointments, and natural painkillers)
91-93% Backpack: Contains 1D4 bottle of Lopan Wine (3D6x10 gold per bottle)
94-96% Backpack: 1D4 Vials of Healing Potion (1D6 Hit Points/2D6 S.D.C.) or All Purpose Remedy
97-99% Kobold or dwarf quality weapon (G.M. choice)
00% Magic Item (G.M. choice).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

A bit overly intelligent for an otter.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Determined the I.Q. based on Land of the Damned: Book One Random Monster Generator. I originally was going to have them 2D4+4, but reading the description of that I.Q., I decided
to give these highly intelligent animals the next ranking of 3D6 Basic Tactician.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

They are intelligent enough to be a playable race. I like it.
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